TAITRONICS 2016 Show Daily Issue #1

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Join the next paradigm shift with TAITRONICS 2016

“New Technology, New Applications” is the main theme at TAITRONICS 2016. Exhibitors will present the best precision technology and latest products of industries from upstream and downstream. In keeping with this year’s theme, there are exhibitors in new show areas such as “Ehealthcare,” “Robotics and Unmanned Vehicles,” “Smart Manufacturing” and “Startups,” which

中華民國對外貿易發展協會 及台灣區電機電子工業同業 公會共同主辦的「2016年台 北國際電子產業科技展」(簡稱電子 展或TAITRONICS)今年邁入第42屆, 本年10月6日至9日在台北南港展覽館 1館展出,計有來自11國530家參展廠 商使用超過1,000個攤位。除了臺灣知 名電子廠商精銳盡出,印度官方打造 「Make in India」國家館,加上來自日 本、韓國、香港、美國、法國、印尼、 新加坡及中國大陸等多家國際廠商共襄 盛舉,讓電子展成為臺灣產業與國際市 場接軌及建立策略合作夥伴之最佳平 台。 本屆電子展以「智慧科技•創新 應用」為展覽主題,除了呈現電子產業 鏈上中下游的精密技術與最新產品,今 年更新增醫療電子、機器人及無人駕駛 載具、智慧製造等3個領域的廠商以及 新創企業參與展出,引領臺灣電子產業 進行新一波的典範轉移。 今年電子展集結凱士士、百容電 子、進聯工業、君耀電子、致茂電子、 固緯電子、連虹等知名廠商,展現臺灣 上下游整合的產業群聚優勢。今年許多 廠商的展出內容帶入物聯網(IoT)應用 元素,包含英業達、友嘉及正崴展示最 新智慧應用及虛擬工廠,長庚大學點亮 「醫療電子」新展區,微軟參與展出雲 端應用,東元、聲寶、台灣日立等榮獲 MIT標章的家電品牌展出結合物聯網、 節能技術的高品質家電產品及智慧管家 系統。 印度政府推動的「Make in India」國家館再次現身電子展,這次 參展規模比去年更大,印度電子資通 訊部次長Ms. Aruna Sundararajan親自 率領逾100人代表團,由中央政府、7

(Continued on page 2)


第42屆世界級電子展迎來全新智慧科技應用 The global electronics trade show celebrates its 42nd anniversary this year with a variety of smart technology applications

TAITRONICS 2016 expects to welcome over 3000 international visitors. 2016台北國際電子展預計吸引超過3000名國際買主訪台參觀。


he aiwan External Trade and Development Council (TAITRA) and Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association (TEEMA) are proudly holding TAITRONICS 2016 from Oct. 6-9 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, with 530 exhibitors from 11 countries at over 1,000 booths. In addition to displays of renowned Taiwan electronic manufacturers and the India government’s “Make in India” Pavilion, international exhibitors from Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, the United States, France, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Singapore and China also showcase their latest electronics and IoT innovations, making TAITRONICS the best platform

Contents 目錄

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for Taiwan to connect with international markets and to establish strategic partnerships.

Shifting the Paradigm of Taiwan’s Electronics Industry

Cover Story Join the next paradigm shift with TAITRONICS 2016 台北國際電子展引領次世代轉型典範 Event Schedule 研討會/活動日程表 From global to niche markets, prospects high for TAITRONICS 2016 縱觀全球到利基市場,2016台北國際電子產業科技 展展望空前

6 8 10 15

Theme pavilions unveil power of ‘Smart Technology & Innovative Applications’ 特色主題館開創智慧科技應用新契機 Technology Innovation Award Gold winners unveiled 科技創新獎金牌獎揭曉 Exhibitors’ Highlights 廠商焦點 Services 各項服務 / Free Shuttle Bus 免費接駁車服務


are set to drive the next paradigm shift in Taiwan’s electronics industry. At TAITRONICS, top electronics firms such as KSS, Excel Cell Electronics Co. Ltd., DECA, Avertronics, Chroma, GW Instek, Chy Firemate Co. Ltd. give an overview of the strengths of Taiwan’s integrated supply chain. This year’s show features internet of things (IoT) applications, with companies such as Inventec, Fair Friend Group and Foxlink presenting their latest smart applications and virtual factory concepts. Chang Gung University is the highlight of the new “E-healthcare” exhibition area, and Microsoft showcases cloud technology applications. Winners of the MIT Smile Mark appliance award — such as TECO, SAMPO and Taiwan Hitachi — displays smart home systems that combine high quality energy-saving products with the IoT.

Understanding the Global Electronics Industry Another highlight of the exhibition is participation from India and Japan. The “Make in India” Pavilion is bigger and better this time around. Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary at the Ministry of Electronics & Information, personally leads a delegation of more than 100 members to visit TAITRONICS. Representatives from India’s central government; from states including Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Odisha; from associations of the electronics, information and communication industries; as well as from 10 companies including Panasonic India, Elcom, TATA Steel are making a special trip to Taiwan for the “Make in India” Pavilion. During TAITRONICS, forums on India’s electronics industry investment opportunities and a series of Invest in India roundtable activities will be held. The Invest in India roundtable on Oct. 6 will be presided over by the minister of India’s Department of Electronics Information and Communication Technology and feature a special talk by Mediatek Chairman Ming-kai Tsai and an address by a TAITRA representative. In addition, the Akita County Government of Japan organizes a group of local manufacturers for the Japan Pavilion to display technologies like the electric smart cane with sensor, surface treatment for electrical products, solar modules, LED module, software and smartphone apps, light source/pressure sensors and more. The deputy executive of Akita, along with heads of local electronics enterprises, banking officials and journalists, makes up a group of nearly 50 visitors to TAITRONICS, strengthening the Taiwan-Japan exchanges and cooperation. In addition to country pavilions, there are eight theme pavilions not to be missed: Pavilion of Green Living Certification; Made in Taiwan Product — MIT Smile Mark Appliance Theme Pavilion; Pavilion of Wearable and IoT Smart Application; Smart Living Pavilion; Green & Smart Theme Pavilion; Smart Safety Pavilion; Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan Cloud and IoT Pavilion; and Life in Tech Pavilion. All


This year’s show features many IoT applications. 今年許多廠商的展出內容帶入物聯網應用 元素。

these pavilions integrate interactive, experiential, and internationalization promotional strategies by providing reality video platforms, unmanned machine, cloud bookcases, 3D interactive games, IoT systems for hospital beds, smart cushions and more to create exciting, interesting and one-of-a-kind experiences for visitors.

