The Wildcat Sanctuary April 2017 Uproar Magazine

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UPROAR! The Wildcat Sanctuary

April 2017 | Issue 13

Shanti Deva, lion

UPROAR! The Wildcat Sanctuary

Bella, bobcat

April 2017 | Issue 13

Tammy Thies Founder & Executive Director Julie Hanan Contributor Carissa L. Winter Graphic Designer Photography by TWS staff and Pamela Lammersen of PCML Photography

Mission: Provide natural sanctuary to wild cats in need and inspire change to end the captive wildlife crisis. Vision: Help create a world where wild animal sanctuaries are no longer needed. The Wildcat Sanctuary is a tax-exempt charity under the IRS code section 501c3, our federal tax ID number is 22-3857401.

The Wildcat Sanctuary PO Box 314 • Sandstone, MN 55072 320-245-6871 Follow us on:

Copyright © The Wildcat Sanctuary. All Rights Reserved.


April 2017

From the Found


A day in the life of a Director You’re always the first to hear about new residents we welcome to The Wildcat Sanctuary. And thanks to your ongoing support, our feline family’s growing again. Now, we welcome bobcats Archer and Copper, and Savannah cat Maximillion to their forever home with us. But, there is so much more going on behind the scenes with animals in need. It’s really not an exaggeration that so much of my day is also spent fielding calls and emails for help. That’s the part you don’t hear about.

Bobcat in trailer For instance, I recently got an email that our services might be needed very shortly. A bobcat was being NHSW FRQÀQHG LQ D KRUVH WUDLOHU RQ D UXUDO SLHFH RI SURSHUW\ 1R RQH NQRZV KRZ ORQJ KH·G EHHQ OLYLQJ WKLV way. The property owner had been rumored to trap feral domestic cats for her taxidermy hobby, and was known to authorities. Of course, we offered a permanent home for this bobcat, but it isn’t that easy. These cases aren’t our decision. It’s dependent upon state laws, township laws and who is the governing authority to enforce those laws. Our role is to educate, help provide resources, and then offer a permanent home if authorities choose to enforce the law. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they can’t. Currently, the owner insists the state game department has issued her a license to legally keep the bobcat, and has no regulation prohibiting his imprisoned life. It’s heartbreaking when we have no control.

Orphaned cougar kittens A day later, I received a frantic message from another sanctuary out of state. Two wild-born cougars are living in a property owner’s barn. If the cougar kittens can be humanely trapped, they need permanent placement. The game department reached out to AZA zoos over a week ago, but hadn’t received a response. Since TWS has worked diligently to save the lives of several orphaned cougars, we were sent the email, too. We contacted the property owner and found they were still waiting for help to humanely catch the kittens. Then, we contacted the F&G department, the AZA and several other parties involved, assuring these kittens would have a safe future. The department agreed to place the kittens with us since their laws do not allow release, but we had to be available to drive across country at a moment’s notice once they were caught. We agreed to make that happen. In the meantime, I researched other sanctuaries that were closer and could possibly provide the kittens a home. Shorter transport would be less traumatic for the kittens. Another sanctuary, Safe Haven Sanctuary, jumped through hoops to set up transport and secure import permits needed to rescue these kittens. Now, all that was needed was the department to catch these scared orphaned kittens.


April 2017


Shy Bear, Bengal cat A sanctuary is the best place for orphaned wildlife since they’re fearful of public contact and exposure. A day later, I was informed the AZA zoos had finally responded and now the agency was going to send the kittens to a zoo instead. I’d spent so much time coordinating these kittens’ placement and their pickup, only to find they were now going to a zoo instead. ,W·V DOZD\V D MXJJOLQJ DFW :KLOH ÀHOGLQJ DOO WKHVH calls for help, we were busy coordinating the logistics for our largest vet day of the year for six wild cat patients. $UUDQJHPHQWV KDG WR EH PDGH WR Á\ 'U %HUJPDQQ from New Jersey’s Popcorn Park Zoo Sanctuary, along with his apprentice, here so he could provide our staff continuing educational opportunities, while performing intake exams and neuters. 4

