Taylored Living Magazine Spring | 2018

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CONTENTS Taylored Living Spring 2018 4



















by Anna Nobel

by Courtney Brady

by Alicia Walters of whenintricities.com by Faith Hovde

by Stefanie Davis of simpleacresblog.com


by Mary Taylor







by Jennifer Mead of gracefilledinteriors.com

by Bree Jablonski by Jane Holly







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On the Cover

by Dartanya Helgeson by Cheryl Phillips by Mary Taylor



FROM THE EDITOR “How do you choose the content that you put in your magazine?” If you really want to know, the answer isn’t as simple as you might think, and within this particular season I had a revelation about why that is. I recently attended the Women in Business Conference hosted by our Tri-Cities Regional Chamber of Commerce, and it was during this conference that one of the significant motivations behind the creation of the magazine was validated: A LOT of people are lonely. It was also shortly after this personal lightbulb moment that I understood the responsibility that I have, not only to our readers but to every single person who has invested time, energy or original content into Taylored Living Magazine. Some may say that I pick and choose what is featured, and partly this is true…I do have the final say about what we print…but this magazine isn’t about me. This magazine is about bringing our community together. Taylored Living Magazine connects genuinely awesome people who have so much to share with a community of readers who truly appreciate and enjoy their contributions. The individuals behind the stories, the businesses, or the life lessons are the most important part of this magazine. That’s why, if you visit our website, you’ll notice that our mission is to present a magazine where PEOPLE fill the pages. Over the last year our magazine has grown from a production crew of just three people with an idea, to a team of six and a local movement. With a foundation built on the premise that everyone has a story to tell, and that everyone is WORTHY of telling that story to someone who CARES, our readership continues to grow in depth and personality. That’s why every single issue is so different and our content is never the same. Try to give me an example of any two people who have access to the same life and who ultimately hold the same values, morals and points of view: not likely, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be friends! What this magazine offers is the opportunity for people who live in our area to present themselves via stories, experiences, hobbies or businesses to a community of readers who may have never known about them otherwise, and in so doing spark a conversation that may ultimately end up in new friendships or connections. Lastly, I know many of you have the question…but what about the advertisements? Yes, we have a select number of vetted advertisements in each issue. We wouldn’t be able to print without their support. The advertisers behind the advertisements are just as committed to our mission as anyone else, and maybe even more so, because without them believing in us, we wouldn’t have a magazine for you to enjoy! Sincerely, Mary Taylor Editor and Publisher



By Anna Noble



ake a list of fifty-two of the most important people in your life. Who’s on it? Your best friend from school? Your sweet grandma who always remembers your birthday with a crisp five-dollar bill? Your favorite high school coach who cheered you on to the championships?

My list included these and forty-nine more, each a person who’d impacted my life in some unique way. The only problem was that none of them knew they were on it! I’d never told them what a difference they’d made in my life! As a young pastor's wife, I’d moved with my family four times in four years, and I. Was. Done. I hated saying goodbye, so I shoveled out the clichés: “I’m sure I’ll see you again…” “Don’t worry, we’ll keep in touch…” My responses felt unoriginal and filtered, plus, with each move, I found myself avoiding new relationships because it was too painful to face the inevitable goodbye. I felt disconnected. Cold. I knew something had to change. So, I promised myself I’d find a way to reconnect with friends I’d let slip away. My resolve turned into a challenge and the challenge, then, became simple: send one card a week for a whole year: 52 weeks to reconnect with the friends who’ve helped me, taught me, loved and encouraged me through various stages of my life, and thus, the Dear 52 Project was born. But, then, I started searching for the perfect card, and the project almost never got off the ground. Birthday? No. Get Well Soon? No. Sorry for your loss? No! How hard could it be to find a simple card to say “Hello” or “I Miss You?” Pretty hard apparently! 6

So, I rolled up my sleeves and got to work designing my own cards that made me smile, with funny jokes and puns galore! And incorporating corresponding pictures, my lighthearted cards reached out with fun greetings like “Whale hello there!” “Accordion to me, you’re awesome.” And so, I began my project: every Monday I’d create and write one card to a person on my list, checking them off as I mailed them. The more I wrote, the better I felt! I was reconnecting! It felt like a weight had been lifted! When I began receiving cards in return, I realized my personal challenge might not be so personal after all. Others were struggling with the same lack of connection I felt. In a culture dominated by technology, we use social media to feel “connected” to one another but are as disconnected as ever! I continue to add new card designs to Dear 52, and I’m passionate about helping others get back in touch with those they care about. A personal, handwritten note sends a special message. It says, I care enough to take this time for you. Dear 52 Project Packs are available on Etsy and include 52 cards plus bright yellow envelopes as well as a My 52 List to track who you’re reconnecting with over your yearlong journey. Mini-Packs of four cards are also available to mix and match or give as a gift. What’s better than the gift of reconnecting with the ones we love? One year... 52 cards in 52 weeks… Who’s on your list?

Shop | www.Etsy.com/Shop/Dear52 Facebook | Dear52Project Instagram | Dear_52

Anna lives in Kennewick with her husband and their two boys. She loves coffee, dance parties in the kitchen, weekly trips to the library, and of course, making cards.


