Simmental Country Feb 2013

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Yves et Diane Gagnon

426 route 315, ChĂŠnĂŠville, Quebec J0V 1E0 Tel: 819-428-3502 Fax: 819-428-4967


Bruce Holmquist General Manager Cell: 403-988-8676

Barb Judd Office Manager Phone: 403-250-7979

Margo Cartwright Marketing Coordinator Phone: 403-250-5255

Darryl Snider Western Sale Representative Cell: 403-803-6532

Jane Crawford Eastern Sales Consultant Phone: 519-287-5286 Cell: 519-317-5263


#13, 4101 19th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-5255 Fax: 403-250-5121 Website: Email:

The official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association

Canadian Simmental Country Deadlines March/April/May “Spring 2013” Issue “Queens of the Pasture” 2013 Issue October 2013 Issue November/December Winter 2013 Issue February 2014 “Herd Sire” Issue

Material Deadline: April 1, 2013 Material Deadline: July 1, 2013 Material Deadline: September 1, 2013 Material Deadline: October 1, 2013 Material Deadline: January 1, 2014

Commercial Country Deadlines September 2013 Issue January 2014 Issue

Material Deadline: August 1, 2013 Material Deadline: December 1, 2013

Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Simmental Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Production & Ad Copy Changes – Special production requests and ad copy changes may be subject to extra charges. Charges will apply on an individual basis. Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Simmental Country office by the 21st day of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Advertising Content - The Simmental Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing. Users of any information contained in Simmental Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means. Subscription Rates Canada AB, SK, MB, QC add 5 per cent to all fees for GST USA $40 + applicable taxes per year BC add 12 per cent to all fees for HST $65 per year U.S. funds $75 + applicable taxes for two years ON, NB, NFLD add 13 per cent to all fees for HST Foreign $130 per year (GST included) NS add 15 per cent to all fees for HST Canadian funds

Published for: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Published by:

Emily Grey

YCSA Coordinator Phone: 819-875-3205 Fax: 819-564-4652


4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 Office: 306-934-9696 Fax: 306-934-0744 Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Ted Serhienko & Chris Poley Accounting: Mina Serhienko & Treena Ballantyne Production: Tiffany Peters, Debbie Thiessen, Luke Fischer, Jamie Van Cleemput, Kelly Poley & Cherise Tuzikova

Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794 © 2013 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association.










From the Gate Post

By Bruce Holmquist General Manager, Canadian Simmental Association



013 began in parts of Canada with what some might call “fresh” weather; that is to be expected in early January however those of us who have been through a few New Year celebrations always hold hope for the exception and that we will have a warmer than normal January. With the start of each New Year it’s a time for optimism and new beginnings as we welcome in another year full of promise and expectations. One of many Canadian’s annual traditions held over the holiday season is the World Junior Hockey Championship and for many of us the sting is finally lessoned from the disappointment of our team not bringing back a medal. The expectations of our nation weighed heavy on the shoulders of this group of young men who unfortunately fell short in their pursuit of a medal. Expectations are always high for this tournament as hockey is our sport and it is one of the things that identify us as Canadian. Another New Year activity for many seed-stock producers is the beginning of calving. The 3 a.m. checks during -30 degree temperatures are a common place for these breeders; the sound of their feet crunching on the hard packed snow carries through the night while they hurry to the warm barn. The warm days of April during the previous season are a distant memory as two hundred and eighty five days later they rush out to ensure that no wet calves are wandering around in the dark with stiff ears. The birth of each new calf can be a validation of success, or perhaps of a need for further improvement, despite the countless hours of scrutinizing A.I. catalogues or the many miles driven looking for that next great herd-sire. The initial assessment of these calves may lead to the decision of whether 12

that mating produced a great one and should be repeated, or if it is better to try something different for next year. It is an extremely busy time for many producers who are also completing their catalogue preparation as they work towards another successful bull sale. They have done what is necessary to get their bulls developed and promoted and are now waiting to meet the buying public; they will also be checking the weather forecast as sale day gets closer with hopes that Mother Nature will smile and that the cards will play in their favor. Their buyers are receiving a wide variety of bull sale catalogues, each with promises of the greatest bulls available in the industry today. While assessing the catalogues the reader will strive to find a bull with the traits they require and will then likely view him to see if he meets those expectations. Once sale day is finished and the bulls are delivered, the seller’s expectation is that the purchasers will use common sense especially in the case of yearling bulls that are turned out for the first breeding season. These young bulls are still growing and developing and at times it is hard to believe how much some people expect; proper management by the purchaser must continue in order to see positive results from their investment. There are many variables in the cattle business however each New Year instills in us renewed optimism and the expectation that this year will be better than ever; the likelihood that this will happen increases greatly if we forward plan, pay attention to details and work hard at getting the job done. Good luck to everyone through calving and the 2013 Bull Sale season; may most of your expectations be met!




