Port Jefferson Documentary Series: for the stories that need to be told B11 ALSO: Your Turn B4 • Photo of the Week B5 • ‘The Adventures of Peter Rabbit' hops over to Theatre Three B21
Our Community Newspaper With Its “Eye On The World” ©147851
Preventing Strokes for People with Carotid Artery Disease Patients with advanced carotid artery disease have an increased risk of having a stroke that may significantly decrease their quality of life. To help reduce the incidence of stroke, vascular surgeons at Stony Brook Vascular Center are using an advanced procedure called transcarotid artery revascularization — TCAR. This is a safe, minimally invasive procedure that can give patients a future without strokes. Angela Kokkosis, MD, a vascular surgeon, explains.
What is carotid artery disease?
The stent expands to allow blood to flow normally through the artery. The stent stays in place permanently to help stabilize the plaque and protect from future strokes. What makes the procedure so revolutionary is a unique system that also protects the patient from stroke during the procedure. The system, called a neuro-protection system (NPS), temporarily reverses blood flow away from the brain during the procedure. So, if any plaque breaks loose or blood clots form during the procedure, it won’t go into the brain. Instead, it is trapped in a filter and eliminated from the blood, which is returned to the brain safely.
This disease is a blockage or narrowing in the carotid arteries that carry oxygen to the brain. Caused by a buildup of plaque in the arteries, the disease reduces the amount of blood flowing to the brain. When blood isn’t flowing normally, blood clots and small pieces of plaque can break off and travel to the brain, causing a stroke. It’s estimated that carotid artery disease may be the cause of up to one-third of strokes.
Who can get the TCAR procedure?
What is TCAR and why is it such a breakthrough?
How does TCAR improve quality of life?
TCAR is a minimally invasive procedure that is a proven safe and effective way to open up the carotid arteries so blood flows normally to the brain. This is done by implanting a metal mesh tube called a stent into the carotid artery through a tiny incision just above the clavicle.
After a stroke, some patients may experience significant challenges to living a normal life. By reducing the incidence of strokes, TCAR can preserve quality of life for people with carotid artery disease. Most importantly, the reduction in stroke risk lasts for many years.
TCAR can be a good choice for people who are considered high risk for the open surgery that is traditionally used to treat carotid artery disease. Our vascular surgeons can evaluate the degree of artery blockage and other factors to determine if TCAR is a good option. Even patients with significant illnesses may be considered for TCAR.
Angela Kokkosis, MD Vascular Surgeon Director, Carotid Interventions Stony Brook Vascular Center
Is TCAR safe? Yes. The safety and effectiveness of TCAR has been well established. More than 2,500 successful procedures have been done worldwide. Because TCAR is minimally invasive, there is less chance of surgical complications, and patients recover and are able to resume normal activities quickly. The procedure is FDA approved and covered by Medicare.
What makes Stony Brook a good place to be treated? Stony Brook was the first on Long Island — and is still the only institution in Suffolk County — to offer TCAR. We’ve performed more TCAR procedures than any institution on Long Island, and are second in New York State in terms of number of patients treated with TCAR. In addition to TCAR, we offer the full range of treatments, including the traditional open surgery, called a carotid endarterectomy or CEA, and a minimally invasive procedure called transfemoral carotid artery stenting.
STONY BROOK VASCULAR CENTER TCAR is for patients who have carotid artery disease, with or without symptoms, and who are at risk for stroke. To make an appointment with our vascular specialists, call us at (631) 444-1279.
For more information about Stony Brook Medicine, call (631) 444-4000.
All health and health-related information contained in this article is intended to be general and/or educational in nature and should not be used as a substitute for a visit with a healthcare professional for help, diagnosis, guidance and treatment. The information is intended to offer only general information for individuals to discuss with their healthcare provider. It is not intended to constitute a medical diagnosis or treatment or endorsement of any particular test, treatment, procedure, service, etc. Reliance on information provided is at the user’s risk. Your healthcare provider should be consulted regarding matters concerning the medical condition, treatment, and needs of you and your family. Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18021183H
The Best Ideas in Medicine | 157351
Arming teachers and increasing police presence is not the answer
Instead of building up an armed security force, we should build up our support serHow many more mass shootings have vices so that they can effectively intervene to claim innocent lives before we have with the growing number of students who the courage to stand up for justice and are at risk. After Parkland, all the politicians from common sense? The rhetoric that has erupted since the the president on down have talked about Parkland shootings in Florida is reprehen- doing more to strengthen mental health services. However, our own sible. Innocent lives murpresident has reduced funddered, hundreds of survivors ing from his budget to supsuffering from PTSD and we port mental health services. still cannot move forward His opioid commission made with common sense federal substantial recommendations regulations to protect all of to fight this national health us as citizens without infringcrisis, but to date he has not ing on someone’s Second allocated a dime to support Amendment rights. new treatment initiatives and The articulate, dynamic support services for addicts students from Parkland and their families. have given clear voice to The young people from the real issues that must be Parkland have sparked a addressed since the massapowerful new conversacre — thorough background tion across our country that checks on all who purchase Divisive and speaks beyond the issue of guns, a national registry for all guns and their owners, demeaning rhetoric gun control and gun safety. raising the age to 21 for the is not going to make Their courageous voices are purchase of any gun with America great again; challenging us to come together as a nation, urging us few exceptions, banning only constructive to work together to protect assault weapons with the exception for law enforce- action on the part of all life because it is sacred ment and the military and all Americans will. and fragile. We need to start practicing what we preach! developing a standardized Divisive and demeaning mental health screening to flag those with potential mental health rhetoric is not going to make America great again; only constructive action on issues. Our schools are vulnerable, but as a the part of all Americans will. Every citizen who is of age must reglongtime educator and former school administrator, arming teachers and increas- ister to vote. We must do our homework ing police presence with weapons is not and know what the real issues are all going to deter a mentally ill person from about and not allow ourselves to be brainkilling people, if he or she is determined washed by political operatives. Our political process and system is broken and inefto do that. We need to be more efficient and effec- fective. It needs immediate surgery! We need to urge the best of the best to tive at identifying students who demonstrate by behavior, school deportment and run for public office. We must be sure that they are not connected or beholden to the their writing that there is a real problem. Every difficult student cannot merely insurance industry, the NRA, the unions, be expelled from school. We need to work just to name a few powerful entities that with those at-risk students. However, that seem to be indirectly controlling our nareally becomes a problem every time a tion and its policies. As Gandhi once said, we must “be the school district is on austerity. The first people who are laid off are school social change we wish to see in the world.” Fr. Pizzarelli, SMM, LCSW-R, ACSW, DCSW, workers, psychologists, nurse teachers and other support staff that are critical in is the director of Hope House Ministries in the time of crisis. Port Jefferson.
In this edition: Attorney At Law .........................B10 Calendar ................................. B16-17 Community News ......................B14 Cooking Cove...............................B15 Crossword Puzzle ........................ B6 Medical Compass ........................ B9 Parents and Kids ........................B20
Plain Talk ......................................... B3 Photo of the Week ....................... B5 Power of Three .............................. B7 Religious Directory ............ B18-20 SBU Sports ...................................B22 Theater Review ...........................B21 Your Turn ........................................ B4
Gallery North
The Wet Paint Festival is a tribute to late artist, Joseph Reboli and a celebration of plein air painting. This year the Artists will paint at Saint James and Stony Brook Train Stations. Visitors will have the unique opportunity to observe some of Long Island’s top plein air painters as they capture the area’s significant historic buildings in our communities.
Wet Paint Festival Dates: April 6, 7, & 8, 2018 Questions? Call us.
Wet Paint Festival Exhibition Dates: April 12-21, 2018
Opening Reception at Gallery North: Thursday, April 12, 5:00pm–7:00pm
Nancy Burner, Esq., CELA will launch this program highlighting her vision. “Dedicate 2018 to the year of doing small things with great love.”
MARCH 21 • 1 - 2:30 pm
Da Ponte/Mozart Opera Workshop • Cara Vertucci–Lyric soprano performing a variety of arias • Jeff Norwood–Musicologist, music history teacher T H E WA R D M E LV I L L E H E R I TAG E O R G A N I Z AT I O N
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Screening Colonoscopy?
Photo by Corinne Conover
Homage to Conscience By Corinne Conover I was truly blessed to live 12 wonderful years with great memories and milestones in Strong’s Neck. I wrote this non-fiction piece as a heartfelt thank you to a place that has so much enriched history and beautiful landscapes that, combined with my loving parents and sister, was “home.” Our new ventures take us to Queens and Manhattan. Thank you for reading.
To schedule an optical colonoscopy or virtual colonoscopy, call
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Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18021154H
This would be my last time at my “other home.” The home where we played volleyball in the rain — countless barbecues, bike rides around Conscience Point and round the bend to the church steeple, carriage house and the old tavern where George Washington would go to when he would visit, which now is a historic home. The home where we would visit a secret garden at Avalon, where a wealthy father dedicated a park with hiking, and trails in loving memory to his young son who passed away. Endless kayaking trips with me and dad and Sonny, even after years later, when the kayaks finally gave in and deflated. We had to float back home with our arms spread out. Dad said, “We were penguins that day.” I offered to take my sister’s dog Foster on the last day for a nice walk, just him and me. We made it to Conscience Point. Gazed at the sun starting to set. The tall tree overlooking the inlet to the ocean and headed to the shoreline. There, before us, sat hundreds of colored rocks from seaweed, salt and growth. And, thought “Who am I, to choose one rock that no longer gets to stay here in its natural state?” It is a lot similar to how I feel of the natural inward beauty that some people exude in life with a conscience. So, I left the rock in its place. “Home.” Looked up at the setting sun. Thanked God and solemnly said ... Goodbye.
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Time to dust off those resumes! Northport Public Library, at 151 Laurel Ave., Northport will host a Community Job Fair on Thursday, March 22 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Presented by the Suffolk County OneStop Employment Center, representatives from the following companies are scheduled to attend: AFLAC, Attentive Care, Bachrach Group, Better Business Bureau, Bob’s Discount Furniture, Brightstar Care, Burlington Stores, Canon USA, Castella Imports, Catholic Guardian, Combined Insurance, First In Service Staffing, Flexstaff, Helen Keller Services for the Blind, Home Depot, Interim Healthcare, LIRR, Lloyd Staffing, Northwell Health, NRL Strategies, Options for Community Living, People Ready, Prudential, Renewal by Andersen, SCO Family of Services, SCOPE, SCWA, South Shore Home Health, Suffolk County Civil Service and Well Life Network. All are welcome and no registration is required. Bring copies of your resume and dress to impress! For more information, call 631-261-6930.
Nursery School Fair WINTER’S GRIP Karen Brett of Sound Beach snapped this photo on March 7 after the Nor’ easter. The heavy wet snow bent the evergreen branches in her neighbor’s backyard, causing them to droop. She writes, ‘It looks like aliens trying to climb over my fence! Just a little bit scary.’
Send your Photo of the Week to
Parents are invited to meet representatives from a number of nursery and pre-schools in the area at Harborfields Public Library’s Nursery School Fair on Thursday, March 22 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Open to all. To register, please call 631-757-4200.
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MARCH 21 • 1-2:30 pm Da Ponte/Mozart Opera Workshop
• Jeff Norwood–Musicologist, music history • Cara Vertucci–Lyric soprano performing a variety of arias
APRIL 25 • 1-2:30 pm Virtual Travel: Royal Botanical Garden in Canada • Chocolate–from treasure to treat
Vibrant Life DISCOVER THE THIRD AGE Enjoy groundbreaking programming focused on the vibrance, wisdom and life experiences shared by the 50+ segment of the population — The Third Age. These programs will inspire individuals to live their best lives by identifying, owning and cultivating their life purpose.
$15 per person. Refreshments will be served.
Limited seating. Reserve now! Call (631) 689-5888. Visit for full series programming. 155801
Volunteers wanted for research study
Stony Brook University’s School of Social Welfare is conducting a research study to learn about siblings of opioid addicted individuals in the hopes of raising awareness and benefitting this underserved population. If you are between the ages of 18 and 35 and have/had a sibling with opioid addiction, please call Barbara at 631-902-7400 to be referred to a 20 minute online survey. Your participation will be anonymous.
St. Patrick’s Day ACROSS 1. Salmon deposit 6. Old age, archaic 9. Bagpiper’s garb 13. Hawaiian veranda 14. Big Island flower necklace 15. Helper 16. V.C. Andrews’ “Flowers in the ____” 17. Uno ___ or one more 18. 4 x 4 race 19. *”Water of life” 21. *Shamrock 23. ____ Aviv 24. Rumpelstiltskin’s weaver 25. Wildebeest 28. Mega Bloks competitor 30. *Outdoor St. Patrick’s Day event 35. Starting point on way to riches 37. Clump 39. Dionysus’ pipe-playing companion 40. *Ireland, once 41. Ox connector, pl. 43. Quartet minus one 44. Put out on a curb 46. *William Butler Yeats, e.g. 47. Cardinal vices 48. Bee’s favorite drink 50. Russian mountain chain 52. Go gray 53. Period of illness 55. Workout unit 57. *These never lived in Ireland 60. *Hibernia 64. Musician’s exercise 65. Flying saucer acronym 67. Cleveland’s controversial chief 68. Villain 69. Decompose 70. Do penitence 71. Parting words 72. Pro vote 73. “Walk the Dog” toy, pl.
Answers to last week’s puzzle: Directions: Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9.