Craving Change when travel and adventure is the calling

Sikh Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab, India

Written and Photography by Courtney Brady



big change began for me on February 14, 2016. The day of love, for me, was more a day filled with anticipation, excitement and a bit of nervousness spanning 25 hours of travel time. I had no idea what to expect of this big step I was taking--to move to Chengdu, China to teach English! I went for it anyway, diving head first into an unknown adventure. I soon realized that I could never have dreamed of how incredible this life change would actually be. Looking back to just a few years ago, I would certainly never have imagined myself moving to a foreign country, even a different city, from my hometown of Tri-Cities, WA. Certainly, travel and culture have always intrigued me, but fear or excuses had always held me back from making experiencing these a reality. I had spent most of my twenties in relationships, with my focus on the achievement of what society might consider becoming a “successful person,” rather than putting my own aspirations first: I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in business from Washington State University in Richland, had a great job in banking for ten years, and bought a home on my own at the age of 24. Despite my achievements, I felt a certain lack of excitement and an urge to make an adjustment in my lifestyle.

Did you know? 69% of our readers can travel solo while 31% say solo is a no-go!

*based on Facebook reader poll

Some of my students in Chengdu, China

My first taste of adventure came on a volunteer trip I took solo to Vietnam in March, 2015. That trip was eye opening, amazing and the start of a turning point in my life. As soon as I got back home, my thoughts became consumed by the daydreams of where I could go next. It was then that I started to research teaching English as a career. A few months later I earned my TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) certificate and started applying for jobs. I applied all throughout Asia and had a variety of offers from different countries. After having many skype interviews and considering my options, I chose to take a position in Chengdu, China.

The backwaters of Alleppey (Kerela, India)


Chengdu is a city that many have not heard of: it’s located in central China and its known for its spicy cuisine, famous pandas, and as the gateway to Tibet. And no, it is not small: it has a population of about fourteen million people! The original contract I had with the position was for fifteen months, but I was not ready to say goodbye to Chengdu. After a short visit home, I went back for five more months. For almost two years I had the most amazing experiences of my life, saw the most incredible places, and made lifelong friendships with people from around the world. It was inevitable that I missed family, friends, and home, but that was a small price to pay for all that I gained. I took advantage of my time there, and so had the pleasure of visiting other breathtaking places in China as well as several other Asian countries: I visited Thailand, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore. To anyone who has had thoughts about making a big personal change, teaching English, moving abroad, or even just taking a trip to another country, my advice is do it!! As quick as you can! Do not let anything hold you back because the experience is priceless. No pictures or descriptions can match seeing something with your own eyes and being in that moment. Life is too short to not push past your fears and do something or see something you have always dreamed of. Those fears, doubts and obstacles may always be there, so it’s about finding the courage to overcome them! Tri-Cities will always be my home and a place I come back to, but now I will never stop discovering the world. Currently I am home in the Tri-Cities awaiting my next teaching opportunity in Singapore which starts in March, 2018. If you would like to continue to follow me on my journey, you can connect with me through my blog mymerakijourney.com or my Instagram: journeywith.court.

Singapore, my home since March 2018! 10


and a

LEGACY OF GARDENING By Alicia Walters, whenintricities.com Photography by Evangeline Mahler, facebook.com/mahlerridgefarm

Gardening isn’t merely planting things and watering--a garden has as much

creative potential as any medium with its array of diverse fruits, vegetables, flowers, birds and insects. If you want to enjoy a truly beautiful sight, try watching a butterfly land for a drink on a bright zinnia that you have grown in your own garden! Learning the art and skill of gardening is generational in that it is done best when newbies learn from masters: while other trades are replacing traditional mentoring with online training, gardening has a timeless quality of connecting teacher and learner; It is exciting to shop for your first gardening supplies and plot out how your garden will take shape. For those who put in the work, a garden can be nourishing to both body and soul because gardening is about connecting, and not just about connecting to nature. A blossoming gardener connects to long-held traditions of what grows best in a given area, and how to grow it best. He or she enjoys the satisfaction of achieving a bountiful harvest after months of planning and work--and sharing delicious, ripe tomatoes and cucumbers with neighbors. It is bringing the enthusiasm of the local farmers market to your own street! There is so much satisfaction to be found in gardening. If you want to try out gardening but don’t have the land, start a container garden! My husband and I lived in an upstairs, two-bedroom apartment for the first seven years of our marriage. We had a small container garden on our patio. We grew cherry tomatoes and fresh herbs like basil, cilantro and chives which tasted delicious with pasta and was so easy to throw together on a weeknight! You can save a small fortune by growing your own fresh herbs. Even just having some fresh flowers growing brightened our space. Strawberries also grow well in a container garden. Whether you have a container garden or a large area in your yard for the purpose of gardening, you’ll want to invest in some top soil every season and sprinkle granular compost on it to ensure your soil has a good balance of nutrients for the plants to absorb. Plants need nutrients, sunlight and water to thrive, and their needs vary depending on the individual variety, so be sure to follow directions and get advice from seasoned gardeners.

