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ABSTRACT More often than not people see games as an entertainment. Though in recent years, the rise of digital games has changed the way people see games: They are often seen as an escape, or maybe even an addiction. The digital era of games are criticized harsher than the classic traditional games. Nevertheless the amount of ‘Online Games’ and the term ‘Online Gaming’ impacts gamers beyond just our reality, it can be through another fantasy, a dream fantasy. Games are most often created to cure boredom, to bring joy and to connect people, yet people can still bring negative into every form of game, especially online gaming. This research will tackle on how digital/online gaming gets associated as a bad thing by certain people. Though it also gets different reactions depending on the type of game and gamers. Why are there people who are so deeply in love with a game? Perhaps because there is more to games than just the interactive entertainment, but another reality, a fantasy reality that people so long to grasp. Is there a way to provide a different physical interactive experience?


Chapter 1 Introduction What is a game? 2-3 Research Background & Scope of Research Non-stop Gaming. 4-5 Game loyalty. 6-9 Gaming relation to an architecture space. 10-11 Research Issue Causes of disapproval in gaming. 12-13 IGD 14-17 Research Questions & Theoretical Hypothesis 18-19 Significant Research & Limitation of Research 20-21


Chapter 1


INTRODUCTION WHAT IS A GAME? Beginning from the basics. We all know what makes a game, it is usually a physical or mental competition that is conducted according to rules that either: 1. consist with the participants being in direct opposition to each other. Or

2. purely for self entertainment.

At the end of the day, games usually have rules and a goal, whether it is to reach the finish line or to beat the high score on a simple game, there is a goal.


There are also many types of online games, but those that get most criticism are ranging from RPGs (role playing games) to MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) As mentioned by Edwige Lelièvre (Lelièvre 2012), as is stated that ‘Because of their success and ludic aspect, online roleplaying games have been the target of strong criticism’ Within these there are also different genres: Action, Strategy, Adventure. These different genres have endless games, and as we speak, many more are being created. The readers here may also be familiar with some of the games that would be mentioned. May it be Sims, Call of Duty, Pokemon, Assassin Creed or Mad Father etc, these are all a type of RPGs.

Some games punish you for not following the rules or achieving their goals: Playing rank games (which are competitive versions of a normal game mode) would punish you if you lose the match by making you lose in game points, therefore dropping ranks in the game that you and your teammates may have played hours for.

It is undeniable that many games have toxic players (players who swear or act meanly to others in game. Therefore why do people still go back to play. Why do people continue to play it the next day, when it is clearly mentally draining. The following will tackle Why are people so absorbed into games.


Though the difference between an RPG and MMORPG, is that in an RPG, you would usually play alone; while in MMORPGs you play with friends or strangers online. Which usually requires for you to create an account that is linked with an email and password. In some RPG games, you get to custom your own characters, while others you get to pick which character you would want to be playing as. There is always a rule and goal. Even in a game of Sims, there are goals to achieve, but you also have an option to do as you please.


NON-STOP GAMING. As mentioned by (Chang, Koh et al. 2008) which they did a research about ‘Loyalty’ to MMORPGs: mentions key factors to what a game may have that keeps players to stay. Besides the visual game design and gameplays, the social interaction and influences are also factors that changes gamers loyalty to the game, of course the game developer also plays a role if the game would be a big hit or miss.


Truly most gamers play for joy and entertainment, but player social interaction are what keeps many from logging in daily and hours on end. It could be due to rivalry, support or even trolling, people would prolong their game time when they are playing with someone else, from an online friend to their classmates, games does bring people together to bond and stay.


Williams, D (Williams 2006) did a research back then in 2006 titled ‘Why Game Studies Now?’, subtitled ‘Gamers Don’t Bowl Alone’. Funny as it sounds, it is true. How often do you see someone go bowling alone? Because bowling is usually an outing/gathering activity with friends, but even back in those days, trends would die down. Arcades and bowling were the kids and teens ‘fun’ back since the 90s but has declined since the 00s came. The rise of online games allowed the kids to replace their physical interactions into digital interactions. Fast forward to the present day, which the 2 year pandemic (COVID19) has made kids and adults alike to spend even more time online as they are not allowed or recommended to go outside or physically meet other to avoid spreading the virus.


GAME LOYALTY? Back to game loyalty, the five factors that would predict users loyalty are:




REPUTATION The game’s reputation clearly affects how people see the game. An example would be how Riot games, the company behind League of Legends, besides creating a game that has existed with a huge player number for 10years and counting, also branched out to work on other hits in relation to the game League of Legends. The recent and biggest success that branched out of their gamer audience to the kpop fans was the virtual group K/ DA who has made a second debut in 2020 after their big hit in 2018. Groups like True Damage and Pentakill are also part of Riot’s League of Legends musical talents. They are also known for their cinematics, hearing the fans eager to watch a League of Legends anime or series, they also created Arcane, which is coming out soon as this is being typed. Therefore clearly a game’s reputation would be a huge factor to why people stay, for the hype and or for the gameplay. (We will return to this further down in the research)


When we talk about cohesion, it is because as mentioned previously, people enjoy playing together more than playing alone. There are games that when you play in a clan or group would guarantee you a higher win rate as that means you would be eliminating the chances to get people who troll your game or afk people (away from keyboard, which also means people who are not playing the game but takes up a space in your game.) So It is clear that cohesion does play a big role to why people continue to play a game even if it has toxic players.



PERCEIVED ENJOYMENT Perceived enjoyment can be because gamers enjoy playing games on their computers or PS4s etc. On this research by Wood Wendy (Wood 1982), it is stated that people enjoy using computers not just because they are useful, packed with information with a simple click of a button, but also because it provides joy and entertainment. This clearly applies to our current 21st century as our phones and tvs are all connected to wifi and the internet too, providing us with endless digital entertainment. It is proof that humans just generally enjoy using digital gadgets, we can never escape from them, it is almost essential.


