TBWellness February, 2013

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and hemisphere called the Action Observation Network. In What Can Dance Teach Us About Learning, by Scott T. Grafton M.D., he points out that we might begin to learn a dance step when someone describes it to us, but we learn it better when we physically perform the steps as we observe and imitate an instructor doing them. You must use your brain to dance and follow the steps. Listen, watch, focus, observe, and consciously process information at the same time you are moving your body and following another’s example. The neurons in your brain imitate an instructor with observation learning when taking a dance lesson, it creates new neural pathways. 4. Generate Physical Energy A fun activity such as dance stimulates the body and the endorphins in the brain. This movement creates more overall physical, mental, emotional, and even spiritual activity. It is the first step in having more energy, motivation, and focus, which can be directed to successfully complete mental tasks, especially for people who have attention challenges (such as myself). Enjoy the process of you. Give yourself per-


mission to allow your dance to awaken the potential within. Let new elements and qualities express and move through your body. It is not about “getting the moves right.” This is about the expression of you dancing through your body. This is the about your dance, your story, your journey of life. Relax, enjoy, and be free to experience uninhibited movement. Be the flow within you as you dance, and let your dance become your life! Be the flow within you as you dance and let your dance become your life!

Arielle Giordano M.A.M.E.is a professional dancer, choreographer, teacher and facilitator. From belly dancer and snake charmer to Salsa and Hawaiian Hula, Arielle enjoys sharing her gifts and talents with an authentic style rich in grace in dance, psychology, philosophy, and the expressive arts. Arielle offers “Dancing from the Inside Out” workshops and dance classes, as well as facilitates classes for the University of Phoenix in the ARTS, Psychology, Philosophy and Humanities. Visit dancingfromtheinsideout,com or email agbeautifuldance@gmail.com Website: dancingfromtheinsideout.com.

5. Feel Good about Yourself The more expressive movement allows you to be who you truly are and the more fully present you are in your own unique dance, the better you will look and feel. Feeling good about yourself is rooted within a balance of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies—which are all interconnected with each step you take. As you heal and grow in your inner and outer dance, you begin to glow in our own flow! As your inner beauty glows, it shows in your body and so does your-self-confidence!!

Tampa Bay Wellness • february 2013 21

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