Answers to last week’s SUDOKU puzzle:
March Madness
DOWN 1. Deli side 2. Beaten by walkers 3. Nay sayer 4. Middle measurement 5. Jefferson coin 6. Lined with elm trees 7. “Back To The Future” actress 8. ABBA’s genre 9. Capital of Ukraine 10. Like some rumors 11. Shakespeare’s tragic monarch 12. “Don’t give up!” 15. Olfactory property, pl. 20. Funereal lament 22. Chop off 24. ____ tower 25. *”The wearing of the ____” 26. Evian, backwards 27. Finno-____ language 29. Lump of stuff 31. Refuse visitors 32. Skylit lobbies 33. Faulkner’s “As I Lay ____” 34. Irregular or jagged 36. Religious offshoot 38. *Stout, e.g. 42. Liverpool star 45. Cursor-moving button 49. Wade’s opponent 51. Wiggle room 54. Shylock’s line of work 56. Socrates’ famous pupil 57. Dog command 58. Classic art subject 59. Puts two and two together 60. Itty-bitty bit 61. Call to a mate 62. Unacceptable 63. “Nobody ____ It Better” 64. Flow alternatives 66. *British to the IRA *Theme related clue.
Answers to this week’s puzzle will appear in next week’s newspaper and online on Friday afternoon at, Arts and Lifestyles
SBU’s Heather Lynch finds treasure trove of penguins on Danger Islands
BY DANIEL DUNAIEF In October of 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the satellite Sputnik, people imagined that satellites hovering over their heads could see everything and anything down below. Indeed, in the early days, some Americans rushed to close their blinds, hoping the Kremlin couldn’t see what they might be eating for dinner or watching on TV. Satellites today collect such a wealth of information about the world below that it’s often not easy to analyze and interpret it. That’s the case with the Danger Islands in the Antarctic. Difficult for people to approach by boat because of treacherous rocks around the islands and sea ice that might trap a ship, these islands are home to a super colony of Adélie penguins that number 1.5 million. This discovery of birds that were photographed in a reconnaissance plane in 1957 but haven’t been studied or counted since “highlights the ultimate challenge of drinking from the firehose of satellite-based information,” said Heather Lynch, an associate professor of ecology and evolution at Stony Brook University and a co-author on a Scientific Reports publication announcing the discovery of these supernumerary waterfowl. Adélie penguins are often linked to the narrative about climate change. Lynch said finding this large colony confirms what researchers knew about Adélie biology. In West Antarctic, it is warming and the population is declining. On the eastern side, it’s colder and icier, which are conditions more suited for Adélie survival. The Danger Islands are just over the edge of those distinct regions, on the eastern side, where it is still cold and icy. A population discovery of this size has implications for management policies. At this point, different groups are designing management strategies for both sides of the peninsula. A German delegation is leading the work for a marine protected area on the east side. An Argentinian team is leading the western delegation. This discovery supports the MPA proposal, explained Mercedes Santos, a researcher from the Instituto Antártico Argentino and a co-convener of the Domain 1 MPA Expert Group. The MPA proposal was introduced in 2017 and is under discussion in the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living
Weekly horoscopes PISCES – Feb 19/Mar 20
There’s little time to waste this week, Pisces. Be sure you have all of your details set and ready to go. Efficiency is key.
ARIES – Mar 21/Apr 20
A few bumps along the way do cannot derail you when you are motivated, Aries. Just keep chugging forward and you can plow through any obstacles that spring up.
TAURUS – Apr 21/May 21
Find a way to work a vacation into your schedule, Taurus. You can probably use a respite from the daily grind, and a change of scenery is just what the doctor ordered.
GEMINI – May 22/Jun 21 Photo by Rachel Herman from Stony Brook University/ Louisiana State University
Adélie penguins jump off an iceberg of one of the Danger Islands.
Harnessing the Technology of our Research Giants
Resources, where the United States is one of 25 members. Said Santos in a recent email, “This publication will help us to show the importance of the area for protection, considering that decisions should be made [with the] best available information.” The location of the Danger Islands protects it from the strongest effects of climate change, as the archipelago is in a buffer zone between areas that are experiencing warming and those where the climate remains consistent over longer periods of time. Whales and other mammals that eat krill create an unknown factor in developing fisheries plans. While penguins spend considerable time above water and are easier to monitor and count, the population of whales remains more of a mystery. Lynch said the more she studies penguins, the more skeptical she is that they can “stand in” as ecosystem indicators. Their populations tend to be variable. While it would be simpler to count penguins as a way to measure ecosystem dynamics, researchers also need to track populations of other key species, such as whales, she suggested.
Humpback whales are “in competition with penguins for prey resources,” Lynch said. The penguin data is “one piece of information for one species,” but MPAs are concerned with the food web for the entire region, which also includes crabeater seals. For the penguin population study, Lynch recruited members of her lab to contribute to the process of counting the penguins manually. “I figured I should do my fair share,” she said, of work she describes as “painstaking.” Indeed, Lynch and her students counted over 280,000 penguins by hand. She and her team used the hand counting effort to confirm the numbers generated by the computer algorithm. “The counting was done to make sure the computer was doing its job well,” she said. She also wanted to characterize the errors of this process as all census counts come with errors and suggested that the future of this type of work is with computer vision. Lynch appreciated the work of numerous collaborators to count this super colony. Even before scientists trekked out to the field to count these black and white birds, she and Matthew Schwaller from NASA
studied guano stains on the Danger Islands in 2015 using existing NASA images. This penguin team included Tom Hart from Oxford University and Michael Polito from Louisiana State University, who have collaborated in the field for years, so it was “natural that we would work together to try and execute an expedition.” Stephanie Jenouvrier, a seabird ecologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, has considerable expertise in the modeling side, especially with the climate; and Hanumant Singh, a professor of mechanical and industrial engineering at Northeastern University has experience using drones in remote areas, Lynch said. The penguins on the Danger Islands react to the presence of humans in a similar way to the ones elsewhere throughout the Antarctic. The birds generally don’t like creatures that are taller than they are, in part because they fear skuas, which are larger predatory birds that work together to steal an egg off a nest. Counting the penguins requires the researchers to stand, but when the scientists sit on the ground, the penguins “will approach you. You have to make sure you’re short enough.” Lynch would like to understand the dynamics of penguin nest choices that play out over generations. She’s hoping to use a snapshot of the layout of the nests to determine how a population is changing. Ideally, she’d like to “look at a penguin colony to see whether it’s healthy and declining.” She believes she is getting close.
Gemini, if you slow down and listen to others, you may learn something new about yourself. Sometimes you have to view yourself through another’s eyes.
CANCER – Jun 22/Jul 22
You may have to trust a friend to handle something you would much prefer to handle yourself, Cancer. Trust that this friend will do a good job and express your gratitude.
LEO – Jul 23/Aug 23
Open your eyes to the bigger picture, Leo. Only focusing on the smallest details will prevent you from seeing the grand scheme of things.
VIRGO – Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, an unexpected situation momentarily takes you off guard. Take a step back and reassess the situation. Some careful reflection will help you find a solution.
LIBRA – Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, when someone calls on you for advice, offer it without reading too much into why it is needed. You are there to lend support and a different viewpoint.
SCORPIO – Oct 24/Nov 22
Take inventory of your weaknesses, Scorpio. By recognizing your shortcomings, you can become a stronger person and both your personal and professional lives will benefit.
SAGITTARIUS – Nov 23/Dec 21 You cannot always remain under the radar, Sagittarius. Sometimes your actions will be out in full view, and you need to accept any praise and criticism as it comes.
CAPRICORN – Dec 22/Jan 20
It’s time to prepare for an adventure of sorts, Capricorn. The excitement may be mounting this week as you get all of the details in order. Start packing for travel.
AQUARIUS – Jan 21/Feb 18
Lend support to a spouse or romantic interest because he or she will need it this week, Aquarius. You can’t fix all problems, but you can show your support.
Send your community news to
David Dunaief, M.D. Integrative Medicine
• A Whole Body Approach • Reversing, Preventing & Treating Chronic Disease and Managing Weight by Connecting Conventional Medicine with Lifestyle Modifications Our Philosophy is simple. We believe wellness is derived through nutritional medicine and lifestyle interventions that prevent and treat chronic diseases. Medications have their place - and in some cases can be lifesaving. However, there’s no medication without side effects. The goal should be to limit the need for medications - or minimize the number of medications you take on a regular basis. You are not limited by your genes. Fortunately, most diseases are based primarily on epigenetics, which are environmental influences, and not on genetics. Epigenetics literally means above or around the gene. In epigenetics, lifestyle choices impact gene expression. Just because your first degree relatives may have had a disease, you are not predestined to follow suit. We are specialists who will partner with your primary care physician. A standard medical education does not integrate enough nutritional medicine and other lifestyle interventions. We bridge that gap.
We use evidence-based medicine to guide our decision-making. The amount of research related to nutrition and other lifestyle issues continues to grow rapidly, with many studies showing significant beneficial effects on health. We treat each patient as an individual. We will work with you to develop a plan that allows you to take a proactive role in managing your own health. The health outcomes are worth the effort. Is disease reversal possible? Absolutely! Study evidence has found this to be true, and many of our patients have experienced reversal of diabetes, autoimmune disorders, migraines, and cardiovascular disease, just to mention a few. In many cases, because of their exceptional results, our patients have been able to reduce or eliminate their medications. Read more common questions and answers on Dr. Dunaief has written over 2,000 medical research articles that have been published in Times Beacon Record Newspapers.
47 Route 25A, Setauket NY
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41 Clark Street, Brooklyn, NY 718.924.2655 Visit our website
David Dunaief, M.D.
Clinician, Researcher, Author and Speaker Dr. Dunaief was also recently published in The New York Times and appeared on NBC, News 12 Long Island and News 12 Brooklyn.
Preventing and Reversing Chronic Conditions and Diseases Including: High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol/Triglycerides Heart Disease Stroke Diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 • Obesity Diverticular Disease Irritable Bowel Syndrome Fibromyalgia Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia Parkinson’s Disease Depression and Mood Disorder Menopause Asthma Allergies Macular Degeneration Uveitis/Scleritis Optic Neuritis Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease “Since working with Dr. Dunaief, I have been able to reverse my cardiovascular disease. I substantially decreased plaque buildup in my neck arteries. My cardiologist was really impressed that he could no longer find inflammation associated with the disease. I am also excited that my cholesterol improved and was able to stop my medication. “ – J.M.
Dr. Dunaief builds a customized plan for each patient - he knows that “no body is the same.”
Pros and cons of medical steroid use
Steroids reduce inflammation, but it comes at a cost Steroid use as a performance-enhancing drug was a significant factor in the recent Olympics, with the Russian team banned for their illegal use. However, if we look beyond the flashy headlines to rudimentary use, we see that corticosteroids, or steroids, play an important role in medicine. This is a commonly prescribed class of medications. In fact, our bodies make corticosteroids, the indigenous form of steroids, in the cortex of the adrenals, glands that sit on top of the kidneys. Here, we are going to concentrate on the exogBy David enous form, meanDunaief, M.D. ing from the outside as medication.
Use or benefit Steroids have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is critical since many acute and chronic diseases are based at least partially on inflammation. Chronic diseases that benefit include allergic, inflammatory and immunological diseases (1). These types of diseases touch on almost every area of the body from osteoarthritis and autoimmune diseases — rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus, psoriasis and eczema — to asthma, COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) and eye disorders. This type of medication is pervasive.
Delivery Steroids are delivered orally, topically as creams, lotions and eye drops, or via injections, intravenous solutions and inhaled formulations. The most commonly known medication is prednisone, but there is a plethora of others, including prednisolone, methylprednisolone, cortisone, hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. Their benefits can be tremendous, improving functionality and reducing pain or improving breathing. You could say they are lifesaving in some instances, and with rescue inhalers they may just be that.
The bad However, there is a very big caveat: they come at a price. Steroids have lots of adverse events associated with them. This is where the bad part comes in and keeps on coming. Steroids cause weight gain, increased glucose (sugars), high blood pressure, cardiovascular events, osteoporosis, change in mood (psychoses), cataracts, glaucoma, infection, peptic ulcers, Cushing’s syndrome and the list goes on. Ironically, steroids help with breathing; however, as I’ve seen in my clinical experience, they can cause shortness of breath when weaned from a longer-use high dose too quickly.
The upshot The good news is that a plant-based diet may have similar beneficial effects in chronic diseases as steroids without all the downsides. Let’s look at the evidence.
The role in pneumonia Pneumonia is among the top-10 leading causes of death in the world (2). It can be a most painful and debilitating disease. I know,
cartilage and preventing cell death, according to the authors.
COPD: length may not matter
A plant-based diet involving lots of vegetables, fruits and some grains may have a similar effect as steroids in reducing inflammation. Stock photo
for I experienced it personally while I was in my medical training. Every time I coughed, it felt like there was a fire in my chest. In a meta-analysis (a group of nine studies), there was no overall effect of corticosteroids in reducing the risk of mortality in community-acquired pneumonia (3). However, don’t fret; when the data was broken into subsets, the findings were different. In subset data of those who had severe pneumonia, there was a statistically significant 74 percent reduction in mortality. And when duration was the main focus in subgroup analysis, those who received prolonged use of steroids reduced their risk of mortality by half. Unfortunately, with the benefit comes an increased risk of adverse events, and this meta-analysis was no exception. There was a greater than two-times increased risk of abnormally high glucose levels with prolonged use. Thus, when giving steroids, especially for a prolonged use, it may be wise to check glucose levels. In a more recent randomized controlled trial (RCT), the gold standard of studies, the results reinforced the beneficial effects of steroids on pneumonia. They showed that in those with both severe pneumonia and high inflammation, there was a two-thirds reduction in treatment failures when corticosteroids were added to the regimen (4). There were 120 patients involved in the study. They received antibiotics plus either methylprednisolone or placebo for five days.