Social identity here is more than just cohesion in the game, but also how a game has a community. If you are a casual player, you would just be enjoying it on your free time. While gamers who are a little or a lot deeper into the game, tend to be in a fandom (a group of people who are fans of the same). Inside fandoms there are hardcore gamers, artist, writers, cosplayers, streamer etc.

It is actually even bigger than that, when you are in a community, example Valorant, and you are active online and to events as a Valorant cosplayer, you will feel a sense of social identity here, people would know you as the XXX Valorant Character cosplayer, you would feel like you belong in a group, in a community of people who understands why you would love a game so much.

ANTICIPATED EMOTIONS Anticipated emotions are reactions that occur in cohesion and social identity. This basically means if something happens, good or bad, there will be an emotional reaction. Example from previously mentioned: If there is someone who is being toxic in game to you, you would feel negative; but if someone praised you in a game, you would be happy and continue on. Thus positive anticipated emotions = to positive loyalty to game.


gaming relation to an architecture space

Visually, when we look into games such as Valorant or Sims, your character is usually playing within a space or inside a room. As mentioned by P. Kaleja and M. Kozlovska, they have conducted a research on how ‘Virtual Reality as Innovative Approach to the Interior Designing” It is stated within that a game engine has allowed game developers to create a game with impressive virtual environments that allows the players to move their characters to interact in. This technology has found a wide application in the industry of architecture and designing, which allows the developers to create a realistic interactive environment of interiors. (Kaleja and Kozlovska 2017)


Aside from that, according to V. Hui, T. Estrina and A. Huang, it is clear that the video game technology has contributed to the way people visualize, create their modeling, and their presentation of architecture. With the number of young generations raised with the navigation of digital spaces, the spatial design within video games have transformed the way architecture students, professionals and the general public perceive and imagines architecture. Results has shown that using these video game engines to create their virtual architectures have proved to have made the experience for others even more phenomenal. Though it is noted that games are not the only ones to influence this form of art presentation and visualization, it is still a big factor of this particular cultural concurrence on the design industry. (Hui, Estrina et al. 2021)


causes of disapproval in gaming In the report so far, it has been discussed and shown that games has provided people joy, connection, new forms of presentation, so what is the point of this research? As recorded by Jeffrey E.Brand and Scott K.Knight in their important one of a kind research, “The news and current affairs media generally focus on a narrow aspect of game content: Violence”. (Brand and Knight 2003) They emphasized that news mediums often stir hot topics up by using the infamous word: “violence” present in most popular games, which often makes parents believe their children are playing nonsense violent games. Though they believe their research will prove that there is much more in gaming than mindless killing, but a wide range or story telling and exploring; to show that “this young, but rapidly maturing medium offers much, much more than “just Donkey-Kong” to an increasingly large and diverse audience.


Stated by Lelièvre, E, in her research, it Is often said that ‘MMORPG are often considered sterile on the aspects of player’s development, it also leads to addiction and even psychiatric problems.’ (Lelièvre 2012) Comments like those cause many fear and ignorance from media, as it is actually shown in recent studies that these games can be useful to players. It helps with with sociability, improve their management and organizing skills (McGonigal 2011) and positive impacts their understanding of economics(Castronova 2008). To continue on with what Lelievre, E talked about roleplay in her research, she has emphasized on how MMORPG allows gamers and fans to grow together in a community surrounding a particular game. It is a confirmation for the Social identity part of the Game Loyalty section above as well. Another elephant in the room is game addiction. Richard T.A.Wood completely retaliates such things as video game “addiction” as it has been based less on scientific facts and more on media hysteria. To him, the criteria used for identifying the concept of game addiction are both inappropriate and misleading. Through his case studies he has proven that people claim to be addicted to games are usually “due to their ineffective time management skills or just a symptomatic response to other underlying problems that they are escaping from, rather than any inherent addictive properties of the actual games.” (Wood 2008)


internet gaming disorder (IGD) Though it is important to talk about the later researched regarding Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD). Firstly, what is DSM-5? DSM–5 is a manual for assessment and diagnosis of mental disorders and does not include information or guidelines for treatment of any disorder. Now, what determines IGD? Usually the person would play games very often, often leading to significant daily, work and/ or educational disruptions. (Kim, Hwang et al. 2016)


THE SYMPTOMS MAY BE: Preoccupation with gaming, withdrawal symptoms when gaming is taken away the need to spend more time gaming to satisfy the urge inability to reduce playing and have had unsuccessful attempts to quit gaming giving up on other activities and loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities due to gaming continue to game despite problems deceiving family members or others about the amount of time spent on gaming the use of gaming to relieve negative moods such as guilt or hopelessness and risk having jeopardized or lost a job or relationship due to gaming


That said, determining an accurate diagnosis is the first step toward being able to appropriately treat any medical condition, and mental disorders are no exception. In Przybylski, A. K,’s research on ‘Internet gaming disorder: Investigating the clinical relevance of a new phenomenon’, he has done four survey studies and states that “the evidence linking Internet gaming disorder to game engagement was strong, but links to physical, social, and mental health outcomes were decidedly mixed.” (Przybylski, Weinstein et al. 2017)


It is never too late, do speak up about IGD if you suspect you have it.

internet gaming disorder (IGD)

Despite this, if anyone were to suspect they or their loves ones are suffering through IGD, there are ways to prevent it. Do help them limit the number of games per day, set a time limit for computer or gadget used to play those games, spend more time and try new hobbies with family and friends, and/or go for therapy.


Research Questions & Theoretical Hypothesis Are video games bad? Through the previous pages of vast research, the conclusion is that they are not. The good over weights the bad, and it is the media that is painting the games as violent and inappropriate.