April 2017

Private owners There’s so much work that so many, including you, put into saving lives. That’s why you can imagine my frustration when, in the middle of all this, I received a call from an individual wanting information on how to raise a 9-week-old bear cub. Yes, we get these types of calls, too! After 15 years of experience, I knew in my heart this person wasn’t being honest. Not only is it a gut instinct, but it becomes pretty easy to determine by the lack of information they share, and how they contradict themselves. She claimed she’d rescued the bear. She said she was an animal rescuer and had vet tech education. Yet, her first question was what our

recommendation would be about declawing the bear! She wasn’t even familiar with the fact that the GHFODZ SURFHGXUH UHPRYHV WKH Ă€UVW NQXFNOH ² something a trained vet tech would know. She was looking for a vet that would help the bear if help was needed. A well-known rescuer would already have a relationship with a reputable vet. She said she’d place the bear at the Lake Superior Zoo or another facility if it was in the best interest of the bear cub, but when pressed, she admitted she wanted to raise the bear and didn’t understand why we weren’t supportive. I have to admit, I wasn’t very pleasant with her. I kQHZ IURP WKH Ă€UVW TXHVWLRQ VKH ZDQWHG WR NHHS WKH EHDU DQG VKH ZRXOG QHYHU FRQĂ€UP WKLV ´UHVFXHGÂľ bear was truly a rescue vs. purchased or given to her. I H[SODLQHG WKH EHDU VKRXOG JR WR D TXDOLĂ€HG IDFLOLW\ ZKHUH she could volunteer and learn bear husbandry and how to build an appropriate habitat. While on the phone with her, I sent out an email to a great organization, and they immediately responded they’d accept the bear. The animal shouldn’t pay the price when there are so many experienced facilities that would’ve accepted the bear. As I’ve seen so many times before, this was just another person putting their wants before the animal’s needs. The day didn’t get any better. The next phone call was from a woman with a sick pet bobcat. Unlike the bear owner, she provided me all the information up front, where she lived, where she purchased him from, the vet care she’d provided and the symptoms he was VKRZLQJ 6KH ZDVQ¡W ZRUULHG DERXW EHLQJ ´WXUQHG LQÂľ RU ´DXWKRULWLHV NQRFNLQJ DW KHU GRRU Âľ 6KH ZDVQ¡W boasting about the permits she had that made him legal to own. Instead, she was open and honest and wanted what was best for the bobcat that she was trying to keep as a pet. I shared resources, my experience and offered to have our vet correspond with her vet. I shared with her our position on private ownership but thanked her for SXWWLQJ KHU DQLPDO Ă€UVW QR PDWWHU WKH FRVW , NQRZ LQ my heart, she’ll provide the bobcat the best care she can


and, if she can’t, she’ll surrender to a sanctuary.

All captive animals deserve a better life I could go on and on about the emails I received that same week from three Bengal cat owners who wanted a solution for bloody stool and territorial urination. Or the owner who purchased two servals that she allowed to breed and has eight that need SODFHPHQW QRZ ² QRQH RI ZKLFK VKH FRXOG FUDWH herself. And the overseas zoo that is closing and needs help exporting their big cats to a sanctuary. So why am I sharing this? Maybe to vent a bit. But more so because I know the cats and animals that don’t call The Wildcat Sanctuary home are just as important to you, like me, as the ones that do. Our work extends far past our four walls. Whether it’s spending hours on the phone with a sheriff determining the best way to get an animal help, or with a private owner who needs help to provide better care. Our goal is that every wild animal in captivity gets to lead a better life, even if it isn’t at The Wildcat Sanctuary. It’s just another huge part of our daily responsibilities.


Your donation doubled through April 30th at

April 2017


New Residents What Happens When the Wild-born Baby You Take in isn’t Really an Orphan? We’ve seen this happen so many times. Someone will take in a wild-born baby in the woods, thinking they’re doing the right thing. Most of the time, the mother is just away hunting to provide for her baby. Apparently, this is what happened with Archer. A family had taken him in when they found him as a baby bobcat. Now over a year old, he’d already become imprinted on humans. He’s been living with domestic cats at their home. But, as wild cats mature, their wild behavior becomes more and more pronounced. When Archer bit this owner, the family turned him over to authorities to be destroyed. Luckily, authorities instead took him to a licensed rehabber. Archer, bobcat She knew that he had little chance of survival in the wild, as he’d always see humans as a source for food. She began searching for an alternative for him. When she called to see if we could possibly make room for him at the sanctuary, we did what we know \RX·G ZDQW XV WR GR :H VDLG ´\HV µ 2XU WUDLQHG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ YROXQWHHUV GURSSHG HYHU\WKLQJ WR GULYH RYHU 2,000 miles in two days to bring him back to his forever home here at the sanctuary. Our first choice would have been for this innocent baby bobcat to live wild and free. But, due to the actions of humans who intervened, that isn’t an option for him. He wasn’t left with his mother in the wild to teach him the survival skills he’d need. He’d been robbed of that. Thankfully, your support helps us give him the opportunity for a new beginning though. He’s been through so many hands already. Hopefully, he’ll bond with another wild-born bobcat arriving soon and they can live out their lives wild at heart here. That’s the future we’re so grateful you provide with your commitment and support. Maximillion, savannah


