Canadian Simmental Country

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Bruce Holmquist General Manager Cell: 403-988-8676

Barb Judd Office Manager Phone: 403-250-7979

Meghan Black Industry & Member Services Representative Cell: 506-324-4825

Jane Crawford Eastern Sales Consultant Phone: 519-287-5286 Cell: 519-317-5263

Carla Schmitt Programs Coordinator Phone 306-221-7950


#13, 4101 19th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-5255 Fax: 403-250-5121 Website: Canadian Simmental Country Deadlines March/April/May “Spring 2016” Issue “Queens of the Pasture” 2016 Issue October 2016 Issue November/December Winter 2016 Issue February 2017 “Herdsire” Issue

Material Deadline: April 1, 2016 Material Deadline: July 1, 2016 Material Deadline: September 1, 2016 Material Deadline: October 1, 2016 Material Deadline: January 1, 2017

Commercial Country Deadlines September 2016 Issue January 2017 Issue

Material Deadline: August 1, 2016 Material Deadline: December 1, 2016

Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Simmental Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Production & Ad Copy Changes – Special production requests and ad copy changes may be subject to extra charges. Charges will apply on an individual basis. Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Simmental Country office by the 21st day of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Advertising Content - The Simmental Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing. Users of any information contained in Simmental Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means. Subscription Rates Canada $40 + applicable taxes per year $75 + applicable taxes for two years (GST included) Published for: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Published by:

Cover Courtesy of

Meghan Black, Industry & Member Services Rep


The official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association

AB, SK, MB, QC add 5 per cent to all fees for GST BC add 12 per cent to all fees for HST ON, NB, NFLD add 13 per cent to all fees for HST NS add 15 per cent to all fees for HST 4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 O: 306-934-9696 F: 306-934-0744 Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Chris Poley, Shane Michelson & Ted Serhienko Accounting: Treena Ballantyne, Carla Hamm & Mina Serhienko Circulation: Debbie Thiessen Production: Tiffany Peters, Shyann Westby, Janessa McKay, Mikyla Sullivan, Lora Hanson, Samantha Rimke, Shae-Lynn & Shelby Evans

USA $65 per year U.S. funds Foreign $130 per year Canadian funds

Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794 © 2016 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association.




From the Gate Post

Bruce Holmquist General Manager - Canadian Simmental Association


What Comes With That Bull

015 was a very strong year for Simmental Breeders and it finished on an extremely positive note with excellent December female sales. We saw very strong prices throughout with quality being rewarded regardless of the animal’s location in the sale order. The crowds stayed to the end of the sales as there were cattle with excellent value and quality to compliment all programs. Some folks who were new to Simmental attended and invested in the breed for the first time and it was great to see the excitement as they began the process of becoming involved in the Simmental breed. That exuberance was matched by some of the sellers who realized prices beyond their expectations as they were rewarded for their efforts and hard work. As is usually the case, top quality genetics that were developed under superior management and complimented with good marketing and promotion brought premium prices. Congratulations to all involved! Now that we are well into 2016, the number of catalogues will be growing throughout your homes as Bull Sale season is upon us. Simmental Breeders are likely contacting you in order to sell their bulls as their biggest pay-day of the year approaches. Buying bulls can be one of the most challenging decision making processes as you select your bull supplier and then work through the many choices within that breeding program. The introduction of a new bull will influence your herd for several years and only after his daughters come into production will you be able to truly decide if the right choice was made. As you sort through that stack of catalogues, what is it that draws you to a particular breeding program and then to a specific animal? The information found within many catalogues is almost endless and can be a bit overwhelming as you flip from one page to the next and assess the pictures that often required a great deal of effort, teamwork and sometimes choice words to capture the bull at his best. You will 6

also see the pedigree and likely comments acknowledging the accomplishments of the sire and dam, or perhaps information on older siblings that sold into other herds in the past. Homozygous or heterozygous polled, horned, performance data, EPDs, carcass information, scrotal measurements and genomic values may also be provided for additional information that one can factor into the decision making process. What will assist you in making the decision easier of which bull to buy especially if you are new to buying Simmental bulls? Many producers start with the breeder and developing a knowledge about him/her and their breeding program and building from there. Finding someone who is knowledgeable about the beef industry and is interested in working with you in identifying and meeting your needs is crucial. Reputation and the ability or willingness to provide customer service will also play a large role in the decision making of who you buy from. While most bulls never have a problem and will last many years, you will undoubtedly feel more comfortable in knowing that whomever you are buying from is willing to work with you in getting your cows bred should something go wrong. Your bull supplier should have a defined breeding program and know it inside and out; if they aren’t collecting data and keeping records in a whole herd approach, then they likely aren’t able to supply genetics that will enhance your program. Perhaps most importantly, they should also show a genuine interest in getting to know more about your herd and what your goals are. There are numerous options for you to choose from when buying your next Simmental bull and knowledgeable breeders that are very capable and willing to assist you in ensuring that your needs are met as you work towards profitable beef production. Good luck to all through this year’s Bull Sale season and I look forward to visiting with many of you!


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MRC Asset 39C

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MRC Legend 64C


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Breed Improvement Choosing The Right Bull By: John Crowley


anaging the genetics of your herd should be a task that continues no matter what time of the year. While other major, on farm tasks can be seasonal, there will always be traits to record, timelines for DNA and registrations to plan out, potential sires to evaluate and mating allocations to think about. While the long sunny days of summer may not lend themselves to sitting down to look at facts and figures, take the opportunity this time of the year to get out of the cold, sit down, and have a good look at your genetic improvement program. Are you breeding in the direction you want? Are you recording all the traits you should be? What’s state of the art, at the moment when it comes to breed improvement and are you availing of all possible services? How does your herd rank in the grand scheme of things, and where do you need to improve? These are all questions that can be asked of your system. Never be happy with where you are, always strive to build that better cow. To the questions above, I have some thoughts. The direction in which you are breeding is of the utmost importance. A defined and structured breeding objective is the first step to producing the genetics you want; if you don’t have a specific objective, improvements will generally be a lot slower. This should be comprised of all the traits that affect profit, plus some indication of the importance each trait should receive. Even though genetic improvement can be on average a slow process, a fall from grace can seem to happen a lot quicker if the right breeding decisions are not made. The decision made when choosing a bull can have an effect, positive or negative, on the profitability of a system for the next decade or two, as genetic change can be cumulative and permanent. Knowing your cow herd, their strengths, and their weaknesses, will dictate the type of bull you use. When selecting the right breeding animals, producers need to evaluate their current herd performance in tandem with the market specifications of their end market and weight them on importance. Aside from structural conformation, EPDs and the accompanying percentile rankings should be your guiding light while simultaneously taking cognizance of inbreeding. Use multiple bulls to mitigate the risk associated with low accuracy EPDs. When it comes to what EPDs you want to place emphasis on, again, that comes down to your breeding objective (simply it could be split as maternal or terminal) and what you have in your herd. A lot of people place gravitas in birthweight (BWT) EPDs. Personally, I think direct calving ease (CE) is more important. If the calves are bigger than average but calving without assistance then that should be a positive. Having said that, the bulls with great CE numbers and average BWT are hard to find, but they do exist. Just because traits are negatively correlated, it doesn’t mean progress in both cannot be made. This goes for all traits with a second example being milk and fertility. When choosing a bull, the number one criteria, should go without saying, is that he can perform and has breeding soundness. Careful of the pitfalls on sale day of a great looking


Director of Scientific and Industry Advancement, Canadian Beef Breeds Council Research Geneticist, Livestock Gentec at University of Alberta

bull with good numbers but scrotal, frame, and/or feet and legs let him down, literally. Subsequent to that, scrotal EPDs are an appropriate selection criteria for identifying the best genetic merit for male fertility. Contrary to popular opinion, the actual genetic correlation between male and female fertility are low and so, to identify those bulls that will produce fertile daughters, we look at traits such as age at first calving, maternal calving ease, stayability, calving interval, and calving to first service, to name a few. While fertility is traditionally a lowly heritable trait, it generally carries a lot of economic weight when a production system is analysed. Where balanced selection indices are available, fertility will usually hold the largest relative weight. Progress can be made in fertility by choosing the bulls with the right genetic makeup for fertility but done in tandem with production traits. A bull that is above average on a suite of traits is generally going in the right direction. However, partition your maternal and terminal bulls, very rarely, if ever, will you get a bull toward the top for both the terminal and maternal suite. Whether you are a purebred breeder or a commercial producer, keep in mind both the genetic and environmental factors that impact on the fertility and productivity of your herd. A combination of selection for optimum fertility genetics and a stringent culling program for non-productive cows will help to enhance the reproductive performance (and therefore profitability) of your operation. As for trait recording, the more information gathered on animals the better. Even if there is not an EPD directly given for a trait you are recording, it is still used as a correlated trait in the background of a genetic evaluation to give accuracy to the EPD traits. Concurrently, even though an EPD doesn’t exist today for a certain economically relevant trait, advances in genetic evaluations may allow for EPDs to be generated on new and/ or novel traits in the future. I always encourage producers to be an “information dense” producer as it has benefits for decision making and for the image of an operation. In parallel, utilizing DNA technologies to deliver more accurate EPDs on younger animals will help you achieve your breeding objectives faster. Part of what dictates how fast you make genetic progress is how accurate your decisions are. Accurate EPDs are traditionally associated with older bulls with progeny on the ground. With a genomic EPD, a young calf can have the same accuracy as a 4 year old bull. Increasing that accuracy of prediction on young animals as well as closing that generation gap all have positive effects on the rate of genetic gain. The genomic technologies I am mainly referring to are parentage panels and more dense DNA marker panels (e.g. 50k). This is not just for the seedstock guy. Commercial producers can benefit immensely from parentage verification where multi-sire pastures are being used. Similarly, genomic prediction from service providers can provide genetic merit scores (akin to EPDs) on animals where pedigree is absent. Where producers are not linked up with a breed association these third party service providers can be a great step to getting genetic merit scores on replacement heifers and potential stock bulls.


March 10, 2016 1:00 pm Spring Creek Ranch, Moosomin, SK

100 Red & Black Simmentals, Red & Black Angus & Black Best beef bulls.

It’s more than just a bull purchase at the "In

Pursuit of Perfection" Bull Sale

Enhance your purchase with our Customer Care Programs - Check them out online!

MBJ 32C Springcreek All In 155Y x TNT Knockout

MBJ 77C Springcreek All In 155Y x Springcreek Knockout

MBJ 99C Springcreek Gold Standard x Voyager 12

MBJ 40C Anchor D Viper x Red Teddy

MBJ 43C Springcreek Anchorman x Red Surge

MBJ 107C Royal Red x Black Tank 47U

MBJ 64C Springcreek Gold Standard x Kansas Tank

MBJ 95C Springcreek All In 155Y x Line Drive

MBJ 145C Springcreek All In 155Y x Line Drive

k r a Sp

put a

In your program


Spark Plug

January 9, 2015 MBJ 23C 1134539 BW: 99 lbs. ADJ WW: 864 lbs. CE: 5.1 BW: 2.1 WW: 61.4 YW: 86.8 MCE: 9.4 MWWT: 62.8 Milk: 32.2

Springcreek Brooke 68Z - Dam

• • • • •

Springcreek Brooke 11W - Grand Dam

homo Polled 1/2 Fleckvieh, outcross pedigree (Anchor D Viper x Crosby/Red Teddy) tremendous EPD’s and performance thick butted and strong topped his lineage is very strong for udders and maternal traits

Brian McCarthy & Family Box 467, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 PH: 306.435.3590 • Cell: 306.435.7527


March 10, 2016 1:00 pm Spring Creek Ranch, Moosomin, SK

100 Red & Black Simmentals, Red & Black Angus & Black Best beef bulls.

It’s more than just a bull purchase at the "In

Pursuit of Perfection" Bull Sale

LCS 59C 3D Red Power x Wheatland Red Teddy

3D Red Power x WLB Maverick

LCS 48C SC Lotto x RC Club King



SC Tank 57P x IPU Ultimate 3U


LCS 16C Wheatland 202Z x RCC/TCF Line Drive

Wheatland 738T x Tess 19U

Lazy Creek Simmentals Jon William & Michael Verstegen

Box 58, Caron, SK S0H 0R0 PH: 306.756.5100 • Fax: 306.756.5101 Jon’s Cell: 306.631.8749 • Michael’s Cell: 306.631.8763

View the catalogue online at 14

23C - Red Rocket x Full Sib to Top Gun 18C - Red Rocket x Beech Bros Yara 122Y

219C - Captain Morgan x Yara 122Y

36C - Commissioner x Traxs Ms Jack Y123

223C - Red Rocket x TNT Miss W168

210C - Red Rocket x TNT Miss W31

302C - Broker x Flirtin For Certin 37U


Selling 42 Bulls, 30 Yearlings & 12 Two-year-olds

Full Fleckvieh and Red Simmental Bulls Available

Wintering Program Available Champs Simmental Hairy Hill Cattle Co. Winston Ford - C: 780-842-9623 Mark Trabysh - 780-208-2375 Laython Ford - C: 780-806-3600


Directions from Irma North on 881 to 47-0 East to 8-4 North 2.5 miles






From the Director’s Chair

What Does Simmental Mean? Lacey Fisher – Canadian Simmental Association President


here are you going? Why are you going there? What board do you sit on? What does Simmental mean? These are just a few of the questions I have received over the last six years since being elected to the rewarding position as a Director on the Canadian Simmental Association board. My husband Jacob and I, along with our daughters Adelynn and Grace live in Amherst, Nova Scotia which is a small town on the border of New Brunswick. We operate Timberwood Farms, which consists of a land base of 1100 acres (800 acres in woodland and 300 acres agriculture land) with 45 head of purebred Simmental and Simmental influenced cattle, 6 Registered Quarter Horses, 7 Registered Labrador Retrievers and various other animals that somehow landed on our farm. Our girls are the 7th generation on the Fisher family farm and farming is truly a way of life for our family, not just a job. It is where we want to be when we are not where we need to be, at our jobs or school. Jacob and I have always enjoyed touring Canadian cattle shows and sales and sitting on various boards. Over the past 15 years I have sat on boards of various associations in different capacities. I am currently a leader of the Cumberland County 4-H Club, a member of the Nova Scotia 4-H Royal Beef Committee, a member of the Maritime Simmental Association, the Secretary and Executive member of the Board of Directors for the Cumberland County 4-H Council, Cumberland North Home & School Treasurer and most importantly, President of the Canadian Simmental Association. My career in the corporate business world began with an entry level position of providing customer service. I then advanced to the Training and Developing department, where I worked as a Facilitator for three years before moving to Project Management and ended my last ten years in People Management. The company I worked for was excellent and I very much enjoyed all aspect of the different jobs- whether I was running the United Way Campaign, Social Committee, Cancer Awareness week, or hosting Company Christmas Parties. I have always enjoyed being actively involved in whatever I do, as helping and leading is a part of who I am. During the last four years, I decided to change careers and began selling agricultural and residential real estate. This allows me to work within my community and to be closer to my family and our farm. Real Estate is a true testament of helping others and watching dreams come true by assisting families through one of the most stressful and life changing experiences that they 18

will face. What makes me love my job even more is the people I get to talk farming with. Over my six years with CSA, I have had the opportunity to oversee the YCS portfolio for my first four years, then was the Promotion Committee Chair along with Vice President in my fifth year, and this year I was elected to the position of CSA President. These last six years have been extremely rewarding; I have had the pleasure of working beside leading cattle producers, beef industry members and people who are passionate about Simmental. I have learned from each and every one who I sat with- from the CSA board, CSA staff, YCS board, and Foundation board. I thank each and every one of you for this opportunity. Where will the breed go from here? I would like to see the CSA continue to grow the breed and remain focused on increasing Simmental’s presence throughout all regions of Canada and to utilize the innovative work CSA has done in genomic research and breed improvement so our members can continue to produce better genetics for commercial herds across our Country. Simmental is the best breed; you and I already know that, and now we need to continue to show commercial cattleman why our breed will help them grow their pocket books. Supporting and guiding our youth is another important priority that I see. I had originally agreed to sit on the CSA board in 2010 because I wanted to support our youth, and I feel very honoured today to have sat, listened and watched our young farmers do nothing but shine! Our YCSA program has had its ups and down as every Junior program does, but when they have a down swing, the upswing is bigger and better than ever before. I am proud of what I have witnessed with these fine individuals. They are no different than the members of the CSA in that they have passion and dedication for this wonderful breed and they are our future. They have the ability and drive to try new things and take it to the next level without having a four letter word stop them: FEAR. Our youth know what the word means but have never allowed it to stop them from trying something new. I can’t wait to see what our breed develops into as they continue to grow the face of Simmental across our country. It does not matter if we call ourselves farmers, cattle producers, or ranchers. It does not matter what corner of the country we live in; we all have a passion for our breed! One by one, we will continue to educate the country about the positive attributes and potential of Simmental cattle. One day we will be the face of Canadian Beef in the eyes of all Canadians and no longer be asked, “What does Simmental mean?”.



Homo Polled & Hetero Black


RF DOUBLE UP 37W x RF SCREAM 153Y Big Time Calving Ease!!



Big Time Performance & Power



He and 3 more Full Brothers Sell!!



Homo Polled & Homo Black


WFL ABSOLUTE X RF FLIRT 343A Just a 71 lb BW & top 2% for CE!!







