Arts & Lifestyles - September 13, 2018

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Award-winning Port Jefferson Documentary Series returns for Fall 2018 season ■ B13

ALSO: Theater Talk with Jessica Murphy B12 • 'Fun Home' opens in Smithtown B14 • Fiddle & Folk Festival celebrates 7th year B15


The Greater Port Jefferson Chamber Of Commerce Presents Our Fifth Annual


THE DRAGONS ARE COMING!! Saturday, September 15, 2018

Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce • 118 W. Broadway, Port Jefferson • 631-473-1414 •

Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18070062H


pediatric surgery Whether emergency or planned surgery, kids need specially trained pediatric surgeons, kid-sized instruments and child-centered care. Hard to find at most hospitals, but exactly what you’ll find here. Just one of 30 specialties at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital.

Part of Stony Brook Medicine | ©157424


A little-known phylum is full of surprises

sponges (the phylum Porifera) and comb jellies BY ELOF AXEL CARLSON Biologists classify living things using a sys- (the phylum Ctenophora). Note that the placozoa do not have organized tem that Carl Linnaeus (1707–1778) introduced tissues (we have epithelial, muscular, connective in the 18th century and that has grown in detail over the decades as new forms of life are found and nervous tissues), a basic symmetry (we have and studied. Humans are familiar with being ver- a bilateral or left and right sides that are roughly tebrates (a class of the phylum Chordata). Chor- mirror images) or body organs (we have kidneys, dates are animals with a spinal cord, spine or an lungs, internal bones and eyes, ears, a nose and mouth). They have no nerve cells, muscle cells, embryonic structure called a notobony structure, intestines or chord. There are 55,000 chordate sense organs. species. So far there are 109 phyla What makes the placozoa covering plants, animals, protointeresting to biologists in this zoa, fungi, bacteria and archaea, molecular era is the opportunity which are less precisely organized to compare the genomes of reinto kingdoms and domains. lated phyla and see what genes One phylum, first discovered they have to work out a molecin 1883, consisted of just one speular tree similar to the trees of cies until recently. These are the life that have been worked out Placozoa (placo = flat and zoa = by comparative anatomists since animal). They are small (about an Darwin’s theory of evolution proeighth of an inch or 1 mm) and vided a model of how to organize are roughly disc shaped with three layers. The top layer has cells with Most of the familiar phyla life. They represent the launching a hairlike thread called a cilium. appear in the Cambrian era state of life before the familiar phyla of sponges, worms and The bottom layer is also ciliated but has additional cells that take about 500 million years ago. more complex phyla appear in the fossil records. in food from the ocean muck on Most of the familiar phyla appear in the Camwhich the placozoa live. The middle layer has amebalike cells and fiber-bearing cells that con- brian era about 500 million years ago, and the placozoa are first seen in rocks designated as Editract, making the placozoa lumpy in appearance. They reproduce by forming a bud that enlarg- acaran, which existed 100 million years earlier. es and eventually pinches off to produce identical Rocks can be dated by isotopes present in atoms twins. In laboratories, some of the placozoa pro- that have decayed over the millennia. Of future interest will be identifying genes in duce sex cells (sperm and eggs), but these rarely survive the embryonic stage with about 150 later phyla and genes in placozoa and how they cells at the time they die. No such embryos are function in these different organizations of life. found in samples of ocean sediments where pla- Also, it will be interesting to follow the genes in cozoa dwell. Their DNA has been analyzed and it placozoa and in their ancestors back to protozoa shows they have a past history of doubling their in the animal kingdom. As interesting as placozoa gene number and rearranging the sequences of are, they are too small to be adopted as pets in salttheir genes as they have moved about the oceans water aquariums and hard to differentiate without a lens from the muck that accumulates in a fish tank. for more than 500 million years. Elof Axel Carlson is a distinguished teaching Today three species are recognized from samplings around the world. They have about 12,000 professor emeritus in the Department of Biochemgenes and portions of these they share with istry and Cell Biology at Stony Brook University.



is Available!!

In this edition

= No Macular Degeneration


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Our festival will include Asian performing arts, retail, cultural, and food vendors.

• 33 Competing Teams • Children’s Arts & Crafts • Lion Dance • Dragon & Ribbon Dance • Asian Food Vendors • Closing Award Ceremony • Taiko Drumming • Dance Performances

Saturday, September 15, 2018 • 8:30am

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= Example of Macular Degeneration


Book Review ..........................................B26 Business News ......................................B11 Calendar ...........................................B18-19 Cooking Cove .......................................B16 Crossword Puzzle ...............................B10 Life Lines .................................................. B3 Making Democracy Work ................... B9



Medical Compass ................................. B7 Parents and Kids ...........................B25-27 Power of 3 ............................................... B5 Religious Directory ......................B22-24 SBU Sports ......................................B20-21 Theater Review ....................................B14 Theater Talk ...........................................B12




The Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce presents:





Joanna Chikwe, MD Director, Stony Brook University Heart Institute Chief, Cardiothoracic Surgery

All health and health-related information contained in this article is intended to be general and/or educational in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a healthcare professional for help, diagnosis, guidance and treatment. The information is intended to offer only general information for individuals to discuss with their healthcare provider. It is not intended to constitute a medical diagnosis or treatment or endorsement of any particular test, treatment, procedure, service, etc. Reliance on information provided is at the user’s risk. Your healthcare provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment, and needs of you and your family. Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18070067H


Why Our Top Rating for Heart Bypass Surgery Is Good News for Patients Heart disease is now the number one cause of death in the U.S. — one million people each year have a heart attack (that’s one person every 40 seconds). Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery can help people with advanced heart disease live longer, healthier lives. The Cardiothoracic Surgery Division at Stony Brook University Heart Institute has received a three-star rating — the highest awarded — from The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) for overall patient care and outcomes in isolated CABG surgery for procedures done from January to December 2017. Joanna Chikwe, MD, Director of the Heart Institute and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, explains why this top rating is important for patients.

What does a three-star rating for heart bypass surgery mean? This is an achievement shared by an elite group of cardiothoracic surgery programs in the U.S. and Canada. Historically, only about 10 to 15 percent of participants receive the three-star rating for isolated CABG (heart bypass) surgery. For patients, they can have peace of mind knowing they’re getting care from one of the top-rated facilities in the nation.

Who awards the ratings? The ratings are determined by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), a not-forprofit worldwide organization of surgeons and other healthcare professionals who are dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for surgeries within the chest.

How does a hospital get rated? Cardiac surgery programs voluntarily submit detailed information about their surgical procedures performed. The STS then analyzes and randomly audits data elements submitted by hospitals to validate accuracy. The results are riskadjusted so that hospitals are judged fairly based on the communities they serve. The three-star rating that Stony Brook achieved is an “Overall Composite Score” for patient outcomes and quality of care for isolated CABG surgery. It measures a surgical team’s performance before, during and after CAGB surgery.

A NEW CARDIAC SURGERY UNIT Our cardiac surgery patients will soon be treated in spacious, private rooms in our new stateof-the-art Hospital Pavilion, opening in December 2018. The cardiac surgery intensive care and cardiac care units are designed to provide the highest level of care to our patients.

Why are the ratings important? Heart bypass surgery is the most often performed cardiac surgery. But like any open-heart procedure, clinical excellence requires a highly skilled, experienced team that has a proven track record of consistent high quality and safety. The STS ratings provide accurate, unbiased information about the quality and safety of the care provided by different heart surgery providers. When a surgical program receives a three-star rating, it’s a testament to the clinical excellence that patients can benefit from.

How can patients use the ratings? The STS star ratings provide verifiable information based on true clinical data, to help people make informed decisions. When it comes to something as important as your heart, that can make a huge difference. The STS star ratings can be found at

Stony Brook’s new Hospital Pavilion, opening in December 2018

FREE HEART HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT Take our free heart health risk assessment at hearthealth For an appointment with one of our cardiology experts, call (631) 44-HEART (444-3278). For more information about Stony Brook Medicine, call (631) 444-4000. ©157425



SBU’s Carrie Mongle studies how foot bones enable bipedalism Harnessing the Technology of our Research Giants

BY DANIEL DUNAIEF We have to walk before we can learn to run. It’s a common metaphor that suggests learning new skills, like playing the bassoon, requires a comfort level with notes and scales before taking on complex compositions. As it turns out, the expression also applies literally and evolutionarily to the part of our anatomy that is so instrumental in enabling us to walk and, eventually, run — the foot. Carrie Mongle, a doctoral candidate in the Interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Anthropological Sciences at Stony Brook University, recently joined a host of other researchers, including former SBU scientist Peter Fernandez and current clinical assistant professor in biomedical sciences at Marquette University, in a study on the evolution of bones in the foot that made the transition to a bipedal lifestyle possible.

‘Our study supports the hypothesis that the transition to bipedalism was a gradual, mosaic process.’ — CARRIE MONGLE

Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the work by Fernandez, Mongle and other collaborators explored the forefoot joints of ancient hominins, looking at primitive primates from as far back as 4.4 million years ago. By comparing the toe joint shapes of fossil hominins, apes, monkeys and humans, they were able to find specific bony shapes in the forefoot that are important in the development of bipedal locomotion — or walking on two feet. “This study demonstrates that early hominins must have been able to walk upright for millions of years, since the 4.4-million-year-old fossil Ardipithecus ramidus, but that they


did not fully transition to a modern walk until much later, perhaps in closer relatives within our own group, Homo,” Mongle explained in an email. While modern humans are most pronounced in doming, a few primates that walk on the ground have similar foot biomechanics to bipedalism and have similar morphologies in their toes. Those, however, aren’t expressed exactly the same way because their toe bones look different from hominins generally, she explained. Like the drawings so often associated with a knuckle-walking ancestor that transition to a familiar outline of a person walking, the foot also went through various stages of development, balancing between the need to grasp onto objects like tree limbs and an efficient ability to walk, and then run. “The foot is a complex assemblage of bones, so it makes sense that not all of them would have changed at exactly the same time,” Mongle suggested. “Our study supports the hypothesis that the transition to bipedalism was a gradual, mosaic process.” Mongle got involved in this study after discussions with Fernandez, who was at SBU two years ago when the work began. Fernandez suggested to her that, “If we team up together, we can combine our interests and answer some questions about this feature,” she recalled. Fernandez and Mongle found this dome shape developed in the foot bone even as this early fossil still maintained the ability to grasp tree limbs or other objects. Fernandez and several other researchers involved in the study collected the data from the fossils, while Mongle, who focuses on cranial morphology and teeth in her own research, performed the evolutionary modeling. “My role in this research was in analyzing and explaining the evolutionary models, which allowed

Carrie Mongle

Photo courtesy of C. Mongle

us to reveal the timing and sequence of events that produced the modern human forefoot,” she explained. As for her doctoral research, Mongle is broadly interested in updating the hominin family tree. She uses mathematical models to look at variations in the fossil record. She is currently studying a cave in South Africa, where researchers have been recovering fossils since the 1930s. The cave has a considerable number of teeth that are all blended together from a period of between 2.5 million and 3 million years ago. The teeth could tell a more complete story about how human ancestors divided up the food and local resources available to them. If different species were in the same space, they might have divided up into different groups to relieve competitive stress. Frederick Grine, the chairman in the Department of Anthropology at SBU, offered a strong endorsement of Mongle’s research.“I have no doubt whatever that her work on the cranium and the dentition will provide invaluable insights into human phylogeny,” he wrote in an email, calling her an “exceptionally gifted research scientist” and described her as having an “extremely keen intellect.” One of Mongle’s overarching research questions is, “How did we become human?” Reconstructing the phylogenetic tree is an important part of that exploration. While it isn’t central to her thesis work, Mongle appreciated the opportunity to explore the transition to bipedalism, which is one of the “major turning points” in the development of humans.

Mongle explained that several possibilities exist on why human ancestors might have stood upright and walked on two feet. “One of the prevailing theories is that upright walking may have evolved because climate change led to a loss of forests,” she wrote in an email. “As a consequence of walking upright, we now have free hands to carry tools. Bipedalism evolved from a type of locomotion that was already efficient, so the question of its evolution remains open and is “hotly debated,” Mongle explained. The next steps, literally and figuratively, are to study other bones in the feet. “We only looked at one particular part of the foot,” she said. “We would like to expand these approaches to using other bones in the forefoot,” seeking patterns and changes that would also contribute to a bipedal lifestyle. Mongle, who started her doctoral research in 2012, hopes to graduate from the program next May, at which point she will be looking for postdoctoral research opportunities.


In a story that ran on Aug. 2, Peter Tonge’s Stony Brook University affiliation was incorrect. He is a professor in the Department of Chemistry, which is a part of SBU’s College of Arts & Sciences, and is not a part of Stony Brook University School of Medicine. We regret the error.

Weekly horoscopes VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, do not feel like you have to change much about yourself to fit the mold others have created. It is okay to be unique and be proud of your differences. LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23 You are naturally trusting of others, Libra. But keep a small amount of skepticism going so that no one takes advantage of you. Once you vet friends, keep them close. SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22 Spending too much time worrying about what others are doing or what they think of you is not productive, Scorpio. Focus on what makes you happy and don’t worry about others. SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 You may have taken on too much, Sagittarius, and now you think you can’t get it all accomplished. It may take a few long nights, but your initial goal is still attainable. CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20 It is okay to seek perfection, Capricorn, but not when others are helping out. Be grateful of all they have to offer, even if you may need to fix something along the way. AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, you must follow through when you say you are going to do something this week. If not, others may associate you with empty promises, and that reputation is not easily remedied. PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20 This is a good weekend for kicking back and relaxing, Pisces. If you feel like hosting, open your home to some guests for even more fun. ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, things that may have confounded you in the past will be much clearer this week. Someone comes into your life and will explain what you need to know. TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21 Conversations with friends the next few days prove to be a great mood-lifter, Taurus. Things in your life will continue in a positive direction for some time afterward. GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, even though work life and home life are separate, there are some instances when they might overlap. Use this time wisely to build deep relationships. CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22 You have a trustworthy circle of friends, Cancer. If the going gets a little tricky this week, call upon the people who just can’t wait to support you. LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23 Let supervisors know just how much you have been contributing at work and how it has been beneficial to their bottom line. This can be the doorway to a pay increase, Leo.



