Running suplement

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April 28, 2011

Running Supplement


Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement

Runningmates By Clint Holton Potestas

What would drive someone to jump out of bed in the early morning hours and run for countless miles before most people even hear the alarm go off? Once someone dedicates themselves to running, whether as an avenue to lose weight, have more energy, look better, or simply live a healthy lifestyle, they begin to realize the full range of benefits running provides, according to running enthusiasts Noy and Amale Jopson. Running then becomes a habit. For many, it even becomes somewhat of an addiction (a good one). The “runner’s high” is just something they must have. Running is about a lot more than just being in shape and looking good. It provides a great mental escape during the run. Running allows your mind to run free and thoughts to flow. It provides stress relief as one cannot only feel good during and after the exercise (as those endorphins get pumping), but can relax and enjoy the run, the moment. For many, running becomes a spiritual thing. The challenge for many beginning runners is getting to the point of habit. While they may be motivated during the first weeks of running, they

fall into the trap of making simple excuses to take a morning off and then find themselves losing motivation. See if this sounds familiar: Someone decides to start running to get into shape. Noy and Amale run three to four days per week for two weeks. Week three arrives and Monday morning the alarm clock goes off while they are cozy in bed and they think, “I’ve been doing so good I’ll treat myself to a morning off and some extra sleep.” Just that one morning off early on can create a big-time setback for many as they may take another run off or even longer, thus delaying them from getting into the habit of running or preventing from ever even getting into the habit. If you are new to running or just trying to get back into the mode, do yourself a favor and stick with your plans early on. Do the simple things like laying out your running gear the night before to help motivate you the next morning. Run consistently for four to six weeks, at a minimum, and you’ll be on track to a healthy life of exercise. Consistency is the key and staying motivated is the way. Run!

Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement


VOL. 7 and NO. 7 A Supplement Produced by Sun.Star Cebu Marketing Department



By Noy Jopson

The purpose of running a Tempo workout is to simulate the pace of your target race while at the same time increasing your aerobic capacity, without leaving your body too sore for the rest of your key workouts for the week or the race itself.


Emily Jade B. Valero

production & creative head

Logane Echavez


Clint Holton Potestas Noy Jopson Max Limpag Marlen Limpag Raymund Bontol Maria Armie Sheila Garde

graphic designer

Dexter Duran

Together with your weekly Long Run, Recovery Runs and Speed Workout, the tempo is a key staple in any successful training program. A lot of runners in Cebu get obsessed with building volume, logging their miles on FB and Daily Mile that they forget the importance of running quality miles. They do primarily LSDs then wonder why their race times are not getting faster. The simple answer is, if you are not running fast in training, you can’t expect to run fast at the races. The tempo run will tell you what you can and cannot do realistically. A favorite of mine is to do the tempo in a treadmill where I can just focus on my pace and also shortening my strides and hitting the magic number of 22 footstrikes every 15 seconds counting only one leg (this translates to 176 strides per min). I would recommend you do your tempo run at least once every two weeks. It can take the place of a speed workout/track session for that particular week. If your planned race is on a Sunday, the latest you should do the tempo is on the Wednesday before the event. It should be done at your target race pace or just slightly faster at approximately half or 2/3 race distance with at least a 10 minutes warm up and cool down after.

Tempo Run Chart: Warm-up -Main Set- Cool-down 5k: 4-min easy jog followed by 1 min walk – repeat one time 2.5k – 3k at target race pace or slightly faster 2 min walk, followed by 8 min jog 10k: 4 min easy jog followed by 1 min walk – repeat one time 5k at target race pace or slightly faster 2 min walk, followed by 8 min jog Half-marathon: 5 min easy jog followed by 1 min walk, repeat one time 8k – 10k at target race pace 2 min walk, followed by 8 min jog Marathon Warm-up: 3 sets of 5min jog-1min walk Run 18-21k or a 21k race as your tempo run, running the race at your tagret marathon pace or only slightly faster (3-5sec/km) Cooldown with 3 sets of 1 min walk- 5min jog Enjoy running fast! See you at the races!

