The Topeka Daily Capital June 19, 1966

Page 1

^ Sunday Capital'Journal M hfM

• • • tl M>

Troops Seize Coffins From Buddhist Pagoda NEW YORK (AP) - Harold Howe II. the naUan's top educatioa omdal, told ichool admintstraton Saturday that achools are “almost as segregated tou they were in WT and about tlma they stopped talUng about the problem and ' doing something. Birvey ef son heard Howe. U.S. education, d that most Qf toe edus agreed with him In gentenns. They disagreed gU came to their own prob-

HUE, South Viet Nan (AP) Government tnops acted toudspeaker lyaien fran one pafoda and the eotflOi of thi«e dteldeot aoMten from another Saturday to prevnt their nae by Buddhist extremots to Incite, menti to farther violence. A treih hattalioo c marlnea moved In. tMelUoi fovcmiaent aecurity fercea to IM. And a new cammander over the

NIanfaBdii Ms Buddhist cl dlen tato Itoe. toough laM that he paraoDaOy tod toe division were kval. Abont !.m of Ms men arc now in the dty. U.8. edvtoen began retomtog to the divBtel waUed haadqnarten. Aey bad baan blodnd tor days by family tars that Bnddblats set op In the atraett. U Col. Phan Van Kboa. cMef of Thu Tlea Province and may­ or of Hoe. tnaructad tha previKa'a dtoMet diWa to totoolve

Tepekaui leend time to eafle a little Saturday, lem toaa twe weeks alter te Jeae I torwds, as they weu about te eg tDixte Uia Beebustoest ef deaaiag and rcbaOdlag. Greg wen ileR), eed Rick Baylrss. 11. UtS BeeweO, remmed debris tea te Gerald Sesmaa Boom. ttS AMod. The work at te Seaam hatne beesase

Influential Kansas Writer, 76, Dead

“While we have gone on urgig moderation, sweet ttason. od bigger and better panel dbenaatons, the wtooob have re-

Or Ability to Joke-

W. G. ctogsuo. 71. 300 Coim One Mfim who hailed EverytUagb gaae except te ewWt hamor and te' toaaia away tern te htecm roM. as te toee. patotod te ptastte ta». dailar a aayeK patatog. try aub Drive, died Satardaj Howe's speech was Rems Rob. tbu M tob beam a 3N7 W. ttch. Bto te atonawi ewuer a sir warwd penaui in a Topeka boamtal where be iBsan, msldent of the boad of education to Detr^. “It was a had been a patieot ilnce Mact speech that American cdncatiois a. He hod cancer. was waiting to hear." BoMnson He wae a veteran Kansm said. newwiipenaao and aaUnr..Hi DetrMI Sebodt Supodatendent .wu widriy known u a polWea Samuel Brownell however, correspondou and cDounenta be did net tbtok Howe's critilor in Kansas. cbms were accurate to toe case thuatmte Sob of Detrett. There are stifi problems, He once was soed imti The citW citd will not clean debris tolly tor $1 millioB foDowing bb Brownell said. “But that doeso' The we havaT been dotqg leftt by ui| ia eaposiiig toe tbi June Jon g tonnib from: anything." By KENT FREELAND thometess thomele families and working with her she was right there private property. Bernard WDCyras H. Adams, a m< Uams. city eagtoeer. said Sstur-i When a tornado roared b>- wrth vehateers to emrymg water aad shoveling of the Chieage board of« iccM the yK Mievw streets «■ ef uewB. debris. jawd wfib evervoae else" [the Sacred Heart Convent here clear tton. said Howe's speech “gave idqr. There was notoiag left to do! Throughout East aad North us a challenge and aa offer of Several persons went to CityJane I. Sister Mark ataambled but uofk-she had torndtl •veril2'k^ «*‘*»«* ^ Hall Saturday ‘ 111 Satat^ Mkiny WOUaras (mn toe baeroeat. shook Crabb operattons ef help." ha- Uvtog quarters to aaa faByaJJ “ “ te ® check, Asked how to solve tob prob­ terateb^Swty!te mS** toe broko alass AntoSalooB League. glass end and ran ran eu out to ily and an toe tood in beP^ Wt-C, CLUGSTON would " arrive He was an Influentiai with a smaD army of eeeaagara lem. Adama said: help survivors. freezer and refrigerator to,aa*“ ■■Private property’wtl! not be to K*aMs politics more aad work swiftly and silentty “Tberc-s only eon auwe years and was widely known would weak and that'a illegal - cleared with city aquipr ' “ Twelve days later, nearing other. until a jah was dene. lUered habit tni toe same tottered wnugmi utd. -nwy mu for hb beliefs to a tree prea. Sisler Mark mahilbed tha pah-of mu6c^ed man." uid Mu Browne.! toe driais or toe paribng free spcerii and the right ofte was stiU fladhtg clothes tor Freeman. '“nK day I worked (Oattaed sa Page ^ CU. 2) in toe street — and city public to know. will eveatually pick il up. but I Oupton was bom Sept. It. cant promise how v«" “ uat. *1 Lextogton, Ky., and had lived in Topeka more than SO by the Kansas Asia, years. He was grafted Irdm of Pttolie Enqdoyei. Inc., that WASHINGTON (AP) - Ibe toe law school at the Untveriity ndstakenly staled the city will Defcnae Department said Satur­ ef Kentucky where he was one etaaa privale property. Wit-1 day that te aargote gvieral of of toe founders ef toe first By JA(X COFFMAN These exceptions are toe stam. liams said. < I B> high noon Monday te sus- pede tor the GCH> nominaiiois Persons needtog help ia clear­ that there b evidence of ei- He moved from Kentucky to ! pease, what suspeOM there was. tar Congress la the 3rd Distrirt ing iheir property. WUUaits UBsive use of drugs to any of (OtebMd su Par >. OsL 7) suggested, can caO votonleer Considerable sunriune a a d„i| be over - all of te cattoe armed torpes." at East Topeka alberly breeics will help bring dktotes will be efflcially flled. wanner weather to toe Ibpefca With two gtarbg rxeepttoas. Gov. William H. Avery hu revoase to inquiries about teaOn the Sobboth | Where They Hove btotbodtst OniRb today. Next we^. he said, the Boy area today, the Weather Bu­ there b no fhrt of no real paimary chaUenge from ttmouy before congrte' •BteaU 1 ante te premtoe Moved—Poge 16 Seoul headquarters in TOpeka reau predicted. lidato DH Creebr. waging stJfi r-“ primary cMtests " r-—•— . wiU take requests tor vehatoer drug addiction and marijuana af ay Fatoer upae yen* Ufea Peak tonperalures in toe mid- (or major efficrs. (rvabiil sa Fagu 2. CM. «) Mitt HDoktaig to the anned forces. He Ha are toreesat for toejiiiiiatefiteBM Tbpekp area this afternoon. A

Owners Must Nun in Tennis Shoes PkMIp Debris Cheers Victims' Day

Storm Area Residents Report In

•Miami's Wedding of the Year OH-

County. ti 111a fanner, snckman. and Topeki -opeka bustoeasman. He a and operatn the Hereford Camper Co. at MO N. Kansas. ■ If elected. I will be a to tone martool. bd^ available It aU limes to serve the people ef Shawnee County.” he said. C«)er b a vetoraa ef toe Koraai War. and eervad In the Third Marina DtvtoteB. Be and bb wife. Bette, have twe diiltoen. Shasasa. *, and Kelly. 1 and an nMobte ef liM Preabytertoa Church.

Seamaa b reemwriBg frem a bean steefc. wUeh aecamd totev te tenada. aad Mrs. Sean b recevertog tea mrfcry. Mr. sad Mrs. Dale Seward (right) b lau week at ril «. Mik. aad by Bate^y tteto new hate ...........................

Ridin'the Fence—

In City Court

^^gler. a oattve of Shawnee

Smiles Never Lost-

Howe spoke at a cenferewy pootored jointly by the Nation1 Urban League and Cotmnbia UDtvenRy'i Teachers College. He said “toe small progress that toe South has made toward dewgregation has been oftiet ' increasing de facto aegreg a to toe dtte of the North.'' At a news eaBtorenee prior toe mcetli«. Howe said school Pert ef te IM wf a ndea b Jast waldtoM. aad mU taOm toe hauKtag aad brutea. Jhn Seteldt, m Ibpcka. ns boards and suporinter' ahava ghe dtotoe aad watehed te acCte to te erwn Sate, day a te tlto AiawBl Kaana Stoto BIgk SebaM Chaa. plenUp Radea. TV toreoday ndee esdi today tor 7J have “fooled around witfa tob Kawai caatretaau at te Tepefca Binika CMt groatei, la ids te«h. he warned that antewest af Tepeka. (Sac eterj pegc M b not toe answer. Howe coouraied: “I find my»tf pwsUng ever which b worse, honest bigotry or welltotentioned timidity.

Engter Seeks Physicians Say Marshal Post Troops on Dope Warren n, Roate •. aanunead Sahuday tha' ‘ wfi) be a RepohUcaB caa tor Mardial of tot Coart M Te-


U.S. Progress In Integration Termed Small

Saigon Moves Jo Stop Any Riots in Hue

perial capllal 40D miles north of Saltan. DMdAgtoMtKy The toted putdk address sys­ tem had been used by Buddhist aettators to ntee speeches atainst Premia- Ngnyen Cao Ky‘s admWstrattoe. The etfOn ware trucked from toe Dlaa De PaCDdi. in a move pntostad by a bb. Trl W, at taady^ebbtof. A kiyaJist aOear nkl they would be bortod. The mm. an Bide to toe bat«4trtth« Atoh Tti cMDpUtotoi to MwMw aaytog: "They were aMd that, whoi we look them tor burta! toe pe^ weald foDow tu and make a dLiuateriWrai" She laid tta tone were ahot by toyallto Mope «id that Ove otoer penoot bad been killed ^-glnce Ky'i forces moved Into the city Wednesday. Csnani By orders fron Ky. a para­ trooper. Col. N|o Queng Truong, rqdaeed Brig. Can. Phan Xoifl Nlnai ■ oemmander of toe 1st Dhrialea. Truong took ever wlft a atitomaw ‘ be wenld be extemely ha

Iwtta. Iks. imbu, im H, 1W

Groom Flees Nuptials in Plane klAMl. Fla. (AP) - Miami's weddhw of te yea bbw op Satmtey to a ciood like te one toe bride was rappoaed to walk through. The pretty. Moede blde^a. be wu oil set. her {ptosr said. but. te hrsdettoou ilfeped out of town oo a

daiqHMa of a drugstore chain owner, had been art tor te grand balkoem of te Foatatehltai Hotel Sahirlay BUM. ----------As a ttoctal feature, &isan was to have descended a pink aatreue to te altar torough a white ekMd •.

avttab betwua RansM Rlttard Ratbateto. 12. a uaverbty ef Miaul law tedmt. and Susan Grtnaid.

“taok iika

Ti wu te wedding of te pagne dumer after cocktoUs aad to have eat a atx fooMall year, both from standpoint af cake. Tha bride's fatbn- artaanments and eon.” said plaonad to send te eeupb Loo Paley. head catrnr at te Foataineblean “1 arowfi'tbe world on an wouhto't want to sav Bow cutiag te'jsRut Suaag;i father a»- much tost " ^ ed. ^ 'OrenoM .apM hli dugMer .^aadgutea/plliu. The wu bearing up “weaderfuny ~ od ga ' Id. It te't peas-. He said bTfiktat know where ReftMeto w« aad “ditoi't “The flowers and cake wifi care." Bnorts to reach Rothbe donated to Variety Qtt iteta and ha fnnily wen an­ iircn'sBospital."hesatt.

Warmer Day Suspense Near End Seen for City

te Topeka area late this afterOMe or bnlglil. but te likeiiheod appears slim, te Weather Bureau sakL Southerly winds arc expected to range from IP to 20 m p.b in te Topeka area today. Top readmg* in te vpper Tto and-kiw IPs were recorded over most of Kansu Satordsy . A Mgh temperahiTT ef II in Topeka Saturday was six dc gi«H below te norms! peak reading tor te dale. Topeka s early morning tow ot S3 wu te i lowest temperature ever record* ed on JoiK It in te tt-year hu­ rt Weather Burcan records ... iHua roeeid tow leadmg rt S3 wu ml to m\.

Sunday^+lighlights WITH INDOMITABLE anuii. SPIRIT. 1 visa insiuassAaSrA V2C..... rt te stono are mMing piau to reboUd and resume teir businesses. A toamatic stary In Midway today Mis about R. ' Tbpeka FbreeM Part} ctMdy thteuch in-

On tht inside OassWed Ada



laalgM. ngk today to iddttetts.

Detailed Weather N«»s,Ptt9»2 , i


Noon Deadline JqIiujqP RevieWS

Annual State Youth Rodeo Qoses Today


ZZ Viet Nam.Stand

By FlUNK OORMIB WASHINGTON (A?) - Pntodm JohnaoB coaled a too^ new atotamett on Vtet Nam Sat­ urday wlto a lagrtee am meat toat AdOL WOUam F. Baboni is realgntac, atito b«s> ly a year of service, as araeter of be anperaecret Central iBtelUgenea Agency. JciUMon. boldly his first an-

RapuUieaa of mditta. and , Damoerto Robert DoddH i pons ttOo bmparad by t Deasaeratie bto by fnencr state i traaairer Georgs Bvt of WIcb-

•yBBtTBINEC. •'TUt framd-* kMk k«a. lanM «B mj ntr,- uM JoM SciHBMdL U. rtwtt «. M be aiMHi «B hU )Mae «t tbe lltb ■nwal KMUe SUti Ou8ipta»»hip Hl|b SdHMl note SttBo dayiUfbL II wm SebonfeMCi fint time Ml a bvcbacfc bock«« bona, and he aUyod oo BUok Widow for (he nqulnd ci|M aectSKta. He li ooe of Iba n hlfb adn>! ai-jdeota nrepetinf at (be (hrooda; rote wttob anda (oday. NanoH at Pint "I'm ta aaoood ptaea oo far. I wta aamna at fmt, but ooea out of that ehuta jou farfat ..................f but rtdtoi tba

S. Sea.. J a a cbaH

Tba rate cootaataBU from ell om Xeaua to peie to u emta that tochide brone rUbif. caU nplai, and K.rli pole baodtof. Tha dueaD and Ibrea wtoBan from aacb of (be )• otbar cventa. to ba aamad today, win «o tbe sattoBal hl|b acbool ra te coBteat to Wetnaka. Oda. toAuguat. Brooe ("Tbafi not siy flm Bame." bo aald,.............. «btf 1 fo br") Romford, li ban AbbayviDa. atood by tba rate eairal pta. His tavorlla anot la boO rtdtaf. "When you get OB a bun's hock, you deoH aoe aoftto'- Furniture fpr Victims— yoo tat boar ■othla.' Bam "Yob Jaat ceBcaatoala oe (be bull’s bona, 'causa tbafa wbara ■ad Aaiertoui Ugtsa Vetom Topeka Satorday aad will be dlsirlbutod to teraade rkyou tet vast to bs.” bo said. to dm by toe Tepeka Ftren^ters Laeal IS aad ib aas&tory. Braoe ha baa rtdtag Bmgtog tki iBtotore here where « wu aitrad at toe Tteka be wa n yarn old. Fire Academy, 4to e^ Jcflenoa. were Ed iarato. com‘■Yeob, m had Biaader el (be Amerlcaa Lagtoa peto, DwtgU Raper, tek scrapa,” ba aald. ‘Taa Nerartei tad Keway Quintom, pea( meatoeri my pm p IB a laea, asd 1 my leg rtdii* •



DMrtet aeat tar tbe flgfat. Former Wkhlte Mayor Wil­ liam Tarrant and Coneenlla bousewtfe Mrs. Ava Anderm also are after tbe Reptodcan amuterial Domtoatioii. Damocrati fighttog tar tbe ecBatorlal « gtate Sea. Haruld Bold af Cotdwtoer. tarme ..... . J. Floyd Braadtag of RoOa nd Ldgb Warner of dmarntL Sevea gaafc Seat An avalancbe of RepubUctou IS tanned to the kd Distriet r EUiworth’a teat Tbote seek­ ing tbe GOP rntd art State Sen. George Haley, Kansas City: Ole Nesmith. Leawood; Howte Neighbor, Prairie Vil­ lage; State Rep. Wayac Aagell, Ottawa; Larry Wtan, Overiand Park; Richard Rixiier. Fairway aad State Sen. ReynoUa Sbnltx,

t te rtete Otm. be Oak ataiet aV be Snten Flahw. Rab ate to «aly to devetap to te Nerbaei Appibibbai, The (bam Ltea ragtau rad te Upper asm Comm Msatailppl VsBey- Rte Is aera br te Nob PacIBe latee, te RbcUm rad prato af CaHstsda Bad Nsfvada.

ferenee stoce last yev, alra Stated be has not yet decided whether an antynflatloo tax cut win be needed to IM i closed plans to appoint, first tone, a Nepo to the Atom­ Topeko Weother ic Energy ’ I n « SMk nwiMk Tbe tog news dBli« tlw Smtoote amsta to Jitoww's oval ogiec was hli Mceptanca “wUh wss. regrar of Rahn'i ratogna- »•WMOIri MW> «l Mr CH^II I •.»./ UOB. Ht laid te MM admfr. Uw « sar SMS w f aL who utaMgad te Polarla mmmi H wm um ssnbrnartoe program whBo aethpu duly, would bt lueeiusu KSMM aiMT 0m. u 00. at te OA brtm fy Richard deputy ‘ Tmpcrahires

Summary of Weather W

-Tywressen B.

officer to readi te tap of the natten'f eapknage-toteUifeBce

5 is .: S» is s•J W*-•u Tk':

changH to an apratag statemant read to mattor-ofte:! toaet — was taOowad by a on^^preparad statemeat on

Democrati after tbe »d Diafrlct maade art Joo Potecr.' aty. Site Marvto R^aty. mayor af Ovariaad

S Mk


H ■ S3'"

i!' ? 3


N*> Van Hwih P0m .

■1^' t »J». .



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Sat Liaa CVf . .. . S 3 Ml . as w .f> Frighfiih Acthw Ugto b words wfahto V totm said be hoped would The rest of the mtgresfiona] RKSARO munist camp h totiricu feature little primary .deptoy Johnson^; locombente U.S. Rep. Bto> Dale (tat Diatrtet), U.5. ”b toa ligbt of tot bn toU.S. WMther Rep. OMter HUe (3nd formatiOB avaUitoto to te Preatrtcl), VS. Rqi. Gamer Shriver ident. we slaeareiy feel that te 4lh District) and tf.S. R». Jo­ nattenal talerest raqoirca toat Kaiisos Weather seph Skahiti (Sto District) face # persist to our present policy. Tbat pmicy Is to bring te boar DO primary chanaoges. s? san. s ■? •II toa ground, naval and ak So far flve Damocrati have ar«a ■ a Strang required to acblen our led tar conrenteital eeaU. objoctive.'' Poizner and Rainey face a ruoofl to toa Ird DlsHcL Datao JAKARTA. Indoocaia (AP) Bm Bale has filed to toe Sto, Mrs. Lt Gen. Subatte, ladMosto’s The (hlef exeenttra bastsDod Joeepb 'Bankla of Great Bend strangman rater, baa versed te add tet fills "doai not.meaa bai ded to tba m DtaHet atri mittary rcpRsentatlvee to te that we ahaH not tocreaae ov ■ Ifa a gaod sport” I Gough W. Oavta of Wichita has coming oettica of te nattaai'B forcac, ow mlsaloBs sr our apttoad. “R'a a tot a( foa, and lltod to te Mb. highest tegiilaUve body not te you mat good paopta.” •ay a candh topple prealdat Sukarao, to- Latv, to ro^ttM to a qiMJOM Iraa, U, Norta. to win fDe to te tod DtiCrtet Hotk- .tarmed looicee reported Satur- tten, Jobnaou todtemad mStory not afraid of bar boraa. ITa toe day. actlvittes wU ^ steppad Be peopla watobbv that botlH MM Try Agate aald te PaatagoB to Iryte to her. "1 kBO* my bora,- to Congran, imder te rush contracti for mORary • tata Stthatora aald, "ba I aaar baav hm • IM eoBsttoition, te toe Ugbest hardware fids mottb so "va offteo hoUan wB IMk toetecrowd wO Ilka ay rMp* antbority to toe natioiL It moeta would get aarUe deltvertei and ttou with te aiilte tmfma TneksM SWoM leek Monday to start a sessioB that tocretse our eftafl.” ’tndmwitM will Hat unttl July S.' ftpIbiliHf Ytow turW ir'odto\ 8ha aew «a torant aiT^ Btoekahtees Johnson took a generally iqiti- IntesiM tbunderstemi drifted few fuimd clouds, the Weather > a torn fatol^ <toaae home public 1 . _ have Itod bon lor aated ^ Mrs. Bwfllgl • win face Suharto's private wimiog te mistic view of the military ilt- soubward along Kansu' vrat- Bureau reported. wftor ta itorm. They ttayed ti wiped out ^ toe tanado. third, but (bay Jat wat tn a uTtohtf tor (be primary t liUtary delegates was alined at usfiae to Viet Nam and stated Kanau Ogtaray Patrol re­ Trirata Traced 11 days. girt flnt- tba aaU roenilUag more btlpsn, nnUl "She went from tola art ■rd E. Hohlcr. HarveyvUle. tar bloektog any movea te strip Si^ "I am ccefldem that wa tel rad enteg. awwnimnIM by ported I tornado dipped down "Dad ftoally put a atop to K. (ha torts fweltod to U. (near SL Francis flosplta]) to tbe Repnblkaa nomtoatiao tar karao of his tale of president tar gita a hcDonbio peaet to Ugb wbdi. bravy bail rad a -iy batare ggib u Horace, Be tbooght It mat lad^tifca." Tbay dreva (ran borne to Garden Park, (ban to the Rip­ toa leerMaty of ftate'i offlca. life and make him a totally 1^ VM Nam.” ^ile home wu dewoyaj she said figurrtiead leader, te treu damogad betara te Wben asked If travels Otis one. armed wKb aborals, ley Park area, then to toe Democrat Gary Jones, Em irao protests, mah month to Hanot by Cansten "ADd Bo« It-a a eerdlal •ast rate ml plktotorks-and (bey wracked bomea araund GoUen porta, has filed for aecretary of funnel retmed to te clouds, an amhxna to ya aB.” a«M took ordari from Siiler Mark Road." racaOid Mrs, Raymond state. putrebitt afl. No totete andFranobofnlBHrte.te promise e tul M^ tlfies of preto^ tar the rate BBoauaer to tba as U tbelr IWai depended ob Btssl. Ill Grattan. Un. Etoel •sra fipsctad. Bn* to tent •oma m paopla attend^ tha wu prenat aararai times at elate of state offier candidates IWB to ballm Norlb Vto lution I rote Sabgdp j^t. toe Sacred Heart School wbea Monday montag. NlamltebowItegtoMgatl RJaea Early Suharto's varatag on eongraaCMMta Ckuated ate, JobMi rapttod; "Sbe would gel (9 at five ar Sister Mark brougto famlliea to stenal acUOn agatoat Sukarao, TbtefeaiiteBBBBw lbs grand aafry bagaa. The X to toa mocBtog to aort to fit toen vtih dototi«. who still ratatoi vU ---- to BtaMra Oawb. Tie II qoaia candldalei vara totra- doto« tar tbe (amUet she had Mrs. Anna HimL 3M Ltow. (Csmbrad Fnra PVi 1) Wraite Hmra ivctad tanr doeed to tba eUpptag crowd found tbe day before.” said Sla­ remembers that the nun anc Iters several of popntortty. appirattly to Bra tocte to tel ra te Erect yooDg wanm raced ter Paul Joseph of SL FTaacIs W crew spent half a day sift­ srb«n art aquared off against from a deatra to avted stkrrtog Warren, Ark., where be w« arauad the arsu. veitarn HospUal. "And aho would at^r ing through the wreckage of bm each otbv to new dWrkta. up Sukarao supportert toreugbeditor of te nawipK. te teted ttlftad tea rara t b r e e (eraienr oot tbe country and pvttcnlarty ckrtbaa pariAtv to On out Hd weak imtil It wai too borne to ftad a pocket boA Many prlmvy batea are In central aad rast Java, ^-..pramte Domaerasten. Be tatot sBMMUbto’tegBte eonlabdnt 1 . . II quarteri and boTMa* tailia bla centered to dttos also where dark to toa." moved to Cassvffia. Mo., where tefl stem ragod a teir to •tralgbt out to toa wtito. hm doubled. Only home ares. be esiablsbad be Barry Co«b- Ibtaehto iliiMlB to te Big Slater Mark stayed st tba St. UuBl-s life SBvtagi. They f HttwyMajwtty leglstottra districts caver The BBneunear ezpUtoed that PrsDcts convent eftcr cbe tbe quartets and went on to ty Gramto. When ha aald tet Bew eraumily te otelderohelp e neighbor. re than one county and toere- MiUtaty men aad toeir ba^- ■Tuttai&vm^tetota hie erra damage vn rvtottd. toe beat cowboy aito covgtrl of tare me to toe oRlee of Mere- rs make up a Imge toara of Utee at fitto potot to the poUtl Ratoted at Bto Bow tatted LTI OecsteCetBm the rate will aacb raeaiaa a le more torn m delegates to mebtt te all of it taB to an fro^y aad a lUO aebolarablp. Another lime. Sitter Mark tary of nte. Tbe rest file with toe callib of a ------- ’ TtqMka Stab Jouraal. eeagren. county officis A 1100 icbolartop vU p tba was arrlvtog wito foot powder Fmilx moBbs, be served to hour, tbe Waatber Baraiu Sdiarte beads a mattaiy-clpueen and a fill auttt of she had bought for a disaster w tamuret departmem of te Rtera'si viilan gitRip that forced Sukarao clothas (or tba aalkmal eootoat victim whcB/ta gu mala txlast March te reltoqulab many a npriaa, bough tere have tew aty Star, tel Tha winner of aacb eeaot irin ploded and-^krted a fire in bis of his powers to IL Suharto bea persistent reports m an to te Ihpeka State . ateeiala reponte ' get a belt buckle. home. Tbort were no phooea. wu sworn to Satmday u a happtoees vttoto toe OA ahow bacoou Itflslattvf rcporttr and Hail te heavy ato ton-wra so the nun directed one of her "And te't torgaL" said tba member of te eongrea. appar- te aDeced toadeguactoi af fin dty editor. ■triad u mtei earth of charges to drive her to a ^M»e. tmtouBcer. "tba Batleaal la m, he became Ks entiy taking te aeat bte by retlnd Navy m Spring to WtobccCteiv. T( CM *• <*M "My teiuit shoes petitieal wdttof tar tbe Ka Gen. Achmad Yanl. te army By tupping be : Vftotur Banna mi. ,i = ?yt5u”“ chief killed by Commonlsts last to betwoee word about a new aty Pom. late te Jovwl1 totalled L4 totei te SbaBDon Betrtrfc, II. El Dora­ Jake Miller. TI. Atwood, died letigbed. "We must heve been October to ra aaaaecoirtJ coup statant secretary of te froaa Pert, aad held the feotthB BMbbtote has wvmd tha Ibyran.lbwra.ra BDCSARESr. RasnanU (AP) do. (ba IMi Kansas rate puawi; attempt. The tailura of tbe cmq> yteanewtebwF^te quite a sight. tar te rode out of (ha arena. marked te Mart of a gradual But she didn't go back to toe - Communist Chinese Premier tea of power and toflMKe by tar OR. EttOe veat to Tttene vbm "A boraa, aad rtdar an equal. toat OiDu telal appatwUy has Sukarno, and a turning away befroy an tigtfBLsii to pain eaate to UM. R'a coinpMe eoaparatta. m toon a mOt south of Atweol ' to itoa from placed Ufflsalf OB tbe Me af te tram his policy of increait ' -verte matter ngbfiy. bee* nding all my life, ud Bob Betoell. Rjtwttos C o u n t y Ctoertw wrote arttote te |bK htole to ban wgs, the Rad Chinese army to Peking's cioK ties with Red Chtnaenjoy It," sbe aaid. Some otMrTcrs wow eertabi many ef te astion'i leiteg Watoher Burera saM sherllt, reporud. current power play, gtvttg evlLarge Fwty Bran though hir moUiar saj Bctoeit explained Miller wes to review the matter as r» ----- ixtoef MS Mwipnieis. to)g Menken's American It’s notr--r'-. proper,— she Ukec to ------- r•— thrown out of the truck and Ihd As lor the muddy shoes, tbe derwe lor the first time that be Until the attempted coup, In- Oeettag Johnson’s first majoi doocsia's Communist par^ was ——----- totnra Mercoy, New Yevk Ttmea and Bojf Cuts Upper Am I toe hard fieen bmwback. "Itf danger-1^^ overturaed on Miller who admits that she look tone the third largest to te world, Times Magutoe. te Natton, Doutef Funte.S.fratoOuB hierarchy. SiLT* “ ^ was aloiw in toe vWucle enough to “slosh around to after those in the Soviet Unto Bailimare Sun. The Pitermforce,” sbe said. " Waateraers bare took tbe dlsTo ba namtoatod aa the Oral aive, puddle” te wash them. Plato Tab MagtobM, Km>» Skawt Yaarty closuret Cboa made to a bmeb- and China. been ecbetoilcd (toe dttagate to tbe congress -Negro mnbar of te ABC. tac tu Magastoe and Haldoai hb right vper arm ra a ptoc* And borae ridtog Is bm Ufa. straight stretch of highway I for toe beadqnar- aon speech made public Satu^ said toe laaiiai would mnceiv. a ta«>^aar term. Is Or. Samuel Julios Mocibly and Qurtely. to glan Satvday. offietokat fiw attends mors than 30 horse when tbe driver lost coelrel, day u a rare tosiglil tote what frato OB te eecBptoto eradka- Mgtou Nabrit, teraoto-VaU HOSPITAL Amsug gaaki tews a year. te gutag on babtod tbe Bamboo MU-Vaa Hoopltal reas Swbere 1 Betoell said. .Mika TeapeBBy, 17. Route 9. Leinwettor Funeral Rome at day after tbe atpra and atkad Curtain., Qnu made tbe madt loB. Hk brobm, Jamco. is prat, Os books inchutod "Raacak Topte. stood behind tbe cattle Atwood It in charge of arrange- permtqsion to stay to toe rav­ Friday. Ident a( Howvd Omvanity to Domoeracy," “i__ ehutee. getting randy hr the meott. bera. Ba was ehoea to raeceed Omtart,” -Poaucs to Era. aged area tar anotber week. •aa.” "Inalde State Gram-, Mrt.llaryLBtetog. Tbe adtoeai appaatkd to nCwridit Uara (/se Leftovers "You bera to bara a bnka taM ht wID ratovotot mraL” "Baateowar te Pradw« ae appalled at what fuM Wcslera speenlattaa that ha gmttog of powar to horse. When you cone out of GmU F. Tape to a fiVo^ dent." -Facts About Azkaisin da wib bad happened that te laid abe Is marked far oostor and ihto Tbera If BHIe tetot su." and “Facts You r » Is on hit Pektog adTtnwtoa may tna pern wdl do 10. tha detente MraauteABC ^Eteeltteaamtetar Know About Kaans.” b letog e call ttkea toe horse holdbte abaenee from boM to topple said. cold; mtoce b te nrra ra TbaPrtetoata tog and toe rtdar frytag to legto; (bee te aervo to giray Bat SMer Mark did tow waab- ‘Im. StteraowBaMr toe dealgnatte el a amr ehato called Thpeka TaMeao. down or flank-dewn the «alf.” a«*t plea; grtad it tar ctotog Satorday and laft. after -Cbou looks very stroog (base fresa after the new congreoriee- iram.for tbe Febnl Ctemte- cotamn Ctaptoo wu a aranber ef tskii................................. mg her firat look at the dam- davs.” e Western al leaders ere aetected. be Saeiely of Celoatal Wars. catknQ agf ui West Topako. { fn the speech, te •ytaroM Roal R. Hyde. A ktehne FCC Kratacky Stale Bar Assa.. toCityOfficktl Attends manter. Byda wlU be reap- toraatloBBl Hark Twain Socie­ "I've ralsod IV bene fram It was bright and tmy out mtmisi acdvltier to China ty. Ete Lodge. Jayhawker Oub I colt, aooe be was bora. 1: 11.10 pm > Baaball, St. tooogb evsTytbing which he. said wore wagri hy Treffic Court Mitt pobied te a new lerm. rad Sigma Della Ou te P In Topeka | ' bourgeois mtellectnals. - . f®"*" *>** “M‘ slowly. Drtta Phi fratoteties. He wu . Radio fU»> wundiag a htllp l«d. at last WdUem L Harris Jr.. aVsl lepfka tondey Cvte-taaml ife member of the Kansu AuTbe queen eouttM even was (DoubteJwader "It tlweyi seemed so gtoomy then Oub. Hospital Sirttu over. The gtrla had menu vend Topekan Ends Shtdy at first to toe places whpre we married to Bou M toeir towaca ibnugh figure 1 15 p m -BasebaU, Koiat boinpun of Wanra. Art., aty AtoletKt vs aUhnia Aaeiitits, stepa. and twins. - Msd at Pm^iIb UBfverMJ. Nancy Krasny, », Route X. Itoi. WTBW Radio tM). KCMO no iloom. And the people P«- WiBlm D. OkpL Friday. »*todu tot wife. M boraa, Radio llim. TDpika,teMid btohMo after wwted wSh ntea. rora^i^ «• of Mr. jad ifrt. Barhvt e eoafereora Is one af five __ euoscaiww.otTus t pm -Ootf. VS. Qpw. tog a few rays of swahte that A. Criqui. Meteera. eesnptotod bmd yaariy frr fratTie a trims. ^ -1 wM ktoda narveu ■ tbe'WIBW-TV (U>. KMBC-TV lOi came with the nun to tosmis nnmiwdcatte contar spacteB potonnel at major lav achoab ,Kj'EQ-TV (It. oaH "But 1 cojoy K.’ Tlte**, .. bare Friday. tbe coMy.

Top Indonesian Gives Warning





E:.. ;ih ‘li

Tattered Nun Spreads Joy

Storms Rampage. Along State's Edge W.G.Chigston


Track Rolls, Man Killed at Atwood


Chou Reveals Political Stand

Golf, Ball Games ToBeBraadcast


3;S‘Sk“-’ *~4



«:>•«• Mtt. N.nUwS««r.rfMUM. I««*l IS.MM.. M !•«>.'

Both Stores Open-Mon&ay Ni^

Downtown and Holliday Square

Summer Sale of Girdles and Bras

Special Purchase Sale!

Come in Monday, pbone or write for then facial aaBma- valow o famoaa-nam« |;irdlM, pastie gjrdleo and faraa. United tint cn|y.


Shatr Sh«p« Bra by Goisard

R., 14



UgHt, MW, mirada dtepiac in fully padded atyle fai dripdry fabric with Kodd polyeater fiberfOL 81aeaS22 to M. A aad


Girdles and Pantie Girdles




By a Famous Makar Begolar 8JS Tahwa

5.99 E... Girdle and matching loog-Ieg pantio girdle at aubatantial aaelngs from a famoa mak­ er. Styla aa sketched eC Lycra Spante powemet with iqdon satin daatle front, back and spUt-hip panels. White. Sixes 8, MandL.

Maidenform's Long*leg Panties and Two Bras LON6-LEGPANTIB... popular hghtwcigfat gar­ ment of ligbtweigfat Lycra Spandex. White, aiasS, UandURegn-

iar IS............... a,ae Ootm Vanity Fair'a UtUe DlamoDda or Doobto TnUiia pantle girdlaa, both in power Mt of a^on and .I#a» Spaate and OM of Vanity FWi moat popular Ixna now at aale price*. Alliniriitte.

>n«wa wfft iWy iad^« Bm A. B aad OopJ^ ........................ 2.M NMtar’a OtMta. DowBteira

$26tolM values from a famous maker

WINISIFT BBA.. . . B)deii lac* over cotton, Mm S2A to SSa JUg«kr 3.00. ............... l-OT CHANSOBKITE BBA . . . drda Btttebed, all cotton. 8isesS2A to 380 Regular |

Fhior aM BMMay aqtwe

Nett Shipment of a SeOoat

Speciall Girl's Baby-Doll Pajamas 01 c.mb.d uHm


Sizes I2i to24f


Ha,', ytm chum of tho wiaoo Hondo, ot FoIletierV DowKoou stora. Wa made a bteky apecial pmchaae ai^ ndaeed some of enr ngntar ttoek of aarty aoramer dreaea from eoe of ear most pr^niar balf-tta drea ^jaanfaetnrera. A tiraited quantity, in cne, two and thre»i>ieee thiaaeaaan’a atyla ... in and dark ihada. All in Imlf aiaa 121^ to 24^ for wonmi 5-feet-5 or ahorter. Fabrics inehida fins cottons, rayon and dk blsada. Dacron polyeata and cotton voflea, Dacrcm pc^yater and rayon blenda, tiiaeetoto and nyka knRa. and other cool fabrics ideal for travel or ■ommer at home. Cbooa first Monday at 9:30 aja.daa thea ahonktot Mat kag.

A very apecial vatu* frcan o» of oar better manofactorer*. 100% combed cot­ ton batiste trimmed in lacaj and embrc^erad tamertkma, erfll WB^ beanttfuBy. li cool ami pretty for munmer. Sima 3 to 14 yean in pink or bbte.


NMIar'a OWf W«r. Santawe

a. Downtcnra TbM rtaor

Only once a year a sale like this! SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF FIELDCREST

1 thr nrv. Iocks H*irry! They won't last long!

An eteea bat not in every etyte, ttm and color.

(Downtown Onlyi'15.99

-\>rsm 'itomm K

ROYAL VELVET TOV/ELS tlfW' 3*Hi T*w*h, p*rfKt. a.ff.

JACQUELINE «nd CORELLI n nrt Ro9ulorty$l4fotI7.........................


CORELLI Sports and flats o OO Rtsuloriy tl I to $U........... •.... 0.77 LARKS Sports and Flats RiguloHy $9 to $10.................. Bairy. m

C QQ J.77


MaUar'a Aow, Devntmrn Stnu rVor uid tblBday S^om




14.30" Hand T*«^ H pwfscf, 1.99. ‘



f3,13"'w.di pwtoef, 79c,



We are able to get thea alight irregulara only oim a year. TVy era "Royal Velvet" towels and wiahcloths tai matdttog cotori, om of the finat towel prodoeta in the FUderat line ... thkk, htsnrtana, mtra hayy QoUty. The Might trregulaiitiM at* very ddficnlt to find and wS net affect the wearing qualities. Stock up Monday with |4enty. We can get thea values on^ once a year. SalM catoa of whlta. ptok. ad. akr Ma. leasm aniiqM rdi. «NiM i brigs sMvetdlagaen. -MmMrsTMNri. 0M^im-a»wa rtm s>ri Botamr •

Topeka Sunday Capital-Journal SUNDAY. JUNE II. 11

The Wonderful 'Arm/ of 4,000 T«Bm«nwWi|n:rlnfli^hrt-ilMd «KtcUi« • clMHop cmi IMCIB «» job M ciMrins aw^ flit hut* tbna »hWi had tmaiM in the raoT of a hem on Tepeka s raM iHle A ^n( fpJhm picked up an ax and luned (A chop. f»t at Die baae of tha tree but at a poM hlfber fltta Mi head. TlreJeasly and rhythmically he continued la iwing the ax. TV nn Nakm m dtdal ewM te atrekee V Mah Wbee V fWpptd Mefty H kt aaatVr af IV ere« taka over. Bal Me ttiM with lha at «ai laat caoagh ta maV tV aMrr mea MTvri. • At that «lr,“ one of them wM. ‘Topeka t» 10U4 to V cleaned up fatter than we thouflht" ^ AM) THAT'S THE CASE today. T>eopte ran more Itaro^ the alreela ao bl> lered wilh tornado debns juat a tew daya apo A monumefiia) task haa been aehlared and Topekana wiO V forever pateful (or the help tbtb>caioe from outalde lb city. Abo. we were (ortunata iadted that the Fortwa Air Forea Base b ea our eub duna for It meant, at to ba« deneaatrated Vfore. that Forbeeraea are vhek to respond in tuna of emerieDey. From aU over Iba attle, and frem outaide Ha bordtra. they cama Wiaaa pa^ wto waoHd to beip flto feDow etthaas la Him (d need. U to baaa a

I that ijm

tary to drBaa aaalataaea tatoapamd hba Tbpeka b eapa wtt the Kamto Neitonta Guard nntb frara eitiei In tba oatiarn half of tto otato furebtad about M mm and the Air Natmal Guard moved ta about UO men tram Hukhtaion. Some HO workram from city and county maWaeance departBOTb ta Masai and Hbaourt augmeoM Topeka crews. Utmty mrhMrfwtamatanp ftaas to repair power to labphsM Ikm. Xnaas Power A Ugbf caM ta aaptoyat from ote dtlM. Seattaweatn BoH bad atout IM men from Mnaat and lurroundtaf statea to to^ reoton aandee. fit fin days ibeaa mm InataSod towogh peba and etoa to pfoetta aarrict tor a towa tto Btat ef VWi^ . FROM CENTRAL KsMat etmo tto /

fa^ to testa ter tabor whaa dbaator fsflto atrikas a community. Topokant raeal bow. ta tto IKl flood, iw Itenoaitoa raovod

mo North Tbpto to halped da tarn of Iht hardect wort dambu tbo tfto tnd irlma from ftiodari borooi to btdUthC* Federal Job Corpamn from Nebrato MiaaMn and Arltanaaa aumbertnt M were added to (he rteaaup force to tbeir food work n imieb oppreciated. Othen comlafl to Topeka Moded aute Red Cross aerhan and iba Salvatin Army added to its bcal force. Umdredi of Boy Scoutt to Girl Scouu and otlyr younf paopia ware flalck to take part in Iba daam^i and flia efforu of countlaaa Individuab VIpad a ilunned camnnnlty and Ri cHbeaa flat ontofthandibboftbaatorB.

THERE IS BQME mere cbanip wprk to lb and we wtU V rcbuUdblfl lor many niontha. BM Iba tact that our itreett are pasaabb. and th« utfflty aerrlea had been raMtablbbad la 10 abort a Ume b nolhtof d»rt af antong. Tto ootalde workraea fend Tbprta b)^ appradattn of tbair wort b food to kaew. IB." lata Georg* Bb. Mnaat Qty aigwrrbor of pvfc eportOom wheat toen went to work ta Topto early Satnday foUewtng tto toraado oa Wodixoday. Jtme I. "And always te>t; «( our guys mutt have gained weight In spite of tto. hard work." Tto Kansas Qtians returned borne Friday to the caravan of n baavy-duQr vebiebt brought to Ibpdta were pictured ta tbe Saturday Ibwk of Tto Mnaas City TMM. "No btatai. M fiofs. but a parado Mvantebm.’’ laU Tto Ttrna wban tto bag Um of fthidea roDod to a halt at the Liberty Meinarlal mall. Thai parade, to atea tts It. af mta to Moktoae ntantag tea a mtotato af matey, wfll bag to re. ovoa thaigk they dtaal te ^ We teT know how to~'^ tl adaquataly but to that Wg, wonderful "tamy" of 4.W taiataer workers: Thatats. We’D iMTcr forget you!

Bits of Kansas Wit and Wisdom

THE WEST WITH ALL tti natu­ ral beau!) was woo by iiwn en bormbaek and is BOW beta* kwt to awa ah bulldtuers. sa.vf te Dodge City Globe . . The worker wto doet not tew up on lif'e IS lUbIr ifl be turned down on time. phiosopStteq te Jewell Cnurriy Record o N.ankito '


aayi te day Center ttopMch. is a c puter that teds trara when it goofs. THEY SAY A WOUAffS moat okitftanding accessory H her eocort, says te Blue Rapids Times . . . South Vt« Nam s preadof's name u Ky and te Lamed TUler te Toilar fignrea thia is oppropriala IS -U-i te abbreviation lor Kentacky and to ii'fte of bourbon wtatsky."

By ABT BUC9HALO b SOD. tobomha^m Bdato Irngb racy! ooeor hew Boeb bmstofl to that nobody b safe aaymon fnm flia -bii oar" to it « hoped that Moa bgblatton to V pmto soon to pntoct tbe rl|hb of tbe American citben. I IMSCUMro dW an^ with Sunpm fOubmick. a prt▼Ma toecthra who aamred me that moat private detectives were as maeb aph*t bouBC as flieir vtotbM. He add. TVy ahetfd poa stna« taws makin| it a eto# to bog or wira . tap aay Araartcaa -Ihafa for awe," I said. "Of eenrae. wcH bm to an«gpt tbe FBI. beeama they ■oat tap wma to bog paopto to to oat who tha erlDlDab to Onmanbta am is flia Upitod Statea." Taidi, I gM ao."

U.S. Commissioner Has Big Ideas—

End Near for Neighborhood Schools?


By JKNK» UiOTD JONES Last moA U.S. Comrabaloner of EditetoP Harold Howe n madt a UttiMioficod speech to the City Oita of Chi­ cago wtaefa datcrrei a tot of ev lentioo, For tbit powerful federal of­ ficial. with bUltons ef dtalare at

biwaing of children long diataacaa from flwir homes. SAD CoftiraSI&^ER Rowe, as qMed, aa page A »ta of tbe May n CongreataoBal Rac«d: •Traifitioaa] school diaiilct bemtamtoa oftaa servo aducaIkm batay to a«p baeo to ba chaagod . . . Wa oauM. for «ampb. ate polWeta boaada. rtoe to brtiig tto aortal. ocoBam-

both the racial and ecoaomlc sort Tto Offtoe of EdKOte wgl profldo taderta ptanslng ftatas for Bicb aOarta right uw . .. to If 1 have 117 way tbe ofnee win proTtao coabnettoa funds before toi«. ire hare leeaas^ “tota istodyef to to

to. tod tatotetel tttote ta

tto lobarto to bear ee flie probtoma ta the city steob. "BoOdtag pragma far .tbe future coold to planned so that MW acheota break up. rate than eeattaua. segregatton ta

ten that weoM pro?Id* cbMcs raxetof from pretedergartea Ihreugb Juobr coltoge.

"And we are parfladarly totareatad ta find^ aw « two great Amoicaa rtte that art adventurooi enough to Job na ta planatag tto ateattoaal park of tto futore. These aafittos wlB bouse X).0tt or more pupOs. and will cni acresa rtl goographlc, ecdnontlc to sortal bounadnes to draw stadems. WkUc aucb a park would deny tto nei^toorhood school, it would express tto vitality, tto traagtaatiaa. and -the cultural mix that every rigor«rttynwBpttftoa” WdL Itawo you here R 'Tba il park of tbe fitec. Tto use tagovenunoDt funds Tf I hart my way," not mertay to pian but to eonatnet anperacboob to which arm prekta dergartonari wffl to Uamported to prorlde a 'tonharal mix.” Thb. remamber. b the UR coromiasiener of edDcate q>eakta|. WHEN fterta afal to adKttioo was flrat proposed you ra. tto fear that thb wouU opeo tto way for federal direettoa ta

Amertoa's ptaiito odueaitoe. Iba propMsmi rigmBly dataed te. AB te was wanted, they fwaro, waa to cotot flto Merta gwanaaeaf help ta taqmtag aeboob taat would itiB to under 'Toert control." Nob, what Is Commbsioner How* up to? He would take moaey frea all the taxpayers Urtng in all acbool dbtricb and use part of it for special conttruetiOB bonuses for citia that adopted bb pUn Siirti a tpertal bauna. eaufenod opaa tbe few made up ef tmds coatrUutad by tto many, b tto tame as a penally agatata tto many. Tbb. tel waoM toafonnotpuabtarnnt levied against all acbota dbtrtoto te dtet fall hi with CBaipnbrieaer Bowe't aetome. Htoa agltottaa wm atartad to creato aaeto form ta "euttiiral te" by baaltog ehilten toi« distaneea to ateda ta strai^e ne^itarttoodi the outcry frara -........................... "New to a laliMiito aptoba erea te UR Sweme Csmt dbrtaimed aay Meattaa of euttawtag te right ta a parcai - bb chM to toe aetota

TV Voice of Mereury Control SrH Without Set in Texas Home

Aad c*aa ito tar-aat aortta teenata, wto ravrt ta camputlea datatead to artdeoe nobia •tat, ware ratoetaat to fraap


It te coneluaioD of my vWt to ' LBJ comtry, I fM nyataf note* I 0 any oQ F<r tastanca, I dutat got around to tolling yon that CM. John "ShorW" Pwrorx. wf» gained fame aa tolariatae aa tto • Voice of Mercury Oottota." does lut have a TV art ta his Dallas Is worth a double took. Houston tome. It’s not that to Ai first glance. It seems noth­ dotm'l like it. R's just that ha ing more than a drawing of tto cao’l get anything done when buHdingi ta tto dowotswu aaehe knows terc's a good show tlOI. V cn. (A ftnaiff man. Re doesnT smoke, either.) Oaoer MifneOm revotoa flay ahips safltag dawa te MtCROBOHM: *The ' artlatroat. a djaafr ta a drerrirtal turf ta Houatea’a attaebed to tto rabtor InfeM matting with slppers' (For quick removal when aomcthtag besUea haaetoO ta to ba A ipeetal auto Ucawe te atagad then.) (they coat r* extra) aan new Tto cover of te *>rtlow Ito NASA Manned Spacecraft pages" leleptooe directory ta Ceoler: •■S4W-1."


BEING ABLE TO DANCE taataprorotatoito to beii« Pnahhat but appmeatly M tolpa. BBiea lb* BaSaaOa TWmeapt . . . T>e tbreo ages of man. accerdtng to the Scott City New»4^roDirte. are youth, middle age and "how wtal yoo>o .iooktai."

SUGMTEMS; Fsr te mn wto oeeteBtolly takaa a an of Tsxaa obibb a pHnis ekta. Wtoa you nglite at a botaL you auinttietily beeacna a member af Ha prtvato ban > 1 mMB ctato. (U'a agsdnat Ito taw to aarve drtaka to tto genaral puMie, yea aee.) Daawh.0. yoa mart )ata te ctah. TIta catai aaywhere (ram tl to fi (oaiam It-t REALLY a prtvtoa dab, tea R COB cart nJNI. ta mraa ta tam-tph. li'i fairly almpie\ )ota. Om of them mada me a maoter bacauae I w«i woortog a grey aatt. AMftar I -)ataad" Jurt by wfflktafpaaL mmSr Yea eaa gat awN ef te fiarer af Ttow by readtag te claaaffltd odi ta tba newapapn Par bBtaace, where rtaa. under "Prta lor Sale.” can you find an after ta • tame Ueu? Uadcr

la te aama cotaani theo was tar aala a TIMd MW

Stolte," (Uaad? Bare I at»


tot boBbc AMfkma aa


''NatoraDy." I aid. '-g "And than we canT forbid 4p Post Office from bstetog to V to out wbat petqda an wittag dtr^ books." ‘TTwt'i for stn." I apesA.' ‘And tbe OA caan V toetaft ad ta tbe bw became tee bat to to eotenpytag. Alta fte V cal poUco mm to panoitto^ ant wbat the akadmta art m to." "I would halo for beta polk* not to." I fata. *THEN ifa Abo nry taaparianl that big compantoa to alk towed to bog ate- big campaWto." "What far?" *Tb to out if they're betm btwed-" “I hKtaTtbBugtaofthoL" 'Am,” to Itai. ”1 dean te tow total opply to

“YouteT*" ‘Of cenrto aot It’s very baportot te a divorced penaou baa a soijd coat agate te goaty party, and bow could wa get It If we didn't at an tto btest actootlflc devtoca?" "B« you would only bug tM guilty party?" “Thatl correct. An Innocent persou would tovt notbiog to fear."

—_ * • *

“WHAT OTHER exceptions would you make ta pa**^ • stneg anti-wtretap law?" "PoUtieiaiB toould to albte to bug out aaotte teti« a ptaWcal eitep. te oM ahauld to aOowad to bi« mar agement, ( te manafemeBg abould be bBowed to bi« tto UBHiB. te ahtataaeB euBld fifll bug aBhRBtri. te mtem ta tto botH of edueatba atouM ba allowed flie bug toaterx." -Shouldn-l anybody to pe^ listen ta oa cierg^ “OMy ■ te dtrgyw. aaa tavatred ta dvfl rfgtaa w MBVM Nam war ieaiiaiha. tiaiB.“ “If thaw an te rtdy exc^sttaot." 1 aoU. “1 fltok wa eeuM lire wUh Ito taw." THE uV iUn hare toath

bare aa prtvaey at aU-Oaut yo« agrea?" "M* per eeal." I taU. "Hayi, b flBt^a mleropheee ta yuff

paatof»tatpaeaeaeheeli.Bal CcBinitaatener Howe baa te** aofiy Bolved Ito praUaoL He would deatroy te aelghbrtlwed actooLfiartf • la." to repBid.Kr It tmuld do porema ao good Ito 11 to ta« ateady wto to moot around, waking a bettoribek ahOdren. V tey Bred ta a ta whidi fire per e*M ef artwol •3at thal’a a vtotattou ta a age chBdrea were Negroes, tto "edwatioB pork af te tntiM." Tltea 10. b« bow aba M with to or mere pupils, wa * gafng to know know who is f* te would be fire pw cent Nepo. ^Sandwtotaa, And ff te Negro acbool pepular Iton were ta per cent, the auper/ aefaealB would to te lame. SOME unraeoattractod parento might tea attampt to mere out af tha city KtaHldtatrtotal-

togataw. to flea to Ito tataarba.

But Ur. Howe bat prepared You raeafi that to lald; TTa could. Ito example, eher peBUcal beimdartca to tote te aortiL aeeaanie, tad tattalwiaal ani«teefteftonrtotoboar aa te pohtau ta te city

Quick Quiz Q-WhattatepnoteatattB ta te paWal eavtagi ayaiemt A-4aMaRh.UtEtePretar daBateadabOrttoagteSta yototod portal tavtap tetem. ktericaaa an wgto to plac*

^Hto was Vnret pB«rth to reach te Ntolh Ptoa by aff? t Stelral Wehrtd E. Byrff^^Baairtt.OhMayir ttiia an»pt that Howe is prepared to rush ta ». flity flaw to te pte to«' , where the Supreme Coon feorto "airttoit to tread? And te power behiM IMtew many recerta wwo flie reveintiea to aoaka to ««i- Mt bp te Gsttat s ipaeq near wa te dsfiari take% lUghl? fraa aO rtttaew wbleh. ba boys -A-nre world tpaea flgb| Krtdi - teat new warti run.-


baw auaaad Hortd War m?) 0



ASaaMR In DMIao te Optar Oub B a vary autaatre.plaee heguBiliJ by to man and Preteatta. It's ta a SpaaWMtyle buOdtag. but

THE PARSONS SUN sayi om good Mng to say about children is Out tey never pull out paetores of tbair grand. Urteu you ciA odd gtad atiOH. act dtfnb. is

TWuxtorauie he may be very tnperfaai SI home . The Russell Dallv News Amw* o-fotore-wto'o breonrg mure «arant abort lung hair evety day as tto arK-v o< Iwinuu cunuuics N soar.

Good Anti-Bugging Low Urgent Need

Wa BUM to a way to thank oOdaliy thoat froB outiWa ear cuuii—Hy for lhair bbor in our btolf. Ptrbapa tba city anf tbe Topaka Oiambar of Com­ merce can devtae aome aort of an official comnumicaUon or a memento for those who helped US. ^

Judy aeemad to tovt a earUta dapendeoce ea me te acetptod mt tomary to mato a fuai ortr dear old Dad. ta tor wortd. When I would caeM tome Tribuica are paM.bta by ottitr atomtors from werk ito would dlmb oa my of tto family. But today, ly. we pijipoaa t® lap and ask nM to tall her a Story 0 a frandfalberhave a latber-and abo or take bar to Gaga Park. "Now Jody It mwrtod te hat a S-yaarte daogbnr Leri Om again Aa our Fater'i Doy odiloital. wa proI an totoytag tha pleaaira of a child acM flw words ef Max Bahar af te West In our home. iRica te vialtt oa quNa mb. who teat V te followtag eoatrlbation often. She wffl bring a book to mo wbtob autoa iimpty te claarty wtat Ihb te uy, 'Read. Papa’ or inay with day ta an about: “Today tto nattoo will eebbrato mo. Papa.’ ^ "R It probably flittag tad proper Falber'i Day. Tbli is a day wUeh bat ^ rtffldren bonor tbeir father by toca tat aaido for cblidraB to beaer ttieir' father. Tto haaortag it oanally - -^>reiemkM gifts. But for mjwlf. I don't accompanied by te preacatattoe ta -''find it necesaary. What gtfl could poa. ilbiy compare wffls a child, ta aO ta cards and/or other taaglbb gtfta. "Many yaart ago k waa my iti Inaocence. asking you to share lit pleasure to share In tto role ta being life? a parent As a child, my daugtater • My cup runneth over."

THE ST. MARYS FTAR sa>x te curreni lUtus symbol is to drive around In Mkicgrw wetter with te car wmdews closed v> make one think you bavi airconditHO ... U you think yoo have infhieiHe. advlset Ito Marytvfflo Advocab. tr>' ordering aomeoM etae’s dog around

Try to Keep It To a Half Hour!

la BMe maeo Om a woak Ybpeki was ao tta way back.

TUi beii« Fate’s Day. U la eua-

ONE OF THE BEST ways to start dm day. clamw te Jewell Republican, u to go back to bed .. . Whatever imb want to accomplish, tey'd better hurry and do before a machine does it. uys te Marys­ ville Advocate

Certoinly You May Ask a Question, Everett—

awaate "Uaad of Ptoaaure " 1 waat at the gueet of a tacal cotammw. Tto mamgar taid LBJ vBiti aftn Ve said te ProoMtiit wamt coming this light n coold we hare hit lahie? Tto manager sart to'i beard that Joto MM amta. rirtators ta Dalloa, thwcY "U I retod aata to aa a 1 Md Mas alMB U postal"


"Tto Bewa-

Gofdofl Martin's Rhpetine it takes a tragedy to make mm pre t beat . . aad fliatl te way if. been « pe^to to bring RM I________ ____________________ mucbNat...tobrtagRMtotbDaewto(tofli aO iBwntb which touch acnas Topeka, leavtag tow ta hi pata. At wch I ume tere tuddwiiv ta om tag a^oTtoBtaad ao each ef us mey share tto bod aad good wore Mt tto bardeot. with coinpesmti ta anr hoart I Mta

tew^ te rebhie. I am swe u ■ a fact . te m«ht ita teatomaait. ao Mt aad. eeigltert fefl... brt ^ mW tototapBtatotecnalrtw,rttorrti -

Carlson Decries Claims That Fanners Responsible for Inflation AtOmm U In> a. nny.

U. S. Rep. Geraer Sbrtvcr. R. iBtoreat booe oe tbe prescal Ibe radcral Bweau of Na^ Hb ti 10 «9Ueato ca a «orU cetka reporta Kanas bad » ac­ Brown, Urn nt 1» W. Ml debt costa ns R2A baioo a year Kan., betiaves ba sale, b tHU of food proAxs tive aarcaUc oddictt u of Dec. Street, TOpdw. federal dMtbm been beryaed native to rabb« fte deb ttanit a average ef tbmA SSe per tioa. Mftta tiH oeit S or 40 SI. mi. nine ttmrn. WBBld be for the I teamn «r» yean.« . . bat BaaUiid - . _ Ibe Datfcanl total wat SBJM. Mr. and Mrs. Albst S. Pabt1 the 05. to poatpoae aeddac anttmrisator^prao-jtm* Iwad bow lo do in tttti New York leads tbe itatea ariea and Mr. aad Mn. DavM ttatodwvtaadga wtlh S.OO addiett. nUnota la r. Pabnarlee. of toatod programe. time, and tint it qtiita next wttb pieteiy onJimtBlod.have vbtted with their aen aad He cnDed ee the aUntobtrabroths. Albert E. Pabnaiee. limit u OB bUtoiL. Cartoon said tint fans pricea order. Uontoahowbudgi m in this cfaal- Beverly Brawn. ■ native of a graduate of Uirivcrdty an BOW at ■ per e(Bt partty "The key word Thpeka, is ddeg rieeercb with Kaaaaa, who reeentty bought a and flat tbe temer it agntof lei«e a. of 4 bona cm Capitol HU. Steve says: i io a race wltb BrooUngs Insttutc here. CDly « per cent u tncb at He Joined tbe noted reseercb Be b wHh tbe FMA. be-, city worter. rgentaatioD foQowng gradua- optica] eiectnnica company b“The prtcei farmot received eabd ta nearby Beftedsa. Ml (er moat commotibea," be la^ Pederd Debt Orwws andCotai Wlttib tbe past stx yean, et




"tre lower now than they were » yean a(o. while the cost of fam operationt has increased ibartdy year alter year wtft do end Id tight." Mite Aiha raadt U.S. Rep. Chnter Uite, RKan.. has requeated from the VS. Uoute of Remt^thres apprapriatkn mlttee lor eomtnctioa d barrada enlittad men's com­ plex at FI Riley. Kan. ■A IB^SSMO budgeted appro­ priation was deleted last year that would have been tor the Ft. Riley complex. Tbe deMkn was made, efflclab said, ~ uA tbe four-battalioQ coaq cottd be given priority Id fimnl 1M7. wtakb befiiit July L Reseeith Otda .Today tbe U.S. govcrameDt it apadlDg almost |1« billioR per jwpr on research and devdopaant programs, whkb b ooeweenth ol tbe total budget Of tbe tl4 bitUoivpIus gtot b IHt. KaoM ranked SRh. re­ ceiving m ralUloB of be total, or .1 pw cent of the total, -Mbtoori ras^ eleventh' dfth tm million or S.7 per cent. : . EBswertfe Bepbs AM ;A form of federal aid » edu-' catto that requiraa no baceau•spUc machio^, no chatmdigg d money to Waihiogton. gM no federal eourds bat bMB btnduced by U.S. Rep. Ipbm EUsworth, R-Xml .ibe kgbbtlon would give parento up to HJDS buxdedtotlOB for cmdi child (bay have M i eoDaga or ladverdty. tbe MBM daducUen can bt by every stodcot workbg b flsaace bb own,^tion. *irhb MU wm help parenti and studenta wib tit? ftaancbl burden of higher education and eatorage workk< ttudeab not to cirap out beeaose of pocketbook prsasures.” tbe Kaiwi egyressmaa said. . Plan Oett gypert An smeDdroeat koown as the "Bread and Butter Corps" inOMuced by U.S. Rep. Robert DNe. R-Kao.. and toUed to the libod for peace" bU by tbe U.5. House of Bepreaentotivai

THIS to the One Time When Yeu MUST Hive I KODAK



Our Service Department Is Now Open For Business

'* Belly Newton



At Harding Vfbewl Ca. 217 W. M

Under thb program our U5. ceepentive extenaion flieory of instructing farmen would be Atonded afaroad, and our landgraBl caUeges uM otbec bitltutlom of higher leaning would be used to train t-H and other lent youtti to dbseminate.our superiw farm "know how" to foreign countries requesting such BSibtance. . 'Itie coat of ttaa program. 1^ would be-cooRDnated with &Peace Osrps, be Agency lor InMnattona] Development, and ofisr federal agencies, would be pdM largriy out of Public Uw 4S^ foreign currencies, or couz^ toapart luads, whirti can only be spent id the countries of or>.Tl>b self-help program tor the fnMcMdy countries would not rMUltb appropriated funds but

during debate on the Food for Preedora Act ta the U5. House o(. RepnssBtattves Congrotowt/m Cathertae May. R-WaMi. quoted from tostim^ gtaea by John J. Haggerty. Vice Pretodmt end ReaeutA Direc­ tor of .Agri RCMarch. lac.. Man­ hattan. Mn. May said, "1 think Ms -nUggertyl tostbnoay puts in bailer perspective for us the prebiem that we are to-ing to Pggrrty'i statement: "The

Be«r for Cuhom

wido rongo of pricot.



Du« to the magnitude ef this event

■ECAUSE oar Dear b brifiiie...



BECAUSE we Mopped ep leme maiurfochiren' omoanq doM-eoH



.Moedoy end oH Ikb week Crotby'l b ttapiiip a mcminierii event that Topeka wil loeq remember.

EVERY PIECE OF OUR $178,000 STOCK FURNITURE, MATTRESSES AND RUGS at a once-in-a-lifetime saving of-


Never in OurJNb Years Have We Offered SUch Savings on Every Item in the Entire Department!








Acrylic Pile Carpeting R-,.rJ. ».9S................ .^.SSt Hand Crofted Area Rugs asTuinss .. 16.63 to 79S7

MO Hbk 9wety

X.,. <9.95 u I999S................. 33.39 lo 133.30

.49 Mcii J7el|.te«h sloe. Cbeeee htm


................ 33.36

Oval Braid Rugs .

Sylon and JteyoN Blend.

......... ...... 26.63

Metal Frame Dinette Sets

20 Oval MK.19.

Assorted Styles ef QuolHy Desks «.9s 1.209.95 .33.00 to 139.97

10il0-'e«k ilie.

tie# eeslity. U«e it

tiae, fleer eelari.

Kkotk RroU ntehoa Rm9R Re*. Mt g S.S«

Rq. tOM...................



A«ee Nviee rile ...............................................llt.OO


*'<• s’.«.................................. 39.97 Handsome Deceroter Tcdile Lamps


Xq. 19.95 «, X9.95 .....................13.30 tO NJ7 Mattresses and Box Springs

M Stool LM Covora

Xq. 15.95 .......................... .................12.63



11.17 Tweed Nylet P»e........................................... IILit

m.w n»

t'a-.ll'ir' BetoeWMlPlIa.................................................. PMI Its* letoe Weel P»e

Famous Bassett Credenza Chests

Elegant Oval Framed Mirrors

tele ft-Vt

................. IHOO '

X.,. 29.95 1.99.95 ......... ........... 19.97 to 66.63

Xq. 59.75 I. 7950.....................26.51 tO 53.10'

Min End Breodloem Carpets llel|.t(. 6eU Net., til. ...............................................DV.M

I1.I14-' tole. Weel PSe

Asserted Famous Brand Tables

1J4 ft 1.84

PerWrie TV Stands

rsiia-ft. Rad ttytou PHe ..........................


Xq. 11995 u t79fS ................ 80.00 to 319.97

1.49 Mch

Tete-Tete Choir & Table Sets »•«. S9.K .............................46.00 .

for WqMnu «r rMti-rhoM. Sm..

Asserted Styles ef Quality Sofas

Re*. l.tV

..... 26.63 to 46.63

xq. S9S51.

Occasional and Lounge Choirs

Re*. IJt re I.M

*ylee pile or AertUe eefvtlln. 6reel e.»Hm..rt ef ediers.

Hand Hooked Rugs

■ ltlS4l. »r«ee Nylee tile................................................ VTM

MIAMI. Fla. (AP) - 11w 0>bos fovermeM prembed HavaSB rttodenu aerarday pieaty ef-hemimthamtobaMmal PMiHr'a Day but atoa *rgid| wilwtmra to belp daaa up da-1 bis toft by Burricene Ahm

see eer lino of cowioros of o

CE 3-44I5

g mpport tram both Democm and Repobllcne. YYie meesnre would fwovlde fatsper-to-feimer assistance b uaderdeveloped- countries ing to improve tbeir fsnBbf

Wa ifivito you to came In and

Whatevn the cost, Whatever the claini. You cannot huy a Better diamond than AHelzberg^^ Certified Perfect*.


Mit 2« to sell. IrUlieat m sefl eMers 'to Weed wM evefv eWee nkens Mae ter ‘•eeWef «e add eelee e»

Pedestal Bose CigareHe Tables WUk X...nqtl.

Iq... Xq. 5795.,. .


Negro Should Compete, Sairs league Chief

NewMiger's Grads Hear Ailing Director Dr. Willlm C. M«in«iger nwdf hit firat poMc tppetraon in nine weein Sirtur^ In uhite the Mi cnOuaUnc clau ftvn all pralMUMial praframt o( the k

NEW YORK (iU*) - Whitoey H. Yorag Jr.. cnCBaea direclar of da Nadaml Urha Uagpe. said Saturday be babeeed ia ••hladt power ’ tor Ne­ groes. but that amh pewm should be "based oa de ahOi^ m compete eccoaMeUly. wUally aad ertiicatietl^-” "I don’t beliare ia Uack pow­ er that adncates withdrawal BID aoBc separation.'' be mid. "That wooU be a daaaertoam of di maoiorias of Fredariek Douglass, Nat Turner and oder Ncgra leaders of da past' BaMaOy The can tor "blaek power" has become a psUHcai batito cry for ctril rtfhu admcatea


Dr Menninfer. preaUent of «K Menmnier Fowdatiin iraUilalad Ifaa friduBtei iduBtes ia ody . spoken la a low hoanc whisper.

foesu gave Mm a sUadini onttsn as ha retunad to Us ehair on the suge of the IdundatioR's Wat Campus outdoor ampUttHBler He underwent surgery at the Mayo Clinic ia Rochester, MhuL. ia JanuryVr. Karl A. Meamncer. chief of staff at the tandatton. lotemipted ■ session of ptetore AIBSSI m ISQI «r daaated elsdlag at the Mtd-Ameriea taking from t Falrgroands awUted dUrdotloB Sslnday ts Red Crsss haids wdta i flirttog ecaiart. Wih Ford ikfti, tit Emmett, aad Mrs. Jcaa Sharral, Ml 1t«^.bodi*almilaer Red Cross warkcrs. FMAdWiM Hs gan da Baal add «ba pwraa. Dr. C Alloa BaraMU. dectad

___ helped sort the elsdlag tar dMriboUaa ts Oskiaad iMhodist Chareh. Sardoy ami Chester; Gaadslape Sehaal IM AIM•h. 17th tsd Utcats. The etsOtog

*T will lava you fonvn plna naa day.*

Mtference of tne New Yoi* a said. "I’m Sd1?sli?u'ls!iS to a separat ^ auarmiao is to be in the matostraam AmertoM life.' He said the idea of soptratltra hat been advocated by iMiUe

$100,000 for Family AicJ

than a wfUb^Daiia to provide nMletarta a( da vtrnm money for that narpooe. daa d da Miiadaf Bchool "We'd be p{^ into tha af PiyeMaWy, gan de farowall hands of latots." Young tall •paadt tor da Nidat body. ‘Anytime a paopie cm ter» Foot gndaatai M the tehoal The Antericu Rad Cross has Topeka clUxens who will work :Krots advuory commlOae art: gale you, Ibey ca tha dadde a( p^wfaiatry w«a wtanen ot a eonmlued ovar |MO,OOD lor InIWasley A. Basiedo. Floyd Bla^ OB M ^ of aarvtoos yauH Bdentifk: writing cm The yi«.00l figure, Bighinat^C. G. BUkely m. Rev. Jadk advisory sored by the Mwala 0 victims of the Topeks U said, does not Include 1 h e rnttlee, composed of rep . W. Bremer. Hehry A. Babb. of Piychialry Akmnl Cross .iRev. Raymond Daven. Roy aHvo bninen, rdigtons. First piaea waat to Dr. Kml- But early estimates IndkaU care program. bor. and civic leaders, Gooden, Charles Hickey. Glen cost of Red Cross rt' Through the mass care phase been appointed to wrv< Do J. DomtngMt. Madrid. ds total "SsI* « James. Dr. Qurics S. Joss, Spain, and Or. Darld A. Beak, lief may run as high u I the Red Cross dutrduted over eounefl to the 10 trained Red million. Chattanooga. Tana., ww secIN.flOO meels to stonn victims Crees dlsasier aUff now assist- Mrs. Marvin W. Maydew, jete aad. Papsn writisa by Dr. Rob- EiM V. Blghtoattl. dinetot nd emergency worters. fag the Topeka chapter. Miner. Sbereiu Parks; art I Haubn. Braektyn. N.Y., of Red Crum Eastern Ksasai Also not included In the 1100.- Disi Judge E. Newton V*ckm;Arthur E. Peterson. Jr , aad Dr, Herman P. Ungner. tomadoei disaster opersttoni 000 wu the coot of processing chaimun of the Shawnee tiee Tbwnsad. Judge Vlekera. : Minneapolis. Mian., tiad ' made the eaaounceroent to e over t.M weUnre toquirtoi nCounty Red Cross Chapter. Dr, Ewart C. Watts, A. A. Wer­ : dbd. Red Cross dtaMr advisory I the Red Cram from Those serving oo the ner. Mrs. Vance Williams. e. roeeatly termed a Topekent from amnd the world. Blghtoattl said. | W«ti; Ths First RumM The director said over I .aie Vavt of Banam Trakto tmteka teva appltod tor Rod .Ud-lMl" OM dtoater rmnvery nkR• n would

Califomla City Will Help Topeka

Bridal Pair


Defy Ills,


Bds ore met, he ^ Mid the nhMdUtatlm phaM, arhtoh tecludes repair ar reboOdlng oC ownar • oceuptod hemes. raiAelag Mndtm and RetidaDU af La Maaa. Calif., PARIS, Thi. (API >• The bouaebold necessities and proaa taking op a coUacttoa to aid Rer. aad Mrs. Tim Walkar ware vldteg roedicil and pursing cs (ting to south Tans on Thpaka resldsato who are toi Itou of tha JUM a tomdd. Saturday, but with ftagert Voter Registration Mrs. J. A. Medlto^ ^ raaaed. Omtral Park, isealsad wor^ Tbsy departad wtib da dtvt (nm bar moder. Mrs. knowledge that tha bridegroom. Money Drive Todoy <toof|a SiagUngw. who livat S». has been exposed to the Detroit (AP) - A Ireadem maastoa and mumpt. U Mem. rally to ratoa tlOMSO for Tha Seudeni CMUemia ctty Rla Iride. the former Kstcd lippl and Alabama voter regis­ to da aeeaiid an da WaM Coast Wabb, 1>. of Depvt. only re- tration drives wlU be bdd to ecatly recovered from the men- Cob HaB today. d coma to the aid of a disaster stoa. Tha brUagroora'a tarothar, Iho Rev. Dr. Martin Luther McteThp^ da Rsv. Mfta Walkar. was to Ktag la W rwldiBli al Cmemt ten Uaitad Auto WWlnra affidatod at da woddtag (MobJr.. Pretodwl Waller P. RaoOv. CtfL. BMli a FrMay MgM but ttni has do lla Md Owrtn Even at the dtea f» faiM «d M for the AdaU paepla hmd Ut by I Ote' trials tha am Rirar ftood. Topakmto Tospimdad to IIM aad amt tlM to Craaoeot Oly ha aid vtolkm at ■ IldM was* dal toOowad to da waha of ■ ma. Daaey Jones, allbM with Alaska aarthquaks. tick fever, and the brida> groom's father. Gene Walker, falling with a tray of icod Maks YWirtsClub Jai the rohearsal party. TW Y-Wma Gtob will bavo The Rev. Tim Walker will Ito snumer hmebaea maatint lake over the pattorage at i M I pm. Thursday at Holiday Melhodifi church in nearby Roxton aftM- the honeymoot



CLOSED TEMPORARILY WniRedfMSNa Wa are claaning up at rapidly as we and hope to open to serve you again soon. Our Drapery Department It open now and can serve you. Please use the south front door. Payments may be made at our office by using the beck door. We appreciate your petianca.

Thank You Rao( oa( Use Cap»<iiJaim»l Waet AJt!

EastTopekans Praise Efforts Of Job Corps Br LEftOV TOWNS Eist Tofielu and OOlmd mMcBtt Saturtay eonttmad dcMkai op after the Jum I tornado left the arM to a ahnbHa. Botbonaa ftantag to Dvad-ln. Cbtpwaa BcIb Many reiidenu micbt stUI be CHtUng throoch «te mas of ti«e - limbs and other debito, bat as - one bomeowner pot it “A twch of Umw Job Corps srorfcen came Ihrauab bare and imtty .well cleanri^rt upPour teams of Job Corpamei. most of them volunteers, a^ .rived here Monday to help wiUi the cleaaip. They came tram Job Corps centen In Poplar ■Bhiff, Mo.;' McCook, Neb.; Cass, Ark.: and the Mtofo cen­ ter at Puxico, Mo. Hotoeewaen Gratefal And most of the bameosneri ore grateful lor the wort wMdt Ae m Job Corpsmen did. : When Mrs. James E. teith. ,4M Oakland, first surveyed the mass et tree limbs and spUnten in her family^ yard, **l : thought we'd never get It all cleaned up It wtmid have taken orccks with a chain saw just to M it moved.'' ^Saturday, the yard woat clean, escepi tor a smaD «t el nibhWi fltat was being ■bed oeto a track, c DM Caad Jab P -They did e bewUftil )*,' ,. Smith said. "WhiB I gat

■ Bob Howley, 1717 . beginning to repair a bouae :fti the Oakland area. RtftbM was burning in the backyard, Itoled there by Job Commen. ; Tro Itartiag to build bart,' said. -Tliosc Job Corparaen IhiV're good worters — .kame In here and Iflped get a lot cleaned up We i ’Just short of trucks to haul the •touff away so I got permission 3o burn It in back. DM Doable DWy *• ‘They «Corpea«i> did ^’>’e the work. They piled the >bbiih and ftiea strae af tbn 'Cai^e back later to load it on Itrucks. " he said. : Although hampered by a lart -'•f trucka and heavy moving •pquipaait. the Catpamen cane .through the srea and piled .debris near (be street to be hauled away later. . “We tried to bring Ae Corpsoteo into placet wbere peo^ were Uvbig or going to live." laid Sandy Bailey, from (be Kansas aty Regioiial OtDca of ^Economic Opportonlty. "We .dust breught Aem in and they <^*cnl 19 eM street and down Zftnolher.'' £. Same Uft AMm ; Homes wtdch were vacant, 'Where owners eauM not be cenrUcted, were left alone, Bailey >Md. ' The Job Corpamea were m«t Tnctive areond Ae RIptey PartTUme Street area. Lacking 'KUednMft^ .wiovedbyAttF Bwved by Air Ftarca crews with

IWef Proves tr^^'^DemotraU May Rebutt Photographic Mind to Police BeRstored Govemor of Minnesota


Buses will be running SwA Topeka again Monday. A1 LEXINGTON. Ky. (AP) Police told the story Sattirdsy of Moore Jr., Topeka TraasporUan tolleptic wtA an almoat pho­ tHB Co., said Saturday. tographic moBory who they Five other Itoes have been in said had been breUAN toto 'eratton since botnet over an U-year pmlod to Moore said. Tf support his wife and two young garage and most of the buses daughters. were damaged or destroyed In PoHce uid Prsddln Wmiam- the June 0 toraado. aon. 28, bod admitted to about (toe Net ftas . NO burglarkt of homes in Ae Only one bus Une - the Cage area. and Uuntoon line - stUI la not in operatioc. Moore ssd. I<7 Verified T>» nrw »M iM Mu* TM. tor Williamson told officers could remember everyAingl about every house he had eO-!*to’‘'i eo-i um."i tU'-lll m •m M » Itoto* tr*y rr^ U s


seysai iTied.

