TAITRONICS 2016 Show Daily Issue #2

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TAITRONICS unveils cutting-edge technologies

TAITRA Chairman Francis Liang, third from the left, MOEA Deputy Minister Shen Jong-Chin, second from the left, Minister Without Portfolio Wu Cheng-chung,middle, TEEMA chairman Kuo Tai-chiang, third from the right, Deputy Minister of India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Aruna Sundararajan, second from the right, join in the opening ceremony of TAITRONICS 2016. 外貿協會董事長梁國新(左3)、經濟部政務次長許榮津(左2)、行政院政務委員吳政忠(中)、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會理事長郭台強(右3)及印度電 子資通訊部次長Aruna Sundararajan(右2)共同為「2016台北國際電子產業科技展」揭幕。

2016台北國際電子展盛大登場 展覽x論壇x採購洽談 TAITRONICS proves best one-stop trading platform for exhibitors and buyers


he 2016 Taipei International Electronics Show (TAITRONICS 2016), running until Oct. 9 at the Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1, gathers major suppliers in Taiwan’s electronics supply chain and their counterparts from Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, the U.S., France, Czech Republic, India, Singapore and Mainland China under one roof, serving as the best platform for Taiwan makers to build connections with global markets and build strategic cooperative partnerships. With “New Technology, New Applications” as its main theme, the TAITRONICS 2016 features three brand-new exhibition areas, namely medical care electronics, robotics and unmanned vehicles, smart manufacturing and new ven-

Contents 目錄


tures, leading Taiwan’s electronics industry march toward a new wave of transformation and upgrading, according to Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (TEEMA), the show’s organizers. The opening ceremony held on the morning of Oct. 6 saw quite a few heavyweight speakers, including Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tsung-Tsong, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-Chin, TAITRA Chairman Francis Liang and TEEMA Chairman Gou Tai-chiang. In addition, Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary of India’s Ministry of Electronics

中華民國對外貿易發展協會 及台灣區電機電子工業同業 公會共同主辦的「2016年台 北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子展 或TAITRONICS)6日在台北南港展覽館 1館盛大開展,一連四天展直至10月9 日。該展聚集臺灣電子產業上中下游菁 英廠商,並有來自日本、韓國、香港、 美國、法國、捷克、印度、新加坡及中 國大陸等多家國際廠商共襄盛舉,是臺 灣產業與國際市場接軌及建立策略合作 夥伴之最佳平台。 本屆電子展以「智慧科技•創新應 用」為展覽主題,新增醫療電子、機器

(Continued on page 2)


Cover Story TAITRONICS unveils cutting-edge technologies 2016台北國際電子展展露尖端科技


Foreign buyers scouting for latest innovations 外國買家來臺尋覓最新科技


Life in Tech Pavilion unveils creative startups 創新•新創 i-Life館揭開新創企業新篇章


‘Make in India’ Pavilion leads the way Make in India國家館引導商機脈動


Exhibitors’ Highlights 廠商焦點

For more information, visit www.taitronics.tw 「2016年台北國際電子產業科技展」參展廠商、 論壇活動及更多展覽相關資訊,請至展覽官方網 站查詢: www.taitronics.tw




2016 TAITRONICS celebrates its 42nd anniversary this year with 530 exhibitors from 11 countries using over 1,000 booths. TAITRONICS 今年邁入第42屆,本年10月6日至9日在台北南港展覽館1館展出,計有來自11國530家參展廠 商使用超過1,000個攤位。

人及無人駕駛載具、智慧製造等3個領 域的廠商以及新創企業參與展出,集合 產業老幹、新枝一同展現物聯網時代繁 茂又多元的創意與商業模式。 十月六日上午舉行的2016年電子 展開幕典禮,包括行政院政務委員吳政 忠、經濟部政務次長沈榮津、貿協董事 長梁國新及電電公會理事長郭台強出席 致詞。率領超過100人代表團來臺的印 度電子資通訊部次長Aruna Sundararajan 亦上台致詞,為「Make in India」印度 國家館再度進駐電子展造勢。 印度資通訊部次長Aruna Sundararajan在開幕典禮時說,過去幾 年,印度和台灣公司有著「建設性的互 動」,而除了政府的努力外,「這個夥 伴關係,我認為是由雙邊的產業及企 業,雙邊的人民,一起來帶動。」