Horizon x Accelerator

Sheriff x Horizon


Sheriff x Liner 56U

tte Ba



In 2016

Annual Spring Bull & Female Sale

Friday, March 4, 2016 1:00 p.m. at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK


Radium x Hemi

Guest Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms The Fornwalds, Lampman, SK (306) 487-2557

Box 72, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0

(306) 969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900


Standout x Laredo • DVD of Sale Bulls Available


Cobra x Full Throttle x 403P


Horizon x Sweet Meat x 403P 22


Muirhead Broker x Big Sky


Black Heifer Captain Morgan x Liner 56U

Sale Offering • 95 SIMMENTAL BEEF BULLS Reds, Blacks & Fullbloods


Reds & Blacks View CATALOGUE online at:


Red Zone x Accelerator

IPU 126C

Code Red x 203


Royal Red x Liner 56U


Red Zone x Revolution x 105L


Red Zone x Red Ace

IPU 100C

El Tigre x Beef Maker


Red Zone x Red Force


Sheriff x Stubby

Sales Consultants:

Brian Bouchard: 403-813-7999 Darnell Fornwald: 403-795-8030

Wilf Davis - Brandon, MB (204) 834-2479 Cell: (204) 841-0211 Marc Boisvert – St. Germain, QC (819) 395-5502 Cell: (819) 314-0367

Scott: (403) 370-3010 Geoff: (306) 731-7921 Daryl: (403) 363-9973

Call BARRY for Catalogues, Up To Date EPD’s and Videos

IPU 113C

El Tigre x Liner 56U


El Tigre x Extra Effort


Cobra x Liner 56U


El Tigre x Black Tank

IPU 101C

El Tigre x Temptation “TWO IN A MILLION”


Muirhead Broker x Revolution


Crossroads Black Bolt x Specialist 23



Women in Simmental Country Written by Lee Hart

Strong family values part of farm’s 85 year success


he ladies of Lewis Farms Ltd. say every day on the west-central Alberta farm is a highlight. “There have certainly been many memorable times and events over the years”, say Corrie Lewis, Sandy Lewis and Jordan Buba who are all members of the four-generation purebred beef and mixed cropping operation at Spruce Grove which is just west of Edmonton. But what has been the real highlight? “That’s a good question; I think the real highlight is that this farm, which was started 85 years ago, has provided us all with a great life and has been a great place for us to raise our families,” says Sandy Lewis whose grandparents Ernie and Ellis Lewis started the operation in 1932. “The fourth generation is now involved in running the farm and over the years we have been able to work with great cattle, meet great people, and the farm has provided us with the opportunity to work and play together and raise our kids; I think that is the real highlight in my books.” Corrie and Jordan agreed that answer is hard to beat.

As Lewis Farms gears up for its 31st Annual Bull Sale in late February 2016, three of the women active in the daily operation of the farm that runs both purebred Simmental and Angus beef herds, spoke about life on Lewis Farms. The winter and spring period is a hectic time at Lewis Farms with about 1,000 head in total between the two breeds. There is a “winter” cowherd, which numbers about 400 cows that begin calving in December and will carry on until early February; in the meantime work has been underway for several weeks, taking photos and putting together the 31st annual bull sale catalogue that will be completed and mailed by late January. As soon as the catalogue is done and the 26

The Ladies of Lewis Farms Ltd.

early calving period is completed, all attention turns to prepping for the actual sale itself — sale day is February 27th this year at the farm. A few weeks after the sale about 600 head of heifers and cows in the “summer” herd will begin calving. Along with the purebred beef business, the farm also produces about 500 acres of seed potatoes and crops involving roughly 4,000 acres of grain.

FOUR GENERATIONS So who are the ladies of Lewis Farms? It is easiest to answer that question with a quick review of the family tree. Ernie and Ellis Lewis founded the farm in 1932; they had one son Jack along with two daughters Carol and Elizabeth. Jack married Laverne and they had three children — Sandy, Ken and Roy Lewis. Joining in for the Simmental Country interview for this article in January were Sandy Lewis and her daughter Jordan Buba, and Corrie Lewis who is Ken’s wife and has been part of the farming operation for about 30 years. The third Lewis sibling Roy and his wife Carol are both veterinarians. They have two children; Colton who is a medical student at University of Alberta and Cali, a veterinarian in Westlock. Roy also provides animal health services to Lewis Farms and is a contributing writer to Simmental Country.

Sandy, Jordan & Corrie The fourth generation involvement in the farm runs deeper than Jordan. Sandy also has son Tyler who works full time on the farm, while Jamie works off-farm but helps out as much as possible. Over at the Corrie and Ken Lewis household, they have

two children — Kyle, the oldest works full time on the farm, while Kirbie is completing her degree as a dietician from the University of Alberta and helps out on the farm when she can. Representing two of the four generations, Sandy, Corrie and Jordan say their roles have evolved over the years and continue to change. For Sandy who was born and raised on the farm, the farm has always been her life and career. “I never did consider an off-farm job,” says Sandy. After high school, she went on to obtain her Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture from the University of Alberta, and then returned to the farm. “Certainly in the early days I was more involved with the cattle and the day to day operation of the farm, but then when the kids came along, I was fortunate to be able to focus more on raising the family and was less involved with the farm.” Still actively involved with the farm today, her main duties are as farm office manager, and looking after most of the accounting duties.

registration transfers after the sale.” Then she jokingly adds “of course it also keeps me busy being Ken’s personal assistant.” Both Sandy and Corrie say in the early years they were both actively involved in day to day operations; all part of helping the farm develop and grow over the years. “Along with working with the cattle at home, we were always involved in attending beef shows over the years,” says Corrie. Lewis Farms has long been involved with major livestock shows such as Canadian Western Agribition in Regina, the Calgary Stampede, FarmFair in Edmonton, and the Canadian Bull Congress in Camrose. “We showed cattle a lot at these different shows,” says Corrie. “We took a few years off when the kids were little, and then got back to showing as the kids became interested and more involved.” All five of our kids were involved in 4-H and the Young Canadian Simmental Association. So it seems like we have always been involved in beef shows and sales of one kind or another”, says Sandy.


Sandy & Corrie Sale Day It has been a similar story for Corrie Lewis. She grew up on a small horse farm not far from Spruce Grove, met Ken and began working at Lewis Farms. They’ve been married 28 years. “Much like Sandy, I used to be more involved with the cattle and other aspects of the farm, but then as the family came along my role shifted. I feel very fortunate to have been able to raise our family and be able to work from home and on the farm”, says Corrie. “Today, I am mostly involved in the lead up time to the bull sale. I work in getting the catalogue and ads built, help with preparations leading up to sale, and then invoicing and

If you want to talk cattle, then sit down and talk with Jordan. At 28, Jordan has grown into a role as one of the herd managers with Lewis Farms. Working with “Uncle Ken” and her cousin Kyle, they manage about 1,000 head of female cattle over two beef breeds. “I was born and raised on the farm and after high school I attended Lakeland College in Vermilion where I completed the Ag Production program, then I returned home and I have been back at the farm here ever since,” says Jordan. “I am really 100 percent hands on with the day to day management of the cattle and I can’t see myself doing anything else.” Simmental has been the dominant breed on Lewis Farms since the late 70s. While there have also been some Angus cattle around for many years, that part of the program has expanded in the past decade. With about 1,000 females the herd is divided with about 650 to 700 head of purebred Simmental cattle — both red and black and 250 to 300 head of registered Red and Black Angus. Along with the two different breeds, Jordan also helps manage the full herd which is split over two different calving seasons. The winter herd of Simmental and Angus calves between December and February at the Spruce Grove farm headquarters and starting in May, the 600 head summer herd of Simmental and Angus cows will begin calving on the large grass operation owned by Lewis Farms, about 60 kilometres northwest near the community of Sangudo.

1994 Fall Female Sale

Jordan, Zed & New Pair

2014 Fall Female Sale

While part of the planning behind the two calving seasons involves making the best use of labor and farm resources, it 27

is mostly about marketing, says Jordan. “The winter calving Calgary Stampede in 2001. Jordan showed a Simmental steer herd is producing yearlings for the bull sale,” she says. “While that won the steer show at the Calgary Stampede in 2005 and the summer-calving herd is producing what we refer to as the Lewis Farms was named Premier Breeder and Exhibitor at the “extra age” bulls.” It is a bit easier all around that these calves are born on grass and Lewis Farms has also found these “extra age” bulls, that will range between 18 and 20 months of age by their sale day, are very popular among clients. “They are probably our version of a two-year-old bull,” says Jordan. “Some of our clients are interested in yearlings, while others are also looking for something with a bit more size and maturity, which is where our extra age bulls fit in”. The farm also at times hosts female production sales however the bull sale will feature about 300 head of Simmental and Angus bulls, with about two-thirds of the offering being red and black Simmental and a few Fullblood Simmental bulls in the mix as well. The sale reflects how the farm has steadily grown over the years. The first sale in 1985 featured 37 bulls, compared to about 300 in 2016. “Simmental and Angus are both excellent maternal breeds of cattle depending on what the commercial operator is looking for,” says Jordan. “I was born and raised around Simmental cattle; they have been part of this farm since before my time and I just love the breed. As I have grown up and looked around the industry, to me they are just one of the most ideal breeds. They produce an excellent momma cow who is going to raise an excellent calf; then on the other side it is a breed that will also produce an excellent carcass. It is a breed that we used as kids during our 4-H days; they have an excellent temperament and are easy to work around.” While the whole package of raising a family and being part of Lewis Farms has been a highlight for Sandy, Corrie says the people and events of the beef industry have also produced some great memories for her. Attending the Simmental World Congress in Switzerland in 1990 and then the World Congress in Australia in 2010, were among memorable events for Corrie. Closer to home, Jordan recalls winning top awards with Simmentals over the years. Kyle’s 4-H project, a Simmental cow named Amber, was named the Supreme Beef Animal at the


Simmental World Congress held in Alberta in 2006. All three women were very proud that the farm produced a top selling black Simmental bull that fetched a record amount for the farm of $170,000 at the 30th annual farm sale in 2015. That top animal was bought by Bouchard Livestock and Ashworth Farms. With a farm built on a solid foundation of good family values and good management over the years, Sandy and Corrie are pleased to see the fourth generation actively involved in Lewis Farms, bringing with it energy and new ideas. While the February farm sale is still the cornerstone of the farm’s marketing program for example, a wide range of tools are used to make customers aware of the event. Lewis Farms has a website www.lewisfarms. ca, the catalogue will be sent to a mailing list of many of longtime customers, and on the social media side, Jordan points out the farm’s Facebook page also has about 3,000 followers. She noted that a new six minute video, filmed with a cameraequipped drone flying above the farm headquarters and cattle pens, and posted on the farm website in early January had in one day drawn interest from several people looking for more details on the upcoming sale. With these examples it is clear Lewis Farms is keeping pace with the times.

93C MRL Discovery

158C SVS Milwaukee

46C MRL Discovery



MRL El Tigre

MRL El Tigre



Red Rocket

SVS Milwaukee



MRL To The Max

MRL Seismic


67C TNT Bootlegger

TNT Bootlegger

18C IPU Red Western

Black Baron


30 Coming Two Year Olds

50C IPU Red Western


LHVS Charles 29C son of South Seven Mr. Adonis 96Z

35 Bulls on Offer Affordable bulls Sight unseen buyers program Bulls developed on a high roughage ration Supplying ranch raised bulls for progressive ranchers Semen tested If you have any questions please give Darryl Snider or Danny Daines a call

Darryl - Bohrson Marketing Services: 780-385-5561 Danny: 403-391-0580 LHVS Caleb 20C son of KWA Big Time 86A

LHVS Burnt Sugar 69C son of FBF1 Combustible 30

Catalogues & video available upon request

13th Annual Bull Sale On the Farm Monday, March 7, 2016 8 miles S of Oungre (Hwy #35), 2.5 miles E or 2 miles N of Port of Fortuna, ND and 2.5 miles E

On offer 85 Red & Black Simmental & Simm/Angus Bulls

KWA 257C



Currency x Red Rock

Authority x Red Rock

Red Rock x Fortune Builder

CE: 7.1 BW: 3.0 WW: 67.8 YW: 97.9 MCE: 12.3 MWW: 52.2 MILK: 18.5 CWT: 32.0 REA: 0.68 FAT: -0.70 MARB: -0.03

CE: 9.8 BW: 2.2 WW: 68.1 YW: 100.6 MCE: 9.7 MWW: 57.3 MILK: 23.4 CWT: 32.5 REA: 0.87 FAT: -0.50 MARB: -0.01

CE: 10.5 BW: 2.1 WW: 64.4 YW: 95.8 MCE: 16.0 MWW: 56.4 MILK: 24.4 CWT: 29.7 REA: 0.063 FAT: -0.60 MARB: -0.014

KWA 108C


KWA 187C

Integrity x Odin

KWA Odin 29A x KWA Limited 71P SVS Milwaukee x KWA Limited 71P

CE: 8.0 BW: 2.2 WW: 69.3 YW: 101.7 MCE: 11.3 MWW: 59.1 MILK: 24.4 CWT: 33.0 REA: 1.04 FAT: -0.70 MARB: 0.01

CE: 13.3 BW: 0.1 WW: 60.7 YW: 92.5 MCE: 13.2 MWW: 52.6 MILK: 22.4 CWT: 24.9 REA: 0.87 FAT: -0.70 MARB: -0.03

CE: 5.0 BW: 3.7 WW: 70.8 YW: 99.5 MCE: 10.7 MWW: 56.5 MILK: 21.0 CWT: 33.7 REA: 0.65 FAT: -0.50 MARB: 0.16

KWA 216C


KWA 133C

Big Time x Red Rock

CE: 7.9 BW: 3.0 WW: 72.2 YW: 104.8 MCE: 13.7 MWW: 59.5 MILK: 23.4 CWT: 35.9 REA: 0.73 FAT: -0.60 MARB: -0.06

Red Mountain x MRL 127Y

CE: 7.6 BW: 1.9 WW: 60.7 YW: 88.6 MCE: 14.6 MWW: 54.7 MILK: 24.4 CWT: 25.0 REA: 0.60 FAT: -0.70 MARB: 0.06

Currency x Black Impact

CE: 4.8 BW: 3.5 WW: 68 YW: 99.5 MCE: 9.4 MWW: 52.3 MILK: 18.5 CWT: 33.8 REA: 0.75 FAT: -0.70 MARB: -0.03

Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd.

Kelly & Janice Ashworth Box 53, Oungre, SK S0C 1Z0 (306) 456-2749 Fax: (306) 456-2776 Kelly: (306) 861-2013 Kyle: (306) 861-9352 Owen: (306) 861-9044 Sale Day Phone: (306) 456-2733




T L I BU T H RIBGull Sale




80 Simmental Charolais And Angus Bulls On Offer WJS Carbon Copy 8C BW: 105

ALLM Colossal 25U X Crossroad Radium EPDS BWT: -0.5 WWT: 71.5 YWT: 94.6 MCE: -0.3 MWWT: 66.9 Milk: 31.1

WJS Current Edition 15C BW: 101

MRL Discovery 21A X SHS Enticer P1B EPDS BWT: 3.6 WWT: 71.5 YWT: 109.2 MCE: 9.3 MWWT: 56.0 Milk: 20.2


Byron, Bernice & Wyatt Johnson | Box 132, Amisk, AB T0B 0B0 | 780-856-2175 32


From the Field

Meghan Black CSA Industry & Member Services Representative


From the Field

lthough it has been three years since I’ve moved out west, to many I’m still referred to as “the girl from the east coast”. As with others, for me the saying “there’s no place like home” still holds true. Over the holidays this east coast girl got to travel back to New Brunswick to take in time with family, friends, a LOT of snow, and my favorite – calving. As many know my schedule with the CSA and Simmental Country is pretty hectic throughout the year attending sales, shows and industry events, so sneaking away this fall to help with the sale at home and taking some extra time to spend at home in the beginning of the year felt like small victories! I grew up in a small rural area where the majority of the farming community grows potatoes, so to my peers and family friends we were well known to be involved in the beef industry. My passion for what we did on the farm and with cattle was no secret either, often missing school for 4-H trips, shows and sales or other industry events. While back east I ran into a lot of familiar faces I hadn’t seen since moving to Alberta. More times than not I was asked the same sorts of questions; “What have you been up to?” Lots! “What do you do for work?” Again more times than not, people are surprised that I have a “real life” job in the beef industry, that I followed what I was passionate about and that I have been able to make a career out of something I enjoy. Most of the time I can’t believe it either! The beef industry is something exciting to be a part of – especially after the tremendous sales that we’ve seen over the past year, but to be a part of the Simmental breed – the breed that everyone is talking about and wanting to be involved with is something special too. As I flip through sale catalogues and show books it’s evident that our Simmental


breeders are continuously improving their product and fully stand behind what they have to offer. It’s important to realize that the decisions breeders make during breeding season this year will have an impact in two years’ time on the industry when they take the resulting progeny out to a show or offer it as a lot in a sale. As I gear up to hit the road to attend Simmental bull sales, I reflect over the past year since I started to work for the Canadian Simmental Association. The miles I’ve put on, the places I’ve been, the industry leaders and top Simmental producers I’ve met, the networking I’ve done and the top quality cattle I’ve seen; these are things I certainly don’t take for granted. Prior to heading east for the holidays I was on the road until the 22nd of December attending sales after the fall run of shows. The excitement at each event, from consigners, buyers and attendees was something else. Congratulations to all breeders who exhibited Simmentals at shows and those that had cattle enter a sale ring this fall. Thank you to those who welcomed a Simmental Country representative to your sale and those who invited us over for a visit and chat at the stall or on a tackbox during the shows we attended. It’s an exciting time to be involved in the beef industry and I’m thankful that I’m able to do what I do. I look forward to catching up with new and familiar faces over the next few months at bull sales. If we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting, make sure to stop and introduce yourself to the gal with the camera at these Simmental sales and events! Until next time!









Authority 77X x ACS Red Rebel 656S

KASK 580C ACS Gangster 351A x Mr Beef

KASK 520C High Octane 169Y x Wheatland Bull 459P

Anchor D Imax x Gibbons Jeremiah

MEM 502C Wheatland Terminator 202Z x TNT Top Gun

ROEN 19B Superior x On Target

(Dam is a flushmate to Lock N Load)

TSN 50C Mr HOC Broker x Wheatland Bull 680S

TSN 34C Superior x LFE Red Hemi



He Sells

BLI Cocaine 503C 2015 Reserve Legends of the Fall - Simmental Bull Calf Champion - Farmfair International Sire: BLI Red Addiction 224Z Dam: BLI Black Superior 132Y-


View Catalogue Online @ Thank You to our 2015 Fall Sale Buyers: Czech Mate Livestock, City View Simmentals, Trevor Liboiron, Mountainview Holdings

SIBL Simmentals

Barclay & Michelle Smith & Family (780) 305 - 6716

Paternal Brothers Sell


30 Red, Black and

Fullblood Simmental 70 Red and Black Angus Optimal Bovines Inc.