• torn

On Ae fourA bsUot. KrA bad (N votes to 418 for RoIvssk. wlA 18 others ^Kad among Tto t— throe remaining nominees, ii umr It • a • f>. tod «• Ml am 4S mtrato. TTK Hat M a M»M tort 746 of Ae 1.116 delegate; WM» LMW1 win to ft J.S S.WI taiai iwn ana lUMa » trai votes for endorsement meaniagi ana CUT will Haia at « 1i a.m.. a:4L KeiA sUU needed « votes. '';u-‘U'j**5a‘ii:'u toin. Some obtwen said it ap-' Uaai will Mn at t:1i ajn. It. I* a>. vel-| aaa lt:a a.m ; aaa i»:ii a.wL. i. i.s. peared a deadlock was devel. t:a; 1:IL 4 aaa i:B any oping, since Rep. John A. Blal-I aaia. Buaai wn «a»a at t:a aJii. Dick. D-MAn., had attempled; STE 11-tJ. It:*, aaa T» JS tJK. I:* >:SL >:M, 1 *■ 4 *, > «l. atW i.M tJK. after the second bsUot to iwingl frtm rto*"U? eSy*!?* evwtUa" ibe Iron Range to KeiA and ap-|


“got Aook,"Kev sey aaid, and after a » epUqitic attack be escaped from oCfieers who acaeqianied him to his heme for fresb clothing. TV stny began fa* police Jan. 8 when Williaffiion was "They had Ion — laughed and I for someone, and when they picked up on a housebreaking BWWB will Waiw at a a m. t'.tt r. t i L (.a. «. rm. ig.a mt ii i> a* Joked whUe they worked. "They can me the resull of their work, charge. SgL Tony McCain said aaa II a.wi.. 11 aw 1 a l.ii, l i.a margA over Roivaag 4:a > t] ana I M a.*. sure have been a lot of help uplas they have here, they can fed someone bad the first Arec this way." be said pretty good about It." j coming out of a house. So far, 612-0I. 6U^22 Hasi Vakmieercd OAm Help the only oflioffttKlp police said Ais is tv Most of the Job Corpsmen Although ........................... ' Ae Job Corpsaieojclal complaAt against WUHamre It to 20 yean of age, and Vve been working steadily . bor party OTKC ruled . most volunteered to help wtA Since Monday, other groups and else on him 'e had noAiog el I. too. We been help- wVn be was picked1 119." Mo­ TopekoCodetTroiftg I*."the cleanup. The 200-man H. Humphrey. larily A Ae cleanup. Cain said. "Then V uld me be ^«K sent to Topeka is the iog volnntari FT. SILL. Okla rspeciah - Up to Ae convention, the vict larger tent to ■ speclfle city Robert Harder, director oi (V Cadet Francis H. Magee. - president Art a hands-ofi atttfor a ^ifle purpoee. aaU Tbpeka Office cf Economic Op- chest He told me V'd gotten son Of Mr. tnd Mrs. M. tude. I Jack GosB, Ae group's cs«di> portimity program who Is eo- Into over NO bouses since IBS M. Magee. 2S00 E. 2SA. However. Minnesota's two ordioatfiig Ae volimlaer labor­ to support bis wife and two little tonriiag a in-weck Rom nator from Kansas Oty. .DcmocFSlie Wpltor F.i Cecfl Bustoeycr, a Corps- ers, said about » men and pm: □eer Training Corps i Mondale and Eugene J. McCar-^ ■B wlA Ae McCook rai tracks are scbeduled to arrive Praves SeH camp here. He is a t Ay, Arew AeA support behind from Uwfston. IdMio. sMd Ae today from Valley Falls. "I ada-t believe him,” WentworA Military Rolvaag A a late effort to head! Ottraw Leave group was toU Saturday It wss McCain. "But I’ve spent every to LexAgteo, Mo. off KeiA'a drive. A groiA of about S Ottawa dey for the past its monlha wlA achedaled to leave today. "1 hale to." V uId. "Thoae ma left Sstardey after help- this boy sad he's on bis way to people In Topeka can't clean lag (or e couple af days. V said, proving what he seys It up all by tlwmselvei and I and (here Vs been hundreds of Williamsoa bad told police V Joat feel good belpii« them." boy scouts A Ae area. was able to eecape detection StUI Wort to Do Satordsy Ae scouts VAed because be only took things be Another Corpsman with the band out handbUls advising reti- thought persons would not miss. McCook group, James A. Harri­ dents to Ae tornado strlkeo If V found a roll of money, Mcson, said, "TV wiy Topeka areas of proceedure to acquire CaA uM. V would ecJy take a IMMEDIAH lookt. Acre still tp a kil ’ ' one of Ae federally provided little. Kersey said WillAmson AFPRAISAl A PICKUP > us to do. uxAile homes. [stole old watches, unused JewelAlAoogb corpsmen admitted my church gr y and similar lisms. was hard wort, most of Aem helping also. V sai said (bey Iked R. Effort Waatog However, Ae voluoteer effo o ■ pretty well on the wane now. people." said Gayle Dun!vm „w,i. ca, Iowa. help Ae fl _______ SWbig But Sandy Bailey saM that we expect II to slack off soen. ShuHari and ofhar Is one of the pupoaet of Ae "The big drive, when we buildinq preduefs. _ worked out the damaged areas btock-by-bloek Is about over," V said. BMi Hawley, ffl7 •‘B’* Street, wetted au Us tmnits dim ■fed bMse Sauntay after he was helped wtA deawwp tohi by meatoen af Ae Jab Carps. Howfcy was eac ef Ae tom*eds af East TOpeka tnd Oaktoad rasMents «to were aMed by Ae CbrpMaa to etoBwep. Abant IN M Ae Owpa. .man will caalfM werktag Ato week.





If Rolveag. 22. did not win (he party's endorienwnt for a sec­ ond term. K would mean ai precesleiited dumping of a eraor by bis own perty to nesota after only one fev-yev term. Roivtag won the govenw's seat in ISO by a n-vote raacgm

MartA J lUolibaeh Jr.. »12 W. 26A St Terr., has been atocted Grrad Knight of TV Most Pure Heart of Mary Co»CU of Ae Knights of Columbus He succeeds Elmer Hsug. 1144 Indian Trad, who wu .elected to a three-year post as "ITusMe af the Council. * Other officers elected are •^K>ai|kbi Grace. 1611 Orleans, 3epu^r»od kni^t; Joe Foe3ey. >817 Slone, chancellor, ^■th Hey. 1286 MaeVk-ar, ad'vocala, Howard 1712 W. ;»lst. recorder; George Blandin, -A68 Indiaa Trail, warden; (toy 9mm. Itll LrtesMt Dr., ootTM guard rad Jratto McGarR). Mil Avaloa Lane, totide

T«vto.e. tipiiM iiwvei 7

on Furniture (« Maarteaf piKt) t OUAIANTH "

ivcen bvy at


•'•tiens, mail ardar etkap di diseoufrt ar heusas. ethap lai ef any typa and s»-eailad bankru^ furnitura Dparafiensl. |l,000 te anyena preva this quaropiva to ba mitlaadmq.




'Ma.__________ OPEN MONDAY


Special Reduction



. To Victims of the Tornado




^Klotzbach Named! -ToKolCHelm

Republican Gov Ehiwr L. Anderses in (be sttoe's lamed tong reenoA irtkh took four months to certify RAvaag a» the wtaner.


/ Iki^ydce ^

"Wartad and WarkaT ''They worked and worked and wertad," «ld S. L Naaoa. ns CiIiisnlB. ‘They phftad up Hist big raof," be saM. poiatJDg to where the garage had bean. ‘ *'and when one man wooM yell -Aai be needed help, a cou^ "kl boys would sprint *>elp him." . r The Corpsmen were housed at >€orbin Hall at the Univenlty of •Kansas. About A of Ae CoqiaInen have asked to stay and ^help wttb the deanito. Bailey •paid They will stay at leaR un^ Wtditoiday. ' Gaed Spirit "You lust wouMn'i beHeyd* Ae opim those guys had.” ^ley said. "They came in itore and worked until 1 Ibon^ ‘«ome of then would drap." * Richard McKay, who Bvi ' dIS Lake until "it blew awny," >eaid the Job Corpsmen "sure -tooked like Ihqr enjoyed Aa slrark ■■

MIN.NEAPOUS. Minn. tAPi -U Gov. A. M. Kath. aeckiag to wrest party leadersh^ tram Gov. Karl P. Rolva^, edged slowly toward winning the MmI DemocrBUc-FBn&er'Ln' irty endorsement lor gov eraor In a tense party conven­ tion fight Saturday night But some foresaw a stalemste I a filA ballot loomed. Through four balkns, Keith had not won Ae.necessary twothird majority for endoriemcr-.t but on q each etch balM ba be Aereasod


As it has for the past 78 years . . . the Palace stands ready to serve anyone' who has suffered the loss oE^ir. personal belongings in this terrible disaster!

All of our fadlities are offer^ to these people because we know that many were left'with only those things theywera able to carry with them, and. in many instances, it will be some time before insurance claim settlements can ba made. We offer charge account privileges to those people with no service charge . . . regardless of how long it is necessary for them to await settlement. We melte this offer in keeping with the traditions ef To­ peka'end The Palace Clothing Company . . . e sincere • desire to be of service to anyoi^ whom we may-be able to help.

The Paloce Clothing Compony

4 Ua^^iface


I"' Wf

Summer salt*—ycer-roand auiU — DacroB-W*ort. AU Wool imported and domcalie fabrics — theae were •uperb vahiea at regular pricea, but at theac phcea they're apectaeaUr! Sum­ mer to jtAL b^innmg and tiww vahiea wUl go ffuick4y.

• TW*e» fw «<*• Mm* , I.S' TOPEKA ’ 81NCS laiji



California Population Crisis Seen


The IMI ceani eMffltedjfor tt - act eaeagagtog aew WASHINCTON (AP) - aU-itrtoB: Bajar apkntonl an« (onlt wif fietan* Satvdqr ai Wfarttf fran chnoe a peUo. 1M.0M Ncgroaa to Calttnta. to; MuWtot; aot ^ bncM far dUMtw ualen Iti tta «mt tMu^ to dnafe IMO Negro rMdeBta totoM rwurcea; not bnildiBg pew fmartic nu of populatioo <np(. aetrly MMM. Tbm paapto art ftattona and beewiai. Be an frewto it dteckrt. — tbe rdalad preblerat d eoaipattog ter jobe wIM ate ttobed a ptMlbh "chi br tn If Ite pnwnt net |«o of ■ ed groupa abaady an new anTrabr ai a deb about im BOW naidau In the tone, netaly Matoean- to the weatward trek. AmartoaM. la Lot Ai«Maa » betag I Um people to Caltfoniia to Tbraeflflha of Ma people to Cal- County. wtM a Nagn popnSatkD raan. aboat bait tot prMU tfortoa are caught to tbe vato totaling MUM nd eaated to MOOB TAW MCOBBMU OP Aurrm popBlattoB of the esUre pUato. Uo Aagelai ip^ aitoB” - tba Wattt area, 8AM Ifepom tft rtperladly oat of Jobe. OMfHttto Of Kb ma^ (nan iaata Btohm to la SmUtBMVilh toda wat ^icrttod m "totol»i go; and nether ato nffifaw are Ma wd ttopoitoUa’- bp RotMrt aqueeatd toto Ml ate dttoa ef Caltfonito try to OBb ito papal*. te toerene by net pnaMlag C. CMC, pitollint el the SIMM or Bare.

rtau ti a prioala anprofU cte trcndi and their economic i tociil effecti. Writtog m the June ba tbe bureau'i pt^utoUee bal Oocto tald Callfonla'a U B people already ata laced wlA

Uaj. G«s. Oeorfa Eektarit. caRiander of Tt. ROep^ » HBttali d acletoaee; Ptr* air Itetry Dirittoa. wfll be tbe and pare wator far ntodcatlaL todBBtilal and agrtoalbiral ato; of toe Ranm NafloBto Om* affldM land fer Uetog tpaea; Officer Ceedidala School J ■ a a ■ad tbe produetfae d adeqaatt « at RolehJBHto. eaergy to keep tbe wboie copSixty candMaiei are a plex operative.” ed 10 be graduated from tba TbK art aoni of Ua ebtaryaer-loiw cnsM whkb It pri­ vatlon: marily an lalantry currfaalsm. Between IMO aad SMI. tbe ncy win be eocmBlitoeni' aeeand Uautaaafiii to NttiiaaS ty.foId whito flw Btttoa’a popOiurd aad Army Raaem i Gov. WBIiam H. Aecrp wU clatkn tereaaed 4to Ubmc. Ibe preaeat dlploaaa to tbe grado- trtoid eeattm: Betwaa SHd itoi. Mai. Gen. iea lOeWD. ad- Md im, CaWanSal pepalBttoa ]M8t f««al. wfll pMMk flto tocreaaed by M4 per aM M Mm Tmtr to ffie OBIatoadtaggradaM. Tte OCR aarloM tadadaa of supereeal. - Between SMd aiM SMI, Me taatoaelkB to weapoBa, taettoa, pepototegiwwMefUaatetotoMlea. —P doe n pv cnt to a reading, bayonet aad lead»- waa meat poopto tato Mo ttoto tUp. aald MaJ. lUeberd Edtort. aad Mofper cost to Mtural toeeauBaadant of toe actooL CoKorrently with the gradaattoa of thU elBM, more than llA -■nuCaUfaratoblrMrateta caadidatee are bcgtonlng wort 1M4 and average family atoa to the new ciatt. w«i lUgttly bdpw tha aatfand average. - A redaction of tpproxlmatoly M per cant to Me UrM

Hospital Honon Top Suggestions

7^ votam liaitolilritfcto ffii^lta! baa awaided mr\amtm d appmto— t ^

Or. A. L ractor, atoiiiiMd t anptorw^ EMya Wank, im KM Place; Stobart Madtoon: Dr. Joba Plan on. Topeka VA noMtil; PM G«-fwiL MU Btoito*. ArMar Beyart.niWnlfil|ih.aiMBIebard Steele, IM UeoaL


Radios Give Yon Far Better Perfonnance Hian “Off-Brands” Yet COST NO MORE!

MAJ. GEN. BCnAKDT . . . WaKp Btto

Guard to Hear Gen. Eckhardt

r*rVa tepato

Toa'd Jwt enqiaet o Msgxiovox rodto to be batter ... and they te! navoK dednad dronitn perfom beootifiilty to fringe anoa. A^ ^t let th* mtaber of truatotois fool yoo . . . kCagnawoz radioa edperfdnB othera wttb laore troBstoton. tbanka to anperior design, better wand and superb craftanyiibip Aid M% }Mt phtowart aad gead btewn to ebooee year MagBBm at

Choosing together doubles the joy Naver-fergotten moment for you both, our braaMtaUng ditnenda... than pwcheM together. Let eur aM>erti hdp Mpyw^Ma you ptofaet dwk* imndi or awida and h Ira^wa wdding PreRlafb ring. Ughb Tarvdtofnend daatle duo,«SStAtai Setaliw and bndl S22S. Sodptund mW\ sua Rarad pyramid, $6Sa 14K pold groom'i rlnffi to matdi.


Hear It! $8.95 Nerer Bought More! Ible t ^*yirirsrhtt mtt dfaO. t ■ * SSi Oewteta «Kb r eua earTtea. bat-

SnL! mTum inSa

Back, tew wbw

totoftodmaaoitoradDeetep^ BdMMton kta Ma itMa. - Ito feamadtoto Mraat la pMbdMn - M ato, wahr nd inlA^ Me ante banlly irtMtoid 0w ef CalllanU •to peltottoa to aa aawa into I froqtint ebretdo ay* M-

Compare this Pocket Powerhouse I iTiiitoiliia * s akiw M tt < I KM wttb

isMttiRr'stni yn tBbakine eenw to •• ST K SBSa-ruto dtol Battertw teteas — toet 18 tom toaRphoea *

“rr.................. ns«

I Wbtoa Ltea AM 4 FM.AM Radio HeMheaFtf Out—YetTuekaiBYow Pocket!

19*® a trmjutoton * S dtodw ... but It outpwtenaa many 11 tm^ntotor mWI rw aatannaN. with tetenOM K for TU Crw^-retotont plaede obm m ■nan btodk * ehrame. ZneteW b



MONTREAL <AP) - bear ffioram are worfckM ^ to U horn a day toQitobae pato to clear away a BwfltalBitoABBar backlog M goedi but bMbor dBdali eattasato tt wO taka tbrea wototo to a BtoHb to avereorae flto eftoeta of tha »4ay


The Events oyhe Last Few Days. Your Day in Stars


fl H

Now, Enjoy “Big Set” FM» AM Sound, Features in Portable!



niWtar eenwenente itee yea

l?ii|uwui aew^leton^

tare: Auteawlto ftenKj aW valm

--------•• ttm lea^ |iw Neunai xoaa eeSm. eeatTM. li*. m-

^rrr ftrrt^

£Ssjr#sssi.t2.^^'..^44” J^s.<w,S2;.B:r5S,»54M

k M. aMd • la* noM.


V W a»» Ml (Ur l> ■MIIKKMI wa> MB«M> M*

••■Ml IMV «.M* WI-. npM •W-4-IW1 (• <tm» U0>m •Mtiwni mtn UMr *n inxmml 0^ tl Man '■•'W aNvli Oily Mi» cxMcee (MW n-itir SI : c«a MW> >K>t >H> <x r>Ma MM «( MOM. «fi« T<M Mrw»«*l tee iMT m. m tMt

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MtTTeaiwt (IM B - Ok. I>< <»0 iMavKM •!-» -Ml «M m». MW I .- W»Wi PWW « K-IWV 94 CV1IW man*, tmv ">••• Oi.-* •M «4>« «• MHM M* mmm M4W

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"Trace* (•• iMMi





»•« i**!


damonatottnd to many poepto how. wise thay war* to inaur* with (NA And wt at INA are proud to hava aarrad thwn ao efficiently. toacauan dramatic mnto call for ra*^ raapenaH,lnsuranc* Compaiv ofNonhAitetoagMrM tontoaloiM ttiM age to raact Quickly to Its dtantto Mods. In addition to ow tocsl PoN^holdan Swvicn RaprM Mwtotlira» (I morawirarwhad In

Itom ether araaa In order to help INA policyholders get bach to normal Just ■a Quickly as poasMte, estimatirM thstr tones and setHIng their ciiima, eftofl within 24 hoyrs.' The quick rospenn to a hallnwlt of INA and one of tha raisena ao maiiy people trust us with theto lr»HnnoM n wo CM be of mvieo to you. drop us a lino, or call your locol INA inotv His busIftoM Is holpinf you.

Unr-Prirad Qock K* Radio Featureal a-Tte AX Cbsek ttnto bi« bM. war-

Chonolo* FM-AM Qoek WMH SelM —H entow to



Magnerwoeae Neae fnkrtihRuirt CnKer II Crampfeee Vnte Canare

. '-0 911 I

Vltelteb Cate





Pran diOdra'i lojn to lictrsft, (ran oonto| bamt



aoBlln and Co., mates d ladiesgaruMEta. *■ moos; 01,00 tor site and tag far Advatourc Line Mamtocturtag Cat, maker to coaches that Bt on trucks., boseClearwater: 11,00^00 for 070.00 lor tite 00 for building for R M Rigby boats. etc. to B. D. Lee Co., detbtog firm. and buiMtag for Select Piuducti . Co . • _ . - Ptttobarg: M0O.0O tor bund­ ' ItoB hr bonding hr OcOd- Co., manufacturing greettog firm. 00.00 tor R. M. Rigby ing to be leased to Cook PtoH tMaltoe node ita 110000 for facOUy to i Tool Co. 0A mfiUoB hr card boMert tar retail dtopiay. and Vamisb Co mm: 0001 hr buMi0 riopttd by tta LagtoWn far WM« hr to be leaead to Stevie Togs, Ine., Super Markets. Inc. Wl. Nuto have dtoauUad and to Racoa. be. tISJao far bon to dtBnlca] Klnttogton: gMO0O for buildmanufectortiM boys' chtbtag. Pleasanton 00.00 for site acne boodo are M* being re0000 for buUding tor paU from earningi ^ tba new Coffeyville: MLOOO for addi- tag for aurtong bone. md buildng of nursing home tor Kiowa; M00O hr bulUtag Ttuog ad Clyde Nieteto. be., tton to plant e( ~ east to Pleaattt View Mnor. bnahiesaa. for Kiowe Manor, lac., a jfeeturtag beattag and air HePbanou: tl00O lor Aton. nc. Emptoyment to the new bwlitiootag cqutpmeiit. M05.- be., banding etrplana and goU Saline 00.00 and MS rolV MM* wa» cMImated at ijsn aeOen and pick-up carts. 0000 tor land and cfr. tan. both inoea for building for to JanuaiT. the tail aurvey that Colwteh; BOOjm for buUdim largetnem of facility for Platas be Saline Coamtmity bn. waa reyarted. Stoee tha the for and -Colwich Inc., hr numSbawTwc;fl.S million for land Platoics. be. totmber od boodi approved bn tag borne. CooDCll Grove: glMM hr Neodesha: 0000 for bde- ud building to be leased to Cut­ ttoreaMd M per CML ler Labontories. untng home to be leaaed to pendnt Manufacturing Co. Adoptodtoun Widdla: M J mUUea fv bulldCountry Oub Heme. Ine, Newtoe 01.00 tar boUding hr tagt The coaeept of levem booda and faculties for Swiss lease to Newton bdostrial Fenn- AmericBn Avtattoa Co. icomWH adi^iad by tbe Legislature Elwood: MIO.OOO (tf truck datton. be., and Phil^ bdua- paay now known as Lev Jet •to Utl despite oppoatUoa Tte lemtoal facility hr Crouch Ridtord Uanb. 4H. oo Kansas. Inc., which Oerp.) M0O0O for Lev Jet Tbe “Democratic Dance" will toiai lawprovidestbatasydty Brtoheri, Inc. “■ball have power to laiw reve- Empiria: tUOOMO lor tnbto- Dr. and Mrs. Cbarlet E. Marsh, bt held Friday night at be Corp.. 000.00 tar Lev Jet, ne bonds, tbe proceeds of tal building hr btontata 00 York Way. wai tajored Acrea Ballroant. nd ■creens for mobOe bomes. 00l0Wfar Cenns C«p. which abaU be laed ody to pw<- Bakeries Corp. I7MM0 hr Satnniay when be was struck part of the proceeds wm ba do­ (Natbe: M7U0O for land and Yatea Center O00I far tote ebtse, conetonet, iweeiMrwet. buUdtag to be baaed to DUde- by a car 0 tbe tatorsaettoB of nated to tba Top^ Tunadi buflbng hr C .a Hyer and r toa Yalta Cate Devetopequip, inatotato or repair build- Glaaer, Inc., wfakh makaa biutSaw. be., wbeh makes b ReUef tad. Gaga a^ York Way, efOeUi noto forms and maeUnef. wfU be available to 0M0 tor land and boDdag tor Fort Scott: 000,000 hr alte U Slarmmu-Vail Bospital r»: tbeTickets BgricultairBl, 00 hr bufidlM I public at Ow Meadow Acrto Jd Improvementi to be____ totoiitria], natval entrance, or can be purebaaed 00.00 tar laito and bafldhig fw OecWcCorT^ to Peerless Products, Inc.. Tbe youngster raoeatlon from Jim Wells. 110 Tyler, Artmatoer Ytebooka. be. 00.manufseturing facilHies.' es aluminum to Stormont-Vall where be was dance chairmen. 00 tar land and bufldtog for t. ••r.M. O. Products. Inc.. Which The bonds must be repaid storm doors and windows. ISO,Robert Docking, democrumakes industrial machina; frern revenues from tbe faciH- B»ll BroU.r.. IkT-WHI ^ o01o-l> S"""- tie candidate tar governor, is 112.50 fv addfton to Simmons ttoa and cannot become a debt icheduled to make a five^iinmamifocture caMaett. Specialties. Inc 00.006 ute speech at tbe intermisstai of the city The amount of bonds tsaued Galesburg: MSO.O0 hr bisb- child suffered a bnkan toft ly- of the dance. Other democratic for sile and taulldini hr Tbe candidatea also will be preMnt Meriry Co. muadactartiii ' sa far range from a tow <d 1110.000 for building per arm and ahnshas « bis to the dance. tUAOO for an Olatba tone to sBd railroad spur for the Va- face, left elbow and rib area. Osage City: 00.00 for buildMM,000 by WlchiU fer an air- Cofly Bnataen Forma. Inc. He is bofag observed ' tag for Oaago PredKto 0>.. a craft plaaL Gorogw Dwstroytd Great Bead: 0000 for bofld- bto bawd amlleft ' BondiitueatoTopekato- li« hr Waomft li^Htrtoa, )vhi.heM0al ’ OMane:|UM0hr0BtoneByFinNMrF«rb« tton (Me; M mllUoe tor afto Mg be, a boat - • ■ of a peroenal earn boat taOding for R. B. Macy Md Bna. hr be aged far Otoxn Do­ Oo. Department 8tcn at Hb : 0000 hr bad rage it Os. ■ad Kansas Avana; 0 hr Skyline Hi Forbes Air Fme Bam dtorfly r. mm hr otto far l« tn. lod Hr Bdl. btoora dusk SMurday, ondato btoldbw far MeCaOey, Cook, nvk Canto, be., at Kb and 110.00 for phot of tbe Topeka Towiuhip Fire be., wtaieh manulaetom steel Jeffersoo: sad MO.OOO fW Vto- hr lease to Bicell Indmtrtos. Hr. and Mrs. E. D. ’ ' Dept reported. buUdings and bofidiiM d nQ uBw Disuibotort. Ml Adaiaa. lac., menufactnrer of cabs hr M0 College, has been ranunto- Hairy Cox. fire ^hief. esli- types. Under Kaam Law stoned a Ueulenant Junior grade mated tbe damage^t MM Re Ottawa; 075,00 fv site and fann machine^. Under Kansas law, property Hutchinson: 00.00 for trset In tbe Navy and will be assigned Uid Uw building n to indotrial build.... .......................... ... benght or built with proceeds of land and building for Alrce wilb the U.S. Public HealUi Serv- was ignited by tpvks from an^ ing to be leased to H. D. Lee of tbe bonds are exenpt from Industries, Inc. ice. Washington. D C. acetylene welder that was be-!Co. a garment prodneng firm, ad valorem taxatiea hr 10 Independence: It million for While in Washington Cum­ ing used inside. He explained! tUi.m tor building years But the compiey pays Isnd and building for automo­ mings win train from two to the gvage had been used u a to be lesied to Rivervlew tam on inventory sad aqo^ tive Q four moDlhs and Ihca will be tau-kshop rather than u a Stoll I Manor. Inc., a home far the • ■ laant. in semi caaee Iba com- tag tiectrical c stathaed at cme ef togbt dla- fv B cv. He said toe ownerjaged pbBtoa make payMOto to triet etftoea ef the brndlb serv. of tbe building wu Lora U Raob: MSO0D fv bdldblg ef Uses. Hill. |asdoqai{«ne0tt.tobeleaMdto Kansas City: fl.l millioe tor ia. Tbe isaei 00 far, at rep Iw tbe LaagM ef Kmhm MeoeiTHttrce of ecoaoBdc blood lai opoDcd In KonoM to tbe put five yetw. CvTtgtly « dttot have toBMd a total o( It bend toma

Boostedby Industrial Bonds

Youngster Hurt Democrats Plan When Hit by Car Dance in Topeka

It i*M f



Enlln SiMk il S«{. I2SS to 4SSS


25*^“ OFF

REGULAR PRICES Ivory Sitotoor Dvtn latoodcd.. mstat' OisBi • la Id.... Jr. MstaB to IB Jr. Mite Olm IP to UP




For Dress-Work-Leisure


BeOvdle; S100O tar bafldtag ate teuipptag tor Diayieei Stofhd Toya, Ine. Cbetopa; 0000 far tote mM beMng to ba laaaed to Batet

Baker Takes Applications For Exploratory Session

It couriw dtaIgBad to help f»-



■tttaidea. Safisfaetory perform­ torp college session July 5-». ance wiU qaalUy for final ad­ The program is tor high mission to Baker. School papDs wbOM grades are Miss Margaret Howell, daaa too low for regular admission of students, uid those who are but have tbe ability to w col­ lage work It offers a tsro-bour fan and have acceptable apti­ credit course and abort noivcred- tude last scores are ellgble.

Esso Grants Will Aid City ■Topeka disaster funds reeahed a 00,00 bocat Satartba StaadardOU Pswtattoe tresaetod checks far nO0l aob to Washburn Utovenlty and te Topeka Chapter of Ite Amerlcu Rad Gnas. .‘Ihe grants ware made to a mt cuahiSBea taraapd by

Hay<r Chartoi W. Wri^

fl if our pro/earion.... ft If our desire...


6 Transistor RADIO Value 4.57


Ladies’ Mesh PANTIES I

TOP^CA Ml Wop $M Steal

100% Acetaf* 47c Value

PLteden 4>7706


ATZALrSU For all who suffered losses during Topeka's re­ cant tornado, financial matters may have be­ come a problem. Zale's Jewelers understands this and wants to help. If you have an account at Zale's please come in and discuss it. We will be more than happy to arrange to extend your payment. COHE W T0AY. WONT Y0? WE WANT TO SSI KANSAS


To SwTM Totof

rtoeouttve fnaa Kanus Caty. preaentod aoa af tbe checks to a G. SoutbaU, Topaks mansgvr to the Rad Chw. Dote said ha hoped tea gift would sttaiulate others to contribute. Charles Barr and J. F. Jonep^^ Odcago and alumni of Washbum, prtaoM a check to Of. Jtota W. HeBdBscB. pnaideot to the university. Barr said tba toondatte bavdeallad a emergacy naetlDg and aedfled him to tba rant wUhta M bears after Dotemade tba raoDtat

COMPARE smt 0AUTY, VALUE! SUIfuny TaHoito suit you wosM expect to pay wdi Bwe for. S5% Dienn Polyester 45% Wool


Small ^ Medium



20 GALLON Garbage GAN Galvanized Metal

*1.76 ROOM SIZE RUGS Size aVzx 11'/^, 15.95 Value




Sm. 12 to S;WI«t. m4 Tttars. T0 l:M

633 Kansas Ave.

Gibbs do. Co.

619 Kan. Ave.

MilHary Service Coming?

iKABIETourish Stop at Wichita

| Move to Register Union as Red Abandoned) WASBWCTON tAPi - •

Here's Series for You Salurdav on ihe annual Katwas bool Agr>cultural. Business. Industry TV K*»- • Wtwt tapptw and Bdueatlon (KABIEt tour. ii> ^-ounc^im have atovl their camp* Bilitar)' ahtlBBtieni «ill M an- • An I llkety to be mM am- The tour Is ipenaoiwd by the Kansas State Chamber of Com• What chancel an there for merva la cnoperatMn with Kan­ sas Stale and Kanias Ststa Teachers • Shoald I try to )ota a iw College of Emporia.

0 L 1

f mA




A bovd oMdal. diKMf« the I te niaa FK M to U Satw^. said the Joa. j and getting st^e.

Worken regiatend ■ith too attamey general as a "Comintt- >»«»*«€ far fresh appraisal et^ the tadon'i states nnder the The Subverrire Aetlvlttes Subvenivea Acitntiei Control Control Board diimiaqed tbe Actonae. cate Thuraday Dy a decisioo Tbe U-S. Court of . which also canceled tta order of May 4. INI roqutring tbe uBtoa fa Wg-




C0MCTT4IKXB ■i»tAWCt f.i-

BB2 W. 1M Cl 3.n*3

Reod the Wont Ads!

R«od and Use Capitol-Jeiiraal Want Ads!

• What effect would marriage. gotne to »nega or idr

mg the Peace Corpa have on 721 Nufh Avu, Norrb Tapahn

m I for .1 cosTunlwioii? awtreh tn a ipeetal Apart sertea •What epportunltiee are beginning In The State Journal there far women In the servlca' Wedmeday. June 8 ! The aeries ti iTrltten by EHon It will answer questions wefa Pay. who hai long had a front as the»e irow teal fmm which to watch • What are my chances In develgpmenti in the Pentagon the draft' j He Is one of the beet known mll• Should I vohmleerT lilary writers In Washington and • How do you choose was m close touch with Defense tween the aervicet? I Department authorities In gaSv • Where ..................... would I (rafa? leri cring material .................... for this sniea.




Proper Use, Rate Required for 2,4-D


FRY BRAND You may buy ebaapar bat you buy no baHor. Cheico of

By HERB BtnX Omaty Ageat The one tongla ehemtetl that b moat widely used for wuad control b probably J.«-D. The cbemical does a relatively good Job b gaed prapeiy and at tbe propar rata. Too ones :we find Omt pMfM who aro uring thi S.«-D danl actually know how tmieh they are uaiBg or wttet fomiBlatkm they are uiiag. The two lotnalatbai of LAO Indote “o ~ and ''amines." OrtaUily b a place for oach, but It b thb writer's opinloe that people should not bo utu« the butyl



uneuBt of solatiM the smayw ■ppUai par acre. Thb can bo dene b this way: start wtSi a ftiU tank of clean water and with the pressurt adjusted tha tame as B wfE ba in the field. OonS^el'^STbiS «S -11, teb b » to • pounds te iardL. shniba. and o!« P««ure. Now drive « rods.| to gw^ wnw m •»« ,^,1 IS of a mib with the


to direcuons; the aalBriW*y*f..

d. The a Job ad Bae won't be Ibt se­ d rate b I vere damags to aUicr erapa. to gantont. ihruba. ate., which wt 4 to S mitot per bowT" PomMla SiBBto have ao many can^ainti about After you have driven lbs M each year. rods, slop the sprayer operatlun Cteaileal b Ks] What about tba raias? Oflau. and return to tbe point froml peraou will Indictta that a ea^ which you ilartad and meanro. tain aomber of aeret eaa bo the water oacmaary to refill Iht lank to the ciact level that It covered with Thb rnaau litUe ualon atten- wu when you started to ^yNow eakruiate te aumber of ttou b-gtea to Iba chemical that b to ba pM tat gaBau per aero appBed h^ mula 0v«a amaw af waarJCvin ttplytcg the ^ber of golkms though one haowa •« hk eov. ero about ofght or la aePei aiid divide thb product by the, with oaa barrel of water. U U width In feel of the strlpi highly doitrahio to ba a Uttli niraycd. In boom type sproyeraJ • -................... thb wiU Dowrolly be the width more exact. iprayoe b quite tbaplt. Hart b of Iba boom. Ai u cxomple. U IH galloM of water were used a simpla term alatoaoc: First, ehach flMrattefdb-IntomUcandttia width eov-ebargea of oneh ol Iho notates ered by tbe boom wu 8 feet, on Ihe sprayer to make cartatojJH limes M divided by 8 b that the dbcharfO b uaibem. IV,. Therefore. tW gallons of There -............................................................. b oflOB wtolton In water b being applied PlW Iper sere. d dMwis from dtf. Assuming that you want to ap­ Uto rata of d ferant noaiieo and V thb b tbe ply one p^ of actual chemi­ case those nettoeo lhal vary cal per acre, then tar eq^ li't widely shouM be replaeed. Tbs galtona of water in tha tetray neat slap b to detennlBe flu lank U win be neceasary to ap­ ply eat pound of flu acteei; chemical. I taaas«.Joaalt.1*M

4x1 aft w«od panel. V-groowwd end bMutifully finiskud in blood, aiahogaay and ridrebarry eolnr. If yoa wish as to daW. plMsa add 25c par panaL




Rafrws,2aB. IB’oad 20'............ Mot. 2x10. iraad20*.............. Ptaroo. 2x4. IB’. IB'. 21'............ ............ 51.221a. Siada. Pra-ort. p.a.r.................. ShaMag, 1x12 *2 Pwwd. Plat. 10'. 14'. 14'. .$171 la. SheMuqSIwm........................

PLYWOOD New at por Sheer...

$229 s/'‘=o



aadMWsoU EitMilM Udd«n

SPECIAL BLASS PRICES Pmm Pom. Ca-ato •w.inaeAAtoo.

IV^" .


r ...


2” ...


door PolytHiylti

10*11 ................................S J2 14i20 .......... .................. sst 20x24 .......... .........................* j» 24x22 ...... M«yalBar otaM ta dhaasa taw.


Mnku your mUcVior whiU tnU pricps «>p in pffuet. A im«ll dppoiit wfll held this matnrial tilt you ara raady for it up to sixty days. Buy now and sava!


NOTICE TO POLICY HOLDERS^ * Fireman’s Fund Ins: Co. * American Ins. Co.

* National Surety Corp. * Associated Indemnity^.





Raffling Cross YOUR MCDICARC......... I, lugm AUffw JapatHseClaims Escobedo May Make Judicial History Greets March 60 Days Separate MwDefinHelylll In Mississippi 'Spells af Illness' ■sSll nTA BENA. Mlu. (AP) - A fliinlai crau. the Scry lymbol of (be Kn KliB Kin. freeM the MlniMippI civil rifhti marcben tat broad daylight Sal.. “I Ibiidt it ie a diHrace." aiphooM Harru. a Soatbeni IBtrittiaD Laadcrth^ Cotfa worker troni Albany, Ga. -It is orideBt that the wbltea the data have bo raepaotior rifhti'of Negro cUaav," Georp Raymoiid of CanMilt. *Obvious]y, U maant doet Jidve ny protectioD If cu bunt a cron ia daygli was tbe second day the Marcben have encoMotered En butlUty. tat Ciyeaweed aa B^y. a nuA sprayed water an march columa, a mmd Kck played a Klan son| and Stildren waved Confederate ;^gs in their faces. . ~ ~he marcbers-about lOa of m—set out Saturday wbm they w e night. PermlsaioB bad n taught to use the froonds f Missuiippi Valley SUte ColI Negro school b) r or tbeir tents. But I president sent a t ft letter denying pemb: A breakfast of hot dogs, pea~ t butter and bdogna sandchea fortined tbs hikers es cy started Vi hours late, ado took them from the mpdle in a Greenwood city rk to a spot two miles south this town of KOBO where they It Friday idght. About • M< by bos from Chicago, ruicu Mttirday..^ The OMB was on the road of ItU Bena. It had ben before the tracks CiUher Xing Jr. bead of Soottacn Christian LeaderCoafveaoe, promised a that fbere-VH)ld be mD-

CSUCACO (API — A V Qdeagoan whose convietiOL murder was reversad in a hitTOKYO (AP) - A Japi poUtkiaa.JbR back from Peking B kgal history to nie a ruling in Us says ChtaMM OmBBUilst k defend Umaell Mao Tse-Ung is ailing but not tgaivt a new charge. Q My husband and I are both covered by the basic Medicare plan. I understand Osat we are covered for up to terioasly, Japaoeaa newspapers Danny Escobedo, i murdeiing his farotba'-ifrtow, 10 days in the hoepital for aacfa "speU of Ulaett.'' 1 don't repertcd Snnday. quite imderstand bow this “ipdl of fOam" wcrfcs. Say They aaU Kenu Metsumnra. was freed in IBM as dia naill of landmark Supreme Court de1 went to the hoepital for tf days, then went_____ ftree weeks liter I went Imck to »e knpital. Wonld my a mender oftbe ratmg Ubenl- cUtoa which astaM the ligU seewd stay in dw beepttM cnunt as part of my first •‘speH Democratto party, Md report­ to counsel to persons seimd by of hlness " or is It considered a tacond "spell of illness?" ers In Toyama, western Japan, that theie was no doubt that! Expendinf Us rating A. An individual spdl of Unea ends wheo%i have been kMo is in. But he added that he week in four cases whtoh grew discharged from a hospital or oning bene for 00 days. was told by rhimm. he met ia out of the IBM dedston. tbe high In the case you mentloaed. your second slay would stUI be Peking tbU Mao is "not sert- court held that proMCUtort may not use damaging sUlemenb covered under tbe first speU of UlneOi since you wme oat a.- Mao Is 71. agabist a suspect ualeo they of the hospital only n days. Stoce you bad already spent « days In the hoapfial. you wonld be covered for mly « Matiumura went to Peking to can prove he was i seU-Uerimioatioe. days more. confer with pvcraBKBt offtrtkti agaimt The latest ruling beU i thereat • may not q q. IUNDBMTAND that tha basic Madente plui covm « trado with (bo aanasa. ■apoct If he is alone end "hU aane out-patient diagnosUc services. How does tUs eovcraga work? K, S. A. If your doctor sends you to a bospMal hr some laboratory tests, you pay the first M ia a IMay period, plus » per cent of tbe rest of toe^U. m. Medicare V " pays

' ’-I. •T-




■j W 'IW'


Q. 1 HAVE A CBOKX of going to two avgaoa for an operation. One nsgeon told me (hit ha wf& ebargo QN hr ttK operation; flw other aurgeon’s ebargo would be tM. Weald Medicm cover the coot« of etSier turgeoo's UUT K. W. A. Medicare wlS pay "raasouabla'* doctor*! bllM. U Rs screening agency hdi tbe fSM blQ Is leaMoabte, it wfll pay its share of dw bill which wiU osoally be H per cent. Copyright, Newedty. IBM




Q. WOULD MEDICARE COVER the coS of artinelal limbs if they were necessary? M. S. A. Vet, tbs voluntary nwdlea! Innranee part of Hadlcare covers ibe cost of praotbetie devices. You would pay tbe nra tSB. and a pe^r cent of^the rematadng cost PRE8CR1___ ____________ r any cf tUi eipense? 1-. i. A. No, Medicare doa not pay any coots of drup eatside tbe hosplul or ourstotg borne.

cates in any that be do on the |un-tM«g charge. Mtcrtnew that he regardi thu docs not wWito be iMcrragat.' Bolstared by the laton deci- totost Supreme Court ralt^ an ed." iton. tbe attorney said be plans long overdue. Marshall Sdtwanbach, Esco­ bedo's court stmBtotod <n»sel tbs cate comes to trial Jaly 12. Tbe pending trial stems frorei looOvv. iiw. t' Btcobedo'i arrest iUnb IB in i ~ raltaig ia tbe IBM case will be .. which __ police said they' uaed as a defcMc agahut the hrad a toaded pstal. new charge. -Eacobede, . . _ Chortwr Swvkfi B. an Ammican of Scbwartfiaeh said be had not Mexicaa ancertry. hat had sev­ RmM been able to find a similar in- eral brushes with the law. to. chiding hu mviction and 2BRying School bistary and believes this to be year prison lentoncc for tbe the first time a defendant hasilBBB slaying of tils bratbrn-inAoriol Spraylog used his own case to combat an'law. MaoiH) Valtierrt. imrelated He was released from prison: DinI CE 3^77 The attorney uid the lalett I IBM after the Sufweme Court' Supreme <kwt decision oo ruled that hit cenfestion was Copitol Air tttvaUd because he bad been efcOM even stronger." denied tbe right to raunacl Sorvko Scbwanbaeh soul Cireatt had not been canfieoed Judge James SuUhran earlier lUiement could be used againsti overruled a motico baaed on the him. IBM high court ralii« to sup- Escobedo, a dlmimtUve liB mod dock worker, nid tat an Reod the WonfAds!


fashion turns horticulturist PtorstS an exotic new Jeweled flower on every costume, you own. From our connoisseur collection of 14K gold pins, from top: Wild rose with diamonds and sapphires, S90. Diamond and ruby aster, $73S.




$^232 H


vrsrr lee Ontcal





M fl


If You Need a Place to Live..

Apartments [Are Ready In Lawrence . . . Only 20 Minutes Away 4f you netd a placo to tivo, why not chock out tha Rid^taa Aportmanti tn Lawrone*. Thay'ra only twonty mlnutoi away from downtown Tepaka by Turnptkt. You can cheost from ona and two badrooms. - And thay ara Total blactric Luxury living ... at vary raa- \ jonabla prieas.

Furnished—'^ Unfonished Inqmrw To^y

• tpoaew off-etroot poildiir • Chwo to DHvt-Xn-TWtor

• Oam to Stepping Am

RIDGLEA ApwfinMits CoH Vemie Wilson. VI2-4444 Lawrence, Kansas

Work Begins iLeadei-j of GOP in Preparaiion Check Standing ForTraiiers


Weather May PutFreemaR in'Hot Seat' Br ovm A. HARnN WASHINGTON lAP) Weather’* mnuMee on crop* <bno| the next M dajn <twM pul a terious ttrain on the John>00 tdmiBMraiMn (arm program*. TV chair occupied by OnriDc L Freeman as secret of aghculture could become comfcrtable. TVk praaprcls have bean brou|t» about by a in the ubeal crop during May that look one ol the largest monthiy slices aff (he projected )ield ia many years. Drougb and (rcetet cirt the oister p forecast by IK mi) ta 4n a (MT-aoek perioa. At a consequence, the govern­ ment faces ■ tituatnn in wbich - because a one-bmc record surplus has

WASHINGTON lAP) - Re­ sostatives and state taisenwwWork crews began tostaUbM publican leaders from around •tops. ewer sad water ItaKa Saard^ to country gatbesied bert Sat­ Dr. Gaylord Parktoam. CMP ............................ M prsBa- urday to take stock of to par­ fensia chainiim. deserted to ty’s current | mood M to deaed saarim m rattoetoran they were told is good - a eae of ’‘toqtary. with dear aahome complex tore. twen to emitad quetttea " The IB-traiier coo s win: map rirotecy for to I He sari that after beartog aa be iwimarily (or OaklaodI reri-i dents who iaat their bcunes to GC^ chairmeo from aearfy 40 over-all nnart by Natiaaal . (C. BUSS. GOP to Jane 0 tornado. mM Tbpeka states led off with a daytosg Cbairmaa Ray Mayor Oiaries W. Wrigto. A nmdow nef party candidstee MMinit complex at CSandler and proapeets to conieets far the Field witi house Bast Topeka US. Senate. House of Repre- that to GOP wouM pte up M toSOseatstotoHoute. residenu who hast hoew. Is: Peter O-DoBwO. Texas GOP said. chantaao. sari several state Oriy Oae Year chairmen were onable to etori WrigM anphasised tb this natiBBal sesaton beeaose bOe home booring. provi ledby toy were busy With rcgtoual to federal government, is for pcriy meetiiifs. me year only. Pending to outcome of a ParkteoB said be expects hit iw being prepared by Kansas •■lllh commandment - Repate cwireSHMn. to traders might Two Tsp^ eoBSira and ao8ShafiBDttee*9lofetate be for sale after one yeqr. otber yonto were injnrcd in a Republicans.’’ jmelaimed tor Wrigbt said. "But after a yqar motorcycle accidem in to 100 to recent pat^ primary in CalMock of e. Higbway M Sattrto trailen wilt come under ifoniia. will carry oe tbrangh ons Just like any day. officials at a Topeka taupi- to goteral electioa campawi lal reported. other residenee.'’ be said. ft ia his state. Wrigbt uid be expects to rv- Sam Dflioo. IS. am ri Mr. and He sari all Republican candiceive ft totter Hoiriay (ram Mrs. Mwvin DUtw. M Cedi datos for stale ofltees. teelDdtog Gov. William H. Avery, givtog Road, suffered a brokea left Roorid Reegaa. iKuntoee tar to city pennistton to place an- foot end minor abratioos, hotoii- geveraof. win meet to Seoacomplex asi grooods to Kan­ tel oftictols seid. He m atattsas Neurolocical Institute. tad to Stonnm-Vafl where be was listed m "fairly good" eonWright will retqra to Wash­ dttion Saturday night. leratcd his urfington D.C al noon today sedi- Oaniri DIUon. 17. sen of Mr ing to to Sen. Thomas H. Kaehel mg more federal aid. to assistant Senate Repitaand Mrs. Oifiord DUka. HIT thettl Persons needing femporayr CecU Road, soflerod ahraaians BcH leader support to COP hoitsiiig still can register today on his left arm and left feet. date to California. and nest week at te ShaWitee Joint and separate seasione of C»n„ Wrw» »<. to Repitoican National OomDale Retanond. ». son of Mr. mittee and state letden will Tot SwiUon Fluid attl Mn. John Cma, USJf„ ruJMh . My nd MooChad Ziemer. 3. son of Ur. Quincy. suBerod molttpie abra- day. with a rutal meeting of to smns and was releaaed after national grovq> on TOesday and Mrs. Robert Ziemer. Watson, swallowed an undeter­ treatroen at St. Francis Ho^ winding op to electhm-year ptortog. ________ mined asmiM of Bgbter flutd Saturday. Undela at ~

Topeka Cousins, Youth Hurt Here

Evangetlst BfUy Graham, gesteriag te a ciowd ia the pktare at kn. was eaaght fa a mob seeadviaghb trip Friday ta Bthe. Uadsa’s seeaDsd square mile el tta. At right, a Meade Freach stripper aaiiMd Bridget was retintaed alter

she dimbed h tap af Gr^M's c r. Grahati's ^aMcd visit el aa hear wih c« ta K mtaale hy tat ctahaslM el the crewd.

Its (or this important bread grain. Much depends on the veatber dunog the remaintftf of June. July and August On the buii of Cl Agriculture Department crop report isaed June K. conmmption this yur may V M mil­ lion bushels or more in excess of the harvest. Advene truiter between now and September LONDON (AFl - Evangelist could raiie leriew proUema. Billy Graham preached SslvA further toaa la the crop day night to to biggest coagrawootd adversely affect »<imiBi>. SAIGONIAP) -A police offi-with hit 1 revolver. As gackn of his currat Lomton eer, his face red with anger, they begsn to carry their dying tratinn promises to pr cnaade - ajx .panons. Ha due tncreaset ■Irode op to the metal gates d victim toward the tastHote’s told them to significaace of to Ite Buddhist ladHute In Saigon en^ound. other police arrived Cross is offensive to modern and with a place d and the tiioiUimB fled. Their viedm. Kieu Cong Hal. Khei. the gate, pdice or- man because it is a disagreea­ ble symbol, like to electric ments at a time when the___ iS jiied m route to (3w Roy tbemBKk. chair. cd SUtes has broad coomitttal. "If you get In tbey’U cloae the ments to help htagry ares . n ha ddragged a young Hit death began a tense con- gate and won t let you out." sn With special arrangemenu » cop, ,10, 0, aort, abroad. polleemae Irom his bicycle a frotttoUoD St the waDed said, "tf we go In. you IB4«I ti^rsons were seated in Wheal It being grown under htU Mock from the intUtute, pound between cembat police officer ----------------------can follow us." to main area of Evis Court, contra! program that wu de-jpummeltad him with their fistt and apprehensive Buddhist dis-' later, a reporter and ^lotogmtor $.000 in two overflow signed to provide piraty d grain sidents. rapher were token into custody halls with c)oied<ircuit televiSt stable prices. The program •The Vien Koa Dao-Buddhist whenn they accepted a hews n- swo- A third television screen 11 enacted by Coogress in IMS InfOhite-U m longer a holy e from monks through to was rigged tor 3.000 prnoas, al the behest of the adnunistraplace. It is a gatbering place for mt . I many of whom stood during to inn and with the backing of gaagitars." a ranking < nunber d farm organtuUona. Shortly after noon, ^histlloermon. From outlying dispbliee official sakt. boy scouts built a pyre of km- trtcis. 385 buses brou^ listentoshtoto hw been the ditog wood i nfram of to pago­ « to hear tfq American evanThere was a torpta d wheat genst. enter of al the time and the gmeni da. A robed nxto stood above tests denuitac to ouster of to pyre wrlle about SO young­ The highest previous attendwas fat a good peai^ to prices stable by telling soi "Doorstep," s group of eight Premier Nguyen Cao Ky Fri­ sters gathered around him. The ance during the present oneIts stocks when prices toad mmistere. have established a day night a It-year-oid girl set implication was to to wouM month crusade was MJ»0 last advance. The plao emptoyad tornado committee to comb the fire to herself in the courtyard burn himself to death if police Saturday night. Spewing of The Offense of ------------- 1 payauto to sup­ Lowman Hlfl. Central Park. sevaral hours later— eaterod the compound. plKnent grower er bineorat and to Quinton Heights, and Monroe S.’ loth deeih by self-inunola- To intemipl the boredom to to Cross," Graham declared its si^iemu* both« modern sin line with districts of Topeka to aid dis­ tiea ta to cu^aign of mitltoiu mWaflenwon, a group of teen­ man like to electric chair or Buddhisti agatost the Ky re­ aster vktimt. agers gathered at the don't like to But with supplies bring re­ The gT«9 of ministers gime. . - ^ laughing and JoaUing. A gA ta tolk about it. be said. duced sharply, the govenoeBt ceotly fomiad "Doonttp'' About M ^CFmrn. most of jeans and a blue btoose called to were l.on commitit qa^tota able to pnmt areas of eborefa re- MB tesB Igors, were toslde ptetographers acroas to street amts to Christ St to service, ruTlStffm than to the re­ •penfbmty. They have set up a tbe institute compound Stbirday and posed with her banfi in a officials said. cant puL The power to hold central record file m disaster when two compenief of combat prayerful altitude. >icet near pramt levels eonid victims St Universily Methodist police arrived after the slaying. Before dusk, police uaeoUed Imi^totely after to meeting, Graham left London for ?ll but disappear next winter, Chureh. Monks cloaed the gales and a barbed wire around to gale, Birmingham where be is to, word-war with kiudspeakert sealing it off. « The file will contain in a natimally televised and addnsaas of persons wfaa began. The vigil continued iidn the The police demanded that the toght-to police behind to S. ttnuih ctaurchei or agen- Buddhist surrender to slayer barbed wire berricadei, to ■Already have gone up so an dto dead poikeman's revoW Buddhisti peering out from to Breakfast Table Cliiih cies. .'could V expected to rise even Doorstep works wtih Topeka ver. The Buddhists denounced compound. •more Consumee igo In the home ol policeman ;could V eiqieeted. Such coav Otflee of Economle Opportunity know the identity of to Kie itCong Hai. a bachelor, rela­ >pUinli could be hnsdsat. from and Agrkxdtara] extonriOD Serv­ ice. klUet, we know be ran into tbe tives ptapared tor bis funeral :arganised Uher. It threw Its I In the pogoda. we have every right to His father also had been a enter, but we ar enegotlaUng to policeman and bad been killed tot bri?S«i Methodist, see If to Vien Hoa Dao wiD by Viet Cong terrorists. A police BapUst. Mount Olive tnra him over to us.’ ’one police su^wvcinrl is named in his hoeMethodist. Ooi^ of God. On- ofTicersald. "a tight wheat supply come at a time when the Uaiiwi Btata has been MBi« the world od-for-Free- CME. Presidem is the Rev. Da­ pwam. Thu program, vid Cutting. laid before Congress by Presl d«t Johnson to Fehruar)-. enviHanoi Claims Haid tMm two types of assutonce■hipmenl of larger quanittie* of TOKYO (API - Jtonh VIrt food and the providing of tecluii- Nam's news sgeno-iild Satur­ wl tri in axsisttag needy coun- day I' S andSomM’iemsmese tnes to develop their own agri­ vessels raided s coastal settle­ culture, ment Thursday, destroyed 30 - laereised-119. wtail puklm: fMhmt-hMto-and ■’ferribly tank tion offers aa eventual cure. Bui away 12 (ahentien ' There was, no Independent confirmatkH •us caa not come before next year’s harvest The administraIton. already has announced a Thanks Sent U.S. 14 per' cent tnmaie m wVat’ view Of Ompel and Funlly Room auotmems for next year WASHWCTON (AP) - PresiThis increase was announced de« Jotansm received a fwmal before the June crop thank you Saturday from the ^Uig a dr^ 'in wheat people of Skopje., YugMlavie, good, for American aid given after an • devasuted to city AM S-8B02 — totaling SO S million acres three years ago compared with SI million this’-' year-will be,raised.again.'Uutl tune Id H million acres, if not: snore Already demands are being' made m some quarters that the control program be abandoned ' The American F»m Bureau Federation, the general farm tasanuation which repwts the largeet membership, ssys that

Graham Says

Buddhist Institute Called Cross Much Gangster Gathering Place Like Gallows

Clergy Form Storm Aid Unit

Omr PoUcy b To .Cn Cl

lUmdar dte Typp •/


6ATMK iwl SOH May Nat Afhrd SVNItAL HOMf

Disf-inc+ive Funeral Services S*mng 4S Yemrt ws 4 Nn«A6ar friemj

riw Oswssr-Sfvr SimetiM



MTIDSOy 1035 N. Kansw Ava. Tepaka, Kansas

Topeka Families Have


Relied Upon

PENWELL-^MEL Funeral Home

Since 1894— A Very Long Time Indeed


DeJDiUUh Wort,:uartf


ptwiy of wheat »uld he prodared next year ft rlaimi that under to atlol IW program wtoch spread* plantmg shares widely over the eeuotry many farmers will not «n»ste wheat acreages be ' cause of more, favorable crop alwrnaiives, paruularlv m feed irons and soybean. With-: out sllotmenis, It says, there; would be needed luge mrreases m to Great Plains and Pacific ] Ntolhwesi where there are fewer crop ahernauves. But to admmslration is not likely to suspend to prigram n feels to plan IS flexible I enough to feeei condition oil expanded need at weU at M r«-1 ftnd,»d.

Tho WaU - DIffendorfar family of staff mamhort ara parileularly Hiauqhf(ul people, dadicalpd «a lervinq ovary family tko way fhoy would want (hair own famitloi to'bo

mas UAOM feteau DMRTOM ora a nnoi





During tbe 70 yean that PenweO-Cabd. Ftraenl Home baa aerwed Toptkp taniltea, nMuy ehaageu have taken plaee-~and, we think, tot the better. In oar cue, for wteinide. we have fouad many more waye to oerve during bereavement, and dwinc the yeera that lie ahead, we wiB make every effort to expand tbe mope of oor aautoUnce—for aervfec ia ■omething we've bees fameos for aiiibe 18M!


Rnwell-Gabel QurwYalQ/ome

Ghamber's Bt ALTA Burr nrw fMi, «b<M( 11, bad cent to T«{wfea and toond Jots after flBMIBi Ufh tehoo) (hu «rlBK. n«7 rcAtod aa apartmatt togetber. it wat Mm twar to tha toraada. Aar bad w detoaa, M cMh (pardar wMBt Biil tatar) and tbar aaadid aa apartmatt to


Service Assists 1,500

family to to Arc need. Ala mat-1 working to too weatem port af| Baka began hto dnttia to Tbe pruratara aeeovting lec- atractore to that of a eeuntry Selig Elected tv to atototly batweaa tba ten­ toe aute with beadquanen in Kamm Qty Watotmday. Mn. ItoB awet SBL'i more than dob, Blair aaid. Resdema me B^ and toair yam^U daugh­ ant md tba ownv, HUter aald. GrealBaad. too lake fv water afctaw, tailgi. Aa tag. (tohtag and awtmmlag. Aa He bagaa toe career wtft toe ter win move from 1414 W. ttad ba open again Uenday at T15 auaBoetta and bridga daaign ta Tupaka to Kancao Oty men. aerwood Eautea affloa to at waaeloetedtotoabotrdafdiMN Uriah Road. BVTtaoa, CE 44H4. d^aroaWi of tba Kanaat rectora af tbe Kaataa Sada^ ef mgbway ............... md later CarttTiad PuMe Actoouniite at Jotoad flte Saata Pa RaBway KPLGeU Award wttb too dM o«toea‘a eOea Ac Kaataa Power and U|^ la Tapafca. He wm grwlBcted Lake Club Formed Co. hm rocetved an award tor from Kanut State IMientty ta About 51 (BtStea at Sbv- ite IKS lafety rmord. Aa ulU1154 with a degrw to etofl «gitwo imallinadeUldraB lire wood Enatea have argasteed iHy'a alaeMc dovtaioo adtieved New Firm Locates avlBg. wtth bar, Ma heaneloa. She iard to commote tbe Sbenmod Lake Club (v toe a S pv cent radoetton to toMr. and Mto. PUnpa and needed hoottaf for DO more than Ibe chamber opened ita toiuiporpom of owotng and mau- Jnrlet ever tba prtor throw-year Tbe aewlyvgtiitaed Lan AItoeir (our dtUdreo will move to tm a neoth. ♦eniitu toe macre Lake SbvpMA omv EWtt, KH, di. ^ Admami tog aervice on Ttotriday anaTopeka from Gtwat Bend toon. A faioitp wtth eiffat chlldm toe Wednaday ulght tornado wood for toe benafit ef clito rector of ufety and iraMng. found qnartm ta the VTW Buildiiig. Stole 3M. at 2M W reaDy wanted a bouie wttb two and kept opa toe Sahirday and said. Baker Promoted 4ib. The had planned to er toree badtoopit. but the fa­ Sunday afterwanl Manager Is Named Harry C. COrby Jr. was Last yea KPL averaged only me space firm, the fonw Nattonther said they would be willing Aa Top^ Board of BealFhaip A. Bakv, a lyitcma elected preti^. Otbv effi- 4.5 Injury awidentt pv million a Reserveta BoBdiag until the to setda ta- ereB a “bRjr place" toti atnt four of Ite meaberi to Engineer Appointed eaglDea tv IntamatioBal Bub- Jean Cuatbar baa been ore William Hergenretw. hours of work compved wtth June I tornado. d they eaoM Bod it aadat tot 10 chamber itaff K. W. (Kan) PhilUpi hai bees aesa Macbteea ta Apeka, baa aamad managv ef tot premium fresident. and Benlamto 4.17- pv cent ta U44. Itea naAm are a few of the more membert to aBiwariag toe etr- appototed Kantas dtotrtet atraeP, Blair, aeeretary-tieoaaer. tlonal average for electric utll- John F. Skaggs, attorwy. will office apace with the Althan LW Parao« wbo have Bteuay^togtog taleptoMa cn tml engineer fv toe Portland tlon MM batnetor at tot Twdve lakwfrom hemei have Ktes WM ita tajuriee and toa toart tsfcad help of tba Topeka Cham­ Saturday and Sunday. Voh»- Ceraem Am. He wUI work out Educatfcm Center ta Ki been boat on Sberwoad ihveC avenge for all iiitoiaulaa was ftno Ageno. ber of Cimerea’t baatfly-aet- teen (tom tba beard have of Topeka and com the entire aty. 4.45. He idned Seeurtty BaneOt ta to data and It etoera en People and Firms ua booBtac avvlee. atate. cadi day alnee. rverteektag too lake. Othv Ha bu b« ntih tlM m ta tea genara! accuisittag. Only about a SiM Qiat many &OU laDdlo^ hara aaU For toe pan two yeara Pbll^ paay atom ha waa dtecbaig«l meoton of tba club win build McKrnsey Joins Firm BH BeUta. area managw in uDlta bare boaa Bated wttb Iba toey wtn adjnt tbeir mn. baa boas wttb tba •B4ara KiiBM-tar tba Franklta frw tta MarlM Oerpa foor alto ebambar, Mai lODor. aaal Oo . win ba toe n u a foiarai field • Tba dob wm ba abnilBr to Oiarles (ChuckI MeKtaaey bM jotaad Hneaey Aganey Ine. aabject ef oae ef Us conpany s ts a raentov of lu ttfr. tcddenl nattenal ads ta July. The ad and health tnaurance divUien. OU tppev ta 23 bHorance He hM bn.-^ a genval agent trade Journals . . . Ai(tbw Cvfor Americcii Natamal Imur- toe of Camn Radio and TV anee Co In Junction City and Supply Co. atiended the annual fonnwly WM a auperviaov with convention and expooidon of Travelers Insurance Co He woo the leadint trade asaociabons nurobv of awards with Amw- in San FranUaeo . . . Edward tein NsUonal. J. Deaeh Jr. of tba firm of McKitsey atendedv Texas PaiSoQ & Rlchel hM been Stale College and Saathern eertifteate aa a cwUniversity. He UTied public accoantant bf the « Vr Oh H*W d 1 woAd like to be excuaed Methoditt served for tent yeen in the tin. >gn* t7. tMi. from toe garden ratamn tor U S. Air Force Security Service KansM Board of Aceouattne^'. 9f JACK LmSR two or torea weeks. As you end waa atatfooed ta Anchorage. NEW YORK (AP) - Dmpite may knew, my garden ii tn the AlMka. furtov tagv dmteg toa wuek tornado area, and Tm not too In Alaska he became an avid _ thai toe botomt boom wm -farden mtaded'' right now. iTiUfte M Uno big gana tamter aiM affloag bit cooling off, a threat of tafiatlon AH my big trees are gone traphteiae tboaa for the Bthd and moat shrubs and vines, largeat polar bea (recoded hi contoned to sag toe economy. rm cure tbe doglilia will come the Boone and Crockett World AuUmobUe aalea to toe lint bade and m have bloom Record Book), a record DeQ ................... ^ t” J* 1« days of June (eO below toe Ommt CW» *M|. wo* B>* ipot of toe garden Uiia auminv. sheep, moose and cartaeu. levei of a year oariiv, pvaooal >lrt’ lUflMakTlwM IJi n 41 My bouse can be repaired, income climbed to a record ta Manwiri .« a » nd I'm very thankful the dam­ May bet was below the overage Stocks Advance— iMvitM •«. VM I.M im irv. KC. SMOrMk am IN H'l age la bo ^orsc. Many ef my gain ta toe firat quartv of thU » e IMMrirM. 1-* tl M neighbors were wiped ooL and consuroen indlcoted SE oV.Vvm”*' 15 S' typing up my column toair oftamitm about the The Aaawtoted Preaa average af N ateekt Km> MM (un Om.VW.1H M W> carfia. The Dow Janaa avenge af » tedm- Km Vr.lU. VH. IW PH n tor teat Sunday when toe sirens advaaeed tor tba aeoand taralgbt week, daw trtaia moved te M4JI lr«i Ml.n toe ^ Km Vr. 4 U. VM.......... IH PH tegteatwecketatlfromSUawock vIcm week. •wiiSfiari 4M •* PH DAISY FERRICK N«n Vm. LIM H«. j| WH WH VI^-BO-mOr-H-IH-l-Tr Ml 414 N. After Guarani Tmat Co. ef New Vnwv isr......................... Ji HI ifH TrOTMv V«H . ■ TT IIH TertaaldthattafiattanlBitflla threat daapltedgnief a alowtag WHHV rr vicMM UM li*. .. ja n NS ta toe rata ef oeonamic growth. VMoi* MWr.............. 4i MN im wat Vr. 4 Oh. VM. .. tJI PM M "It takm quite a btt a( tmagWaMM C«n>. VM. .. IS • « MIDWan OFFICE tatakn." tot bank am Ai SUPPUEKS. INC. frnafarm tba few aeatimod btote of aoftefl^ ttat xut I. *b- Cl um poarad into a vtatan VM . VI.P WH HH Mown buihMa dowM . . < i n M PH ReodtheWonfAds! ctelly ta flaw of toe diattaet poa- WASHINGTON - la I^iMm na toa Craawifi aacretery na teurktag out a tax laeretse to mn r P* otoa afitatela know "when we pay tor U. aSiiUty ftat toa aeda oMMtad M. -Z '^]Si Waehtagton, Dctonaa go from here.' m NH tov Stetaa tavotvamant ta V)at Nam JoiBaen'a Secretary Robert S. McNamara Wm approprlathiM for toe I. . Jl H» ' V may bava ta grow apptudably in pvt aAare attn^WT^titaty that Kva Nv» MP-I pwl to awoBome OH. nut>.a B zp before tUa year ta ova.** new fiacM yoa Bead to be in p B bn (H. D.l if ralaedT By bow mudiT Wm toera will be Jt B* w* MvrItT NottwfbmdaB toa wa Vtravmv^Ovm Onm tax taereaae be needed ta Ism a candid evalufandget expeada, becauM our .n PH BH Only McNamara kMwi toe pointe ta toe economy, Morgan atteo ef tot es1.H B PH Aiawert at tbia potaL Yet toe atm gnw^ economy could anil Guamty ettm: austata a O to gU btnteo tw vmsTummt . Prealdenfs team of eco IB m> -Aa Itoar market, where creaae ta Pentagon outiayi eacb adviaerf can bm«y maha ■nenqaoyHt amaa« akffled srtfronen. ,J5 r ter. Beyond that, a com- WaWtM Cvia. on .. .« M tiz Ugent plana, oven on a < f* and mpwimeed worken rorww* TrwWI . . IJi PH HH haate, UDtem toey knw lU-V* m VMHl 4-Pl * 0041 V-M Oialna fiBaytlnnally low. enaa of toe iiifiltay bud­ fMV mra W OVUM ■ IM. -Plana ef taduatry to tnget (a Bert yoa. But taaidera art certain toat veaaa capital aoma ktad ef beoated mlUtery GOP an Amnesty Granted year by IT pv cent ova teat wfflbn Top yea, I toe wa ta Viet Nam LEoi^VIUE ,nta Omgo Aere. ta tba agandac reopon- back ta toeir apeecbm or tba -A cenltaDad itea ta (API - Amnioty far w^moai albla fa toa direettea of toe nggaattert that ibero an a tet denly. Fa toe eaaumptkiB ta tarvtag toree yean w leas la faetmo' arda bocktega and b ^t^ ttate tv ddlvefy cn to- U.S. economy, you will hea toe of "locertatailea'' ta tba plw tot preeent bndget U that tbe planned to mark the ' ' Democratt wa wiU be ovw en June », ent Congo'i 4to ai . evorytotag dw ture. On capItol hill alike are men 1M7, toe end of tbe next fiscal June SO. panda « Vtet Nam ipmdb«. 0 what they ennalda aa Nr. but wa casY gM a worjl out of utten gap" at toe Pen- If toe war conottanet. the miltaduitrtel McNamara I” tagon. ttructioD activity. Itery machine would need Among the top^noat oOlciBli leteato . more weapona and tnppUea to ta ftaaa ageaetet. toera la tttfle Many c New ca nlm to early Jitie riaantiaant oaa toa tan cow matataln a atato,^ combat eonttaBed to atasm (rom a yev telB McNamara bai damped mas. Aad ft^would re­ etrltor. Ford Meter Go.. Chtya- ova Pentagon plana and cM- but are being wltobiU to that le Cop. and Amertean Moten matm. Acre it Inatead a aert Last yea, McNamira bdd Corp. rioted decltam. Ctaly tor toe can be poatponadodl/Vtor tbe bale infamatkn aeeret m long Central Motors Carp, onjoyod role toot m adwtee ond It wai only I.S toe Pretadcut allowt Id be i pw cent. reou4 the eummon-goitap li pUy. Hnr e« dmNn add aUH Ae Preahtant appeart to have that McNamara will ba randy AntettemHEtedo cart ta tba Orta atauet a rcvereottal attitude wMh a aupplemental raqneat Grom National Pradwi tor toll tolrd of June. 00 from BS447 o towerd Ml defenas aeerctary’a IS to N taOkn anc# calendar yea ef only fTU bilDRBSin R CO. yvtt ewUv. Even to, talea iteciaioa - making aU4ty, and I t-rau were tbe aoconi hlgbait tor toi if McNamaa waote to keep dw Aal WM a baste errw, bw faU of INI predicted toa toe period. fena* budget dote tecrat, even Autoraobite protoRflOD tor toe from otoa cafatnet ofneert, that VM -Nam wa would coat up- mada far ton ktad of aargtag wards of $10 biUion a yei week wat cattauted at HMN ta okay with Joboaen. taaporte a boomter ecoMimy paaaenga can, down tram IN.- Down toa Uoa ta tot depart- figure toat wu ridteuled by would attracL S51 dte prevtena week and NT.- mentt, leaaa oORdali are more toe Jotonon admtalstrathai but tunifd out to be -on tot fffT t yea ogo. Vtad eat tour ef nap^ than tbetr booses, Ite 14 ataamMy ptanta to a foow wonda," one wiNito critic button.'Tree lurySecrettiy day tdiednlt dotag toe wodL mumbled, "doee McNamara Fowler, u a raatta of fact, said a Chicago speech tou If ba Penooal tacome ta May cm give toe nufflbat to tbe Prert- ta knew of nrh a program, he 13 4 blUtoo from A ■a to an a aval rate of A few weeks ago at the Amv- would be back te bis office waa bdow I ftnt qoartv'i teaa Bakers meettag ta Ma­ a ef n Ml- drid Pedaril Reterva Cbdw AUTO.RRE ■nnal rate I Ite Btey purm wbo lout Stoic OatWWtaiu. Bon. man WUUam MeCbrnney Martio HOME OWNERS taU poMndly that tba whole Matel tad ShHua. or Boiriu h M woekta future eourae ef toa ecenetny la btatoed to Vtet Nam. But. Martto added, aaltoa be . . aald. SoDe peraoDB to dinat Dead were am to the Rad Croaa v other ageaeiaa. About SM bare (mad bomei (brtngbtbeBerTtee,MIl)toatod. Uero Uatli«a are Beodod ^ pentely. aopeetelly of tergar. moro tanpeuBH* hoDH ter bfi (amflia. bo aald. Santa of too Usttata aa » towna ao tor Bi 45 m&a (rom Topeka aod the

Inflationary Trend Still Poses Threat

Over the Counter



Takes Leave

The Garden




McNamara Wields Awesome Power Cloaked in Secrecy



SnoroBteed 4i% Interest


CtrtHieatos ef DapoiH

0 Fidelity State Bank «ee Knhm Aeeme

901 TbimIm NvA

Improvements Needed?... You Can Borrow For Both Material And


naoita repbuod. OaO or atop te ear offlor. We arm bo hoppy to aaMobyoa.





THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Monba Fadvel Dei Member Federe) keterve System


AR Steel Cabinets «mirr camry. Aii-oto.i Stojrto elooo yHk ntomfli Utor Intok.

'piiul ARSci InS C

w tafliiv fr«a> m «• «i hi Mmh» T«r .NMhr «» I—<•


Tkooo tooMW ON fm. W- to tr to«. kto* boBoy. hood to «• koooA mt •Morotoo iko*at. Doom «f o*4oa otooo ooN ifcoooo.

u MM |4

D« Um IMBfV C#WmI ... $74Jt MLAm WMMOW. M-o4M. ••omI ftoWt oooo dlotool

Cdi Ct S.S341 t C«M ii t* «ify U liMif SMt*

As Low As.........................



.•.troofioA Ctoto. nou........................... mV

Ed Mariing's Abo Offer You:

miu. AJUh*

RmImPS ew.0...

tooooHhoir toMoi to ckotoo of follow Of .............................................................................

RoU-Awit Reds ■on*ito« I



Hoijmod Reds




tom loos •oU.Coa.




S^dnuou* Largmt

r... •! Mmm tMmt mT


SAVE Up To 50%

CARPET Roll Ends & REMNANTS ir«-rf lUVMWi *» N»»I OM


ir>rr- tvr







Moi «■ N<

[M. AO M.M







trurr «iAMi*MT,




wm> WfMailMIT. M wm

w WMa. 0*





REh4NANTS ... Downfown Sfor* Only

rx12' Fett lose Rugs

100% NylM nil# For tio (loth fool oi toi oiUotfoM. Hl^fc 4tmih <MM "Tool

•OM ro«t lor UIcIno, koM or fomlly ,^.o.« 10.0^0 to nnootf I koto kolM I Dot. Yoor . lOofw ooN i

StMT* -UMklMaiB

Nood 0 drotoor. kod to ckoto ... to M ooAroty oow kidtiooi toHoT Sotoof too vtoooo yoo oood. to too (Mo yM pmht. Dirty Aoooricoo It 0 rtok Uonto ftotok or Ww WMto Aaoiteao »tootootol. itotolly Iioiiniilid -Hk ttok foototoo ot doototoUod ood «ttooo. •Oidod drowoot. ootoooMcotly rtyUd kofdwoto, ood too ftoort Io

•OTH STTUS btocHv.*Jk ■

ooktoof wMdA Dtototo. okoot ood doto tototootoetod ky WotMo^kooM Utoorto . . . Iko Mito toot toiirtt ttoiOA OtoNo. tooM*. *od koot 0* to 2TS dofrooA

• low •MOO, W Sooo. Pick «o • looiot. Coto»ootoo »lo«ot •••lloklo Io

ArtyO(to*fDh*9 ••©r«ip»** U»H4 Abow



mm Ui.tiJll

PrerlKialSNv White

etme P—Ml..,ito iplodlo kod. doto Wito (ttoOM drowoto oM

•(MB ImYwO to looM kodt ood I drowto tkort.


“I' r?'

•fOM to— SlofU dtoooto wtto froBod Blrtto ood HUwm ktokcoto kod.


■l•uutlT u.n




b M Mlkn


I _ iik..-,



frxM OOOOM cot wM oU,1^ i,^. mil Sto.4y Oito too-Ookl.TI*

Salem Finished Colonial, or American Provincial White at Bnd^t-Stretchin^ Prices

II-,,,. OATmoAr. An Acrroc MM


Cms FtldOi Cit;

Rh to i- Toko I

*29- n„-


riir ARdlylon Pile Riv ■£S


• NfGl Ttpiln

!• nowiiT •LIN, An Nita m

sir- *29" ^ *98" 5=:r“ *38" *99’* j-T-. *39" ~r'‘*109" *45" *119" *49" SH- *122" *49“ ST". *123" *47*5 *128" *77" *132" *94" ~r *139" *99" *149" nli.


E<(0*tioeil ooUot M Mf •» rell oiiN renooiih YtMi fU mIIm’i !.•••« «or»o4 leilli . . . Mel>«.k. ttfeW oeN loot. Woelo. Ny. loM ooN Atrrlk (Ikon. roNocoa o< aiMk o< W% (fMo oor rofolor roll orioo. Moay rooto-oin or larfor. OooNy lor iModioto doUTory. No •oooT 00 low 01 tl 0 otoalk.

\rtrr lAOTiiM r

T '

Pule Imps •oiMo.

D« Un 30 * W*r4rM*... $3241

vmm StMM. WNk



Over 1SX) Lamps... Hundred of Styles

Mortal UfilHyor Wardrobe,


oiifTto ood tolUln kon-Moolkod.


•roM 4w-MI.(bo kMkoooo kod. doto trtto ortto widodtote. on ood ckok.

k:: 5r-.;r rt To:

No Money Down.'. .Just $6 Month

htoty low Miooo.

Giant iB.lCu.RWestin^house Refri^rator fith 137-lb. Freezer...Cw Withie7-lb.Freezer...CompletelyFR0STFREl AmtiiMl ftto Sn 30» width. «5" hBighth . . . tlto uim i!io «i m«ity l2-c».-ft. etfrioMAW Tk* diff«r*ne« it Woetin^liMM-* "SRm W«r* im«UfiM tk«t ofyM vbb roMn far •M-tkird motd



fMd m ttw •am* epaca. arator tactian with 22.4


Kamavabla I U-aDg cantainar in daar, |>Im batHr ka^w and eaam





^ | ^

out mtfLAt met B tm.fL WITH 9UALWD TEAM........

13.7-Cu.-FL Frost-Free lllestiii(;liou$e

always room hr 2 more

" '"•I* f^.**

And H'o amiiplataly Frwft.Fraa. Fr«t Bawae laoMo m tha «tant rafritfr ft. tk^ arva. ar la tha faiiM I37*pwwd, pTBatoFraa fraaMo, |ia va«:

Mom, wtoto okoot dokooltoa. loto loMaorotor lootloo m ood (oaoroto door «toto II Itoto. tooooor

Kk. o«to, ..tWr koNr— to

oio FroctoPioo. Hot Itolk. anol boaor. Ua oofotoklo o orttpto wM wtto too* toOto tor ft kotao koodi Rto tol koMoo to too door.

Mdriing's. Specisl, _

Topeka's Largest Selection of Dinette Styles NO MOM •OWN

5-PtDINEnE [ okoif. OM en hMolly ,

Heavy-Buty Nestiiisiw«e Washer With New, Extended Guarantee


, ko ftoo tto-dotooto io w

toot •ortt «k>«k to«oMo dotootivo oodw oonool oto. Iwyeto ■■••ill, two totooorotorot, dookto ottioo oyltoNoo. ood wtk aoitott koloooo yoo ooo oooo woto .koj^ntot_w MortoH wito oowototo oooT^ooeo toot toll wotkor wM boooBo ookoUorod Mot too ' ■koBO too ooUro...................... Uroart tWd todtt.

ooN kook. Joto OM of 0.0, ton Non* 01 io WoNloo'. I.,,.


sin. WITH 11AM

, —4 A* Toklk 1. OtoOMd to r l>«to *• UrotA li 1*41. Too .0. I W «—tooeokto to *ko OMtokto*


niMUtlT S239.9S . . . WITH OUALMB TtAM



To.r (koloo Ckorootl 6>oy ToWo trioot.4 io CkowM. or Atooo^ Art tfrt^tod io IroMo 'o *0010. lotk •oWot tio4loM .Irt UtM .ooN rtoi toot. « ootekHtf ckoMO oort»lo«o too toto.................


WcsflqhoiBe Bectik CMks ll^ WMi Sefl^/v Fibril WE$Tm«HOUSf

ctoTivs Murm _ - _^

Wto*tofor W 0 laocil ootoo, tor too OM -MtBooool wool' tokMoL iott ool too dtol. tort Motor to dryioa -Mow dooNod. ool

‘■-TmT' iSto*r*


5kW I !• ^ ■" ^ .

tMtflAI PnC8 B 029.91 .


ikow. L rtocto. (locto. oto. Tki* Tkao dryor otto koo oo ootowoMo dry wHtaa tooto dryor oft otwo ototooo 0(0 drtod loot rttb. otkotootoi drytoa.-

••AUPin ft*M

University of Kansas Presents Degrees to 2,990 LAWRENCE (Bpwiil) - Of(ret* were pruented to LNO ttadeBB at «iu iprliv'a Univer litjr o( Rums a

» CH,, . irttMH. rr.-1 Ti<, ,r K»>ut Citt. Ma. . «i«if« •[«•< ''wn>. MW. Kmwm lm 0»u OmM ua T'lhr*. •


■m eHTlKt-kawwa I »•; lr*> UUM Km >'. Li (It..


e* stuaee ta uciua. erai— ican F»ft »mr.


s^n-is: *s?s^;.®s:2s.'s;;!ri‘ 'T'eSr ^

—I. OWWf. C»TlO»-»-M •m*’ -'*"‘** t—‘*»



awio, OW’MI Oiwtmm P^.

iss a*r-. .c—-

‘**y_-***r. '‘*^'*'‘I

mmsmm B8s«a*S£ss*i^ MMMwmm *»»•




■ _

If. m* 15



■'■>”, *«a*coe u(M«cea OP OP MWtic-p MVtic-MMiwi* ••• __ l«-KF. 1|Mr mt WlCT»>»«e»pM«» MTU..'rrY«w>. H»»»mTom»p» lllim'MF Pn.

stS.’Sau-ii.’S.I -S£?srii3s'.rJ^.. OP KIIMS !■ PtTOe. TtOaUL TWitPPT CP'fXi


luneioe OP piae uTt-cpua a :

- -



•U*S2fS'\pr**'" €•!•**>»>* _____ IS Sr"?ur*Tii««'! LMM MarV. 'pM pm" in > '•itani Par tWaa tiset. la«f«icai Havv Aw awclMa. ipppr < >Pawa (Ipa tapM. Kaaaai CPpi Pnaila Aw Aaa* Miiwr. WKnita: 'MtPcv Pata PaiTPA. U>M CPv. 'CMrPa LMdi Pa’W'MA. «<ona; MaFp Aiw PKMwr.

Free Estimates

srx. Tia s ?:.?'S'

on Tornado-Damaged Watches and Jewelry SPECIAL PRICES AND SERVICE * Insurance Eifimafes *

•WKPaai 0<»«'lAACT-La>.


COUNTY FAIR ESTATES SUNOAr. JUNI 19. 2:30 P.M. . ----------afatipp pf Capitpl Fwla'al Sa>lae« « U. •aciatipp w-ll U pf,Mi« «a awaar paaOiaa, and « adaiia raopidipo ra«' prablaaii.

czf^aij (3Lxliiion Jeweler 836 Kansas Downtown

DA*n M. MVK eras. Copppf Solr OUo. Amm.

E?.r?.'s*.sa';’rS’ wm «W^. Sm SpXaa. cmT eaa« wwar PaaaMBA axaMMi Para

Ki. ssn’.jsrf.'r'asc' : P-niciia.,



,£S ^eWitoV M

Tia . OanM IPmn PiaaN. Itil -- - aaka: Ham Ttampiw PnrM ; APPMatu taamir. PaaPi aari Prana Saacn. w< _________ j Ptaar. PraMia vi Lian LavM v*K«m, pumau -H

4 May

We Help You?