Osteoarthritis: surprising results As we know, osteoarthritis specifically of the knee is very common, especially as the population continues to age. Intra-articular (in the joint) injections directly into the knee are becoming routine treatment. A recent study compared injectable hyaluronic acid to injectable corticosteroid (5). The results showed that over three months, the corticosteroid was superior to hyaluronic acid in terms of reducing pain, 66 percent versus 43.8 percent, respectively. Interestingly, over the longer term, 12 months, hyaluronic acid reduced the pain and maintained its effect significantly longer than the steroid, 33 percent versus a meager 8.2 percent, respectively. Study groups received five injections of either steroid or of hyaluronic acid directly to the knee over a five-week period. Thus, steroids may not always be the most effective choice when it comes to pain reduction. Hyaluronic acid may have caused this beneficial effect by reducing inflammation, protecting
It is not unusual to treat COPD patients with oral steroids. But what is the proper duration? The treatment paradigm has been two weeks with 40 mg of corticosteroids daily. However, results in an RCT showed that five days with 40 mg of corticosteroid was noninferior (equivalent) to 14 days of the same dosage and frequency (6). About one-third of patients in each group experienced a COPD exacerbation within the six-month duration of the trial. The hope is that the shorter use of steroids will mean fewer side effects. There were over 600 patients in this trial. We have come a long way; prior to 1999, eight weeks of steroids was a more commonplace approach to treating acute COPD exacerbations.
Topical steroid risk Even topical creams and lotions are not immune to risk. For example, potent topical creams and lotions placed around the orbit of the eye with prolonged use may negatively affect vision (7). However, the evidence is based mostly on case reporting, which is a low level of evidence.
Dietary effect One of the great things about steroids is that they reduce inflammation, and we know that the basis of greater than 80 percent of chronic disease is inflammation. A plantbased diet involving lots of vegetables, fruits and some grains may have a similar effect as steroids. The effect of diet on chronic disease may be to modify the immune system and reduce inflammation (8). The bioactive substances from plants thought to be involved in this process are predominantly the carotenoids and the flavonoids. Thus, those patients who respond even minimally to steroids are likely to respond to a plant-based diet in much the same beneficial way without the downsides of a significant number of side effects. Diet, unlike steroids, can be used for a long duration and a high intake, with a direct relationship to improving disease outcomes. In conclusion, it is always better to treat with the lowest effective dose for the shortest effective period when it comes to steroids. The complications of these drugs are enumerable and must always be weighed against the benefits. Sometimes, other drugs may have more beneficial effects over the long term, such as hyaluronic acid injections for knee osteoarthritis. A plant-based diet, with antiinflammatory properties similar to steroids, may be a useful alternative for chronic disease or may be used alongside these drugs, possibly reducing their dosage and duration.
References: (1) N Engl J Med. 1995;333(24):1618-24. (3) PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e47926. (4) JAMA. 2015;313(7):677-686. (5) Open Access Rheum 2015;7:9-18. (6) JAMA. 2013;309(21):222331. (7) Australas J Dermatol. Mar 5, 2015. (8) Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2008 Dec;78(6):293-8. Dr. Dunaief is a speaker, author and local lifestyle medicine physician focusing on the integration of medicine, nutrition, fitness and stress management.
Einstein the screech owl Photo by Kevin Redding
Donations needed
Let’s help Einstein and his friends at Sweetbriar! The nature center, located at 62 Eckernkamp Drive, Smithtown seeks donations for its annual spring yard sale and fundraiser on April 28 and 29 including antiques, collectibles, memorabilia and other “cool” stuff. Please NO clothes, books, baby supplies, electronics or anything that weighs over 40 pounds unless it fits the above guidelines. Proceeds will go toward the center’s mission of providing nature education and wildlife rehabilitation. To make a donation, please call Eric at 631-979-6344 or Joe at 631-901-5911.
Operation Medicine Cabinet
An officer from the 2nd Precinct will be at the Harborfields Public Library, 31 Broadway, Greenlawn in the meeting room wing on Tuesday, March 20 from noon to 2 p.m. collecting unused or expired prescriptions as well as over-the-counter medications. No questions asked and no personal information is required. No liquids or needles please. For further details, call 631-757-4200.
Variety Show fundraiser
Blessings in a Backpack Longwood Chapter will hold its 4th annual Variety Show, Lights, Camera, Auction, on Saturday, March 24 at the Mill Pond Country Club, 300 Mill Road, Medford from 6 to 10 p.m. The evening will include a buffet dinner and cash bar. $50 per person. To reserve, call 631-379-9838.
Adult Horticulture Classes
The Town of Brookhaven’s Department of Highways will present Adult Horticulture Classes a t the Holtsville Ecology Site, 249 Buckley Road, Holtsville on Wednesdays, April 11, 18 and 25 and May 2, 9 and 16. Participants will learn about starting plants through propagation, growing vegetables from seeds, spring gardening techniques and unique gardening crafts. Fee is $50 for six-week session. Deadline to register is March 29. For more info, call 631-758-9664, ext. 10. Send your community news to
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Medicare or Medicaid ... who is going to pay?
custodial stay at a skilled nursing facility through the Chronic Medicaid program. In This is a question we receive often. Navi- order to be financially eligible to receive sergating the maze of healthcare coverage can vices at home, an applicant for Community be confusing.nFor starters, a brief overview Medicaid cannot have liquid non-retirement of the programs will help to demystify and assets in excess of $15,150.00. Also exempt is an irrevocable pre-paid clear some of the confusion. Medicare is a federal government program first imple- burial, retirement assets in an unlimited mented in 1965 as part of the Social Security amount so long as the applicant is receivprogram to provide health coverage to per- ing monthly distributions and the primary sons 65 or older and in some cases younger residence. With respect to income, an applicant for Medicaid is permitted so long as they can show a to keep $837.00 per month qualifying disability. in income plus a $20.00 disCoverage through Mediregard. However, where the care is broken down into secapplicant has income which tions, Part A is considered exceeds $862.00 threshold, a hospital insurance and covers Pooled Income Trust can be inpatient hospital care, rehaestablished to preserve the apbilitation in a skilled nursing plicant’s excess income. facility, hospice services, lab Even though there is a retests surgery and home health source limit of $15,150.00, care. There is no premium for there is no “look back” for Part A provided you or your Community Medicaid. In othspouse have worked at least er words, both the income and forty quarters and paid into asset requirements can be met the program. with a minimal waiting period It is important to note that the coverage for skilled nurs- Medicare and Medicaid allowing families to mitigate the cost of caring for their ing is limited to the first twenare both invaluable loved ones at home. ty days in full and then there With respect to coverage will be a co-pay of $167.50 programs that can be per day for days twenty-one used to cover various in a nursing facility, Chronic can cover an extendthrough one hundred. A permedical and custodial Medicaid ed custodial stay at a nursing son must continue to qualify expenses. facility. In New York, an apbased on their skilled need plicant applying for Chronic throughout the hundredday period for Medicare to continue cover. Medicaid will be required to provide a sixtyThere is no guarantee that a person will month lookback with respect to all financial receive all hundred days of coverage. Cus- records, including bank statements and tax todial care and extended stays will not be returns. Unlike Community Medicaid, an applicant for Chronic Medicaid will be penalcovered by Medicare. Part B covers doctors and other health ized for any monies transferred out of the care providers’ services and outpatient care. applicant’s name during the sixty-month The monthly premium for Part B is typically lookback except for transfers to exempt in$134.00 but can vary depending on the per- dividuals, including to but not limited to son’s income. Part D provides cover with re- spouse or disabled child. If your loved one spect to prescription drugs. This is a stand- requires long term nursing home placement, alone drug plan that can assist in reducing it is imperative to consult and Elder Law atprescription drug costs. Finally, Medicare torney in your area to discuss how to prePart C, is also known as the Medicare Ad- serve the maximum amount of assets. Medicare and Medicaid are both invaluvantage which are optional plans offered by Medicare-approved private companies able programs that can be used to cover various medical and custodial expenses. Unwhich replace Medicare Part A and B. Unlike Medicare, Medicaid is a means derstanding the difference and what each tested program and is state specific. Medic- program covers will allow you to be an adaid can provide coverage for a personal care vocate for yourself or a loved one. aide at home through the Community MedNancy Burner, Esq. practices elder law and icaid program or can also cover an extended estate planning from her East Setauket office.
Discover the Third Age
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21 Bennetts Road, Suite 200, Setauket, New York 11733
The Ward Melville Heritage Organization (WMHO) and Burner Law Group, P.C. will launch unique, groundbreaking programming focused on the vitality, wisdom and life experiences shared by the 50 plus generation — “The Third Age.” Through various events such as virtual travel experiences, cyber security workshops or master classes with special guests, participants are invited to come, listen and share their own inspirational stories. The focus is to motivate others to live their best lives by identifying, owning and cultivating their life purpose, with the understanding that their purpose may change over time. The first in the series, Live a Vibrant Life, Discover The Third Age, will take place Wednesday, March 21 from 1 pm to 2:30 p.m. at WMHO’s Educational & Cultural Center, 97P Main Street, Stony Brook Village featuring a Da Ponte/Mozart Opera Workshop. Cara Vertucci, lyric soprano, will perform a variety of arias and Jeff Norwood, a music history teacher at the Aaron Copland School of Music/Queens College and the owner of Camera Concepts & Telescope Solutions, will facilitate. $15 per person. Refreshments will be served. Reserve your spot today by calling 631-689-5888.
Port Jefferson Documentary Series gears up for 24th season Popular film festival gives voice to stories that need to be told
slamic law, autism, the stock market — these diverse subject matters and more will be explored at length as the Port Jefferson Documentary Series (PJDS) kicks off its spring 2018 season Monday evening, March 19. Sponsored by the Greater Port Jefferson-Northern Brookhaven Arts Council, the Suffolk County Office of Film and Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts, the PJDS will present seven award-winning documentaries on Monday nights through April 30, alternating between two venues — Theatre Three in Port Jefferson and The Long Island Museum in Stony Brook. Each screening will be followed by a Q&A with guest speakers. The documentaries were handpicked by a seven-member film board that includes co-directors Lyn Boland, Barbara Sverd and Wendy Feinberg along with Honey Katz, Phyllis Ross, Lorie Rothstein and Lynn Rein. The “film ladies,” as they are affectionately known, each choose one film to present and then a seventh film is chosen unanimously by the group. It is a system that has worked well since 2005. “I have learned that almost everybody [on the board] has their fingers on the pulse of some segment of our audience,” said Boland in a recent phone interview. “I think that we all have slightly different ways of judging the films that we are attracted to,” which the co-director says is a good thing. “You really want a balanced season that appeals to a lot of people.” According to Boland, the goal of the festival has always been the same. “What we want most is to give our community the kind of access to important well-done documentaries that are fresh, shown the way they were created to be shown, on a big screen with a good sound system at an affordable price. A guest speaker will amplify the experience.” This spring’s exciting lineup was selected after the members attended screenings
Film schedule ▶ The spring season will kick off with a special screening of “The China Hustle” at Theatre Three on March 19. The documentary exposes a new financial crime perpetrated by Wall Street where investors dumped their money into Chinese businesses that turned out to be fraudulent. The hook of the story is that everyone involved is guilty, including the investor who called out the fraud in the first place. Guest speakers will be Director Jed Rothstein by Skype and Juan Carlos Conesa, chair of Dept. of Economics, Stony Brook University. ▶ “Sammy Davis, Jr: I’ve Gotta Be Me,” to be screened at the Long Island Museum on March 26, is the first major documentary to examine Davis’ vast talent and his journey for identity through the shifting tides of civil rights and racial progress in 20th century
Photo courtesy of PJDS
‘The Judge’ offers a unique portrait of Kholoud Al-Faquih, above, the first woman judge to be appointed to the Middle East’s Sharia’a courts. at DOC NYC and the Hamptons Film Festival. When choosing the selections, Boland said she looks for a story “that really grabs me, that I think is dramatic, important, … a must see film,” adding “It is our hope that [the film selection] is really adding to the public discourse — that this is something people will talk about and think about.” Kicking off the festival is the Long Island premiere of “China Hustle.” “[This film] is one of those cool movies that is like a slow reveal — a financial mystery that you just start putting the pieces together as the film goes on and you really see what a ‘hustle’ the whole situation is with these fake Chinese companies that grabbed American investors,” Boland divulged. “It is absolutely fascinating.” The co-director is most excited about sharing “The Judge” with festivalgoers. The documentary follows Kholoud Al-
America. With interviews from Billy Crystal, Norman Lear, Jerry Lewis, Whoopi Goldberg and Kim Novak along with photographs, television, film and concert. Moderated by Tom Needham, host of “Sounds of Film” on WUSB, guest speaker will be screenwriter and co-producer Laurence Maslon. ▶ The series continues with “The Judge” on April 2 at the Long Island Museum. The Muslim Shari’a courts in the Middle East have excluded women for centuries, and the influential religious legal system has never appointed a woman as a judge — until Kholoud Al-Faqih came along. The documentary follows the Palestine judge’s brave journey as a lawyer, her tireless fight for justice for women and her drop-in visits with clients, friends and family. Guest speaker will be Director Erika Cohn. ▶ “This Is Congo,” to be screened at Theatre Three on April 9, is a riveting, unfiltered immersion into the world’s longest continuing
Faqih and her journey to be the first female judge in a Shari’a court in Palestine. “I think it is particularly appropriate to be screened now during Women’s History Month. [Al-Faqih] is a very mesmerizing figure — practical, smart, stubborn and just totally dedicated. That appealed to me,” said Boland. “[The film shows] how family disputes were negotiated in a Muslim religious court. As a former matrimonial attorney I was amazed how similar the issues were [to the United States] and how similarly they were handled.” She is also enamored by “This Is Congo.” Skillfully directed by Daniel McCabe, Boland describes it as “an incredibly risky showing about what’s going on in Congo that nobody’s talking about, nobody’s writing about. This is a story that needs to be told and we have to do our part to get some of these things out.”
conflict and those who are surviving within it. Following four compelling characters: a whistleblower, a patriotic military commander, a mineral dealer and a displaced tailor — the film offers viewers a truly Congolese perspective on the problems that plague this lushly beautiful nation. Moderated by Shimelis Gulema, professor of Africana studies and history, SBU, the guest speaker for the evening will be Director Daniel McCabe. ▶ The series continues on April 16 at Theatre Three with an impressionist, fly-on-thewall portrait of the life and glorious music of Israeli-born Itzhak Perlman, widely considered the greatest living violinist. Titled “Itzhak,” the documentary follows the virtuoso around the world for a year, portraying his huge passion and spirit. Wheelchair-bound from childhood polio, Perlman recounts overcoming obstacles with humor and talent. Featuring archival materials and performance clips, the guest speaker will be Director Alison Chernick.