Rob Holowaychuk (403) 341-5098 Email: Bob Toner (306) 834-7385 Kirk Hurlburt (306) 222-8210


Appuye sur le poteau de clouture

Bruce Holmquist Directeur général - Association Simmental du Canada

Ce qui vient avec votre nouveau taureau


es éleveurs Simmental ont connu une très belle année en 2015 et celle-ci s’est terminée sur une note tout aussi positive, avec d’excellentes ventes de femelles rapportées en décembre. Les prix sont demeurés élevés et les sujets de qualité ont fait monter les enchères, peu importe où ils se situaient dans l’ordre de la vente. Avec une offre de telle qualité d’animaux pouvant améliorer plusieurs élevages, les personnes présentes sont demeurées sur place jusqu’à la fin des ventes. On a remarqué que de nouveaux intéressés à la race Simmental étaient présents et ont investi pour la première fois. On pouvait constater toute leur fierté de débuter leur association avec la race Simmental. Certains vendeurs étaient également très satisfaits de constater les prix reçus, ce qui représentait une reconnaissance concrète pour leurs efforts et leur travail. Tel que cela est généralement le cas, on a enregistré les prix record chez les meilleurs sujets élevés et développés dans d’excellentes conditions de régie, et pour lesquels on avait réalisé une promotion et des efforts de marketing particuliers. Félicitations à tous ceux qui étaient impliqués dans ces ventes ! L’année 2016 est maintenant bien entamée et, avec l’arrivée prochaine de la saison des ventes de taureaux, vous allez recevoir une série de catalogues. Des éleveurs Simmental ont peut-être déjà pris contact avec vous afin de vous offrir leurs taureaux, car ils espèrent connaître leur meilleur jour de paie de l’année. L’achat de votre prochain taureau peut constituer l’une de vos décisions les plus difficiles, car vous devrez premièrement sélectionner votre fournisseur, puis analyser tous les candidats offerts dans le programme d’élevage donné. L’introduction d’un nouveau taureau aura une influence pour plusieurs années dans votre troupeau et vous ne saurez vraiment si vous avez fait un bon choix que lorsque les filles de ce taureau commenceront leur production. Alors que vous consultez tous ces catalogues, qu’est-ce qui vous attire davantage vers un élevage spécifique et par la suite vers un type d’animaux donné. On retrouve une formidable quantité d’informations dans les catalogues de vente, tellement que cela peut devenir très embêtant, en plus des photographies visant à nous montrer le taureau à son meilleur, ce qui en soi demande un travail méticuleux. De plus, vous y retrouverez la


généalogie du sujet, ainsi que des commentaires relativement aux performances du père et de la mère, ou encore des informations concernant des sujets apparentés et qui furent vendus antérieurement dans d’autres troupeaux. D’autres informations telles que le statut à cornes ou « polled » (homozygote ou non), les données de performance, les EPD, les informations mesurées sur les carcasses, la mesure de la circonférence scrotale et les valeurs génomiques peuvent aussi être publiées et seront considérées lors du processus de prise de décision. Qui pourra vous aider à prendre votre décision plus facilement quant à savoir quel taureau acheter, surtout si vous êtes un nouvel acheteur de taureau Simmental ? Plusieurs producteurs vont tout d’abord identifier un éleveur, puis ils vont prendre des informations à leur sujet et touchant leur programme d’élevage. Il est impératif de trouver quelqu’un qui connaît bien l’industrie bovine et qui est intéressé à travailler avec vous et à identifier vos objectifs et vos besoins. Votre décision de faire affaire et d’acheter d’un éleveur donné sera basé en grande partie sur la réputation, le service à la clientèle et après-vente. Bien que la plupart des taureaux n’auront pas de problème et pourront durer plusieurs années, vous devriez vous sentir plus à l’aise de faire affaire avec quelqu’un qui sera prêt à vous dépanner afin que vos vaches soient gestantes, si jamais il se produisait un cas problème. Votre fournisseur de taureau doit avoir un programme d’élevage bien défini, et il doit démontrer qu’il le connait bien. S’il ne recueille aucunes données et qu’il ne consigne pas selon une approche de l’enregistrement du troupeau complet, il n’est fort probablement pas en mesure de vous offrir une qualité génétique qui améliorera votre élevage. Et, sans doute le plus important, il devrait vous démontrer un réel intérêt davantage votre troupeau et vos objectifs de production. Vous avez plusieurs options permettant de faire un choix éclair de votre prochain fournisseur de taureau, et il y a plusieurs éleveurs compétents qui sont en mesure et intéressés à vous aider à rencontrer vos besoins, tout en visant la rentabilité de votre production. Bonne chance à tous au cours de cette saison de ventes de taureaux et au plaisir de rencontrer plusieurs d’entre vous !

Saturday March 19, 2016 at 1:00 P.M. on the farm Over 55 semen tested Bulls on offer FGAF French Attack 010C

Horned Full Fleckvieh Bulls

FGAF Burger Master 004C

Top Quality Red Simmental Bulls

FGAF Continental 054C

Polled Full Fleckvieh Bulls

FGAF Eleminator 510C

Beefy Black Angus Bulls

Yves C: 514-952-6200

Francis C: 514-975-3722 41


Selling 70 Simmental yearling and two year old bulls


Scissors Creek Cattle Co.





Mark & Jennalee Beutler P: 306-735-4434 C: 306-735-7841 E:

Sun Rise Simmentals

Lyall & Konleigh Johnson P: 306-224-4272 C: 306-736-7877 E:

JP Cattle Co. Glen & Barry Lowes; Eric Pateman

Johnson Stock Farms

Prairie Wind Farms Ltd.

Wes & Brian Mack Wes: P: 306-634-4410 C:306-421-1853 Brian: P: 306-634-4431 C: 306-421-2928 E:

Evan & Linda Cuss P: 306-534-4700 C: 306-745-7431 E:

Glenn: 204-854-5669 Barry: 204-851-0342 Eric: 306-434-8567 E:

View the catalogue online at



STARWEST FARMS Consigns to the

Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale March 21, 2016 1:oopm

Westerner Park Red Deer, AB



S:Crossroad Radium 89U

S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X



S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X

S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X

More sale pictures can be found on our website and Facebook page. Ken, Carrol and Christel Warkentin (604) 794-7252 Christel’s Cell: (780) 853-3388

John Cartwright (604) 798-0887 45


t has come to my attention by astute, diligent and thorough cattlemen that a close examination of the Breeding Soundness Evaluation form is clearly warranted. All conscientious breeders will make them available before a sale or for sure at the point of delivery. Specific things on the form may be more applicable depending on the specific use for your bull. Has the bull just passed his test in one or more categories? Does his scrotal circumference just make the breed minimum? Do other specific things catch your attention, such as, have their warts been removed, did the bull have a frenulum, old cuts on the penis, etc. A frenulum is a ligamentous attachment which attaches to the tip of the penis and doesn’t allow it to extend at erection fully. A frenulum could be hereditary but is only carried through on the male side, so if you are a commercial breeder, you should have no issue as all his bulls will become steers, whereas a purebred breeder should shy away from a herd prospect that has had a freulum cut. I am convinced that some bulls which have frenulums not discovered on breeding break their penis. Is there any issue whatsoever with his feet or legs, which could affect future usage? We must all admit that no bull is perfect and still the most important comment is, “in the vets opinion, is the bull considered satisfactory on that day.” Other issues are comments on the forms such as, a bit softer testicles, a size difference in the testicles or he did not protrude, meaning the penis did not extend out of the sheath. No protrusion could mean there was just not enough or over stimulation of the bull, or it could mean that there is a physical problem. The physical problem could have to do with an erectile dysfunction or scarring of the penis to the side of the sheath and as a result no protrusion. Sometimes we may see a large swelling in the sheath which points to a potential problem. I have even seen a couple bulls over the years with such a large wart on the penis as to be unable to protrude or the wart scarred the sheath to itself. The very odd bull goes down before we can stimulate him very much and these are unlikely to protrude as well. It is ideal to visualize the penis every time. Another way could be on all those that don’t protrude, to tranquilize them after the semen sample is collected and their penis will extend passively. At least one veterinarian I know does this and then can honestly say he has visualized the working apparatus. Many of the smaller issues we all comment on but may not really have much of a detrimental effect on the bulls breeding ability. 46

The veterinarian’s comment of softer testicles is still very subjective and may identify a problem or could simply be the variation we see between bulls. If you have herd bulls semen tested every year compare evaluations year to year to see any differences. If you see decreased results, such as a morphological defect increasing or testicles which are shrinking, this may indicate impending failure the following year and would be time to purchase a new bull. Bigger testicles may yield a greater serving capacity as long as libido is good and physically the bull is sound. We have seen instances where abnormally large testicles will be detrimental to breeding ability- so bigger is not always necessarily better. Keep in mind some bulls reach puberty a little later in their first year, so the yearling semen evaluations will on average be below the quality of the two year old and older bulls. You are not really comparing apples to apples and generally speaking the yearlings will be running with fewer cows. We need to compare semen evaluations between bulls of the same age group. Another caution flag could be with bulls with evidence of seminal vesiculitis. The majority of these bulls clear up either on their own or with treatment. Some will never clear up and it is important they have a clean bill of health before using them. Most veterinarians will stain the supposed recovered semen sample and check very closely for white blood cells (pus) to make sure there has been a complete recovery. As always with all semen evaluations, usually both the libido and ability to breed are best checked by observing the bull in his first few matings. If you need bulls with higher serving capacity, closely scrutinize the ones which just pass the semen morphology or just make the breed minimum for scrotal size. If you have any questions, talk to the breeder. They are more than happy to help you select the bull that best fits your needs. Characteristics such as polled/horned, color dominance, carcass characteristics and genetic testing can all be discussed as well as vaccination history. There are copious amounts of data collected on bulls these days, the trick is determining what are the important ones for you, the purchaser, and selecting based on your criteria. The old adage, “you pay for quality” holds true in the bull business as well. All the purebred breeders advertised in the Simmental Country have great reputations and stand behind their bulls so take the time to select and have a good look at the semen form for any other questions you may have.


purebred simmental selling in the Southwest Showcase Bull Sale March 28th 2016, Swift Current, SK black angus bulls selling at the Your Choice Bull Sale April 15th, 2016, Maple Creek, SK


HOMO BLACK / BLAZE FACE Sire: FBF1 Combustible

& Members of Champion Pen of Bulls

CHAMPION BULL CALF on Dam Ranchemen’s Pen Show Sire: NUG Royal Red 324A

HOMO POLLED Sire: CDI Authority 77X

Medicine Hat Pen Show

Also some Purebred Red & Black as well as Simmental Angus Cross bulls sell by Private Treaty. Contact us for more Information. Darby & Sarah Delorme & Family Home: (306) 299-2006 Cell: (306) 662-7993



HOMO POLLED Sire: Skors Red Enticer 48Z


Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale March 26, 2016 Innisfail Auction Mart Innisfail, AB Approximately 20 Red and Black Yearling Simmental Bulls on offer

RF Throttled 311A

Wheatland Circuit Breaker

Walking Herd Sire 2014/2015 Champion Simmental Bull Farmfair Top 5 in Supreme All Breeds Farmfair 2014 Champion Simmental Bull Agribition 2015 Champion Simmental Bull Olds Fall Classic 9 SONS SELL

Walking Herd Sire $60,000 High Selling Bull 2014 Wheatland Cattle Bull Sale

Outlaw Soda Pop 14B

Outlaw Short Circuit 41B

High Selling Bull in last year’s sale $18,000 to Labatte Simmentals Full sibling heifers Averaged $16,000 last year 2 FULL BROTHERS SELL

First Circuit Breaker calves to sell Averaged $9000 7 SONS SELL

Outlaw’s High Selling Female this fall Wheatland Circuit Breaker Daughter Sold to Dunluce Farms for $15,000

Also Sons Selling By:

RF Torque, Remington Red Mile & MRL Red Force

Thanks to all our buyers this fall that purchased an Outlaw female Glasman Farms Czech-Mate Livestock Crisis Cattle Co 50

Deeg Simmentals Martinvale Farms Connor Njaa


Amelioration de la Race Le point sur les pratiques émergentes dans l’élevage bovin


Par: John Crowley Directeur scientifique et de l’amélioration de l’industrie, Conseil canadien des races de boucherie Généticien chercheur, Livestock Gentec, Université de l’Alberta

a gestion de la génétique de votre troupeau devrait se faire en continu, peu importe la période de l’année. Alors que plusieurs travaux majeurs sur la ferme sont saisonniers, il y a constamment des données à recueillir, des échéances à rencontrer que ce soit pour un test d’ADN ou les enregistrements d’animaux, l’analyse des informations sur un nouveau taureau ou encore la planification des saillies. Tandis qu’il est plutôt inhabituel durant les journées chaudes et ensoleillées de l’été d’analyser des données et des graphiques, saisissez présentement l’opportunité de rester à l’abri du froid et d’évaluer en détails votre programme d’amélioration génétique. Est-ce que votre élevage s’en va dans la bonne direction ? Est-ce que vous recueillez les données sur tous les caractères importants ? Utilisez-vous tous les services possibles et faites-vous toujours les choses dans les règles de l’art ? De manière globale, comment se situe votre troupeau et que devriez-vous améliorer ? Voici des questions valables à vous poser de temps en temps. Ne soyez jamais satisfait de votre situation, cherchez toujours à produire de meilleures vaches. J’ai quelques idées concernant les questions précédentes. L’orientation de votre programme d’élevage revêt une importance capitale. En premier, un objectif précis et bien structuré vous aidera à produire la génétique souhaitée ; sans avoir un objectif spécifique, vos progrès vont être généralement beaucoup plus lents. Cela est vrai pour tous les caractères ayant une influence sur la rentabilité et devrait vous servir de guide quant à l’importance à porter sur chacun de ces caractères. Bien que l’amélioration génétique puisse s’avérer être un processus assez lent, des pertes de performance peuvent survenir beaucoup plus rapidement si on ne prend pas les bonnes décisions. La décision de choisir un taureau peut avoir un effet sur plus d’une décade, positif ou négatif, sur la rentabilité de votre système, car les changements génétiques peuvent être cumulatifs et permanents. La connaissance de votre troupeau de vaches, de ses forces et de ses faiblesses, vous aidera à sélectionner le bon type de taureau à utiliser. Dans leur travail de sélection de leurs sujets d’élevage, les producteurs doivent bien évaluer les performances actuelles de leur troupeau, en relation avec les spécifications demandées par le marché et de leur importance relative. En plus de la conformation fonctionnelle et d’un souci d’éviter une consanguinité trop grande, les EPD et leurs rangs centiles devraient être vos principaux outils. Utilisez plusieurs taureaux afin de diminuer le risque associé avec des EPD possédant une précision plus faible. Encore là, lorsqu’il s’agit d’identifier quels EPD on veut privilégier, il faut revenir à notre objectif d’élevage (on peut simplifier le tout en référant à une emphase maternelle ou terminale), et à ce que vous retrouvez présentement dans votre troupeau. Plusieurs personnes accordent une importance énorme à l’EPD du poids à la naissance (PN). Je crois personnellement que la facilité de vêlage directe (FV) est plus importante. Si les veaux naissent plus lourds que la moyenne, mais sans nécessiter plus d’assistance, cela devrait être vu favorablement. Cela étant dit, il est plutôt difficile de trouver des taureaux avec une épreuve très favorable en facilité de vêlage (FV) et une épreuve moyenne pour le poids à la naissance, mais cela existe tout de même. Même si des caractères sont corrélés négativement, cela ne veut pas dire que du progrès n’est pas possible. Cela est vrai pour tous les caractères, comme par exemple avec l’aptitude laitière et la fertilité. Lors du choix d’un taureau, le premier critère devrait être sans hésitation qu’il puisse faire le travail et que son système reproducteur soit en bonne condition. Soyez prudent de ne pas choisir un taureau qui parait bien le jour de la vente, qui possède de beaux chiffres mais dont la circonférence scrotale, la charpente ou encore les pieds et membres feraient défaut. Par la suite, regardez son EPD de la circonférence scrotale, lequel est un bon critère de sélection d’un taureau ayant le meilleur mérite génétique pour la fertilité. Contrairement à l’opinion populaire, la corrélation génétique entre la


fertilité chez le mâle et la femelle est basse. Ainsi, si on veut identifier les taureaux qui produiront des filles plus fertile, nous devons plutôt considérer les caractères tels que l’âge au premier vêlage, la facilité de vêlage maternelle, la longévité, l’intervalle de vêlage et l’intervalle jusqu’à la première saillie, pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Lorsqu’on analyse un système donné de production, bien que la fertilité soit considérée comme un caractère ayant une faible héritabilité, il demeure qu’elle représente un poids économique important. Si on dispose d’indices de sélection équilibrés, la fertilité y occupe la plus grande emphase relative. On peut effectuer des progrès au niveau de la fertilité en choisissant les taureaux possédant une composition génétique appropriée en termes de fertilité, tout en ayant de bonnes données pour les caractères de production. Un taureau avec un potentiel génétique au-dessus de la moyenne pour un ensemble de caractères sera généralement un candidat à retenir. Toutefois, séparez vos taureaux selon qu’ils soient de type maternel ou terminal car, très rarement, si jamais cela peut arriver, vous n’aurez un taureau qui sera parmi les meilleurs pour l’ensemble de ses caractères maternels et terminaux. Que vous soyez un éleveur de race pure ou un producteur commercial, gardez bien à l’esprit les facteurs environnementaux et génétiques qui exercent une influence sur la fertilité et la productivité de votre troupeau. En combinant une sélection envers des lignées génétiques optimales pour la fertilité et en appliquant un programme sévère de réforme des vaches moins productives, vous contribuerez à l’amélioration des performances reproductives (et par conséquent de la rentabilité) de votre troupeau. Tel que cela est vrai pour la cueillette de données sur divers caractères, plus vous accumulerez d’informations sur des animaux, meilleur cela sera pour votre programme. Même s’il n’existe pas un EPD spécifiquement pour le caractère dont les données sont recueillies, celles-là seront tout de même corrélées lors du processus d’évaluation génétique avec d’autres données, ce qui améliorera la précision des EPD produits. De la même manière, même si un EPD n’existe présentement pas pour un caractère donné ayant une importance économique, les avancées effectuées au niveau de l’évaluation génétique peuvent faire en sorte que des EPD pour de nouveaux caractères soient développés dans le futur. J’encourage toujours les producteurs d’être “à l’affut d’informations”, car celleslà seront utiles pour la prise de décision et l’image d’une entreprise donnée. En parallèle, si vous utilisez les technologies disponibles reliées à l’ADN afin d’obtenir des EPD plus précis chez les jeunes animaux, vous pourrez espérer atteindre vos objectifs d’élevage plus rapidement. En bonne partie, la rapidité avec laquelle vous ferez du progrès génétique sera en fonction de la précision de vos décisions. Traditionnellement, on associe les EPD avec une meilleure précision avec les plus vieux taureaux ayant des descendants nés. Avec un EPD génomique, un jeune veau peut avoir la même précision qu’un taureau de quatre ans. L’accroissement de la précision des prédictions chez un jeune animal et la diminution de l’intervalle de vêlage apportent des effets positifs sur le taux de progrès génétique. Au niveau des technologies génomiques, je réfère surtout aux panels de vérification de la parenté ainsi que les panels d’ADN de haute densité (i.e. 50K). Ceux-là ne sont pas uniquement pour les sélectionneurs. Les producteurs commerciaux qui emploient plusieurs taureaux dans leur pâturage peuvent retirer d’immenses bénéfices s’ils ont recours à la vérification de la parenté. De même, les prédictions génomiques provenant des fournisseurs de services peuvent fournir des scores sur le mérite génétique (semblable aux EPD) des animaux dont on ne connait pas la généalogie. Quand des producteurs n’ont pas de liens avec une association de race, ces fournisseurs de services indépendants peuvent grandement vous aider à obtenir des scores du mérite génétique chez des femelles de remplacement et de potentiels taureaux reproducteurs.




