WO Hormone Health

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plant based

HORMONE health

what is the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM ? The endocrine system dictates most of your bodily functions. It is made up of glands, which produce vital hormones, that are responsible for regulating growth, metabolism, enzyme activity & reproduction. The major components of the endocrine system are: female ovaries male testes pituitary gland thyroid gland adrenal glands pineal gland thymus hypothalamus parathyroid glands pancreas hypothalamus Optimizing these glandular functions is one of the most profound ways that we can boost our wellness.

what are HORMONES ? Hormones are little messengers, produced by the glands in our body, that stimulate specific cells or tissues into action. These messengers control most major bodily functions, from basic needs like hunger to complex systems like reproduction, moods & emotions. Hormones.... + control hunger & thirst + aid in blood sugar stabilization + prompt mineral absorption & regulation + regulate sleep cycles + support normal sex drive & reproductive function + are responsible for growth & development + encourages normal immune system function + support normal heart function & metabolism + regulate mood, emotions & your body's ability to respond to stressors

how can we help our HORMONES ? + eat a balanced diet + cut excess sugar & caffeine (Jesus fix it) + get plenty of rest + relaxing exercises like walking or yoga. + plant-based endocrine support with essential oils + cut the chemicals out of your life + purchase hormone free meats + stop using synthetic hormone replacement Please, consider a plant-based, bioavailable alternative. There are so many discoveries being made in the world of synthetic hormone use and most of these findings are frightening. These chemical replacements have been linked to certain types of cancers, suppression of our own hormone production and even death. Let's cover some fantastic plant based support.

GENERAL hormone support ENDOFLEX

our favorite ‘catch all’ essential oil when it comes to supporting these precious glands & hormones. It contains spearmint, sage, geranium, myrtle, nutmeg, german chamomile & sesame seed carrier oil. Ingest 1-2 drops daily, in a vegetable glycerin capsule & roll a couple of swipes over the thyroid (throat), thymus (middle of chest), adrenal glands (just below bra line on either side of the spine) & on inner left ankle (female) or outer right ankle for males. This offers some additional targeted support for some of the most important glands.


Helps to balance the glands of the endocrine system to optimize hormone balance. Roll 1-2 drops over the glands as outlined above with Endoflex. Can apply before or after Endoflex application.


Cortistop contains pregnenolone (a precursor hormone for all hormone production), phosphatidylcholine (cellular health), phosphyatidylserine (cognitive/brain function), black cohosh extract (counteracts cortisol) and DHEA. Pop 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast to ditch the effects of stress, boost your energy, shed that extra weight and rehab your adrenal glands.


FemiGen capsules were formulated with herbs and amino acids designed to balance and support the female reproductive system from youth through menopause. Take 2 capsules with breakfast + 2 for lunch.


a special blend of porcine glandular extracts, herbs, amino acids, minerals, and therapeutic-grade essential oils in a perfectly balanced formula that maximizes nutritional support for healthy thyroid function. The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism, energy, and body temperature. Take 2 capsules at night before bed.

hormones support for WOMEN Women are supposed to have varying levels of progesterone, estradiol (estrogen) & testosterone. These 3 hormones control several vital functions, such as, sex drive, ovary stimulation & egg production/maturation, the onset of puberty, menstrual cycle regulation & energy levels.

PROGESSENCE PLUS Progessence Plus serum contains a highly micronized bioidentical (human) progesterone, from wild yams, that has a natural Vitamin E base. This serum naturally encourages the body’s optimal balance when it comes to progesterone and estrogen levels. Start with 1 drop on the inside of the forearm and rub your forearms together in a circular motion. Do this at least one daily. Start small and work your way up with the number of drops used. The typically application amount is 4-6 drops daily.


An essential oil blend of clary sage, peppermint, sage lavender & fennel that works to balance hormones naturally using essential oil phytoestrogens, which helps to increase estrogen (estradiol) & testosterone levels by supporting the body’s own production of hormones. It improves libido, helps to normalize menstrual cycles, increases energy levels, improves bone density & reduces bloating You can start by rolling 2-3 swipes on your lower abdomen and inner ankles. If you are not quite seeing the desired effects then move to ingestion. Start with 1 drop in a veggie capsule and take daily. You can work your way up to 10 drops daily as needed.


Dragon Time is a blend of fennel, clary sage, marjoram, lavender, blue yarrow & jasmine. It balances your hormones, promotes feelings of stability during cycles of moodiness. It also eases cramps, decreases the bloat and slows the flow. Just rub a drop or two on your lower abdomen & back as needed throughout the day.

bringing oils into the BEDROOM Essential oils can really ramp up your bedroom game. Here are a handful that are known for their aphrodisiac properties: Ylang-ylang, sandalwood, patchouli, rose, jasmine and vanilla Pro-tips: + Put few drops of oil in your diffuser 10 minutes before game time. + Fill a 2oz spritzer bottle with 10 drops of essential oil + water. Spray around the room & on yourself! + Add 5-10 drops of any combination of oils to a warm bath + For a massage, add a few drops of essential oil to a ‘base’ oil, such as sesame or almond oil. Then get on down to oil town.

diffuser recipes LADIES 2 drops Geranium 2 drops Ylang ylang 4 drops White Angelica

OH BABY 4 drops Sensation 2 drops Hong Kuai 2 drops Lavender

SET THE MOOD 3 drops Orange 3 drops Geranium

CONFIDENT BREEZE 5 drops Valor 3 drops Hong Kuai

rollerbottle recipes

Put in a 10 ml bottle and fill with carrier oil.