April 2017

Bobcat Scorched by Fire Arrives at the Sanctuary When the phone rings, we never quite know what to expect from the caller on the other end. Who would’ve predicted this story? Saying she was an out-of-state rehabber, a woman called to share the story of a baby bobcat kitten saved from a barn fire. At only four weeks old, his eyes had just been starting to open. But it was already obvious his right eye had been damaged by the fire. He’d also suffered burns in his mouth, on his paws and his belly. Now, at nearly two years old, he still has a damaged right eye that weeps and has light sensitivity. Even though he’d had a long period of ongoing care, living with domestic Copper, bobcat cats, it would be impossible to release him back to the wild with any hope of survival. The rehabber was hoping we could accept Copper at the sanctuary so he’d at least have a chance to live wild at heart here with other bobcats. She agreed to transport him to us while we were busy making arrangements to pick up another bobcat out-of-state we’d been contacted about. Our hope is that these two wild-born bobcat arrivals, Archer and Copper, will be able to live together and form a bonded friendship. We’ve seen happy endings like this before and we know that, through our supporters, we’ll be able to provide all they need to thrive here at the sanctuary, too.

Another Savannah Rescue? This past year, we’ve taken in three other Savannah cats in need. Now, make that four! Join us in welcoming little Maximillion to his forever home. Even though it meant driving over 1200 miles to get him here, we knew our sanctuary was his best hope. Like countless others, his family had purchased him from a breeder. He joined three other hybrid cats they had at their home in New Orleans. When he started showing typical F1 Savannah cat behavior, soiling outside the litter box and destroying things in the home, they decided to surrender him to a local rescue rather than deal with who he was. Luckily, his foster knew about our sanctuary and contacted us within 24 hours to see if we could accept him. We’re one of the few sanctuaries in the country that accepts hybrid wild cats. The foster had fallen in love with Maximillion and wanted the absolute best for him. She even donated her time, driving him halfway from Louisiana to meet our volunteer team for the rest of his journey home. His world had been turned upside down in just a few short weeks. But, already, the transformation in 0D[LPLOOLRQ KDV EHHQ DPD]LQJ $OO KH HYHU ZDQWHG ZDV WKH IUHHGRP WR OLYH ZLOG DW KHDUW ² WR HQMR\ VDIHO\ going outside, to have other wild cat friends, to play, to climb, to sleep, to dream. After his intake exam and neuter, he’s now enjoying being the little wild one he’s meant to be. Thank you for continuing to help us educate why hybrid cats should not be bred or bought. We can only rescue so many. Your help is vital in educating others. UPROAR!

April 2017


A Day in the Life at a Sanctuary $W GD\EUHDN FDUHWDNHUV EHJLQ WKH ÀUVW URXQG RI WKH GD\ 7KH\·UH JUHHWHG ZLWK ORWV RI FKXIIV chirps, meows, and purrs from the cats they check in on. What a way to start the day! 7KLV LV GHÀQLWHO\ D ZRQGHUIXO SHUN RI WKH MRE EHLQJ JUHHWHG E\ VR PDQ\ KDSS\ FDWV

8:00 a.m.

Nikko, bobcat

Denali and OMalley, African servals

Can you imagine having 110 wild cats to feed individualized diets to every single day? It’s a +8*( MRE ² DQG H[SHQVLYH )RRG SUHSDUDWLRQV 9:00 start early in the morning. Caretakers and a.m. interns refer to a master chart for each cat in the sanctuary, determining and preparing their approved daily diets. Staff orders and inventories a large variety of meat for the cats, stored in our onsite freezer.