Promoting Innovative Research and Development In addition to displays, a series of forums and seminars will be held during TAITRONICS by TAITRA, TEEMA, the Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, the India Pavilion and media. Topics of the forums and seminars focus on system integrations, smart cities, wearable devices, power management, startup IoT and electronic components investment opportunities. By providing a platform for professional discussion and forward-looking views, TAITRONICS aims to inspire the new generation of research and development. The R&D strengths of Taiwan’s electronics and telecommunications industry will be on display at the 5th annual TAITRONICS Technology Innovation Awards. The awards recognize 13 products for their superior “innovation,” “industry contribution,” “market value,” “energy-saving” and “aesthetics and design.” Winners will belong to the three major fields of medical care, LED application, and entertainment electronics. The organizers are expecting to attract more than 3,000 buyers to the show. In order to efficiently help international buyers search for potential partners with excellent products, TAITRA will organize one-on-one procurement meetings that match demand with supply. The “Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement” will also be held during the fair by TAITRA. With the support of the TAITRA global offices, nearly 40 government representatives from 20 countries including Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia and Egypt will fly to Taiwan to meet with manufacturers and conduct procurement negotiations. ■

個邦政府、電子資通訊相關產業協會 代表,以及Panasonic India、Elcom、 TATA Steel等數十家企業高階代表組 成,專程來臺為國家館造勢,同時在電 子展期間辦理印度電子產業投資商機論 壇及投資印度圓桌會議等系列活動。 10月6日舉辦之投資印度圓桌會議,由 印度電子資通訊部次長主持,邀請聯發 科技董事長蔡明介與談及外貿協會代表 致詞。 此外,日本秋田縣政府組織當地 廠商來臺參展,成立日本館,展出內容 包含多項高技術含量的產品、材料及解 決方案。由秋田縣副縣長、秋田當地電 機電子企業負責人、銀行高層與媒體 記者組成近50人參訪團來臺參觀電子 展,加強臺日業界交流與合作。 與國家館一起吸引參觀者注目的 還有智慧穿戴物聯主題館、智慧生活主 題館、綠色暨智慧會展主題館、智慧安 全主題館、台灣雲協雲端與物聯網主題 館、臺灣製產品MIT微笑標章家電主題 館、綠能應用驗證專區等各具特色的主 題館。融合參與式、互動式、體驗式及 國際化等推動策略,主題館提供如實境 影音平台、無人報到機、雲端書櫃、 3D互動遊戲、病床物聯網系統、智慧 座墊等互動體驗,創造有趣又驚奇的觀 展經驗。 除了展示外,2016年電子展期間 外貿協會、台灣區電機電子工業同業公 會、經濟部工業局、印度國家館、專業 媒體等單位推出一系列論壇及研討會活 動,針對系統整合、兩岸智慧城市、穿 戴裝置、電源管理及新創IoT進行深度 探討。透過具有前瞻觀點、高技術含量 的專業探討,啟發新世代創新研發。 臺灣電子及資通訊產業的研發實 力,在今年電子展舉辦的第5屆「科技 創新獎」展露無遺,該獎項依據「創 新」、「產業貢獻」、「市場價值」、 「節能」及「美學與設計」等五大標 準評選出13件優秀產品,分屬電子醫 療、娛樂電子、LED應用等3大領域, 其中3件獲得金牌獎,於10月6日展覽 首日開幕典禮中揭曉。 2016台北國際電子展預計全展期 將吸引逾3,000位國際買主來臺觀展。 為協助買主有效搜尋潛在合作廠商與潛 力產品,外貿協會在電子展期間辦理一 對一採購洽談會,媒合採購需求。另 「全球政府採購大會」今年也在電子展 期間舉辦,在外貿協會全球駐外單位的 積極動員下,邀請到泰國、馬來西亞、 越南、俄羅斯、埃及等20國近40家成 功取得當地政府採購標案之得標商來臺 與我國業者進行面對面洽談。 ■

For more information, visit www.taitronics.tw 「2016年台北國際電子產業科技展」參展廠商、論壇活動、採購洽談會及更多 展覽相關資訊,請至展覽官方網站查詢: www.taitronics.tw



Event Schedule 研討會/活動日程表 10/6 Thu.











10:00 開幕典禮 ︱ Opening Ceremony 11:00

展館大會舞台 Main Stage, Area J, 1st Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

中華民國對外貿易發展協會/台 白德雄 灣區電機電子工業同業公會 Cavan Pai TAITRA/TEEMA 02-2725-5200 #2874


台北南港展覽館1館504 (A)(B)(C)會議室 Room 504, 5th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

EET 電子工程專輯 /EDN電子技 蔡小姐 術設計/ 中華民國對外貿易發 Ms. Tsai 展協會 02-2759-1366 #103 EE Times Taiwan /EDNTaiwan/ TAITRA


台北南港展覽館1館402 (B)(C) 會議室 Room 402B & C, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

經濟部工業局經濟部通訊產 龔明德 業發展推動小組 Industrial Frank Kung Develpoment Bureau & 02-6607-6109 Committee of Comunications Industry Development, MOEA

09:30 2016年全球政府採購大會 ︱ Sourcing Taiwan for Government Procurement 2016 17:00

台北南港展覽館1館401、402(A)會議室 Room 401 & 402A, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

中華民國對外貿易發展協會 TAITRA

13:30 兩岸智慧城市論壇 ︱ Cross-Strait Smart City Forum 17:00

台北南港展覽館1館403會議室 Room 403, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

中華民國對外貿易發展協會/台 陳盟仁 灣區電機電子工業同業公會 Mr. Chen TAITRA/TEEMA 02-8792-6666

台北南港展覽館1館505會議室 Room 505, 5th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

印度工商總會 Nisha Goel: Federation of Indian Chambers nisha.goel@ficci.com of Commerce & Industry Purtika Kalra: purtika.kalra@ficci.com

台北南港展覽館1館403會議室 Room 403, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

經濟部工業局智慧電子產業推 動辦公室 台灣區電機電子工業同業公會 SIPO/TEEMA

游靖如 Daphne Yu 02-8792-6666 #239 蔡宜君 小姐 Jill Tsai 02-8792-6666 #218" 廖怡婷 Alice Liao 02-2725-5200 #1552

08:00 Power Management & Device ︱ Seminar 17:00

08:30 Intelligent Wearable IoT Device ︱ Application International Forum 17:00

15:00 ︱ 17:00

10/7 Fri.