THE ENERGIZER BUNNY 8 drops Grapefruit 4 drops Lemon 4 drops Lavender 2 drops Basil

SENSATIONAL SKIN 25 drops Lavender 25 drops Frankincense 50 drops carrier oil

Apply to areas of concern as needed

nontoxic lubricants TINGLE CITY 1 oz carrier oil of choice 5 drops Peppermint 5 drops Black Pepper 5 drops Sensation LATEX FRIENDLY LUBE 2 tsp Trader Joe's aloe vera 2 Tsp water 1/2 Tsp glycerin 1/2 tsp Vit E Blend and enjoy.

FRESH AND CLEAN 2-10 drops Ylang Ylang 2 drops Geranium 1-2 drops Orange 5 drops Lavender 3 drops Peppermint 3 drops Clove 3 drops Cypress 2 drops Tea Tree 4 oz fractionated coconut oil or grapeseed oil.

thigh love potions FOR HER 20 drops Ylang Ylang 20 drops Cypress 5 drops Lavender 5 drops Clove 1 Tbs of carrier oil

FOR HIM 20 drops Hong Kuai 10 drops Goldenrod 10 drops Idaho Blue Spruce 5 drops Black Pepper 25 drops Carrier

up your libido game

rub these on the inner thighs & lower abdomen

:: GERANIUM :: Releases negative memories, eases tension & lowers defenses. :: YLANG YLANG :: Relaxes you and takes your libido to new heights. :: CLARY SAGE :: Get your lady parts ready & really put you in the mood. Do not use this one if you're pregnant. :: SENSATION :: This beautiful blend is filled with uplifting, refreshing, and arousing aromas. May produce feelings of self-love, confidence, joy, peace, and confidence. :: JOY :: This blend helps bring back memories of being loved.

take it down a notch :: MARJORAM :: Take a few whiffs to tame the sexual dragon within.

tips & TRICKS FEELING OVERWHELMED? We recommend by starting out with 1-2 oils or products when you first get started. The most comprehensive way to achieve endocrine system balance is through the use of EndoFlex. I also recommend adding Progessence Plus and Sclaressence for women. Essential oils are a wonderful alternative to traditional or synthetic hormone replacement. However, if you are currently supplementing with hormone replacement, please discuss the addition of female hormone oils or supplements with your physician prior to starting a regimen. Want to make the most of your resources? Ordering through the Essential Rewards program is going to give you the most bang for your buck.

getting started Not a member? No problem, reach out to whoever gave you this booklet to get started. Already a member? Great! Log onto your Virtual Office :: https://www.youngliving.com/vo/#/login Click on the 'Essential Rewards' tab on the left hand side of the screen. Update your cart as needed if you are already reaping the benefits or walk through the simple set-up process to make sure you start earning points back and free products right away. Pro tip? Snag YL Go for your shipping. It will save you a ton of money when it comes to shipping your monthly wellness box. Think Amazon Prime but way better!



:: Here is an example of a great starter set :: Basic Starter Kit :: $45 Desert Mist Diffuser :: $63.75 Sensation Massage oil :: $34.75 Sclaressence :: $15 Progessence Plus :: $38.50 Valor :: $39.75 Cypress :: $19.25 EndoFlex :: $28.25 Nutmeg :: $13.25 Cinnamint Lip Balm :: $4.25 TOTAL investment :: 301.75 Receive FREE products for reaching over 300 PV!

add ons Idaho Blue Spruce :: $28.75 Shutran Shave cream :: $19.75 Goldenrod :: $15.75 Ylang Ylang :: $47.25 Shutran :: $77.25

essential rewards

BUNDLE SUGGESTIONS SUPPLEMENT CITY Cortistop :: $56.25 EndoGize :: $44 total :: $100.25 THYROID HEALTH Thyromin capsules :: $43 Myrtle :: $23.25 total :: $66.25 ALL THE LADIES Femigen :: $23.25 Progessence Plus :: $38.50 total :: $61.75 MACHO MEN Mister :: $38.75 PowerGize :: $30.50 total :: $69.25

LIGHT THE FIRE Sensation :: $34.25 Cypress :: $19.75 total :: $54

LIBIDO TOWN Ylang Ylang :: $38.25 Shutran :: $77.25 $115.50 FRESH & CLEAN Sensation Shower Gel :: $21.25 Hand & Body Lotion :: $26.50 Mirah Shave Serum :: $23.25 total :: $71

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