The Signal: Spring '18 No. 2

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STEM Forum CafĂŠ opens


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page 2 The Signal January 31, 2018

SFB funds ACT’s production of ‘Medea’ CUB requests funding for outdoor Funival concert By Eric Preisler Staff Writer At the first Student Finance Board meeting of the spring semester on Wednesday Jan. 24, All College Theatre was fully funded for its production of “Medea,” and the College Union Board’s request for the funding of an outdoor concert at Funival was tabled. ACT received $8,625 to produce “Medea,” which will be held in the Don Evans Black Box Theater from Feb. 28 to March 3. Costs will include carpentry materials, set materials, props, costumes, hair and makeup, programs, lighting, sound and stage management supplies. ACT was previously funded for the rights and scripts of “Medea,” an ancient Greek tragedy, during winter break, according to Molly Knapp, a junior public health and women’s, gender and sexuality studies double major and ACT’s treasurer and production manager. ACT’s performance was created to provide an opportunity for students to work with professional director Scott Glading, as well as to attract a wide audience, according to the event’s proposal packet.

The production “provides an educational experience for those involved in the entire process as well as an entertaining show for TCNJ’s campus and its surrounding community,” according to the proposal packet. CUB’s request for $27,900 for an outdoor concert at Funival was tabled. Funival has featured an outdoor concert almost annually since 2011. Previous shows include Fun., Cash Cash, Magic Man and Rob Stone. Funding for the concert, which would be held in Lot 6 on May 4 from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., would include the headliner and opener, stage production, an agency fee and hospitality costs. CUB’s proposal stated that it intended to reallocate $4,500 of expenses saved from previous events, $3,100 from its “nooner” program and $1,400 from its transportation costs for the concert, but SFB explained that even with the allocations listed in CUB’s proposal, costs still exceeded those of last year’s concert. CUB stated the financial benefits and conveniences of holding a concert at Funival. Some CUB members argued the importance of funding the event. “Providing an event like this

SFB advises CUB to lower the cost of its concert.

would give students a chance to see acts that they normally haven’t seen in a safe and controlled environment,” junior public health major Stephanie DiPietrantonio, event coordinator and chair of CUB, said. Other CUB members said that the event doesn’t need as much funding as originally requested.

Meagan McDowell / Photo Editor

“We can put on the concert for much less than normal,” said John Calcerano, a senior finance major and director of CUB. “Things like porta potties, that would already be on the grounds for Funival, we can utilize for the concert.” SFB advised CUB to make the cost of the concert closer to last year’s.

Sweets / Campus Town welcomes cookie shop Governor names alumnus

continued from page 2

College because of its late hours and delivery service. “It will be good for late night studying,” Moorzitz said. The idea for Insomnia Cookies began in 2003 in founder Seth Berkowitz’s dormitory at the University of Pennsylvania. Frustrated by the lack of options for sweets late at night, Berkowitz started baking cookies in his dorm. Word of Berkowitz’s cookies began to spread, and soon he

was delivering warm cookies after sunset to students all across Penn’s campus, according to Insomnia Cookies’ website. Soon after, Insomnia Cookies was born. Now, the franchise has over 100 locations across dozens of states, and serves as a nighttime destination for college students all across the country. Maggie Zelinka, the marketing manager for Insomnia Cookies’ Campus Town location, said that the location of the College and the reputation of Campus Town

drew Insomnia Cookies to open up shop there. “Ewing stood out to us for many reasons,” Zelinka said. “Naturally, we appreciate the community feel of Ewing and decided to get in on the action.” This is Insomnia Cookies’ second location in New Jersey, and Zelinka is glad to have chosen a spot near campus. “We hope to fill a need for late-night sweets in Ewing, and are excited to begin this journey,” Zelinka said.

Brielle Bryan / News Editor

Students’ needs for late-night sweets are fulfilled with the opening of Insomnia Cookies.

education commissioner By Raquel Sosa-Sanchez Staff Writer New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy named Lamont Repollet as New Jersey’s commissioner of education on Jan. 12. Repollet is an alumnus of the College and is currently the superintendent for the Asbury Park School District in Monmouth County. Repollet (’94) graduated with a degree in communication studies from the School of Arts and Communication, according to the New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities. Repollet mentioned advancement toward government-funded preschool, improvement on vocational programs and the replacement of New Jersey’s Standardized PARCC exams instated under former Governor Christie as a few of his goals as commissioner of education, during a news conference. Repollet’s experience in New Jersey’s education system is extensive. He began his career as a middle school teacher in his hometown of Carteret. After years of teaching, Repollet became a high school principal, a position he held for nine years. Repollet’s work began attracting attention when he left Carteret to become superintendent of Asbury Park Schools, where graduation rates were 49 percent, more than 40 percent below the state’s 90 percent average. As of 2017, the graduation rate of Asbury Park Schools has risen to 73 percent, according to New Jersey’s Department of Education

“TCNJ really steered me on the right course.”

—Lamont Repollet

New Jersey’s commissioner of education nominee

Data and Reports website. New Jersey’s education system remains among the best in the nation, almost always outperforming the national averages of Assessments of Educational Progress, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Repollet is determined further improve the quality of education in New Jersey. “We will be guided by three essential questions,” Repollet said during the news conference. “How do our decisions impact students? Does our action bring honor and distinction to this state and this nation? Are our policies and mandates economically feasible to the state and our districts?” Repollet’s strategy for improving New Jersey’s education system not only revolves around its impact on students, but also on the fiscal responsibility of the department. In a 2015 interview with NJASCU, Repollet remembered his alma mater with fondness. “I am so honored and lucky to have been enrolled at such a quality undergraduate school like The College of New Jersey,” Repollet said. “TCNJ really steered me on the right course.”

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 3

Food / STEM Café opens for new semester Students praise convenience and variety of options

Left: Seating near the café provides students with a comfortable place to eat. Right: The café accepts both points and meal equiv. continued from page 1 available, including cereals, pop tarts, muffins, cookies and ice cream. The café also serves hot and cold beverages ranging from flavored coffee to juices and muscle milk. The STEM Café also offers healthier options, such as apples, pears and oranges, as well as greek yogurt and Lean Pockets. The café even has vegan options such as pre-made vegetable wraps and salads. “It’s definitely a quick grab and go,” said Patricia Cardoso, a senior biomedical engineering major. Students not only enjoy the wide range of foods offered at the STEM Café, but also love its convenient location.

“The proximity will make it a great place to eat at, especially because we usually only have 10 minutes to eat in between classes,” said Maria Castaneda, a senior biomedical engineering major. The STEM Building is home to the mechanical and biomedical engineering departments, as well as the Department of Computer Science. The café replaced KinetiCart in Armstrong Hall, which used to be the quick pit stop for science majors to grab meal equiv between classes. The café’s atmosphere makes it an optimal place for students looking to sit, eat and soak up some warmth. The nearby windows let the sun seep in, which brightens up the room with natural light. KinetiCart had no substantial seating

area. Audrey Chen, a sophomore elementary education and math double major, said that she appreciates having ample space to sit and eat if she’s not in too much of a hurry. “It feels warm even though it’s cold outside,” Chen said. Castaneda and Cardoso both agreed that they would be frequenting the STEM Café for breakfast, and were happy to know that the café also offers sushi and hot soup during lunchtime. The STEM Café accepts both points and meal equiv, making it more affordable for students with meal plans. The STEM Café is currently working on getting Wi-Fi so students can simultaneously enjoy snacking and studying. The STEM Café is open between the

Meagan McDowell / Photo Editor

hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The café was scheduled to open in September, according to Patrice Mendes, the general manager of dining services on campus, but due to issues with construction, the café opened after winter break instead. The idea for a café came about at the same time as developments of the new STEM Complex. “In the very early stages in the planning for the building, it was determined that they’d like to have a café gathering area,” Mendes said. By adding facilities like The STEM Café, the College has shown initiative to diversify its dining options in order to meet the demands of its students.

Campus creep keeps students on edge Mysterious scratch on vehicle leaves visitor confused By Brielle Bryan News Editor

Campus creep attempts to give female student a ride On Sunday, Jan. 28, at approximately 10:25 p.m., a male described as middle-aged and hispanic drove up to the area of the townhouses and asked a female student if she wanted a ride, according to Campus Police. When the student declined his offer, he quickly drove off. The male was described to be driving a dark-colored s`edan. After being notified of the incident, Campus Police searched the area and came up with no results, police said. This is the first incident of a male driver trying to pick-up female students reported to Campus Police this year. Campus Police urge students to be observant and aware of

their surroundings, and to walk in groups at night. Campus Police also asks students to contact them if they feel they need an escort or need to report any suspicious individuals or activities.

Students toast to new semester with Bud Light On Jan. 23, at approximately 9:30 p.m., Campus Police responded to Cromwell Hall in reference to an odor of a controlled dangerous substance, police said. Upon arrival, a community adviser said that she was conducting her routine checks when she smelled an odor of a controlled dangerous substance coming from one of the rooms. Campus Police walked into the suspected room and observed a faint odor of marijuana. There were seven male students occupying the room, according to police reports.

