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Nesting Spaces: When you need to from home.

During COVID times, businesses are realizing more than ever now that traditional 9-5 employees don’t necessarily need to be on site to be productive and benefit the company. For some companies, the learning curve for allowing their employees to work remotely may be complicated and require additional tools and resources, but once routines and boundaries are established, the benefits for both employers and their employees can be great.

A few of the benefits

Personal Time/Work Time Balance

When remote workers have the freedom to schedule their assignments around general deadlines rather than by punching in on a time clock, they have the ability to navigate around personal demands such as family obligations, doctor appointments, and personal time without experiencing the additional stress of missing out on something important that is job related.

Saving Money: for Both Employers and Employees

For most employees, commuting to work requires gas and costs not only money but time, and for the most part, employers don’t compensate for these things. When employers allow their employees to work from home, however, that removes from them the huge overhead cost of owning or leasing a commercial property for the work. For industries and employers that don’t require a physical brick and mortar structure to conduct business, hiring remote employees is truly a great option!


When employees are working remotely, that means they can work from anywhere--like the coffee shop down the street, or on a couch, or anywhere else they see fit. As long as the “work” gets completed, the “where” it is completed becomes secondary in the eyes of employers; however, for their employees that “where” can inspire great productivity. Because of this, many remote employees are taking the initiative in customizing their personal working environments to suit their needs and to ensure they deliver a quality product on their end.