Boland’s favorite part of the evening is the Q&A, which this year will feature for the first time six directors and one screenwriter. The documentary series wouldn’t be possible without the support of numerous volunteers. Every season, help is needed for each part of the process, from distributing flyers and running the ticket booths to tracking down directors and even recommending new films. “We need volunteers not only to help the evenings go more smoothly but we would really love to have more people on the board,” said Boland. If you love documentary films and would like to volunteer, please call 631-473-5220. The board was recently notified that the PJDS was chosen by Bethpage Federal Credit Union’s Best of Long Island survey as the Best Film Festival on Long Island, beating out the Stony Brook Film Festival, the Hamptons International Film Festival and the Gold Coast Film Festival for the second year in a row for “its devotion to documentaries — which are evocative, thought provoking, and shed light on often-unrepresented segments of our population.” To Boland, it is affirmation that the group’s tireless work is paying off. “I am just thrilled,” she gushed. “Every time we have our first meeting to start work on the next series … I am just amazed at how everybody hangs in there … just because they really love films and love to bring them to the community. That’s the bottom line.” The Port Jefferson Documentary Series will be held at 7 p.m. every Monday night from March 19 to April 30 at Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson or The Long Island Museum, 1200 Route 25A, Stony Brook. Tickets, sold at the door, are $7 per person. (No credit cards please.) New this year at the Long Island Museum’s screenings is the Cinema and Chardonnay program. For $5, participants can purchase a glass of chardonnay and/or a $1 bag of pretzels and then enjoy the wine and snack while watching the film. For more information, visit
▶ “Love, Cecil,” which will be screened at the Long Island Museum on April 23, brings to life the glamorous world of fashion/ celebrity photographer and stage set designer, Cecil Beaton (1904-1980) through the use of archival footage, interviews and readings from his diaries by actor Rupert Everett. Guest speaker for the evening will be Director Lisa Immordino Vreeland. ▶ The final film for the spring 2018 season, “Mole Man” will be screened at the Long Island Museum on April 30 and follows Ron Heist, a 66-year-old autistic man who built a 50-room structure, consisting solely of scrap materials, on the land behind his parent’s home in Western Pennsylvania. His creation was built without the use of nails or mortar and keeps expanding, as he collects, classifies and displays objects from a deserted cluster of homes in the woods. This is the story of an extraordinary life, a family and the beauty of thinking differently. Director Guy Fiorita will be the guest speaker.
Shepherd’s Pie
Photo courtesy of Fathom Events
Jimmy Stewart stars in Alfred Hitchcock’s thriller, ‘Vertigo.’
‘Vertigo’ heads to local theaters
"May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through the door" of
25 East Broadway• Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631.928.5200 EXT 170 •
In celebration of the 60th anniversary of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Vertigo,” Fathom Events, Turner Classic Movies and Universal Pictures will bring the classic film to select cinemas nationwide on Sunday, March 18, and Wednesday, March 21. Considered one of Hitchcock’s greatest cinematic achievements, “Vertigo” is a dreamlike thriller from the Master of Suspense. Set in San Francisco, the film creates a dizzying web of mistaken identity, passion and murder after an acrophobic detective (James Stewart) rescues a mysterious blonde (Kim Novak) from the bay and must unravel the secrets of the past to find the key to his future.
Appearing as No. 11 on IMDb’s list of the Top 100 Greatest Movies of All Time, the film will also feature an exclusive commentary from TCM host Eddie Muller, who will give insight into this classic film. Participating movie theaters in our neck of the woods include AMC Loews Stony Brook 17, 2196 Nesconset Highway, Stony Brook at 2 and 7 p.m. on both days; and Farmingdale Multiplex Cinemas, 1001 Broadhollow Road, Farmingdale and Island 16 Cinema de Lux, 185 Morris Ave., Holtsville on March 18 at 2 p.m. and March 21 at 7 p.m. To purchase your ticket in advance, visit — HEIDI SUTTON
join our 2018-2019 SEASON A
JULY 19 – SEPTEMBER 2, 2018
JANUARY 17 MARCH 3, 2019
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MONDAY NIGHT PASTA NIGHT • $35.99 per couple Photo by Heidi Sutton
Tom Manuel of The Jazz Loft, right, shown with TVHS President Steve Healy, will be honored at the awards dinner on March 21.
Three Village Historical Society to honor diverse group at 41st annual Awards Dinner BY HEIDI SUTTON
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n Wednesday, March 21, the Three Village Historical Society will once again host its annual Awards Dinner honoring volunteers, local businesses, society members and area residents who have made significant contributions to help preserve the shared heritage within the Three Village area. Among the honorees will be Nan Guzzeta of Antique Costume and Prop Rental by Nan Guzzeta of Port Jefferson, who has been chosen to receive the Kate Wheeler Strong Memorial Award in recognition of significant contribution toward the fostering of interest in local history and a fuller appreciation of the rich historical and cultural heritage of this community. Guzzeta has earned this award with her years of inspiration and guidance with costumes for society events, especially the Spirits Tour. Eva Glaser a longtime member and volunteer will receive the Maggie Gillie Memorial Award for contributions by a member of the society in recognition of overall dedicated service and for significant contributions furthering the goals of the society. Glaser’s award is for her years of support to the society and as the co-chair and inspiration for the first Candlelight House Tour 40 years ago. An interest in volunteering led Richard Melidosian to the Three Village Historical Society. Melidosian has been and continues to be a docent at the SPIES Exhibit and the Candlelight House Tour and a guide at the Spirits Tour and Founder’s Day. For that, he will receive the Gayle Becher Memorial Award in recognition of volunteer efforts to help the society by performing those necessary tasks that facilitate its efficient operation. This award honors volunteers whose work consists of loyal support repeated on a regular basis. Rebecca Fear, a student at Ward Melville High School, is this year’s honoree for the R. Sherman Mills Young Historian
Award, a prestigious award presented for contributions to the society by a young person. Rebecca and her family have volunteered at many events including Culper Spy Day, the Long Island Apple Festival, the Spirits Tour and the society’s annual Yard Sale. Three community award certificates will be handed out this year. The first, for enhancing or restoring a building used as a commercial structure in a way that contributes to the historic beauty of the area, will be awarded to Thomas J. Manuel of The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook for the conversion of this historic building to a cultural center for music in the Three Village area. The second, for house restoration or renovation and ongoing maintenance and preservation in keeping with the original architectural integrity, will be awarded to Andrew and Kathy Theodorakis for their home at 242 Christian Ave. in Stony Brook. The third award, for ornamental plantings or landscaping that enhances the beauty of the Three Village area, will be granted to Charles Regulinski of 24 Dyke Road, Setauket. The event, now in its 41st year, will be held at the Three Village Inn, 150 Main St., Stony Brook from 6 to 9 p.m. A three-course dinner, which includes a Caesar salad with rosemary focaccia croutons, choice of entree (pan-seared salmon with baby spinach and beurre blanc sauce, seared breast of free-range chicken with haricot vert and saffron potatoes or sliced Chateau steak with red wine sauce with Yukon Gold potato puree and baby carrots) and an apple crumb tartlet with whipped cream for dessert, will be served. (Vegetarian meal available upon request.) The evening will feature a cash bar, raffles and live music by the Ward Melville High School Honors Jazztet. Please join them in honoring these worthy awardees. Tickets are $65 per person, $60 members. To order, visit or call 631-751-3730.
Includes: Soup or Salad of your choice Pasta of your choice
From left, Kevin J. O’Neill; Rev. Rachel Vione (Interim Pastor, First Presbyterian Church of Northport); Donna Galluccio (Chairperson of the Ecumenical Lay Council Food Pantry); Martha Keller (Manager of the food pantry); and Richard T. Dolce. Photo courtesy of Engeman Theater
Engeman Theater raises $50,000 for local food pantry
B.G., aka Baby Girl, is a great cat who had a home until her owner passed away. Now she’s waiting at Kent Animal Shelter for her furever home. B.G. is confused because she doesn’t understand what happened to the home she knew for the last four years. Please come fall in love with her and be the one to show her that life can be good again! Baby Girl comes spayed, microchipped and up to date on all her vaccines. Kent Animal Shelter is located at 2259 River Road in Calverton. The adoption center is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day. For more information on B.G. and other adoptable pets at Kent, visit or call 631-727-5731. Photo courtesy of Kent Animal Shelter
On March 6, co-owners of the John W. Engeman Theater, Richard T. Dolce and Kevin J. O’Neill, presented a check for $50,000 to the Ecumenical Lay Council Food Pantry of Northport. This is the fourth year that the Engeman Theater has raised funds for the Food Pantry and the First Presbyterian Church of Northport, which hosts the Food Pantry.
Township Theatre Group receives County grant
It... Dream It... It... Design It... Create It... It... Create
Township Theatre Group (TTG), Long Island’s oldest continuously operating volunteer community theatre company, was recently awarded a 2018 Omnibus Grant for $7,000 through the office of Suffolk County Legislator William R. Spencer, MD. The grant is administered through the Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Planning and is directed to cultural programs relevant to the enhancement of the tourism industry in Suffolk County, including theatrical activities. Spencer’s 18th Legislative District encompasses the Huntington area where TTG was founded in 1952 and currently performs. “TTG greatly appreciates the support of Suffolk County and especially Legislator Spencer’s commitment to the arts in the Long Island community,” said Susan Emro, President, Township Theatre Group. The grant will assist with production costs for the group’s Spring Season musical, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” from June 2 to 16. Details can be found at
TTG Board members Susan Emro (left) and Elizabeth Sprauer with Suffolk Legislator William R. Spencer Photo courtesy of TTG
Seascapes Demonstration
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Following each performance of the 2017 holiday production of “Annie,” cast members collected donations from audience members for the food pantry. “We’re very appreciative of the generosity of our patrons,” O’Neill said. “It sounds a bit cliché, but it’s true: community begets community. We feel it’s very important to invest back into our community in any way we can.”
Lana Ballot
Join the Atelier at Flowerfield, 2 Flowerfield, St. James for a Seascapes Demonstration by award-winning contemporary pastel painter Lana Ballot on Thursday, March 15 from 7 to 8 p.m. How does one create an alluring composition, a “glow” of light, an illusion of movement? In this demonstration, Ballot will be revealing some of her artistic magic tricks. Lana Ballot teaches classes and workshops at The Atelier, and her work is currently on exhibit in Atelier Hall. This event is open to the public, no reservation needed. Suggested donation is $10. For further information, please call 631-250-9009.
Corned beef and cabbage with no blarney
I’ve never kissed the Blarney Stone. I’ve never encountered a leprechaun (that I know of), but I have been known to raise a pint and mispronounce “Slainte!” And I do have some Irish blood in me, which must be the reason I adore corned beef and cabbage. In fact, at this time of year I buy a couple of corned beefs and freeze them so that I can use them throughout the year. While I am usually a traditionalist, every once in a while I go on a kick to reinvent and jazz up the ordinary and same old, same old, delicious as they might be. And so it is this St. Patrick’s Day that I’ve come up with three variations on the corned beef and cabbage theme … a stew, a casserole and cabbage rolls. You can make them from scratch with fresh ingredients or from leftovers, but either way I think you’ll enjoy their welcome flavors and unique forms.
Corned Beef and Cabbage Stew
YIELD: Makes 4 to 6 servings INGREDIENTS: • ¼ cup vegetable oil • 1 large onion, chopped • 3 celery ribs, cleaned and chopped • 4 carrots, peeled and diced • One 14-oz can diced tomatoes, with juice • 3 cups beef broth • 4 cups shredded cabbage • 1 pound potatoes, peeled and diced • ½ pound cooked corned beef, diced • 1 bay leaf • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: In a large pot, heat the oil, add the onion, celery and carrots and cook, stirring frequently, over medium heat about 5 to 7 minutes, until onion is slightly opaque. Add the tomatoes, broth, cabbage, potatoes and 3 to 4 cups water; bring to a boil, then cook, uncovered, over medium heat until everything is tender. Add corned beef, bay leaf salt and pepper; then cook 5 more minutes. Remove and discard bay leaf. Serve hot with pumpernickel or rye bread and a light red wine, sauvignon blanc wine or beer.
Corned Beef and Cabbage Casserole
out clean, mixture is set and top is golden and bubbly, about one hour. Remove from oven, let sit for 15 minutes, then serve with a tomato salad and crusty rolls with butter.
Buttercup’s Dairy Store!