David Dunaief, M.D. Integrative Medicine

• A Whole Body Approach • Reversing, Preventing & Treating Chronic Disease and Managing Weight by Connecting Conventional Medicine with Lifestyle Modifications Our Philosophy is simple. We believe wellness is derived through nutritional medicine and lifestyle interventions that prevent and treat chronic diseases. Medications have their place - and in some cases can be lifesaving. However, there’s no medication without side effects. The goal should be to limit the need for medications - or minimize the number of medications you take on a regular basis. You are not limited by your genes. Fortunately, most diseases are based primarily on epigenetics, which are environmental influences, and not on genetics. Epigenetics literally means above or around the gene. In epigenetics, lifestyle choices impact gene expression. Just because your first degree relatives may have had a disease, you are not predestined to follow suit. We are specialists who will partner with your primary care physician. A standard medical education does not integrate enough nutritional medicine and other lifestyle interventions. We bridge that gap.

We use evidence-based medicine to guide our decision-making. The amount of research related to nutrition and other lifestyle issues continues to grow rapidly, with many studies showing significant beneficial effects on health. We treat each patient as an individual. We will work with you to develop a plan that allows you to take a proactive role in managing your own health. The health outcomes are worth the effort. Is disease reversal possible? Absolutely! Study evidence has found this to be true, and many of our patients have experienced reversal of diabetes, autoimmune disorders, migraines, and cardiovascular disease, just to mention a few. In many cases, because of their exceptional results, our patients have been able to reduce or eliminate their medications. Read more common questions and answers on Dr. Dunaief has written over 2,000 medical research articles that have been published in Times Beacon Record Newspapers.

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David Dunaief, M.D. Clinician, Researcher, Author and Speaker Dr. Dunaief was also recently published in The New York Times and appeared on NBC, News 12 Long Island and News 12 Brooklyn.

Preventing and Reversing Chronic Conditions and Diseases Including: High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol/Triglycerides Heart Disease • Stroke • Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 Obesity • Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Rheumatoid Arthritis • Hypothyroid • Hyperthyroid Lupus • Multiple Sclerosis • Sjogren’s Syndrome Raynaud’s Syndrome • Inflammatory Bowel Disease Ulcerative Colitis • Crohn’s Disease • Psoriatic Arthritis Celiac Disease • Psoriasis • Sarcoidosis “I lost 135 lbs and have kept it off for several years with the guidance, recipes and encouragement that Dr. Dunaief has provided. Also my inflammation has been reduced significantly. This means I was able to stop my two immunosuppressives for rheumatoid arthritis. I have no more pain or swelling in my joints and can move my fingers normally. This is a surreal experience. I also have reduced my CA125 by tenfold to well within the normal range associated with my BRCA1 ovarian cancer.” – C.H.

Dr. Dunaief builds a customized plan for each patient - he knows that “no body is the same.”





B Retail Lives in 2018!

Job Fair heads to Smithtown

Please Join Us As We Host Our First Annual Private Holiday Shopping Experience

Dr. Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management. For further information, visit or consult your personal physician.

The Smithtown Library, Main Branch, 1 North Country Road, Smithtown will host a Job Fair on Friday, Sept. 14 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives from over 25 companies are scheduled to attend. All are welcome and no registration is required. Bring copies of your resume and dress to impress! Call 631-360-2480 for further details.

We invite you to check out our new weekly Medical Compass MD Health Videos on Times Beacon Record News Media’s website,

To Enhance Hometown Shopping And Showcase Local Businesses

TUESDAY, NOV. 13  5:30 - 8:30 pm The Bates House, One Bates Rd., Setauket

Imagine presenting your gift suggestions in an exclusive private setting as an enjoyable experience of gracious holiday shopping with music, dessert bites provided by Elegant Eating, and Prosecco provided by TBR News Media. Now, more than any other time, you need a very special way to engage your retail audience in person, in print, online and on social media, and the excitement will be streaming live By David on, Facebook Live, Instagram and Twitter! Dunaief, M.D.

Free health screenings

Harborfields Public Library, 31 Broadway, Greenlawn will welcome the St. Francis Hospital Outreach Bus on Thursday, Sept. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Free health screenings will be provided including blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and more for clients above the age of 18. Questions? Call 631-757-4200.

Senior Fair

Looking for residential options, health and wellness opportunities, financial or legal assistance, day programs or other recreational activities? Then visit Sachem Public Library’s Senior Fair on Tuesday, Sept. 25 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Representatives from over 40 agencies, organizations, businesses and local government offices will be on hand to share information and advice. Local politicians will all be represented as will PSEG Long Island, National Grid and AARP. All are welcome to attend this free event. No registration is required. For more information, call 631-588-5024.

Admission is FREE to the public, and all attendees will enjoy a 20% discount Stock photoon many products and services.

Lung cancer lecture

As part of its CancerWise Smart Talk Lecture Series, the Ward Melville Heritage Organization’s Educational & Cultural Center, 97P Main St., Stony Brook will host a free Lung Cancer Prevention and Screening lecture on Wednesday, Sept. 19 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Presenter April Plank of the Stony Brook Cancer Center will give updates and speak about how to successfully quit smoking. Followed by a Q&A. Please RSVP by calling 631-444-1088 or email Terri.

Join Our Festivities Call Evelyn Costello Now For Details


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Medicaid Basics

How can you “age in place” and keep control of your care? Join Burner Law Group for a free breakfast at the Lake Grove Diner, 2211 Nesconset Highway, Lake Grove on Tuesday, Sept. 18 at 9:30 a.m. as they hold an informative discussion regarding the differences between home care and chronic Medicaid. To register, call 631-941-3434.


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William K. Vanderbilt’s superyacht, the Alva, before World War II

Vanderbilt Museum notes 75th anniversary of the sinking of the Alva

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William K. Vanderbilt II (1878–1944) spent years dreaming of and designing his 264-foot yacht Alva. The luxurious ship, named after his mother, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont, was custom built at the Krupp-Germaniawerft shipyard in Kiel, Germany, on a design by Cox & Stephens. It was powered by two diesel engines with an auxiliary electric motor. Top speed was 16 knots. On Aug. 5, the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum marked the 75th anniversary of the yacht’s wartime service and recalled its tragic sinking on Aug. 5, 1943. Aboard the Alva, steaming out of Kiel on March 5, 1931, William and Rosamond Vanderbilt began the ship’s inaugural voyage from Europe to Miami and then New York. The trip was preparation for their epic seven-month circumnavigation of the globe that began in July of that year. During the voyage, Vanderbilt collected marine life, invertebrates and cultural artifacts for his Centerport museum. Ten years, later, just before the United States entered World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked yacht owners to donate their boats to the U.S. Navy. Vanderbilt answered the call. On Nov. 4, 1941, a month before the attack on Pearl Harbor, he gave the Alva to the Navy, which converted it to a patrol gunboat. The ship was renamed the USS Plymouth (PG 57). The Vanderbilt family had served in every major conflict since the War of 1812. In 1917, William Vanderbilt was commissioned as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve. From May 9 to Oct. 1, 1917, he patrolled U.S. coastal waters in his ship Tarantula II. The following details of the Alva’s life as the USS Plymouth are from the Vanderbilt Museum archives and from, a history website based in Iceland with contributing writers from Germany, the United States, Canada and Europe:

On April 20, 1942, the Plymouth was commissioned and based in Norfolk, Virginia. Assigned to the Inshore Patrol Squadron in the 5th Naval District, she made several convoy escort voyages between New York, Key West and Guantanamo, Cuba, during 1942-43. On the evening of Aug. 5, 1943, the Plymouth was escorting a ship convoy 120 miles southeast of Cape Henry, Virginia. The ship’s sonar gear alerted the captain and crew of underwater movement in the vicinity. Moments later, the Plymouth was spotted in the periscope of U-566, a German submarine. The sub launched a torpedo at 9:37 p.m. “The gunboat had made an underwater sound contact while escorting a coastal convoy,” the entry reported. “Just as the ship swung left to bear on the target, she was struck just abaft the bridge. The ship rolled first to starboard, then took a heavy list to port with the entire port side forward of amidships in flames and sank within two minutes.” Of the Plymouth’s 179 officers and men, only 84 survived. They were picked up in heavy seas by the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Calypso and arrived in Norfolk on Aug. 6. The commander, Lt. Ormsby M. Mitchel Jr., was thrown violently against a bulkhead by the explosion. He sustained serious injuries, which later required amputation of his left leg. Despite his own condition, he directed abandon-ship operations and remained at his post until the ship went down. Mitchel was awarded the Navy Cross for extraordinary heroism. Learn more about the Alva and William K. Vanderbilt’s other yachts by visiting the mansion’s Ship Model Room at the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, 180 Little Neck Road in Centerport. Fall hours through Nov. 4 are Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, call 631-854-5579.




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College students and the vote – how, where and why


GARDEN ORB Jay Gao recently snapped this unique photo of a large gazing ball situated at Avalon Park & Preserve’s wildflower field in his hometown of Stony Brook using a Nikon D750. Fun fact: Bavaria’s King Ludwig II loved gazing balls so much he had them produced in many sizes to be hung in trees, floated in ponds and displayed atop ornate pedestals around his Herrenchiemsee palace. King Ludwig’s obsession led to the use of glass baubles as Christmas tree ornaments.

Send your Photo of the Week to

Make Your Landscape Dreams A Reality In Any Season FU L L S E RV I CE CR E AT I V E L A N D S C A P I N G ©75021

New York ranked 41 out of 50 states in voter turnout in 2016 and 49 out of 50 in the 2014 off-year election. Of all eligible New York voters, only 28.2 percent voted in 2014. When you look at the youngest age group, those between 18 and 25 years old, the turnout is even lower. And nationally in 2016, 70 percent of those over 70 years old voted. By contrast, only 43 percent of those under 25 did. As Election Day approaches, students who leave for college will ask how and where they should register and vote. Although a Supreme Court decision in 1979 gave all students the right to vote where they attend college, election law is a state’s right. Each state thus has its own laws regarding voting, including registration deadlines, residency and identification requirements (ID) at the polls. In New York State, any citizen not in jail for a felony conviction can register to vote in the year they turn 18. To vote this year they must be registered by Oct. 12 and be 18 by Nov. 6, the date of the 2018 General Election. Even if a college student is living in another state or another New York county, they can ALWAYS vote absentee in their home district, which is a two-step process. They first need to complete an absentee ballot application and mail or deliver it to their county Board of Elections by Oct. 30. (The application form can be downloaded from NY BOE at http://www. AbsenteeBallot-English.pdf and is available at libraries, post offices and the BOE.) The BOE will mail the actual ballot to the student, who must return it to the BOE postmarked by Nov 5. As long as the ballot was correctly completed and received by the BOE no later than 7 days after Election Day, the vote will be counted. Absentee ballots matter ... they can change an election’s outcome. Frequently college students decide to register and vote where they are attending college. They feel it is important to get connected and have a voice on the issues in their new community and

in the state where they may be living for four plus years. The Supreme Court may have given college students the right to vote where they go to college, but students are NOT ALWAYS ABLE to vote there. Some states have put up barriers to out-of-state students through their ID and residency requirements. Although New York in most cases does not require any voter ID at the polls, 34 states do so, with 17 states requiring photo ID. In Pennsylvania a college photo ID is sufficient while in other states it is not. In Texas a state-issued driver’s license or handgun license is accepted but not a college ID. Election laws can change. New Hampshire has just tightened its voter residency requirements, making it necessary for a student to register his or her car in New Hampshire and obtain a New Hampshire driver’s license. Students who want to vote at their college address should access that state’s most current requirements at for election law and registration deadline information. “Your Right to Vote in New York State for College Students” is also available from LWVNYS at vote/RTVCollegeStudents.pdf In this time of student activism, those interested in a political career should strongly consider voting absentee; the residency requirement for a New York State candidate is living in the state or district for five years prior to being able to get on the ballot. But whether students decide to register and vote absentee in New York or in their college community, it is important that they learn about the issues and the candidates on their ballot, and VOTE. Our democracy works best when everyone participates. Judie Gorenstein is vice president for voter services of the League of Women Voters of Suffolk County, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government and influences public policy through education and advocacy. For more information, visit http://, email league@ or call 631-862-6860.

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1. Words to live by 6. Flicked in a tray 9. Text messenger 13. Cowboy movie 14. *Badgley and Mischka, e.g. 15. Young Montague 16. Diver’s lung 17. Ostrich of Australia 18. Cake cover 19. *Between stiletto and flat 21. *Winter collection 23. Drench 24. ____-de-camp 25. George Orwell’s Napoleon 28. Program for training officers 30. Win at an auction 35. Applications 37. ____ d’Ivoire 39. Port in Portugal 40. C&H crop 41. *____ couture 43. Madrid’s football club 44. “____ on Wayward Son” 46. Comedian Carvey 47. Barber’s supply 48. First-aid item 50. “Pro” follower 52. *To change the color of fabric 53. Sacred 55. Little troublemaker 57. *a.k.a. catwalk 60. *Outerwear pullover 63. Tarantino’s creation 64. Like King George, 1760-1820 66. Find new tenant 68. 1st letter of Hebrew alphabet 69. Negative conjunction 70. Do penitence 71. Those not opposed 72. *Designer Laroche 73. Espresso plus steamed milk

Answers to last week’s puzzle:


(631) 751-6620 21 Bennetts Road, Suite 200, Setauket, New York 11733

1. Trigonometric func. 2. *Nordstorm’s outlet 3. *Purse for the red carpet 4. Financial woes 5. Demosthenes, e.g. 6. Port in Yemen 7. Greater than the whole? 8. Alluring maiden 9. *Little Black Dress creator 10. Arabian chieftain 11. Fast time 12. Lincoln lumber 15. Come to the surface 20. Unit of geological time 22. Tokyo, once 24. Insurance industry statistician 25. *a.k.a. Prince of Prints 26. *Designer Mizrahi 27. Tragedy or comedy or satire 29. Frog’s friend, according to Lobel 31. Civil wrong 32. Measured in loafs 33. *Salvatore Ferragamo’s home country 34. *Gabbana’s partner 36. Balkan native 38. Volcano in Sicily 42. Dine at home 45. Name of God in the Old Testament 49. Former Portuguese colony in India 51. Unprincipled 54. Deviating from truth 56. *____-____-Porter 57. Part to play 58. Part of the eye 59. Tiny sips 60. Gossamer 61. Frequently 62. Superman’s last name 63. Word of possibility 65. Debtor’s note 67. Tiger’s starting point *Theme related clue.