產業創新 掌握商機 and Information Technology, was invited to speak at the ceremony. She led an Indian exhibitor and visitor group of over 100 members to attend the show in the form of “Made in India” Pavilion to demonstrate the country’s robust technical prowess in related industrial sectors. Speaking during the opening, Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary of India’s Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, said her country had “engaged constructively” with Taiwanese companies over the past few years, and that their partnership was driven by government efforts as well as by industry, companies and the people from both sides.

Corporate innovations define business opportunities TAITRA chairman further said he expected this year’s TAITRONICS to attract over 3,000 international buyers to tour the show and make purchases, adding that TAITRA had arranged procurement meetings between exhibitors and potential buyers and hosted the “Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement” on Oct. 6, so as to maximize business opportunities. Liang said that in line with the government’s “New Southbound Policy,” TAITRA had specifically listed India as a partner country for the show, with forums with forums “Investor Roundtable” and “Initiatives of the States in Ease of Doing Business and Investment Opportunities” held to solicit Taiwanese makers to invest in electronics sector in India.” Minister Without Portfolio Wu Tsung-Tsong said he believed the show would bring Taiwan’s electronics industry substantial business opportunities and facilitate makers to build cooperative ties with international makers. Wu added that Taiwan performed well in the electronics hard ware sector in the past, but that what counted most was for makers to closely integrate hardware and software for more applications to daily life. Wu stressed that the Executive Yuan (Cabinet) had launched a national digitalized


innovation economy project to promote combination of digital software and hardware products and technologies to build a better “rule by law” environment and facilitate related comprehensive deployments.

IoT-based Asian Silicon Project For his part, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Shen highlighted the broad applications of smart living and innovative technologies, such as smart education, smart production, and smart transportation. Shen further said that the National Development Council had worked out an internet of things-based (IoT) Asian Silicon Project in a move to build Taiwan into a base for IoT R&D and applications. During the exhibition period, the Bureau of Foreign Trade has also asked TAITRA to enforce the “2016 Global Sourcing for Government Procurement” project, and TAITRA has, through its overseas branches, invited some 40 qualified enterprises that already won their government procurement projects from 20 countries — including Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia and Egypt — to attend the event and engage in face-to-face trade talks with Taiwan suppliers. Speaking at the opening of the government procurement event, Walter Yeh, Executive Vice President of TAITRA, said TAITRA led groups of Taiwanese makers to Thailand, Poland and other countries to get the firsthand market information, while also visiting procurement units and system integration companies of the countries to build cooperation ties. Yeh said TAITRA had invited selected foreign companies that were capable of offering system integration and total solutions packages and were experienced in handling government procurement projects in their countries to attend the procurement meetings. Furthermore, TAITRA is also actively helping Taiwanese makers build alliances to promote various packages of total system solutions to foreign enterprises in target markets, so that they cooperate to bid for government procurement projects offered by foreign countries. ■