Credits Models: Noy and Amale Jopson with kids Mikele and Rafa Locale: Sugbo Grounds, SRP Outfit and accessories: Nike Photography: Jonolin Miñoza Luab



Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement

Runninggear EYE WEAR

Running glasses not only shield your eyes from the sun’s rays, it also helps you psychologically against searing heat. I find that I do not feel the heat as intensely when I wear running glasses. Optic Nerve offers great running and biking glasses with interchangeable covers for different light conditions. One of its models cost P4,288--a bargain considering that a pair from Oakleys costs more than P12,000. I’ve used an Optic Nerve pair for more than a year and find it really useful. I’ve dropped that pair from varying heights and in varying forces and it’s still with me, used in important long runs.

Optic Nerve Triptophan


Running shirts are specialized in that these are made of material that absorbs sweat from your body for quick-drying. Whatever you do, don’t wear cotton shirts, these retain sweat and cling to your body, exposing all your bulges to the world. Often you’d hear the phrase running shirts or running singlets used. A singlet is a shirt without sleeves.


You can buy running shirts and singlets from most sports shops in the city, with prices ranging from about P500 to in the thousands. Runnr sells a singlet for P625, a running shirt for P595 and a tri-top, one used in triathlons, for P1,450. Nike, a company founded on running, offers shirts for P1,495. It also has a singlet that costs P895 and a P1,495-singlet for women. Women, however, need to buy specialized sports bras. These cost P629 (Equipe), P1,695 (Nike), P2,095 (New Balance), and P2,350 (CWX).


For me, there’s no question: the best pair is that of Runnr. I used to suffer blisters in all my runs until I used Runnr socks. The shop sells a pack of three pairs for P395, much cheaper than those sold by well known brands. The company sells a colorful version---Fusion Runnr elite socks---for P245 a pair.

Runnr socks

Nike and Adidas sell their own line of running socks. Another option is Injinji, a sock that looks like a glove for your feet. A pair of Injinji “toesocks” costs P695.

HYDRATION BELTS/PACKS When you start running distances longer than 10K and especially if you run alone, you might need to wear hydration belts. These are belts that have water bottles and pouches for such items as nutrition bars and gels, money, and car keys.

Fuel belt

Nathan and Fuel Belt are among the most popular hydration belt brands. A Fuel Belt with four 8-ounce bottles cost P2,595. A handheld hydration unit, a favorite among ultra-runners I am told, cost P795.

Body Glide Ice Up

*photos from the net

The Grid foam roller

Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement

r and wear



By Max T. Limpag model: Noy Jopson

After lacing up, are you good to go? Apparently not. From head to foot, a running gear exists to make your runs easier or your recovery faster. The options are myriad, limited only by how much you are willing to spend for your new-found sport. Running is an inexpensive sport---that is until you start splurging on gear. For most runners, the biggest expenses are on shoes and race registrations (for those who regularly join weekend races, which are getting more expensive by the week). But a large number also spend on such things as top-of-the-line race singlets, compression wear and hydration belts. From the fabulous to the frivolous, running gear come in a myriad of brands, cost and degrees of usefulness. Below is a sampling of what you can get to help your running. Most of the items can be bought in the running specialty store Runnr, which is located in Ayala Center Cebu. Some of the items can also be bought in sports shops in the malls in Cebu City.


Kai neck skirt

Caps shield you from the intense rays of the sun and help you feel cool despite the scorching heat. Running caps are made of specialized cloth that wick sweat off your head for quick drying. Running caps cost from P300 to even more than P1,000, depending on the brand and style. A Runnr cap, for example, costs just P350 and is one of my favorite to wear. A better alternative, however, are running visors. Champion triathlete and elite runner Noy Jopson said in an earlier interview that he preferred visors to running caps because visors dissipate heat faster and offers easier access when you pour water on your head to cool yourself.

Another great option, especially if you run distances longer than 21 kilometers or even ultra-marathons (distances starting at 50 kilometers), is to wear caps with skirts that shield your face or even your neck from the sun. These caps can be found in outdoor shops like Columbia or ROX and costs more than P1,000. A great local option is to buy a “neck skirt” that you can use with your regular running cap. Look for KAI Running Sandals in Facebook and order a KAI NeckSkirt. KAI is owned by Cebuano ultra-marathoner Jacob Ong. I used his KAI NeckSkirt while running from Balamban to JY Square and it served me well.


When you are running regularly, it will do you much good to invest in a GPS (global positioning system) watch. Personally, the best choice is a Garmin unit. Garmin is a company known for its GPS products and its fitness watches are among the top choices of runners.