"Sl^iipTp ic'npci IP I

TPKAC. ■MIMIPPIHO-Zlaa > MPn All. SrrH. Gary Da<a AUay. >ai ci’y. M.I ftary Oaa Pwran. Pnem


,»»r- ---' ^ as-' .sr-•s^-'rs. t*JrYr.'’^^M^^Sa*2

OMaa PWPPaH- Lawipaca. Pram JOU —....... -..’iataTTMilSra'iSi. Pa, awBr- P'taa -<aaua Pnarutw PraA

^ain“tnS5r;.‘^.ss..*r ■

OvOaa. mipnown AamP oitpan pp»

Marytt PraacM DaaAara. U>ra. DaH e. fnamaam. uaaati 'Larry Pay) Piam ry. LHcaai. 0«ar. Parmar Par,



K|«s»?HEHa°« —5?^ CAKa^ ‘uI?"'jaI«ir*eSl5

MrMWn.^gli iaap Dr. Taapa> Oaa r. OarOM CPy^ Jaaa Lrw SPar-


IKS lSS ’naaaa Ppm.

e. ppaL^pyiaai j,


maa. oUriM Pirti RUH waH wmtt. Mpwi**flS ataa Huanariw. Maniraaa. Ma. Mma Kmuinp u>a< III. ii O nicAan Caapar km(. Orai

CPS PataaryOPpabai aUMp. arWItM ■ nano PaMr f. Aakaaapa CPri Tarrt

as,'. “ " ,■

sri-ss: ss;; Si W Part! jPPPP



CPpap) Oarraa

S'3 jES'.rsi:,’,s: AUCA^ r Piawipr.

.. a Ptaar. Pai_.. B PPk Hl.Pr.enPaiMarrkiT. lartiai •JaPitn Lpa> Pa^

Mnaa «a^ Main. puAiMa. Ttiu aal lap OWrln. lamaariiM. eaia-i Itiwi PartliMin. Prairia vnia^i . P> imiria Parn*. Kamaa Ory.

We were very fertunete to oieepo deme^o in tho recont stem. Wo know meny people lost end •re would like to htip. Wo oHer troe furnituro eppreisefi for eny who nood thorn, fru delivery enywhere in Kenset, specie! credit toms end tpeciel lew prices for tomede yietims.

am I'trm PfMpar. L

'Drapit ’Carpets ’Furnitura 'Lamps 'Pieiurst 'Aeeasasrias •SaalyBadding and Safa Bads

|Mi^. ArtMa CP*i oSaH*^

cn.. Ml


• K. Piai

2T“p,C? ________ lta.1 tiaapi,.

■nOPPaVIPWaL Laawao, -Aaipl SSZ -._ ._ •aa. Prauia viHawi pirca Paaatr, Oatnaap Part. Mkai Cvnr kPaWPi Cmiuoi ParMW. MiiiUi SiaraA Aaaa OaBcMa.



•aWA. iaM^>n«r*«wp)iaa>

*rv..i''S.^r?.sSiSi =ss%».sir..: fs3££rs-'Lr.*,.

ArtaWa. CaUf i BHKarp aama Pwark Kanpw CRy. AlAi PMUiam Mann Pam


f Naw Aad Wa WBI

oJlmW r Whtii YM'r* Rtody

MS*'tiSr*wSE Atoatiam



kUbenlTemio • Free Hone Ptanabw Servtao • lo-tbO'HonM Appolntinriits


«r<a=£'a2'*^ ..A. Hamm Esr'Js:s.,'“KS;‘siss

•Mn II. Kama* CBy. Pla., Mi ParPaaica AwijraOiMt. Wilil»wlm. Oaa PM taap. HayaPA Mi.i TPamai Daij^. Jntw wawaaiP *. mi w. iti. T»

rv; ^.S.*S’S:sx ^ sssnL'ssiSra.issc

fc,gs.a;jssr-.js ,r.',ss rJrS

aaliiyiian. ^3Srap"5<M‘lSl' r. ARUMIA All.: Ml PWlr rtA LaaaM. 'Warn" Ammr «i. Laartaca. CManat tPaana pMr. Laarwcaj Paraari jarn nranaa, Aaara lalru. Baant ■CaraH wayaa laiw. Clay Cam

“.sr-jEfiL.”; MKKaal Mmrr, canmrplai Aarn te< Han. PnHttwai •Onna H. iipii^

&S;K2-i,CPy.Lhoa WA< nay P' Cpral

^y^ilary*M^wa^^ Sram. MMa> Cny. taa.i -napm Prin. ca> Sayear. pnSiaHi. 111.. TamMPy an HlaaHr^^ L^j^^Ownl I«p HI>. raata; p^r« fapan Mm.' im iaa OMMari Hum. upai Hua. raP P. Hmm Laaiaaaca. Jamaa a. X rtaiBa. -iamm OMBi nm i Oma naua. Pt. i_____


immutmn. taiamaa. IPil

ars.»,'.,"" lif >r!!"«m2a*CB?.'

'.-.'i.''a ■st.2s:j;s S'-sl;


w ja^

pSi ^Sanra atwt «*TiUap‘Iw'TB»r K PpaaP «w. Mcni Misr Wranaa. SaUai Ow.

Pan Huart. ISprrHiiL"'liaart Pailpi laniran. iMalapa- 'eaPan L. Svar-., Mill CPv, Jiaka im Unaa. SI Dwaa • iwa Can Saaaaaa. L< Oraaaa: Part. IP.i OaaM Aarma Syma. 0>ai.' lana Para, >ara« Saaru TMaaM Kaa-

L^M^rMiaarw'wat*? a- »a^ itSS' ’5Sb*o>' Tlaiear. Miiaeiaa, waai Laai Ttamn. 7> e. am, IjmM. *1 THaaaA SHca'iar 'Ami Carry Ta<

VoeoHen Time Means. as UTM aalr at lUSSES

• PreePartORR



Opoe Moodoy end TWidoy TB t:3« pjiL




60 " STEREO CONSOLE WITH AM/FM STEREO IN GENUINE VENHRS! lOO'weN peek power emplifier. Pannerest ■Audio 999'che^^hHret^ tone om. Hifh porfermence eeremic eertridoe, retrecteUe diamond LP needle ereteeH e^ainst eceidentel record end neewe damefe. 4S rptn adapter. Flywheel AM/FM tvAin«. Twe 12" weefers, two 3"s9" treble horns. Tape inpet/eutput end ex* .tension ipeekor/heed phone jacks. Verti­ cal record storeoe. Aveilebte in "Shenand~k," m.d.11, pi.. .....I.

Rm. S379 NOW "»9-VirV. WWW

‘279 „.H . MMt


Tint ypaatiaa. taka alaaf aa aitia pair. Tap may ba iM faa did. Sap at aaw. <ld#a: Sap par tpr«a splaatipn at

I ^^hiniltiire, kK. im W«« Sth — CE

Hpya lawn. auB vai». IPamaa IOWA WlOPIa: 'Jm|.faiO>pri Bramiyn. T«Wa; Pnar Pau' m. aanami Ckanat Paul tefamao Martaa^ <• Lapp. Tipma; aKMPwij oary Miin •OPaPar.

M narrw- —prim MHaMP. PraParM*

Abo: EasyCredRTeiiKFiirAs long As NacessMT

No0 imeres! Interest... No Cmying for 10 Months

We're a Mess... birt We're Open for Busiiiess



THE nrALHALU” lALU” MODEL 4 Smt. * ipaakart . . ••# -aatan. i" laidlepabari aad mrp )V|’' Ipparait. HarispaHI rpcprd tp MapW p. WetAp.


Pennay's console prices incledei delivery in local area.


Where They Moved From Tornado Area Residents Report Their New Addresses and Phone Numbers Mto »>an to— 141* Mto* M—n niMii Cl Alia cn B—to to— IH* Mto I « Mirn Cl M«1 II Bril to— in* Mtoirl a I PI—I Cl t-tPr.

W. «>« an. "irni- a. f un^ to aa rtoM tM t-nn m. tnw K. Atortr* ^ ter HW> •• M cia». mr M vn reM ONP Ma t«< to—ar »an ww—> n—• »L i-na

to t UtoUm to— M


M Mri H«r— O tnVa 1, >M >«t ton « in

^1'* Sf%*M.r •

-.TA'rSj'MSr^nn Ml

jR-r-.-r? ,*tHrvBS £.£rTSr*a,':ssx'?s






iM— Pi*MM to— eiiipt»iii A—n.

s T-n”?i”ssr ••



n to—■ ct A4sn m )lto via tooa Cl

.ttn O'— Mm M cMitoto ji—4<— to e. . n— 11. Ualri. Ill /•—. nj I. .. . tr— MO |.1ia iito • Mra. I. M tontoi Aaa. A to— on vnt Ml to iMt tito •>. »— p—• KL Aim.

•M to—W



ZcViA*' r •— m*


This list of names wos compiled through Fridoy ond printed in The State Journal. Additional names will be listed in Tbe Stote Journal doily os they are re­ ceived. If you were in the storm sector, telephone FL 74421, Extension 222 Mon­ day. Or write: The State Journal, 616 Jefferson, Topeka, Kan. 66607^lling us _ your name, your former oddres^your new address and your new telephMe number.


«M> to. to—I AM Atol. M <— 1 —I totoi to la I. nn. t>- Ki

to— 101 PkMto Cl

MM 4 MmMi _hto ia« Litoto. II

£A'H~«T.i5 - r.'sr'jsrjsz

Mtoito II na «. m toi— ci enu.

j—H a. iiMWiMi to— aa «mM— to ail a—, to—a Cl evia. Mn. II— ■« utototo MM. ^AHf



•>« am. T. A. itockto

a Ifli toivil M M— Cl MiirA’"



Mr*. Nto It—ay to— tlH Via > UD vhviw* p—to Cl *ani Mt— Lira—— MM *i»—IM OtoFto to— lai Aio—M to at Clnl* Dr—


mm AWL AUaa MAiUaUato til OaMfA la. to JM w. Uk. F

L—to to— iai C— to I a Mtol rr—. to 1411 UMI



14M I— to ms W. SBl Pto— — am lakad L. *—i'

■r,*? r 4s wel-s -r* 'Jla^R — —



Mto—■'m'? iSsr7 «r?a?

■ ewTto wi

_ __ ^.-zirsr^

STtoS Mar* AlctCaa — U* L— to IW toaOk "**w. —— yTSto!' iITm flf US p«m. AW. — Mrp Dinr


AW. — Mr*. K«*A— MATII MM I— •IK to. — AM. It. tl— I4B PyrMi to toll HarlA WaKr**. PA— PL t—P

THM, AM la P—a Cl Mm *•'> c<«r* CMT—Ml to— !•■ I. «to to 1*11 I — Mmn Cl >«>H

Offered By CARL HOGAN UWTON. OkU. (AP) - Thi pri’ Ptfk oflmd SabtnUy to *toell,

le«e or mikt som ilmUar vSs.K»!s:;.".'s,s: torSto^s,rs;.r«-.r“ rw«wi«r-te pmntt Ntroct Mr. — Hn. Mar— AXai — lato. It— US W. lOA to to* la* P—to PL ;.I4B. to^llm^Ulw^AMtoi— wM^t^


•arau C.-h- to— a<a CAartoto laiwaii lA 1114 to*—, to Bl Fra •Em FL AtoU Laar* Ctrl— rr— MU Al— I# Mam— PA— Cl PIN* •am. AMAa Camca to— »iii

•JSrTat*toCT' tUT—I—


'Am Hmi CAHIII Mil — IML MATA— U— HM Mama to ID Han—<. PA— Mr. — Mn • H CtortoHaa It— :| MA to — W. tlr* U. PA— C* w> M—A to «lt toraiiM •« — Mr*. I. M HaatoT — tanHma* c« mil .Am lav P cata to— O—(ton Ama Po'iS*.*"' **

azrz."i!„'siJ7Xzn Mia

SrC s r?.i‘

uTLIW—’to lit cm. FA— Cl tw

TM—TT—ma —^AUd— to— Oii Tall—I Ot. to im M ' ' — C* PT— to— in' H— to ri4 psai


S.Tm^ to'aSar'lM^ ssjrarT _iT—^KSSiuT! •X*”’4«a"5m“Sr-a to «rvi utaa*. PA— Cl PSM lAr. — *m M. «t. 1*1—1 Jr. — —Hmi Da«M. 11. — Cp/Mva. «. A— IM PI— to Kaato t. PA—

to— S4I4. *k— ct!


r-t^ ,rii"

Mr*. NtoM MWm to— ms AtcAlfia to S— Ciaci lA PI— AM pnit. •ft. D. p. Mika to— ni l*M Uk to ISM Ptoi*. Mty I am aow to C—*r lart AAM1—. I— — Pn— Ma— to— MM W— Wtk a>aat T«r. to US « WU tmtM TW. u—*P—r*e**TTt«»“* ■ •Ml. — Am ai^Mfr* CtoAtoi — «r Air — pm A— • —a — PA— CK PAtV .—toy to— rs M Mto to 1*44 wato —-4— to— Mi UtoM Wik Wnal Tw to nw Wwi —> Ito— Tw, n — D—to. P to— 1A4 L— U A PA— <1 MtV. —AT— PI—a PL t*m. am MAiiin Ma— tr— a* wi -M' — Mn CfAM CM—to — ttoP Jto. — Am U— H C—• to— to*

r» Mj*>. AM 0. to itot II Cl P't«.

------ CniFH tr— TM HtoU— If tm

to UM the put u Moe M cMI n* emomtnton arrind it DD «tt«Dc« Dm Park to IM •oettMM Oklaiuma dip. ad)to cent to the ipravti^ FL sm mllUatr reaemtka at aM 1;U p.m. Some of ttmn had trmllad IN miles from CW»> hooa City lincD nmday nlcht. maktot mod of tha toto by car and trude aRir flrat vd*> toe they would walk tha eattra

CMAtor^a** Fto^


itraton sUD itood outride tha park ostranee. mllUac abouC to hDUnmidwaMhvndorever. ori dtoi. They were Jnri out^ a pto toadiiN to the park's ■winataf pod ares, where eoe <X their leadm had sato ter were detormtoed to swim.


hl it— icd akai— V aa. Mn -----------------------PA— Cl iMtol. 'Anc**'p Jataia to— till H— AM. Mr — am W*ry«i Marrl* St— Oi > nf H to 1111 MWraa. Pto— Cl *MS>. Will ■M T—I Dr to M« Marto PA—I JM tMfA I Car— to— III! H—. «S f . to U't FaifWaA. AM. t PMBW ’"aw. *— Mr*!'lpi?'h" tae— to— ~m' r^jan^Lwmm Mn. L* A 1^. to-1 Cl salt* Hit p*a to . PAan^m SW —I^W.^SIA Tw.

«J—. to—"nto nt—r* to "o^a>M*^Pn Au Ct Pini ___ ariA. M*ra«, ii — PH* I— ' — — no ton w*n iito u T( ■to Ito— ai VKAT, - . ------M—a C'tan to— >«■ Vaa' m. — Mr* p I. M— to— An ariM— awai— — —■ US .>A4—• PA— Cf PSH I dm H— to M> to. tattoar to tor*—a 4

“ ■ jr£-; r


■ I • .—


•!« Mrv I

**AW*ai^PrrTtoKmr !Tm——*t!—

*«ii to SI

(fciTct HUto' 1^' Uto •* Dll uww Ctoum Pto— CO

Mr — Mrp to—n ie«c*l Mnm A CWtofWL eWtoWL P — MfAUto. P to* MM W Wto to wn W*M»toA. P*a PM Mill

in **— *1— T-'iim—!"PA—


MIS W. WAL AAL to to mi *W—aK PA— FL MIM. Mr*. Hamat m*— w— isw t«—• W- », U. PWK Pto- CO JaAto* V AtoWK k— >17 w IDA to .4— W t1« PI— Ck PIMP tor — ton. MM M—tnip mi w I— n. a t— Ta—p Pto— FL>

: Da— Maw* M— W4 Vm —— toi VVtor^to ......... II to— MM W. W.Sm wS MA toTSw UWpT TW* '■■/to I M— ca wn* Iw « to — towI—. n— CO Mlil A—to CO Mto


“•L'rrrjss rs.'s™’ te



f B-to to IIM Or— Aart*. PA— |i|l It— I* IIM WfAflW. PA—


a— w M..:,,- --*7„*E-Vr

'SrtJU'TLST, Sto*"” *


- “•


ir. 1*00

soar— A—>P


.rw,'’i‘?si3 .if

teeeem ...........



golte Mela,


POPUN to" wide.

5I|C :

S.II4..I.. ||QC |l.4tVolwo..VwTd. li.nvote.^P^

sii'iiN pniifis ; ATc!


CM Mto*


sT£. ific »i.« riltoTT... "tyrA COTTOII


FAanirFtecs i

Lt'!.. 07g »cV.b.....SPf Y4.

sji*. 69?p!




Hm BMIaa. JAg WhNaOaly. Td. ....

POUSHS COTTONS ASSORiaFAMCS to lottaa Sport M1 Falrloa.- Td................VW


'i goitePiite. *Ca iruio Oaly. Ti........Ay "1 Ootte TorryoMh* Mg ^ VtMs e toHdri Td...vV

i=.39S:i GINGHAM :


$I.4t Volwo-.HI^Yd.:

: Decorator Dnoeiy Fabrics . :

*Dto.4>. .Tto—4 1— •—

•anr' .ifKL.

^ Kv 49-.* v^.*;

Na IM Orders ar Pteaa Oten Soeea Hai; f;gB BtSIBeBy Prices Seed Ah Week er Wtiflo OMnrities UsM

1 .Mr

■ r

Mm ct »•■' "« X :•• PMito Ct •—k Mr — Mn Ltktor C •>•— •/— 1*7* toWtoirr* •* Pn —n n; 1*


la Itolilt* ♦ PA— Cto

— 4WP •— A*— — —i

— A


Negroes \aaaaJi told Abram Rttt. a Nagnm man tnm C^laboma Oty i Hutchlni was wimiig *‘to aall. lean or mako Mna timilar a^ mgeBMot*' which would pfr mttNogroaitonaaftepoQtM other park facillta. Ron told Bonn the gnnp would eoMlder aodk a prapeni Mean laadars aaid]«>ey woNd

dlscte te matter.' One of the maith leDdara. Mrs. C3ara Loper, deetared te would not partidpato to te a*B>Uatiow and aaM. Tm prepared to stay bre a laws time." bin. Luper te Mato Sao. E Melvin Porte, a Negro a&oreey from Oklahoma Ciiy. were the prindpd eegteers of (he Lawton march. A larp nnbe of police oOeers Mte by at te park te spectators hte te opposlto ride of te street u te N^roes peaded in front of te feiee

Th^wwno InekSS.

NEW OFnCE LOCATION AHheugh our effica nff«rw4 hawvy leu ie tha temade, eur raeerdt wwrw undamaowd. Wa are offering our cuttomars fha same sarviea at bafert In tha sattlament of claims. Plaata call ui or coma to our now, tempo* rory location . . .

8ib Wdor CapM HM Mg. 700 KANSAS AVI.

-m-w-sr ETTaVraX-'^

ror’wii as IS-rrD. sa to-:ur in. prc>—• to nil «.*• I* si-7’,sr 5=<-”* :3?i* •wr^.3in3.'.rjL?Ttor.;r - P— «*«t to.'* Ll*to*r*.t, PaarM— U to HU **


— PtoS*


Am Maacy p— — An Ot/AM to— I SI P— to — I Pto— Cl IIMI



Park Compromise


tom 4MMf Mf>W to— Mi W. MM. - to 1*17 An—. PA— Cl »MI. — IIIL to— *win " to. SB D— U ~ ’L tan*. Mr. ilM AWv CM Mar—I tl— 111* ■tiL a. Aat. I to Stot ImMaA. Hr* HMto HM>— to— A* A. ra Hi(* to ill KMMni. PA— Cl pun. to IIM Wttottor PA— CC »•» _

jivrs-m a..’"

**■•- •••— —.



IM. — *•CMtor«A. AM

— Mr*

W*^ A—

ll—torv Lrato « Air— 1411 Pw im—A^ to >11 unto

An to aa VI—to. Mm AM WM


Hr.' — IMP T« mmim e— wa 1. «A to 1— L—.


tM *PO. Mr Mto Mto. I—Mto I. In —f to— sm to. an to nu Ntoto Pi. AOt.

•Mn Darn


•!-.rrrL 111 jwa. I. torn .*1 M Amy.


I-l's r.'i ""


to5^*iW*»“*4»'c*3—:.. *!

”i -s, T.. ”=1“: IS, -

Ito. Mto Mto. I»M I • ms to— iin to rtn Uia M— Cl nm



toWTrii^TS-pSw:^ '• to*i?SAA..!^53;irpf%7

*«•• to Wi4*a»rA Ana* ------ -------am. MM AW— to— I SI* laM Mm. PA— AM

£'.S^.'W.4 B-«

iST'wm 1. — to— 1—

L— to kto ■— tAi— OAFto m « Tto—a W— —«i. Pk— CS MWI.


; ss?44t. to*»vir. sar^-iaS*

sj^ci^.r-sirs; ££a^-sr—


Mr. M« Mto. KM—n lr«f toMUto to— un Mr— to i«. ___ Mto MMto Cl MMI.

to“5rcrxrsirmp*“ ” jjwjr.'c^stf'.sisjrpi:

p u—y L- tow— A— a« e—ay " to n* A—tor pn— Cl HWl 'w’”— Mr*. AHtoAi—r Wkay to— .n^L— to M« — P— « MU tolWP





*»rS^ *


arr-.*7..“to" A*"::.*s:torLrt SZ


tWHun eitST SROPPim Mira 1 Open Sunday 12:30-6d)0 4(7 East 29Ht

im 'l—a— to*s5* Pnn?**’ ** AW. — Hn. iBiaaa Pm—i toa WMSMlpa I— to MI4 I Mira Ca MIPA Mr. MM Mn. ADmI 0. UMr MM Mr. *M Mn TAn—* aarcH — ......................... ll taMTA 7. Mm 11— Drm. r—toi. Ir— m timl —■ Ba*4to IP to— in* w— tUA i>. “mt^SS Mn MMtor L. TM.^to .144 cr- Drto*. Pto- C. m DM— a*, to ID Cl PMD. Am MAA INSI to— I Mr MM AKL e— ura I to 111 I. USA. Pto— Cl to— UII Tptor to IMI IwlM. a 1III mnar. pa—____ Mr. — am MMtoaw 'ptoS• tin «n. Ii—to M—to to— Imm—I Mr. — AW*. HMVr LMM. lilto. T. — Lpto* II*. to— SIS a—— Dr— •arMi to »—CWtwAU. Sto—AM*MK to ifii Mtol a>. Pto— Cl PM MUi LM* L— to— III IM iJ^uSLtVTTarSSr Mn tofin—* IM— *M ak to 1* UtoM Uto. M— Cl PM AM. MM Mr* ■to Irtto to— OrcAtoH. Mmm ca •— litm Cl MVI. Mr. — Mn. JMmt «. HCDrlto Mr. m Mn. If—« A M to— All 7. Ml Wirai to uii «to. tonm am mmi nr MM Mn j—n i—Mn mM




,r js r..r'.t“s=.*s !£rrr;irr~-rrs

to^ **“

j ijsi-'s.s-c.’^jr- * *•





Mn AM Pr*toMC* toiaMiH ft mi *AW to“i.‘J r*p=: I’l’ «r HI* to a— MfliA «r na. Miyaa Pn—MA MM •• —aPy *> ■«■ Ur— *??-«,*.>-..—to ■M. tm WtoM— n— to Cl


e— n — II I 1 Mitoi •> ■ K I'M I


ss: FTi!:..r --'•*•>«»

A»r. mM Mrt. I»rrtfl H iM— mn to— I4l< l—M to M 1 Mr •— Mn. Iimrl pri— to— >1* Dr. P—to FL AMI *1— to Ml Mr— PI—I n i«a roa UH « toto T«r> Mr. MM Mri LlMfrl A P<*> mn. Cinnn F. Lar— to— i>i* w /tor — I II — < s. toWtoto, tot. S au to— ton I'r— Ito. to H— C la* ----------------to aa mmm ■* P*M« Cl ADB Or 0 M to—I Cl M— nr i atom to •». AM. mM Mr*. 1 r I. Liimn to— to M— « an M— to Cam tor C— AfM——A tM lU. PKMto PL er«u onar to— IMMIiMI PKMto Cl im IK — to— 1114 ll SL"to'5SS'cl 1 I— IW •>Am Mm V— I 6*a a. to na I Jl/ Ito W'l I M Trw. to tof — AMP > Ln— to— ta* Jfcu PWlto FL r’«l. m—. PM4M Cl MHl. Mr MM MrA JtoW I ua toi—r* to T4II I ... -Wf> lU I t—rr mm JS llnr to »i» n—Ito to—I IL >-4iir ^W^mM Mr*. O. McMT* »•— ’W> to! Mto Ato— 0 limti. «to (K.H—. KMBi. <. M yrlKl. I« ■to—t. irtoii «8 n— n m III) mr to—• Cl Mto) WM lann ItotoX Ir— MX M—to

nr: SnS^raiiKS

l»7w. IFto'V»W*WiM—. H—AVto

jltA-T.r-*?“m^'i 'n 'U**.’— to- 4MI *U^|!"Viil1 ?_-^*Mj4^to

Mr Mto M/v MM* to •— to. Afi. I. Trtor to 4M LP—M. Apt. I. Hmm MM ptoMto Cl »«n nr. Mto Mr*. Bm«M Ki*— to— taS Mr. MM Mn. C*BM«r Prtll Ir— In*

to M—a V— —artopjm. na ■ ^ , nto A—. « Mto to. »« ' MM a—MM* Pi— to— HI . toon <■ tUto J»r, 6—* A-OM. Hn to( 0—nr «—< KU KIP— • itotoi. to—I **<!—! ^m' ‘p—ton _to— ISM VMI n’wS: Mr— to im »aan. PHtoM Cl VHM. to mMiii. Mr Mto Urr T— PPMtor. Dm— ■ Mr nirf Ura. Mn Krmti md MMr. Ml I to*r —n *. tiro—. A — «— ••to T—Mto to— mi to >1M to aa to *<M0i fr—i im Wirr—i to I'M toP*r— L— to—■ Cl »ll|l —r M< nn um —r k—< an

D,r."Sw"j«eSsr43 PM mmi «Bi^

IMVIC. to— IIM to— an to jm^lrm to Ml. «mm M Cwiai Mto» Cl A«to. nr. Mto Mn. litt kmi« to— 4Bt Tnl. *K. mM Mrv H—I*. *. I



War Takes Veteran Soldier—-

f.iMif.SfM 17


Tough, Understanding Sergeant Killed NAPA, CaUf. (AP) - Bis George BtrdKil looked like a fruH. roofb. tough Army ac^ fent Re was.

ng6<SBg. Thb M alow Joft actool ba didn't kao* for tun Mn. BirdMU got fee pletures opeu the door to Comamnista whether we should be to Viet this week. Iburaday fee sac down at fee dtotog room table to or anyone ebe who wanti to ran Nam." Mn. Blrdaen said. wrttt her hmbud a lettar. Re’ thtop or be mnethtog or to go "But after be came Oo the back of a I . oa to higbto ytaem from school, be bad no doubt had written her devotedly every, •cat hto wife and lit cbfldrea ‘ttoe of fee reaanto the Viet- feat we should. He said if we other day. But feere bad been lr«n SalgoB on Joae S BlrdteQ. nanete are this way Is beeaow weren't feerc, fee onto fetaf DO letter (or IS days. She wotka. wrote: happening here befare dered about feat a»ey...................................... cantnries, somewbat like the toog. Be said those people over BetoiKM^ Tran ettber side 1 stin look Koreans by J^an and, to our feere need ue." Above fei room notses made . Bcaa. I gnea I'n been a aer own backyard, fee Negroes by George eat an cix of Ms ^ feant too loag to kxA pleasant.' fee whites." dren Vtotnamesa clefees for by fee children, fee beerd a Easter; asked feat they be pho- knock at fet door. The eeller But ondenieath. be was an l»-YearVetona togrepM to feem so be could WM a officer from Travis Air George already hi Force Base. Army for IS yean wbea see bow they looked. to odds Beat oftito ttne," fee he went to Viet Ntm. Arnr career man wrote Ue Bis two older children, Tere­ tntily a mowfe ago bun SaigoB sa. 12.'and George. U. were «ber« be bad been staltooed bora while George and Us srUe. Dale, were stettoned to France siitoe last November wife Loeg-Belt fetdUgence unit. Vanerle. 10. and Rhomta, I. North Komm Ave.. to oHor •*n>ey don’t stick together were born while he was on duty eftce. and are content to let things ran to fee sute^of Washtogtoo. Mifeemseivcs. As long u no OM chael, S. end Kafey, S. were bom to Aritosu. I bothers him. he is happy. FRB BHMATIS—PIANNM9 SRVICt BacfctoScbeel Neede Nreetiaa It YMri III CawWiKtl** IwtlMn—Uadvd "if be doen’i bare anyone Then big George went to s potot Urn to the right dtrectioci. special Army intelligence school' realty I him a shove and ten btm to Balttmore. Ma t to do, be Just doesn't do "Before he wert to feat






sou Time To Buy Your




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Reg. 7H


^oog^ SALE!









CHAMPUN Dehae^Motor Oil 2«4rk0 wt.



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lar •

Wbw tmt

$a«>4. i*«-pr*fU*

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H^Crytofe Was

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6-77' Mon Rose Lgneheon Set

TUMBLERS Cenfol fowWvrt ym'II n* •rarit d*v- H*.irv h*u.




FATHER'S DAY Snapahsit and Mavia Film

'^9SS£ rot rm nnkt and usmr "MIRACLF"* PHOTOHNISHING •ht le^to ead seal al^ii daaaad aa Itoi aaaarfa. m - e>toikaitotoR »■ ear aa.raa aa fe Hast sad wt IS.


roe MUST ui uranip



momit uaci


Carousel Party Mugs

SALAD BOWLS Calorfol sfoifle hoh. d*.


tiOMd fo Amo Mlvd lira t.lllae .yll

-w 6-’2"


Candy yfri—. md dfoMAdi to MfM*, «»W. fora«*!i« «r rM*. Diihf. «riw-Rr*«f.

tiJUM-fa flee IN TlUfe m am. UeHl ■ llJllaafelM BIST Us UKA-SILTZn. laatat UH. Gez................ ■ Ptadoga at II...................^ ti^iuunnu flee ttAI lAUM, Me wmri«Mar-oii........... • IMTaMataar l9et.N«BM..^ itviN ««Hn unn Mee ■to TIMS. Me Pa> aarmto ar asaamn Uli * toWi at IM.....................MM W-WR.T. Me* 9topim«sHi 7A« TsaaliC LHtaa. toes. teMt.. * M THMa ...................... IM


Keep Cool This Summer





rnm aun

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bMarafod aaa-evaH Mera to •to taat baaaHfolW (raai rafrif-

Sar.* taa* ar .araat I* tkaia baato«»af. aaaeaa .l|)fo..ka»4»,

arafo. fo «aKa ... for tarytae 4n.» ud yaeafoUa WUto tin. Uwii. e*Mt fo

41.99c 41.99c


S-iacii •ha.


aya»-ta-4aUa Dara-to^t* eiaM. •a, a latl -

6 “77'




Green Light | 'Pam'ly Do/ Activities Scheduled at TSH



5-Year State industrial Aid Program OK'd

fi ’- .r-

K«atM bu been appimd fer • (m-ruj- ptM kr tMteiieil service* lo pr««ldB mr/km ter bKbittry fialler te time ^roTiiM u> eurleullaK. Christopitrr E BailM Jr., necvtive director et ttw Bweierefc feoidetion of Kaetai. a&> BOOBced Saturdijr. • A r«nt of niiM loea Ok federal approval. It la iaby the office «t Slate iMelcal Services ts Om Dept Of Commerce and is li addItloB to a OSjm frsm for pIbbMi| 'Rk profrem will be nnanced jqjatly by the atale SBd ladarai >Ib my epinioa Xenus could mil develop eaa ef te mere effective technical scrvkea provmi of te aatko,” Berthd “I feel tei te tactmlea) servlcet profram it estremely hnporlaiit to that It tom eraphaata on the uao ef KDowledfe. Ia acicoev aad tecbnolo|y, have developed a tmead ea^illty tor eraatlBg bow hnowiedea but, as a aallea, we . a kM fatting anted to pnpr cfoalderatlaa of te tread. I nd lie to tel kBowtodge.' Ptaat otter te program todads latahlbbnite to a tedttesl twteet < bettA effleetitteUBlvmltyof Kbbtat. Wkfflta State Valvartoly ■Dd KteM Site Wtetoty, developiitet el ntite ef pted-

AMMAN. Jontoa (AP) > PSrin tralna to te Moeicm btoy dtf to Medte. laufl Artoda, wIlibenntegactetolMlee te desert railway blewo up at a Belter to mUtay atemUty by Lawranee ef AHMt to World I. te gowtBBte aototeead. JtodBB. gate Artode

Cigar-Smoking Wife— Mrt. Abe Perte. wib ef te oMdale toeMet al te l^nBia Oaart. mbad a dpr whlelilkkiwbhTaptkaDellyCapWaal' unM Art Boebwte (toff) aai Pled Xteh.

larm eaeW to te Wavy, to a Weeb^ tts party PMay light Wi. Parte kaa hast iteklig eUari tor yaan. ______________________

Party Comparison Outlined by Mize

DAR ES SAIAAM. TanunU (AP) - Ten chiiapenseee aad reared to Enrapeen sooe wito that da« bnmao catering antoe have arrived to lake ig) raatdtotoe « vtahaMtod. SQKtSmito Mbndo Itead to Lake Viettrta. where Iheyll have to far teir Ovl^ B'l an ' to a Germa aoolog-

■to Syrto toe flBtete te ns- tiootod to 4


UWRENCE lAPl-riBa] apprevai ef a tlJOSJM fntt » der Tula I of the Hither Xte catkn PacUtties Act Friday baa 0vm a freen li^ te ertoittects pleiminc the Drat phaee ef ■ t at te (Jnirertoty ef Ktotb Lewtee. vlee dtfweQor for operatiBae. laid te flret phase will coat abent |4 milto^to^n^te rant fer

^Atat M to IJM expected lo ateto. brtogpicBK toBdMB la ahae «1tb

Aides who avk dooety te pattosia will mm. deans will be provided to aaeaa cbildrea vWtott. ttireuth te eoBTteiy ef SeriBep.


the aad reaeartot fa­ BeWara (AP) cility. te IIK LeflaUture sp- -TONGERCN. A PakMm archlieettirsi etaprorlated |l,7W.m. An appU- dent. Akbtm Jdteaod. XL, ef eatiea it pendlnt to Wmhtottoa Karadii. mrlved bare ttna week tmder Title 2 of the act far en.lTO toward gradate tincb-|2^c?cS’m?0iJ5^ ^ toe ead reeeareb tedUtiea. ■-----------------Europe en mile to stiato to First pbaie ef te bar abneturt, whicb win evotB^ hove three units. wlD oeotoy te tece now covered by aid RobtaMB f^nmsttom. wtakff eaa pletisnof te new naaar HaH

Missouri Mule Capital Failing

why wort? ‘-But to cottraet we pretest te propeeltloa that glvea toceallvc. mas will take cate to HuMlt aad da It better tea baaavtoeat eodal ptaoier or horeaaertt We say private ewnartolp. Iree est«prlae' esd peraeato fraedoB give mB tncseittve (or bard work end pror fees aad to this wev e better Me ftw an to Mblaved. Aad we »*7 te experteooe to htotory provee as rtffkt.''

We're Open to Serve You

A Fine Memorial Service Is Available to All

staneea, we offer tba nae effleknt, omrte. ooa aertoee to all who come to OB.

-: w

OPEN :0R BUSINESS At ear Mnw leeaKen

Nursing Studenb PULTON, Mo. (AP) - Calla­ way County, touch ooa coealdWill Train at VA ered itself the nuile ccoter oT

te world, to now down to five aurttag aha to te fayrhrlto. tm Marymouat CoDege, Sa­ A repeto by te eouato a canteign apa«!h at i Hiawatha, naa. wm ipte U waaka to aer''e office itm two et HlaStete Hoepital No. 1 aad •tiar party ballevaa te ft» iratatog at Thpaka Vtonot Adon finss. to World War I te atile to te coonty htt 8,to tocrem te eapadly to »- Dr. A. L. Otoea, heapitol di­ Mduali to luke theb way rector. aaki the heapttal to prol oto to rtoa above their aB^ vidtav'edocattooto sad eWeto nototoa and their drciim- capeTtaBce to payddable miaitaneaa B tey en." he aeil tag for te •^toVeal tote Dements yev. la to peek ^ your Inubica and Paculty Bwmben acumeeiyleave tbaii --------—- tof te stadents win ba Slstto doaratep. It to an appeal te te Tbeophene. Sister Ana atbIt^ tide to man'aaatore. Wbea ertae and Sisier Laekne. li to mere pr^bto te be Idle,

te actmti^ racreetteal a to past years taoBim he one frea as tar eway MKhipD and Tcsa*.


After etoneb aerrieee, (ame* me piiDDed at lOttf am. Them toekida aefteU, relays, taarne-

Stodent Amves

HUWATCA AP) -Tba RopubOea ptey eflte pae^ a bettor dUBca to cart for temMlvaa and do B btotor tea beaevolaat social pUnoar or R#- Chtear Miss. ILKan.. said Sabudty. eaitoUato lor rmiatete SBd Dtoffkt. ' at te two totematioB; tod creaitoB to ■ malor polWeal pertte te pregram to lectove and dlatrtett Ufermatei to iBtetrtot to araai to wtdeh tey may ba Chimps to Isle

Trains ro Rahim

Topeka State Hoepital pa-ieUe-a Uwa OtBce. Later ttdhy twnts wm tere pieoic hmete te IteteO Bond wffi maaito otte aettvitte «Nh tetr laeniUei to te asaxto *TBmlly Day” affair at the hospital i»-

To Structure At UniversitY

1201 Kansas CE 5-3419

Olvl Drug


Bible Supply

Jajhawfc Cof^iniction Company, bic. and Highland Homes, he. Topeka's Largest Home BuiMm Announce

Kennraft mr. A MAJOR REW COMPARY FfSl TOPEKA’S REBUIUNRG REEDS! •••••••••••*veB*e**eeoeoeaeee*eve*e«oeaeeooeoeoeeeeooeeeeoeo*e<

i Add this communications consultant to your staff without cost He*sppafca

aver 40 yaar« of Topaka hema building axpari*

laDy traned to handfe 70m • omb-MdlmiankHan yoan for the Mking.

anea to form a raeontfrueflen company cap-

Lot tans show yon bow n coimmmicitkwi

Tapaka't two larfait homa buiMart eombina

abta of offoring ralloblo', quoitty homo robulld*

caicM pkinntTn cat lotov

ing ond rofurnlng Tepoka famltioi fe ^oir tor­


nado domogod homoi ai quickly «i potiTblo.


Kancroff U a Topaka organiufion wHh evar

He nmy jont noBN beoer wtyi to «e oKiMiBg teiefihoM nrvicato Howaw, if neoHMey hel dntofRi • nnmplMRnly new oystan.

100 oxporioncod conofryefion poroonnol — blQ aneugh fe hoadU tba orgont wood for Topoko rttidanflol rocentfruefiofl... ergonbad.and ep-

CM yew Local telephoiie ba Ask to epeak with a S Connanioatioos Coffaritaat Hell be ^ to terve you. Aod tbm'« ao cott or ohligMfinm.

arofod by roopmtiVo local firmi;


Call CR 2-3725 430) Huntoon-Suite 2


* ■ ii SouthwwMwn Bal

INFORMATION FOR Khan Assumes 'License for Fun' DISASTER VICTIMS AnolherJob Theme at Centers In Pakistan"


U.S.Bdlsten Asia Securily, Chief Admits

Thm«h the Rad Cmas. peopte aU o r the eodotry-your neigtibers-are voiuotartly hdping you to laemrer froea ft# dtoaatar.


l. Bakuneet your famfly's homadtata Doads tor ttoaperaiy *•»*. • Bsdl^am nurttet can. IfyanaaadfbtokWofbalp. lagact I i illitoly to SINGAPORE <AP> - Sinpi !»«'( CUMW Pl«M MMlMr. ■aareat Bed Creaa dtoaator egaa » ■ispiiy^alf. Lm Kuu Y«w. vto hM ludi *. Help yea bridge toa gap batvaaa what yea c«i do towvd ywor awn tttmwj wA whto Unci# ,Snm ■ »htpptat boy to ne^ Per aomafamilka Rad Om help may toehida: ttM pntt, •rknowMgid SaOrPood, ctolhlag. and n <Uy tb# Unpnrtaoe# of ttt# UnU- • • Ripaim« or ntaiUdtag «f s •d States to Soatbeait Asia • Raplactot funtlttiro isid other hajsskuM ■ curity bot warned AaJa_ |a • Pravttng madlcat nd mntaf can aod h prepare for the day when Wett- • Replacing occupaitoBal s^i^ mid oqpdp em miliUry forces will depart -nie stage wiO be set tor "lo­ cal big fish to settle terms with AU SUCH HELP IS AN OUTRIGHT GIFT OP THE small fish, and smaU Bsb wUb AMERICAN PEOPLE THROUGH THE RED CROSS shrimps" unless Asian aation make adequate preparatioes for Wa know you have lost some thu«s that no one can replace, but we will help provide those (he wiUuteawal of Western inlhat you esnnot provldt for youie^. Enough ttoaa srlO be taken to plan wtoaly with fluence. he said In an address to Singapore UnlTersIty students. vDU and to ftelfy certain Mttal hdomittoo. such ns teune owMrtodp, tneoma, and Babittttea. todatannlna what you need. Each toshfiyl totunttoo to dealt with kuBridueOy a^ to cooflmce. Rad Cram help to given u gnleUy as postobla. wtth conriderattoo gtvan to beaBh. age. Lae saU a premat drawa) of AmtoMab forcea from r ate probteoto that might eraste tmnal ondltina. South Viet Nam could toreateb the aecurlty d nation of South­ WATCH OUT FOa MISLEADING KUMOSS east Asu. He aipressed doubt that there lUd Cr«» »e»« «ni (Odd or «1T HB««r nndW. mnt akn Un ai tann would be “any unmature or Id nt aA for te »*d Cn» dl«««r Mr itileinm lo to «»■ prgeipRate wiih^twal from Inrymac IK Vai. cm brt> l>Mto"W ""■'I “d> tom. Vtet Nam." adding: "But at ths to the nearast Red Creaa aflice. same time, t think It will ha unraaUsOc tor us to believe the Araarkaa can keep pouring to •nia Asaarican Rad Cttw dtoarisr rdief pnymi to supported I? MB of Ote AsMriea people and eperatta uodar fadwal charter to relieve the suffering caused troopa and men and

■■Ml Uemm far Pte" wffl bewfll

RAWALPINOI. PakUtat (AP) - Pireign Ml&teter EtlS' kar All Bhutto gave up bli " Saturday to taka madicto ami Proridot UetoHBntod Ayub Khan Mooead ha Mnaalf win taka aver tos poet Preeidanfs OMsu Ad not fiadata Bhutto’s Ohiato. Bhotto. », took over the toral^ mhditry in. M, UO-

iwgran not week at Me Tw­

plaaed Mug Am to -----ght the pngnm thsow. . to boM wa he haU St Ltas Sehaal playgmoBd at • pjn. Pridqr, and te ODcnai - • playireeni M I pjB.


lYeaty Organtoattoa bot its par-Uctpatlon bw beeo leu active. It atoo to a member of the Ceatral Treaty OrguttoallOB. Oaa of PMctotaa's chief



Itwu------------ *


CALL FL445S3 FL4^77 Warehoise - -.



Topeka, Kona Tl» H-m. Otflc. « -y .f 0. I.H-.n.f T.p«b Ay«h -W b. .Ld >• ...M .-9 pcHcykoM«, ^ H.. TOPKA TOINADO STRCKEN AUA wtw are in need of Usisfanca In tKa feltowlaq areas: 1. H to Bead si Bitelsaal itow sa wtes pap>«t af pwt— t. If raw ptotov wu tow ar tetewiad A Ptesr tout M hate vow iB i »iry auto

M wa cte ha wf ■ilituri. a

CEntrd 4-0458

The county sberdf. Lawrence Quinlan ,uld Sairierieaf beganj working «) the old car wb« the! waR» atta^ him. He began to nm. Ian down and wu stung to toe face and bud. iadkal Examtow Ito. Orest H. OaMtag laada too nBng Tba rictliB wu Edgar Bbbontheeauofdstoh. dariaalofttoltevala.

POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (AP) -A CS-ycar-old mao wu attackad by a rwarm of wasps Duttog to so BbandoBed car Saturday and dtod of afaock dM to the itingi According to toe County medical e

Central luttfUgunce Agency, Clarknotothew ten iat erte <- ' Washingtn toddent. but Laa fetcad a ratraettos by pndnetog a lettar af Iho sward to aacsad by pho- Joint Oiiinar Mooti apeiofy from Saoitary of State teraphtes ea toe barit cf ma' The Amerien War Dads Dean RuM. ntaU racMvM d(Sfe« the ya Andhary No. H wffl hm Wa In hto ipoaeii to Stogipart or pufatUiad nawf phetaa. a.. uTuU Laa said hi M bSa^ nuiwvau toa War Dadi at the War Dad ist Asia would be "raaSoutheast Lodge Will Meet »r flee and sonabty' aaci^ i HaU at 1:30 pm Tusad^. Ent lOydm ^ pcsalMylO inaeot wffl IdOow. NasBd Rabekah Ludfi No. K MnstPrapan win maat at • pjo. Wednesday But ha said Aatoa carntriM mutt prepare for the avestoal to Am IOOF Temple. Vm next Adalinu Will M«t wttbto'Bwal of Western udmary mecttiig will be on SepL Tbpeka Jayhtwk Chapter cf httm ud miMt oae the aexi Members will have a plcnle siq>- Sweet Adeltou. lac. wffl matt - 10- at «I PJB. try to euUbltoh •■•oraelper on July pan. to ibt U Amertexn » of a balance whichimato *!mal Gage F ‘ Savings BoOdtog at r.» pm. d wllh a miite for the Kansas yaulhs, going ^^hM win ba Mrs. Midge on the United Natioa pilgrim"You know." he saM. “Amsrlean pr^errts have the i»fortunate disability of having to lace elecUons every tour y< "In IM. there will be anyl number of Robert Ketmedy'i; around to put for highly attractiva resolving all the dUcoenferU ell by than probably ttove^artersj of a mUUoii Americans. N,IWW«y-e,ieiM»? -Cmi you ten of s raitUott Amariea fani-l mm wtMM Itn^hto nrast be! certainly amtiom at the proa-| WIMKUWSBlflKTMtCOOUK pertt of their sons going u: VIM south Vtet Nam to replace tea!


The American Home Life Insiirance Company

Clarkson Named Wasp Swarm Attacks; Man platoto agatoft toa IWtod S . is ftat It sewli mili^ loppltoa and the Iteians to mm them egainst Paktotanto. Top Photographer Dies of Shock From Stings itouseIndia

[‘S3S'. ■ •toctoest tovoivtoc the Saliiiday.

RMdtlu Wont Adi!


unmtot. Some regard pailey he dtoected u an etiM to play the Eut agatost the Watt. While nwving cloaer to Pek­ ing, Pakistan remained to toe

Slag^iore. which has i pra-

that Rad Chtna would cold war In Asia. '■nw United Sutes Is a very Rico Ctorkson. director of phopowerful natton." he said to televtolon interview. "I soma- lognphytorthsIbpakaCapltaltimas wish they had some lead­ iounul. bu racefvad the Graers af equal power and ebnse- flex Award as photor^r of He atoo emharrasaad the U.S. the yav, IMS. ta ragtoB saves , of the National Prate Photof-

danea. teuaic, drma. ted patottog. The Lfaw' Chib day camp I Lake Shawnee will be i to vMton tooa • aJB. t pa. daily text waM.

Bhutto was gnttttig Ayub Whttoin School pliyp Khan's reghae hacvise be dil> will its aettrittos ai tend vrith the presideot on tor- watercenter avstea. taetodtag i dgn policy. The pnaktenl. to balfaea vuBayban. lea cube re­ tfecL dented this, sayteg: lays, and an laderwatte bubble ■There ha< blowing cDOtesL in certain quarters that the de­ parture of Mr. Bbteto wffl lead AH swimiBtog pooto wiU bal open except R^iOey Park Pool.) toachangi Boor ef Aia other five pools ef Paktotas. I teeald 1 wa tan a;M ta I pm. A enitaral arts pi^graond Thek»ifflipMleyaf8caaitry to based OB Battonal talereat Kmp iRiar and U to oa ibto harii aloM thte the policy cf PaURa Ltoes will nay eeak haiger to toa refrigerator A OwT* bu takes ih^M tad wlD hnpt ta a tightly cloud lar. ue to be pursued." WhOe Bhutto wu foreign mtetoter Paktotan's poBey clnwgrd from stnagty ^Weetem to one of efaser relatkas whb Rad Chtoa. Yet Bhutto to regarded


tnutofS (MoTte fedaraUen and baeama tadepaitotm last Aaguat after a cootrover^ canlarad an Lae's damaad ta- a graater votca tor non-Malays In the “ ‘


Lal«b H. I

u I

Alter sMu bam aaS; HU towy RMuU •- Hs|


Chutu M. McClaay

who cares when it was canneid

letUsPiilA HounWn Sprite h Tow HOME <» OFFICE

Topeka Pure Water 4A1 Nut 17Tb

NOTICE TO ALL OUR POUCYHOLDERS *• on pUau# M ■Moe* a Tl-Oo. Mfilia of

It’S hard ID thMc of atiythinc ufer thao evaporated mdk. But it dou eaou connotoaoufi

9rgc« p«Ml M oi poOctoi Am Auk. Ik. pM<#d H

Jmm I, IfM l.'jdr «nr wko wMV by lb. fanMp..


Woodmen Accident ml Life Company



IhkinccaiESofftbaihBfvte carts Bi qttta a Mt. But wte still ttnnkit'swQrto it Lets V proBEtoa you toerato



EMaGENCY LOAN SEXVICE W. wiE fiva hnmadlata aiMoHaa to am peBcy Mton li Mcorio9 loaoi o« Iholr E«t iimmiiea eeWiaett.


So wv coda-data ovary can of our White Housa Bvwpovatad Milk-and we taka the eeo off the shelf befoew it gata a chaima to chateto Ravof■


we care


-rv' -r'

t«aB* CeaWvl Jiwvat


Lynda Bird Joins George

* H KANAB. Utah <AP) - Prwt-Rxte Hmo" ahaw fiautbera | watch the fOmliw was oncer I whi aacapad 1 uai. A MMn'i dntMv fort and beaded ta HamlhoB. bearded and wear BM )BtMd actor frkad C«rtc HamUtOD oe Ibt Mt cf a CM HanUHm. ». md Id^da Bird, tnt a btoe Bit. was to tbc co-i War iDovk In Southern Olab't 1. fay they an food iriende. piloCi teat wben (he )et touched Laat Ncraobar Lynda Bird down on Ihe aqdtalt runway nor flew finas Loi Aacrica dUad wm another frieod. ma«- The board to for hto part in the wbv« the baartM, welMnaaed cal ahidast Brest Ratbnan. at raovla. Lynda Bird wore a HnIttoB danead wUh a laAaat and white cbeckad tulL [ Oty in nvflwra Ui Kid at the aamal ban o( e then the baa bam a the Coatena Deai^M ' dy with Hamilton, wWeh dadivad Baa _ a moete set locatio beat dnaaed AnericaD male three mflei north tt the NatioBal Part todge. about & Kob to aew the UtabArte. miles northweai of Kan^ pa border. nmla( cd movlas, lUmOton't sUm R<dto Boyce meafly Weatwa^ h mt~ (w was St the airport to pick op rooBdhig Rad Bade dMart cao» him anl Lynda Bird wbm they try baa baa tba Mamt bni. set down in a private )rt alN Ban of the uauuiuaUj cd IJOO pUae Saturday momiag. {or many yean. Thd actor atJ0«l In a motel in BanOtoa. ». playi a Confed- Kanab. Lynda Bird planned to .rata r«™ta«lar ip te Cohns- ftay at a private borne. How bla pictarea movie, “The Long loi« she would be around to

‘ AT

mm iiK\ issasa-

run CO-H(T AT li:2a ACASniT AWABB WINNa 'WT ACTe«-

sipNCY poirm ”tXW5 OP THE nELO" DD __ _

taayCurMajIaek ..^^''TlMCfaatBaea


Canadian Peace Overture Hanoi Appears Failure

Falley Builds Food Empire

Lou FtUey. president e( Fat- An employe lounger contains veadbf maddneo. tabb and ley's lac., has buOt bto bn and a haV^atohad from a tbfle fralt stand lido chairs, checkers gama. a b minion per year aggregate Falley also has a bakery b of aeven grocery itorei. a bak­ North Topeka, where 13 spedalery. feed for callte, and pack- ty bread varieties. 30 sweet rdl varieitea. and 3Q cookb varie­ agbg pint. Palley, wfao opened that fruit ties are made. The spaebl however, to decoretad cakes. stand at tU4 N. Kansas b the Pmducb tie dtotrtattd to (an of US. eipecti hit gross lures dtoly. salH b UN to creet at lU mil- A catering bulnmss produced NAN to MAM ibgle icrvteet of meals ta UN. Nath* Tapehaa Be is outfobg prebdent of Falley. a native Topefcan. to president of PaDey's. Inc. and Assoebbd Groeors, a rat AsMdatad Grocers. Inc.: ef Southwest Stab wtdeh aHowi mcaben b boy cbalrmaa Bank; and owner and operator itema at of Falley Parma. Topeka. The fruit stand qubkly wa Be alao to prmldtBl of Super lumad bto a gtocm* store N Market Davalepnmt Corpor*1>S. As stta was itat to be thb. Kanam Oty. and a AoeUSi Oaed. br ef Whits Lakes DavaiipIn UO. PaOsy butt a bm raeot, ine. in the BasNaek fbomtog On- Be b a mnbsr of Topeka Chanhw of Ckaacrca, Kaana ter. . amnhtr of Conmerea. Supw PiaMtoPasdU^ Market Mitote. Adntary But bto yrtft UJOt toad let, Board of Xaama 4-H CInb, 8t when cattb - baqbt meaHy Datld'a Bpbeopto Church, tad from area CouodL He b dirtetor of In hb Mr. Kaaaaa, Worts busbeu growth chart aad pic­ Ha tadPamSy his wifa live at »S tures of Aberdeea-Ai«s cattle, Fairway Drive. His SQn,-tet given Pansy by the Abtodsan- Falley b office and accounting Angui Asm. manager, md hia aon-b4aw, John Alberg, married to JaAan Alwaya KMftrimmtbt Palley. b geasral minagar of • We'va bean aaparimm . ever abet wa wmt bto the the retail opsatloD. feedbg babnaai to try to da- Paiby goUi and bob. I vtiof iOm ef wbst braadi sad tosvtUag bu been cooihad typea af bast aalBab pndaea i^aadbs « hto central meat the awl dttol still cab aad

Tha PaOay bt rna from IAN b IJH eatfla ta tbs bt at afl thnet. Thn cattb art Nisail then SMppad ta lefriga cart to ft! ecDirai poiAafbg plant tl Sai EaoMa. OthtoW^Mada Pbtai md abeto II varbtbi of sal^ tbe art made ot tbt centrt NNt Two gMa out « ptana a bear, wtt pram^ dmih. k bttliag operattoo is run b conjunetbn with the cuUtag. aad packaging, so that each of tbe sovm stofti can ordir Ha meal caobr Nock each A computer wfil rtplaca toe btUbgout aytoen July 1.

Herd Denounces Wheat Controls JOHNiON (Spaelal) - V» Kanasi wtMat (armto sbeold be allowad lo psodnea at much ■ wheat as pctostab beemae of toa wo-ld-wUt dmuad lor wtabr wheat, Itsts 8m. HareU Hard. IKUdMlar. taM at a Damocratb awettag bare Saturday. “Aera^ wNrel tenM be UBomatotory to Ne lutan. The United State! obouM saU wheat i to anyuoe who wanu b buy and to wUltag b pay cash. Herd said at toe moeOng In tois Stanton County city. Rertl, who to saekmg the Dem­ ocratic lor the U S


reaerMs end help itorviiif peo­ ple «o«M tot world.

we¥e laughing OURSELVES SILLY!

TOKYO (AP) — A Oommuniit braadeaat nawted Sunday that Canada's q»dst peace vtvoy. cswatar Roiidnc. baa taOed lo find any ehaafe b Hanoi's n ertdinf the Viet Nam


MCDONALD'S ANSWERED MAYOR S CALL FOR HELP! ^ Wiflihi two boon ofeor the ton«to stiweli Jmw I. JIM GABBETT, ^ MGB. mM Ms boys w«o deBvoifcf Imodfwdt of Rn M-borgan ood bof eoffoo to oor dlifreiied clttoeoi ood vol—t>tr woriiort. Topdtois, Mwy worked orooiM tbo eloefc ami oro sfilgMR«.


FATHER’S DAY Weekend Mdlay. Uim4mt m4 Sandn

*UHdesferRiddieseidAdrits *MUitve 6elf-lei|esf mN FM Cemt * Skee lilt Mediiiies

Em day sioco JUNE «. MCDONALD'S bovo dMhrorod tbowiiii of REIlMnfaOTfon,ceMdrhdBCNd eoffoo caps to V10U PBIKH. AID «d IMT evaff at SHAWNEE COUNTY food DbtrbsitiOR Cm. tw. 21 ST Md TOPEKA, for riw ooHrw dty. TOPEKA k oar bappy beam Md foBow Topebam mm oar good ■ slghbin mi fitoodt. Al of as at MCDONALD'S «• proad far tbo piffBcae of b^ihif tboio wbo acedod b^. ood wo wfll coiiHmi la waA wHb MAYOB WBIGHT, Iba COMMISSIONEBS mi tboh slafN af diffeetaJ paapto wbo aha lovo TOPEKA aad In pioad

HJOYLANDS TapaU's Ammamaat Pmk 27th A CoRfornio

Open Hon. Thni Sat.


•Ho Merest •Mo Own PijfiBeiif •FIRST PAYMENT AUGUST ar Tab# 4. 9. 12 Maatbs NeDawa—IftPa


And All Our


Proud Employees

Fcer.'l BEEF SIDES lOtFryonl 5r Bacon


SANl)REWS---«-Pl^ J$ BaARDiuTwh«»ww mStrJB filANORfWlklRta-Mr ISS"





mupfcorau AO-AOoiln.

Bant I Uoknr DISe Par Month



» MOT unsnu. >itvin: WITMIN 10 0*T5 AND TOUR niRCHASI WHA If RRItACRD.



Calt Now for Appointment

2Slh and Tapaka

To Sm Ya« iMf Wtinhod. Cot kWropp«din30Mln.



■ ft:

Car, Highway Safety laws Gain Backing WASHINGTON (AP) - C»gr«u ■ moNing toward enactment of auto and btgbwar-stfatv Irglelauan far men eonprahmm than •eened likely a lew month* a<ro. Hixhwav-aalety billa adUi «Ufr [rovnions than (beta aaked b>- Presldrat Johoaon alreadji iiaw baiB appfwrt By OB $»• atr tad Kmm Public Werka Commltteea. Autogamy ineati under comlderatiaB fr heuaet teem calaih to |0 be­ yond what the aikcd ilby . . . ral vehicIcMfely atandardi. Althongb ftoat eanfreaatonal actwn it tiill many week* away. program will contain broad new power for the aecretary of com­ merce to impow faifhway-eafety sUndardt. including vehicle m^Nction and driver education and to require tnclialon of aeverat lalety devicei aa atandard equipment in all new cart start ing with ira models. When Johnson sent hli tranaportation measage to Congnaa Mardi X he a*ed for a thiwprenged program tactodlag: I Federal grtodi to atatoi tor highway safety to develop prostandards to bt set by tot tary. L Aothority fer the aceretary to set mandatory new<ir aatoty standards It after two yean he feels estating vohMary stand­ ards are unsatWactory. i Expanded fedara] Ugbwaysafety research, taehidtof cocistnictkm of a nattonal highway, safety reeaweh M0 eentsr. ufety program called penditure of SUP mlUioB over SIS years with tOI million ear­ marked to help autes set iq> safety programs eoveTWf such tobiga as *im parfonnaott. veWcIa aalely, Itighway dMtt; and maintaBanet and Waffle cut the program to throe years - with prorUoa that man money eoidd be aotoorlaad aftor ihBL-I>ie~ oramended IS?I mllllea. the House grotto M mllUoe. AHhotifb stokes hero to deroh Hoob cetntmea ca a nroager pnvition. First, it cuts off safety funds after Dec. JI. IM7. to sUtot which dent have approved safe­ ty program* to <to<ration. Sectnd. It provide* foracuMf of IS per cent of all federal highway aid to tUtca wUch do not have Safety programs to cperation by Jan. I. tm. , In additkm. toe house com­ mittee added a number of spednc factors to be Included la highway-safety programs such as lighting and1 vehicle laepecl pngrama to At the end of iBto wedi. Oialr. man Warren G. Mi Wato . repotod Ms aenate CatuMTce Committoe had agreed tentatively oa a formals whirii would put into effect for im modeU toe M sMety stand­ ards toe goveuBjicW ti reqntotog for all cars It buys starttog next September. Anung these are coUapsibie fteertng eolumps. safety door latches and htoges. «ehengM for lap and shoulder seat balto. front Mt bead reeto to mtoimize whiplash tofurles.

\r> one Hors


— ^

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In the Tornado’s Wake at Topeka Y Heartaches... devastation... / and then, swift help from the men of



EMPLOYERS MUTUAL TVbat dona an inauraime company metm by *Tratsdiaa in Actioa**? Vbn ooe of the vent tonudoea in Uatocy 1 • path el dmtUttoB tmm tba City o< Topeka tm tba Bight of Jtme 8. agepta and ad)utm for Em i a dnmatic dneoatratian of the anamr to that queatiocL QokUy and qniatly, Uhm nwa w«t to sroit to labM the baartacbea of the homekm in KanHi* capital dty and meet the urgent needs of potkjdKdden vrbeee dw^nga and autanwUleo Stan desieged or deetroyed.

Am M^w-oU moiMi, tbm bs Cha t room fnnitr toft; wteM (As Tepaka toniade ripped fM/end «e& off Aer Aom <» flntfeoB Araat, MirKBicma^ enspad ■nAurl.


non the BMOwnt elthe ftnt h dm five insanBce egandee r gBnploTts I a 24-boor<a-day kintaei in Topeka 1 tUI, ready for caOa and actioB. R«id«nt Adin«lm Dw twkhrell’, (An wu aat op aa cootrol «Dtar. 'i^etor Micktmai. diaaatar MMdaltot. bsnimi to Tbpaka from our Dm MofaiM « srtn iKoagbt ia> to acticD to aam En Still non bdp esune from our Kaiw Branch OffiMatWiduta. ^

oDar hare ro/tm of m mnofod horn on fiuiitooM Street to Aeep out iimd end rein, fmpioym tfuti«I od^Mter and ^ rt cAeeA pngrtm of work.

... from day to day aa calk in . . . BMB woritad 'round tba dodt. cattiBg thrau^ rod tape to provide iaHBediito eet»n and help. wera giveD aid in quickly to bve, Ripped-off rods end and doon ware wed sritfato boom to piwest fintber desuge. Honaa with kver damage wera madp Uvebla. Betta eppraked, and many claima paid on the qwt Caah advanoae wan oSoed in cana d apparmi Mad. paDding final payamat d daima.

waka d Topeka’s gnat dkaator. Wa nhxto than all But this k a word d ^>ecml cannandathm to , tlm men d Enq>loy«n Mutual for tbdr hletacie dnnatnlio. d tha hill namiii, at m Action.”

Aoaw en PoU Stmt. Etmt wm Sftai etf fomlatim Porch top room at from mi row of ooootti fhor woro ripped off end Atmen stoiiy.

Not 0 (vto-foAk Aame, Ant Me AeueeB. One fright eentrrj wm blown off its fomiotion and rwrpt omr ^ egdnet tAe Aeuae et left Vefawteen from a cAurcA Aelped deer deAru frigAt^. On Pro

like Scotch rlacHy :HV laundared and* ilhad . jd — rotvnied neatly* naai <k*d OK ON hangers:


^scoicir UciHik


fttFfteUNTCO IN TOPEKA BY: Americen Inwrenco htoner. Inc., 143S Topeka Blvd. •eb Athon tasuranen, 1314 Tepaka Bled. Commercial kteunace Santaa, hnlM, toe. lae^ 439 43« 1^ EEnflMd BMt. . Inaiirenco Assecletea. 705 Skrod / 05 Quincy BtradH Al Jeneeik Agency. 1»77«Mi2«th g ■^ Strad /

by faBnr treat aid poke end ffymg deArto Fw Smgloytr, Mutool incBredi, car* too boify damaged to Ae driutn werr tewed to e eretrd parking lot. rAere. loaaet wort oMeotaed end dmt pwd immoiutoty.

^eoe^S'Uak^ Mrs. David R.PHhar mkrmK.JMt,) Shtt-n E. RKley tai DtrU

R. ntm iwtuia anwini

*m It IM pjn. Aw IS is te Fint UeOHM Chareh. Mdum wlA te Re*. CMeta hmek «fBcWli«. n» bride li tbe dn^ «( Mr*. Lorena Pnpea RWa*, Wetama. ud Gene P. RUer. WtehlU. Mr. PtOar M flw ea. or Mr. ad Mo. A. R. Pttlar, Aitaai CUjr. CadleUiUer* were De^ Ritley^aya^ y Jinay BttFew. Great


-m Mii'e friKMi Msto •m M fia di ala wa ^

flaed eifft. A orari a< fmrk mi ajtlak kaM her *al. uM ifea aiTM Flak Daa Rialer, NkkeraeB, wu maid tt honor and farldinnaldf war* Sbaini Pittaer, Artaaai etty. aod Rath Mark Delter. Ganta Otjr. Plowar fM wu Rafii MirtiB. WlcMU. GarMd Barto. I^ada, wu baft ma aad craeiMaBa wan Mm Gaober aad Earl Roo.

Mrs. Donald' Beseou m> ' Janet Pattn ta the brida at DoeaU D. DoH. ' “nieh- marriage wu (Maawimdatliam.JnMUtaMait Tva Heart, of Mary Oneb >affii tbe Re*. Lawroee AtbertMO onciating. Pareela of tbe coople are Mrand Mrs. Harold P. Patten and Mr. and Mr*. Frank J. MT. The brida wan a gwwa M tSk argan du^ wtt Bl. M baUce. pwMl urkBna awd bridal palu Aa«u. An Mut af mK . (abrte dMMnd

UAertog war* Prada Petti, lea. BrakriBe; Gaybcd RtoIe7. Mduna; aod C. 8. BB yew, Grat Bead. Jdier Om reeeptioa. wUeb wu In the eteeb, the e^la left for a weddlsf trip threogh the Smtbweft ■ Mr. ad Mn. Plttter are TaduMa oT Kauu Stata Taacban CoQ^a cf taperia ‘ad are teacbert ta Oa Top^ acboot lystem.

eon hea aneMed te uckMa nd Mmmad *B Rent at Rw lamalkid iktft A nmnnbla Aapei Mn w« can^ Mrte bow and —imm Her bridal veil feD (ram a pin box of *ilk organa ap|di-

Mrs. Chariot R. MeVey (SaamiB Marie Brown) floBiinalilarlaBrowii.danglitm ad Mr. and Mn. Dwight CariyW Brown, bacama the bride of Oarla RenaU MeV9, aon M Mr. and Mr*. Oariu J. MeVay, St. Jaaeph, Ma.. In a ceremony aolemnlzad SatnMy. TteJtav. Charles rimJlev ( 0. Erikson read to marriage aerrice at S:]0 p.m. at lha Ptret Congrefitlannl Ctorcb. Tb* omdlea wen lighted by Unde Smitbmler. Ovariand Pari, and Janin mialan. lha brida ehan a gwwn ad Rem wbdlt eOb ergaan w«h a maidad badka nd baB

ilaeTas ad reembrahknd Rin, St Joaaph. wen groanaAhwan tea nteib «■«%»«>. UMng were DanMa Bn. gMn.naabMddwaekM ntt and Mn OaDom Lcwieoe^ had neattand nwdb. «d a Robart Nawta and Mbp tbeer Bnttag trata M Rea Myert. St. Joaeph. ' A reeeptta fallowed at to to ahaUdu*. _________ .... veH eaacaded from a pStos T<q>aka Coontry Oob. The e a( tea an penk. BRa nr. pk wiU live in Mnaapolit, rM a bw]wet a( whMa M Minn, petta arehida. Beer da wr ‘Rw bride, a member M Alpha aid nephanati* with taUaga Delta Pi aonrity, hu complatad ud iced peaik. bar toptaODan year at to Uni. Br™. uater u maid of honor. Brides- ■

Jodllb Carp. Serving as beat man wu Hori man HaM. St Joaeph, Gay Miller. Cdombla. Mo.; Dote! MeCue. Lawrence; and iraUam

Ha will begla a bnpttal red. ddicy and work kwvd n mu. tert degm in kapW ptarmai^ on Jaly I at to UdvereBy of Mtnneaote.

eon lace. She carried a Ihreabereri pendant banquet of frenebad white carnation, roaaboda and ftephanotit. Jody Parrea wu maid of honor and bridawnaMi wan btaraya DbR. Mar e( the Rebut Owana DoS wu Ma brolRu'a bnt nan and grunamn were miUam P. itoaBab. nd O. MhtoM Pamr. bath of St Joeepb, Mo. Uafaering were Bdward WlUiuu and Jerry RalDy. Uaonwvth. and Midual GaSagher, St Joaeph. Ma. A raeaptioo in lha Kntghta of OohmdHs Hall followed to Afte My 1 to ca^iM <w« be « bane k Aton. Go., when to brtegnan. who ' dna*. algi k to U.S. Navy. 1 Mend Navel SuKT Owpa Tbe bride attended Mt St SctoUstica Cdlega. Alddia and received her bachdiar'e d Dnivntty. The hridigreoiB wu gradnated tiu ynar from to IMvordty of Kaaau wBhaBSdagru ta adneatkm. Ha wu pro*. Mot of hk fntereity. PM Ka^ pe Theta.

Mrs. Paul R. Braunsdorf (MargvetBucUey) Tha upBal m» imMng in Margaret Estelle BucUey. dn^ of Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Bodkley. Hastiafa. Ndi.. to Paul R. Braiaadorf. aen of Dr. and Mn. Robert U Brmmadorf, ■rf. Topeka, took place It naan Saturday in St. CacUla's Qnrch. Hastings. Ihe Rev. Myron J. Pleaku oRlcialed: Tha bride wave a wMa crape gown fathkned with a

vMlay. -Tbni Perrlog, Enid. OUa.. wu maid M honor aid brbkamakb were EUnbeth Bnekicy. Lteotn. Neb., sister of tbe I. and RiU Sberman, Has-

£?■ Safenday of Pamda 9m Bad. krd and JoMpb WUtabar.

Thenu X. dmflaa. Naannfa. wu bam mn lor bit brother

riu bridegihem'i tator. to and to nton wen ReM El-

Rav. Thomu K. QiMtaa. assMed by to Rav. B. W. Wood­ ward. rand to aarrica M 2 p.m. The nopte'i parents are Dr. nd Mn. D. R. Bedford and to tor. Mr. «d Mn. CbaSu, Naeaah.Wli. The bfMa chaaa kr bar



ner, ChnriettuvlDt. Va.; Pater Ooaa. Heenah: aad Nix Ram dall Bedford aiM Mkliael Bad. ford, iretbert of to bride. A recepdoD in to hema of to bride's parents fodowad to .

autinek Sdnet. FvtoBR. and to DWvenlty af VlTfWa. Omr. kneaviOa. wWi a bnebekr af

John Montagu. , - Topeka, aemd u bast mu and RleR. ard Branuderf, Tepdu. aad WaUam B»^, Rasiiagt. bnOian of to coople, wart groomsmen. Utota wanDnvId Griaaadieck. St Loma. and Mm Bufclay, Hastingi. brattgr af to bride. A reception wu held in to Rnigfati of Oohinbas Oob. The couple wta take a tori Rip and win be at hom« aflqr July 1 in QnrloRaville. Va The bride. • graduate of SI Louis Univemty. is askstui to to dlraeior of medical nedMi at to Unkirtiiy of VbYkia Medkal Cnler. lha trUipRto Seboid and'to Univmtty o Nrirv Dame, is a law sttdeR at to tlniveraily of Vw^nia


-7-. -



Mrs.Ufban Gregg W (Stfth Jm Scmerl

Knifbtt of Cotambus BaB. Aftw ■arvad at bast mas ■ Mrs. Richard S. Hunter a Aart waddiBi trip the eoupla ,«J “w UBhrertlty U K«m*s, (PameU Cay Uardeni Senfier-Wi$e u^nce. nctifid ■ b«ci*tor Don Merryman. Uneoln. Neb.; wiaiivam' S*r*h Jm Sennw bKiraejol «m derw fiwn IWdlfbun Tba bride, a fraduaie of Xan- and Ron Myers. Iowa Gaten FiudL Kansas Ctty. SM SUte University is Mamo- Iowa. tbt bhdt ot Urta Grca WM CoUctr and now la aitendinc! in a tferCTMCiy Miy V at tbe Maxwell School o< Citiienxhip; tary aducatM. will taacb at Mo.; David Fruth. Emporia; Sm Dolan CatbolK Oturcb. and PuMic Allairt M Syracuae, Seven Dolors Scbool, Manhat- and Dak Miller, Ames. lewa sbered. Un.ver«ly. Hs fraternity b» Phi' Mankatun. UQ. next fan. -nia coaple'i parenta an Mr. Gamma DelU. Mr. Murphy ia a senior fai a|- Tbe couple iiat bsoe torlba and Mr*. Hanti E. Senoar. rlcnltural aagtnaarng at Kan­ summer at UB7 East Siarp. Topeka, anl Mr. and Mrs. sas State Hardtn>Hunfer TV brkk. aa Eaglisb major, Urban Wlie. St Joaeph, Mo. wm V a tcBior at MePba«a The Country CSub Con«rc«aFruHi-Miiler 1W bttfa won a «roH ol Uonal Omrcb of Kansas City. College next Ml. A rMaatpaf •Ma IM aad atcoBaa. Tba MePbem Colkge, tte brte Mo., was the setOng Friday for The Rev. and Mrs. Gknn J. Miea wai o| OaadllHppa groom is em^oyed ai a analba Fruth, Sabetha. amn toeo aad *a waa ap. (be marriue of Punela Cay Btfdeo. dnghter of Mr. and mairiage of telr dan^rter. matics teaeber k tV Derby aUaaad an tta ateatb akK A Mrs. C. J. Rardei Jr. Oakley. Pearl Ann. to PhS L. UBkr, VaOtM VMa Ml (ram bar son of tbe Rev. and Mn. Paul Middan. Her elbaw4aa9b E. Miller, U Verne. Calif, Henock-Croig Pollom UwreBca, la execuwhich took piece at 3 p.n. June Cynthia Jane Henoch, daugh­ AaaociaW Int ** duauiM ol Kaooaa. located in The Rev. Mr. Fraih and tbe ter of Ur. abd Mrs. Dean Hen­ aM fypaopaaia. jTopelui. UnUl recently, he lind Rev. Mr. MiUer officiated at tbe och. Manhattan, fonnerty of To­ Mary Am Senner atModed, to Overland Park, and wax manceremony in tbe Church of Sie peka. and . Joreph Omries Cmg. son of Mr- and Mrs Brethren. Sabetha. htr fister ai maid o( honor andiaiinc editor lor Financial PubllStanley Craig, Clay Center, beit man wat the brkleroflm’a,calioni. Inc. in Kanaax City, TV bride WM aoeadad by ere married at I pm. June 1. brotber. Michael R WUc.|Mc Aarn Mark BryaM. « ' TV Rev. William Tmman. tWiera were Jerry Betlia, St., Tbe bride thm i as amid al baMr. I Mrs. James Seeks cnay Omer. read 0k ceraaony Joiepb. Mo., and Frank GlofMrs. Phil L. Miller maMs were Mrs. J. 1 (Mary L. CritesI at 0K First Presbyterian aer. Topeka. iPeari Ann Fnilht Grove, ReiQeld. town: cwoUabM a H«c-tleevM I Omreh. MaobatMt. A breakfaat at Jeoaen'i Coun­ Ice of wblle cbattflly lace and GOaspk. Ocaver. eon ince and ker veU cas­ Bager try Diainc Room teUawad Cbto; «M My MBer. OmaTV hrtVI Brer - kagth a tbealb skbl af ercpe. Tbt WM at cmbroUeaod laca wilb certSNny. The couple U caded from a dauUe a V.Neb.SB>Mbr.McPberbadkc featared a aeaDaped elbMr^eKtb ileem. fawal tame at UH Oanin. Apt. 17. tcwap aechilac etcbad witk mckUae and a chapel train M of pearti. She cairied a v eoa, waa flower gkL M MBMrs. Melvin Zeferjahn ertUd n a prayer baek. Mrs. Joseph Craig kr Nenb MairVitrr. lad., A scallBped maade tSk arganta ever taffeta. Her (Joanna Rae Read) Ite bride received her BBA taaolns. (Cynthia Jam Hemdi) Hgbtod iV rente, af the CbaMflIy lace feD veil was eaolki la a hand­ Tbe bride'a dapee iron Waabbom Uoieer. tram tram Ibe ibaMdert lata as piece of lace aad aeed peatli. jehn Miner. Waterkn. lewa, Hand and CkcMia HMd, Patrida tity and an MS dame la boriShe carried a cateada ba«pwt poria, where tbe bridegroom Is.George KlasInskI ofRcUted. Pacieo. and Teresa Frey. PtMncaa atantotraHee from Xan- akdc-wMei ol pink roees and stephamtii, working toward his master's d^ I Parents of tbo eoupla rta VHMge. iM Stale Ufdearalty. DBring the Her elbow-lencth veil w ' ' with Ivy. gree. j Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hund. paxf■an year, abe was an imtrwtori by , drclel M roses WUUam Foltx. AbOtu, wax co, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles best man and groopamcn wen h the Collate of Commeree ati^^mmed with pearis She car Joan Gibson. Baxter Springs, was maid ol honor and bridesJ. Murphy, Abilene. Htrad^urphy Charles J. Moipby Jr. md Mark Kawat State. a.iinglc white ma ds were Mr’. Harold Muir Mr. Wha holdi a BS dagree Murphy. jUrikne. Utbtn were bonk Am Hund exchanged mar­ Tbe bride cbaec a gowi at Sieve Hund Jr. and John In matbamatlca and a muter's was attended by j-o-i Marianna Jvrars, WichiU. silk orfun wtth aa ■ 1 Kan- W liaiafs. 1Mynta Haidas. at Jane and J« Bowman were riage vows with James Patrick while Empin badice a>d PfoimtlBo Rmri. Paxice. and Timothy .lower girl and ring bearer, Murphy in aas Stale. Hla fraternity la Philniald of honor and Ardta Harden n Fockrie, TOpeka. was at 10 Am. Saturday in Saerad neckline. Bar Mi chapai wm Murphy. Abilene. Kappa Tbeta. During the paatju bridesmaid Both are of Church. Paxico The Rev. waaaMllHdtoaeMlapadAlBn- A reception Wllewed In the Tear ba sw an instructor bi tha>oaUey. Ames. Topeka, and. Waynt CoUege of Cbminmc at KatMs< Jtottn. Leawood, was Al Lewis, St Joaeph, Mo. Mol ttate and wUl return to that b„t man and p Johrtson. Tom Wright and Raas poMiton in tbe fan. Max Perry, Uawood. Dr. Miller. Topeka, ushered. Dwight Adams. Osage Qty. and A reception wu held in tbo Jerome-FqrnswofHi William G Roberts, Uwrenee. church parlor- Following a brief honeymoon, the newlyweds are livb^ al 1301 TnpltU Or.. Bm, Jerome to Robert Webb Faiy»- a reception in tbe Batlertve »80 STERLING CANDELABRA and CHEST' werth took place at 1 p m. Mon­ lei, Kantu City, after which day in the home of the bride's the couple left for i honeymoon ... mayba a VWth your porchav of a 36-pieca servica including eight 4 ^ parents. Dr. and Mrs. Wnilam at Ponia Vedra Resort in FierisMtHifB. I sugar spoon, butter nrving knife, tablespoon and strip -n’ a str«p ? Travers Jerome JO. BowUngiga ‘ Green. Ohio. Mr. Fanisworlh is and a iittia laathar... ' tte ton of Frederick Edward OoleyBeatfie butJantzan gtvasyou Fbrnaworth. American (onsulate fmeral, Itag Keng, and Mrs.; Ttw marriace of Sue Carol just enoi^h of aKhto ptjrva Wtbb FamaworOi, To- Oolrn and Brian Baattia w« that walktrv in tha-barefoot Miemnixed June 4 in the First ^ thtnga Is lots mora tun than awiaUan Cbureb. Pittsburg, tbe Rev. Greer S. Imbrie. with tha Rev. Robert Boyte of>at Coma... tiy. Mter of the First Preabyleriaai ficlaUng. Owreh, Bewilng Green. The bride is the daughter of Mr. aiM Utt. Floyd Ootcy, Daa Tbe bride's MUeagtb ivory Plamm. m., Itrwtrly of PltMsilk theufc gvwa. fsifcliaiM and tbe fartdagroom Is Ibe wlh nmi atckliM md tb«i , burg, ton ol Mr. Robert Beattie, TbpoMeeveSt was w«» with a ka. andtba Ilka Cnkwl BeattM. ' HaorJeaglk ftmlly beirlaaaa Tbe brida'i fnMIeigMgwm bee aiaatllU She carried CymbMbnartblda. Maid of honor was RuxAnne C...«pWic*

Recent Brides



Charics E. Farntworih ka. served his brother as best ■tan TV ceremoo)- sras foltewed by a luncbeon rcceptioo ia tV home of tv bruk's parsnu FoBowiag a wedding trip to GrevUng. Mkh., tV coupte will V at home at Stoeum Ueigbu. %raciiM University. Syracuae, N.Y . after June r TV bride, a graduria of Mks Perter’sSchool. Farmington. Conn , attended Middkbury Colkr. Mtodkbnry. M TV Videgroom, who at^-


ja&" Tom ftea wbaa you ptuchare a changa>abaat MBdalam pl« a bandnae ailm dieit Uned wift tankb-fretotaM doth. TV eudalabra an Goibam'a aiost pi^nUr atyb. nV. indtai hld>. an 8M value. A ualoua opportunity to enjoy the iiro-long gredouanere of steding tilvemare. CVere any of oitt 21 lovely Gorham pattema — including two exouuite new ones — Chelsea and Gossamer. All prim are fur the complete 3e-piaca terv-ice for eight.