外貿協會董事長梁國新表示,本 屆電子展預計吸引超過3,000名國際買 主來臺參觀採購示,外貿協會舉辦洽談 會媒合商機,包括電子展聯合採購洽談 會,以及「全球政府採購大會」,發揮 一加一大於二的效益,讓商機最大化。 另外,配合政府新南向政策,今 年特別將印度列為展覽夥伴國(Partner Country),展期間還有印度電子產業投 資商機論壇及投資印度圓桌會議等系列 活動。 行政院政務委員吳政忠表示,相 信這次活動會為臺灣電子科技產業帶來 許多商機,以及和國外廠商建立合作連 結,雖然過去臺灣在硬體方面有傑出成 就,但展望未來應將硬體和軟體充分結 合並應用到生活中。 因應未來趨勢發展,吳政忠說,行 政院已啟動數位國家創新經濟方案,未 來要往數位軟硬結合道路走,建立更好 的法治環境基準及相關全盤佈局。 經濟部政務次長沈榮津也強調,電 子展對臺灣產業發展及經濟發展扮演一 個重要角色,今年強調智慧生活與創新 科技的應用,範疇相當廣,如智慧化教 育、智慧化生產、智慧交通等應用。同 時,國發會今年提出物聯網亞洲矽谷計 畫,希望將臺灣塑造成物聯網應用創新 研發和場域試煉基地。 同時,在電子展期間,經濟部國貿 局委託外貿協會執行「2016年全球政 府採購大會」,在貿協全球駐外單位的 積極動員下,邀請泰國、馬來西亞、越 南、俄羅斯、埃及等20國近40家成功取 得當地政府採購標案之得標商參與,與 我國業者進行面對面洽談。 外貿協會副秘書長葉明水在「全球 政府採購大會」開幕致詞時表示,今年 外貿協會分別帶領業者赴泰國、波蘭等 國,就近取得最新市場資訊,並安排拜 訪當地政府採購部門及系統整合商,建 立合作關係。 採購大會邀請具系統整合解決方案 及國內外標案實績之業者加入,積極籌 組聯盟業者赴目標市場推廣各項系統解 決方案並與當地業者建立關係,協助廠 商共同合作參與當地政府採購標案。 ■


Foreign buyers scouting for latest innovations at TAITRONICS

Industry professionals from around the world visited TAITRONICS to scout out Taiwan’s latest electronic products. A day-long procurement meeting on Oct. 7 allowed foreigner buyers to directly communicate with Taiwanese companies and to learn about various quality products Taiwan offers.

ASBIS Russia The Russian Federation 俄羅斯聯邦

世界各地產業專業人士紛紛來到台北國際 電子展,期待展覽帶來最新電子產品。聯 合採購洽談會於十月七日舉行,這個為期 一天的活動,讓國際買主能面對面與臺灣 廠商溝通,以便了解臺灣各式優質產品。

Videosolutions Group

Sahasra Electronics Pvt. Ltd.

Ukraine 烏克蘭

India 印度

Ivan Brylin Business development director 商業發展部協理 “I am looking for suppliers that can provide smart home products,” said first-time visitor Brylin. 首次來到電子展的Ivan Brylin說:「我 想在展覽中找到智慧家電用品的供應 商。」

Kusam Electrical Industries Ltd. India 印度

Chandmal Goliya

Director 總經理 “Attending the show for two decades now, I had very high expectations. I find the round clamp meter and the flexible current probe to be very innovative ideas.”

Michael Chabanovskyy

Varun Manwani

President 董事長

Director 總經理

“My goal here is to find suppliers for devices and components for home circuit boards.”

“It is my third time here, and TAITRONICS is well-organized as usual. I look forward to finding new vendors and new business ideas.”

「尋找供應家用電路板原件和配件的廠 商是我來的主要目的。」

「我來電子展已20年了,每年都讓我相當期 待。這次,我覺得電力鉤表和電流測量線圈兩 者都是非常新穎的點子」

「這是我第三次來到電子展,如同往年, 規劃非常完善。我期待發掘新賣家和了 解產業最新商業點子。」

Basco Technology Ltd. 匯科系統有限公司 Hong Kong 香港

cocos-promotions GmbH

Yupana LLC

Germany 德國

U.S. 美國

Alex Wong 黃法展

General manager 總經理 “This is the third year I have attended TAITRONICS, and I am especially interested in seeing how furniture and IT applications are combined together.” 「第三年參加電子展,我對於電子產品和家具兩者 的結合相當感興趣。」

Center of LED and Optoelectronic Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Rainer Schubert

CEO 執行長 “I really like the idea of procurement meetings here. It is well-organized and effective for buyers,” said Schubert, who is in Taiwan for quality products and technology. 相信臺灣品質和科技水平,Rainer Schubert表示:「我非常喜歡這樣的洽 談會,有組織且成效顯著,對於買主相 當方便。」

Eray Arat Technical sales engineer 技術行銷工程師

Belarus 白俄羅斯

Aliaksei Chaliapin

Researcher 研究員

“My company provides telecommunication services, so what I am looking for are signal processing equipment and drones.”