How can games related to interior architecture? As stated, games are now used by University students to produce interactive or visually appealing presentation and works, and how the gaming engine is allowing developers to create realistic digital replicas into the virtual world; it is not impossible to bring the gaming fantasy worlds interior architecture into our reality. They may not be actually magical with pixie dust, but replica with textures, lights and forms would help create the illusion. That is also the fun of it, the fantasy spaces build would allow the experience to be different, something out of this dimension. It will also test designers and engineers of their knowledge, creativity and push them to their limits to attempt to replicate such designs. If you can believe the space in the fantasy world, you can believe the fantasy space in the real world.


This also leads us to our final question and hypothesis, should games be translated into our reality world? My thoughts is yes. Children’s and adults of all ages uses online gaming to communicate and make friends nowadays, so why not give these game lovers a destination to meet and further evolve their joy and love for their favourite games that bonded them together in the first place. A space that closely resembles a fantasy gaming world. A place for gamers to bring naysayers to experience what the gamers see when they play games at night, or put on their costume to embrace the character and fantasy reality. The real life game fantasy architecture building would be a testament to prove that game addiction is not fully bad, it is a yin and yang. There are those who use the outlet wrongly and should be provided proper help and therapy. Give them a place for them to escape to but keeping in mind it is only for a day or two, perhaps a limit to be placed and people to monitor and help them get through their IGD. A place to truly allow people to experience a breath taking adventure, and may give the community a chance as well, or understand and accept their loved ones who enjoy this harmless fantasy world.


Significant Research & Limitation of Research This research is important as gaming in architecture is talked about, but not actually executed as often. As mentioned, game engines are used for students to build their virtual spaces, to bring their impressive ideas into the ‘real life like’ renders. Though it is not often that people bring these impressive renders to actual execution as spaces to interact in, as money and time would be involved and a lot of the times it is university students who gets to tackle such things. Therefore diving into a fantasy gaming sort of architectural design would allow people to further believe that anything is possible. Why just stop at VR, make it believable that the fantasy in their game can be interacted physically as well. Nothing is impossible, the sky’s the limit.


The research so far has tackled on how big of a consumer audience there is for games. It has also shown how it would benefit communities and bonds. This report may not be perfect, it may not solve all these fantasy to reality sort of problems, but it is a start. Hopefully more spaces would be created with the intent of bonding people with the fantasy world aspect instead of just normal cyber cafes or annual convention/events for gamers and fans. The experience should be there for all to try, whenever they want. Gaming is for everyone to have fun and bond!


Chapter 2 Introduction Topic proposal introduction 24-25 Definition of Topic Origin of the word game 26-28 Theories related to Topic Game Theory 30-31 Cognitive Theories & Magic Circle Theory 32-33 Level Design Theory 34-35 Application of Theories towards Space 36-39 Clientele/Financial Sustainability 40-43 Site Mapping 44-45


Chapter 2


Introduction Topic Proposal (CHAPTER 1 RECAP)

Games have been present since ages ago, it is natural for living creatures to long for a way to cure boredom. Playing games in any form tend to be the best way to cure this boredom. Whether it is in a form of a sports game, board games, or digital games, games are enjoyed and loved by everyone. In the present era, video games truly does dominate a great number of the population’s lives. Referring back to Chapter 1, we know in digital games, there are loads of types as well. In our research we will focus purely on RPGs (role playing games) and MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing game). There is a great rise of players for both of these genres and we found out why.

Gaming is not just to cure boredom, it is also a key factor to keeping people close together without the need of physically being close together in a room. It allows people to share and bond through being in communities, it allows people to find an identity within that space as well. The game’s brand also plays a big factor to why people play the game, if the company is successful and trending, many will hop in to join the game as well, the cycle continues as people bond and enjoy the game.


Though every thing in this world has a Yin and Yang. The dark parts about gaming that is often talked about is mainly that playing RPGs that involves guns and therefore violence is bad for youngsters and kids. Though results has shown that it is not the contribution for such violence, it tends to be spread negatively by medias just for clicks and reads. Even so, there is a true dark cloud associated to the negative in gaming. Apart from the often used term of game addiction, IGD (Internet Gaming Disorder) has been surfacing up in recent years, and finally being taken seriously by the mental health department. This disorder has been brushed away way for years, neglecting teens and adults alike who suffer this to fend for their own. Having IGD is serious as it really affects the person’s mentality and the way they continue with life, there are those who fail to win the battle and do not make it out to see another day. Other than that, online games nowadays contribute more positive than negatives, a small population of gamers have IGD, games has evolved to not only provide entertainment, but to become a new medium for designers to use it as a unique way of expression. Interior Designers use game engines to show their design ideas to clients. It allows the clients to experience a space in a different way, it gets the job done and made it fun and unique. Gaming and games really are great, that is why people should look into it in other aspects as well, to use games to their full potential.


Defination of Topic According to Online Etymology Dictionary: The definition of ‘gaming‘ is: the action/practice of playing video games. and it is a verb for the word game.

The definition of ‘game’ is: an activity that one engages in for amusement/fun. The word ‘game’ originated Old High German, Old Icelandic, Old Danish, and other old tongues.

The word game was first created in the year 1200, from the Old English word ‘gamen’, meaning “joy, fun and game, amusement.” which is also a common Germanic word. It is said to be identical with the Gothic word ‘gaman’, which meant “participation, communion” from the ProtoGermanic word of ‘ga’ meaning ‘collective’ and ‘mann’ meaning ‘person’, giving it the meaning of ‘people together’.


Salen and Zimmerman define games as “A system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome” Which brings them to state that there are six elements that determines a game: system, conflict, artificiality, player, rules and quantifiable outcomes.

A system would literally be the game mechanics itself, if it were to be a physical game that involves body movement such as a baseball game, the rule will determine how the system and game mechanics work.