When questioned if anyone was smoking marijuana, the students denied using the substance. Cans of Bud Light beer were observed to be lying on the floor and in the trash can of the room, police said. The male students admitted to possessing a box of Bud Light. The students were ordered to dump the cans in the sink, police said. All occupants were advised that they would be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for unacceptable behavior, police said. No charges were placed for underage possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages. Forcina Hall desktop computer snatched On Jan. 16, at approximately 3 p.m., Campus Police was dispatched to Green Hall regarding a

theft of a computer from Forcina Hall. Upon arrival, Campus Police spoke with a tech specialist who reported that he was working in Forcina Hall when he noticed an Apple iMac desktop computer missing. The tech specialist stated that he noticed the computer’s cable cords were still there, but the computer was missing. The computer was described to be a silver Apple 21.5 inch iMac Retina 4K, late 2015 model, valued at $1,600, police said. The tech specialist stated that the last time the computer was powered on and connected to network at the College was on Dec. 14, at 10:29 p.m. Visitor wakes up to damaged vehicle On Jan. 19, at 12:20 p.m., a

male visitor arrived at Campus Police Headquarters to report that his vehicle was damaged in Lot 10. The visitor stated that he parked his black Acura in Lot 10 at approximately 12 a.m., and when he returned to his vehicle at 10 a.m. he noticed a large scratch on the hood of his vehicle, police said. The scratch on the visitor’s vehicle was approximately 10 inches in length. The damage to the vehicle was estimated to be under $500. There was no other damage to the vehicle or surrounding area, police said. The visitor stated that he did not know of anyone who might have caused damage to the vehicle. He was advised to contact Campus Police if he were to acquire any additional information. Anyone with information can contact Campus Police at (609) 771-2345.

page  4  The  Signal  January  31,  2018

SG  denies  motion  to  enforce  â€˜smart  casual’  dress  code

Meagan McDowell / Photo Editor

Left: SG introduces a bill to legitimize the approval process for student organizations. Right: The state grants the College $1 million for renovations. By Erin Kamel Staff Writer

The second bill extends the timeframe IRU QHZ FOXEV WR FRQWDFW WKH 2IÀFH RI 6WXdent Involvement after approval from SG. Student Government announced ap- 2UJDQL]DWLRQV QRZ KDYH WKUHH ZHHNV LQproval from the state for a $1 million VWHDG RI WZR WR UHJLVWHU WR EH DQ RIÀFLDOO\ grant to renovate the Student Recreation UHFRJQL]HG RUJDQL]DWLRQ DW WKH &ROOHJH Center at its meeting on Jan. 24. The ColThe third bill, S-2018-03, was introOHJH SODQV WR FUHDWH RIÀFH VSDFHV GHGLFDW- duced and immediately voted into old ed to health and wellness by building a business, which allows the bill to be votVHFRQG à RRU RYHU WKH UDFTXHWEDOO FRXUWV ed on the same day it is proposed. SG introduced three bills to be voted This bill, sponsored by Baldween Cason at its meeting on Wednesday, Jan 31. seus, SG’s vice president of diversity and 7KH ÀUVW ELOO OHJLWLPL]HV WKH FXUUHQW LQFOXVLRQ DQG D VHQLRU PDUNHWLQJ PDMRU SURFHVV IRU VWXGHQW RUJDQL]Dproposed a new dress code that tions that wish to update their would change SG’s dress code from FRQVWLWXWLRQV 7KH RUJDQL]Dbusiness professional to smart cations must get approval from sual for general body meetings. VWDII PHPEHUV DW WKH 2IÀFH Ultimately, this bill did not receive of Student Involvement to WKH PDMRULW\ YRWH LW QHHGHG WR SDVV ensure that their updated constitutions 7KH ELOO ZDV SURSRVHG WR PDNH 6* follow the College’s code of conduct. more accessible to students of different

VRFLRHFRQRPLF EDFNJURXQGV Members in support of the bill voiced their concern about creating an elitist EXEEOH DURXQG 6* DQG FRQVHTXHQWO\ DQ opportunity barrier for students who are TXDOLĂ€HG WR EHFRPH 6* PHPEHUV EXW DUH intimidated by the dress code. Some members agreed that SG could be missing out on opportunities to welcome potential members who have a lot WR RIIHU 6* EXW VLPSO\ FDQ¡W MRLQ EHFDXVH they don’t have the proper wardrobe. “This allows us to widen our net and OHW RWKHU SHRSOH MRLQ 6WXGHQW *RYHUQPHQW WKDW FXUUHQWO\ WKLQN WKDW WKH\¡UH QRW DEOH to do so,â€? Casseus said. While some members were concerned with the notion that a more casual attire may result in less professional behavior, they were repeatedly assured that the new bill proposed a mandatory neat and

Ă€QLVKHG ORRN DQG PHPEHUV ZKR SUHIHU to continue to wear business professional attire are welcome to do so. “Professionalism is not inherently connected to the clothes that you are wearing,â€? Casseus said. “Many of you in this room are, in fact, wearing smart casual attire.â€? There were 145 new students accepted to the College this semester, according WR WKH 2IĂ€FH RI 6WXGHQW 7UDQVLWLRQV DUH WUDQVIHU VWXGHQWV DQG DUH Ă€UVW \HDU students. There has been a six percent increase in undergraduate applications at the College. The College is applying for a grant to IXQG Ă€QDQFLDO OLWHUDF\ FODVVHV IRU VWXGHQWV RI DOO PDMRUV 7KHUH LV GLVFXVVLRQ DERXW SRVVLbly offering the classes as 0.25 unit courses, DFFRUGLQJ WR (OL]DEHWK %DSDVROD YLFH SUHVLdent for student affairs and SG’s adviser.

Nation & W rld

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 5

Unified Korean team to enter Olympics By Anandita Mehta Staff Writer Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, announced on Jan. 17 that North and South Korea will participate together in the 2018 Winter Olympic Games as a joint team under a joint flag, according to BBC. This announcement is not the first of its kind. The two countries previously marched together in Olympic opening ceremonies nine times in the past, most recently in the Asian Winter Games in 2007, according to The New York Times. South Korea has been advocating for the use of sporting events as a means to thaw the political tension between the two countries since the 1960s, according to The New York Times. North Korea has used sports as symbolic gestures of reconciliation in the past, as evidenced by their previous experiences participating with South Korea, according to The Washington Post. Though Bach called the joint team a

“milestone in a long journey,” as quoted by BBC, tensions between the nations remain. In addition to marching under the same flag, the two countries have created a unified hockey team with a South Korean coach. North Korea will send 22 athletes to compete in alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, short track speed skating, figure skating and hockey, according to BBC. Some South Korean athletes are disdainful at the prospect of giving up their hardearned spots for North Korean athletes, according to The New York Times. Prior to the start of the games, the unified team will train at a ski resort in North Korea before traveling to South Korea on Feb. 1, according to The New York Times. Since South Korea will host the games this year in Pyeongchang, North Korea is a de facto part of the host team. North Korean Olympic athletes experience a higher standard of living than the rest of the country’s citizens. Since King Jongun assumed power in 2011, there has been increased spending on athletic facilities, according to The Washington Post.

North Korean athletes are de facto members of the host team. The gesture stands in sharp contrast to the threats of war between the leaders of North Korea and the United States, South Korea’s greatest ally, according to The New York Times.

AP Photo

The question of peace remains unsolved between North and South Korea, which have technically been at war since Korean War ended with an armistice between the powers in 1953, according to The Washington Post.

Brief shutdown caused by congressional dispute

Both houses of Congress needed to approve a funding measure, but could not agree what to include in the bill. The fight was particularly heated over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Most Congressional Democrats wanted to continue DACA, which President Donald Trump ended by executive order last year, according to The New York Times. Republicans wanted funding for the southern border wall Trump promised to build during his campaign, and an end to both chain migration and the diversity visa lottery. Additional funding disputes included the Children’s Health Insurance Program, which Congress allowed to expire in September despite its considerable bipartisan support, according to The New York Times. On Jan. 18, the House passed a funding bill, but after being AP Photo declined by the Senate, the government officially shut down. National park employees are furloughed. The shutdown includes the furloughing of nonessential workBy Ariel Steinsaltz ers, including employees in national parks, passport procesStaff Writer sors and government website maintenance. Essential workers, including the military and border security, work without As midnight approached on Jan. 19, Congress tried pay, according to TIME. desperately but futilely to avoid a shutdown, according to During the shutdown nonessential programs ceased, TIME Magazine. including NASA tours, Air Force Academy athletics and

military base commissaries, according to CNN. There were several shutdowns in the 1970s and 1980s, over such issues as abortion, nuclear missiles, water projects, welfare and the Contra. In late 1995, two shutdowns occurred when former President Bill Clinton and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich could not agree on a budget, according to The Washington Post. Most recently, the government shut down in October 2013, when former President Barack Obama and Congressional Republicans could not agree on certain provisions of the Affordable Care Act, according to The New York Times. On Jan. 23, the government reopened after Congress approved a short-term spending bill, which funds CHIP and came with a promise from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell that a vote will be held in the upcoming weeks on immigration issues, which will likely address policy regarding the “dreamers” affected by DACA’s repeal, according to The New York Times. There was significant debate over who was to blame for the shutdown, according to USA Today. While the short-term bill funds the government through the first week of February, another potential shutdown looms on the horizon if Congress is unable to reach a long-term agreement.

Romanians protest after anti-corruption laws loosened By Breeda Bennett-Jones Nation & World Editor

As snow fell and chants rang out across University Square the night of Jan. 20, Romania’s citizens remained passionate in the fight against growing corruption in Eastern Europe. Across the country, crowds gathered in towns and cities to protest recent revisions to Romania’s anti-corruption laws, according to The New York Times. Protests occurred throughout Romania, but most were in Bucharest’s University Square, according to The Guardian. Almost 50,000 people joined in the flag waving, whistle blowing and anthem singing. The Romanian Parliament passed legislation in December that critics believe will distance Romania from Europe. One amendment prohibited the use of audio and video recordings as evidence, according to

The Washington Post. The legislation also includes amendments to the judicial system and the prosecution process for corruption crimes, according to The New York Times. One protester named Tiberiu Calinescu expressed his discontent for the Romanian government as he carried his four-month-old daughter, according to The Washington Post. “I have come here for the future of my daughter. I want to live in a Romania that is civilized and close to European standards,” Calinescu said. Some protesters called for early government elections and an overhaul of the judicial system in addition to the withdrawal of the bills, according to The New York Times. Viorica Dancila, the newly elected Romanian Prime Minister, is among the handful of top politicians who sees eye-to-eye with

the protesters. Dancila specifically supports an overhaul of the judicial system, according to The Washington Post. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis is also critical of the amendments, according to The New York Times. On the night before the protests, he criticized an amendment concerning the right of government officials to own businesses in a statement to the Romanian Constitutional Court. The amendment “diminished the standards of integrity” government officials are expected to uphold, according to the statement. Smaller protests occurred in cities including Cluj, Timisoara and Constanta, according to The Washington Post. Just under one year ago, a quarter million protesters took to the streets of Bucharest to pressure the government to withdraw an ordinance that loosened anti-corruption laws,

