My Legacy

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MY LEGACY MY name is Tanisha Revae Miller, I’m a 35 year old a mother to one little girl who’s growing up with special needs complication . My daughter was adopted in 2008 when she was only 4 years old and even then I saw a strian and a need for more to be done in the foster care system. There wasn’t enough children being adopted out of the foster system fast enough . Or in some cases they we’re passing the child from place to place and when they couldn’t do that any more the child would be put back into the same home they was token out of . That causes the child to run away and seek help or love from the streets. I attend to open up a youth boarding home to provide these kids with shelter, clothes, food and love . Their was a article the New York Times released an article that the number of people who are homeless in California continues to rise every year, the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development release a point in time count of the homeless population and last year alone 2017 the number reached nearly 554,000 a 1% increase from last year driven by the dramatic surge in the West Coast cities. Los Angeles County alone is the epicenter of the homeless crises up to more than 55,000 an increase , more than 13,000 compared with last years 80% of homeless people live on the streets or in public parks . So the time is now. I Tanisha Revae Miller cant home every homeless child in Los Angeles but as a starts I want to set up a foundation that can provide clothes and food to the homeless child in L.A. every Saturday we will get out on the streets of the neighbor hood I grew up in and have a cook off . With my mother and others, they will cook various meals to sell to the community and to feed the children . Food will be sold so that we can buy clothes , food and toiletree for the kids . I feel that know child should be left behind or turned away. We as American’s cant give up on are people especially are children . Everything starts in your own back yard , The Legacy

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