“My company manufactures streetlights, industrial lights and more. I am visiting for the first time and have already met several promising power supply manufacturers.”

「我的公司提供通訊服務,因此我希望 可以找到信號處理器和空拍機。」

「我的公司生產路燈、工業用燈等。第一次參 與電子展,我已經發現幾個不錯的電源供應 器商。」


InforCharge Co. Ltd. has successfully promoted its wireless charging data analysis and marketing system to shopping malls, restaurant chains, hotels, and many more. 禾力科技股份有限公司的第二 代無線充電裝置已成功推廣至 各大百貨、餐飲連鎖及飯店等 業者。

Miézo Inc. features a series of electronics products that can be integrated with furniture to create a smart living space. 鳴周科技股份有限公司設計一系列電子科技與傢俱結合應用帶來智 慧居家生活。

Paying detailed attention to the structural systems in our daily lives, Woody Plus Co. Ltd. captures a beautiful way of life with their furniture designs. 青築國際股份有限公司專精於「構築美好生活」 的多元化居家設計。

創新•新創 i-Life館揭開

Life in Tech Pavilion Yangtouch Corp. highlights its awardwinning EyE stereo Bluetooth speaker, which can be connected to a TV for home theater entertainment. 陽泰電子股份有限公司展出其科 技創新獎得獎產品–情境樂活藍 牙喇叭。



or the first time ever, the Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and National Association of Small & Medium Enterprises (NASME) have gathered 18 small and medium enterprises awarded or incubated with government assistance to come together as an “IoT Startup Fleet” at TAITRONICS, to showcase their latest smart living products and technologies at the “Life in Tech” pavilion — Booth No. J1005.

SCtek Inc. focuses on innovative designs that allows for real-time updates of various daily household furniture.. 宏雲電股份有限公司專精於各 類居家品以物聯的方式進行環 境數據整合。

SMEA Deputy Director-General Lin Mei-Hsueh said that, in orchestrating the “IoT startup fleet,” her administration seeks to combine innovative startups by encouraging cross-industry cooperation in the global market. ■ .

Another winner of the Technology Innovation Awards, LIPS Corp. promotes its newly-launched 3D depth camera at the show. 立普思股份有限公司推出之新產品ToF 3D深度攝影機,榮獲科技創 新獎之肯定。


Green King Enterprise Co. has committed itself to the improvement of air quality by developing air purification and monitoring systems. 居康實業股份有限公司致力於打造良好的空氣環境,推 出空氣監測及清淨設備。

Anchor Tech Co. Ltd. is a winner of the Technology Innovation Awards at TAITRONICS 2016 with its newlydeveloped D1X IoT LED driver. 安可爾科技股份有限公司以DIX 物聯網LED驅動器榮獲2016台北 國際電子展科技創新獎。 3Egreen Technology Inc., also a winner of the Technology Innovation Awards, specializes in RF Bluetooth low energy (BLE) designs. 科技創新獎項得主展綠科技股份有限公司為 低耗能藍牙及無線電射頻產品開發之翹楚。

Pileup Life Co. Ltd. designs modular customizable chairs suitable for all modern living spaces. 層層生活有限公司提供模組化客制化座 椅,適用於各種居家生活空間。

Sky-Tech Electronic Co. Ltd. is a manufacturer of large-scale industrial-use 3D printing equipment, as well as higher-end industrial-use 3D scanners. 天空科技股份有限公司生產大型工業用3D影 印設備及高端應用3D掃描系統。



startups 屆首次,由全國中小企業總會執行,臺灣經 濟部中小企業處結合18家受輔導及獲獎新創 企業,共同打造「IoT新創艦隊」,於2016台 北國際電子產業科技展設置「創新•新創 i-Life館」(攤 位號J1005),除了展示具有各家特色之新創產品,同時 提供智慧生活的情境實用體驗。 經濟部中小企業處林美雪副處長親臨展場為新創 企業加油打氣,體驗館內創新服務。她表示期望藉由 「IoT新創艦隊」聯展,展現創業創新共同價值,與國 際接軌,而未來更會整合民間力量持續投入創業創新生 態圈。

