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The Official Newspaper of Cerritos College

September 25, 2019 VOLUME 64 | ISSUE 3 Talonmarks.com


A & E - Page 4

Alumni rocks on with band Velvateen

News- Page 2

Student senators needed



Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019

ASCC is looking for more student senators Kianna Znika News Editor @kiannaznika

Due to low senator count for Fall 2019, the Associated Students of Cerritos College is in need of more students to serve on senate in order to fill 26 seats and meet mandatory attendance requirements to conduct future meetings. According to Elizabeth Miller, Dean of Student Affairs, at least 14 members are required to be present at all meetings in order to discuss and move along through agendas. “We need enough people to vote,” Miller stated. Without meeting the attendance requirement, senate is unable to vote on specific matters within the agenda. Only seven out of 13 senators were present at the first senate meeting held on Sept. 18. Many items and nominations on the agenda, such as appointing the Majority Leader, were postponed to the meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 25. Nathan Williams, vice president-elect for ASCC, believes the reason for the low senator count is scheduling and many students from the previous semester stepping out to transfer to different

2019 Latinx Heritiage Month Events Celebrating Ecuador: Musical and Dance Performance from Yolanda Villegas October 9 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Falcon Square Education Without Borders Week October 7-11 The Latino GDP October 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Migration as a Human Right October 15 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Autry Museum Collection October 22 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Mexican Arts and Crafts Making WorkshopOctober 3 11 a.m.-12 p.m. EOPS A17 Dia de los MuertosOctober 30 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TBD


Student government: The Associated Students of Cerritos College are looking for more students to apply to be a part of student senate. As of right now, the ASCCsenate has a total of 26 seats and need at least 14 senators present for meetings and agendas. The next meeting will be held in BK 111/112 on Sept. 25, 2019.

schools for the academic year. “There’s probably not as much enthusiasm this [time] around because we’re in the fall,” he added. In efforts to recruit more senators, Williams will be increasing outreach and visiting different classes, informing students of the many opportunities and benefits

that come with being a part of student government. “There is a level of professionalism that separates themselves from many other competitors when it comes to transferring, applying for scholarships, and getting onto the workforce,” Williams explained, “Unlike their competitors, they actually have

not just basic skills but experience upon it. Requirements for a senate position include: a minimum of 2.5 GPA, unless the student is a freshman; enrollment in five or more units for the semester; and be in good academic standing from semesters prior to application.

For students interested in applying, the ASCC Senate application is open again on FalconSync, or contact cerritosstudentgov@ gmail.com. More information can be requested in the office of Student Activities located by the Student Bookstore, or contact Nathan Williams at nwwilliams@cerritos.

The Queen Mary celebrates diversity Bryanna Mejia Staff Writer @talonmarks

Attendees enjoyed a variety of live entertainment, merchandise and food on the night of Sept. 20, 2019. The first annual Queen Mary Night Market made its debut on Friday night with a view of the Long Beach skyline and an array of musical performances, popular food trucks and vendors. The Queen Mary states it designed this event to be “an outdoor celebration of SoCal’s diverse food and art scene.” The event opened its doors at 6 p.m. at the Queen Mary Events Park and allowed attendees to shop and eat under an abundance of string lights and the setting sun. Tickets sold for $7 and were available for purchase at the gate of the event or beforehand from the Queen Mary website where one could access it from a mobile phone. Vendors included local businesses like Discount Cemetery, Heart and Sol Designs, Sabrina’s Boutique, CNC Costumes and more with products from horror movie inspired t-shirts to handcrafted tutus. The event included an eclectic range of over 15 food trucks and vendors, so attendees could choose between sweet and salty kettle corn, tender smoked barbecue or even savory Puerto-Rican pollo sandwiches. Attendees 21 years or older could pay an extra $18 to participate in a beer tasting that featured mostly craft beers like those from Alpine Brewing Co., which has a home brewery and pub in Alpine, California. Manuel the Band, a local band, performed covers of popular alternative-rock songs throughout the night from bands

like Kings of Leon and The Killers. In between songs played by the band, DJ Akasa would mix through R&B and hiphop tunes. Families, couples and friends sat on picnic tables under trees to eat or catch up. Other attendees watched the band perform or browsed the merchandise. “It’s enjoyable. It’s like a very nice group of people. It seems like they all came to have a good time and that they’re interested in seeing the products,” said attendee and vendor Vangelia Griffin-Hardie, coowner of CNC Costumes. Parking could be found in the lots for the Queen Mary off Queen’s Highway. Although not advertised, would cost attendees $10 upon exiting the area. The Night Market ended at midnight.