AP Photo

Protesters in Bucharest brandish signs and wave flags.

according The New York Times. The protests were successful, and the ordinance was voted down. “I came out today because I have two little boys and they deserve a better life in this European country,” a protester named Florentina

Caval told The Guardian. The left-wing Parliament faces pressure against the bills from its citizenry, Iohannis, economic experts, the European Commission and the U.S. government, according to The Guardian.

page 6 The Signal January 31, 2018


It’s important to find a way to stay active

I’m never one to judge someone else’s health decisions, considering most of my favorite activities involve eating junk food and sitting on the couch. But as winter break wasted away, I realized that I felt lethargic, lazy and unproductive. I knew that exercising was always an option, but in the past, every time I tried to make a routine out of exercising, I found myself sweaty, tired and bored, desperately wanting it to end. I would exercise for at most a week, then go back to making excuses not to and avoid it at all costs. Then, one of my close friends suggested I try yoga. She goes to school in California, where yoga is all the rage, and said she was addicted to it. I was skeptical at first — wasn’t yoga just for hipsters and vegans who cherish the Earth and only know the word “namaste?” My friend insisted that I should try it and even dragged me to a class. It was one of the only times I was actually happy to be proven wrong. Yoga engages the body, of course, but it also engages the mind and challenges you to find your breathing — something I didn’t even know was possible. I thought breathing was just a natural, involuntary thing that couldn’t be done wrong. I found myself surprised when the class was over, because I was enjoying myself so much I did not realize that an hour went by. The atmosphere is utopian — the only sounds are soft music and the soothing voice of the instructor floating through the warm, comforting air. I was nervous at first, because I expected to be the only person without any experience, but once I got there I realized I wasn’t alone, and that the instructor was always there to guide me if I needed it. I didn’t even feel like I was exercising but when class was over, I felt invigorated and tired, even a bit sweaty. My muscles felt good and I felt productive and happy — way more than when I was binge watching shows on the couch. The best part about yoga is that the effects are not just right after the session. I felt myself naturally waking up earlier in the day, wanting to eat healthier to better myself instead of just to look good and found myself genuinely happier. Yoga helped me appreciate myself and helped me make time just for me — no to-do lists, no worrying about petty drama —just me, myself and the mat. I know yoga isn’t for everyone, but I think the important thing I learned this winter break is that there are lots of different ways to stay active. Exercising doesn’t always mean on a treadmill for countless, monotonous minutes or doing crunches until you can’t breathe. It’s all about finding the activity that makes you feel better, whether it be pilates, biking, barre or zumba. It’s important to find a workout that leaves your muscles tired but a smile on your face. The hardest part is starting. After that, I promise you won’t be able to get enough. — Lily Firth Features Editor

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Yoga challenges both the mind and body.

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Editorial Staff Thomas Infante Editor-in-Chief Michelle Lampariello Managing Editor Brielle Bryan Elizabeth Zakaim News Editors Miguel Gonzalez Malcolm Luck Sports Editors Lily Firth Features Editor Heidi Cho Arts & Entertainment Editor Emmy Liederman Opinions Editor Breeda Bennett-Jones Nation & World Editor

Mailing Address: The Signal c/o Forcina Hall The College of New Jersey P.O. Box 7718 Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 Nadir Roberts Reviews Editor Meagan McDowell Photo Editor Julia Marnin Production Manager Heather Haase Web Editor Maddi Ference Kristen Frohlich Social Media Editors Emilie Lounsberry Adviser Thomas Munnia Business/Ad Manager

“I am so honored and lucky to have been enrolled at such a quality undergraduate school like The College of New Jersey.” — Lamot Repollet, New Jersey Comissioner of Education

“I certainly hope that the School of Arts and Communication will be seen as stronger, more interdisciplinary, more nationally prominent and more diverse. Essentially, a model of excellence.” — Maurice Hall

Dean of the School of Arts and Communication

“We hope to fill a need for late-night sweets in Ewing, and are excited to begin this journey,.”

— MaggieZelinka Marketing Manager for Insomina Cookies’ Campus Town location

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 7

page 8 The Signal January 31, 2018


Tide pod challenge brainwashes teens

Tide pod memes continue to circulate social media. By Chris Mellusi My parents always tell me our generation is in trouble, and this time they may be right. The consumption of Tide pods has taken over our social media feeds, and I can’t believe it. In the past few years, harmless viral trends like “dabbing” have become popular memes on Twitter and Instagram — but this latest trend could put you in the emergency room. Kids across the country have decided that to become viral, they will risk their lives and eat Tide pods, which contain a poisonous dose of detergent and stain fighters. The trend started as a joke, but as pictures


of Tide pods paired with food began to circulate, talk of actually eating the pods began to pop up on social media. The memes even evolved into pictures of Hot Pockets filled with the colorful pods. “I think it’s disturbing and bizarre,” said Lauren Hardman, a junior nursing major. “The only explanation to why kids are eating Tide pods is to get attention. I doubt anyone has eaten a Tide pod without the intention of (posting) the video on social media.” Popular Instagram accounts such as “Barstool Sports” and “Total Frat Move” post videos of college students eating the detergent pods. In the hopes that they will be featured

on such accounts and become famous on the internet, impressionable young people record themselves eating Tide pods and post the video online for the world to see. In 2017, there were over 12,000 calls to poison control centers in regard to the consumption of the detergent pods, according to The Washington Post. In the first month of 2018 alone, The American Association of Poison Control Centers has already dealt with 39 cases of kids calling about what to do after eating a Tide pod, according to TIME. The AAPCC believes that this year, they will receive a record breaking number of calls regarding the pods. Tide has tried everything in its power as a company to warn people about the dangers of eating its product. The company released a video of New England Patriots player Rob Gronkowski repeatedly saying “no” to eating Tide pods on Twitter. But students at the College are skeptical of its effect. “I don’t think that video is going to stop kids from eating them,” said Jake Andersen, a senior finance major. “When I see Rob Gronkowski, I usually think of him doing something exactly like that. I think they went the wrong route there.” Tide had to turn to its parent company, Procter & Gamble, for help. “We are deeply concerned about conversations related to intentional and improper use of liquid laundry pacs, and have been working with leading social media networks to remove

harmful content that is not consistent with their policies,” Procter & Gamble said in a statement, according to TIME. “Laundry pacs are made to clean clothes. They should not be played with, whatever the circumstance, even if meant as a joke.” Some colleges, such as Wentworth Institute of Technology, have released statements to remind students of the hazards of consuming Tide pods. “It has come to our attention that there have been cases of teenagers and college students all over the country jumping into a new trend called ‘The Tide pod challenge,’” said Amber Goulart, Wentworth’s Coordinator of Wellness Education, according to Boston Magazine. “We would like to remind students of the health dangers in ingesting liquid laundry detergent packets.” No cases have been reported to Campus Police regarding this matter, according to interim Chief of Campus Police Tim Grant. Hopefully, the trend will not take hold on our campus. “Honestly, I can think of a million things I would rather do than eat one of those laundry detergents,” said Jake Newman, a sophomore finance major. “I can only imagine my mom’s reaction if she heard that I had eaten a Tide pod and was in the hospital. She would ask me to move out of our house.” I can only hope that no one at the College attempts this ridiculous stunt — I would be embarrassed to say that I personally know someone who tried to eat a Tide pod.

Disparagement humor is unacceptable By Alexandra Raskin

Over winter break, I got into a disagreement on Instagram with a YouTuber named Britt. ABitOfBritt’s channel centers on her staunch conservative values and opposition of movements like body positivity and feminism. Her Instagram account mirrors these opinions, often through the lens of mordant humor. The post that caught my eye was a meme, which featured two side-by-side pictures of women on the beach — one thin, and one heavier — with a caption that reads, “MEN NATURALLY PREFER MORE CURVY WOMEN.” The subcaptions are “What men define as curvy,” and, “What dumb feminists want men to define as curvy.” My comments were fairly simple. I expressed that, while I do not praise negligent obesity, I do not condone the hateful rhetoric that the post included in its captions, nor did I find it humorous, which it was clearly intended to be. After sharing my opinions, as a person who has struggled with an eating disorder in the image-driven,

model-hailing 21st century and as a woman, I was met only with obstinacy. Instead of substantive responses, I was name-called and belittled. But that’s barely the point. Disparagement humor, the kind ABitofBritt thrives upon, centers on ridiculing minorities and groups that she considers different from her own: liberals, LGBTQ folks, feminists and especially overweight individuals. This humor is especially prevalent on the internet and social media, as those that find these types of malicious jokes funny can easily find a similar-minded community. Disparagement humor isn’t humor because it isn’t funny. Its very premise requires mocking others for personal amusement, and it leads only to pain. It’s the same reason that Michael Scott’s Chris Rock impersonation in The Office’s infamous “Diversity Day” episode is so painful to watch. As a white man, Michael Scott’s impression is so cringeworthy because it follows the aforementioned pattern of mocking another group, and it’s exacerbated because Michael’s

whiteness puts him in a position of power. This type of humor enforces the stratification of power between majority and minority groups. It is a reminder of oppression and struggle for those that are targeted, and it adds to the normalization and destigmatization of oppressive language. It attacks unwavering aspects of one’s identity, including race, gender, sexuality and belief systems. In response to one of my comments, ABitOfBritt replied, “I posted a JOKE! A joke! If it offends you look away.” Because my eating disorder is largely behind me, I am now able to ignore body shamers. However, others are not able to easily avoid these insults. Some people don’t have the money to buy healthy food. Some don’t have the time to work out. Some have health conditions that prevent stable metabolisms or that make weight loss nearly impossible. But no matter her intentions, ABitOfBritt and those that support her aren’t changing anything for the better. These posts in no way encourage love or self-improvement.