“The key to starting a life of gardening is to start by growing what you love,” says Evangeline Mahler, owner of Mahler Ridge Farm in Eltopia, WA. “Choose your three favorite veggies that you like to have fresh.” Cherry tomatoes are prolific and you can get a good harvest from one plant. A fall crop of carrots is delicious. Plant them in July, being careful to keep them wet, and wait to harvest them until after the first frost. They will taste so sweet. Snap peas can be planted now while it is still too cool for warm season garden crops. Harvest some of the tender pea shoots one to two weeks after planting, and peas about sixty days after planting. Having grown up on her parents’ farm, Flatau Farm, which provides fresh produce to local farmers markets, gardening has always been a tradition that Evangeline (now a mother to two) wanted to continue for her own family. She and her husband purchased their land and established Mahler Ridge Farm in 2011. Growing their own food is something the entire family can enjoy. Younger ones can pick peas right off the vine and enjoy their time unplugged while parents work outdoors under a sunny, blue Eastern Washington sky. The best way to gain an appreciation for farm fresh produce is to visit the farmers markets. Try the varieties of locally grown fruits and vegetables. Once you taste the difference between them and the supermarket variety, you’ll not be able to help but want to shop locally or even to start a garden of your own! Shopping the farmers markets or planting a garden of your own is all about cultivating abundance within your own family and community. Mahler Ridge Farm believes that what they bring to the market needs to taste special. That is why they select the best varieties to produce the best flavors. What you buy from them at the farmers market will taste better than what is available in most grocery stores because it is only offered for sale at its peak season and ripeness. Mahler Ridge Farm tends their plants from tiny seeds to harvest. The first plants of the season are started from seed and grown under lights in February. Evangeline says, “I am always amazed by really how much you can get from a tiny seed in one season!”

Mahler Ridge Farm is able to provide their customers with exceptional tasting vegetables through careful seed selection and proper care of unique varieties, and they are healthful for you! Mahler Ridge Farm uses sustainable, eco-friendly practices to ensure quality nutrition as well as taste! Available are: cherry tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. Customers can purchase quantities of rainbow cherry tomatoes which can be served fresh, or Evangeline’s favorite, roasted. Mahler Ridge Farm offers a wide variety of colorful zinnias and other flowers including Scabiosa, Fire King, and Crested Celosia! Evangeline says, “There is something about bold, saturated color that looks vibrant and fully alive!” Flower buckets are ideal for customers who arrange their own flowers and need lots of them. One bucket has enough flowers to create seven to eight small arrangements or five larger arrangements which make them an economical choice for special events. Flower buckets start at $35. Mahler Ridge Farms also offers market bouquets for $10. You can find Mahler Ridge Farm and purchase their fresh flowers and vegetables at the Pasco Farmers Market and also at the Richland Farmers Market at the Flatau Farm’s booth. Find Mahler Ridge Farm on Facebook and Instagram @mahlerridgefarm for beautiful farm photography, including inspiration for how to use your produce in such dishes as peach cobbler or zucchini galette!

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“Joe Sunrise” Photography by: Naomia May



outside the


By Faith Hovde of Emerald Studios and Philocaly Lingerie


nyone who knows me knows that I totally geek out for New Years. I love to take that occasion to evaluate how far I have come and to think about where I am going. For weeks leading up to January 1st, I can be found holding a big cup of coffee and a scratch pad, and writing down my hopes and dreams. I didn't always used to be this way. Years ago, I would make an annual resolution to eat better, exercise more, and start a garden--only to find myself in mid-March having achieved none of my resolutions! Statistically, 80% of people fail to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, and 55% of those resolutions are health and wellness related--so at least I wasn't alone, right? Even though I wasn't alone, I felt frustrated and maybe even guilty by what I hadn't achieved. Then I had a revelation about my “why.” Why did I want to eat better and exercise? Was it to fit into jeans that I hadn't worn in ten years? Was it because I wanted to look like my tall thin friends? Did I even really want those things? Or was I just putting myself into the box of what society was telling me I needed to do, how I needed to feel, and what I needed to look like? After much soul searching, I realized that what I really desired was for my outside to mirror my inner strengths, and I didn't want to be defined by a certain size, or style, or whether or not I can get a garden to grow. For the record, I still can't get a garden to grow, and I'm OK with that. But I have found, through years of working with women, that I am not alone in my struggles. We, as women, are our own worst critics, and we allow far too many outside influences to guide our thoughts, dreams and ultimately our actions… …until one day we realize that we are living in a box.

“What you think becomes what you believe, what you believe determines how you behave, and how you behave determines your experience.” - Iyanla Vanzant


THE BOX Who Puts us in the Box? Too often we women find ourselves in “the box.” Who is doing this to us? How dare they? Who is this monster that is caging us in and telling us who we can and can’t be, and what we can and can’t do? The sad truth is, we are going into that box completely voluntarily, even allowing it to be built up around us, brick by brick, until we are completely caged in. The box is dark, it’s lonely, and it is restricting in more ways than one. Well, who could be better at designing something that awful, something that will hold us in, than the people who know us best: ourselves! How Do We Get in the Box? Our individual boxes are custom designed by our own thoughts. What we say to ourselves goes directly from our minds and travels straight into our hearts. Our hearts and minds control our spirits, and our spirits control what we believe. Every time we compare ourselves to another person, every time we look in the mirror and wrinkle our nose in disgust, we are adding a new brick to the box. How Do We Get Out of the Box? Why should we even care about the box? You personally may have been in your box so long that it feels safe and comfortable. The problem with that box, however, is that it does two things: it keeps your light in, and it keeps other light out: life might have some amazing things to offer us, and people to introduce us to, but those “lights” can’t get past the walls of our boxes. It also means that the lights that we have within, our personal gifts to the world, are stuck inside the darkness of those walls, so we miss out on owning our own life experiences!