Corned Beef Hash Cabbage Rolls YIELD: Makes 6 to 8 servings INGREDIENTS: • 1 large head cabbage, core removed • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 1 medium onion, finely chopped • 3 cups finely diced cooked corned beef • 3 cups finely diced cooked potatoes • 1 large egg, beaten • 3 cups beef broth • One 14-oz can petite diced tomatoes • Salt and pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 F. Carefully separate leaves from cabbage and in a large pot, steam until slightly wilted. Meanwhile in a small skillet, heat oil, add onion and sauté until golden. In a large bowl, combine the corned beef, potatoes, sautéed onion and egg. Lay a wilted cabbage leaf, inside facing up so it looks like a little dish, on a board or plate. Roll about 1½ to 2 teaspoons of corned beef mixture into a ball and lay in center of cabbage leaf. Tuck in ends and roll up. Place, seam side down, in a 9- by 13-inch nonreactive baking dish. Repeat procedure with remaining cabbage leaves and mixture. Tuck any extra small cabbage leaves around cabbage rolls. Pour beef broth into baking dish; evenly distribute tomatoes and their juice over tops of cabbage rolls. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover and cook 35 to 45 minutes until juice is bubbling and cabbage is tender. Place on a platter and spoon cooking liquid over and around cabbage rolls. Serve hot or warm with mustard, pickles, sharp cheese and bread.
Store Sales Buttercup’s Own FRESH BAKED
Entenmann’s FULL LINE
Gallon jug
All varieties
Tostitos Brand
Produce Sales
Deli Sales BOAR’S HEAD Lower Sodium Ham $
BOAR’S HEAD Corned Beef $
BOAR’S HEAD Baby Swiss Cheese $
5.99 lb.
8.99 lb. Sliced to order
6.99 lb.
6.99 lb.
64 oz. varieties
$4.29 varieties
BOAR’S HEAD Everroast Chicken Breast $
1.99 /lb.
YIELD: Makes 8 servings INGREDIENTS: • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil • 6 cups peeled cooked and sliced potatoes • 4 cups cooked shredded cabbage • 1 medium onion, diced and browned • ½ pound corned beef, julienned • 1½ cups shredded Swiss or Jarlsberg cheese • Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste • 8 eggs • 1½ cups milk • ¾ teaspoon dry mustard • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350 F. Coat inside of a 9by 13-inch baking dish with oil. Line bottom of pan with half the potatoes, then half the cabbage, half the onions, half the corned beef and half the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat layers with remaining halves of ingredients, but start with cabbage and end with potatoes. Season again. In a medium bowl, combine the eggs, milk, mustard, salt and pepper and cayenne pepper. Beat until foamy. Pour mixture over layered ingredients in baking dish. Bake until knife inserted in center comes
Corned Beef and Cabbage Stew
2/$5 /5 lb. bag
2.99 /1 lb. pack
1.99 8 oz. bags
BUTTERCUP’S All Your St. Patty’s Day Favorites are now MILK CLUB IS (Corner of Boyle Road & Old Town Road) in stock. BACK! Corned Beef • Soda Bread PORT JEFFERSON STATION, NY • 631–928–4607 BUY 12 GALLONS, Kerrygold Cheeses & Butter Check out our weekly sales at We sell buttermilk for all you GET ONE FREE. OPEN MON–FRI 8 AM–8 PM • SAT 8 AM–7 PM • SUN 8 AM–6 PM do-it-yourself bakers.
Thursday 15 Harbor Nights
The Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor continues its Harbor Nights series with a presentation by award-winning photographer Tim Dalton from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Join him in an extraordinary adventure of breathtaking images of whales, sharks and more. Light refreshments will be served. Reservations recommended by calling 367-3418.
Friday 16
... and dates MARCH 15 TO MARCH 22, 2018
roll, doo-wop and pop from your favorite movies. Open to all. Questions? Call 757-4200.
Flax Pond Winter Lecture
Carl Safina will be the guest speaker at the 15th annual Friends of Flax Pond Winter Lecture series at the Childs Mansion, Shore Drive, Old Field at 3 p.m. Moderated by Malcolm Bowman, Safina’s presentation will be on his most recent trips to Dominica, Peru and Uganda. Refreshments will be served. Free and open to all. For more information or directions, call 767-6287.
Monday 19
Third Friday at The Reboli Center
Author talk
Scientific illustrator Stephen Nash will be the guest speaker at the Third Friday event at the Reboli Center for Art and History, 64 Main St., Stony Brook Village from 6 to 8 p.m. Topic will be John Constable: Painter (and Savior) of Landscapes in the English County of Suffolk. All are welcome to attend this free event. Questions? Call 751-7707.
The Simons Center for Geography and Physics at Stony Brook University will present a lecture titled "Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel" with best-selling author and conservationist Carl Safina in the Della Pietra Auditorium at 5:30 p.m. A reception will be held at 5 p.m. Free and open to all. No need to register. Call 632-2800 for further info.
WinterTide Concert
Spring Lecture series
The Port Jefferson Village Center, 101A East Broadway, Port Jefferson will welcome Butcher’s Blind front man Pete Mancini (Americana) in concert on the third floor at 7 p.m. Co-presented by the Greater Port JeffersonNorth Brookhaven Arts Council, Port Jeff Village Recreation and the Port Jefferson Harbor Education & Arts Conservancy, the event is free. Questions? Call 473-4724.
The Smithtown Historical Society continues its Spring Lecture series at the Frank Brush Barn, 211 E. Main St., Smithtown at 7 p.m. Guest speaker Eileen Caulfield will make a presentation on one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, Machu Picchu, as well as other places of interest in Peru. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free and open to all. For more information, please call 265-6768.
Paige Patterson in concert
Tuesday 20
The Huntington Public Library, 338 Main St., Huntington will present a concert titled Pure Joy with Paige Patterson at 7 p.m. Patterson and her four-piece band celebrate AfricanAmerican composers and singers who have contributed to the American musical landscape from the Harlem Renaissance to now. Open to all. To register, call 427-5165.
MAKING THE ROUNDS Best selling author and conservationist Carl Safina will be the guest speaker at the Flax Pond Winter Lecture at the Childs Mansion in Old Field on March 18 and the Simons Center for Geography and Physics at Stony Brook University on March 19. Photo courtesy of SBU
Starlight Coffeehouse concert
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 270 Main St., Northport will host the Northport Arts Coalition’s Starlight Coffeehouse concert featuring Ana Egge and Kirsten Maxwell at 7:30 p.m. Open mic sign up at 7 p.m. Tickets are $18 in advance, $20 at the door. For more information, visit or call 663-3038.
Pot O’ Gold Trio in concert
As part of its Fireside Friday series, the East Northport Public Library, 185 Larkfield Road, East Northport will welcome the Pot O’ Gold Trio for an evening concert of beloved Irish music at 7:30 p.m. Enjoy your Irish favorites on traditional Irish instruments such as the tin whistle, mandolin, jaw harp, spoons, harmonica and more. Open to all. Call 261-2313 for additional information.
Saturday 17 National Quilting Day
Come celebrate National Quilting Day at the Hallockville Museum Farm, 6038 Sound Ave., Riverhead from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Enjoy tours of the museum houses and outbuildings, embroidery and quilting demonstrations by Hallockville’s Quilt and Stitch Group, a display of antique and modern quilts and a special presentation on rural women and their use of textiles by Hallie Bond. Free admission. Questions? Call 298-5292 or visit
Home and Garden Show
The Holtsville Ecology Site, 249 Buckley Road, Holtsville will host the 2018 Brookhaven Town Home & Garden Show today and March 24 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and March 18 and 25 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show will feature
landscaping, ponds, walkways, fencing, sheds, free workshops, flowers galore and much more. Admission is $6 adults, children ages 16 and under are free. Questions? Call 758-9664.
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance
VFW Post 4927 Auxiliary, 31 Horseblock Road, Centereach will host a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance from 7 to 11 p.m. The evening will feature a corned beef dinner, open bar, IrishAmerican music, lottery tree, 50/50 and door prizes. Tickets are $35 per person in advance, $40 at the door. To order, call 585-7390.
Irish Comedy Night
The Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 E. Main St., Smithtown will present an evening of Irish Comedy at 8 p.m. Featuring Rob Ryan, Moody McCarthy, Buddy Fitzpatrick, Matt Burke, Billy Garrigan and Brian Scott McFadden. $40 per person includes open bar wine/beer. To order, call 724-3700 or visit
Sunday 18 Home and Garden Show See March 17 listing.
Caumsett hike
Join the staff at Caumsett State Historic Park, 25 Lloyd Harbor Road, Huntington for a 4-mile Winter Water Walk from 9:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Observe winter waterfowl, explore the beach and learn about pods. Bring binoculars. Adults only. $4 per person. Advance registration required by calling 423-1770.
* All numbers are in (631) area code unless otherwise noted.
Sunday sketching
Let your creativity flow! Visitors of all ages to The Heckscher Museum of Art, 2 Prime Ave., Huntington are invited to sketch in the galleries from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Help yourself to a variety of drawing supplies, grab a seat and create! Free with admission to the museum. For more information, call 351-3250.
Northport Walking Tour
Join the Northport Historical Society for its monthly guided walking tour of Northport’s historic Main Street business district at 1:30 p.m. Using storytelling and historic photos from the society’s collection, your guide will make the past come alive. Tour leaves from the society at 215 Main St., Northport. Tickets, available the day of the tour in the Museum Shop, are $5 per person. Call 757-0859.
Fiddler's Green in concert
Enjoy the joyful spirit of traditional Irish music with Fiddler’s Green (Mary Nagin, Patrick O’Rourke, Max Rowland, Larry Moser and John Corr) at Sachem Public Library, 150 Holbrook Road, Holbrook at 2 p.m. All are welcome to attend these free events. Call 588-5024.
Mountain Maidens in concert
Cold Spring Harbor Library, 95 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor will welcome the Mountain Maidens (Marie Mularczyk O’Connell, Candice Baranello and Lorraine Berger) for an All Irish Music concert at 2 p.m. Free and open to all. Advance registration is requested by calling 692-6820.
Vic Vincent Trio in concert
Harborfields Public Library, 31 Broadway, Greenlawn will welcome the Vic Vincent Trio in concert at 2 p.m. Join them for a musical tour of rock-n-
Travel Club meeting
Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, 120 Main St., Setauket will host a Travel Club Presentation meeting at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome. Contact for further information.
Wednesday 21 Weaving with Wine
Join the Huntington Historical Society for an evening of Weaving with Wine at the Conklin Barn, 2 High St., Huntington from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Learn the ancient art of weaving. At the end of the class you will have a piece of fabric to bring home. Light refreshments will be served. You bring the wine. Fee is $40 per person, $35 members. To register, call 427-7045, ext. 401.
TVHS Awards Dinner
Join the Three Village Historical Society for its 41st annual Awards Dinner & Celebration at the Three Village Inn, 150 Main St., Stony Brook from 6 to 9 p.m. Three-course dinner, awards ceremony, music by the Ward Melville HS Honors Jazztet, cash bar and raffles. Tickets are $65, $60 members. To order, call 751-3730 or visit See more on page B13.
International folk dancing
RJO Intermediate School, located at the corner of Church Street and Old Dock Road, Kings Park will host an evening of international and Israeli folk dancing every Wednesday (when school is in session) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. $9 fee. Questions? Call Linda at 269-6894.
Thursday 22 Job Fair
Calling all job seekers! More than 20 companies from different industries will be available to discuss job opportunities at the Northport Public Library, 151 Laurel Ave., Northport from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bring your resume and dress for success. Sponsored by the Suffolk County One-Stop Employment Center. See more on page B5.
An evening of jazz
The Jazz Loft, 275 Christian Ave., Stony Brook will welcome The Commack, Bacherot and Hazard Trio in concert at 7 p.m. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors, $10 students. To order, call 751-1895 or visit
Shamanic Drumming
A session of Shamanic Drumming Meditation will be held at All Souls Church’s Parish Hall Basement, 10 Mill Pond Road, Stony Brook from 7 to 8:45 p.m. Led by Peter Maniscalco, the meditation seeks to integrate the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual parts of the human self, creating a state of well-being. Free. Call 655-7798 for more information.
Theater ‘Nunsense’
Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present the musical comedy "Nunsense" on the Mainstage through March 24. Winner of four Outer Critics Circle Awards, with book, music and lyrics by Dan Goggin, "Nunsense" features star turns, tap and ballet dancing, an audience quiz and comic surprises, making the show an international phenomenon. Tickets are $35 adults, $28 students and seniors, $20 children over age 5. To order, call 928-9100 or visit
‘Pirates of Penzance’
The students from Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School, 1225 Ostrander Ave., Riverhead will perform an adaptation of the musical "Pirates of Penzance" from March 15 to 17 in the school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door. For more information or to purchase tickets, call 727-5900.
'Cloud 9'
Suffolk County Community College's Ammerman campus, 533 College Road, Selden will present a production of Caryl Churchill's "Cloud 9" at Theatre 119 in the Islip Arts Building on March 15, 16 and 17 at 8 p.m. and March 17 and 18 at 2 p.m. Mature content. Admission is $12 adults, $10 students 16 and younger, veterans and SCCC students receive one free ticket. For more information, call 451-4163.
Mount Sinai High School, 110 North Country Road, Mount Sinai will present a production of the musical "Grease" on March 22, 23 and 24 at 7 p.m. Tickets at the door are $15 adults, $10 senior citizens and students. Senior citizens are invited to reserve free tickets for the Thursday evening performance by calling 870-2882.
Come one, come all to the Huntington High School Drama Club's production of Rogers and Hammerstein's "Cinderella" in the high school auditorium, 188 Oakwood Road, Huntington on March 23 at 7 p.m. and March 24 at 2 and 7 p.m. General admission is $10. Students, staff and seniors $5. For additional information, call 673-2001.