ABitofBritt shares controversial posts on her Instagram page. As a society, we must take notice that by relying on “comedy” that ridicules, alienates and belittles, we cause pain. No matter our intentions, we cannot decide if our actions did or did not hurt someone else, especially if they belong to groups that we do not. Regardless of political

party or identity, all humans are in need of a little more love. If we want to increase the amount of kindness in the world, we can start by reflecting upon how our everyday rhetoric, be it casual conversation, opinions or humor, affects those that are most susceptible to oppression.


The Signal is published weekly during the academic year and is financed by the Student Activities Fee (SAF) and advertising revenue. Any student may submit articles to The Signal. Publication of submitted articles is at the discretion of the editors. The letters section is an open forum for opinions. Submissions that announce events or advertise in any way will not be printed. All letters should be sent via email to Handwritten letters should be sent to The Signal, c/o The Brower Student Center, The College of New Jersey, PO Box 7718 Ewing, N.J. 08628 or placed in our mailbox in the Student Life Office. Letters must be received by the Friday before publication and should not exceed 300 words. The Signal reserves the right to edit letters for space and clarity. All letters must be signed, with a phone number and address of the author. Requests to withhold the author’s name will be honored only if there is a legitimate reason. All materials submitted become the sole property of The Signal. The editors reserve the right to edit or withhold all articles, letters & photographs. The Signal willingly corrects factual mistakes. If you think we have made an error, please contact The Signal at (609) 771-2424, write to the address listed above or email us at

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 9

Students share opinions around campus “Do you find the ‘Tide pod challenge’ funny?”

Emmy Liederman / Opinions Editor

Emmy Liederman / Opinions Editor

Jeremy Sussman, a junior history and secondary education dual major.

Meaghan Pannasch, a freshman psychology major.

“It’s pretty funny to laugh at people’s stupidity. If you eat a Tide pod, it’s on you.”

“It’s so weird and dumb. I don’t understand it. I saw an article that said they break down your body.”

“Can jokes made at the expense of others still be funny?”

Emmy Liederman / Opinions Editor

Amanda DeStefano, a freshman English and deaf education double major. “It depends on your relationship with the person. If you’re poking fun at a friend, I think that’s okay.”

Emmy Liederman / Opinions Editor

Madison Oxx, a freshman journalism and professional writing major. “It’s usually not funny, because you wouldn’t want to be the person that’s made fun of.”

The Signal’s cartoons of the week...

page 10 The Signal January 31, 2018


STUD / Fair connects students with interests

Meagan McDowell / Photo Editor

Left: The brothers of Alpha Chi Rho provide information about their fraternity. Right: Student representatives engage prospective club members.

continued from page 1

Many have found the Involvement Fair to be overwhelming and a bit stressful, especially when it is held in a crowded space that can often be loud and make students feel rushed. The College has attempted to remedy this by moving the fair from the Recreation Center to the Student Center. Victoria Kiernan, a junior nursing major, and president of the newly established Students for Life club at the College, said the involvement fair helps tremendously with recruitment and awareness. “There are a bunch of clubs and organizations that new students might not know exist, but here they’re all laid out,” Kiernan said. “I appreciate the opportunity to

represent our group at the fair because it is so great to meet new students who are like-minded and respect the dignity of life.” Kiernan encouraged students to sign a petition to add free on-campus childcare for students, faculty and staff from her post at the the Students for Life table, which was adorned with Hershey’s kisses, stickers and colorful pamphlets. Kathleen Zarro, a senior communication studies major, represented the community service organization Circle K. “Our tenants are service, fellowship and leadership, so what we try to do is make service fun,” Zarro said. “We want to make the world a better place one project at a time — we just really want people to enjoy themselves.”

The College’s chapter of Circle K is the largest division in New Jersey. “We have a lot of turn out here,” Zarro said. “The fair definitely helps us get new members and get new people through the door.” Austhon Manalac, a junior biology major, values how the involvement fair was able to connect him to student organizations after he transferred to the College last fall. “I transferred here last semester and coming to the fair was great,” Manalac said. “There were so many organizations I found that really interested me and I got connected to the Filipino club. They’re some pretty great people. If you want to make friends and meet new people, the fair is great for that. ”

New dean implementing innovative future plans

By Brianna Sheppard Staff Writer

From his office in the music building, adorned with pictures of his two sons and daughter, Maurice Hall is always reminded of how proud he is to work in an institution that he said he would be happy to send his children to. He has grown fond of the College after he was appointed to serve as dean of the School of Arts and Communication on July 1, 2017. Hall was the chair of the Communications Department at Villanova University for six years, and a professor in the department for 13 years. He is deeply passionate about both arts and communication, due to his experience in both fields. “Finding a job where you’re doing both was like hitting the jackpot,” Hall said. Hall said he made up his mind to come to the College when he saw the campus and the students — he immediately felt comfortable. “There was an opportunity to work with a very talented faculty and staff in order to move the school to what we hope will be the next level of national prominence,” Hall said. “So, it was very exciting to think about what could be done. The very eager faculty and staff want to move the school forward, and they are already doing very creative things in the school. So, I thought the working relationship would be a positive one and so far it has been. The honeymoon hasn’t ended yet!” When asked about the College’s student body, Hall has nothing but kind words. “The students I’ve met here strike me as very thoughtful, motivated and mature,”

Hall said. “In a way that is really impressive. Although it’s only been six months, I’ve not met many students that I haven’t been impressed by.” Hall’s appreciation of students at the College is a sentiment that he said is shared by other faculty members. “When I ask faculty, especially faculty that have been here 20-something years, 30-something years, ‘what keeps you here?’ almost everyone without exception says the students,” Hall said. Hall and his colleagues wish to improve several aspects of the School of Arts and Communication, such as looking into how to improve freshman orientation for students in the school, how to enhance the weekly Brown Bag Series and the possibility of introducing and updating the minors offered within the school. Administrators within the school are also working to ensure that students are working with the best technology and equipment possible. Some of the technology used in programs within the School of Arts and Communication is dated, but prior to Hall’s arrival at the College, plans were already underway to replace this equipment. Hall will do his due diligence to make the School better suited to student needs. Although he has only been at the College for six months, Hall has high hopes of making changes in the future. When asked what he wanted as his legacy, he said, “I certainly hope that the School of Arts and Communication will be seen as stronger, more interdisciplinary, more nationally prominent and more diverse. Essentially,

a model of excellence. The previous dean did a fantastic job laying a really good foundation, and the faculty and staff is very dedicated to the school. So, with that kind of energy we have a lot going in our favor.” Hall encourages current and prospective to reach out to him with any questions or concerns. “I want to know how things are going,” Hall said. “I’m going to try and establish lunches or dinner with the dean so that I can hear from students, but I want to make sure it works for them. I want them to have ways to reach out to me. A couple have, but I want to hear from more. To students who are coming here you won’t

regret it.” Dean Hall wants the campus community to know he is ready to put in his best effort as dean of the School of Arts and Communication. “I am eager to work with the community, to do new and interesting things to see how it plays out,” Hall said. “Overall, I’m going to work to make sure the arts continue to be front and center in the experience of the entire TCNJ community, whether or not you’re in the school. I want to ensure that students have the opportunity to be involved in the arts and/or see a production, film or documentary, and that will influence them in a positive way.”

Hall is eager to improve the School of Arts and Communication.

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 11



Campus Style

Marijuana possession leads to arrest

Photo courtesy of the TCNJ Digital Archive

The drug’s legal status remains a highly debated issue.

Every week, Features Editor Lily Firth hits the archives and finds old Signals that relate to current College topics and top stories. Marijuana has been a subject of national debate for several years. Some argue it is a harmful gateway drug, while others say it is a safer alternative to alcohol. Some favor legalization, while others support punishing users and sellers. Newly elected governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, has vowed to legalize marijuana in the state. In 1977, there was a much different culture surrounding the drug, when a student was convicted of possession of marijuana and subsequently suspended from the College. A student has been suspended for one year by the All College Disciplinary Board (ACDB) for possession of marijuana despite charges by a high ranking student leader that the judicial procedure was run “haphazardly” and that hearing officer Sheila Fleishman was “hungry for a conviction.” Felix Farenga, a senior criminal justice major, was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute but he was convicted by the ACDB of a lesser charge, possession of 441 grams of high quality marijuana, according to College Disciplinary Officer Sheila Fleishman. Student Government Association (SGA) president Doreen Bierman has charged Fleishman with “holding a hearing during the summer months because she was hungry for a conviction.” Fleishman has said she “wanted the hearing held during the summer because a decision had to be reached which would affect a student’s status for the fall semester.” She

also said she received “very little student cooperation” in calling the board together. According to campus police reports, Farenga’s van was stopped by patrolman Jon Vereen and Sgt. Carl Muglia last May for a routine motor vehicle check. The report stated that Farenga had concealed a brown paper bag under his jacket and that campus police believed the substance in the bag was approximately one pound of marijuana. Fargena was arrested and booked at Ewing Township Police headquarters for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. However, SGA President Bierman has accused campus police of failing to prove the substance was marijuana during Farenga’s judicial hearing. “It’s amazing that he could be charged with possession with intent to distribute when no one could identify what was in the bag,” said Bierman. “During the hearing, the arresting officer (Sgt. Muglia) said he was pretty sure it was marijuana but being pretty sure is no reason for him to be convicted.” “I’ve never seen such haphazard crap in my life,” said Bierman. “No one convinced me that he had dope in his possession let alone that he should be suspended.” CDO Sheila Fleishman, who is also the assistant to the dean of students, confirmed that no evidence was introduced during the actual hearing to prove the substance was marijuana. However, she did say that members of the Board contacted Ewing Police by telephone during the deliberation for a lab report. Fargena was not present during the deliberation.

The Culinary Club Presents...