WEDDINGS Wk«fK*> »*Mi*e h4 «>^*l t »•» iturtd ymt -ill W »W I.mW ■



lart* ttMt •< U*| .1 the. rM h*-


%rmal WEARsiN& w 4* ct Atm

Catch ho ftmtalM eyt with tbe blaxe of itiipMuta. the prociow 34 fcagat gold link bncelot. the aqperfa Wlttnauer movenwnt.:. a apeeial gUt f« bar important moment. g»


Dmarewa, TUKoMi A«^ te WUV K74m AMS-4IM


716 Kansas Ava.

Not Together


■Marriage Ceremonies Solemnizedi|i TV

: Lou0limiiler>BuHer



Euapt (or riUmhi A m tweet n. wtme potatoes and potatoes arc Too much ' tabs to be served meal For Vlance Chaw- I virlely._nulrmwi?ts recom-

and while potaloes. fitted badtee ~ with seH pesrit and aepriaa. •calleped mad aerkliu. taag apermg steevee aad benWant train. A peari ud eyrstal eamet beadreu beW ber eheMder • teagib vcO al Oashm wttb leee appBgua. She carried a baagaet e< Mari gaeritt daliiea and yeltew resea ceatered wttb a wbHa archid.

Jcu Am iMihminer m JotB W. Botier esebaiird an rtafc ran at 7:» p.m. Jhk U in tiN chtpd at t*m FM Htitoditt aatrdi wHh Dr, B«> ittXi. Wadi amdattaf. Mr. and Mn. Rodaar UmMafllar art parolB al flw bride, and Mr. BnOer-a pamla are Mr. and Mrt. Joha W. But­ ler. Hamr

iM 1«. 1*U M





TW M pwe af hifarted Prtac* »ai Ititlaard wM tatnOrf akeatb lUrt aad al»k-wtdt &apel data. TV ntud badbrtaiaed wtt aartn ery»ttif aad iMd feuH. bad a 'aeaPaycd tahrlaa aeeblMe aad ■Mdal palat iteevet. Sbe cartM a eaacade «( Mae gaud^Baa aad nrdealai.

were Mrs. James WnOinow sod Mrs.. Charlei While. Wiehiu. Serving u best man wu Kerry Bodine. Scranton. Groomamen were Bob Dunseth. Kan­ su aiy. Mo . and Tom Osterhout, Topeka. Ushering were John F. AM01. HtflcMnsoa: Carey Kalteobach. Emporia: Mrs. Richard Burkhart John WhiUker. Kanus Oty. (Cunie Mu Sbenk Kan.; and Chariu WbHe, Wieto: Mn. Terry Curtle. Rodieiter. tu. A rsceplta in the parlor Minn., wat her aiiter'i ma­ of the cburcb followed. The Mrs. John W, Butler lm ot benor. Brideonaidi were course wilt ht at home at 20 (Jean Ann leugfamfller) Betti miaoii. Lamed, aad Gayle South Wett St.. Empora. Leuftanffler. sifter <d tbe bride. and Mrs. Jota R. Aiden. Rutch- Tbe bride is a junior at KanBecky Shenk served her sister Best man and gWBWnen Shenk.Burkhart su SUU Teachers CMiege of iuon. and Mrs. Ralph u maid o( honor. Tom Smith. ' vert the bridefroon'i farotert, I Emporia. The marriagt of Kay Akten; Jtim Butler. Valentiae. NMi.; bfr. and Mn. Ralph A. Aeidi, Kansu City, wu best man. Hutchinwi. and Cart D. Bmx. Ven Butter. Brooktnp. 8.D.; Wichita, announce the marriage A rtcQition and hmebeon at and Da*id Butler. HarreyTille. o( their daughter. Connie Mu, the Howard Johnson restaurant. Scranton, wu sotetradzed at Voic* CiAw* And Eipmsioii For Udiert were Terry Curt'i. to Richard Burkhart sen of Mr. Wichita, followed tbe ceremony • p.m. Saturday In the Triniiy Dovtlapiiig Sotf-Cenfidonco And Meihodisi Cburcb. Hutcbiioon Bocbesler. Minn.; Paul Robtn- and Mrs. Leon Burkhart. Syra. . bride, a Dr. Oareace Broger ofneiat•on. Harveyvllle; Daryl Hurley lue. Pononanty For ChHdrtn ond AdniR Southwoleni Cirflegc. Winfield, • and Larry Rebinna. The ceiemeny was read at 11 is working on a maatar't de­ ed. Tbe Upert were lighted by bra. rntaiM ..Mck Lucy Alden. Hnlchhaea. end A raceptkm in the dnrdi fol­ .ffl. June 1! in the Cburrii of gree in counseling at Wichita Pamela McFall, Royal Oak. lowed the eeremooy. St. Thomas Arpiinu. 3uie University, Mkh. The bride received a BS daThe bridgegroom, a graduate PaiuU af ttw cnMa ye Mr. TV bride’s eMt e( white • free in borne cMooenici (rocn ‘ ' ' Kansu SUte Univarfi^ aad dk aad Itat with cbOhe of Emporia SUte T« ‘ Mr. Butter, a fradoate «( Bari trim M the aeck aad wilMa. ■'■aeyvIDe High Sd»L is em- wu won wttb a ehUfea pet­ degree in ’ ployed by the Santa Fe. Ibey al tiara hoMlag ber velL culege. He hu bun teaching are IMng at tH BudianaB. Apt Ac earriod a caeeada al yal- in tbe Tbpeka {Ribtie ariamls fv three yetre. law neet and stephaaetis.


xr<Mm, by'WALLACE

m im-y m/i 0^ O.W O^bUtU jr™«r p9^0 /r

md mafofcy

S*mfm frS.7S

Couples Wed in June Rites TV bride ware a ef Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Zefuleagth. btoc tact taralb dress. IralB. The ereeceU waMMe Jahn, fasUaeed wlib tUad - away aad nbrtu aecUMs were TV bride’i lleuJeegih collar, aad reflagate af blu •mllaed la rumbudared Al- gawB af Mtla bruade wai argaata. Her headdrom wu eacoB lace aad seed purii. styled with leeuded uckllu, HE waist-lenglh vril wu teld bridal priat ilecvn aV a de- a cap al ilephauth tWed by a flower petal crown trimmed taebaMc caerl traia. A crawa blu aV tV carried a cat.with ceed pWu and crystal lo- ef pearie beM ber veil. aV cade af gardeelu aV detpbV «ilni. She carried a catcade Ve eatried a cascade ef TalV tan. ef Sterilng SU««r Mrs Gene (Hander attended mn reeee. tte were bclr.mundad by alephanoUs and leem earriaga tel bad ba- ber sister. Raymond WUUams. DpaopUlla. itoo. wu best man. DsberMyd la her great . graadKaM of tamu wu ttw brida'i ing were Kemwlb Herkena. BaatM Dniu H«Mh. aad ton, a^ Robert Wilson. JoyuOrtes. Sbelia Cothin wu maid of FoUowiiM a wedding trip to day CeMer. and PaiiU Mart- noaor and Joyce AlUaoo served Dnm. Cole., the coopte Is at h«. TWefea. Tbe ceadlu were u Mtemald. CandieUgbten tana at MM West 2Kb 8L Dr.. Jigbted by Pam CrMf and Crtiy were (Henda Rohr. Independ- Topte. eaee. Ho., ani Lois Zeferjahn. TV brtV Is employed by ttte Craig, BeUeriDe. But man wpa-mrvey frigoo. Dean Rohr, Independence. Mo., Kansu Molar Carriers Asan.. day Centers snd jrooBosinen irried the rings. and Mr. SuV it an emphTs were the brMegroenre brother, Noniun Goodman Jr. of Tbe Fleming Co. best man and WlUiam Hartncr Ted Craig. Oty CaMor. ill aerved u gnnuman. UtbAmie Knotlgen. If-----ering were Myron Leltz. Donald were GaU Lorin Kasper, day Center; Reed and Gary Flecoor. A reception followed tbe cere­ nbarfcy Gtoelman, L mony. I ‘■nd Stan Springer, Emporia. A reception in Fisher Hall of Mr. and Mrs. Zeferjahn. both gradualu at Seaman High «e church foUowed the School, Wia live at IfU N. Kan«wny. It ii Mid that every Urn* BU Act. Ha la anplayad ^ you wash your race you Goodyear TTre and Rubber Co. •tart a wrtitklt. but now you MB enupoth vu) bMUUfy tv iUb ujrwi elaanaa Crites-^cks uad frMB day Cauty Cnuat^nghSeMaBilieuancement to m^ by mg Binit that tWBOVM wplayed u a tacMuy by (ha Mrs. Lewis V. Barnett of tbe ■17 trsM ef aalwup with a dUaotvtag aettea that marriage of ber dughter. Mary L Crttea. to Jafflu E. Sacks. BtDOoUMr. etaaiwr and fru rrofn wrtBkIa diyfiiiw. A*k » of Mrs. Lu Suks, El cei'gMny wu read by ef Oty Center ....................... fivM eemplexh High School, attoded WlcMU ttie Rev. Harold Reynolito at Uia DnhrcrsUy. bdepcBdenee Jualor I pjn. tea 4 M tv First aioeltaf y College and Is enroIM tere Mettnte Church Chapel. for the summer aemesler. Fidlowkig a short am trip tte couple It at ItOH South Uth. ■ • for tbe nnifflE.



S. Cleanser That Beautifies


ler entire career


Reed-Zefarjohn Joema Mu Read baemna fhe brida ef MairiB LaRoF ZafvfakB hi a ceremony read by te Rev. rtm* L Ilka at T:» pu. Jana U hi tv Second Praatv^ terian Churen. Parents of tV bride art Hr and Mrs. John E. Read, and I is the eon of

Reduced — Reduced — Reduced—We Are Not Footing!

u. atyung . . . fbv rmry dliibii wtUag btdoora or out ... far partyiV wM ««Mml dally anvtea. and MOMr

<0^0:^ CktiiUan



/Jewelers 9fh & Kansas—Downtown


aa-------------SBW--------- w* Um driiMlMd M nVym eat wwln wan Iraa ««o M KVCIKNI VWnT. baffaw. U aaafalV IV ealakiv wa ara U aa> WaU «a FiwaMaa af «ha laeab aVa. H yaa ara laaHaf tm mmt aa»aral feara Ii yaar eVaat fa bay n far a Maa-

■ Cnuparr te quality c? \ Kupiifca pwjPrMau dlmaond with any other. B*i perfaa . . . exact modem cut of a Kag—*" diamond reftocts tV foil bean? of IB purest white color. *• flTtit: ***

c::/^aty ChiUtlan


* V' -





Bondage Box

The/Ci^ital- Join:

Kept Open For Access POLLY CRAMER, NEA DEAR POLLY - Uy aolber •Jweyt kMpi the box of •«bnlv* bwdegM «pen la the bathraNn cabinet or tm the kitchen iheif. lo «e do not have to atmitiie to open the box wtn nr of as has a tli«er.-TREVA DEAR POLLT-My PP

I I j ;

the facupBnn vD

modren; Mrt. Bd

_______ MBwwkta. Wls.; Mrs. Jamea Fteteber, Odeafo, IB.; Pha KeDey, Kntas Qty. Mr. nd Mrs. Otai J. Reid MO.; Bob Kalley. Vlmu. Va.; enpr that has beea renavcd otaerve their gold« wed­ the Rev. Lawrence ScDcy. (rwB the typewTltef aad la he- will ding Saturdar, June M. Tbelr Emerald; and Mrt. Joa Gnarr. Mr$. Louis Kreiser cUldran wfU be bsMi at a re­ Iha Rev. Lawrence Eellay ception to tbelr hmoc at the wiB offer a high mm for the (Pmeli BuetMT) coopU Saturday at SL HiUcrest sMter housa from Polfy's Poinitn 2 K toSpjn. PHendt and rela­ Patrick's Cbureh to Emerald, wladiw eaeelapa aN riip tt tives are Isviled to cell- The nt pnrWi will aarve a breakaw tta prtadK patot couple aaka that BD gifts be pra- feat for the family and fowti a mtol tea te air, ato« proenutfanu require that they oon(M *a aBiMt by irptag after te mata. fti «Ma« Mm typU* Mr. and Mrt. KeBey m talB km powartn] tagradtomi murrM Jaa. », Ull to Tbptka AaaumpaoB Church. They ttvnd > of lbs CBltartoBCleofting ProcMs to Tepeki uatU a yaur ^ DEAR POLLY-Wba I de­ Mr. Reid •hea they moved to Emerald. TO naen food parttotoi tet cided to iSvt miMlf • habrnt ■tt Fb to IMl after Mr. Kelley wu formerly r- te te and botu pernaiHM I wl*ad than M paars of service. Mri ployed by tbo Santa Fc. He btate ef a tad chopthat I had nedieina cMi retired u ckrk-typiat with tired la no after 51 yeari of Pamela Buetter. daaghter 'f with mirror doors on Reid bnta. After brachtog. the Air Force to 19M after I servlee. Mr. and Mts. Praacls M. walls ao fli« I cntd years of service, four of which Mr. and Mrt. Reltoy bsvo 8 gukUytoboteoaperf . ^andehildren and flve great­ sods and rtaaes, w^ «ftfa a have bodi were spam at Tinker Air grandchildren. towel, aim air dry bdora rtIt Airman Louts Edward Krel- hands free. Smee I dh) not bav* Base to Oklaboms. aer. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph this coftveoleDce. I taped a band Mr. acto Mrs. Reid were mar MR. AND MBS. LXNDLBY anembtlBg te pant. at the kwne of Mrs. ReiiTl Kreiser. also of Seneca, Jane mirror to the IhickMtt of tta rled Mr. ami Mra. 0. W. Ltodley parento, te lata Mr. and Mrs Catch Looks » to the ProtHtam Chapel of bathroom door which is on the W. H. Kerr to Great Bend Jm _ill be honor guests at an March Air Force Base. River­ wall opposite to the singla fwtng n. m«. They have four dm- bouse to be givea today. mirror door to die roedldM drCB: C. R. Reid aad Mra «. to tbelr bone at 2M4 to side. CallL caMnat. Br moving the nett Road. The party, to eeta Allen O. Brown, both ef T» The bride, fiven la marrtafc mlmra bnek and tortb I brato teir gMdsa woddte Mrt. P. E •dJiBt them to be able to tee peka; ■onivauzy. wOJ bu given by HuaUngtoD Statke, anr pan ef the bMk of mr York; and Karl A. Reid. Bap tbelr and loe lod hli Her bouquet waa of white step- head.-U»S ward, CaUf. ’nsap ban U wtfe. Martha Uadley. Togte banotia. nd Mr. and Mrt. Don Liadicy and two great DEAR POLLT-Da ym wnt Mrt.ODlanMcFtl.Clar Astoria. Ore. to aaMr tmaport a baneCntn, was maim of boaor. No lavttaBoni have been laBom BUB was AIrmm Davtd made pie or cake to a pntr, siied but bH friends and relato Am Snie's bMtoe er to a Laio. Lnmoet. CaUT. ttvm are Invited to call between n» couplt was graduted pictlcT Take a lerge tto hex 2 and i o’doek. The couple refrHB Scaecs High SdioM. Mrs iperbape ne that a (rtot cake questi ao glftt. Xnlter will ba rateted tna ease tol. remeve Me ewver tad Mn. Umfleyi tWer. Mrs. Kansas Suia Unirertltr. Man- place the en«r apside dm on W. A. Kahrs. Wichita. wlD pre­ the Uiehes center. Now pUeo batUD, la Janiarr. Her side at te guest book. Mr. the ctke or |de tfl toe cover dial aomrltr la Gamma Undley's brother and his wife. sod tovcrl the bMtom of the Beta. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uadley. Almaa Kreiser attended Kao- tto hex to tae cover and HuntlngtoB Beach. Calil wUl be toa bnked goads. Chrrr ' an State and Waihbum Ut here lor te party and win rewhsto totog upaUa dm and


Kreiser Rite


to cherish forever


No m ba oOkod t> o ociooM d oor laniol moo - tai 00 “IV D^' of the Tontodo" (to pvopteue wmaoM- title “IV IfUht of tt» Hun") but we ere eivtM ten. ■bjnray. end we bope they mey be teirty ttterwtbif. Bm bi Kami adlMHbcreillefevBfe. weVte keci twMed by MeaV ia ether tutee eVot “Koku. fte CycioH UM* te here be«y Mewded It by yetaVf eel ev leeg iwldnee here wM >erer e tmade. eepwfcetel B reefly h te Mb. MW belere bm we e*a M e dnd drew. We MW It ee Jbm I. Weefb It w« e tarlfy bw mb* Md wt bepe we cee ft •• witheet nwr oeekf

Alans about 7 p.m. we cleared <nr deA and prepared Id id bone. Hea^ MeOary. win editor, wto never patUa. jpgr»««J that we watt a while, becauie a tornado bad te Oppcd down to ft*t Md WaDanOto Road and we would •W Hdiag itniilit Into tt. We wudared fron tV Ca^takloi Ireot lobby of the Stauffer PnbUeatlon buildtog to tee bow for ll-yearoid Font, patted to rroot. waa taUng tV twl weather. TV Ferd waj taUng It In itrlde. k we wandered bock tale the Bewawon and it was not a minute too eocn boeauae flMwbdblewtoalloftV^tatV la^ fnot fltlnKe eibere we bad been standing and Ibe lobby was Ut> trtny paved in broken ftesa. Looktag out to tte wtadowt ta toe aewwwBU was like looking tote ■ kettle to btoHng, murky wtoar. wita oddelsed piecee to dtoirit btoltag up ia It- It waa I weird and bigbt«ita| sight We were aitromdy lucky ta our persenal pcopcrty. Our tease en WMwood Qrcla ww Mt damaged at tU. Even a aanll dotetBoe btoding a few garments, did not have a clsflieepUi biowo Bon 11 and not a tree limb was broken and m are ptoefuL We know that Ibe loss to life and property M tv meet terrible part to tV storm, but we mouni tV ItM to Tbps's beautltD] trees and know tVt we wlO. oot teo to sec tbeir rcplaeements M grown. Frankly we have never aeos sueb devastettae as there is ta Topeka ligbt now. It'j imbtoievtoite. Never again toiall we aeoff to tba pouMBy to ioraadoe* ta KanMs. They can eome and they ■vn*. and weV seen om to tV wont with our own eyce.

M tin Md tv Lyyew Ansa. AMV Bod Ltaw tew ware groto eoUecitoM ef StaBirdshtai tote. UgMy ptotaVd pewier. eU rtvw ud atotpa tantei. M tae l^yoe Anna tV Sdrsra were v«toad wtft opts firm ta huge llrepUcee end ta Mr recm ware two glaseei to toterty, vwy wtoeesne on e eeU. damp day. In France tV Shiran Joined a bus tour Into Nonntndy and Brttaay and viitted tetMOK « dM Loire. Ur. sad Mn. Shirer twd a wtetoW vaeatten, but iaeit« IV Suhia to Ubarly to New York harbor was ■ welcome sight. Mn. surer bebeva thto tf Watotaun^ tod Rka Rtl!, Vdly damagte ta tV tornado, was to Engtead ar France, vinat would V ^nled over V wradted waBs and a garte developed about tae ruins. Kea&worOi CUOa li net oMbia, and abnoto a conplete nta. but England and blftoy ora rieVr tor kaaptag It tee say*, ad augfctos teat Watote* alumni could tpooeor a movemsBt to save aomt to what ta lift ateVvt haanty apoU « tV eampue.____________

Seal-Fisher Marriage Announced

Dr. and Mrs. David 0. Ma­ lay win mark teetr sliver wrdenntvtftary today with opa heaa ta teeir home to IIU OUa. MU win V tea rn^iVyWltetai. David. Mn. tv marrlte to Mn. Uyrtie Betty, An, and Carol ManAOaen Seal owd Perl F. Flteer took plan to I p.m. tea I to Priendi ad rtotUvei ere V fltt eh^ to tee Pint Mtohod- Md te eto! beVaa 1 ad > tat Omreh srttb Dr. Ewart O. pjn. TV eonpte requesta ao WiV tofMattag. Only memben to tV ~ '

j Ur. and Mn. Hampton F. SUrer have returned from a ^prtag tov to Ba^aad. Scotland and France. R wit ratatag .when fVy arrived ta England - It ww atawto always ratatht ta »i but tea eouBirytide was beasUfel. Mn. Shir*nr aiya. Engiaad ta one groto garden, tote and green wtte .flows ta great pnfuiloo. D an Eaghtemao has a plot of Sgranod M largto ten a VIS rag V makes a booty spot to It IV Sbtawi art both aritatt. Paultoe. a patater and ^HtonpCon. a pbotegrapbar, and fbtor toon are raecrded ta TUvaly scmms and eotan. a deUgbl to audlaneti {tovilagad |tp see teem. ; May ■< Be into eaaliee nd titatei nto new epea to ^»e ptodta ate tee Steers vtalled M ta EaglanL Bed aad 'brakte ta *e cMtem tot am Banpe aad « ysn cbeeee im lenve befire Voakfait tV «te|i ta tee aasM as If yea Um cnai-od Jtoeo. Mato, marmtade, tei btoier. tlteto Vate timitssi. aggi. caOaa ad eeral ta Engtead. Pranea tea 0 Itaiitil hraaklato Is aatoly aaCtoe, bat -mik. sweat baiter, |aa «d rtota. Two Eaglith las. which :hMt bca eM^ Vteitty stpee tee Ute aattey «a -

... aad Sadta baa tba mont beantifnl arraafenaata at a prtea

te fit evwrp budget


■Banded tV service.

Artifkkii Color Followtiig tv canmeoy Reoaid S. Fawkes, raotecr to TV ytoJow etoer to margartM tea bride, eotertatned wtte ta oddte ^tf carotene. Nataral tenner at tV Red Dragon for wnrcas to carotene Indode car­ IV bridal party. rots ad ether teep yeUow vagoMn. Fisher ta employed by teblei ad Mta. Co., and Mr. RsVr ta with tee State Highway After aahort ■te Mn. Fisher and ter chOteae win V to borne to SM Reebotoar Rd.

wm Florist, Inc.

soop Went lOih

<Z 44I5S1

“PMlMt Alweyt WAemm*

Special SALE Thongs and Sandals hr


Where Else But...

imported from Italy

Custom Made




...atMcEndra Sld.n

...Retail Value S59.S0.... McEntlrw S37.S0 ...Retail Valw S79.S0...

After tee tamdo had pamed, wa were liliphiitag a Ttetagrawi to mmt leialhea aad tee girt ta tea Wetona Itatan ItoBea wws tapetoli« back te as what wo bad dletetod. “New • V eon yoa get ta thto Um. 'LcBer FMIowi.*" we saH to 'Vr. Tts, Mam I wO." sV saM. pattetoly, “aO tea telegraam say teto.”

Cipiiw Jaw yj . s—aa.J^iv, 1VM At

Opon House Morks SitvBr ARfirvorsary

cMcEmiraa S4I.7S


(^UvQglls Opa Matey • itanter » «<M


f. M.



4 Hie^^iCace a LAiHra' Rr.env.m-wr.aa THIRD > UX>R

Vows Exchanged in Recent Rites Becklty-Roberts L nU KalMwa Beciley tarame ttM bnde d Uny U* Roben* at (he AfUnpMon Church June t. The R«. Jame* read Cta mairteje eer^iee. DarM Berkley, brwher •f the brtta, and Jaaef* Bwa*me served at alUr tay^ . The bride i |wenu ere Mr and Mr*. David Berkley and the bridtanotn'a parents are Mr and Mrs. Suniey Kaufman Jr The kride «m an Etaptra imedffk ertaata. Aa everlay el Akacaa lae*. xeraird •Hh aarfe* wtla ribhea flaithed la tawi. revered the tadtrr. femlat (he Kslleped wbdaa aeekliae asd brief rteem. TV A-liar ikiri M a remtvaUe chapel trala canfM at Ita U|kd*e walftUae. Her theal*er4f«ith wO rrat held by a rfajtet etewa el breaded lace SV rerCkd a beaqaet a| bailetfly erehida Bad Haled earaartaai Carol Ana Berkley attended her lister as maid d honor and : another ii«*r, Mre, Kenneth Drees, was mama of honor. - Jamet WtH ton wai taM mtn and DonaU Mui«y wat froonuman. Uihen were Robert Cunckle and RIchwd Myer. Brent Berkley, another brother of ihr d the rifip. A r«cepUt* at Helen’i Party Home lenowed the ceremony ARer a thort wedding trip IV caople la at home at Tta Tyler, Apt. U

SiMp loaociiiff^

KimTmgM .. WMO(


HiM • tui taeom •kM I niix# no

do aach ta ^ • c

Eke tattle «rith tava nfabv. itMP

Cola.; Lanr Smilfe, M< aad Edwta Halt. Pra bnoor af me vtt. A reeepUoo ta tta efaveta fol­ lowed the cefeiaoBy A gradaati af Praapaet Hl|h SetaoL tta bride ta ostoyed OMe State Weaiitay. CM-

OFFER OUR HELP? Tm AmK3 P«r»on Or VanoM

Mr. Hobaaa, a 1 Eskrtdta Rural High Sebaat. ta ite Dataaa Q--------ply Ceotee. OatundMi. mOowiM a wedding trta, they are Uvtng at «7« KtaptalD Columbui

Whm Sa^/tafwd Tornacio Doita«*w -

KoblnGufeon Bonoie Lm Robb aad U Ck don CideoB were united ia s riage June S ta the Wakaraa Ptetayterian CtartA. Wtaanisa. The Rev. Rowan Potter o(neiatad end ttie eanBai Ufbted by Kathy Hog. Scran­ ton, and Debra Moore, Carniale. Paicats of the eeo^ are Mr. : and Mra. Dwight S. Rota. Wta» ran. and Mr. nd Mn. Lloyd H. Gldew.





Tta bride’i <tav . __ gewa d Chaudtty laee wat laeblaaed wWh a eealtapei mbrtaa aeeUtae. baafae btatae aad bridal petal aleeves. Aa ovenktrl a( MaBepfd laee ever tiers ef taOe aad J»e* etteaded tale a ehapH taaia. Her flgertip - Icegth vefl. trimned with lace, ItU ba«

Sdiultc-tuMu Tta marfiage of Una Jearatej Schalta to Donald Wayne BeMW wM aelamnliad at T:X p ut. .June > ta iha Mapla Hill . t m 0 n 11 y Oongregetlonal Com Church with the Rev. Thomas Blaney officiating. Parenta o( Ita couple are Mr. and Mn. U*rence Schulte. Maple Hin. and M .nnd Mrs. Henry Beaeau. St. Marys.

Mrs. Daniel Moser Mrs. L. Eldon Gideon Mrs. Norman Hobson (lu JcaniaWieiKk) (Bonnie Lou RcM) (Bnlly Holt) TV taida were a. Itav IcHtt f*ws d OMlIr tae« T<^ Roju. WatamvIUe. itM;MeKendru Metbodtat Cbmh, mi argma. TV Stead tat* bridegraati. and Mark LyOe. leMh lewi af Chutfly taea ihe bridtfreeen'i brother Arthbatata had a aabrtaa aatUtaa SL MtaTS. Baa-a Scklcktu styled w»'rHfflaped seaap Mendou. were but men. aad hrldal petal ilaevee. Ita mi RaUrt SeWekuai, KaaTV bride's IWw4eagth aecUtac, e^ try seed omsmen were David Char fawa af whtta aagatakta acebataM aUrt. ta radtafPta ua CWy Trala bearers wee* atyta. wu Irtuaed wttk p» Nte Setakbtan tad BO jaHTtaperad laee ileevu aad ay. Frank Duran. Paul Peru tale wu ItiMiaed wltt Blted and Richard Barrta. UMiertng taf M laea. Laea ttars Itataad aaa Oty. badice foatartag uMMs pf ■aUid baagae badiea. Tbe e the bridegraon'i brother a nla ta taek. Bta bgtav A ncapUon wu held In Fel- taINbaped Mn. aba aeecas- Arscnio Mendou. and George lace aad pearls wUeb watt HHengta vaS wai bald by a repeated aa the beO akM. A «d by tta peari and aedtai Ortta. aiaat d ptarta aad eryttata tawaUp Hall of tta eborch. md Ita cantad a whNa BMt Tta bride, a graduata ef Ma- trfau. aweit la a raffled abia. A braakfast and dtaner were trail Bowed tram tta watalattended wide eathataat nta. Her Oa- given at Garvield sbeltar bouse. 1^. A daable bow af match-. tam a wUta arcMI aid pta HOI High gerJp foafft scaBtped Oan- The couple ta at bone at MOl Wataburn Unlverstty. Ita fabric, iaew mattb Hd tiUy lm to^is a enptayed by Wutarn Eleclric Eut *th. peaita taM her Itaatai eefl. WlcMU. w a I 00, Mr. Beauu. a griduale d Unda SehullcJW Mr. Mendosa ta manager of - • • m^d St Maryi High School. aUandsa Ranrita RafUuram and od Wartibura University ^ ta ^ honor were the Terrace Cabins. AnaU nd Maida Mae. Maple employed ta the Santa Fe ef- brmegroom'i ttoter. Mrs, Tmy Hfll. Beth Ann Schicktan. Kan­ ... iRhlta. Wataoerille. Calif., and HoK-Hobson ^ su aty. wu flowo- girl and ^ After a ihnrt weddtal trip Mendoaa. MaM el Uyne Ray Schulte, broibar of eou|^ ta at home in Mapla HUl. wu Lunda Martinet, sta­ lily Holt, daughter of Mr.lMartan. Ohio. M matrao of the bride, wai rtag bearer. Dwight S. Holt, Proa-! honor, Bridesir ‘ ter of the bride, and bridesBarring Mr.’ Baaear u best MarrinftZ'MendoZa motds were Olga Aktla. Anna peel, Ohio, wu united In mar- Konwlnskl and Patricia Hcatm, man wu RitAird L. Mo(«oid. momnsa rviWMWW A- Carol Mandoaa *.«4 .ri.a. Cohindxit. Anoltap Another atfr stater of thC tbe riage u to WnmaNorman IMMnn Hobson. anti s«i nf of rAhinUitHt Delgado. St. Maryi. and groonumen were Mary Andrea Martinet ta the Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Hobson. bride. EMonna Hdt. Prospect, Mary Ortlx. Frank L, ManiaU and Larry A bride of Rodolfo G. MendoU. RnaaOt Mendou wu t r a I n Cohonbui, Otio. fonnerly of aerved u junkr bridesmaid. Fn. SL Maryi. and Tim Brack. Lany Healui. Cbtundns. oarer and Raaeanu Ortta wu Eikridr- J«ne 4. Tta r marriage wu Della. Uiters were Lawrence A. at a p m. June II In Oir Lady The Rev. Robert C. Waitoe aarvad H taM mas and iiihers lower flrL Larry Sctaulla Jr. brother of the of Guadahipe Church with tta read the marriage servtae at mdiided Darrel Resac. Denver, aerved u ring bearer. bride, and Kent Ratae. Maple Rev. Rommi iftbarren offleUt: HIS; Jim Baaaau. St Marys, tag. and Mfca Itama. Goodard. Tta eonle't pMenta an Mr.

SJ t!SJ^feni.“Carol

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CE 4-U07

Light Duty Use

Couples Say Vowsj In June Weddings

Ceremony Solemnized

T. JMulf. t«M AT


Mr. nd Mn. BMM Jra JaaalM Umu Wtandt. ■Munce tbs mvrlage of their dagbttr of Mr. Md tte. GO- daughlei. Shim, to Robert Mkhaei Wirt ssn of Mrs Utss came flw briiM ofDeUal Deen ftout. Wichttn, which took (dace JMte 4 in the bORw of the Mdtl Moaer, aso of Mra. Derothy pmrti. Judge Malcola OapeMoser. Watervflle. In ■ cere- land offlclaad. meoey read in the WeterviUe The Mide were a white streetlinen teeth bride's brother, Vwnon Robb, Methodist Oiuich by the Rev. B With seesp neckline. Her Wakarusa. Kenneft Robb. Wa- J. RMitrd wmions. The ta­ karuaa. brothar at bri^ pers were I stephanotis. and Wayne Di^. Charles Moser 1 Jeffrey' TV coutde wu attended bv ushered. Craig Hoeer. Karen SbBi ate Donald Ote. A reception la the church MA raeepflsw followed U Mrs. Steven Metton TV bride's &esr4eugth (Connie Marie Cheaney ) lowed the wedifing. After a trip gewu of uyta tefle was fesh- Helen's Perty Soose, Foltowti« to an oortbwesiera sUtca flte a wedding Wg to Estes Pert. couple will make their home aeeUtoe, bag pteted Meeves Colo., te Ingle is at beeae Mrs. Charles Kellogg at Msr Ron. Apt. Albuquertm Route t. North Topeka. aad a redtog (CMaljaMteKO) que. N. M. Ibt hrtde ti «o;doyed u a Mr. and Mrs. Wirt attended key punch operator by the S«te e( yte Bid while laateeed Washbom Univnsity. titeHte ate teymaibeDepvOMtt e( %Mth. The ■m ceatcred wttb a garbridegroom is a»iocleied whh his father in the eperotor of Joyce Hark Sedlaerit. WtterGideon Hereford Finns. riUe. was maid of honor. Mel­ laa. and Gene Uclntoib. Court- The receptkn wu bdd ody Dawn Sedlacek served Nagrete-Conner tanl UMni wen PbUlIp Btnw Fellowship Hall o( the church. ftoiasr girl and DenW Graoer ■nia marrian at Martha Ne­ lord. MOfan. and Jay Coach. Best min was Jerry McRey- Villain Takei Tumi was ring betra-. grete Is Lfon Curds Oonoer was Noneeb. Chrts MikeieU sertcd nolds, Woodsion. and grooms- FfBW YORK (API - Two Bast man was Dente Cev inen were Darrell Buboltom. lolMDniud at • ajs. June 4 in u ring bearer. leaer. WaterriOe. te btWe' Holy Name Catholk Onrdt with ~ bride and bridegroom Hays, and Bob Riflel, Stocktee. acters will alternate u vlDaln groom’s brother, and .raduates at Cwrtlaad Uiberi wve the bride’s brother. and avenger in tots smnmer'l were Patrick McKenna, Gary the Rev. Edward Siroi High SchoM and arc studati at Keith Cheaney. and Larry fUf- wodoetka) of -‘Macbeth'- by the Genseborek and Froiela Hanke. sling. New York Shakespeare Feati. Pannta at the Wde are Mr. Kmsas State UMnrsity. Mrs. ne. StarlbM Meltou. brother d val. Taking part in te toma- an of WatorriHe. bridegroao. carried the and Mrs. Itodolpb A. Negrete KaOoa is a )onier in daenbout are James Eart Jeoaa and A tecepUtn la te church and Mr. Conner is the son <rf tary educadon and Mr. KMlogg rings. followed. After a heteymooB Michael McGuire. In the Mrs. Halton, a graduate of is a aenior in agricultural eceMrs. Beulah Cooner. Utdepeet trip te couple Is liring at HI Woodaten Mgh SeoeoL attanded mkn Joou is to enact Bomlcs. Utle role and McGuire appear Harrison. Top^. AttenUng the hrida were The couple Is at hone on a Fort Hays Kansas State Col- as Macduff. Ourtag te two- TV bride Is employed as sec­ Mrs. Dnid Peres, Mn. Norman (arm near Jamcatm during leg. She now is employed « month run they wiU adungc retary to Abm Cox, nreel 'the Ostmeyer Negrete. Roaa&nda Oregon. • mmner montha. rolea at successive psrtem- eammiasionernkr. Moser will Implement Co.. Stockton. Lupe Coraeje. Artts Feston. V employed lA Goodyear Tire Hr. Mellan, also a graduate Kathy WD«ei. Belso Peres and Chesney-Melton and Rubber BlfhSteol. attended Mercedes Sou (>ns. Fort Hays State where be wu fosi/y Stoined a wee flower gin Hr. and Mra. Warren named "OutsUnding Freshman rraadwoB Jr. car. OMaey. Woodrion. anaunce AgrioltUR Student.” He wUI the marriage el tbelr daughter, (bat earhoB steel ghraa te bast Connie Marie, In Steven Jo- reuin to te college next hO cutting edge for kitchen and «re maior in agri­ ae|d> Melton, eon o( Mr. and «, earring knives. But remember Mrs. EMb Mettoo, Stockton, culture -carbon steel stains siiy and TV couple is at home on te wUA took place at fp.m. June be washed and dried bnbridegroom’s farm out of S ___^lely afte raw in hot soap ton after a week’i hooeyr or detergent sods and rtewa. read the cennuBy at th Woodston MetbedM Onich. Kerin U the bride, atto Coral Mellon, the bride­ groom's sister, lighted Ihe candlaa. HaM at aHcr wu Jady Oa^. MMsr af te Wde. i r ;Mik«.ll-K.ll0M (Pqnnerty of CoUege Hffl Beauty Salon) tow. HB aty, and Martel Taking AppoinUnenU Starting Itn. PWUp Jtoy. slater ot ito brldefroom, hrMeanetroas. Dm NeastM temd at flo*«r , |M. AD ire (ran Top*!. lO* Mm. CMtwnWe. wm m bearer. But man was AUaa K«tw, Tipcka, and


Ughteuty detergeeti. both ranuiar and Squid, art m. tended for Ugbtiy soiled cietbes. Rne fabrks and dtabwMhi^. AaythMg tet eta be washed Ini ^ soap CM be weMid Inj

Nuptial Vows Reac


NeHwnal Xeservo

luildlng (lOth and Karnes) Is New Lecefod in Tomgarery Qpartors of

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Our phono service is also tern.

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Lilly Perlaky

Wednesday^ June 22 f at me. 4 It the Ctourch. Cdunland. Officiating wu te Rev. Rich­ ard Near. . The tapera were lighted by Any Green. Ueu. and Sue ^.W.CewlBd. ^ lit Wds ware S toiMlh gm at mm ever I Mte raahtoud with a ^ retied WMB iwd. to4dal petolilsevet.teMb^

Marge's Beauty and Styleialon



loot GvfMd Modkoi Pk

bceMcred Atom lice if-

CSr£wteS7^ fibtod tet aid dates etet

vrit wu bte by


booioM wu a wWte erdM ^ attending te the bride were Mriam Moore, sited af bsnar; Sharu :: vaet. Gaidaw Oty. and L' VBnon Krteie. Pretty Pi




bast tea end s Mkhnel Mbore. Uahet-


, Geibert Directs

• J NFR- YORK fAP) - Play:• Wright Jack Gelber it testing U htoabtifty as a stage dtaecter. 'j Thf tolUal work taokled. In so > esaeriiBteal wrlea at te New Theater Workshop, ss« ‘TVl Klfchen" by one of Gelbw'i Edfliah conteraporatrai to :• avant-garde wriltog. Annid [• Wesker. Te get ready. Gelber <1 srcBt to Ltodon for enended dlt5 cu^ion of production Ideas with


One girl: One diamond



NOWAT ONCE-A-YEAR SAVINGS TO 25* LIMITED TIME ONLY How to have a gorgwxn Uttle Dtowond iwgular length peatiB. $S.OO NOW $5.06 figure and fed cool and free as a bird, too? Cbooee ^ 6&m with n&hteer pMided bm. little Diamonds (a giri’s best friend) or Double AeadBcupe Tulips (best thing to happen to figures since will power) and the gueatioo’a answered. Both in power net of nplba ai^ l^fcie* ipandex. Both terrific fum>, n»er tnivelere-to) do come in and sdect youie batore ShcniBtelk B<^ MdjTe te, A.B.CeteB they return to tegular prices.

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itowl tv on* madal Otomend aaHtolsa WWlgn M ons apeoel fM u> your Ufa. AH 14K gold dtsiena.

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ttt Kaaiat Are.





Silverglat-Jameson Vows Read in Lowman Church

Eva Sue Clouse

Victoria Spaulding

Sustei SilverglaL daughter of Mr. aad Mn. Harry Sttverglot. Prairte VUIage. and Robert . ioa of Mr. Md Mrs. Homer Jancaon. were utoted to mantaga June 4 at Lwwmaa Meftedtat Cteeb with Dr. (3are Hayee efnctettng. ‘Iba bride wore a attoetimgfh white lace AJlna ttoeai Mamed wHh a Mite bow. and ahogldar-tengtti IDsatoa velL An carried a aoaegay ef Freocbed white ana. ion and yellow sweetheart Tbe maid of bmer wes Navy Ubb aad tee hrUes■aM was Sawte namema. Egypt Bm maa was aunaa Itolw

were PUtfa ggengtet mi Ltoyd MKfta. A neopttea te cWertete

The bride attended toe UWof Kiiwiai aad k rcdplamef a. ■ato.g.atoi, ntetoeGTHl. Bean Waaattoam Utovefaity. wfll re­ ceive a mamar’s tegrat fa sodal paychulogy to Aagad fram the Univardty ef Mtoeoert. Kan-

nuple t. tt bom. .t HI But out. Kum. au. He-


Scosomblt Sauce Jean Ann Miller

Their Engagements Announced Today la inptoyed by the Satoa

Miller-Horris Fa. Mr. m Mn. C. H. MUIer. Ab October weddtog Opttiy. amm toe ei, _ planned. t of toetr Jou ■ "17 D«»li Hifrti, tea Williai 1 Hrt. C. K. Devil. ElDonde. Tta««afaBttttofBaaBtoLce Mte MO* M I fredute of WSHarns to Hvry 3. FfeenaD. Cob7 Coamnidtr High Eetool SOB of Mr. and Mn. Fred ttd U D0» a jonkir at Waibbin UaMnl^ where Ae ii majorby to aacaadarr edseatkiB. She le a member of Kappe Alpha Mia WUUaini, a graduate of neu loelal lonrlty. Topeka High School and StorVVaU School of Nuratog. to Mr. Rarrli waa (rat oyed as a nune at StorWuhbun Uni- mont-Vall Hapltal. veni^. majertDi to buatoeu. Mr. Freeman wai graduated He ie vtoe prHMeat of Ua fre- from Topeka High School and tanltp. Alpha Delta. served four yean In the U S. A fan Air Force. He to now employed by The Menutoger FoondatlOD and Blue Cros-Btoe Shield. CIom«-Montorf A fan weddby to planned. Mr. aiM PM-(3oum meBounce fl« avafaDent oftoalr Dovis-Mitchell dauchtor. B*a Ibb. to Dale Montorf, of Mr. «fl

Bonnie Lee Williams

Bonnie Jo Davis

Kerwins Mark Golden Wedding

ZeligmanGoldblatt Troth Told

HEW YORK — Prcah atnw’ berry nunhoaDow aaiea makea a taa^ tepptag hr toe cream or c*a. Onablna te toe top of a doable boOer II marsh­ mallows, tat tote ptocea. with ite cup of aiuhtel toeto al beTTtaa and S tahteapeoB ,ligbt corn ayrap. Cook om hot water, itoTM nnttl anMoto a* tocnnsUy ineltel Rom tram beat and fttr to 1 cop of aUeed treab strawbarieL Cool Yielda m nma.

Mr. and Mrs. Robart E. Kerwin. Della, will cdabtito todr ftedm weddtog atmivar sary, Sunday. Jnna IS. A maai of toankiglvliM wlO be eetobrated at » a.m. to Sacred Heart Church. Delia, and wfll be followed with e dianer Rr the members of the Immolate family. Ibair original attanduti. Mrs. Grace Cowan. Della, and Roy Murry. Topeka. wiU atoo be pteaanl

Hr. and Mn. Mlchaal ZAgman announce the etvofnMBt of their daughter. Helen Jo. to Joceph Oeldbtott. aog <f Ur. and Mn. Max CcMMatt. New Yortt City. Mia Zeligmaa. a graduate «f Topdit West ngh Sdnol, aU tended the Uaivatoty of tnseonslo, and to prannay employad by the Seeortty Benefit formal tovltatlow an ~Jfe Inamua Oo. being aent but telattrm a* Mr. GoMhlatt to atattoBUd at Forba Air Force Baa and wiU frtoBds an tovttad to attend a attend WaMnm Unfvartoty tola roeepiton to toair hanr given by lU. toatoteath«Blte4pAto

The wedi^ wa ha e fta DMto flcheoL tbe and Mre. BImtr Devto, Btoad to fta praatnea «f toe eoiwle asks that no gmi be pre­ " I famUtot Aim. I to sented. Btogm. m..' of te entoetr The cooide waa married la Jo. to Robert Mltcben. School Mr. MMorf to anSacred Heart Qunch June M. ptoped by StonnoBt-Van ftofd- Shirley. ID. ' Silvtr Arnihrenory SpouMiAg-Hoffl Mr. and Mta. WapM SpeuM-


DlaDe, la Larry Eugene Bam. The hrideakct to a graduate of Topeka Waa High SetooL Mr. Bam. alia a gradnato a Tbpeka Wcat, attonded Slouz rate OBllete. goui Ptolla, 8J).

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Cremw PriaH, Cbocka mi Ma Pen, KMl4a Cteth, prlwtt. eidpM. pofta dwe aad ptoddn Crawa'a hlarib TeftafoM chacka. pladdO aad pWa^ ftahnldand Snraaa ttoo Waavii Cnwa-e Iriba"



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Savaa atow days . . . tme xmrntm fidlhritetoi, nto to awe • My liam iw praaiin a SVMMn SAU . . . htf «a iimmlHii amaalvw tw e«tUr daHroriat wf M 'U FMrtat, «4dek ora onMag doBy. Wa awed «a mam lha» •awda af ymda wf gaallty 1 teemer Hmb we hod phaaiad. Wo teitte ywa tw 1 ia and aavw, twn. Lot m kaaw ywm aamateato. ar lal them tw yMT Maada. TImA yaw.

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bMoty ef aatorei weed

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Keep your toga whole. Fla 1 rlptfb^asaoonailth^ peu. Otoerwtie. U will make like a to a dike, getting worie. Alao brat) and fasten year cloftee before ha«l>M ton Altow apace to too eleeet to keep ganneme fTian crutotog.



Mtoa Ooaw and Mr. Ms are craanatoa <f Ihpeka »»

Ills and bare spent todr enMr. Mitchdl to titt kb of Mn. CoBBle MltoheS. Wtoehes. Mr. and Mn. Harold Reevea: tin lives to tbe Della^ff^unh ter. and MinajuMhcheO. Shirt-, will celebrate tbeh- SSth wadding Mr. and Mr«. Kerwin hare annivereary July 4 wllh an open ■ aoBi; Robert Kerwin. Ken­ Mia Davis to Tr^to «f bouae to ft* borne at llfi Ran­ neth Kerwto, CUnton Kerwin. Th-Vaney Santor agb School. dolph. Retothaa and mends are aU Of Delia, toi Leo Kerwto. Dwwa, m. fla la a Jualer at Invited to «an betpowi t a* Kanaaa Ctty, Kan. Then an le Hoapital School of » P-aeight irutochDdren. Nvtonf. BtooningloB. Mr. MltdNO. a graduate of WIncbatw RVi School, to an' ' by Fuitt Brotbert Farmi,

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OpM M«ry iilfbt Hi 9 ... Mm. Ibm $*. tote or -aite aiir- mam

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CE 5-2311

Owtewehelae^ Ate «ai •» reafeOi


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and addraua. aad a«ta«ti «a rw taa•aa . . . €M baa "aUaabad tiat." K yaa ahh aaly aaa baah laiit «a *aar tddraia 'a» tbawa a- aaaaaa, ckaab baa ta M<M aad add>a« *a aaa.

Topeka Capital'Journal Mil a Jaffimen—Tepeko, Kons« M607

II aaa aaad a IW and aaat a baak lar yaanalt aha. ebaat batb baaa.. Ta ara^ a»a.i. laaka wm Ibat alt aaiaai aad addratiai an yaa* IM aad aaaaaa a.a aaMaat aad ataarly la*ibla. Plaata atia* •' .


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Policy Change Unlikely After Chinese Purge tmry -coup *ill uka ptaca (and] «r pvtjr vUI perlah" At IM Chli» » poiwr ptamVUia iMer baadi alnadr d«, mtaben o( • «« tj|My ~tmp U Mao Tia^unri hava rolW. the ttroggla sUU trnMBntrj nttonaryMiwadwwwnto.W*comndas _ , ^ 9iti to lli«l*e lop ba flawteg at one inothefal ttraata. Ififum; Oalnnan e( Govem-

that China would do batter to sewtta for Kapegeatt to Pek­ develop btoraalty. The pottey ing. Chen Y1 wet to I ' d-buta


wrea. hwolTiM the poUUeat'Pwntfr-rorann Mlniftar Chao nm of tana of Mao’i doaeitiVi. Dafanaa Mlnirtar Lin Ptao. Usorlataa !p«ty Oaneral SeirraUry Tang With Mao alavatad to an Hiiaoimi*. Anny Staff Chief U Otympiu padatfal - even i»*;Jui-chmB who has headed the aaemiM more fiwrehead than security (secret poltcei appararuler -h* asaodatea aeanMU- tus. and others -Tided WO tm faew*a. CoMrol In aariy May. a campaign of Chma-s army of three mllUon against ■criminals ’ reached a mav be the factor that Ups tbaipeak of fury, as If the purge ___ . _ decisive phase. balaoct. Those striking for supreme Cbou had been achadulad to vispo«ar may be ulng as a haodle it Romania. Ha postpooad the the record of China's world trip. pomiWy because of trwhie ■t iMiic. home Last sraek ba■ j— )our* SOQ lomgn !.••• ••»>.« Communist and foreign |w<KiE>. poltclet. ■> u—last laU b a deba-!nayed to Boehafest .That may cle that destmyod tha ammg. ba an indicattei that Chou, at prn rhlnran party of least. Is safe. U he it. the future of gf-year. old President Uu may be In Tht hint af s hanh the‘"offing'ainc^ f^ a danger ^ Army Staff CUef Lo charge by UbertUon Army Dal- may already be flnls^ There a were Indicatieot a long w Iv. spMrhead of m atiack still shadowy oppobUon. that year ago of a daWi between 0 and Lfu. Li certain plotters trted to produce — Chou tary siiua- .. rising posrer. repeatedly in China s iiofl like that of Hungary in ItM. repreeented in the press u an interpreter of an uprising againal party au­ svthohtatlve Mao. Is Defense Minister Lta. thority W. a hard-line advocate of "peo■If they (the pioUenl »w* " He it a party flee peimltted to conUmre checked.” Ibe paper aaid lab chairman. week.‘-then toe Htmgarlan-type The power ,pinnacle is In Oic krktont or too JQmiihchev.|ype group of five perty vice choir-

Lo^ng its Ofd Charm

Ttbs of dally umpagaada noatcbg ttw ortnAm bdfc a UiB batwoa «■ atr«^ m toe dMtsters statobad by Pek­

ing pritotoa. Bin to focb

ttbgs M aetoaeka b Afrka and Qiba and toe eataatropto of Udaneba will be {dMtod oa the


The propaganda now tayt toMUandlOywago '

man under Mao and the eecr^ toriat nn^ Tang Hsjaojyig. Tbs vke ctaainan bdude Ua. Chou, toe aged Cbu Teh. toe once disgraced Chen Yima and Un Piao. Un It only one of those who also is b the seerstarlst. Also Ubed toe sccrctartot arp Lo. now ilngly to obtirkm, and Peng Chen, jub downgraded. All are PUtoure memberi. Since the ewreot purge bw

Lead Gold Mine Reserve Call Veto Termed VoteFavorsUnion Sound Choice

ByCBOMBMOia LEAD. 8.D. (API - Don Thoteen It a hardwk mlaor who Uvea to a Uttle groan boon r~ CrtnlyOuIoh. Htt boms, wbleb overtooto mountain stream. It midway built and Dtrfwood,_ where Wild buUt and________ BUI Htefee^ wee ahd dtad boldtag boldtag aen «>d eights la a poker goto. It U • *

much sfM^smdt cHton on a aobon that CWnma ysnfh were being led don a path of

law buys an toa gold Honatteki produeos. hat bean paying the tamo rate, tS an ounce, since WASHINGTON (AP) - SeIMi crctly taken tcdlmany That wnt the year thu ITesi' firmed Sunday night that rocdent PyaBkDn 0. Rooaevelt, actby mfllury efalefi for callups of Army Baof the U.S. ddlar at U S-7tot of serves for Viet Nam duty were an ounce, thus aettlng the ofB- vetoed by Secretary of dal TClue of an ounce ef gold at Robert S. McNamara - bat eae ML general conceded toe veto daclLast year, says Homeatakt’i tlont proved sound. SBBual report, gold earntep Gen. Harold K. Johaaco. tovppad » per cent detplie toe Army ddef of rtafi. told toa larged pradndten to hMery Senato Armed tad toe most efndest aloB of ore to bullion. The report toat rejoettons ef Ibe mebOton-

gan. about U leaaer bot pnnf-to cloM to Mae and so tag figiiras have been down- slderod Mao's hair appa that be hardly could be ai dlraetly. Bb i long bat been linked with Png trine and leantag toward the am, Mayor of Peking - and Soviet type of coexistence and Peng bae been fired as d»al^ peaceful evolution to Comnu- man of the Peking Munldpa] party rale. Party Oomnittee. which la ac­ ' dnicuH to aort ant fae- cused of having hai' tiont and alUancea. President treactaereui "ravibonlstt.' Lto teems to be among being undermiaed. He bu been been co

•By Jock OB

Voice of Broadway NOT TOO LONG AGO, I SETTLED DOWN Wm Georgie Jessel— and he wu bit usuel vohtoie teU - will­ ing lo ifiscuM anything or anyooe, includli« himself, includ­ ing hit romaacto, hit marrtaget, ton wtfld travels » ~ well weU uytotog and every­ thing. I uid: Tjue thing I wiO tsy for you - you're about Ibe beet after4tnner towaker wa have today.” Georgia wasn't too modest - offered He said: "Maybe you're

■ to speak of anymore. Who h you got - 1 mean ameeg show people • whocagatupoaUsfoatndtalkand bold bis audience? Jack Bany? IH buy him. Bob Hope-you'vo got sometotag there. Jotosnp Cwson -1 wodT object to him.” I meaHoud a tew otberi. Je«H teiortod. Ihey’re funay wbsB eene ooe writea toeto script. Th^ talk wbet often write for ftem. Don't tot's tncbidt amatoura. Look who you laen works a aile er morn » old days - WlUla CoUtor, Nat Coodwta, Raynead dergniund to fta largaM l«M bon of Reacrree and Nattoctel bad to STm ahrtoktog stoee INI. mint la toa Wsatera HemK BHdvoek. WIItoB Lackaya, Henry Dixey, Praadt Wilm, ftoman tavotved fite as^ CeetoSpM (phere. Nearly.^ the IoM' sumptiea that tha Sovtot Union iMte Maim - gtanta. ftat’s wbat toey were. QuU 1 Zimi to toe &diad Staiat In 7m It cost slightly more "would rsmalB e ' feet with toe speech. And. A yes, DeWolfe Hopper. wnn from Lead-tneldemal- than m to produce one o«ce The figure last yaer was aaariy ly, B rtipnwe with 1 THREW IN LOUIS NBEBt NAME. JES8BL SAD: For nearly • yeart Hom^ O-ptet M leu than tbs telling accurate, be noted. prtoe-despite more efft' ‘-We're dtocussing toow folks - not lawyers er peUlldaiH or Now Agrees itoing. toe company aays. guys nke ItaaL Say. no OM could heat cohaaod firm, has wwkad AUheugb Johnson joined the li rock to Lead and for Speakteg for the ubIod, Don etoer touiotar Joint Ottofs of but let's stick to sbowfolki. m tefl yen about me. 1 leanwd OMrty •• yaars It has done so Thetoen says ‘ We knew the ny leanu ebout qieakta« earty. I wae M years old wtau company has tts probtant. We StnB torso timet to addng mowith nommton miners. Jos Vsber and Lew Fields und to tike me ever to Raetor't. But two weeks ago. to an eie^ know the gold totoii^ to in a ttw Knktehoeker. Dotowntoe's - and 1 nt araonl with bad Htattioii." tton wUdi Aook • • I, tot afC-cio So what are the StoelwarkMS ^J^^d^dton of an em^ epu aan aad UstoMd to tosu praftetetonali gtvo out irito one of Bw AFLClO's mod millUaltad Snefworkem of America too good and hanor toOL Nohodyl coBwahmglftitom____ ____ toe BobUtontlon of a won toa right to bargain for unt unions, going to do abod powerful Mtton lto* toe UMtod ud thu I get up to tak and It’s good - B's bacauu of fta > Bcneftaka Benastaka mkeri. workers. It'wn It wn the Stales would send shtveri aU ■ 11< I oeveBto itlampt to «|a Thetoen. chairman of the u» tremors throngbeot all To change tot nbject. 1 brought U anund to hta ste^ Horentaka ttneo IMT. and ton arfantolng fommittae. sayi world,” ths general loM - first tueceaafttl one. confesaed adratratlu hr toa greats amdog our literary fig­ suboommlttoe on May S. Thetoen was 1 laader of the toa big answer «in beve tc It atoo would have nm counter ures — and toe name sf Bemtagway cams 19. ''Hey.” said organteiBg drive, ctlmand to Pretodent Jehnson'i speech to Jeaari, “remember when you wrote that I saw bhn te toe - an Ml-dO ' ■ " Ijrelled. 'Hello. Max Hemingway Hemingway,’ and weB over Barnmme. Md. m AprQ S of Stork and Ijelled. face of ' «bd with him like M pals? Wanna know some"Copper, lead and sine mittin, last year “toat wo s«k no wid­ lake poBdn that touch teory were all la bad situatioos. loo,' er war.” toe general said, ad- toWg, Louis? I’m leUtng you tote now. Only met him once mJHr and Hi femlljr totlmato- Thetoen said toa other day 01 ■That policy is sbll the before. I'm to the Colony and I see a big guy and he's ding: "T^l «y lha stops of hto bouse. puAni policy wlftln wlfch toe war to looking at roe and ba enroes over with some people and ba says. -Georgia Jeasel. K-i good to set you' and he hUatoiees pipe moke bdo the pine^edrtd VM NanHc-«M | bospilal In Lead. Miners me to toe people. I say to royself. 'Who it titte Ug fuy? He TbMpMsrmed their lamlUas who p there pay H^MtoitoOtoeri looks familter. I've sea htm or hit phrtaro waewhera' Btitoar hospital nor doctor blOt. "But wiOf toe backing of tabor Sen. John ^tennis. D-Uist.. and ton 1 bear aorocna say, *Mr, Hemtagwu.' wxl 1 kgoci>»iww« are tha land a rate- untoos, these meUU all got sito- aubeommittas chalrmn and a ton him. In that aecnod we're nke old frtudL He was a frequent critie cf McNamara's er’s to»a stands on - and Ihs policlet. said ba mads toa te- great guy — wbat I waldn’t give to ba aUa to writs Ilka bnhte's and toe baker% too. The »-yaar-oU totber of tour vet testliiiDay puHle to cen­ htm.” tor that Bitter - to oemad by boys li rague on whetocr be sored form tonight ”so that toe In : “Wbat wouldn't 1?” Aid ton JcmI atortHocneitafce. and he peys totoka toe United Sutaa ml^ Atewrieu people might be kept ed to ten me u Bagariu store - end 1 think I jailed tbs start paying more than SB u as fully totermed u pomlbte on speU because I toMnteted ud mUM the P«ichUM-aD To aUeviste- a hoosjag fter- eunee. Ha boeuT pretend to tola vital tobject.' .Geo^ left me to job anotoer table. tar. «^a company built apari- uaderatand the toternatfoBal ments wtileh rant tor as little as totrtcackes involved. But he does The gawrab* feeling that Re­ On enotoer occasion. I sat around with Darryl Zaimck serves should have been called 143 a month. keep talking about federal tub- bu beu n epu aecrat hot toe and he recalled the era of the tflent pietBret wbu the nctan newMtaba owna toe Laad udiei. and potmi out-at would rectle anythtog that came to their mioda while the tesUroony released Sunday waterworks, and retidenis pay company spAssmeev-that cameras ground sway. "Whsi they had lo say to each other.” m a year for ibelr water. Hon- eejH for this mtoe. most oftar night provided confirmatian. he said, "had nothing to do with the action as a rule. 1 re­ cstake built a coiemvnily eentar gold to Uut country It produced Stennis. to u member when we put a sUm to that. There was a picture, —MM the Homestdke Oub. u a k^-iraliict of ettier BcUls. statement. Uid the joint chiefs ‘Baau Bnunmel,' to wlucb John Barrymore was stanad and .jrbife anybody can swim such as coppre. Willard Lewu wu featured. Well, these two used to toault of tome Army Reserves and bowl witoout ritarge. HomeaCbtoistf Mnsr each other andtoeRateftoceast.glveaatwttoT«al ohaeena NaUenal Guantemu to tha tMca built and runs, without tax Thetoen to whH ie called talk and dirty stories rig^t to toe mktst of the reeto romantic spring aad taU ef 1«» and agate doDars. ■ free puWieUbmy. contract miner. 8o, be says, are and dramatic scenes. AlOQg lovely, trout-lai Biost of his fellows. From a ton early tote year. "Whn that pMure wu released, our studio wu flooded -^Army Upset SpeariMi Oc«k nearby. Komea- of reck they hrtog to tha sur­ Uke owna the water rights tad face. Hanwataka pnatoccs a bit Bacauae toe teatond Arav wtto tadignul letters and wires from peopla Mio were able toe land <w toe banks. It makes of gold aeareety larger thu a Raservu were not used. Stennte to road Bps. Mtateten proSutod - Qmatusd to tu That e^ sites araUsble to «n- collar button, about I thM sf said tlw rsgolar ectira Army aemo law wu passed - and ail toa atudtoa really got ocoed. WeO. 'Bnu Bnannel* wu recalled, reliku aada ef fta pkysa witoout COIL So wbat bnpputd sdiea the Bonwtuke oThetek are rahw- lenes” to order to mast lha scenes te whMi Barrymere aad Lawts had had toite pkMe e llw barrier tanttodueusi msi spoctfic ................ salartaa. buildup of forces for ths VM ud why. and what bqipeoa but ‘Rwlasna isn't. Be lays oon- Nam war. trvt minen Under mwatlena of senatort GEORGE RAMILTON-S SUDDEN BnUVPAMB AUKST Thue are urgent qusstiont <d and James T. KeadteiU tubeoaled him to switch from acting to becoratog u agat bHter debate to Lead, whou IJN re*- pnduce ore bey^ a given ii mittav countri. JohnsM .................................. 11 bad idtnts Uvs both literally and nage Some have earned up to Gen Paul L Freemn. surgen- and Mu's taktog care ef mama minder of the Coniinemal Army, figuratnvly on toe mine 1 S3i daily, he says, ....................................................... Hate pour dad? For Fltoer's Day buy Publicly. Homesiafce offlcinU They get sii cento an hour Command which trains and sa^ him Pop An . . Joan Diener, very (emiart siMit. They simpJv refer to eiira for night work. Theteent p||« units, conceded that comstar of "Uwi of La Mancha.” actually a ptfielectioe statemm which last paycheck, covering U days, bat readteeu of both toe active wu asked lo "sudftMB" to go a the tmafi said RecMitake etooM "make came to SN 4S before dwhic- Army and Reserve and Natienal tune *-Gtri Talk"^' dregb . .^Allho. ^Allho’ every effort to work with the ttodf Fnr tots, he worked a six- Guard forces had been iessned. Chyv. Rockcfeller't aida say M'a •Jiour weak. Homastake Ganb Mel tMiing tote yeite ttte tetoJato H also work But both army generali uuistwtuch still fact ths company. Rockyl toued a «raui Soutt h sf . France It dtv.s a week. ^ that toe trammg goals baf HoBtetlake and the mmert rifta for Jute - • • IB Londan. gutoltag appear to agree on the Hggeto SpacutetMO ameng Laad hisi- been met and surp host Gesrge Raft aavor dew hia eesmen as to why toe buob9 foresaw ahUity to meet any aognhtem: gold te gettiog suRs until t p m. (dressing rabn an day) Saw-WT, » «... ubrake .vm toroQgb u tote . tuna tovoivc. tkipaled ehallaafas to Viet . Ksiaa creaiMs. larttriat er bsllte. and toe fovernmem, whieh bylasempuiif -n oWreatu* ” iNtm er elsesrbere te toa waM.


Eventi stoce lab her aW (watoge of Lto lust ham been a stamp Wow to Plao who BOW, slgdBesBfli. toe leaders’ pbas to a soBd reidnes Ibe toiaffidal Peeg of Doowhfte people b toe Oen H head of toe Pek^ par-


Lett August, a Ctamese deteftthm wbBtotodaneba for toe aft aimiwriary of toe Indonesian rcvotatkm. Presiderit StBano of toknesia WM neevertog at toe tiBie troo Utaeas and his heattb had been widely judged at inartan. PYom


Because Of Maneba Pektog had to ataoopfaee. Afto eapeoali« and demandiM an AbaaAMcan eonfercnce. Odna oppond its opentog to Algeria and ton wrecked Its ebanen of eoaventag. This alao helped wrwi toe ChiMse Image to toe eyes of many Africans to a eonttoent whore Peton etready had er

mnnbt party nmks and the Chinese probably ton be^ ptottog- Thsn ware Chtoth pebey IranMn purges m UM, USr ad IM. were active to triggehog toe mourned, estendtog an toe W19 toe latter rtaulO^ to toe r»yttoef.D. to Cuba, where toere was a hitnwval of Peng Tebtoal a ‘ te- dnb wtto FMel Castro at N.AIdUCasa mtatator. but afUBfe w eatod - was said to have been toe tkna oMim Janany 's 'Trivtatat a toa •‘pmt eWtanl y toe Chtoen that revQlBttoB” wtakh Is ta full cry nbtongtoUvend today. mnaibs had to More todaM ftaaever.CMStaea ua. a sitnWla ba atrtoa tor power. They dU.'and <Bd. and aa ton bagn to an toe afaM: i badly. Aa a rank tana teg of a toaaatic iner^ atnig. ...................... aCotnfeud — la wUcta two cmi^ tote to"^ were emsglBg- EvldbMy toe The debacle coneb' mad teeea laaderbdp bad be Uaaed oa Chon. Chea or said, toe '-great esltiirai rerolunttdovlb pnbve of toa PeUt- abte-b any nMobers of toe nii- ton.” by whkb toey mean the ~ are that fanra. The prem bn noted thb teg cirde. The “even to our people's a^'' toey vied in btamtog It on oae This another. It la nnUkeiy any ded- straggle andn aotlpaily elemants |tion to advise that ~ strike for power-cnuld have by Ouni's foreign and rrvoluSovtot aki was a blow to I been made' wtthout the tiooary poUetes. Chtoen mUttary. of key figures In toe It does net necessarily meni. Soew bowevff, that flw vktor to toe ^ seemad to feel that China's The baekwan of tote fi jgle win radledly dtoBga eeuhi have set toe stage tor a tooaepdides.


Court May Set Jails' Doors Ajar

Judges Explain Positions on Law

WASHINGTtW (AP)-^-aw ■ oOdato, atm poB-; daring unhappily toat Snpreow Court deetetou ftrlctly l>r> i UraiUng too use of confcttkms. TW arc wafting anxiously for toe other ihoe to drop. s «r MB may ttanp to toe floor ef toa majsstto cuuttieuu Mondpy.pnbiblytoalutaaiMoaef WASHINGTON <AP) - Last tho tonn.totlM tonn. to ttto km . ef afeOow- Monday, toa St^ranaOsmt by up nUng ftftag too deetolea a S-t eoto aaveiaii ratortotaJ toapowerof poBcotoqteBttu ampecta. Her* arc eaetopis It ttw jorttoee ao 1 tron Chief Jutoiee Earl judging by toa 1 tost Heeday's (toetfloD tote Is Warm's majority epdnton and • by * • uytotog but a sure ' poUea effidtoi M.-HBia and Bym R. White; tw land are atanoto ccrWarren for toa Oamt tain to form a chorus of erlti- Tha caaw before os raise MstMie Mtleb go to toe roots WUh Its M raltog last wnMi of our caocopu ef Ame ted Jvifondaee; toe rwtoe court bwmd far ton eny use at trial of taeri

tocBey to a room to which be m cm Wi ben too outside inrid. In none of these casto wos toe lefudntglvenatoBMKiMtocdvewantagtobtor^Mtoe Ktset ef toe toterregatioB jroIn an te enaca, te gueiUintlag ^«d oral atontettos. and pgte

wMd> were nd>

ney all torn abut anltenk

The cuuem fnakt of to­ at odds wllh one of our nritoa's moH cbertebed {rtecipies that te todiridni may art b»tncrttnlnatc him.

odsforerttM. The pt eaqrtfon may not use tericu are esgileyed to toepeT ‘stow eieaipaleantabtotesdfreBtedefaDd. mj-^hatetwottset-

ttWfe forcet. and ntojectad to tetocfattqauefpmeanHo... te bt efttowise ton tmder Into emtody or otoerwtee ftage w Hoday. R Immadtste- deprtrad of bis freedom ef acly TQldad a federal bank rob­ tUn te any slgntflcant way. te caam before us today. wouM bery ewytetten wd toree stale As for the proeadnrd safetoa adequata protective <toeoerietions for rape, robberr gnanfo to be employed, unteto eaory to maka ton proand murder. other fully offoeUve mans are poticc mterTogotom ebo> The guesttens DOW are: torn to te dictates of te privt-.m Does the ralteg apply to cases It right ef ntenec and fogs (to remate sBem if he'*^ te which dl avenoes of direct tonaa or to apcM witbont any qmed were edtusted by last toBlte to eierriM it. te M towing mesiyeoare reqterud. eMdIhmthm BMMtoAttmnr htetegevanPrior to any unssttenteg. tt Ji^by * perou must ba wvtMd that bi sre nat te mednet ef cteiapnlOM ef toa UM deeteten! hu a right to remain sBenl If tha Sitereme Court says tet any ■totoacet ha ,doai Ibalmttted B ef te Monday toat last woeki rdkg makemaybe - * “■ —' uau. n^miiu |wr emgiwh is regudctlve. thoosMto d ^Mnat Mm. and that be hu ttonai law and emails temM ■ " to the presence of n at cuauqueneet for te cauitry at tatted down for good win baaoh- temey. dtoer retatoed or ap Inr- How aertoet tome eoraeject to reopeniftL 110. obvioaf guRKo mtor prove to be ottiy would have a substantial of­ The defendant mav waive cf tone CO KD. ly. 1..................................................... fset w tot macbtecry of of there rtghtt. pro Ha c«rt bu not and eaiutot and state courts. rided the waiver Is made vohm make te powerful thowtog tom Chief Jnstice Joaeph Inrfly. knowfi^ and tateto Its new rales are pUmly dM>' Welotraub of the New Jersey golly- If. however, be todteata rabla te te ewted e( am socto(me Court tor one. taanymoMranddlanyttor ty, eemelhteg Mileh h sure^ warned that this ceold “opett. of te pieeem that ba wiahii h ' ' bafon fttw ittim te gates of prigona to thou­ with m attorney befen are ograftod oto te Coaiatosands ef ceBeieto.” speMcteg ten ew bo w totea "We cut «v« try todayl and esmrfy to te Inal ertmtoals. we-n to busy trying UkeMse. If te hafivkhad Whm te eaart targnly Ignores eoai.''ba teto eoBRitel ' Meo^BtoattutaBByma 1a mteibetea hr 1 Bir toat he daw at «Wi to H wfflnete Tugated.tepoiteemaynB to the high eoBri tram te New J«y Ha mere fact that be ma] and quite nuimabli been Sylvatm Joharn aad ttnley have answered some questtoB tooMhc wwto te pnee paid for


Airceted on Jan. B. IKg. five days after Bdwwd Oovtt. te openlar ef a toy store te Camdeo wu dtet and kfIM. ftry ■ere quotmted for two days and hnplicaied themselves to stattBtents i police sd Cusdy

w hii own does not deprive bba ef tor right to refrton ftem an­ swering anv flu (her toqntriee ontS he hu eoaoMsd with la attorney and tbaraaltor ee» rents to be queottoRed. The constiUtioaal issue we deahfo in ereh ef these cate is

The ceori Is tekteg a real nak with sactetyl welfare m toqxwtag tts saw teghm a te coun­ try He aedri eates H erttne are tm great to eaO te atw rules anytMiq but a humdiws ciperiiDeBt

to m and aenleaecd to eiocu- obtatosd frma a defendaat queat»a Umir foteris were turned tkmad whBa to casswiy am ' beavy-hni down te IM by te New Jaruy pted Sf Hi foewtom M ac srttoa toat h as ptwJpktoaly foiprenm Oovt and in INI te taken by te eomt to te a ~ ' Sopreua Court refused to bv pdhee Wflcers. ef ; haarteeme. • as-ifoi

Catholic, Anglican Schism Deeply Roofed *tnm ~ ABticst toading fe tte crisu which progal righto fe tte Magnt Carla.lpapBl supportea Iram avil fe-ipaU as a Catholic waa legally dnead the H«M Caru. Amite Ita denmclation by tte fice. Pope Pius V te »7I de-junahle to take office, untii tte dares Ihe queen depoecd, aad'act eras passed, pope. It aRarnately arrayad aative -An Etyltoh print. John Wy- trees all Roman Catholics framj a few rematabv r«sUU‘'"i» ctoriy tgatoto foreign btttope. cUfle. aa advtier to King Ed­ nebiUty «atoat klngi, ktogs agatos Roman Cattobes wera ward Dl. to MT4 npporti Par removed in llN ■gatoat Mahope. htobopi agnlHt Uamett to rchfeRng property torstup fe Oliver Ootmren. viepopes agataat ktoga. and ThbCetawy By CEORCE OMNEU. ppes. tortous m tte civil war agatoet ad tribute cltlmi fe Pope tiraopfeagtonatane another. AP Bdifin Writs Thus, tte political entangleOtorter I. takes ever to MM, ban V, nd asserts supremacy tents fe church aad ttale. A tempetbma past fonna te Hcmy vm. and bia dhrarc*fe Settofen ever mliliiitontiir favoneg tte Pnicsiaat faraea. wMch tackdrap le the modeni enav Khatarikr. an lawlaiial an had caused tte proMsn to the Church. Under pigwl eon. setting vast tracts fe Roman to the fim place, were largely ship bttaw Rfloe and CraCS- gnnato Catbertoe of Aragon demnetion. be also «oaaors a Cattdic lands n Ireland, and dtspelled prevtomly wae manfed to his by ttit century, makbury. iranriation fe tte Bfeto Into seMfing King Charles I and the decemad taotter-wai bri one Bora brotberi they b« Ardtouhop of Canterimry. WU- ing way hr the churches — of English. to a chafe fe Wituh various stamp - to Uvc. and let foa. In Wile Md bioodWad sUnnitt -Boland's CwdiBal John Uam Land; to the block. clashes wtib papal ]ortadietion. jlive. aver tempora] dootate. Fisher and Sir Thomas More, Law ralwnd Drieadtr fe FaMh In this gentler cliinsle. and former cbaneeltor and friend ri It is a atruca anair. -Oiarles II. regamii^ The tong htmaaU lud bean a Ktof Beiry vm. are hriieaM ttroar in IM. restores the &«The miiqr lua drove bmoi stern enforcer fe .Csttfeto orttog aB churches on Ms onlers tn 1» for refuatog Hsh Episcopacy snd the Book fe apart loct tar bKk into a ' - so nuicb so that the to aibaeribe to his maerted so- Ooimnon Prayer, and tomases rtoser together, tte Bistep fe ty. lone iMdsre Klac ii . daiy Rome and (te Bishop fe Camerhad dubbed Urn "Defendthe Brituh harshly vm’s martW tnmblai In fee Pope Id aiMt logettwr » Nth catury. «Ucb la po(ad««r fetheFaith’’tehlinpnifes Itey had been toeig fe Martin Isrtter's riah« °3Stttta. 1 fe papal eitad as te eanM elthe breach. ttoo Protestant movement In Gertte reign fe ^een ceive sacraments fe the Bi«ltoh ftaiMBisy Ha^. she rapiacet ahem 1,«0I Church It was a moeh kneer. atore Even after his break wltt tta cburchmcB with auppnrfeis of —Pears fe i restoraliOD fe planned to clarify outstondng taBikd story than that, almost papacy, hit marriage to Ame her policies, aad sends appmi- Roman Cscbolk renhtothe rriigioui Iswes between them. as anident as Englani. proMems which have accumu­ matriy Mb Protestanto to the Boleyn and after a sobaervient When Pope Patd VI. bead of Pariiamcot to UM made him stake. lated ttroup the centunes. tbr'Komaa Catholic Church bead fe tte En^ Church, -The fonner Archbittop fe hit eafhtoioB from tte eornwy. even Iteugb tte originsl rupture with Its 80 mnika nember*. Henry eontinoed to enente Cantsrbwy. Tliomas Oanmer. William in fe Orange «d Mary was mainly about feter things. Archbtobap fe Caaterhury, Up si agraeand Ardildahop Midiari Ram­ ProtefeaiH "heretics" as well, English ^ II assume the throne. Repre^ When Pop Gregory tte Great neat w theatogteal itoraistiai la« Harrii ■Il«* « sey. primate of «orU AnfUcan- as CattoBc onnients. to SR sent Aagnfeine to tte Pr.,o-." « .h. Um 14 to tte PmlMcri BariUte fe St. PhTi. ism Witt its « rnmioa mem­ Be feibrid maior Catholic Wri ri British bles. Aagnstine at first MUMe tte Vattoea waBi la Rmc. At leR tnrned back m dtoenuragemeot bers. recently embraced sad feaehtagi and cnitoBu - chat- the Ramaa Calboife aad AagUcaa ebmehpiedted their IrataralQr. they tonged by Praleatanitom. as are re-estahfittifei cwtacia. Here Pape it Archgtohep DriTAcegm. saheUiate Vatt frem that dangerens lerritory. caa seeretary fe state. were anaglin lenriona nesrty It wu not mdll after two suc­ Paul VI (toft) aad Or. Mkbaei Ramsey. Nid«jB Rj^;. , K|„ tMnt m, te The Pope sent him on again. as old as CfarWUantty itsrif. King EttelbM framed him 1791, tte first steps were taken Basically, it pitted encraent ceeding rejgiit. tackidtog that of But tte dispute had age-old Alexander II. William, tte Nor- stole legel pawer m respect to toward, official tolerstioo _ land for a mon&ery at CantKBritish natkataUsm acalnst the Queen Mary who to the Utt't man conqueror, invades Eng- dogymen. walks barefoot to EBubett. 189 to im. Pretes- England, with repeal fe many . ever after to be the seat fe tant tofluence revives, with tte dlsabilltin against Roman bygone imperial Uidu of Rook. Rrmly restored fbe'Ues to the Many fe the- eariy dramas land to lOM. kills King Harrid primate. But bis queen steering a mitLeourse in Cattfetos. Indnttng laws that ciataB to supremacy over au Both rdiurdi and crowns min­ papacy, ihat tte lasting deav- centered anund Ito chief Eagage oaafTcd under her lucew<hmeh mattari between ii and had barred ttem from nfeversi- BritWi QrWiaiis. by virtue fe gled in tte straggle. cates estates for French barou Utfa see fe Cwtorbury, which and replaces English bishops Ciditolto tradttou. but with tbe tks. courUAtteanned fercea. R sparked wan. and conti­ sor. Queen Qisabett. Magaa Cmta nental conquest of the island Ibt fwntiwitog coexistence became such a fdace fe pilgrmi-lacenaed English banns executton fe many Cathriica —Fuller repeal came to 1KB. rejected to a.bouemperwl con­ both fe Cathrilc snd Prateatant age that "canter" entered tte —Pacing public outrap aim army, and with loyal to tte Pope, both priens imder George IV—tte "Roman ference Witt native Welsh derand laynmn. entt In the gtobal B^Uah laagnaptodewTlbetteiaitby papal censure. King Henry ' Ist^port fe dergy and Cattfeic Emanctoalioa Act.” to their knees, to penance. Onreh, wfaicb torindsa Bpisco- wMefa peopto rade there. dressed to warlike erray, coh- -After tte repreaaive ^isa- under teaderfeiip fe Robvt Fed That marked tbe beftontogs whom km^ts had Amoog tte grapbie scenes to At one time, it redtsed all paiiau to the tlnltod StatM, to a fronts King John at ~ penal laws mad attend- and tte flery Irish orator Ditari fe ov«t cooftiet between the Arriibtttop Thoenas a Beefcet^o tta long panorama of cfloaict: Ei«laad to a fendal domain of in UlS. and compel Ura to eee>- a 0*0000011. "Hie Ltterator. BnglMi Onreh «d Roman o»-Witt tbe backing of Pope 1179 foe resisunf ceta tte parliamenury snd 1e- a Pope Innecent m In tt». Etocted to Parliament. Ottoo-





