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between the west and the western

THE HORSE: CONSUMER MOTEL The horse constitutes the material basis and sphere of action for the Western film, engaged actively by the lead as a supporting actor by which to foreshadow against. As an architectural analogue of the horse, Consumer Motel responds to its highway adjacent site between Arizona and the Navajo Nation by embedding within the ground, aggregating, and rotating, thus constituting a new landscape of form by which to frame issues of consumerism, territory, and boundary. Consisting of a combination between motel, trading post, and street

market, Consumer Hotel brings together local Navajo traders, outside buyers, and temporal residents as a place of democratic congregation and meeting. An ambiguous middle space is created through a disruption of these usually linear programs, emphasized by an embedding within the earth to create a new relationship of the individual to land. Inhabitation of the interior occurs at mid-ground level as occupants experience a changed horizon line favoring a framing of land rather than landscape.

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