Callie, tiger


April 2017

Max, cougar Tonka, tiger

With a large geriatric population and many cats coming to us with 10:00 special needs, we spend a lot of time a.m. dispensing medications. Cats being ÀQLFN\ DQG VPDUW WKDW PHDQV ZH have to come up with clever ways of disguising pills and supplements. Our staff are really in-tune with each cat’s likes and dislikes, though.

Ekaterina, tiger

Tara, Bengal cat Cooper, Bengal cat

11:00 a.m. UPROAR!

Our little wild cats get lots of love and special attention. Their beds and blankets are washed frequently so they each have a warm, clean place to snuggle. Litter boxes are cleaned and freshened up. Those who want extra hugs are always given plenty! April 2017


12:00 p.m.

Henry and Haley, bobcats

Scooter, bobcat


April 2017

Enrichment is the most fun part of the day, for the cats and the caretakers. It may look like playtime but, in reality, making each day something to look forward to is essential for the mental well-being of cats in captivity.

Operant conditioning is an essential part of our daily routine. For instance, the cats 3:00 are all conditioned to enter p.m. a secured, separate shift area for feeding time. This allows caretakers to safely enter their habitats, while the cats are eating elsewhere, for routine cleaning and maintenance. Big cats make big messes, so it’s a big job!

1:00 p.m. Our onsite hospital is used for intake exams, routine physicals, dental procedures, spay and neutering, as well as many scheduled or emergency surgical procedures. Today, Shadow the leopard was being seen for a urinary tract infection.

Shadow, leopard

Make a gift at

2:00 p.m.

With so many cats in need of rescue, the work we do building new habitats and maintaining existing habitats never ends. 'RQDWLRQV IXQG WKH PDWHULDOV equipment, and specialized labor. Volunteers and staff work hard assuring every cat has a spacious home designed to meet their needs. It’s a year-round activity here at the sanctuary.


April 2017


Caretakers do another round, checking in on each cat and taking care of any last minute QHHGV EHIRUH QLJKWIDOO 7KH\ ÀQG that many of the cats have decided to cozy up in their indoor rooms. Gates, locks, 4:00 and perimeter areas p.m. are double-checked and each cat is wished D JRRG QLJKW 2IÀFH staff wraps up a long day of fundraising, answering calls, and coordinating future rescues.

Zeke, Dimitri and Griffen , tigers

Make a gift at

Griffen, tiger


April 2017

Max, Eurasian lynx

Jeremy and Simon, tigers

7:00 p.m.

As the sun sets, the day’s already wrapped up for most of the staff. But since cats are nocturnal, their most active time may just be beginning. We always have staff on-site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to oversee the safety of the cats at the sanctuary.

Shanti Deva, lion


April 2017


“Don’t You Want to Pet Them?�


t started out as a random question on our Facebook post. One we get all the time. But ZKHQ VRPHRQH UHSOLHG ´ORRN XS WKH DUWLFOH IRU 6WHSKDQLH 7UXHVGHOO 8QGHUZRRG 0LQQHVRWD WLJHUV Âľ that took me back in time to a case I’ll never forget. In 2005, Minnesota was home to five tiger breeding facilities. One was called Arcangel. They’d been on our radar for some time. It was a magician who began with two tigers and was up to 12 by the end of the year. The tigers were kept in tiny, unsafe cages with no shelter. Local teenagers YROXQWHHUHG WKHUH DIWHU VFKRRO 7KH 86'$ KDG cited them for several violations, but wouldn’t shut them down. We began working with local media and authorities to shut them down, under the Minnesota regulated animal law.

Tiger attacks teenager We were thrilled when we won the case against them and these big cats would be going to sanctuaries. They were just weeks away from a new life. Then, I received a call from one of our donors. She lived in the rural community and had heard an alarming

call over her local police scanner. A teenager was being rushed to the hospital for an injury she said happened from falling on glass. It seemed too suspicious since they were responding to the site of Arcangel. I called the hospital to advise them this may be an injury from a tiger or other big cat. I explained that, if they stitched up the wound, a massive infection might result that could cause irreparable damage to her arm. Sadly, that’s exactly what happened. The newspaper articles stated she had to return to the hospital days later for reconstructive surgery and skin graphs. She was only 16 years old.