New Algerian Changes Starting to l^egime Failing I n El Chamizal Famed To Meet Goals

Show Strip

Plan Revealed For Operations On Gemini 10

EL PASO. Tex. (API-Finalsaid. He predicted the number ly, after years fe paperwork, would tocretae to negottotioos CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. (AP) chnges are starting to show tn over.. commercial pr^erty, -Astronaut Michael CoOins will El that strip fe Tnpartly for tax reaaons. werk to ta>ce outride hit Gemi­ ci that is bring given back to Not an tte buildings to tte ni 19 capsple for SSminuto peri­ Maxkto. I Cbamial Strip are marked tor ods on two separate days during Men and raattinm are levetdemolltkm - only ttuna ataad- tte ttrewday (jemlnl 19 advening unsightly tetementa .buriI tog on attes needad for tte Rio ' n actedted to begin July it. oees itructtRs and nwi of ; Grande’s new channel, tta pm- Gonint U. command feW small dwriUngs. toed M ettl to dicUterridp, a allri Franklin-Omal, rriirata Jate W. Young «u) CMlte will rehirn to democratic rale and a Blocks of empty boiiHa stand I yards, new bridges and a vaatiy alrntrytopnOoffomfette tte netMd'b Witt windows boaided, awaitliw kHous attack enlarged port fe entry. - date! feats yet attemptod pr^l^ be demdishers. ogtheengteofoneAgena Ne Cast Mast Cm rentevota target eatfeUto to Twelve montte lets, tfaeae When tte ettaugraver is cem- power ttem ttreugh tte. ttfoi to A few bolteuti. unable to pieted, Mexico wUl recrivo tte igree on prieei for tbeir prapernattotaiotod lata without Ota taut must meet an already erh<tt« satet TtMre to no aemhlanee of da- ty with tte gnminaawt. Uve m I rrimbune tte Unftta State for looeUneas new Ihat mofe fe ttdr Date OfficUl any reroafeing atructurea. Om draught rained nmeb of tte tom- aeWitters have left. I Is a nearly new public grade vest. Mote than bait the active Ttese are tte lint pbysleri * sUbool. Sptoto Attnfniriratifei officially pepuUtioB is unempl^red. And steps to clear away baSdingB Morris Raney, former anisttte launeb drie Sat­ Boumedtonne is aoeasad by and rrioctle 4J» residents who k ant U-S- attacii^ who manages urday. Newt medis have been COURTENAY LYNDA VALENTI... bat her own pel betaM te removed befen tte ! tte Qnmial prqjact office un- carrying tte Jidy II date since United Stoles finally hands a > te Priedkto's diractisB, aid Joe >-tte day Gemini 9 astro­ 417-acre lUver fe land back to I about IS bueinesi buildings and nauts Thomas IP. Staffod and f m reridacm wfU te trann- Eogene A. Ceraan rocketed ikyEchotog Ben Bella, tte n- Mexico ferrta to Mexlce intact gime has proclaimed "tbe so­ It's tbe Chamisal Strip, i^b ' and clemd tte launch cialist revohition'’ as tte peo- tte fieoding Rio Grande stole Sm 4JN rerideels matt te removed or refeeatad before Raney tta his staff have cnGembiiN. fram Mexico by ablftin course tte El Oamtoal seetton fe B Pesa. Tex., is rctVMd to MexlTtaTttusy Wnur mbrin to teeuaie *^0 to ask sonthwaid tn 1994. ■ teen <«. whhtt feM H to a shift fe tte Rfe Gratae in 1994. (My ^totefinaliiM pji yeara after the river waa detlg- U farnlte ptaa to leave D Paaa. Bat atten an flgMl« from rtBtad quarters, sfln bette people. There have beai rfjnlyU Witt tte lanncbi electlou of any kind, though natod by treaty aa the perma- to eoart agajaat what they ceailder taadeqnte affers sf emse tbne persons most week at apace engine as Gerepayment by tte UA. geverameat One fe Ite owners, Cartes and ___________ ___ _ new find little tone to bupt Boumedienw has promiied to I Utlxl rendexvcoi twpicturet tescribed to ter ttat bold at toast nnmtctpal etoettons Tte Chambai tiarts to Ite tenses, a eMUaa eleetrstaes eipert far tte UA Any. boorinf. As one toducsms» and waMly to alleviala hart■wiewii toaor •!» ton wMMjwty. It containa • esaSntag before tte end of tbe year. The letah odgefetteQPMobuai- rindi to from fe hones alreody bo^ by Ite UJ. Bteri Off Late 0 shlp-tteff nesa dWrtctand atretritas abon collection fepboteafeOwtNattonal Assanbly s Navy Cmdr. Young and Air five rate eastward along the toward returning Ite land to (1) Acquiring ite land, forgoby Ben Beito bm not ^ and tte Pnrident takta by Mexico began qukUy. tte re- ly unde- privtan ownenUp at Force Maj. Collins, both S Rio Grande River. Johnson's favorite UBctal phncatTvened. All p sujto op^ now are beesmtog tte outeet and • praems te ex­ For years U S. tourtots pais- years old. are due to follew tte Orideva lilata tegrapber, YoKUOka^ By FRANCES LEHINE Tte large cad fe tte strip ad­ pects to aee Bnited by AuguM; hif ttntab B Pam have ijwce one hour 49 WASHINGTON (AP) - Cour- Onrtenay'B nriutece i^fciu "In tie light of present progenmed tte Chamisal rir^ to (1) Rrioctttto nibotai. totarjoins I SKiioo of Mexico called r, at S:N pjD —tte teuay Lynda Vateoti wandered we bo^ tte new boundary national bridges, port fe entry eat ttink. ttop and tte first time Amstoan astronaott he Preridot's White riarted to waft-aod ttat ww In rcocst waafcs tbe tegbae Cordova Island. wUeb actnally res. cin become effective ■ndabigirrifalloaetaripmal- Italfighta and harm and d have ever been setettfled to ------offke. tat down ata enr^. has nattatoAmd minat. Mm if a pentonlaitejaettag into S Itoe •gn by tale in UR." said Joseph F. ieuog tte Rio Grande on tte races aenn tte Rio (bsade _ blast fef late te tte day. piekedAip hb inler-ofrice phone. Getting reMly to foa«e hto nattonaltoatton mapanres are to Juaret. Theaseada more eae ceme. The main effect haa haw agreonent to rihntoato a Ug Friedkin. U S. member fe tte U S. side of Ite bsrdar, and <)} from Mexico to work or visit ia Tte late laimeh to necessary if She jrikbered away Mlly post as a teg praridatttel advtoBoundary recarving and coacrettag a per­ tte Oemtei 10 crew are to KO- deH>iie tte presence of Ptwri- ar to become preridem fe tbn to discoarge proqiective pri­ beta to tte river tbit caused iDlenuOanal Hater CkmmiiBian. manent channel for the unally tte UaHta States. frequent fiooifoig. vate Investors. dexvous Witt another targH sa- dent JofanaoB and a highJevel Motten Pictnre AamdMtoa fe New Bruges He expeeo tte job fe re­ placid river at a coal of around ■ congressional America with offices a few temte. tte Agena space a Algeria's protaaed ntoaMfH- Since 184 tte two countries locating (te Rio Grande channel 8 million There will be bsH a < menijn lonign aOain haa be- wraagfod fraltlesriy over title to left over from Ite Crintei 9 btecte . awqy. Vatonti arid: permanent route to Aside from mme seedy eye­ bandmme new bridgM tn ban- lion Much II. beceuse fe came more ad more hoatOe to tte ArWtretion affirmed Mexl- along itsat least ''Whether the Prerident tees m U mentbi long­ sore teaements clustered rioae iDe ttu traffic once tte project AfCBa’s poritioo te tpmx. ■tented to stare crUically at one or lu-ttb ramance will an -ttr Weri-aMnogh tta regtam eo’i claim to 1119. It was July require speaker after anotter, includteg on." IS lets Involved with the Soviet U. IMS, however, before tte er. delaying ennptetion fe the to the tounediato eid bolder b ctmptoled. Meet Own Ageoa Chamisat project until net lata Pretidem John F. Kennedy Aride from Ite Qiaratoal strip tte line, much fe tte Cbamtoal real Preridem. Moc than Ba Bella naed to be. Courtonay'a parants first te estate coorists fe neat, well- proper, tte imeraational agree- On Gemini M's fourth orbit, Courtenay made : "We will earry snr toeialW and Mexico's then Prestdent start oflM9. •educed te at tte HhM Lopes Mateos cnncluded a for­ Gotttog Qiamtsa] back Into tended Man hornet in quiet. mem also provides for Merice about six hours after ttftofi. tte mena. where they already bad plan to to cede to tte Unttta States ill mal agreement to settle tte an- Mexico's hands is a ' Later, a Repnbliraa congress- House, JkA hta gme te wwt swn»ta unteriaking Friedkin appoi lan requested a foctare fe "the forFatter Not unexpectedly, mme mra- half fe tte Ndtare Chrdova Is­ Jfemte tte day te ncetadu over South Africa, land in retnra for Ihe : Although complcatod tfops Mo three phases: larrehais Mie girt wt Revoluttoo Atricaine. amount fe U S. tend elsewheic up te It after a period fe fnwM- p«1 te our cooference." He tad e« to tte preridcticy. And moth­ OpperiOm Statoed er. Mary Margaret Wlfov. hta tton flytof. than tte average fe |MM which on tte border. he'd never attended .............All poUttoal opparitioa to fi»'s seerttriT^ Some leaders in Mexico have Young - vetmnn of Amerione reported U.S.-apRO tentbl maeboi “with laOMd and no one mama willte voicta a hope that tte ca't firri maoDta Gcmtai OighL liute giri mottitarteg it ” offered for houses tn hto bio to argue tta pattt to pufeUe. quired Chamba! ririp can be Gemtai t sta O b O bw . a Courtenay b IH years old Same to Ctota converted iMo an liitonri' Named Lytak . win tten use the Agenah iw. But tta tamUy teu hta Among those quietly fighting more taatee nnmera wuh tte When ate.waa bora te Hita^ I court tor 'what I thU; is hto efferla to toad tta mUm out propel Ihttn parhaps to a record Preridem fe tte United Steles iwi, Tex , Oct. 8. ms. Chutright" to Carloc Quinotiea. oiltBlnlnndwm.ney8aybe aitttede fe 419 aBm; te peaitten ata ha tavaers than msoy eoa.v 's parete gmne*^ tta tamer meriiUK worfcfa« as Topekon IniHoM la a priaonar ri tte regtoto's middie name fe Lynda n htacr to tesr deieead end rattKvana pfetUctan. civUlan electroaics expert for IMerna] cMWadtottona. tte Army at aellbbartig Ft. In Narsing Society with Gemini I's Agent now or- Johfaon calb ter a few thnes fe tta Prerident. I» pul hto peraenally n EL PASO. Tex. (APi A 409animal, le ft wu taken badi to Uttef tte globe about Ifl miles a week loriiaL She rides in hto la te tetanate cMlesj vitws Mo praettoe for fear of Wanda Scott. 839 FUmere, b ttough. Comensy b ww ealled pound black bear lumbered oeto Ft. BUm tad placed to the rioa high. r««s ••Oorry" by has. fatter, ata me fe 94 new nteuttert taittatod ciawrii, vtotti ha ranch, MMt TkM Day into Delta Chapter fe Sigma •Ktehtat*. - by tte Pieariem. >he stota ' •***•**■ l»* WUhagI stood tnnmf Tte actaal renttsvuus -with ^ dab puaded both by wbM tt preaita that tte chain link fence I hirta'’'^ nUHBri honor i ttat Agent wiS net occur Btil tte (root seat fe tte Pren- Courwnay made manv apcame from and what to do with Mrouadtag tte hrea would not by Quinones' towyer, toid htonK^^ ^ |dem'i car _ whiie She pearsncta tte Mtion's force except Ite »my." an ex_____ _^he drove _ when before ccritato tte ben- after it awoke, tte corner lot ata ho«. or -----Itad rccfotlF ttetUrdday. dbnased the passing ceuttry- press she met tte Prete Ptaieaced Veatera dManat The beer dimted Ihrou^ a,___________ and tte arimal was movta to aa fonew fe Mnrmc ata «a, tte aaeoBd iide witt imn ata te secreta^ LSw •« te famSy atote •aid. "Last year's army take- Window fe an unracupied bulM- imdtoetoata area Center te Kamas Oly. Cfetes b to 0^ . the hM * fe dfeeoae at Camp David Iday churrti aervwes. per e8M •vm could lave pot tte eamiry lag and went to sleep in a G«^19, Stand on Ite w. Britt Hei Own t montte. tte Vrieim. lived aixt on tte rails but it trifod to do m ennwr. IQtil«y poltoe. feficen pek«^ opter brif feBb body ibe ferigmiv WUe giri with door to St. Mark.-| Btecepfe R. Bccter. caM be Mfeved I Itocatae tte army fe tte El Pam Animri (Mttrel out ata space and toteta 8 nft brawn hmr and eves hoittichureh on Capital Hiil ata tte nffiM eat to te I wsa doBtorik'. rith Oeater sta a peri mteM doing photographic n-’her own witt the toll nwn m tta! Jfemxm stepped b> u visit on againri ItseH at Ite civilian po4- surrounded tte animri and to!'s pet or riciped tram White House Wlten he asks ber^ttefr frequent aflendanevthere, lUriam. jeetta H wttb a neq a dreus ormo. He said Ite talto da aomettog. she just leHsi Whm Comteswr isaT koto ■'Any new chaage cmild oaiy tnnquUber mal wooM be kept tn quarahttoe him. "Wait a nurute. Prea " [nobbiag at tte Hluie Hwatv. few come frm wHhto tte »my. aad They took h to B Faso's for 19 days, n tte bear riUl b| Qairtenay-b acteMledted as, has a cotera fe frientt her own aa ttingi M It may wfel be Wariiliigton Park lo». &» fefltange for tta mrw " jctoli were uMbto.le b teT'^alSlXr'** *H *"**"*" ** AU3IERS <AP) -At dawn one year ago, the Algerian army swooped on the capital and emied tte ~ ' ' ~ tot reign of Ahmed Ben Brito.

Prez, Chiquita

Have a Romance

Burly Black Bear Breaks Into Bliss


■ ">J

. -3^

rr r%-

W 'i r^ BUT...



READ BEFORE YOU BUY! Wh«r« but in print can you gat lo elota to tha advartiwng matsagat that Intarait you? Whara alta can a woman clip tha coupon* and raeipaa that intrigua bar? Or taar out tip* to try on laftovar*? Or mark, lor tutura markating, any of tba colors ful f^ idaa* which »trika har fancy? And whara ai*a con aha circia and compora tha colon and tt^a* of clothing and furnishing* that oppaal to har? Whara alsa, in fact, can any maasaga ba ra-run at will by an intarastad audianca? So maka aura a good part of your advartising maasaga gats into print. Lat aomabody’s avaa lingar ovar it aa long as thay lika. Lat somabody's aeiaaon clip it frOa of compatltion. And than watch somaona'a pockat or puna carry it to tha placa of purchaaa. Print makas sansa baeausa print makas aalaa.


Lillian Vinson, 69,1 i

Dies After Illness Lillian Vinun, », 111 Car-i Sbe »ai bora Jaa. 4. )«7. at dd. died Saturdajr is a Tope. Nelaon. Neb. She bed tteed bi ■ bo^MUl when ibe bad bem Topeka dace ini eacqd tram palM itnea June M. She bad nio »M oflNB ibe «r« aean a bo^^ pattern earUer ployed by the W. G. Wesev 1 IW and bad undergoDe and Son Abetradiag CampaBy reatment for ■ heart aitaaent at Alma. She foniMr^ me « by the Freeman BcQ H Bessie McCiune Agency andlaterbytheHmboorance Agency wtHre abe WCHICAN VALLEY-Seirk* aey pending at was a fire underwrUer before Uker Funeral Home at Over- (be mired. rook for Mn. Bessie McChme. Sbe *as a member ol Cratral Qurch I, Miebissn Valley. wb» died I nt the dMteh. Tiday at the home of her dsugher. Mn. Iren. ■ • • ‘ ‘ Vlnsbo was secretary of the Kansas Aolhon Clab and was a 'eides Estatce, Cam., wbera member of Topeka iBsurance be bad been viilttng. Women, the USO. and the wom­ Mn. McOune was bora Hay en's dlviaion of the Topeka a, IW. on a farm near Midii. Chamber of Commerce. [BB Valley and (pent mw A sister. Ovilla Viosoii. of the ler Hfe in the Midilgtn Vi . home, survives. nmmanity m Osage County, Services will be at 9:31 am. ibe was a member of the HicbiPenwclMSabet Fu(an VaDey Metboditt Cburcb. Latcr servlees will Ber husband, Ibomas Me be at 1:36 pm. TtiCMlay at (be :uM. died » February. 1K4. Methodist Onirefa at Cedar Her dangbter Point in Chase County. Burial will be in Homestead Cemetery In Chase County. Harriet Robil Senrieai win be at 11 am Roy Hill dooday at Wall^Xffenderfer Hoituiuy for Harriet R. Robtn- Roy C. Hill. 49. W Pinecrest WB, n, who died SMnrday at Drive; died Saturday in a Toter borne. K4 Mulvane. after a peka ho^ital. He had been dis­ dig Ulwa. Borial will be In abled during World War If ind hod been an invalid many Mount Rope Cemetery. Miss Rotrinm wu born Sept. yean. t. 1171. St Galena, m.. the He wu born Oct. a. 1916, at daughter of Ihamas and Mar- Ales. Okie. He formerly lived laret RoMibob. She had 1 at 1033 Wayne in Topeka. He in Tbpekn since UKL Sbe wns a served in Ibe Fifth Armored Dembo- of Westminster Pres, Divlsta during World War n byterinn Qnrch. and fought in the Battle of Ar­ Several niecet and nephews dennes and the Battle of the ■urvive.' Bulge in Europe. He held three Battle Stm and Ibe Purple Wontha Burge Heart. Mn Wantha C. Burge. «. He wu a member of the ms BItthwood Lane, died Sat­ American Ugta at Pawhoski. urday in a T 0 p e fc a bospitM Okla.. am Veterans <f Foreign where sbe had been a palleid Wan at Olathe. Survivors include hi since May 30. Sbe had cancer. She was boro Oct. 31. IM. Lorene. of the home; a son, nl PraU and had lived In To- Kenneth Kill. New York Chy. and ■ sister. Mn U. L Hngna, fAa since 1». Survivon include ^ bus- Pawhuska. Okia. land. Joseph E. Burge, of the Services will be at Jmnson iome: a brother. Phillip 0. Fuoerai Home at Pawbutka, Atchimn. and a Okla. Time bu not been set. In. John Sirack. Pratt. B-Oteel Funeral Horae Private servleca will be at is in charge of Topeka arrange­ 36 p.m. Monday at Wall-Dif. ments. EiMlerfer Mortnary. Oemntion Wni foDow. Mamortal contrlbotMM may be mad* I* Ibe Unity Truth Center. _

Chorles Pretz WAMECO Charles Jompb Prett 71. formerly of Alma. M Snurdeyit Us bone here. He sras'Wi AngBt in Wyandotte C^. 1 farmer and ttockmm in the Atana ccmmimliy many yean before moving to Wamego cently. Survivon include his wife, Mary, of the borne; a sob, Lawrettte F. Preti. VermlUion; a Mn. Marta Temple. Vamego; a brother. Fred Preti, (ansai City. Mo.; two dsten, Mrs. Margaret Payne. Shaw»ee. and Mn. Ida Griggs, Kanas City. Kan.; 11 grtndchilren ^ two gnat-grandchilren. Stewart Funeral Home at Wtnego Is in ebarge of arrangenenO.

SCvSin, s,-' I it ttum OKI UMr I. n TesN*. H* <M

.•snTTVJ. ass

s'.i" ~

STSfcrKrySi,"" MeanrTT saevKls

Marine Dies After Saying He's Willing DUBUQUE, Iowa (API - A [hibuque Martas who said be pas srilUng to die for the Vletumese baa bNi kUkd In M-

LBJ's PartyJ For Arabian Really Stag


The pareirts and wife of U. taald Meyer, 33. were notifled the ofttar was UUad Thuraday. Meyer had written bnne eoty 16 days ago talUng his wife. Marv. and pveoi, Mr. and Mn. Itaald Meyer that he lor one - would be winii .die for freedom bt South Nam. "No matter what the people M the Unllad SUIes think." Ibe Marine wfoli. "»e are necM in VM Ran Sritb lbs tragle plight of the people."

____ be strict­ ly stag at tbs White House din­ ner Tdesday night for KMg Fabal of Sadi Arabia. <ni0 a traditional feature of Amertan stag partta. dancing ^ win not appear at ta Houu affair. Ineiaad there will be a ^ tota, tbt U.S. Army band, the OM Guard ftfe-anddrum corps ad to elimt* the affair, a fireworksdispUy.

SBA Storm loan linnaeos' Works Totals Here Told Available at KSU :

MANHATTAN lAPi-The fa­ The SmnU Bastnsai Adminii- mous cotlwtta of rare hooka Iratioo hm received V by Cartas tor IndividMis and butineoea, to- lue by reaevch avafltaa lefts Mrs tiling more than 090.600. Kansu State UnivertKy's Far-i Richard Garrett, office rrti LAwary | ' mar: uid salurd^r. Of this nuntar. 30 have been The library recently acquiredj je coltatta far WM tram approved. toUling ahBprt ML- the New York Horttaltvtl So-| 000 GwreU said be bellem this c»ty The writings of Ltanaeos. ibe is "jusi the bagnittlng " * The SBA oflta. Room IM of lOlb century Swotah Mmictal AadHortum. «m be are conudsnd the open mm I a.m. to I pA pMU tar rntdOB bomlniure and cluilftaMay a^ every other day tar •M tta A Oanta aMl m.

Topeka Sunday C.ipital-Joumal

a DecAnoMM



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★ Progromming ★ Computer

KtAt. CttATt iAl.n«AM ~ toa* imcaA A>iwa« a* AM ABAAfai "• AMI rraM TA. lAd KAAtinna. Tam * CAMTyy. lAc. AM A«a M

A ACAaiM *AA« MMiaa n arriay* m HI A |AAA a

St^waTiaJSii^ wSSiMTiiiM

ars^-irsjsrins*' BOSSLER A ASSOOATtS


4» E. »h SL. Topaka. Km. PbenaCEMSSi ^

•IMlt.*OfO O'B'I

AREA MANAGER mum vtAi - rm amimaa a. MB AAAttr a IXyA Mil.

aAMM IB lAlAI mm AABW. T)a AAMM nm AA MM tArrtNAr MBA Aa«A Bam* a AwMI AfArAMAaiv mmr MWA

‘vnAToaM teAA UU* A g*


wMTre - t«M mw. *■' wi**w.

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c5 afs?£5r£S'*:S

Autorriotive Center


Service DiREcrt^V W


J.C. PENNY CO. Whit*


^•a^Ayaa. *AaO «aar aAia*




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★ Business Machines ★ Drafting


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W I. «

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r «d tadnirr ««AnaN


.*T*r.*5 'y ana inn C1I*MA BtAcrr CO. jr-ssTi. ana. »a ■*

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?Si.''Sr5r"^ ENROLL NOW ’SI^TSjrR^ 5.^gl5a--"“a ; aaraaiMaa

w*at waVliTTf* - M Ad (AAT. Caii aar I »j

I srr«."v'sr-VHrrs :' rr -M <1 •n.

fOtuu MMweaii«2e.'«““ » «MWu«je*POi me.




npika. be



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MA«a ^

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V ce0« AND COtfMTCH H RIOIt bitvl IN 1»1 «NM W ____

House Painters



c. >40. ay wa-aXAA aa M-M

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£A*al5^r^!°Sl CBMia!^ iiij

*;i‘isssi.r--rsrms» rsjsrs a.— *- -.e


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REAL ESTATE ai MB AoaiiiitA ar aa uMmaab a aaBML. Aar » imn a a*a■aiWIM* I'M am N YAAn AI-



Can »m Kinc a CC MM> ay Ib-

SvCTJF r'.=c-2r^-"^ sr^rT^.^^s




HouM aoiK. Ml tnat a a aaviMO an* r yutar capa »H- ct AAM-__________ MN mto *A**MiaT Mb •• TW ixAiiDiiacio auBU Aa. «y» mbm. ar aa. c« >$m mu ar lani.. Am. AMa. Cl joS^rTSSriiiiTeSS

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FToBAt AATMca Cl A4WA ea

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management Mob - Wom - Coyta

S-Ssw^ss mmrnt m m. tm m *arar.





I CBwiTiucnen




M -AY*, ca SM. n iiooi iiwAii. MBA

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SaM . aAAarar cjAAba a Maa.


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S“-g£~‘""‘cc SrLssiii'jsi SaiAAM^j^ TBMPOa^ JOM s!'r?£SS;ir~'a




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Mr. *4 IW-Pyi- •■'> »





POWER BRAKE DROP HAMMER STRETCH PRESS - HAND FORMERS W« «U pravfd* imkxaaea «M r«bnttai npam.




GOODYEAR Aerospace Corp.


n •MUM »Aiii


SALES CAREER OPPORTUNITY Ko.m PLUS LAAOaa lAuAarB aaBuaclA'Ar aHma rATA. I.araa cam aAtnAyri a ■ara aoAa A-aiAaaai mmtmm




—n * kAtooe

r.-ansatjcs.’sa. A B^w. nacB A Aram. Ana aa

X*MT^atUa’Siiif «T!a53t

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s^jassjy-afsr'.g slAiie ITOOM

lAMa^y AIM



___aa Mr. *il*Al. ■Anal* ___ Airar C. MAAMI. Ma IB l< M a i AM. »m%. a*aaMa>y *a AAMacaa a» MM


a ssp-iger


ar rra AyrMffi^»AB«lA^ABirtd


McaiAia iMo> OAia oa ayiiiiBt cam









KHiiiaiA coarrM

Exacutin TWidng DiviilM Arobanedor MotoU

via, A. n lawAi II I


UtchHtId Park. Arts. «M




H aiw eiiict* ItAH TOWfIt

% Of iumvTJ ad PfHAU

mama* i>

yM*OWa^AAnlM*SrM» UoAraM. AA« aa aAin«i«m AAAna


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MHTI. - BmaiM —■ A. pHia AAA»

5a*a--tSLrc*:j- "rar

iHTtiviBwiaa aew aoi MAS TWAIMWa cuin


sr? ssrsTc'. -s





U tAlPMf WAMne



MARKET RESEARCH BARN EXTRA DOLLARS PART TIME ^ M(ek coBf^ «yadim and rocnuUni bo» far paai* *ni bo tntcrviivini men and women to ariarUd homaa. Genarall; working amifigi and weekBBdt Car li aaaenilal. No atlilag Pa^^menti fl tS per hov aal to pv nOa. WrIM D4H. can CapUaLJournal.

3M Business Products Center IraiacM toon Joa ath la June Mb. OaUegt edueatlae. aga IMl ^eartoaUka araSabla to the traw ef Mknfilm. Rtod«reuBd Music. Sjvtona aad Vtni] CoBBradeMtaH. Call FL 4-17M for a^mnimnl.

S^scSMC.'sci.’^ I



DB1WSS8KD ARRA~ ftiotiAL cewfasCTnAi m» a


------- HARDWARE ISt LAAA (MaAAAA AAA LABlI Cl MM •iMd SAmTAa. KAny«m WaWaa oaii


a* a*

Trlpii G CiWracters



i«> tfousneu *OOM

T |4I HOUtetOiaM^M

UnNRi-JMfMi 77 Jm1«. IH4


. tcRtia^ATet wwirin. >t n « DRRijRRt'ereR 0nt>'»it


ww. f«raWM raWRWI. ■mr atn. MCI M’i»m ww RiAia. cr M«t


■ *£rrT.

islfrzrz •«



Sates atal Serricc. Inc. _




■T'WL.iMItttR* taiRtiMb

CTRM w. ..M. «■ « 4^^

Ron iAie~aamH Moea'n~wc o.AA. tutu MWWM. ct >D>


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MevHMOl* •eOM


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MuCT .|M> Rin".


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AMURM WMM «> • RW. IA« ra

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RarTA»l.f TV AMO MW M taWmw. t<4 iw n«ak





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«U" MR W4 TRR CBRWR CRMMA Cl» MTt bMi a ................ ■■» RWM. MR n B Mnur CUWRR. iMt M atw 4 ■ aMRUf RAN. W aww. rCTr~ IWM

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BR|^^CARp‘^ aW







ORw,M,. r .-Tj

i». CMAiei. Far tt« w ten Cl a: TMACMia. twc. m s»



M tin, ouwnw Mmum. «ri-

“■ S!] s:.; t:rjr.s:~xx:

irRb b M MX M iM ma I

mT’ lARATAT amoA WAR. MW. 4«» WWW. II.44. Rl. ».1W.




OMnC IMRVMR4 VkW. 0«WW. (M MtRRm. IM MM k> fwr Mflo.


CE>san CRANE k CO.. INC. tl« E. ttb St.

PHTt?:- — k s%rT-5^^-^ '

Mirrwi OBiCR IWRiln.



>» I


** MTmSiMXOiSim"*'

!: v^iz\'.r’ ,z -Run 0«A



RM.IW lee THiM M Rfw ARWra «MM




ir'tii tio. HW.

t5 *S^ eSSn ' ••• M USED EQUIPMENT

I nANTi, Hvtsar met



Kltl> I






ra.; *ji:vNri:.",i.*'‘r ‘"^"ns!r.r7i;:^

fMt M.I


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I"^ilSTir-tou. M. Mj^a






lEBO. Tin nd HetMi




aamaMN ac M nM in mc. b'rb wa M« iiai awt aiCTi a*a aW Mur aaiMrM fMaa. ara t-ar a~T. Vaa-ta


maW Arraw




r« M iraa tt.m n n tUliWW MATPIAt

5!Iaa."ta'af arkca

Er£H *»















^ “*"A.rtc

laa I H itt cpaaaiw ir laat i.H. ti cOMtiNt IT. lau w " Vnar ta caraaaiB. TRU AC. « TTO CM" laia 1M. MT TTO taa DAVID ttAOKT W


laAWR aaar aa A ____________







; 'K.S2-S".?*mS."


tOTAtV eUTTljt HtAOMAtTCail aa auana a" m ivaa. Baa m



aUlTA* LIftONI . o

mani. nt M til nwR


J‘££rz-^ - e “ ROt



-----------All KINOt - UlM WMBn " V ^ oaa »wa aaM • RaaaKBa M


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II natM. aw. Wary «utT in traa (IW URR) aait ama nt a" warn rct* avn traa aaNaaa. anal t»i aur prKa tv> Nna t". I lani M autrl Mb BrKRA taa n onvaM anaatta a. DataUT ' uM Taaaai. Cali CI atiat Caanci


i XcTti-sr;

Satei ft Senrice .



raM&.'PawT rarMara'


•M yttP^



M MWc'wi aa

iM RrariNlx aw car |ic A I CTwaar. C( A4IH, CtARTfMAN RAOli -aiaOBwrai. AM ^aw



m$ RAtMAiL MU*’ mi oc. Cam. IMAU M laaa RAtinAU m wa. «bm laAAll B.



1 Vlim Till M. 'iR >e- Aw.rtrow •Mult «l». M>WI U'UM OM. ACTUM B.M -MC.RIM.

M urlM.


ROtTT tUlHEL-------------------------------

RUtNlTUtt Maoai « raa*. M Raw furanun OBRNt aw •au' raaira. aan aw CMT. > ant ttUMa. aW Cat

0 LMWr-Cntm w

SCRAP W Brvan-. Pinna CE 4-m





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Mn"rnmm. "Ttw



„ CiR"raw ttl


«; RENT A TV M ^{■irtiecKATOR. ■ tR(l6»ATOt. raw rvw ur •



An^ «,

AKTfii tAROO — tar*, fl ■arm.

MM MM1. twe » AtTietlS A


•iinT MLi - ir ran


'r *-«•.•«-.. ara MWW »!r:. taw

"ill ^^lICOONT RUtNlTUtt"** OaaA T w t DrHt k.


MR-IR JAM* TruM. lit MRK. CraWr. IlMrfl. Wtuuurt. RMI UMIUWU «•! CMIMU Cwn.___________________________




gw^awM. - b.a MM.

tSluT (m.Mta or



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RteOCRI - taura rR ORWnwnr. HM'.rT’.T-l-.Uj'

MTteR attiiw M IM, MWl. fioi.

•aean-tMT i» mr wntr tw twr •wr RRit Mu' MOW ImmM W Cm*' raw pm uw HiAW iiM Rial nww HA# MM. MRO m. e. A Tuow. MR »l|. C«raRR, KuwuA____________ l«C

RM" .■m.,TMV laa "wra,



OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT MR •»• m RRTl. , H.4 WT- Osnr 141 »' Rw« U*i

.ts; «®SbT*^-s sScy*"ca w


W> Mnw RMaw *Mt. wRWMW y.>- «'B c«»aa WKI RlieiOLAU lU RWt. M MR aonwra ci amm tr ct MS< ini





25.-aS.jn3. r-5'



tUNROH trt (M N wm MR. ••••- M


■•WW TfMlw F


■•<» «rj



ClCnl aut ar laat mra air canMntwrt. an ■<»• ara M tar an RncM raart ai «■. tara awr ita ■> lUK ITU Cl air eawintwri' CHIar inaltaa T « ! *ara. lain aw trltn. la uAiaa 1. atiMa. iiuataira. nst 1 I aai nm Rw. ct ytm


Farm Tracten ladostriai Trecton Kay Squrpmeet CulUratag Equipenent Roiary Cutters Oiiseta Plow Diefcs Spring Tooth Kwrowt Blades

Scoops Eze-Flov fertiliter Box Sernpert Poll Hole Digger! Brinion Seeder 100 Ford Tractor ft «” Mower

Sale* aad Service, lac.

M B. Satlsburr Co„ te.

MOtte EALE-TlaatrataT. i' RraraiM Cavni tala Ct..

tint tr ratat* » m CWM b "•L(T-|



5": ss cc S^sir?.

?%M Rl» A. AUli "M tatmtlta





Illy. Mt cnia "n WM, taa. aw Mr wan ana N iwit. Na atraaiw, w

NEW WIN ROWE! a RT. etADEt llAC ■I. J aaBN HHCTi ILW RTka aaaati Our RrKa. ttaea wawar i"W. ca Hart. TeaaAa. Can Ct atiat Caino

carnt. MeCart. anaiMt i»c- ’i "" 1. It Atn an Ha a (MrMEi.





,’=JK.'SSS‘“?"’R w MisetuAiiiew tot wi i> fc




PEOPLE’S STORE WE BwIrmNmj^ etc. aMiL."ei



__ I

•'^■5 g5=S^..ta-s.

nalara Maas. IT Raac tray tatra. Eaw. c 0 ttaticitAToara. *


,■ as “ ~

iwt TVL a. AWIIMW. ewtM aaia La* RTkaA CranaW aW neaMae.

TRACTORS: >-ira xTv Onw ran iaBi'tiraSrrwnwit^ m3

■iQ JCMvica''M*neMrr.

nS* xwwT'aawi

TWO (XTNA tnw an* naa et* pA.. l.ia Itrii. Rw ataBe. CirelBt>iM.




> raar aU MR Riwuira-




ewa^ '^

Goodyear Tractor'm Sale > sra't ly Rtyi ANtiaiaarai AMiaiatayi sstiititMyi



COMBINES MaaMyataraN E«R ■>■ lAnaMyttarfb Can HatE. *-



4# eownwenow wwiirwiin


on the Airport. Herrington. Raa.

Tools, Equipment, Materials


Wednesday, June 22, . I N A M.. C.S.T.

«a te*a been bittnacled bp Jamea L. Qntna. metver. In aen (be .IoIMbi pwp«(y M prtiBe




Rata «

Rata "«• trat



*» •- «

4 PAftM insciuAHfees

la araa- a-ratoymaai. aW ntriw Naaaa ira tara>. < bM mN M aatiai ae at «>a ta'* •acaraa J ■*!« iBa.t * m ran tra»nay 14 ^ I mL • an >aci 'aan aiaic" w "tan - tw*. iMHi ■ laia^Cau■a ta M<0 tww


"^TURDAY. JUNE *5, Sur^ at » « n m....^^^ mt arattat m a TraCT*"'^M>t^ aim. 'tyaa^ i^ac twi Twe* Waaan^RM.-ayn. lat. "< a ■ lawa* ■« m« Cim ra aNM<ara. Bran. Cw*


ra'5a aaeara! mm . an* >WI rara t Irai" waaa tata'oNiyraW anavl'b WBara am. rama t «aaw. taa* Mara, axwi Rct»»i *wa

IMOR (eu-RMEBT - auKELlANEDUl Ha aw tiR *aw Arava*. *n .an. taa< (tan Ram watnRn vW ^ r. a aura «"ra wbmN. i e* tyaa Matai Rany tRy-EBW. taoa Enclnciunm n H *4 tw ' "a I'tv yw atv Civin Oarata Tyaa A> ctBMraiaat trraa* tirarw laa* Mian nan Auranara laaa^nacraw twA^cwi ana>a-t v

JraT*itw^"2«ia?5wISra "■5*%t ^ ralral*'nt CTnm"’'lira'i tuvrara. aam ear lara- imnH*w«'5ira"'^*i ■ ■ Tj, « ayaa aa'i «« r Bary yr net *t bhi t-i ty m" "• t*na nay »- a>"| ______________________________________-.1_________vyH'.iai* iy». W CT.ray. «a *eay raw r*i Rtoaara ryra aa 4ai. Rain

____5irTJr^'-rarrj':.rr.S2r;r-r •

tuaiu Maaaar.-. r"»aar atat i a»ar| AC Oaraaa Cwt Iran traraMfyan" "tn'. hu. raa raaynri ct »r*W___________’ tMJi ara ayai* aana .-lartar Ent"" t>a»a Pay itai<ara




„ It

caara* Oyaa •-raM*mJr^yM


Wi" naa



tSL mTm tiw«>wul4iAa»nM4 iraMtta, atW "F w • «'«^4' • rr.__ ________ _____ —


itaiet Twme. AraatwM mat n««. I a* irata *BBn Ouaraanrat aattyac


caiyuia I" laatttwar



' "Pi «


'Slyr*i‘’t*" twiw. aRW tw.



"M*n*Mw’'7' ■may"'JSrart" h2

raw traaia "raa. Cv*»w




■ Sate e* wwrataM taa tar* Rn*

Mat" "a»i.



1700 N. Buchanan, North Topeka



Baan auara. RKMn aaaTMt LEON tOHN. Rtiaw aM.WM talN. Rwa aaiatt



Wednesday, June 22, 105 P.M.




—Then Use—


a raw t aataan.


>-ia" RiaaM. a-»a- rm r MWMtt ONI ' traa. "aM rrmnrl (uttra

HS£wg^5=r’-s Halt TANOtM tf




a Iran

Kanses Farm Mach. Co.. Inc. Goodyear Turmi!





•awaaiT taa'ltV*'

222 SaTV-aJ^urS

Electric Water Heater for only $2.45 amontla CAI.I. KPI. TODAyi




--■■etiBn Mutiw. taa* ram *araa jam. yj.4 T*

CE >-1151 ,

Ota aaea trjaatra HUI aara ttt.Oaac


STANDING ' ?ji_*r^i >*r^-

Rtnl on bistaBMl

dtrwi.H. a ant ■ ,n TK nil 1. j.b. N.H. 1."

i-iw Oaa exTIA NICE




WU ^ _____?r' NICE tar Aiw arte ta- aw. araa la a



ag “




mmt Ont Rirara Ow


latwri. IM n W Oi.M. Rwr"l


Do You Have


-Wort On An)! Nab

raa iMM tana w

wwaMaM.^aHm.' Aw"SwBw!!*ra t-MM.’*' KvMaa RMW. maWd. caara


MISCELLANEOUS R.W Culftuaw W ei ar M MW-a aM"i-»ann CM.

w-a c« a-

- “• ‘.K

1 TUNE U* ERECI riacniiat A. araar 'U ewna la laar n IIR tlOitATOt a;niw^y tMM^WW"^ CTaef^

W tMt. oaaw w tB ct a»»i,_____________ ti«



"5v^- ■-

tiRoueueo Notca wtawr o a iwMia an. I mW ir*iv I • ■aatw. J .* aaaaw. I a«M tar---------------------------------------------rnaa wtea. IrMMaic crcM. rat *ai. ttciiTEtlo •





ss Viairrs. UrA*5iS5:

Royd V^Oeburgh. World Widd Auctioneer


WuMWRr ran-lkta O' ra%^

Be ENra >M.


(an u*

M. RmEw ewomOTi


Praraar t mr'oa. aaaa aw ariwa RaM airai. Antn V.:iara Rirwl AMraaft Bara Iianw aura ■ « ta ttaM wa yaara Mii Lm« lwmi thw EwI laa*. iiiUiiMit aan umm na iwa pniiaA' arraa oaa nucrara-



.CanMall____________ ^ ____________ ICuMMtl__________________________ICl ■ Hi____________



■ CHOa* f«M> lir« M > n •’»» t I

"K *

iaaa;jr.j r- s layaiirira ass a~ sr* jsr.tT’sirtflrs.T,. ?ga.-rr.~a.!j:—a ^aa. 'ga;a»y‘osr ~==~1s ____ • ■•ft fLOO*. Pm pmm »M. 'uM- ■ nm ■«• MRTKM. m. CM VM«. J

MM M»^

;(WTO«^ '


•ouow ml ll•l)t ■ M

"i^STSTSiSTiSrS a?

•ftlM MlldM. 0> « M

Sunday, June 19 ■s.*;

• pjt




2616 East 6th PBndtBTB. nMgvatort. ftore*. li>i.wwf iBd

___ _——^ ssr


"~“s 1

°a“J!' a&J-.a r«,-r££ sr-'— ar*"-

0M>M. 0MP. i«v lft< «oo actctug >iyie '«««» ^

■ arB.a jit. “’"ft Ss“" —”JS5."iS3 ~ • "■ 2n-^—^ 5


UILI eiMr I 1. Cl HMl. rw .^L«M, M .M. -,«

■ iClMa MT^n'rMMft'

TIH HaOVtK Vmm*« MV M I Mpmom ¥

•huo T0« • •mi «M •

r».»* *" 7Ik *Jm1 JTit »33f*M»Sl5" K


•TSc, -------i!5'



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•ir«K^s:u's:iHr*r:3f ‘Si.“aaaira‘=?^

IM r» u* MMt______ WNTtlt. *

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MM— MM*. •— IMM I* M*. AMMM. 6U

M * rMUM* nM M IM M>.

5^ aitlTlSl - Sm y‘‘llwi."M5' ?« »—m

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Cf Min.

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^SS:^Aar>S15?cTSi?^ gj T

Cf mil M mtM »o. i •—Ac MrvKa ¥ MHP K*


rnvss,*^ -1

jj-jagara •

■ g; ’Si'aia £f aras s.



t — rMa.^lM

3 oiuiiu H MUllfV *-«.e. I. M mar—e. Mere *

Man M aM M •<



WIU. M—« «*t i**rtrHM mMi ■ tVL Cl »1V* •——M

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a wwwps omcMi to

KRTMIKT •tOJfCT M ^ *M . Ml *M M

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".ft ■sa'arga..— - si'


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*— *<P iwR M ■—. X—'*' lePMlA

rCAlU MM MM Pwt. jm trnm mm MM <* «* •MM mM* m jn « mm MM*. ». w VMMM. 6m HP** M. «MT « MM

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IN— OP— <* YmM*

1.— MMll


^ • 5

». ■* t£-"a,tSF

Voeto VOna phone MM444

“iSrSr*^ It tweiwcii TCt MWI ~



PMM M •■>■>. MM1 MIMt. <

Office Space » m*M M« M—k I— Cl MP* UK

AKC MMM 1—la M. i l»TCW« OJ ^

..tsa-garav, '."^r=''ATat'


Mr*. L. 0. HIM fN i—V ViMr RilH. Cl


■ SllliUN IRMMr* M M*. Mm» -------------

You will be proud to live at

¥». TMI •Avnr I—M *u PeMi Mm • *1 •X wr fkMft IM* YM R Ml —II » vMI I ■sr t» mt MriiMMa M, i»e <









•—<• I

-yaaj'-ftta." SS'-^c.t^-

Faasraiags ~=wsa- —



“_^?!.***'**i** •*“

j^-a^ --

-------**t-—'^’— •«,I

A vWi NEW oBoalQr « EMt »b Stnit bM««s CaUfendi Aiwoi nd oihlaad


NO ONI - C— ewM. eer «—


***0 MMMM6 MW MlM

3420 Van Buren **S«I- 6____________ I OR etVI MMMP— 1 M *. MW —I* AM M— ^


■ '!5iIa^S*i5S».‘!S

sjger&jj: saj7-.j:

MNNil*. KUNYOK ■ ____________ 4 *•—r •-*••— M—et. A.KK. f—--

■..LR-TI— MOMm. -j.|

THE SMOKLiai omPANY npni

igfjsr ”“—»! ™isisr^TSs-=rir


!<•> MIb < MM. ■■> MMh ■« rt) Metric IMnr. 11. M *>>**»^

TOM—se vtcnea ------0 CI6W4


rVulOtU, KINHIU. i o-p-w •VIMII _ au*. 01-aM

ga.“ •



• Ml CirtINI. Cl 6

------------ „



eoKTini* •OAiDiMi mmiu

- Goionial Park Townehouse/Aparfments

l:M P.M.


4721 W. IStti. Topska I Block South & Vi West of 17th & Hope


MM *'®*’

-u—‘eri rw Fslrsavaa^ ,a Viir ^ a saaaarg LM*i2rM:‘:3;urw!rsa

Me—. *MW« »MM •* Ml— «Ml. VM—M* MM* r—M fMM« (MM


*—«» DM MMM


<m It I—

Oot* »* Mpr...«M I Ml

fta’SBjr a

NOTfCE -A SL* riMT2r^cL*s5:.

‘r^aisrSiA'' ?•*?*— •“• lira

Dick Refrigeration Tm—r*M (.eaiJM t» aui*M*Mi lim Mint M— Mr— Ml iM—1>

fii.-srjSM.'" "*'■




e I or 2 BEDROOMS • RJRNISHED or UNFURNISHED e Wall-to-Wall Carpet

• Friendliness Is Everywhere

■Mrwv >M Mir WMl. ■ ■«»r«:n( M MMa. w—-

• Convenience and Beauty


£^„sp'-'a'i^ c.a**xrcrsg:^

*^ *06 lALt

~«M MM r


AUltJMATIC asaasrajr.r? WASHERS eJiisljag.a irllf””"

•M*. U— •— —Ml.





'—^■ma w mm*Ta


For Rent Retail Store Bldg.

iwa’m—— L KMM. -

CIIII—elTA t MM—MR *r-


Air-Conditioned Appro*. -1500 Sq. Ft.

732 Kansas Ave. CE MM5

• Frigidaire Equipped

4 leowiAMi TO e

rsss S’S^uifSTiAS

BmoMoI MWm Apvtmorti Vi kurtm^ fan ii)rt« to m Tear taM... toq cm nea lick thi lUdelH kttatato m totoMn* nedn. CMm

■"c « toAem TO ■

wi'kdlriiht into r»r «»«««A Friildiln Ato COedllketog * NgMiki TMU DKirte Klfete


* rasMitoi EtoeMe iMdry rodUHw WMilElKMeUm>TU«>«

* **_*~*^ No MOMTDowi-ISlte. =r^gS.afi sjrs7X5ta«

tr. mm i.t u M>>

-*rLS,r^ ir " ■yijjftjcjftr ky •'s.g;.



V*mi* Wilson VI 2-4444

rrnrmmtrnm «S» WWRT«mm_ i. •rm-'^

.*—• Jg =r-=.^




vow— TS AP6ITMIHT, KHM M*- '

i^ir • ~ii«5i'j|l

s^jsr^ rjTftS

¥ ct vno.


AVAILAkBLE RIGHT NOW!! • Modem Interior Motif


i»e*u.nrT LOCAT

e Drapes # Electric Kitchen # Swimming Pools

tr AUTQMUTte *1 OMM •.<


rcs^"grT!?5.5 s-H

VM Lawron wtmn of Tiavv: ptatoMhBLTOrariiMvwatS^' btoeki . . . rmliw SohI * fkw ■Ml Drti*. ...... -





•Drive Over Today';





CB i-na


Or CM Bofid Te Sort • AM Mm



» HUijiTT wt um m wwmm ewotniwnM mi


n r*c*OTum*MUU

SS^ MBMail. « M«. ••M.r.

lTEi!r!r^£rHL^ m i

M». CM «i iwm. Cl Hm.

>*g!jr*ilLf. «ni. * i^y***"-**— “ •’ •STinSrciiTwii.'**

WUtod-RalM Arr. TJ#Ct|* BM. CE S«4T

lak lAMCHti. aOTIll. mtr CARIA 1 Hla nam ini



«M< !*>■*•■• mr» am ram

wtuitAn —w r «r ««un *■ 19 (OYL kMOHM M|M V». « Cl lli3* * BM IWLlVLAMP — VbY 9«aM ■ ;ii MMWiwi. Cl*g* * witT «<iou.wooa Bl *»n

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rt tm m»n new*—■

Miant*. H »na»i'i. amai • > na 1 H. 1 A. »«m imm , ». a nw un.

.2rJ5VT a

Mnr a «ja AMa *'*’______

i.m neae im.

•av i» m ra miim>ir. cw ra*WMi tit car Ct ean. am irj AOga riAt «a aa* «■*> *ea aa* IT’.'

•j'ST'k.r.rTjrss' Sri£-~-==^a Mnr me Inee vtlk M tnam •m m. «t. Man. ilveiAL >an» M wame

•Y oaatl - tnare raw. on a m 'am lem. ••a ineM M aa ia«A a t«e amt C*

-—- mm m. «rrt nra nn •*«>. AAMCO ’ •*■■' cMWm me- m eraen fi'm • i”«


it 11*1 gt*n WAwi

!su^2iHs;'^ CU'Te 7:crs. » is'ssSS'sr-.-t

aiTlira i V "iSJ

■TMl •Ma~*cr*i •» »»«l» >»■ M iMt ]ni> All «in. •■'Am. m AM I 1 ■•■wA. n. Mai. nc eouliLt luMNiit m ia«We ■•>•■« tn Arm auiw Caiar a kmv

.T am naaa cam amn (>UB AIMT am--------------------------------------

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rn.*'cr£r?ATr.Mir Krxi4r«*‘s-o*^ ‘.‘■•S&.'L’ st^Cl AW.

tQ« taci

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“'bm.*^ «?*>»*■

coua^ MA^wjm


% ACiri - AM them. ’ aun'^la*^ In' m mim A>a me I aa amr. i« at tneoca<?•■• nim- ana mane.. a> aacaiVM ran*. « MC m imBiira an anm cauw. cb-abb •BB C\AV - Tme arBH. caeanaaa



oil la tM M na


a tTAun. Amama BBr;* Aora

aet MiMmi m " reeHv im Aarta am Mai—ra'i n, rHim I aerme. —ai e."i ■airamr aieae la Aam ana araa a Bmmui Mtaarn An


CM N. Froot Strut Phiti. Pi. 11140 mSiGLM411

^ UUa*" d"S*’’ Y ? Cm

mnia. ArKra manwr a at..

■ rTadS

CM|*T«« AfTtnioa.

man ■> «•



Cl >•”». LMrarW

«.mS iTA^;s' IWC ------J--—

BUSINESS IS GOOD ml vfiB itny. m net M> M ct* a aarta.

KSK ssa ssr-rsjl. ra^’-Xi-firs-rM^sr*'




e nm. am om ■ -• hai. A«. Am iu.

fi BOULOca. cocoAoe lai aat 0A>« aee n ciir. CM


OtAu Cl 1 ■ .Ma Bnma A.tMa aemaiae •ea tcMca

' Stir:. rffn-rr-'w am •*-»•» cm a

■laimm n >m | ir Bnnmea. ana ' >m>a •e. im




ceoMia - cm ta nm. <•! law ttr aarvin iM

TTll*»lVilwgo*5rca». ra iWBTM^a^Oamrm

:era. «4 Am'ICA Cae.; •Me. cm Am. UB9, IBjj


eoa!ea*^ Km -aCarramclaL I main Bia ten.

*J?n1Sle*9t»T lEAlTV CO


WUM ■•• uia Ba «em. > taemta reiiei. «.« baaiA. camrai ak en«an> m a«na. ■■«•« » anBaerB. raainnae raam. mar v*. an Mtlaom kmt au w. HMi. ea aoia biu

IEBV1CI Mam atm mr iiiUB learia M mama’ (anan •aea M Lib am MAB. Kaumm. bucmb. ki

■rSS’JX'SS!? ... Hi"*:

4. tUtUalAM - T


*5.ei^* OM MA^l£»k^3JS ■M ACBIt-^miM 1 BMiBMriaiiira

arttS!! o‘?.SM-2ur

■ em<y lavniim' 'mim ttr tmumt. ' Ovf am rae. I" twtmA «m Arern, imi mam. i»>«i haamr. m

BMn rtarik. im bbbb. am awm* nmnC^m^ nmm^Bjn^i—


IB iMMoo^m mam cm» b«.. M tMca MaM). )w> laniam' rnna



L aa anBT. W AATB ■ ». mma »m imn

=" .■S.'nr


mm »vM« am




*ma< awnit.nla* »i»"y

K.,rs"------------- SK



E--Lr.!rSJH nr r-r .^oisr.: ■ ann

CM awam accnMa MM MtMMt MB* I ^


AOB SSAti-jtMm ewiBM ma. '*oa alina ana mrciiaAdiw ai am ant m aarm m N ear.- Jaa ■uw. owitea oetit asa CMC. Mcaar ra


s; „,SK=..>r sr=."-ra

MBA mta ca »4ba




____ am at' 'am m Mkia — t >4ai- m Mratai »r-n -iwn 'm [ am raM. MU MM.________


:rr*o:r.^“t’:r*n sir rs;s; si-r’.r“?:jxs ■£?! srAL*?-rr*—^ -


MAUTiau***ivi««'’rm*^*. Me. "’T nan a. ami. ^ taacM 1 Baaiai kncm nin Minm an ibiiim mMa araa. Bnna ram. AaiB. aMa UmBta « Mm mat. ttnrai a*, eaar M cararrm

a Aa^ ’^aank*mM'*m^T^‘mn m« IM a. a HMMa ml a* U.l Si. AMa. arm arcmcwa. 11.111. aamrw mr*

m Gtge BM. Phone CE M147





a*’on ann -

wStS-Ritoe Ag^

wk: :....

« am m carm. h m. m at Camrt





.0-Htir am

S5T —-1—a”M£i-~ “i



tiM^aiM ak

■AieiALaiNe MA'Itftttl. tumM ••••. WAMea <AM


HieMi.AM0 AAaa - rtM maMI


M. B teat. Ian aarran Mr ana tan M avilim. lASr lam IB mea. ««BS. Nr fma. ^pran

6000 OAFOatUMITY la aa MM m

im tlAB ana (IJB. Cm emiam Jr. Miri. ■AATNAaO AOOITlOH - ) twt. ■nn clan M timj vaact HigA. CSUNTaV CLuk ABDITION — B-

IB A. nrakt.

•#*%. I x»t "

.SrrM-V’ScifiV.; -6A0 m .BM ■;



TCXACO Hat a maaro >«fv 1 riitin tar Maia. TNa a amc»r •

c-iA^TcSr-i ______F - »•■ •mma Dami M uot^"I^ trt^«5S»'ami

mmttm» MfMi ibi Aiam Mar. Alta m/nrnfmm mtrnr a*. I i




ANTIQue CABS ANO (nrCU’ Bl* ll

a:r;njt-------- .a OPEN BOUffi


Foremsn Real Estate B. 'Spencer. Realtors CE >-7Zn | ci tw'

ew'cg*BeTTa?cTee. aws- awat ^ CaMar. leeati. Mae* Man ar "••• •m^. nTiT MBiw » BBB m Mr amm imi'tr. ciAMil arm T^ian-tniWtiB Aa^ i*M am f

( MOVIMS - MMt awi «m M : tm bbBa. nm raam. «mn


•all mm It uMu

4B mraaat. aa- aataa. Taaaaa aMa.



rm. mm» mrST**Amru n OSAAIOOIA. An ram an'ien

amm a am m

____________ I'TT »i<«


g^Lcra. tg'srg •>'istssT"sst.’.rs'" tUIUBBAM HMTM

IIBIAA «I>«V Aaane n*«B B'lMCnllTIB. KAMAI


CH0.CI C«V|OX,^iU Aicoeaiico euAtitT alannino

i 'nSS’tSoal-nBliair


:-i=f |

4 iniBiNcat rat t*u

■lSt‘s;sjr5-rE.‘j: ?^r;s*sni«"^vs s; UN MM.

ShopptQc Oetter, Office. •fal Commercial Sii« . ^ Topeka’a fastest grovtac |i mm a« i«ia • shopping center In the I heart of the new realdntial I area. Slice ter sale, lease. [ end wiU buUd to wIL Call I FL 7-101 J. C. SARCE.NT k CO EXCLUSIVE AGENTS

MB. IMrm. U. V •"!. LABoe tAiT^iiei




iiAB**i"ti -*A'*i'i mm n°^ '■niaar laraM -A-. m «*-■

ci%rrn:.w,jr=;.'sr^ Tt StfOUIIAItt FOt t*U Hi5H>rpH*S KSa,y-i:g


• •>*>

la VAN ^iuB»a^ BB ^J^rnaa

•BCcutivi arancH, «ra ma aa



•im>Mt*ei<n w*nnr*!'c^ m. om Bi.Bt. IM ITAtONt C»>!




Iuar”'£rc:'s,“ »ssr^rrs„"-'.sj;

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• *!S? CAIM'l MAL IITATI 4Mr law. Am. ~ ~

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>uvf c*iH (UVKI WVf COMTftACT •UYMI ■UU COOK *SCr, TL*»«


I LDH «• »«"l T»t. CKMS. «

»b« **f - wwi ««tm T»»« o.

• '4iI5»"TrUJi^'Tj!!

B.^jSn'l/'tU* 39

•M ••». M MMTV . M «< aov >M> •. m MMr MMT M. Mn. on. I

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4 e«T.ei.10WH WOfllTT

i;|^°i‘*T‘ia-irAsr"*i'i •Zrz

t a cmmm lAA Miraxi AMA*. <


MM* Hfll


M> a

Eicellent opportunUy for mu wiBting to be IB buileess for himtrtf.

A^TikTe - Tma aaam>;r'i;;^ik;i ‘ITtST

“**” “


A*e*nvM‘y^y«iwy am

a* owMia - inaioan. B-<i»r mm

lUilre Mr. Gene Ftehb Forsaoet Diirtoi. Iu.

TMiee aeoaeoM-

mm. I amt.





cr.rsi'jiTi.rsf.r; rssi5r.A‘",,r*aN“srs an irntMt. Cl HBl________ WU

aim ABN. BH Nan am AM AW

imt. M> k» a-ia nma 1

SM West M

5-=r--.=~msi £STS.".-;- lr~:“::-~SrT' ■SrBN^Jn’m" jT*■em'^aaa

SA's-.-rm-.'iA*” &Tir.'T

n ACIII - tnar Maaawn rw I—*

SmmT BBi

twrMea - AOtamm Mm atnom eOTTAMi cm-M. O.M ana MB Nmi* nam. cam it-rroa*. I mraarmi aan A* IS VMt Aan Kimi. Bwm. am laam ______ a»> t« t—----------- —- ------------n 1 MNiwan Kama. Mm aanuMa. sa.Tir SAtT tM. 6i laamni ••i.-


,D ACBEi~-

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.wS^a. m^m*bm. m m ***" ... '^..... el Aim .

IMM. Va- ***




mm mm----------------------------- , ^m^m^ a^



m^ AM an*M**M*nla m»**C»H |Mc AOI lAtS-Anr*. nataa, aim maar. In n ll■lll■■^| II Mti AIBS 9 I*, caan cnma l~m mr> an «•■ taraaM* N aaat •»-■ nam n.


Ks. - -



TB^e^AOp .M I

Y mM. m





MarBn. m


'F“£S“a s'srK?S'lL;si^ N. tam attNB. B

—. CM wmr


Ex■ ‘STTniS


Cll-tlf liao w 17 TH. CI4.IV4

, n VACANT len FOt wii

'E-KL-JcHai M MuMn..


e»*lMiia»'’a51^n?^tS? *?m”'ia Mm. aa m'r rwti-ma OMar nm





M amar. CS



■a’-a. 'rassi's ~ .'ss.'Si.T-st.':; ------- ----------------------- -

OB.CI #Ni; Mr a.

Fp;^si;pfflfia rfiPSfsL.'rj^ . tomBA FIHMI


srr;ji^‘7..S’ .,’Ci;jSn5;-m.. Mtca M rim ama ima a amaa an Mraa SrC^tKA-^SaTirp..... .*H

HA OMB nn annt


*'.*1,01 _ 1 mm-^m., m»i.

T m’^tMjrVBTMMaSAf ““m"'

Ti cAtnn rat t*U TNO »eM0OM caam. n C. C MNWf. C-mH era

’rSl.^llla.Srjmi*’ *•«? 7»*« WCOkll FtOFWtHI kf—a I.

.TM., a

anMm ^

^ puatlk^ - l»^ ^^iM^mn

.NVcaTsiSL ■ ’T& , HOiTOM - Iccauan-laa'a AM mn Mam ami amb* * Ala «

ak- I a a.-, m- an tMMM* am fcmn_______________ e*J

M*an***Ak^4mi *** LOvtk* DvAiia — em Menm. ■ _______ _____ _____ COVMCH eaove - A«.» Bar—h- Mf«* ?’,"*Xn ■'‘**** *""rs OA'i.**** - 'oa I'minaM. •ama aa 1 M* Bate t-MHn mra aammm Cl tasa* *Ne <nn “-n m—• n—aia. aama re .SSToe/iT... «, mn

Cam M Man OamM at Aarr* 1


Maaaa tar*, irv. tma «i B4B. ama OI BB. M I

n totuMMi piovTT rat m

"* danaT WBBrfSi^



Hf AI I4W* N tOUTW - A » MMIT*) aamm Mr



U X’

tSSa*TiJ!f. *■”

] VACANT lOTt rai «

i^ee^MMga OaOOMS-U*l

___ wij I BOOM I J iroar

coaNta nourai^ iiTt.

Sps-Wi csiix^rSMS^'

sr; m

«a*m-" yM U mmnn An. m-. Ut-

rnamrma M.M imam. laa,ma. ij-

to*C MHS

----------- »*17l«


rty Ita^ar

{ Sma')^ TOKM BN iiral m. HoOnti Mmj


\.r*.^“ik?tr::4’.ri5:: r-’-

For Excbshre (^eretkn ■atmai mmacwm a> Mb mi f lam -III aapM" n m ncvm

* II acrM-l-B aaa Daar CraB

. _

o7Slt"S; anamm m|


.SS"J-i.5rss.'== IIMV*- ala aarm ----- -----------------Miiimni can n aaaa nn mat 4 nnm. am BA94 in inar. ca


---------- -




Bmt BaBt CtANB_________

‘Jtar~ - — “ ~ .*

BiAM awvara.


. ...^t.'mM amiMtaata moam am^aM^

l” """"SJS,****

|» imtiiien

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a.*tm It. 1W4


7i tntnncn m uu


STT«i«i. > Cl

para., kma

r.ysra’s:;.yj;i —---- ---- •■“.,» rrt^i'ir,z=rjs!s5-rsssss. sr^ MM *x-r a>anar. —-■--L-f"-_________________•"; x^.I ■-•




■•«k<«>a u rntm. amm. m. t*t. Comm





r; SS?M*S: • JtOM* .!•• Mmon wmon tm M ran>. MMicanr mm mnmm.

CONCMT#* trei m’SmTlyeS > *j owauMiNin wupacra iaanw " M» par;* 1 mm mdu an oar» 'Z.IM7F.M

M MM wiin nica aaa naan. abaa ai aMr N.M. Nan aiaa Ciaaa k Ma ana aaam.’ifv^-'ss

j inSawa ewMi.StS mna!U?“D^

aanaman. MM mm m ana amna MjraMC M^aMWaav. ab------Em Marm taa laaaMr

irlY CLUt AREA — lanai « I ana MM cai-Mmcmn. Twa

cl tBtS am MW


Per ipaiminiM can Cl nm


ttho loM. a>a vmm wniim -ata-



Anilablt Now

Mom! JaMWffam I.M ajB. • ll:M aoa. twioar. Jnm m Mm oa a.M. . ■ at a.m. Cl »«•




Mm an apn--

4 Oa





OPEN SUN. 3.5 mnaeWMa Maara'ani byJkpp^^aii^jM

EtTnM ana cMk lakr. Ep. CIPTlOaiAL VAIUI. lie TOOAYI

lail auiNE-<a« canwr a> iMaai. lar Vr IN' iinti aaiMaai. aM t MuMl HIM •AU4CM A*A*llMMTt-Mi>n IM ai« par MM IMMa. KMM oaaice ce mpnl ci >.kM



Nkaiaar tl •• pan MvanT



>*N to Mni, *M • “M'aM* cw

maioem Nniir nlin lamlly raan Harm* Parr,. Cn 11V.



•rana naw. caMar KaP plan rancMr. •at aa. <*. a> lioMa araa aWi Ml MaaMMI. ] PaaraaMH-1 atiM. Mrpa Uiciaii Mia many aaUi M rilrat. cantra*


in rear aW

im 1 jsm.


’^"w’. 13th Rancher pl!?Mn"#«it. ranannr w.k avarilM H'apa, lancaa rare anp i antra at PXA vaiua V 1U.91S OanY aaiar m h Ina- tara waMi. CE tins

MP. McCanar Oanar IbMr 11, canM^lbi

PACINO baauriM pan Ouicn laniai. caMar nail pUn. waaabu

Suburban Beauty


DUNcAH^eourr-c^^ Tpuiiyw AVIHUI - Itapiai'ii


^5r2£u-,*3r-i,’bS: raam Mib nraplacp abaa* raany



t. r. mercy co. Realtor*


M32 «r. Itlh St. . . .

IitrwiM hto^

koatk Ok Npw Til

_^PEN 3^^S SUN.


srci'Tmi i~

tit.ato I Tuf NCVIOI.


2n.5ru lUa-^'T:

im ancMn. wa aaaarw A/C. Unpar a«,M4 Patty PatkrawL Cl

“wurt etmlty .,. Psfi^'pirP'.’*’ mraa MPrmna. Ik cifpaitoto aPaWnl

:s:LrjrwT=irs; 3128 IRVINGHAM _____ " ” *“

aWc ton. 6 a awn

ani tow' totoraaf kwe

burttea road" .


ESaSsCTi P^a^S* Tmk^-M’-r: Etoton vaiwii litakb n naw

OPEN2-5SUN. ama lar ln^ MM. tan an caw


' irTlt.iw^OM OMbii ♦ouiciT boSwiiiw?/’***' Mil kiia-Tl MW C.^; HCAa^^ii



tocm aa

1 ;ScS-,r?r»v“ro,TK•Ijpi to ftm

lamrai air. kar Hi MM ^lan^y raan-. tom

Si rsL 4*r:-MS? .


KS..irh«tS! ?.»•*-"*■

• .

«. .7.Z

M^haM w paapiiMa. ^


fllfKK iO.-Naai. ckan T

Can iw —


rw rwL ArncMP paraai Ban. Fl r«M. 1 Buwiei CLOU to





^ ^1 m ”e.Emarcy



. •M>«(u>4ieA mirnem tomtom wm t lla. V



num Im.

k sivsira-a kiessTn II. caiHiaii LI anp 0*.

« m -uoiok kwtw anp imm. Iicanan J PI


LOVElT lAHCn iwar tma tann



Zmiz;o*7^j’:ZtSr:ss:. m»" m' knciM. Oaa * >.

•cto rViMkatiiM^^toii^Ma'' H4IH mom narrkto.. ct aato Cal'l'amt laeMHI «p ova ayiFF FM IHFOPBAyiOk Ok Air OF owl UITIkAt.

Mil* OOYlS

P PU««4L*P'^’r.kLU^r

fn.TSSiTr'jrft Sari"5rc.'*rr.r'-

>mi p TWO PIMOOM (ICIueOT Cantokk. a Hpwanp Fare. t<UP4 Batty Faitrrw Cl t HR

• cortio* Foi couplc <*1 IHUPB’ Mipa- ' M BP.


--.-ii-'iL'*!*;. m w are m wma laAat

^T£3=r„>^ LWMMm Cl It-l


rtfU'ffu’SSSuSft' itts UkFPtot

CI aiaw CI Mto

*.knM^ FAIK


w! £!? to ipanwicia. ammm

FL MIB. •*V«U**AN N»ITkp « pfOIOOH ramaawa ^ laae

pkwp raawL anakcmc ana pane ar* Hay arM. *na

• MIOHCANO FAII ] •• hatia ana i-> Mkk. kaa

—uiei botttuioH* OAKLAHO. Paw Mae I mmomo reach om Mmmii towrily raam. ■WM fkar miy rpww, a«a atoEMn Pan arri pi mi pyis* Ml PH lay cit-HH


|prMga PHPBiaidiiK IM

Hli I^TliUftgau. E5S:“ .‘L=

• I’sjaa watt iMa tocatktL Iwtoikrp

Kr..rri,rTrt‘^‘ Sr^tti'sS; paawH. earn BaiL Fi. IMA

VTwi"Ki STjrr^a M. CIMMI.


UW piAJil

• uNoei uiaiH kr tow Ml IkM wm, I-. lank


35S-TMi£;L*S M praparka. canw m.


tawranca. U.MP 1 MDP«WU-I.toaka W Wait

:u‘'.Tr M.W t II


cCHTPALiv^ Awcoanirr’^co >

"nid parkway" . . I


:^^2:.^‘p:£;'rcJ’ssrM*r.T •* ajr^wTs.? rsry•" •"


• iHAWuet lAhC

• IIIAIWOOO lltl W. »TW. (Iiat t cattonk bank. Ah ka bi. . —. laMto raawL owtrai A-C. IW baaaMM. briihaw. attocMP pwMk pw XV. l^ k AtothwL •«>• WiM.

praPy cape aas itok hinr. "»

IP MIHPiEUt-Can. t

i«a ar MpCr fLT?Jj?Tiu!T'i»‘i*^ Ml OPAY-carpa laapranw MMiaM Ml an «Mra Ma II raan. vacant Yi NW. cl l«*i


wImwcoiati boppitatakp VSIr CLIAI a HH'llhi rawth. •aa Ikwa. aflaChM mmm »Mr

ai'Mooto 1ff*iV”7i* I

"cou^ etab",


?;'£is MkMW. mom Lmmmn,

’V^eoiATC bOUCUiOH* 1 MOICOAII. I........... «w*“

a>r. pnnp m •ana ww n

• ISSmSm H0aTMe4tT tue.

ins II Minin a» ^ ?'&■ T'.S^.fS.S^’Sr “ ™ ™" a. Can 0Kb

*IHMCOI4Tt POIMUlOM* euEtb AMia n MHy lUM araa. varr paM eartobkn Fvn baewM", t hM awiraWM., WM. MM. ••rape ti

k-WtSTP0*0 taUHM HM 4 •• hwaa. Haaara. wwa kti at aaPP 4 Mar parapa. araaiarnani. Pan atoi a Irwiaii. kaai rawya hvbk. Iiawart Pam m)

lei LOCATION a^to^ MavnM^jawaiar

_____ rTX *“-■



ar'.arar'.ras sanatr Tir^."Si L"i?x^siT!nns s?*—laa-——r—sfr* 2s:


n«h ttonan, »>•«. 1 ' OPOf SUNDAY 2 TO 5-2024 DUNCAN C0#RT

• full basement'

PM naw haM. abiwai MW> an a hall. J »«.

nm mh

ikc’ Smi 2w*»rplMi4*^ M l^atiM *r«a OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO S-2S29 AMHURCT


mM^carwAtok' tarwaua an!


toSiaaM ce Mtoi : tl wim ati. iirpia k pmp kcatkn Bawi WWl Ct >.4SB


ba'toalvrat. PU.N0*^Iim' Ikr. cpwpn, wn M In IM

• MITI LAiet-a II nanw. iato


anp mm‘rim"Lmmr kAPwipia»


Pvwa Mnink, tip UPw araby aarn hMn laMtopw aW mom. urpa park



a o»«k p» AbAomTkiiaT


251S burtteU road .


2^ MASSACHUSETTS OPEN 2 - 4 SUN. FuKinagD ___ IIWH m—^ iLT— . maraM. w mm. 837 OAKLEY OPEN 2 - 5 SUN.


SrK'S • klW LIlTIkB pl. 2 4lL Pavik ckaaiL aah ____ iraa Ihapap ML waap ton».



manp“cs ^:i-iaMn eh Prapiaca.


Mt^'ll^Sc S



*MOVS 'iiQht'"ini 1 Bark *D*>k.

new cMIraclm tow


i.i •

HMT^OP^SUIMtTT laecilOl___

OPEN Bouas Sunday 2:«W:N

S20I belle terrace .

ss; .■sr-ST-'r.a'".iaEr.rjK5^i^ 841 WATSON OPENTITs^SUN. sirsi,55.‘a:



tor tola > II Capa Ca« wn* 2 ton MM. caraa4w^ an '. parapa. tuMkw inowa. Partoei ar

Let Ui SeO Your ttomer p itn arfsr ina TIPI. • ati preiTiln


OPEN 3 - 5 SUN.



Open I TU Derit



i"Let's Go Honse Hniiiif" YOU C4H TUMf YOU* MtWNT HOiWt M OMUSiO SITS

' $15,150

prpnm nmaMi e* mm omen . ec MRi » ct >rti


t M Paaeanw, carparap LI 4 M. I in. I II - IMMP laaaMil t ton aatoL raM anscMP parapa. ^ IIMW. n. w. Frapir. C4 mtt.


• Cvicei • Steel Stdins'^

Highland Homes • Sales by Blosser Phone CR 2*7530

to I r"; * ’a*riMy*aaaw tnmi. rac. ream, tear aaraM. Urpa

ITTH k KENTUCKY • 2 Bednomi

VAN •fclM-MNni iPMiy bainar


U :s:n-..*cr.hrr,*s.*'r’ca^-:!rL."4's.'*?w





32nd and Falrlawn Road

eicanmi aaabaeraani raachar ar«aa at Ivii tAito snwaka k laii atar A paaa yiiua an latayl nuniMi I'M Tawnaane. am a.teu.



With BaKiWBt. . .



iM£a"»tto*i.*oe*?%5T *** ^**a*»

OPEN DAILY ... 1 PJd. TO 7 P.M.

MU *»■

ab ana Ml

i'7 pt-SCKl barn amman Sraaa ana Mail Para Mart ai Mtm, Ona ar M. Ml caniinKiaa iiarM m TaeMi. 3 mm mm. 11 aaba. am bamaW, praannaraa ana tatra




} • I! * •

THE BIRCHWOOD-A rambUng ranch with 3 Full-sued Bedrooms, Mapletone Kitchen with Family Dino« Room, Pull Basement, Spacious Altacfied Garage and many other leaturea.



POPum* NUT Hiu^ina m.

>ES:5:nr:Ts..5? •

WnM^toisaid ■


i KL?' fCum


4-Bedraom Suburbn

a(wM laraa atana BfipHo 1 Pafna. MM. baaPHPM. CMirai ab. ana aaawa

• •• aaa Lawnan aaa». tata OarHu Ipiatiiin rMiar.



HTi HOVE IIOMT INI rancikfla. lai M itoa new mrauMvi. Cm anar J

I to S PJf. Sunday

airacka la m

irr*rMn!*rrtatni. ivii taiamani, paiiM. a-’P^xn I4«^w»a9*|| aai



Goodyear Employees'


altoCUMM'apa. P'"'/ "'«*• ram. Prna Paww Pma mba ara Pm •wnm h raala la aaai. Pan aav



E£?i5iirT=™iT.‘". raam m MtomaM. Law peian. m* aaM l4tJ aa. « « »*"• arai Canroa lA»«rHT«u>LT ymmmm Mm irai A-c. Ml tiiiiniM. MM atoa i halt OM k n. Pan MV- akm pmaea. caw Htoi. naMa parapa. lacanwn Mn aaab-




jmjT' ” Wl fin




Cr', tear

ntar* all H takes to beeuDW a part of the frowto( conmunlly dt Old Fann at 32nd and PaMawn. Compare toe value .. . Otock the new mndd homes ... Ask ^eut our tfiKlMl Paint Bixl Rake Plan. TODAY!


an UWCOCM DMU, aaHMn mm mm raM- mry nka. Xar aMM Itif N. JOftWOH luMlaa. mmmi. ^ar aarata. t acraa im-imCUY-fnaaiaM. iM br a«a. Kar urM.

cmwk' v"n<r‘uH7' **"'*!•<) aDU*'tAIOLO i-Miwaato b-

Moves You Into OLD FARM With Our Paint And Rake Plan


ffl- ?.:.SS

HJM PI4LL unr ikMa. IMWIM tlua IzCSilCnT iawiiaaw MM IWM an iKaH' NKa kitcMn. patocnap mm aMka tl M krn.k raan.. Caaparapa. lay an eamraef pair« li. »•" Pawmani.

JUST $375


C«ini aian» Ca»M

.*;•£. 53S?







POI HIT PaiwiMP I I', iwwa. APaik. CaiW mm tnwP c Wa Mva alMr IMinea



iqi wttT iaak-«aft aiiaiii i. % aiMimi. fnaiaca. i m.- rnOnm. aaaut >a mmumi ta mmmrnmr. »nca« anaar : «l< «CST ITM it. TIM. DMr 1 MraaM. BaiaMaM, CA4T lam (I.-Haw. mcpm. a aaamiim mjrnt MM


haM wmi Ian>.iy ream can la morn a*ana*<a tor accMnc. a* naw omor or AWY U ar aaanar. T>w nwna am nanwitoa naarv akacMP para*. aM iiwto motor wMariM parapa. The yarn k nicary ianeK.iaaa tm ma aaci ya-a k

CAM cao~eaMptol*i cPTMtoP. t Ir. tpwMHa kp to antoWM toll laaanwnt, Wl Irapiaca, PMto tprapa. many ami. OUALIT^IICK > w^I taarawn Mb^ Mo. tou aipiiiP,





wInmiMr' and inaapip. »b lamav '

rm HOGUE. INC. Reiltor .






Ml maaa »li aa aMiHM b<r. ta aM>naa II hai a cm liana Hra-

„ ,


war amiM





— l-lll^

rmma »HI i»m Mu Itaa naMa

ar^'m hama* ^ka* cm" Mw *Maa lii]~wrfkia-C>Mlai. aacar IMMa anrHM. Pc mm pl Aim { cana. in^. CMI AM c.


UW HT-P0TWlK-4to hank, lamBy Mnt. laaanwnl a cr ar<a raavcaa Ckw w icnaai.


»RI( VTwri(^« 4RPI4IMU CaX •aaWOUMOMlV M


pn^'iMiw'iauvinB 5Im'’***’*ij7j i f-a

*" 4aa>.

2 Under Constnietion


™ M ajM

■K\ ESSSi. ■5S'-3S rtS; £2 •b


MmM rtSr *> ms«* M*.



27th A Wenenuker Rd.

ITOIY tmmm mom* haM. i-n laa! kn } Mara iii. Inckiaa oMuy pard.

n kn.

•■■ CNMW . iM waaniimai iM mcovc PioPtiTY amaami li iri Paiw rawn Ihmp. YACAHT UNIT I---------Ml Ian pnea Im> Nk Nraai Ikraa PPWMM. anaa pwMa. tai In



cab ana


IMT M nra V«. a>f»«h m, t*.■a* «MV? «• in MMM M*n mriMi 4 nimwi. wt M IM fw •NwaOM ar .4

'■*' Wa»» Miaiat aw aawiMil

Iv anaar. liaiMii laniiiT naM. Mai kcaiian kr aCPMk enarenat ana M»



wT'KAMiAl - T«l laiMl , anba uraa MnMy tai an •Mil Mwn aarnwK inp'«4IMttM- Pkw laiitaiaaii N« •aaa aaM omt. kana aHar Tna knew M namaa pianilk w m naan — aa MM Ilea -

Where There'i LoU .li LMneto Do


“L nm jy*" S

<tB HOITM M0a»0e .' * *OOM4. MOOCIH. L*tc< LO

MManM Ml


CI »»■


EwTci )55.



74 HIIMNCB Mt lAU CAM ba CSWTBACT baaara wBd •> atwa Miwiaia wBaag la but- wa


Titin o« loocmft* ti ■•

i **»*!

D-i-i. ct >nit



^r,;^:;.srsa.^rs "jm WATSON





!.lawb-j ti.r?ri?*Tn-i

B®a WU.I aY^owMB

(BUaiDtATl OCCUBACV - . aMrawiit.; tBKBr iVBw. iw baBit. amti av.l mattaa. Itrmaca BraMm. (IlSl VSiTTSS w^wL. 'cB > I'au; U.J • BOWtU wgaara tm»»a. Oartat rw LBarty (AM Cl MB. UC

T>» M »n«

If «w. #««» M<«

.rr' OPEN

2 5 P.M.

-rrssj sns-^ ‘


2 304 P.M.

l-aa MvaaKur am 1»«CU r<^ M bawaaMi cMM la KBaat aaa Wl O'!? KM. aMin amrtei. Marta <•«. Cl ><nt.




OPEN 1 741 CRA.SDV1EW amacim’ Jm^^Cm^Caa

YES-tn cn take poHessin M yom- home la Uke Sm Enates Id jot two weeks. Tbew are beaBtifal tolaMectric Com MedaUkn booet featnriDi tine and loir bedraoma. »«w«ances. tamUy naaa. csnpMte kKdKW wtOi buOMB raoae. ova. febwarter aod many oOer teatarai. D yaa are knkioc for Topeka'i bone vatoe-yoaH Hud ft now m Lake Shore EMatea. CaO or^one oat today.