In the early 1970's a number of cattle producers interested in promoting Simmental cattle and their breeding programs in the Hanley / Dundurn area got together and formed a group known as Hanley Hi Lite Simmental Breeders. This was a family - based group which included the following: Earl and Jeanette Ballard Don Bea Bates Syd and Lena Beaumont Marvin and Dorothy Booker Ed and Marg Peters John and Jean Reeves John and George Schellenberg

Hanley Hi Lite Sale Group Presented by CSA General Manager Bruce Holmquist

The Kern’s began raising Simmental cattle in 1971 with the registration of a half blood Parisian daughter. The goal of their breeding program was to produce the final product- red meat, tender because of slaughter age, and polled cattle- which is a success story for Kern Simmentals with the birth of a polled Manta daughter in 1980. In 1974 Erich and Doris imported Manta from Austria, making their bloodline Fleckvieh based. Manta, the Austrian import was the matriarch of their herd.Structural strength and soundness were tested in the show ring, where they produced champions. They held their first production sale in 1981in conjunction with the Simmental weekend where they sold 41 lots. Their herd was based around the production of total performance. Erich sat on the Ontario Simmental Association Board and in 1976, had the first ever Simmental display at the International Ploughing Match in Bruce County. When they dispersed their herd in 1999, there were only a few animals that didn’t have Manta in their pedigree. Kern Simmentals was truly a family run operation, with the daughters being heavily involved. The many ribbons over the years acquired at various shows is a testament to their program, including the first Polled Fullblood Champions at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The Kern family was very loyal supporters of the Simmental breed. It is with great pleasure to honor Kern Simmentals into the Canadian Simmental Association Hall of Fame in recognition of their dedication and commitment to the Simmental breed.


Later the club was joined by Gordon and Pat Libke. This active group held Field Days in July and production sales in December. Individual breeders and their families were active in local, provincial, and Canadian events, as well as the Young Canadian Simmental Association, always promoting the Simmental breed. While some of the original group are no longer with us there are some operations that still have family members actively involved in the breed today.

Kern Simmentals

Erich & Doris Kern, Hanover, ON Presented by CSA President Lacey Fisher

Kingfield Farms

Michael & Charles Burns, Maple, ON Presented by CSA President Lacey Fisher Kingfield Farms have been an active member of the Simmental organization since its conception in Canada. They exhibited cattle in the first Simmental Show at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto in 1976, and every Simmental show there since. They are the only Simmental breeders to have shown consecutively like this there to date. Their Simmental herd was built from year one in CSA history by importation of mainly Pie Rouge cattle. Kingfield imported the female Tenderesse as a 9 year old cow producing 13 calves by natural breeding. She had one set of triplets, 4 set of twins and 2 singles. They used AI extensively, using Kingfield Abricot, Parisienne, and Galant. They held production sales for many years with JL Farms and the Ontario Classic Weekend in Markham. Kingfield cattle were prominent in the World Congress where they won Progeny of Dam and Breeder’s Herd. In 1978 & 1979 they were Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. Michael Burns has served on the Ontario Simmental Association Board of Directors, was Canadian Simmental Association President from 1994-1996, and was President of the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in 1996-1997. It is with great pleasure we honor Kingfield Farms into the Canadian Simmental Association Hall of Fame in recognition of their dedication and commitment to the Simmental breed.


Golden Book Bios Alta Exports International Ltd. Gary Smith and Kate Kolstad


lta Exports International is an Alberta based livestock genetics export company with a passion for bringing Canadian genetics to the world. Beginning with beef cattle exported to China more than 30 years ago, Alta Exports has exported cattle, embryos, semen and production technology to more than 20 countries around the world. Of note, Alta Exports was the first North American based exporter to deliver cattle to postSoviet Russia and Kazakhstan in 2007, and have since exported over 12,000 head of cattle and 8,000 embryos to these counties. AEI also provides training and support to ensure their clients investment is a success. Highlights over the years: The early 1990s brought bus-loads of Brazilian ranchers to Canada who were captivated with the quality of the Canadian Simmentals, hence bidding wars between the Brazilian ranchers at the Canadian farms began and Gary had to start a draw system. Subsequently large numbers of cattle were purchased and some very high prices paid, including Canadian Western Agribition high sellers. In 1995 Gary went to South Africa to look at the different breeds of cattle as the market had just opened up with the end of apartheid. He was so surprised and impressed with the quality of the Fleckvieh cattle that he immediately called Brian Bouchard and told him to get on a plane. Upon seeing the cattle, embryos were ordered and South African Fleckvieh genetics came to Canada and the USA. Exporting Simmental cattle has been an important part of Alta Exports’ business, and Canadian Simmental genetics continue to be highly sought after in many parts of the world.

Peterosa Exports Ltd. In 1985 after a mission to Mexico supported by Alberta Agriculture, Roger Peters and Gary Smith partnered together to export livestock worldwide. Their first sale was 99 bred Simmental heifers from


Alberta to a client in Mexico and in the next few years they moved a lot of Canadian cattle to Mexico and South America. In 1989 Roger started Peterosa Exports and has continually exported live cattle and genetics to many countries, with the exception of the BSE years that closed Canadian borders to exportation of live cattle. When the borders opened again, he set his main target on Mexico and has built a very successful export business there. To date Roger has exported cattle to 21 different states in Mexico. Being fully fluent in Spanish has helped build relationships and an extensive customer base leading to the point where over the last 2 years he has been the largest exporter of live beef cattle to Mexico from Canada. Roger also deals in dairy cattle but his passion is beef, selling all breeds of Purebred livestock. A gratifying highlight in Roger’s exporting career has been to help start a Purebred Simmental herd in Mexico. This progressive ranch has imported a large number of Canadian traditional Simmentals as well as a few Black and Red Simmentals for use in the commercial herd.

Progeny from the imported animals, both male and female have went on to win Championships at several major shows throughout Mexico. Another highlight was being asked to judge 6 major breeds at Expogan Sonora this past May with the Simmental and Simbrah show being the largest with close to 200 head entering the show ring. Exporting has gained Roger many new friends in many countries. Through his efforts, various breeders from Canada have seen their genetics gain great respect and with more opportunity in the future. 5311 45 Ave., Red Deer, Alberta, Canada T4N 3L4 Tel: 403-828-9815 or 763-614-8493 Email:

GarlicStudded Roast Beef In this recipe, slivers of garlic infuse the beef with rich, garlicky flavour.

7 lb (3.18 kg) 8 2 tbsp (30mL)

Beef Premium Oven Roast (Prime Rib, Strip Loin or Rib Roast) Cloves garlic, cut into thin slivers Worcestershire sauce or grainy mustard (optional) Salt & Pepper Simple Pan Gravy (recipe follows)

1. Cut shallow slits all over roast; insert garlic slivers into slits. Rub all over with Worcestershire sauce OR pat roast dry with paper toweling and season with salt and pepper. 2. Place roast, bones down, on rack in shallow roasting pan. Insert oven-safe meat thermometer into centre of roast. Roast, uncovered, in 450°F (230°C) oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 275°F (140°C); roast until thermometer reads 135°F (57°C) for medium-rare to medium, about 2-3/4 to 3-1/4 hours. 3. Remove from oven. Cover loosely with foil and let stand for 15 to 30 minutes before carving. Make Simple Pan Gravy (if desired). Simple Pan Sauce/Gravy: Heat roast drippings over medium-high heat; add splash of red wine, stirring up any browned bits from bottom of pan. Stir in 2 cups (500 mL) beef broth. Strain (if desired) and skim off any fat; return to pan. Thicken by cooking until broth reduces (an au jus-style sauce) or thicken by stirring in a cornstarch/cold water mixture* for more of a gravy. Season to taste. Add splash of heavy cream and/or balsamic or wine vinegar to taste, if desired.


Member Announcements CONGRATULATIONS


Patrick William Shologan of Rochester, AB, beloved husband to Melody, passed away suddenly on Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the age of 61 years. He leaves to mourn his loving wife Melody; sons Mark (Joanne), Keith (Anna), daughter Tara Wenstob (Doug); 8 grandchildren Lee, Faith, Cassie, Haylee, Jayce, William, Samuel, Benjamin; sister Sandra Baceda; mother-in-law Phyllis Handley; brothers-in-law Ron Handley (Melina), Roger Handley (Cathy); uncles and aunts; nieces and nephews; and many friends. He was predeceased by two daughters, Dana and Laura; his parents Norma and Peter Shologan; his sister Bonni Shologan; and brother-in-law Remo Baceda. Patrick cherished his family and was especially enthralled to spend time with his grandchildren. His love for his Lord Jesus Christ was evident as he shared the gospel at any opportunity he could.

Mark and Jennalee Beutler of Scissor Creek Cattle Co. are proud to annouce the arrival of Nash Michael Beutler born December 29. Weighing 8lb 3 oz. Proud big brothers are Ryder and Jace.


From the sorrows of our hearts, it is with great sadness that Judy and Larry Eurig wish to announce the passing of Boyd Eurig on October 15, 2015 at Grey Gables in Markdale, Ontario. Boyd was the beloved husband of Judy (Colwill) Eurig of Mount Forest for 51 years and the dedicated father of Larry Eurig of Southgate, who continues to operate the family farm and Crimson Tide Fleckvieh. Boyd slipped away peacefully in the loving arms of his devoted wife Judy while in the accompaniment of the resident Chaplin. Now in heaven rejoicing with the angels, Boyd has rejoined his son Craig Adam Eurig, who predeceased him in 2005. Also left behind to mourn his passing is his brother-in-law Wayne Colwill and his wife Donna of Kitchener. Boyd will also be missed by Ginger, the family’s yellow Labrador. At Boyd’s request and in honour of his wishes there was no period of visitation. A private family committal was held on October 21, 2015 with interment in Greenfield Cemetery, Arthur. A private memorial for family and friends was heldo n November 7, 2015 in Boyd’s honour at Grey Gables Markdale. As expressions of sympathy donations to the Louise Marshall Hospital, Mount Forest would be appreciated by the family.

VAN ANKUM, Hilbert

Kurtis and Chelsea Black of Whitewater Livestock are excited to announce the arrival of their son Rhett Connor Black on October 17th. Weighing 8lbs 15oz, 20” long. Proud Grandparents are Jean O’Connor (Triple Rose Simmentals), Stephen O’Connor and Dale & Betty Black.


Hilbert Van Ankum passed away at Listowel Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, Mr. Hilbert Van Ankum of Listowel, and formerly of Wroxeter, in his 75th year. Beloved husband of Janneke (Hekman) Van Ankum. Dear father of Tasha Van Ankum and Rob Hiemstra of Kitchener, Matthew Van Ankum and Danielle Van-Sant, and Jonathan Van Ankum, all of Gorrie. Grandfather of Jenna, Caleb, Ella, London, and Riggins. Brother of John and Sonja Van Ankum of Rimbey, Alberta, George and Alice Van Ankum, and Arnold and Jayne Van Ankum, all of Drayton, and Jake and Marlene Van Ankum of Arthur, and brother-in-law of Mildred Jean Van Ankum of Drayton, and Klaas and Aly Hekman, Henk and Rita Hekman, Geeske and Hein Brinkman, and Willem Hekman and his friend Geesje, all of the Netherlands. Predeceased by his brother Allan Van Ankum, and sisters-inlaw Jean Van Ankum and Alie Hekman. Hilbert immigrated from The Netherlands with his parents and five brothers in 1960. They settled on a farm near Parker. He studied Crop Science at the University of Guelph and was a member of the 1965 OAC Aggies. He returned to The Netherlands in 1966 to get engaged to the love of his life, Janneke Hekman. They were married in 1968. They spent most of their married life on the farm near Wroxeter. During that time they raised a family and Hilbert built a world class herd of Simmental cattle. He served as a General Manager and President of Beef Improvement Ontario. He also served as an elder at Bethel CRC. With Hilbert’s health declining and Janneke’s need for care increasing, they moved to Listowel in 2013. Hilbert experienced joy in time spent with his much loved family and friends and in time outside enjoying walks and exploring God’s creation.

THE ALBERTA SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION Would like to thank their ASA members and those who sponsored ASA and YCSA events in 2015. We extend out congratulations to all those who exhibited Simmental animals in YCSA and 4-H as Junior projects, or in open shows.The Alberta Simmental Association is making plans for another exciting year in 2016. Watch our website for events and locations. The ASA AGM will be held in June 2015, and will be an event you don’t want to miss!

Check out one of these Alberta events to find your next herdsire Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Feb. 29 Mar. 2 Mar. 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Apr. 14

Janzen Ranches 23rd Annual Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale 17th Annual Genetic Edge Bull Sale Soderglen Select 2016 Bull Sale Jeans & Genetics Simmental Bull Sale 27th Mader Ranches Bull & Female Sale Young Guns & Guests Simmental Bull Sale Circle G Annual Bull Sale Select Opportunity 2nd Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Rainalta & Guest Charolais & Simmental Sale Bull Rush Simmental Bull & Female Sale Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale Lewis Farms 31st Annual Bull Sale Triangle Stock Farms/PRO-CHAR & Johnson’s 5th Annual Bull Sale Simmental Summit 4th Annual Bull Sale 21st Annual Herd Master Bull Sale 5th Annual Chittick Family Bull Sale 11th Annual Bullfest Sale MCG Simmentals & RACK Angus 9th Annual Bull Sale 11th Annual Mappin Simmentals & Silver Smith Farms Bull Sale 11th Annual Lockhart Valley/ Beagle Simmentals Bull Sale Westgold Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale 8th Annual O Double E Farms Simmental Bull & Female Sale Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale 23rd Severtson Land & Cattle With Guest Trendsetter Livestock Bull Sale Built Right Bull Sale 7th Annual Harvie Ranching Bull Sale Skor Simmentals 14th Annual Red & Black Bull Sale 13th Annual Westway & Deeg Bull Sale Northern Classic Charolais & Simmental Sale Swantewitt Simmentals Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Ranchlands Simmental Bull Sale Place Your Bet Simmental & Angus Bull Sale On Target Bull & Female Sale Adair Ranch 23rd Annual Bull & Female Sale Get-A-Grip Angus and Simmental Bull & Female Sale Porter Ranches Bull Sale HWY 16 West Multibreed Bull Sale Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale Transcon’s Mountain View Bull Sale Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale 20th Annual U2 Ranch Bull & Female Sale Daines Cattle Annual Bull Sale

BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Kyle Lewis Ph: 780-962-5050 Cell: 780-220-9188 VICE PRESIDENT Jordan Deeg Box 63, Site 23, RR 2 Strathmore, AB, T1P 1K5 403-999-4191

Rosemary, AB Rimbey, AB Airdrie, AB TREASURER Ponoka, AB Stacy Romanyk Carstairs, AB 6030 South Terwillegar Blvd. Irma, AB Edmonton, AB, T6R 0K6 Innisfail, AB 780-718-0622 Olds, AB Brooks, AB DIRECTORS Rimbey, AB Byron Johnson Westlock, AB Box 132 , Amisk, AB, TOB OBO Spruce Grove, AB 780-856-2175 Glenevis, AB Bentley, AB Camrose, AB Dakota Townsend Mayerthorpe, AB RR 1, Site 7, Comp. 14 Camrose, AB Sylvan Lake, AB, T45 1X6 Stavely, AB 403-505-8450 Veteran, AB Rimbey, AB Duncan Pearson Vermillion, AB Box 489, Calmar, AB, T0C 0V0 Beaverlodge, AB 780-220-5730 Innisfail, AB Innisfail, AB Provost, AB Rebecca Beechinor Olds, AB RR 1 , Bentley, AB, T0C 0J0 Camrose, AB Cell: 403-557-0750 Olds, AB Grand Prairie, AB Brad Dundas Mayerthorpe, AB Box 248, Hussar, AB, T0J 1S0 Stavely, AB 403-325-0648 Veteran, AB Barrhead, AB Wade Hannah Provost, AB RR 2 , Didsbury, AB, T0M 0W0 Forestburg, AB Stony Plain, AB OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Mayerthorpe, AB Heather Saucier Red Deer, AB 131 Stonegate Cr., Airdrie, AB, T4B 2S8 Innisfail, AB Ph: 403.861.6352 Beaverlodge, AB High River, AB FIELDPERSON Innisfail, AB Chuck Groeneveld RR 3 High River, AB, T1V 1N3 Ph: 403-938-7843 131 Stonegate Cr. Airdrie, AB • T4B 2S8