A night at the beach: The Queen Mary Night Market allowed attendees to enjoy a variety of live entertainment, merchandise and food under the stars. The new event made its first annual debut on Sept. 20, 2019.


Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019


Pink, purple, blue and proud at Cerritos College In honor of Bisexual Visibility Day on Sept. 23, students and allies within the bisexual community shared what the orientation meant to them, their thoughts on “bi-erasure” and why the holiday is significant to them.

Edgar Mendoza

Managing Editor @edgarstevenmen1

Kianna Znika News Editor @kiannaznika


Sandra Barraza, theater, stated bisexuality is about not having a care for who you date. “Loving for your soul; not your genitals,” she explained. As for bi-erasure, Barraza does not care what others think or say. “As long as I know what I like, I’m going to be me,” she stated. Diana Morales, undeclared, stated that bisexuality, to her, meant being unafraid to like both genders, and further explained the negative effects of bi-erasure. “Bisexuals have so much bad stigma around them,” she stated. “It’s nice to see that we at least have a day dedicated to us.”

Juan Veliz, history, stated that bisexuality means liking someone of the two genders and shared his thoughts on bi-erasure. “You can’t erase it,” he explained. “You can’t rely on other people to tell you who you are.

Alina Rivera, dance, believes bisexuality means to like both guys and girls and that bi-erasure is “stupid.” “You’re telling someone [they] can’t be what they are,” she stated. “Let people live their life.”

“It’s not black-and-white. You can be whatever you want,” Adoffo Tercero, graphic design, stated about bi-erasure. “Being bi is what makes you comfortable. [It’s] what makes you, you.”

David Padilla, computer science, described that bisexuality, to him, means being interested in either sex as a romantic partner. As for bi-erasure, he believes it is a negative thing. “People just want answers, like ‘do you like me or not?’ “It makes no sense to try and erase something that doesn’t pertain to you. Bisexual Visibility Day is an annual holiday that is meant to celebrate the bisexual community and bring awareness of the obstacles it faces. Leading up to it, members and allies celebrate Bisexual Week.

From speech to communication studies Jasmine Martinez Editor-in-Chief @jasminesleuths

After almost 19 years of wanting to change the speech department to the communication studies department, Department Chair Angela Hoppe-Nagao expressed enthusiasm over the official title change in the fall 2019 semester. Since the inception of Cerritos College in 1956, the speech department was one of the first and longest-lasting components to the campus. While Hoppe-Nagao acknowledges the importance of the history of the department’s name- such as the power of spoken word and importance of public speaking skills-- she said it was not reflective of what the classes and major have to offer. “When people think of speech, they tend to think of public speaking, but our field has become more diverse,” HoppeNagao explained, “We want students to know that we are not just about public speaking, though public speaking is an important part of what we do, we do so much more than that.” Omar Gutierrez-Rocha, political science major, thought the old name was a “little archaic,” but now the department gets to move forward and be more “on level” with other universities who refer to it as the communication stud-

ies department. “Communication studies really is [broader] and can be applied to more fields,” said GutierrezRocha. Marla Valdez, now a communication studies major, thinks the new name sounds better and students might respond to the course names better than speech-- sometimes believing and fearing the classes will consist of mostly public speaking. According to Hoppe-Nagao and other studies, public speaking is amongst one of the main fears among people in the United States. Hoppe-Nagao said it took about a year to get the courses, degree and certificates finalized to offer communication studies majors a smoother transition. Most of the course numbers merely changed names, according to Hoppe-Nagao. For example, Speech 100 transitioned into Comm 100, save for Speech 235, which is now Comm 103. Course numbers and name changes can be found on the Cerritos College website, under the communication studies department. “It took us about 15 years to get everybody on board,” HoppeNagao laughed, “So it took a while.” She hopes the department continues to be a positive and memorable experience that helps build communities on campus.



Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019

Producer makes name for himself in LA Rebecca Aguila Online Editor @rebeccaaguila4

Sabino Sanchez, creator of Greenleaf, makes his shows available for all sounds and people. Greenleaf productions just started making its way into the scene as of last year. Sabino Sanchez, 29, is making his production crew noticed throughout the Los Angeles ska and punk scene. Sanchez provides the sound check which is setting up the all the wiring that connects to the sound board, microphones and speakers for all the bands that play the night of a show he’s hosting. In order for Sanchez to connect with bands he must use social networking skills to reach new bands and give them a chance to show off their unique sound and gain some momentum as they perform. Greenleaf creates an atmosphere where almost everyone can get along without disrupting the peace. At times Sanchez will find some of those people he can’t vibe with but at the end of it, there’s so many people attending these shows, that he'll eventually find his place with the right people. It creates a pit that is always willing to accept all freaks, weirdos, outcasts and black sheep with respect and good times. "I do it for the music and the people", states Sanchez. What makes Greenleaf Production stand out is the fact that almost any sound is welcomed. Whether it’s a two-person band or a whole full set, Sanchez will make sure his clients get the right sound. Sanchez states, "If I like the sound of a new band, I'll work with them to get their music known more." One particular band called The Ghetto on Phyre, was one of the first big bands that played for Sanchez, when no one else could or wanted to at the early stages of Greenleafs' productions. Popular bands such as La Muerte, Trinidad Suave, Ratas Fumigadas and Spare Change collaborate with Sanchez to create a bad-ass line-up to get the people


Sabino Mic check: Sabino Sanchez, 29, microphone checks to make sure that everything is set. He is wearing a Ghetto on Phyre hat which is a popular ska band.

exhilarated for what’s in store for the weekend. It is vital that he gets everything set up about a week prior to posting a flyer before hand, since trying to find a secure venue to host a show isn't always the easiest. Crucial that he gets everything done within a time frame, Sanchez manages to always pull off a successful and superb night of dancing, laughing and everlasting summer night memories.

Sanchez shares his growing success to many people who are well known or support the scene, "I want to thank everyone on the backyard scene who supports the shows especially my friends and as well as other production crews; So Cal Syndicate, All City, and Concrete Jungle." Among Greenleafs collaborations, Sanchez teams up with other production crews to help create benefit shows that help with communities all over the Los Angeles area. VHS entertainment and Greenleaf productions help families who are in need of help with funeral expenses and medical bills for loved ones. VHS entertainment consists of Daniel Barranda, 20, Denice Fernandez, 18 and Marriana Fernandez, 27. Barranda is also in the well-known band called Spare Change. "We help by gathering the community together one of our own in the scene. We recently helped out one of our friends who had cancer and raised funds to help out his family in order for him to get his treatment," states Denice Fernandez. Furthuring that this disseminates the stereotypical ideology that these ska/punk shows promote violence and drugs when in reality, it's about the music and the people who show love to the bands that perform with passion as well as the production crews that set up the events. At times, some of the higher end ska and punk shows are only for people who are over 21 and for those who are willing to drive for a while. Sanchez makes these shows available up to a certain age limit so everyone can enjoy and discover the sound of ska and punk. The great thing about Greenleaf is that is promotes peace among the crowd. Sanchez doesn't really have to worry because he knows that the people will handle the situation peacefully by simply kicking out the people who are disrupting vibe among the people and bands.

Read more on Talonmarks.com

Velvateen's rising popularity is causing a storm Rebecca Aguila Online Editor @rebeccaaguila4

The last time we left off with the up and coming band, Velvateen, they were on the verge of just getting settled in the south Los Angeles backyard ska and punk scene. Velvateen is a garage-rock band that is known for their classic rock and roll send from the early 2000s circa, whose sound is certainly all up in your face. Their sound is inspired by many bands that have influenced Velvateens unique sound such as Rob Zombie and Queens of the Stone Age. Jacob Jimenez, 25, and his new and improved drummer, Sammy "Ramone" Santos, 24, have been hitting more than just the backyard shows to perform this year. "We've been gaining a lot more momentum and more movement at our performances," states Jimenez. When people begin to move around or "create a pit" it shows the performer that they are indeed into the music that the band is producing. This makes it easier for Velvateen to get comfortable in whatever atmosphere they perform in. Jimenez and Santos have noticed that the crowd seems to be a lot more sociable especially since Jimenez does a lot of footwork to get Velvateen noticed. Velvateen are performing at bar venues and are gaining a lot more popularity in the metropolitan area of Los Angeles and Hollywood. Jimenez is a former Cerritos college student and spent most of his time using the campus and students as a way for him to get his demos out by passing them out.