With expertise across digital signal processing and smart energy control, Joint Power Exponent Ltd. features its next generation power management ICs. 強弦科技股份有限公司以專業的數位解析及 智慧能源技術推出新一代能源管控IC。

Iamcompany Inc. introduces its Iamschool e-agenda book, which can provide instant notification of schools’ latest news and activities. 艾康朋股份有限公司展出韓 國高覆蓋度科技產品—電子 聯絡簿。

臺灣經濟部中小企業處透過「i-Life生活館」 展現18家新創IoT企業智慧生活新能量 SMEA demonstrates smart living IoT technologies from 18 enterprises at the Life in Tech Pavilion

Aengin Technology Inc. is a leader in wireless communications and sensor technology, providing customized service solutions across IoT applications. 以最先進的無線及感應技術,研擎科技股份有限公司 提供豐富的物聯網應用及客制化解決方案。

New Jin Feng International Co. Ltd. showcases its i-Med concept incorporating electronic applications for maintaining medicine prescription records. 新鉅峰國際科技有限公司提供最新醫藥記錄 APP結合新世代行銷解決方案。

ARPlanet Digital Technology Co. Ltd. specializes in the development of AR/VR interactive technologies and marketing-related solutions. 宇萌數位科技股份有限公司專於提供各 色AR/VR科技應用及行銷解決方案。

The Marketing Games Co. Ltd. offers instant photo shooting equipment technology with customizable settings accorded to the needs of consumers. 創新行銷顧問有限公司介紹新一代貼拍機融合 快速證件照,適合各式廣大客戶需求。

ALBA Global Co. Ltd. imports various accessories and daily essentials from Japan to encourage the fulfillment of a fruitful lifestyle. 永旭企業有限公司引進種類繁多之日 本文創產品,無一不精、無一不巧。


Make in India國家館引導商機脈動

‘Make in Indiaʼ Pavilion leads the way 世界級市場消費力及多元化的市場訴求,皆代表了印度無限的潛藏商機 Renowned for the scale of its consumption, India’s market offers plentiful and diverse business opportunities

As the partner country of this year's event, India envisions becoming a strong and independant nation through electronics manufacturing. 身為本屆展覽夥伴國,印度展望成為電子強國之一。


y opening doors to foreign investors, India has moved up 32 places on the Global Competitiveness Index in the last two years. In spite of this, according to Som Mittal, chairman of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), the country still has a relatively untapped market with “huge market explosions” waiting to happen as we speak. Renowned for the scale of its consumption — as seen by the fact that there are now 1 billion connections in the mobile phone industry, which only started in 1995 — India offers plenty of business opportunities amid diversity. Most importantly, it has great design capabilities, with a staggering 3.5 million engineers in software design alone. Having established a foreign investment policy in which 100-percent foreign ownership is allowed without requiring a state shareholder, it’s no wonder that so many multinational companies have come to India to build design centers and electronic manufacturing facilities. “The government of India has started


The seminar "Investor Roundtable: Experience Sharing & Success Stories in Indian Electronics Sector," which took place in the afternoon of Oct. 6, drew much interest and received great audience attention. 十月六日下午舉行的「來印度製造圓桌論壇」,吸引業界菁英齊聚一堂。

從對外資開放的近兩年來,印度 交出在全球競爭力指數晉升32 位的傲人成績。可即使如此,據 印度工商總會主席Som Mittal表示,印度 實則在很多層面上依然是一個未經開發的 市場,擁有超乎想象的市場潛力待發掘。 自1995年始,印度著手發展手機行 業,時至今日在全國擁有高達十億信號相 連接,其市場消費能力可見一斑。不僅如 此,其由不同邦及鄉鎮訴求而產生的市場 多元化及多樣性亦代表著無限的潛藏商 機。而更重要的是該國不可忽視的才能資 源廣度及深度,光在軟體程式方面就有多 達三百五十萬的專業工程人才。 在外商得以享有百分之百持有權, 且無須政府機構持有任何股份的外商投 資政策下,各大世界級國際大廠皆競相爭 取在印度設立設計中心及電子設備開發工 廠。 M i t t a l表示:「印度政府計劃在未 來,將一切政府機構服務電子化及透明 化,並保有全程電子紀錄。」預估將有共 計二十五萬座鄉鎮透過光纖設備相聯結。 「我們有市場,有人才資源儲備,而 現在…有政府鼎力支持,」Som Mittal如 是說:「這就是我們的價值主張。」 ■

