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of control. I decided then, I said, “You know what? It’s time to go see what’s going on.” I was diagnosed with a hyper thyroid, and I was prescribed medication. I took it faithfully every day, because I just wanted to feel better. After a couple weeks, I still was not feeling well. In fact, I felt worse. Then, I got my life scare. That’s where I could not breathee. I mean, literally couldn’t breathee. My throat was closing. I was brought to the hospital emergency room 3 days in a row. Then, as it turns out, I was experiencing a severe allergic reaction to the medication I was taking. As I followed all the doctor’s protocols, to the letter, I followed everything they told me, my symptoms, they kept on deteriorating until I was allergic to most allopathic medications. I couldn’t really use much. Frank MacKay: Wow. Maryann Castello: Yeah. It’s a really scary situation, because you’re saying, “What can I do for myself?”, and you don’t know. You feel like everything’s spiraling out of control. I kind felt like I had to just notice changes. What I noticed was if I was having a bad day, just mentally, emotionally, stress, whatever, I was feeling that was physically. If I was having a great day, I felt like I was like on top of the world all the time. Then, I said, “Wow. I have control. I am in complete control of my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self.” I empowered my own body to be able to recognize any changes I was experiencing at any given moment. Then, I was able to adjust various holistic modalities, that for me, that helped me achieve homeostasis. What I did realize through my experience was that I didn’t want anybody

else to feel this way, so I decided to start educating myself through various institutions. This way I could help myself, my family, and anybody else, to help achieve optimum help with an integrated approach. When I did that, my whole entire lifestyle had changed. Everything that I was complaining of, you know, physically, everything just started to go away. It was absolutely wonderful. What I realized is that when I noticed my lifestyle change, after a couple of months, I decided to all the holistic modalities, different ones. Then, I had more energy, desirable body changes. I had no more palpitations, no more temperature fluctuations, never a panic attack, because those things can be really debilitating, and I felt like my old self again, but in some ways even better than I originally did, my entire life. Then, I started incorporating that with myself, my family members, my friends, my colleagues. Then, I realized everybody was getting a benefit through education. Then, I decided, I’m going to keep educating myself. I’ve been in continuing education for 15 years. I always want to stay on the frontier of innovative holistic solutions, you know, the introduction of allopathic medication changes everyday, and there’s new dietary guidelines. I’m committed now, not only to my own personal growth, but how to help incorporate that for other people. It became my mission. Frank MacKay: Maryann, keep your thought. I just want to interrupt everyone, once again, if you’re just tuning in, or if you’re just turning on your radio, this is Frank Mackay. More importantly, you’re listening to a premiere broadcast of

Neos Zoe, with Maryann Castello. Maryann is ... Well, I’m going to let her say it, in her words. You mentioned panic attacks and not being able to breathe. What did you think was happening? Maryann Castello: The thing is, I didn’t know. I felt very out of control, but it was one of the scariest, debilitating feelings. It was hard to even talk when I couldn’t breathee. I realized panic, just sheer panic set it, and you’re wondering, “Is this it?”, you know. You don’t know what to think. I will never forget that feeling, and I never want anybody to feel like that either. It was a wake-up call. It really was. We all go about our life, every single day I was one of them, and it changed my life. It really did. Frank MacKay: I know that people

What I try to tell people is, you can have your career, you can have everything, but at the end of the day, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have much of anything”

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