All I learned from Rio

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All I learnt from


Bow wow This book is dedicated to all those who were a part of Rio’s life. He has left us with loads of happy memories. I have compiled few of the many things I have learnt from him. Hope it brings a smile to your face just as Rio brought a smile into all our lives. With loads of bones for all the doggies in the world. Tabi

Photo credits: Tusheeta David & Tabita Abraham

Sing don’t worry you are not the worst singer in town

Enjoy the birds and the bees

Its hard to say good bye

When the going gets tough the tough gets going

Don’t WORRY God is watching..

Think out Of the box

Every Dog has his Birthday

The problem is a solution from a different angle

It’s Ok to say No

God sends Angels when he knows you need them the most.

If you try escaping a bath people will try escaping from you

It’s ok if u are caught sleeping. Ur dreams are very important.

Dream They do come true If you want them to

Enjoy being pampered it doesn’t happen everyday

Listen carefully

Lick your platter clean. You are one of the lucky ones

Pray God is listening

Dress up for a change and enjoy the compliments

A good friend is always by your side

Its ok to act stupid you are not alone

Be Alert the world is not all that nice.

Smile You never know whose day you have made :)

If you LOVE someone let them know

I will Drive my own future.

Written and created by Tabita Abraham

All rights reserved

2011 Tabita Abraham

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