'Mamma Mia!'
Join the Smithtown Center for the Performing Arts, 2 East Main St., Smithtown for a production of "Mamma Mia!" from March 24 to April 29. ABBA’s hits tell the hilarious story of a teen’s search for her birth father on a Greek island paradise. With music and lyrics by Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, book by Catherine Johnson. Tickets are $35 adults, $32 seniors, $20 students. To order, call 724-3700 or visit
'12 Angry Men'
From April 7 to May 5 Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present a production of "12 Angry Men" on the Mainstage. A 19-year-old man has just stood trial for the fatal stabbing of his father and it looks like an openand-shut case — until one of the jurors begins challenging the others. Reginald Rose’s electrifying classic explodes like 12 sticks of dynamite in one of the finest, most power dramas of all time. Tickets are $35 adults, $28 seniors and students, $20 children ages 5 to 12. To order, call 928-9100 or visit
Festival of One-Act Plays
Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present its 21st annual Festival of One-Act Plays featuring the world premieres of seven original plays at the Ronald F. Peierls Theatre on the Second Stage from April 14 to May 6. Contains adult language and subject matter. All seats are $20. To order, call 928-9100 or visit
Northport One-Act Play Festival
The 9th Annual Northport One-Act Play Festival will be presented at The Playhouse at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 270 Main St. on April 13 at 7:30 p.m., April 14 at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and April 15 at 3 p.m. Six plays will be performed at each program. Admission is $20 to each of the four festival performances. Reservations for prime seating (recommended) are available by calling 800-838-3006, or at
'Two Gentlemen of Verona'
Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Road, Selden will present a production of "Two Gentlemen of Verona" in the Shea Theatre, Islip Arts Building, on April 19, 20, 21, 26, 27 and 28 at 8 p.m. and April 22 and 29 at 2 p.m. Mature content. General admission is $12, students 16 and younger $10. For more information, call 451-4346.
Film ‘Marshall’
As part of its Friday Afternoon Matinee series, Emma S. Clark Memorial Library, 120 Main St., Setauket will screen "Marshall" on March 16 at 2 p.m. Starring Kate Hudson, the film is rated PG-13. No registration required. Open to all. Call 941-4080 for more info.
‘The Quiet Man’
Join the Northport Public Library, 151 Laurel Ave., Northport for a special screening of "The Quiet Man" starring John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara on March 18 at 2 p.m. Followed by a lecture with historian Larry Wolff. Free and open to all. Questions? Call 261-6930.
‘Battle of the Sexes’
Comsewogue Public Library, 170 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station will screen "Battle of the Sexes" starring Emma Stone on March 19 at 2 p.m. Rated PG-13. Open to all. To register, call 928-1212.
‘The China Hustle’
Kicking off the Port Jefferson Documentary Series Spring 2018, Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will screen "The China Hustle" on March 19 at 7 p.m. Followed by a Q&A with guest speakers Director Jed Rothstein by Skype and Juan Carlos Conesa, chair of Dept. of Economics, Stony Brook University. Tickets are $7 per person at the door. For more information, call 473-5220 or visit www. See story on page B11.
‘Same Kind of Different as Me’
Vendors wanted
‘Lady Bird’
• Port Jefferson Station/Terryville Chamber of Commerce seeks vendors for its Trade Show 2018 at The Meadow Club, 1147 Route 112, Port Jefferson Station on Thursday, April 26 from 6 to 9 p.m. Price per table is $125, $75 members. For an application, call 821-1313 or 698-7000, ext. 4018.
‘Roman J. Israel, Esq.’
• The Friends of Harborfields Public Library, 31 Broadway, Greenlawn is seeking vendors for its annual Flea Market & Craft Fair on Saturday, May 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. $30 for 10- by 10-foot space, extra $5 for a table. Applications are available online at www.harborfieldslibrary/friends. For more information, call 757-4200.
Northport Public Library, 151 Laurel Ave., Northport will screen the inspirational film "Same Kind of Different as Me" starring Greg Kinnear and Renee Zellweger on March 16 at 2 p.m. Rated PG-13. Open to all. Call 261-6930.
Stony Brook University’s Staller Center for the Arts, 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook will screen "Lady Bird" starring Saoirse Ronan on March 16 at 7 p.m. Rated R. Tickets are $10 adults, $7 seniors and children 12 and under. $5 students. For more info, call 632-2787.
Stony Brook University’s Staller Center for the Arts, 100 Nicolls Road, Stony Brook will screen "Roman J. Israel, Esq" starring Denzel
'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown' Star Playhouse, located at Suffolk Y-JCC, 74 Hauppauge Road, Commack will continue its 2018 season with a production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown," your favorite cartoon characters with a song in their hearts and a "tail" to tell, on March 24 at 8 p.m. and March 18 and 25 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25 adults, $20 for seniors, students and members. To order, call 462-9800, ext. 136, or visit www.
• Farmingville Residents Association will host their annual Flea Markets on May 27, June 24, Aug. 26 and Sept. 30 at the corner of Horseblock Road and Woodycrest Drive in Farmingville from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Rain dates are the following Sundays. Interested vendors should call 880-7996 or email for an application and pricing. • Farmingville Hills Chamber of Commerce is looking for vendors for its 7th annual Farmingville Street Fair to be held on Portion Road between Leeds and S. Howell on Sunday, June 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For further details, call 317-1738.
'In the Heights'
Class reunion
The John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport will present "In the Heights," a musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegria Hudes set in the Dominican-American neighborhood of Washington Heights, from March 15 to April 29. Tickets range from $73 to $78. To order, call 261-2900 or visit www.
Port Jefferson High School Class of 1968 will hold its 50-year reunion during the weekend of Sept. 21 (meet and greet), Sept. 22 (school tour, dinner/dance at Polish American Club in PJS) and Sept. 23 (Culper Spy tour). For further details, visit or call Sue Graf at 744-3314 or Dimmie (Loizos) Kaczenski at 473-2247.
'God of Carnage'
The Carriage House Players (CHP) will kick off the new year with Yasmina Reza's searing drama "God of Carnage" on March 16, 23 and 24 at 8 p.m. and March 18 and 25 at 3 p.m. The CHP perform in the Carriage House Theater at the Vanderbilt Museum, located at 180 Little Neck Road, Centerport. A playground altercation between 11-year-old boys brings together two sets of Brooklyn parents for a meeting to resolve the matter. Tickets are $20 adults, $15 seniors and children. For more information, call 516-557-1207 or visit
Washington on March 16 at 9 p.m. Rated PG-13. Tickets are $10 adults, $7 seniors and children 12 and under. $5 students. For more info, call 632-2787.
REBELLING AGAINST LIFE The Staller Center for the Arts at Stony Brook University will screen "Lady Bird" on March 16. The Sacramento-centered coming-of-age film was nominated for five Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, and acting nods for stars Saoirse Ronan, above, and Laurie Metcalf. Photo courtesy of Staller Center
CALENDAR DEADLINE is Wednesday at noon, one week before publication. Items may be mailed to: Times Beacon Record News Media, P.O. Box 707, Setauket, NY 11733. Email your information about community events to leisure@ Calendar listings are for not-for-profit organizations (nonsectarian, nonpartisan events) only, on a space-available basis. Please include a phone number that can be printed.
Religious ASSEMBLIES OF GOD STONY BROOK CHRISTIAN ASSEMBLY Connecting to God, Each Other and the World
400 Nicolls Road, E. Setauket 631–689–1127 • Fax 631–689–1215 Pastor Troy Reid Weekly Schedule Sunday Worship w/nursery 10 am Kidmo Children’s Church • Ignited Youth Fellowship and Food Always to Follow Tuesday Evening Prayer: 7 pm Thursday Morning Bible Study w/Coffee & Bagels: 10 am Friday Night Experience “FNX” for Pre K-Middle School: 6:30 pm Ignite Youth Ministry: 7:30 pm Check out our website for other events and times
38 Mayflower Avenue, Smithtown NY 11787 631–759–6083 Father Tyler A. Strand, Administrator, Joseph S. Durko, Cantor Divine Liturgy: Sundays at 10:30 am Holy Days: See website or phone for information Sunday School Sundays at 9:15 am Adult Faith Formation/Bible Study: Mondays at 7:00 pm. PrayerAnon Prayer Group for substance addictions, Wednesdays at 7 pm A Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite under the Eparchy of Passaic.
CATHOLIC CHURCH OF ST. GERARD MAJELLA 300 Terryville Road, Port Jefferson Station 631–473–2900 • Fax -631–473–0015 All are Welcome to Begin Again. Come Pray With Us. Rev. Jerry DiSpigno, Pastor Office of Christian Formation • 631–928–2550 We celebrate Eucharist Saturday evening 5 pm, Sunday 7:30, 9 and 11 am Weekday Mass Monday–Friday 9 am We celebrate Baptism Third weekend of each month during any of our weekend Masses We celebrate Marriage Arrangements can be made at the church with our Pastor or Deacon We celebrate Reconciliation Confession is celebrated on Saturdays from 4–5 pm We celebrate You! Visit Our Thrift Shop Mon. – Fri. 10 am–4 pm + Sat. 10 am–2 pm
INFANT JESUS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 110 Myrtle Ave., Port Jefferson, NY 11777 631-473-0165 • Fax 631-331-8094
©155627 Reverend Patrick M. Riegger, Pastor Associates: Rev. Francis Lasrado & Rev. Rolando Ticllasuca To schedule Baptisms and Weddings, Please call the Rectory Confessions: Saturdays 12:30-1:15 pm in the Lower Church Religious Ed.: 631– 928-0447 • Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145 Weekly Masses: 6:50 and 9 am in the Church, 12 pm in the Chapel* Weekend Masses: Saturday at 5 pm in the Church, 5:15 pm in the Chapel* Sunday at 7:30 am, 10:30 am, 12 pm, and 5 pm in the Church and at 8:30 am, 10 am, and 11:30 am (Family Mass) in the Chapel* Spanish Masses: Sunday at 8:45 am and Wednesday at 6 pm in the Church *Held at the Infant Jesus Chapel at St. Charles Hospital Religious Education: 631–928-0447 Parish Outreach: 631–331-6145
D irectory CATHOLIC
ST. JAMES ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 429 Rt. 25A, Setauket, NY 11733 Phone: 631–941–4141 • Fax: 631–751–6607 Parish Office email: Office Hours: Monday-Saturday 9 am - 2 pm
Rev. James-Patrick Mannion, Pastor Rev. Gerald Cestare, Associate Pastor Rev. John Fitzgerald, In Residence Weekday Masses: Monday – Saturday 8:00 am Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30 am (family), 11:30 am (choir), 6:00 pm (Youth) Friday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 2:00 pm Baptisms: Contact the Office at the end of the third month (pregnancy) to set date Reconciliation: Saturdays 4:00 – 4:45 pm or by appointment Anointing Of The Sick: by request Holy Matrimony: contact the office at least 9 months before desired date Bereavement: 631– 941-4141 x 341 Faith Formation Office: 631– 941-4141 x 328 Outreach: 631– 941-4141 x 333 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 631– 473-1211 Our Daily Bread Sunday Soup Kitchen 3 pm HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE 2018 Sunday, March 25th - Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Seven Last Words of Christ Scriture, Reflections and Song, Church 1:30 pm Monday, March 26th Diocesan-wide day of reconciliation Thursday, March 29th Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper Morning Prayer 8:00am The Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:00pm followed by Procession to the Altar of Repose... Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament until 11:30pm; 11:30pm Night Prayer Friday, March 30th Friday of the Passion of the Lord/Good Friday Morning Prayer 8:00am Youth Stations of the Cross 12:00 Noon Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3:00PM Evening Liturgy Of The Word, Adapted Stations of the Cross with Veneration of the Cross 8:00pm Saturday, March 31st Holy Saturday Morning Prayer 8:00am Easter Vigil 8:00pm Sunday, April 1st Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Morning Beach Mass at West Meadow Beach 5:30am Church 8:00am , 9:30am And 11:30am Parish Center 9:45Am and 11:45am There’s NO 6:00pm Mass
75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, N.Y. 11789 Parish Office: 631-744-8566; FAX 631-744-8611
Parish Website: Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm Wednesday: 9 am to 8 pm; Friday: 9 am to 4 pm; Saturday: 9 am to 1 pm; Closed on Sunday Mission Statement: To proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ’s love through our active involvement as a parish family in works of Charity, Faith, Worship, Justice and Mercy. ALL ARE WELCOME! No matter what your present status is in the Catholic Church. No matter your family situation. No matter your practice of faith. No matter your personal history, age or background. YOU are invited, respected and loved at St. Louis de Montfort. Rev. Msgr. Christopher J. Heller, Pastor Rev. Lennard Sabio, Associate Pastor Rev. Msgr. Donald Hanson, In Residence Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., Parish Assistant Rev. Henry Vas, Parish Assistant Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday: 8:30 am in the Chapel Weekend Masses: Saturday Vigil: 5 pm Sunday: 7:30 am; 9:00 am; 10:30 am; 12 noon. Baptisms: Most Sundays at 1:30 pm. Please contact Parish Office for an appointment. Reconciliation: Saturday: 4-4:45 pm or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick: by request. Holy Matrimony: Contact Parish Office at least six months in advance of desired date. Religious Education: Contact 631-744-9515 Parish Outreach: Contact 631-209-0325 Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: Contact 631-473-1211.