2-5 PM.

rS,.*^U5S^JM2, ^TiaS-" S«7 W MTH STREET







2 S04 00 P M







74 ItUMNCam UiS

BT OWMIB .. Tara aMB H aal car*


Buaa iiaraBd dawa. I't baM- ad m MABBIHB - Tdma bd'iBd btuta. cTwnaj*" vacaM Oaaa lanaatBi tama lunu.. dirt PJW Bdtnt am. <w tm ci' taau. aiac

2 OM M P M.



V "***■ ■-

’*•“* ■' -''-^b;



II MaU IM « Biaaalw B*M In* ^ •iW «• >««»•• M tw awn •••• • •">« «

74 miMNcnpeasAU

twata M Bw ^awjam^jyUH toWBw M TaBWa.

NEW MODEL HOME Open Daily I fo 5 p.n\

mar u

atmM anT*'%n^'M MOOfT hom«*SwMM a^*S^a<^n^B>H IWB. BULMfB. AMMUB Bk MW


1-3 P M.

> TO > tuMOar

■a aaraaa. Carwaiaa. aw eawg. Marvin Barwa. ca Maw

0 P EN ‘Sit


Cl SPJa. cyMBioct^ -jmam

* itba nCHAiiiAii-lBawterd

aavaunataif S acra naaitta, >-Mi laca an^at amt aan^a aaaa •

aSSaTTr bW


wtovTHwnr iBi.iTa.cvtL. > tUiiiwi Tvi Basn. uraaMa. .pBw



iun.r.£r=f £5^ .sr:

•ww aaiara taa Hit "« a«.

H'OH (taciT-Baar a

Fnm m,l00 FVRHISKED MODEL - SM3 WmVICAR - 14 PJif.

WUTHIMT-.J ■ a(T»O*0uOH-»<

rwwr*’ nw eoLLiga-iiiBw


vss.‘Ts:s£^‘ ^leM^JB^U^LOT twrya^ T»


3029 Lake Shore Blvd.

AAaai aiac

T«tu-I Naatti Araa CarWaar Btmwa

"" ris.-s.sss4r“

<ar. Tama ■ «a arraagta. «•


Highland Homes


MtT aTH-iii raama.



^a^liawker J4omeA

• • • •

Planning a recreation room?




•MTMWUT-4T0«M IMlTtK. laaBii'i rMMMr *«i •trata. tIUi

Each of tiyTtoee Arm offer (be very ^ Bvtim nd nUm Qa*my" ]\i e^ect from Jay hawk.

<MIT-t w llaMaiM fmom. prm. aUta. HIJMi CM.IBOBNIA AViHVt - Ham iM iwttt (Mata. CaiMBittdl, «lUi •AMCMIB WITH BBHaUHT-taaitaa taialWM.


T«I>1.IX - M—>1 ItaL - data aaa«iia*. auim


CaU Jayliawk CoiutnicUae FLT-mi

COUHTKV CtM BlACt - ( Um •••»> ■aWm MTH. (IlM.

Crtcioui Uvlng it a Jayhawk Home

NOWI ar MBlIX-t WacU atal W WaHmm ua(aaia». PIJK







■tauTiaui. TIM.rvfL - taaaiaan LAHOI ■a»CHf*-aa)l llimirl. >« ••OtWMM COLOMiaL-PetMCT CCBaorrioit. nu rvtirTHiiw. CALIBMHU BViiHUI ••laCHdB-I

•a aura la laa M BnnWai H a Bawtaw Baaed ttr<a ttaar- TBara art

sskls^ izjrji ss

MioaoOM BaHCHM-aritT. *n , ffirtnr* th« UlM ■lOB* ■aka. Nu-Wood dacaralM and taauTh»«artk)o«. Plaaa

aiuaiLT ■ooat-t.araa. »Wii randiai

SUNDAY 8 TO 5 »H WAVHI Brma Bf tn.m. aui • a Baa hum BumUBibii brU taadt aHrlb. VWbaWT dan. twt tvamiat. fun baiaaww. caalral air caaamaaat.

MToar HOMd-«iamartl araa. I gi«UM^mk.C-4MIBilk.0. r-iaaiH la


lAHCHta HM* BAaK'Wi^'Mdi. a aeaaiBiM


MioMLBM c*iit.




VttrABNM («MI-tJ


■aV'aiwartiaa. '7Saa'iaTl4Ml TBh H

“ "«SlDAY8T0 5 wr CBMT oaive



■BNCKtt-MMTH. Iiaaiiaal Btawaaal. laMaa fa-

- A real banty with 3 badroomc . . . large Urtag


ft »7 Mann. TdaTSSaa ««■ ■ rtaedta Br aed« H l» mS’plmnm Bwa MM M Cratt Drrra. Twa Ml taidt. uary Mn artaB'Wa. atra, QwMi

RBHOT WVTMWUT •*>«>•■•-* taMtua. «• aaa» ataMk MUM


Hid tit'll larlr Amartcaa CaHaM daaia. LNMt naM dat baauWM Hrw WtiB. aaaaiiaa taaUlT ratra. fun awaa nam. mMaraMiaa. dBcdaiw Jdm daeraaiji. diB dttaawat wad racraanwi raaai. BrKta al (IU»

»eMOCUa tBHCHIa -laaam«. faiHtat. (War «aa*lat araa. lil.M.

SUNDAY 3 TO 5 n? vibBta

AMMOOM •AMCMIB ailTH lAMMIMT. •w«t. lam tara (ll.n* • IKK lANCKCt WITH lAMMIHT. tlTlia • T ~l Haw. Wm MIW BBNCHIB M MIM waM M haartitN HW>war. tiam



• aaa aa< >*raa


SUNDAY 3 TO 4 UK CAAIAMLI. ' iBBHitdiir amrma iiwwiiiawa -r—■ (mwi AbBtal laMdr

STjrsa."3-,-« SUNDAY 1-3

tha W

•FRONT CONT^PORARY By Cemtinantal ,

latt-a laM BM • Wt«T


WATiOH - iwaMa

VTA St.*?





3KS SB-JC£."S Bill I J.W I S R E A I TO R S

2420 W. 17 TH.

ST idlT7iew!^’ataSt%a‘rIaA ma




CE2-8209 CE4- 5941

rSoRfwuumi MM niiMiaim mm mvinmi

Iwm m *




Njourean itanmrr MU(K*(M iK'KllW'* a «•>• •••» • l<'»> itY t» I wv

'"“‘j' liJia**?»**'■ ’ Quick Poumion S*« •I "• '■law •» «* a «ar t.«mir «• «>■ t* warn •> tM nxoxM > ■»

. Xsr imp ... MkafroBt fat.

SUNDAY 3 TO 5 varr naa »WtwB.a.Ma. 1^ dtiaa » taaatIM Hetmt BHcM b

14 Sr^*v.»»i


A troly oniqiia Vbedrocn borne wtth coveted walk­ way ... Skma trot eiftrne. ... aoclaeal pan.


jj-g. arw enwa braibai. ill,

**” •BwBH (am. Brewa ai iiim us g«»T sa» tnear . . , TaaaAcl _____

Juit Luted


HILLTOP RANCH By Sherwood. Inc..

;:s.crr,::r:‘.'2:r~ ooly

THIS WEEKEND OPEN I to 6, P.M. Ooveloped by

■ ::-:erwood. inc. PtaOM CR MM3

Jote SciM



H MOTeterajsmMU


74 IBIMMea Wt lAU



tr Ttvcneotuu


i*A«rMS ' wurr HU. Ma V ai'. Caa'ee »

h vkJ'

■ ss.'ssjr -,,„


jra ^

----------------MOVE RIGHT IN



1 —“sr.'^^'SLS; •* ^ "•*■

” "T.« “s.•Ti’jr.jrE:! «2

t»sM WMM nn. nwr aortM. «me

tMM . ., W« MBI

' im

Four Total Electric Homes

tMM «sx

t w.



VACANT - New Lo« Needed KW *»»«>•• t •■' «#*.«■> T«t.. S U.

nuw 1MW









Mmtniab {statM

WFM. CMRW hV. *IMt* wm. w» wncM Caw*. Cl M

rih A WanMiaker Rd.

U.TA aitMEI. IM MW* CaMra^YM •m «« nm •raa naan w «w ■nanas. CW> *»n. T«ai •• IM T«« eaUy Caanw a<w tm timm WM Ananai ■mai u Mm lania» • asn. sM < AW ac ;sai i*c


** ^*^1 MtH






SpeeuI fTien to Tonnde Victat. •UmBMAe potchBM M ttwae taeraet. You Mar Purchwe Vxi: Home H9H S «r S BR MW Heme B.M : or 8 BR irxlO' Heme «3.H6 I BR HO' S(raar Hme r.9»

Cl un Cl VWM CE « J*li

CALL COLLECT Area Code 816 MU 8-7814 DeVoe Said. Inc. Wichna, Kantat BIK

BBoVS*cL.'i’,Vn?ra« 1.

A - Cl aw. UM aav. M Ct •lac

iioaSt.*” "mm'


SrvS ’=23*:*2:*.u*r5r';r.£ ‘s;*r.7rJkr ^

BE B«l lUT raw U' ar TiaDE ifW n-TOM one ncava DOWN. Bat BanBtaa MbM Ca. iiM w ML Cl MIW. ____________••


WAMTtO - ■« Otarr V4. a anm. eiiwiwi w mmm. cb h

OBBM tcaiMnii lUM BxM L»a •aw raw tM an I ft IflMr

JM .M MMn. wTi watHA -m

ct t>r H B LBWM. CB

MB WMaa. M


U PIClOB* - MM tn ta

n rnica foe uu

J irw cdftviTTa - inn wai^mm ^ aaM Cl vawr laj


Waated-Can for 8a]va«e


OLMWAMB Maa*. taan. • -

!ytisr **^'**■>'TC 14 AgTOMOtllP WAWM

i W a W. ianBlar MB Maaar,


rSTTiJ^J^S 1

SJi*"* MM CaMaaa - >•■ tmom. cMB t> a pBL Ftncaa ran M


4*a-nCacg STmim



K'nw*ir'*2!'ei»»^ lALf 0* tlAOa - ear eawp





aatwan— Bat- i>cnca«

raw iMn iKVLiHf - AH aM MWMm.

•5 S!S


ma riAVtLqj^TM

[■'ai’n - im Mb MBM Trt rawB. Cal VI *«aa ai

O fT, TiAaai - Ml ar WMa n BjB^WaCM ar WM. «Mar.,e


■m VaKLTon 'rannnMM.. bMca. V trami. MB nm. eaa nr kaary Biri. lut.HW IKJ



rw CHCvy ka« M< naHMi ■» CMa


3-«- — - — fe’agSii

'■£iSS5*^ ».»«■


,g. ,^^,La ^ paw


BiMin Oartt



IM<. Wt IMI Mr fnmt m a wan wNia nliHiM n law n M Mniii. will I iBia raat THB trtiitr h >0 n wna. ■ at. Hm- wa mbil m MrtL '

C. MtU w 3 SS

1 maaat Bin I I nr >1 at arl

1H3 CitlVY. ITATiON Wmm —. ftaaa



W'-SjvTnc 'ij".s:*! sr •h.’Sl’^vss "• vs

•a; nn u

MB HraM MBnawan paManMK

By Appointment CosntryChtoDr.


^ nr

'ww ABC raw-: eM^BBaMMifftim^

Modem Mo»Jle Homei. Ine.

KM. nan, MaWr. ahabci. irac « VOLVO IB I. 1 «M tatM ftaWB MMWM. WM,HU.


I M.. .


iMtir *«e^



jam IBM. C* IftOA


------------ «M nr Mm re. c-m we arar. pjft, P.». I- »J“*—


AM arm

row^ ■»SC==^"S:

lir riML trisr prlat raam


lean. Cl MWl

WILCOX TRAILER SALES IttON.lhpeka Open Eves. Ooaed Sundaj

West Aieadala ...


S^^SSSS aeoseiCT hiui »M rwxk Mna,' < laiM

■OWOI w «■ a IWM Mi M^^r* WH -« -' a

Poor Bedroomt WM I arwn* HIM aai nmn mnk MinM wail n bbI canaA

nan*. ■ufiHifu euivoMW Laeana H ini laxtai «* ravr

M Mnjrm^w^MMMa. can.


West 300) Street

MOW *W MMM ft PWtr PWta wl m

Ptom let a he^ We oBcr ipedal flnanriiw and aubstanttal dtoeonnt to you who Imn aitaed ta ear dit­ aster. We have home* from two to (our bedrooms, all furtusbed. See this Town & Country Home built to con^enUonal heme itandi



Atdhmdtiue u Awte lemip wt »au



■K‘i.".E!s? II MOToiafcui pet lAU


<C ..

MIM MBM lir<




SpUt4ievei . .


SifT^ * ■

Mlt«WWW. M«M. ft




mS *2: ^mS Lana CiMw. Mb IBM MHa «W-a«. Han M ■ar IM Pbb II4W Mft HI inMB»lr

MrnMin. jwi wwm Cl t —


Check These Ready-to-Go Used Trucks



Si? rsr- n~ iatan


*M* tftiaH IlfMM IM-—.

sart.iira.' sL2rafc.i,«:5?A5

M caciL

ca *ani

CMa n ftaa


K^RTGAGELOANS eeRealBftate Currant Bates

Hn? oSr*MlSr"*

S E4'S" ssLS-.sm___ “K&a.r-uarLa.



04 Kansas Ave.

c«a*. • an. ta# n awr aaa. OMr ttm

. Low Down Payment

MOBILE HOMES 731 Norlb Saeand St


DOUGt iraaif HOMES

Cmct FraM wiiMi

Cl MJW Ira. 01 Latu



. v* «•- »=■ inraa. a-»______ .BaimeHmtoMBeMtoM

||| SSS-T. t2'n3T3 i£?


cT* a''*cJ:.«.'ry.'*wc3?r.


Ihe WhaeDB'ast DeattiM'cat Motorcycle Dealer in Topeka. Priees Start at eu.66.


eaor/ena. ml ■ n 11^

State Savings Bank

OaaiBH. oa Pnnr. Oaaft »nwaa»ri


On AS MOBILE HOMES Qnpleto Sataetton

'65 FORD 4-Ton Pickup, Big 6 Eng., LWB, 3-Spd. Transmission '65 FORD 4-Ton Pickup, Standard 6 Engine, 3-Spd. LBW '64 GMC 4-Ton with Flat Bed, V-6 Engine, ASpd. '63 CHEVROLET l-Ton with Iff Flat Bed, V-8.4Spd., DualRearWheels ^ ■63 FORD 4-Ton Pickup, LWB, 6-Cyl., 3-Spd., \ Choice of Two '63 FORD ECONOLINE VAN '62 FORD ECONOLINE VAN—Choice of 3 '62 FORD 4-Ton Pickup, SWB, 6-Cyl„ 3-5pd. '62 FORD 4-Ton Pickup, V-8 Eng., ASpd. '59 CHEVROLET 4-Ton Pickup, V-8 Eng., Auto­ matic Transmission


raw PMWTiei trisp. I wniBi, w awWft rale mimt me ai ml m Mcrri caxtiii air. Mar ba iaa« a*nr


I -I ,



Vlutmr Job ]B‘w !••*... —'<* P- • bvl aw as do It! Fran tbo bml. -bUB DrBlo... to to apMollBi BeknTi M. n. B tod Tradn «. bail to tok. 11, dartotoiaB, rltta emtort UP ... nd OBradia olwtoM DOWN. Our towtotpi Idf.. ao ■oWi to Ikto to top. OOBE OUT TDDATI

eil Itwai TMMa-VN 1-BW M.D.HA. aieMiei OPEN • AJA. TO • P.M.



yga'SftH cMra. yfeMM^

H*.-.L?ro‘rv,’ia.’T2?» wn w. an

Ml. ce va*

n CbmItt CIM MWIbL t MA

M*cy:SS w «TI?.a 'TSc r

Kiu^ traoSrsales Special Arrangemata for Torn^ Ylctims.


BittHpylardtna... S5S^iti<**nSI5 *: KT’iSmSmbI!? M Bn* MB MB! aar wmn. Cl Min.

JAOUAI _ WW liiwiir. Tnatnrraft BiM ML AHAini. as w. an ^

CDHPLerVLT PUftNItHtO - ai oa YOU! CHOici. witm

Better Than New!...

—-ry omnni ' '^caao»n





tSr.'M wS

ti MO*. HbW aaa. w Cl MVB anar I a.m

>-tk: 1--U. -B T.ftMi 1^0 PMM-BW.M>WMn •a Tl-J; tl HOTO. at Bn Nbb IAAB at . lOftCiaOB IHPOIT nOTOII •SI CMivioirr n.Mi bmm. mb ttraA. paw aM WMOi. OK lie laM HW F^'

"MODERN" K^V-iSS.-i.’S-

POI ULI ar traw nr ttta atarr pic*, n. MU Bon VI. LWft CMMO (a*. ■aaiA iraanr. aaa> mm. m Mbsga. Prtran mbm. Pmm atAML '

;jt7A tUPOtn AMO VOtt cut




,L00l%irrnw“?^3K“-'Ur, rawi'*!

BUILDING SITES U^liyM^an. Oaaa arat aM a


'66G.M.C. Pickup $1,789.77


XSL-.. ■r.'StSi


■ asswr'VMSila'rjr


" **■ ■*** erac




ZiZmTmmr^iSr. no voi-iawAOm-aatMY AM. ay WH. enc Im ^Bl^^ca«WiM

sr5.5*-r«s: “ c

IMMIM. eaarcara IManM tartw ntM MW. > aadraawA Mat -i-if Mnltr mni. m MM.


-W VIXKSIBAO ■Mia e. Bi r-

r? Ml AWITM MOAArr lama, mmib aa.' ________________ ^ a*» ■«" Aaw bmm. ci »-i«t



tttCHIOAN Allow — > MWMB. raO MatatnIM. LO MiO. KaM MBM


YHAMWIND bote. HER. helato. Wi PboBt er Cama la. ClB Soelar. Haafcr TOPERA TRUCK EQUIPMENT COMPANY, tae. m East Btwait M CE M7M

-W BOlO eiCKUB. Lina maa M VM IM ■m.vO AW. BtMBiant- LM b MB Awaam _______ewe Ha. iwb wwa. ww bim ci *wa


-a JULY I posa






HWi. r 0. Ma m. Mi'WwBL Aa<B. ■UJ -


:jSfrA.-KLT,r:„“K= =j:s ^ c r 2s:-<r7rts.„ * — -----------------si"=ia'.-s:.-!3sr= sru^. * ^ re -ssi,,, mobhx homes ■k ASSUME ★ IMMEDIATE tfusioiissnssi* OCCUPANCY w%^






Join the Truckers Trend to





jtvwAr^i* 44 Mn. Jim




IIS jw *\t.«


'‘Tw sr

'*MM°£lir. nAiail^aSMMn

tm •«*<< feKW n



V*. Urn* m.

ABS I irWM M a aw on. UMaaMManhaMIIW FWI0 - A «M«A M

T»«»«tr t 17 FLVM0UTM >0. 0

•irta* MKf - -B «• y. m$ c

5rir 'a.^as-r>;±. rg "* 55? ■zii'ii'arsr.rKr-'^ I "S' s

ai M « w >»T


taw FOtO 0AUUHI. lalailWH TM. FMW. aMM an* a*M. rMM. aav ma. m I *M M t FJh. caa FL T-Mj aTMr *:» *Jh- WIMaw 0* W".

iM»ifa CBVc. _______■ CMH 4->m imtrw


sraj^'5 %r" *%


*ra coNDirioMia iMi M *< V« MM. *IM. ■•«■ ■»c<KM<c«n> <Mrr (BM Mr. I Jf i n t h. ■ MM ami

fV!''m0a’ M^.' fail »M 0. 0 iw m wy0

m CHBV. haaMa v«. MaMin »ma lOaa—*1. FL >■*■».________ »l*e

naa 0alaxii 0h-t «. ht. m sn:.r^*n—-AB-oa-M

laia CHiriLl* aa wcM wM. *.C

_______ ^

” "a

'MMT**5aM 5*r"v4. 'iK TihwS*'

ar MM M

■rc*^r^--cS. ’• Ow. IMUr MM (M*



'Tysgg srvtrrs

"**"•”* ys •ss^swr^isr^ "{^-Sssrartrst^^


•n HwM. Mar* IM. V4. Ml*

_ Tl^Z

»tM0»l rMM. >M|M,

r, 1*17. MW. V*. M ■m IW. <t M»* auaacM


5n..‘a'i:ii‘’;T-rv. ..s •rsSajrMiV""." : *“S ■« Char CarY*a Al. »r*«


r :n^j: s tr M» mi i»«« ^tt I « •* M«r*im Ml (f. Omtmm Bara c

FO* lALI - tr Manr. NM •utct


'■ ««aD c iin omim WM m. FMir MM»M< MOM aa. c MMar. lar lav aaa Im W a*U II



'IT Ca*ii>*e « A* *a< 11 im» tvm laac V| *«. •a CMry >1 a cal AT. 4 m 11 Far* VI 0alaaH. I It. HT. II OMa. 0r> M >M iiiniiM ■m *»w taiaan t * II viai I i|i» a mmrn ■m fM« f "


■to cad. Mir. HaNtoe. air cood. IS Cad. H>r. woowtitli. air eoad. 13 (toemtot lB«ala »Dr. Batdloe. tor.


-to Ctevrtoto Bto Ato «Dr.. Vt. a


■to OMt. FW CtoiiedMa, antomatic. ■to Qtevrotot tapato HIr. H. T.. tor.


14 Valiato Ttoi S4>r. H. T.. a





« v5w^V«aaaa I «r. M

LtT^“?a»CI c. •mam oiwitty < « OIL -B M •« MOW »M< - e-

14 Pwd S4>r. Bvdtop. toadard tm. ■to Dodfa Man Uto. Bmdiep.


lav FONTIAC Mur M ns. AH Fito.


14 Btoi^ RMm IDr. H. T.. ■

laaw* Maaa* TtP


laChawia MaiMi * cal AT

14 Dodfa Dart eDr.. *<yMee. m

90 MAFOTOF. m V-0 AtFltfl TFAM.

m» THUNOflliaO - FaF MM4. lac-

■JK t?'.“ssr-

■to Pord QatoBi eUr.. VI. ankiBMlIc. 14 OfTtoff SM K. M)r. H. T., tor.

IbiilfeniKKKl 1965 Mustang

WCICUFT a t. isn. c> I Loi* YOU* e Far* hi*M •

•to MiitoMi Mir. HwHap. Sdpead.

OTFESS-Tte Host DBERABU mmON 0FFB8-UM M AO Cn M Stock Omil»~Tte Ptoato Svfksa Brforc ato After 8^ Omos-Iiaeto Beak nanekto OFFERS-1 Tev Witttn Warraatjr

'wTwwJ* a3ir*A«7

«-*!• 3cTr‘rM?-Ui :. * ??s;75rr5.'.s- •' tM ■r ChM VI BWAJr a M

M-lM MiMf • ttM CMMW FL »

M SVIK 0 McaBa *mm« mm «i matn » awh. u *wm aid n Oh «a aaa iHiMht. TnMa a .


S=~---------- "T? IMITM CHCVFOLtT CO.




•aaSS^yaSScNLonL •ai FiviaSTiuicK. Fvu. fw*. W|^J|ACTBrr AIF eoM-


11 Ghentoto taptoa UP. a T.. ■



422 VAN BUREN CALL CE 5-5308


Mivtoiaf, aM» I^OWVV - It*

201 EAST 29TH CALL CE 5-5391

CLYDBODOIRAN raanwr;!* RATi.AfiiigB

MF 0

SS5 =SJ=rs-5.“--------.£

€.%.1SS - '

H OsTtoer Nevpert iDr., ak- eoad. ■O Aaoeren Statiea Wafoe. toandud. eayhdm.



IW IAM0LM Omsk lavr-«a*r


H P^meBa Pto7 m, VIP. HP^rMBBtoPtopl^.eDr,tae^^^y watTMly.W tooearial Q1— »Dr. H. T, air. » Pmy m eUr. B. T., air caad. « tomato Wr. Bartoep, a


•ai ChM. a ty< *T M T. *KfeM .

i«» Mficuav • <•> c* >mt. s muitmo-om*. wa WMt ■■

0 eou*i-ni c« ca Mig

motoM o

201 EAST 29TH 60 CARS


■0M. CB Ant.

’si"srjssi.“ ■

•“ffi”SKtS!«SE!Sft •‘S»S,TO?'.'SS.,





pr^S^J: £r?;£s:*i:=-r? 'bksWCH'*—■S BUT CABS rjrs"..a aTr,tASLa1 S£~£»~H ~l« •>«c

na CMflW llacaaM *MaM-----



» UTMOvra ■•{•Syg^ijllt


la0 cannoUT 0Mar MW mmi FJW^.nh-.M.Fl*.-.

“ ^ • 0M ‘»LM*T3a«?S miCTiSli oF^mra


«^-ra;a'-" ts irs'tirr.^

mt »oao tuMM" !♦- ««»K **■ **►

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Charging Arnie Nabs3-Strokei Lead in Open; Casper Second Palmer Cards 70 to Remain t:. 3-UnderPar



Youngster Retains Poise, Posts 216

SAN PRANaSCO (AP) - bothers me. ! have to think PtayM« with Jack NieUaus about it every Ume 1 line up and before the huge pllery of a putt." the U S. Open Golf TtaireaJdu>n>’’< dad. a competent ment didnl diake the poise of golfer, started his son playing ll^reardd coDegian Johnny as a &-ycar-old and by seven Miller in the biggest event of be wns taking kssuos from Cuper bat (elt the hot bmUief. hd life. pro John Ceerlsen at the San J*dL NicUatn Satarday io ttw “I really enjoyed pitying Prandseo Golf Chib, who re(bird mad o( mi Natkaul with him," said Johnny of Ida malna his mentor. U bdes wtth die Masters’ "I Ihink dad and my pro emnpkm "It didn't bother are mere nsvous when I;day tame shoirini ftps o( eraddiv me at an. You learn a lot than I am." MUIer bad comwith ton o( three ttrokee ob the piaytDg with a guy like that mentad after shooting a 70 on tSth and 13th iKto. kaM±ed ta “I dlp't even notice the his dm round. a 30-foot putt oo the 16th Me crowd most of the time. Once a Old tiammed borne with an Gaeruen. who has held Ms noise behind us bothered me. even par n for 107. but it eras my own fauh. I Casper, who woe the Open in ahould have been concentrat­ ever had. I thiidt John »S9. (eU foar strokes bai^ at ing more." one slap, mt the marfta to one most receptive and relentive Some Scare and then slumped again for a 71 of kiMwIedge. He grooved hU mi 210. Young Miller, a San swing when he was elaven. Jack nrei Prandsee paUve end a aopht^ and be stiU bm It. NicUaa, itUI (nminc over a "When I gave him Us first dow play fend with PGA o(0teiun, he had on a pair of dals. napped back with bis par 142 in- the first iTmm. Ifrst tuh^ round - a a the sai]£ score posted by and went into third place at 211. >, end that put them lo- to turn the pocket toward the (our back. Satnrday-s U. ball. I think be toirat six So H was Palmer, Casper md ___ B big Jack shot a months looktog st a button, Ni:Ueu. three o( lolTs t<9 per- ^ m r « ever the and he never forgot." Ibrmen. goinc into Sunday's *^,^7 Olympic Club eowse while hU Iron Best dimactic round over the tight, silrn. bloade partner carded a terms his iron sbob tree-fruned Olympic Idteside T4 to remain the Open'e lead­ theMiller IxAt part of his game and ooursc. ing amateur with a Hhole pressures of this big event ■n>e others were relalively le total of 2U. ito-overiMr. don't bother his sleeping. In back after a itoy of wrmiUnf "1 was never at ease with fac(. be slept in until 615 the with the par TO. 172 acre course my game,Miller admitted, in almost perfect weather morntog of his opening round. -but that was because it sunny, temperatures in the Tds Two years ago. at 17, he teemed every time I reiBy and negitcihla wtnd. waned to Ut ■ green, I missed woo the Nationat Junior title Tied at 211 were Dave Uarr. and also beat the mu in the the PGA chsnpiaB, who Northern Ciltforato medal recorded the beat roond d the dey with a a. and (Miby PhD NIcklaoa termed the 16- play event, hb first big one Rodgers, winner of the Buiek poond eoileglan. "quite im­ agatost bb tiOen. He captained the Lineota pressive ... a very good young goBer. He's going to. High School city champou the unknown assistant pro from fin out a bit. pot some meat hb senior year andmow plays MidUDd. Tat., whaaa *M P^Mpy Midland. ' on his boon aid hit farther. on the BYU turn which woo tied the open record, leninI played two practice rounds the Western Athletic Confer­ in with a third romid 74 for with him. and he wasn't hit­ ence title. ARNOLD PALMER... ch^ that hr H le|HtBteMsanNa.L ting nearly u well tbra as S4. "Right I "iliree were tied at l» - A1 aim b to finish today." . the firtl day Milter reftotered to raddy teur here aM get in invita/Tacoma. Wa*.; tten to the Walker Cup team to the Open before be qualiformer Britlsb (ted to play In It. $un he and to tha Masters." f^'ktag Tony to the final r termed himself confident of John Milter, the l»-year-old four-stroke edvukwell. n4t.f»->Wia«» am Son Pmciico amateur, refused • >Ht Cmm•Mt-n—7>t I Tan txn. JtSSiJS (totog "I know this eouTM real lege over U.S. Amateur ».;i.«t-iiUcaT e-Mf to be shaken by a pairtiig with MO NlaKM liwi TKirn' champwa Boh Murphy. Jr., wen.” be laid. "I think I've Nieklaus and fired a steady 74 and five over Deane Beman. SiStSJ ‘ ■ ■ hunditois ef numb to finish at U«. S&»:& played here. But the greens never who twice held ttia natteonl No one wu to apparent conhave been this feat, and that crown. tentioo as America’s 71-year-old dasslc neared a showdown. |SSS> B COM Pnikr Delendtog cheropioa Gary};?J7.4S;Wayer of South Africa eoniln-|F-« sj-^


Open Scoreboard



[•naein»V« .

T>.n->7-n> S'vc* cnwtwi nn.M-» s-u* . 7«.rvn-ni anrw a*ro n-rv»-ns.G<'«*' DKfcnatn n->v»l-liu«>iri.r StfMr n.i»r<_>r • b« Timtn«r jr.


rto help Itoa ^ fob.

New State Women's Golf Champ Assured-


^iday for an 13. rallied for e Tlia! tHiich placed him wHh a group of 223. n.T4-7»-aiUiM* KMe r>.n.>4—ai .OTvW Jmoat Bra Hogan. sedUng his fifth . ft.Tn^m Open aown over a course m'H»S HWBir where be lost a hid 11 years sgo to a.iriayofl with Jack Fleck, fired Visibly to the beat, shoot­ ing i 76 for 221 Palmer, booming the ball down the middle of the hourglasa felrwoys to what he said was his best <h-lvtng exhibition to yean, jumped Into the lead fiulckly wttiT a IS-fopt tordie puu on the first bote. He added another bird with a S-foote at the fifth and moved tour strokes aheito ef Casper, ^BOBBARKELL Ms plsylng psrtoer who was •irt^ng with errant Irons. KANSAS CITY - CaUfonla pitchers sUeneed Kansas aty** But at the toMrt length. Ande bats for the second straigtt nl^ Salorday ns the Amds reUed to Move into a trap and missed 7-3 victory, their seventh ttraight.- before a Parmer's NI0t ftom 12 feet aftto bis - crowd ef 32.46. tor a bogey 4. ne A-i. who manaced «dy tour Ub in a 44 lom to the At Ihe IMh. he drove into the Angeb Friday night, collectod five Saturday tH Dean Ombm rough, bouoeed a biU off a tree. and Bob Lee. It was their foarih straight defeat. hU hu> third Into a bunker and Calllorala. mcanwhOe, wu blasting five Kansu City etch­ ers for 11 hits, including Willie Smith's towertog iwoflin homer over the 4frtooi laQ tog. and got • btt edgy. right field • I thought my driving might Chanee. who nuM his fifth have become unhiaced at this vtclery in thirteen (tedsmi. point." palmer said. "I have faced only U hatters, the first been drlvlng ao mperbly In this (t*» toBiagg.-. Ha gave up ahum tournament that I wm wtrard I su«te to Jim GoHcr o the first might lose tt." tonlu but Gosger wu torown out it second oo en atUmpttd steal. Utrobe. Pa., htt another tre.... trailing M after mendoiB drive on Ihe 14th and Bo^ Kn^'s thrwruB dntolt pK a birdie from eight feet. At to tba tarth Inning, didn't _ 004-ymrd 16th he pitched have aaotber tor ball la ihc green and tolled til the 1^. DtekGrautedaffl. In a birdie fren 30 feel. Mote the A t sixth wtto a sto0e and M the pressure was eft. Phil Roof foHowsd with the flr« However. Palmer pushed hb,«ak off Owm. PtochJntteri toe shot into Ihe tight rough oniRon Stttfw grounded into i> No IT and hanged hb .second! Kjree pi,y mip Green going to' ntross the laimey into the teft ihtrd. rough But he tottbed to the! ^ toera and saved hb pu with _ a difficult I44oot putt,: JSr Bra Casper ssto he IM t very .*"0^ catcher Bob round. "It seems hRodgen throw to r field. Greeo scored :g^'tend to 34. I to the reugh all day,"

A s Bats Remain Quiet;AngelsWin


fimu nd llree Umu Uwtod' Stone came ham an i dtvtog ng»teet Ken Sanders to too • toVttga." isiidt m But Omptimiit m—w f««i »s4 n

Gench,)Keesling Advance By BILL MOHR CapbaMurul Sports Writer LAWRENCE-Barbara Gench of Fort Scott and Karen Keeslii« of Wichiu found the secret to besting the tricky Uwrrace Country Club greens Saturday and moved into the champtenship match for the Stele Weroen's Golf Tourney crown. Tbe title match, cut to 16 holes Ihb year. wiU begin at 6:36 ajB. Suedoy.

In ftrst-nund actno actiOD;wcnt most of the way. Barbara tied the next two with thru oev, bowed to Mbs Gench ind Miss K< ling both rode erbp chipping aiManhattan in 196. M>» Kees- IS either being cooeeded pans fool putts, all foaowmg a andpHcbing that produced tap- llng’i best sbowiiig in tour pre- ju«tt inches tong or maktag two trio of deadly pitebn. view trtes wu advancinc to. aiM tbreeJaeters white Hn. Dcto, uia.‘puU greens to victory. tvert wu faced with trying te ear'uje'mitti 16 with a Barbara ousted Uvea Deverv tbe qnarterfteeb. _ Mrs. .. Wiben. wtoncr lut,roU oU in long sews. .^budte eou. she iocg«d her Oiird of Kansu Ctty 4 and 2 and Mbs For Red'tbot over Ihe water and sent it Keesling toppled defending year and rumens to 136 andj On No. four BBarbara puRed'tbot riiampieo Diane Wiben of Kan­ 163. it marked the first tune (ram a foot and a half forr a;rulfi^aloiif the curve ef the she has entered and faOed to birdie to ge two up On five she green to -withto two inches ef su Oty 4 and 2 e new name wiU thus be add­ reach the ctaampMastop teU. .wu corweded e twfrtocher ferlthe back efte bote. Mbs Keesling playing the . halve tost No. 6. and os 7j aU together Mkw Gench had ed to toe rooter ef Kansu Wom­ front to Mibover par 31.[went two again with a par 24 putts for 16 boles, todadiiM en's meet winners. Mbs Gench, puttedside Just 12 times to gain S, three after,Mrs. Devers knocked ^ ^ playing to her second state tour-! (enr-op tead at the turn. I her tint shot out of bounds. i*«>Her one-putt greeu tochtdedi Mrs. Devers had tree troufive-looters on Nos. 1 and 2 to pte with hsr second shot « Ne. — -............... ". •»» tcm. 4 •alve'i then I go two up. a twoJooter to halee-1 loM No. 6 w*ee she No. 5 alter cbippiog from 6 fir« chipped abort, then strong >«• « «r^ feet, a three-footsr toDowtag a over the green tor a doitole bo-l 1 .. rTT** TWoot chip on No. 6 te ge tour gey six. and sa and f«r-faotero «> * rewtaoter on No U wu'^rSJSSTr S Nos. 6 ud 9 for havtes. aooUier bintie and ai-Xw. i



a her only hole of the day with a par four. Miss Kec»Ung regained her lour-up mar•to on the I2th when tHane's - - a par lipped the

Fords Tgk^ Over Lead ot Le Mans

Mm Keeslmg hu really been^ to the groove on the par three, auond bole, tn her four malcbes; ahe hu stroked Rve-irra ahotsj ' five and six feet to the right! LEMAN'S. FraiM iAP> — A A Texas^uili Chaparul drivof the bote and downed eaeh',^,|ter Ford driven to Ken « and Phil Hill of Santa Motev —*•t for •- low *------straight birdies ' Miles of Hollywood. Cahf.. and ----« aodn -■ nil mo <f SantaMooi-' I Gendi. strunting a bu; ic*. Cfiif/. Dnb Hubne of New Zeatendi ^to*^ fhott run wHhto a foM of the'day after eight htnirs of the U The car. owned by Jtia Ball rad wp. |MaBs24J>our racing rtasBC. ,n»p sharp M MMand. TVx_ After aptooactung strong on: Another Ford. «:tb Daw Cuiv 4Md crept np trou to Ittl No. 1 to the backside, her pitch ney of C»te Meta. Cakf.. an4 place rolled a loot short of the rap to: Jerry Grant of Sama -Ana. five her a halve. Calif, abo overtook two Ferrar-^. Bubara went ane op to "it-' b ih« ted buttled far ttw early b« Ptere Rmtotgues ef Met«u tra toe senod green aad iwwj tend and moved mo ssswid pe- «ad Rtetui GOSter ef Craadi putting lor 'her par and kepiivMi Calif.« the can stewed Ihe edge even thomh she missed! The Ferreri staMc, doelmg (tows because of MmMttsu a wedge on No 3. Mm Gench Ford for world dnmg supre thnwen that began tewdy berecovered with a pitch two mary in toe graetting endurance tae witoiNM mchu from tot htee tor a race, test six af its 14<ar ceu-i Fords v halve. ittngem hutsttlhadlouriBlteltwbrie FerrarttteHtte»M> 9. nafa tfea t kj«MUat(teaaaateiduai«. iTspus.



Nossek Won f Give Up Without Fight

Form Chart

BrBOBRAltmLL CaNmi—Ml wmer KANSAS CITY - n took Joe Nonek il> y«tn to win > ftoitiag on • rujor hMfDc laO ekdi. aod he lal fi>tn| to live K 19 witbogt > fl|U. NOKB U8D> A NOT BAT IN MAT to grab the cMar fieM peeltton tor the ASe. He wm httUi« ever JM to the flntof Jw. Noaek'e everife NDce thro her Avpped to JI7 ml Kinsu Qty Mna|er AlDerkeeidearlylettwwktbCKqutmoB d Rofcr Repee end Jtm Gee|er would Ntovt Noeecfc to the beach. Dark't iteteeieiit, made afler the Goicer trade Moodejr olftt. wee 9ieatknad by writera. Gotta wm hmti« only JM when Boetoe traded him to the A s. Dark wm Mkri If Coeger a a better defealve ontflekler tbea Nocaek. -Goager hM tpeed aad be'i a hnatlar.-' said Dark. *lNit 1 eoumi compare aoyeae wNh Noasek ddeoatvely. He's bees tremendoui. But I think Oi^. and Htfm wU I Bs uat over the long haoL Nosaek aUB wU May aaaa i m. aod hell lui some tiDfitt and play some good defeaN aad wUI help ui But our outfield (roen now oa wlO be (Uaw) HeMkbergcr In rtfht. Repos la center and Goager hilafL" 8o what happaed? So Noaaak N tfO the A's stardM eaoter fielder. Rapes. mdJad by aa ankle hU«y. hM smb Me duly


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=;;:s;;£sv;« r.i£ V pMt t. K«mM enp )

r«MM* IMCOMMM »l <M Wn


CHICAGO (AP> - The Hous­ ton AstrOB bombed the'Chleago Cubs with a IT-hit barra^ toctodinf JdB Batamm'a threeroB toner, aad ramped to a US victory Saturday. The omlmght b^ to toe seeoal inatog eff BOl Hands when Ros^ Staufa lad off wtto faii No I taomir and latar fas Oia fambw RatOBaa hemarad No. 10 into (be stradi Ten playen paraded to toe

BOSTON {APi-Tbc American Lcsfue-laadlog Baltimore Ori­ oles oiloaded II hiu and five bomen, toModlag blasts by the RoblMoe boys, snd pounded Botooa lU Satardsy. Jim PMmer picked up his seventh vletory hi » dectotan u the Orioles maintained their two-game lead over Oevdand with thetr nth triumph in the last IS gsmM.

■V' CMuPiM i Ir

The Orlolaa Jumped on Boaton starter Bob Sadowski fa- (our luick Iruns in the first Inning quick Russ Si

tylH L VWIMM t



tStVtTi W »niipwin A. PR*

SOtmOBN LBACUB eaeuin uvueMir

■ WM* KA lUMPKII V) »<M 1 Mmn. m».

Angels Whip Athletics, 7-3 e9h.PmSehaa]leda<rwHha' . dome aad want to HM aa a

wad pilch. Jtaaaiy ptothhitang lor ClMnec. walked and Joae Cardenal scored Schaal wHh a aacrtfics fly to center fidd. Then came Mih'i hone run that made It M. It wm the filth baU tut over die rtght field tenon this aeaaoa. The Angeli scored their final . . run over Gtdte CrtlU to d» eighth sa RodflW doable. Scital'i single, and a aacrtflee bupt by Pierwll. StaU THpies

Kansas City got its olbar ran In-tbe ninth m InTy SaU boomed a two-out Ir^le off Om left field wan aad casM borne ao:a baft by IM: A's starter ClMek Dobson rl4) WM the toner. Hn monad down (he first te A be foced. strfklng-« MLiPOewA

Kstiiu cirr


iilK* il: :v.i!:ig=;, is: S.’ ii:

evuHi IS S»i«’r "




NSW YORK (AP) - BiD t.?SS.7 tit TtnMXI O »1 « Praeban's second run-scoring single of the game ^ve home tnnie Horton to the eldhth Inntng and gave Detroit ■ 44 vic­ V eSmHK. tory aver the New York Yanwnn. JMwt. wmt _ lUI. kcM Saturday. Hortta led off the eighth with (II). V-WMMr. a ftHtda. b« third hit. agataat I >4 • » * > 4 M 1 t ♦ * 1 rehover Pedro Ramos and srent _______ to third on Jtm Northiwp’s fiy ban. Preehan then tlnfied to right field. breaUng (he S4 daadtock DewntogRapp^ Moontrip Comes Boc Frechan al*o tingiefl^ Hor­ ton IB the sixth toning when the ForWinotiAqueduct Tigers scored two runs for ■ 14 letd. rreehsn's single wu the NEW YORK (API - MooBfourth in ihe toning oft starter Irip. a t-year-oM Argentinetad AI Downing Norm Cash. Horton horse, found racing room on toe and Nortbrup got the fim three rail In toe borne stretch SabiTday and paid big dividanda at for ibe first run he won the 430.400 Bowitaig BOTMIT MfKW Green Handiesp to track record uuom > s • I « T,n> « 11 i i time at AquetoKt. *!• WeU back to the pack during (MM «• net ek«>«w • i * i• nto>W> t> 41 ] > o II M ;the early pari of the IS mile toip on the gran, the aon of Madls«B4UaehaiK» stuck bia bead . I'liilto trout 10'*^ fiiial'y^ aad ijjfibektontorhtsvtrtory.

2r?r“JJJJSsr.r :::t






■ _MM> DV-Orrv-> I. iOe-0»rM< I. MwVkn KtAnaoi.

11 1 fl vm I ' •

“•'"‘■.iS'wi. IM.^ W Vxl-W k I. MDr-V-l I


Bverytna to happy wtto Noaaak's fieMtag bat Noaaak. ................. IW ever really be sattofled with my OeMtog." he says. ve made some good eatohes ta aeaaan,

atod WM toe WUcati- Na. 1 sBMficalOer at toe end a( cMtoly tlbatoaNMmplaytotofalL’'ayita at Ua yatfepr bretoar. WaYc Ml rad pread af kha. Ha's a pod^haHhall player, fee. I baps toay let kki play

BfrUtMr agaimt tot Sea Juae 10 In ClevelMid, extended Us Utaa strtDf over Watofaigtoa tom«h lOtoVaiogi hefon Doug Camflll broke it with fafs firat home nm of too seuw to the leoeod toning. The Senatart added a raa la

Hall Blasts 2 HRs;

Twins Nip Chisox

— -Mmii rl • k t I «wt»i>ii r -■■W >4111 IMM4 t

mmrn I CMBSk

i •i i■ :2; ‘ ' .

k«k ikk ot-a 1 M kki kkk-i



mael Lagnna last Nov. U at San Jnan. He bad won the tttla fiom Joa Brown to IM and dafstad tuccestouUy fem- ttmto before be WM gpeet by Lagona m Panona Qty Aprfi ». IM.

Tbe U-ftamd natch is mhedHied (or I p m. CST. It will be carrted on a special Sparta Network to ovar 40 stsh 1 wtaH parte of toa . with toa Plitobimh area blaekad out. Tbe fight WM to have bean btod to a n«per itoto m a btekaaeffUrwOftcockaOitadtoner thrown to. However, toe Panneytvanto State Liqoor Con­ trol Board frowned on snefa an ktoa aod atee ibBmbed down pptonsfehaUtoelMbttoatont te be eneted next to the nwper ehih. Tbe pra—tot*. Tim Tbrnmy Bd Don Btoaum. reotod. toe

BnrTo, known taUtdOty to toah. Mt sad reave. hM • PAUL-MINNEAPOUS and Johnny Romaao'i ranaeorM«4 record to shew fer « Mprt p ing Single. daUag hack to XMI.. Tbe 7 driving to five Reliever AI Wortotoftoa, nma. re MitnesoU defeated tbe lonefaed fer Remsao'i alagfe, tar toa Jnnlar Ugbtwelght (1» ChicagD Whhe Sox M Satnnfey. then got btn^ into a haseapooato) ttOe to OB but lost a dedtoon to Flash Bkvde in Ma­ Uail'a first boner, with Cesar loaded jton by WtUag Bill SkowU-M . -4 l’.*! .-M r, nila. ovar on base wito a single, rm with a MWk. However, be ss-*4. J!5? ssm » c . j ; ij VMM » til gw tot Twins 1 *-l teed in toe pitched out by getting Ken Ber­ t Ik Ikk tt 1-4 His moat notaMe boats wv« ry on a gamaaBdtog gtwinder. III kkk kkk-*!i;ss5Tk” i;;: i'MkBie M 1 k I k wi—k * 4 k t k tome wito PraBkie Narvaaa. AU cniCAae luaBasoTa The second Wrel-Hte'i sev­ Uttraakad In the » IS'' ^ enth homer of tbe aaskto wm Bd) c the big blow of a toxfui Hto- -- ow> (1 I 1 1 * ■e M aaN rl 4I1J ) IW. Ml 4♦ ill! » 4«»t mwein W4SM set’ is Btted No. 1 cfedlaiBr to EL neaote aacond famtog/ttat put .J a. 441 i » 4 4 I VC 4 11 I tUMMr Ik III) 4,1. Kmk ;:::£S2r’k i;;: erda to the funiar Ughtwatght fttt Twim'out of ranffl It came S’* iiiiissit :;i: r-i't*. t- 4JW. ! 5 5 ; t with Tovar on base vfe a waft n 4 • I v atnikn » 41 ki »4W« T4WI nitkk dare by toe WvM Bantag Aasedawn and NKO. H BY Riag. and Tctoy OUva on by a fielder's •s- ,’jr?5K^.’k till Lrrko Triamphs Ortix. M. hM been bailag re a. choice. OCEAKPOHT. NJ. (API • I k•t pn since U6&. Ha n raof^ for Two other MtonesoU runt ____, «* I kkk Mn. H. coi, sdMto'. jtasjriis: t*. scored in the teeood inning on tbe State Sanan la tba Mto wild pitches. Mid toe sixth nm trtot of New York and hopm to came home on a force play. 4*|l]r TMM Hall's first home ra wm off White Son ftarlar aad loaer to spare over SINrUl kA(x?>-*-J *T,?B*jba betd-han M._____ Jack Lamabc. now 44. His sec­ ■(«. k.eimiii, ond blow WM off teliver Demis Higgtoa. Don Mincber hit a hIo homer lor toe Twiat In the olghto. and that proved ]uBt anongfa faisw . ij4,j j ? I tnee M the White Sox raffled (or three rant to the atoto on a Announcet the A$»ocUttion of twn^un tingle by Jerry Adair ST

(AP) - Jimmie Hsli slammed

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Si'liiiiSi’iiiiiU m-mm

BS ■ >"! ; 1 the toM ea Don Nsatap itogleaadahtoopMpiatorlght by Frank HowMd. Pfafi Ortega WM toe vicii RtdsS. MBta4 the ftnt two Umm and Boa KUne in the toinL Vic DmralillD dNdNNATT (Am - tbe singied to toe fonrto. and Wag- anetanati Rads atrnc^fev ttoee aer Ut hia aevatb bomer. Bud­ ritoa to the elgbto tantog an dy Booker, making Ms first Deron Jotmaon's booKr aad start behtod the p4ale fer toe by Indtaw, sta^ in toe eeventh Uek Sabna and Dave BUers, and GonnlM feDowad wito Ms baattag the New York Mats M second heener. Wagner beat oat a Mt back of Satnrday. first in the el^ tawtag and The Reds, battitog to bold WhitfieU added Us tOto hoDar. ante eight pteca over the Matt, a drive over the fence fai dead trefled >4 going tnto toe elgbto. Jobaaon gc4 it «ito a twaont CInciitoati tom tendad . •.”*!“!ss=-.*Ti;: homer. the bases on a *ii«to by Jefei iss: ;:!! Bdwsds. a bait stogie by Lao CardoBM and a wM te Jim Maloney. ■tw voer ciBcanuTi


Ortiz Defends FitieMondair

PirrSBURCH (AP) — UghtWU^ ebampam Carfaw Ortis nUad a S4 favorite to reiato hto wnrW title Monday ai^ at Qvento. Doghtet by Soaay Jackaoi le Arena agataat toe dnBear of Johay Bftarra. a slmder and Jfan Wynn, and a tr^te by 8teito-aB to - ^ - baaer from Brie, Pa. toaMgbiewt. The first tiUe Agfa to PittosS Dave Gteati brafead to his bvgh ataca Jeney Jae Watontt aktth triumph agafam (In ptetoftttter Dave Niebol- lnteM,yla)dii« only fear fato. aoe. and Joe Morin's saernea TWO of toe Wti ware bomars fly drove In naa. by Ran Santo gate of a The Aatna oeattniad faiaatiag Ortic. a Umd Putoto Rlca■gafatot CtoRk Emada and Bil­ bora New Yarkre, ly Boaft OB toe Cuba' stoti« at ......................................................... 41 fsi"*" ^»•m, IBM HK five pltdian to a fonr-nm too-

Three Two-Run Homers Propel Cleveland Win

son drilled Brooks RobiMon aingted and PoweD cracked his Uth honaar. Brooks Frank bM homerad In aacb of Baltimora’s four famM In Fanway Park this aansoo. linad a WASHINCTW (AP) - TwoIfaraewnn shot fiat tnilda the im bomars by Leon Wagner, right field fool pMa fm hla Uth Pedro Oonxaiex and Fred WWthomer to the fourth. field ovocame an early WediA tloflt by PawMl aad a walk togtea lead and helped, toe to Blefary aet ^ Jobaaon tor bit Cleveland Indiana to a 74 vletoruth boner to tba aixtb. BMaiy ty over tito Senators Saturday. wrapped op toe bomar barrage Sonny Slebert. who pltdwd latbaotath. Tte Rad Sox now have been tagged for 41 rasa, taduding n beaars. In four '

Freehan^iit r! Lifts Tigers art-“iv"cT£"-T!‘ rss-% I SKI S-" Over Yankees

Ml of iHt saHK."

Astros Club Cubs

drove la four ran. while Brooks and

Itwy WmMV

atm is h^ with ta tr^. "We've got s good yo«g duh bare sod Ahia Dark Is ■ toamandous miagar" Naas* says ptoytog ragalarly hM helb he^ and htoderad Ida Utthw- "Of awne, yon play bettor when yea flgy every day, bat Pee bam baetog tootoble agM rl^ bMn Meat of three iMkfliai*ii Pn seeh« fV «e tat ttaa. I lUok I aniy taead torse or fear rigMbaadan

Whack /7Hrts-

Orioles' Big Bats Boom^ Rip Boston


2 5 2! 5J S S S Uh

»ii m tmm <M»Uf> n iM mrnm Ml. 1 II •>"

Hmited to first haM to avoid further aggravattoa to lua ailing loot. Noasek knows a healthy Rm* wiO kznek him out a( Ok linaup untoqt be goes on another hHtk« biage. aid Jm faela thto la part o< toa reason for his emtie Untag la(#. "I khow I*ve been preatong a Bttk too moeb latdy.** •aid NoMcfc. who we« t4or-t In a dadile header at ddeafs Tlanday lutpU. “1 knowT've got to proftica. “But I’m Mad we got Repos and Gosger. They're gotog to help our learn. Theyll drive to axM naa. Of cogna. 1 think 1 can drive in n 1 don't have the powv lhayda.Noaad aaya his seasoa goals are a 471 baUag average and 'TO or « runs batted is H I pUy ragularW. D I doul May r^lariy. I'd Bke to drive toabaatlOrunsaiiywey ” NOSSO. WHO SPENT TBBEE AND A HALF TEAB8 to Bw minor leagues, eaipe up with Minneaeta tor a ">«««» at the ttari of ibe UM aeaaon before reusning to Allaata tor the rest of the year. He WM with the Twins aU of iHt season aad shared eeniar field duties wHh Jimmy Rtf. Noasek. tuad against lefthandad pitchers, started five games to Ian year's W<ekl Series aad .IWNiari the season wifli a 411 batting average. Tba tormer Ohio University Afi-Amertoan wm happy srilh the trade that mM him from ftm UB pannmtt whaer to the lOth-place team. "I Just want to play." Im lays. Bvan if ha doaanlreniato-to the starting Itoegp.NaMek

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Koufax Wins 12th, Snaps Giant Skein

Celebrates In High Style ST. LOUIS (AP) - Loo Braek bU S7lh tethday Mtb a tMiraUBg boner la tbe ei|bth iontBf Uwt powered tbe SL LMt Cardiaab' le a M *k> tei7 erer PMUdelpUa Saturday KbL Brock’i boner came on the dm pitch to bin by Roger Craig. Brocfc-a safe bunt also touched off Urn Cards' tw»na spree oH. Pbinie starter Bob Bidd In tbe first budiig. CogBMsDoablet After Brock's bant, he stole ha tM base in IS ottempti Udf •eaioa. Pbfi GagUano doubled Brock Israie, theo ecored on Cart nood-B tafield bh and a

BULLETIN The Giants scored tbetr secend na in the mmb when Wiliw Dm>CEBS«<ntB Mays walked, raced to third on LOS ANGELES (API - San­ Jim Hart's single atM came dy Kcvfav pitched a four-hitler across on WiBic MeCovey' sacfor his 12th victory of tbe deoscn rtfice fly, tbe loo Angelei Dodgers it was Koufai'a Ulh ceoplete soo|^ San Francisco’s siigame M 16 starts. gane winning streak U Satur­ day night. ua rOMcitco u» l■oe^t^ Tommy Davis broke a 1-1 tie with a sixtt>tnning single and Jim Lcfebvre cfouied a homer in tbe seventh, helping Koufsz. U-2. best the National League leaden for the tlBrd ttraiglii time this year. i Tommy Dsvis abo singled; rww t»w i»i|j erne a fifsi-inning Dodger run] M.. off loser Ray Sadecki. S4. who aocked his l»b boner in tbe allowed three run and six hits fourth inning to trim ttu lead. HI-Oa<Mrt |». <Ki IS. Tbe PhiHiet tied b M in tte BEATRICE. Neb. (Special)- before being iifted for a ptoeb SANDY KOUFAX eighth when Cookte Ro)as sin- Tba Topeka Coeme Girls Track hitter in the eighth. SMK>I IL. Ml t tilts •WV ' • • • g I Koufax walked two and struck CM. advanced on a laerifiee Club roiled to Its highest score I <«. isii t < I 1 I >r out 18. He hot a shutout lit the y and a wild pitch and scored of tbe season Sattrdsy, winning fourth inning when hut Daven- or. his fifth of tbe year amTI^ on errtr by second booenoii oral Field port lied the game with a bom-| Giants' first ML Jnlion Jovicr. Goodwin Cophires I with 1« points. A1 Joekson got the victory for Kalispell. MonL. finished secs S4 record. He allowed seven lond with 103 poinu ind Bea­ Lokeside Feohiro Mis. trice. tbe defending champtpe KA.NSAS CITY I^Ull MmAoeiMu that npaet the Cosmos here last Ray Lee Goodwin edged out year, was third with S4 points TOLEDO. Ohio (AP) - Tur-,by Aialoy Mahut m the m.S-l**'*’ J'ny Weld fw the’X Fea^ Tsio Sweepe key won tbe team freestyle title pound dans and alM bad Speedway Ti^kani nrepl two events. Saturday night in tba IMS Wosld I Saturday. Jay Woodsy fin1 the lOD-ysnl dash. Linda Wrestling CbampfonMps as foe I. with forte gold medali Schnm wwi in 11.2. followed by United SUtes once again failed . finisbed second, and! Mary Huston and Cheryl Mann. to win a gold medal the United SUtes finisbed foird.;«.r.;; 7 In Ihe I . - The Turks got a gold medal irsa and BulgarU bed went 17-i aJJlT* *'ogwn____ '' and AMla King. S-«.. Two Clubs to Meet Schram also vroa foe 220-yard dash and ran foe opening 2201 SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Slan TV CarVndale Khnnto Chib' leg of foe winning medley re- Thirsk of Shawnee Mission, foe and foe North T<^ KtwaMlay team. Other members of' tbe ' ilonlv only Kansas or o Mtoourt player ans win an Inierchib ex­ medley quartet were Neal to survive foe second round of change Monday at lbs Chma foe Nabonal Open, shot a 72 Im. TV meeting begtas at' keep, who also wo^ foe 4« M Sotorday and was 73-79-72-223. 6:28 p.m. ' '

Cosmos Roll To Victory


In Nebraska

Turkey Captures Wrestling Title B® JACK

Sues 9, Braves 6

MCXLAUS... act bitter el

'No Harrassmenl'-

Nicklaus Ends Feud Nicklaus was bMlIng mad Fri­ were coitoemed Miout Friday SAN FRANCISCO (AP) The feud's over between Ug day-mid pcomptly made four and declined to comment on Jai± NMlaoi and fot UK. Gdf bogeys in a rww-after a USGA who told him. oOldB] ordered bis forteaone to And did be have a poticemao -No. m tra^. No bariH- qoed up ptay. He was pliylng. ment." Nicklaus said Sabuday at that time, with Tony Lema witb Mm Saturday? -Yes. We had one all foe way. after a tmoMfor par « for a and Bruce DevUn. He strongly criticiied foe But i» did everyone ela^. THrre 21U and foM poiltior after three raamli of the; U.S. Open USGA for Ito speedmp policy was no trouble.” ■fiH accused iMituri foe th* group man of nl "ruliv “niln. and GolfTi He pUyed foe third round Sat­ watalL ii« my tempo with their speed- urday wlfo John Miner. l»-year"In fact, they toJd me iljup ' Md San Francisco amateur. id. my nedt." 'Their round took about three I He didn't say who foe (dllciato I hours and 2S mli

ATLANTA (AP) - Pittsburgh.'s Don aendem broke a 1-1 tie with a two-run homer in foe sixth inning and Pittsburgh added six insoranee runs in foe seventh iiming. wMpping AUsU »4 Saturday igbL IV Braves tiled to Vttle bark M foe eighth when Hank Aaron flapped a two^ homer, Ms 22nd of foe year, and Felipe Atou followed with his second bemo run of foe ni^ and nis sixth in foa lut four games. AkM DOW has 17 bone ram. all solo blasts. nmSUOOM ATUWT* gftrnM

?S2s:siTT5 5s:j:. ;;;s Sigragfi ■

“That's about what we play foe British Open in.” NicUns DeVincenzoWins 'taid. “And it'i about what we SOTOGRANDE, Spain (AP)[play foe Masters in. about 3:28, ^ -Roberto De Viceno of Argeo- maybe 3:20. Una won foe «Rb Spanish In- “No OM ukl a word to us. We Open GMf Tourna­ just played our game. Sure, we walkeu lasL but we always walk ment Saturday wlfo a 10 under OMAHA iSpecial) - Barbara last. But we took our time on Goodrioh and Karen Edaon par 278 for foe l^rce-day, 7^ our shots.” Ibowed foetr pl>cN”( Coody BHtM foe Omaha Royals in a dnfoleNieklaui, however, was in tbe beader Sunday u Ohse Mans second from last twoeome to • swept two, 1-0 and 7-0. fudsh. Tbe first ones oft foe tec M»ir TgMo )Wfn»- I 1 Kay Ma yhail's home Included Charles Coody of Fonj hi^iUgbted a 16hU attack in the WHgga, Worth. Tex., and aaude King. Mcood game. Goodrich gave up They went over foe 6.719 yard; only three MU in nabbiog foe maiw-i i NTse in a hustling 2 hours^ slim firsi ganw dieision. M <« IM-4 I m Tn»: Awi minutes and Coody said slx^. Ota* mm M wi *-i i g Omtt Oarwi > I ferem officials told him to play amnai M HuKUnga. Mm I Me.

Ohse Shuts Out Omaha in Pair


loot ■itiwi gg>


Thirsk Shoots 72

Bobe Ruth League

The Cosmos A and B teams d in foe 440 relay with Hustn. Vann. Edit Steel and Ann Kaufman comprising foe win­ ning team. Neal cleared 5-1 to equal foe winning height in tbe high jump but Naced second because of mlsaes. Kaufman wa<> second in foe sVt put. Deb Wells third in foe javelin and Varai second to foe 80 meter hurdles.

Vour QenaralTli* Spsciallst says: Don't oriya on worn, dangsroua tiratl Start your vacation trip on tiraa you can tniat.

6ENERAL 4-Ply Njlon

Lover, Gimeno To Meet in Finals ST. LOUIS (API - Rod Uver jf Australia, imfessioiial totmls’ lop- player, will meet Spain's Andres Gimeno Sundsy in foe final of foe US. Hardeourt bampionships fo Forest Park. Laver advanced to foe final round Saturday by overcoming Earl (Butch) Bucholx of St. Louis lU. M.-62. Gimeno de­ feated Panco Segura of Ecuad(T. 6-4. 6^.


Shin Masial Lea9ue

©[uj© ©mm-

Braifts Surpass *65 Total Alrtady ATLANTA (AP) - Attend­ ance at Bravw'. bone games this year in Ibelr first compoign ’; in AUanU Satorday Miht ; passed tbe fuO-eeason toUI in ' 1965 In Milwaukee. . TT* crowd of 21.IB for foe Breves' game with Pittsburgh .boosted the 19H toul for a .••homedit*otoSSa442, compored •wifojhe season tottl of SKJB ifo their lame-duck year In Mit'waukee in IMS.

TIRES ON TIME To Quallfieil Buyere

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lU^mcn wl Life Company


2000 ToiMka

Cl . oaraoaaoooo aooo

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Jet's Life Centers Around Injured Knee cut to the left and my leg colTb-SCALOOSA. iuaL-niAA»A. ...... Ail................ (AP) Joe NanuUi. who mojr become: QntMMdJMtonM known uaieonholMt of foo<-! bell's hl| boous babies. atelU DMpUa Iba Injury. David A. Sonny) Werblln. owner of the New York Jets, took a calculat­ aevKtiaa be Is (oinf to 1-A rr Urn run better Ibis year ibaa last- ed risk and gave Naraath a MOO,no package (salary. InsOraace. end pass just as well. side benefits, car. and alli. Col­ Having two tr lege start probably won't be

«.»»±*r r rss

m If

more range. Footben Uegoe end the Amerh S-Majoring at the Unlftritty can Football League have of Alabama In secondary ednca- I tarat. tKMi. industrial aru. and girls. "It looki like I peduatcd just S-Resenlment ovct debate n in time." says Namath with his dralt tUtus The taU. darkly quarterback of the New York WerbUn'e MOO.m wu money the veteran Jtu of the American Football wasted. Some liague U working out on the playerr. reacnted the gUk young­ Alabama campus. geUinf ' ster. He sat Ml the bench through moat of the first half of shape for his second teaso pro football, when many expect the season, except lor eporadic him to come into bit own at one appearances relieving Mike ready had won the Eastern of the peat modem stars of the Taliaferro. That made him the highest paid lel^hone operator came. RMO TronUe PcrtMs ever, as be spent most of this Whet sort' d s person ii • I know 1 will run more this time on the line to the Jets' ohFalls. Pa., who bad to overcome year than last." says Namath. serveri in the press box, the resentment of older players Beat CUefa whicfa sounds a little strange In who receive much lesa money? view of the fact that he calmly However, he got a diance when the Jets best Denver «-ld Ha hu an animal vigor about added: him ibai is magnetic. He is S-My right knee hu ligament and looked good. That made the feot-t wbleh at IM pounds trouble, and the left bu bursitli Jets' aeaM record a dkmal 1S-l. Then the nest week, on Nov. makn him almost skinny u a which 1 have had since last Sep­ player. He Is undenlaldy tember and can't shake. It 7. with the Jets trailing Kansas iite and girls flock City #-10. he tsame in after the bothered me all teaaim. him. -But 1 have no se-But I have bean lifting hall afid led his team to vletory romantie interest," weighU with my right leg and 1 13-10. It was the first road ga 111. Hecaabe-RippaDL At am well pleaaed. 1 alt on a labia Ibp Jets had won itnee IW. me time be u col^ pracand bring the foot op straight. The next week against Boston and his open approach Ibe first day 1 lifted « pounds ha pmad himadf In ■ 30« vie. least the grud^ loyal­ tory and then Ihmw four touch­ and the next day •>. down psssea as the Jeu btal ly of the Jet team and flnaNy "1 weigh IM pounds, their wbolebearted weighed in durti« the last laa- Houston 41-14. Three Jet defeats real pro. and NaProsadmirea followed but Namath wound up aon, and m before I got bart "I tint hwrt my rijfht leg In the season tossing two toueb- math ta one. lOM against North Cwollna down passes u the Jets upset He prides himself on being a SUte. I wu nmnini and I tried Buffalo 14-13. when Buffalo al-'team man. He is high on Jet

Albers Wins Buckeyes Throttle WmHMfinff^ ^i^light Champs FOitT surra. Aft. (AP) -

OiargM IhMrtt Albert OMr- OMAHA. Neb. (AP) - Ohio ptaa and drove to two rani. came a four-Wa defldi Satur­ State's Big Tea champloot, tad Copp had thru htts and made day and tuA praatve petti on by Iba Mtting end (Wdini by the SStb aiM » BNaa to win the saih annual Tlwae-lllaMa- Rfeky Oopp. Bo Rata and Ram Nagptsodi wMppad OklMma against the fence In the sippi Womwi'i SUte 'Q' for their first NCAA toning on Roa UeCocd'i drive. ■ Satar- Oklahoma SUte's Big Eight (rem Miami Beach. Fla-, wu dree down going to M flaal AM. aamad the Ostnbw bMu but ^ayed tba back­ Pltyv M this M BogH. but were UtUeu mtU side even par. whlla bar oppo- Mney. mads Mi »lh appear- Wayu Woatoerty’s ato^ to ttie nem, Peggy Cboley. aiu W. of •net in six gamu by pitehM aftt. McCord bad a Kdo homer to the aevenih. and Bob Teney Wash., wu five over thaniMtaMng. two M-; deahM home a ran in the eighih. via«T It WU a treoMndoui victory Otoe SUto Jumped on Cowboy ; i<r Min Albert, a aephemera at atortor Ftank Warrington for the VMventty of kOamL She Kna m ki Iba first tontog began htf drive toward the oneudbroaMtn. up victory when aha made a par -Oklabsna Sute Coach CM wn K and ttan onk a hvibBryan lurprised by suwting footer Icr • Mrdie 3 on tba Mi Wamognn. a Uttie lefty who


praspaeti for IM. He off the namu of newo thinks will be^: “There's m Ycarby from ' An tight and and linebadur, and Emen Beoxer of Maryland Stata. back, and Paul Oane from Ala­ bama" — Joe is very proud of - -and he will ba linebacker, and Carl McAdams of Oklahoma, another liaeback-


PfaysBaskelM The Jeu enter the IM season obviously confident math can prodm. BKfc of him they have the veteran Tallaterro. and Jim Turner, a quarter­ back kicking specUlist. Join Huarte. the Notre Dame star and like Namath one of the Mg bonus babJu. bu been traded to the Boeton PatrioU. Whether n U Joe's appeal, or' die Inereutng interest hi professional football, tte JeU could go i«D their bane opener SqiL II agalnet Boston with 45.Ott to KM senson ticketi sMd.

hu an apartment near the campus, an expensive converti­ ble. end a busy aocial Ue. Be bu been playing pieny M foU and even some — ‘.'00 difnculty during the but afterwards my right lightened up ” Cbrecr SMcK On July 17 be win report at the Jet camp at Paeksklll. N.Y.. for hard be back at

ipring. He needs one more semester to get hU degree. "I'm a career aodeot,” bg says. Namath hu not overloefcad risks of hto career, bu storied hto own taand niamifacturu slacks bei ' AoHSE right knee. He hu had ooa op­ en k, will need aaottM aadptayswil^abriec. *This Boatoa raM bo n tost, or maybe I can last yeus," he saya. eration on IL wUlneedanoibi 0pnx:f he uvt. Army Makn SUtoment Re atoo taku a dinieai intareat in Ml knar. *Tta«a Hgunenti on ettier Ide are itteicbed or tom and need to '

25th Annhrersary— » fight hetweea Ju Utos ud BOy Cara i

lighl to Cwto hetore the IfgM ttop) aad u a Fltukugb — (Mtou) to IM. Tta raw mrt «■

WU the tSk Twrad sdM tut a

"”'"7'"'“|Emer5on Gets Net Crown Ninth Pact With Packers! As AnMe Defaults Roche

GREEN BAY. Wls (APt Pnl Hornung. the Golden Boy LONDON (AP)-An ankle makeittbreetoarowtotbebightai-ta tba Prtneb d of the Nattenal Football League, jury (oreed Auatoalia's Tony toBwey BtarOng Meaday, r, ad- Mpt two wedw M signed Saturday for a ninth sea­ Roche to UftoiU hto stogtos ft- TaneedtotbeftaBlwUhatough; _____________ BwlIM Ugafflents." son with the Green Bay Pack- nal Saturday with Roy BmtoTi b beenu of the Imu that ton. handtag Ms lavoted coon- ca's Namath to 4-F to ttw ttoaft Con- Head Coach and General trymaa the London Teimto|stoo. He atoo s to sattortag sattorfea «wttb a coM. gresmen asked why be could Manager Vlwe Lombai« an- eSumpiottWilp tar tbe fotftti! After beal■ting Rieaaen, Roche Roche it seedwi i straight year. play football while other boys Douicad tbe eigniog. itosed Witth Newcombe tor a hing Emerson tor Vtateteden. were sent to Viet Nam. and Horuiog hag an off The n-year-old Anmic iefl- a. M victery even Ray RufM*. matters reached tuch • pMm last year when be wu plaguad hander and hto ctoittyman. nelber Aomte. aito Thm Okkv tradittea and grimed tat n~ that Oie Department of the by injuries, but tbe veteru John Newcombe. atoo had to ef the Nethertendt. quit (or a MJtear peelpraeArmy tost Dec. 7 issued a for- halfback silS had his momeots default the *" Rocfac'i left anUe botiimd meot of Ms oputeg match Mon­ that aald in part: ofglofy. bles final to day with MteU's Thd Beard. In ou game agaiiut the CMto Stotle. wu a reltof pttettor an aaaaon. Roche wiB ptiy Beard en Ihcsme. pewtodactiaD Dur Min Alb« evened ttw matdi MHAFAUKES (AP) - Kathy Copp, a lefMuadad hatter, tan heaet a clBb record by uertta day. nwally Ladtoa' Day in toatlan by the ei- five ttuebdowns. He atoo exsrltb a six-looter for a pu on WMtwartti Mt a ene-anderpar pulled a tottgie to right to sUrt me WImhtodH't firs ewde. The iK Saturday to taka a stwittakc the first toning erepiton. edled in tbe NFL ctawnptonMp No ». reel ef tke men's drat round tawciallat In tfator TTie two Mvage gaHwi dwo toad aftor ttna rounds to the ttn0eswillbepteycdMiadBy. punched a double down ofAnkoi jhere wu u guaota game at Green Bay when he tog jady Tegari ef AustnOia H, fou^l on even tenu imtU ttw Tktete Mllwtuku Jaycec Open theRam. LONDON (AP) - 1 right fieM line. Nagelson. that the knee coiMm made and taObnek Jn Taylor SMi hole, when Miu Oonlay OoU Tounuunem. poBChtd botu'ta tbe Cleveland Roche. wHuier of the Raltan track and field team defeated' iefty. iriptod to icft cen­ Hr. NBBBalb unfit tor mOlUcy mitud a four-footer by tne^ Kathy^M total wu two un­ another and Fteneh tUiet. Rtnjtned hto Britabi to bote men's and worn-' ter for two ruu and acortd on srvlce, and Min Albers Mk a one-up der par tor M hofn. Her doMl relief The 3»-year-oid halfback left ankle to a doubtos match en's competitioB to a towd^r: pitcher Lnty Barthard'i SansWva Abut Draft advvuga by tiaktag a throw pursuer wu Sandra Raynle. gtined W yards In II carriei ■ tote Friday after jie had meet wMcb aded Satateqr atj fool put for with a tl4 after matching pu 7« Co^ slftfM and scored on "II may aeem illogical thai an aid acorad one teuctoiown. " ttnineed Marty Riexn. AtoHri- WhtteCMyStadM. Individual who is phytoeally ac> eight aeaaou Homing can Davto Ctgiper from BvM The Soviet mu wen m«7i Sahirday, NagelMR'a triple to the ihM live to civilian athletici abould Cunu-^'Oolfar, the Cunu ^-Ooihr. appiud 0| scored 7K points on 57 touch- ton. m.. •«. 4-1 to a lOBi&adr and tee women TMS. prusuiT on the final bole. She Donna Caponl. who had been aito the Buckeyu add detwo be found loftt tor mOltoty arv- downs, m field gosh and IH The Itotedau wfll meet tee; ••*«* Tw lu unearned nma to the sixth. MDk e fouNfoot putt for a par second, shot a 74 tor 311. potols after touchdown. Vnftcd Statu at Im Aagetet.i rat w. 1^0 *•» Ohio sute finished H4 and footMI. It moM be . Mia Albers, thru feet amy. TrallitM the top three RecentM it wu reported that •ad tea topaeeded choice. July 3M4. , ilwn upped hers in for the title. Carol Mann, with 70 Saturday idonlyoneleuaadatickilU thaf Mr. Namath dou so edth HortMOg liqd ligiMd a conerKt Both girls go to OotBobus. for a 317 total; Marilyn Smith. .jst S gama tfnee AprU 3 Ok- the counsel and preparatton of tor tee W7 season with tee Nrw 71 and 317: Sandra Sposich. 74 doctors and trainen. He to .totouna SUto. winner of three Ohio, for nut week's Nattual Jets of the American FootCMlegiate. where Mia Alben and 310. and Jody TWuemke. straight in the awris after an cleai^ watched and prefcaaien- York 71and». openiTv lou to Ohio State, al asusunce is dou at hand at ban League but both Hornong wdl defend her title. every game and pnetin ua- and Jet owner Sonny Werhlm wound up 31-11. ' duied tec tqiori-____________ Your (amily tonki to you for financial soenrity, U*h nn» A crowd of NM bronght toCubs Sign Pair end (or fho Wura. WonUn't it oaea you mind tw know jl series attandance to e.8». an all ttme record. ysHw Uvod onei wo protoctwd by « i«md. dopondoWa Of Draft Choices raw wvw’:*-! ! ] be present. In Viet Nam. for »o iuuvenoi progrom should tbwir fmimarmrldu over bo ■..n j««N« eCONOCAR tee We aiM aafeCy ef M..r« L»MMlV CHICAGO (AP) The Chleatokoo from tbw7 .1 ' K : pf ■ ■ ■ I'MSSi his comrades could . , go Cubs signed two of tbair Mr. Namath pertorretog hts dudraft choicef Saturday and as­ tiu under estrwwly adverse signed them to CaMi^i ef the QUIT C»»«» CAU CE 3.2371 Pioneer League Ban Johnson Leogue The)- ore Elby Bushong, a Jl- ISSi.**.:?.-. ear^ld catcher from Cal California vur-old CHARLES »,TAHTIUO.CLU.


Leads by 6

Russians Beat British on Track


The “YOB” in security


Westera I'nlversiiy.- and Jophrey Brown, a nglwJunded p:tchkT from Grambhng

Midger Leogtie raw e>Mi <<. v« CMm < C4«r tii«< II. U> cwna *

Girls Softball





mUOMR. SMM <’l MVT OS «w vm

IVH*! "I

■atovTs wTwawiT


Gophor Loogue


JUST ARRIVED! Tnieklood of ANTENNAS From Ihe Faetery nwiALL n rouuBJ' and saw stw



SawWawai 1%.

"^fcoAneii Aed(W Ml Life Cempsay

Fibwrqlnts Refinishing Wood Rwfinishing nnd PJwnfcing Ahiminum Rnfmishing All Typwi of Motor Work Oufboord~-4nboord-Oatbo«rd>-Jnbo«rd Uphwisfering and Glait Work HUE ESTMATIS


ra w raiiMi

« M wW. U »-


BOAT OWNERS All Types al Rtpsir Wsrk

■Wl— IN 1 ' ) •r •> St»»W

ran svkm—'m.



llOORMAN NARINE TafMm's 39HI md Tooeba

Mwrtne DeM AM i-9101

9woette I. Heuod

Huvy Bwm

Jwla V. Ctooara

Ouw L Um4

Randy, Lindgren Top Remember NCAA; Uclans Win BLOOUNGTON. DHL (AP) mtaM • wtafltnf tote! ef O Villmn-a E*r(« Hmw. - Bif Rndy lUBon Ttxn pointt. , oad is tbc 2H dub. AIlM nd bar G«Ty Ubddren i The Uc1«m. m dedvaoing »■ ,, of WMbtaflOQ SUic Mre doo-id«nipta» Souttere CUdtnie Me w»n m neot««mMfund;end Orecoo. didn't require fMMoa wUte UCLA •MM efl< bel^ «t ■ lOUWed rwlat 8M0-i£^ .%SS^' S7'i»rt I with UK tMn <rcn»B m U»'d«y «" J _ NCAA Track ud Fkid Meet ofCopcuiM at wlooer M the doted Saturday. • W*h bisdicf. * i Ti MatMB.«orlddi«Bpknthoi-| fw behind in second place,. T. rS5«5.'o’ putter, ahattarad te NCAA dis-1 viih » pointt was Bngbant cut record wtft a IT-d lott.jYoung. fdlowed ’ ’ ' Undgren neaped to a meet J-jsute »tlh J*. mile record of !S:S.7 in the fi-' Washachm SUte «T >. On* Cn«. mvcma . nal program In addcfa UCLA set ern Cabf<*taa n I«, t J«i«M Km*. «««««? lUI,.' I <M 4. MIM III■'If. iwa. M SlM, .-h.. UCLA OP.» n™, .mr ....... .. 4tt . l'«i 4 tnr.A...«. Matson won tne inotpit rri- j jjj. Brietaen Younc 2M after i ‘•''■r •'

. ftnaf tieldiiv Okw wcMd b

Also 1. *B«**jSKt>il»..'cS*»l*. JlT'*''»cof Of 70-7%. Ha*,'. *arM. A* tm I****, MtCr>champe Saturday were; Id Thursday's opening event. e*i*ani*^inMH* nun *,• Lindgren won the handily ■ themuewiuit.02.1. iT’-'i but failed a a record try. Michigan SlaM's M Steele in ; C:;rS21.Sr?Sr/ In an. four NCAA ^records n •ere eMaUtabed and one bed. A •htgipliM total of 10 individual •Inch trai the year's fastest fori^',*^ i,,*,. ^c^a. nr. a o.' A meet fixste vu Tommie Smith of San Joae SUU. who Nebraska; Peter ScoH in the' •as Scratched from his 220 spe­ NO with l:<7J. cialty after pulling up lame run­ Colorado's Otarles Rogers in o^«a!SS^ ^ ning tndior In the MO relay. the pMe vwjlt at IM. tbe height ‘ “ FYktay. Smith finlsbed aecond matched by favored Marc Sa- ____ I. Oa-Ti tail PL «iaf»>«n* In the IN, won by defending vage of UCLA, who had more ebampion Charlie Greene of misms and placed second. iSTT«aw-«tW^ *• tyn* UCLA, 1) aa* I. Top. ^ Nebraska in meet record- Nevada's Otis Burr& •ilb matchiiig time of f.2. ai 7-1 high Jump. placed third in the long jump. Kent State's Jim SWvensou >r ST’?? k’-cU None of the dx defending indi­ who surprised defenfiag cham-!»»p,.TIifi5Yewo^i» i tap^ viduals champtons In action Sat­ pwn John'Mshaus In tbe javelm|SrSf--.’-.."^'-*-^-.."‘: urday repeated. with a 2S6-S. Tushaus. who hask_ , iwm. UCLA, nr. l.'Sa'i na. 1 L Jlp> Laa. wm, v Strvtford. UCLA, producing new eham- an American record of 28441 liigh hu^er Ron Chpe- ,pending, was aecond with 267-0. LL Stratford plans in high--------------------land. 210 vsatr Tbm Jones and{ behind the 440 and mile relay events.' !. Calif., in the .WPaiMa. IWA a. Awwi* Cm

Yakima Softbailers To Meet Ohse Here The Ohse Meat •omen’t soflbaU team, four-bme reg chanqdoa. takes on one of the nation's outstanding teams Umes this •eek-meettng Ya­ kima. Wadi.. In a pair of don bleheaden Monday and Tues­ day «t the Lake Shawnee loRbell diamond. Ohse and Yakima clash at

T;J0 and t:tt p.m. both nights. s far each MnbiU is $1 tor adults and M cents for studenU. Qiildren under U are admitted free. Yakima, M by three-lime World all-sur pitcher BiOie Harris, is on a lour of the natlnn this month, playhig Oie top U.S. •omen's softball teams.