10/8 Sat.

By invitation only 憑請柬入場 Registration required 須事前登錄

來印度製造圓桌論壇 Investor Roundtable: Experience Sharing & Success Stories in Indian Electronics Sector

09:00 智慧生活聯網應用新商機論壇 ︱ 2016 IoT Forum: Applications and Opportunities in Smart Living 12:00

蔡雨潔 Jessie Tsai 02-2725-5200 #1373

09:00 ︱ 18:00

2016台北國際電子產業科技展 聯合採購洽談會 TAITRONICS 2016 Procurement Meetings

台北南港展覽館1館504會議室 Room 504, 5th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

中華民國對外貿易發展協會 TAITRA

11:00 ︱ 13:00

印度邦政府電子產業投資 商機說明會 Seminar on Initiatives of the States in Ease of Doing Business and Investment Opportunities

台北南港展覽館1館505會議室 Room 505, 5th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

印度工商總會 Nisha Goel: Federation of Indian Chambers nisha.goel@ficci.com of Commerce & Industry Purtika Kalra: purtika.kalra@ficci.com

13:00 ︱ 17:00

IECQ/ISO 9001: 2015領導統御.內部稽 台北南港展覽館1館404會議室 核及E-Labelling實務研討會 Room 404, 4th Floor, IECQ/ISO 9001 : 2015 Leadership, Internal Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 Audit and E-Labelling Practice Seminar

中華民國電子零件認證委員會 Chinese Taipei Electronic Components Certification Board

李麗女 Eliz. Lee 02-2391-1627

13:00 ︱ 17:00

整合物聯網之智慧型投影機 – roomie 台北南港展覽館1館402A會議室 Smart Projector Room 402A, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 A new IoT Device for the Smart Home – roomie Smart Projector

前沿科技股份有限公司 Frontier Technology Co. Ltd.

李卓澔先生 Juohao (Walker) Li 0975-311-786

13:30 ︱ 17:00

2016系統整合應用國際拓銷論壇 2016 Turnkey Solutions & International Market Development Forum

台北南港展覽館1館402(C)會議室 Room 402C, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

台灣區電機電子工業同業公會 TEEMA

鄭長霖 Leo Cheng 02-8792-6666 #233

13:00 ︱ 17:00

整合物聯網之智慧型投影機 – Roomie Smart Projector A New IoT Device for the Smart Home – Roomie Smart Projector

台北南港展覽館1館402A會議室 Room 402A, 4th Floor, Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

前沿科技股份有限公司 Frontier Technology Co. Ltd.

李卓澔先生 Juohao (Walker) Li 0975-311-786

 Information may subject to change without prior notice.



From global to niche markets: Prospects high for TAITRONICS 產業論壇探究最新電子發展趨勢 Informative seminars that shed light on latest electronics development trends


spate of seminars and forums are to be held over the first two days of the four-day TAITRONICS 2016 at the conference rooms of Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1, with industry insiders and experts invited to share their insights on the latest developments and trends in various related fields, according to show organizers.


p.m., Oct. 6 in Rooms 402B & C, will feature discussion on the latest development and application trends of wearable IoT devices, with Intel to talk about “Technology Advancement and Intelligent IoT Application,” NXP to highlight “Innovation of Global IoT Market,” and Microchip to touch on “LoRa and IoT Development and Smart City Application.”

Global Markets

Industry Focus

First comes the Power Management & Device Seminar, set for 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Oct. 6 in Room 504, with a Linear Technology manager to speak on “Wide Input Range with High Efficiency Power and Surge Protection Design” and a Hankel Taiwan manager to talk about his firm’s “Thermal Management Material of Advanced Power Application Technology Trend and Design.” Other speakers are from ROHM Semiconductor, Keysight, STMicroelectronics, Victor Corp., Chipown, and more. The Intelligent Wearable IoT Device International Forum, slated from 8:30 a.m. to 5

To help Taiwanese makers explore business opportunities underlying the development of smart cities in mainland China, government officials and industry professionals from across the Taiwan Strait are invited to speak at the 2016 Cross-Strait Smart City Forum, which will take place between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., Oct.6 in Room 403. Speakers include Fair Friend Group Chairman Jimmy Chu, Inventec Group Chairman Richard Lee and Protech Systems Chairman Engel Wu.

Investor Roundtable Hosted by FICCI The Federation of Indian Chambers of


016年台北國際電子產業科技展在 將在10月6日,於台北南港展覽館 1館盛大展出。展期間許多單位攜 手相關產業精英及各領域專家,舉辦一系 列電子及科技產業研討會,探討產業趨勢 及最新科技發展等議題。

全球市場 首先,在10月6日上午八點至下午五 點為「電源管理及功率元件研討會」將於 會議室504舉辦。其中,凌力爾特公司經 理陳德賢、德國漢高臺灣分公司經理何柏 慶及來自ROHM半導體、臺灣是德、意法 半導體、美商懷格、芯朋微電子等公司的 專業講師,分別針對如「寬輸入高效率電 源與突波保護設計」及「電源散熱導熱材 料技術趨勢與設計實務」等議題做講解及 探討。 而在會議室402B及402C,將舉辦 「穿戴物聯智慧加值應用國際論壇」,自 10月6日上午八點半到當日下午五點,發 掘穿戴式物聯網產品的各項革新應用及未 來發展趨勢相關議題,如英特爾將剖析 「智慧物聯網應用及科技發展」,並由恩 智浦半導體尋訪「國際物聯網市場之創 新」,以及微晶片對於「LoRa無線傳輸與 物聯網智慧城市應用」的講解等。

行業聚焦 為了促使臺灣業主更直觀地了解中國

大陸在智慧城市方面的潛在商機,10月6 日下午一點半至五點的「2016兩岸智慧 城市論壇」特別邀請相關政府單位及產業 代表橫跨臺灣海峽來台商討,包括友嘉集 團董事長朱志洋、英業達集團董事長李詩 欽及南京資訊董事長吳宗寶等。

Make in India 系列論壇

International visitors discuss potential market opportunities using TAITRONICS as a platform of information exchange. 國際買主透過「台北國際電子產業科技展」一對一採購洽談會發掘潛在合作夥伴。

Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is to host an Investor Roundtable from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 6 in Room 505, focusing on “Experience Sharing and Success Stories in Indian Electronics Sector,” with Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary of India’s Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, among key speakers. FICCI also organizes a seminar on “Initiatives of the States in Ease of Doing Business and Investment Opportunities” between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Oct. 7, in Room 505. Then comes the 2016 IoT Forum: Applications and Opportunities on Smart Living, slated for 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Oct. 7 in Room 403. Smart x Lab will talk about “Using Large-scale IoT to Improve Senior Care Quality of Life,” and AcSip will introduce “Advanced IoT Connectivity Solutions — AcSip’s LoRa Applications,” among others. The IECQ/ISO9001:2015 Leadership,

Internal Audit and E-Labeling Practice Seminar will be held from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 7 at Room 404, with the Chinese Taipei Electronics Components Certification Board to introduce the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ), and Dr. Richard McDermott, president of ECCC, to shed light on e-labelling operations. Furthermore, during the 2016 Turkey Solutions & International Market Development Forum, set for 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 7 in Room 402C, Jeffrey Wang, vice president of Cisco Systems, will elaborate on “Smart City & Cisco Global Strategy with Partners,” and Char Boo Lim, SDN specialist at Dimension Data Asia Pacific will speak on “Accelerating the Transformation Towards Digital Enterprise with Software-defined Network Tecchnology.” ■

印度工商會(FICCI)將於10月6日在會 議室505從下午三點至五點舉辦「來印度 製造圓桌論壇」,由印度電子資通訊部次 長Aruna Sundararajan親自主持。此外, FICCI亦在會議室505,從10月7日上午 十一點至下午一點則有「印度邦政府電子 產業投資商機說明會」。 而從10月7日上午九點至下午十二點 半在會議室403舉辦的「智慧生活聯網應 用新商機論壇」將分別由睿波智能及群登 科技等領航業者介紹「利用大型物聯網來 改善安養照護生活」以及「智慧聯網通訊 標準 – LoRa模組產品應用」等智慧聯網應 用。 此外,中華民國電子零件認證委員 會將在10月7日下午一點至五點,於會 議室404舉辦的「IECQ/ISO 9001: 2015 領導統御·內部稽核及E-Labelling實務研 討會」中介紹國際電工委員會(IEC)及其 轄下之國際公認電機、電子零件及產品 認證制度管理機構IECQ,並由美國電子 零件認證委員會-ECCC總裁Dr. Richard McDermott解說各項電子認證制度及計 劃。 10月7日下午一點半至五點,在會議 室402C將舉辦「2016系統整合應用國際 拓銷論壇」,邀請國際大廠如思科副總經 理王植煇、岱凱系統亞太區SDN業務經理 林佳謀等,共同講解「智慧城市應用與思 科及伙伴之全球發展策略」以及「掌握系 統整合及軟體定義技術,加速數位企業蛻 變腳步」等議題。 ■

( Above) There will be several industry leaders elaborating on their latest technological advancements, as well as introducing standardized international electronic product certifications. (上圖) 各大領航業界之國際大廠,將透過研討會說明最新產業趨勢及產品應用,同時介紹標 準化的電子業相關產品認證制度。 (Left) Many industry insiders and experts gather at the 2016 TAITRONICS and share their insights on the latest developments and trends during the show. (左圖) 各國電子業精英及相關領域專家集結2016年台北國際電子展,分享各自對於產業趨勢 及未來展望的獨到見解。



Themed pavilions show power of

‘Smart Technology & Innovative Applicationsʼ 來自十一國之530家精英業者在台北國際電子產業科技展齊聚一堂,探尋新世代產業商機 TAITRONICS creates business opportunities by gathering more than 530 companies from 11 countries, distributed across over 1,000 booths


mong participating exhibitors and country pavilions, there are several theme pavilions, including Pavilion of Wearable and IoT Smart Applications, Smart Living pavilion, Green & Smart Theme Pavilion, Smart Safety Pavilion, Cloud Computing Association in Taiwan Cloud and IoT Pavilion, Made in Taiwan Product MIT Smile Mark Appliance Theme Pavilion and Pavilion of Green Living Certification, ready to impress with the latest “Smart Technology & Innovative Applications.”

Make in India Pavilion As the fastest growing economy in the world, which has seen an increase in its investment proposals received in the electronics sector from US$1.6 billion in 2014 to US$18 billion in 2016, India will be introduced as the “partner country” in this year’s trade show with the largest delegation ever, consisting of 100 members led by Aruna Sundararajan, Secretary of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. During the show, the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) is putting on an India Pavilion, hosting various Indian States and ICT companies to provide an overview of the Indian ICT sector and highlight business opportunities under government initiatives, such as Digital India, Make in India and


Start-up India. Participants include Sanjeeve Gupta, additional secretary from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, and senior officials from seven state governments, namely Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Odisha. The Make in India Pavilion also features two seminars, which discuss the success of Taiwanese investments in India, and present the market opportunities and special packages available in the different Indian States, taking place from 3 to 5 p.m. on Oct. 6 and from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 7. “With growing collaboration between Indian and Taiwanese companies in the areas of mobile manufacturing and design, we expect to launch a training initiative for design engineers in cooperation with Taiwanese industry,” said Sudhir Kumar Marwaha, director of Department of Electronics and Information Technology, at the pre-show conference on Oct. 4. “This is not merely for the Indian market, but service to the global market.”

Japan Pavilion The Japan Pavilion also shows robust technical prowess in electronic applications and brings together at least six Japanese makers to showcase a wide variety of their latest electronic devices and technologies. Aises Co.


016年台北國際電子產業科技展除 了有印度、日本兩個國家館的深度 參與,並透過各大展區主題館,展 出各式各樣先進智慧科技以及極具巧思之 創新應用,規模更勝以往。 今年主題館包括:智慧穿戴物聯主題 館、智慧生活主題館、綠色暨智慧會展主 題館、智慧安全主題館、臺灣雲協雲端與 物聯網主題館、臺灣製產品MIT微笑標章家 電主題館、智慧生活區、綠能應用驗證專 區主題館等。

Make in India 國家館 從2014年到2016年僅僅兩年間,印度 的外資注入由16億美金擴大至180億,躍身 成為傲視全球,具有最高成長性的國際經 濟體。 而本次電子展,作為「夥伴國」的 印度將引入由印度電子資通訊部次長Ms. Aruna Sundararajan親自率領,有史以來最 大規模,逾100人的代表團。 展覽期間,印度工商總會邀請到工部 產業政策及貿易推廣助理次長Sanjeeve G u p t a 、 中 央 政 府 、 C h h a t t i s g a r h、 Gujarat、Jharkhand、Karnataka、Kerala、 Maharashtra以及Odisha等邦政府代表,以 及各大資通訊業界人才共襄盛舉,展示印 度在Digital India、Make in India及Start-up India推廣下的多元性及潛在合作機會。 印度國家館亦舉辦兩項論壇研討會,

