1 minute read

A Seder Checklist


Preparing for Seder is a big job and so easy to forget something. So, it is nice to have a handy checklist . . .

1. Enough wine and grape juice for 4 cups per guests (recommend light grape juice for kids, recommend finding some really great kosher wine for the adults — skip the Manischewitz)

2. Holiday Candles and Candlesticks

3. Kippot

4. Matzah (Shmurah if it’s your custom) on a matzah plate with a cloth cover that has sleeves for 3 sheets of matzah

5. Extra matzah

6. Extra charoset (we form ours into a pyramid shape and decorate with Playmobil and Lego workers)

7. Extra horseradish

8. Wine cup for each person

9. Seder plate with five ingredients: egg; parsley; a roasted shank bone or cut raw beet: dish of salt water; charoset in a bowl, and a bitter herb such as horseradish. Note, Sephardic Jews usually add lettuce. We usually add an orange to symbolize inclusiveness.