Even being a full-time college student, Jimenez still managed to achieve his academics and promote his music. Jimenez has been putting in major work to show people his band and the raw sound that Velvateen produces by passing out his flyers and business cards. Recently, the band has spent their time producing different merchandise. The band is introducing new T-shirt designs and produced demos of his songs. Sam Santos gives Velvateen that desired heavy beat when performing. Him and Jimenez seem to go with each others vibe which is critical for a two-person band. Santos started playing drums at the early adolescent age of 4 and is professional magician. "I met Jacob through a mutual friend and he told me that Jacob really needed a drummer", states Santos. Sam Santos has his own production studios at his home entitled "Hooligan Studios" in which he helps create and produce Velvateens music. Velvateen is wild and they definitely like to keep the intense energy as the play a unique sound that is raw and uncut. It gives the audience to reminisce about the old school days of 2000's era of Marilyn Manson's' rock band. The band plans in releasing an album within the year. PHOTO AND ILLUSTRATION BY REBECCA AGUILA AND CHRISTOPHER MARTINEZ

Ska & Punk: Velvateen consists of two band members, Jacob Jimenez as the lead singer and guitar, along with Sam Santos on drums. Jimenez play live at the Redwood Bar in Downtown Los Angeles on Sept. 8, 2019


Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019



Savoring every bite: High in demand soups like Po-Tak, which is a spicy soup with a combination of seafood and Po-Ta soup, a fluffy rice soup can be found at Jade Siam's. Guests can enjoy the Asian inspired food in Huntington Park.

Gordita Eateries: Jade Siam's Welcome to Gordita Eateries, the one and only food column dedicated to great food. It’s time to get out of the constant food cycle and venture into a world of delectable dishes that you're sure to like. Rebecca Aguila Online Editor @rebeccaaguila4

Gordita Eatery checking in again, and this time I’m bringing some heat to this week’s food column. We’re heading to the southeast side area of Los Angeles in a little city called Huntington Park. This little Thai food restaurant is filled with smells that will enlighten your soul. Jade Siam’s is located on the corners of Slauson and Pacific confined in a little plaza that is often filled because of Jades delicious cuisine. You’ll find many Latin families enjoying Asian inspired soups, noodles and meats which is something quite beautiful honestly.

Po-Tak is one of their high demand soups that is served in a Thai Tomyum Shabu that is ignited in the center to keep the soup from getting cold. It also called Spicy Combination Seafood Soup which is a Hot and Sour soup filled with delicious fish, shrimp, muscles, squid, imitation crab, green muscles, chunks of tomato and spicy lemon juice. It's then topped with Mexican cilantro and slices of lemon grass. White fluffy rice can always help out if you’re feeling hungrier than usual while eating this soup. There are three levels of heat which for add an abundace of flavor to the delicious broth. These levels of heart are not for the faint heart, might I add. I’ve had one of the craziest experiences ever of ordering their Po-Tak soup at its maximum heat. If ordering their maximum heat level, I advise you order their famous Boba milk tea drinks to try and tame the numbing and fiery experience that is yet to come. The first bite is something that of eating one of Chief Wiggum’s Guatemala insanity peppers and as you venture more, you'll end craving every last bite of it. As you keep eating, you’ll notice that even thought

the broth is spicy, the flavor is extraordinary and warms you to core. I believe that this a true staple of what Jade Siam’s can produce which allows you to get out of normal caldo’s or Mexican inspired soups at home. Next up in the menu is Jade’s decadent Pad Thai noodles. This cuisine is traditional dish that is comprised of small rice noodles, bean sprouts, green onion, purple onion, peanuts and your choice of shrimp, chicken or beef. Guests can request to have a combination Pad Thai and the chef will include all three meats. To complete this feast, their vegetable egg rolls are one of the crunchiest and mouth-watering pleasures you can dream of. The egg rolls are served with a sweet and sour sauce toppled with green onion and an umbrella on the side. You'll know you're in the right spot once you enter the establishment and find the hanging umbrellas from the the ceilings. From the pleasing music to the waitresses who greet you with a smile, Jade Siam's creates an atmosphere that almost anyone can surely enjoy.