Lions Plate


Left: Textured leggings make a cozy outfit look edgier. Right: Joggers pair well with flat-bottom sneakers. By Lexy Yulich Columnist Whether you have an early class and plan to hit the gym afterward, or you’re having a lazy day but still want to look decent, athleisure — a trend that is a cross between workout clothes and casual clothes — is the answer. I can’t tell you how many times I counted on athleisure to get me through the day, especially when I have a busy week ahead. It allows me to be comfortable and warm, but still look sophisticated. The best part about this new trend in fashion is you probably already have appropriate pieces in your closet. Here are a few coldweather athleisure outfits to inspire you: 1. The all black outfit. I am a huge fan of wearing all black, especially with athleisure pieces. Typically, I wear my favorite pair of black leggings with a matching thermal top or sweatshirt from Free People and a black vest or jacket. To complete the look, I add a pair of black sneakers and I’m ready for the day. 2. Textured Leggings. I’m not one to

stray too far out of my fashion comfort zone, but I find that a pair of moto leggings with mesh inserts or geometric cutouts add just the right amount of edge to a basic outfit. If I’m really feeling daring, I’ll wear a pair of marble printed leggings. The best part is that you don’t need to splurge on athleisure leggings. As much as I love my Lululemon pants, I have found many budget-friendly pairs from Zella, Gap Body and even Target. 3. Collegiate Wear. Show off your school spirit by pairing your favorite pair of leggings or yoga pants with a warm sweatshirt or baseball cap with the College’s logo on it. If I want to look like I’m not wearing workout clothes, I’ll put on a pair of slip-on shoes and a jean or bomber jacket. 4. Joggers. If you’re petite like me, sometimes my leggings bunch at the bottom and make me look even shorter. I find that cute joggers are a good alternative, especially if I’m wearing flat -bottom sneakers, as opposed to Nikes that have a small platform. I like to pair my joggers with a fun sweatshirt and a warm vest or jacket.

Sweet Cake Mix Cookies

Left: Sprinkles add a splash of color to homemade cookies. Right: Cake mix is an unexpected ingredient in bite-sized treats.

By Julia Dzurillay Columnist

There’s no better way to show someone you love them than with a box of homemade goodies! This recipe takes no more than 30 minutes and uses cake mix in an innovative new way: for cookies. Whether you’re making them for someone else or keeping them all

to yourself, these sweet treats are sure to brighten anyone’s day. If you’re looking for a vegan recipe (or you just ran out of eggs like I did), substitute the two eggs for one overripe banana. Mash the banana until there are no more chunks and its consistency is similar to pudding. Add red food coloring or some red and white

sprinkles for a special Valentine’s Day touch. Ingredients: 1 box of Betty Crocker Super Moist cake mix 2 eggs (or 1 banana) 1/3 cup vegetable oil Powdered sugar (about 1/3 cup) Directions:

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. In a large bowl, combine cake mix, eggs (or egg substitute) and vegetable oil. Stir with a large spoon until well integrated. 3. Place powdered sugar on a plate. 4. Using your hands, grab a small chunk of dough and roll it into a ball. Roll the dough ball in the powdered sugar to completely coat it.


5. Place dough ball onto a baking sheet and repeat step four until there is no more dough. 6. Bake cookies in preheated oven for eight to 10 minutes, or until they flatten and cracks start to form through the powdered sugar. Once cookies are done, remove them from the oven and let them cool for five minutes before eating.

page 12 The Signal January 31, 2018

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 13

Arts & Entertainment

Show / Saxophonists celebrate music program

Meagan McDowell / Photo Editor

Left: Alumni perform a range of compositions. Right: Michael Barbieri plays alto for ‘The Girl with the Flaxen Hair.’

continued from page 1

was a trip down memory lane to hear and perform not only this song, but others that night he had previously studied. “Reflections for Saxophone Ensemble” was one of the three pieces Bachalis was commissioned to compose or arrange for the concert. Bachalis used what he learned in a seminar with Marion Evans, an arranger for Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, to write two pieces that he adapted for the saxophone. Bachalis wrote the piece last December, attempting to capture the characteristics from college life to even “the development of a saxophone department,” he added with a knowing wink. The last piece, “Autumn Leaves,” was a commission

with a latin salsa at the finalé. Laurence Seltzer was another proud parent and audience member that shared similar sentiments. “I was very impressed. I loved it all,” Seltzer said. Kyle O’Toole, a senior in high school from north New Jersey, gave his perspective as a percussionist on what the performers did well. “There was a big diversity in music genres (the performers) went through,” O’Toole said. “Seeing (the faculty and alumni) as a person and then as musician was amazing.” O’Toole cited Kathleen Mitchell as one of the faculty members he met that made an impression on him. Mitchell, the conductor for the last and largest group that performed, worked with students like O’Toole and also coordinated the event. Bachalis credited Mitchell as

the person who brought it all together. Mitchell said the event was a “labor of love,” and she was simply the facilitator. Mitchell thanked the interim director of bands Joshua Roach, the event advertizer Al Brown, the dean and the assistant dean of the music department. She expressed gratitude for the band and the students, both current and alumni, who have put so much effort into the show. Mitchell also thanked Lynn Dillon (’86) for the donation that helped make the event possible. From a social media post to a group chat, the event came together over emails, messages and rough schedules. All the effort from students, alumni and faculty of the music department culminated into an evening of intricate saxophone performances that could be enjoyed by all.

‘The Disaster Artist’ redecorates ‘The Room’ By Thomas Infante Editor-in-Chief In 2003, a man named Tommy Wiseau directed, wrote, produced and starred in the film, “The Room.” It was a huge financial loss, but the film eventually gained a strong cult following due to its over-dramatic acting and nonsensical plot and dialogue. It’s a film that almost demands a behind-the-scenes account, and thanks to James Franco and his younger brother Dave, we have one. “The Disaster Artist” was released in December 2017 and is directed and produced by James Franco, who also plays Wiseau. Dave plays Wiseau’s best friend Greg Sestero, who co-starred alongside Wiseau in “The Room” and also wrote the book that this movie is based on. Despite its bizarre premise, the film has garnered multiple award nominations, including a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Comedy win by the elder Franco. As a fan of “The Room,” I expected “The Disaster Artist” to be a pretty straightforward comedy movie, but this was not the case. Franco’s performance of Tommy is surprisingly believable, but this is in part due to how enigmatic Wiseau is in real life. For those unfamiliar with the man, Tommy Wiseau is a ghostly, middle-aged man with long, straight jet-black hair who speaks with a confusing accent that he refuses to divulge the origin of. While Franco simply isn’t as vampiric as Wiseau, he nails the accent and speech cadence, and really immerses himself in the role instead of just impersonating him. The film details the beginning of the friendship between Tommy and Greg, who meet in an acting class in San Francisco. Greg compliments Tommy on his fearlessness, and the two soon become friends, sharing a dream of someday becoming movie stars.

The two eventually move to Los Angeles to further pursue their acting careers, and after multiple auditions and rejections, they decide to make and star in their own movie instead. Tommy writes the only copy of the script by typewriter, and “The Room” is born. Greg tries to support Tommy throughout their journey, but their relationship is strained by Tommy’s mysterious background. Tommy maintains that he is from New Orleans (despite his vague European accent), and when Greg asks how old he is, he says that he is “the same age as you,” despite being at least 15 years his senior. People constantly tell Greg how strange Tommy is, and it gets increasingly harder for him to defend his friend. Tommy’s associates are also confounded about his financial standing. In addition to spending upward of $5 million out-of-pocket on the film, he also has apartments in both San Francisco and L.A., and never specifies how he came into all that money. The only thing that confuses people more than Tommy’s personality is the movie itself. As production continues, the crew have more difficulties working with Tommy, who shows up late every day to shooting and often forgets his lines and breaks character to talk to the camera during takes. The actors wonder why the movie plot makes no sense, and Tommy begins to unravel under the pressure. While the conflict between characters gives them more depth, it also produces the weakest moments in the film. Franco has difficulty making Tommy relatable or empathetic as a character, despite the scenes and dialogue that clearly show that Tommy is lonely, depressed and jealous of Greg. There is a scene where the actors discuss whether or not Tommy’s movie is autobiographical, but there is no insight into whether or not that could be the case. Aside from a few minor

details, he is no less confusing and outlandish to the viewer by the film’s conclusion. Luckily, serious moments are few and far between in “The Disaster Artist,” which focuses mostly on the absurd comedy that results from everything Tommy does and says. On the set of his film, he often foils their sarcastic script supervisor Sandy (Seth Rogen), who clearly thinks that there is something wrong with Tommy. The supporting cast includes some hilarious actors in very small roles, including Alison Brie as Greg’s girlfriend Amber and Josh Hutcherson, Zac Efron and Nathan Fielder as actors in Tommy’s movie. While the abundance of recognizable faces slightly disrupts the suspension of disbelief, it also leads to some hilarious moments where the actors recreate famous scenes from “The Room.”

The film raises more questions about Wiseau than it answers. With “The Room” already being such a funny movie in its own right (albeit unintentionally) I hoped that “The Disaster Artist” would explore Wiseau’s motivations, but it fails to reveal anything significant about Wiseau or the inspiration behind his cult classic. It’s one of the funniest movies Franco has been a part of in years, but does not capture the true “human emotion” that Tommy talks about so much while making his movie. If nothing else, this film does an excellent job immortalizing the story behind “The Room,” and will likely increase awareness of it for years to come. “The Disaster Artist” is a hilarious, ridiculous and inspiring tale of the American dream told by someone you can barely understand.

Franco captures the esoteric essence and cadences of Tommy Wiseau.


page 14 The Signal January 31, 2018

‘Black Mirror’ lightens up in newest season

‘Black Mirror’ explores the twisted uses of technology for child monitoring. By Nicole Zamlout Staff Writer

The Netflix original series “Black Mirror” is known for incorporating themes of technology in episodes to demonstrate how damaging it can be for humanity, or how powerful social media can be. It shows how new advancements can lead to individual or global downfall, and those consequences can often be fatal. While the new season retained some of these dark qualities, it also allowed some light to poke through. Even in the bleakest episodes, some positive aspect of humanity was reflected from that infamous mirror: selflessness, courage and love. Many of the themes went hand-in-hand beautifully with this show’s normal order of chaos and terror.