Conflict pretty much translates to having a competition or collaboration with other players. In a game there is bound to be a conflict, that is what makes the game challenging, or having a purpose.


Players are the users who would be participating in the gameplay. Artificiality is more to how the experience you have in a game is different from your experience in your normal daily life. As when you play a game, you will be ‘in the zone’, as described as the ‘magic circle’ by Huizinga in homo Ludens (1955). Which we will cover the Magic Circle Theory in the next sub chapter.


Theories related to topic

After all of the previous pages worth of game related definitions and explanations, how does this all play out if it were to be translated into a space? A space related to gaming, a space FOR gaming, a space ABOUT gaming. The Game Theory Study would be best used to further explain this.

Then there are the rules, that will determine the game. The ‘yes and no’s’ and guidance, this helps the game to be fair when someone steps out of line. Finally we talk about quantifiable outcomes which is the final part of a game, whether the player win or loses, or at least gets a numerical score as a ‘best score’ to beat.


GAME THEORY “Game Theory” is better described as “Conflict Analysis” or “Interactive Decision Theory”, but the term “Game Theory” is best used for these, as it IS Theories in Gaming. The idea of game theory is “a study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligence rational decision makers.”, stated by (Myerson 2013)

Game theories tend to originate from real life mathematical strategic battles, even so the ones from the World Wars. It derived from the mathematical foundation of the social sciences, which in this century has caused a disturbance as it impacts humanity in the wrong way. People seem to have used this method to design physical systems for exploiting radioactive materials, which is not the most positive outcome of the Game Theory, instead of creating social systems for moderating human behavior in conflicts. This shows how powerful Game Theory is and therefore why more mathematicians and social scientist are working further, to dive into the Game Theory, for the better of the world in terms of important applications and economics.


Though spanning back into the actual game part of the Game Theory instead of the theory on its own: as mentioned, a game is noted to be a social situation involving two or more individuals (though one person can still play certain single player/rpg games). The individuals who partake in the games are called, players. The players who partake in such games are usually rational and intelligent. Both words used to describe the players are used in a technical sense that requires some explanation.

This whole statement was backed up by (Bernoulli 1738), though it would defer from the modern justification, stated by (Von Neumann and Morgenstern 1947). They call this ‘expected-utility maximization theorem’, which no matter how logical or balance a choice may be to continue on their journey, a player or person’s utility number may still vary among others as it may be something the person deeply cares about, therefore they may favor a particular answer. The conclusion is that, every players varies in rational decision making, as everyone thinks uniquely in their own certain ways.


It is often said that a decision maker is rational, as they need to make decisions that would benefit or work well with the objectives they are presented before them. Thus in Game Theory, it falls into the category of decision theory, which indicates the players choices are expected to maximize the value of their payoff, this measures in some utility scale.


COGNITIVE THEORIES/ MAGIC CIRCLE Another theory that would back this up would be the Cognitive Theories. The Cognitive theory basically studies a humans behavior and explain why they would do such things. Meaning how a physical reaction was caused by a mental reaction, and why was that mental thought that particular. It is focused on the internal states such as: motivations, problem solving, decision making, thinking and attention. These are the few that are analyzed to attempt to explain how our mind processes. This theory can be backed up by the previous mentioned artificiality, that touches on the term of a “magic circle”. “Magic circle”, according to (Klabbers 2009), a magic circle is used to describe on a surface level: when a player is “in the zone”, meaning that they are fully immersed in the game. A player would have a normal state of mind before they game, but after they start playing the game or partaking in the gameplay, the player may enter the “magic circle”. When they are in the magic circle, their normal humans lives would be disconnected temporary. The decisions they make in this game would very unlikely cause any life threatening outcomes in the real world, so the player channels a particular game character mentality. They are no longer their reality self, in that moment in their gameplay, they are this particular character that they are controlling, they are in the “magic circle”.


Humans are weak to escapism, they would appreciate not having real life problems that they need to deal with. In a game, when they are playing as a character, no matter how they try to customize their in game character to represent them or replicate them, they are still in a game universe and not real life. That is where the fun begins, people let loose, people explore, they fight dragons, find treasure, learn about another characters devastating life issues. Then they click the exit button, and they return to reality. They may not get to take those gems or jewels they earned, but they left the “magic circle” with the experience and knowledge they gained from the game. They may be a little wiser, or happier, players do often leave their games with a good lingering taste, and would come back for more.


LEVEL DESIGN THEORY The final theory is a theory that goes into something called “Level Design”. Level design is more than just designing levels for games, it takes a strong teamwork from multiple designers, artist, programmers and engineers, to work together to create something extraordinary, something immersive for the players to experience. There are two types of things in Level Design: Environment designs are usually focusing on the background and scenery compositions, while level design brings together elements in a game to shape the players experience, the game mechanics, gameplay, obstacles and stories are some examples of what level design covers. A brief history of level design can be represented by a simple comparison between the first ever Mario game, verses the recent Final Fantasy games. The game engines back then were new and lacking, 2D could do very less, so the level design that was executed were merely just walking back and forth, jump and duck. Nowadays with 3D models, the game experience allows the players to control the characters freely. Being able to walk everywhere, jump and interact with their surroundings, having multiple fighting technique options and many cut scenes allows the game designers to transform level designing into something more than just jump and duck. It has evolved into a much more complex process, requiring skills from architecture to design realistic and logical in game world spaces, art in various other forms, programming and scripting for complex gameplays, it tackles psychology as games can affect people in so many ways nowadays.


Though it is good to note that designers must design with a purpose. Everything created or written must have a reason, a goal, or else it would not be a game that would attract people, it would be a game that does not make sense, it does not have an end goal. A good “Level Design” could be complicated on its own, or simple, but with easter eggs for the players to find and discuss, to figure out hidden lore or to find secret passages, secret endings.