Loose lion shot and killed Then another tragedy struck at Arcangel. Just days before the cats were being moved off the property, they were in the media again. A lioness had escaped the compound and was shot and killed. This broke my heart and angered me to the core. This little lioness, named Angel, had stunted growth. She was small, about the size of our cougar Liberty. She had a neurological disorder due to a vitamin deficiency, which was 100% preventable. She had free-roamed

Cats at Arcangel

Tammy and Sonja, tigers 14

April 2017

Angel, lion

the perimeter fence and had gotten out over stacked hay bales near the fence. Later, the day finally arrived when the remaining tigers were removed from Archangel. After a 10 day and very volatile holding period, we were able to place all the cats in sanctuaries. They finally had a second chance at life. One of those sanctuaries named one of the tigers Tammy. It was a humbling honor. It seems like a lifetime ago, but then also just like yesterday.

Petting a tiger This month, the 16-year-old girl who’d been injured at Archangel so many years ago posted a comment on RXU )DFHERRN SDJH 6KH¡V QRZ \HDUV ROG D PRWKHU VWLOO DIĂ LFWHG ZLWK D GHELOLWDWHG KDQG :KDW D VKRFN WR UHDG this‌ ,Q KHU ZRUGV VKH SRVWHG DERXW KHU PHPRU\ RI WKDW GD\ ´7KHQ ZKHQ KH VD\V LW¡V VDIH WR SHW WKH JLDQW FDWV you reach through the fencing and start scratching his head. Then, you go to scratch him under the chin and somehow your finger ends up in his mouth. Alrighty so on the finger are from his teeth. The horizontal scars across both sides of my wrist (there are DUH IURP KLV FODZV 'RQ¡W DVN PH KRZ KH JRW ERWK VLGHV , GRQ¡W UHPHPEHU LW KDSSHQHG WRR IDVW DQG , GLGQ¡W feel any pain as it was happening, just pulling. The long scars are from letting out the infection and the giant one on the inside is the skin graft cuz it wouldn’t close. Nine months of physical therapy. Still don’t have full UDQJH RI PRWLRQ DQG LW¡V EHHQ DOPRVW \HDUV Âľ So many of these stories come full circle for us, reinforcing how important our work was then - and still today.

Fergus Falls, Minnesota Friday, March 25, 2005 By Brandon Stahl 7KH /DZ¡V DUHQ¡W WKH RQO\ RQHV FRQFHUQHG ZLWK WKRVH QHLJKERUV $UFDQJHO :LOGOLIH DV WKH 86'$ DQG WKH 2WWHU 7DLO &RXQW\ 3XEOLF +HDOWK 'HSDUWPHQW DUH FXUUHQWO\ LQYHVWLJDWLQJ WKH IDFLOLW\ ZKLOH VWDWH DQG QDWLRQDO wildlife agencies are voicing complaints over what they feel is abuse of the animals. ,W¡V D GLIĂ€FXOW VLWXDWLRQ IRU WKH FXUUHQW FDUHWDNHU RI WKH IDFLOLW\ :HQG\ 0HHUV ZKR RSHQO\ DFNQRZOHGJHV WKDW WKH WLJHUV DUHQ¡W LQ WKH ´EHVW SRVVLEOH VLWXDWLRQ Âľ %XW VKH¡V DOVR EHHQ OHIW LQ D SRVLWLRQ RI KDYLQJ WR FDUH IRU WKH tigers — as well as a lion (which is kept in the home’s basement in a small cage) You can read articles about this case at UPROAR!

April 2017


Biggest Tigers at the Sanctuary Become Roommates What’s even better than giving two huge tigers their own large, natural habitats at the Sanctuary to roam? Introducing them to each other! You can imagine it takes a lot of planning, discussions and strategy to decide to introduce two big male tigers to each other. But when it works, it can provide so much new stimulation and happiness for tigers living in captivity. Former pay-to-play cubs, Caesar and Logan were acquired by their New York owner when they were still young. They were separated at a young age after ÀJKWV HQVXHG (YHQ WKRXJK WKH\ OLYHG DORQJ D VKDUHG wall, they hadn’t lived together in over 8 years.