Genomic Project Update

By/Par Sandy Russell - CSA Genomics Project Manager/Responsable du projet de génomique de l’ACS

Beef Innovations 2013


hrough our ongoing communications on the numerous research initiatives that the Canadian Simmental Association (CSA) has undertaken in the past two years and in my ongoing interaction with cattle breeders, producers and industry stakeholders have asked me many questions about genomic research as well as the innovative technologies and how they can be incorporated into breeding programs to the benefit cattle producers and the Canadian beef industry. There have been numerous communication pieces providing research updates to inform interested parties on what is being undertaken and also to address specific questions about the research but no better opportunity exits to learn about genomic technologies in the beef cattle industry than this summer in Calgary. With all that is occurring in the beef cattle business and the ongoing developments that are taking place, it is difficult to stay fully informed in this dynamic industry. One of the fastest progressing fields is that of genomic technologies and the incorporation of this evolving technology within our industry. That is why we are providing a forum for breeders, producers and industry stakeholders to interact with world-renowned researchers to stay abreast of how this science can benefit your business. Beef Innovations 2013 will be held in Calgary July 15 and 16 preceding the Canadian Simmental Association’s Annual General Meeting. This two day event will focus on bringing information on genomic technologies and research within the beef industry to those who will ultimately determine its value through adoption – the breeders and their customers. The main objective of this symposium is to connect world-renowned genomic researchers with those who are and will be utilizing these technologies within their businesses in a forum that fosters interaction, knowledge and concept transfer. Open to all breeders, producers and industry stakeholders, the formal agenda will focus on providing information and updates on genomic research in traits that are of economic importance to Canadian beef producers: fertility, feed efficiency and carcass and meat quality. Our focus is on presenting this

technical information at a grass roots producer level and in terms that everyone in the cattle business can understand. There are numerous reasons to be optimistic about 2013 if you are involved in the Canadian beef industry as there is a tremendous amount of potential for profit as we look to the years ahead. While that is exciting from a business perspective, we also know that cattle markets are cyclical and those cycles continue to be at work in our industry today. In order to stay on top of this business we cannot merely cling to short term optimism. We must think longer term and look to the future. The cattle and beef business is evolving and we must show leadership in this evolution while taking advantage of innovations if we are going to stay at the top of the business. This is ultimately why the CSA as a whole decided to take such an aggressive approach to genomic research and now is your opportunity to benefit from that leadership. In addition to providing the opportunity to learn from the top genomic researchers on how these technologies can benefit you, the list of speakers will include producers who are putting the technologies to work in their operations. Representatives from all sectors of the beef chain, from breeder to retailer, who have incorporated and benefitted from these innovative technologies will also discuss how they have profited from being early adopters. Beef Innovations 2013 will provide the opportunity to interact and network with international researchers and other symposium attendees while at the same time providing valuable research information in terms everyone can understand. You can’t afford not to attend Beef Innovations 2013 in Calgary July 15 and 16, 2013. Mark your calendar now! Detailed information and a more complete agenda will be available in the coming weeks at both and For more specific information on Beef Innovations 2013 or any of CSA’s research initiatives please contact Bruce Holmquist, General Manager @ 403.988.8676 or 16