Till this day, the FNAF fanbase has grown so much with millions of views on the gameplay and theory videos, with a total of 8 games since 2014 till this day today. The success of this game franchise has a lot to do with Level Design.

For players to feel like they are deeply part of the game, for having a special bond at that specific moment that surprises them. A good example would be the horror game: ‘Five Nights of Freddies’ (FNAF). The game’s gameplay is straight forward, but the hidden easter eggs for their hidden lore branches out a lot and makes players unable to go a second without trying to solve the game’s actual lore.



A space that involves gaming would usually relate to a cyber cafe, a game shop that sells games or game products like X-box or Nintendo Switches. What if there was a place that allows you to feel that you are part of a game, being physically inside the “Magic Circle”. This building space would cater to those who are deeply passionate about games and gaming, a place for people to bond, to learn the joys of gaming, a place for communities to come together, to be better, to have fun. There are 6 floors on this building, which would act as different levels. As I mentioned on the previous subchapter, there would be three types of theories that would be applied into this space.


Theory 1 : GAME THEORY Game theory would be applied to the programming of the space. Customers would be called players, different floors and rooms would determine game lobbies and levels etc. The players will first begin at the ground floor which would be a game lobby. They would need to speak to the workers there who would act as NPCs (non playable characters) who will instruct them on what to do depending on what the players paid or sign up for. Players will be lead to enter different rooms on different levels, which they would have different tasks to do. They would have choices they had to make to determine their fate or to finish their quest. There are different quest and endings the players could aim to work towards. There would be areas that are not tasked driven, such as a game theme cafes that acts as a place for the player to ‘regenerate their health’, or a shop for players to buy items to help aid their quest. Then there would be a check point area, where the players can save their game. This concept is basically a hotel place for the customer, player to be able to ‘save’ their game, to continue after a break or the next day. This is a concept inspired by RPG games that requires the player to go to a save point to save their game, because if they do not save their game, they will lose all their progress, so this building would apply that game theory logic to it.


Theory 2 : MAGIC CIRCLE When the customers enter this building, they would not just become a player, but also a characters in a game. The magic circle theory would be placed into this world, which means like the above theory mentioned, workers who are NPCS would act like NPCS, they would be welcoming but they would attempt to always stay in character. Our daily words may be substituted with in game words as set by the building. Of course there would be safety measures and breaking out of character is not illegal, just to keep the magic circle a tad more magical!


Theory 3 : LEVEL DESIGN We covered the programming, we covered the idea of the building, but now we will apply level design into the actual design of the building. This building itself would act as a game on its own, with a main lore, and hidden lore for players to find out. There will be a purpose to play this game, but there would be secrets within the walls that would surprise and reward those who seek further.

The building would have different themes at different locations, but they would be all connected. The goal of this building is for the customers to enter curious, and leave wanting to come back for more, and of course for them to feel like they entered the game universe, leaving with memories, experience and knowledge to share with others and to remember for the rest of their lives. The building would have different themes at different locations, but they would be all connected. The goal of this building is for the customers to enter curious, and leave wanting to come back for more, and of course for them to feel like they entered the game universe, leaving with memories, experience and knowledge to share with others and to remember for the rest of their lives.


Clientele/Financial Sustainability The financial clientele for the building design I purpose would be Riot Games. Riot games is a game company that is successful with good company branding, who have been around for at least a century, and also a pioneer of the online gaming industry.

Riot Games would cater well to the buildings programming plans. It is essentially heavily inspired by their popular MMORPG games such as League of Legends (LoL) and Valorant. The game universe that they have created, filled with impressive lore and exceptionally detailed designs for their champions (characters) and map, region art forms, are what this building would try to bring to life (not specifically a replica of LoL or Valorant, but a unique, inspired design.)


Of course there would be discussions, boundaries and rules to be settled and determined, but Riot Games, especially in recent years have been actively creating out of game experiences for their players and users who are being exposed to their works to see. The biggest and most successful boom that connected Riot Games, a game company, to many different kinds of non-gaming communities and people is a creation called: ‘K/DA’.

K/DA, a virtual girl group formed of League of Legends existing game champions: Ahri, Akali, Eveylynn and Kai’Sa. Riot Games executed the whole plan for K/DA extraordinarily, a brief explanation on how and why riot does these sort of things, is to sell in games skins primarily. Skins are like different clothing for the champions in the game to wear, for example there are Christmas themed skins, Halloween skin themes etc. For K/DA’s case, it is to sell popstar skins, or the most popular thing in this century: k-pop star theme skins.


They placed their money, recruiting famous k-pop and pop singers Miyeon (Ahri), Soyeon (Akali), Madison Beer (Evelynn) and Jaira Burns (Kai’Sa), who all performed an extravagant, insane performance during 2018’s League of Legends Worlds (Which is the annual biggest league tournament), blowing everyone’s minds, and attracting many new faces who are either there for the talented singers, the amazing VR edits, the crazy performance or just to find out what the hype is about. Needless to say it did tremendously well in sales numbers, selling skins and real life digital albums and merchandises, by Cristian, L (2021).

K/DA still lives on till this day. A good example on how Riot Games brought their game universe to our reality, allowing many to fall in love with the digital characters. Which is similar to 2012’s big hit: Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid, though Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid were unique and different in a sense that K/ DA had human voices, singers, where as Miku was a computer generated voice.


This is proof that not only that Riot Games is pushing the idea of connecting reality with fantasy, but also how the public, the new generation are ready and eager to connect with the digital fantasy world. Therefore, Riot Games would probably be interested in funding this building’s concept.

Clientele/Financial Sustainability

Of course in 2021 itself, this form of entertainment is expanding. V-tubers are the recent most biggest storm that formed a whole community and content creators. V-tubers use the same concept as K/DA as they are fictional digital characters but controlled by anonymous human voices (though some people use voice changes to further hide their true identities). Their facial expressions are tracked by facial movement tools.