The 'Make in India' Pavilion one again takes part in TAITRONICS, but on a greater scale. The Government of India and various state governments and ICT companies making up a big delegation. Make in India 印度國家館再次參與「台北國際電子產業科技展」展出,印度中央、地方及企業將組團來臺參展、參訪,亦於展期間舉辦相關論壇活動。

介紹臺灣廠商在印度市場的各項投資及 合作計劃,同時說明印度境內不同邦政 府給予廠商的各類優惠制度及行銷配套 方案。 「隨著印度及臺灣廠商在行動裝置 的生產與設計概念上的持續擴大聯合, 我們期望與臺灣產業攜手共創設計工程 專業之人才培育計劃」印度電子資通訊 科技部處長10月4日於展前記者會上表 示,「這不只是為了印度市場,實則為 整體國際市場服務。」


Ltd. displays parts recycling technology, rare metal recycling/refusing technology, solar panel systems, solar power LED street lamps, circuit board installation and assembly, switchbox and surge production assembly, and more. API Co. Ltd. further highlights its “Watari Jouzu-kun,” a pedestrian environment simulator able to measure one’s agility, reaction timing, and judgment for crossing the street safely. It also exhibits an electric smart cane for the visually impaired, and a needle haunter. Also, Aster Co. Ltd. also introduces its patented high-efficiency coil and LED lighting boasting patented radiation technology and IP65 protection against dust/liquids. The firm is seeking buyers in the automobile, aviation, power generation, home phone and lighting industries. Specialized in manufacturing metal

products and surface treatment of electrical components, Azumadenka Industry Co. Ltd. mainly demonstrates metalized composite coating and Pd-Au coating, blackening technologies and Cu ceramic boards. Meanwhile, Octrise Ltd., a developer of software packages and smartphone apps, launches its Prime Time Apple Harvesting Calculator, designed to easily determine the best time to harvest apples by holding the device with the app running up in the direction of the apples. Otaki Electric Co. Ltd. debuts sensors that can detect brightness and color changes of luminous or transparent objects. The company is currently applying for utility model registration and seeking cooperative partners such as LED makers and plants handling luminous objects. ■

擁有堅強的產業科技技術,日本 國家館將聚焦於引領業界之電子科技應 用,帶來六家日本企業最新的電子產品 及技術來台參展。例如日本AISES公司將 展出稀有金屬零組件回收技術、太陽能 板面系統、太陽能LED路燈、控制盤、受 配電電氣機械器設計及新能源製品的開 發等。 而日本API公司將展示其步行環境模 擬裝置,一種以情境模擬的方式,來達 成交通安全教育的模擬裝置,有便於測 量及助長行人在實際環境下的敏銳性及 反應速度。另外該公司還推出為視障人 士量身打造的智慧電子導盲杖,以及手 術針探測機。日本Aster公司則引進其享 有專業技術專利的高效能線圈及LED照明 設備,具有IP65的防塵、防水性,此次計 劃尋訪與汽機車、航空、能源開發、家 用電話或照明相關業者共同合作。 此外,小滝電機將首次參展介紹其 高敏感度光感設備,不僅能辨識光能強 度,亦能識別光源之顏色變化,目前已 申辦實用新型之智慧產權。該公司期望 透過台北國際電子展探尋與LED業者及應 用發光體之廠商合作的契機。 ■



Technology Innovation Awards Gold winners unveiled 創新獎展現台灣電子與資通訊產業的研發實力 Innovation awards showcase the best of Taiwan’s ICT and electronics R&D capability


hrough the 13 winners showcased at the TAITRONICS 2016 Technology Innovation Awards, Taiwan demonstrated its advanced R&D capability in electronics and information and communication technology. Winning products range from areas such as broadband communication, cloud technology and internet of things (IoT) applications, to everyday entertainment electronics and industrial electronic parts and components. The aforementioned

products were selected on the basis of creativity, industry contribution, market value, energy efficiency, and design and ascetics, according to organizers. The top three Gold Award winners will officially receive their prizes during the opening ceremony of TAITRONICS 2016, including the Apolo — Small Sun by King Design Industrial, the Innovative Semiconductor Generation package technology as ESD protection device (SGD) by SFI Electronics Technology Inc. and the 3.25GHz


過2016年電子展評選出的13件優 秀產品,台灣展現在電子與資通 訊產業的堅強研發實力。 得獎產品包括寬頻通訊、雲端及物聯網 應用、娛樂電子及電子零組件等類別。主 辦單位表示,評比是依據「創新」、「產 業貢獻度」、「市場價值」、「節能」及 「美學與設計」等五大標準。 三件獲得金牌獎的產品,包括金頓科技 的阿波羅–小太陽,立昌先進科技的創新型 新世代半導體封裝技術之靜電保護元件和 固緯電子實業的3.25GHz頻譜分析儀。 ■

Apolo — Small Sun, designed by King Design Industrial Co., is said to generate a light spectrum closest to natural sunlight. Its other features include its durability, low energy consumption and low maintenance costs. 由金頓科技設計的「阿波 羅–小太陽」是最接近太 陽光譜的人工光源,其特 色包括燈源壽命長、節能 及低維修成本。

The D1X IoT LED Driver by Anchor Tech Co. is an internet of things technology that connects LED lights to the internet and carries out maintenance through the network. 安可爾科技的「DIX物聯網LED驅動器」 接上LED燈後即刻連網,並在網上主動 進行後續維修。

Gold Award winner

Spectrum Analyzer by Good Will Instrument Co. ■

The Innovative Semiconductor Generation package technology as ESD protection device (SGD) by SFI Electronics Technology Inc. is a semiconductor packaging innovation that saves processing time, improves quality and reduces part and component storage space. 立昌先進科技的「創新型 新世代半導體封裝技術之 靜電保護元件」可縮短工 時、提高生產良率,並降 低零件所占空間。

The underwater recorder ToF 3D Depth Camera — LIPSedge DL by LIPS Corporation boasts technologies that can also be applied for use in face recognition, smart transportation and augmented reality, among others. 由立普思設計的「ToF 3D深度 攝影機」的相關應用包括人 臉辨識、智慧運輸、擴增實 境…等。

