TCP Magazine Spring Digest 2013

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Free Indeed! (conluded from previous page)

The only way to be free is to get free and stay that way. Easier said than done when a harsh upbringing presses someone into decisions they wouldn’t have normally made for themselves. Many people miss out on the joys of childhood when they are forced to become adults before it’s time. We have all heard that youth are our future. Let’s hope we are all going to step up to protect them more now that we know others are lurking to not necessarily give them a future, but bait them and use them for their own selfish gain. Freedom never seems that sweet to us, until we lose it. Shame we can’t value the power of our own decision, and a life free from entanglement. It’s easy to see a life of freedom when you are on the free side of a fence. The United States, like other countries, has a long standing history of human exploitation. From the trans-atlantic slave trade, to Jim Crow, share cropping, and still today, many industries whose work culture promotes exploitation. Fair work means a fair wage no matter who you are. Isn’t it time the “no matter who you are” gets some freedom, too? Human trafficking is modern day slavery. It’s more than a civil rights violation, its moral injustice and it has to stop. Christians are in a unique position to help set the captives free in body, mind and spirit, because we know the One who paid the price, and we know the One who can break the binds. May the cries of the enslaved be: “I’m free! Free indeed!” *US State Dept. 2010 **FBI 2010 © A. Miller 2013 Adrienne Miller is also Founder of Prose NetworkSM which links prostitutes to resources. Adrienne is the author of three books, and travels to educate and advocate against human trafficking. Contact her: No part of this article may be reproduced or used without permission of the author.

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