4 minute read

A Blissful Morning Meditation and Stretch

By Cecelia Owczarski

Clear your mind for the day ahead

The combination of Yoga and a daily breath practice as a part of your morning routine is a very beneficial way to start your day. It enhances mindfulness, helping you think clearly and with intention. It calms down the parasympathetic nervous system, releasing any kind of reactive feeling and inviting you to approach your day with ease and a peace of mind. This daily practice can also reduce heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and improves blood flow. This routine will set yourself up for a more peaceful mindset and a sense of ease you can tap into at any time during the day.

Pranayama in sukhasana

also known as breath control in an easy seated position. Sit tall with your legs crossed or out in front of you. Take a deep breath in followed with a cleansing exhale out. Preparing for the 4,7,8 breathing method, which calms the nervous system and refocuses the mind. Begin with your eyes closed, repeat as many times as needed. Recommended minimum of 5 rounds. ◊ Inhale for the count of 4 ◊ Hold for the count of 7 ◊ Exhale for the count of 8

Seated half butterfly.

Seated half butterfly.

Seated Half Butterfly

This pose elongates the spine, stretches the inner thigh as well as the back side of the legs, and releases tension in the piriformis muscle. Begin by extending your left leg out, keeping your right foot by the groin. Circle sweep your hands up and bring them on the ground in front of you, walk your hands away from you, and begin to round forward. Invite every exhale to bring you into more depth. Repeat on the left side.

Modified wild thing.

Modified wild thing.

Modified Wild Thing

Begin to lift up from your forward fold. Place your right hand on the ground next to your right hip. Press into the ground with your right hand and knee, rainbow your left side to the sky. Stretch the ribs away from the hip, relax the psoas major muscle, releasing the iliopsoas that connects the spine to the lower limbs and providing a lateral flexion in the spine which is great for spinal strengthening. Repeat on the left side.

Supine twist.

Supine twist.

Supine Twist

Scoot your bottom to the middle of the mat and lay down. Bring your knees to a bend and windshield wiper them back and forth massaging your low back and glutes. Stop in center and bring your knees into your chest, keep your tailbone down as you squeeze your knees tightly. Release your knees to the left side of the mat, with your arms out open. Close your eyes and slowly take 5 deep breaths. Next inhale pulls your knees thru center and exhale to release them over to the right side. Breath slowly for 5 deep breaths. This brings a nice natural twist into the spine and a sense of relaxation to the mind and body.


Bring both knees back into your chest for one last tight squeeze, and then lengthen them out long. Walk the shoulders and hips away from the head, take a deep breath in and exhale out with ease, maybe add a light moan. They say this pose is the most challenging off all—facing the vulnerability and fully allowing your Soul to acclimate to this new space you’re creating through your new daily Yoga practice.

Cecelia Owczarski is a yoga instructor currently teaching at Lifted Lotus. You can find her classes and others at liftedlotusyogacollective.com