Answers to this week’s puzzle will appear in next week’s newspaper and online on Friday afternoon at, Arts and Lifestyles



Branch Funeral Homes announces addition of grief therapy dog

From left, Councilwoman Jane Bonner, owners Parrie Aanonsen and Irene Thebner and Gary Pollakusky Photo by Mimi Hodges


The Rocky Point Sound Beach Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for What’s for Dinnah? in Sound Beach on Aug. 29. The celebration was attended by chamber president Gary Pollakusky, Sound Beach Civic Association president Bea Ruberto, Councilwoman Jane Bonner (C-Rocky Point), staff member Angela Noncarrow of Assemblyman Anthony Palumbo’s (R-New Suffolk) office and many family members and friends. “I am so happy for Irene and Parrie that they opened their new business. Sound Beach is a


Made to Move Tennis & Wellness, located at 5 South Jersey Ave., Setauket, will host a Community Wellness Week from Sept. 24 to 29. The event will provide the opportunity for the surrounding villages to experience free programs at the boutique facility and will feature a vendor fair, workshops and classes. The boutique facility provides many services including tennis instruction, summer camps, personal training, yoga, nutrition and life coaching and new DaVinci body board fitness classes (see right). “The well-being of our community is what motivates Made to Move Tennis & Wellness,” said founder Spencer Edelbaum. Along with sponsoring Community Wellness Week, Edelbaum has spearheaded the Made To Move Healthy Community Fund which provides $75,000 of financial assistance to those who can’t afford their services. “We see people from all walks of life who have a desire for a healthier life, but can’t afford a fitness and wellness club,” he said. For more information on Made To Move’s Community Wellness Week and Healthy Community Fund, please visit or call 631-751-6767.

great community that supports small business and I encourage everyone to stop by and welcome them to the community,” said Bonner. “It was a pleasure to welcome another family-owned business to Sound Beach,” said Legislator Sarah Anker (D-Mount Sinai), when she stopped by later in the day. “I wish Parrie and Irene the best of luck and look forward to joining their effort to further better our community.” The new restaurant specializes in prepared, precooked “take out “meals that can be heated up at home and changes its menu daily, serving a variety of nutritious items such as soups, salads,

fresh fish, protein bowls and Greek specialties. Owners Parrie Aanonsen and Irene Thebner opened “What’s for Dinnah?” in memory of Parrie’s son, Chris, who unexpectedly passed away in April of this year at the age of 24. What’s for Dinnah? is located at 291 Echo Ave. in Sound Beach. Hours of operation are noon to 8 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2 to 8 p.m. on Thursdays and noon to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. They are closed on Sundays. For more information or to check out its daily menu, please visit www.whatsfordinnah. com or call 631-849-6711.

Branch Funeral Homes recently announced the addition of Hudson, a grief therapy dog, to their team. Hudson was born and bred here on Long Island through Labradoodles of Long Island and is classified as a medium-sized apricot-colored hypoallergenic Australian Labradoodle. Therapy dogs — different from assistance or service dogs — are specifically trained to provide affection, comfort and love to people in need. The dogs must have stable temperaments and very friendly, easy-going personalities because they interact with a variety of people while “on duty.” Therapy dogs must meet set standards to be registered and certified. Hudson is working on his certification and is currently being trained by professional trainer Sal LaMonica of Big Breed Nation. According to the American Kennel Club, “a dog can provide a valuable sense of reassurance, joy, or calmness to people experiencing stressful, lonely or depressing situations or general times in their life.” In the case of the funeral homes, Hudson’s goal will be to provide some comfort to those who are grieving and to help relieve their stress and anxiety. He may be especially helpful to children. “We continuously strive to offer as much assistance, care, and comfort as we possibly can to the families we serve,” said John Vigliante, co-owner, fourth-generation funeral director and manager of Branch Funeral Home’s Smithtown facility. “Adding Hudson to our team is a natural extension of that, and we are really anxious for his certification so he can begin providing that extra comfort to families who want him.” Hudson is also a part of Vigliante’s family at home and joins John, wife Kimberly, and sons Thomas and Justin when he’s not in training or at the funeral home. Once Hudson receives his certification, which is expected to be by January 2019, he will be available upon request at Branch’s facilities in Miller Place and Smithtown. For more information, call 631-744-9700 of visit





Theatre Talk with Jessica Murphy BY MELISSA ARNOLD

Directions: Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9.

Answers to last week’s SUDOKU

Open cast calls Young people’s audition

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will hold young people’s auditions (ages 8 to 17) for its 35th annual production of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” on Tuesday, Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. There will be a double-casting of nine roles (for a total of 18 young people). Readings are provided. A Christmas carol will be taught. Rehearsals begin late September and are weeknights (beginning at 7 p.m.), Saturdays (mornings or afternoons) and Sundays (mornings, afternoons or evenings). Young people must appear in half of the performances, including the student matinees. Performances will be held from Nov. 14 to Dec. 19. For more information, visit

Singers wanted

The Long Island Symphonic Choral Association welcomes new singers. Regular, weekly rehearsals in preparation for two seasonal concerts in December and May are held on Tuesday evenings at the Three Village Church, 322 Main St., East Setauket at 7:30 p.m. Candidates will be required to audition. Please call 631751-2743 or 631-941-9431 for further information.

All voices needed

Informal tryouts for the multigenerational chorus, The Silver Chords, will take place at the Eugene Cannataro Senior Center, 420 Middle Country Road, on Saturdays, Sept. 15, 22 and 29. All levels welcome. Join the group for a warm-up during rehearsal at 9:30 a.m.; auditions with the director will be held at noon. For more information, call Caroline at 631-235-3593 or Carl at 631-379-7066.

Open auditions

Star Playhouse at the Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Road, Commack will hold auditions for its upcoming production of “Beau Jest” on Sunday, Sept. 30 and Monday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. Be prepared to tell a joke at your audition. Callbacks will be on Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. All roles open. Performances will be held on Jan. 12 and 26 at 8 p.m. and Jan. 13, 20 and 27 at 2 p.m. For info, call Melanie at 631-462-9800.

Casting call

The Minstrel Players of Northport are looking for a younger male 30s to 40s for the role of Leonard Vole for its upcoming production of Agatha Christie’s “Witness for the Prosecution.” Show dates are Oct. 26, 27 and 28 with rehearsals starting in early September on Mondays and Tuesdays. Please contact us at or call 631750-3417 for more info.

From their first appearance in comic strips in the 1930s, the iconic Addams family has won the hearts of many for their “creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky” antics. Their story has been told and retold through television, movies, books and even video games. This fall, Theatre Three in Port Jefferson will present “The Addams Family” musical, which debuted on Broadway in 2010. The show finds the Addams children approaching adulthood, and for daughter Wednesday, there are certainly some growing pains. She’s fallen head over heels for a boy, her first real love, and to her family’s horror, he’s … well, normal. And the Addamses are anything but normal. Things are bound to get weird when Wednesday brings her beau and his parents home to meet her family. Underneath all of the zany comedy you’d expect from “The Addams Family” is a story about love, family, growing up and acceptance. It’s a lighthearted, silly show that’s perfect for the Halloween season. Jessica Murphy of Northport plays everyone’s favorite goth girl, Wednesday Addams. The 23-year-old shared her thoughts on the show and making her Theatre Three debut.

How did you get your start in acting?

I started doing small plays and dance recitals when I was around four years old. It was just a hobby, but I found that I really loved being on the stage, being a presence and making people laugh. I did shows all through high school, and in my senior year I was cast as the lead. I wanted to pursue acting professionally, but I didn’t think I could make a career of it. Originally I was going to study elementary education at Loyola University in Maryland. I had always wanted to be a teacher — my mother and grandmother were both teachers, and I love working with kids. But in the car on the way home from orientation I couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t see myself doing anything else but theater.

How did your family respond?

They were incredibly supportive and encouraged me to take a gap year. Afterward, I went to SUNY Geneseo and eventually graduated from there with a bachelor’s degree in musical theater. Now I’m just focusing on getting involved with as many theaters and productions as I can.

What made you want to audition for this show? I love the music from “The Addams Family,” and my mom saw [this show] on Broadway and loved it. I had never been to Theatre Three before, so I was excited to get involved in a group that was new to me.

Photo by Peter Lanscombe, Theater Three Productions Inc.

Jessica Murphy will play the role of Wednesday in Theatre Three’s ‘The Addams Family.’

Were you nervous about being a newcomer?

It was a little intimidating going to a theater for the first time that has such a devoted base of actors. Many of them have done multiple shows at Theatre Three and so they know each other well. But it’s been a fantastic experience. Everyone has been so kind and I’ve loved working with them — they are all incredibly talented.

Were you hoping to be cast as Wednesday?

Honestly, I just wanted to be a part of it! I was hoping for the role of Wednesday, but wasn’t necessarily expecting it … they asked if I wanted time to think it over, but I was so excited that I said yes immediately.

What do you like about your character?

This show gives a completely different take on Wednesday because she’s much older than she’s usually portrayed. She’s grown into her own independent person who knows who she is and what she wants. We also spend a lot of time on the family aspect of the show — Wednesday will always be her mother’s daughter, but she’s really a daddy’s girl at heart.

Do you have a favorite scene in the show?

There’s a scene in the second act when [Addams family patriarch] Gomez sings a song called “Happy Sad.” — It’s a more serious father/daughter moment that’s very touching. Most of the show is so zany, but it’s one of those moments where we see that underneath all the craziness in the family, they have deep love and affection for each other.

What is the best reason to come see this show? At the end of the day, this show is all about love. It’s fun during this time of year to have a show with these kooky and crazy characters, but they really have a lot of heart to them as well. And of course, there’s a lot of laughs! “The Addams Family,” opens this Saturday, Sept. 15 at 8 p.m. at Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson. The show runs through Oct. 27. Tickets are $35 adults, $28 seniors and students, $20 children ages 5 to 12. No children under 5 are permitted. To purchase tickets, call 631-928-9100 or visit



A cultural gem returns to the North Shore Port Jefferson Documentary Series unveils fall 2018 season



resh off its special summer screening of the blockbuster documentary “RBG” to a sold-out crowd at Theatre Three, the award-winning Port Jefferson Documentary Series kicks off its fall 2018 season on Monday, Sept. 17. Seven notable and acclaimed documentary films will be showcased, exploring everything from science fairs, ovarian cancer, poaching, disco, baseball and more. Sponsored by the Greater Port Jefferson-Northern Brookhaven Arts Council and the Suffolk County Office of Film and Cultural Affairs, the first six films will be screened at Theatre Three while the final documentary will be presented in Earl L. Vandermeulen High School’s auditorium. Both venues are located in the Village of Port Jefferson. Each screening will be followed by a Q-&-A session with guest speakers. The documentaries are chosen by a seven-member film board, affectionately known as “the film ladies,” who each choose one film to present to the audience. This fall’s picks were selected after the members attended screenings at the Tribeca Film Festival, DOC NYC and the Hamptons Film Festival. The board members, including co-directors Lyn Boland, Barbara Sverd and Wendy Feinberg along with Honey Katz, Phyllis Ross, Lorie Rothstein and Lynn Rein, along with volunteers Suzanne Velasquez, Elaine Friedman and Denise Livrieri, are celebrating the festival’s 13th year this month. Lyn Boland is excited about sharing this new crop of films with audiences this season. “It’s a very interesting lineup,” she mused during a recent phone interview. According to Boland, one of the more touching films this fall is “Love, Gilda,” an intimate portrait of the comedian, writer and actress Gilda Radner using personal recordings and journal entries along with interviews of her friends and family, including her husband, Gene Wilder. Radner died in 1989 from ovarian cancer at the age of 42. “For me, it was a revelation about who she was because … a lot of comedians have a dark side … but she was seemingly funny and charming and loved by everyone in her family and friend circle from the time she was a little girl,” explained Boland. “[Radner] was very endearing, very bright, very creative — it is a tragic story that she died so young.”

