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So too as soon as your pot is full it will start overflowing. There is no end to His blessings or bounties. Once you know the art of turning the pot upside nothing else is to be done. The rest happens on its own. And a master is one whose pot is not only full instead it has now started overflowing in all directions without any condition or prejudice.

The moment you are in tune with Him you have taken the holy bath. It is not that you do not appeal to Him. Not for even a moment He will want this to happen. Existence has loved you. Sun gives you light. Moon gives you cool light. You are created by God. Entire existence is in your support. You are running away from Him. Your doors and windows are all closed. Open the window and the door sunlight will fill your room. Because of your fear, security all your doors and windows are closed. According to Nanak the most important thing is that you appeal to God. And if it is not so then even bathing in the holy waters is meaningless. To Nanak all these things are irrelevant. The most important thing is your being in harmony with His will. If your life and understanding is not in harmony with the divine, then every act will certainly strengthen your ego. Look at a pilgrim when he returns from the pilgrimages he is much more egoist. He expects a warm welcome that he has now returned from the pilgrimage. Even your fasting is to strengthen your ego. Try to understand that all that happens in this life or you achieve is through efforts. Love cannot happen by efforts. Love springs from unknown realm. And when the energy overwhelms you change begins to happen. All that is sublime and divine in nature! It is very simple. When you are sailing your boat against the breeze it will be difficult. And when you start sailing with the wind it is effortless. To attain to your inwardness no effort is needed. For this you need a loving heart. And then things begin to happen on own accord. Love is energy that springs from deep within your being. It is an unseen but realized truth. In the beginning love is a feeling. And as it deepens it becomes an energy field. Love is the only that never

exhausts in the world. Love is divine. Love is not any effort. And the paradox of love is the more loving you are the more love will enchant your being. The more your capability or intensity of loving increases the more tranquil you are. Love goes on increasing in infinite quantum. Love is a blessing. Love is not an effort. In love you rest. Love rejuvenates you. Love brings freshness. Love fills your being with ecstasy. The day this love springs forth and gushes to your being you are transformed. One cannot attain to this through efforts. Only by the grace of the one who has experienced this can happen. If you have to prepare your eyes to look at the sun then you will have to begin with a flame. Only then slowly and slowly one day you will be able to look at the sun. If you have to start straightening your inverted pot you will have to begin with the master. A master is the beginning. When you start overflowing with the master and all your fears vanish trust and certitude arises. Only then you will find an opening in you. If the Ganges has to be brought down on the earth a Bhagiratha (sage who brought the Holy river to the earth from heavenly region) and Shiva is needed to sustain the force. The flow of energy is so intense that an ordinary heart cannot encompass this flow. Your journey has to begin with a master. Master will prepare you. He will nourish and nurture you. And in the process when you are ready you can have a direct commune. And one who listens to even a single message of the master can attain to God. And one who thus listens to a master his intelligence becomes like a precious gem. It is very difficult even to listen a single teaching of the master. It is difficult because your whole life has to transform. As you are you can never listen to the master. For this you will have to face the master. You have to be within his energy field. You have to learn the art of being silent. And when you are in the company of the master you cannot remain in the mind. You will distort the words of the master. You will give your own meaning to the words. Your mind which is the aggregate of your conditionings, thoughts etc. will distort everything. Empty handed you came and empty handed you will return.

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