SITE MAPPING The building for this project is the Sega Akihabara 1-Goukan, which is the first Sega tower. Sega is a Japanese multinational video game and entertainment company.

They are the company that made the famous iconic Tetris, Sonic and Street Fighter games, that is just to name a few. It is located in the streets of Akihabara, nicknamed the Akihabara Electric Town shortly after World War II for being the district that sold a lot of household electronic goods. Today, it retained its nickname as it is the place to be if you are a gamer or anime/ pop culture lover. The district caters video games, manga, anime, electronics and computer related goods nowadays. There are also countless maid cafes and arcades in that area, making this a hot fun place to be, for foreigners and locals alike.


The building is also right next to a train station, about 2 minutes walk from the Akibahara station. There are many lines that can reach this station, therefore easy access to get to Sega Building 1. There are also many bus stations around that can get you there. Driving would be fine as well as there are a couple of parking lots, but taking train or bus rides would add into the wonderful Akihabara adventure experience. Countless of restaurants scatters around the building so costumers do not need to go far for meals. There are also nearby pharmacies and convenient stores, this district more or less has everything. About 9 minutes distance for most of the nearby hotels and inns, so costumers can consider staying outside instead of the game building itself.


Chapter 3


Chapter 3 Chosen area and rationale Chosen Area & Brief Recap 48-49 Rationale 50 Design Feasibility Mechanism 51 What is wireless charging? 52 How does wireless charging work? 52 What is the standard wireless charging for phones? 53 The pros and cons of wireless charging 53 Technology 54-55 What is RFID? 56 How does RFID work? 56 What are the four types of RFID systems? 57 Pros and Cons of RFID 57 Design Reasoning 58-59 Reasoning for mechanism and technology 60-61


Chosen area and rationale Chosen Area & Brief Recap The area that I have chosen to showcase and describe for this chapter is the ground floor of my building, which is the entrance and lobby of my building concept. Before we begin, here is a brief recap of what I have mentioned on the previous chapter about my programming decision. I have decided to merge game fantasy with our reality. The idea of my building is that anyone can come in, because games in general are made for everyone and there are so many different genre of games to choose from to play. This building will be named OX Fantasy. In OX Fantasy, there will be a lower ground floor for players to get ready, about 2 or more levels above that are for games to happen, 1 level for food and purchases and another 2 levels of hotel rooms. Though today we will dive in detail on the level where it all begins, the ground level, the lobby.


Prior to traveling to this building, players would need to go through an online booking process, no walk-ins are allowed for OX Fantasy. They would need to fill in their personal details that would be p&c with the company, then they would get to pick certain gears and such that they would need to wear or hold throughout the whole game segment in OX Fantasy. Then they would also need to choose what their characters look like. It all adds up to the whole game character customization part of the game experience. Only then they would have secured a slot to enter the OX Fantasy building. As soon as the players enter the building, they would be in the lobby area. There will be two sides that mirror each other, but players would not see that until they pass into the other side of the lobby. Players will first enter into the ‘reality lobby’, which they will pass by a couple of claw machines with OX Fantasy game characters to be played and won, 2 vending machines will sit idle to the left side of the reality lobby. Players would need to go to the reception

area to enquire regarding whatever they have pre-booked online prior to travelling here.

After checking in and so on, players would be brought to the other side of the lobby through the right vending machine that acts as a hidden door. They will Then are the willcalled determine the game. and this no’s’ pass to there the other siderules, of thethat lobby the ‘game lobby’,The that ‘yes mirrors and guidance, thisa different helps thecolor game tomore be fair when someone reality lobby but in and fantasy-like design. steps out of


In the middle of the lobby area, though technically there are two lobby areas with a wallweseparating them and a hidden door connecting therepart willof be a Finally talk about quantifiable outcomes which is them, the final a build in structure. On the reality side, that structure would look like a normal game, whether the player win or loses, or at least gets a numerical score as vending machine, where as on the game lobby side, the structure would seem a ‘best score’ beat. like a device thattodoes not belong in this world. I will continue on this structure on the next sub chapter.



The reason why I picked this area is that to me, the lobby is the only place where the reality and fantasy concept is presented together publicly. Picking this middle structure that not only highlights the two lobby designs but also has the core purpose of recharging players phones is important to this design. The game will not be able to go on without this structure as players will need their phones to be in good health percentage to go on to the levels above.


The whole OX Fantasy experience is based on the Magic Circle Theory, therefore it is only fitting to pick the lobby to be my chosen area.

Design Feasibility Mechanism For the design feasibility, I would like to present to you a design that I think would fit really well in the lobby of OX Fantasy building. I have decided a phone charging area would be beneficial. It would sit just in the middle of the lobby, in between both lobby areas. The charging structure would not be moveable, it sits idle on its own.

There would be about 10 charging pods for each side (reality side and game lobby side) which can be locked for whoever may want to charge their phones. They must ask the reception desk to access the charging pods. I would first talk about the technology behind this charging area. The charging mechanism is basically wireless charging.


What is wireless charging? According to Pocket-lint’s Dan Grabham’s artical: Wireless charging basically explains itself. Normally to charge our phones, we would need to plug our phone charger cable to the ends of our phones to charge them. With wireless charging, you simply just place your phone on top of a charging pad. It uses a power transmitting pad and receiver, usually in the form of a case attached to a mobile device or built into the phone itself.

How does wireless charging work? From Biztech’s by Doug Bonderud: A Wireless charging supports the concept of electromagnetic induction, it occurs when an alternating electric charge across an induction coil produces a fluctuating magnetic field. The field is then used to transfer power between a charging station and target device, which is the players phones. Wireless charging existed way before this smart phone wireless pad era. Electric tooth brushes are a fine example of the technology. Most wireless charging pads are capable of transmitting power only a few centimeters. Though there are larger coils are able to send a charge over larger distances.


