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Ravens‘ Call—Summer/Autumn 2012 (Vol. 2)

Kindred Drums Cheryl & Mike Maddock Dodges Ferry

By Jess When Cheryl and Mike contacted me about coming along to the Australian Wiccan Conference last year, I was very excited to finally meet two people I had heard so much about over the years. Cheryl and Mike, and their beautiful drums, were well received at the Conference and I was thrilled when Cheryl said they would love to join the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance, become involved and also share their amazing works with our membership. By way of welcome and introduction, I interviewed Cheryl and Mike about what they do. Welcome to the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance Cheryl and Mike! Over the years I have been to plenty of pagan and spiritual events in Tasmania where I have spied many of your beautiful drums. Can you tell us about how you become Kindred Drums? CHERYL:- Thank you for your lovely introduction Jess. When I began taking Shamanic circle many years ago I used a drum that we had bought. People loved the sound of it and what it did for them and asked me if my Mike could make them a drum the same. Mike had been a wood turner for many years, using our beautiful Tasmanian timbers and, over some months developed the methods he now uses to make his drums. The more drums Mike made the more people wanted them and also to learn how to use them in a Shamanic way, so ―Kindred Drums‖ was born. Some people wanted to create their own Kindred Drum so Mike worked out a way to run a workshop so that people could make their own Shamanic Drum. What do you think it is that draws so many people to drumming? MIKE:- As some of you know, I was born in Ireland and came to live in Tasmania when I was sixteen. I grew up in an environment of music and entertainment so I have always had a sense of rhythm. And I believe that rhythm, someone beating a log with a stick or playing on a drum skin or even our heartbeat, is something basic that we all respond to. People can be absorbed by a steady pulse, it takes them away from everyday life and problems to a place that is peaceful and where they can feel safe. Cheryl and I have drummed in many interesting places, deep in Wielangta forest, on top of Mt. Wellington and on remote beaches around Tasmania. A wonderful experience for us and our friends. Sounds amazing Mike! Makes me want to reach for my drum right away. If someone has never drummed before, and would like to, how would you recommend they start? MIKE:- Find a nice quiet place away from distraction, somewhere in nature is the best but not always practical. Look at your drum and beater see what patterns there are in it and then listen as to how it speaks to you. Then softly begin to beat you drum either with your hand or using your beater, keep this rhythm flowing and allow it to build. Sometimes very soft and other times with some energy, a nice gentle rhythm and slowly allow your own personal beat to come through so it becomes an extension of you and your heart beat. An alternative would be to talk to Cheryl about sitting in circle with a group of drummers, make up your own group or organize a private drumming session with Cheryl. And finally, how do our members get in contact with you if they would like to participate in a workshop or purchase one of your beautiful drums? What have you got coming up that might interest members? You can make contact with us by phoning or email to discuss personal needs and special requests. You can also look at the Kindred Drum web site. Just contact Mike or Cheryl and have a talk about the possibilities and have them answer any questions you have. Home: 03 6265 9405 - Mobile: 0437 379 056 Cherylandmike@bigpond.com - www.wix.com/mikemaddock/kindred-drums Thanks Mike and Cheryl, and once again welcome to the Tasmanian Pagan Alliance Inc!


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