3 minute read

Lady in Red

How to pick the best red nail polish for every skin tone

By Rosemary Fotheringham

You want that perfect red nail polish for a holiday party, but there are so many to choose from, and they aren’t one-size-fits-all. The wrong red can clash with your skin. Have you ever used a nail color that made your skin look dull, sallow, or reddened? The good news is that there’s a flattering red out there for everybody.

How do you know which one is right for you? The answer is to pick one that matches your skin’s warm or cool undertones.

You might think that the darker your skin is, the warmer it is, but that’s actually a common misconception. Instead, it’s determined by whether your skin has pink or yellow undertones. Pink undertones yield a cool complexion, while yellow undertones yield a warm one. Some people have a mix, so have a neutral complexion.

There are a couple ways to tell which you are: first, look at the veins on the underside of your wrist in natural light. If they’re more green, you have yellow undertones, and warm colors will be more flattering on you. If the veins are more blue, you have pink undertones, and cool colors will be more flattering.

The second way is to hold up gold and silver jewelry or fabric next to your face. If you’re warm-toned, gold will be flattering, while silver will make you look washed out or dull. The opposite will be true if you are cool-toned. If you can pull off both, you’re neutral (and lucky!).

If you are more warm toned, you’ll look best in warm, tomato reds. For light or olive skin, look for bright reds that lean a little orange, copper, or coral. If you’ve got warm medium or dark skin, look for warm, rich reds with brown in them, like a dark brick or burgundy color. Pair with gold or bronze accents. If you are cool toned, you’ll look best in reds with a blue base. For fair skin, choose a bright red that leans a little pink or purple: think jewel tones and berry reds. If you’ve got cool medium or dark skin, think dark, vampy wine-colored reds. Pair with silver accents. If you’re neutral, you’ll look best in a true red. Pair with silver or gold accents.

This is just one tool to find a color that feels like you! If there’s a color you love that doesn’t necessarily match your skin tone, wear it anyway. Nail polish is a fun way to play with color—the whole point is wearing something that brings you joy.