‘Love, Gilda’ will be screened on Sept. 17 at Theatre Three Photo courtesy of PJDS

Another film that will tug at the heart strings, especially for animal lovers, is “When Lambs Become Lions,” which documents the lives of a poacher and a park ranger in Kenya over the course of three years. “I’m very anxious to ask the director how he got this kind of cooperation. It’s just remarkable to see this story from both sides and it has a very intriguing ending,” said Boland. The co-director’s personal favorite is the highly acclaimed “Roll Red Roll” where amateur blogger Alex Goddard uncovers evidence on social media about the sexual assault of an intoxicated teenage girl by football players at a preseason party in Steubenville, Ohio, in 2012. “The real crux of the story is that this blogger found these pictures online because the team was tweeting them and if it hadn’t been for her having the courage to follow up on it, this would’ve gone completely under the radar. It wasn’t reported to the police — just bragged about online,” explained Boland. “It’s one of those tales of personal courage and points out that small town ‘football team is everything’ way of thinking. It’s very well done and very suspenseful and winning a lot of awards.” Perhaps the documentary that has received the most buzz in the news lately is “Science Fair,” which shadows nine teenagers working to win top honors at the acclaimed International Science and

Engineering Fair. According to Boland, this is one of those films the entire family can enjoy. “It’s really one of those great stories of terrific talented kids doing their best and the different things that come into play when you are a teenager” no matter how smart you are. For Boland, being a part of this committee for the last 13 years has been a true labor of love and one she is very proud of. It has also been the perfect outlet to share her love of documentaries to the community. “I really feel that documentaries are a very powerful way of communicating. When you finish watching a really good documentary, you sit there and say “Oh my god, what if I hadn’t seen this? What if I didn’t know? Because in 90 minutes you get a very well fleshed out description of a situation and it’s something that we all need to know more about.” The co-director encourages everyone to stay after the screenings for the Q&A, which can get quite lively. The Port Jefferson Documentary Series will be held at 7 p.m. every Monday night from Sept. 17 to Oct. 22 at Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson and at Earl Vandermeulen High School, 350 Old Post Road, Port Jefferson on Oct. 29. Tickets, sold at the door, are $8 per person. (No credit cards please.) If you would like to volunteer, please call 631473-5200. For more information, visit

Film schedule ■ The fall season will kick off with “Love, Gilda” at Theatre Three on Sept. 17. Lisa D’Apolito’s exuberant and moving documentary portrait of Gilda Radner looks back and reflects on the comedian’s life and career. Weaving together recently discovered audiotapes, interviews with her friends, rare home movies and diaries read by modern-day comedians, the film offers a unique window into the honest and whimsical world of a beloved performer whose greatest role was sharing her story. Presented in collaboration with the Long Island Chapter of the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition, the event will be moderated by Tom Needham, host of “Sounds of Film” on Stony Brook University’s WUSB. Guest speakers will include producer Bronwyn Berry and executive producer Carolyn Hepburn. ■ “When Lambs Become Lions” heads to Theatre Three on Sept. 24. Exploring the violative African poaching trade, the film profiles an ivory dealer from Kenya and his cousin, a wildlife ranger who is tasked with hunting down poachers. Who are these hunters who will risk death, arrest and the moral outrage of the world? Guest speaker, director Jon Kasbe, followed the film’s subjects over a three-year period, gaining an extraordinary level of access and trust as he became part of their everyday lives. ■ The season continues on Oct. 1 at Theatre Three with “Roll Red Roll,” which examines the cover up of the infamous 2012 rape of a teenage girl by the star players of a Steubenville, Ohio, football team. As amateur crime blogger Alex Goddard uncovers disturbing evidence on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, questions arise around the collusion of teen and adult bystanders. The film documents the case in such a powerful fashion that your feelings of outrage will persist long after the movie is over. Guest speaker will be director Nancy Schwartzman. ■ “Heading Home: The Tale of Team Israel,” to be screened at Theatre Three on Oct. 8, is a stirring story of sports, patriotism and personal growth which charts the underdog journey of Israel’s national baseball team competing for the first time in the World Baseball Classic. Director Daniel A. Miller will be the guest speaker. The film is sponsored by The Preserve at Indian Hills and Temple Isaiah. Enjoy a donut from Duck Donuts and take part in a raffle to win a Long Island Ducks gift basket.

■ The series continues at Theatre Three with “Skid Row Marathon” on Oct. 15. The inspiring and uplifting documentary follows Superior Judge Craig Mitchell over a period of four years as he starts a running club on L.A.’s infamous Skid Row. If club members stay clean, off the streets and out of jail, the judge will take them around the world to run marathons. The runners fight the pull of addiction and homelessness at every turn. Not everyone crosses the finish line yet second chances do exist. Sponsored by The Law office of Michael S. Ross PC, guest speakers will include director Mark Hayes and producer Gabrielle Hayes. ■ “Studio 54” will be screened at Theatre Three on Oct. 22. Studio 54 was the epicenter of ‘70s hedonism — a place that not only redefined the nightclub but also came to symbolize an entire era. Located at West 54th Street, a then-seedy part of town, the nightclub was the brainchild of Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell, two college buddy entrepreneurs from Brooklyn who, over the course of 33 months, became the kings of New York — and then lost it all due to greed. Now, 39 years after the velvet rope was first slung across the club’s hallowed threshold, we hear the whole unvarnished story for the first time, with a treasure trove of rare footage and celebrity interviews, the real story behind the greatest club of all time. Guest speakers include Myra Scheer, executive assistant to Rubell and Schrager; Marc Benecke, doorman; Gerard Renny, VIP doorman; Scottie Taylor, bartender; and Chuck Garelick, head of security. ■ The series concludes on a high note with “Science Fair” at Earl Vandermuelen High School on Oct. 29. Directed by Christina Costantini and Darren Foster, “Science Fair” won the first ever Festival Favorite Award at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival, beating out 123 other films. The film follows nine students and one mentor from around the globe as they navigate rivalries, setbacks and hormones, on their journey to compete against 1,700 students from 75 countries at the Intel Science Fair. Though all are participating for the love of science, we also learn there are underlying influences motivating them to pursue their dreams. With guest speaker Dr. Marnie Kula, director InStar Science Research/Science Chair at Ward Melville High School, Three Village school district.



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Photo by Courtney Braun/Smithtown Center for Performing Arts From left, Jacqueline Hughes, Dennis Creighton and Lorelai Mucciolo in the opening scene of ‘Fun Home’

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When “Fun Home” opened Off-Broadway at the Public Theater in September 2013, it was so popular its run was extended several times. When the production closed on Broadway at the Circle in the Square Theatre in 2016 after an 18-month run, it had already made an indelible impression on the world, winning five Tonys, including Best Musical. Now, making its Long Island premiere, the award-winning musical has taken up residence at the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts through Oct. 20. Based on the 2006 best-selling graphic memoir “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic” by cartoonist Alison Bechdel, the show, with music by Jeanine Tesori and book and lyrics by Lisa Kron, features Alison at three stages of life: as a 10-year-old child (a shared role played by Lorelai Mucciolo on opening night/Gabby Blum); a college student at Oberlin (Lisa Naso); and as a 43-year-old (Jacqueline Hughes). The latter Alison narrates the show as she attempts to add captions to her cartoon panels. Told through flashbacks, Alison shares memories of growing up in a dysfunctional home in a small town in Pennsylvania with her two brothers, Christian (Dylan O’Leary/Jonathan Setzer) and John (Kieran Brown/Brayden E. Bratti). Both of her parents, Helen (Stephanie Moreau) and Bruce (Dennis Creighton) are teachers and her father is also a mortician, running the Bechdel Funeral Home (the children called it the “Fun Home” for short). As the years pass, Alison discovers her own sexuality

and the secret life of her closeted gay father. As an adult, she struggles to unlock the mysteries surrounding his tragic death three months after she comes out (“I had no way of knowing that my beginning was your end.”) It is as intimate as storytelling gets with a poignancy and vulnerability that is raw and emotional. Accompanied by a seven-member band led by Melissa Coyle, the songs are the heart of the show. All of the numbers, including Mucciolo’s beautiful rendition of “Ring of Keys,” the three children’s Jackson 5 inspired “Come to the Fun Home,” the hilarious “Changing My Major (to sex with Joan)” by Naso, the soulful “Days and Days” by Moreau, the moving “Telephone Wire” by Hughes and the heartbreaking “Edges of the World” by Creighton, are perfectly executed. Director Kenneth J. Washington has assembled a talented team of the utmost caliber to produce a show that is exemplary. From the actors to the musicians to the choreographer to the set and costume designers, their hard work and dedication has resulted in an incredible evening of live theater and a well-deserved standing ovation on opening night. Enter “Fun Home” with an open mind and experience the magic of this musical production. You’ll want to see it again and again. The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown closes out its 2017-18 season with “Fun Home” through Oct. 20. Running time is approximately 90 minutes with no intermission. For mature audiences. Tickets are $38 adults, $34 seniors, $25 students. For more information or to order, call 631-724-3700 or visit


Benner’s Farm to host 7th annual Fiddle & Folk Festival BY HEIDI SUTTON Featuring the best in traditional and contemporary folk music, the seventh annual Fiddle & Folk Festival returns to Benner’s Farm in East Setauket this Sunday, Sept. 16 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The day-long event will showcase three stages. Emceed by guitarist and singer Bob Westcott, the Main (Back Porch) Stage will feature four acts this year. The Shady Grove Stage, which will be hosted by WUSB’s Charlie Backfish, will allow visitors to meet the performers and attend workshops, and the Jam Hollow Stage will highlight a sing-along and a fiddle workshop. There will also be a roaming fiddler, appropriately named Jack Fyddle, who recently appeared as a reenactor in TBR News Media’s feature film, “One Life to Give.” The evening will end with a family contra dance in the barn. Reached by phone, Amy Tuttle, program director at the Greater Port Jefferson-North Brookhaven Arts Council who’s also on the festival committee, said she’s familiar with the groups and looks forward to their performances, adding that this year’s headliners will have more of “a rock feel, more on the Americana, modern folk spectrum.”

Back by popular demand, The Stony Brook Roots Ensemble will open the festival. Formed in 2015 by Taylor Ackley, the ensemble features grad students from Stony Brook University. Tuttle said the group “takes the mountain music and the western music that [Ackley] grew up with in Montana and Washington State and play it with classical instruments and it’s really cool — everybody loves it.” The festival will continue with a performance by Brooklyn-based The New Students, who “do a modern twist on traditional folk music,” and will be followed by Pete Mancini & the Hillside Airmen. According to Tuttle, Mancini was the former frontman of Butcher’s Blind. “He just started this band and was recently signed to Diversion Records based in Chicago,” she said. Larry Campbell and wife Theresa Williams will close out the festival. “They are musicians’ musicians,” explained Tuttle. “Larry was a member of Bob Dylan’s Band, and Theresa is also a songwriter and singer and they have been in Levon Helm’s band and have become the musical director of Levon’s Midnight Ramble. They’re the ones that are carrying on the torch now that Levon has passed.” She is most excited to introduce the community to this duo, having tried for

several years to get them to come. “These folks are known worldwide among people who appreciate great musicianship.” Tuttle said there will be plenty of activities that children can participate in as well by taking part in the sing-along workshop, enjoying stories and creating artwork in the Kids Corner. Visitors are also encouraged to stroll around the 15-acre working organic farm, meet the resident farm animals, tour the vegetable gardens, purchase organic produce and feel like a kid again on the Big Swing. For Tuttle, this is one of those special events that she looks forward to every year. “The quality of the music is just top notch, the setting is gorgeous and the vibe of the festival is relaxed and friendly.” Presented by Benner’s Farm, Homestead Arts, the Greater Port Jefferson-Northern Brookhaven Arts Council, TBR News Media and WUSB Radio, the music festival will be held rain or shine. Benner’s Farm is located at 56 Gnarled Hollow Road in East Setauket. Admission to the festival is $18 for adults, and $13 for children and seniors at the door. Please bring seating. For a full schedule of events, visit For more info, call 631-689-8172.

Larry Campbell and Theresa Williams will appear in concert at this year’s festival. Photo from Amy Tuttle

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Calling all bakers ... Time to bake a pie! The humble apple will be the focus of the largest Apple Pie Baking Contest on Long Island to be held in conjunction with the 29th annual Long Island Apple Festival on Sunday, Sept. 30 at the Sherwood-Jayne Farm, 55 Old Post Road, Setauket from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Contestants will have the chance to show off their favorite family recipes and participate in an old-fashioned blue ribbon competition. The event is sponsored by Preservation Long Island and Homestead Arts. Entries must be traditional apple pies only. The pie, including crust, must be homemade by amateur bakers. Pies must be on the contest table at the Sherwood-Jayne Farm by 10:30 a.m. on the day of the festival. A written recipe must be submitted with each entry including the name and address of the baker. Each contestant will receive one free Apple Festival entry. Judging will begin at 2 p.m. with prizes awarded at 3 p.m. followed by photos at 4 p.m. First-, second- and third-place winners will be announced for Best Tasting Pie. A fourth prize will be awarded for Most Beautiful Pie. All winners will receive a prize. Past prizes have included a brunch or dinner for two at fine restaurants, theater tickets, gift baskets and gift certificates. The first-place

Photo from Preservation Long Island

Last year’s winners, from left, Donna Wissman of Port Jefferson (third place); Ken Granieri of Selden (first place and best looking pie); and Gillian Winters of Setauket (second place)

winner will be invited to be a judge at next year’s Apple Pie Baking Contest. All pies, including their dishes, will be auctioned off after the winners have been announced. For an application, visit Deadline to apply is Sept. 28. For more information, call Andrea at 631-692-4664.

Chicken Tarragon

Tarragon lends delicate flavor to French cuisine BY BARBARA BELTRAMI If there is one herb that is closely associated with the delicacy and sophistication of French cuisine, it is tarragon. Despite its exquisite flavor and haunting aromatic essence, it is a hardy little plant that once introduced into your garden will return year after year to give you myriad pleasures in a countless variety of uses. As the growing season wanes, now is a good time to harvest the last of it and freeze it for later use. Or it is usually available in the produce section of the supermarket. Tarragon is certainly essential to a bearnaise sauce, which beautifully enhances not only beef but also chicken and fish. It gives a tangy kick to salad dressings and light creamy soups and is one of the essential ingredients in a bouquet of fine herbs. Try making your own tarragon vinegar by sticking a couple of sprigs into a bottle of cider vinegar or white wine vinegar and just leave it there until the vinegar is finished. Blend it with mayonnaise for chicken, shrimp, lobster or crabmeat salads or tartar sauce for fish. There are various kinds of tarragon; the ones usually available around here are French, Russian and Texan. Go for the French as it has the truest, most pure flavor. And use the herb sparingly as a little goes a long way.

Chicken Tarragon YIELD: Makes 4 servings INGREDIENTS: • 1 small roasting chicken (about 2½ to 3 pounds) • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter • Leaves from 1 or 2 sprigs fresh tarragon • 1 small garlic clove, minced • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste • ¼ cup olive oil • ¼ cup brandy


Wash chicken and pat dry with paper towels inside and outside. In a small bowl mash together the butter, tarragon leaves, garlic, salt and pepper. Rub inside of bird with mixture, then brush olive oil on outside. Place chicken, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow baking pan and roast one hour at 375 F or until done. Remove from oven, pour brandy evenly over chicken; then return to oven for 5 minutes. Remove from oven, place on a platter and stir and scrape drippings in pan. Spoon drippings over carved chicken and serve immediately with choice of potato and vegetable.