Each story was different, whether it highlighted the horrors behind seemingly innocent fantasies, or the fine line between parental protection and overprotection. It showed how good can triumph over evil, how freedom is important for children or how far human kindness can go. These bits of light enrich the season. After all, there is no point in watching if it all predictably ends in tragedy and madness. The acting and pacing of these episodes were superb. All of the cast members, especially Jesse Plemons, Cristin Milioti and Letita Wright put their all into their performances. No twist was predictable and no shift felt odd because the actors sold each new direction with conviction. The pace never felt too rushed or slow. Everything we saw on screen was vital to each episode’s plot. You are never left to

wonder what happened to this character or that thing or whether a loose end changes anything. Even the small bits and pieces that are left behind feel more like winks to the audience, as a way of letting our imagination run wild rather than a plot hole. With an all-star cast and clear direction, each little universe was created with precision and imagination. The cinematography and musical score for the new season worked alongside each episode with diligence and vigor. Each scene was laid out with amazing attention to detail. Each shot contained all we needed to know about a character, or all we needed to see to understand where a scene was headed. The cinematography utilized cramped quarters for difficult truths, dark lighting for sinister activities and quick shots that stay in your mind until they are explained. The scenery does what it’s supposed to — it helps tell the story. The score becomes its companion, whether it amplifies car chases, soothes us alongside a set of new lovers or heightens our anxiety as a villain prepares their next move. The score keeps us in the story, trapping us in the mirror, and it makes sure we pay close attention. This season of “Black Mirror” is not only an anthology of cautionary tales, nor is it just an example of well-executed television. It is an example of how human compassion and insanity can stem from the same experience. It is a tapestry of light and darkness. Let’s hope that the bright side of humanity can help bring back some light inside that ever-shifting, everdarkening black mirror.

‘Grown-ish’ falls short of original show

This week, WTSR’s EJ Paras highlights some of the best new music that the College’s own radio station, 91.3 FM WTSR, puts into its weekly rotation.

Band Name: *Repeat Repeat Album Title: “Floral Canyon” Release Number: Debut Hailing From: East Nashville, TN Genre: Surf Rockcandy Label: Dangerbird Records *Repeat Repeat creates its own geography, dreaming up songs rooted in the spirits of both coasts. It mixes the sunny swoon of ’60s pop with a dark swirl of Warholian garage rock. The edgy guitar, pronounced drum loops, catchy hooks and the electric energy of this album truly constitute something special. Maybe some lyrics are cliché, and maybe some songs sound a bit too similar to Cage the Elephant, but all the while, it’s difficult to argue that this album doesn’t contain several hits. Must Hear: “Everybody’s Falling in Love,” “Mostly” and “Girlfriend”

Left: Zoey Johnson hits the books in ‘Grown-ish.’ Right: Yara Shahidi stars in the spinoff. By Sumayah Medlin Staff Writer

With the success of the ABC hit show “Black-ish,” a spinoff was inevitable. “Grown-ish” is one of the few spinoffs that began before its predecessor “Black-ish” ended. This shows how the entertainment industry is running out of original ideas and clinging to preexisting shows, like “Full House,” “Gilmore Girls” and “Will and Grace” for the sake of nostalgia. “Grown-ish” is reminiscent of “A Different World,” a spinoff of “The Cosby Show” that followed Denise Huxtable’s journey at a historically black college. “Grown-ish” details the experiences of Zoey Johnson, a black college student and supporting character in “Black-ish,” while “Black-ish” details the experiences of a suburban upper-middle class black family. Though both “Blackish” and “Grown-ish” appear on separate networks, have different casts and have different settings that determine each show’s plot,

the two shows have the same general premise. In “Black-ish,” the main character helps the viewer see what it means and feels to be black in society, while in “Grown-ish,” the main character is helping the viewer understand what it’s like to be a college student in the 21st century. Andre Johnson grew up struggling financially on “Black-ish” and still tries to emphasize the importance of hard work and gratitude, even though Andre and his wife both end up with well-paying jobs. His kids, including Zoey, had a different upbringing. Zoey grew up spoiled, so when she goes to college and is away from home for the first time, she discovers that she won’t get everything she wants, and that being 18 years old doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s grown up. So far, “Grown-ish” has all the factors to be successful. I fully intended to enjoy “Grown-ish” as a fan of “Black-ish,” but I only enjoyed the show at certain moments. The show just doesn’t click that

well for me. While I love Yara Shahidi, who played Zoey on “Black-ish,” I realize now that she’s not that great of an actress without the “Black-ish” cast performing alongside her. Many tweeted that Zoey isn’t sorely missed on “Black-ish” now that she is away at college. “Grown-ish” will still most likely gain the support of many “Black-ish” fans, even though it moved to Freeform. It will win over the young adult watchers on Freeform who enjoyed similar shows like “Pretty Little Liars,” “The Bold Type” and “The Fosters.” It will also attract people who want to see more diverse protagonists on television shows. Shahidi is black and Iranian. There are other black and Latina actors, and the characters are also diverse in their personalities and sexualities, but I fear that the show prioritized diversity over acting ability when casting. Most of the actors are inexperienced, or just haven’t yet gained recognition for past roles. The most captivating


performance was from Luka Sabbat, and he hasn’t even acted before. The script doesn’t enhance the show either. Dialogue between high school and college-aged kids is difficult to make sound natural, and “Grown-ish” does an awkward, unconvincing job. Some of the slang sounds like it was taken from Urban Dictionary rather than from actual college students. While the show is relatable to a certain extent, it reminds me of a cheesy ’90s show, and that doesn’t work in 2018. While the narration in “Black-ish” is funny, Yara’s monotone narration on “Grownish” comes off as preachy. The one thing I do appreciate about “Grown-ish” is how the story handles conflict. Issues tend to last more than one episode, such as Zoey’s introduction to Adderall. “Grown-ish” is good, but not great. Zoey doesn’t have the same charisma that her father has, and the acting and script are questionable, but as others have pointed out, only a few episodes have aired. Maybe over time, the show will improve.

Name: Liam Gallagher Album Title: “As You Were” Release Number: Debut Solo LP Hailing From: Manchester, UK Genre: Alternative Rock / Britpop Label: Warner Bros. The volatile former lead singer of Oasis and Beady Eye is back with his debut album. This album is like a throwback of a throwback. The lens of the album is from the perspective of a ’90s icon who was (and still is) obsessed with the melodies of the ’60s. The years haven’t worn down Liam’s ability to craft catchy choruses. The songs are layered with numerous instruments and Liam’s voice is controlled. With positive acclaim nearly across the board from Allmusic to NME, I recommend taking a stab at Liam Gallagher’s album. Must Hear: “Wall of Glass,” “Chinatown” and “For What It’s Worth”

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 15

Sports Swimming and Diving

Men’s head coach takes one last lap at home By Miguel Gonzalez Sports Editor

Parents and friends gathered to see the seniors at home for one last time at the TCNJ Aquatic Center on Saturday, Jan. 27, competing in their last home meet of the season against conference opponent Rowan University. The meet was a special occasion this year for head coach Brian Bishop, as he plans to retire after this season. To honor his work during 29 seasons, prestigious accolades and NCAA national championship teams he has coached, the audience gave Bishop a standing ovation. Bishop recounts how many people he has influenced during his coaching career. “It was very moving and I had a wide range of emotions,” Bishop said. “What stuck with me the most was that it was the biggest crowd we have ever had at a meet. In addition to the fans, family, students and friends, there were over 100 alumni in attendance and it reinforces to me that the program and perhaps in some small way that I had a positive influence on their lives.” Despite a hard-fought effort, both the men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams lost to Rowan University with scores of 167.5-132.5 and 220-77.

The men’s team was pitted against a challenging Rowan squad, who is currently undefeated in the New Jersey Athletic Conference. The team needed one more win to clinch the conference championship. Freshman Andrew Thompson led the team in victories. He took first in the 200-backstroke with a time of 1:56.26. At the 100-butterfly, Thompson swept the opposition in less than a minute and clocked in at 51.67. He then won the 200-individual medley with a time of 1:58. Junior Alex Skoog also stood out. Skoog swam his way to first in the 100-backstroke with a time of 51.96. He then won the 100-freestyle in less than 50 seconds, clocking in at 47.24. Skoog nearly finished first at the 50-freestyle as well, losing by only .19 seconds for second place with a time of 21.85. Meanwhile, junior Sam Maquet outlasted Rowan in the 200-butterfly, edging out his opponent for a first place finish by only one millisecond with a time of 1:54.26. Sophomore Harrison Yi was also the runner up at the 200- and 500-freestyle events. The seniors went all in for their last meet at home. Senior Logan Barnes took second place in the 200-breaststroke with a time of 2:13.18. Fellow seniors

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Bishop has coached the men’s swimming and diving team for 29 seasons. Phil Binaco and Chris O’Sullivan helped the Lions secure second place in the 200-medley relay, clocking in at 1:36.22. Bishop appreciates all the contributions of the senior class and their impact on the team. “The members of our senior class have developed as outstanding athletes during their four years, but more importantly, they have developed as outstanding leaders and even better young men,” Bishop said. “Their leadership both in and out of the pool has been extraordinary. All four have bright futures ahead of them and will continue to make TCNJ

swimming proud.” Despite the conference loss to Rowan, Bishop looks forward to coaching the team to a successful postseason. “Our plan has not changed even with a tough loss to a very good team,” Bishop said. “Our focus against William Paterson will be as a final prep before the Conference Championships and NCAA Championships.” The women’s team had a tough meet against Rowan. Senior Marta Lawler took second in the 200-breaststroke with a recorded time of 2:30:31. In her next event, the 200-individual medley, she

claimed fourth place with a time of 2:21.13. Fellow senior Jillian Galindo was not far behind, taking third in the same event with a time of 2:18.99. At the 200-medley relay, seniors Cassidy Bergeron and Debbie Meskin led the team to a fifth place finish with a time of 1:58.10. Senior Hannah Raymond claimed the team’s only win in the meet at the 1-meter event and scored 271.65 points. The Lions will be on the road when they travel to William Paterson University for their last conference meet of the season on Saturday, Feb. 3.

