TANGWINNI 0344585 PORTFOLIO (Advanced Interior Architecture Design I IDS60308)

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TANG WIN NI’s PORTFOLIO 0344585 (Advanced Interior Architecture Design I IDS60308)


Attempt no.1 : Did not proceed with it due to illustration looking quite messy and abstract.

Attempt No. 2 : Submitted.


Attempt no.1 : Did not proceed due to the complexitiy.

Attempt no.2 : Did not proceed due to it being a tad simple.

Attempt No. 3 : Submitted.


Attempt No. 1 : Told to change due to design being too simple. (actually attempt no.2 but the first attempt was just shown through 3D software)

Attempt No. 2 : Submitted.

Reflection... I was confident going into this semester right after my internship, but soon learnt that the brief is very different from the ones I have done before this. Though I was still excited as that meant I had a lot of freedom to tackle what I enjoy. Sadly I may have slightly regretted my chosen topic as it is difficult to convince others to view my topic the way I view it; from a gamer’s perspective. Because of this reason my final assignment was pretty weak, as I was told by people who do not game that my design just does not look unique enough, even though I did loads of research and did a whole lot of brainstorming, I still did not get my lecturers approval for my design. Though I still poured my heart out on my work, and knew this is what my building needed, but of course even more refined. I will work much harder for my next and final semesters! I know my weakness for my topic now and that is that I need to view my works from a non-gamer’s perspective, and have a even better understand on how do I design something that can satisfy everyone. It was an insightful semester nonetheless, I know I have a long way to go, and I am ready to get even better for my following assignments!

THE END; thank you for reading. I hope you understood and enjoyed my works as I do love this topic and poured my heart out. Have a nice day!

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