SFDV2001 Assignment 2

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SFDV2001 - Web Development Assignment 2: Design and develop web sites using HTML and CSS Aim: Understand what we have learned until Lecture 4 and apply it practically to build web sites and put content in them. Part 1: Design and Develop our course website using your own design Note: This website should have completely different design than that of the course website. However you can use some documents and information from the course website The website must have the following pages Course Information - this page should have course information documents Lectures - put links to all the lectures. You must link to PPT lectures slides or embed them into the page as on the course website did. Labs - put a link to all the labs with documents or web pages for each lab Assignments - Links to all the assignments documents Assessments - this is page with a table which marks come from where Part 2: Design and develop a website for region which you come from in Oman. The website should be useful to people like tourists and other people who want to visit that region. Information should include About this website - information explaining what your website is about About the region - information about the region, its brief history, where it is, how to reach etc Interesting places - list of things to see such as historical places (forts, palaces, mosques, etc) and natural places such as wadis, mountains, desert, beaches etc Accommodation - list of hotels in that region Restaurants - where to eat Note: you can take some information from a portal such as www.omanet.om but must acknowledge where your information came from otherwise this come under plagiarism. It is better that your write your own content as you already have local knowledge about the region. Common requirements for both the parts: * All pages must have the same look and feel and navigation links and the user must know which page he is viewing now. * All pages must use the same CSS for all styling and the same navigation menu. * Every page must have a header, footer and the correct title. Use CSS to control the header and footer font size, color, alignment etc

Total marks: 20% of the course (Each part is worth 10%) Bonus marks: 5% extra marks are given for putting your assignment either part 1 or part 2 on the web. You may use a service such as www.webs.com to host your website. To do this you will have to put all your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images etc files on the web after developing your website completely and testing it. For students who will be doing this please email your website URL also when submitting the assignment. Due date: The last date for submission is December 30 2009 Group work: a maximum of three people in a group. How to submit the assignment: Submit the two parts as two separate Zip files containing all the HTML files, the CSS file, JavaScript files and any images. IF ANY FILES ARE MISSING AND THE LINK DOES NOT WORK YOU WILL LOOSE MARKS. TEST AND TEST AND RETEST BEFORE YOU SUBMIT. SUBMIT THROUGH DIGITAL DROPBOX IN BLACKBOARD OR BY EMAIL to: assignments@sfdv2001.tk What will make you loose marks? 1. Copying in part or full. DO NOT COPY FROM OTHER WEBSITES. 2. Not using title for every page correctly 3. Not using header and footer and not using CSS to control their formatting 4. Using different styles on different pages - not using CSS 5. Broken links and missing files 7. Not submitting as a zip file 8. Anything which you miss on the five pages as described above. 9. Home page is not index.html or default.html 10. Using style information in the web page such as color, fonts, alignments etc - these should be in CSS only 11. Anything which you miss on the five pages and three points mentioned on page 1 12. Late submission: Submitting the assignment after the due date which cause loss of marks at the rate of 4 marks per day. 13. Not using different design and layout for part 1 and part 2 since these are two completely different web sites Copying: Do not copy in part of full. Copying will lead to loss of marks for all groups involved

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