President Everett Olson Box 1939 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Phone: 204-826-2643 Email: 1st Vice President Andrea Bertholet Box 55 Car twright, MB R0K 0L0 Phone: 204-483-0319 Email: adber 2nd Vice President Greg Woychyshyn Box 2035 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Phone: 204-865-2475 Email: Fraser Redpath of Redpath Simmentals on being awarded the A.O Henuset Distinguished Service Award for 2015

Secretary/Treasurer Laurelly Beswitherick Box 274 Austin, MB R0H 0C0 Phone: 204-637-2046 Email: Laurelly Beswitherick on her new position as our Secretary/Treasurer

MSA Directors Trevor Peters Box 385 River s, MB R0K 1X0 Phone: 204-328-7458 Email: trevor.peter

2016 Sales

Dana Johns Box 188 Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0 Phone: 204-838-2003 Email: Everett More Box 1754, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone: 204-748-1225 Email: Tracey Wilcox Box 351, Treherne, MB R0G 2V0 Phone: 204-723-2386 Email: Gordon Delichte Box 26, St. Alphonse, MB R0K 1Z0 Phone: 204-836-2116 Email: Tom Marchant Box 263, Arden, MB R0J 0B0 Phone: 204-841-2046 Email: CSA Director Blair McRae RR1 Box 57 Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 Phone: 204-728-3058 Email: YCSA President Carson Rodgers Box 709 MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Phone: 204-871.0261 Email: Pembina Triangle Rep Eric Theroux Box 215, Notre Dame De Lourdes, MB R0G 1M0 Phone: 204-526-7360 Email: Keystone Association Rep Jennilee Stewart Box 2 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 P: 204-763-4580 Email:



... to Shailyn Madsen, Carson Rodgers and Taylor Lynn Carvey on being awarded MSA Scholarships for 2015-2016 Feb. 15 Rendezvous Farms “Holiday Monday” Simmental Bull and Female Sale - Ste. Rose, MB Feb.18 M&J Farms/Glasman Farms Simmental & Angus Bull & Female Sale - Russell, MB Feb. 21 Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale - Virden, MB Mar. 4-6 Rainbow River Simmentals Online Bull Sale Mar. 9 Mar Mac Farms & Guests Simmental & Angus Bull Sale - Brandon, MB Mar. 13 Rebels of the West Bull Sale - Virden, MB Mar. 14 Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale - Brandon, MB Mar. 15 Prairie Partners Bull & Female Sale - Killarney, MB Mar. 16 Transcon’s Premium Beef Bull Sale - Neepawa, MB Mar. 18 Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale - Dropmore, MB Mar. 21 Maple Lake Stock Farms “Kick Off to Spring” Bull Sale - Hartney, MB Mar. 22 WLB Livestock’s 12th Annual Simmental & Polled Hereford Bull Sale - Douglas, MB Apr. 7 Transcon’s Winnipeg Bull Sale - Winnipeg, MB Apr. 9 Transcon’s Cattle Country Bull Sale - Neepawa, MB NEW MSA MAILING ADDRESS: Box 274, Austin, MB R0H 0C0


 UPCOMING BULL SALE Look for Simmental bull consignments on April 2, 2016 at the Maritime Beef Test Station in Nappan, NS. Remember that if you buy a Simmental bull at the 2016 Nappan Bull Sale, you are automatically entered to win a $500 sale credit towards purchasing Simmental genetics at the 2017 Nappan Spring Bull or Fall Female Sales.


President: Don Godfrey, PE Vice President: James MacKenzie, NS Secretary: Jennie Mutch, PE Treasurer: Bill MacLeod, NB Directors: Richard Armstrong, NS Ralph Taylor, NS Trevor Pauley, NB Geraline VanAgten, NB Wade Loane, PE CSA Director/President: Lacey Fisher, NS

MYSA Board of Directors


President: Heather Creamer, NS Vice President: Connor Morse, NS Secretary: Jennifer Deon, NS Treasurer: Brady Matheson, PE Directors: Tricia Sanderson, PE Dereck Sanderson, PE Alex Parsons, NS Melanie Delong, NS Andrew Jeffery Greene, NS

2015 SALT WATER SIMMENTAL SALE RESULTS: Lot 1 sold for $3200 to Keith Davidson Lot 2 sold for $4000 to Weldon Estabrooks Lot 3 sold for $4450 to Weldon Estabrooks Lot 4 sold for $2450 to Darren Moffitt Lot 5 sold for $7000 to Ivan Matthews Lot 6 sold for $2600 to Malcolm Brown Lot 7a sold for $2700 to Jacob Fisher Lot 7b sold for $2900 to Lenwen Farms Lot 8 sold for $3700 to Jacob Fisher Lot 9 sold for $3600 to Keith Davidson Lot 10 sold for $3600 to Lenwen Farms Lot 11 sold for $2800 to Fred Barrett



2015 Dr. Allan Dixon Memorial Scholarship Recipients

Ryley Noble Lloydiminster, SK

Ryley Noble is 19 years old and grew up on his family’s farm, Black Gold Simmentals located northeast of Lloydminster, SK, where they raise purebred and commercial Simmental cattle. Currently, he is enrolled in Animal Science at the University of Saskatchewan with plans of applying to the Western Veterinary College of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan. Thank you again to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation for the scholarship. He has been in 4-H since he was nine years old. Ryley attended Hutchinson Community College, for one year on their Livestock Judging Team. I was very honoured to be selected this year, and I couldn’t be any more excited to be a part of this great breed.

Taylor is currently a fourth year Animal Biology student at the University of Guelph. She grew up in Rocklyn, Ontario where she is actively involved with her family’s farm, Destiny Simmentals. Taylor is engaged in her community through volunteering. She is an active member of 4-H and YCS. “I am honoured to be selected to receive the Dr. Allan A Dixon Memorial Scholarship. Thank you to The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation for your consideration and your support towards the Simmental breed.”

Taylor Campbell Meaford, ON

Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship

Cole McMahon Galahad, AB

Sophie Wotten Little Britain, ON 68

Cole is 18 years old and grew up on his family’s grain farm near Galahad, Alberta He is in his first year at the University of Saskatchewan studying Agribusiness, with hopes of returning to the family farm afterwards. Cole was lured into beef 4-H when he was 11 years old by his best friend and has never looked back. He purchased his first purebred Simmental heifer at age 14 and has been hooked on the breed ever since. Cole is the Vice-President of the Alberta YCSA board. In the summer of 2015, Cole organized an online auction in memory of a young boy involved in a farming accident. He raised over $5,000 to donate to S.T.A.R.S. “I owe a lot to the junior programs that I have been involved in and the Simmental breed as a whole for being so open and helpful to me, and am very thankful for receiving this award.”

Sophie Wotten is an undergraduate student in her fourth year majoring in Marketing Management and Communications at the University of Guelph. Sophie and her family have been involved in the cattle industry for numerous years. They operate Elm Tree Farms, northeast of Toronto. As Sophie’s passion for the Simmental breed has grown, she has become more actively involved in the Young Canadian Simmental Association and the Simmental breed as a whole. She is honoured to be in her second term as the President of the YCSA and looks forward to what this year will bring. “As one of the recipients of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship, I would like to thank the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation for their support of the juniors within the Simmental breed. Your recognition of the importance of junior Simmental breeders is greatly recognized.”

Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship Mariah is currently enrolled in her final year of the Pharmacy program at the University of Waterloo. Her passion for the livestock industry began with an interest in the family farm, and has included participation in the 4-H and YCS programs. She continues to be very involved in her family’s cattle operation, Elm Tree Farms, assisting with herd records and promotion of their Fullblood Simmental cattle. “I am honoured to receive the 2015 Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship, and I would like to thank the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation for this incredibly special award.”

Mariah Wotten Little Britain, ON

Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation #13, 4101-19th St. NE., Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 Tel: (403) 250-7979 Fax: (403) 250-5121

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Red & Black Simmental ~ Maine-Anjou 69

Manitoba Ag Ex October 29-31, 2015 - Brandon, MB GRAND CHAMPION BULL


Judges: David & Krista Erixon, SK


S: Wheatland Bull 786T Exhibited By: Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney, MB





S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Exhibited By: McIntosh Ranch, Eriksdale, MB



S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Exhibited By: Sadie Anwender, Radville, SK

S: MR CCF Vision Exhibited By: McIntosh Ranch, Eriksdale, MB



November 6-15, 2015 - Toronto, ON Judge: Tyler Libke, SK





S: MR HOC Broker Exhibited By: Greyledge Simmentals, Cookshire, QC



S: JF Milestone 999W Exhibited By: Jetstream Livestock, East Garafraxa, ON

S: MR HOC Broker Exhibited By: Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON


S: MR HOC Broker Exhibited By: Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

Lloydminster Stockade Roundup GRAND CHAMPION FEMALE


November 5-8, 2015 - Lloydminster, SK Judge: Murray Andrews, SK



S: Come As U R Red Rocket Exhibited By: Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK



S: Drake Poker Face 2X Exhibited By: Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK



S: Remington General Lee 106T Exhibited By: Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, AB

S: Remington Lock N Load 54U Exhibited By: Regan Schlacter, Humboldt, SK

Farmfair International November 10-15, 2015 - Edmonton, AB GRAND CHAMPION BULL


Judge: Chad Wilson, SK



S: LFE The Dark Night 350U

S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X Exhibited By: Outlaw Cattle Co., Hussar, AB



Exhibited By: Mader Ranches, Rust Mountain View Ranch & Canadian Donors, Carstairs, AB


S: Andi Black Ice 2Y Exhibited By: Rock Star Cattle, Sylvan Lake, AB


S: MRL High Voltage 155X Exhibited By: High Country Cattle Services & Ron and Shelly Reich, Breton, AB


Canadian Western Agribition GRAND CHAMPION BULL


November 23-28, 2015 Judge: Kasey Phillips, AB




S: STF Royal Affair Z44M Exhibited By: Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK


S: MRL High Voltage 155x Exhibited By: High Country Cattle Services & Ron and Shelly Reich, Breton, AB



S: LFE The Dark Night 350U Exhibited By: Mader Ranches, Rust Mountain View Ranch & Canadian Donors, Carstairs, AB


S: STF Royal Affair Z44M Exhibited By: Wheatland Cattle Co., Beinfait,SK

Sale Results Ontario Autumn Simmental Classic Sale Hanover, ON September 12, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Bred Heifers Sale Total




9 $36,495.00 3 $16,398.00 7 $54,348.00 27 $152,145.00 46 $259,386.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 9 - RHF Stubby Heather 416A S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: Daume Legend M081 Consignor: Rehorst Farms Ltd. Buyer: Double Bar D Farms

$4,055.00 $5,466.00 $7,764.00 $5,635.00 $5,720.00


1st Annual Eastern Harvest Female Sale Saint Sophie-de-Levrard, QC September 26, 2015 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Bred Cow Open Heifers Semen/Embryos Sale Total




39 $344,050.00 1 $6,500.00 7 $33,750.00 5 $33,900.00 52 $418,200.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 25 - Tryon Ms Patty FF27A S: Solway Adonis DS: OSF 19Z Consignor: Tryon Simmentals Buyer: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals

$8,822.00 $6,500.00 $4,821.00 $6,780.00 $8,042.00


Markdale, ON October 3, 2015 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing

Bulls Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bred Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Semen Embryos Sale Total

High Selling Lots




6 $34,450.00 6 $35,250.00 16 $102,200.00 8 $49,700.00 6 $54,500.00 16 $5,720.00 12 $30,800.00 70 $312,620.00

Lot 23 - Gibbons Maybelle S: Gibbons Jeremiah DS: Double Bar D Maestro 100S Consignor: Gibbons Farms Buyer: Oakview Simmentals


Lot 26 - North Star Madison 1B S: Spring Creek Lotto 52Y DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: North Star Simmentals Buyer: Firdale Simmentals


Lot 10 - RHF BLK Stubby Excel 413B S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: RHF Montana 7U Consignor: Rehorst Farms Ltd. Buyer: Double Bar D Farms


Lot 24 - Elm Tree Ms Zdeno 9B S: Elm Tree Zdeno 12Z DS: Smithbilt Molson 21M Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Starwest Farms


Lot 19 - FSMB Mulan 10B S: ALLM Colossal 25U DS: Anchor “T” Metro 4E Consignor: Boisvert Simmental Buyer: Starwest Farms


Lot 13 - BMS Virginia 4B S: Klyber DS: Bar 5 SA Stride 413P Consignor: Ferme BMS Buyer: Ferme Gagnon Inc.


Lot 2 - Sibelle Marge 30B S: BBBG Wrangler 3S DS: MFL Egmar 160L Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Fleck Buyer: Keven Vachon


Lot 40 - SS Polled Eva & DO Anguita Bar 5 Babel $16,200.00 S: Bar 5 P SA Evolution 418S DS: BHR Orange River G558E Calf S: Bar 5 SA Bigolo 402A Consignor: Bar 5/Agropecuaria Anguita Buyer: Daniel Inkel

Bar 5 Extravaganza Female Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 2 - Car-Laur Ms Bridgit 715B S: Anchor D Imax 250Y DS: Buschbeck P Chick 9227W Consignor: Car-Laur Simmentals Buyer: Black Gold Simmentals

$5,741.00 $5,875.00 $6,387.00 $6,212.00 $9,083.00 $357.00 $2,566.00 $4,466.00


Lot 5 - Bar 5 SA Bismark 402C S: Leeupoort Brits DS: Uitsuip Cheva 01 Consignor: Bar 5 Buyer: Casa Branca


Lot 31 - Destiny Throttle Flash S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483C DS: SRS J914 Preferred Beef Consignor: Destiny Simmentals Buyer: Quinn Wilson


Lot 39 - Destiny Convincerkayellen S: Destiny Black Convincer DS: GCF First Dream P13 Consignor: Destiny Simmentals Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals



Sale Results River Point Cattle Co. Internet Sale LiveAuctions.TV October 4, 2015 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bull Calves Sale Total



11 $56,100.00 7 $34,000.00 2 $11,950.00 20 $102,050.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 4 - RPCC BLK Clara 218C S: Mr Hoc Broker DS: KS Bravado P68 Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Mackenzie Stout

$5,100.00 $4,857.00 $5,975.00 $5,103.00


Anchor D “Pasture Treasures” Female Sale Rimbey, AB October 16, 2015 Auctioneer: Don Raffan

Sale Summary


Bred Fullblood Heifers Bred Purebred Heifers Open Purebred Heifers Fullblood Semen Lots Sale Total



24 $215,750.00 10 $69,400.00 4 $21,300.00 2 $21,750.00 40 $328,200.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 11 - Anchor D Blair 191B S: Anchor D Mr Gibbs 20Z DS: Bar 5 SA Evan 440L Consignor: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Buyer: Beechinor Bros.

$8,990.00 $6,940.00 $5,325.00 $10,875.00 $8,205.00


Ottawa Valley Simmental Club - Harvest Sale 2015 Metcalfe, Ontario October 17, 2015 Auctioneer: Stewart James

Sale Summary Bull Calves Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bred Cows Cow/Calf Pair Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 3 16 14 8 1 41

Gross $9,750.00 $49,600.00 $56,868.00 $28,400.00 $6,000.00 $142,200.00

Average $3,250.00 $3,100.00 $4,062.00 $3,550.00 $6,000.00 $3,468.29

Lot 42 - HAC-MF Jade’s Angel and Miss Charlotte $6,000.00 S: Anchor “T” Vision 37G DS: Klondike Arnie GNM 250Z Calf S: IPU Romano 115X Consignor: Harold and Anne Cheslock Buyer: Bristol View Farm 74

Lot 16 - RPCC BLK Bea 247B S: JS Sure Bet 4T DS: Muirhead’s Kosmo 27N Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Triple M Farms


Lot 23 - RPCC BLK Cornerstone 202C S: Harvie Boondock 12Z DS: WHF Slugger 244S Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Bristolview Farms


Lot 12 - RPCC Red Creole 219C S: Mr Hoc Broker DS: Hooks Shear Force 38K Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Christine Schwenk


Lot 13 - RPCC Red Beyonce 234B S: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N DS: Remington Red Label HR Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: M&R Cattle Co.