So, let’s get out of our boxes, shall we? There are a couple things that I have learned that may help you bust out of your box and give you the confidence to truly become free and move forward in your own unique way: Get over it: Sometimes to get out of a box we simply need to “get over it.” Whatever “IT” is can be the lid that is holding us in. This is easier said than done, but we do have a choice, and getting over “it” allows us to love ourselves and where we are at this very moment in time. Feel gratitude: Get radically thankful. When we are unhappy with a particular area of our lives, we need to find something, anything to be thankful for. We have all had those times in our lives when we feel like everything is up in the air and can come crashing down, all at the same time! Then, we need to find something to ground ourselves: we can look out the window and be thankful for a beautiful Tri Cities sunset. Or as we look in the mirror, we can be thankful for our bodies that have endured so much and have carried us through this life even when we haven’t been kind to them. Try “opposite land:” Do you remember when you were a kid and you and your friends would pretend you lived in “opposite land?” In opposite land, “yes” meant “no,” and we wore our shoes on the wrong feet! Well, sometimes we have to pretend we are in opposite land when it comes to our thoughts. Whenever those thoughts of comparison, inadequacy, or unworthiness creep in, we must see them for what they are: bricks adding to our boxes! We must immediately and forcefully replace them with positive light, because that is the truth that we should be living in. So, when you say to yourself, “My body is weird; nothing fits me right,” immediately replace that confining brick with some light, for example: “THIS piece of clothing doesn’t fit me, but something else would complement my shape better, and I’ll find it!” By making the choices of getting over it, feeling gratitude, and trying opposite land, you too can slowly begin to step out of your box and let your light shine out while allowing wonderful light into your life.

Faith Hovde is a professional image expert and portrait artist based in Tri Cities WA. In addition to running two successful businesses (Emerald Studios and Philocaly Lingerie) she is a wife, a mother of two sons, two dogs, two cats and seven chickens. Faith is a bright light for body positivity and acceptance! She is passionate about helping women see their uniqueness as a gift and empowering them to own their God-given beauty so they feel confident in all aspects of their lives.


Salad Wraps &

r e d Ci

Spring is here! The warmth of the long-missed sun, the appearance of fresh and beautiful blooms, and the reemergence of color in nature is making spring’s presence known once again in our community. This season invites us outdoors to spend quality time with our friends and family doing things we enjoy. Whether you are planning a hike, a camping trip, or just a simple stop at a local park with your kids, eating outdoors goes hand in hand with spring. I am always striving to have more of these “present” moments in life with the ones I love. Quality time spent with others combined with the enjoyment of delicious food is the perfect recipe for life! One prerequisite for any recipe I make, however, is that it must be SIMPLE. Springtime is the perfect time for a picnic! I am excited to share a few simple recipes you can make to create a beautiful and delicious spread! You can easily make these recipes for Berry Salad, Wrap, and Spritzer in minutes, pack them all up in mason jars, and transport them in a cooler or picnic basket to your outdoor getaway. Here is what you need for your picnic: • • • •

cooler or picnic basket large blanket 2 large mason jars to hold your salad tortillas, cream cheese, and a rotisserie chicken • your favorite berry vinaigrette • 2 large mason jars to hold your premixed spritzer • forks, cups, and plates or bowls

Did you know?

79% of our readers favor a fruit or vegetable garden over flowers! *based on Facebook reader poll


The main recipe for this picnic inspiration is Spring Spinach and Berry Salad. This season always inspires my taste buds to enjoy more fresh produce, and this recipe does just that! It is made with fresh raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, diced red onion, slivered almonds, and sliced avocado, all tossed over a bed of fresh baby spinach and topped with feta cheese and your favorite berry vinaigrette. This salad is my ultimate go-to as the weather warms because of its array of nutrients, flavors, and textures. Spring Spinach and Berry Salad Ingredients: 6 cups, fresh baby spinach 2 cups, fresh mixed berries 1 avocado, sliced 1/3 cup, thinly sliced red onion 1/2 cup, slivered almonds 1/3 cup, Feta cheese Top with your favorite berry vinaigrette This salad can be tossed together ahead of time for your picnic and stored in mason jars. If you want to eat something more substantial as well, you can also pack a rotisserie chicken, plain cream cheese, and large tortillas to turn your salad into protein-packed wraps. Just spread a tortilla with some cream cheese and fill it with your Spring Spinach and Berry Salad mix, chicken, and dressing.


Spring Spinach, Berry and Chicken Wrap Ingredients: To make one wrap: 1 large wrap-size tortilla 1 ½ cups, Spring Spinach and Berry Salad mix with dressing 3 oz, chicken 2 Tbsp, plain cream cheese There are so many refreshing beverage options to include for your picnic: Goose Ridge Estate Winery has a delicious line of ciders available this season that are light, refreshing and delicious! If you would prefer a non-alcoholic beverage just as refreshing, you can make a Berry Spritzer to pack along for your picnic. Berry Spritzer Ingredients: 1 2-liter bottle, lemon-lime soda 2 cups, frozen mixed berries 2 cups, ice To make a Berry Spritzer, really all you need is lemon-lime soda and frozen mixed berries! I like to fill a large pitcher full of ice, soda, and frozen mixed berries and then stir to mix, crushing some of the frozen berries to release their juice. The spritzer can then be poured into a few large mason jars and sealed with their lids, so you can pour it into cups at your picnic later. There you have it! I hope you enjoy these simple recipes and that you are encouraged to take in spring and all its beauty outdoors! 25

Stefanie Davis is a local mom and Registered Dietitian who shares her love for art, food and family life on her blog Simple Acres. She and her husband reside on a cattle farm where they strive to teach their kids the beauty of country life.


