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Temple Beth Sholom

The Shofar

Nisan/Iyar/Sivan 5784

We Are Grateful to God

May/June 2024

Passover has ended and our matzah crumbs have been swept away. Perhaps the song of Dayeinu is still running through your head. How many gifts God has brought to us…bringing us out of the land of Egypt, giving us the Sabbath, giving us the Torah, bringing us into the land of Israel, and making us a holy people.

Recently, I read a version of Dayeinu by Susan Hendler, a Sisterhood member of Temple Beth Orr in Coral Springs, Florida. Although it was written for Passover, this piece can resonate all year long. She writes:

We are grateful to God who shows mercy when we face adversity, who has brought us the greatest gifts of faith, trust and enlightenment through Torah.

If we appreciate the grace harmony, and artistry of nature – Dayeinu

If we embrace the beauty of simplicity – Dayeinu

If we envision the sacred with the ordinary – Dayeinu

If we greet diversity with acceptance – Dayeinu

If we cherish the insightful wisdom of our elders – Dayeinu

If we perform acts of kindness anonymously – Dayeinu

If we nurture the purity creativity, and hope reflected in the eyes of our children – Dayeinu

If we cultivate the positive forces that drive us to a peaceful existence – Dayeinu

If we radiate the spirituality that we internalize from our relationship with God – Dayeinu

Each line of the above writing teaches us a life’s lesson. Start with the first line and take your time to appreciate it. You might take a walk, drive to the mountains, or sit by a lake, and you’ll understand what the words truly mean. Don’t rush to internalize all what has been shared in one day. Perhaps as you go, you will start seeing the world and yourself a little differently.



2 YAHRZEITS MayTheirMemoriesBeaBlessing
Nisan May 10-11/2-3 Iyar May 17-18/9-10 Iyar
May 3-4/25-26
5 – Herman
Cornblatt 12 – Edwin Rosenstock
6 – Gloria Calisch Gallagher 15 – Lorraine Lester
Santerre 6 – Patrice Kramer 17 – Lee Evan Howard
– Margaret
Kingoff 8 – Sarah Rebeka Whitten Kushner 18 – Phillip Greenberg
– Jeanne Gabriel Kaufman 8 – Louis Sager 9 – Samuel Jacobs 9 – Isaac Rosenstock
24-25/16-17 Iyar May 31-June 1/23-24 Iyar June 7-8/1-2 Sivan 19 – Samuel Cassoy 26 – Esther Cohen 3 – Arthur Goldstein 19 – Daniel Sechtin 26 – Leo Kaufman 5 – Tillie K. Rubin 20 – Mattie Kaufman 26 – Eileen Stendig 6 – Annie Rebeccah Vatz 23 – Jay Newman Macht 28 – Charles Miller 7 – Raynell Lantor 25 – Sidney Johnson, Sr. 29 – Rebecca W. Berman 25 – Joseph
30 – Rabbi Arnold Shevlin 31 – Shirley Kellam 1 – Jacob Berman 1 – Joe Bermann 22 Iyar – Dr. Luis Fraifeld
14-15/8-9 Sivan June 21-22/15-16 Sivan June 28-29/22-23 Sivan 10 – Hyman Sater 16 – Zev Becher 23 – Murray “Buddy” Rippe 11 – Harry Binder Stein 16 – Sam Heiner 25 – Alice Heiner Kingoff 12 – Samuel Gold 17 – Ernest Freudenthal 13 – Elizabeth Rose Hausman 17 – Lee David Howard 15 –
19 – Alan Bermann 20 – Esther Berman Fishman 20 – Theodore Harris 21 – Herman
Kushner 21 –
21 –
Edith M. Cornblatt
2 – Nathan Newman
Riva Lea Kingoff
Ben Klaff
Eleanor Howard


Let’s welcome Shabbat together in the chapel at First Presbyterian Church


Friday, 3rd 7:30 p.m.

Friday, 10th 7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Service

Shabbat/Holocaust Remembrance Service

Friday, 17th Shabbat Service not scheduled

Friday, 24th Shabbat Service not scheduled

Friday, 30th Shabbat Service not scheduled

If you would like to attend online or in-person services on one of the Friday nights not scheduled, here are some suggestions: Ohev Zion will meet at 7:30 p.m. on May 17th You can also attend Zoom or in-person services at Temple Emanuel in Greensboro Their services are at 6:30 p.m. You will need to go on line for the information. Or, you can live stream with Central Synagogue at 6:00 p.m.


Friday, 7th 7:30 p.m.

Wed., 12th 7:30 p.m.

Friday, 14th 7:30 p.m.

Friday, 21st 7:30 p.m.

Friday, 28th 7:30 p.m.