Once they arrived at The Wildcat Sanctuary, they showed quite a bit of affection towards each other on their shared habitat wall. Per our protocol, they were neutered during their intake exam and this decreased a lot of the territorial nature we’d seen. We began the introduction process by letting the boys rotate into an exercise yard individually so they could smell each other’s scent. After a month of this rotation, we scheduled a playdate. The boys were well fed for several days to decrease any food aggression. Scents and several toys were placed in the yard to give them quite a bit of distraction vs. focusing on each other. Safety meetings and protocol were in place in

Caesar and Logan, tigers


April 2017

case they needed to be quickly separated. We held our breath when we opened the gates for WKDW Ă€UVW SOD\GDWH 7KH VLOHQFH ZDV LPPHGLDWHO\ overtaken by the sound of tiger chuffs. Caesar was PXFK PRUH FRQĂ€GHQW WKDQ /RJDQ XQOLNH WKHLU ROG hierarchy. Logan raised his paw in anticipation of what Caesar might do. Caesar did nothing. Then, Logan jumped slightly on Caesar’s back to see what response he would get. Caesar was more concerned with the scents and toys in the yard, just as we planned. Initial playdates were successful. The boys went their separate ways, with only a few interactions. On rare occasion, one would test each other and rear up. It sounds loud and can look intimidating, but they were just doing what tigers do as they learn how to live together. We couldn’t help but laugh as they bonded over Logan’s urine scent on the ground, both agreeing what an awesome smell it was. The playdates grew longer and longer, until the Ă€QDO PHUJH GD\ 7KH\¡OO KRSHIXOO\ OLYH WKH UHVW RI forever together. They can play together, communicate

Logan and Caesar, tigers


with each other, but also have enough space to still enjoy their alone time. 1RW RQO\ GRHV WKHLU PHUJHU EHQHÀW WKHP EXW LW DOVR EHQHÀWV RWKHU WLJHUV 2XU UHFHQWO\ UHVFXHG WLJHU WULR 'LPLWUL =HNH DQG *ULIÀQ ZLOO QRZ JHW WR PRYH to the larger, open habitat in Feline Meadows that’s been freed up due to this merger. And this domino effect trickles down to other cats that will also move to larger habitats here. In the end, it leaves an open big cat habitat to help a future big cat in need. We’re so thankful these tigers have found friendship in each other. Thank you for making special moments and friendships like this possible! You can continue to make double the difference through April 30th when your donations will be matched dollar for dollar – up to $50,000! Why not take advantage of this special opportunity, having your donation doubled today?

Your donation doubled through April 30th at

Caesar and Logan, tigers

April 2017



Maximillion, Savannah cat

Phoenix, African serval

Aspen and Blaze, cougars

Spartacus, Bengal cat

Ciega, Bengal cat

Kitty, Canada lynx

Tonka, tiger

Morgan, bobcat

April 2017

Simon, tiger

Bella, bobcat

Tasha, cougar

Shanti Deva, lion

Shadow, leopard

Dimitri, tiger

Archer, bobcat

Copper, bobcat


April 2017


In Honor & In Memory

Gifts through March 10, 2017

In Honor

In honor of Barbara Sharpe’s birthday

In honor of Sandy and Clarence Mason



In honor of Buzz Aldrin Lightyear Weger, a beloved housecat who will be crossing the Rainbow Bridge soon

In honor of Rosalind Annen’s birthday

In honor of Terri Murphrey



In honor of Robin Reynolds

In honor of Tonka. I worked with him and the other big cats at the facility where he was rescued from. He’s a completely different cat now, thanks to the love, dedication, and care that Wildcat Sanctuary has given him. Thank you so much for transforming him into such a happy boy!

In honor of the loving heart of Tyler Muench :ŽƐĞƉŚ ĂŶĚ <ĂƚŚůĞĞŶ DƵĞŶĐŚ

In honor of Shadow

Mary D Allison

Leslie Knechtel

In honor of Candace Klein-Loetterle on her 60th birthday! <ĂƟĞ ,Žůŵ ŵŝůLJ tƌŝŐŚƚ

In honor of Sherry Malone & David Shavor Nancy Beck

In honor of Jacqueline Flowers

In honor of Lisa Matthews >ŝŶĚĂ ƌŝŐŵĂŶ

In honor of daughters, Anna and Emma Shook ZŽďĞƌƚĂ ĂĚŐĞƌͲ ĂŝŶ


In honor of Lyndall Johnson and her mother, Angelina

>ŝnj &ƌĞĞůĂŶĚ

ůůĞŶ ^ƚĞǁĂƌƚ

In honor of my friend Marilynne who has been a wonderful loving friend to all cats, large and small :ĂŶ DĂƌŝĞ :ŽŚŶƐŽŶ