The Simple Move 8 Lessons in Buying Your Dream Home By Mary Taylor


I have a friend whose husband is in the military, and after moving many times she has moving down to a science. Her goal after every single move (and we are talking many) is to have her kitchen unpacked the first day so that even among all of the strategically placed boxes of their belongings, she can wake up and do breakfast the next day like the new place has been their home forever. Like I said, she has moving down to a science: from how to pack, to which boxes need to get loaded onto the truck first so the right boxes get unloaded last, she knows all the tricks, and because of that, moving isn’t terribly horrible for her family. But for the rest of us who move maybe two or three times in our entire lives? Moving sucks. If you have been following along, in fall 2017 I wrote a piece on bringing the art of Feng Shui back into the home. It was my attempt to try and fall in love with a house that we had recently purchased that I was NOT in love with. I know this sounds crazy, but I was seven months pregnant with crazy pregnant-lady hormones at purchase time, and we sold our original home in an unexpected four days resulting in our being on the brink of homelessness. Rather than move into an apartment, we purchased a wonderful house for a great price, and I thought I could learn to love it...however, love just wasn’t possible. I will say this: after my lesson on Feng Shui, I liked that house a whole lot more…so much more, in fact, that it was quickly ready to place on the market once my husband happened across a home that he knew we both would love: a 1970’s dream home in need of a full renovation, in a wonderful neighborhood, and in our familiar school district. Buying this home meant a great deal to us, so we used a realtor friend (we all have that one realtor friend, don’t we?) and we placed our Feng Shui home on the market a few days after we placed a contingent offer on the new place. For those who might be unaware, a “contingent offer” is basically as good as a wet napkin or a piece of paper saying “I owe you.” But at that time, it was all that we had to extend our promise to the seller that we wanted to purchase that home; fortunately for us, our realtor friend was a rockstar who conveyed to that seller how important the purchase was to us, and our offer was accepted. After a few weeks on the market our current home sold, and we were in the final stages of moving into our dream home! It was from this purchase that I realized a few helpful tips that I want to convey!



Live in your present home as if it is your dream home. A friend of mine, Jennifer with Grace Filled Interiors, made a comment that stuck with me a while back. “TAKE CARE OF YOUR STUFF!” Even if you don’t love it. Most of us common people don’t have a million dollars to spend on buying brand new shiny-pretty countertops, dishware, or curtains. However, we CAN treat our stuff with attention and keep it clean and in working order. Not only will we be happier to be surrounded by cleanliness and working objects, but we will be MORE LIKELY to be able to get those shiny counter tops or new dish wares when we take care of what we already have. Case and point: I didn’t LOVE my home, but I maintained it and kept it clean. We painted it and poured love into it. Although we didn’t LOVE the home, it looked as if we did, and our home sold fairly quickly because of that.


Hire a moving company. Seriously. We can’t all be “Suzy-moves-a-lot” and handle moving like a pro, so hire one. I know we all have friends with trucks, but do they have blankets to protect your belongings? Do they carry insurance in case your custom head board gets caught in a gust of wind and goes flying onto the pavement? Do they have packing boxes and materials that they can loan out to you to make your move easier? If you don’t know of a company, I can recommend one!


NEVER, under any circumstance, take pre-occupancy on your new home if you don’t have to. I don’t care how convenient it may be. Imagine the heartache and stress that you might encounter after moving everything into your new home only to find out that your deal may not go through. Then what? Better have that moving company and a good storage unit on stand-by just in case. Basically, don’t even touch the keys to your new home until the bank says that those keys belong to you.


If you are planning on renovating your new home, ask friends for referrals and hire a general contractor--unless, of course, you want to sort through and schedule a million different text messages or voicemails from different companies or other independent contractors. The time-suck that is scheduling is REAL, and general contractors get paid to deal with those headaches. Save yourself some sanity and make them manage the project.


Manage the manager. Just because you hired a general contractor, that doesn’t leave you off the hook. Create a list of due dates based on your conversations and WRITE THEM DOWN. Not only will this help keep you from making expensive last-minute changes, but the visual will reinforce their estimations, and if they don’t follow through or don’t have a good explanation as to why they are missing deadlines—HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE! You hold the check; if you aren’t satisfied, explain why, give them the opportunity to fix it, and if they still don’t or can’t follow through, cut them loose and find another contractor. Just because you hired one contractor for the job does not mean that you need to stick with him for the entire job. This is your home, and you are paying for these renovations. That said, you need to be happy, and it’s your general contractor’s job to keep you happy. If you aren’t satisfied, save yourself some money in the long run and cut him loose.



Expect the unexpected. If your general contractor says everything will be done in four weeks, plan on eight weeks. Four weeks is an estimation assuming there won’t be any hiccups. Plan for hiccups. For example: some trim or the doors you picked out are on back order and you need to wait two weeks just to get them in; or a simple floor installation can turn into a full day of labor when you realize that the tile in the entryway was originally installed with the sole purpose of never allowing it to be removed.