What is the standard wireless charging for phones? There are two standard wireless charging types: Qi & PMA.

Qi uses the 100-205 kilohertz band to provide wireless charging, there are now more than 3,700 Qi-certified devices on the market capable of providing 5 to 15 watts of power to phone devices. Where as for PMA, Power Matters Alliance, it charges a standard leverages the 277-357kHz band to provide power. It is also known as the AirFuel Alliance Standard, this wireless option provides power from up to 50 millimeters away, allows the use of devices while charging and permits the charging of multiple devices at once.

Though OX Fantasy would likely only be using Qi for our wireless charging.

The pros and cons of wireless charging: For the pros of wireless charging • Easy charging, you do not need to scramble around to find a cable that you may have left somewhere else, all you have to do is place your phone on top of the wireless charging pod. • It puts less strain on the charging port of your phone The cons of wireless charging are • It is a tad slower • You are unable to lift your phone up of the charging pad, when you do, it stops charging, unlike a cable which you can still move around to position it however you want and hold it in general. • Not all phones have wireless charging.


Technology Next I would like to talk about the design of the charging pod structure. The charging pods will be build in to the wall for the charging pad wires to be fixed in. The reality side would have a relatively cuboid rectangle box in the shape of a vending machine. For a fun interactive twist, the machine would double as a vending machine as well. The idea of this vending machine design is to indicate that the charging pods are safe to keep player’s charging phones hidden, to make it even more believable that it is a vending machine, the machine would drop out drinks too like a normal vending machine.

How the design works is that the machine will have two laying sections, the charging layer would be 2/3 thickness and the place that holds the drinks would be 1/3 thick.


I would now like to introduce the technology used for the vending machine that doubles as secret charging pods, RFID (radio frequency identification), all based on [Internet of Things Agenda Tech Target], by Sarah Amsier and Sharon Shea. The idea is that the vending machine will work normally no matter who passes by, unless they are granted a specific digital RFID tag code on their wrist handles. Players would need to register from the reception counter to get this charging pod access turned on on their wrist handles that would allow the vending machine to respond accordingly. Only when it is turned on, that the user will be able to open the vending machine like a refrigerator to get to the charging pods layer. The charging pods it selves will also only trigger according to whichever pod you are assigned to use. This will work the same for the other mirrored side of the structure as well, but instead of a vending machine concept, it will look like a structure from OX Fantasy game. The structure will also be idle to the wall, the vending machine and OX Fantasy theme structure are merely acting as casings, that can be replaced in the future if they wanted to upgrade or update the design of the structure or theme.


What is RFID? RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, it uses electromagnetic or electrostatic to perform wireless communicate the radio frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum for a specific object or living creature.

How does RFID works? There are three components that makes up RFID: a scanning antenna, transceiver, and transponder. The scanning antenna and transceiver are combined and are call a RFIP reader or interrogator. The transponder will be the RFID tag itself. It works like a barcode and barcode scanner, the technology used for both are relatively similar. There are also two type of RFID readers: Fixed readers and Mobile readers. There are also two types of RFID tags: Passive RFID and Active RFID. Basically it uses radio waves to transmit signals that activate the tag. Once activated, the tag sends a wave back to the antenna, where it is translated into data. That means all there is just a RFID reader and RFID tag, the reader will respond when the tag is around depending on the range of the RFID tag frequency for different purposes.


What are the four types of RFID systems? • • • •

Low frequency (LF) High frequency (HF) Ultra-High frequency (UHF) Microwave RFID

Low-frequency RFID systems ranges from 30 KHzto 500 KHz, typically 125 KHz. LF RFID has short transmission ranges, generally anywhere from a few inches to less than six feet.

High-frequency RFID system ranges from 3 MHzto 30 MHz, typically 13.56 MHz. The standard range is anywhere from a few inches to several feet.

For UHF RFID systems, the range is from 300 MHz to 960 MHz, typically 433 MHz and can be read from 25-plus feet away.

Microwave RFID systems run at 2.45 Ghzand can be read from 30-plus feet away.

Pros and Cons of RFID: • Pros of RFID • Does not need a direct line of site, senses depending on the range of RFID system used. • Data can be changed in real time. • Quick response

Cons of FRID • Reader Collisions, this occurs when one RFID reader interferes with another RFID reader; though this can be prevented using anti-collision protocol to make RFID tags take turns transmitting to their appropriate reader. • Tag Collisions, this happens when too many tags are trying to scan the reader; Choosing a reader that gathers tag info one at a time will prevent this issue.


Design Reasoning Reasoning for mechanism and technology Though the idea of having a wireless charging would be to charge a phone without being tied to a leash, that is not the case for the wireless charging, as you still need to place your phone on an idle power transmitting pad which is connected with a wire to the power outlet. But in this case for OX Fantasy building, the idea is that you place your phone to charge while you go off to do something else. Knowing it is safely kept, only you and the workers are allowed to access the pod. It is important to note that the players phones are their most important possession, in reality and in game, as the phone would act as the game’s stat holder and inventory keeper. Players are required to download an app that would be used throughout the building. The phone will be attached to a wrist device that closely resembles the phone secure holding wrist/arm straps that athlete/runners use when they are working out. Of course, designed to fit OX Fantasy game aesthetic. Therefore their phones should have a good amount of battery each time.


Normally no one would trust placing their phones at a foreign public area and leave elsewhere, here in OX Fantasy, they can rest assure their phones will be safe. There will be assigned workers keeping their eye on every inch on the building, as safety is the up most priority of the building. The building has a lot of electronics and also OX Fantasy would want everyone to feel safe. If anyone misbehaves, they will be escorted out of the building accordingly. All the players have to do is drop their phones in their charging pods and nothing more, the pod itself would have custom wireless charging pads. As soon as they close the door, it would charge immediately and they can roam to go else where. Players would also be warned not to put anything else in the charging pods, the charging pods are not meant to work as lockers, any contact with other metals would be very dangerous. If the workers happen to see a foreign object in the charging pods and the owner is not around, the workers have their rights to remove the items for safe keeping.