India is about creating markets. 印度創造市場 — FICCI Chairman Som Mittal 印度工商總會主席Som Mittal

an initiative, drawing prospects for a future where every government service will be offered digitally, would be transparent and could be tracked through electronic records,” said Mittal. A total of 250,000 villages are expected to be connected via fiber connection. “We have a market, design capabilities, and now … government support,” said Mittal. “That is our proposition.” ■

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INDIA’S HIGHEST EVER RECORDED FDI INFLOWS (2O14-2O16) Source: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India



FDI equity inflow increased from USD 46.72 Billion in 2012-2014 to USD 70.93 Billion in 2014-2016 Source: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India





Source: Zinnov Management Consulting Report




Source: United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO Yearbook, 2016





Source: Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization






Exhibitorsʼ Highlights 廠

Taiwan Cloud & IoT Pavilion


焦 點

The Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan has set up the Taiwan Cloud & IoT Theme Pavilion to serve as a platform for Taiwan’s companies engaged in cloud and IoT to conduct exchanges and cooperation and to explore business opportunities. The pavilion is intended to gather a range of heavyweight companies and institutes to showcase the latest cloud and IoT solutions and packaged products, including ITRI, III, Chunghwa Telecom, Microsoft Taiwan, The Syscom Group, Elta Technology, Infinites Soft Solution, NEXCOM International, AcBel Polytech, Trade-Van Information Services and HwaCom Systems. ■ 由台灣雲端運算產業協會所成立的台灣雲端與物聯網主題館,此 平針對臺灣雲端和物聯網產業而設置,提供拓展商機和合作交流的 機會。展館邀請一系列國內重量級企業與機構,展示出最新雲端計 算平台服務、IoT智動化解決方案和相關產品。參展的企業及機構包 括:工業技術研究院、財團法人資訊工業策進會、中華電信股份有 限公司、台灣微軟股份有限公司、凌群電腦股份有限公司、愛爾達 科技股份有限公司、數位無限軟體有限公司、新漢股份有限公司、 康舒科技股份有限公司、關貿網路股份有限公司和華電聯網股份有 限公司。 ■

 Booth NO.


 www.twcloud.org.tw

Smart Living Pavilion 智慧生活主題館 In an effort to bolster the development of localized smart application services and solutions, the Committee of Accelerating Mobile Broadband Service and Industry Development under the Ministry of Economic Affairs has incorporated the internet of things (IoT) and smart city elements into the Smart Living Pavilion at the show. The committee has gathered several outstanding firms to showcase their latest innovative products and technologies, including the smart pen from Qumedia Co. Ltd., the MySight 360 wearable VR camera from Sightour Inc., Open Health APP from Othe Technology Inc. and smart robots from Future Oceans International Co. Ltd., among others. ■ 為了推廣臺灣在地應用服務與解決方案,經濟部加速行動寬頻 服務及產業發展推動小組在今年主題館中,涵蓋了物聯網和智慧 城市元素。主題館集結諸多優秀企業,帶來各式最新創新產品和 技術,展出的商品包括:樂全科技的集點通智慧筆、視旅科技的 Mysight360登山用穿戴式全景攝影機、奧樂科技的OHA開放健康 平台、實洋國際的智慧機器人等。 ■  Booth NO.