Set aside a renovation emergency fund. You know how you are supposed to set aside three months of pay into savings on the off chance that you are injured or lose your job? Set aside an emergency fund for your renovation and do NOT touch it. This money is NOT for furniture, or paint, or to be allocated anywhere except for that “Oh sh*t!” moment when you realize you didn’t budget for that electrical snafu or that broken water pipe.


Enjoy the process. This one is tough. After everything is said and done, and you are finally moved into your home and all you want to do is relax but you are still four weeks away from being able to do that, take a moment and be grateful that you have this amazing opportunity. Be grateful that you are in your dream home. Be grateful to your husband and your family for living through the transition with you because they are just as affected as you are!

Photography by Marquel Dodson 30

Signature Drywall

Raul Andaya Owner 509.539.1102 Four Important Questions to Ask Your Contractor, From a Contractor’s Perspective: By Cesar Maganas | Finer Side Construction, LLC 1. Is your contractor bonded, licensed and insured? Make sure these details are discussed from the start. It’s OKAY to make the contractor show you proper paperwork! 2. What is your contractor’s work history? Do some investigative work for examples of your contractor’s past jobs. Usually, social media is a great resource for this. 3. What’s your contractor’s specialty? Your needs need to fit your contractor’s abilities. You don’t want to hire “Joe Schmo’s Excavation” to do sheetrock repairs. Keep your contractor within the scope of his specialty. 4. Where does your project fit into your contractor’s schedule? Get an idea of your project’s timeline and time frame. Is your project getting juggled between a few different jobs, or do you want your contractor’s undivided attention? These details need to be discussed so that expectations can be realistic.


“Succulent Rain” Photography by: Jamie Kincaid with JKphotoswa.com


By: Jennifer Mead | GraceFilledInteriors.com



pring is fast approaching, and with that in mind it’s time to start thinking about plants and flowers to freshen up our homes and landscape.

Whether you are an avid indoor plant enthusiast or are just now looking to up your plant game, this article should help you take your indoor plant skills to the next level. There are several ways to incorporate live plants into your home décor. One of the easiest ways is to purchase a pre-planted basket or ceramic planter and placing the plant in a corner near natural sunlight. Places I recommend would be the dining room, office, entryway, or living space. Keep in mind that many of these plants are low maintenance and require very little watering and sunlight, but you still need to give them consistent care. Another way to add greenery to your home is by placing plants on styling bookshelves, coffee tables, or tabletops. My rule of thumb for my own home is to add one live plant to each room. I love that plants are nature’s art, and I consider them to be a crucial part in not only my own home’s design plan but also in the homes of clients.



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Modern planters you’ll love!

TOP REASONS TO HAVE INDOOR PLANTS 1// Purify the air and filter out toxins 2// Aid in better sleep 3// Help reduce stress and improve your mood 4// Add color, texture, and life to your decor 5// Many require little upkeep



Direct or Indirect Sunlight. All plants need sunlight, but the type of sunlight they require differs by plant species. Some plants thrive on direct sunlight with light shining directly on their leaves, while others like indirect or very little natural light all together. I recommend researching your plant before you buy, and play around with different locations to see which one fits your plant best. Watering and Soil Moisture. The amount of water you give your plant is the most crucial factor in whether or not it will survive. Too much water can cause root rot and too little will cause your plant to shrivel up and lose its leaves. A good indicator to know when your plant needs water is to touch the surface of the soil surrounding it and see if it’s moist. If it’s dry, add a little water. I recommend adding a weekly reminder into your calendar to check your plants. Once you develop the habit, and also a better understanding of your plants, watering and maintenance will become much easier! Cleaning. Although many of the modern style plants listed above require little care, it is still important to keep the leaves of your plants clean and free of dust which has the potential to choke the plant. It’s recommended to use a soft, damp cloth to wipe the leaves of smaller plants, and to place your larger plants into the shower or tub and gently spray them down. You can do this on a monthly basis or any time you begin to notice a buildup of dust or grime.

Luckily you don’t have to have a green thumb to start incorporating live plants into your home. All it takes is a little TLC and you will be enjoying beautiful, modern style plants in no time at all!

Tangled in Twine with Bree Jablonski clothing provided by Pink Pearl Boutique photography by Breanna Galceran


orn in Olympia, and the daughter to four wonderful parents, Bree is the oldest of ten siblings and truly appreciates growing up within a large family. When Bree was a teenager, her family relocated to South Carolina for her father’s job. She spent the next nine years there, growing up, falling in love with her husband, Greg, and welcoming their first child Adelei (now five years old). In 2016 Bree moved back to Kennewick, WA with her family where they currently reside. Shortly after the move, Bree and Greg welcomed their second child, Tidus (now fifteen months old). Bree’s favorite part about living in the Tri-Cities is the modern conveniences of the urban environment that still has a small-town vibe. Bree explains that her favorite part about being a mom is the “heart aching love” that she feels every time she looks at her children. Bree loves the fact that not only is she given the opportunity to teach her children how to love life and live it well, she also feels blessed to be able to learn so much from them. Also, Bree couldn’t help but mention that the snuggles are “pretty wonderful.”