In honor of Cody, Owen, & Austin Kapelos ŽƵŐ <ĂƉĞůŽƐ

In honor of Xena :ĂŶŝƐ ĞůůĞƌ

In honor of my beloved cats Sheba & Zorro Ivana Kleine

In honor of Diana Lang :ƵĚLJ ZĂƚĐůŝī

In honor of Simba, Nalah and Fero, always my favorite kittens

In honor of Paula Cherner Diana Barton


In honor of Brittany Lewis

In honor of John and Suki Collopy

ƌŝĐ ĚĂŵƐ


In honor of Leslie Cortes

In honor of Fella the dog


In honor of the Applegate Terrace Staff WĂƚƌŝĐŝĂ dĂůůŵĂĚŐĞ


In honor of Scooter and Aurora Lizbeth Dobbins

In honor of Riley Sinn

In honor of Mantou and Huachuan



In honor of Gregory Smith

In honor of Emma, the kindest heart I know

ďŝŐĂŝů ^ŵŝƚŚ

April 2017


In honor of Ellen Richardson

In honor of Zephyr


In honor of Barbara Sharpe’s birthday



Elyn Kirchner


In honor of Winterfrye Kirby Frederick, Marilynne Robert’s cat

In honor of Pamela Daws

In honor of Colleen Rosbeck’s 65 birthday

In honor of Paula Nelson’s birthday


tŝƚŚ ůŽǀĞ͕ :ĞŶ

In honor of The Dalgleish Family ŶĚƌŝĂ ĂůŐůĞŝƐŚ


In honor of Mao Mao and Little Ollie ůŝnjĂďĞƚŚ tŽŶŐ

In honor of Julie Hanan Kathy Dean

In honor of Logan :ĞƌƌLJ ĂŶĚ 'ůŽƌŝĂ WŽƉĞ

In honor of The Wildcat Sanctuary staff and volunteers ^ƵĞ ƌĞƐŬĂ

In honor of Maria DĞůŝŶĚĂ ZĂŶŬŝŶƐ

In honor of all cats everywhere ,ŽůůLJ tŝŶƐĐŽƩ

In honor of Lynx ĞĞŶĂ ZĂŵŽƐ

In honor of Joni R Beaulieu :ŽŶŝ ĞĂƵůŝĞƵ

In honor of Hannah Trudeau ƌŝĂ DĞƌǁŝŶ

In honor of Coco >ŝŶĚĂ ƵƚůĞƌ

In honor of Krista, my lioness ĂǀŝĚ ĂƌďŽŶŝ

In honor of Melanie Lulue’s 50th birthday ŶŽŶLJŵŽƵƐ

In honor of Mandy Redder dŝŵ ZĞĚĚĞƌ

In honor of Charissa Davis :Ž ĂǀŝƐ

In honor of Kristina Franek <ƌŝƐƟŶĂ &ƌĂŶĞŬ

In honor of Shanti Deva ĂƌďĂƌĂ ,ŽůŽǁĂƚLJ

In honor of Helen Mareau tĞŶĚLJ DĂƌĞĂƵ

In honor of Ruth J Kary ZƵƚŚ : <ĂƌLJ

In Memory

In memory of my cat Aphrodite

In memory of Vince the Rhino

In memory of Valene, she always fed the cats



In memory of Brutus

In memory of Max



In memory of KashaXandiSuli & Azure

In memory of Raven

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In memory of all the kitties that have passed and in honor of all the kitties living safe, happy lives at TWS

In memory of Elizabeth (Lizzy)

In memory of Star and Charz

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In memory of Maude, who always believed she would grow up to be a tiger

In memory of my sweet and brave Hailey


In loving memory of Peekaboo


In memory of Xena :Ä‚ĹśĹ?Ć? ÄžĹŻĹŻÄžĆŒ

In memory of Chipmonk 7 Jan 2017 ŜŜÄž 'ĂƚĞĆ?

In memory of Jaxon 'ÄžĹ˝ĆŒĹ?Äž EÄ‚Ç‡ĹŻĹ˝ĆŒ

In memory of Cosmo Marna Kielich

For Kona in memory of Spit Lenore Moriarity

In memory of Muriel Schiltgen Ĺ?ĹŻĹŻ ĂŜĚ WÄžĹ? ÄžĆŒĹ?ÄžĆŒŽŜ

In memory of Boofer Brockhaus ZĂŜĚĹ? ,ĞůĹ?ÄžĆ?ŽŜ

In memory of Foxy, my little cat with the big heart sĹ?Ä?ĆšĹ˝ĆŒĹ?Ä‚ <ŽĞŜĹ?Ĺ?