MIT Smile Mark Appliances Theme Pavilion MIT微笑標章家電主題館 With the MIT (Made-in-Taiwan) Smile Label widely recognized as a symbol of quality, the Corporate Synergy Development Center has created the “MIT Smile Mark Appliances” pavilion to better promote quality MIT-labeled household electrical appliances supplied by Taiwan’s two leading makers in the line, Teco and Sampo. Users can directly monitor Teco’s smart home appliances via their mobile phones and can use voices to operate Sampo’s smart housekeeper system, all in an effort to achieve smart living and save energy. ■ 臺灣製MIT微笑標章被廣泛認定為品質優良的保證,這次MIT 微笑標章家電主題館,由財團法人金屬工業研究發展中心主辦, 邀請東元及聲寶兩大本土家電廠上協力展出。聲寶公司以「物聯 智慧家電」為主題,結合了家電、照明、保全等各類感測設備, 使用者可以直接透過手機聲控「聲寶智慧管家」,為使用者提供 更舒適、便利的智慧生活。 ■  Booth NO.



Brightking Electronics Inc. 君耀電子股份有限公司 Brightking Electronics presents its transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diodes and metal oxide varistors (MOVs) at this year’s show. The former can limit or clamp an over-voltage spike to within a safe range in pica-seconds to protect circuits from damage and are suitable for consumer products, vehicles, military, aerospace, and electrostatic discharge protection. The firm supplies a full range of MOVs with breakdown voltages from 18V to 1,800V and surge currents of up to 70KA or more, all meeting international standards and possessing certifications such as UL, VDE and CSA. ■ 君耀電子股份有限公司在本次電子展主要展出瞬能抑制二級管, 是由IEC61000-4-2、IEC61643-321等安全認證認可的限壓型過壓保 護器件,能高效地將電壓限制在安全範圍內來保護電路,且可以廣 泛地用於各式汽機車、軍事、航太航空系統及消費類產品等電壓保 護措施。此外,君耀電子同時在展中推出一系列從18V至1800V的壓 敏電阻,單體通流量可達70KA或更高,符合國際安全規定之認證之 外,也擁有UL、VDE、CSA等相關無鉛認證。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.brightking.com

PT. Selatan Jadi Jaya (SJJBATT) Indonesia-based battery manufacturing company SJJBATT is here to grab a spot in Taiwan’s market. To promote its core product, automotive batteries, the Indonesian company has rolled out its maintenance-free operation VRLA battery line as its promotional key point, equipped with compliance to Japan Industrial standards, SJJBATT’s representative Alexandre Njoto said. VRLA batteries also have an edge in the industry compared to China’s batteries, in terms of lower costs. While knowing that Taiwanese businesses are more familiar with Chinese batteries, the company hopes to provide an alternative battery solution by establishing international business partnerships, Njoto said. ■ 印尼電池製作廠商SJJBATT (PT. Selatan Jadi Jaya) 來到被視為國 際貿易中樞的臺灣市場開拓商機。除了公司主軸汽車電池產品,這 家印尼公司也在展覽特別推出免保養式的VRLA電池。此系列電池 符合日本工業規格的標準,SJJBATT代表Alexandre Njoto也表示, SJJBATT的VRLA電池與中國的產品比較,因為具備較低的成本,相對 也較有競爭力。雖然他了解在臺灣大眾與相關產業與中國電池比較 熟悉,但他仍希望SJJBATT進軍台灣市場,透過商業銷售或是國際合 作的方式,讓更多人認識來自印尼的電池。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.sjjbatt.com

GEOSAT Aerospace Technology Co. Ltd. 經緯航太科技股份有限公司 A company unique in its ability to integrate upstream (research and development), midstream (operation services) and downstream (data analysis) in UAV application fields (fixed wings, multi-rotor and helicopter), GEOSAT brings three core products tailored to meet diverse solutions in mapping, surveying and agriculture, according to chairman Lo Cheng-fang. A major addition to GEOSAT’s series of largely enterprise-based UAVs is its Venus Micro Drone, especially created for consumer-use. Equipped with laser sensors and AI technology, the drone, which weighs a mere 250 grams, can follow, avoid obstacles, shoot panorama, fly upon being tossed into the air and land in your palm. ■ 在無人飛行載具系統(定翼機及旋翼機)產業中,GEOSAT獨具垂直整合上游(研 發生產)、中游(操作服務)及下游(資料分析)服務,在本屆電子展中展示三項 主力產品,提供在製圖、探勘調查及智慧農業等多元完整的解決方案,社長羅正 方說。在多為商用UAV的產品系列中,GEOSAT以大眾消費者為目標族群研發最新 的微小型四軸空拍無人機Venus。僅250公克重,且具雷射感測器及AI科技的無人 機可跟隨飛行、自動避障、全景自拍、丟拋起飛或降落在手掌心上。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.geosat.com.tw