Lot 33 - Stolen Kisses 791A S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: Snider Cattle Services Buyer: Labatte Simmentals


Lot 7 - Anchor D Sydney 262B S: FGAF Windsurfer 820Y DS: Gibby’s TNT Consignor: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Buyer: Virginia Ranch


Lot 13 - Anchor D Zelkova 391A S: FGAF Barbossa 707X DS: Bar 5 SA Stride 413P Consignor: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Buyer: Labatte Simmentals


Lot 1 - Anchor D Aubrey 63A S: Black Gold Epic 14Z DS: FGAF Barbossa 707X Consignor: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals Buyer: Oakview Simmentals


Lot 39 - Donovandale XtraOrdinare S: Exodus DS: Mr Camp Credit 32C Consignor: Donovondale Farms Buyer: Norm Plume


Lot 29 - Zieview Babe S: Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N Consignor: Zieview Farms Inc. Buyer: Bristol View Farm


Lot 13 - Alliance Azula’s Upgrade S: Mr NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: BMR Explorer Consignor: Alliance Simmental Farms Buyer: Joe Provenzano


Lot 2 - 3 Generations Cognac S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 DS: NCB Hemi 34R Consignor: 3 Generations Simmental Buyer: Peter and Marlene Gaunce


Sale Results Elm Tree Farms “Endless Possibilities” Online Sale LiveAuctions.TV October 16-18, 2015

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bull Calves Pick of the 2016 “Zander Calves”

Sale Total



4 $23,250.00 3 $18,000.00 1 $6,750.00 8 $48,000.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 2 - Elm Tree Caviar Dreams 3C S: Elm Tree Marcus 3A DS: Crossroad Radium 789U Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Mark Land & Cattle Corp

$5,812.50 $6,000.00 $6,750.00 $6,000.00


2015 Salt Water Classic Simmental Sale Nappan, NS October 24, 2015 Auctioneer: Andy Carter

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bred Cows Sale Total

Lots 6 3 3 12



$21,350.00 $11,650.00 $10,000.00 $43,000.00

$3,558.00 $3,883.00 $3,333.00 $3,583.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 5 - MFS Willow 5C S: THSF Freedom DS: TNT Gunner N208 Consignor: Mutch Farms Buyer: Ivan Matthews


3rd Annual Rust Mountain View Queens of the Pasture Production Sale October 26, 2015 Mercer, ND Auctioneer: Ryan Dorron Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary



Simmental Open Heifers 19 $136,300.00 Red Angus Open Heifers 5 $38,700.00 Simmental Bred Heifers 18 $102,100.00 Red Angus Bred Heifers 3 $14,900.00 Red Angus Open Cows 4 $40,250.00 Preg Embryo Recip 5 $19,250.00 Embryos 7 $61,500.00 Sale Total 61 $413,000.00

Average $7,173.68 $7,740.00 $5,672.22 $4,966.67 $10,062.50 $3,850.00 $8,785.71 $6,770.49

Lot 6 - Elm Tree Challenger 2C S: Elm Tree Zander 11Z DS: Joes 911J Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Operadora Genetica Bovina


Lot 1 - Elm Tree Brie ET 33B S: Elm Tree Zander 11Z DS: Double Bar D Mirage 103S Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Mark Land & Cattle Corp


Lot 5 - Elm Tree Blockbuster 34B S: Elm Tree Zander 11Z DS: Texas Lonestar Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Nolara Farms


Lot 4 - Elm Tree Charmer 1C S: KOP Gladiator 106Y DS: Crossroad Radium 789U Consignor: Elm Tree Farms Buyer: Boisvert Simmentals


Lot 3 - Melvern Ms Whopper 38B S: EDN Whopper 25W DS: Double Bar D Rudy 800L Consignor: Melvern Simmentals Buyer: Weldon Estabrooks


Lot 8 - Windy Knoll Cracker 3C S: Ellingson Klondike Y123 DS: MRL Red Force 12U Consignor: Windy Knoll Farm Buyer: Jacob Fisher


Lot 9 - WRSF Red Tootsie 15A S: KNK/CRSR Red Bull 53T DS: LFE BS Lewis 506R Consignor: Whiskey River Stock Farm Buyer: Keith Davidson


Lot 10 - WRSF 904 Pretty Lady 4A S: TLSS/TLQ Gran Torino 904W DS: FHRS 31H’s BLK Irish 32K Consignor: Whiskey River Stock Farm Buyer: Lenwen Farms


High Selling Lots

Lot 11A - Rust Miss 5303C S: MR HOC Broker DS: LFE Street Legal 510S Consignor: Rust Mountain View Ranch Buyer: Hudson Pines Farm


Lot 26A - Rust Miss 507C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: IPU Revolution 172U Consignor: Rust Mountain View Ranch Buyer: Beechinor Bros & Ferme Gagnon


Lot 49A - Rust Miss 474B S: TNT Acelerator S226 DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Rust Mountain View Ranch Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals


Lot 35 - Rust Miss 484B S: TNT Axis X307 DS: TNT Knock Out R206 Consignor: Rust Mountain View Ranch Buyer: Mader Ranches



Sale Results Stockade Roundup Fall Fusion All - Breed Sale Lloydminster, SK November 6, 2015 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Open Heifers 8 $69,500.00 Black Angus Open Heifers 14 $77,200.00 Black Angus Bred Heifers 5 $31,250.00 Red Angus Open Heifers 4 $20,250.00 Red Angus Bred Heifer 1 $7,000.00 Shorthorn Open Heifers 2 $8,200.00 Speckle Park Heifers 2 $9,750.00 Angus Embryos 3 $17,800.00 Angus Semen 1 $3,000.00 Sale Total 40 $243,950.00

$8,687.50 $5,514.29 $6,250.00 $5,062.50 $7,000.00 $4,100.00 $4,875.00 $5,933.33 $3,000.00 $6,098.75

Toronto, ON November 6, 2015 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.




Simmental Open Heifers 8 $47,850.00 Simmental Embryos 6 $9,750.00 Simmental Units of Semen 1 $525.00 Angus Live Lots 8 $50,050.00 Hereford Live Lots 8 $51,100.00 Shorthorn Live Lots 5 $31,100.00 Limousin Live Lots 5 $26,400.00 Charolais Live Lots 3 $18,999.99 Sale Total 37 $312,300.00

$5,981.25 $1,625.00 $525.00 $6,256.25 $6,387.50 $6,220.00 $5,280.00 $6,333.33 $6,094.59

35th Edition Pembina Triangle Simmental Association

Cypress River, MB November 14, 2015 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Semen Sale Total

High Selling Lots



15 $64,050.00 45 $270,510.00 5 $2,115.00 65 $336,675.00

Lot 13 - Oakview Brooklyn 125B S: Champs Romano DS: Bar 5 SA Benz 415L Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Gibbons Farms 76


Lot 34 - Ms Black Gold Cheerleader S: FBF1 Combustible DS: Remington General Lee 106T Consignor: Black Gold Simmental Ltd. Buyer: Wyatt Bradford

$4,270.00 $6,011.00 $423.00 $5,180.00



Lot 35 - Early Sunset Queen 8C $14,000.00 S: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Mr Hoc Broker Consignor: Early Sunset Ranch Buyer: Vandy Cattle & Tableland Cattle Co. Lot 37 - McIntosh Divine 29C S: CCR Cowboy Cut 5048Z DS: RF Double Up 37W Consignor: McIntosh Livestock Buyer: West Hill Ranch


Lot 38 - Bens Can’t Touch This S: Wheatland Terminator 202Z DS: Sand Ranch Hand Consignor: Moonshine Simmentals Buyer: Robb Farms


High Selling Lots

Royal Elite All Breeds Sale

Sale Summary

High Selling Lots

Lot 17 - Xcel Ebonys Cadence 401C S: Wheatland Bull 468P DS: CNS Dream On L186 Consignor: Xcel Livestock Buyer: Enright Farms


Lot 16 - Rick-Sha Carolina Belle S: FBF1 Combustible DS: THSF Freedom 300N Consignor: Rick-Sha Farms Buyer: Roselynn Farms


Lot 14 - Blackriver Kiss Me 74C S: Wheatland Terminator 202Z DS: RC Club King 040R Consignor: Black River Farms Buyer: RK Cattle Company


Lot 15 - Duncs Crazy Exgirlfriend S: FBF1 Combustible DS: SHS Enticer P1B Consignor: Dunc’s Cattle Company Buyer: Percyview Simmentals


Lot 32 - Perks Lady Gem 512B S: IPU Hot Iron 66Z DS: Ankonian Colossal S064 Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: Mandan Lake Simmentals


Lot 60 - Silver Lake Bella 31B S: Cherry Creek Canon 12Y DS: Exodus Consignor: Silver Lake Farms Buyer: Maple Lake Stock Farms


Lot 29 - Perks Red Doll 2221B S: MRL EL Tigre 52Z DS: Lchmn Bodybulder 7303F Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: X-T Simmentals


Lot 14 - Oakview Becky 181B S: Lchmn Bodybuilder 7303F DS: BLCC Houstons Legacy 86S Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: X-T Simmentals


Sale Results Darrell Maronda Simmentals Herd Reduction Sale Olds, AB November 19, 2015 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary Simmental Females Semen & Embryos Sale Total




67 $249,300.00 - $31,560.00 - $280,860.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 8 - DFM Una 827U S: IPU Bronson 19K DS: Anchor “T” Metro 4E Buyer: Elm Tree Farms

$3,720.00 -


Jewels & Diamonds Simmental Production Sale Ponoka, AB November 20, 2015 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management:T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Embryos Semen Sale Total




11 $42,000.00 15 $77,600.00 3 $3,400.00 3 $5,950.00 32 $127,950.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 29 - BENS Black Eye Susan S: Spring Creek Wall Banger 115Z DS: Hart All In W382 Consignor: Moonshine Simmentals Buyer: Swan Lake Farms

$3,727.27 $5,173.33 $1,133.33 $1,983.33 $4,561.54


Western Harvest Simmental Female Sale Innisfail, AB November 21, 2015 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots




64 $471,850.00 64 $471,850.00

Lot 1A - Virginia Margarita 427B S: Champs Romano DS: Virginias Tallahassee Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals

$7,372.66 $7,372.66


Lot 26 - DFM Bell 430B S: Virginia Betyourass 26Y DS: KCN E208 Buyer: Silver Lake Farms


Lot 20 - DFM Bev 420B S: Ricochet Zhek 210Z DS: MTV Galt 9N Buyer: Spruceburn Simmentals


Lot 5 - DFM Xena 17X S: Prostock Hickory 7053T DS: Porterhouse Kamus 113K Buyer: Sandy Hill Simmentals


Lot 27 - STW Rose 17B S: WNLP Sterling 32Z DS: Solway Adonis Consignor: Stillwater Simmentals Buyer: Keato Meadow Simmentals


Lot 32 - B Bar C Beverly S: Oakview Titan 20Y DS: WNLP Uranium 33U Consignor: B Bar C Simmentals Buyer: Lone Stone Farms


Lot 10 - Grinalta’s Red Pearl 45C S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 DS: BGS Caddy Black 37J Consignor: Grinalta Farms Buyer: Tom Rawson


Lot 1 - PSE Carrie FF S: Simmeron Mr Royal 3R DS: Great Guns Moses 50D Consignor: Elliot Simmentals Buyer: Clearwater Simmentals


Lot 4 - Virginia Billie-Jean 450B S: Double Bar D Thunder 273X DS: Virginia Michelangelo 27W Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Spruce View Acres


Lot 27 - Virginia Beatrice 435B $15,000.00 S: TNT Accelerator S226 DS: Muirhead Visionary 119P Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Rand-Mar Management & Farms Ltd. Lot 50 - Starwest Brandie S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Champs Romano Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: Lone Stone Farms


Lot 56 - Starwest Bianca S: 3D Red Power 150Z DS: Sprinkcreek Teddy 72U Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: Cross Bar Anchor Ranch



Sale Results The 45th Agribition Simmental Sale Regina, SK November 25, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Bull Calf Bred Heifers Open Heifers Embryos Sale Total




1 $25,000.00 4 $46,750.00 22 $206,000.00 1 $7,800.00 28 $285,550.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - Rock Star Capone 5C S: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Wheatland Stout 930W Consignor: Rock Star Cattle Buyer: Fallen Timber Farms

$25,000.00 $11,687.50 $9,363.64 $7,800.00 $10,198.21


Harvest Hoedown Simmental Sale Neepawa, MB November 30, 2015 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifer Bred Heifers Sale Total




1 $3,900.00 57 $294,950.00 58 $298,850.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 21 - Twin Brae Bettina 402B S: PWK Wise Guy 29X 20Z DS: Twin Brae Tomahawk Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals Buyer: X-T Simmentals

$3,900.00 $5,175.00 $5,153.00


Lot 5 - WHS Miss Hannah 65B S: MAF R Horizon 7Y DS: IPU Red Specialist 70T Consignor: Hannah Simmentals Buyer: Remington Land & Cattle


Lot 6 - McIntosh Addictive 5C S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: SAS T101 Sweet Meat Consignor: McIntosh Livestock Buyer: Twisted Sisters & Hall’s Cattle Co.


Lot 8 - Erixon Lady 133C S: FBF1 Combustible DS: Wheatland Predator 922W Consignor: Erixon Simmentals Inc. Buyer: Labatte Simmentals


Lot 25 - Come As U R Stacy 540C S: ACS Gangster 351A DS: MRL 28Y Consignor: Come As U R Simmentals Buyer: Robb Farms


Lot 26 - Nac Noel 36B S: TNT Gunner N208 DS: 3D Trustin 47T Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: Triple T Diamond Simmentals


Lot 32 - NAC Winny 104B S: 3D Trustyin 47T DS: Winchester HR P8315 Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: X-T Simmentals


Lot 19 - Twin Brae Ms Zodiak 194B S: KOP Zodiak 92Z DS: Twin Brae Willie 20W Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals Buyer: Dana & Megan Johns


Lot 41 - PWK Ms Bravo 19T 22B S: Champs Bravo DS: Gidsco Appollo 3F Consignor: Big Sky Simmentals Buyer: Ray J Simmentals


Lot 33 - SKORS Katarina 205C S: Erixon Pit Boss 21Z DS: LBR Crocket R81 Consignor: Skors Simmentals Buyer: Quinn Wilson


Lot 23 - NUG Rihanna 598C S: Bar KR Avalanche 52X DS: NUG Colorado 13U Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd


Lot 15 - NUG Mary 207B S: Crossroad Radium 789U DS: NUG Colorado 13U Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd


Camrose Country Classic

Camrose, AB December 1, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Open Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots


Lot 15 - NUG Classy 530C S: NUG Royal Red 324A DS: MRL High Voltage 155X Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals Buyer: South Seven Farms




38 $294,200.00 24 $202,550.00 62 $496,750.00

$7,742.00 $8,500.00 $8,000.00


Sale Results Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Female Sale

Westlock, AB December 4, 2015 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Simmental Bred Heifers Simmental Open Heifers Red Angus Bred Heifers Red Angus Open Heifers Sale Total



24 $204,950.00 11 $60,850.00 33 $166,350.00 13 $35,600.00 81 $467,750.00

High Selling Lots

Lot LNK 82B - Lone Stone Ms Envoy 82B S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Wells’ PLD Stampeder 19S Buyer: Starwest Farms

Average $8,540.00 $5,532.00 $5,041.00 $2,739.00 $5,775.00


M&S Cattle Co. Complete Purebred and Commercial Herd Dispersal Lloydminster, SK December 7, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary


Simmental Females Simmental Bulls Pregnant Recips Commercial Cows Sale Total

67 $318,250.00 15 $82,500.00 5 $21,450.00 57 $151,050.00 144 $576,150.00


High Selling Lots

Lot 72 - TY-D’S Dream Catcher 6B S: CNS Dream On L186 DS: Wheatland Bull 468P Consignor: TY-D Livestock Buyer: Leewood Ranch

Average $4,750.00 $5,500.00 $4,290.00 $2,650.00 $4,001.04


The Source of Elite Simmental Genetics Sale Lloydminster, SK December 7, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Open Heifers Semen & Embryos Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 38 20 3 58

Lot 27 - RWR Showdown 12B S: Champs Wallace DS: NUG Tobby 29T Consignor: Red Willow Ranch Buyer: Noble Country



$296,400.00 $172,600.00 $14,600.00 $469.000.00

$7,800.00 $8,630.00 $4,867.00 $8,000.00


Lot LNK 85B - Lone Stone Ms Envoy 85B S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Wells’ Pld Stampeder 19S Buyer: Starwest Farms


Lot LNK 57B - Lone Stone Ms Envoy 57B S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Lonestone Eisenherz 6M Buyer: Keet Simmentals


Lot LNK 91B - Lone Stone Ms Envoy 91B S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Great Guns Regio 9R Buyer: Tri K Cattle Co.


Lot LNK 75B - Lone Stone Ms Envoy 75B S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Wolfe’s Titan FF 51T Buyer: Bonchuk Farms


Lot 3 - RJY BLK Sure Power 17B S: 3D MR Red Sure Fire 449X DS: HC Power Drive 88H Consignor: TY-D Livestock/ M&S Cattle Co Buyer: Sandy Hill


Lot 29 - M&S Ms Spring Fling 12C S: WFL Commander 78R DS: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 Consignor: M&S Cattle Co Buyer: Skor Simmentals


Lot 29 - TY-D Ms Snookie S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: Wheatland Bull 468P Consignor: TY-D Livestock Buyer: Robb Farms


Lot 7 - Crosswood Bikini 661B S: KOP Esposito 95Y DS: WS Beef Maker R13 Consignor: Crossroad Farms Buyer: Hairy Hill Cattle Co.


Lot 19 - LWC Miss Radar 32B S: NUG Radar 202Y DS: SU RIO Grande 55R Consignor: Little Willow Creek Buyer: Red Willow Ranch


Lot 8 - Crossroad Caryn 89C S: CMS/BMD Paparazzi 205Z DS: SFM Red Dynamite 3P Consignor: Crossroad Farms Buyer: Leewood Ranch & Colt Arnold



Sale Results Keystone Konnection Simmental Sale Brandon, MB December 8, 2015 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Keystone Sales Management

Sale Summary


Bulls Open Heifers Bred Heifers Semen Sale Total

9 23 17 1 49



$59,550.00 $72,550.00 $90,150.00 $1,200.00 $222,350.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 9 - Cherry Creek Ritz 5C S: Sunny Valley Dakota 9Z DS: Crossroad Tuxedo 222T Consignor: Cherry Creek Farm Buyer: Pelton Ranch

$6,617.00 $3,154.00 $5,303.00 $1,200.00 $4,538.00


Transcon’s 38th Annual Simmsational Simmental Sale Moose Jaw, SK December 10, 2015 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Bred Heifers Open Heifers Yearling Bulls Sale Total



36 $440,200.00 9 $57,300.00 2 $10,700.00 47 $508,200.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 10 - IPU 68M Ms. Crosby 140B S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: Hart Red Chief J242 Consignor: Labatte Simmentals Buyer: Bar M Simmental Group

$12,228.00 $6,367.00 $5,350.00 $10,813.00


Mar Mac Farms New Generation Female Sale Brandon, MB December 13, 2015 Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Summary Simmental Bred Hiefers Simmental Open Heifers Red Angus Breds Heifers Red Angus Open Heifers Embryo Commercial Heifers Sale Total

High Selling Lots


Lot 2 - Mar Mac Carli 305B S: Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y DS: PPSR Nophalt 20H Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals 80



16 $124,750.00 7 $49,100.00 18 $130,550.00 8 $42,200.00 1 $1,800.00 12 $42,650.00 62 $391,050.00

$7,797.00 $7,014.00 $7,253.00 $5,275.00 $1,800.00 $7,014.00 $6,307.00


Lot 1 - Cherry Creek Jaguar 21B S: FGAF Magnum 901Z DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Cherry Creek Farm Buyer: Ray J Simmentals


Lot 24 - More’s Ms Belle 406B S: Hooks Shear Force 38K DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: More Brothers Buyer: WKN Land and Cattle


Lot 45 - Crest’s View 8B S: WFL Identity 23X DS: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F Consignor: Crest View Land and Cattle Co. Buyer: Dana and Megan Johns


Lot 21 - NAC Princess 43C S: EGC Moneystripe 82A DS: Springcreek Rashad 12W Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: Come as U R Simmentals


Lot 1 - IPU 206S EL Tigress 113B S: MRL EL Tigre 52Z DS: Remington Red Label HR Consignor: Labatte Simmentals Buyer: Ultra Livestock


Lot 7 - IPU Ms. Bootlegger 72B S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 DS: TNT Accelerator S226 Consignor: Labatte Simmentals Buyer: Quinn Wilson


Lot 8 - IPU Ms. Code Red 88B S: IPU Code Red 53Y DS: IPU Red Specialist 70T Consignor: Labatte Simmentals Buyer: Quinn Wilson


Lot 35 - Erixon Lady 16B S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger111X DS: Triple C Singletary S3H Consignor: Erixon Simmentals Buyer: Crossroad Farms


Lot 1 - Mar Mac Sorority Girl 133B S: Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y DS: Westfall Voyager 721P Buyer: Circle G Simmentals


Lot 20 - Mar Mac Crest 91C S: IPU Marksman 54A DS: Hooks Shear Force 38K Buyer: Blair’s Ag Cattle Co.