Track and Field

Lions stay afloat in sea of Division I competition By Malcolm Luck Sports Editor

The women’s track and field team competed in the John Thomas Terrier Classic at Boston University on Friday, Jan. 26. The team’s impressive showing was highlighted by sophomore Samantha Gorman and junior Kathleen Jaeger, who both set New Jersey Athletic Conference season records in their respective events. Gorman competed in the 400-meter event, placing 24th out of 88 competitors with a time of 57.81. In the same event, senior Jenna Ellenbacher, freshmen Shannon Lambert and Dana DeLuca and senior Meagan McGourty also finished with respective times of 59.64, 59.82, 1:00.25 and 1:00.73. With this performance, these five athletes now hold the top NJAC marks in the 400-meter event for the season. Jaeger also set a new NJAC record at the 800-meter event with a time of 2:15.47. Jaeger’s mark broke sophomore Katie La Capria’s record set on Jan. 19 at the New York City Gotham Cup. Although the Lions have been battling top-tier competition all season, head coach Justin Lindsey encourages the challenge for his squads. “Both teams compete against DI and DII schools often throughout the season,” Lindsey said. “We make a point to schedule many meets with this level of competition because it enhances our teams readiness for

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Osterhus places 27th out of 106 in the 800-meter event. postseason competition. Also, many of our athletes can compete at DI or DII schools so we make sure they get the chance to compete against those divisions to show how successful they can be against them. We prepare the same way for all competition.” Only two runners from the men’s track and field team competed in the John Thomas Terrier Classic. In a deep field of competition, even Division I schools couldn’t muffle the noise made by juniors Noah Osterhus and Jack Wood.

In the 800-meter event, Osterhus set the mark for the College, placing 27th out of 106 with a time of 1:54.41. Wood finished in the middle of the pack with a time of 1:56.45, good for 53rd. With their performances, Osterhus and Wood respectively recorded the third and fourth fastest 800-meter times recorded in the NJAC this season. The next day, both the men and women’s teams competed in the John Covert Classic at Lehigh University. Freshmen Alex Carideo

and Pelle Nogueira, along with junior Brian Mitchell, dazzled in the 3000-meter event. In a slate with 41 competitors, Carideo, Mitchell and Nogueira finished in ninth, 10th and 11th place with times of 9:20.08, 9:20.42 and 9:27.66, respectively. Junior Nathan Osterhus contributed with the 400-meter event, finishing at 12th place with a time of 53.20. Sophomore Tyler Andriopoulos was close behind, finishing the race in 53.69. The women’s team, almost entirely represented by freshmen, competed like seasoned seniors. Freshmen Jada Grisson and Rachel Lanzalotti ran for the College in the 60-meter dash, finishing in 8.27 and 8.37 respectively and earning them the 13th and 17th places in a slate of 49 competitors. In the 800-meter event, freshmen Emily Hirsch, Emily Forester and Katelyn Morgan stuck together in a congested lineup of 46 competitors, recorded times of 2:32.39, 2:36.24 and 2:36.27 and won 18th, 22nd and 23rd places respectively. Freshman Jill Neggia was close behind, placing 33rd with her time of 2:40.61. At the high jump, freshman Tamika Voltaire leapt her way to seventh place in a field of 17 competitors with a mark of 1.55 meters. After a season of traveling, both the men and women’s teams return to action in Lawrenceville, New Jersey to take on Rider University on Friday, Feb. 2.

page 16 The Signal January 31, 2018 Women’s Basketball

Lions dismantle Gothic Knights, 95-32 By Miguel Gonzalez Sports Editor The women’s basketball team found themselves at both ends of the scoreboard this week. The Lions were outmatched at Stockton University, losing 68-45, on Jan. 24. The team then dismantled New Jersey City University on the road by a score of 9532 on Saturday, Jan. 27. Heading to Galloway, New Jersey, the Lions got into a back-and-forth battle against Stockton. Senior guard Charlotte Schum scored the team’s first basket when

she grabbed a rebound and scored a layup. Stockton responded with two back-to-back free throw completions to tie the score. Both teams then spent the first quarter trading buckets. In the ninth minute, sophomore forward Jen Byrne drained a jumper to put the Lions behind one point, 16-15. As the first quarter ended, Stockton freshman guard Hailee Porricelli scored a deep three-pointer to protect Stockton’s lead. In the second quarter, the Lions couldn’t handle Stockton’s solid defense. Consequently, Stockton’s offense flourished

Wood contributes six points in the Lions’ rout of New Jersey City University.

and trampled the Lions to a 30-16 deficit by minute 15. Junior Nicole Shatsky attempted to spark a rally when she drained a three-pointer in the next play. Stockton then overwhelmed the Lions when they scored seven points from the free throw line, followed by several layups and mid-range jumpers. With the Lions in a deep 41-22 deficit at halftime, Stockton took full control of the match and eventually defeated the Lions, 68-45. Head coach Chessie Jackson says the team is working hard to calibrate the offense and beat defensive opponents like Stockton.

Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

“Stockton is a talented and athletic team with great size,” Jackson said. “They’ve got great size and rebound the ball well. Our team has been getting good looks against tough defensive teams, so it’s a matter of mentally preparing to be scorers in other ways. Attack the rim more, grab (offensive) boards, more post touches. We are adapting while also working hard to improve our shooting percentage.” After the tough loss, the Lions returned to Packer Hall on Saturday, Jan. 27 and smashed NJCU. The second the clock started, the Lions offense was nothing but dominant. The team jumped to a 21-0 lead before NJCU scored its first point in the first quarter. Junior guard Kate O’Leary scored the Lions first points off a threepointer in the first minute. Freshman Shannon Devitt then scored two consecutive layups. From there, the Lions offense took over and handily defeated NJCU by more than 60 points, 95-32. During the game, Byrne led the Lions offense with 23 points followed by Devitt, adding 18 of her own. Although the Lions went all-out on offense, Jackson is focused on improving defense and consistency. “We are aiming to become more consistent defenders through 40 minutes of play,” Jackson said. “As well as improve our shooting percentage. We have performed well in a number of statistical categories this season, but consistency is key in order to remain competitive down the stretch.” Women’s basketball heads north to Mahwah, New Jersey for a conference match against Ramapo College on Saturday, Feb. 3.

Men’s Basketball

Dream / Senior places value on consistency

Guard hopes to attend law school after graduation continued from page 20

“Playing in high school developed the love I have for the game. Sports is a way of life for my family and that was what defined me in high school. To be able to play basketball in high school taught me how to handle the ups and downs. Whether it be a great game or a disappointing performance , I was always able to bounce back.”

“My favorite thing about Lance is without a doubt his no questions asked, do whatever it takes attitude,” said Goldsmith, the head coach of the College’s men’s basketball team. “Lance has never played as much as he wanted to throughout his basketball career at TCNJ, but he has never let that affect his work ethic and his approach to practice. He puts in extra work every single

day and has been a great example of what it takes to win for our younger players.” Whether or not Taylor is on the court, he knows everything he has learned will help him have a successful career after graduating. “Playing college basketball has also shown me the value of consistency,” Taylor said. “There are days when I don’t want to go lift, or I’d rather not go get shots up, but in the end that lift or that hour of shooting will keep me sharp

when things actually matter.” Taylor hopes to one day follow in his mother’s footsteps and attend law school. While he acknowledges that he will face obstacles along the way, Taylor is determined to persevere. “Similar to high school, being a college basketball player means you will face a ton of adversity,” Taylor said. “Facing that adversity has allowed me to stay mentally tough and given me the stability to get through hard times.”

-Lance Taylor

Senior guard of men’s basketball team Photo courtesy of the Sports Information Desk

Taylor (first row, third from right) is considered one of the team’s leaders.

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 17

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page 18 The Signal January 31, 2018



Malcolm Luck “The Ref”

Matthew Baginski ATD Correspondent

Philip D’Armiento ATD Correspondent

Miguel Gonzalez Sports Editor

In this week’s edition of Around the Dorm, “Ref” Malcolm Luck asked our panel of three experts — Matthew Baginski, Philip D’Armiento and Miguel Gonzalez — three questions: 1. Will Team USA medal in men’s hockey at this year’s Winter Olympics? 2. Can Pat Shurmur lead the New York Giants to a winning record next season? 3. Has head coach Tyronn Lue lost control of the Cleveland Cavaliers?

1. Will Team USA medal in a bronze medal game and posmen’s hockey at this year’s sibly higher. It is tough to tell, Winter Olympics? since most of the talent is not Matthew: No, I do not believe proven yet and don’t play at the that the U.S. hockey team has the highest level. I think Team USA talent to compete with Canada, has a lot of good talent comRussia, Sweden and Finland in ing in, especially as we saw in the 2018 Winter Olympics. The the Junior Olympics up in BufNational Hockey League has falo, New York. It is going to be banned its players from entervery competitive and interesting the Olympics to prevent ining to see the up and coming jury, leaving the roster filled with stars compete and good to see players that did not compete well young talent coming in. I do not enough to play in the NHL. I do want to get on the argument of not think that former college athNHL players playing since they letes and abroad American playshould be representing their ers have what it takes to defeat countries. Besides that, I do AP Photo these hardened professionals think Team USA will be surprisfrom Europe and other parts of this year at the Olympic games, medal since they mainly will be in the Olympics this year, it ing and dominant in the OlymNorth America. since NHL teams are not allow- competing with Canada, who will give the U.S. a much better pics and bring home a medal. Philip: It is hard to say whether ing their players to compete in also has a lot of great young tal- chance of reaching the podium. Miguel: USA! USA! USA! USA! Team USA will be able to medal them. I believe Team USA can ent. Since Russia is not allowed I believe they are guaranteed USA! USA! Matthew gets 3 points for acknowledging Team USA’s inexperience. Philip gets 2 points for mentioning Russia’s Olympic ban. Miguel gets 1 point for his short response. 2. Can Pat Shurmur lead the New York Giants to a winning record next season? Matthew: Shurmur has a decent record behind him. As the offensive coordinator for the St. Louis Rams in 2010, he turned the team from 1-15 to 7-9, a massive turnaround. Since then, he worked with Chip Kelly and the Eagles as their offensive coordinator and led one of the most efficient and impressive offenses of the year with Nick Foles at quarterback. Since then Shurmur has been quiet. His only other head coaching gig was with the Cleveland Browns in 2011. It was not an enviable position by any means and he was fired at the end of the season. I believe that Shurmur can turn this Giants team around and with Odell Beckham Jr. on his way back from a season ending injury early last season, the Giants are once again a team that cannot simply be overlooked. However, the locker room has been near chaotic with player squabbles and media rumors. Eli Manning is at the end of his rope and the defense is not good enough to compete with Philadelphia or Dallas. I think Shurmur gets them to 7-9 or possibly 8-8 but I don’t think he can get them farther than that. Philip: I think Shurmur can lead the Giants to a winning record next season because he is coming into a