Garmin 305

I use a Garmin 305 and find it essential in my training. Garmin watches tell you such things as your pace (current as well as average), the distance that you’ve run, elevation and your time. Some units come with heart rate monitors.


Let’s get one thing straight first---running shorts don’t have to be skimpy. But that’s the preferred cut by many runners to prevent chafing in their thighs. Most running shorts cost more than P500 but keep an eye out for bargains. Equipe sells running shorts in the P600 range but there’s a bin in Runnr containing a lot of Equipe shorts marked down 30 percent. Adidas, meanwhile, holds frequent sales and would offer marked down running shorts. Equipe Glider shorts

Another option is to get compression tights, which many say aid performance and recovery.

OTHER ITEMS Another essential item for long-distance running is lubrication. If you long distances, you face the risk of chafing in various parts of the body because of the fabric rubbing with your skin. Worse cases include bloody nipples, when the rubbing causes wounds on the nipples. I get by with just petroleum jelly on my nipples, thighs and the area near my armpits. But an effective lubricant is Body Glide, which costs P339 per bottle and P379/bottle with sun protection.

For strength and stability exercises, runners can buy The Grid foam roller by Triggerpoint for P1,900 from The Brick Multi-Sport Store, which can be found on Facebook. The store is run by Jopson. The item is “the best single piece of strength and stability exercise equipment runners can buy for functional training.” The Brick Multi-Sport Store also sells Ice Up a 12-hour ice massager P1,175 to keep runners’ postrun ice massage ready even in summer. Ice helps in

recovery and healing. The store also sells the Jeff Galloway Run-Walk-Run Gymboss Interval Timer for P2,175. The equipment is the official timer of Jeff Galloway, who advocates a run-walk combination for runs. Those who want to buy the items can contact The Brick or Noy Jopson in Facebook.


Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement

Train for your

first distance run By Marlen Limpag

Your friends are running in races held almost every Sunday in Cebu and their absorption in the sport has fuelled your interest. You want to start running but don’t know how. While joining and completing a footrace – whether it’s 5, 10, 21, or 42 kilometers – can be a bit intimidating for people who’ve never run such distance before, many have indeed done it. The trick, said running coaches Mohsherwin Managil and Jefrey Codino, is to follow a training program and keep at it. Emeralde Villo Hermosilla, a businesswoman, and Kathrina S. Perez, a doctor, joined fun runs only last year and yet have already completed their first marathon. Hermosilla, 33, hired the services of a running coach while Perez followed a program she found online. For beginners, whatever their size or age, coaches and online programs recommend walking as a crucial first step in the transition to middle (5k to 15k) or long distance running (21k and beyond). Managil, who coaches perennial footrace winner Mary Grade delos Santos and around 20 other regular runners, said he subjects running newbies who seek his services to the basics of training, which involve walking five times around the 400-meter long oval track of the Cebu City Sports Center for three consecutive days. After, Managil, 28, said he will then ask if they feel pain or discomfort in any part of their body and then tailor his training program based on their answers. The program will usually include weights, stretches, and running drills with a lot more walking component in the first week. Codino, 33, said granting that a person does not have any ailment that would impede his running, a month or so is already sufficient training for his first 5K. On the other hand, long distance races require a

consistent running background of at least six months to 1 year. Managil, Codino, and Ruth Banzon can coach beginners for a fee and they can be found at the sports center.

and including eating in the regimen.

Hermosilla, who started running for 15 to 30 minutes on the treadmill in 2007 as a component of her gym program, joined the 6k category of the City Gym Run in March last year and made it to the top 10 on her first footrace. She has counted at least 20 podium finishes since then, usually placing fifth or sixth after the elite runners.