Reasoning for mechanism and technology As I mentioned, there would be multiple charging pods for each side, which means there will be a good number of pods for the reality lobby side and another in the game lobby side. Players can pick whichever side they would want to charge their phones, but it is on a first come first serve basis. If they are charging their phones on the reality lobby side, it is likely that they have not done their check ins or are waiting for others to reach to proceed in together. Those players can proceed on checking in and also enjoy the claw machines, some arcade machines and get a refreshment from the secret duo function vending machine, when they are using the charging pods.


For those who choose to use the ones in the game lobby side, they are likely to have already checked in and are able to proceed to get into character, aka dress up. They would be recommended to go explore the basement (Lower ground) of the building. In the lower ground part of the building is where players can change into their costumes and get themselves ready. Though it is a unisex room, each changing pod (changing room) is private and safe for players to go in to get in costume. There will be other areas for players who finish using the changing pods to go do their makeup or so on.

RFID systems will be all around the building, and of course installed in this particular charging structure, making players feel like there is some form of magic when they interact near it. High frequency RFID is installed on the vending machine and casing, so when the user goes near the vending machine, it will only open when the user has an RFID access and given a specific code to enter on the vending machine pad, to access the charging pods. Low frequency RFID will be installed on the charging pods so players can only interact with the pod that they are assigned to.


Chapter 4


Critical Reflection

Direction for Following Semester


Critical Reflection

My topic seems to be quite whimsical and unrealistic to be applied in the real world at first glance, but having inspirations like what MeowWolf did for their Omega Marts and Riot Games creating a world that branches out to ours, make this topic seem achievable. With the help of the new advance technologies, which works almost like magic in real life too, OX Fantasy seems possible. The building that I will be designing will involve a lot of hidden technology, even after countless or researching, I am still not an engineer or digital expert to know if these things are actually able to do what I envisioned. Though I believe by doing more research and finding real life examples, I will have my proof when I design my building.


Though RFID and charging pads are present all around us in real life, and can be explained quite easily, I still fear about the design part of my topic. Something to be discussed is that the way how non-gamers and gamers think can be quite different. Gamers tend to think in a more open mentality, as they are often exposed to abnormal structures, designs and characters on different games. Where as non-gamers may not be use to this unique designs, they may think it Is odd, overwhelming. The great part of my topic and OX Fantasy is that cause it is not something that exist, I have full control over how it looks. OX Fantasy is based on a game that I myself will design and create. So I can make it as simple or as complex as I wish. My building chosen is the Sega Akihabara Tower number 1, which also seems perfect for OX Fantasy to be built on and has a total of nine levels for me to explore and brainstorm. Like levels in a game, I have levels to play around in reality too.


Direction for Following Semester For the following semesters till my final convocation, I plan to improve on my research and find out how different kinds of people respond to different games. I believe doing personal interviews with other gamers and non-gamers can help me understand what people want and would not want. The whole idea of OX Fantasy is for it to be enjoyable and breath taking, the last thing I wish to achieve is to design a place that is boring or too childish to explore. I must find a fine line between creative and dramatic, structures and interior designs in OX Fantasy should feel real and believable but also clearly it is in reality.


Therefore, I must do more research on designs and technology that would work with my concepts and ideas of a fantasy-like world. What other technology or mechanism I can find to add in OX Fantasy besides the wireless charging and RFID, perhaps some Augmented Reality (AR) for certain parts of the levels.

I also want to further continue pushing myself in making more creative ways to connect reality and fantasy items and languages. OX Fantasy will need to make sense but also look aesthetically fitting. I have pretty clear plans for my lobby and basement, and even hotel rooms, but the real challenge is on the actual levels of the building intended for players to have their ‘game play’. There is only so much fantasy-like things we can do in reality without the use of actual ‘virtual reality’, yet I am trying to avoid using the virtual reality goggles as long as I can, wearing a goggle will take away the whole illusion that you are not just the player, but your own character as well. The idea is for people to believe that they are in a game without needing a screen (besides their phones for statistics) to perform task to reach their goals. Players being able to dive into the gaming world to become the game characters themselves. Though the game modes should be available for play for different kinds of people as well. Old folks may not prefer much active game plays while players who have Nyctophobia, aka scared of the dark, would prefer games that won’t be held in a dark room that has jumpscares.


Further more, I intend to dive into game design for a bit to see what I can do relatively easily for the short period I have. In a way multitasking, as I work on my drawings and also attempting to develop a simple game that OX Fantasy may be based on.

Though it may be a stretch, I am passionate about game designing, so I will do my very best. If not I will try to make a visual novel sort of game to convey parts of my games story, it would not be simple or quick, though that would not require that much coding perhaps.

If all else fails or that I do not have time to perfect them, the least that I have would be a full fledged story idea that I will use to incorporate into my building design, maybe art that would look like screenshots of the game of OX Fantasy, but not actually playable.


To tell you a secret, I wanted to make hidden passages for a hidden dark side story. That the players may or may not know, I was very inspired by real life locations such as the Omega Mart by the company Meow Wolf, that they have secret hidden doors that bring you to wacky out of place rooms. There are couple of games that have hidden stories that really caught my attention and others as well, which I have mentioned in my previous chapters.

My idea is to bring the players from the already fantasy game world, into a section of the game they have never seen before. A hidden story, of the game character that they love and know little about, to discover their dark past and origins. To unlock the true ending of the game.



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Report done by : TANG WIN NI 0344585 24/11/2021 GAME FANTASY | OX Fantasy



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