Elizabeth MacDonald, Rajasthan Walls

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For many years I have looked at the stained surfaces on old walls. I find in them a history of time and place – layer upon layer created by man and eroded by weather. A record of time is reflected on these walls – always changing – always evolving. With my camera, I love to capture a moment of color and texture, which to me is always beautiful. Ever since a trip to China in the 80s, I have wanted to record these layers of history; and now, after a trip to India, I have worked on images inspired by my photographs of the walls in Rajasthan. Leonardo da Vinci, in his “Treatise on Painting” wrote “if you cast your glance on any walls dirty with such stains… you will be able to discover… myriad things which you can transform into a complete and proper form… it would not be too much of an effort to pause sometimes to look into these stains on walls.”

Elizabeth MacDonald - 2008


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