'Rambo: Last Blood'marks end of a franchise R E V I E W

Oscar Torres

Staff Writer @ProfessorChunk

Spoiler alert "Rambo: Last Blood" filled its role in the nostalgia of the old films, although the conclusion of the franchise and end of Rambo's journey added nothing new. The film released on Sept. 19 and is the fifth film in the "Rambo" franchise. It tries to tell a story that feels akin to the original films and it does its job really well. The style of "Rambo: Last Blood" feels much like a modernized 80s film similar to that seen in the first three films, leaving people in suspense and wanting more. It doesn't hold back in violence either since this is the most violent film out of the entire franchise. "Rambo: Last Blood" is set 11 year's after the events of the

fourth film with John Rambo returning back to his father's horse ranch and living the rest of his life in peace. He also looks out for his friend Maria Beltran and her granddaughter, Gabrielle who are also living there with him. Later on, Gabrielle tells him that she's found her father in Mexico with both John and Maria refusing the idea, but she goes anyway. It ends with her being kidnapped by a Mexican Cartel, which prompts Rambo to go search for her and take his revenge on the cartel. The first act of the film would feel relatively slow and boring for most people since this is a film about an 80s action hero. It doesn't help much that the

story has a generic plot-line with the main protagonist trying to save a person that he cares for. That leads to him finding the person and killing the bad guy, a plot that seems better suited for a television adaptation than movie. The film does show some forms of racism and xenophobia towards Hispanics and Mexicans, showing them in a murderous and rapist view that is not good to see and is viewed as stereotypical. The movie doesn't get intense and action-packed until the the third act, where we finally get to see what made the Rambo films memorable to this day. The action was by far the best part of the film with it feeling akin to that of John Wick and Metal Gear Solid with all of its stealth kills and over the top action scenes. It is surprising to see Sylvester Stallone do all of these stunts and at 73, it's good to see that he's still got it even after all these years. Stallone manages to show how intense and dramatic he can be when he's in the camera.

He emphasizes his character and shows how much growth he went through during the entirety of the four sequels. If people are sensitive to stereotypes and depictions of other races then this film isn't for them. Fans of the original four films

would get a kick out of this and it's a decent way to close out the franchise. If people want to watch a film with over the top, action packed, violent scenes then, "Rambo: Last Blood" is definitely the film for them.


It's been 37 years: Sylvester Stallone has played Rambo for the last time in the fifth and final franchise, "Rambo: Last Blood." The film released on Sept. 20, 2019.



Wednesday, Sept.25, 2019

Don’t keep rebooting, reusing, recycling

of the same story as the original with the only change being a different cast. Looking at Spider-Man, a character who has been rebooted three times in cinema and countless times more in television, the lack of innovation is painfully evident. We enter the theater and must sit through the standard

death of uncle ben , and the lesson that with great power comes great responsibility. Though the most recent iteration of the character strayed away from this formula, it could not shake the tradition its predecessors had set. Fans once again watched as Peter Parker used a suit that was homemade to fight crime, and

though it came at the end as opposed to the beginning of the film , it was still an all too familiar concept. In television , shows such as “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” have been rebooted so many times that many fans do not recall their original iteration. Each generation attempts to capture the essence of the original, but much like a game of telephone, the meaning and heart of the shows message is distorted and lost with each passing reboot. Shows such as “Fuller House” attempt to pick up where the original left off. Yet they soon find that the road they wish to continue on is nothing more than a dead end. Even films with a wealth of source material to create from choose to mimic the original film’s plot. “Fantastic Four” for example, with over 50 years of content to draw from, chose to retell the same story as their 2005 predecessor. This has resulted in both cinema and television failing to create a balance of creating new and rebooting old content. “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” revived a classic franchise, yet was noticeably a retelling of the original “A New Hope.” The industry is no longer setting sights on risks and roads less travelled. Instead they choose to draw from over done and pre-established playbook. This playbook is continues to become more worn and outdated the more studios fall back on using them.