Shabbat Service

Congregational Meeting

Shabbat/Shavuot Service

Shabbat Service

Shabbat service

Uplift another congregant’s spirits by giving them a call or sending them a card, email or text! It only takes a few minutes and it will make a big difference in their day and yours!

Remember: “Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.”



If you would like information printed in this section, please let Jo Ann know.

A big Mazel Tov goes to Alyssa Stanley on her upcoming graduation from UNC – Pembroke on May 11th She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a Zoology concentration. Elisabeth and Mark are so proud of Alyssa for completing her degree in three years and maintaining a 3.94 grade average!

Our wishes for good health are extended to Mildred Barth, Mira Becher, Carol Caplan, Don Loper, and Lynne Steinberg de Loper. We know that some of our congregants become ill, have surgery, or suffer an injury between The Shofar publications, so please know that we extend a prayer of comfort and continued recovery to those who are not specifically named.


May Birthdays: 4 – Stuart Kramer; 6 – Judy Salamon; 12 – Terrie Lantor; 21 – Elisabeth Stanley; 25 – Erwin Will; 27 – Mildred Barth; 28 – Harriett Will

May Anniversaries: 10 – Darcy and Michael Amick; 15 – Carol and Michael Caplan

June Birthdays: 8 – Allison Gordon; 19 – LaTrice Eisner; 20 – Bryna Kramer; 25 – Ben Rippe; 27 – Julian Koplen; 30 – Sam Rippe

June Anniversaries: 13 – Belinda and Bernard Baker; 16 – Ronnie and Steve Mand; 17 – Jo Ann and Peter Howard

Temple Beth Sholom Donations

Please remember the Building Fund for such things as Sympathy, Mazel Tov, Thank You, and Speedy Recovery. The list is endless. Your contribution will brighten someone’s day and help support YOUR temple at the same time!

Jimmy Adkins – Wishing the congregants of Temple Beth Sholom a wonderful Pesach.

Peter and Jo Ann Howard – Given in loving memory of David John Howard, Aunt Marilee Sager, Aunt Miriam Sager-Saffer, and Charles and Heather Silverman.


On Sunday, April 7th, four of us traveled to Temple Emanuel in Greensboro for their annual Jewish Food Festival. There were vendors selling wind chimes, glass items, hand-made furniture pieces, jewelry, stationery, artwork, t-shirts, religious items, and of course, delicious food. There was falafel, corned beef and pastrami sandwiches, kosher hot dogs, pickles, kugel, knishes, lox and bagels, matzah ball soup, Dr. Brown sodas, challah, and pastries galore!

Wait, that’s not all. There was singing and dancing, a fun area for children, and an area which included such things as having your Hebrew name written for you (suitable for framing), writing a message to be taken to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, and learning about the history of bagels.

The Jewish History of Bagels

The information below was copied from the information posters. Did you know?

Jews were prohibited from baking bread in Medieval Europe. The reasoning behind this was that the church considered bread to be holy and thus, too good for the Jewish people.

The original ban on baking bread was slightly lifted in Poland during the 13th century. Jewish people were now allowed to work with bread by boiling it, rather than by baking it. This made the bread distinctive from the bread supplied by Christian bakers.

In Poland, bagels started to be sold on the street. They were sold stacked up on sticks or hung from strings. That’s why bagels have holes!

Eventually, Jewish people started to migrate to the United States. By 1900, many bagel bakeries opened in Manhattan’s lower east side. Bagels were sold for a nickel a piece!

In 1915, Local 338 was formed in New York City by 300 bagel craftsmen, establishing standards for bagel production. All of the members were Jewish, and the meetings were conducted in Yiddish.

So now you know!


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Statement on 2024 Remembrance Day

In 1980, through a unanimous act of Congress, our nation made a bipartisan commitment to Holocaust memory by mandating that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum lead the country in an annual commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust, the Days of Remembrance. (This year’s Days of Remembrance will be held from Sunday, May 5, through Sunday, May 12.) There was a shared national understanding that the Holocaust was a pivotal event for all of humanity, including the United States, given our history and unique responsibilities. American soldiers bravely fought to defeat Nazism and preserve our democracy, and many Holocaust survivors rebuilt their lives in the US. The Holocaust teaches lessons about the fragility of democracy and our own nation’s failures to accept more desperate Jewish refugees to our shores.

“Across four decades, Holocaust remembrance observances have been held annually in the US Capitol, by state and local governments, federal agencies, the military, educational institutions, and many others. Holocaust remembrance has become a national commitment, reflecting American history and values,” Museum Chairman Stuart E. Eizenstat said. “However, in recent weeks, some individuals have outrageously attempted to thwart this tradition, disrupting planning for these ceremonies by harassing and verbally abusing officials, community members, and even Holocaust survivors. These contemptible acts, part of an alarming eruption of antisemitism since the Hamas terror attack against Israel, are shameful and totally antithetical to our nation’s values and commitment to Holocaust memory. Holocaust commemorations are a time to remember, reflect, and rededicate ourselves to our shared humanity.”

