SFDV2001 Assignment 1

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SFDV2001 - Web Development Assignment 1: Design and develop a web site for a small college Aim: Understand what we have learned until Lecture 4 and apply it practically to build a web site. You are to create a web site for a small college. The web site must have the following five pages: 1. Home page [1 mark] - the home page - include some description about the web site. 2. About The College [1 mark] - Some information about the college such as introduction, history, location of the college etc. Include one image of the college. 3. Departments [1 mark] - List of all the departments in the college with brief description of each department. Put at least one paragraph for each department and list of courses and majors they offer. 4. Contact Us [1 mark] - Has a list of phone numbers, fax numbers, address of the college and email addresses that people can use to contact the college. All this information about contact details should be in a table 5. Admissions Enquiry page [4 marks]: This is a page with a form that allows prospective students to make an enquiry about admissions. The form must have fields for taking the following inputs: Name, email, phone number, mobile number, percentage in high school, year of passing high school, two check boxes for diploma and/or degree , one check box for IELTS passed and radio buttons for every field available in the college depending on the departments Validations required on this form (Do 1 and from 2 - 8 choose and do ANY THREE only): 1. All fields must be filled otherwise show an alert – compulsory 2. At least one check box (diploma or degree) must be selected 3. Email must be in correct format ( x@y.z for example) 4. Phone number is a number and must not start with 9 and must be eight digits 5. Mobile number must be eight digits and must start with 9 6. Percentage in high school must be between 0 - 100 - otherwise show an alert 7. Year of passing should be between 1980 and 2009 - otherwise show an alert 8. A radio button for the field of study should be selected - otherwise show an alert. Common JavaScript requirement for all pages[2 marks] : Every page also has a box to dynamically change the background color of the web page. This should be a small box with radio button for various color. When the user clicks on one colors the background color of the page should change to that color.

SFDV2001 / Assignment 1 / 2010

* All pages must have the same look and feel and navigation links and the user must know which page he is viewing now. * All pages must use the same CSS for all styling and the same navigation menu. * Every page must have a header, footer and the correct title. Use CSS to control the header and footer font size, color, alignment etc Total marks: 10 % of the course Last date: Monday 9 November 2009 Group work: a maximum of three people in a group. How to submit the assignment: Submit as a Zip file containing all the HTML files, the CSS file, JavaScript files and any images. IF ANY FILES ARE MISSING AND THE LINK DOES NOT WORK YOU WILL LOOSE MARKS. TEST AND TEST AND RETEST BEFORE YOU SUBMIT. SUBMIT THROUGH DIGITAL DROPBOX IN BLACKBOARD OR BY EMAIL (to be provided later). What will make you loose marks? 1. Copying in part or full. DO NOT COPY FROM OTHER COLLEGE WEBSITES. 2. Not using title for every page correctly 3. Not using header and footer and not using CSS to control their formatting 4. Using different styles on different pages - not using CSS 5. Broken links and missing files 7. Not submitting as a zip file 8. Anything which you miss on the five pages as described above. 9. Home page is not index.html or default.html 10. Using style information in the web page such as color, fonts, alignments etc - these should be in CSS only 11. Anything which you miss on the five pages and three points mentioned on page 1 Copying: Do not copy in part of full . Copying will lead to loss of marks for all groups involved Note on using FrontPage and Nvu - If you use FrontPage or Nvu these will style the web page using the <font> tags and not use CSS so be very careful if you want to use these (unless you really know how to CSS with these two software) because you will lose marks. It is better for you to use the software which has been given and shown to you during the labs

SFDV2001 / Assignment 1 / 2010

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.