Bearnaise Sauce YIELD: Makes 4 servings INGREDIENTS: • ¼ cup dry white wine • 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar • 1½ tablespoons minced shallots • Freshly ground white pepper, to taste • Leaves from 2 sprigs fresh tarragon, minced • Leaves from 2 sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, minced • 3 egg yolks • 2/3 cup melted unsalted butter • Salt, to taste DIRECTIONS:

In the top of a double boiler combine wine, vinegar, shallots, pepper, tarragon and parsley and cook until mixture is reduced by half. Allow to cool, then, keeping the pot over very hot water, add the egg yolks and butter alternately and gradually while continuously whisking so that they are thoroughly combined. Add salt. Serve immediately with beef tenderloin, shell or porterhouse steak and French fries.


First Sal Mingoia Pet Adopt-A-Thon heads to Sound Beach Civic association event renamed to honor animal lover and friend


In 2012, the Sound Beach Civic Association hosted its first pet adopt-a-thon. Fast forward six years and the event is still going strong, fulfilling its goal of encouraging responsible pet ownership and providing a venue for local rescue groups to get animals adopted. The event will be held on Saturday, Sept. 22, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., in the Hartlin Inn parking lot, 30 New York Ave., Sound Beach, across from the Post Office. For five years two people made this event special — Sal and Gina Mingoia, a father-daughter team who donated their time and musical talents. In 2015 Sal was diagnosed with cancer. In 2016, although often in pain, when he heard the event was on, he said he and Gina would be there. In 2017 Sal passed away. A gentle, caring soul loved by all, the many people whose lives he touched could be seen in long lines along the roadway the day of the funeral holding their hands over their hearts. Although he’s gone, Sal’s kindness and generosity are not forgotten. To honor his life as well as his great love for animals, the civic is proud to announce a change in the name of its annual pet adoption event to The Sal Mingoia Pet Adopt-A-Thon. Gina will be

performing this year without her dad. She said, “it was my dad’s and my favorite gig,” and she wouldn’t miss it. The animal welfare groups participating in this event take unwanted, abandoned, abused or stray animals and care for them until loving homes can be found. Some will bring adoptable pets, others will have information on adoptable pets as well as responsible pet care. Taking part this year will be The Adoption Center, Town of Brookhaven Animal Shelter, Grateful Greyhounds, Last Chance Animal Rescue, Long Island Bulldog Rescue, Long Island Rabbit Rescue, North Fork Country Kids, Paws Unite People, Save-A-Pet, STAR Foundation, Strong Island Animal Rescue Group and Suffolk County SPCA. There will be lots of great raffle auction prizes — donations still being accepted — and a 50/50, with all proceeds going to the participating animal welfare groups. Bring your children for face painting and making pet ear bands with Marissa Renee. Bring your pet and have Brianna draw a digital caricature of your “furever” friend. And, of course, come and meet your new best friend. A shelter cat or dog is waiting for you.

PET ADOPT-A-THON continued on page B24

FALL TICK SPRAYS • Ticks continue to be active in the fall and throughout the winter if temperatures are above freezing • Ticks can overwinter in leaf litter and surrounding overgrown areas • Harsh winter can have little or no effect on tick populations • Protect family and pets from ticks and the diseases they can carry

Also Active Now: FALL WEBWORM

Tent-making caterpillar that feeds on foliage of various trees.

• ISA Certified Arborists • DEC Licensed Commercial Pesticide Applicators • Certified Nursery & Landscape Professionals Organically Green Horticultural Services, Inc. P.O. Box 201 | Nesconset, NY 11767 | 631.513.4517 (fax)



Photo from Gina Mingoia

Gina Mingoia will be performing in concert at this year’s Pet Adopt-A-Thon in honor of her father, Sal, who passed away in 2017.



Thursday 13 Book signing

Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington will present an evening with Fox News’ politics editor Chris Stirewalt in conversation with “Fox & Friends” co-host and New York Times best-selling author Brian Kilmeade as they discuss Stirewalt’s new book, “Every Man a King: A Short, Colorful History of American Populists,” at 7 p.m. Call 271-1442.

Friday 14

... and dates

Sept. 13 to Sept. 20, 2018

Greek Festival

St. Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church, 1 Shrine Place, Greenlawn will host a Greek Festival today from 4 to 11 p.m., Sept. 15 from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Sept. 16 from noon to 8 p.m. Enjoy rides, Greek food and music, vendors, flea market and more. Free admission. Call 261-7272.

Bob Westcott in concert

Grounds & Sounds Café, located at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 380 Nicolls Road, East Setauket will welcome acoustic, folk, classical and blues singer/songwriter Bob Westcott in concert at 9 p.m. Preceded by an open mic at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12.50 per person at or at the door. Call 631-751-0297.

Saturday15 Greek Festival See Sept. 14 listing.

Cow Harbor Day Weekend

The festivities begin at 8:30 a.m. today with the Great Cow Harbor 10K Run through Northport Village followed by a 2K Fun Run/Walk. Enjoy a concert at the Village Park at 8 p.m. and a lighted boat display at the Village Dock. The event continues on Sept. 16 with a parade at noon, sidewalk sales, arts and crafts vendors, live music and Crazy Boat Races on the waterfront. Visit for a full schedule.

Celebrating its 39th year, the Greenlawn-Centerport Historical Association’s annual Pickle Festival will be held at the John Gardiner Farm, 900 Park Ave., Huntington from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Lollipop train ride, hay rides, potato digging, a corn maze, baked goods, farmers market and other activities will accompany the sale of pickles of all flavors and styles. $5 adults, free for ages 11 and under. Call 754-1180 or visit

Summer Saturdays open house

LITMA Contradance

Northport Historical Society, 215 Main St., Northport will host a Book Launch lecture and reception for the long-awaited “Images of America: Northport” book from 7 to 9 p.m. Co-authors Teresa Reid, the society’s collection consultant and exhibit curator, and Robert Hughes, Town of Huntington historian, will discuss some of the book’s highlights and sign copies. Admission is free and books will be available for sale on site. Call 757-9859.

Pickle Festival

Welcome the autumn season with a harvest-time celebration at Sachem Public Library, 150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Activities, crafts, contests, vendors and entertainment abound with a guaranteed good time for everyone. Free and open to all. Call 588-5024.

Join Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington for an evening with legendary guitarist and co-founder of the quintessential Detroit proto-punk band The MC5, Wayne Kramer, who will be speaking about and signing copies of his new memoir, “The Hard Stuff” at 6 p.m. Call 271-1442.

Book Launch lecture

The Lake Ronkonkoma Historical Society will host their annual Fall Fair at the Fitz-Greene Hallock Homestead, 2869 Pond Road, Lake Ronkonkoma from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Step back in time with tours of the house, treats, hay rides and old time games. $5 per person. Call 588-7599.

Fall Festival

Book signing

The Frank Brush Barn at the Smithtown Historical Society, 211 East Main St., Smithtown will host a Contradance by the Long Island Traditional Music Association at 7 p.m. featuring Marty Fager calling with live music by Cake Jam. Dance lesson starts at 6:45. Please bring a snack to share at the break. Admission is $15, $10 members, $5 students, free for children under 16 with paid adult. Call 369-7854.

Fall Fair

SPORTY ELEGANCE The Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum will host the Jaguar Drivers Club of Long Island’s 45th annual Jaguar Invitational Concours d’Elegance on Sept. 16. The centerpiece of the show will be a Jaguar XK 120, above, purchased new by actor Clark Gable in 1952. The car, originally gray with a red interior, was customized for Gable by the renowned Sam and George Barris. Modifications included a “Barris Gold” paint job, shaving of the front fenders and rear deck and installation of a removable canvas top. Recently the vehicle received a $330,000 ground-up restoration. Photo courtesy of Vanderbilt Museum

Dragon Boat Race Festival

The Greater Port Jefferson Chamber of Commerce will host its 5th annual Dragon Boat Race Festival from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Mayor Jeanne Garant Harbofront Park, 101A East Broadway, Port Jefferson. Featuring dragon boat races, Asian food vendors, children’s crafts, dance performances, Taiko drumming and much more. Free. For a full schedule of events, visit For more information, call 473-1414.

Antique and Craft Fair

The Maples, 10 Ryerson Ave., Manorville will host the Manorville Historical Society’s annual Antiques, Flea Market and Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event will feature antiques, flea market items, handmade crafts and a raffle auction. Free admission. Call 878-8358.

Culper Spy Day

Join the Three Village Historical Society, Tri-Spy Tours and The Long Island Museum for their 4th annual Culper Spy Day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit 24 historic locations on this self-guided tour as you learn the history behind the Culper Spy Ring and Gen. George Washington. Build your own Revolutionary War story and see history come to life in this event filled with docent-led tours

of historic locations, exhibitions, demonstrations and more. Held rain or shine. Tickets are $25 adults; $5 children ages 6 to 12; children under 6 and veterans are free. Tickets will be available for purchase on the day of the event at the Three Village Historical Society, 93 North Country Road, Setauket. To order in advance, call 751-3730 or visit

Heritage Country Fair

The Smithtown Historical Society, 239 East Main St., Smithtown will host its annual Heritage Country Fair from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Featuring an old-time baseball game, traditional music, historic reenactments, touch a truck, farm animals, a hay ride, plant sale, the Island Long Riders mounted horse show, spinning and weaving, vendors, crafts and a special visit from Peppa the Pig. Admission is $5 adults, free for children. Call 265-6768 or visit for more info.

9/11 Naming Ceremony

Join the WTCHP and the FealGood Foundation for their annual 9/11 Naming Ceremony at 316 Smithtown Blvd., Smithtown at 10 a.m. Call 7243320 for further details. * All numbers are in (631) area code unless otherwise noted.

The Cumsewogue Historical Society will host Summer Saturday Museum Days at the Terryville Union Hall, 358 Terryville Road, Terryville every Saturday through September from 1 to 3 p.m. Come see artifacts, historic documents, poster-sized maps and photos of historic Echo, Terryville and Port Jefferson Station. Stop by and chat about the good old days! Call 928-7622.

Deepwells Music Festival

The 13th annual Deepwells Music Festival will be held on the grounds of the historic Deepwells Mansion, 2 Harbor Hill Road, St. James from 4 to 7 p.m. Hosted by LIVE@Deepwells, the event will feature performances by Sir Cadian Rhythm, the Kerry Kearney Band and Miles to Dayton. Visit or call 862-2020.

An evening of jazz

The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook will welcome The Larry Fuller Trio (Larry Fuller on piano, George DeLancey on bass and Jason Tiemann on the drums) from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 students. To order, call 751-1895 or visit

Sunday 16 Greek Festival See Sept. 14 listing.

Cow Harbor Day Weekend See Sept. 15 listing.

Caumsett hike

Join the staff at Caumsett State Historic Park Preserve, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington for a Birds with Botany for Beginners hike in the western section of the park from 9:45 to 11:45 a.m. Search for birds and learn about plants during this two-mile hike. Bring binoculars. Adults only. $4 per person. Advance registration required by calling 423-1770.

Fiddle and Folk Festival

Benner’s Farm, 56 Gnarled Hollow Road, East Setauket will host the 7th annual Fiddle and Folk Festival, the best in traditional music from bluegrass to

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 • ARTS & LIFESTYLES • PAGE B19 blues, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Featuring music by Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams, Pete Mancini & the Hillside Airmen, the New Students and The Stony Brook Roots Ensemble with food, children’s activities and dancing. Tickets are $18 adults, $13 children and seniors at the gate. Call 689-8172 or visit www. See story on page B15.

Jaguar Car Show

The Jaguar Drivers Club of Long Island will hold its 45th annual Jaguar Invitational Concours d’Elegance, a show of vintage and modern automobiles, on the Great Lawn of the Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The show is open to British and selected international vehicles of all years, makes and models. Rain date is Sept. 23. Visitors pay only general admission to the museum: $8 adults, $7 seniors and students, $5 children 12 and under. For further details, call 8545579 or visit

Community Carnival

Apex Rehabilitation and Healthcare, 78 Birchwood Drive, South Huntington will host a free community carnival from noon to 3 p.m. Enjoy carnival games, pony rides, face painting, bounce house, music and food. For additional information, call 592-6400.

Monday 17 TVHS lecture

The Three Village Historical Society will present a lecture titled “Exploring Long Island’s Shipwrecks” at the Setauket Neighborhood House, 95 Main St., Setauket at 7 p.m. The presentation, led by guest speaker Michael Salvarezza, will highlight the history of shipwrecks from the Revolutionary War through modern times. Admission is $5, members free. Preregistration is required by calling 751-3730.

Thursday 20

Audubon Society lecture

Join the Four Harbors Audubon Society for a presentation on “Bird Migration on Long Island” by Shaibal Mitra at Emma S. Clark Library, 120 Main St., Setauket at 6:30 p.m. Birders can deepen their appreciation of birds and their insights into the natural world by learning to recognize seasonal movements, including right in one’s own neighborhood. Free and open to all. Light refreshments will be served. Help reduce waste and bring your own mug. Reservations are required by emailing

An evening of Jazz

Rich Iacona’s Bad Little Big Band featuring vocalist Madeline Kole will grace The Jazz Loft’s stage from 7 to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 students. To order, call 751-1895 or visit

Hard Luck Café concert

The Folk Music Society of Huntington continues its monthly Hard Luck Café series at the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington with a concert featuring Nashville-based singer/songwriter Clint Alphin and Huntington’s own Kirsten Maxwell at 8:30 p.m. Preceded by an open mic at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15, $10 members, at the door. For further info, call 418-8548.

Theater ‘Fun Home’

The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will close out its 201718 season with a production of “Fun Home”

through Oct. 20. An unforgettable and groundbreaking musical, “Fun Home” explores the haunting pull of memory and the power it has to alternately destroy or shape our identity. Tickets are $38 adults, $34 seniors, $25 students. To order, call 724-3700 or visit www.smithtownpac. org. See review on page B14.

‘Man of La Mancha’

The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport continues its 2018-19 season with “Man of La Mancha” through Oct. 28. Based on Cervantes’ masterpiece “Don Quixote,” the play tells the adventures of a delusional Spanish knight who sallies forth on a quest to restore chivalry to the world and to claim his lady love. Features such stirring songs as “Dulcinea” and “The Impossible Dream.” Tickets range from $73 to $78. To order, call 2612900 or visit


‘Won’t You Be My Neighbor?’