As a full-time mom, Bree decided that she wanted to pick up a creative outlet for herself. In January of 2017 Bree started teaching herself the art of Macramé. Dictionary.com defines Macramé as “an elaborately patterned lacelike webbing made of hand-knotted cord, yarn, or the like, and used for wall decorations, hanging baskets, garments, accessories, etc.” As Bree’s skills developed, she found that she really enjoyed the art and how it inspired her. With encouragement from her husband, the Knotty Momma was born. As Bree’s business grew and she found herself surrounded by other creatives who appreciated her Macramé as much as she did, she decided to rebrand her business into Tangled in Twine. Bree enjoys the freedom of creating something that she loves and sharing it with others. By stepping out and starting her small business, she has met so many interesting people and has been offered wonderful opportunities that she never would have enjoyed otherwise. The largest Macramé project to this date that Bree has completed was a five-foot-wide wedding backdrop that took roughly twelve hours to create. As we wrapped up our interview, I asked Bree to tell me one unusual thing about herself that our readers might like to know. Bree stated that her hairstyle has changed so many times over the years: from fuchsia, to purple, to pixie short and shaved, Bree enjoys switching up her hairstyles. Currently, Bree has had her dreadlocks (which she gave herself) for a year, and it’s her favorite hairstyle by far. It’s tying knots…go figure! Find Bree’s Macramé at tangledintwine.us OR follow her on Facebook and keep an eye open for her next pop up show!







orn in Louisiana and raised in Alabama, I fell in love with the Pacific Northwest when I came here eleven years ago for graduate school in radiochemistry. Art has been my passion since childhood, but grad school forced it to my personal back burner for several years; a cross country post-doctoral assignment, a baby, new jobs, a few moves, and several other exciting life events kept that passion in the background until our family moved back to Washington for my job here at the laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in 2016. It was then that I felt like I finally had a chance to catch my breath and could entertain the idea of delving back into art.

Over the years I’ve dabbled in a variety of media: drawing, painting, photography, screen printing, ceramics, figure sculpture, and even glass blowing; however, ceramics holds a special place in my heart as it allows me to incorporate so many aspects of other art forms (and it’s all chemistry)! Of course, ceramics has a higher barrier to entrance than those other forms because the necessary materials are bulky and potentially expensive, and there is that problematic issue of requiring access to a kiln. After months of research and pondering, I decided to buy a small kiln and bag of clay. The size of that kiln necessarily limited the size of my creations--which is how the idea of ceramic jewelry came to be. Much of the credit for starting my business goes to my very patient and supportive husband who noticed an increasing volume of tiny ceramic pieces and accompanying supplies overtaking the house, and who suggested that selling my work would be a good way to reduce the ranks of small breakable things in our home! In the early days I felt like an army of one, working on my creations late at night and combing through Instagram looking to connect with other artists around the world. I was new to town and didn’t know many people outside of coworkers. Luckily, I saw an ad for an art class at Confluent, the community maker space in Richland, where I ended up meeting amazing local creatives all working together to support artists and makers in the Tri Cities. It was through these initial connections that I met several talented and welcoming people who soon became my friends. I truly believe that the success (and fun) I’ve had in this endeavor is due in large part to the creative community here in the Tri Cities! The feedback, introductions, and connections I’ve made through this supportive network have helped me grow as an artist and small business owner. There really is a spirit of “community over competition,” and it allows all of us to thrive together! This is an exciting time for the Tri Cities and I can’t wait to see what develops over the next few years— I know it’s going to be amazing.

Photography by Marquel Dodson 46

“Spring” Photography by: Marquel Dodson


Marla June’s Clothing Co.

Model: Jackie Sharpe-Ravella Makeup: Daniela Elizabeth MUA Photography: Breanna Galceran Location: Boyer House, Walla Walla


Locations Kennewick. WA

Walla Walla, WA Boise, ID



Bee Friendly Gardening By Dartanya Helgeson


s a beekeeper, I am often asked, “What can I do to help honey bees?” Over the years, I’ve refined my elevator speech down to five simple words: Plant more and spray less!

While an emerald green lawn looks good to our eyes, it’s the nutritional equivalent of a parking lot to bees. Behind that luscious green color is a chemically enhanced monoculture that provides them with nothing in the way of food or even building materials. Honey bees, native bees, butterflies and insects in general all benefit from plant diversity. Honey bees not only collect nectar and pollen, but they also use sap and other plant juices to make propolis, the glue that seals up cracks in their hive to keep out pests and moisture. By replacing a thirsty, pesticide-dependent lawn with a selection of landscape plants, you can reduce yard maintenance as well as enhance its beauty for bees and people alike. Bees need a wide variety of trees, shrubs and flowering plants for a healthy, balanced diet. Choose plants that flower at different times throughout the year and, whenever possible, select perennials that bloom year after year. Most annual flowers are bred for showy petals and not for insect pollination, so look for plants that have clusters of many smaller flowers instead of large, single ones. It is always better to have three of one species than three hundred!