SmartCoach provides a personalized program for individuals training for their first footrace or a specific distance that allows them to meet specific goals. You can access the program for free by becoming a member of

She has been hooked since and has gradually completed the other distances up to her first marathon, considered the pinnacle of running and which has a set distance of 42.195 kilometers, during the Cebu City Marathon last January. Hermosilla said it was her sister who encouraged her to join footraces and now her whole family - her husband and kids as well as her mother and her sisters and their husbands – also run. Codino, who coaches Hermosilla, said they trained four months for her first marathon, with weekly running mileage that increased from 50 to 85 kilometers and at least a long run per week that reached 34 kilometers. Codino currently trains a total of eight people. Like Managil, his trainees pay him a per session fee of P150 or P500 a week of training. There are others, like Hermosilla who pay him P3,000 per month, who give more. Perez, on the other hand, is following a training program she found online for her first ultramarathon, a coast-to-coast run of 65 kilometers from Toledo City to Capitol via the Transcentral Highway this May 1. She said found a 50-miler program in Runner’s World,, she felt was “friendly.” Beginners can also get tips to continuous running and even an e-mail guide to their first distance at There is also the popular Couchto-5K running plan at that has helped thousands “get off the couch and onto the roads.” According to Perez, 32, the 16-week program she is following for the ultra advised training on flat land, running at a slower pace and taking walking breaks,

CommonRunning Injuries I am no stranger to injuries. I am currently resting my right knee after having beaten it up during training for the recent Aviva Ironman 70.3 Singapore. Due to an improper bike setup, my knee twisted inward everytime I pedalled. After correction, it no longer hurt while cycling but has affected my runs. This was not the first time I got injured. Injuries happen when we neglect our body’s call for attention. Pain is our body’s way of saying something is wrong. After careful assessment of the cause, we react. If pain was due to a faulty run position then we correct our form and continue. If pain came from our joints then we stop. We forget that our bodies adapt to running not when we are training but when we are resting. Sleep and active recovery help build muscle and restore nutrients needed for the next run or workout.

Because running is considered a high impact sport (on our joints), it may cause many injuries when done without guidance. Either from veteran runners or from professional running coaches, supervision can reduce the chances of getting injured. The most common running injury is caused by multiple factors like improper joint position or alignment when running, worn-out knee cartilage and an imbalance between opposing knee muscles. Most often referred to as “Runner’s Knee,” Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) burdens a runner’s training for his first 5K or ultramarathon. Treatment includes strengthening exercises to correct imbalance, correction of running form by a coach and supplements (like Glucosamine) to help restore worn out joint cartilages. After a sudden increase in mileage due to marathon training, runners often face Iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome or plantar fasciitis. Pain coming from an inflamed ITB is

Perez also made use of the SmartCoach program at Runner’s World to train for her first 21k and 42k.

Since her first 5k in January last year, Perez has run several middle and long distance footraces with the help of training programs in running websites. Her preparations for the ultra include some hill work as well as running around Cebu City after work and from her home in Consolacion to various destinations to log in as much kilometers as possible. She joined the 42k run from Cebu City to Carcar and a 48k test run for the ultra from Balamban to Cebu City via the Transcentral Highway. Perez said she joined the ultra because she wanted to see how far she could go, walking and running. “After my first full marathon, 65k is a bigger challenge and I want to see if I could really push myself to finish that distance within the cut-off period (11 hours),” she added. Hermosilla and Perez agree that rest is a vital component in a running program. Perez said rest gives the muscles that suffer wear and tear a chance to recover from the repetitive stress of running. Hermosilla said setting a goal, whether it is to improve your time or graduate to a longer distance, is also important. “Even if you may not reach a goal right away, stay optimistic. Don’t push yourself too hard. Just take little steps at a time,” she added. While it is a long way from zero miles to your first middle distance footrace, a training program ensures that you not only finish it but finish it well.

By Dr. Raymund Bontol felt at the outer side of the knee joint while pain due to an inflamed plantar fasciae is felt at the soles of the foot in front of the heel area. Caused by structures not well adapted to the sudden increase in stress to the joints, ITB syndrome and Plantar fascitiis recover with rest and medications. The least reported (but common) injury caused by running is “Runner’s toe” or Dead Toenail syndrome. Caused by trauma to the tip of the toes after running with improper shoes, this syndrome is easily corrected by buying new and properly fitting shoes with a wider toe box. Follow a training program and allow our bodies to rest in between workouts. This will reduce injuries which might make us miss our target race.

Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011


Running Supplement

Running shoes:What suits you? By Marlen Limpag

Experts say the most important gear that you need to have when you start running is a good pair of running shoes. It may be a little confusing, however, for newbie runners to choose the right pair from the numerous shoe brands and models available in the market. The advice is always to do some research before purchasing or shop in stores with running consultants so you would have someone assist you in deciding which shoes to get. Running specialty store Runnr consultant Raffy Osumo said they offer both cushioned and minimalist shoes. An ongoing debate splits shoe manufacturers, researchers, and runners between those who believe that shoes should be “cushioned and wide, with thick gels and plastics and even moving parts to absorb shock” and others who think these kinds cause injuries and that the perfect shoe “looks more like a sock, with only a thin cover to protect feet from glass and other ground hazards.” Runnr’s cushioning shoes are further divided into two: neutral (for runners with high arch and who do not pronate effectively) and stability (for runners with normal or medium arches and who are mild to moderate overpronators). Osumo said if a runner comes into the store and asks for shoes with cushioning, he would recommend Brooks Ghost 3, picked as Shoe of the Year in 2010 by the international editors of Runner’s World. It is sold for P5,395 at Runnr, the only store in Cebu that carries the Brooks brand. He explained that neutral means the shoe has even cushioning from forefoot to heel and not one part of the shoe is favoured. Other neutral cushioning shoes available at Runnr and brand outlets: For training purposes: • Adidas Response Cushion (P4,495) The Response Cushion is relatively lighter than other models in the market, according to Osumo. • Nike Lunar series

- Glide (P5,495) - Elite (P5,495) - Eclipse (P6,495) According to Osumo, Nike brags of the dynamic support in its Lunar line that reacts to a runner’s every gait and says the models support both neutral and stability functions.


For racing purposes: • Adidas Adios (P5,495) • Adidas Ace (P4,495) • Newton Distance Racer (P6,450) • Nike Lunar Racer (P5,395) Osumo said the Lunar Racer is very light and has minimal cushioning.

Classic (P3,950). The Classic footwear can also be used for a host of activities.

He said that if a runner already has a good form and wants to improve racing performance, he would suggest the Newton Distance Racer because of its actuator logs that act as a lever and have been proven to return 58 percent of energy to the wearer during a run. New runners who are beginning to shift into the midfoot or forefoot strike would benefit from the Newton Stability Guidance Trainer, priced at P7,450 in Runnr. Another stability shoe for heavy runners is the Asics Kayano Gel 16, an update of Kayano Gel 15 that was picked Shoe of the Year in 2009 by Runner’s World. The main feature of the Kayano Gel 16 is the thick gel in its soles that serve as cushioning. Osumo said New Balance offers the 2E size, which is for runners with a bigger midfoot than most. He added that what he notices is old timers would usually prefer the New Balance brand. The NB 860, which is a 2E, sells for P5,195 at Runnr.

The Vibram FiveFingers running models available at Runnr include: KSO (P4,950). One of the most popular pairs, KSO may be used for running, swimming, walking, trekking, and even the gym.

Bikila (P5,750). Named after 1960 Rome Olympics marathon champion Abebe Bikila who ran the course barefoot. Green Silence (P4,795) and Racer T7 (P4,395) by Brooks have 8 mm and 5.3 mm shoe gradient, which is the increment in the lift of the heel from the toe and are considered minimalist shoes. A lower shoe gradient subjects the foot to a lesser force when running compared to one with a higher shoe gradient, explained Osumo. Another minimalist shoe is the Nike Free 2 for P4,795. Runnr also has different brands of trail running shoes: Asics Trabaco (P6,900), Brooks Cascadia 6 (P4,795), and Nike Pegasus 27 Trail (P5,195). For triathletes, Runnr has K-Swiss Blade Light for P4,995 and K-Ona (named after Kona, Hawaii where the annual Ford Ironman is held). K-Swiss triathlete shoes are distinguished by the many holes in their soles that allow water to drip through. Osumo said this is because, in a triathlon, the first discipline is swimming, followed by biking, and then running. He added that the K-Swiss triathlete shoes allow for easy shifting from biking to running.

For runners who follow the minimalist approach to shoe choices, Runnr carries several Vibram FiveFingers

*photos from the net


By Maria Armie Sheila B. Garde

Runners need motivation to finish short and long distance races. While most runners concentrate on their pace and breathing as they stride, some enjoy listening to music. It’s not because running is boring, but because some songs have motivating beats and lyrics that lessen running discomforts and boost runners’ willingness to cross the finish line, smiling and steady.