In memory of Catpurnicus ĆŒĹ?Ĺś ,LJŜĞ

In memory of Forrest Windhorst ŽŜŜÄ‚ tĹ?ĹśÄšĹšĹ˝ĆŒĆ?Ćš

In memory of Christopher Emery DÇ‡ĆŒÄ‚ ĹľÄžĆŒÇ‡

In memory of Mischief and for the love and care of cats everywhere Michelle Younis

In memory of Jim Carlson

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In memory of Sunny

In memory of The Bear



In memory of Butch Cassidy

In memory of Karen Ruth Bortnick

In memory Barnaby, the sassy Main Coon


Louis Bortnick

In memory of Terri Bernard




In memory of Maude Owen-Thorpe

In memory of John Brandhorst



In memory of Boofer, Claudia %URFNKDXV¡ Ă€QH IHOLQH JHQWOHPDQ

In memory of our dearest little Pug, Lucy


In memory of Mr. Ronald G. Phillips

In memory of Diane Lee, who loved big cats ĹŻÇ Ĺ˝Ĺ˝Äš ĂŜĚ ĆŒĹ?Ä?Ä‚ >ĞĞ

In memory of my sweet boy Max <ĞůůLJ ^ƚĞƉŚĞŜĆ?

In memory of Toby and Tucker

Melanie Lulue

In memory of Dmitri 'ÄžĹ˝ĆŒĹ?Äž EÄ‚Ç‡ĹŻĹ˝ĆŒ

In memory of Keith Carlson ĹšĆŒĹ?Ć?ƚLJ ^ƉĞÄ?ĹŹ

In memory of Mr. Theo >ÄžĆ?ůĞLJ ^ƾůůĹ?ǀĂŜ

In memory of our dearest little Pug, Lucy ůĂƾĚĹ?Ä‚ tŽŜÄšĆŒÄ‚

In memory of my dad, Glenroy C. Austin ^ĂŜĚLJ ůůĞŜ

In memory of Stanley and Beverly Gilmer ĹšĆŒĹ?Ć?Ć&#x;ŜĞ &ĆŒÄ‚ĹśÄ?ÄžĆ? ĂŜĚ :ĂŜĞƚ ,Ĺ˝Ä?ĞŜ

In memory of Callie and Ginger ^ĆľĆ?Ä‚Ĺś ,Ĺ˝Ä?žĂŜ


In memory of my small cats, Claire de Lune, Asagao, Koto, Ojin, Chocolate, Arpeggio, Michie, Sherbet, Simon, Val, Flaggy, Smokey, Teufel, Snowball



In memory of dear, sweet Sid‌ roaming with the wild cats across the Rainbow Bridge

In memory of Zoe

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In memory of Peekaboo

In memory of Jack


In memory of Simba

<ĆŒĹ?Ć?Ć&#x;Ä‚ŜŜÄ‚ ůƚĞžĹ?ÄžĆŒ

Myrna Kurle

In memory of Josie

In memory of all the cats I’ve ever loved





Make a memorial or honorarium gift at April 2017


In Memory continued

Peekaboo, Bengal cat Peekaboo was very much the strong silent type with the soul of a jaguar.

Ekaterina, tiger

Raven, Bengal cat Little Raven, your sweet soul and presence will always be a part of Hybrid Haven. Now others get to learn how special you truly were.

Make a memorial or honorarium gift at 22

April 2017

Donoma , cougar

Haley, bobcat

Griffen and Dimitri, tigers


April 2017



PO Box 314 • Sandstone, MN • 55072

Ways You Can Help Time’s running out to have your donation doubled! April 30th will be here before you know it. If you’ve ever considered giving a little something extra to support our rescue work, now’s the best time! Thanks to generous supporters who want to inspire you to give, they’ll match any gift up to $50,000...but it has to be given before the April 30th deadline to qualify. If you just got a tax refund, why not give a little to the cats? And, your gift will be tax deductible for next year, too. Talk about doubling your return! There’s no greater feeling than seeing a wild cat happy after sometimes years of abuse or exploitation - especially knowing you play a part in their ‘wild at heart’ fun. Thank you for knowing how important it is to give back. You make rescues possible! email: phone: 320-245-6871











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