Christina Flores Architecture major

Anthony Gamboa Music major

Brandon Varela Administration of Justice major

Phelan Kretschmer Nursing major

“I think it probably won’t be successful.”

“I think we’ve been talking about Trump being impeached for a long time. If he was going to be impeached, it would have happened by now.”

“If the things they’re [the House representatives] saying are true, I do think he’ll get impeached.

“I don’t see how he’ll be impeached with the powers at be.”

Fall 2019

Staff Writers Jazmin Aguayo Quinae Austin Sean Davis Jonathan Gonzalez Luis Lemus Bryanna Mejia Karen Miramontes Abel Montoya Denise Ng Naila Salguero Oscar Torres Vivian Yglesias


Modern television and cinema is populated largely by reboots of old franchises, and it is these reboots that are leading to a lack of innovation in the industry. A reboot is defined as a complete overhaul of the source material , yet current reboots fail to be an overhaul, serving most commonly as a retelling

The concepts and characters that were once cash cows are soon due for slaughter from overwork. The public blames this lack of inspiration and creativity on the industry , saying that directors only follow along with what is familiar. However fans must realize that they are also to blame for this lack of innovation and creativity. If fans continually pour money into the pockets of these studious and directors, we are sending a clear messages that we see no problem with reboots. The message we provide by continually viewing these products is that we will see a film or watch a show solely because of the name, and regardless of quality. We must not be afraid to leave this comfort of familiarity , as new ideas and concepts can only come to pass if we support them. Smaller films, new tales , characters and original worlds too often go unnoticed by the general public in favor of reboots. Instead of choosing to watch a sad excuse for a Transformers movie, choose to watch a film based on a true story. This will send a message that we will not sit idle and watch our favorite characters be butchered on the small and big screen alike. Your ticket and your viewership on television count, the choice lies with your movie ticket and with your television remote, so cast your vote.

Free Speech Zone What outcome do you expect to come from the Trump Impeachment Inquiry?

Complied by: Edgar Mendoza

Managing Editor @edgarstevenmen1

Talon Marks is a First Amendment publication. Editorials express the views of the Editorial Board. Other opinions express the view of the author and are not to be considered opinions of the publication’s staff, the Editorial Board, the advisers, the Cerritos College Associated Students, the college administration or the Board of Trustees. Production and printing of Talon Marks is partially funded by the Associated Students of Cerritos College.

Newsroom offices are located in the Fine Arts & Communications Building, Room FA245. Cerritos College is located at 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650 Telephone number: (562) 860-2451, ext. 2618 Vol. 64 © 2019 Talon Marks

STAFF Editor-in-Chief Jasmine Martinez Managing Editor Edgar Mendoza News and Community Editor Kianna Znika Opinion Editor Alison Hernandez Co Sports Editor Derrick Coleman Co Sports Editor Randy Tejeda Arts & Entertainment Editor Elizabeth Corcoles Online and Social Media Editor Rebecca Aguila

Faculty Adviser Christian Brown Instructional Lab Tech I/Adjunct Alicia Edquist JACC Pacesetter Award 2009-2010



@talonmarksports Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019

Football team: Falcon's football team running out to the field, ready to face College of the Desert. The game took place on Sat. Sept 21, 2019 at Cerrtios College.