City Golf Tourney To Begin Tuesday A aty Men's Golf Tourney fleW of «. drastleslly reduced ow previous yean because of the aftermath of last week's torawlo, will fire tpuUifytng rounds at the Topeka PuUie Course Tuesday. Tourney Chairman Lany Bretudnger said that becaust of the reduced siie of the fleU the champioftitUp flight •ouid be cut to 16 this year. PIrst-round matches are set Wednesday with bie finals Satwday. Oefendtu champion BiU Hentzicr of Shawnee Country Oub p if ahooUiM for medal.^^. He la Is enlwad but haa paiiad- up aulomaUealty qualified In the d « field. John Begm Twotherh of Topeka Country Oub and Lee Neeley of PuMimc. ^ert has been In the finaU six of the last seven years. He captured the IM and 1N4 cqmntf by defeating Jerry Adams and Deuq> Payne. He »d^ runnerup to Glen DOlon In m Cary Heath In Wl. BUI Anderson in INS and HenOler laal year at Shawnee Country Oub. WaNhan Represeatod Neeley cUimed the Ml UUe on hU home course. Three memben of WasWwm University's golf team, who mtssed the SUte Men's Tourney at SCC to fday in the NAIA Meet, •ill be on band. Bill McDonald. M6 National Public Links champion, was medalist at SCC last year with a one under par 76. The other Washburn goBen entered are Roger Kluika «WSCC and Bay CboUoe of the Pu^ Course. Other good bets to leach the diamptenshtp flight are Jack Oeveiwer of Tbpeka Country Club, Kansas Untversi^’s No. 1 golfer tUt past fprtag. Gerry Rodehaver of TCC and Dave Pfuetie and Ralph SUwart of PuMiu. WWW


C'rty Men's Tee Tim^s ■ifsi'saia.s'.si'.rs; m.

Om Sa**y. KC

r*rwn. TPCCi JaM »-r*a. TPOC.

The Yakima

Tn.’-c.x,.rT^ i-s.

MS World ' Ohse ManaitP Bill Moor plans to pilch Barbara Good­ rich and Karen Edson against the Washington power. Ohse has been one of the top teams in the the Midwest for the past six years, winning werld tourna­ ment berths In Ml. '6L n and •61 The Tnpekins stand 6-4 so far Uus season. Yakima is coaidered the top team in the Northwest and threat for the world tiUe. Ya­ kima barely missed a spot in last year's world meet, losing to Eugene. Ore., in SO tamings. Tbe WsshtaMton club hu added

World Amateur Baseball Toufney Set for Hawaii OMAHA. Neb. fAP) - The first world amateur basabaU

T*a*ba cmhii AO ImMt. 4—It, 1W ■»»

ini paevMVTVNt-uw


.-75^ HCumoTeH stwvw* am OOP <M hav* Bw trsMif... Vw hn •hwwr ran Mw HML DDewCi 11 --------------

Mwi apart MOW

- ■


Ar C», »r» irH»-ia n csw Manf^ t-iv




[ Speake to Speak at Award Dinner ,^s2rt K.-is K ;!s;

i Bob Speake. former ma)of ing indlvidual'i contribution to Topeka baseball at Oe bMpieL tle^ wtU be the-............................. — • taw MM n. v«*T O* , ____________ _ 4fci Tickets are now on sale for the dioner, slated f« Septem­ sAVi.-; Topeka BaSebaU Federstton ber I at the Gage Pvk Sietterbouse NO. 1. A special tovHai.lhls'fall ? The federation anmially pre-iuon has been extended to all.«»------- , 5 sants an award-for anoutstand- fanner pro baaehall playefi inj *• cit, r,« - , - c t w ^ -------------------^------------------- : Topeka, who should ooMaei Lae : Not* OpHon Chance Dodson B they tsh W attend { - f.

' i£isr'Dsr/.H%T2




Mew. ta. rel. haM. bufclora.



M Dads bowl frsa whan boiling with another mom. bor of thoir fami^.

Taaadar. lailaTl, TUO pja. Thcht'i Al«*«t Crf. CmU Mto for rct^rrmlionr



-\ •


a 7-442


5101 MOSS Hia Hom * MCI wo, 0.l«r IL LWI




MCM* n. e*> w** Ck*i I LiH*aa -vt. Ov'nwvM. _

1.4 Tr>t N.. 0,>


w2^n’rVwy2'ssr-i"5:i ttwa. II I. 1. Aanp H***nn. Ta««a 5< . T.-'JS i-^r ‘rzJToX'^. UCLA. 9*4'. k P*l* Baa—. S'lWWP.


- I aa*. - CaH*a M«. I:IJ - *la«ii (HK Haw aawv.

i W.ASWNGTON lAPt - The » Washington Sanaton aiSMunced’ tSamnUy they have. opUened;] ! first haaeman Bob Ounce w ; their Hawaii farm dub on 24 » hour recall He was batting .165 I in J4 games _


ixiLiMi Njf; r< )N

from tbe United States. Japin. Korea and the Philippines, sdil be held in Honolulu Aug. 2M6. "In future yesrs we hope to have additional teams in the

Southern Csfifornia teach who is tourney chainnsn. Tbe tourney srlQ be sponsored by the U.S. BasebaD FederaVan-T Lap Uon. with the cooperatimi of Defending Major League Rear Adra. Henry ParsoM. ebampioa Van-T Chevrolet lost of the 14th Naval twice last week and feO three games behind league - leading DfstricL Noller Ford-Wataon Grange in AU games will be played In men's city league aoftball play. Honolulu Stadium and at UiHiJackson Real Estate scored can Field at Pearl Harbor. tbe first upset over Van-T The federation wu panted Tuesday nigbt with LeRoy power last year to repr^l Franklin posting a IM vtctory thte country on tte internawmal over Van-T burleri Joe Douglas amateur level and it hopes to make baseball an’oCidal Obmand Larry EUlotL pic sport in the 1672 games. Of­ Ihursday night, slugger Mlln Hhchell tried bit hand at pfteb- ficial approval is re^iired five ye«t ta) advance. forthe MaiQw Rometi nd ited Van-T to two KiU for an Dedaui said tbe world ati^ ll-S viclory.' Loser Joe Bacha tenr tountey will be ■ routBiw hii teammates eonmit UiK robin Aog. 22-2S44« in Bonolulu. At the same\^. teams rrors. The top game this wtrt will tram Alaska, H^ and the send Noller-Watson against Van- Armed Forces In T at 1:45 p.m. Wednesday at compete In nn ney. sponaared by Watson Grange Field. Inter-Service Laag. play Jaeksen BasebaU Hawaiian Civilian Real Estate at 7 p.m. Tuesday Leagues. ;kton meets The world tourney champion day led Ibe toviutioaa] tourney p.m. at atf Park with Honats tackling NoUer-Watson . winner will meet in a beM twocf-three-series In Honeiulu Aug. in the nightenp at 1:15. r-20-28. OAMfl MOOOAV




HENRY SAUS t SBIYICE, Ik.; 0. Hwy. M 6 MirtSii M.

L 4>7M1


Mm-THRUINO UPS —2«B o»eei rail PWwia* Ryf >su-*s a


•os BNIm Opsa Bally I Tin •

MONDAY NITE JULY 4th T 1 5 rV Bp... a p V

50 asm

£ngineer Resorts To Past in Hunting 9y AL ALVAREZ DERBY-Not All aeronuttcal caciHen are looking eschtfivdjr lowart tte future. For enmple. take Don KoOer of Derby. Koller. A COHM engiimr tince MO. *antt to go back to time more thaa M yean ... at leaat wbm he'a bunting. A Wetoara Anwicaoa to\-er.and antique .^to-building mthusiaM. Koller ha* hi* *«ht* set oo hunting deer tn Wyoming ailb an UOO-vlntage. Slcaliber flintlock muttet snh a SO-iiKb barrel. • I once lived in Wyoming and alwayi wondered about bunting like our forefatters.'' Koller uyi. "It'i Juft a cuhoBlIy. notting elie. ! iWrt tbo oa«»y woidd be aomething to rcmonber for a tong tine."

Koller fiftim hell hm to f«( N nrdi of « 4 forr a ■ kiO cbaan. ctaan. But Uito UiB 4 doen'l bettor bim. -*nat'i whare the tenaa of mnmpHahmi-nf eeaiea to.** Rcdler aays. *'9ioottog from a tUftattce wltt a reguUr bigbpowered rifle to -one thtog. Getting wtthto SO yards and ttaen prcpartog aometliiag Ufce a flintlock. howeeB. takas a little dotog.EOLLER-S “PREPARATIOOr tovolm the foflowtag: First, he loads a black powder charge frtn a powtlr ham Mo the mnole. -Pten he rone a patched lead ball over the powder and ruit the flash pan with fine powder from a primiog flask. When the hammer is pulled back and released, flint sthka the serrated steel surface and causes sparks to fall into the flash pan. Thu to tura-and Don tempers bto word* with “hopefully'-ignltes the powder to the barrel and tends the charge spewing forward. “The smoke and boom from the gun are really aomething to see." says Koller. oho hat been ftrtog black powderloaded guns for the last three yean, -rve been practicing nalnly to my backyard, using a homemade trap with a ted backdop. Ytt. Bie aounds do ' ' -tbe neighbors. They kid me about trying to send smoke aignato to Irdians." IN CASE ANYONE thinks tantiiig deer with a flintlock musket is all fun. let him be forewaraad: U's no jdenie. Take wbat Kofler wlU have to carry, for eiample. In addltioD to the gun. ittkh weight about six pounds, there's a pouch for tbe weapon’s lead balla. a powder hom and prtmiiw flash powder idiflerent powder to used to the flash pan than the rifle) and a pouch cootaiiung a doanlng rod. extra film, and a tool to clean the flaab bole. KoUor own a iln^Mvity bullet mdd and nca hit kitchen Sion to meh tbe lead. An! even with aU of this ttera's no annneo of firing, ■eeordtog to KoUer. iV The weapon may fall to fire due to iM of spark or damp powder. Then there's always the eba^ tbe pan may fire srtttoat igniting tin main diarge. J ■ "If black powder is used, there It fo danger to firing provided the guo is to good shape," taytwCidler. “However. M-s always a good idea to wear safetyV^assa. Just In case, to protect your eyes."

I. the IM Mat a actratad ssed . aai IpriSct pawder to tte band sf *s I tarfaeo. caattog a spark to bditoto tta ftMb pan. TMi pme-. bdoagtog t

29 Innings

National Convention Nears-

Camping Becomes Camp'

Found Illegal

MIAMI. Fla. (API - The 2S. . Iriung Florida State League etobs) mskm you leri;^ »a„i ,ad St ^Capital I Jourrtal's lika yoa know them before ymipMsibarg. longeat bi jrriof. ever met ttem. j risnai battbaD. waa tedad^ "You meat so many rice pao-iiUc^. pie casBpfng u a group," Gil-i Catpire Lou Beritaz. who arday nigbt, you're hcsttint to go S^^Cmaparamriemilbi^ -------------- Tuesday right, said ttere to a» people. They bare byyouraeH. old iM OSMBown tetfua nd* They want to leave tte emq>- ttat makes R ill^ for u bw NteAlaw slto ctoancr ttoa wha they a^ rieg to begin after 12:M am. eaU mnttody rise and not aware of a eglewask ibam to meat yoa there. rived.' (^ait alas britercs efforts | rule." Berites said Friday You know tfasret bo by NCSA ch^iien have im-| right. "Sc I let ttem play. I got Ibere with yoa. : day (rooi letter tbe i THE FUNTLOCK GUN, according to KoDer, to “qidte But camping clubs are the "You can camp ty yowarif. s tolling me accurate “when used within a normal mge (SO yards or thing. Uka BaeniD. they're but the Uttla inaigida (on tte I bad made a mistake, that I lest) to a wooded area. Boat aim It for the heart hmg area bad vtolated the curfew " mtitonns that dtothwutoh ‘CBnp,"^ behind the shoulder blade. However, he said, “Ne aetkn Five Oobi Here out Paipme • Many stttes have special regulations 0vlng ratpilrewill _______ be taken______ and tbe game will Topeka hu five chapters of menu of missie-loadtog gun for bnnUag. but no special Clyde took his wife and (our jund. tte letter said," the Nattonal Campers and Hik­ diUtteo. raiding from 2 to II. llcene to needed." KoDer ttys. Ha hat never hunted game with bis flinltock. But But ers AstociatioD. Come July Il­ to last year's natiaia] eorrveoIsnt keeping him frwu having hi^ hopes for hit Wyoming ls. ».im campen are expected tton at BowDag Green. Ky. Tbe JiTmpoff Decides to descend on KanepoUs Baser A special TtUie Becker Day OBipeite wm on a farm two trlp.ln tbe fan. Horse Show Eveflt Dear Saline tor tlu NCHA win be held by tba wonn •The last lime we banted In Wyominf-with regular miles traa Bowling Green. weapons-we got four deer, halved them, and banged them Topeka Country dub TWttay Albert wUl be accempltobingj LUCERNE, Swttserfond (AP) in a trafler. We're not aying went get four wiBi tbe Bin"At much at anyfUng. it's C2tepot of Wanpack. nor tte faurmiiM state two P«P»es at the Mtional _ the frienlliBess. the cooperatleB lock thb time, but We'D be trying Just aa hard." L Beaidas k J.. rode White Ltftoning to diampioa from Sbawnea CnmIn addition to his fUntleck. KoUer hat assembled a Id ottB peof^e. the iMse of beanjoyiiig tte friknnhip of cMip-victorv Satutdqr/te tte first try dub. Kentucky capuniWull [tttol (which weight three pounds _ from .— d» Uriied ....---------. ^ ^ tete^nattonel heeM «• Siatm and Play rimli at SM un. irilb Canada, be ^os to furthtt Ms Clyde Gilbert, president of t and hat a S^lndi. »«alttar barrel) and > .410 tfaolgim. Be olao hopes to assemble a a Topeka chib. a ttoigna atart AD playen cSB^aigB for a state office. Chapri woe a jr^ipoff in 47.1 1 have smaU children. wiU be compattig against M The Sandownert and tte To­ seconds afier six riders had le moment bto sights (and those of the flintlock) they 1^ someone rise to-play Backer on a hondkap basis. peka. anotter Ihpriu camp- covered tte sameiar conwe ore eel OB Wyemtiig deer and aome uoIc|cm buntiag. with. You're eampttg m'a mtt U obstadas tn tta nqitted cfob. win bott Uto sttla of "And ed^l dent bag a dear." nys Koller. "I fignn group. You're stni an Ohto at tte iiaiisnUiai. For tte ni have plenty to raembar and ptotty to talk about in indlvidnB] but yet you’re with a ttat time, dnbe from tte boot group. ttote win be ttsta "If you want to fttt." nOnautos. LOUIS (AP) - Wald OtRdris met « can fish Witt yearsrif < Schaefer. M. of Weatport. Coan.. Saturday tdght to dtoaas fttri ptens tor lbs eoaesatkai. Most has signed a contract with tte of tbe heavy censtnctleo of toi­ SL Looto Caidlnato. ebief scout let and sbower faefittiet b a s "Mymlf. I tike to look into George SHvey said Saturday. bean eostipteud by tbe Kanos on M n-*' r«> »> u <iuu>« n «m Sebaefm. a Unhrerit^ of Coo- Park Aathority. trrrttwv vr taMiM* In oM MW Svrire get avmy from tte pbeoe.' oaetkot JOBfor. .wfll be as­ Campss and hikai wiD work Ob a typteal wwkead oac< Tnn m*Mr MrMt m Mim M MW- montt. a camping riub vQi r signed to Sarasota in tbe Flori­ arodM tte Fourth e( July boliIK* nwM •• (km da Rookie Leogaa as ea In- ttty to matt off camp oreu tor wn tM sMInnKrinnurmnnHtr Inn W nd wafleyes providing the sc­ Mm to a retervoir oo a Friday Ml iftoMer. tedlvittMs and states and COB• tmn and retnre on Sanday. UaMn Uoo at Pemona. Kirwin reaerplete final frepr ■ pot ftelr tents, eam^. trail, vok in northwest Kansas also More (ban tlOl persons have to or whate^ in a clrde. to repartlag good white ham and yrM^totered for tte conveniT» wT ii.iT At right, memte sit ararnid walieye Ashing. . *:« t;N B<W >:« ItiN IM liW a compere and ttCB coffee. In County State the daytime, tta^fitt. hike, TOKYO (API - Jonkr tnitt Lake No. 2 rates good to exeriW:U fcW «>a hant tor rocks, pl^ eortt. Ml diewrigfat riumploa Nino Beiv .. -a <• *iN n i* s<a tont tor baas and r>«l for chan­ ttu tiW 1:11 (Iti MOM sf luly arrivwl Iwre Sat­ nels and bhwglU. Pine strings urday CB route to Seoul. Soutt around and took at ore you buy a Fnralqn Car tee fb. new TOYOTA of bam blo^are being Koru. to defend bis title and fo on. 4-Deor Sadan »i)li automatic er standard traiisaiittaken at Douglas 49unty .Slate agrinat South Koran eteUioglien. Mada in Toyota City. Japan, by tba third largLake while Sbawoee County OBbert has brionged to tte er Ke Soo Kim. Jims 2S. aft manufacturer maniHacturer of commfreiL commfreial vabictot .... in tbe world. State Lake am Lone Star Lsfee r and a The undefMted 2^ytar-old 12 in Stoeb — All Colorf to ChooM from are stiU producing good erappte hair; He and bis f^ bm Italian to aehettUed to Oy to Priera Stoat mt Ooly-^4 P.OX catches. (Simatrii and cripple Bitrtot are bek« accepted camped tor 10 yean. Seoul Sunday merring. are hitting at fw the July 4 teimto M "You can comp on your own. County Slate Uke. Otter tokas mem. meet director Barry Mc­ Gilbert soys. "A let of pnqile lUS N. Tnpnhn ttvd. Cl 24m ' tte elate Grath amtouaead Saturday. are lenerally ptodadng stow to Into a new afea. say on a Tbe tonmey to ssheduled for fair ftoblng . July 2.2 anl 4 at Hmbm Courts. A completo list of /ederal recnatloa areas vrhera Operattoo There to oo entry fee and strGoMaa Eagle entranea permits tries may be made at Hughes are vriid hr attntoaton Ism beoi Courts or by eoMactiag puhitohad by federal agnetot Gralh at CE MB). and to BOW avallabia l«r ByROYMILLgR Quite frankly, brionging to a camping chib doesn't look Itte much fun. Camping atone at some exot­ ic ptace-Uke a sand bar in tbe middle of the Kaous Rlvtrfor a wc^ teems more pealing. U yon irem to "get away from it aU." srhy not really get away from every-


Tillie Becker Doy Set Tuesday otTCC

I ;Daa Baler takas ala wMh Us flWIaek weapm. ^ « w« fire I ba gstt wMhtt M ymis sf a dear WagtttofalL

CoMe9ioR St9inPact With Boseball Cords

Solunar Tables

Outdoor Notes—

120 mph on Water Skis? - Chuck Staorat' goal MOms modest by spend standards to this Space Age. He only warns to hit M m.pJi.-OB water sUt. whiett to somethtog akhi to tanding on the moon K you're on astnoaut. or going 70S m.p.b. ea Bonn^Iie Salt FlaU If you’re

ok tables and destooyed trverat botto. 4 tta fadllitoa were ex­ pected to be uiabto by ttlswMkPtana have been i

the ohl boadqoaiters baildtiw of (he Kansas FWOWy. nth and Game Cwiwntorion at Pratt Sieanis plant to reach hit goal Plans cell tor a coinpleto rebabtUtatloa of tte exhlblU and addUw more tp«ttnei» of Kan­ Ariz.. to the Nattonal Ofta and Ski Qumpionihlpi on tte sas wttdUe. Mynai SebwiB. Qstoredo River. To let a new mrld's waterritibig speed recoed. Steams bat bat bem emptoyaHSr tte to reach only 111 mp.h By mer to start tte project Tbe sbeoltog for M. the Bdtflow- work Is expected to'take three er. Cald. product Ilgures he'll aummen. hare a bettor chance of break- The rauMum and aquarium ing the record. buildup Is open t am. ^ l:B) Stearns, present hoktor of the p.m. daily worldWBierskitlatombile.w1D| Thesei be lowed by a ISOtolled to dim tte fitting proadrag boat. “You just hold tjgU." the 27year-oid Staants says, "and toil 'orestry. F»h and Game Comyour Stomach W get back le retosioe t reports Indicate cooI eepiea of limifd good tuctess lor roherlunghlpl^e' ------------------------------the 'Directofy of Federal Ree1 that pan of the tUM 17w tonudic winds which reatioB Areas Requiring mniek Ifanbattan caused con- while otter areu are itowng: sktoraMe damage at PoliBwaebuai ttem tree frwn tbe T\rtlle Crrel and Pomona res­ tomie County Stole Lake No 2 era] agencies wtikh tell the tead Ihs list with chanTed O 17 permits, frcun Amertoan AuUker. sari tte tornado twisted nel catfish hiliug well at Ttrttofflobile Anociation offices, arri uprooted trees, dpwl pir- tie Creek and bass, charnels fnan many

______ xr

::3 i:s!!;: is

Undefeoted Champ PutsTiHc on Line


July 4 Tennis Entries Open



S:55-7:SOosi 4:55-7:30 cun.

ki— %em OieH end me «fwnUnvW»VM«hCn_


from Operation GoMen Eagle. New Coge Job P. 0. Bn 770. “ ------CLEVELAND (API - John [serve a* protosiw of pbyskal D C. 20044. B McLmdon Jr. basketball education. has been

Coaching Veteron

ir UrS^T' kT"

lege. Frankfort. K> , »•» | ^ them tn the crils«e named Satantay as head coach ranks, and bto a collegiate at Oeveland State I'mversity.l record m viclortes and 124 eflectivc Sept. 1. He also will.defeato


June 24Hi . Worm Ups. 7 P.M. Thw 7rWs. 7:20 P. M. •W.A«

IHM America Race Track TOPfRA Nwr-Medlfied Rnct. Jiff >


• 7 •. M • W« (!••> «>«• • ^t*agl*r orMSI — »*v..

• FliEI D*>'« MV »<n<l F«'(. Cl Sts* I :• r-* >•.*>• S cIm> la

WCHl f ^ (ItANE'fS

S •aalti . . . '••Sr f»r • r«a txrklr (UltUJ •••••••eeeoeotBb eeeeeeoeeeoei



McCotey Cub Steps-

Major League Averages American

Reach Saves Hits


SSSE. S:: SSaSSSS^, M M rw 4M « H» s trnmt mt

.. MS «l MTNM

r- sjsssssrr. teniUfl itA* '

a.~ 3 I: .j 11 SF.“s£!'’isi S“l! S 2 3 : li i



SAN nUNOSCO (AP) - be rsiMcs far to bti left and c^ miUe Mays who tits one - lor - greundera and pa^upe . dremteg-tuO sway. wmta McCovey. called Stretdi Tight by tea tarnfflatcs on the Stei and conldeis all pate eritteiBB Nattonal League Rookie of the Pmeteeo Gtante becmac M tec anyona etee te the majors ex- Year te ISO and a cnbolder of of his ftovCBorii a base canard. tbe laagua home nm tlUe three dtetance be en reaeli Ibrawt, may have tbe Ifalkmal "I don't warn to sound nke years later. McCovey matetaina LeagK AH^tar Ortt base peai- m teaggieg." said McCovey that it takes him aone tioo widiln bis ateogated graap. “But I've atwayi hod good getir ■Hia way be can stretch for range. In other yean I've bea But ta three days late werir M(s the-ball cuts two or Ilk steps off a Uttle leery of using it. thtnkiiig Covey smacked Nos. II. l2 and, Urn mnner,” said Mwrttlop Hal I might be going out of my tte- tl 1 WXLUE MeOOVnr ritory. Lanier, who staouU-kBow. “I think I'm always a slom; Lmier rmembcn bmt Sun­ “Agaisst a leftdianded batter starter at far as home runs are day when be took a grounder by I'm boftew 101 per cat of the said McCovey. who Tommy Davte deep te tbe bote time tail bit to me. IgMas -ya didn't get tel ftret this seesn (a «brtng tbe ttiitb teotei and could say I've got confidence grand slam) nutfl tiw Uth tbrewtoftrst. game. “It tedn't rtaOy concern McCovey reached out and Lanier laid. “I would say that ree because I wu hitting for (■ tabbed tba bau just before tbe Mk’s fteldteg has tmpreved H ■ItD) average. wait, make thte 100 pm Lot Al«Blte Mger left Beider “But one day at a hmctaoi. eme down eit tee bag. 'me cent since I first saw him te Chub Feeney asked me GMi lad M at tea tana. And Utt" going tolitt a homtr. Itan tea next baOer bommd. Ibe Tilktaf about MeCoveyl was I fielding, of course. Is like talk- became a UtOe coneo Giants vodU. 1 didn't go out and try la past leasoaa. the I4odH tiM about a buriesqoe dancer’s cocne, f« faosna ram. That gets you McCovey was not known fte-Ui taataw. Wbo cares? Ray Smalley, after two BeMtag, Alteongh It wami*t as ■ntis ts the mu who bit II DoteliM. But I was cooceraed.'aborted aUenqXa at »ddnc oft bad as aome crittea said. Now bomert last year, mart tea Chite Feeney, it teuMkl ta


PHILAMLPHU (AP) TrentM Jaekaon. a Motevw htefbart frmn iMa; ftoce Vin Dyke, a guard out te tee •• • cflSaSl.-d^ ______ ateHhecklwWteh. motiooed. is tee dub vice pres­ tu. beve siWted tM> anBwctt with tee ftiflilrlphia Eagtm. ident ami tee mu with irtum the National PeefbaU Uagne the pteyen negotiate their rtas. He piys McCovey for thou club anwonead lalmday. AB borne rum. Let team little guys arc mebes and were signed as bit for average. tree agats.

^ 1

Race Purse


ie! wa* 81 Von Dyka Ink* Poet

E-S'-S ” 3 i i I - sTs-s s 5 i iis operator, le-aUted to try agate «S 5 5 ! 5 5

Rumsey Joins Oty'sTopIO



@ MCDONALD'S @ \-^y


liis THC WLA PRICE CAFE SMtk Til.4—L.4cll Tnm («t WV... It.4 SmW'i l«t • CwUm Miriomt Fried Chktnm • Rnr«lv • JmM f4r/«rt Stmk. •

Served »P«N 7 aATI


SM W. OiM »'i« 44M. Ibe fint two programs stnee "T1S5.M . 41 117 W 41 J]1 IRA PRICE CAFt jMmte. H. SmaOey bought control of the quarter mile dirt track Just W >W W 71 J1* M <17 9 ■ -10 east of Teoimieh off HJ^ay *4NM7« C4l ^O. S S S ,1 3 S »nr iMH • ) srere rained out 43 IM IJ 41 HI «7 »7 4* 71 91 M About M ctra. el IS IB a a .771 ;.119 1. . « from Lawreoce, are eipertad to By BOB HARTZZLL vie ter tee gnaruttead IM purse te the leva or eight laftboder Ron Ramsey, event program atated to get un­ vktim of an error in detennin*i?!sr-eiVT.o IN tag Topeka's top bowlera, der way at 7:» pjB. ' ' This it tbe fint time te sev­ Join tee Un eral years a guaruteed purse lOp^Ctei maid) at Meadow Lanos has bea offered at tbe Spc«l- p.m. Saturday. WlR. M—4V**aT *Mn«.eMc»way and will ateo be tee highest Romasy originally was amouni paid at tee track te te Uth Idacc wtth a eon quite some time. avnga of mu. But one hUay impravemot Ramsey's IT avenges had Tigers Add Stanley; Mill— KC O' ** ••You wouldn't recorilie the bea overlooked. His actual place," Smalley said te rdatteg eombtead mark was 1«2.10. good RON RUMSEY I Send Out Catcher tee Impnvemcsits that he has Kugb for Uth piace. already made to tbe groundi. NEW YORK (APl-llie t nm Sbst “We bavat bea Just standing Rumsey, making tee Top trait Tlgen reinstated outfieU around teese last three weeks.'' for tbe ftrte time te hb fourMickey Stantey to the active li*l According to Smalley, new. year bowling career, will re­ Saturday and sent catcher Jack­ ie Moore to Syraeua the Dw .-r t I V. 5 aanlUry rest room fadllttes place Bob Payne (Ml.B) U the NT i« II » I n j» came rint. nte.panklng lot troit farm club ta tee IntornaT^ Ta lineup and wiD bowl ranovaied, trees and w thmal League. wtth Da Luce. Dale Clifton, wen daared and tba parkteg Dave Curaott and Jack SpringStaley has bea a tee dteaoSEhn la «I • ir » 1 .U» surface was graded and lev­ bted list atece breaktag a beta aleml. The other teaen wOl be NV_ ia_I1_ » • T .m eled. Tbe access road was coenpoaed of Wayne Sanders. te Us Itet band a May U. He widod to M fete and graveled George Grant. BUI Couch. poed tbe seaaa as tee reggand temporary llghti were in­ Skeet Brown and Wayne Henson. stalled te tee parkteg area. FfTCNII At », Rumsey wUt ta tee PALO ALTO. Calif. lAP) - Unlfeaten Penn Crew AU tba Ugbte around tbt track .Bungest meBteer of the^op The t ■!< MOV CM*' T? noo'teV t au Urtvenity of Houston, I 141 were r^lred and the old con- ItaL But he Is KKiii n> n II M It lit kingpin te college golf for tbe Rolls Past Princeton 4 MrWMt » iji ceeaia stand was removed. ampetitton. A baiebaU pitch­ last decade, te tbe solid dioice —' -1 CM a M II B 1 Late but not least tee stands er te the Stoa Mk . « 4. « I* 1 ' 2 Moteal League to repeat u team ebamptoo te SYRACUSE. NY. (AP) t light potet all sport a n ddriag tee teimmer. Ramsey tee NCA IJSSS5S ICAA hational diampieo- taasytVBBia's onbeata yorj‘.......................... It of paint . B B It It I Ungi. rowing BMoIhly and pow- OPi year made a hatet te wte- iblps ’ ^ - -y. overhauled pacaetting SSSS! from Hw Hotol Joyliowk nteg bowlteg hoBOrs during tbe day. . 41 M I n 1 eton te the last quarter Tta Cougars, who have wM M B 1> It I winter. jiSS’S IM n B It * Saturday and atrokml to a Mmm He carried tee Ugn average tee teem title eight of the lari H mile virtory in the freeb^ii 2.1 s; s I In tee Topeka CapttaMoarnal yems and the last two. are ted tw«HeBgih 44 a « PiM tertef WteM. OHMry Wyli twoaOe race te tee Inter­ TnvelBig Sefatoh League wtth by dteeiteteg imlMteial champi- collegiate Z'iZi n Tw YMiy. Bmati M»M Onvy. OnOwry Mma Rowing Aswetatia on Marty Fteckma and Jbn ■a n a M a *Hntt LA m merfc while bowlteg at Grant. low amateur te thitB a w a He ateo a a a a CM . n »• Masters. pievleusly nndea itaTt 4*1 II? II? IB IB a a n n had a m average te the ru^ year's 3feated Badgers trailed Prince­ If history te a guide, one of HAYS (AP) - Eddie Wo- ged Pla-Und CUssIc League. athletic trainer at Rice He fired two TOO series doring them has a good chance at ttec- ton by a length te taking third te Jeckl, athleti teg down tee teteridual title, a field tell. | Ualventty, iwiS ta tee princl- tee II OitM tIL II B I. a nCMO wtiiter w BfeBMit nt a a II a since Houston players have wa U MM V a M 17 B 'Dw Top Ta match Saturday it six of the last la yean. n »M »B> a a a a . clliilc a ctfVMt Pt* a a 14 a held by Fort Hays State College wm te bowled as a tarn af­ SMiJI^Mai fair. but the accent will te Top indivktaal chaltengm 2 July tt and 21 The tee field te IM techide Sherman w/mLcaHV^ii' £mie AsrwM wWA di tee Titea^ \M Wojeckl. form 44MILT will award Finger, Southern California, chairman of the t ID loosm CAM II:M a. m. to 9 p-m. trophy to tee bowler who aoores who was third fast year; NaSSISS . t4W m emmi Sunday. duM 19 SS28S 14 a B a 4 trainer for tee 1B2 Olympic It bat'uka a score over 7W Murphy. representing Flor > CM a n B 11 > Bob Didtsm te OUabema Stale f OPIN SUNDAY mi n a It a 4 team at Helttekl sod last year to win toe past two ye«i. S«Ma NT . a 74 a 17 1 4 At wu named to the Helms Foum Brawn Is the dtending cham­ and JotB Miller te Brigham datkm trainers hall of fame. pion and has wa (ta event Young, who was among the O^ASHION GOULA eouuuH te tee early rounds te twice. Sanders te the otey other leaders ■ gj??Jt• ■ ' wed’s U.S. OpN. DSI CAFE 0ta cbampln ta tee field. list CefICI MinfartwaarewriM TUrty-eoe toamt arc tebedHere are notos from the city uled to conqietc te the ' ' bowling eslsbtehments: play tourney over the 6 JSS yard Stanford Unlveritty course. Par ■ a..M, m a a M a > is »3s-n. a 74 11 a II SSLT^nVim Top (earn challenges are ex­ TWMM47 WW<1hMc SJJS t pected to come from San Jose ( Golc I Ckariei Rappard fired Stale, snrpriae winner te tee hitter and famita It te the flrsi ikr- 44 -Jj tourney when It was test held at game wbUe Pete Gomes whiffed Stanford te iNg. Oktetnma U ta tee second as Nteler FordSUte, Southern California and MIAMI, ne. (AP) - Chwtee SSKTeir : "J-u.*agj3 Wteaa Grange shut ogl Hl^ GIANT HYIRID Los Angeles State. Peoren. a Davli Cupper from land C»Op twice Sunday. 1-1 L44T UCU. came from behted Satur­ and M Dan PBTan. nmntag day and defeated SUn SmWi of Rtchant Stanwlz. seoced a the Sooten Callfonda to ate tea SS3 3S flm baseman’s error for tbe ■MM 14MM . . . >W« BrlOMl NCAA Tennis Championship M, only run of tbe flni contest. M. M. *4, H __ AmntT^f* tirf^ VtmW Frank BMii«er’i bonar comTraOlDi at the IntermlHlos. billed with a triple ami double PwreU tame baek rtfreaM eviB urrto la TemHe Coatrol by Bob Dodge to Mghll^ the and overpowered hit opponent NCAA Baseboll Piw hMMcnM second game. with homing ierm and vdAS mm emnmma nm wmm MfMMM CmO* «M*-« I I n« e. wn *L M MM (MM a 04I«MMM SiMt 1 MMW-WMmi B4BI1-1 I I teys. 4HMm C4l"M»i>4 tilm.K4««i GOur Selected Types For ■»MM 4M SlMl tM*B« MM SH. The UCU team d PasareB m B4-4 1 I Masses of Lush Summer uid Ua Ooofcendon upset topna ws-4 > • ^£: SiSrSS •Mded Smith and Torn EdMm FUncers artd Foliage! of Sthtea Caltfomla IM. M. SSSL'ff.ST"


s s s ! '; s


3 2 i!,i iis



Sa i



S.”r“i ii 3 Hi

u: iiis


i^v s s s; 'i IS sss-'n- Its s s s •? s

Nod Belongs

To Houston


s's s; 5>s fflsrs' :sss



zvzrmT ....... tv'strc'^.sss.s ?rs‘^‘' rssi?


Fort Hays Clinic Features Trainer



ssr-r-r s s i f

lliiiiiii S£

KHIilll s-r.znsiiii No-Hitter Spurs

Milili ii _S!j5

Pasorell Rallies For Tennis Title

V"! 5j! g ^ler-Watson




S?" :


TORNADO CLEAN-UP Call Hankamer's

CE 4-5618 HOe

Idoien—Laborers Tnicks-FuHy huured


TW praKripIlM «• «ram


SUYLOCK DRUG 1909 Seward Please eaU aey kay^ store far fikscriplton setkire.

• WtaaWgiQdtQjtlKwr. riMM par Nwyiik Dt«9 llh w KaybcVi

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j;svc.' cr.'s:l5rs!, ■ssri;-! srtir ss. s'T„txr<-r^' irtJrss^^juri^rs;. is^:=surv.~sirr.K.:i:;".=::\”, '“'.-........................... »• 0-‘-* T<«« e«Mc*



Otrr B cm; i ■M3MMB_»MU



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<MMMU ■- C^MW (.aMlMCA IM •»•>

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For Business and Apartment Buildings, Stores, Shopping Cenl^ and Homes.





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IVM. UtMm cm, * ArtMflM. Dcm f. Fl_______ City; Ocraw CfM OvrtK. C FMMfCT ■■ ■ -

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Wh.t pM>t>to ar* t«IWn«

Jun* 19, I9M


<h« cover

Aft........................................................15 looitt............................................ 4 Crottword p«nxU.............................. 14 Stamp* ............................................... S Talwitien ................................... NN*«t

next week A5«tW aicitin^ n>9lit U pfomitaW far Dadifa City'i Froat Straat-^aHliaagk H prabaWy won't and with a tunaral an ioat Hill. Tha Taxai cowbayt ara comifM back tc tha Lon^ Iraach to aaanch thak thint aftar tha trail drhra from San Antonia. TKi« cantaanial drlva it tha labjact of a story in aaxt waak't Midway.


A wtda twath of Tapaka waa Hppod and tara by tha Jana i tama^, at thewn in tha eova^ pictura, bat ^afit itridai at claan^ up alraa^ hu^ baaa takan and rabaildiaf a battar lopalw- wiH follow, at raportad in Mid­ way's ttoiw today. -CPMf F^mtr ana awMm

Topeka will march on

How doa « city loro by • lonudo Uut ripped dla(oo>ny bcraa Itae longest poaiMe angle pick llaeU op and rebuilds ThtCa Iba questkm a at«R ol CapHal-Jaunial reAhaacf poricri have sought to of the answer In Midway today deadline It wasn't a question ot It Topeka would rebuild. It we only a ques tion o) how Today'a Tnpekans retain in large part the pioneer spirit o< their anccsian and allow nolhing—not even the most damaging storm In the nation's history—la get ihmr spirits down Lowered yes. but not down and soot The magnitude at the atory is almost as great u the storm ttsell, for ool only were hundreds of business plJfra wrecked or ruined, but numerous schoola and churches were damaged, too No attempt Is made In Uus story to tell what owners of privale homes and dwellnpis plan to do Many, many of them don't know themselvea yet But the homeowmers too are Kansans of todomitable spirit, and most will rebuild or construct new homes This magnlficeni gjlrll was csemplified only hours sfler the storm blew through by a spokesman lor Washburn University, which suffered tremendous damage, both to its old alone buildings and to its newer, modern build­ ings

Standing m the rubble md linking (hr darke&ed aUbcoettes of vallf tnxn which roofa had been ripp^, be leid, without beeiUtion. "We wffl rtbuUd. There will al­ ways be a Waahbum " ‘nus acme spirit was shown when it was announced within hours aiter the atonn that summer school tesskea would start withm a few hours, but in Topeka West Ui^ School, and that many classes would be beld this fall on the campus UseU Buildings are only part of a great uhU tuUoQ hke Waabbura. The faculty is what counts, really, and the faculty la Intact. The MtuatioD in‘t as barren as the old saytm; about real education comiiiK “when Mark Hopkins sat on one eiid of a log and James Garfield sat on the other but that puts the pomt across Tattered and tom as Topeka U today, men and women of vlaiao can foresee the day when It will become more beautiful than ever—stronger and more enduring. And In their planning. Topekans will not forget that It baa been known as a city of beautiful trees. Literally thousands were toppled and twisted. It wiQ take longer for the trees that wfU be planted to grow Into the giants that are goAt than It wiH to renovate and replace the bulkllogs. but U wlO be done Read Midway’s rcbuHdtalg story today and be proud that you are a restdent of a city that can't be licked.—George Mack.



In Topeka Everyteily hu stories fbout Ow Joae t tnMo, mast •( ttacm ngic, but as in ahnoet every tanada were bett happodogi that people ten abaaL liaqr at tea an ta to bdesc. Ooe family with a larga baaa aa a UH hi hnado path took to their stona ec9ar Ohty had no baemeat) and what they tried ta get eat tea «aa rabble tm the ceBar doer. When they rmaOy got out, tbakr hooae bad dhiggamd, a tat two paatiy waOs wtti'dieivcs betweesi. oo wbieb caaaad gMdb ad p tii^ bnaiatlooteicmataed. A woman Uving in a apartanat On baaeM with atban hi Aa baOdtag. Vbea she came igi. acnaa Aa alv «a aate apartmcBl wtth Ao tide tern fnm H. hke a doll hoaae. SttlAg A a racbAg eh* and wavii^ gaily ina m elderly woman, unacratclied. The ana aparteal dweller who took to At baamat had wnlows in her reaaa agal A ad fha batOy acatterad. A table littAg between two chaira «a bAoraO At «AA>. the chain ladlaAtbed. One ptcAre banging oo a sraH dtaggaaal Aa lal remaAad a Aa walL ta a nearby piaaier then bad baa aani aiAbAi Howen and oa ral one. Ibe arttf'iclal flowers were midliturtad tad a|y a bale ta the dbt rcmaAed A the real pAnL An automobile wrecker Airar laM ataa being etOed to remove a stattan wagon tram a tree. ThenA At atary A ma wboae boom diappeared. except for ttae basemat waBa. Ha and hb (amlA were uuAnt, but te hnd a worry. Water was sporting from n pAn ta At batement. "I wtah they’d get that turned Af." the nun laid. *«{y valtr ha b gomg Id be terrific." Thb one may or may not be true—a ma tnida A crouchad ta hb basesoent, the house Asappeared and in the ga hb atomdtfli wai blam mg thraogh thasky, some ISCIeet in the a There are tbausandi A other sinnet ben« told^.M

in city hall Tornado damage occupied Topekam all week, but some A the "better" stories sttll haven t been fully lold Perhapa a lew win never been known Anyway. t'AA chief Cleo Nola estimates total rahie A the It aircraft destroved at Philip BtUard MunldpA Airport at ru.HO Fourtea have been found Salnga vakie-principaUy engines, nwmimenls and radio gear—b eathnaled by other aviation sources at about tS.M). making a net loss A im.«l. The destroyed aircraft included two leven- In nhse-place twinengine corporate aircraft, one owned by Fabtaff Breweries A St. Lnab and the other operated by the Burton Co. A Youngstovm. Ohio The tatter aircraft was flung down A tha middle A the airport's mam north-south nmway, blocking tt. The big FabCaQ plane was carried off the airport and slammed down east A Crocs Road. souA and slightly west A the city dump, where tt looked Uka someoae's discarded mndwlcb wrapping Still not located b a 11^ twdpbca plane be down near Aa twe twins. One renlai and charter operator loA ntne A 1^ planes, iryknthig one A the first two demanstrators in a new line A agricuittiral aircraft by Wlchlta'i Cessna plant Another operator salvaged one damaged aircraft and two translenb last planes Had the tornado veered another IM yards north. Tt would havn claimed tha airport's big stone hangar, which contained aa estimated tl tnUllon worA A new aircrAt at that moment None A the hangared planes nor thoaa bed down it the north end A the Held received damage, fta estimab A Iba damage to buildings, FAA equipment, fencing and tuch Items hss been mada aa yet Facto on airport condilloni have been bard to find, since airport manager George E. Yunker was ee rouie to a WeA Ooast eonvenboo when the tsriiter struck June t -GS

^■^What aver happenad to' I Around the tarn A Ae eenM|y, many a nun didn't thtak ha waa a mao wMtoal a cigar jutting from beneaA hb waxed muftacbe Many toiras. large and small, had their own cigar factories — some had several. Topeka had more ban a doeen wtilcfa flourished, turning out between ISO and 300 hand-made cigars every day: many smokers were onnvinced that Topeka made the worid'i best cAars. As the Industry grew Ae cAar mak­ ers united, organbed a union which ta Ms peak claimed IM members. B a S I n c 11 reached a high shortly bAore World War I. The first cAar factories ta Topeka began cropping up about 1171 Most produced two or three brands Topeka s cigar boom incliided tuch oubtandmg brands as



George BnrgbafT'i Favorite, a Rvenaot cAar which booatod baateeat by tadadhA a letter prtoted on Ae Inside A every band. Wha a «™k«e collected enoogb let­ ters to spell "favorite" be won a tree bn A cigan. The trick was to find Ae let ter "O" Bvgbart abo made a Idccnt cAar. the Aurora, and a fiveoenter. Ae Gem Chariea S. Eagle, who moved to To­ peka in IM, owned Ae largeA tactecy. Eagle * Knox, sftiialiid on Jackam an pari A Ae block where Crosby’s now alanA WiA to employen, Engle mamitartured the Rose Ttat. a Bve-ccet dgar, Ae Sil­ ver SUhit, a M-cent cAv. and the Eagle’s Sonker, a packA A Ax wr^ped in iinfotl, which soU fto a 'quarter The wrapper on each of Eagle's flve-oentcrs displayed the Kansas seaL

Topeka's cigar makers

n Topekans could renwe«li»r Ae name A a flveswit cAar mada by ». T. Ereipe, they mold have no trocM fladtog ha sam The cA»r was caOed Aa >U and Ibr stnre was located at SM EaA FoorA H L TTomp maufactured three brands the BA Troenp and Aa Ultle Tramp (depending on which siie Ae enstomer wanted) each selling for five cents, and Ac Iran Quin for a dhna. ^ Other coiiqtanks about town were J a Spetter'i factory A ni N, Kansas which made five-cent JJLS. cAarx, wA I Hoacr'i Aiap at W Ktmm. OAer hranas were Haman Klanaer's HM and Qnid Bia: Bern taMi'k OveceA UOie Joe and liodae, wkitk sAd tar a dime: Ed Scott’s AckA JAii GrieT.s nve-cent MugmUti toA ibemt JAly Fellow. Chariea Bsetand-i fhtonnt

Bnuh. Loob Holtwich's Long FOtar tar a nickel, and Ae Cnrty Bros.’ Bmcent Head Clerk and the TebCeator. OAer Topeka dgar shops wAta owned by F MestrndL Josqdi Joat, Charias Nvman. Kraemer Bnia,, and H. A. FhStj' TV end A World War I broakhi on tv machine age, aDowtag largo danpinies which mamifachired madihie-mode cAars to tpmil up around Ao ceantry thus choking Ae small hand-taber ibo^ out A biBhiess. World War I abo popularbed cA> reties despite an anti^aretta law in Kansas. By law it was aa ofienss to aelt cigaretlea tad bA to smoke Aem. C3ge retSe beoUeggint flouriihed. One by ene snuU shopa taldsd np and Ae dgar aukers’ BaaOy ■Umta—t its charier ta Ac mass AFL imtait.—N.5

'-W.n,«r^ 'r


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: uMwiiisyt,'#,' V.-'Mv - ■•■y\,- •. . -

Thr** tr«ctor« eu» du»ty p**h» Acroii 150 •«•! of prim* UrmUnd at Uyman of th* Oxawlt.# EUB CSurch itartad *h;r driv# »o raita monay to aroct a naw tanctuary.

By DICK KING OwmekU K\try farm«r tfltictpalea •oroethtog dif fereat u he looka over Ua newly aowB Qeldv He aeei profit to buy • new automobile a replecement for aoine worn-out m»cbiner> or anoCher quarter aectioo of land. A group of meo at Dxawkie are a mod­ em church as they look at tha-f^lds they are nurturing near here. They are membera of the Evangelical rnlted Brethrm Church of Oiawfcle and if the crop lives up to expectatloni. a modem sanctuary for the congregatioQ will rise on the hilltop site of new Oxawlde. l4iymen of the church have responded to >1 need to replace the old church which will hr inondated by laatera backing up behind Perry Dam They leased ISO acres of good bottom kind at the east edge of Oxawkle. pampered the ground this spring, planted U to mUo and corn and now are tenderly cartag for It 'And ait we're out is $1,100 for the rent. ' said W A Kramer, a roerober of the church a

board of trusters lay leader of the crop pro] «ri and Jefferson (nunty treasurer at Oska loosa When !i was determined that all huildings m (Hawkie, a community approximate ly IB mites northeast of Topeka would be un der water when the dam Is completed the Fl’B Churrh st)M iLs property here Uj the Corps of Engineers for $35,000 ' That’s Short of what we peed to build a suitable and ade<|uata replacement in the new lownsite just two miles west," said Kramee We figured we. could do It for $85,000 That left $50,000 to raise *' The church ccmference offered the congregaUon $15,000 if It could match It That would put the churrh project close enough t<i realize Its goal We were thinking in terms of big money s«3 we decided to do something big Instead of wasting time on small projects," Kramer said We asked the corps about renting «ome of ttiia good land ao we could raise one crop We don’t know the availabUlty of the L'‘nd after this fall but maybe we could g^t I second crop ’

The laymen mv-ested church money in the rent of the land, found merchants who offered free seed and lined up ;wlunieer help u, work the land The project began in May when volun­ teers showed up every Monday to plow the land and plant the seed As many as 19 tractors w«>rked on a day while the wives set up a ba.skei lunch at ibe church for the workers The volunteers have gone over the fteW with a rotary hoe and when it dnes. theyTl go m to cultivate "We had a UUie wash when tboec aeven Inches of ram fell Sunday night." Kramer said, "but we had a good stand of com and milo So we may be all right ’’ Membeo of the Dzawkie EL^ Church sureU hope so Every time they look out acrosa tiwoa fields alongside K-W eul of town, (bey tee a new


high on a

hlU In

tba new

Ozawkie to the west.



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W, A. Kramwr. a member of ihe cKurcK's board of irosiee* and un-eiecied Heed of the volunteers, examined hit equipment before working the fields. The present EUl Church, which will be beneath water when Perry Derw it completed, itends on e corner not far from the post office of Oxewkie. It, too, <t being replaced. MIOS'AV. ieee ir


Kansas ranch is setting for readable new book ("TV FrU d Dvt ’ky J Mlinia C*.. BM

. HU.)

Coming u it doe^ when eo musj beoki on Knnui ire long-wterlng, pcT-yov-ownw«, ul« bf pioneen end tana «( pfeneen who have done much more Uvtng than writ­ ing. -nie FeU of Dark" ia a pUaaant aui^ pnae Reader! need not (ear. Jadaon JeronM has pul uigelhrr a genuine, hooa tide cootemporary novel that uaea pnaenl-day Kanus people as the row material for a nowl, rather than as the packagli^ SelUng lor the book la a aucceatfnl cattle ranch ■omewhere in Soutfawoatem Kaam When the chief character, Hanp Cable, ar­ rives at adulthood, all that neada lo ha has been done and he la left to rent hit drives in some quite unprcAtahla ■■uim** There are three striking character!; Har­ ry, the middle-aged prohlon child; OUea, hu elderly, driving mother, who enioyi an­ ting ouLside In her nightgown plhsking at coyotes, and Maggie, the ccuatn, and proba­ bly the only frontier rematnlag for Harry. It IS the pathetic itocy of oca of i*-—

aon of pioneer! who iniiemed the aama final of restless, willful spirti irhlcfa droro thetafather!, but found themselves without a fron­ tier on whtah to spend It It Is the story of a mother irho has tried all her hie to instfll Mme sense of shame ki

on the bookshelf

It actually yhieves that level of profea•toualism where the reader besltatea to reach the end and lake leave of the new people ha met there- -despite hts optnloo of Hwww Ha ending is brutal, and. at Brit, iidielievabie Bui, as you put II aside, the little ' polDleri creep back Inlo your mind. By be­ coming believable, it becomes even mors drsmslic -Ralph Marsh.

Raodom » » >


BfUeen Jan 27 and V-E Day there was an avaJanrhe of headllM war devHopmeni.N Toiand has summarixed Ombd Id a book nf more than 600 pagea. I usmit rH*re-and-now tech- i niquf^ for his .stor> In the beginning, the I R'jviians mere pouring ] ihrwigh ihe Eastern front, I JUM d dash Irom Berim At the emi there was the chaoa of surrender fast following a periiKl of 19 days m which I PreMdeni Roosevelt died of ^ • stroke Mu-ssohni was killed b> hv <mn people and HilJcr killed him>ielf Inland has t>e*'n wlectlv- He has not gneii .1 balanced comprehensive view of the war, which would hava taken volumaa. He move?, from one tense acena to aootber (Aa dwl (ollia-t and Idapterre In the recent "la Pans hurninji’ bul Toland la leia llowwy ) \h tells of pnsnn campe, the Drenden UiMi ini; the Irkiion between British and

in liir pugnacKiuf world of British hbtori.ii'v Hut’h Trevor-Roper Is smong the nnirr formidable controversialists. Hers he Ntkpped boldly out of hls fiekl—modem Kuro^iean and notably German hiitary—for a pleasunt and profUabte czcurakio. He M*eks III define the Inbicato process by which the heirs of the shattered Roman Elmlurt built a rivtiizaUon and moved on tu la.xting iniellei'Uial and geographic conquesLv Trevor Roper s course traverses knotty htvUinral problems which have been long Jetiaied iSome British medievalists, be says •Hh a reriain relish in hia prefsce, slread> 4M


IS. 1944

7 I « Id

1 In Cold Blood. ” Capote 111 1 Ttie Last Battle," Kyan (II 3 The sioo 1* Trapp Family Singer!,’ Trapp 131. 4 Psycno-Cybernetici," Malta (4), 5 ’Games Heople Play," Bene (51. I A Thin Book by a Formerly Fat Psyclualruc. ’ Rubin (7), 7 Proud Tower,’ Turbman (I). 8 'Papa Hemingway." Hotebner «l 9 Unsale a( Any Speed," Nader (9) 16 "There Goes What'i Her Name," Graham itli 11 How lo Avoid Probale," Dacey 11 Three Years in Misaoaippl." Meredith

makes good book

Toland has used as hia sources DOk only the histor es, memoirs. imerrogatkMB and archival details, but also many tetervtewa with key participants So this 15 a narrative rather than a his­ tory Exports undoubtedly will chaUa^e many of Toland s interpreutions For the lay reader, his mam eontribulloe hat bacB to erwale - largely through the um of dialogue and description - a feeling that tha rmAa a present at momentous events. Hit story has the urgency of desperate batlte. —UBea A Smith. Associated Press.

Building a civilization > TV Rise of CMttaa Earope'* by Hugh Trevor-Roper BaresaM, Braaec. t&.kS.

i. t

"Hotel." Hailey (1). -The Sour«," Mictaaner (1). "Tell No Man," St Jobe (I). "Up Ibe Down Slairrnaa," Kaolroan ill. ’Tbe ABventurei!." Robbha (4). "Meiilres a in ttie Morning." HnU IS). -Tai-Pan." Oaveil (•). -Skye Canwron." Wbilney (7). ’Tbe Croup." McCarthy (W). , The Fell ol Dark." Jerome.

Leningrad Siege

Ameriran.s staffs, the Yalta Conference, and somewhat acx'Ktental Remageo brWJg^)ead, local strife m Vienrw ar^l Prague, the G«r man extermination camps, the Rnaatan de­ termination to get IP berim white Etenhower decided to bypass it. the Germana' trwotlc efforts (o seek Western refuge rather capitulate to the rough Russians. He cxHjIdn t include everything; auch fig­ ures as (akcring and Eichmann barely appear in these pages and -eacept for Dresden) there is little reference to Ihe air war or the V 2 problem

■re reported to be sharpening tbefr kidsea for him < Why did the Roman Empire coilapee'* What role did Christianity play te drams’’ How did the feudalism arise? What were the sources of the RcoatoMDM? Never reluctant with resowodlQg opinion, Trew Roper provides persuaaive if sometteM cobIroversiai answers Uniformly be avoids the pitfall of aligning a single cause to comptei evenL^ H J Cappon, Associated Preta.


r'Levi^rwd IM!: TV Bteehade” hy Drattii V Pavlov. Univenily of CUciga Press. M-MiCme of the most remarkable books to be published in s long ume - ' Leningrad IMl The Blockade b> Dmitii V Pariov It’s remarkable for two reasons First, because it tells the story of what happened to • city of three mlUion people wha it was cut off from the mainland and surrounded by Ihe enemy for 24 years during WorW War II The su-ge of Leningrad lasted almost 900 days the longest siege to the history of modem warfare — and the city never surrendered By comparison, tbe famous siege of Pans during the Franco-Prussian War lasted lust four months. But tt’t not only a mailer of time The dty of Leningrad tf one of the coldest to tbe world: the tem­ perature often goe.s down to 20 to X below tero In the w^jiter So “Lenliifrad IHl: The Blockade ' is both a factual history book and an epic siory of human endurance. No fobd or almost none, no fuel to bewt tbe houw: no electricity; daily air rahte aiai artiil^ barrages - and atUl tbe etty Vid «Jt ttamst the Germana for MB diyawhiM a quarter of a miUloQ people died of cold(aod starvation TTiere’i tnote rewon wby It IS a remarkable book, airi tbit b that H‘s a Russian book, arlgtoaDy pub­ lished m the Soviet Unk» in USB. There were many aspecu of the siege Lenin­ grad which tbe Soviet government might weu prefer to forget about. But here, to this book, some of the dirty linen is actually washed in public Lawrence N. DiPietro. librarian. Topeka Public Library.

By HELEN LEE JAMES Prapooed legialatioa oa dap k national and local headtMaa. 80!«| aa> gnaamen say ite vartoos UBi an dif Mail bit and regulation oT dsfi far jabonkry use have evoked moro inaii Ihaa Da Vta Nam situation. Ihe and pwimiy infUtioQ. and chrd rigbti g ^ value our dogs as family menbers we nu protect their mterestj and welfare. Tbit knphee a greater nwponaWHty than mvy p«>pie are willing to devoM M what they cow Oder a mere animaL We hope that people of Tbpeka wiS take aa much interest in tha local need for new dog ordmaoces as baa baen ^owb the national level. lUi baa been a populv topic among dog club menben and has gtees us reason to try to find wbnt other dOa have done. From our dtamaiinw. rmearch and thought we have anivad at a Dumber of points. Aay dog abould co age ownerUtip by rvarMafcli people. pn> tect tbe besdth *nd wetfart of tbe d^ ^ the nocHlog-loving public from being mcDaced and amoyed, and prwvUe lufficiai] « ahwhiT tod funds properly to administer such a prograa. TTds b admittodly a large ord«- We HiAiA r cm be It Is a small segment of cooscieDtious people who now support our hfwmrtwg pro­ gram. We would like to seo tbe TBtm)>»r increased Perhaps reduced fees could be allowed for dogs which have succesafully graduated from one of tbe locai training classes or abolished for the dog who has one or more AKC obedience degrees For their own protection dogs must not be allowed to run at large. Heavy trsflic an! OUT increased use of pesticides are only two of many reasons Rabies b a coosttnt threat and Ignored by too many We must have sweeping program of inoculatloos It will not be easy to overcome the resistance peo­ ple have toward maodalory rabies shob Perhaps seasonal short term clinics ft re duced rales would help Heavy penalties snd fuies should be provided for the persoo who wilfully abuses or mt^treats an animal

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NON-nenoN her son, to make him feel things shout people She doesn’t realu how early ahe succeeded Although parts of the book strain the tmaginaUon.J such as tha motfaer’i ap tempt to keep Harry from knowti« die fuU ilory on hLs ^1 car accident, Um ovarall story is well d^

Pace of war picks up during vital 100 days nv l4>l m Dtyi" by

TOPEKA'S CHOICES CBmM V clFXkMWkM flBur« »» W a« TapMu avlAc Uferwr. Tlw Afm M iiiiWWiMi U rWMW ■» Pi*-

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I Bl 5 "to W aeo* • I •ea»i Hmmm mm I mamb I ADOBSU I cmr


w aammm-t see I sasi. iTjkTt


Mrt. C#ct1 t. Hanton h«t combined b«rb«rin9 4nd mutic for « happy (ifa. Horo $b« U tKowfi playing a matodica, a wind inttrumanf with a kayboard.

BY PEGGY GREENE Mr*. Oci B. lUnaon haa baan • barber ta Tbpeki for 91 yean Htr laai shop, which waa tB tba Gbfaxkal Hotel, was dosed H yean a^ bat riia now serves a few customera Id ber honie at 12£ Kansas An. Aa tba tapered off in her barber wort fha haa accelerated Id ber music, which haa be« a UfeloQd Interest 'nxM«d> *be lays aha *^cao*t read a note/' the bas id ear for a tunc, and can reproduce it on several Inatrurnenta. She trlma ttie hair of seyn-al friends tn ourtlDf hamea, and they jjrse that the barberhif ba fbUowcd by music. Mn. HflMOO pTw up on a farm near Bumett’a Mowl. Somewhere she got bold of a trambooc and taigcht herself to play H, offering ai proof the fart that r>eif{hbon half

Sometimes a man would rome Into the shop and, aecing oobody but a woman, would aak, • Wbere’i the harber**" •Tm tba barber. ’ Mrs Hanson would rtlitjr The poCeotUl customer would lometlmea say. *Tm oot gotni to have any woman ararttng oo ma ” Her answer. “Now you just come get In this chair and try it." would end the argu­ ment, and oftener than not. the mac would be back again. Mrs. Hanaoo k>ved th* young men la the ctonbat crews from the Air Base - so young, so frcab-looklnc. so confident, so eager Haey talked to ber about wires and sweethearts and lathers and mothers and sometimes chfldren. She looks back oo those yean with pleas

Scissors and music a mile away could recognize the pieces she played. Sht also had a mouthharp and the fam­ ily bad to organ. When she went to Auburn to bear a bmd concert she would come home, wake her parents, and play oo the or­ gan the airs she had heard that evening She jast "picked up" the organ, and the mouthharp When she was a young woman, Mrs Hanaoo worked at the MethodngjHnma and watched a young barber college student when he came to cut hair and shave the men at the borne “I bebeve I ctiuld do that she said, and asked if they took women at the college Told that they did. she enrolled the next 5Ut unlay and studied unui she graduated and received a stake license She continued to wort In the bone unul she obtained a job m a shop. She worked io a couple of shops, one on Kanaaa Avenue anl one in the College Hill shopping dtstrtot before she opened her first shop U was 00 Kansa.s Avenue between kth and Cth and she was there during the war Many barbers were m military aennee. and Topeka bad many servicemen, both from tha Air Base and passing through, who neaded barber work Mrs. Hanmo said ^ often worked from « in the morning until 11 at night

lire Everybody, aoldiers and civilians, were '.rytng to help, living within the limns of raUoo cards, and foUowtng some beloved young man with letters all over EUin^ or (he Pa-\ cifk. Soon after the war Mrs. Hanson moved ber shop to the Colonial Hotel, where she operated It ontU ItSS, when she moved It to her home Sha has always loved barbertng sod has kept many customers Mrs. Hanson has tour children Marjorie <Mre Doo Norton) lives In Centralia; Mar­ shall Hanson is In Salina; Mrs Edith Queen lives to Tiffin, Ohio; and Mane (Mrs Walt Hornsby) bi Topeka She has four grandsons, and two greet-fmndchiWren Friends have asked her why she did not take up beauty parlor work 5vbe did take a course, but when she was at barber college, one of three women studying there beadty parlors had not yet started Women had their hair cut in barber shops had learned to shave men and lo trim their hair and fbe enjoyed doing K “I can handle a razor today." she says, aa sleady as when I sUned" Mrs. Haofoa has half a dozen as.sorted mouthharpa, including one with chromatic scale She found a device at • music store which rests on the shoulders and supports a harp In her mouth while she accompames herself on the piano



1,000 years

5Mi(i "I" UMJfi


^ jtSb

By BROOK 1.. HAINES Poland's traditional white eagle oo a red shield provides the design for the S-cent PoUsb millennium commemorative stamp design It was unveiled officully recently by Postmaster General Lawrence F 0 Bnen and Judge Thaddetu V Adesko of Chicago Ihe first day of issue will be July 90 in Washington. r> C The actual anniversary observed b that of the conversion to Chnstunity of Prince Bdieszko 1 by the chaplaio of his Rt^iemlan bride. Dabrowka. m 988 A D. The 1.000th anniversary of the adopiion of CbrbUanlty In Poland Is a stgnifiram event In Poltsh history This was one of the definKe indications that the Poles had become a part of Western clvnltzation The designer is Ed­ mund D Lewandowski. director of the Layton School of Art, Milwaukee HCs work appears lo more than a dozen museums, here and abroad. He has won numerous awards ‘Hie original order b for 115 million copies PruduetkB will be 00 the Cottrell press at the Bureau of Engraving and Prloting ITm Poatmaster, Washington D C 90013, will eztand all tha usual first-day services The first of last month, the Vatican issued a set of itz ftamps to mark this important Poll* event , . ’ Ihrae Folklore stamps will be issued by the Republic of Qiina this year Tie first, on June a, wlD Invite atternim lo the Dragon Boat Featival. The cakrfbl boat races recall a famous poet and itatqsman. Qm Yuan, who. after be was exiled by h:s king, drowned himarif to show hb loyalty The races began with Qie boats sent to search tor him • • e Belgium has just issued ■ set of seven sperial stamps to call attention to ns sclentl6c taitUuttom. The 1-franc value, honoring the Royal InstttDte of Natural Sciences, pctons the riteletan of a dinosaur Some of the other organbatlnns thus honored are the Royal Museum of Central Africa. Meteorok)0ca] Inatttuta, the General Archives, the Royal Library, the Royal Observatory and tha Insttuta of Space Studies see A thM prtottMof the 1M4 Register Vota poetaga stat^ waWrdered by the postmaster gcuraL In coonectlOQ with this announcemeot. the postmaster general said. In part ‘Tbdaa at least to mlilioo Americans do not vote. Thb stamp b directed primarily at thb aetf-dbfranchlsed group and is Inteoded as a reminder of the privilege and reepoosl^ bllRy that voting entaiis ' PoAtmasters are being Instructed to keep the Register-Vote stamp on sale through election day Sixteen new plates have been cerOf ed by the bureau for cnroplettng the new prim order of 119 mil­ lion stamps The (wo previous pnntings to­ taled 115 mUlioo The American First Day Cover Society, as a membership inducement during June. July and i» offering a free copy of an “offlciat" first day covrr of the IKI 3cent Liberty Post Card, unaddreeeed with Arlrrafl cachet end slogan canrellaUon. Their eddrest ft 5l2 Soudi «ah East Ave . TuUa. Okla 74112 • e e The Ministry of rommuntratioo of the Yemen Arab Rc^blic announced It released a set of eight postage stamp- to mark the Football World Championship omtest • a • Gen and Mrs Dwight D Eta celebrata their 50th wedding anniversary on July 1. Tha Eisenhower Po-vu) Society. O Doherty Drive, Clifton N J . ha' prepared • two-color cacheted cover for ranrellation and

Serviced covers are S cent' »*acti Thi' fwmprofit organization is now in lenth >ear a e • With SIPEX jtst closed Koni** a'--- able lo look ahead as far ten ymrs anc. find Ing that 1978 la liie 20Qth aiini'<-r'.jr\ of American Independence, comr up with the idea that the International PhUatetir F.xfnhl tna for that year should be held in Phila­ delphia. '

• • •

L. Rohe Walter, who was special asMstaoi for public retoUons under Postmaster General Arthur E Summerfieid dunnti Presh dent Ebenhower'i terms, died month Belmoot Fartes is commenting on Vlaiters record said, ‘^o mao has had more influ­ ence on United States sump policy ir recent years." Faries pointed out that when the beau blcolor SUtue of Liberty reguiar whs tnued In 1961 it was given ■ full and pn> fesslooal pttoUcity treatment aided consider ably by tnctoaioci of President Euenhower in tha program The results in terms of newspaper and televisKw coverage, were eefn«rSr»Ki^



Oworg* HUeMnr

Your banker is protected., are you? WhHi you take out a ni>>rt fsge OB your home th« twnk ct eouTM. b»M to nuke aur* Ita tnvwtznant la irumred Don’t forget tc that the unmortgaged pa.n ymir boane tha part ><>n «| reaily paid for proceed with ln.-i.i-«ru-e. too! Cah us for • rompleif r"-ufv •rty tnsuranre cnecK . )> today

Meade <-


Insurance KPI. 8U Rsama Ave.—(T 4^l&S?

Funne to tina ity, Wico, d»ep in the he»rt at Tex**, w«* named after th* H*uco IndUn* who were the Htm to aettle In the fork of th* Bran* and Boaque Riven. The; choae me locatioa. ao th* atery goea, becauae they believed a tornado would never reach them there. That waa many years ago. On May II. ItS3. a tornado tore through the city. kUUng 114 persona and causing tS« million in damage Roaring down the city's main street, the deadly twister look with It many buildings—and the legend hand­ ed down by the Indians after whom the dty was named Today, a newcomer would never know of the disaster unless he had beard or read about IL The only signs of srbat happened U years ago hi Waco are a lew aitra parking lots where buildings used to be.

ty ovoers. almost as tf they were being pulkd by the tomaao's suction, niAad tnio the vacuum to befln rebulk&Bg practically before the funne] was out of i||bL Some already bave definite plaaa. Many have tentative plau. and other* art itili mrveymg the destruction. Among those with definite pUna to David J Miller, president of HuntiagtOQ Proper ties. Most of the Hundn^too apartment and shopping center complex at Wb and Gage Wes pulverized when the Topeka tornado plowed Its wav down the siopea of Burnett's Mound “We re going to rebuild instantly." Miller said. • The original plans wil! be naed, and ttie buildings «il) be ready for occupancy agaio in moe to 12 tnootha. Damage at Huntington Park was estimat

-....■Ts-wcw. -rrn:^’ ,c-


X' -V -w .

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CuHIng fhri hrewoh Southwait Topaka. fha twiitor UvalaJ valao naarly avaryfkinp •voryfkina m th path. Only a faw utility polat survivad tha vangaful winds. Laokinq aait from Ga^a. homai on tha frinQa of tKa tof' nado can ba saan at tha appar r*9ht.

T /

■■ .




Claanup craws movad acrusi fh* Waihburn Univariiiy campui Thursday morning.


The mi of the havs been r»built, and Waco ateadUy. "Our rebuilding 1 was largely the resuit of the dedicalM of our cttiiens." aald Mayor P M Johnst "It was tbe knowl­ edge that we had no alternative but to come back." The paraOela between Waco and Topeka are worth compermg. Tbpeka. too. bad a legend. Tbe Indians, so th* story went, believed Burnett's Mound would protect the city from tornadoes. The tornado which npped tfarougb the city June I apUt and went around the mound it cut through the heart of the city-tnctudIng the downtown area—hnt as Waco's tor­ nado did In IK3 Waco's metropolitan population Is IS.OOP- about the same as ‘Topeka's. Nothing can replac* the 114 lives hMt In Waco or the 14 taken by the twister which left a wide path through Topeka in shambles less than two weeks ago. But the buildings ran be replaced, and Topekam already are slurwhig a detarmlnahoo Id come back stronger than aver. Bustnes-smen, public officials and proper-

ed at H mUliao. It accounted for a big part of the estimated total of tlN milUon in dam­ age to Topeka. Two of the buildings in the complex—the Himtington and the Embassy with M units each- were almost leveled The S3-unit El Dorado escaped with the east side standing "We were fluid and we are ftak) and we are going to rebuild, " Miller said "Ahnosi every tenant has said he would like to come back Th* morale has been great" Tenants moved into patched El Dora­ do apartments on the east side within i week after the tornado The El Dorado should be orady lor full orcupancy to three months “'We've saved 16 units In the El Dorado and il can be rebuilt." Miller said "The other ■wo buildings will have to be tom down and completely rebuilt " Farther east the tornado did axtanaive damage to the red brick rtuster known as the Sargent Apartments aoudnnsi of Woabbum University on list (kirdon Zimmerman, manager of the bulldi^. said II* units of the U* M the 16-buOdtng complex were damaged eitenalveh The buddings wilt be rebuilt probably

it^s Topeka in transition n a» 5«m» louoditlom in the same plan ^ 5lyle, he said. Zimroerman said no lafgel dale has been „ (Of compielion o< the new structures b» insurance estimates had no i beer comIfie^, (nil be set a "gnesamate of sis to leht toonlhs " fU Washburn University, the tornado oused an fsltmaled IIO mUlion m damage ut tailed to destroy the univetalty'i plans a open neit tall on Oe ravtshed campus l„ defmiie program lor rebuUdln* has been Siabitshed. but university administrators ave a master key to recoostruetkjD—hope Topeka public school administrators are opelul funds will be available to rebuild 1 IIS,000 m property which was destroyed The greatest damage took place at Cenral Park Elementary School It was delared a total loss. Btsbop Elementary School iisc was heavily dama^. Federal disaster officials are to tour the lumaged areas Monday. Their inapecuoo Is be completed In about three days If ne dislncl is eligible lor federal funds, the nods are eipecled to be available almost Busin«^9es with tb« will to rebuUd are ac-ed *iih ihe problem of '^Jaylng aUve inanciaily m the interim. 'Pieir reaourcefulir^si IS helping keep tbe city’s economy from lagging while busioesa starts us climb to*arrl new heiijhla m months and years to •ome Severn] damaged or demolished drug stores lor example, are filling prtsu-TipUons »i other stores which escaped the mrnado s wrath ' Wt ve been here all along .Kaid the Dperabtr of one drug s'sore <*hu-h needs a new roof Pivple have to have their piMs vou know Ai iea.1t one bartMTshop affet lrd t>> the vhirrn hai moved in to share me faciUUes of Hiiiithrr whirli was sfiared Kven in the miwi heavily d.inuiged busi nevs areas ;iich as Ihe 1000. HOO and 1200 lilih'ih on Kansas Avenue the Uik is of going tin in business, nut on going out Zen nei Photo Inc plans lo proreed with pn*N iikus plans lo remodel the former IlfMimark Cards Inc. building into a ph<no Crushing plant, adding lomado repair ifh- projfii nberer s bquor Store. 1023 Kansas, will stay right here and get fUted up. ' Henrietta I iberer said Joe Smith Motor Co , 1121 Kansas, has puRhased the former Jayhawk Motors site at 700 W 6th and is moving part of its opera­ tion there Many of the busiBesaei have re-opened at their old snea and plan to rebuild Uter others have moved to temporary facflllies until their long-range plans Jell. At loth and Qutncy, damage to Shortman Motors totaled 1750,000 Five buiWlnga were damaged, three beyond repair. But the com­ pany will rebuild at lOtb and Quincy while sales fxmllnue at the firm's temper^ loca lion ai the Mid America FairgroudK Heumann Demal Laboralory. 900 Quincy, where damage wru set at about $150,000 has nuived ]nio temporary headquartan in the ^rab Shnne Temple, 03 Jackson, while It poe» ahead with plan.s for ■ new building i*i >tb and Adams In the Oakland area, Santa Fe Raiiway s are in excess of $2 million So far. tfforr? have bem direcled toward cleanup Kehuiiding plans will come later The Armco plant at 2707 Seward is stnig i;ling u) keep up a minimum amount of taisidespite losses totaling about 9900.000 We sull haven’t misaed a day and will rommue to pull from our stock and acne our - usiomera.’* a«M W W WlTkliwofl, pn>diruon manager. He did net know when re­ pairs wo>jld be completed. Kast of tile 9th Street bridge. M Katch

Ut* Topolia mat at Naw Jaruialem Baptisf Church. 1018 E. fth. to discuix aulxtanca in tha arja. Phil Giuttary, 304 Chandlar ipoka to Dr R^bwrl C Hardar i right l Hardar it Jopaka di^ractor of tha Off>ca of Economic Opportunity. Fadoral disaitar oHieiali will start a thraa day tour of damagad araat Monday.

it Co already has begun rebuUding. and Is operating as best n can, said owner Meyer Katch Tbe Santa Fe Vtckers service lUlkn at 8th and Branner is amoog the demoUahed twsmesses planning to rebuild Meanwhile. It is insialling a temporary service Immedietely Across the street, the Dairy Queen was a total loss We have to wait and see If they ithe city I are going lo build a throughway across the city before we can ma«e plans. ' CieraW Vitl. co-manager said He referred to a proposal to acquire land along the path of the tornado for a diagonal imfficway across the cil? Cify of fn-ial5 are sludying the idea and looking for . possible federal tssislaoce l ily officials lack even a vague estimate on tornado damage to municipal facilities They have been weighted down with cleanop responsiblhUes and refocation of displaced persons The state suffered damages estimated at 81 998 550 to buddings bui Ulk about rebuild ing now Is premature. Martin Klger director of the Deparmient of Administration said Topeka Transponaf-on Company s hopes

hinge Largely on an applicatioo for federal which lo build a new garage V^ funds with wii 1 possibly loans from Small Busmens Adpossi nWstraU alioQ. I Tbe icorapairy suffered kisses totaling ut 9900,000 but returned to partial operaB^l ■ few days after the tornado when the buses which survived tbe storm ap­ peared on the ttreeu Another hesniy damaged shopping center is CoOege Hill Anoouficemeota by TWord Piano Co and CoUegc Hill Pharmacy, how­ ever. sre typtral of the determinatioo of tbe &hoppmg center's merchants to keep plug-

Topeka school district efficiaia checked e map pf the city shewing the pafK of the tornado and Its relation to public, scKoeis. They are I from left! Mrs. Mary Ellen Huey, pupil ac­ counting office; Dr Merle R. Bolton, city superintendent; Or. Harold L Blackburn associate luperintandent: and Raymond Tihey. director of puoil ac­ counting Plans for rebuilding schools #r* b*mg fofm*d.

gmg. Cart Tilford. altbough ibe second fkwr of his building ts gone, plans to rebolld at the same toeation and has alrea^ ordered I fresh Stock of pianos The pharmacy also H among the cenirr s businesses which have decided to re­ build Meanwhile, the pharmacy is continuing to fill prescriptiont. While Topeka rebuilds, it has the "best wishes’* of the people of Waco. Tei We certainly know how to sympathize with you ' Mayor Johnston said

BB MirWAT Ja^ it ma


Funnel to finality, W»c«, dt»t> tr U» h»»r1 of T«»3. w« Mined ofter Ibe Hauco Didlain who wore the fir* to lettle in the (oili of tho Braoa ind Boaque lUrcn. They chooe ne locottoo. to the ittry too. becniM they believed t tormdo would oever reach then there. wu many years t|o. On May U. 1863. a tornado tore through the city, killing lU peraon and causing ISO million in damage. Roaring down the niy's mam street, the deadly twister took with it many buildings—and the legend hand­ ed down by the Indians after whoa the dQr was named. Today, a newcomer would never know of the diaastar onlaa be had beard or road about it ‘nii only signa of wfaat happened 13 yean ago in Waco are a few extra {torkmg lots where buildings used to be

ty owners, almost as if they vert being pttlkd by tha tornado's saeticBv nahad Mto the vacuum to begic rebuOdlBg pmctlcalh before the funnel was out d dtfat. Some already have defmltt piant Many have tentative plans, and others art atiil survey ing the destroctioo Among those with defiUle plans la David J MUler president of HufitMclaQ Proper ties. Must of the Hmttinctae apaitmeut and shopping center complex at Wh and Gagr was pulverized when the TOpeka tornado plowed its way down the stopea of Burnett s .Mound “We re going to rebuild insSaotly.’' Miller said The onginal plans wiU be naed, and the buildings will be ready for occupancy ague m nine to 12 mooths. Damage at Huntingtoa Park was estima: w-




1 =SV" CUanup craws moved acrosi tha WatK* burn Univarsity esmput Thursday morning. 441

lilOWAT. jMt If. im

The parallels between Waco and Topeka are worth comparing Topeka, too. bad a legend. The IndUm. so the Story vent, bebevad Bumea's Mouw . would protect the city from tornadoes The tornado which npped through the city June I spbt and went around the mound It cut through the heart of the city—itrluding the downtown are»--|usl as Waco's tor­ nado did in 1«3 Waco's roetropoliian populatioo is 1ft (XMi—about the same as Topeka's. Nothing can replace the 114 bves lost in Ware or the 1C taken by the twister which left a wide path through Topeka to shambles less than two weeks ago. But the buildings can be replaced, and Topekans already are thowtog a detervMnatioa to ctane back stronger than ever Businessmen, public trfTictals and proper-

Dorado escaped with the east skle standing **We were flnid and we are fbild and we are going to rebmkl." Miller aaid “Ahnost every imam h»s said he would like to come back The morale has been greaL" Tenants moved mto patched El Dora­ do apartments on the east tide wlthto t week after the tornado The El Dorado should be ready for full occupancy to three moBths •We've saved 16 units to the Et Dorado and It can be rebuilt ' MiDer said ‘"Die other two buildings will have to be tom down and oofnpletety rebuilt ” Farther east the tornado did extensive damage to the red bnck chmter knows as the Sargem Apartmeota souChwem of Waabburn liraversfty on Hat Gorduo Zimmerm*!. mtoiajfer of ttie bufldii^. said Hf onits of the lit to the iMnrildtog compki were damafad catalveh The buiMmft will be rebuilt, probably


television report

midway 1

J the week for


Berle is

June I9-June26

Sheldon may become star




Noitalgic vl«wm «!» s<isp«cl that lair visioD csicrtalDneDt haa gotta staadily doan hill tinea tha great “goMan days" o» the ear ly UHi, wU haea a chance la find out whelbar televtskni has changed - or whether they haea. MUha Bcria - once "Uncle MUUr "Mr. Tuoday Night." "Mr Show Bust ness" — retams In televuion In SaptemSer with a etilety abow on ABC attar a la year absence. And Milton Berle hopes to mount a Friday night program which will not be, at foundatioa, much different from the Tuesday night program that, with Ita incep. Uon In IMl, himed him Into lalevisioo’s first really Ug star. Tha quesitons riewers will be answering win Inchidt: Wat Berle, clowning In women’s clofhas as funny as Omoe early audiences — most of them crowded Inle bars and grills thought he wmT After hD these years of the earefulli trrlUcii "ad Uha” and the artfully engineered tD • tod one ottier vaii^y shows, will Berio’s stinging retorts and color fill taanlls ran fte Urlng room viesrers out of their easy chalriT Barlahtmaalf dtesn’l Ihiok thal the tele visi«' audleDca has really changed, il’s Jos> that there are more of them And he believes thal larger andteaeei will appreciate the same Und of broad comedy it dkt almoal 20 yean age. Berie'a "Star ’Theatre" lasted for eight frenetic yenn. Berle himself became a leg endary character reputed to penide over all phases o( tha production of his shows like a Umer In a cage fun of Ikms Then tha ihow stopped. Berle had been signed to a very profitable long term con tract by NBC hod except for a thoroughly forgeltlbla ibort'lired show alter that, hr has appeared only occasionally in guest shotn Two Hitnga brought him back to star in his own ihow. First was the renegotiation of the NBC coMncI which permitted him to ap pear on other networks Second was an ip pearance as host-comedian on ABCs ”Hnl lywood Palace’’ rwaultlng In a rating several points higher than the usual one pulled by thal hour of vaudeville

Not as brash as ha onca was Berle, at U, however. Is not Itw same aggressive, brash show business know it all be was at the beginning of his iclesision < a reer. Years, success, rinancial securily and perhaps moat of all - a happy marriage have mellowed him considerably But he la as excited as a beginner aboui returning In television as a regular "I fed that television is in a new era hen, then’s a whole generation that has nei er seen ma." he cxirioded. ’ Kids who knew me aa their UKle Mlltie in Ihose days have tbelf own Uda now. ” Ho doesn’t think that the public tired of is comsdy style — "hokey and wild." he cans H —and ha seal nothing at all wrong with what ha colli “settler and pteon-the Dose" comedy.—Associated [h-ees



CEIS hod a hoopla lo generate enthusiasm among the press for its coming tHewsum season High spoLi were a banquet, a: which all the CBS siar<i were Introduced and a quick tnp li) Siir. Franciihco for kick'Al Ifir banquet, I sat with CBS Pri‘:»jd«*nl Johr\ Re>'nold9 and Danny Kaye. Well, ac­ tually I sat with CBS President John Re>iv olds and a traosistor radio, because Danny kept hu palm-sized tr<insistnr ui his ear all night listening to the Dodgers game Reynolds applauded politely as each star was introduced but 11 was only when Jack Sheldon stood up liial he was genuinely ap> precialive. ■ Thai Inn . ' he said, is going Ui be a very big Star some day " Sheldon wUI star in a new series "Run, I Buddy. Run.' on the network this fall. During the San Francisco trip, a group of us —purely as a psychological experiment —looked in on the North ^ach night clubs Here is where the topless dancers originated and still flourish and the whole atmosphere IS tawdry and depressing. K n#w 9«n*r<tton ol TV vitwtri and hit old fooi wtfl Hit whothor Milton We were dnven back to our hotel by a Borio't comody ifyU »till eon wow thorn whon ho rohirni In Soptombor ottor taxicab driver who is a psychology studem at 0 I0>Y^^ obtonco from dominating toiovikion icroont. Sao Francisco State I asked him wbat they U think of to top the topless —what can pos­ sibly come next? “Did you ever hear of S.M.?" be asked Sunday Morning We hadn't. He explatned that S.M. means Sado-Maaochism and alrokdy thera Is one h nw yiMrt «f small club where a girl lectures on the fine «*■ • -C II «• OonM points of sadism and masochism Ehreotually. «!■ CNurrh MM IN the cabbie predicted, there will be live dem­ nt« * Thil II a« i.t«« I Ogor nWMTWh t Or-Bl toaarti ons tratioos u» u«» Orr." be«*4Culture marches on iT-eww^tBr { CMI Md fllmM If Hh« Ct*»)■ TT'tf At that CBS banquet. Linda fCay'e Hen«ggg 0# IfW 1 FTWVMCvIg** I hWgrt III L«g AriMWltet t-Oiaatnr n ng came over to our taUe to talk to John •lit «-armvi CBOndM n>m nt» IVS—TMrw l)-Or«l "< Reynolds, The pretty young star of “Petii.geth# LXrt* **r 1 O—TW» to Oo Uto •* fici C««m H OhO AOwnO i« aMiiMinao icwM "Eortortev* Tarw»»« tte coat Junction” used to date Reyoolds son T«w*ra om* -TV Ocml Ttoi* CiKircn M "m Mifn-aht* t t TIltM TTt* tiTMCtcAht rripOfn H and pohtely paW her respects to him *—BMwO 'Thg AWm.< Into I UftiB My Fg»t I FMttt »m «KlgMM miPtr»le> nwHih*” •d* * «glth tor Tgoip tCaMri hiM tMvge #dtgOt'h»>*« Unlto Is still billed as Linda Kaye on ft II kfUnihg env ^t«^rl«• gg •Petticoat Junction " but she doesn't like it \ When the series started, she agreed to use Sunday Afternoon \ that name to please her father. Paul Henmng. A who originated and produced the series I -He was afraid I'd be hurt,” Linda says. t—Anagricap awWwti'^ '«ITi<egt»’ I aenmvnfTy OtBtovu* « • / because people might think I got the part TlhMlM I TSWgtof < *■•9 •-OpiAhMt ir Hi* CBO"*’ » OtoMpMmno I t Betty Jo I through him. which I didn’t But II f0t, to# Htnm fr» % Mgteil 'Th'ld oaOto'BM'r I \ t raili W*l» diO Enctwniw i»i«<kr' , ' ! never liked the name - I can't get used to TliM t>* U 4 OW* OM* tm i>-aiOi Owifto *-V«#i N«/r< i#ri#t IV-rai l*^\Mr*»ruwe people calling me Miss Kaye. That's not my V-*<««4»ur M«ur «iJi name ” Tewgauc# 4 BoS'HrVA' t rrt# Gr^wwsB 'T AtMto* B* Sfyrr»»«




Sunday Night t to g « r«#M

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Man 111*

f-0«to WorO

« v#rMB H no aanwo •>

*“ '■'“U n 4 My F#w#rn# M»r*la>» iCoor MArti««i m#«n«rv

F«flp " WWi dVniiBfn H#»I a*—iri WBMfx )n pgic Ch**ltO Al#t*i >1 Ij'r*' flOiiM. Jacot McCtra

iCa*0f 4h-«aa


ttfS ”l«rMOfi#ia IT S


SKe'i trytn9 9«f oM nam« Gradually she is try ing to get bark to her real name, by first going through a Linda Kaye Hemung step and then, hopefully, vshe can be just Unda Henning again Linda Whatever Her-Nainefls sti!! l.ves at home, which is rather unusual Most Holly­ wood girls can’t wall until thdy ran leave home and get a small hoose with a large mortgage But Unda says she s still happy with her parents. "I have t» urge lo go out or mj own.” she says ‘Tro able to lead an Independent life at home My pnrenti know Ime big girl and can take care of m.vjell ’’ She hopet, after her Petticoat ts taken oft idle air, that Ul. to move on to bigger things Newspaper Enterprise Assn. MIPWAT.jMalt. IVM

Pull Out for Weeklonq Television Section MO^^>AY NIGHT I i '

l» r«rlT NMl 4 •inrfn«n

^uMf tfan M 441 *M 0« G4<W^W« I' «>ni *itm lof m«t rwnrwr mm

r>« •••ine m* lr»f4 Hunrwv »rMi»T iCawr) i^m Jmt #4r<r>WT t CHt •VMTt 4- *M»* 1 Mr»

• rit 4rlt



W44fts«eK4M 4:» )>> Ta Tall IlM Trs/IA 9 Toaiva O-ciocfe MIfK. “P4Mln« (lar * jamai Oaiv.

