Portfolio 2014 of Tania Miranti Chumaira Manaf

Page 8

above: playing and configurating lego

the objective of this project is to design a furniture regarding the site context. the site is a lobby that is functioned 24/7 not only as a meeting point, but also as a place for students to do their work. the students usually sit on laptops. seeing this phenomena as an issue, then idea to design a furniture to accompany their working time came up. having fun while working? why not?

above: square chair

the main function of this furniture is for seating. in addition, this furniture resembles how legos transform so that the users can play with the modules while adjusting their own physical needs such as something for back to lean, something for changing the way people sit in quite long duration, etc.

above: probabilities of modules configuration above: balloon chair

above: float chair

above: placed on site

lego furniture individual final project for furniture design studio (reviewed by josua simanjuntak)

current workshop team amigo upholstery furnitures (been running for almost 2 years)


above: materials available (parasit urex, leather, thick wool, etc.)

10 above: the making process

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