Join the Port Jefferson Free Library, 100 Thompson St., Port Jefferson for a Friday movie matinee, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?,” the documentary by Morgan Neville that takes an intimate look at America’s favorite neighbor: Mister Fred Rogers, on Sept. 14 at 2 p.m. All are welcome. Call 473-0022.

‘The Cakemaker’

‘The Addams Family’

In honor of its 25th anniversary, Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” will return to select cinemas nationwide on Sept. 16, 18 and 19. The celebration will include a fan-made remake of the film, never before seen on the big screen. Participating theaters in our neck of the woods include AMC Stony Brook 17 on Sept. 16 at 2 and 7 p.m., Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. and Sept. 19 at 7 p.m.; and Island 16 Cinema de Lux in Holtsville and Farmingdale Multiplex Cinemas on Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. To order tickets in advance, visit

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson opens its 49th season with a Mainstage production of “The Addams Family” from Sept. 15 to Oct. 27. Charles Addams’ creepy, kooky characters come to life in this topsy-turvy production. Join Gomez, Morticia and the clan in this perfect musical for the Halloween season! Tickets are $35 adults, $28 seniors and students, $20 children ages 5 to 12. To order, please call 928-9100 or visit

‘Jurassic Park’

‘Love, Gilda’

The Port Jefferson Documentary Series kicks off its fall 2018 season with “Love, Gilda” at Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson on Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. Tickets are $8 per person at the door. Visit for more info. See page B13 for story.

The Smithtown Historical Society’s Fall Lecture Series kicks off with a presentation about the Culper Spy Ring by historian Beverly C. Tyler at the Frank Brush Barn, 211 East Main St., Smithtown at 7 p.m. Relive the story of Setauket’s Culper spies through photographs, maps and documents from the Three Villlage Historical Society’s SPIES! exhibit. Admission is free. Light refreshments will be served. Call 265-6768 for more information.

‘Book Club’

Join the Smithtown Library, Nesconset Branch, 148 Smithtown Blvd., Nesconset for a free screening of “Book Club” with Jane Fonda on Sept. 19 at 1 p.m. Rated PG-13. Open to all but registration is required by calling 360-2480, ext. 235.

‘The Three Musketeers’

The Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington will screen “The Three Musketeers” (1921) starring Douglas Fairbanks on Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. as part of its Anything But Silent series. Accompanied on organ by Ben Model. Tickets are $16, $11 members. Call 423-7610.

Swing Dance

The Moose Lodge, 631 Pulaski Road, Greenlawn will host a Swing Dance from 8 to 11 p.m. Beginner lesson is from 7:30 to 8 p.m. $15 per person includes snacks. Questions? Call 476-3707 or visit

NEW! The Bates House, 1 Bates Road, Setauket will host a Chess Club meeting at 10 a.m. Come and learn how to play, improve your game and take part in tournaments. All skill levels welcome. Bring your own chess set. Free and open to all. Questions? Call 689-7054.


The Sunday Schmooze series continues at the Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Ave., Huntington with a screening of “The Cakemaker” (Der Kuchenmacher) on Sept. 16 at 11 a.m. Followed by a discussion hosted by Fred Craden. Bagels will be served at 10 a.m. Tickets are $16, $11 members. To order, visit

SHS lecture

Chess Club meeting

Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Road, Selden will present a production of “Crimes of the Heart” by Beth Henley in Theatre 119 in the Islip Arts Building on Oct. 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 and 27 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 20, 21, 27 and 28 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $13, $9.75 students. For more info, call 451-4163.

The Carriage House Players at Suffolk County Vanderbilt Museum, 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport will present a production of “Yen” by Anna Jordan through Sept. 16, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. Directed by Tommy Ranieri. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors and children. To order, visit or call 516-557-1207.

Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

‘Crimes of the Heart’

GENETICALLY ENGINEERED Experience one of the biggest films in motion picture history on the big screen as Steven Spielberg’s ultimate thrill ride, “Jurassic Park” returns to select cinemas nationwide in honor of its 25th anniversary. Featuring Academy Award-winning visual effects and groundbreaking filmmaking that has been hailed as “a triumph of special effects artistry” (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times), this epic film starring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum and Richard Attenborough is sheer movie-making magic that was 65 million years in the making. Photo courtesy of Universal Studios

CALENDAR DEADLINE is Wednesday at noon, one week before publication. Items may be mailed to: Times Beacon Record News Media, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. Email your information about community events to Calendar listings are for not-for-profit organizations (nonsectarian, nonpartisan events) only, on a space-available basis. Please include a phone number that can be printed.




Sophomore Chelsea DePonte takes control of the ball during a game on Aug. 9. Photo courtesy of SBU

SBU’s womens soccer dominates Wagner in home opener

The Stony Brook womens soccer team dominated Wagner in its home opener, topping the Seahawks 4-0 at LaValle Stadium Sunday afternoon. The Seawolves finally opened play at home after weather canceled Thursday’s scheduled home game. Stony Brook moves to 3-4-0 on the season after the victory, while Wagner now sits at 1-5-0. “We were really excited to be at home today, and the team was excited after four weeks on the road. I’m really happy with the way our team played for 90 minutes. It’s always great to score four goals, espe-

Home games for SBU Seawolves

cially when it’s from some different players, and also to get a shutout at home,” said head coach Brendan Faherty. “I think we responded well after our last game and we had a really good week of practice. I thought that Friday, after the rain-out Thursday, we had a great day of practice here and our group was ready to go for the first whistle today.” The Seawolves returned to the road this week to take on Iona on Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 3 p.m., before facing nearby Hofstra at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 16.

FOOTBALL Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 20 Nov. 10

Photo courtesy of SBU

vs. Richmond vs. Villanova vs. Rhode Island vs. Delaware

Gamwanya named America East Co-Offensive Player of the Week

Senior Serge Gamwanya (Trondheim, Norway) was named America East Co-Offensive Player of the Week after scoring three goals this week in mens soccer for the Seawolves. The award, announced by the league office on Monday afternoon, is Gamwanya’s seventh conference honor in his Stony Brook career. Gamwanya scored twice in Stony Brook’s 2-1 victory over St. Joseph’s on

MENS SOCCER 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 1 p.m.

Sept. 15 Sept. 28 Oct. 13 Oct. 31

vs. George Bryant vs. UMass Lowell vs. New Hampshire vs. UMBC

Wednesday. He netted the game-winning goal in the 87th minute on a pass from junior Mark Irvine (Southampton, England). On Saturday, he tallied the equalizer in the 42nd minute against Siena. The Seawolves and Saints drew, 1-1. Stony Brook was back in action on Wednesday, Sept. 12 when Hofstra came to LaValle Stadium. Results of that game were not available as of press time.

WOMENS SOCCER 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.

Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 Oct. 4 Oct. 18

vs. Delaware State vs. Maine vs. Vermont vs. Binghamton vs. Hartford

Content for this page provided by Stony Brook University and printed as a service to our advertiser.

7 p.m. 1 p.m. 12 p.m. 7 p.m. 6 p.m.




SBU’s womens cross country team win Wolfie Invitational The Stony Brook womens cross country team hosted the Wolfie Invitational on Sept. 8, taking first. The Seawolves ran against a field consisting of Hofstra University, Seton Hall and Monroe College. The womens team took first place with 32 points, Seton Hall came in second with 51 points, Hofstra with 70 points and Monroe College rounding out the field with 80 points. Senior Annika Sisson (Pittsburgh, PA) won the race with a time of 18:29.94, junior Clodagh O’Reilly (Cavan, Ireland) came in second with a time of 18:45.95, junior Jillian Manfredi (Farmingville) came in sixth with a time of 19:16.80 and junior Ciara Murphy (Holtsville) rounded out the top 10 with a time of 19:30.70. Freshman Carley Vetter (Greenfield Center) finished with a time

of 19:56.95, freshman Tara Hauff (West Babylon) finished with a time of 20:08.67 and freshman Lily Hayes (Amherst) finished with a time of 20:44.07. “Our women got a nice win, led by a strong 1, 2 finish by Annika and Clodagh. Clodagh looked very comfortable on the course, a sign that her summer training has and will continue to pay off. Jillian and Ciara definitely benefited from racing last week, as they looked smoother out there today,” said head coach Andy Ronan. “I also thought freshman Carley Vetter produced a nice consistent run to be our 5th scorer. It was good to get the team win on our home course since it is the last home meet of this season,” he added. The Seawolves will travel to Franklin Park, Massachusetts, for the Coast to Coast Battle on Friday, Sept. 21 at 3 p.m. Photo courtesy of Stony Brook University

Seawolves from left, Jillian Manfredi, Carley Vetter, Ciara Murphy and Tara Hauff head toward the finish line

Content for this page provided by Stony Brook University and printed as a service to our advertiser.

VENDORS WANTED • South Huntington Public Library, 145 Pidgeon Hill Road, Huntington Station seeks vendors selling arts and crafts and flea market items for its annual Friends Fall Fair on Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 10×10-foot spaces are available for $25. For an application and more information, call Catherine at 631-549-4411. • The Davis Town Meeting House Society will hold a yard sale and craft fair at the Davis House, 263 Middle Country Road, Coram on Sept. 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date is Sept, 23. Interested vendors should call Maryanne at 631-804-2256 for an application. Fee is $25, $15 members. • St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, located at 30 Brooksite Drive, Smithtown seeks vendors for its upcoming Oktoberfest on Sept. 22 (rain date Sept. 29). Fee for 10×10foot spot is $40. For more information, call 631-265-2288.

• Smithtown United Methodist Church, 230 Middle Country Road, Smithtown is looking for vendors for its 28th annual Country Fair on Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fee is $50 for a 10×10-foot space. Call the church at 631-265-6945 to obtain an application. • The Port Jefferson Station Terryville Chamber of Commerce seeks craft and food vendors for its Family Fun Day 2018 on Sept. 19 at the Chamber Train Car Park from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit for your online application. Call 631-821-1313 for any questions. • The Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor invites local artists and artisans to take part in its annual SeaFaire celebration on Sept. 29 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is an opportunity to share and sell works of art. There is no charge if demonstrations are provided. Questions? Call Liz at 631-367-3418.

• Farmingville Residents Association will host its annual Flea Market on Sept. 30 at the corner of Horseblock Road and Woodycrest Drive in Farmingville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date is the following Sunday. Interested vendors should call 631-880-7996 or email .• Middle Country Public Library, 101 Eastwood Blvd., Centereach is now accepting applications for its 2018 Women’s EXPO, which will be held on Oct. 4 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call 631-585-9393 or visit for further details. • The Town of Brookhaven’s Division of Women’s Services, 1 Independence Hill, Farmingville seeks vendors for its 12th annual Women’s Conference & Expo on Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For additional information, please call 631-451-6146. • St. Thomas of Canterbury Church, 90 Edgewater Ave., Smithtown will hold its 18th annual Fall Festival and Craft Fair on Oct. 13

from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain date is Oct. 20. Interested craft and new merchandise vendors should call 631-265-4520 or visit for more information and an application. • Starflower Experiences is now accepting reservations for its Community Yard Sale at Manor Farm, 210 Manor Road, Huntington on Oct. 13 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (rain date Oct. 14). For a $20 donation, you can participate with a 10×10-foot portion of the field to sell your own no-longer wanted household items. Bring your own tables. Call 516-9386152 or visit • The Town of Brookhaven’s Division of Economic Development will hold its 14th annual Building Business in Brookhaven EXPO on Oct. 18 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Vendor exhibit tables are available for $125. For further details, call 631-451-6563.

Email your Vendors Wanted listings to


Religious D irectory

Assemblies Of God







38 Mayflower Avenue, Smithtown NY 11787 631–759–6083 FATHER TYLER A. STRAND, ADMINISTRATOR, JOSEPH S. DURKO, CANTOR Divine Liturgy: Sundays at 10:30 am Holy Days: See website or phone for information Sunday School Sundays at 9:15 am Adult Faith Formation/Bible Study: Mondays at 7:00 pm. PrayerAnon Prayer Group for substance addictions, Wednesdays at 7 pm A Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite under the Eparchy of Passaic.


