2011 Taipei Film Festival Booklet

Page 32






Familiar Grounds

馬瑞克萊奇基 Marek Lechki 波蘭 Poland│2010│35mm│Colour│95 min

史提凡拉夫勒 Stéphane Lafleur 加拿大 Canada│2011│35mm│Colour│90min

2 0 1 0 華沙電影節 2 0 1 0 釜山影展

2 0 1 1 柏林影展人道主義獎 2 0 1 1 魁北克電影節開幕片

聖誕前夕,沈醉在家庭幸福中的列娜,突然接 到醫院告知母親病重,令列娜的行為開始越來 越怪異;而這一切都跟她的過去:那個來自芬 蘭移民的家庭,酗酒成性的父親,與脆弱的弟 弟有關。《霓虹心》瑞典影后普妮拉奧古斯特 令人眼睛一亮的處女作,《龍紋身的女孩》歐 蜜瑞佩斯主演,在北歐片擅長的殘酷寫實中, 爆發出深邃震撼的強大力量。

應老闆的要求,米赫得回到家鄉牽一台美國貨 車,原本簡單的任務卻因為米赫在途中撞死一 位遊民而有了變化;焦慮的米赫被迫留在故鄉 ,他試圖尋找遊民的身分,也藉此重新檢視那 段被遺忘的過去以及與父親幾乎破裂的關係。 來自波蘭的新銳導演以豐富的視覺意象詮釋主 角的道德焦慮,充滿東歐電影的元素與印記, 頗有前輩奇士勞斯基的神采。

冰天雪地的小鎮,處處不對盤的姊弟倆受困在 一成不變的生活中,愛情、家庭、工作全走入 死胡同,一切都窮極無聊卻也無處可逃。一隻 斷手和一隻死鳥,兩椿突如其來的莫名意外, 然後,神秘怪客帶來像是玩笑般的死亡預言, 弟弟決定把心一橫,乾脆讓這預言發生算了… 。這部黑色喜劇即使包裝著柯恩兄弟式的風格 ,卻仍有溫暖人心的療癒系效果。

A poignant story, told with sincerity and humor, about a young woman's dramatic childhood and about her grief and the struggle to move on. Noomi Rapace plays the main character in her first feature after the success with the Millennium trilogy and she plays opposite her husband, actor Ola Rapace.

A few days before his son's First Communion, Michal returns to his hometown to run an errand for his boss. He is to pick up an imported car from customs and return home as soon as possible. But then things take on a different turn. Michal has to stay in town for a few days. He has to wait.

Maryse and her husband are desperate to sell a backhoe sitting abandoned in their suburban yard. Her brother, Benoit, is trapped in endless adolescence, sharing their childhood home with their invalid father. A strange series of coincidences, and the arrival of a Man claiming to come from the future launch Maryse and Benoit on a life-changing road trip.

I n t e r n a t i o n a l N e w T a l e n t C o m p e t i t i o n

Beyond 普妮拉奧古斯特 Pernilla August 瑞典、芬蘭 Sweden, Finland│2010│35mm│Colour │95min 2 0 1 0 威尼斯影展國際影評人週大獎 2 0 1 0 巴西聖保羅影展評審團特別獎、最佳女主角 2 0 1 1 瑞典奧斯卡最佳導演












6/26(日)1440 6/29(三)1430

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