Falcons soar above the competition all three plays that had the ball and Desert at the 4-yard line. He made it to a touchdown as well as Rodriguez who made another good kick into the field goal that earned the score 27-7. The roadrunners were facing a dilemma at the Vivian Yglesias third-and-six on the 11-yard line as sophomore Staff Writer tight end no. 84, Matt Den Hartog, made it to the @talonmarks 10-yard line of the Desert and that was when Cerritos was in the lead by 21 points with 6:34 of the Cerritos College had their third consecutive victhird quarter. The score then changed to 34-7. tory against College of the Desert, the final score At the start of the fourth quarter, Cerritos made a being 50-7 on Saturday, Sept. 21. fumble at the Desert one-line. The wide reciever made headway in the first But after a delay of game against the Roadrunquarter by a lead of 10-0, where sophomore wide ners, running back Bronton Woodard was tackled receiver No. 7 Jovohan Tucker, made a 45-yard in the end zone for safety by sophomore linebacker touchdown pass from freshman quarterback No. No. 54 Ikenna Ahumibe, and the score was brought 15 TJ McMahon, and the sophomore kicker No. 89, up to 36-7. Paul Rodriguez, which resulted in the team’s lead“I think we played well enough to win the game. ing score. Offense was able to put some drives together, Into the second quarter, it started off well as created turnovers, and only let to one score.” T.J. freshman kicker No. 42 Brandon Petruescu, made McMahon, quarterback, said. an attempt at a 29-yard field goal. It was then that a free kick was given to sophoIt was then that sophomore No. 7 Noah Peterson, more No. 6 Jacobi Hardy, who gave it a good 72went racing down 35-yards for a touchdown and yard pass for another touchdown, getting the score the score was brought up to 13-0. up to 43-7. At the very end of the quarter after a lot of runs The Roadrunners were not doing so well as the and fouls, the roadrunners started to make their score has stayed the same for them since the second mark as a 10-yard pass was made from Kaleb Bryquarter. ant as well as a kick from Diego Martinez, now During the last minutes of the game, freshmaking the score 13-7. man running back No. 28 J’lon Manning, took all Coach Grosfield said "that there were a few things 48 yards for the Falcons in the last scoring drive, the team could have done differently, to eliminate coupled with a touchdown by a 2-yard run, which penalties and not worry too much about the other made the score of the night, 50-7. team, but other than that, it was a great play for the When the night ended, there were congratulatory team." high fives and cheering in the crowd as everyone The third quarter kicked off when sophomore witness the Falcons defeat yet another opponent. running back No. 4 Carl Odom, ran 80-yards in

The Falcons have outscored their opponent by an average of 44 points in every game so far


Quarterback: TJ McMahon directs the team with hand signals for the next play. The Falcons will play College of the Canyon on Sept. 28, 2019.


Running Back: Carl Odom runs the ball for a first down during the game against College of the Desert. Falcons won the game 50-7.



Offensive line: Falcon teammates get in position to practice a new play. Quaterback TJ McMahon, leads his team down the field.

Pass Attempt: TJ McMahon - 173 Rushing: Carl Odom - 103 Receiving: Jovohn Tucker – 45


talonmarks.com Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019


LA soccer teams push for the playoffs

Randy Tejeda

Co-Sports Editor @talonmarks

Major League Soccer (MLS) is coming down to the final weeks of regular season. Both Los Angeles franchise's are getting ready for the Audi MLS Cup Playoffs. LA Galaxy are currently in fifth place in the Western Conference. The Galaxy missed the playoffs in the last two seasons. Galaxy's final matches are on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at Real Salt Lake at 6:30 p.m.; Sunday, Sept. 29 vs Vancouver Whitecaps at 4:30 p.m. at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson. Los Angeles FC [LAFC] already qualified to their second consecutive playoffs and will get a first round bye. LAFC are in first place of the Western Conference which means its playoff appearance begins in the conference semifinals. LAFC on Wednesday, Sept. 25 host Houston Dynamo at 7:30 p.m.; four days later on Sunday, the black and gold will travel to Saint Paul, Minnesota to face off with Minnesota United FC at

4:30 p.m. On October 6, LAFC play at Banc of California Stadium against Colorado Rapids at 1 p.m. After the game, LAFC will be awarded the Supporters' Shield trophy. LAFC accomplished the most regular season points and will win the Supporters' Shield

trophy; which is awarded to the team that has the most points after 34 regular season games. LA Galaxy are in need of at least two wins to officially qualify to the MLS Cup Playoffs for the first time since 2016. LAFC, on the other hand will not play the Knockout Round [like last season], since the MLS

changed its playoff format. Both winners of Eastern and Western Conferences do not play the knockout round. LAFC's inagural season ended in a devfeat at home against Real Salt Lake 3-2 in the 2018 MLS Cup Playoffs. LAFC is ready for its second playoff appearance, now it's LA Galaxy who needs to be a playoffs