IliT* Tit II i -araafftar Raicai tn a TwsMI ihmm (Cator V—MawTa Coantflwat

• 0«i a lacral 4->oMi PmrwyHm thmm iCatar) "Ahm Omim $iaa#r.‘ wtsai liaa It TTwat*' Malar a-A «Ma CaNaa Pi^iawaaifi rmtmr Immm W*mt mm mt Ah "TT»a Ladiat' iyr**r-m ttmdmm i» a»a" 84 8 rMai »r • Atn« «a pal marrladMpunTr iHiMar. f>» »—KrafT lymwar Miulk Han


•tH atrftaa ua «<•> LacT LafanI mt Jaaaa Jamat. "ttaunlHi." Wtaai Slraabarg atari a «ormar lava a* Aattart a«ia M4aa Mm wftiia har huMana la •«*i lha paaaa MmMib tim. 4-Of. KIMalfa. (Catar) ■■•agm. Ra«a A«atRat ntm Ortn« a* Via Mia Lr«4 •

;vte7. ■ ty-WMttwr,

far manv vtan as a aaiacisaa c*w«viar i> atarso ClsamC>On«IMa /ofnnr Bmarra *s faint Qtt.r GrffWi iCaiori Aa0y haatfi a tanatiHiaa *a

T«:a 8.-aAa»ia "OaAai" rCMr) HiM ly-Hattinaead va>aca llttl Hrnmm ll’V i Maoia Tha Vuaar~ tliS "***** • •f44»i»t*

twaan iha Botan mm ritatr

Rtaca III! U Haitywaav Taiani Uairta I laaHtMip Ipacial M-Tha Avai^an l-Mawla. Iscwaa My Dwtr (Ca(wl Htll U Jtawi. A) AtftriH la->—taawi ■narTiata. attar luwawp hfen ‘«—Maan

t.HirtnvAi 9- Amm far Ow^ TRnaa

TUESDAY NIGHT s« IT Varty Hr*i » Mara Gt*. will Travat Laava n la »aava< * waatfv WoaapacAar iToiar^ a ailMman St» nv-hmmm fCaforl 4 Hwnriar-Brlnaiav tfaior/ 4 Tha TaapH "Th» fir»i ftafth-

« «•

IV Haw*. Tarr> Pa>>nirr Waathar

14 f«a»a

*:!• 4tfl

* Waantar «tN »> l«am. iUA Mafrnaa VT-Spar«* *in tv-waaihar aawai Titorr^«< a waafharaca»a J F«ltarl4i a s«aaa Ua » E«lari4> 4 » tJ-Oaitarl 'Cotori c«a«araa

ahtian ara aarhlht and a MiMar li hirad la am iiwm daapna Or Mar^t Tracr’t artar la ratacaia lha a- atcMaia i Mar* Tha Atanpnimaft. tfar at McHaia-t itiand " n'l f rtand iCatai i trap la-Camtai t -F Traop avar/k* «i l aaa" A y«iat« Gl h rxti O'daittv ' Ht O'Powrta cuiad for M( citv-afraar , atartt a lampararr:* drrva faugfwaia ana dHra«ard far apaintt i iiy O'Vaiiiy •rtar tna laaa* a«ar hit «a><w> 4-My Maftiar lha Car a Akarra Rw»r Gantry :aiarl "RMdtar m> Ma Mafhar arartiaari thr« thraa faw«h cAaracTart ptot ivt-Pattwaat ji«t<tiw> tinp tta am a faraffn drpni ICaiwi A Jury at ptunertt 1ar> rarapat Kata •radtay » 9mom TiM awdPty aftar Uncta iaa hat 4-Piaa«a CTani Eat fha Ma Vtady Aatt mphi namad Oaiaiat. fCatar] "Nabodri atneta' ladainB novta tar tha Pariacl ' Wtian ioan County Court laarm itwt jam Iwt aaan 4—l»avtan Plata arraitad and laHaC tm h 4:44 cartaM rrt bacaaai ina nap IV-Sa^thmp tpaciai Julia ia<ta« ta pay an avardw paraiNB tvaat I—Cya an Kmtaa CVy l~lmathart Brafhan. DKa ■« ardarad tor an VV-Tha Fudlltra "An Appta a Day ' KMiMi tandi In baaa >a pnrauada Itia homa at a hahirpeatn My Italian maria aiar »a »a mta Hndt hlmtatt ttpniinp iwaat at hanar at dta an apainit pad madicai pra<tw*



. T-a-1- Mavt 4-~MaM »4:I4 4V4- waattiar 14? a IV •raattipr Ral^ Thami «-Tanipnt vtav iCafari {

>—Waarhar ’ 4 tpprrt

W-J4 . IT—Sportv Jim Haanat Waman

Vowtn Iaa j V>-Alarla taawt Wrap-Up i

I4t» -'LnMfr” t*tli IV Farnr $Amm Tl.a IV-HPPPV I Hilda ri M tna LvM pr Lkhcpin iCo^i n:il 4-Ai ««wad 4V Hmw%

4 Mmria :


>-Oally Ward 4 Marta "Cfltmm Virata' IXiT4 V Marla ''Tw^par* t^MipniipM Mill Aaitt. at Our Ttmaa

|>-V-Rad Maltwi rCoton a-Dr Xlldara (Cplari a , v CB1 Rapwl, Ammi ttaprn. a Fa« Fio» art ' A famoiA. tatKawwiad i>~*ta«v Ai Antin


V Mamant at «Aadti*nM<

WEDNESDAY NIGHT I 44 •V iarty ImwAf Nfwi } -Mpva Gan wm T>arat . I Ladra It to Baarar /


tna Taaan l,tt at Capt WyHa" 4 44 Tpm Parrnia*

tmmbi»mm By an aitan bay y-Batman. (Catpr) -im ^ -inaacaaMa Ckmr. Trap A iMitiar lady maplctw) Aidnapa Aunt Hprrlat npt IhOwmB rhal hara vKTMi li Bmn-i aunt a- Tha Vlrpknlan iCoMM 'Tha intrwdar* Mark Troaa* arM Mi awttaa panp taaa cantrai ta tha $mw< Ranch and plot ta itir up an Indian aar ti44 a Tha Patty Ova# (Nm ikfc in Bad Whan Ptrty tlayl hama tram achoa) tor a day ma acnaoi comai t« Va»»y.


4 tt 4'IS

• 1 Wrathar paipti 1 wnamnryigpr V idrta*.4i

iV4~Bauarly HllWOltaa. <Ca«ar> Jad arw Granny Mriw tha yawth at Bararty NiMi ta an oM-taMtanad atnadlfiB tm that Eity Atay and Jathra can maat tn* cammunity i young talk 4 Btva Ligni iCaior) Traitar t rtaod - Dana •hat dorm arar Garmany and inipritanad m • POW camp 4i44 V Cudany tpaclal i} Groan Airav iCalar) OMrar Oauplai altn teWn ntH 'armi^ m nviw. takat

Mt toll tarnpiai ip rha I MiU wata agrtcuttwrai catiapt ' >v Waamar. Bawn Ti and ttndi tha whaai a now«a } Waalhar at hgrrori v-Mo»ia. ■Waka at ttw ► Big vaiwy (Caiari Rad Witch 'EarThouaa* vtctoria 4 Tonigiht thoai icaw Bartiay it trggpad In tn 4-»a»m a-Rati Hapa Thaaiof


V} Okk Van Oyka "Na tica at My WaOdinB - in a tVaWv Bach faplout army tarpaant •oB Votria 888a a hanaaama kptdlar am a data w»h Ma Mrowac baBy-lfw riTW apn Mr RoB i Blrt Laura. 4t44 tvs—Jptm Gary lAaa (Catorl 4 mm Glory " Attar a IByaar iWaanra. th# un­ fa pactad raturn at a lady groatty upMty itw Varna/ tamity > I IPT f'^Catari "WrlgM a* tha Wotid. Kaity and Won try la halt a B*d Chirac fW>i to peltvla Japaravoatar yuppMaa «il*< * ov

44-J4 IV Spam, jhti itatrna, V-AHrta. "Crima at Rata IanB-Wa«t Wrap-Up I4t» 4 Atpria. ‘'TMa Wpman li Opnparaur*

Hill 1)_Tfa4it Waal -Mian Evaryana HatayM<44 4 .M Wwad * V Mawy V Daily Ward 14:41 V-MOvM TarTfr fnd lha Muntraiy ' M>H > Mena ' lyiand at i ai dromon 14 IS * fattn hP Our rimak 14:» * Hignitwtl ' at MaditatW

THURSDAY NIGHT ha •npdva'iynirv anap* pic turay W s bant rpcibari V-Oanw Boon* rcatari Th# Pmartar -- Four Bounty htmtar* ahe pro Making Mm army daMrtary capfura Dantai Boww mm a natt Broad Indian pov By m.» IpAf V-Batman rCaiw< 'ZaMa Taka* itw Rap Zato* and har marwy twaila cWiart v crBna. kfTt tha OynamK Dua wta a rwndUh trap T;4i iVV-CMiBan'i ttland !Cea< A tppca caeauii contming hao caamonarty iciaihay daon In typ lipaan mm tn«

l<4i 14 (arty franlng Moo* V Laara It ta Baavor }-Hara Gun. WiH T/a»8a RiTitatian 4 Tapi Baa' ICa*or) 4iS4 iVV Nayn ICoaar a Hixrftn B'tfWiey icwor > 8 Th8 Taken A T^aa hx


'i Sport* Jim Mownai I V Spo/ti 8:0 II Waathar Ralph ">am 4 FPtterlal a VMafhartcaaa V SPOM UP 4 n IV Ttw Murwtary Ho/m tear* ap atwtograpn. And* himyai' f • lam i

•ard tp a Rwutan rokcua A-Gtdgw iCpiof Ari tha Belt Dl tad tat ara Taam When rlactad Vroyldeni ^ tha Ovlcy Clue GrSvat gon M aaarch ^ • car«a

j I

VS-My Thraa On a yl«n to Urrcia Charwy Md gin ttland

Vony Nang want amj

iCoiM kong up mn Rd«pw

1 44:11 14 WadWkat Raipn THmp-etram • Bapvtltur taratpn V Marta "Walk Eat* mr I Baewragant 4-Lprppo tCaWM -Tha Go* . -Tany pwM -Coo.


I . I '

vaiuabM cargo. 4;4i II V -MpuW -Tha War LP-rdT9- Br'oittchad 'Aunt Clara'y Old Fiama • Tha arnupt pr pn 0*d beau lend* Aunt Ctara nmning la (pmantha ter hnp l!» Mickw Fmn'i 'Cowri • Rry*on Placa \ 4-44 ' 4- iCatari Ttw eatwMer* Ttw Baron t% tortod to pa> ttopata m> a*mdw la aidnaapad 4—Oaan Marttr

Z»rc 14iW 4 Ateota -'Kinan at KHM*wn|arwO


Okltdpara in >#»*•« ITlBI

Only a minority of broadcasters wants liquor ads Wmshingtun

tv pry now Brut then somp TV broadcasl Rr dfs'idn the Ume is nghl to accept «!viTtiMnK for hRrd liquor. And usually an (nfluentiRl member of Congress dec'idea that a bill should be pJtsned that lifts the license of art)- sUUon »dverUsIng booze ,The threat of such legislation has always been enough to oiuse the station to lose interest. The latest round came when a statkio m Nt'wark Linden, N.J . announced U would car r> itmunercials tor nim The station. WNJUTV (CTiamel I7i. aaid the rum campaign would run for 28 weeks. •M


Kdwin Cooperstein president of the Rta tion. 13 quoted in the current edition of Broad casting magazirve. as saying the commerrials would be In Spanish and would be aimed at the I & million Spanish speaking residents of the New York area A similar .situation arose In March, 1964. when a New York radio sUtioo. WMCA, aiv nounc'Pd >t would at'cept advertising for disti[led spirits The station lost intereat after Sen John P Paslore iD-R I 1 Introduced bill No S3M. That bill would have prohibited advertising of booze tn broadcasting and would have caused the revocation of a sta­ tion's license. Broadcasters and most of the liquor dlsUllerv have been eager to avoid congressioaaj

wrath Both the Radio Code and the Televi Sion Code of the National Associatioii of Broadcasters forbid advertising of hard liquor PermiUed ilf the commercials are in the best taste and discretion i b advertising of beer and wines Howard Bell, director of the Code Author Ity, has been singularly unyielding for liquor advertising Last New Year's, a distiller 1 .Schenley i wanted to use spot announcement* that said. If you drink, don't drive Bell said, no He ruled that the code's prohiWuon doesn't allow such ■ commercial The problems, howeg». always arise with a lUtioo that doesnH subscribe to the NAB code, WNJU-TV, for example, is not a subscriber.

The fight over advertising of beer wme and hard liquor is almost as old as broad casting Twelve years ago, for example thr House and Senate were flooded with petilMW' to <wcldw all advertising of all alcoholic- bt v fi erages The president of the Women’s Chrtsiijr Temperance Union charged that bnvadciivi mg cov*erage of baseball games had becom< ’ beerrasts ” She added that such broadca.^^ made it seem proper "to ait in from of thr set and get drunk wbiie viewing or listen mg •• The Code Authority decreed that drink tng must not even be suggested — L. A Times^ Washington Post Service.



* <*ti



*« HOM*

* P*r*w I--MW Am*rtc* Farm •••an

• >«

] 4

rough Friday

Pam* Sacral

Wnuta Pig Sgoirral

<M Owick Dra* Catar: iCawr> M*g«ia CarMia I1t«



4 *

iCow .


U* *a« KMg

1V)-H*ckia anp Jackta

IV* T««a Maim iroi«>< • Uadarpag iCa*ar '


» Oaaiiaa ta «• Capital liM Qa.i* Mara «;U


*— Taray Tima *-*lar« *nt iCam.i


!V*-Cap<ain KaPBafOe * OtaCprarY Til* a-Taan arta CaurX'v * Baar-v ai^^

< *-k.a«a*a

ialtani ^Ca•0'' I M •W r«nnrua« TwiaM iCetar I


a Tlta

» Bugt MkmnT Cami , a- i*4 Hgrrf I tli» IV* wittap itia Mar>*t*«

IV* Tom and i*"» 'fa* • Caapar CarKartt 'Catan a Tap Cat iCotar

\ . mn

. loniwartae

SATURDAY AFTERNOON l*i«» IV« taMPaii iCpMr' *-•tM* FrIaM Fltcka


Oarwvt taad lia

■ mg

vm IVV-P«Ck

VAfl lav Owfw

!•» l.0»* LVCI %. Cwril MWPHM



a- I

>^TM McCoT« k--C Mtl M a MMnW'i »_C»Ha»’»fait«' (C*h MrM





t*ra» 'V Haw*. Iprr la-V Haw^

TiM tv*—Lanratkca Wata V Sacral Ap*m 4—Oat imorl tiM : o 4Apwia -'•arHom I ftiM


V-Franttan in kianc*


1|-*parttman-» Fr^

I V ttattyv







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ii>aa ta»a»*'i“g t1 IS


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(Koocat* Gratia

T1i« AtarP


J’" Homa«

'Sprmmi itiand'

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lV-W«a«H^ Gana »-orii S-AUpyW Tnirty Sofandt OmrfTtPyd

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4 Haul Saactai * Mo»ta



, * Maw*




T^M at japnnia fill

I), waatkar. im fnotru"

Mkuif C«M

ll>ll iv*-*«*rch tar TomorrM * KKVmt Mtt *- L«t'» Ptav PMt d«Hta (C»tar) n>4i 1V*-6uWtnt Lttit Mtfl 4- Nrwi


\ AttUpllCI InptWta

I *- F-Ippaa




taltn MMW worto at idorto 4 a Auto ■•• "0 Hign.igi^to 0


i>_rawr QwaWlaP ktaa** taU 1V-f4ppv Tam Parmiay




o-oula arta HarrWt

»■« IV*- L«y» e< LtH «-0«M Rw< «-J«OMrtfv 4C«lar»

iCo**ri fiM

I -Wattarn opan G«<r I c-witattiwig i V Train Wm»




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t# Tail

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> a Paiar Potarr-ut a Tn.» It i*to .It* » O'** ■aparrt ISrSS ii ranwrt TV** ;* Awrw'tata itomi


» Dairy Ward

• :«


IV >amty andCarii Kotar • •■arty aod Mh «rtanpt

IV Oral •abpm *- TV Ocapat Tim* V


IV LIfiw* "ta tlorwaartad t Socrad Heart V youi CkwrcA and M'lta ) Pater Potarmn * HBPOify Hpppar S-« ' a Chriitopoart

a- CMnmwM

m«nt wKn • »n*«*w‘‘< Ttw Un^oariM M«n*r>t

l:N '>-*-*«»«• Itarm k-Mr.*.' Tm V«M«f *- Matc«i Ca'na iC*Jc»?

a«\aivata 0 iw* mk naiangaio rrmcopt. Tlta LOi*.w».«r •• VI Pawl and -ta C-ucm.ior M V Fa'*'

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<Cakf1 l>« I** talk* Ctai«ik« Bw* >—<*'•€« Crrartarfl timr Ws^ Acttart It *- Mirvta M«i. ••»tarv. . To**. Crlm*»< Ptrkta-, W*tf -T*n#* Wta in* Hun»p«u--j Thvr*. ”A«e*Hrt


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'V.MMr» v-Mrai


* *4annay.BrinklaT •••an ICatari *-TTia TtMA "TM iRV'tiW*

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4- Camp ■unamvcti ICatori "Sanror CNizvn* ’ Wl»a«v PPC tiiat i« torn a pro*!' •wring itia Mack ••••*• br turning tria camp inf* a retract tar »t*a ataarty a-Fiaitttana* (Catari 'tKin roct-A-Oo^ ' An actiMnt maa»t


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apitev birpwao roar Sfaiag U craatat a maowiry pnw lam tor Hogan

1 «-Stop Alcoa witti .vitch






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ItiM -Irtaltcraal*'

iV-Nata*. Mat M(Do«**>i V Sftngrar tCatari



CtiampAataMp FHMng |i4S iV-Y*ur Govwnori ■apor* i waamar

It a wore


sport* S :M •V -Cditartoi S


1} ss Ftlta tar Ou Timai ■*'



’»v Ea kii'van. tCato' r.LPtll Arrgit NHior Vita. LonOor La* Nancy Waiav a Tno F#i icota* T>t Spy AAaatar ’ Inopacror 1 Erttin* 00* aotwmai Ik# 10*' ~i«0tamat ta et t U S Di


MaiiP It contrmtgfl by M-antai m-iiing lawal'y myttartowi iPtana ran* am

ata d>»Con»tnuing



Tk.y It your ooporluncty to 'nokt

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tr**aiandoiM bc/y on






luHy guO'Anfaad



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cloying ogt ihoto

taaamar tSiTS twwt. Ma> McOawait

1t:» M*v*a Patrv 1 S'wPy Nany Aaampr

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Wta)» t My Lli*»


tats I

<1* Sonania iCotar^ Tta* Lonely ■wr.rwr A cawbay • oavaltap '0 a t<«rt* tarnt Mm Uilo a kirrttad owii*ta J Tta Fil » Movt* Cerouaei- iCo»«' GvdWi Mackaa anP Sn<rtay tenet ttar ir Ropigeti and HPfTWTtarttato I ptoaiy

t*mir, t'O*

tvS^aool* iCoH-l Lo«ita pryvont* a bwllpojar from running awar a mattar rabbit and kar iinia one* • voyaoa m m* Sonmt' «r teta (Catari "DaaPly Craaturt Mipw •' Two aacaettat i'orr 1 Sahamai

i.a V Wamant pT Mapnaiien



Oiynay-t Wondarfui WvW iCatari Tita Fwrtitar APvartturat at Gaita^w' Ai par' af adHar Crtwiry a pwi ii> aipmt am-man Gailaglta' and two •mor*a'» to> '*ii'»


III** 'Wild Man at


» »

Martin I cwkcantratiw a‘H» at prac'taty m* wrong »i"ta and arta 01/1 ta 'id ta* wcrid 0 c*im*



to npomra ta ratev* • K< mitti ntai It baing kata vac‘<.a by TMBU4M



ution wtan ta I'orr aracwlia I ia-m< 10 navt nta'maHon mar nwrtd clear McCord t



* Dally


pmai QHtoyare ptakad uP py Nta Saeviata and aiaca iTta mb to great PPnpar

S:« i>V_Twdnn*tn CaWwry Moacpw Uktaaralty ' * «ta« Of 1*1* Spylai UkW I largatt and mot* aratHgicn-i wntvarttty a Saco tar Spoc* S -Oraatatt ttam ar Earm


I#:» IV-iportt.

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V Atavia ♦- Iporti

S*r Go ta*t tao

NPwt Wrap ua


V UH^G^^Oriipta'

Staria* at Swrcai

V «• dam ter let 4; It A'-atal/r Hour C Of Ceitaga Saw>

I ft ”


111* tV-Waatnar kaiiPi Titompaon 4-TcnigM SUM (Catari V-Waatnar

J1 Mwitctatd >-P Tm»P A-Mlilar kaPartt iCatar' Th* lupar CM*l A nan ewaf oarrani ottitar Mack mail* capt Morton mta 'wm , iiq m* U t * ■aiuclant mta t ftMting aampiing catMw | I Oaata valtaT Otvt iCeiari .







--------- -----. . * "


CBS Spa'll Spactator

ava-. Waamar

I aa

tjv Cfomar p»ia rrator' gaant Cartar partuadat nwr i« ge m taava td Cartar can rai*» tar a


V Amatawr Howr I SB

J 4-V Hfwt

(Color . ' aaa^ Pamiiy /Htiwwaan Addami *tyl* ' MorticU and Owmi tat put to Baen.V> la taHtaatday and Pugitay (*>4* tnar* ar* witcna*

Sn>n agani Jamat T Wait PDtn ai ap owtta* ir> araar la contact • Ma«Kar Mnan rti^ arhaaa marauding gang Hat eraaiM tiav% atong ttia


t M

FRIDAY NIGHT *tM IV-tanir Cratimg Mpp* v-L«ai.a It 1C aaairai 1-H*ta G«r* «>■ Travel *-ainam««> 4- Twar •"• SrMi


.-.O-*- » ~ V Maaia i O V Farm ■•Mrt

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Regional Television Chaaatl tl

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daytime television


< »

)Q « Lr<« ijQtr^


Hrov Saom > «V -On« •rtOMCSOAT


to OO- NOW 10 ih-waaittv

tUHDAY a «- «laty


—TBrno'” 5»c»

Mawh. -


KCKT TV Md KARD-TV (NBC) r.rtil Btad aad Wichita Chaaatl 2 tad Chaaatl 1


} »_4twiM<*y •rMiMv


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j j*-#g6He LIOtbct 4 4 •--CBPIBW) Ha*»v I 0*-Oinrt»»<-

I » W Trw»


UOL-TV tad EHTHV, (ABC) BdMjt tad Sa»tTt», Nth.

KJUS-TV Hsstiip Nth. Chuael t

unoaroag F«r» CVtaoai* N.VT F'-«f Gahaoali Cura. V 11.

4 JO-Atwn A-f « 00—Oacvwt jquirr*

4 80r ao-Jaanti#

’ » -oar vr.." n C V ■0 n 10 »

I 80—Avivatn ' J 0O-Wa.i«»' Maaay. Samta w 1»-Ou*«aota Grift' Oar 10 A^Twis'*' 5"'.*

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) » OKh Haa A. JO Sonrfio J OA-*idttMrn Atgt

f 10—o«aarat>g t OO-Taa C' MJ »—fvry OA-JUP.'"'.' ' 10- Ata«m


Viewer wants TV to show stars on weekly basis DOWN-Wh> air Dm tfawn'i shows so lousy' Why canT Barbra Btrtisand. Frank Sinatra, Jubt Aialrtwa, Ptrry Como. Wnah Short, Danny Ttyomas Jonathan Winirrs and Carol Byl^itli' bt on tvtry wttli’Tommy Schaeiltr San -Amonk., Ta thumbs

AO txetpl Miai Slreisand and Misa Andrtws hart had Ihtir own wttkiy shows Th. ladit., a. «^1 aa SU-ir^ Cor« ^ Thomai prtler to bt on TV only now and Ihtn NBC Is ooatldtring bringing back Wtoirrs lor a wtekiy ahow n«l stason Mias BuratU ta also planning to girt TV another .



Actually, the 17-year-old actor was on the network’s "Wagon Tram" lor a cou^e ol vears before the series was dropped Burns made hu debut as Bornahi West lale In the 196243 sGMon. Bod ABt was &o happy Wiin him that they made him a regular He i« now Iree-tinclng Prior to Wagon Tram,' he co slarred m 11 s a Man s World



ORIGINAL WHO’S WHO Win. was on Ihe original ’ What s M) Line (.010-1 Vm J C , Niagara Falls, N V When the CBS TV quu shoo made lO debol Feb 2. l»S4. Ihe panel was made up ill author Louis llntertneyer: rolumnist Dor ■ olhy KllgaUen. lortner gosernor ol Nfw Jrt sey Harold Hoflman and Dr Hu-hord Holl man Janies Dal) wa. and sun Ih.- mod erator • a • C.IOC.ET SCRIPTS- Where ni.u I wnle to gel past sortpis o( Ilidgi-t I' R B Miami, FU. Ycwi can write Die aeries' produi-er Harrs Ackerman, at Serteo Gems. Hollywood. I4M



Martin .Stiow, ' where she often appears at NBC-TV. Burbank. Calif But don’t tell Dame Margot Fonteyn

GODFREY’S MAIIAOX Where may !write Arthur Godfrey” Wayne (todfrey.

fill J jr.AN UIKL -

Who IS Die sweet

young thing who plays Mary- Ann on ’’GUIi-

Jackson, Mich. Hh eflice Is al 41 E. S2nd Street. New Yrok. 000

SOUND AUKES-Are Andy Williams and Steee Lawrence brothers’ - Mrs. B G McCarthy. Rairenawood, W Va. No. Antjy has three brothers, but Sieve

gan’s island’” - C S J . Evansville, tnd Dawa Wells, a lortner Mbs Nevada la Ihe Miss Amertci Pagoam A native of Reno, she stndled al tha UnivenUy of Washington before Joining a suminer stock theater com­ pany la Wymliil. Later she studied In Hnllywood at tha Desliu Workshop She is mar

ried to Larry Rosen an agent and they live in ihe .San Fetmando Valley

LOST ROMANCE - Why don’l Marta Kristen and Mark (Soddard fall m love on Lmi ui Space’” Also, do they date each other outside of the CBS senes” — M I J . Norfolk. Va. On the show the couple are too busy lighting villaini to think of ranunee And if they did. them la not a clergyman withm several light yewri. Besides, the ahow b geared lor youngsters who don i want their adventures mnaaed up with love stories Off Ihe set. Ihe two an mamed to other people

isn’t one of them.

TEEN-AC.E BURN-Evtrybody wondtrt why Ittn agrrs rtbel I II ItU you why ABC put one good actor oo Mike Burm-bul thr very nest year they look hmi oH Iht tu' — Kalh; Jones Reading I’a

Caltf But It’s doubllul since .all scripts are kept on file, that he will send you any

hlin»AT,Ja-U. Ilk*

• • • DANCERS’ FAN I think Juliet Prowse and Joey Heaihertoo are the world’s best dancers! Where may 1 wmle them” R M Fort Wayne, tad. Write Mias Prowsc m care of her senes, and hUsi Heathertnn in cara of "Tha Dean


PIANO only


Pa. W*.k

M< »ans»'i‘» to h**an anart ■aa*" . >n 4al

niFORD PIANO CO. Own M»ii4n aW TtMtsday -ni 4 pm

1517 Law

ca J-4784

The »r.f» IwrgTWI SoOlwg TVa. Oitoa TVa. BsdtMG.


•• •* .*•

• « *«


it's Topeka in trahsltioh s»iw foBiitolioiii ta n» MDia pUn -ud lirle. fjimenaMa ukl no Uff|c« dite hat b«ca srt for conHdrton ^ beraoK insiirtnc* otUmtttt had not b«n compW«d. hot ha tot a “pioaamata o( atz to "%“wi«hh<irn Unlvonttjr. the tmafc caused an esUmaled |U iniUioa In damagn but tailed to daatrojr -the nntvoialty'e ptan 10 open next fan on Bia ravlihed campoi. No deflnile program lor rebuilding hat been niaUiihed, hut uoiTenily adminittratort hare a roasier key to recooatmctloo-hope. Tteeka puhBc tdmal admimatratora arc hopefnl Innda will ha available to rebuild ll,ll»,IOO in proper^ whkb waa deatmyed. The gretteat damage Wok place at Onl/al Park Elemailaiy Scfaool. It to de­ clared a toUl kn. Hahop Elementaty Scfaool al» was heavily daroa^. Federal diaatter offlcWla art W tour Ibe damned tee** >*0°<>ay- Their inapectioB ia m be completed in about Ihree daya. K ihe diJtrlct ia eligible lor lederal fimda, tbe luoW are expected to be available almoal immediately. Businesaea with the wfll to rebuild are laced with the problem of staying alive rinandally In tbe imerlm. Their reaouKcllilnea la helping keep flw city'a economy from sagging while btiainesa atkrta ita cli^ to­ ward new beigbla in momht and yean to come. Several damaged or demolisbed drug stores, lor eiample, are rilling preacripliaos at other stores which escaped the tornado's wrath. "We've been here all along." said file operator of one drug store which needs a new roof. "People have to have their pOla, sou know." At least one barbershop affected by Ihe storm has moved in to share the facilitifa of another which was spared. Eveo in tha.ofOel heavily damaged busi­ ness areas jOch as the Itgg, IIM and 1100 blocki on Kansas XVenue Use talk it of going 00 in business, not on going out. Zercher Photo Inc. plant lo proceed with its previoua plaoB to remodel the iotiner Hallmark Cards loe. building Into a phnW fmishing plant, adding tornado repair to Ihe project. Oberer's Liquot Store, UBS Kansas, will "itay tight here and get filed up." Henrietta Oherersald. Joe Smith Motor Co, lUl Kansas, has purchaied Ihe former Jaybawk Motors iKe at no W. tth and is moving part of ita operatkio there. Many of file hualnctMa have reopened at their old sHee and plan to rebuild later. Others have moved to temporary facilities until their long-mge plans jidl. At loth and Quincy, damage In Shortman Motors totaled |7M,000. Five huHdlnp were damaged, three b^ood repair. But the cumpany win rebuild at IMh and Qufaicy srhile sales continue at the flrm’i temporary locetHm at the M’ld Amertce Fairgrouada. , Heumann Dental Laboratory, NO Qnlncy, where damage was set at about WO,ON has moved inlo temporary headquertera In the Arab Shrine Temple. « Jeckaon. while It goes ahead with plro for i new building el iUi and Adams. In Ihe OaUend area, SanU Pe Railway's loses are ia riceaa e< N million. So far. eflons have been directed toward cleamip. Rebuilding plans will come later. The Armed plant at XI9I Seward le strug­ gling lo keep up a miidimim amaunt of buat' ness despite losses totaling abaot MNNO "We stiU haven't miansd i day and will ctnUnue to pofi from our stock and serve our cualoniera," itod W. W. WBUnoon. pfodocOoe mennger. Bn did not know wha re­ pairs wouH he completod. Hast af the Olh Street bridge, M. Ketch

%t i



East Topeka resldenh mat af Naw Jaroialom laptist Church, lOlg E. Sfh, to diseuii es/itenee in ^ jMia. Phil GiuHery. J04 Chandler, spoke fo Dr. Robert C. Harder (right 1. Harder >l JoMka dffsetor of fho CMfieo of Economic Opporiunity. Fodorel diteafer oHieialt will tferf a thrno-day tour of damaged areas Monday.

k Co. already has begmi letoiUdbag. and la operating as best k can, said owner Mejnr Katch. The Santo Fe Vickers lenrlce atoUoa at aih aal Braimer ia amaag Iba buaineasea planning lo rebuild. Meanwhile, it is instolliaf a temporary aerviee Immedk. ■uly. Acteaa the street, the Dairy Qneei^ a lotol losa. "We have to waH and see If they (file city) ore tf¥€ to hoild a ttiraugbway nenm thtcity-hNwo "« P>«“." Vitt. ciMnanager, said. He relerred to a propoial to acquire land aloifg the path of the tornado for a diagonal traffieway acroaa tbe city. City officiala are studying the idea and looking lor poasibte fcderal nasistonce. City ornciab lack even a vague estimate Urnado damage to municipal fadllUee. They hive been weighted down with cleanup * .. ____ I _l._alusus asJ aSswwalmas^ responsibUlties and relocetion of dispisced persona. The state suffered datoagea eaUmated at tI,tN.SU to buUdtogs hut talk about rebuild­ ing now la lanntoture, Martin Klger. areetor it the Department of Admlnbtrafion. said. Topeka Transportation Company's hopes

hh^ largely on an applicatioo lor federd lunda with whkb to haUd a new garage end poatibly kwis from SmeU Buihieia Adminiatratton. ' The ompeay suffered kaiee totoltng about NM,0H but returned to partial eper» tkm a tew days after the tornado when tho lew hiaea which lurvived the storm ap­ peared «o tbe streets.

Another heavily d

---------------- “*

la College HiU. Aimouncementa by Tttford Piano Co. Os. and Odlege Hill Pharmacy, however, are lypicel of the determlnelioo of the shopptog center's merchants to keep phig-

Topeka ichool ditfrief officitll checked e map of the city showing tho pefh of fho foenode end ifs rolofion le pufaiie schools. Thoy oro Ifrom loftl Mrs. Mery Ellon Huoy, pupil occounting offico; Dr. Morlo RgoHon. city suporintondont; De. Horold L. Blockburn, oisocioto tmond suporintondont; ---- Raym Tihoy, director of " r **■ counting. Plans for robuilding schools oro boing formod.


ging. Cart Tlfoed. allbaugh the tkeeai finer of bis building is gone, plans to rebuild at the same locatioa and has ilreidy ordered ■ fresh slock of pianeo. The pharmacy also b among Use ceitter'a hueioesses which have decided to re­ build. Meensrtule. the pharmacy b conttmilng lo fill preicrlptloi White Topeka rebuilds, It has the "beet wuhes" of tbe people of Waco, .Tex. "We certainly know how to sympefirixe with you." Mayor Johnston said.

MWWAV.JlutlllN* HU


v\ There's something special for a




» ♦>



We happen lo believe Out bwhitoye ere fine and that everyone ihould bo made t» laei knportant at leait one day a yo«. So wo maka a bl« baa over bMidaya. Wo don't wiood a lot of money twt wo do make a lot of tioi. Itaa an U in our taanadlala tanSy and two have December blrthdaya. Nobody over racolvod a peaient iayb«. ‘floppy Blniiday and Many Chrlatmaa.’' Tboeo birthday! at« cotcbrated aa loytnDy aa Bia onea that come In the leaa buoy ooontha. no dhioen are hoM at onr haaao atanpty bacapoo wo have more ream and I have thno to pet tha taUo ready. Our dauphter, two dauphtera-lntaw and I pUn the menu and each cbooaoa which diah dWU brbw. nia dividea the week and eipanaa an n't aaay for everyone. Soanetfenea we Invite (ueela. TOa maana aettlf« an eatra tabla for the four aanall frandchlldren. I am careful la one that they are not made to fcel like aeooad claaa citlmna. I remember aU of the Up family dkoera when I waa a child! Ilw many, many eoaaWn alwaya had to watt and eat at fte aecond

Any chlW-Df .»•« . ♦Irifl from "Hippy UrHiaiy" UhU p^r liih, plut f*to nocoitiry torviog oquipmonf. Fomity on? f rUiidi githor for tlio fortiriiiM i»d *o im«

1 can Meilcorn (whole kernel corn frith btta of red and Sheen papper). S TOa. finely chopped parsley. Dram the corn and nna ttia Ikpiid with me mSk or walar m yuv radpe. I pomed It Into a waO praaaed imp mold nd baked it. so, of course, R looked praUy on Its servinp dlah, afler belnp baked and removed from the pan. PbUoiriiip Is a favortta redpa for a famSy dinner. I b<9 a half or whole ham 1*00 ham la on sale. I slice some and men prind all of the small pieces for maqr mes. Includinp this pood loaf. j^^ HAM LOAF SUPREME

Grind several pounds of ham-mlz wtth three beaten epps. Pack Into pan and retrlpirate or freesa Whan ready m cookmum syrup Dora two cans peach balvea Add ana enp vtnepar and one cup brawn anpar, one tap. wbois doves and oas stick cbmamcn. Boil H mlnotes. Stram out apicea. Pour aorae of this syrup ever Ow ham leaf before puttmp krie Sw ann. Every U ndnttlcs or so, pow mors synm ovar—abont all ' It win ahaorb. Pour Vk cimprenadlne over peach hadves. Heal m oven or ebafinp dlah. Serve aa or In tho kitchm wim ham loaf. or even third table. II waa abaer lacturet m cam yaa-re mmUnp of me Ukebea fuB of dfety dmhea, don't werry. Wa have a The pnwn upa would eat and talk and we'd sysWm for that, loo. Naturally, whan the all ataad wimad. abnoet dyinc: wa were poeata arrive, the kimhaa la dean and Ihelr aura that nobody even aotkad. Aa you can caaaarema. salafh ar daaaarts are all prahnaptne, the hod waa pretty well picked over pared. Altar we've aataa and talked our way by Ibe time It waa our turn. m drasmt, the woman mo tabm mat For the laleat family birlliday. I filed the pirl who breupht the deasert prepares each of the prandchildren a phsic box of to serve tt. The rest of na have haea ha^. food that they particularly like and ^rea^. ; puttmp away the lell-aver food and waabinp the diabea up m dale. We've dans this sAan a picnic cloth on the floor of the room ad: enouph that we keep up a constaat chatter Jolninp the llvinp room ao they could really and the time flies. Ora- boys pour coOea pretend. and repleniah the water plaases. If neces­ Another hint for prandparenia enlertainsary, and m a few minutes we're all ready m liy both adults and chlldrep at the same sinp Happy Birthday to the puest af honor. time: Provide the children with some kjnd Alter dessert and the speahif of pres­ a "busy work" to do. alter they’ve oaten. ents, we dear the table apaki and tt takes This way they can control their patience only a few minutes lo wash the deasert until “time to open prescnls.". dlafaea. Sometimea I fir a dish I consider pretty Slime our hip table b m the Hvinp ream apecuil and then the puests seem to enjoy our men have been busy repladnp the lurnimoat some lasl-mlnute dish that just sort of hirs and leltiap down the table. When the “happened" Cornbread. thrown lopether at women leave the kitchen, they return to the the lint mlmilr, look the spotlipht last time. Uvtnp tuora and everyone b relaxed, enraSince a recipe needs a name, we can call it— lortabb and ready to drink a few more cups of coffee. Best of aB nobody has worked MSXtCtHtN BREAD hard because everyone helped. 1 envelopes of corn bread mil or your favorite noen hrend recipe. I2M MIDWAY. J


frwittiORol lon^


Bby CAdOL ClANKSi When I was eipecllng Eabm ■ asmnad Out every new doctor or mfdwUa I met had the same lios of tenveraafbn — a sort of prfvale Joke that went Iflu mm: ■flds yora first chltd, b tt?" and I would any yea. It waa. “How many chiklren do you want? Four? Ha ha bar he would aay. 1 never pot a chance m answer. I couldn’t see whnt waa an|ipea«d to be so foray abont vraMtop faor chfUraa, or why dmy ahoald pick that aanaber. R bapaa to ftt a bit eatla, Iba one af moM saasalera The beby was six moama or ao eU be­ fore I dbeoverad what the Joke wan. I rand that tour chOdran baa always been the Ideal of — tha Queen (a nobis 1^, hat ana who has had remarkably Wtle Infhieace on my mbaktop.) My point b mat I WM biwlldarei raaal of the ttoha tt seemed, and far leatoas Jral aa sOy. In my naaal thonphtteai fadHm I aaaoBsd that me Daftad States way of has. mp babies was tha naturM order of tha world over, except for those native women (nabvea of where I'm not ehr^l who are aoppesed to squat behind a laim for the actual birm and thmi po hackpto their boeinp. I was wroop. f k me Brat place, the fanafiy doctaf h

Brttab probably hra no cMweetten wtm Bm hmpRab except far reeommandinp hb pattenls for adnibatan. So-in B» case of a beby hern to a hoopltal - year doctor took! after you before and after bat a dif­ ferent doctor or more probably a midwife, delivers the baby. That word “midwife" struck terror to my heral when 1 first beard tt. Second, mbd, and fonrth babies are bom at home. wUh Ibe aasbiance of the family doctor or dMict midwife. Many women claim to prefer the home cenfmement, and lay they find midwtrea more sympathetic than doctors. Given the doctors' attitode I can well believe It. thouph I atfll tend to mmk. "Symparny be hanped, can oho plve ma a blood tranafustan?" My daupbter was acluaBy bore to HaSa. under Sw auaptem of me Royal Naval Boapital, ao I dUIered from the Natlsaal Haaim Service treatment in slight ways — one he­ mal I never seemed to see the same doctwlce. Everybody concerned eicepC ma, from my hnaband to me very captato m ebarpa of the hotpiml. seemed bntaoed wtth what my friend EBaahem caBs a “JoBy bockey^tlek" ontlook, U., prepnancy and birm are per­ fectly normal, and not ihjufinp of any him whatever. T omect thb b a heaUhy attUude, but I confem to occaatonnl brltatton and a daaire to scream. “Too try R. than.* Highly tmprueticni. aa the doctors wore aB male and the midwivea unmarried. The standard hoapital stay b U days, rather kap to view of the ahortape of badn, 1 mmk. Aaesttwtics are frowned upon to alraoat all cases, and labor pains are calbd “contractions" — if nw aufler, tt’a year fauR A The whole praeera did have lb Hphter wninems, menph. There was the doctor wttk whom I bad the follaainp conversation: “Ganadton, are you?" “No, Amerlenn." flH nepaltva?" **No *’

ttlESa" to nid **It tik M AHMrica tftot tot’ll UBwer. If fou ato an EHgHtoafiii toe*n

The word is frightofrinp.

open her tnouth and mil bar lif laaft vS toop eol!” Majrte wa ar« a aatioQ of nnmtiea. afV ar aU.

He finds Nepalese a tolerant people '"y

Even the medicine men let Menninger

^31 M ^

doctor go his way

i Stur9«f dItpUyt torn* of fiit fr*m N«p«l, includine • Gurka kftii* «f>d ik««tk «nd a' ttahia of loMha. I


By BROOKE VINCENT BuUdlng e boepttal to Nepal, performing to the Racheater, Mton., aymphony orchea­ tra, explorla Hie humu mind to Topekt — Dr. Stanley Sturgea, M, la e ran who rises to a rhallenge. Now a resMenl pqrchiatrtot at (he Men­ ninger Fomdetion, the tall, spare young nun •erred Bve and t half years a a Senenlb Day Adventist medical mlsatooaiy to Banepe, Nepal He wa named one of Amerlct'a tea outatandtog yonng ma for IMl by the United Stales.Junior Chnraber of Conancrce, end was feanaed to Ufa magatoe’a UU article. The RedHot Generape^ Dr. Sturgea was/born to the RepnbUe of the Congo to WS His pafTnts wen lervtog 1 term a mlasionariet then, mno be wu fnir, hia family returned to Suta Boa, Calif. He worn to Loma Linda UnlvenUy. a Seventh Day Adventist college to Sm Bernar­ dino, and studied medicine at the Lome Linda inedica] ichool. He and hia wife, Ra^ line, a registered none, then volunteered for the Nepalcu misstoo. Ho will graduato in ptyehiatiV in 1967 After they relumed to the United SUta to UB, Dr. Sturgu mrolled at the Mayo Citoic, Horbeater, Mton., to atody litteiBal mediciiie. It wu then that he placed trambone to the etty'a orcbltora. Thraafh Us studiu and Ua medical experience, he be­ came interested to the peychoaomatic aspect of piQtticel iiliieu and look a eleelive oP« to taternisu, peyohtolry. The thmomonths ranm intensted Um n mneh IhU he Iranstorred to the Uenntoger School of PiychlaBy here to IMl Be will graduate In 1K7. A book by Dr. Stana on hia NepUese experiences, "In the Valley if the Seven QUu," hu tost been pubUebed by the Re­ view and Herald Publishing Assn., Wohtof,too. D C, "The moat vihiable achievement of my Diisstonaiy work wu loanitog to work with fieople of a different cullure,” he uid. ■Tt wu an enllf^itontog experience to ob­ serve how tolerant Itae Nepale* - and parheularly the uUve medicine men —were of my methoda.” He had the "invaluable" opportunity to learn the language, to get into the Neptleag culture in depth and to work wltb the people. ■'ll to e very simple, happy, attofied country olmoapbere. 1 never witnessed pov­ erty or limine," Dr. Sturgea uid. TV pfople of Nepal have never bea coL «>to*d b) the wWte nun, so they, hra quite »»*»id of foreigners.

b Nepal there to more reUghais and cnltml etren thw in America, hut lea of Ihe pressures and pace of the Westen clrlUiaUoo. Problems to the village of Banepe were cauaed by the country's rigid caste system and tradilion. "For taatancr, ■ widow capnot remarry. If her fauband and her son both die, Be to devoid of a lutare," Dr. Sturgu expletoed. "A wonu who ha had smallpox wonJd have to merry below her caste. 'This effecls not only her future, but her ducoidanla’ future u well" The people ef the vtllagu era very re­ sistant to change. The situatlao to radically tliffereot to Nepal’s capitU. Kathmandu,'which to rapidly becoming westerntaed. Dr. Sturgu' problem to Benepo wa to enlisi the eBegtonce of Ibo yaiefera. Because he wu forbidden to preach religion, he worked on a very pragmatic, practical level. On Dr. Sturgu’ office bookcea alt uveral memenlou of his Nepalese service. A Gurki knife, sheelhed to Mack leelher trimmed to silver, Uu next to a atolue of Buddha which showi Tlheta, rather thm In­ dian, tofluence to its peaked hat and Hnngolian features. The Gurka knUe. wu choseo by Nepalese troops to light with in World War Il’i handtohand comhet. The diattoettyely carved blade and short, stocky handli make it easfly recogntsahte u a aymhol of Nepal Other objects are u intricate kna oil lamp used ^ lha Nepalese wnma to reliwiou processions, two etude brana elatuu made by viHagers, and two Tibetan toe-ringi. made of a pewter-Uke lUoy end worn on the big toe. The toe rings ere oIMn bought by American tourists for use u napkin rings at home. Dr. Sturgu paid. Piyehiatry bucomns 'faicmating-«Ki2llnngn‘ He regrets That he became interested to psychiatry alter he left Nepal He considers psychiatry "a fascimttog challenge" and that the eicilement of Ihe suidy riau from the fact that 10 much ol It to stiB to the esploralive ^ue. The humm mind, like so much ol the universe, la unknown space. The greet question in psychiatry. Sturgu toeto, is, "How ctn we be of heb getting people with masive problems to function to life?" He terms this "the mystery and chal­ lenge" ol Ihe science. , , "I aee psychieliy u a strengthening tonuence on religion," he Wchiet^ elds interpersonal retotionshipe, u cm tt eid

life or ■ p«ma n fbt chOd pwn ap to expertonce nutai* ratottooMpo »Hh hto parenta and oOmt people, tt It Iftely Diet he win hove ■ fun, rich fpIrtBiil We. He noted thel the Menntoier ichool nnkea rmj e<loct to lappeH llito line ei ltoo(M. Dr. Slurteo ha bad to fire op playfaif Ua tranbone la aa orcheatra, u weD a plaptaf roUeyball at the YMCA, for lack o( lime. He atiU perfonna trombone aokis at the Seventh Day Adventiat Ouirdi, lU W. Filth, ■taa he atao teacha a youthpdlvIaloB Bible itudy chua to Sabbath achool. Be ha been choaen drat elder on the cfaurch'a board of eidera for IW. He la extremely totere^ to aporta, and he and hia wife faithfully <frtho Royal Canadian Air Force exeretoeaf each idfht Dr. Slur«a la a conapRant to the Peace Oorpa. Be bu made four yipa to the tratotof

center at the Dniveraity of Texa, Aoatta, to brief new vohinteera on what to do and expect on their aaaignmenta. He la deeply concemed about the recent entieiani of American foreign aervice offkera and tMeiga aid, parttoularty tnond to "The Ugly Ameri­ ca" and "A Nation oT Sheep,” both by Eu­ gene Burdick end Williara Lederer. "In Nepal, there were B to M familia hezardiog their health and leamtog the lan­ guage to do a very dne job. Their conduct wu eacellent." he uid. "They coeicentreled on the baaica. not on «bow<aae displaya. Of cnurie, then'a got to be m end (to the give-away programa) aninetime. In the caae of political attack, aach u the baming of Ubrertea, 1 think tt H appro­ priate to withhold aid."





1V2 Pounds Lost in i VrHouri Dwtae • 4m$t4

tM» eMi* OW*-

ia r99T hwn« *f th* Fifarafroa Stadia. Call today far year fraa daaiaMitraKaa aad addiliaoal iaforaiatSaa.

Lhre Out of Town? Can CR 2-8712 Colect


ciouo samAT

CALL CR 2-8712 Today or Write 2MI Wut 2ftb ■roohweod Sbeppieq Center Tapeho, Kawwi

He explained that so much In the reugioua experietice depends on Ihe early home

. V,.-

OPEN t ue. te 7 pjB.

MbWAT.JnvIt. ItU

...(rf-—,__ __


Adventures iri movies take different ways The blindinf sun and Ihe ntt Sahara Deierl combine with men's courage to create an unusual adventure drama, “The Flight at the Phoenix.'* opening Wednesday at the Jayhawk Theater. The UUe is derived from the mythological Egyp­ tian bird, the phoenix, which was fabled to Hve SM years theo arise reboni from Its ashes. A modern "bird", an old ________ I airplane piloted by James SM wmmn is the local poim of the picture. Stewart, his crew and passen­ gers are forced to make an emergency landing in Ihe Sahara Desert during a vio­ lent sandstorm. Stranded with hUle chance of survival or rescue, they are given hope by a Geman arcrjft designer, played by Hardy Kruger, when be si<gests that they can build a small aircraft from the wrackage and fly It to safety. The film continues to recount the adventures of these IS men as they labor to build an airplane while trying to cope wilth murderous Arab brtgands. the hariil randillons and their owa fean and weaknesses. Based on the best selling novel by EOea«m Trevor. "The Flight of the Phoenix" boasts a talented cast: James Stewart, Ern­ est Borgnine. Dan Duryra, George Kenne^,

. Peter Finch. Ian BanRichard All Bcn, Ranald Fraser, Hardy Kruger, Chrtaban Marquan. Gabriele Thitl. Alex Montoya and Peter Bravos. The American dancer. Barrla Chase, appears in a dremn sequence. •'Born Free." starring Virgirda McKanaa and Bin Travers and starting Wednesday at the Dickinan Theater, is based on a cctraof^ficry iritwrtnp Free" was written by Joy Adamson, wile of a Kenya game srarden and concerns her almost human fam ly relationship srMk Elaa, a IkBaaa she had taken lots her bsoe as a tmy cub. The book became an farrmedtata haalaeller and was translated into H languagii. The picture was filmed at Naro Mans, m milaa north of NalralM. In East Africa. The mala haadqiiarlari was a TlWacre ranch owned by a BrWsh homesteader and buBt M tPM by Italian prtaeners of war. The orifinai dwelling contained five bed­ rooms: a more bad to be added, alang irilh a anitable number of hsths Also Mlied were a half doaen produchoo oiBees, a camera slotefioose. cutting roam, phela laborahuy. carpenter's drop and enlarged dhdng room. Eleetrldly was auppHed by a large par^ table gesnaaka, and a complete African vOlaga was built aaarby la arronauodate ttn IM native workers on the fibn.

calendar for the leisure hours movies Great DICXIMSON - Now Curtis Race" wilta Jack and Naulie Wood. Starilag "Bora Free" with Virginia McKenna and Bill Travers. CHIEF - Now showing. "A Big Hand (or Ihe UiUe Lady" with Henry Fonda, Jo­ anne Woodward and Jason Rohstds. phis "Marriage on the Rocks" with Frank Sinslra. Dehors Kerr and Dean Martin. Starting Wednesday, "Spencer's Moun­ tain"


a-OVERLEAF - Now showing, “Lady L" with Sophia Loren, Paul Newman and David Niven, plus "Lilies of the Field " with Sidney Poitier. Starting Wednesday, "Hold Ob" with Horman's Hermits, plus “The Alphabet Murders" with Tony Ran. daU. AniU Ekbcrg and Robert Morley. GRAND - Now showing. "The Sound of Mu•ic" with Julie Andrews and Christopher Pbanmer. JAVRAWK - Now showing, "Cast a Giant Shadow" with Kirk Douglas and S e n t a Berger, with guest appearances of Frank Sinatra. John Wayne and Yul Bryimor, plus "War Party." Siarpng Wednesday, ■ The Flight of the Phoenix " with James Stewart and Peter Finch, plus "The Casern Cavern." OOAIMtlNITV — Now showing. "A Han Could Get Killed " with James Gamer and Sandra Dee. plus "Boing Boing" wilh Jerry Lewis, phis "Journey In the 7th Plane*" Coming. Wall Disney's "Mary Popp ns" wilh Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. PRINCESS — Now playing. "Shane" wilh Alan Ladd. Jcaa Arthur. Van Heflin. Brandon de Wilde and Jack Palance, pha “Love and Kisses" whh Rick Nel­ son, Jack Rally, Kristine Nelsen aitd Jerry Van Dyke. Starting Wednesday. "Craiy lor Love," a foreign art film. MM


starting Saturday. "The Heroes «f Tdemark” and "Beach Ball "

TOPEKA PUBLIC IJBBABV. Mth and Washburn — Oolend comic pages bum old aiiuspapera and graphici by uumeo attisti. Opa I a m. to t p an. (I pm. Sahirday.) Ooaed Smidays imtil Sept 1. BBEWSTER PLACE. IM6 W. SIh - Old moTtnf picture poster*. Open m pjn. weekd^ M pm. Sunday. MEEK'S, me.. Hoffiday Square -Palatinga from the American Art Exchange, Tnita. Open during buameaa boon.

Midway crossword puzzle MRestauranl Tl RMboad cart. » Amerlcaa lynx. g| Barnyard fowL MSboamM. ■ Scrapla: Abbr. ITCkhwaadog. M SOkwurm. M Fatetnl.Roman


• AukuWt M HadM lakt|W. K TMdL

47 Attract • Omloienns. » Monk's tdle. STha piaaet Earth. a Narrow BBet M CalmBitooa. 8 Prickly pUs*. a V.LP. a Arctic expanse. ■ Seksa tcBsntafy. nSchool acgaBlatiou: Akbr. BBriba. M Woman's


BtUnymeUI. grnMyapaced. 71 Alt moeum. 7J LanB*y item. TlSolltnile. 7b Agricnltunl degree: Abbr.

i IT

TOPEKA STAfrE BANK, 7M Kansaa-Painlings by Mrs. Blanche Hill. Open during bualMas hours. PsinHntf* r suiDaif^ Uj Pant raui If <1. Wnrtav woiiey. ngw«i vipm ikir. uui**

stage "THE DRUNKARD'' - Topeka Civic Tbratre'a spool on temperance plays. Sati«p(4bu m«


IM Strait of Ihe Near East m Fictional dog. UtPoraanal: Comb. form. IS Vast expatse. IS CUItivale. 1» Rare gat. IS ZesUh. IS Patitned. IM Show aMbdB. IS'Ttala Britanaia'*

ooiori. « Labdceaseck. M DW^BsaMt. « VeatSata. tl Ad)nat M Piupar. a Spring hatlval. nOeolotical IMiod. • OowiageoaL gl SiBtwhal dUB. BMd. • IB (go bbam. • SeMaf

n r

MYRON GREEN CAFTTERIA, TIS Quincylug business hours.


Ahfcr.^ • Laagnk*. tm Stafli ef anthurlty. IS High regard. IM Leguminous vegetable. IM Texas product IV7 Deserted. IM Requiem, na Aglow. 111. Proxy. 114 Diagrace. 117 Dimlniih. Ill Endeavored. IS Medicinal

lOsrwflah. ISouth AmoicaB ospttaL I Haalbea deity. lUlyaaa' (aWdld wBt. 5 Emgraen tree. gUvMiaB. TPartakaaf food. IPale. t Sediment. MTsnlacte. II Old: Scotch. U Teutonic god of the ciiaae. U Povertyatrlckea. 14 Shameleat U Tecroriae. IS Not oa ttme. .17 Asaaverata. U Jewelry. B Anthoref UR. aulham. • RaUgMa dbmrym. n Marnier at waOdng. a Jungle beast. S Levity. M Loa n Stretch forth. 3i Rude. • CnMe metM. • Triiiio. MiBMrplayef

■ a a

I-SA fk m ilk PwFMSlttfkfi fiatttow

MM America la Advance tickela at 8 irToRkale arroRkale at Croaby's. Sbaffert-Griinca and Zercher'i la White Lakes. If any rema n they will be sold at the door on petfarmance night Lait Simday'i aatwor

msisrn ^ An«w«r in n»Kf Simdny’i Midwny.

• Nora foddcM of hoMi^ 71 OeOago OoBoq. TJMoaiera 74 Famous tebict. N Snowy. fTMowpiitu genua. iSHora and • Good: Fr. n Waser spirit, gi Inebriated B Having u nneven surface. ■ School dance. It Alricin n Asernge grade. II Hawaiian into. pnMe. HCKy hi CaWnnita: I wordK 17 HBfaltBiBcd. IM Bomden: Stag. IM Bnlgiaa manufaeturttg dty. IM Pasture land. IM City OB the Hudson IH7 Miner. IN lead. Ill AMbar rkakit lUW»4ooled . Urdt 114 Merebantnun. 115 RaUnqulah. Hi CantaU solo. 117 Jewlak mouh. nr Verve. IS River of Flanders. m boys' ISNatlvB at JMaal ISTaincrie IS Bqulvueale.

I *>'4;

Cast chosen *

Camera bugs ■ fo compete for

for 'Moon


$50,000 in prizes Once Ifiln, Kansas amateur pbolo(rapten will be abootlii{ fcr the to com­ pete lor a mtm baf ol priaei hi the Na­ tional Nempaper Snaiahot Awards competi­ tion. And. for the Ulh straliU pear, they will share in cash prises offered bp The CapHalJoumal’s Snapshot Contest A total of tMO win be awarded Is The CapKaKIeonal'a siz weekly competUloos and four gtaad award winners will each receive an addltiooal fS and the right to compete in the national con­ test. Entries lor the Drat wed's contest are now being accepted and must be postmarked so tater than June 17 to be eligUe for the nrat weekly competition. Results of Ihe first judging will appear in Midway magazine July 1. Each week, winners will be named in three classifleations - "The World in Which We live." "The People of the World," and "Animals el die World." Each winner in these classIQcatioas will receive $10 and the right lo compete in open competllion for an­ other tIO sod the wedly prke. All weekly winnera win receive hsndsnme certificstes in addition to (heir cash prtics. The sis grand weekly prize winners vrill compete In judging in August for lour grand swards which wID then be eligible for the national compefilJoiL of the four grand award winners wSI reoeire an additional g2S The national jsdm *01 1>* "bpen" competltioo t The contest la for color pictures only. In any form; dldes, transparencies and prints. Enlargements greater than tilt Inchea are not eligible. Large prints and elahorate disl^'s are not necessary hr the jndges will be concerned only with picture content and goahty. All entries aoeanpanied by a self-ad­ dressed stamped ewariapa will bs rehned after each weekly JMVng with foe entpUon at the top M IhMMt, which are bdd over lb compete once more diwlag Ihe hOswing week. The CapMal-Joamal cannot guarantee the safe return af all entries hot careful atten­ tion win be given to their handihw and maolag. To facOhaie Ihe rehn al entries, the name and addreas of dM entrant should ap­ pear on Ihe back of each color print and on the border ol the mound of eacb;transpar■cy. . (My cnlor pictures taken after My I, IK. are ellgibie for Ibis year's compotlliaa. Entries should be addressed to fotapAot (Mtest Editor, care of The Topeka Oapllalfoumal. tth and Jefferson, Top4a. One change in the rules hat been made from last ye^ oonlesL For the flrst .time, the wbneri of bit year's grand prize awards will be eligible lor competition in this year's nanpeUUoa. They hchide Harold L. Willis, Uwretiee; Dr. W. S. Simpson, 8J4 Buchanan, and David V. Wlkslen, K Terrace. Dr. Smpuoii. winner of two grand prize awards, and WOia aieh one pm special merU awards fo the Natianai Newspaper Saapstet Awards eampetitioa. Prizes offered b the IW National Newspapar Snapabil Awmds competition include >h«o talaris for two aroond Bie world and fo Sarope, Meiico, Hawaii and the West Indkt ia-----------lo ashhiiK u.m i special merit awards "fob WS each. Total vahse of prfom affoved in the national competitloa la IMAN-





Ui »

M ;v

Dramatic eolori and an apptalina po«a mad# fhii pictiira takan by Or. WilKam S. Simpton, 834 Buchanan, a spaciai marit award whwiar in tha National Nawspapar Snapthot Awards latf yaar. HU pictura tinf won in Tha CapifaNJournal Snapthof Contatl, which will ba bald again thi| yaar, baglnnlng July 3.


Two exhibitions

A THE WORLD IN WHICH WE UVE^Ji From a Kansas farm scene to a view of the Taj Mahal, landscapes, marine views, histori­ cal spots — pictures which emphasise places inviead of people will be plac^ bi this divi­ sion, B. THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD This classification covers .flta "people" pletures, pictures of persons young or eld Iran any point on the globe. C. ANIMALS OF THE WfHtLO-Bousehold pels, farm animals, wild life hi their natural hablut In iKaaUoni to ishich Iheat subjects sre of principal Interesl

Contest Rules O) TMI trntm b « nawrg. Mwn b i M Mg nrm an UMW ChM EMliKt W I 111 P*cT«m WMi Mbr wm mr MW •*' mmtm* «r Wm mm to «§• •ww wwMMif M tnonb cbw w a


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by amateurs


Along wHh its professional painters, To­ peka has a large oumber of amateurs who paint as a hobby or for recreatton and have a aerious imerest In their work. Two of Iheae have exhibitions down town, Mrs. Blanche RiO at the Thpeka SUta Bank and Paul H. Woriey al Myron Green Cafeteria. Mrs. HiU and her hndtand, Frank W. HiU, who died lest December, bed a por­ trait atudio eo jUtnaa Avmua for M years and later a framing shop. Mrs. Bia did an the portrait lialing in both shops aloi|g with her busfaend. She began painting aheui US4, first in the Mulvane Art Center's "Painting for Fun" classes. Later she enrolled ta a course taught by Rebecca Wright, but before that she had studied with Ethel Uughead aod with Fred Meek. Her painlings al the bank are landscapes and ffowers. all oils. She has began to wosk in walercolors. Worley paints In walercolors and has a strong liking for histarical subjects. He grew up In Abilene and has palnled some of its well-known old buildings, which Include Ihe old Union Pacific station and a tall narrow bouse that was at Third and Cedar, now gone, but tt formerly housed a smaB drug store and was a noted tawhnark of the town.

tM. WH M( H fto MMtoa Horn, to Mtor to be OTtofW M ito Nptoatow AMfto, m mitrmt • w*M bf — to tto tow toto

to- b ■

to iMMUr mctoPw 0 tto WM atotoo a a am am Him mm wm am t aatofto a mmm twmmm. m am mama, m wma hitoBtaw to rw caatiai uanu. amt am am iiii linin aim amt am aaa m amnt to aabZramS^mm^mm'atTJS !to*ibCra*ar

campus playbill FORT HAYS STATE COLLEGE - Two pro­ grams in the Artists md Lecinres Serioa of the staiuner losaioa will ha preacsited this week. The Titano Acooedloo Trio wiO appear Theaday and the Moline. BL, Boys' Obah- will be presented b • Ttaraday concert. Bott b^ at • p.m. hi FHlen-Slart Theater and are free to the pnhhc.

'Hie cast has been selected lor ' Dark ol the Moon" lo be presented by Summer-Win­ ter Theatre July 1. J, I. 9, IS and 16. at the Menninger outdoor amphitheater, SfM W. 6lh. The play with music is based oo one of the Barbara Allen legends of the Southern hats. Mas Shafer aod Jerry Goacher are directors. The chomugrapher Is Jim Woods and the set designer is Boh Webb. Barbara Alien will be played by Linda Spoon. 1201 Randolph, and John by PhU Gre­ cian, S637 W. MIh. Others in the east ire Tom Smith. U19 Mulvane: Maxiiw Berghs. 2000.Briarwood: James Bufaang. 60g Lincoln; Tim VraatU, 4 Xavier; Laura Whyte, Rt. »; Holly Pawl. 27N W. ftfa; U. E. Huhhie. 25M Miasian; Bonnie Parton, ISJg Croli: Erv Zmlner. gl4 Webster; Cathy BraSman, 4 Stanford Circle; Francis Ctay, 3301 W. 33rd; Dan Bnichwold. 7 Columbia Dr : Mike Mul­ ler, 2S01 Moundview; Rick Funk, 2000 Birch-woM Ln.; Susan Johnson, 1317 E. 2Ut; Don Cof, 1107 MacVicar; DaU Ward. 1 Clemaon; Barbara Smith, 1320 Mnivanc; Tim Morphy. 5026 West Hills Dr.; Unda Flipt«n.-310I Bur­ lingame: Mike Stubbs, 1020 W. 20th: Diana Osterboul. 132S Polk; and Linda Durham. 1737 Village Dr. Children of the town win be played by Brian and Lisa Berghs. Rohhie Clay. Corrin and Marcene-Oum, Pat Mur­ phy and Susan Wallace.

This one I remember ra

li|i TOM L. tCIRHR M ii

Among problems of a university admin­ istrator may wrU be a split faculty, advises Dr. John Henderson ol Washburn who de­ fines it by reporting the con­ tents of a conunimication re­ ceived by a president con­ valescing from a bout with pneumonia. "Dear Mr. Smearcase," it reads. "Meeting by special can, Ihe faculty notes wilhl syngaathy the unfortunate turn of events resulting your confinement, pledges_____ its eve^ effort to coodnet*' ........ Ihe business of the university as best It can to your absence and tostrarta me to express an earnest hope for swift and complete re­ covery. ' "Signed. Martin G. Megathon, dean of Ihe college. N “P. S>^ vote was n-St. I abstained.''

Handbell choirs to play Tuesday The First Christian Church Handbell Choirs of Fort Smith. Ark., conpoaed of 34 chBdren. will play a concert Tuesday at 7:14 p.m. in Ihe First Presbyterian Church, 417 There will be no admission charge for the v program by the Religious Art Committee, but a free will offering will be taken. The bell ringers are the pupOs of con­ ductor Rkhard H. Groves, a former concert pianist who began teaching the old musical art la youngsters 14 years ago. Their program ranges frem sacred to classical music.

PHOTO CREDITS CL«: %-%atry iMto§m . to« iv-to* tS-MM H«MK. I>-KM Itoww.

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M9WAT.itoto1f.1N4 M18

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by mort walker






Hi And


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LET’S ' sew -Flower dcsifn it fonacd )>j lece-Mitch — B«w, feniniM. tuy. tMn crochet. Sim JI.54; S6.M WL-------- »<


m 129 )4EWBST, BA9V'inr FASHIONS ie o« -FAIHIONS TOIIW^ IHtWfi Cettlo(.

F^apow U CMdog MV ooe you chooee fiw over Vi 4tii|n Meet. Sm4


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Can you find:




i Mr ■ \ .

The coupon saves Mom 7(, toe. (So she might even bring home some Del Monte* Orange^ Apple, Grape, or Tropical Fruit Punch.)














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Tip b£,tt-£k'^ww wp^i

! START WrTM EACH TAKE ■ fonpa-^ent/ils a dt.(7v£ ‘I AND STAND \ 4SISHDIV J >DII... M


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A* by Bob Montano













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iileTL whathappcnco while

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PhylHs didn't hac thfi jitters when Nina and HopeJ

r Mom ttiinks you shouid ' I woiTv about vour baby ,

'^Tell her Hi «orrv|Thafs1 ' about the baby if I a bet, L I she'll stop wrrying J Judy. J about me.

i p rmw If my grades wenent in the upper quarter of' ciass Id hane plenty^ to porry about, i


f Sure. Aren't you worried \| ^that perhaps » '' ‘ Fathers







HILP FOR HOMIMAKIRS f w pecaiae k <> 90 MITOW,

1 eu) itiU UM mr wtttr lUOTt and iiak!

eolot jr M»

UteasM^RMl I find tkli ■■iwItMilly RdbMive.bMkid paper. VHlUl «tMB we UM thilltf.

Whan 1 poll ogt a drew. I

one a< thaw te aet aome y»ui»<wa"PUu oMthed, or UN vlttlN en. (uch aa buttered


If OMi^My >• mtef «nd I bm «• BMk* «ctn wlods, ^ IT. T.

■rolumy W lone (my UtiriMR *«wtf U »" wide) •If «M oMoo el • rmUai mte Md opvered Am with

Woad, mndlinoBtA etc. . You micht have aeme boNda around the houM yea eeuld un lor thu purpoee, or there ralfht be lotne on the trseh pile back of your poeery etore. 1 havo used Bdna tor over nine mentha, ud hav« found them to thel I mndo two more, m I eea pull out' more drawert and have more apace. By maUnf them S0* lone. I can alao place one over the front part of the tlnk. which gtew «a M" more ipaa,

DKARHAOBE: Iha beat method X haeo found for removln* amyon marks from sidewUks ia to UK lacquer thinner and a wire brush. Sorub until mark! diMppaar. and than rtnM with the fardan heaa. R. Ruaby

tlMwa WMMrfel eefrea • wta ptaaOe Uds make pr waMhatoNs far ymr * taw table aad MwWf tohU MMred A.R(

DEAR HELOISE: I Imagine there are many mothers who spend oountleN aradous months fMiing their small children ertll put

Thp Ntoady fw the altus' ttan la K timpla that I am aurprtaad that aomeone hasn’t thought af it hefore! Ml one has to da Is to cut * * ‘ I nylon Mt Into a dreto lar|a ana«dh to mmplatoly aaoer the Ian. Add a dsmtriag around the outer adit and diww tt up tl^tly around the middle of the bwk of toe fan and tie It The air stin circulates through the net the tan it

I»AR HTtrrtTCTWe JtM had a ptonlesand e eoovered a beOtont tdM U for aarrylng the iMd. Wa pat aU tba lead Is a plNtto ctothM ba*at»a •COB** one with baaAee. It

DBAB KELOISE; Want • handy apron lor the kltduB? • Sew two flngQtip towob with fringe onto the band of your apron, one at each de of the apron. That you ways have a towel to dry

Mn. C. MeUnden



DEAR KELOaB; This IdM la fw pnvk who UN '

^^SdSLSSt thcnbcffabard , . ing ptaati beak bi aMtly. Tto a ptoN W itMBa

beNOM ef toil «Btn proMo> tton. l).yid Stafford SEAR KEUXSB; Ofton during hot waattMT our pau arc more thiraty thaa we realize. It is sice to keep pertoetty freeh water in the patf bowl, but it is even nicer to have a bowl fUM with In eubw. Oeg^ «paMr. Uhe the cubN>

flkV«!3 atieki, trjr unn« plaatic terka

tbair little finfen thnnifh the fuardi U the rtMtrie

DEAR KELOISE: Bate's a hint for thoN who have'little osm wtw don’t cere rautoi for.that weddy sbampooing . . . Have a eoupto of Noogm handy. Give the diUd one to hold over his eyN (slightly dan^-tba spanga, that U) and UN the other to squaau the wator and dtfmpoo evenly ever hto aofgin rtatoN you have one of thoN handy sprays Ibis certainly has helped wHh tba dum^teo hattle at our hoUN. , Helen


around the middle of the ironing board, about where the bottom of the akirt would fit. 11a tbe alMtie firmly, than poB Qm ptoets into place about an laA un­ der the elaetle. You can press about half the akirt at one thne. A real time and moneyJana Indtb

DEAR HELOISE: I am only tan. but I’ve thought of an idea. If you have a popside tray, and have lost or hrak*" popside


DEAR RBiOlll: I have found a wap to take a Huieh wdad seat and Imp baby biiBP N the aama tiato. I tabs the bahy to that rrmflwlaWa dnuMi bad, tta down and mad, or turn en

• ptolflar.

BatoN tong 1 am reNed and bahy is fast atlaip without repeated tripa b»> tween the front room, dm or baby's room. Beet-Rested Manuay

Me. but aftm toying It, X Bnd that Udooa. _ . .

A V A ▼A

by Schulz


Whan the popdekm wart to set stand the torka or spoons up str^tt It works! RepeWe Girt



I SI^NOHElSRMmAtoRWCMto AMD samm^i w Aa'mE uork UHIt£ HE JDST«Wn«£.50«Ttt»es ITHIMK H£1A»« AWANTASe 0F«


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by Walt Kelly


liiiiar ::zr-.,


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