Exhibitorsʼ Highlights 廠

NGK Insulators (China) Investment Co. 商


焦 點

Raw metal materials are NGK Insulators (China) Investment’s main promotional products at this year’s expo, according to Masato Yasuda, Development Manager of the company’s Shanghai Branch New Metals Department. NGK’s beryllium copper products (plate, coil, bar and wire) are known for their high strength, electrical conductivity, flexibility and fatigue strength, making them reliable and longlasting solutions for a wide range of everyday products, such as automobiles, cellphones and laptop computers. Clients can also seek customized products. NGK hopes to expand business in Taiwan and China through its EU RoHS Directive-compliant products, which ensure safe quality. ■ 金屬原物料是恩基客(中國)投資有限公司在今年展覽上主打 產品,公司上海分公司金屬事業部開發部長安田真人解釋。NGK 主推的公司鈹銅產品(板、帶、棒、絲) ,完全符合歐洲RoHS指  Booth NO. 令兼具高強度、高導電性、高導熱性、耐磨性、耐疲勞性、在各 種領域中被廣泛的使用中:例如日常生活的汽車、手機與筆電 中。NGK也可以提供客製化的服務,提供符合客戶形狀需求的產 品。在這次展覽中,NGK希望能藉由符合歐洲RoHS指令的產品 擴展在臺灣與中國大陸的業務。 ■


 www.ngk.co.jp/cn

Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co. Ltd. 正崴精密工業股份有限公司 Cheng Uei’s Well Shin Technology Co. has rolled out an all-around cloud smart IP camera control center, Smartbear, serving as a central hub to its smart home appliance series. It is equipped to serve as a surveillance hub and control center, allowing users to monitor their home surroundings and to control lighting, audio, video and home appliances, such as air conditioning and television set via an app, according to Sales Department Account Manager Amy Young. She added that the dimmable LED bulb Bluetooth speaker can be screwed onto its cloud smart lamp base to serve as a lightbulb and speaker. ■

 Booth NO.


 www.foxlink.com.tw

正崴集團旗下維熹科技股份有限公司推出雲端無線監控IP CAM Smartbear,兼具監控及智能家庭系列產品的中樞。品牌 業務處代表楊惠文指出,Smartbear可透過獨自研發的APP軟 體,讓使用者監控、控制家中的環境,遠距控制燈光、影音及 家電,例如控制冷氣、電視機開關。現場也示範使用公司研發 的APP,調整具備藍芽喇叭功能的LED燈泡亮度。此款燈泡專 門搭配維熹推出的雲端智能燈座。 ■

Xiamen Hongfa Electroacoustic Co. Ltd. 宏發電聲股份有限公司 Hongfa Group aims to increase its brand awareness in Taiwan, according to Hongfa Marketing Dept. Deputy Director Mac Woo. The Xiamen-based company has strong R&D capacity, as well as advanced design, manufacturing and automatic assembly equipment, to market and maintain high-quality products. Gearing up to champion global trends and to support the new energy industry, Hongfa’s quality and internationally-recognized products feature new energy relays (its high-voltage direct current relay series), mainly used in electric vehicles, as well as its industrial relay series, in a bid to boost momentum for Industry 4.0 in Taiwan and “Made in China 2025.” ■ 中國大陸最大繼電器研發製造出口商宏發股份,正想提升在臺灣 的品牌意識,宏發市場部副部長吳斌說。設在廈門的宏發具備自成 一體的繼電器全產業線,以提供並維持高品質產品的能力。宏發的 高品質及備受國際品牌認定的新能源繼電器(高壓直流繼電器)也響應 臺灣及全世界新能源產業趨勢,主要應用於電動車及太陽能產業。 除此外,宏發推出的工業繼電器也響應臺灣推動的工業4.0及中國製 造2025政策。 ■


 Booth NO.


 cn.hongfa.com

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