Projet Génomique Mise à Jour

Innovations en production bovine - 2013


out au long de nos activités de communication touchant les nombreux projets de recherches de l’Association canadienne Simmental (ACS) réalisés depuis deux ans et durant mes rencontres avec les producteurs de bovins, ceux-ci et plusieurs partenaires de l’industrie m’ont posé beaucoup de questions au sujet des recherches en génomique. Ils étaient aussi intéressés par ces innovations technologiques et par rapport à la meilleure manière de les inclure aux programmes d’élevage, si on veut qu’elles bénéficient aux producteurs et à toute l’industrie bovine canadienne. De nombreux articles ont été publiés afin de diffuser les résultats récents de ces recherches et d’informer toutes les personnes intéressées des progrès effectués et de répondre à des questions pertinentes à ces travaux. Toutefois, la meilleure opportunité afin d’en apprendre davantage par rapport aux technologies liées à la génomique se tiendra l’été prochain à Calgary. En fait, c’est très difficile de suivre toutes les informations au niveau de notre industrie en ébullition, notamment en ce qui concerne les nouveaux développements mis en œuvre, ainsi que tout ce qui se passe au sein de l’industrie. Le domaine des technologies liées à la génomique et de l’incorporation de ces technologies dans notre industrie constitue l’un des secteurs qui enregistre les progrès les plus rapides en ce moment. C’est pourquoi nous organisons ce forum afin que les éleveurs, les producteurs commerciaux et tous les partenaires de l’industrie puissent rencontrer des chercheurs de renommée mondiale qui leur exposeront comment les progrès de la science peuvent bénéficier le secteur de la production bovine. Le forum “Innovations en production bovine – 2013” se déroulera les 15 et 16 juillet prochain à Calgary, juste avant la tenue de l’Assemblée générale annuelle de l’Association canadienne Simmental. Durant ces deux journées, on visera surtout à diffuser une foule d’informations concernant les technologies et les recherches en génomique dans l’industrie bovine, à ceux qui en fin de compte décideront de la valeur de ces nouveautés en les adoptant ou non – les éleveurs et leurs clients. L’objectif principal de ce symposium est mettre en contact des chercheurs de renommée mondiale dans le domaine de la génomique avec ceux qui utilisent ou utiliseront ces technologies dans la conduite de leurs troupeaux, le tout favorisant les interactions entre participants, la diffusion des connaissances et le transfert technologique. Étant ouvert à tous les éleveurs, les producteurs commerciaux et les intervenants du secteur, le programme du forum sera surtout orienté vers la communication d’informations et de résumés touchant les travaux de recherche en génomique effectués au niveau des caractères d’importance économique aux producteurs bovins canadiens : la fertilité, l’efficacité alimentaire 17

et les qualités de la viande/ de la carcasse. Nous voulons que toutes ces informations techniques soient présentées dans des termes simples et compréhensibles que tous les producteurs et les intervenants présents pourront comprendre facilement. Il y a plusieurs raisons d’être optimiste pour l’année 2013 si vous êtes impliqués au sein de l’industrie bovine, car on peut entrevoir un excellent potentiel de rentabilité accrue pour quelques années à venir. Bien que tout cela soit très motivant d’un point de vue des perspectives du secteur, nous sommes également conscients que les marchés bovins sont cycliques et il faut bien réaliser que ces cycles vont continuer de se produire dans notre industrie. On ne doit donc pas rester accroché à un optimisme à court terme, si on veut demeurer au sommet avec nos affaires professionnelles. On doit absolument penser en fonction du long terme et se tourner vers le futur. Les bovins et la production bovine sont constamment en évolution; on se doit de démontrer du leadership afin de poursuivre nos progrès tout en tirant avantage de ces innovations et pour demeurer au sommet. C’est donc pourquoi l’ACS a fait montre de leadership en choisissant une voie plutôt agressive vers la recherche génomique, ce qui devrait maintenant bénéficier à tous. En plus de pouvoir en apprendre davantage quant aux bénéfices de ces technologies avec les présentations de chercheurs réputés, vous pourrez aussi entendre des producteurs qui parleront de leur propre expérience avec l’utilisation de ces nouvelles technologies dans leurs entreprises. Des représentants issus de tous les maillons de la chaîne de production bovine qui ont déjà adopté ces technologies et en retirent des bénéfices, du producteur au détaillant, viendront témoigner de leur succès et des avantages obtenus d’avoir adopté très tôt toutes ces nouveautés. Le forum “Innovations en production bovine – 2013” constituera une opportunité d’interagir et de faire du réseautage avec des chercheurs internationaux et les autres participants au symposium, tout en obtenant des informations de grande valeur délivrées dans des termes compréhensibles pour tous. Vous ne pouvez pas manquer le Forum “Innovations en production bovine – 2013”, les 15 et 16 juillet 2013 à Calgary. Mettez une note à votre calendrier ! Plus d’informations ainsi que le programme complet d’activités seront disponibles au cours des prochaines semaines, sur les deux sites suivants : et Si vous désirez plus d’information concernant le Forum “Innovations en production bovine – 2013”, ou sur ces diverses initiatives de recherche de l’ACS, veuillez s’il-vousplaît communiquer avec M. Bruce Holmquist, Directeur général @ 403.988.8676 ou