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663
233 North Country Road, Mt. Sinai • 631–473–1582
“No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here” Worship hour is 8:30 am and 10 am Sunday School and Childcare offered at 10:00 am open to all children (infants to 8th grade). The last Sunday of every month is our Welcome Sunday Service. This service has been intentionally designed to include persons of differing abilities from local group homes. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation. Easter Services April 1st 6:00am Sunrise Service at Cedar Beach 8:30am Communion Service 10:00am Communion Service
ALL SOULS EPISCOPAL CHURCH “Our little historic church on the hill” across from the Stony Brook Duck Pond
Main Street, Stony Brook • 631–751–0034
www.allsouls– • Please come and welcome our new Priest: The Rev. Farrell D. Graves, Ph.D., Vicar Sunday Holy Eucharist: 8 and 9:30 am Religious instruction for children follows the 9:30 am Service This is a small eclectic Episcopal congregation that has a personal touch. We welcome all regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey. Walk with us.
CAROLINE CHURCH OF BROOKHAVEN The Rev. Cn. Dr. Richard D. Visconti, Rector
1 Dyke Road on the Village Green, Setauket Web site: Parish Office email: 631–941–4245
Sunday Services: 8 am, 9:30 am and 11:15 am Church School/Child Care at 9:30 am Church School classes now forming. Call 631-941-4245 for registration. Weekday Holy Eucharist’s: Thursday 12:00 pm and first Friday of the month 7:30 pm (rotating: call Parish Office for location.) Youth, Music and Service Programs offered. Let God walk with you as part of our family–friendly community.
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663
CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 127 Barnum Ave., Port Jefferson 631–473–0273 email:
Father Anthony DiLorenzo: Priest–In–Charge Sunday Services 8 am & 10 am Sunday Eucharist: 8 am and 10 am/Wednesday 10 in our chapel Sunday School and Nursery Registration for Sunday School starting Sunday after the 10 am Eucharist Our ministries: Welcome Inn on Mondays at 5:45 pm AA meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 pm/Prayer Group on Wednesdays at 10:30 am/Bible Study on Thursdays at 10 am. It is the mission of the people of Christ Church to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and to make his love known to all through our lives and ministry. We at Christ Church are a joyful, welcoming community. Wherever you are in your journey of life we want to be part of it.
12 Prospect St, Huntington, • 631-427-1752
“To know Christ and to make Him known” Rev. Duncan A.Burns, Rector Rev. John Morrison, Assistant Priest Rev. Anthony Jones, Deacon Alex Pryrodyny, Organist & Choir Director • LIKE us on Facebook Sunday Worship 8:00AM - Rite I Holy Eucharist 10:00 AM - Rite II Choral Holy Eucharist with Sunday School - 9:40 am Thrift Shop Hours Tuesdays & Thursdays - Noon - 3 pm Saturdays - 10 am - 3 pm
D irectory
CHABAD AT STONY BROOK “Judaism with a smile”
Future site: East side of Nicolls Rd, North of Rte 347 –Next to Fire Dept. Current location: 821 Hawkins Ave., Lake Grove
631-585–0521 • 800- My–Torah • Rabbi Chaim & Rivkie Grossbaum Rabbi Motti & Chaya Grossbaum Rabbi Sholom B. & Chanie Cohen Membership Free •Weekday, Shabbat & Holiday Services Highly acclaimed Torah Tots Preschool • Afternoon Hebrew School Camp Gan Israel • Judaica Publishing Department • Lectures and Seminars • Living Legacy Holiday Programs Jewish Learning Institute Friendship Circle for Special Needs Children • The CTeen Network N’shei Chabad Women’s Club • Cyberspace Library Chabad at Stony Brook University – Rabbi Adam & Esther Stein
385 Old Town Rd., Port Jefferson Station 631-928–3737 Rabbi Aaron Benson
1266 N. Country Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790 631-689-7660 •
Cantor Daniel Kramer Executive Director Marcie Platkin Principal Heather Welkes Youth Director Jen Schwartz Services: Friday at 8 pm; Saturday at 9:15 am Daily morning and evening minyan- Call for times. Tot Shabbat • Family Services • Sisterhood • Men’s Club Seniors’ Club • Youth Group • Continuing Ed Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Judaica Shop • Food Pantry Lecture Series • Jewish Film Series NSJC JEWISH LEARNING CENTER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Innovative curriculum and programming for children ages 5-13 Imagine a synagogue that feels like home! Come connect with us on your Jewish journey. Member United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook • 631-751–8518
INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST CHURCH Loving God • Loving Others • Sharing the Gospel Pastor Hank Kistler Sunday Worship 11 am Thursday Small Groups 7 pm
Knowing Christ...Making Him Known
322 Route 25A, East Setauket • 631-941–3670
Lead Pastor Josh Moody Sunday Worship Schedule 9:15 am:Worship Service Sunday School (Pre–K – Adult), Nursery 10:30 am: Bagel/Coffee Fellowship 11:00 am: Worship, Nursery, Pre–K, Cornerstone Kids (Gr. K–4) We offer weekly Teen Programs, Small Groups, Women’s Bible Studies (day & evening) & Men’s Bible Study Faith Nursery School for ages 3 & 4 Join us as we celebrate 55 years of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ!
430 Sheep Pasture Rd., Port Jefferson 11777 Tel: 631-473-0894 • Fax: 631-928-5131 •
Rev. Demetrios N. Calogredes, Protopresbyter Sunday Services Orthros 8:30 am - Devine Liturgy 10 am Services conducted in both Greek & English* Books available to follow in English* Sunday Catechism School, 10:15 am - 11:15 am* Greek Language School, Tuesdays 5 pm - 8 pm* Bible Study & Adult Catechism Classes Available* Golden Age & Youth Groups* Thrift Store* Banquet Hall available for Rental* For information please call Church office*
A warm and caring intergenerational community dedicated to learning, prayer, social action, and friendship. Member Union for Reform Judaism
Rabbi David Katz Cantor Marcey Wagner Rabbi Emeritus Stephen A. Karol Rabbi Emeritus Adam D. Fisher Cantor Emeritus Michael F. Trachtenberg
Sabbath Services Friday 7:30 pm and Saturday 10 am Religious School • Monthly Family Service • Monthly Tot Shabbat Youth Groups • Senior Club • Adult Education Sisterhood • Brotherhood • Book Club-more
Coram Jewish Center 981 Old Town Rd., Coram • 631-698–3939 •
“The Eternal Flame-The Eternal Light” weekly Channel 20 at 10 a.m. Shabbat Morning Services 9 a.m. Free Membership. No building fund. Bar/Bat Mitzvah Shabbat and Holiday Services followed by hot buffet. Adult Education Institute for men and women. Internationally prominent Lecturers and Torah Classes. Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Kaballah Classes. Jewish Holiday Institute. Tutorials for all ages. FREE TUITION FOR HEBREW SCHOOL PUT MEANING IN YOUR LIFE 631- 698-3939 Member, National Council of Young Israel. All welcome regardless of knowledge or observance level.
46 Dare Road, Selden 631-732-2511 Emergency number 516-848-5386
Rev. Dr. Richard O. Hill, Pastor email: • website: Holy Communion is celebrated every week Saturdays at 5 pm, Sundays at 8, 9:30 and 11 am Service of Prayers for Healing on the first weeked of each month at all services Children and Youth Ministries Sparklers (3-11) Saturdays 5 pm • Sunday School (ages 3-11) 9:30 am Kids’ Club (ages 4-10) Wednesdays 4:15 pm Teen Ministry (ages 11-16) Saturdays 3 pm
ST. PAULS EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 309 Patchogue Road, Port Jefferson Station 631-473–2236
Rev. Paul A. Downing, Pastor email: • pastor’s cell: 347–423–3623 Services: Sundays-8:30 and 10:30 am—Holy Communion Sunday School during 10:30 service Bible and Bagels 9:30 am on Sundays Wednesday Night — 7:30 pm Intimate Holy Communion Friday Morning 10:30 am—Power of Prayer Hour Special Lenten Wednesday Night Services Soup Supper at 6:30pm Evening Prayer and Holy Communion 7:30pm on Wednesday, March 21 Join us for any service-all are welcome We are celebrating 100 years in Port Jefferson Station
Messiah Preschool & Day Care 465 Pond Path, East Setauket • 631-751-1775
Rev. Charles Bell- Pastor We welcome all to join us for worship & Fellowship Sunday Worship Services 8:15 am, 9:30 am, 11 am Sunday School at 9:30 am We have a NYS Certified Preschool & Day Care Easter Services: Tues. 6:15 pm - March 20 Wednesday 11 am - March 21 Maundy Thurs. 11 am & 7:30 pm March 29 Good Friday 11am & 7:30 pm - March 30 Easter Sunday - April 1 at 8am & 10:15 am w/Easter Egg hunt and Breakfast in between services
33 Christian Ave/ PO2117, E. Setauket NY 11733 631-941–3581 Rev. Gregory L. Leonard–Pastor Sunday Worship 10:30 am • Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Lectionary Reading and Prayer Wed. 12 noon Gospel Choir Tues. 8 pm Praise Choir and Youth Choir 3rd and 4th Fri. 6:30 pm
COMMACK UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 486 Townline Road, Commack Church Office: 631-499–7310 Fax: 631-858–0596 www.commack– • mail@commack– Rev. Linda Bates–Stepe, Pastor
Religious Directory continued on next page
On the Water — At Work and Play
Let’s Create Together Gallery North, 90 North Country Road, Setauket will present an art program, Let’s Create Together, on March 17 (Primary Colors) and March 24 (Still Life) from 10 to 11 a.m. With art teacher Larissa Grass. For children ages 2 to 6 with an adult. $25 per pair, $10 each additional child. Call 751-2676 to register. Pop-ins welcome!
Pot O’ Gold scavenger hunt Suffolk County Farm and Education Center, 350 Yaphank Ave., Yaphank will host its annual St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt on March 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join them in a search for a Pot O’ Gold on the farm and enjoy a wagon ride, light refreshments and animal feeding. Fun for all ages. Admission is $6 per person ages 2 and up. For more information, call 852-4600.
Storytime at Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble in Lake Grove at 600 Smith Haven Mall or in East Northport at 4000 E. Jericho Turnpike will host a special storytime event on March 17 at 11 a.m. Enjoy a reading of “The Gingerbread Man and the Leprechaun Loose at School” by Laura Murray followed by a special St. Patrick’s Day activity. Free. Call 724-0341 (LG) or 462-0208 (EN) for more information.
ArtVentures in Cartooning Children ages 6 to 11 are invited to join Gallery North, 90 North Country Road, Setauket for an Art Ventures three-week class in cartooning on March 17, 24 and 31 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Led by artist and illustrator Peter Grass, students will create an animation cell and develop their own cartoon characters. $75 per child includes all materials and snacks. To register, call 751-2676.
Make a leprechaun trap Long Island Explorium (formerly the Maritime Explorium), 101 East Broadway, Port Jefferson will hold a drop-in program, Happy St. Patrick’s Day, on March 17 and 18 from 1 to 5 p.m. Visit the Explorium’s Maker space to design and create leprechaun traps! See how many simple machines you can incorporate. $5 per person. For more information, call 331-3277 or visit www.
In partnership with Long Island traditions, the Whaling Museum, 301 Main St., Cold Spring Harbor invites the community to join them for a special program featuring hands-on activities that reflect Long Island boating and fishing traditions , On the Water — At Work and Play — on March 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Meet local artists and fishermen in this family-friendly maritime exploration. Free with admission. Call 367-3418 for further details.
Heckscher Family Hour The Heckscher Museum of Art, 2 Prime Ave., Huntington will host a Family Hour on March 18 from 1 to 2 p.m. Children ages 5 to 10 and their families are invited to join museum educator Tami Wood for a family-friendly tour of the current exhibit, Long Island’s Best: Young Artists at The Heckscher Museum featuring the works of over 80 Long Island high school art students, along with lively conversation and hands-on projects in the galleries. Museum admission plus $5 activity fee per child. For more information, call 351-3250 or visit
In Like a Lion — Out Like a Lamb As part of its Tiny Tots Nature Discoveries series, the folks at Caleb Smith State Park, 581 West Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown will present a program titled In Like a Lion — Out Like a Lamb, on March 22 from 10 to 11 a.m. This is a special time for parent and child to discover the wonders of the natural world together. For ages 3 to 5. $4 per child. Advance registration required by calling 265-1054.
Theater ‘The Adventures of Peter Rabbit’ The mischievous little bunnies are back for spring break! Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present “The Adventures of Peter Rabbit” through April 14 at 11 a.m. Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, the McGregors and all their friends come to life in this delightful adaptation suggested by the characters created by Beatrix Potter. All seats are $10. To order, call 928-9100 or visit See the review on page B21.
‘Seussical Jr.’ Transporting audiences from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus, the Cat in the Hat narrates the story of Horton the Elephant in “Seussical Jr.” playing at the Smithtown Center for
SETAUKET UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 160 Main Street, Corner of 25A and Main Street East Setauket • 631–941–4167
5 Caroline Avenue ~ On the Village Green • 631- 941-4271 Making God’s community livable for all since 1660!! • Email:
Join us Sundays in worship at 9:30 am Church School (PreK-6th Grade) at 9:45 am Adult Christian Education Classes and Service Opportunities Outreach Ministries: Open Door Exchange Ministry: Furnishing homes...Finding hope Welcome Friends Soup Kitchen Prep Site: All are welcome to join this vibrant community of worship, music (voice and bell choirs), mission (local, national and international), and fellowship. Call the church office or visit our website for current information on church activities. SPC is a More Light Presbyterian Church and part of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians working toward a church as generous and just as God’s grace.