“My immediate family survived the Holocaust only because we were able to flee to other countries and find helpers who hid us. The rest of our family and our entire community were destroyed," said Arye Ephrath, Holocaust survivor and Museum volunteer. “Not a day since liberation goes by that I do not think of them and all the six million Jewish men, women and children killed solely for being Jews. That’s why the Days of Remembrance are especially meaningful. It is my hope and the hope of all survivors that people will remember our families and reflect on the dangers of antisemitism and all forms of hate, and the importance of taking action to confront them. These lessons of the past are urgently needed now.”

A nonpartisan federal, educational institution, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America’s national memorial to the victims of the Holocaust, dedicated to ensuring the permanence of Holocaust memory, understanding, and relevance. Through the power of Holocaust history, the Museum challenges leaders and individuals worldwide to think critically about their role in society and to confront antisemitism and other forms of hate, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity. To learn more visit



Shavuot History

Shavuot, which has become known as the Festival of the Giving of the Torah, was originally a harvest holiday. Along with Sukkot and Passover, it is one of the Shalosh Regalim (Three Pilgrimage Festivals), during which people gathered at the Temple in Jerusalem with their agricultural offerings.

In the time of the Temple in Jerusalem, the ancient Israelites brought their first fruits (first harvest of their crop) to the Temple to offer to God at Shavuot, 49 days after Passover.

(The name Shavuot, literally "weeks," symbolizes the completion of this seven-week period.) In Leviticus 23:21, the Torah commands: "And you shall proclaim that day to be a holy convocation!”

After the Temple was destroyed and the Israelites could no longer bring the first fruits of their harvest as offerings, Talmudic rabbis reframed the holiday. The Rabbis ascribed Shavuot to the biblical story which recounts how, after the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites proceeded to Mount Sinai in the desert. Moses ascended the mountain to meet God, who gave him the Ten Commandments, which were written on two tablets to be delivered to the Israelites.

Based on the Torah’s description of when the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai after the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 19:1), the Rabbis set the date of the giving of the Torah as 6th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan, and the holiday that was once purely agricultural became the commemoration of the Israelites receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai. Today, even as we remember its agricultural roots, the holiday allows us to celebrate the Torah, education, and the wisdom that Jewish teachings have to offer us.

Shavuot is known by several names: Chag HaShavuot (the Festival of Weeks), Chag HaBikkurim (the Festival of the First Fruits), Z’man Matan Torateinu (the Time of the Giving of Our Torah), and Chag HaKatzir (the Festival of Reaping). Some Ashkenazi Jews may pronounce and write the name of the holiday as “Shavuos.”


A Little Humor is Good for the Soul!


Solly and Max were describing their fishing expeditions with great relish.

"Once in Florida," said Solly, "I caught a fish so huge, it took three men to shlep it in the boat!”

"That's nothing," scoffed Max. "I once caught a lamp with a date engraved on it 1492, when Columbus discovered America!”

“Big deal,” said Solly rising from his chair. “My fish weighed 150 pounds.”

“Yeah? Well, the lamp I caught was still lit!”

Nose to nose, they stared each other down ... until finally ...

“Listen Max,” said Solly. “How about ... we make my fish five pounds and you put your light out!”


Irwin and Murray celebrated selling their raincoat business by going on safari in Africa. One night in the jungle, they were frozen in their tracks by an ominous, low roar.

“Murray”, quaked Irwin.

“I heard ...”

“Irwin! Look behind me ... tell me what you see. A lion? A tiger? A leopard?”

“I should know?” moaned Murray. “What am I? A furrier?”


Goldfarb, a coat manufacturer, couldn’t sleep. He was growing thin and haggard. Finally, his partner, Vogelman, suggested counting sheep.

“OK, tonight I’ll count!”

The next morning, Goldfarb looked worse.

“Nu? Did you count?” asked Vogelman.

“Did I count! All the way to 5,000 sheep. Bupkes. So, I sheared them. Still I was wide awake. So then I made up 5,000 coats till I finally drifted!”

“So what’s the problem?”

“I awoke with a start, thinking, ‘OY! Where could I get 5,000 linings?’”


May - June 2024

A Message from Martha

I had certainly hoped at the end of February when I wrote my last article for the Shofar that I would have good news to report when I wrote again. Sadly, that is not the case. Violence continues in the Middle East despite efforts to defuse the situation. Antisemitism continues to be on the rise as demonstrations that describe themselves as pro-Palestinian sometimes descend into anti-Semitic threats.