300 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station 631–473–2900 • Fax -631–473–0015 All are Welcome to Begin Again. Come Pray With Us. REV. GREGORY RANNAZZISI, PASTOR Office of Christian Formation • 631–928–2550 We celebrate Eucharist Saturday evening 5 pm, Sunday 7:30, 9 and 11 am Weekday Mass Monday–Friday 9 am We celebrate Baptism Third weekend of each month during any of our weekend Masses We celebrate Marriage Arrangements can be made at the church with our Pastor or Deacon We celebrate Reconciliation Confession is celebrated on Saturdays from 4–5 pm We celebrate You! Visit Our Thrift Shop Mon. – Fri. 10 am–4 pm + Sat. 10 am–2 pm


110 Myrtle Ave., Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631-473-0165 • Fax 631-331-8094 REVEREND PATRICK M. RIEGGER, PASTOR ASSOCIATES: REV. FRANCIS LASRADO & REV. ROLANDO TICLLASUCA To schedule Baptisms and Weddings, Please call the Rectory Confessions: Saturdays 12:30-1:15 pm in the Lower Church Religious Ed.: 631– 928-0447 • Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145 Weekly Masses: 6:50 and 9 am in the Church, 12 pm in the Chapel* Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5 pm in the Church, 5:15 pm in the Chapel* Sunday at 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm, and 5 pm in the Church and at 8:30 am, 10 am, and 11:30 am (Family Mass) in the Chapel* Spanish Masses: Sunday at 8:45 am and Wednesday at 6 pm in the Church *Held at the Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital Religious Education: 631–928-0447 Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145

429 Rt. 25A, Setauket, NY 11733 Phone: 631–941–4141 • Fax: 631–751–6607 Parish Office email: Mission Statement: Formed as the Body of Christ through the waters of Baptism, we are Beloved daughters and sons of the Father. We, the Catholic community of the Three Village area, are a pilgrim community on Camino-journeying toward the fullness of the Kingdom of God, guided by the Holy Spirit. Nurtured by the Eucharist and formed by the Gospel, we strive to respond to Jesus’ invitation to be faithful and fruitful disciples; to be a Good Samaritan to (our) neighbor and enemy; so that in Jesus’ name, we may be a welcoming community, respectful of life in all its diversities and beauty; stewards of and for God’s creation; and witnesses to Faith, Hope and Charity. REV. JAMES-PATRICK MANNION, PASTOR REV. GERALD CESTARE, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. JOHN FITZGERALD, IN RESIDENCE DEACON WAYNE T. PADULA Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 4pm • Saturday 9 am - 2 pm Weekday Masses: Monday – Saturday 8:00 am Weekend Masses: Saturday (Vigil) 5:00 pm (Youth) Sunday 8:00am, 9:30 am (family), 11:30 am (choir) Baptisms: Contact the Office at the end of the third month (pregnancy) to set date Matrimony: contact the office at least 9 months before desired date Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 – 4:45 pm or by appointment Anointing Of The Sick: by request Bereavement: 631– 941-4141 x 341 Faith Formation Office: 631– 941-4141 x 328 Outreach: 631– 941-4141 x 313 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 631– 473-1211 Our Daily Bread Sunday Soup Kitchen 3 pm


75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, N.Y. 11789 Parish Office: 631-744-8566; FAX 631-744-8611 Parish Website: Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm Wednesday: 9 am to 8 pm; Friday: 9 am to 4 pm; Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm; Closed on Sunday Mission Statement: To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s love through our active involvement as a parish family in works of Charity, Faith, Worship, Justice and Mercy. ALL ARE WELCOME! No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church. No matter your family situation. No matter your practice of faith. No matter your personal history, age or background. YOU are invited, respected and loved at St. Louis de Montfort. REV. MSGR. CHRISTOPHER J. HELLER, PASTOR REV. LENNARD SABIO, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. MSGR. DONALD HANSON, IN RESIDENCE REV. FRANCIS PIZZARELLI, S.M.M., PARISH ASSISTANT REV. HENRY VAS, PARISH ASSISTANT Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 8:30 am in the Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:00 am; 10:30 am; 12 noon. Baptisms: Most Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please contact Parish Office for an appointment. Reconciliation: Saturday: 4-4:45 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: by request. Holy Matrimony: Contact Parish Office at least six months in advance of desired date. Religious Education: Contact 631-744-9515 Parish Outreach: Contact 631-209-0325 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: Contact 631-473-1211.

To be listed in the Religious Directory please call 631–751–7663

233 North Country Road, Mt. Sinai • 631–473–1582 REV. PHILIP HOBSON “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here” Worship times: 8:30 am Reflective Service 10:00 am Traditional Sunday Service serving Communion on the first Sunday of the month. Sunday School and Childcare offered at 10:00 am open to all children (infants to 8th grade). The last Sunday of every month is our Welcome Sunday Service. This service has been intentionally designed to include persons of differing abilities from local group homes. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation.


“Our little historic church on the hill” across from the Stony Brook Duck Pond Main Street, Stony Brook • 631–751–0034 www.allsouls– • Please come and welcome our new Priest: THE REV. FARRELL D. GRAVES, PH.D., VICAR Sunday Holy Eucharist: 8 and 9:30 am Religious instruction for children follows the 9:30 am Service This is a small eclectic Episcopal congregation that has a personal touch. We welcome all regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.Walk with us.


THE REV. CN. DR. RICHARD D. VISCONTI, RECTOR 1 Dyke Road on the Village Green, Setauket Web site: Parish Office email: • 631–941–4245 Thursday Noon: H.E. and Healing Service | Saturday Service: 5 pm Sunday Services: 8 am - Rite I • 9:30 am - Rite II • 9:30 am - Sunday School Camp Caroline/Child Care at 10 am Church School classes now forming. Call 631-941-4245 for registration. Weekday Holy Eucharist’s: Thursday 12:00 pm and first Friday of the month 7:30 pm (rotating: call Parish Office for location.) Youth, Music and Service Programs offered. Let God walk with you as part of our family–friendly community.


127 Barnum Ave., Port Jefferson • 631–473–0273 email: FATHER ANTHONY DILORENZO: PRIEST–IN–CHARGE Sunday Services: 8 am & 10 am Sunday Eucharist: 8 am and 10 am/Wednesday 10 in our chapel Sunday School and Nursery Registration for Sunday School starting Sunday after the 10 am Eucharist Our ministries: Welcome Friends on Mondays at 5:00 pm AA meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 pm/Prayer Group on Wednesdays at 10:30 am/Bible Study on Thursdays at 10 am. It is the mission of the people of Christ Church to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and to make his love known to all through our lives and ministry. We at Christ Church are a joyful, welcoming community. Wherever you are in your journey of life we want to be part of it.


“To know Christ and to make Him known” REV. DUNCAN A. BURNS, RECTOR REV. JOHN MORRISON, ASSISTANT PRIEST REV. ANTHONY JONES, DEACON ALEX PRYRODNY, ORGANIST & CHOIR DIRECTOR 12 Prospect St, Huntington, • 631-427-1752 On Main St. next to the Library • LIKE us on Facebook Sunday Worshop: 8:00am - Rite I Holy Eucharist 10:00am - Rite II Choral Holy Eucharist Thrift Shop Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays - Noon to 3pm Saturdays - 10am to 3pm Sunday School Registration - Sundays in September at 9:40am Sign up for Confirmation & First Communion Classes


Connecting to God, Each Other and the World 400 Nicolls Road, E. Setauket 631–689–1127 • Fax 631–689–1215 PASTOR TROY REID Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship w/nursery 10 am Kidmo Children’s Church • Ignited Youth Fellowship and Food Always to Follow Tuesday Evening Prayer: 7 pm Thursday Morning Bible Study w/Coffee & Bagels: 10 am Friday Night Experience “FNX” for Pre K-Middle School: 6:30 pm Ignite Youth Ministry: 7:30 pm Check out our website for other events and times


Religious D irectory








430 Sheep Pasture Rd., Port Jefferson 11777 Tel: 631-473-0894 • Fax: 631-928-5131 • REV. DEMETRIOS N. CALOGREDES, PROTOPRESBYTER Sunday Services: Orthros 8:30 Am - Devine Liturgy 10 Am Services Conducted In Both Greek & English* Books Available To Follow In English* Sunday Catechism School, 10:15 Am - 11:15 Am* Greek Language School, Tuesdays 5 Pm - 8 Pm* Bible Study & Adult Catechism Classes Available* Golden Age & Youth Groups* Thrift Store* Banquet Hall Available For Rental* For Information Please Call Church Office*


“Judaism With A Smile” Future Site: East Side Of Nicolls Rd, North Of Rte 347 –Next To Fire Dept. Current Location: 821 Hawkins Ave., Lake Grove 631-585–0521 • 800- My–Torah • RABBI CHAIM & RIVKIE GROSSBAUM RABBI MOTTI & CHAYA GROSSBAUM RABBI SHOLOM B. & CHANIE COHEN Membership Free •Weekday, Shabbat & Holiday Services Highly Acclaimed Torah Tots Preschool • Afternoon Hebrew School Camp Gan Israel • Judaica Publishing Department • Lectures And Seminars Living Legacy Holiday Programs • Jewish Learning Institute Friendship Circle For Special Needs Children • The Cteen Network N’shei Chabad Women’s Club • Cyberspace Library Chabad At Stony Brook University – Rabbi Adam & Esther Stein


328 Elwood Road, East Northport 631-368-6474 • RABBI IAN SILVERMAN Shabbat Services every Friday evening and Saturday morning Daily evening minyan & Sunday morning minyan Newly revamped religious school • Experiential learning for children ages 5-13 • Dynamic Teachers • Family Services Monthly Tot Shabbat • Youth Group • Adult Education Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Community Service Sisterhood • Men’s Club 50% off First Year Dues A warm, spiritual, cultural & social Jewish Community “The Haimish Shul”

385 Old Town Rd., Port Jefferson Station 631-928–3737 RABBI AARON BENSON CANTOR DANIEL KRAMER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR MARCIE PLATKIN PRINCIPAL HEATHER WELKES YOUTH DIRECTOR JEN SCHWARTZ Services: Friday At 8 Pm; Saturday At 9:15 am Daily Morning And Evening Minyan- Call For Times. Tot Shabbat • Family Services • Sisterhood • Men’s Club Seniors’ Club • Youth Group • Continuing Ed Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Judaica Shop • Food Pantry Lecture Series • Jewish Film Series NSJC JEWISH LEARNING CENTER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Innovative Curriculum And Programming For Children Ages 5-13 Imagine A Synagogue That Feels Like Home! Come Connect With Us On Your Jewish Journey. Member United Synagogue Of Conservative Judaism


764 Route 25A, Setauket (At The Old Victoria House) Mail: P.O. Box 544, E. Setauket, NY 11733 Call 631-689-0257 (Leave A Message And You’ll Get A Call Back) Visit Us At: We Are A Traditional Conservative Congregation, Run Entirely By Our Members. We Have Services 9 am Every Shabbat And All Jewish Holidays, Along With Other Community Activities, With Participation Opportunities For All Jews. Join Us Shabbes Morning And You’ll Get A Warm Welcome! KCT - An Old Fashioned Friendly Shul 5779 Schedule of Holiday Services Selichot Sat. 9/1 - Services 10:00pm • Rosh Hashanah Sun. 9/9 - Services 6:30pm, Candle lighting 6:53pm; Mon. 9/10 - Services 8:30am; (Tashlich…) 5:15pm; (…at the Setauket Duck Pond) 6:30pm, Candle lighting 7:52pm; Tues. 9/11 - Services 8:30pm • Shabbat Shuvah Fri. 9/14 - Services 6:00pm, Candle lighting 6:44pm; Sat. 9/15 - Services 9:00am • Yom Kippur Tues. 9/18 - Services 6:00pm, Candle lighting 6:38pm; Wed. 9/19 - Services 8:30am, 4:30pm; (Shofar at 7:33 pm) • Sukkot Sun. 9/23 Services 6:15pm, Candle lighting 6:30pm; Mon.9/24 - Services 9:00am, 6:15 pm, Candle lighting 7:28 pm; Tues. 9/25 - Services 9:00am • Shabbat Chol Hamoed Fri. 9/28 - Services 6:00pm, Candle lighting 6:21pm • Sukkot Sat. 9/29 - Services 9:00am • Hoshanah Rabbah Sun. 9/30 - Services 9:00am • Shmini Atzeret Sun. 9/30 - Services 6:00pm, Candle lighting 6:18pm; Mon. 10/1 - Services 9:00am (including Yizkor) • Simchat Torah Mon. 10/1 - Services 6:15pm, Candle lighting 7:16pm, (MaarivHakafot) 7:15pm; Tues. 10/2 - Services 9:00am • Shabbat Beresheit Fri. 10/5 - Services 6:00pm, Candle lighting 6:10pm; Sat. 10/6 - Services 9:00am • Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Tues.-Wed. 10/9 & 10/10


1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook • 631-751–8518 A Warm And Caring Intergenerational Community Dedicated To Learning, Prayer, Social Action, And Friendship. Member Union For Reform Judaism RABBI PAUL SIDLOFSKY CANTOR MARCEY WAGNER RABBI EMERITUS STEPHEN A. KAROL RABBI EMERITUS ADAM D. FISHER CANTOR EMERITUS MICHAEL F. TRACHTENBERG Sabbath Services Friday 7:30 pm And Saturday 10 am Religious School • Monthly Family Service • Monthly Tot Shabbat Youth Groups • Senior Club • Adult Education Sisterhood • Brotherhood • Book Club-More

To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663

46 Dare Road, Selden 631-732-2511 Emergency Number 516-848-5386 REV. DR. RICHARD O. HILL, PASTOR Email: • Website: Holy Communion Is Celebrated Every Weekend Saturdays at 5 pm (beginning September 15) Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 and 11 am The Service Of Prayers For Healing is included on the first Sunday of every month. Sunday School (ages 3-11) at 9:30 am Anchor Nursery School Tuesday through Thursday 9:15 am-12:15 pm Teen Ministry meets on alternating Saturdays from 3-6 pm Bereaved Survivors of Opiate Addiction Group meets on Thursdays from 6:30-7:30 pm (no cost) Sunday Services Are Live-Streamed Through Our “Friends Of Hope Lutheran Church” Facebook Group. Sermons are posted on at “Pastor Richard O Hill”


309 Patchogue Road, Port Jefferson Station 631-473-2236 REV. PAUL A. DOWNING PASTOR E-mail: Pastor • Pastor’s cell: 347–423–3523 Services: Sunday worship at 9:00am and 10:30am both with Holy Communion Adult Bible Study at 9:30am on Sundays Sunday school during 10:30am service Wednesday Night--7:30pm Holy Communion Friday Morning 10:30am--Power of Prayer Hour Free meal provided to the community on Sunday at 1:00pm and Wednesday at 5:45pm provided by Welcome Friends Join Us For Any Service--All Are Welcome We are celebrating our second century of service to the Port Jefferson Area.


33 Christian Ave/ PO 2117, E. Setauket NY 11733 631-941–3581 REV. GREGORY L. LEONARD–PASTOR Sunday Worship 10:30 Am • Adult Sunday School 9:30 Am Lectionary Reading And Prayer Wed. 12 Noon Gospel Choir Tues. 8 Pm Praise Choir And Youth Choir 3rd And 4th Fri. 6:30 Pm

COMMACK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 486 Townline Road, Commack Church Office: 631-499–7310 Fax: 631-858–0596 www.commack– • mail@commack– REV. LINDA BATES–STEPE, PASTOR

SETAUKET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 160 Main Street, Corner Of 25a And Main Street East Setauket • 631–941–4167 REV. STEVEN KIM, PASTOR • Sunday Worship Service & Church School 10 am Holy Communion 1st Sunday Of Month Mary & Martha Circle (Women’s Ministry) Monthly On 2nd Tuesday At 1pm


Knowing Christ...Making Him Known 322 Route 25a, East Setauket 631-941–3670 • LEAD PASTOR JOSH MOODY Sunday Worship Schedule: 9:15 am: Worship Service, Sunday School (Pre–K – Adult), Nursery 10:30 am: Bagels & Coffee 11:00 am: Worship Service, Nursery, Pre–K, Cornerstone Kids (Gr. K–5) We Offer Weekly Teen Programs, Small Groups, Women’s & Men’s Bible Studies, Alpha, Stephen Ministry Faith Preschool For Ages 3 & 4, Mommy & Me For Age 2 Join Us As We Celebrate 55 Years Of Proclaiming The Good News Of Jesus Christ!