The i-Ctrl (Wi-Fi Remote Control Box) by AIFA Technology Corp. turns a smartphone into a remote control for every electronics device at home — TV, air conditioner, radio, and more, through a single app. 艾法科技的「iCtrl艾控Wi-Fi控 制盒」讓手機變成遙控器,無論 家中的電視、冷氣機、音響… 等,都可透過一個app控制。

Gold Award winner

The Taiwan Landmark Dimmable DC LED Table Lamps w/DC LED Bulb by Steed Magnet Products Enterprise Co. generates steady light and essential oil placed inside the lamp’s special container will evaporate at the optimal temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. 聲電實業的「台灣地標LED可調光 直流精油球泡型 檯燈」發生均勻的 光線,而放置在油槽內的精油,會 在攝式60度的最適溫度飄香。

The 13 winning companies of this year's TAITRONICS 2016 Technology Innovation Awards demonstrated their advanced R&D capability in electronics and information and communication technology. | 2016 台北國際電子展科技創新獎的13家獲獎業者,展露他們在電子及資通訊產業的研發實力。

The ED-HALT by King Design Industrial Co. is a highly accelerated life test (HALT) device that improves reliability, saves time and offers greater testing consistency compared with older models. 金頓科技的「電池式加速壽命測 試機」改善傳統測試機的缺點, 提升可靠度、縮短完成時間,並 讓測試結果有更好的一致性。

The walking assist device with learning auxiliary illuminator by Transverse Industries Co. can be mounted on a walker, emitting red light of varying lengths on the ground to assist users in regaining their mobility. 衡奕精密工業設計的「病患定位光束指示器」 (步態學習雷設指示器) 可搭配助行器,將紅色 光源照射於地面,輔助病患重拾步行能力。

The Yantouch EyE Speaker by Yantouch Corporation features a Bluetooth-enabled speaker equipped with LED lights that emits a range of colors that fluctuate with the music’s rhythm and beats. 陽泰電子的「情境 樂活藍牙喇叭」, 結合可隨音頻、節 奏發出千變萬化色 彩的LED燈。

The Guider Senya by Guider Technology Co. is a wearable device that tracks the health indicators of the elderly and also monitors their movement. It also incorporates various functions including GPS, emergency calls, automatic first-aid message beeping functions, and more. 蓋德科技的「守護天 使」,是一個可偵測 老人健康數據及行動 的穿載裝置,它另外 結合GPS、緊急通話、 自動求救等功能。

The 3.25GHz Spectrum Analyzer by Good Will Instrument Co. offers higher scanning speed to analyze various spectrum signals with greater efficiency. 固緯電子實業的「3.25GHz頻譜分析 儀」提供高速掃描速度,可輕易處理 並分析調變信號。

Gold Award winner The Intelligent Dimmable Waterproof LED Power Supply — ELG Series by Mean Well Enterprise Co. is a smart power supply that can be used for outdoor lights in ports and courtyards, as well as inside tunnels and greenhouses. 明緯企業的「智慧型調光 LED防水電源供應器–ELG 系列」可套用於戶外隧道 燈、碼頭照明、天井燈及 植物生長燈。

The Green Smart Meter by 3egreen Technology Inc. is an easyto-install device that shows the power consumption of nearby electronics devices, ranging from mobile phones to refrigerators. 展綠科技設計的「綠能智慧鉤錶」,在快速安裝 後即可讀取周圍電器的用電量,小至手機,大到 住宅的冰箱。


Exhibitorsʼ Highlights 廠

First Resistor & Condenser Co. Ltd. 商


焦 點

A veteran specialist in the development and production of various thin-film resistors, First Resistor & Condenser highlights a series of new anti-surge resistors to go with automobile electronics. Its anti-surge wire wound MELF resistor (SWM series) also boasts a fusing function to prevent circuit fires, and the surge resistant MELF resistor (SRM series) has passed the safety inspection of VDE of Germany and is now the only VDE-approved resistor made in Taiwan, with the approval code 40043961. ■ 擁有多年專業經驗,第一電阻電容器股份有限公司 以製造電阻起家,今年將在展覽中亮相結合車用電子與 抗突波電阻的新系列產品。其中SWM系列的「抗突波繞 線圓柱貼片電阻」具備熔斷功能,能避免電線走火的發 生;另一系列SRM的「抗突波膜層圓柱貼片電阻」則是 目前全臺灣唯一通過德國VDE安全規範測試認證的電阻產 品,認證編號為40043961。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.firstohm.com.tw

Lenoo Electronics Co. Ltd 聯宇電子(股)公司 Lenoo Electronics will promote its LED lamps and LED displays to potential customers. The firm offers various specifications of LED lamps, including high voltage LED (5V and 12V), low current LED, blinking LED and tape & reel packed LED. Its LED displays range in digit height from 0.28” to 7” and are available with single to four digits. ■ 如同往年,聯宇電子(股)公司也將展示各式LED指示燈以 及LED數碼管。LED指示燈規格有一共四種:5伏特與12伏特 的「高電壓 LED指示燈」、「低電壓LED指示燈」、「閃爍 LED指示燈」和「貼帶式LED」。而LED數碼管的字元高度範 圍從0.28英吋至7英吋的大小都有,顯示器亦提供一位數至 四位數的選擇。■  Booth NO.

Shang Chuen Weighting Machine Co. Ltd. 上準衡器股份有限公司 A leading brand in the production and supply of various electronic scales, Shang Chuen Weighting Machine launches its newly developed WBT-168 Bluetooth Bathroom Scale. Through a Bluetooth connectivity app, the new scale can calculate BMI, track trend, and provide colorful weight charts to facilitate self-management of health. It can allow for multiple users and has a maximum loading capacity of 150kg/330 lb. The new product targets the healthcare market. ■ 身為電子秤生產製造領導業者,上準衡器股份有限公 司今年將在會場展示最新研發出的「WBT-168藍牙體重 計」。透過藍牙同步每日數據至手機應用程式中,並自 動計算出B M I值,以變化圖紀錄和顯示體重變化,讓一 般民眾在自我監測與管理健康更加容易。除此之外,此 「WBT-168藍牙體重計」最高承載重量為150公斤 (等同於 330英磅) ,且不受限於一機一使者,能多位共用。上準衡 器致力於研發健康照護相關產品,並將持續推出新品。 ■


 Booth NO.