program that has a lot of talent, but destroyed with injuries this season. I believe Manning still has some left in the tank, especially with all the weapons coming back to the team. The thing people seem to forget, is that the Giants were in the playoffs just last season with a lot of the same weapons that they have now. I think Shurmur can take this team and make them even better. Former head coach Ben McAdoo had trouble motivating the team and keeping them under control. I believe Shurmur will come in with a much better, hard working attitude that Giants fans are looking for, similar to what Zimmer has done for the Minnesota Vikings. Shurmur can easily bring this team to the playoffs as long as he changes the culture and makes sure the players are behind him. Now, they all must earn their spot, no matter how popular they are in the organization. He is taking over a team with a lot of talent and potential for success. As long as Shurmur puts the right culture into this team, they will no doubt be a playoff team next year. Miguel: I just hope Shurmur can get a hold of Odell Beckham Jr. and Eli Apple. The Giants need to invest more in draft picks and new talent to transition after Eli Manning eventually retires. As long as Shurmur doesn’t insist on

AP Photo

looking at the tape at press conferences, I think he can get the Giants back on track.

Matthew gets 3 points for dissecting Shurmur’s coaching history. Philip gets 2 points for alluding to the Giants’ playoff team. Miguel gets 1 point for mentioning key players.

AP Photo

3. Has head coach Tyronn Lue lost control of the Cleveland Cavaliers? Matthew: The Cavaliers once again find themselves struggling, only this time their defense is the worst its been in a long time. Players are also consistently in the media for all the wrong reasons. While getting blown out by one of their Eastern Conference rivals, the Toronto Raptors, LeBron James was visibly irate on the sidelines, yelling at players and coaches. He seems to be the de facto general of this Cavalier’s

team. Combined with player-only meetings and rumblings in the locker room of players like Isaiah Thomas being selfish with the ball have led me to believe that there is a drastic lack of order and discipline on this Cavaliers team. LeBron has made it quite apparent through social media that he is heavily considering making the move to the Los Angeles Lakers next season. As Thomas and Kevin Love under-perform in their respective roles, this Cavaliers team under Tyronn Lue is certainly in more trouble than

Philip gets 3 points for elaborating on Lue’s lack of adaptability. Matthew gets 2 points for dissecting the failing Cavaliers. Miguel gets 1 point for his play on words.

they have been in the past. Philip: I believe Tyronn Lue has lost complete control of the team. After taking over the team from former head coach David Blatt, he was put in the driver seat of a great team with a good vibe around it. I believe they are beginning to lose it because they do not know how to play with each other and Lue is unsure how to adapt to the different team. It is hard to get them motivated during January games when they know they will make the playoffs. Since Kyrie Irving left, this season has been the first test for Lue to truly show how good of a coach he is. Currently, he is showing he has no response when it comes to adversity within a team. A coach is supposed to be in charge of changing the team

and making adjustments when it is not working, but it is clear that Lue has no control and cannot change the team atmosphere because whatever he does is not working. I believe that once meaningful games come closer to the playoffs, the team will turn it on again. With LeBron on your team, it is easy to turn a switch on because he is the best player in the world and I believe their team will eventually come together. Miguel: Yeah, without a doubt. LeBron is leading a sinking ship right now. The Cavaliers are the epitome of big egos and selfish players. Kevin Love isn’t feeling the love anymore. Isaiah Thomas has not performed well. Lue ain’t got a clue what he’s doing.

Winner’s Circle Matthew Tom wins wins ATDATD 9-5-48-7-3

“You miss 100% of the shots “Don’t youput don’t your take”Faccus dick in therepe shark tank

if you don’t want to catch a few fish.”

January 31, 2018 The Signal page 19

fun stuff

You’re gonna have to use your brain to get through this brain!!!



Lions sweep opponents at Metro/New England Duals

Schinder wins his 197-pound bout, 3-1, contributing to the Lions’ win. By Maximillian C. Burgos Staff Writer

The wrestling team continued its strong performance this past week, beating No. 20 Roger Williams University, according to InterMat Wrestling, for the second time at the Metro/New England Duals on Saturday, Jan. 28. On Friday, Jan. 26, the Lions traveled to Massachusetts and dominated Springfield College, winning 27-9. Lions got off to a fast start, emerging

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victorious in their first three bouts against Springfield. Sophomore Dan Ortega got things started for the Lions, winning his bout, 8-2, at the 125-pound bracket. Senior James Goldschmidt continued the Lions’ momentum and won his bout, 6-2, at the 133-pound bracket. Freshman Robert Dinger helped push the Lions lead out to 10-0 with a major decision victory at 141. After giving up a decision at 149, the Lions picked up where they left off, prevailing in five of the next six bouts to win the meet.

Freshman Dominic Fano kept his opponent scoreless at 157, winning the match, 4-0. Junior JT Beirne narrowly won his match, 5-4, in the 165-pound bracket, pushing the Lions lead to 16-3. The Lions continued to rout Springfield after sophomore Dan Kilroy dismantled his opponent, winning by a technical fall at 174, solidifying the Lions’ lead. Freshman Thomas Anderson furthered the team’s success by winning his bout, 7-0, in the 184-bracket. Senior Pat Schinder also won the 197-pound bout,

3-1, contributing to the Lions’ overall score. Ultimately, the Lions won 27-9, winning eight of the 10 bouts. On Saturday, Jan. 27, the Lions started off the day by defeating nationally ranked No. 20 Roger Williams University, 19-12. The match was close, but the Lions started off on the right foot, winning the first three bouts of the match. Ortega won his bout 10-5, earning the Lions’ first three points. Goldschmidt continued the momentum winning his bout 6-0 and getting the Lions another three points. Dinger won his bout by major decision, pushing the Lions team score to 10-0. Roger Williams then won decisions at the 149, 157 and 165-pound bouts, bringing the score to 10-9. Kilroy won by decision, adding to the Lions’ lead. Anderson also won at 184 to add some more breathing room for the Lions. Senior Kyle Cocozza won his heavyweight bout, 7-0, winning the match for the team. The Lions went on to prevail in their next two matches of the afternoon. They beat Williams College by 35-6 and won eight of 10 bouts. They also held Bridgewater State University scoreless, triumphing with a score of 47-0. Against Bridgewater State, Fano scored a technical fall while Kilroy, Schinder and Cocozza all pinned their opponents. Kilroy and Anderson both went undefeated, winning all three of their matches. Cocozza, Schinder, Goldschmidt and Dinger all went 2-0. With their performance, the Lions climbed to No. 19 in the country, according to InterMat Wrestling. The Lions improved to 13-4 for the season.

Player’s long journey to Packer Hall starts at age five By Chris Mellusi Staff Writer During his freshman year at the College, Lance Taylor dreamt about stepping on the court of Packer Hall. With hard work and dedication, he made his dream into reality. Taylor, a senior interdisciplinary business major, has been on the College’s men’s basketball team since his sophomore year — but his love for the sport started when he was just 5 years old. He learned the basics of the game, such as dribbling and layups, at The Boys and Girls Club of Newark. As he grew older, he and his family moved to Marlton, New Jersey, a town in Burlington County with a population just over 10,000. As he continued to play and practice in middle school, his skills began to develop further. “I began playing in rec leagues when I was in sixth grade,” Taylor said. “This is when I started to take basketball more seriously because I knew I wanted to play in high school.” In 2010, Taylor tried out for the boy’s freshman team while attending Cherokee High School.

Lions Lineup January 31, 2018

I n s i d e

Tryouts lasted three days, and the 14-year-old kid who began his basketball career in Newark was on a mission to succeed. Once the tryout finished, Taylor was thrilled to see his name on the bulletin board outside the locker room. He had made the team. Matthew Curry, a senior economics major who grew up with Taylor, knew he would make the high school team with ease. “I remember calming him down and telling him that he had nothing to worry about,” Curry said. “Between his passion for basketball and his skill set, it was obvious he was going to make the team.” During Taylor’s freshman year, he played in more than half of the games. In the next two years, he started for the junior varsity team, where he gained most of his experience. In his final season, he was as a shooter for the Chiefs varsity team. It was in that gym that basketball truly became a part of Taylor’s life. “Playing in high school developed the love I have for the game,” Taylor said. “Sports is a way of life for my family and that was what defined me in high school. To be able to play basketball in high

Track and Field page 15

school taught me how to handle the ups and downs. Whether it be a great game or a disappointing performance, I was always able to bounce back.” Taylor wasn’t recruited to play after high school, but knew he wanted to attend the College and try out for the team as a freshman. Nicholas Latorre, a senior finance major, vouched for Taylor’s basketball skills after playing

against him casually. “I remember playing with him at the Rec Center a couple of times,” Latorre said. “He had some serious ball handling skills and his range from three was unlike anything I had ever seen.” Despite his skills and knowledge of the game, he didn’t make the team his freshman year. But with support from friends and family, nothing was going to stop

Taylor’s skills stem from hard work and dedication.

Swimming and Diving page 15

Women’s Basketball page 17

him from being a part of the College’s team. “That support gave me the motivation I needed to work hard in the offseason,” Taylor said. “I put myself in a place to succeed. In addition, a new coach (Matthew Goldsmith) was taking the reins, which made me feel like I was starting with a clean slate.” see DREAM page 16

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Around the Dorm page 18

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