Continued on next page •


PET ADOPT-A-THON Continued from page B17

have all been spayed/neutered and vaccinated, are FIV/FeLV negative and are dewormed. They love people and are looking for families of their own. Meet Lance and Jackson at The Adoption Center. Lance is a 3-month-old blue heeler mix and Jackson is a 2-year-old Australian shepherd mix. Anyone would be lucky to call either of these cuties their furever friend.

Whether you’re looking to adopt, would like to support the great work of animal welfare groups or just want to have a family-friendly fun day in Sound Beach, stop by. Admission is free and all are welcome. For more information call 631-744-6952 and remember, Save A Life — Adopt A Pet. From left, Lance; Romeo; and Mela, Fuji and Dooly will be at the Pet Adopt-A-Thon on Sept. 22.

Religious D irectory



Unitarian Universalist




216 Christian Ave., Stony Brook, 11790 Church Office: 631-751-0574 REV. CHUCK VAN HOUTEN, PASTOR Connecting People To God, Purpose And Each Other Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am Renewing, Restoring, Reviving For The 21st Century!


577 Woodbury Rd., Woodbury Church Office: 516-692-7179 REV. ERIK RASMUSSEN Join Us For Sunday Church At 10:30 am. “Open Hearts...Open Doors.” Adult Discussions On Matter Of Faith, Tuesdays At 4 pm Kids Sunday School Available.

5 Caroline Avenue ~ On the Village Green 631- 941-4271 Celebrating and Sharing the love of God since 1660. Email: REV. MARY BARRETT SPEERS, PASTOR Sunday Worship at 9:30 a.m. (childcare available) Sunday School for children 3 years -- 8th grade at 9:45 a.m. Adult Education at 11:00 Outreach Ministries: Open Door Exchange Ministry: Furnishing homes...Finding hope Welcome Friends Soup Kitchen Prep Site: All are welcome to join this vibrant community of worship, music (voice and bell choirs), mission (local, national and international), and fellowship. Call the church office or visit our website for current information on church activities. SPC is a More Light Presbyterian Church and part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians working toward a church as generous and just as God’s grace.


4 Friends Way, St. James 631–928-2768 Worship Sundays: Sept. - June 11 am , July - Aug. 10:00 am We gather in silent worship seeking God • the Inner Light • Spirit. We are guided by the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. Weekly coffee and fellowship, monthly discussions, Religious Education for children.

380 Nicolls Road • between Rte 347 & Rte 25A 631–751–0297 • • REV. MARGARET H. ALLEN ( Sunday Service: 10:30 am Religious Education at UUFSB: Unitarian Universalism accepts wisdom from many sources and offers non-dogmatic religious education for children from 3-18 to foster ethical and spiritual development and knowledge of world religions. Classes Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Childcare for little ones under three. Senior High Youth Group meetings Sunday evenings Registration is ongoing. For more information:


203 East Pulaski Rd., Huntington Sta. 631–385–7180 email: FB & YouTube: Unity Church of Healing Light REV. SABA MCHUNGUZI, MINISTER Sunday Service - 11:30 am - 12:30 pm (Sign Language Interpreter) Sunday school for children and youth 3-17 years old Wednesday Prayer Group - 7:30 p.m. - 8:30 pm We believe that everyone is a child of God and entitled to live a fulfilling and productive life. We teach spiritual principles, such as affirmative prayer, the power of thought and the law of attraction (LOA). We celebrate a diverse fellowship where everyone finds acceptance. We are a member of Unity Worldwide Ministries and affiliated with the Daily Word devotional booklet, and Silent Unity.

To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663


Pictured are a trio of siblings at Last Chance Animal Rescue that know they’re adorable! They love to be held and cuddled and love dogs and kids. Stop by and help Mela, Fuji and Dooly find a happy ending! Meet Penny and Polo, two 7+-year-old poodles at Save-A-Pet waiting for their forever home. Their elderly owner is ill and can no longer care for them. If you’re looking for a sweet, gentle dog consider adopting either one or both. All they need is love. Also pictured is Romeo, a fun and affectionate boy at the Town of Brookhaven Animal Shelter. If you’re looking for a partner who will play ball with you for hours and enjoy going for long walks with you, Romeo is your boy. He is about 9 years young and is vaccinated, neutered, microchipped and heartworm negative. Also at the town shelter is Brownie — what a cutie he is! Four melt-in-your-arms kittens with Strong Island are currently in a foster home but desperately need forever homes. They





Honey is an adorable 2-year-old Catahoula mix currently waiting at Kent Animal Shelter for a new home. She was rescued in Texas where she faced an uncertain fate. All she needs now is a loving family to make her one of their own. Is that you? Honey comes neutered, microchipped and as up to date as possible on vaccines. Kent Animal Shelter is located at 2259 River Road in Calverton. The adoption center is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. For more information on Honey and other adoptable pets at Kent, visit www. or call 631-727-5731.

File photo

MAKE A DIFFERENCE On Sept. 15, volunteers throughout the U.S. and more than 100 countries will come together to participate in an International Coastal Cleanup event near them. 20 from 10 to 11 a.m. This is a special time for both parent and child to discover the wonders of the natural world together. For ages 3 to 5. $4 per child. AdTales for Tots vance registration is required by calling 265-1054. Children ages 3 to 5 with a caregiver are invited to the Smithtown Historical Society’s Roseneath Toddler Time Cottage, 239 Middle Country Road, Smithtown for Book Revue, 313 New York Ave., Huntington story time on Sept. 14 at 11 a.m. Learn all about hosts Toddler Time for ages 3 to 5 every Thurstraveling the globe through reading. Free admis- day at 11 a.m. Join them on Sept. 20 for a funsion. Open to all. Call the Smithtown Library at filled sing-along with singer/songwriter/guitarist Jeff Sorg. Free. No registration necessary. For 360-2480 to register. further information, call 271-1442.


Help clean up a beach

International Coastal Cleanup will be held all over the world on Sept. 15. Help clean up our coastlines and waterways by volunteering at your local beach. In our area you can volunteer at West Meadow Beach, West Meadow Beach Road, Stony Brook at 10 a.m. (meet at the pavilion to sign in and get supplies) or Cedar Beach, Harbor Road, Mount Sinai at 2 p.m. (meet at the Nature Center for sign in and get supplies). Registration is required by emailing

Storytime at Barnes & Noble

A beloved classic gets a kind-hearted send up in this clever parody that will keep kids laughing with a reading of “Goodnight Goon: A Petrifying Parody” by Michael Rex at Barnes & Noble in Lake Grove at 600 Smith Haven Mall or in East Northport at 4000 E. Jericho Turnpike on Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. Activities to follow. Free. Call 724-0341 (LG) or 462-0208 (EN) for more information.

Gardening at the Explorium

Sad summer is over? Come join the Long Island Explorium in exploring the beautiful Port Jefferson Harborfront and do some late summer gardening on Sept. 15 and 16 from 1 to 5 p.m. Special exploration program on Sept. 16 at 1:30 and 3 p.m. First come, first serve. $5 per person. Call 331-3277 or visit

Those Wacky Squirrels

Join the staff at Caleb Smith State Park Preserve, 581 West Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown for a Tiny Tots program titled Those Wacky Squirrels on Sept.

Photo courtesy of Kent Animal Shelter


‘Mary Poppins Jr.’

The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown will present “Mary Poppins Jr.” from Sept. 15 to Oct. 28. Your favorite practically perfect nanny takes center stage in this supercalifragilisticexpialidocious adventure based on the award-winning Broadway musical and classic Walt Disney film. All seats are $15. To order, call 724-3700 or visit

Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid Jr.’

Journey “under the sea” with Ariel and her aquatic friends in Disney’s “The Little Mermaid Jr.” live on stage at the John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Route 25A, Northport from Sept. 22 to Oct. 28. Tickets for this magical underwater adventure are $15 per person. To order, call 261-2900 or visit

‘Kooky Spooky Halloween’

Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present “Kooky Spooky Halloween,” a merry musical about Abner the Ghost who’s afraid of the dark, in the fall with performances on Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27 at 11 a.m., Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. with a sensory-sensitive performance on Oct. 14 at 11 a.m. When Abner’s secret is revealed, he is forced to leave his haunted home and set off on a quest with his newly found friends. A holiday treat for the entire family. Costumes are encouraged. All seats are $10. Call 928-9100 or visit to order.

All numbers are in (631) area code unless noted.

Attention All Young Performers! CALL TODAY to enroll in THEATRE THREE’s

Dramatic Academy FALL 2018 Workshops begin the week of September 12, 2018. All workshops meet for ten classes.

For all performers ages 6 - 17 Theatre Three offers the best educational acting experience! Our experienced teachers help participants explore their creativity, expand their skills and experience live theatre in new ways all while having fun.

Spaces Are Very Limited.

Register Now!!!

Questions? Call Tuesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

For more info, call 928-9202




Time to make a scarecrow

The Ward Melville Heritage Organization is currently accepting submissions for its annual Scarecrow Competition. This will be the 28th year the spooky, silly, scary six-foot creations will adorn the pathways of picturesque Stony Brook Village Center for visitors to enjoy and vote for their favorite. Official entry forms will be available in most Stony Brook Village Center shops, at the offices of WMHO at 111 Main St., second floor, in Stony Brook or online at Categories are divided into Previous 1st place winner/Professional, Adult/Family and Children’s. Registration deadline is Sept. 28 and there is an entry fee of $15. Winners will be announced at WMHO’s annual Halloween Festival on Oct. 31. Visitors to the Stony Brook Village Center shops have the opportunity to cast their vote for their favorite scarecrow during the month of October. Voting ballots will be available in all Village Center shops and Photo by Heidi Sutton eateries or at the WMHO office. For full information on this and other Stony Brook Last year’s submission from Emma S. Clark Memorial Library titled ‘Old Mother Goose’ Village events, call 631-751-2244.

‘Inside Mommy’s Tummy’ By Beth Rosiello

Children’s Book Reviewed by Sabrina Petroski Have you ever wondered what it was like inside the womb before you were born? In Beth Rosiello’s first children’s book, “Inside Mommy’s Tummy” (Dorrance Publishing), you can find out! With fun anecdotes from the point of view of the baby, and colorful photographs and animations, this book is a wonderfully creative way to get the inside scoop. “Inside Mommy’s Tummy,” meant for children ages 3 to 8, transports the reader into the world of the baby before they are born; what they hear and who talks to them. Since the story is based on her family, Rosiello includes pictures of the parents, siblings, grandparents and even the family dog! We follow the pregnancy from start to finish, finding out the gender of the baby, what the nursery looks like and the experience of birth. In a recent interview, the Centereach author gave some insight on how the book came about and the process of getting it published.

Tell me about yourself.

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St. James Location

631-584-6888 556 North Country Rd., St. James

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Celebrating 25 Years And Still Going Strong

What were your favorite books growing up?

Why did you write this children’s book?

The process was easy; they helped me every step of the way, answered my questions and were there if I needed them.

I would sit for hours reading all kinds of books but my favorite were the Nancy Drew mystery series.

How did your family react when you told them you had an idea for a book?

Holbrook Location

How did you go about getting the book published?

I sent the book to a couple of different publishers — I never realized there were self-publishers as well as regular book publishers. I should have done more research. I apparently went with a self-publisher, so it did cost me a lot to get it published, but I’m still glad it’s out there.

I have always wanted to write children’s books but just never had the time. I wanted to do something special for my granddaughter and that’s how this came about.

Beg Advanc inner or ed A Class we Have for You !

First Day of Fall Classes - Wednesday, September 12

I’ve been married to my husband Frank for 32 years. We have two boys, Matt and Steven, and two grandchildren, Sean and Brianna. I’m into a lot of different things creatively speaking — crocheting, crafting, sewing, reading and writing and I love spending time with my family and friends. Currently I am semiretired.

The cover of Beth Rosiello’s first children’s book.

My family was very supportive of my book. I actually wrote it first and then told them about it. They all loved the idea and were very proud of me.

Why did you choose to write a story from the point of view of a baby ?

I didn’t so much choose this as it just came to me. I woke up in the middle of the night with the idea and thought it would make a great book from the baby’s point of view.

Are the people in the story based on real people?

Yes, it was written around my granddaughter, Brianna, but it incorporates my whole family.

What was it like working with a publisher?

How did you come up with idea to use real pictures? The drawings just weren’t working out. I even tried using an app to convert the pictures to drawings, but they weren’t working.

What was it like receiving your first copy of the book? It was totally amazing. I was in heaven and so proud of the book.

Where is the book available?

The book is available online at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book?

I would say go for it if you have a bucket list and writing is on it. I did and I couldn’t be happier. It is very satisfying to do something like this even if you only do it once. At least you can say you did it and got it published. Not everyone can say that.


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at Our Lady of Mercy Academy

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September 22, 2018

Administration Presentation and Tours: 11:00 am 11:30 am 12:00 pm 12:30 pm

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CommUniversity Day Celebrating the Best of Stony Brook University: A Festival for Families, Friends and Neighbors


Enjoy a day of fun and discovery for all ages! Here’s some of what you’ll find: Teddy Bear Clinic* • Sports Demonstrations • Pac-Man Robots • TIAA Ice Cream Social • Kazoo-niversity Health Screenings • Drowsy Driving Simulator • Fly a Drone • Hot Topic Talks • and much more!


22 2018


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Parking and admission are free. Register online to receive a free, reusable tote bag. Bring your registration receipt to an Info Tent to receive your bag and program schedule. Bags and all other giveaways are while supplies last. *Pre-registration is required to receive a free teddy bear. Space is limited. While supplies last. Visit our website to register. This event is part of Stony Brook University’s Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Initiative • Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18061834


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