While I personally maintain a pesticide and herbicide free yard, I can’t expect everyone else to. Products such as Roundup have their place but should be used as sparingly as possible--for the health of both humans and insects! The same goes for using fertilizers, weed-n-feeds and pesticides. Even when used correctly, all these products create toxic environments for the tiny creatures that live around us. Insecticides are not specific to a single species or group of insects; they harm all insects indiscriminately. A single bee will visit between 50 and 100 flowers during one collection trip. If she visits a plant that has been sprayed to kill aphids, she will likely die too, but there are ways you can reduce bee casualties: limit any chemical applications to late in the evening when bees are less likely to be flying, and never apply chemicals when the wind is blowing; if you need to spray a plant to kill pests, remove all the flowers first so the bees are less likely to visit. By the time the plant is flowering again, the pesticide will have dispersed. Like mercury in tuna, even minute quantities of pesticides build up in a bee and weaken her immune system over time. This is thought to be one of the leading contributors to honey bee decline. They are tiny creatures, so even a small exposure can cause irreparable harm to individual bees as well as to the colony. Nature provides us with so much beauty, all we need to do is stop to look. We are the stewards of the earth, and it is up to us to protect it so that our future generations can sit quietly to watch a honeybee fly from flower to flower collecting nectar as her ancestors have done for millions of years.

Photography by Breanna Galceran Location My Garden Overfloweth in Patterson, WA 51

Dartanya Helgeson moved to the Tri-Cities eight years ago from Tampa, Florida, and has been a local beekeeper for six years. An avid gardener and scientist, Dartanya earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture and Entomology from the University of Maryland -- from a time before personal computers were even on the market!

Original Art “Bee Friendly” by Brandi Dayton Brandi Dayton has been creating art since she was a little girl with a pencil. She began working professionally 20 years ago as a young mom who was looking for something to do while she hung out with her kids. Brandi’s bright whimsical style became popular locally in Corvallis, Oregon where she started painting large murals, then eventually selling her paintings in local stores. Brandi and her family moved to Eastern Washington where she continues to sell her work at farmers’ markets and local art shows. Brandi is best known for her bright flowers, whimsical landscapes, and cute birds. She works with oils, acrylic, and watercolor. After the loss of her teenage son, she began to teach free online classes to honor him. Over 3,000 people from all over the world have taken her free online workshops. You can find out more about Brandi on her website at www.brandidayton.com.








5 K

by Cheryl Phillips

In July 2010, my dad was diagnosed with brain cancer.

That’s what ignited my passion to volunteer, become a team captain and raise money for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. It was something I knew could help him as well as millions of others dealing with cancer; so, for the past seven years, along with my team mates and my twin sister, we have raised over $30,000 for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life! Unfortunately, the brain cancer eventually took our dad on January 1, 2013. But my sister and I promised him that our work would not stop! So last year, Father’s Day weekend 2017, I put on my first ever 5k, “Hope in the Vineyard.” It was a gorgeous day on Red Mountain, and I know my dad would have been so proud and honored! We raised just over $4000 with about 100 participants. Along with our amazing host winery, Hedges Family Estate, we will again be able to race on Father’s Day weekend for the 2nd Annual Hope in the Vineyard 5k. 100% of our proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society, and our goal is to double last year’s total! This is a timed race with awards for the top three male, top three female, and top three children (fourteen and under) runners. In addition, each registered adult participant will receive a technical t-shirt and glass of Hedges Family Estate wine.

Register for this event at: www.hopeinthevineyard.racewire.com Keep up to date on news about the race at: www.facebook.com/hopeinthevineyard

Twin sisters, Sherrie Robertson (left) and Cheryl Phillips (right) enjoying a moment at the 1st annual Hope in the Vineyards Race located at Hedges Winery in Benton City, WA.

Did you know? 55% of our readers have never participated in a race or fun run event!

Try your first fun run this Father’s Day weekend overlooking the beautiful Hedges Family Estate! *based on Facebook reader poll

Hedges Family Estate, Red Mountain

Join us at Hedges Family Estate, June 16, 2018

Hope in the Vineyards 5K run! www.hfe.wine 54

visit www.hopeinthevineyard.racewire.com to learn more

Purple Ridge Lavender Farm by Mary Taylor

Purple Ridge Lavender Farm is a family owned and operated project that was established in 2009. This beautiful and fragrant farm is just a short 45 minute drive away, located at 29081 Bridge Road in Hermiston, Oregon. The lavender usually starts blooming toward the end of May and peaks through late June or until it is harvested for essential oils etc. Purple Ridge is open to the public starting June 16th (one week before the 8th Annual Lavender Festival to be held this year on Saturday, June 23rd). This festival is a fundraiser for Agape House and the local homeless shelter with all proceeds going to the charity! You can enjoy live bands and art among other activities including food/ beer/wine tasting, and, of course, everything lavender! Order fresh cut lavender for special events or start your own lavender garden starting this June! For more information contact Sheri via e-mail at pearidge00@gmail.com or visit www.purpleridgelavender.com


On the Cover Model: Ruby White Flower crown: Lucky Flowers Photographer: Marquel Dodson

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Join the movement, and sponsor us by placing your advertisement here. A special thank you to our Spring 2018 sponsors: A-One Refrigeration and Heating Inc. Edible Arrangements Frost Me Sweet Bakery and Bistro Goose Ridge Estate Vineyard and Winery Hedges Family Estate Help-U-Move Lifestyle Chiropractic & Massage Peak Performance Physical Therapy SHAPE Cosmetic Surgery and Med Spa Visit www.tayloredlivingmagazine.com for more details!




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