Lot 8 - Mar Mac GR Red Macho 111B S: Swan Lake Tombstone 40Y DS: OBB Hot Rod Son 322U Buyer: Swan Lake Farms


Lot 18 - Mar Mac Carli 85B S: IPU Marksman 54A DS: OLF Odin U5 Buyer: Quinn Wilson


Sale Results Shades of the Prairies Simmental Sale Brandon, MB December 14, 2015 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary Bull Calf Bred Heifers Open Heifers Sale Total




1 $14,000.00 25 $300,000.00 16 $115,200.00 42 $448,500.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 10 - KWA Ms Western 24B S: IPU Red Western 49X DS: KWA Red Rock 5T Consignor: Ashworth Farm & Ranch Buyer: Casey Claffy

$14,000.00 $12,000.00 $7,200.00 $10,678.57


Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale Virden, MB December 15, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary Bred Heifers Bred Cows Sale Total




94 $480,100.00 19 $90,700.00 113 $570,800.00

$5,100.00 $4,775.00 $5,051.00

Southern Alberta Round-Up Group 22nd Annual Fleckvieh & Black Simmental Bull & Female Production Sale Stavely, AB December 15, 2015 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Yearling Bulls Two Year Old Bulls Sale Total

High Selling Lots




5 $13,650.00 13 $67,650.00 39 $283,750.00 6 $42,050.00 63 $407,100.00

Lot 73 - Parview Mr Walker 453B S: JB CDN Wind Walker 1102 DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Parview Stock Farms Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd.

$2,730.00 $5,204.00 $7,276.00 #7,008.00 $6,462.00


Lot 17 - MRL Miss 4400B S: LFE Red Casino 3036X DS: Triple C El Poderoso Rey Consignor: McMillen Ranching Buyer: Bouchard Livestock


Lot 11 - KWA Ms Mountain 12B S: KWA FlyF Red Mountain 16Z DS: LFE Bundi 300X Consignor: Ashworth Farm & Ranch Buyer: Meadow-Acres Farms


Lot 35 - Swan Lake Camille 38C S: STF Royal Affair Z44M DS: RF Double Up 37W Consignor: Swan Lake Farms Buyer: Sun Rise Simmentals


Lot 117 - BLCC Miss Juggernaut 343B S: MFI Jeremiah 9022 DS: PRL Houston 005H Buyer: Berts NR Simmentals


Lot 70 - BLCC Miss Heartland 255B S: BLCC Heartland 434X DS: Salmon Arm Ferris 20N Buyer: Silver Lake Farms


Lot 17 - BLCC Miss Ridgeline 61B S: LFE Black Ridgeline 536W DS: Wheatland Red Teddy 457P Buyer: Silver Lake Farms


Lot 95 - BLCC Miss Dealer 198B S: Erixon Dealer 63Z DS: LFE Rochfort 3013T Buyer: Crow Bros.


Lot 75 - Parview Mr Walker 459 S: JB CDN Wind Walker 1102 DS: SS Guiness Original 29U Consignor: Parview Stock Farms Buyer: Bar None Farms Inc.


Lot 50 - Okofleck Caden 11C S: Virginia Premierleague DS: Double Bar D MP 190U Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Group Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd.


Lot 6 - Ricochet Cody 59C S: Ricochet Ace 347A DS: WNLP Usher 32U Consignor: Ricochet Stock Farms Buyer: B Bar C Simmentals


Lot 68 - MTV Dash 6C S: Silver Lake Lagacy DS: MTV Pol Kolby 5S Consignor: Vernon Properties Buyer: East Cardston Farming Co. Ltd.



Sale Results Lot 1A - RF Certainly Flirtin 528C $42,500.00 S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: Wheatland Stout 930W Consignor: Rancier Farms & Westman Farms Buyer: Hilltop Holdings & Me N My Simmentals

Friday Night Lights

Olds, AB December 18, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Females Sale Total




40 $580,500.00 18 $254,000.00 58 $834,500.00

$14,512.50 $14,111.11 $14,387.93

High Selling Lots

Lot 1B - RF Certainly Flirtin 532C $45,000.00 S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: Wheatland Stout 930W Consignor: Rancier Farms & Westman Farms Buyer: Rust Mountain View Ranch, Black Gold Simmentals & Canadian Donors

Checkers Simmental Sale

Ponoka, AB December 19, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock

Sale Summary




Bull Calf 1 $7,000.00 Pick of 2015 Born Females 1 $17,000.00 Bred Heifers 15 $234,750.00 Open Heifers 22 $223,300.00 Semen & Embryos 35 $42,050.00 Sale Total 39 $593,725.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 25 - SBV Ms Beat 815B S: LFE Justified 7328X DS: Bar 5 SA Stimulation 415P Consignor: Mark Land & Cattle Buyer: Westgold Farms Ltd.

$7,000.00 $17,000.00 $15,650.00 $10,150.00 $1,201.00 $12,500.00


Fleckvieh Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale Red Deer, AB December 20, 2015 Auctioneers: Don Oberg & Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Yearling Bulls Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lots 17 47 6 70

Gross $100,950.00 $430,850.00 $111,000.00 $642,800.00

Average $5,938.00 $9,167.00 $18,500.00 $9,183.00

Lot 23 - JNR’S Titanium $54,000.00 S: JNR’S Steele 248Z DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: JNR Farms Buyer: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals & Black Gold Simmentals


Lot 24 - SVS Blk Jenna 518C S: WFL Absolute 51Y DS: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals Buyer: Rust Mountain View Ranch


Lot 1E - RF Certainly Flirtin 526C $30,000.00 S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: Wheatland Stout 930W Consignor: Rancier Farms & Westman Farms Buyer: West Gold Farms & Rusylvia Cattle Co. Lot 52 - Erixon Lady 201A S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: KOP Crosby 137W Consignor: Erixon Simmentals Inc. Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals


Lot 8 - LRX BLK Ruby 9C S: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: LFE Red Casino 3036X Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: South Paw Simmentals


Lot 2 - LRX Ms Red 182B S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: Crowe Bros.


Lot 6 - LRX Ms Black 70B S: LRX Wallbanger 73Z DS: Springcreek Liner 56U Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: Crowe Bros.


Lot 12 - LFE BS Charo 38B S: LFE Rich Ray 369Z DS: GW Lucky Dice 187H Consignor: Lewis Farms Buyer: MI Simmentals


Lot 4 - Bee Heide 434B S: Great Guns TX Mac 52Y DS: Anchor “T” Legend 7H Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: JNR Farms & Kulyk Simmentals


Lot 3 - Bee Meeka 461B S: GGT Willy Joe 64Y DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Spruce View Acres


Lot 5 - Bee Etcetera 424B S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: BHR Three Sixes Sa L666E Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Daryl Renaud


Lot 2 - Bee Sirene 480B S: Big Sky Jerico DS: Shawacres Jahari 50L Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Spruce View Acres


Sale Results Transcon’s Ultimate XVIII Red & Black Simmental Female Sale Red Deer, AB December 20, 2015 Auctioneers: Brent Carey & Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Open Heifers Bred Heifers Long Yearling Bull Yearling Bulls Sale Total



25 $178,750.00 27 $198,200.00 1 $7,500.00 3 $23,850.00 56 $408,300.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 116 - Skors Black Fortune 111C S: W/C Wide Track 694Y DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Consignor: Skor Simmentals Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals

$7,150.00 $7,341.00 $7,500.00 $7,950.00 $7,291.00


Spring Creek Simmentals Golden Opportunity II Female Sale Moosomin, SK December 22, 2015 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary


Black Simm. Bred Cows Black Angus Bred Cows Red Simm. Bred Cows Black Simm. Bred Heifers Red Simm. Bred Heifers Black Hybrid Bred Heifers Black Angus Bred Heifers Commercial Cows Embryos Sale Total

14 7 14 15 9 13 5 6 1 84

Gross $125,500.00 $31,250.00 $111,000.00 $113,000.00 $50,750.00 $101,250.00 $22,000.00 $21,000.00 $4,500.00 $580,250.00

Average $8,964.29 $4,464.29 $7,928.57 $7,533.33 $5,638.89 $7,788.46 $4,400.00 $3,500.00 $4,500.00 $6,907.74

Lot 114 - BLI Benita 436B S: KOP Revolver 116Z DS: BLI Warwick 911W Consignor: Sibl Simmentals Buyer: Czech-Mate Livestock


Lot 78 - SSP Ms Bullseye 491B S: Harvie Bullseye 2Z DS: RF Torque 6W Consignor: Sevcik Simmental Ranch Buyer: Meadow Acres Farms


Lot 94 - Oh Kay Brooke 53B S: Tymarc JEP 85Z DS: D BAR C Traction 126T Consignor: Oh Kay Farms Buyer: X-T Simmentals


Lot 131 - ULTRA MISS ALYSA 1C S: MRL Red Force 12U DS: WLB Red 462P 375T Consignor: Ultra Livestock Buyer: Cross Bar Anchor Ranch


High Selling Lots

Lot 18 - Springcreek Linne 59U S: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 DS: TNT Black Shadow J30 Buyer: JP Cattle


Lot 64 - Springcreek Mistress 17B S: JL Upward 2250 DS: KOP Crosby 137W Buyer: Blacksand Cattle Co.


Lot 19 - Springcreek Lima 31W S: ACCI Hustler 2N DS: MRL Hurricane 27R Buyer: Circle 7 Oberle Bros.


Lot 39 - Springcreek Honey 65B S: Grinalta’s HP Ultra FF940 DS: Springcreek Tank 63P Buyer: Labatte Simmentals & Circle 7


New Year’s Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale Saskatoon, SK December 31, 2015 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Simmental Embryos Simmental Semen Sale Total

High Selling Lots



21 $287,000.00 17 $129,850.00 88 $698,050.00

Average $1,846.00 $494.00 $7,932.00

Lot 7B - Wheatland Stout X Certin 37U $4,100.00/Embryo Consignor: Rancier Farms, Reays Unlimited Buyer: Rust Mountain View Ranch

Lot 6C - 5 Embryos to Bull of Choice X LFE BS Sheila 82A $3,300.00/Embryo Consignor: Mader Ranches, Rust Mountain View Ranch & Canadian Donors Buyer: Rancier Farms & Sunrise Simmentals Lot 8A - SVS Captain Morgan 11Z X Flirtin 202Z $3,300.00/Embryo Consignor: Rancier Farms, Westman Land & Cattle Buyer: Emily Froelich Lot 8C - Springcreek Olympian 66A X Flirtin 202Z $3,300.00/Embryo Consignor: Rancier Farms, Westman Land & Cattle Buyer: Y Coulee Land & Cattle Lot 13 - Captain Morgan X Linne 33R $3,100.00/Embryo Consignor: Rancier Farms, Cedar Creek Simmentals & Canadian Donors Buyer: Rusylvia Cattle Co. & Westgold Farms Ltd.


Sale Results Summary of Spring Simmental Sales Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Extra Age Bulls Total Bulls Open Heifers Commercial Heifers

Lots 3,246 248 3494 227 221

Gross $28,497,822.00 $1,665,414.00 $30,163,236.00 $922,070.00 $528,652.00

Average $8,779.37 $6,715.38 $7,747.37 $4,061.98 $2,392.09

Summary of Fall Simmental Sales Sale Summary Bull Calves Yearling Bulls Extra Age Bulls Bred Heifers Open Heifers Bred Cows Cow/Calf Pairs Pick of Herd Hybrid Heifers Commercial Cows Preg Recips Sales Total Semen Lots Embryo Lots

Lots Gross 13 50 11 789 386 70 14 2 13 75 10 1433 98 62

$99,700.00 $429,300.00 $70,000.00 $6,126,310.00 $2,845,595.00 $438,198.00 $114,848.00 $23,750.00 $101,250.00 $214,700.00 $40,700.00 $10,504,351.00 $184,323.00 $449,023.00

Average $7,669.00 $8,586.00 $6,364.00 $7,765.00 $7,372.00 $6,260.00 $8,203.00 $11,875.00 $7,788.00 $2,863.00 $4,070.00 $7,330.00 $1,881.00 $7242.00

Note: Reporting of only those sales report submitted to the Simmental Country magazine. This does not include on-farm sales.





Simmeron Ranch Martin Skaret 1-56021 RGE. RD. 261 Sturgeon County Alberta, T8R 0V9 Ph: 780-939-3248 Cell: 780 913 7963

Shane & Shannon Wolfe and family Site 11, Box 47, RR 1 SUNDRE, AB T0M 1X0 PHONE & FAX (403) 556-8584 e-mail:


BARRY & BRENDA LABATTE Box 72 Gladmar, Sask. S0C 1A0 Ph: (306)969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900

Dave and Krista Erixon 306-270-2893 Box 156 Clavet, SK S0K 0Y0 Red & Black Simmentals


Jim (306) 928-4636 Dave (306) 483-8660

Lee (306) 928-4820 Fax (306) 928-2143 The Stamp Of Quality Simmental Genetics For Over 40 Years




23401 Big Bend Rd. Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0 Ron & Linda 519.695.6124 Mike & Melissa 226.268.0520


Industry Events








BLI Bussiness Card Double 2015_Layout 1 2015-07

Box 1409 Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Office: 403.946.4999 Brian Bouchard: 403.813.7999 Darnell Fornwald: 403-795-8030 Chad Lorenz: 403.896.9585 Doug Domolewski: 403.635.1840 Email:

e Full Servic ting ke r a M k c Livesto - Sale Managment - Consulting - Order Buying - International Export Approved Semen & Embryo Storage Facility







ABC Cattle Co..............................................89 Adair Ranch..................................................85 Afri-Can Simmentals.....................................91 Alameda Agencies Ltd..................................94 Alliance Simmental Farms............................91 Alta Genetics................................................95 Anchor D Ranch...........................................85 Applecross....................................................85 Arrow Creek Simmentals..............................37 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd..................31, 89 Aumack Simmentals.....................................89 Bar 5 Farms Ltd./Circle 3 Genetics........11, 91 Bar CL Livestock..........................................85 Beagle Simmentals.................................30, 85 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals........................85 Big Johnson Charolais..................................32 Big Rock Simmentals...................................85 Black River Farms........................................91 BlackSand Cattle Company..........................91 Blushrose Simmental Farm..........................89 Bohrson Marketing Services...............9, 36, 95 Bonchuk Farms............................................91 Bouchard Livestock International..................... .............................................3, 4, 5, 37, 49, 95 Boundary Ranch.....................................48, 49 Bova-Tech Ltd...............................................95 Bow Valley Genetics.....................................95 BS Ranch.....................................................85 Canada Beef Inc...........................................72 Canadian Bull Congress...............................94 Canadian Cattlemen.....................................95 Carey, Brent..................................................94 Casaloma Cattle Company...........................89 Cattle Cures..................................................94 Champs Simmental......................................16 Circle G Simmentals & Angus......................85 City View Simmentals...................................89 Clearwater Simmentals................................85 Coulee Crossing...........................................38 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh................................92 Crocus Simmentals......................................49 Crossroad Farms..........................................89 Curtis Simmentals........................................38 Czech-Mate Livestock..................................85 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd........95 Deeg Simmentals...................................36, 85 96

Destiny Simmentals......................................92 Diamond T Simmentals................................86 Don Heggie Simmentals...............................86 Donovandale Simmentals.............................92 Dora Lee Genetics........................................92 Dorran Marketing Inc....................................94 Dorran, Steve...............................................94 Double Bar D Farms.............................IFC, 89 Double G Simmentals...................................89 Downey Farms.......................................37, 91 Downhill Simmentals....................................37 DP Sales Management.................................95 Dunc’s Cattle Co...........................................92 Dwayann Simmentals...................................92 Eagle-Ridge Simmentals..............................86 East Poplar Simmentals...............................89 Edge, Dean...................................................94 EDN Simmentals....................................49, 89 Edwards Angus.............................................38 Elm Tree Farms............................................92 Erixon Simmentals........................................89 Fallen Timber Farms....................................85 Ferme Gagnon Inc..................................41, 93 Ferme Saro Farm.........................................93 Foley Simmentals.........................................92 Forden Family Farm.....................................51 Genex Cooperative, Inc....................54, 55, 95 GJR Simmentals...........................................89 Grant Rolston Photography Ltd....................94 Gravandale Simmentals...............................92 Grinalta Farms..............................................86 H.S. Knill Company Limited..........................95 Hairy Hill Cattle Co.................................16, 86 Hallridge Simmentals....................................92 Hall’s Cattle Co.............................................38 Hannah Simmentals.................................8, 86 Harvie Ranching...........................................86 High Bluff Stock Farm...................................91 High Country Cattle Services.......................86 Hi-Tech Farms..............................................92 Hoegl Simmentals........................................89 Indian River Cattle Co..................................92 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd...........95 Janzen Ranches...........................................86 Jetstream Livestock......................................92 JNR Farms...................................................86

