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Style Series Step 2: Shopping Like a Pro

By Lisa Powers

If you have been following the “Style Series” you’re already familiar with the first step to building a wardrobe, the “Closet Edit.”

Once the pieces that don’t fit into your life anymore are removed, the next logical step is to rebuild. In this second part of the series let’s look at the task that is loved by some and dreaded by others, shopping—or what this writer likes to refer to as “The Hunt.”

For those of you who look forward to shopping, you may discover some helpful tips in this article to enhance the overall experience. But for many, clothing shopping can be a chore and even a heartache. However, if approached with purpose and understanding, shopping can be a pleasure.

Before you shop, take some time to become educated on your individual body type. Once armed with this understanding, you can shop more confidently and zone in on pieces that will flatter your frame. For more information on body type, look to shapeshopp.com, a favorite resource used by professionals to empower their clients to shop more successfully.

Where to Shop

Personal shoppers always do heavy scouting before they physically go out to shop. Simply going online and looking at what is available is extremely helpful, and most retailers make it possible for you to see what’s in their store near you. This also allows you to see what seasonal promotions and sales are currently available.

Stylist's Tip

If you happen to see the perfect piece online it’s best to call the store and ask if they will hold it to guarantee availability.

Always try to shop local. Independent boutiques are more likely to go the extra mile to help you achieve your shopping goals. With less foot traffic than the shops in the mall, they’re more focused on building relationships with their customers which means that they are willing to invest more time to ensure that you get what you need.

Shopping Day

The day has arrived, and you have your shopping list in hand. Odds are that scheduling a few hours to shop is not an easy feat. Making the most of your time is essential, so here are a few tips to follow that will make the day easier and more productive for you.

1. Obviously, comfortable shoes are a must, but consider wearing shoes that will work with what you will be trying on. Consider substituting the sneakers with sandals or boots so you can get a better idea of the overall look while in the fitting room. If you’re shopping for tops, it’s better to wear pants rather than a dress. Finally bring any undergarments that you might need, a strapless bra, shapewear, etc. to get a true sense of how everything will fit.

2. Be sure your phone is fully charged. No one will be as honest about how something looks on you as your camera. While in the fitting room, take pictures to get a real view of what you are trying on. It’s also a good way to keep track of what you have left behind in case you change your mind.

3. Tell the sales clerk exactly what you are looking for, they know their sales floor inside and out. Developing a relationship with a salesperson can be invaluable, they can be your conduit to getting first dibs on new arrivals and will make sure that you’re always in the know when sale time comes around.

4. Finally, remember it’s okay to put things on hold if you’re not completely sold. It’s guaranteed that any slight objection you have in the fitting room will be much worse when you get home. Also, if you love the item but are unsure of what you have in your closet to wear it with, take a picture, go home, and find at least three things to wear it with before committing.

Now that your new finds are in place, the third and final part to this “Style Series” will be focused on how to style your wardrobe in a way that best utilizes every piece you own.