Taylored Living Magazine | FALL 2020

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Dear Friends, Ready or not, here comes fall! Hot coffee beckons me on these crisp, silent, weekday mornings—so different from my recollection of past autumn mornings: last year, around this time, I used to open the front door so my son’s friends could see that he was ready to walk to school. I miss the sound of squeaky brakes as the bus slows down and stops every few blocks to pick up school bound kids, while other children, laughing delightedly, whiz by down the hill on their bikes, picking up speed with backpacks in tow.

Personally, my goals of creating a reading platform where people feel invited and welcome, and providing a positive and entertaining experience with each publication, are tasks that I am learning how to navigate with every issue. I’ve made mistakes in the past, and I’m aware that I will continue to do so; however, as long as I can smash that reset button and learn, this magazine will continue to grow. This fall we’ve curated what I believe is an especially uplifting publication, and I certainly couldn’t have done it without my team and their inspired ideas. From Breaking Bread and Building Friendships, to Managing Anxiety and Self Care this issue was made for all of us. Because here at the heart of Taylored Living Magazine, --our goal--is to fill our pages with features that build relationships and bring us closer together--reset button, and all.

Fall is the season before we hibernate. It’s our “reset” button, and one that I’m particularly ready to smash this year. Over the last four years and fifteen issues of TLM, we’ve grown closer as a community. Recently I read a review from a reader who referred to this magazine as “OUR local lifestyle magazine.” My heart almost exploded! It seemed like evidence that we are achieving our goal of creating a publication that our neighbors, family, friends and even strangers can take ownership and pride in.

Happy fall!


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