Johnson Stock Farms...................................43 JP Cattle Co.................................................43 Keato Meadow Simmentals..........................86 Kin Kin Cattle Co..........................................86 Kindred Spirit Cattle Co................................38 Kopp Farms..................................................91 Kuntz Simmental Farm.................................89 Labatte Simmentals..............22, 23, 24, 25, 89 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals................................89 Lazy Creek Simmentals................................14 Lazy S Ranch Inc.........................................86 Lewis Farms..........................................BC, 86 Little Willow Creek Ranch.............................89 Lobster Point Farms.....................................93 Lockhart Valley Simmentals.........................30 Lone Stone Farms........................................86 M & J Farms.................................................91 M & R Cattle Co........................................9, 87 MacKenzie Cattle Company.........................86 Mader Ranches............................................86 Maple Key Farm...........................................92 Mappin Simmentals......................................87 Mar Mac Farms............................................91 Masterfeeds..............................................7, 94 Maxwell Simmentals...............................20, 87 McCormack Family Ranch...........................69 McCormack Family Ranch...........................90 MCG Simmentals.........................................87 McIntosh Livestock.......................................90 McManus Simmentals..................................91 McMillan Ranching Ltd...........................29, 90 Meadow Acres Farms...........22, 23, 24, 25, 90 MI Simmentals..............................................86 Mitchell Cattle Co.........................................85 More Bros. Simmentals................................37 Muirhead Cattle Co.......................................90 New Holland...................................................1 Nolara Farms..........................................44, 87 North Creek Simmentals..............................90 North Hill Simmentals...................................87 O Double E Simmentals...............................87 Oberg, Don...................................................94 O’Brien Farms..............................................92 O’Grady Steel...............................................94 Okotoks Fleckvieh Embryo Group................87 Optimal Bovines Inc......................................39

Oslanski Simmental Farms...........................87 Outlaw Cattle Co..........................................50 Parkhill Ranches...........................................87 Parview Stockfarms......................................87 Pearson Simmentals....................................87 Pederson Livestock......................................32 Perkin Land & Cattle Co...............................33 Pheasantdale Simmentals............................90 Phillips Farms...............................................93 Pine Creek Simmentals................................87 Porter Ranches.............................................87 Prairie Wind Farms Ltd.................................43 Rainalta Simmentals & Charolais.................87 Rancier Farms........................................19, 87 RDG Simmentals..........................................87 Rehorst Farms Ltd........................................92 Rendezvous Farms......................................91 Riskan Hope Farm........................................38 River Point Cattle Co..............................57, 92 Riverbank Farm............................................91 Robb Farms Ltd......................................17, 90 Robson Acres...............................................92 Roenda Stock Farms....................................37 Rosebud Simmentals...................................87 Rust Mountain View Ranch....................15, 93 SAJ Simmentals...........................................90

Saugeen Acres.............................................88 Scissors Creek Cattle Co.............................43 Sibl Simmentals............................................39 Simmeron Fleckvieh Simmentals.................88 Skeels, Dan..................................................94 SKOR Simmentals........................................88 Southpaw Cattle Company...........................88 Spring Creek Simmentals.................12, 13, 90 Spring Lake Simmentals.........................21, 88 Starwest Farms......................................45, 85 Steen Agencies.............................................94 Stewart Simmentals......................................93 Stock, Mark...................................................94 Stockmens Insurance...................................94 Stone Simmentals........................................88 Storebo Farm................................................90 Stoughton Farms..........................................90 Sullivan Simmentals.....................................93 Sun Rise Simmentals.......................42, 43, 90 Sun Star Simmentals....................................88 Sunny Valley Simmentals.......................35, 90 Swan Lake Farms.........................................90 Swantewitt Simmentals................................88 T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd................38, 43, 47, 95 The Register.................................................93

Timberlind Auctions......................................94 Todd Simmentals..........................................93 Transcon Livestock Corp................IBC, 45, 95 Trevor’s Cowpix............................................94 Triple Rose simmentals................................93 Tryon Simmentals.........................................93 TSN Livestock........................................37, 91 Twin Brae Simmentals..................................91 Twin Butte Simmentals.................................88 Tymarc Livestock..........................................88 Virginia Ranch..............................................88 W2 Farms.....................................................90 Weldehaven Farms......................................93 Well’s Crossing Cattle Company..................88 Westway Farms Ltd................................36, 88 Wheatland Cattle Co....................................47 Wild Oak Farms............................................93 Windy Knoll Farm.........................................93 WJ Simmentals.......................................32, 88 Wolfe Farms.................................................88 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh..........................................88 Wright’s ProRich Seeds................................91 Xcel Livestock...............................................93 XRC Simmentals..........................................90 X-T Simmentals............................................49

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 P: (403) 250-7979 • F: (403) 250-5121 • E: CSA Executive

CSA Directors

President Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS P: (902) 661-0766 C: (902) 664-6206 timberwoodfarms@

Maureen Mappin-Smith Byemoor, AB P: (403) 579-2175 C: (403) 321-0501

First Vice-President David Milliner Dundalk, ON P: (519) 923-9188 C: (519) 375-0122 Second Vice-President Lee McMillen Carievale, SK P: (306) 928-4820 C: (306) 483-8067

Provincial Associations

British Columbia President Lorne Webster Abbotsford, BC P/F: (604) 823-6797 Secretary: Kelly Ashworth Jan Wisse Oungre, SK P: (604) 794-3684 P: (306) 456-2749 Alberta C: (306) 861-2013 President Kyle Lewis Spruce Grove, AB Blair McRae P: (780) 220-9188 Brandon, MB P: (204) 728-3058 C: (204) 729-5439 Office Contact Heather Saucier Airdrie, AB Garth Rancier P: (403) 861-6352 Killam, AB F: (403) 948-2059 P: (780) 385-2425 C: (780) 385-5313 Promotion / Fieldperson Chuck Groeneveld Dan Skeels High River, AB Rimbey, AB P: (403) 938-7843 P: (403) 843-4756 C: (403) 783-1217 Saskatchewan President Ryan Lundberg Francis Gagnon Eastend, SK Cheneville, QC P: (306) 295-7999 P: (819) 428-3502 C: (514) 975-3722 Secretary: Carolyn McCormack P: (306) 697-2945

Manitoba President Everett Olson Minnedosa, MB P: (204) 826-2643 Secretary: Laurelly Beswitherick P: (204) 637-2046 Email: Ontario President Tina Hiddink Bloomfield, ON P: (613) 399-3239 Quebec Président Sylvain Lambert La Presentation, PQ P: (450) 796-5914 Secretaire: Sandra Berthiaume Saint-Garmain, QC P/F (819) 395-4453 Maritimes President Don Godfrey Meadow Bank, PEI P: (902) 566-3613 Secretary: Jennie Mutch P: (902) 388-1613

CSA Staff General Manager Bruce Holmquist C: (403) 988-8676 Office Manager Barb Judd P: (403) 250-7979 Industry & Member Services Meghan Black P: (506) 324-4825 Processing Department Perry Welygan Beth Rankin Receptionist & Member Services Devra Leavitt CSA Programs Coordinator Carla Schmitt P: (306) 221-7950


What’s Happening February Feb. 1 The Genetic Vault - Online Frozen Genetics Sale Feb. 6 Hill 70 Quantock Ranch “Barn Burnin” Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK Feb. 6 Springer Simmental Sale of Value Based Genetics Decorah, Iowa Feb. 7 Hartman Cattle Co. Bull Sale Techumseh, NE Feb. 11 Janzen Ranches 23rd Annual Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Rosemary, AB Feb. 12 17th Annual Genetic Edge Bull Sale Rimbey, AB Feb. 12 TNT Simmentals 31st Annual “Genetic Explosion” Sale Almont, ND Feb. 13 Kenner Simmental 20th Annual Production Sale Leeds, ND Feb. 13 Soderglen Select 2016 Bull Sale Airdrie, AB Feb. 14 Diamond M Ranch 4th Annual Bull Sale Estevan, SK Feb. 15 Rendezvous Farms “Holiday Monday” Simmental Bull & Female Sale Ste. Rose du Lac, MB Feb. 16 Jeans & Genetics Simmental Bull Sale Ponoka, AB Feb. 18 M&J/Glasman Farms Simmental and Angus Bull and Female Sale Russell, MB Feb. 19 27th Mader Ranches Bull & Female Sale Carstairs, AB Feb. 20 Young Guns & Guests Simmental Bull Sale Irma, AB Feb. 20 Annual St-Martin Bull Test Sale Saint-Martin,QC Feb. 20 Circle G Annual Bull Sale Innisfail, AB Feb. 21 Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale Virden, MB Feb. 22 Select Opportunity 2nd Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Olds, AB Feb. 23 Rainalta & Guest Charolais & Simmental Sale Brooks, AB Feb. 24 Crossroad Farms 10th Annual Bull Sale Shell Lake, SK Feb. 25 11th Annual Robb Hoegl Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK Feb. 25 Bull Rush Simmental Bull & Female Sale Rimbey, AB Feb. 26 Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale Westlock, AB Feb. 27 Lewis Farms 31st Annual Bull Sale Spruce Grove, AB Feb. 27 2nd Annual Select Bull Sale & Guests Saint-Sylvestre, QC Feb. 28 Triangle Stock Farms/PRO-CHAR & Johnson’s 5th Annual Bull Sale Glenevis, AB Feb. 29 14th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Simmental Bull Sale Shellbrook, SK Feb. 29 Bar 5 Online Bull Sale Feb. 29 Simmental Summit 4th Annual Bull Sale Bentley, AB

March Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 3 98

Double Bar D “Best of Both Worlds” Sale Grenfell, SK Erixon Simmentals Annual Bull & Female Sale Saskatoon, SK 21st Annual Herd Master Bull Sale Camrose, AB Pheasantdale Cattle Co. 12th Annual Bull & Female Sale Balcarres, SK

Mar. 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 4 Mar. 4-6 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 Mar. 6 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 7 Mar. 8 Mar. 8 Mar. 8 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 9 Mar. 10 Mar. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 14 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 15

LaBatte Simmentals with Guests, Meadow Acres Farm 36th Annual Bull & Female Sale Moose Jaw, SK 11th Annual Bullfest Sale Camrose, AB 5th Annual Chittick Family Bull Sale Mayerthorpe, AB Rainbow River Simmentals Online Sale 22nd Annual McMillen Ranching Production Sale Carievale, SK MCG Simmentals & RACK Angus 9th Annual Bull Sale Stavely, AB 11th Annual Mappin Simmentals & Silver Smith Farms Bull Sale Veteran, AB Westgold Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale Vermillion, AB 11th Annual Lockhart Valley/ Beagle Simmentals Bull Sale Rimbey, AB 8th Annual O Double E Farms Simmental Bull & Female Sale Beaverlodge, AB R+ Simmentals Annual Bull Sale Estevan, SK Ashworth Farm & Ranch 13th Annual Simmental Sale Oungre, SK Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale Innisfail, AB 23rd Severtson Land & Cattle with guest Trendsetter Livestock Bull Sale Innisfail, AB Built Right Bull Sale Provost, AB 7th Annual Harvie Ranching Bull Sale Olds, AB 12th Annual BUTTS, GUTTS & NUTTS Simmental Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale Brandon, MB 26th Annual Sunny Valley Simmental Bull & Female Sale Saskatoon, SK Skor Simmentals 14th Annual Red & Black Bull Sale Camrose, AB 13th Annual Westway & Deeg Bull Sale Olds, AB Spring Creek’s “In Pursuit of Perfection” 11th Annual Bull Sale Moosomin, SK Northern Classic Charolais & Simmental Sale Grand Prairie, AB 3rd Annual Next Generation Bull & Female Sale Lloydminster, SK Swantewitt Simmentals Annual Bull & Heifer Sale Mayerthorpe, AB 5th Annual Synergie Bull Sale Ste-Sophie de Levrard, PQ Ranchlands Simmental Bull Sale Stavely, AB Place Your Bet Simmental & Angus Bull Sale Veteran, AB Your Source for Success Bull & Female Sale Indian River, ON Benchmark Bull Sale Cobden, ON Rebels of the West Simmental Bull Sale Virden, MB Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale Brandon, MB South Sask Simmental Sale Moose Jaw, SK On Target Bull & Female Sale Barrhead, AB Kuntz Stoughton McIntosh SAJ 17th Annual Bull Sale Lloydminster, SK Adair Ranch 23rd Annual Bull & Female Sale Provost, AB Prairie Partners Bull & Female Sale, Killarney, MB

Mar. 16 Mar. 17 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 18 Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Mar. 24 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. 29

Transcon’s Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale Neepawa, MB Get-A-Grip Angus and Simmental Bull & Female Sale Forestburg, AB Porter Ranches Bull Sale Stony Plain, AB Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale Dropmore, MB Casaloma Classic Bull Sale Prince Albert, SK Ferme Gagnon Inc & Guests 17th Annual Bull Sale Cheneville, PQ Proudly Western Bull Sale Whitewood, SK HWY 16 West Multibreed Bull Sale Mayerthorpe, AB Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale Red Deer, AB Maple Lake Stock Farms “Kick Off To Spring” Bull Sale Hartney, MB WLB Livestock’s 12th Annual Simmental & Polled Hereford Bull Sale Douglas, MB City View Simmentals & Ivanhoe Angus 6th Annual Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK Herter Simmentals “Paint’em Black” Sale Maple Creek, SK Wheatland Cattle Co Annual Bull Sale Bienfait, SK Rust Mountain View Ranch 5th Annual “Ace in the Hole” Bull Sale Turtle Lake, ND Transcon’s Mountain View Bull Sale Innisfail, AB Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale Beaverlodge, AB Southwest Showcase Simmental Bull Sale Swift Current, SK MFR Genetic Destination 6th Annual Bull Sale Grenfell, SK Early Sunset Ranch “Only the Good Ones Sell” 35th Annual Bull & Female Sale Edam, SK 20th Annual U2 Ranch Bull & Female Sale High River, AB

Apr. 3 Best of the Breeds Yorkton, SK Apr. 7 Transcon’s Winnipeg Simmental Bull Sale Winnipeg, MB Apr. 7 Southview Ranch Bull Sale Ceylon, SK Apr. 9 Transcon’s Cattle Country Simmental Bull Sale Neepawa, MB Apr. 9 41st Annual Six Mile Ranch Bull Sale Fir Mountain, SK Apr. 11 Spirit of the North Spiritwood, SK Apr. 14 Daines Cattle Annual Bull Sale Innisfail, AB Apr. 16 River Point Cattle Co. Internet Bull Sale & Guests

May May 15

Fall Evaluation Data Entry Deadline

June Jun. 29

T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament Saskatoon, SK

July July 7-10 July 15-17 July 21-24 July 21-24 July 29-31

Quebec All Breeds Junior Beef Show Brome, PQ Ontario Trillium Classic Metcalfe, ON CSA Convention Lloydminster, SK YCSA National Classic Lloydminster, SK Manitoba Youth Beef Round-Up Neepawa, MB



Apr. 2 Apr. 2 Apr. 2

Aug. 4-7

Transcon’s 21st Annual Advantage Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK Midwestern Ontario Simmental & Angus Bull Sale Hanover, ON 2016 Nappan Bull Sale Nappan, NS

Table of Contents

Publication Information................................. 2 From the Gate Post......................................... 6 Breed Improvement....................................... 10 From the Director’s Chair.............................. 18 Women in Simmental Country....................... 26 From the Field................................................ 34 From the Gate Post (French).......................... 40 Vet’s Advice................................................... 46 Breed Improvement (French)......................... 52 Hall of Fame Recipients................................. 56 Golden Book Recipients................................ 58 Member Announcements............................... 60 Alberta Simmental Association...................... 61

Alberta Wild Rose Classic Lacombe, AB

September Sept. 23-25 Maritimes YCSA Classic Windsor, NS

Saskatchewan Simmental Association........... 62 Manitoba Simmental Association.................. 64 Quebec Simmental Association..................... 65 Maritime Simmental Association................... 66 Young Canadian Simmental Association....... 67 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation.. 68 Simmental Show Results............................... 70 Simmental Sale Results.................................. 73 Advertiser’s Index.......................................... 96 Canadian Simmental Association Contacts... 97 What’s Happening.......................................... 98 Did you know?............................................... 100 99

DNA TURNAROUND TIME As has been communicated earlier, there is no longer a rush process available for DNA testing. CSA members are reminded of the need to allow a minimum of 4 week turnaround time from the time they send the samples to the lab for genotyping until we receive results.

2016 CSA CONVENTION - JULY 21-24, 2016 IN LLOYDMINSTER, SK Main Events Include: • Canadian Simmental Association’s Annual General Meeting • Simmental Innovations Session • Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction • Young Canadian Simmental Association’s National Classic

CSA BOARD MEETING The CSA Board of Directors will be meeting in Calgary on March 14th & 15th. The Breed Improvement and Promotion Committees will also be meeting during these days. If you have items of breed improvement or promotional nature or questions, please feel free to contact the CSA President, Lacey Fisher, Breed Improvement Chair, Lee McMillen or Promotion Chair, Maureen Mappin-Smith.

YCSA The Young Canadian Simmmental Association is one of the leading youth organizations in Canada. To become a part of the excitement please contact CSA Programs Coordinator Carla Schmitt at 306-221-7950 or Tel: (403) 250-7979 Fax: (403) 250-5121 Email: Website: #13, 4101-19th St. NE., Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 100

31st Annual Bull Sale February 27, 2016



140 Simmental Yearlings 120 Simmental Extra Age



45 Angus Yearlings & 45 Angus Extra Age





Kyle Lewis: 780-220-9188 Jordan Buba: 780-818-4047 Ken Lewis: 780-818-3829 Fullblood Bulls: Mark Land & Cattle , Lenny Mark 780-842-7207

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