Pump It (Black Eyed Peas)

It has a slightly higher tempo that will surely get your feet moving but not too fast.

Imma Be (Black Eyed Peas)

Imma be running steady, and so you are, if you hear this. (Imma is a slang word that means “I’m going to”)

Fighter (Christina Aguilera)

Here are some tracks that you might want to add in your running playlist.

This will give you a boost at kilometer 16, when you start feeling the so called drudgery of running.

Let’s Get it Started (Black Eyed Peas)

I’m not a Bieber fan but I like this song because its lyrics remind me of my wildest running dream -ULTRA marathon.

A song that tells you to get something started and keeps you “runnin’ runnin’ and runnin’ runnin’” will surely make you wear your coolest running spike, get out that door and run.

Eenie Meenie (Justin Beiber & Sean Kingston)

A little slow at first, this song has a relaxing beat to set your mood. It makes a perfect warm-up or cool down beat.

Never say Never (Justin Bieber)

Livin’ on a Prayer (Bon Jovi)

Never mind most of the lyrics but feel the beat. It will keep you on pace to set a record.

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)

Shakira’s hit will help you move your legs and run in a rhythm as she sings “You’re on the frontline, everyone’s watching, you know it’s serious, we’re getting closer.”

Born To Run (Bruce Springsteen)

A bit oldie but, yes, this will also inspire you to hit the road without hesitation and cross a finish line if there is.

I Run For Life (Melissa Etheridge)

At kilometer 21, you will start asking yourself weird questions like “Why am I here? Why am I running?” Well, these lines are the perfect anwser: “If you ask her why she is still running, she’ll tell you it makes her complete...I run for hope, I run to feel, I run for the truth for all that is real, I run for your mother, your sister, your wife, I run for you and me my friend, I run life.” You would love to have this in your playlist, pretty sure.


Sun.Star Cebu | Thursday, April 28, 2011 Running Supplement

From mountain to sea,

Cebu is running heaven By Max T. Limpag

The sweetest boiled corn in Cebu can be bought from a roadside stall near the rest house of Ramon Magsaysay Awardee and environmental lawyer Antonio Opposa, which is half-a-kilometer away from Ayala Heights in Barangay Pung-ol-SIbugay. It is served at an imprecise, personal time---after completing a 14-kilometer run from JY Square passing winding and mildly undulating cement and asphalt

roads that take your breath away---both for the view and for the effort. After conquering the tortuous route, boiled sweet corn served scalding hot and shared among running friends is a reward few things can compare to. As with any other major urban centers in the world, Cebu is experiencing a running boom. And what a boom it is---fun runs are held almost every Sunday and

Bantayan and Camotes Islands

The area is not for the faint of heart---the downhills are plummeting, the uphills so steep you’d get stiff neck just by looking ahead.

Cebu Memorial Park Inc. or Cempark

If you aren’t squeamish or superstitious, Cempark can be a good place to run. Meyric Jacalan, also of the CERC and one of the main organizers of the recent Cebu City Marathon, once ran 32 kilometers inside the park while preparing for a marathon. Jacalan, however, said the park’s concrete pathways are so hard on the feet and it gets boring running on the same route.

The hills of Busay

For those unprepared for the Transcentral Highway or even Ayala Heights, the hills of Barangay Busay is a great and challenging place to run. It’s a favorite among bikers and runners who are either gluttons of punishment or looking to do some hill work.

CemPark will be the venue of the UltraHamster Running 2011, which is organized by the barefoot triumvirate of Jacob Ong, Edward Tan Ting and Richard Manila. You get to win two types of Kai Running Sandals if you run in either three hours or six hours.

This Sunday, about 200 runners will again take to the Transcentral Highway for only the second ultra-marathon in Cebu: the Labor Day Coast-ToCoast 65K Ultra-marathon being organized by Frontrunner Magazine. The run will start in Toledo City and end at the Capitol in Cebu City, passing Balamban and Trans-Central Highway.

Cempark is located in Banilad near the Gaisano Country Mall.

Family Park

Mactan Island

For regular runners, what is probably the best place to run in Cebu is the Family Park (official name: D’ Family Park) in Barangay Talamban. The park sits on a 20-hectare MCWD property that is full of trees and vegetation. It offers fresh air as well as a variety of surfaces and terrain for running: grass at the main area of the park, concrete on the main road leading to it, gravel on the road leading to the back of the park and a rough, hilly terrain at the back of the property.