LA Galaxy: As the team holds fifth place in the Western Conference, the team will face off on Sept. 25 at Real Salt Lake. The team will wait on a playoff position.

team. LAFC are favorites to win the MLS Cup final which will be on Sunday, Nov. 10. LAFC has Carlos Vela the top goalscorer of the league with 28 goals, while Zlatan Ibrahimović has 26 goals, the most ever recorded of any LA Galaxy player in a regular season. Games will be broadcasted on YouTube TV [LAFC] and Spectrum SportsNet [LA Galaxy]. According to many sources, the LA Galaxy vs LAFC rivalry known as "El Trafico" ["The Traffic" in Spanish] is the best rivalry in MLS history. LAFC have yet to beat the LA Galaxy in five matches, however Zlatan Ibrahimović [LA Galaxy] and Carlos Vela [LAFC] have been its key players since the rivalry began last year. In the 2019 season, LAFC dominated the competition by obtaining 64 points in 30 games. On the other hand LA Galaxy have 45 points in 30 games. LAFC unfortunately have not been able to beat its crosstown rival. Read more on Talonmarks.com

NCAA VS California: This is a game changer Jonathan Gonzalez Staff Writer @jgee_24

The California Assembly and Senate passed California Senate Bill 206 that would allow NCAA Athletes in California to earn money while competing in their respective sports. The debate on whether college athletes should be allowed to gain profit has been debated for years, but now falls in the hands of Governor Gavin Newsom. The NCAA is strongly against the idea of college athletes being paid because they believe it is "unconstitutional." They believe the law being instated in California will clearly give them the advantage in recruiting compared to other NCAA universities across the country. Many athletes coming out of high school choose to play overseas instead of going to a NCAA

university because they believe it's corrupt being restricted the opportunity to earn money through their name. NBA All-Star Draymond Green expressed his excitement of the bill being passed on Twitter, "Finally we are making some progress and getting this thing right. Kids going to sleep hungry, can't afford anything yet these universities are profiting off those same kids. "SIGN IT!!" Green tweeted. NBA Superstar Lebron James also expressed his content with the law being passed on Twitter, "This law is a game changer."College athletes can responsibly get paid for what they do and the billions they create," tweeted James. The NCAA has a strict policy in not allowing these college athletes to earn money through their image or name. An example is with NBA star

Zion Williamson, out of Duke University. He has been widely known around the country and many people have bought his jersey from Duke, but he was not allowed to gain profit from these purchases. Many athletes want this change to occur, because the university is in full control of all earnings without this law. The athletes earn the universities millions of dollars and do not receive a single cent.



Ducks enter new seasonQuack Under Pressure Edgar Mendoza

Managing Editor @edgarstevenmen1

The 2019-2020 NHL season is almost upon us, and the Anaheim Ducks may not be ready for it. The Anaheim Ducks are welcoming new head coach Dallas Eakins while also bidding farewell to many once star players. Longtime veterans of the team such as Corey Perry have left the team, clearing a path for a younger core of players to take the ice. Due to injuries in the last season, the Ducks were forced to play without key members such as Ryan Getzlaf and Cam Fowler for the latter end of the season leaving the team painstakingly thin when it came to filling positions. This will be carrying over to the start of this season, and will likely transitioning leadership roles of to the likes of Rickard Rakell and Jakob Silfverberg. The team however still retains one of the top goalies in the league, John Gibson. Gibson held a .917 save percentage average last season.

keeping the Ducks in contention for far longer than many teams with the same goal average as the Ducks. If the Ducks wish to go even further this season, they must rely not solely on Gibson, but on newer faces such as Sam Steel and Troy Terry, players who may find themselves with the perfect opportunity to rise to the ranks of Ryan Getzlaf and Adam Henrique. In regards to Head Coach Eakins, he will need to adapt quickly for the coming season, or he will find himself having to share the roster as the games progress, leaving the Ducks without a constant core. These are only a small margin of the challenges that await the Ducks, look for further updates as the season progresses. The Ducks won their first game aganst the San Jose Sharks, lost susbsequent games. The National Hockey League regular season commences on Wednesday Oct. 2. There will be a 1,271-game regular-season schedule with 82 games played per team, all culminating in the Stanley Cup in April 2020.

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