216 Christian Ave., Stony Brook, 11790 Church Office: 631-751-0574 Rev. chuck Van Houten, Pastor Connecting people to God, purpose and each other Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sunday School 10:00 am
Renewing, Restoring, Reviving for the 21st Century!
the Performing Arts, 2 E. Main St., Smithtown from March 17 to April 29. Dr. Seuss’ best-loved characters collide and cavort in this unforgettable musical caper! All seats are $15. To order, call 724-3700 or visit
‘The Wizard of Oz’ Take a walk down the yellow brick road with Dorothy, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion as the John W. Engeman Theater, 250 Main St., Northport presents its annual production of “The Wizard of Oz” from March 24 to April 29. Theatergoers of all ages will enjoy this colorful classic fairy tale from somewhere over the rainbow! Tickets are $15 each. To order, call 261-2900 or visit All numbers are in (631) area code unless otherwise noted.
D irectory
Rev. Steven kim, Pastor • Sunday Worship Service & Church School 10 am Holy Communion 1st Sunday of Month Mary & Martha Circle (Women’s Ministry) monthly on 2nd Tuesday at 1pm
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Children can explore the world of art at The Heckscher Museum on March 18. Photo courtesy of The Heckscher Museum
Rev. Mary, Barrett Speers, pastor
RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS 4 Friends Way, St. James 631–928-2768 •
worship: Sept. - June 11am , July - Aug. 9:30 am We gather in silent worship seeking God • the Inner Light • Spirit. We are guided by the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and stewardship. Weekly coffee and fellowship, monthly discussions, Religious Education for children.
380 Nicolls Road • between Rte 347 & Rte 25A 631–751–0297 • • Rev. Margaret H. Allen ( Sunday Service: 10:30 am
Religious Education at UUFSB: Unitarian Universalism accepts wisdom from many sources and offers non-dogmatic religious education for children from 3-18 to foster ethical and spiritual development and knowledge of world religions. Classes Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Childcare for little ones under three. Senior High Youth Group meetings Sunday evenings Registration is ongoing. For more information:
UNITY CHURCH OF HEALING LIGHT 203 East Pulaski Rd., Huntington Sta. 631–385–7180 • Rev. Saba Mchunguzi
Unity Church of Healing Light is committed to helping people unfold their Christ potential to transform their lives and build spiritual community through worship, education, prayer and service. Sunday Worship & Church School 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Service 7:30 p.m. Sign Language Interpreter at Sunday Service
To be listed in the Religious Directory, please call 631–751–7663 ©155629
Theatre Three’s ‘The Adventures of Peter Rabbit’ is a sweet treat
BY HEIDI SUTTON In tandem with the release of the new animated film, “Peter Rabbit,” Theatre Three presents its annual live children’s theater production of “The Adventures of Peter Rabbit” now through April 14. The actionpacked show is the perfect way for families to enjoy spring break. The original musical, written by Jeffrey Sanzel and the late Brent Erlanson, is loosely based on one of the best-selling books of all time, “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” by Beatrix Potter and features all of the beloved characters in the story. Peter Rabbit and his cousin, Benjamin Bunny, are as naughty as ever this year as they sneak into their neighbor Mr. McGregor’s garden time and time again to steal his vegetables. When his patience grows thin, the farmer, who’s “a meanie with a temper like a bear,” sets out to stop the marauders once and for all. When Peter is caught in a trap, his mother must step in to help him. Will the two neighbors be able to come up with a compromise? Directed by Sanzel, the eight adult cast members embrace the adorable script and run with it. Dylan Robert Poulos reprises his role as Peter with boundless energy and his astounding acrobats
Open House March 25th 1 pm-3:30 pm
From left, Jessica Contino, Meg Bush, K.D. Guadagno and Nicole Bianco; inset, from left, Dylan Robert Poulos and Steve Uihlein Photos by Peter Lanscombe, Theatre Three Productions Inc.
steal the show. Steven Uihlein, as Peter’s partner in crime, Benjamin, provides plenty of comic relief, and Jessica Contino is lovely as the calm and even-tempered Mrs. Rabbit. When they’re not eating bread and milk and blackberries, Peter’s sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton-Tail (the talented trio of Nicole Bianco, K.D. Guadagno and Meg Bush) spend much of the show looking for their brother
in the theater, engaging audience members along the way. Andrew Lenahan and Elizabeth Ladd round out the cast as the harmonious duo Mr. and Mrs. McGregor who love their garden. The familiar musical numbers, written by Kevin F. Story and accompanied on piano by Steve McCoy, are the heart of the show. Choreography by Nicole Bianco is top
notch, especially with “Run, Peter, Run” and the fun hip-hop number, “Peter’s Socks.” Costumes by Teresa Matteson are charming, from the bunnies’ colorful dresses of pink, yellow and blue to their white bunny tails.
About 5 minutes into Sunday morning’s show a little boy in the audience turned to his grandmother and loudly stated “This is so wonderful!!” This reviewer would have to concur. Grab your children or grandchildren and hop over to Theatre Three for an incredibly sweet treat. They’ll love you for it. Running time is approximately one hour and 10 minutes with one 10-minute intermission. Booster seats are available and souvenir bunnies in various spring colors will be sold before the show and during intermission for $5. Proceeds will help maintain the historic building. Meet the cast in the lobby after the show for photos. Theatre Three, 412 Main St., Port Jefferson will present “The Adventures of Peter Rabbit” on March 17 and 24 and April 4, 5, 6, 7 and 14 at 11 a.m. Children’s theater will continue on the Mainstage with “Stand Up! Stand Out! The Bullying Project” from April 21 to May 5; “Goldilocks — Is That You?” from May 26 to June 9 and a brand new original play, “The Princess Who Saved a Dragon,” from July 6 to Aug. 9. All seats are $10. For more information, call the box office at 631-928-9100 or visit
The Laurel Hill School 201 Old Town Rd., East Setauket, NY • 631-751-1154 •
Register NOW And Receive Our EARLY RATES
Think it! Plan it! Do it!
Take apart machines • Invent prototypes to change the world • Explore robots • Design inventions Engineer buildings • Make new friends while solving challenges and more!
Would you like to design and program a robot that can transfer nuclear waste? Or are you interested in designing a robot to collect soil samples from a distant planet? Camp Robotics engages campers in Computer Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S.T.E.M.) enabling them to solve authentic design and engineering problems in countless different ways.
Do you dream of becoming the next technology superstar? Would you love to plan and build your own virtual universe? Get started right here at Laurel Hill! Coding camp will teach you the basics of coding languages such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Camp Coding offers future developers, designers, and animators the chance to see their ideas become realities.
As Scientists... • Campers conduct chemistry experiments at the Invention Lab. • Design devices to collect specimens. • Explore geometry and angles as they bounce light.
As Programmers... • Campers program and code a robot. As Inventors... • Campers express ideas through writing and sketching of their inventions. • Develop their own patent worthy prototypes.
As Engineers... • Campers sketch blueprints of an original design. • Build prototypes and models of eco-friendly environments. • Pitch their models by creating a commercial for their design.
Daily Instructional and Recreational Swim Included!
For Elementary School Children Grades 2- 6
Engage in Real World Engineering Problems
Daily Instructional and Recreational Swim Included!
For Children Grades 2- 8
Daily Instructional and Recreational Swim Included!
OPEN HOUSE • March 25th from 1 pm-3:30 pm
For Elementary School Children Grades 1- 6
Jameel Warney was a standout on Stony Brook University’s men’s basketball team.
Jameel Warney signs 10-day Mavericks deal Stony Brook University men’s basketball team’s forward Jameel Warney has signed a 10day contract with the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks, announced by the organization March 11. Warney, who is in the midst of his second season with the NBA G League and Mavericks’ affiliate Texas Legends, becomes the first player in Stony Brook history to sign an NBA contract. “It’s been a fun journey that basketball has taken me on, and to see the joy on social media of people celebrating really shows me I have a great support system,” Warney said. “This is only the first step in what I want to accomplish so I have to keep on working and getting better.” The Plainfield, New Jersey, native went 2-for-4 on field goals, recording five points and four rebounds in eight minutes. He was also available for a road game against New York Knicks Monday, but
results were not available by press time. He will also be available to play on the road at the Brooklyn Nets game March 17 at 7:30 p.m. Warney was averaging 19.8 points per game with 9.5 rebounds for the Legends this season. Over the summer he played for Team USA in the 2017 AmeriCup, helping the national team to a gold medal while also earning tournament MVP honors. Warney remains the all-time career leader at Stony Brook in points (2,132), rebounds (1,275) and blocks (276), and Top 10 in a number of other career categories. The threetime America East Player of the Year and twotime Defensive Player of the Year helped the Seawolves to their first NCAA tournament appearance after putting up a program-best 43 points in the America East Playoff title game to lift Stony Brook past University of Vermont and claim its first playoff championship.
Late rally not enough to lift men’s lacrosse past Virginia The Stony Brook men’s lacrosse team used a six-goal scoring spree in the fourth quarter to get within one but was unable to close it out, falling 15-14 to No. 9-ranked University of Virginia at home March 10. The Seawolves move to 1-5 on the year, while the Cavaliers sit a 6-1. “I’m very proud of how our guys fought — they really pulled together,” head coach Jim Nagle said. “It was a tremendous lacrosse game with a lot of back-and-forth action and I really thought we played our best lacrosse of the preseason. I think it’s something we can take into league play that gave us a renewed sense of urgency.” Virginia jumped out to a three-goal lead to start, and freshman Mike McCannell got the Seawolves on the board with under three minutes to play in the opening quarter. Sophomore Connor Grippe, a Setauket native, made it a one-goal game with nine seconds left in the quarter. The Cavaliers added a pair to open the second quarter, but Stony Brook closed out the 12 minutes, scoring three of the remaining four goals to get within one, 6-5. Virginia came out firing and scored in the opening minute of the new half before sophomore Chris Pickel Jr. buried a pass from McCannell. The Cavaliers responded less than 20 seconds later to return the difference to two goals. Things got chippy when a battle for a ground ball in front of the team benches resulted in a scrum that saw Stony Brook’s Chris Pedone, of Port Jefferson Station, and Virginia’s Zach Ambrosino get ejected. Virginia earned a man-up opportunity as freshman Patrick Kaschalk served the 30-second pushing penalty, the original foul on the play. Both teams added a pair of goals in the
three-minute stretch of five-on-five play before Virginia went on a five-goal spree to close out the third quarter and begin the fourth, putting the team up 15-8. Junior Justin Pugal sparked Stony Brook, scoring his only goal of the day after the Seawolves won the faceoff and freshman Jack Walsh, from Miller Place, fed the longstick midfielder from behind the cage. The Cavaliers called timeout with under eight minutes to play and sophomore Tom Haun got right to work, putting away his third of the day five seconds later. Grippe also notched the first hat trick of his career on a feed from Pickel, and senior Matt Robison capitalized on a Virginia turnover following the ensuing faceoff when he buried a pass from Walsh to make it four straight goals for the Seawolves nearing five minutes remaining in the game. Sophomore Wayne White, of Huntington, teamed up with McCannell to get the Seawolves within two, and senior Tyler Anderson, from Wading River, caused a turnover and sent the Seawolves downfield following a Virginia timeout. Sophomore Harrison Matsuoka made the most of the big defensive play and again pulled Stony Brook within one with 58 seconds left. Virginia was called for delay of game with 16 seconds on the clock, which put the ball back in Stony Brook’s stick, but a late turnover ended the game. Four Seawolves tallied at least three points in the game. Pickel finished the day with a goal and an assist and has now scored in all six games this season. The Seawolves forced Virginia into 15 of its 19 turnovers. Stony Brook returns to the field March 18, traveling to University of Maryland Baltimore County for a noon faceoff.
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Camp & School DIRECTORY
It’s summer fun to the extreme. Nine great programs • Discovery Camp • Sports Fever • Studio & Stage • Camp Coding • Camp Invention • Camp Robotics • Teenshop • CIT • Academic Center for Enrichment. Affordable and flexible programs. Red Cross Swim Program. Special events each week. Caring and experienced staff. 2, 3, or 5 day a week options. Please call for further information or to schedule a tour. Laurel Hill School-One visit will change your child’s future. Are you searching for a school where you child can feel challenged, not frustrated, encouraged, never discouraged, and always special? Wouldn’t you love to see your child awaken each morning feeling confident, knowing that the day holds discovery, community and opportunity?
Camp Setauket: For over 29 years, creating memorable summer camp experiences: General Camp for ages 3–12 ; Theatre Arts Camp and Sports Camp for ages 7–12; and C.I.T. Program for ages 13 thru 15. Game Set Match Tennis Academy Camp for ages 4–18 and all skill levels. Our unique camps offer indoor & outdoor pools, indoor & outdoor fields and indoor & outdoor tennis courts. Activities include: arts & crafts, sports such as soccer, basketball, softball and volleyball, interactive games, drama and hands on science. Swimming is included in every camp and several indoor activity areas for rainy days. Early enrollment, sibling, & member discounts available. Parisi Training Camps - focuses on speed and agility for all sports.
Summer Sessions 2018 ON CAMPUS AND ONLINE Visiting students welcome! • More than 500 courses in over 90 subjects • Flexible courses on campus and online • Multiple sessions and start dates • Affordable tuition
Photos: FJ Gaylor Photography, Colin McGuire and Juliana Thomas Stony Brook University/SUNY is an affirmative action, equal opportunity educator and employer. 18010962 157352
The Board of Directors congratulate Marie Mulligan, RN, PhD, Chief Nursing Officer, the entire Mather Nursing Staff and hospital family on achieving Magnet Recognition Program® re-designation from the American Nurses Credential Center. Magnet Recognition® is the highest and most prestigious distinction a healthcare organization can receive for nursing excellence and high-quality patient care. There are only 471 Magnet designated hospitals worldwide. Kenneth A. Jacoppi, Esq. Chairman
Kenneth D. Roberts President