Complex situations require thoughtful and often complicated responses at the same time that we often want simple answers, which unfortunately often turn out to be wrong and even harmful. In addition to the distressing situation in the Middle East, there is also bad news from around our country, as some state legislatures continue their efforts to enforce mandatory reproduction with subsequent harm to both women seeking health care and the medical professionals who want to provide it.

We can throw up our hands in despair, but that is not the “go to” position of women who are used to expressing themselves and taking action. So, what should we do? Fortunately, Hadassah offers both the information and the concrete actions that are needed in order for us to make a difference. Of course, donations of money are always appreciated! But you can also donate your time, attention, and energy to the causes that are most significant to Hadassah members.

First of all, once again, I encourage you to visit the Hadassah website for a wealth of information as well as concrete and convenient ways to use that information in furthering the cause of practical Zionism. Further, when you receive emails from Hadassah, take the time to read them, a simple but effective way to stay current on the latest developments and how to respond to them. And of course, use your voice! This can be a scary but very powerful way to address current concerns. Send an email to your legislators, write a letter to the editor, or simply identify yourself as a member of Hadassah who believes in Israel’s right to exist.

As always, thank you for your continuing efforts to show the world “the power of women who do”!


Our Advocacy at Work: Exciting Advances for Women’s Health Research

On March 18, acting co-CEO Sheryl Zeligson represented Hadassah at the White House to celebrate Women’s History Month and President Biden’s new executive order focused on one of Hadassah’s longtime advocacy priorities: women’s health research.

For years, Hadassah has expressed deep concern about the tremendous gaps in knowledge regarding women’s biology, health and disease and by the scarcity of research being done to fill those gaps. We have advocated for increased study, funding and awareness around women’s health issues. As a result of our advocacy, it is exciting to see advances through the Biden administration and Congress focused on this important issue.

Administration Actions

President Biden announced new proposed funding for women's health in the federal budget and spoke about the new Initiative on Women’s Health Research and the Sprint for Women's Health spearheaded by Dr. Jill Biden.

These programs aim to change how the world approaches and funds women’s health research by bringing together the federal government, private investors and philanthropic supporters. Additionally, the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) will accelerate new research and discoveries in women’s health through $100 million to advance high-impact research that will improve women’s health outcomes.

Efforts in Congress

During a House Energy and Commerce Health Committee hearing that discussed legislation that would support patients and caregivers, Dr. Christina Annunziata, senior vice president of extramural discovery science at the American Cancer Society, testified about three bills that will help improve women’s health research and fund women’s health programs. She spoke in support of the Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventative Services Act of 2023 (HR 4534), which would expand women’s health research related to breast and lung cancer.

Lung cancer diagnoses in women have increased by 84% in less than 45 years, with women who have never smoked twice as likely to get lung cancer than men. The gender disparity is not well understood due to a lack of research, as lung cancer receives the least research funding per death among major cancers, even though it kills more women in the US than breast, ovarian, and cervical cancers combined.

Economic Impact Research

According to a recent McKinsey Health Institute research study, addressing the significant health gap between women and men has the dual potential to enhance the well-being of millions of women and stimulate the global economy by over $1 trillion yearly by 2040.

What You Can Do

Write to your legislators today to support the Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act!


Rays of Hope and Celebration

Martha Woody lit 2 menorahs

Menorah 1: For all those who are suffering during the current conflict in Israel and Gaza and other wartorn areas of the world.

Menorah 2: For all of us doing what we can to promote justice and peace in our homes, our country, and for all humankind.

Ronnie Mand lit menorah

1. Steven’s successful hernia surgery 2. Betsy & Rob’s 19th anniversary 3. Nathan’s acceptance to the University of Florida and the Honors Program 4. Martha, Melanie, & Jo Ann love working with these gals 5. All of you, members of this amazing chapter 6. Women worldwide, those living in peace and those who need our prayers 7. Happy Purim 8. Happy Spring 9. Happiness for all of us

Jo Ann Howard lit 3 menorahs

Menorah 1: Happy April Birthdays to Jonathan (38), Micah (14) and Gray (1)

Menorah 2: For Ronni Nichamin’s successful hip surgery

Menorah 3: In memory of Robert M. Haley


Dawne Lucas lit 1 menorah

In honor of Micah’s accomplishments

Susan Dufour lit 1 menorah

Congratulations to the Kurtz and Califf families on the birth of their two children, cousins, my great niece and nephew, Alexandria Eliana Bui Kurtz, daughter of Joshua Kurtz and Chau Bui, and Max Arthur, son of Aaron and Jessica Califf

Ronni Nichamin lit 1 menorah

Praying for Keith Seigel who is being held hostage in Gaza. His mother is a member of Chapel Hill – Durham Chapter. Keith grew up in Durham, NC. His wife was recently released.

Will we see your name next time? You can light a menorah for just $18!


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