 www.satrue.com.tw


 www.lenoo.com

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INDIA’S HIGHEST EVER RECORDED FDI INFLOWS (2O14-2O16) Source: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India



FDI equity inflow increased from USD 46.72 Billion in 2012-2014 to USD 70.93 Billion in 2014-2016 Source: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Government of India





Source: Zinnov Management Consulting Report




Source: United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO Yearbook, 2016





Source: Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization





Exhibitorsʼ Highlights 廠

Chang Gung University


焦 點

Chang Gung University highlights medical electronics — one of the key features of its development of the biotechnology and medicine sector. The university’s embedded system solution for medical image analysis and telemedicine and indoor localization techniques — based on particle filter with IMU sensors — are expected to steal the show for their outstanding performance. The latter, for instance, can conduct precision indoor localization in shopping malls, parking lots, airports and museums, where global positioning system can hardly be applied. The university is seeking opportunities for cooperation with manufacturers. ■ 以發展生技醫療聞名的長庚大學,本次參展也將以醫療 電子為重點。今年帶來眾所矚目的「嵌入式系統於醫學影像 及遠距醫療之應用解決方案」與「基於粒子篩選技術之室內 無線定位技術」,長庚大學勢必會引起全場熱議。後者「室 內無線定位技術」解決了全球衛星定位系統在室內幾乎無法 使用的困境,能被廣泛運用在購物中心、停車場、機場、博 物館等處。目前長庚也正積極尋找業界生產合作夥伴。 ■

 Booth NO.


 wwww.cgu.edu.tw

Steed Magnet Products Enterprise Co. Ltd. 聲電實業有限公司 Steed Magnet Products Enterprise displays its newly developed Steed dimmable LED table light and 1ft. & 2ft. T5 tube color changeable LED cabinet lights. The former features a DC type LED bulb, ceramic base imprinted with Taiwan’s landmarks and two essential oil tanks, as well as patented innovative design of safe connecting system exclusively for the DC type bulbs. The latter boasts an innovative design of patented free mounting system that provides easy installations almost everywhere including cabinet in right angle mountings. ■ 聲電實業有限公司今年將展出最新產品「LED可調光檯燈」 與提供一呎、兩呎兩種選擇的「T5 LED燈管可換櫥櫃燈」。 「LED可調光檯燈」使用直流LED燈泡,其他特色包括陶土燈座 上臺灣著名地標彩繪、專利精油槽與專利安全直流接頭。另一主 打新品「T5 LED燈管可換櫥櫃燈」最大賣點在於其選配旋轉固 定掛勾,無論在何處都能輕而易舉安裝,再難的角度都不是問 題! ■  Booth NO.

Chroma Ate Inc. 致茂電子股份有限公司 The major theme of Chroma Ate’s exhibit is “Green Tech.” The company showcases a variety of new test solutions for power batteries, electric vehicles, telematics system components, precision passive components and 8K super high-vision devices, including the newly developed Regenerative Battery Pack Test System Model 17040 and FPD Tester Chroma Model 2918. The company aims to become a world-class enterprise and supply world-caliber green tech products such as electric cars, power batteries, 8K4K panels and IoT systems. ■ 參展多年的致茂電子股份有限公司,今年將以「Green Tech」 為攤位主題,展示一系列多元化的新測試解決方案,如動力電池、 電動車、車載元件、精密被動元件及8K Super Hi-Vision超高清解 析度影像等。此外,亮點產品也包括「能源回收式電池模組測試系 統」和「平面顯示器測試器Model 2918」。致茂電子努力邁向成 為世界級企業,提供電動車、能源電池、8K4K面板應用、IoT物聯 網等頂尖綠能產品。 ■  Booth NO.



 www.chromaate.com


 www.steed.com.tw

Kai Suh Suh Enterprise Co. Ltd. 凱士士企業股份有限公司 As a leading manufacturer ties and wiring accessories in Asia, the Taipei-based Kai Suh Suh (KSS) Enterprise will introduce its newly developed nylon cable ties to customers around the world, which is made of ULapproved Nylon 66, 94V-2, with good tensile strength and insulation and resistance to aging. The new product can quickly bundle wires and cables and wrap objects, and can be widely applied to various electrical and electronic wiring systems, as well as office and gardening uses. ■ 凱士士企業股份有限公司以台北為據點生產紮線帶與配線器 材,已發展成為亞洲領導品牌。今年展覽期間將亮相最新研發產品 「尼龍紮線帶」。紮線帶材質皆由美國UL合格認證的「Nylon 66, 94V-2」製成,堅韌而耐磨,具有優越承受力,能迅速捆紮固定電 纜、電線和各式裝置與物品。其運用程面亦相當廣泛,無論是各種 電機、電子、電器設備等配線系統,甚至是辦公室事務或家庭園 藝,都能派上用場。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.kss.com.tw

Good Will Instrument Co. Ltd. 固緯電子實業股份有限公司 Long-dedicated to the development and manufacture of electrical test and measurement instruments, Good Will Instrument primarily promotes its newly awarded GSP-9330, a high test speed spectrum analyzer with 3.25GHz, which provides the fastest 204µs sweep speed. Users, via high speed sweep time, can easily handle and analyze modulation signals. The instrument has incorporated the EMC pretest solution to facilitate EMS tests, and the simple and easy EMC pretest procedures from GSP-9330 can tremendously shorten users’ product launch timeline. ■ 固緯電子實業股份有限公司多年致力生產和研發電子檢測與測 試儀器,今年主打項目為甫獲「科技創新獎寬頻通訊暨雲端物聯網 金牌獎」的3.25GHz頻譜分析儀「GSP-9330」。測試速度極快、掃 瞄速度可高達204微秒 (µs),讓使用者處理與分析調變信號容易許 多,亦提供完整EMC預先診斷測試解決方案來進行EMS測試,簡化 複雜量測程序也大幅縮減作業時間。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.gwinstek.com

Okinawa Industry Promotion Public Corp., Taipei Office 財團法人沖繩縣產業振興公社台北事務所 Participating in the show for the second time, the Taipei office of Okinawa Industry Promotion Public Corp. will solicit more Taiwanese companies to invest in the Okinawa Special Economic Zone and to enjoy investment incentives offered by the Okinawa prefecture government. Taiwan companies can assemble products in Okinawa to get the Made-in-Japan certificate for their products, thus facilitating exports of the products at lower tariff rates to more third-party countries signing FTAs with Japan. ■ 今年為財團法人沖繩縣產業振興公設台北事務所第二次參展,沖繩 縣政府期望透過租稅、投資優惠,吸引更多臺灣公司前往沖繩經濟特區 投資。展期間,攤位將針對如何活用FTA制度作分享,說明臺灣廠商如 何在沖繩取得「日本製造」,再以有利關稅條件出口至第三國的實際案 例。 ■  Booth NO.