The best running route in Mactan Island is the Quezon National Highway starting from the foot of the Marcelo B. Fernan Bridge toward Marina Mall and the eastern part of the island. If you continue running, the road will lead you to Punta Engaño and the Battle of Mactan shrine. A great route would be to run until Cordova town. As good as this part of the island is for running, the portion near Barangay Basak in the interior of Mactan Island is probably among the worst areas to run in Cebu. Avoid it at all cost.

Cebu City Sports Center

For speed work and track running, nothing beats the Cebu City Sports Center (CCSC) in midtown Cebu City. The facility charges P10 as entrance fee by day and P15 starting at 6 p.m. Keep the ticket that is given to you at the entrance because you’ll need it to deposit valuables at the courtesy booth.

Three bridges

The iconic bridges that connect Mactan Island to mainland Cebu are among the favorite routes of Cebuano runners. Each bridge, including the approaches, is about a kilometer long and has elevation that offers decent hill work. The completion of the Cansaga Bay bridge created a new favorite running route---the three-bridge run.

The CCSC is typically full of joggers and walkers in early mornings and during the evenings. The best time to run at the CCSC is at 8 p.m., when there are fewer runners. The CCSC has a 400-meter rubberized track oval that is set to be replaced soon. Replacement work, however, will force the City Government to close the facility.

Ayala Center Cebu

The Cebu Business Park, more known by its main locator Ayala Center Cebu, is another good place to run. The park is a favorite venue of Sunday fun runs. It also hosts regular night runs---for barefoot runners on Mondays, the Runnr Academy on Wednesdays and the Ungo Runners on Fridays. The Active Zone in Ayala Center Cebu is a center that caters to the needs of people engaged in an active lifetstyle. It has served as a venue of sporting events since its grand opening in January 2010. The Active Zone is also the most popular registration site for running events in Cebu.

Here’s a listing of some of Cebu’s best running areas:

With officials like Liloan Mayor Duke Frasco and Boying Rodriguez in Danao, northern Cebu is turning out to be a good place to run to. Several people tell me drivers here are more considerate of runners and bikers. Runners also rave about the great coconut juice being sold at one of the stops in Liloan.

Transcentral Highway

From Balamban town center to the IT Park is 47 kilometers of pure running thrill.

When running in Cebu, you can either head for the hills, the bridges or any of its white sand beaches.

To northern Cebu

These islands, which are known for their white and picture-perfect beaches, are great places to run. It is to my regret that I still wasn’t running when I visited these places. I hope to return soon and explore Bantayan Island and Camotes Island on foot.

A long-held secret training ground of hardcore runners and elite athletes, the Transcentral Highway was introduced to a bigger community as a challenging, if not punishing, running route during the first-ever ultra-marathon in Cebu last Nov. 27, 2010.

often, more than one run is scheduled. Apart from these regular running events, however, Cebu offers the road warrior running routes as varied as the island’s terrain and the province’s culture.

One circuit of the three bridges is 13 kilometers long.

To southern Cebu

If you love heritage sites or the countryside, southern Cebu towns are a good place to run. Many of the towns have Spanishera houses, churches and even government buildings. The towns also have fantastic beaches with pristine waters. Drivers of buses and mini-buses plying southern Cebu, however, are notorious for almost reckless driving. During the Leon Kilat’s Retreat, an exclusive run I organized from Capitol to Carcar City, there were instances when mini-buses seemed about to hit me even if I was running at the opposite side of the road. Never run to Carcar alone.

Asiatown IT Park

The Asiatown IT Park in front of Waterfront Hotel in Barangay Lahug hosts several business process outsourcing companies and is always full of people. It is also a good place to run. The vacant lot in front of The Walk is a favorite among joggers and walkers. The concrete pathway in the lot completes a 340-meter circuit. The pathway, however, is no place for speedwork because the lot is, most of the time, full of people. A better place to run in the IT Park is on its spacious roads. What’s good about the IT Park is that it has a lot of restaurants that serve good food---a welcome reward after a tough workout. If you ask me, nothing beats a pitcher of Mooon Café Sun Coolers after a run or a cup of Yogo, both within crawling distance from the jogging pathway.

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