 www.okinawa.org.tw


Exhibitorsʼ Highlights 廠

Hometouch Co. Ltd. 商


焦 點

Following the successful development and sales of an interactive intelligence remote control system, Hometouch showcases an e-commerce platform, called COme 123, which allows consumers to access shopping websites and to directly place orders with online shops to purchase daily necessities, while shops can also upload supply information to the platform. Many local private guest houses have become users of the COme 123, and the company plans to expand applications of the app to include commercial behaviors across more sectors. ■ 繼「互動式智慧型遙控器」成功獲得廣大迴響之 後,鴻達積股份有限公司今年新推出電商平台「Come 123」,不僅讓消費者透過APP應用程式,輕而易舉連 結至各購物網站、直接下單購買日需品,亦方便店家 於平台上傳資訊。許多民宿都成為「Come 123」愛用 者,而鴻達積也正著手規畫要將各產業商業行為都涵蓋 在其中。 ■  Booth NO.


 come-app.com.tw

Printec H.T. Electronics Corp. 恒通股份有限公司 A maker of membrane switches, nameplates, flex PCBs and custom design keypads, Printec H.T. Electronics Corp. exhibits a series of medical electronics products to better serve customers. These include: a disposable cable replacement system, disposable fetal electrocardiogram (Fecg) electrode arrays, ECG sensors and blood glucose test meters. The company is Taiwan’s first maker of membrane keypads to win the ISO13485 certification and is capable of integrating its membrane keypad printing technology and SMT, FPC and Assemble technologies with human-machine interfaces on medical electronic devices. ■

 Booth NO.


 www.printecht.com

恒通股份有限公司為研發薄膜開關、柔性印刷電路板 及客制化鍵盤介面的專業製造商,同時也是臺灣首家受到 ISO13485認證肯定的開發商,有效將薄膜介面技術及柔性 電路板與表面安裝技術相結合,應用於醫療電子設備和人機 介面之上。開展期間,恒通將展出多元性的醫療電子產品, 包括拋棄式接線替換系統、拋棄式胎兒心電圖電極陣列、心 電圖感測器及血糖含量測量儀。 ■

Tenmars Electronics Co. Ltd. 世駿電子股份有限公司 Tenmars Electronics, an ISO-9001-certified supplier of test and measurement instruments, demonstrates its newly-launched vibration meters, battery impedance testers and radiation monitors. The vibration meters are available in four models, namely ST-140, ST-140D, ST-141 and ST-141D, all able to perform acceleration, velocity and displacement measurements. Its TM-6001 and TM-6002 battery impedance testers can measure internal resistance, voltage, temperature and direct current and are suitable for automotive, UPS maintenance and telecommunication applications. The TM-93 radiation monitor can measure both radiation and electromagnetic waves. ■ 世駿電子股份有限公司通過ISO-9001認證,專精於生產各式 測試與測量儀器。今年將帶來一系列新品,包括振動計、電池測 試器與核輻射/電磁波偵測器。振動計一共有ST-140、ST-140D、 ST-141、 ST-141D四型,能偵測速度、加速度和位移。TM-6001和 TM-6002兩款電池測試器,能顯示電池阻抗、電壓、溫度和直流電 流,適用於車用之鉛酸電池測試、(UPS)不斷電系統與電信業者所使 用之電池測試。核輻射/電磁波偵測器TM-93,則能同時偵測核輻射 和高頻電磁波。 ■


 Booth NO.


 www.tenmars.com

Services 各項服務 Food & Beverage 餐飲服務 Press Center 新聞中心

Room 0403, 4th Floor, Near Area M Lobby 4樓0403室, 鄰近M區門廳

1st Floor: Mr. Brown Coffee / MOS Burger / Michael Tu Messe Bistro / HiLife Convenience Store / CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice / Chicken Master / RealBakery / LAYA Burger

Prayer Room 回教祈禱室 Room 0426 & 0428, 4th Floor

Buyers’ Lounge 買主服務休息區

Legal Consultation 法律諮詢服務


TAITRONICS Buyers’ Lounge Booth No. K1101 Taiwan Trade Buyers’ Lounge Booth No. K1228

Luggage Storage 行李寄放

3 rd Floor: Raku Kitchen / Le Xuan Banquet Hall

Information Counter, Area J Lobby, 1st Floor

1樓:伯朗咖啡、摩斯漢堡、Michael Tu Messe



Bistro簡餐、萊爾富便利商店、都可茶飲、 3樓:寒舍樂廚、寒舍樂樂軒

Breastfeeding Room 哺集乳室

Room 0145, 1st Floor

Room 0115, 1st Floor



ATM提款機 First Aid 醫務室

Room 0158, 1st Floor

Eurotran Expo Service Co., Ltd.

Area K Lobby, 1st Floor



Forwarders 報關行


Room 0193, 1st Floor1樓0193室 Tel: +886-2-2785-6000 Fax: +886-2-2720-6363 Trans-Link Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. 紳運有限公司

Room 1100, 1st Floor1樓1100室 Tel: +866-2-2783-8378 Fax: +886-2-2758-7645

Free Shuttle Bus 免費接駁車服務 台北南港展覽館1館 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 Route


Service Hours 服務時間 Oct. 6-8 10月6-8日 16:45, 17:00, 17:15, 17:30 Oct. 9 10月9日 15:45, 16:00, 16:15, 16:30

台北天成大飯店 Cosmos Hotel Taipei

Boarding Place 發車地點 Main Entrance of Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 台北南港展覽館1館正門

台北凱撒大飯店 Caesar Park Taipei 台北君品酒店 Palais de Chine Hotel

台北南港展覽館1館 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1

台北南港展覽館1館 Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 Route

王朝大酒店 Sunworld Dynasty Hotel


富驛酒店南京東路館 FX Hotels (Nanjing) 台北國賓大飯店 The Ambassador Hotel Taipei 華國大飯店 Imperial Hotel Taipei



美麗信花園酒店 Miramar Garden Taipei 台北福華大飯店 Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei 台北福容大飯店 Fullon Hotel Taipei * Subject to change without notice. 如有修正,以現場實際狀況為主,不另通知。


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