Vet’s Advice

Testing for Freemartinism


roducers have several options available to them when checking for and identifying freemartins in their herd. If twinning is high in your herd (some herds approach 10%) and with half of the sets being mixed sexes freemartins are not an uncommon phenomena. The real issue here is identifying them and making sure they don’t get kept as replacements or sold and tried to be bred as a replacement heifer. This is when losses become big, If freemartins are kept for several years trying to get bred when they are sterile and will never breed. This is a grade loss because of age and feed loss when in reality if put into the feedlot with the non-replacement heifers are they will perform exceptionally. Right at birth when mixed twins occur we know in 90-95% of the cases the heifer is a true freemartin. It is good in some cases to find out the other 5% as in the case of valuable breeding stock as you may want to retain them as a breeding animal. The choice will be up to you at that time. So a farmer could presume they are all freemartins and put them all on the culling list. Identification becomes critical for sorting the freemartins out at weaning or when replacements are selected. Keep in mind freemartins (because of the influence of the male hormones) grow extremely well so they will often be in the top 25% of the heifers for size and are often considered for replacements. I don’t know how many times over the years when palpating heifers for select replacement sales freemartins are detected. Marking their eartag with twin or a different color or tagging in the opposite ear or the same as steers are all ways to make it a visual determination of freemartins. The writing of “twin” also helps the feedlot or producer down the road. I even notch tags, which is visual and draws your attention plus making them easy to sort out later. In regards to absolutely testing, the external genitalia can be checked and a very prominent clitoris and what I call loosely attached or feathery vulval lips are a dead give away. The genital opening may be located way down between the back legs towards where the prepuce would be on a bull. For the others that have a more normal looking external genitalia there is a measuring device commercially 22

available which when inserted into the vagina measures the depth of the vaginal vault. When done on newborns up to a few days of age the measuring device has a negative (short measurement) middle (Indeterminate) and long or positive position. The short or negative position means it is NOT a normal heifer and is thereby a freemartin. I am currently doing some work with bison and the same is true with them. I even used this device on a 300 lb suspect bison freemartin heifer and this cattle device can be used on bison as well. The final test is a blood test where whole blood is drawn by your veterinarian and sent into the Saskatchewan Research Council lab in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. With the blood test they can determine freemartins as well. Both the above methods are very accurate. Otherwise you need to wait till the heifers are much older before they can be palpated and freemartin status determined then. Very occasionally a freemartin heifer is born by-itself. The best possible explanation here is it started as a twin and the other fetus was resorbed. As long as the pregnancy has reached 60 days with both fetuses the male fetuses exerts enough hormonal influence on the heifer for it to become a freemartin. These will get missed at birth. Owners may notice when the heifers urinate as they often spray urine straight back not down in a stream like a normal heifer. Palpating heifers to be used as replacements besides removing pregnant ones will pick up the freemartins. Beware of single dairy heifers being sold, as they often are freemartins and that is the reason they are being marketed. Freemartin heifers still grow very well and the question is should they run with heifers or steers. Most often they are fed with the heifers as they still can get ridden and picked on if in a steer pen. Some have rudimentary ovarian tissue so still cycle. If you can plan ahead when implanting they do a bit better with a steer implant such as “Revalor S” if you really want to fine-tune your management. They need to be marketed though as they are totally sterile and will never breed. Identify any freemartins this spring and feed them out you won’t be disappointed.



Proudly Presents a Glimpse into

3D MR BLK Momentum 455Z

the Future 1:00 pm Friday, March 1st, 2013 at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK DDDS 455Z S: Full Throttle DS: Red Dash

3D MR BLK Commander 461Z

DDDS 461Z S: Full Throttle DS: Black Joker

This is just a part of our Bull offering to the

33rd Annual LaBatte Labatte Simmentals Bull & Female Sale

SSA 2011 Purebred Breeder Of The Year! For a sale catalogue or more information on the

Dean & Monica Schwartz bulls, please call or stop by the farm anytime. Kara & Kelsey Box 510, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0 Ph: (306) 731-3850 • Cell: (306) 591-2760 Fax: (306) 731-2549 • Email: 25

IPU 210Z

IPU 132Z


Fullblood Champs Wallace X Lincoln

Fullblood F.F. Romano X Anchor T Vision


Fullblood Champs Wallace X Houston

Fullblood Champs Wallace X Laredo

(306) 969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900


Fullblood F.F. Heifer Crossroads Radium X Romano

IPU 188Z

Red Blaze Polled Heifer Mr. Bodybuilder 66S X Rough & Ready 26

Annual Spring Bull & Female Sale

Guest Consignor: 3D Simmentals The Schwartz’s, Lumsden, SK (306) 731-3850

Box 72, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0

Fullblood Champs Wallace X Houston



In 2013

Friday, MARCH 1, 2013 1:00 p.m. at Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK


IPU 275Z

tte Ba • DVD of Sale Bulls Available


Fullblood F.F. Heifer Crossroads Radium X Romano

IPU 175Z

Black Polled Heifer Poker Face X Exciter

Sale Offering • 75 SIMMENTAL BEEF BULLS Reds, Blacks & Fullbloods


Reds, Blacks & FEATURING our entire 2012 Open Fullblood Heifer Crop View CATALOGUE online at:

IPU 265Z

Fullblood Heifer Champs Wallace X Houston

IPU 163Z

Black Polled Heifer Full Throttle X Exciter


Red Polled Purebred Revolution X Red Label

IPU 105Z


Red Polled Purebred Stubby X Revolution X 105L


Red Polled Purebred Stubby X Liner 56U

Red Blaze Polled Purebred Hot Iron X Accelerator


Red Polled Purebred Hot Iron X Touchdown

IPU 101Z

Red Purebred Bartender X 5-Star

Sales Consultants:

Call BARRY for Catalogues, Up To Date EPD’s And Videos

Wilf Davis - Brandon, MB

IPU 144Z

(204) 834-2479 Cell: (204) 841-0211

Marc Boisvert – St. Germain, QC (819) 395-5502 Cell: (819)314-0367


Black Polled Purebred Liner 56U X Black Blaze Houston

IPU 191Z

Black Blaze Polled Purebred Full Throttle X Black Joker

Scott: (403) 370-3010

IPU 133Z

Black Polled Purebred Liner 56U X Above Par

IPU 103Z

Black Polled Purebred Poker Face X Black Nugget

Black Polled Purebred Black Advance X Golden Opportunity


Black Polled Purebred Stubby X Hero

IPU 180Z

Black Blaze Polled Purebred Poker Face X Driftwood 27

A shworth F arm TH 10 A nnual

At the farm - 8 miles S of Oungre (Hwy#35), 21/2 Miles E March 4, 2013 · 1:00 PM ·

KWA 16Z IPU Red Western X Red Rock

Homo Polled

KWA 62Z Preferred Beef X Tangle Ridge

Homo Polled

KWA 78Z Red Rock X SAS/ASF Allstar

Homo Polled

KWA 40Z Bundi X Limited Black

Homo Polled

KWA 130Z Enticer X SAS/ASF Allstar

Homo Polled

KWA 123Z Full Throttle X Cisco’s Pride

Box 1409, Crossfield, AB T0W 0S0 Office Phone: (403) 946-4999 Brian’s Cell: (403) 813-7999 Gary’s Cell: (406) 845-4436


Farm & Ranch Ltd. Kelly & Janice Ashworth Box 53, Oungre, SK S0C 1Z0 (306) 456-2749 Kelly (c): (306) 861-2013 Kyle (c): (306) 861-9352 Owen (c): (306) 861-9044 Email:


On offer 75 Red &

& R anch & G uests B ull S ale

or 2 Miles N of Port of Fortuna, ND and 21/2 miles E

路 Lunch at Noon

SUDU 18Z Rampage x Ace (Homo Polled)

SUDU 21Z Wallbanger x Top Cut

(Homo Polled Hetro Black)


Duane & Susan Tessier Box 52, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: (306) 969-4507 Fax: (306) 969-4504

SUDU 53Z Rampage x McSteamy

SUDU 23Z 786T x Rapid Fire

(Homo Polled)

(Inconclusive Polled Homo Black)

SUDU 94Z Redridge x Red Label

SUDU 36Z Identity x Power Plus

Colin, Kyla, Ryder & Dane Tessier Box 86, Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: (306) 969-4447 Cell: (306) 869-7914 E-Mail:

(Homo Polled x Hetro Black)

Black Simmental Bulls




Appuye sur le poteau de cloture

Par Bruce Holmquist Directeur Général – Association Canadienne Simmental

n ce début de 2013, plusieurs régions du Canada connaissent ce qu’on pourrait appeler des températures “ plutôt fraîches” ; voilà ce qu’il est normal d’espérer au début de janvier, direz-vous! Toutefois, ceux d’entre nous qui ont déjà vécu plusieurs célébrations du Nouvel An espèrent toujours vivre l’exception, soit de connaître un mois de janvier plus chaud que la normale. L’amorce d’une nouvelle année ramène un élan d’optimisme et de recommencement, alors qu’on est dans l’attente d’une nouvelle année riche en promesses et en espérances de toutes sortes. Le Championnat mondial de hockey junior représente l’une des traditions annuelles qu’on peut vivre durant la période des fêtes et, pour la majorité d’entre nous, on a déjà avalé la pilule suite à la déconfiture de notre équipe nationale qui n’a pas rapporté de médaille. Les espoirs de toute la nation ont pesé bien lourds sur les épaules de ces jeunes hommes qui, bien malheureusement, ont échoué dans leurs efforts pour mériter une médaille. Les espoirs sont toujours très élevés envers ce tournoi, car le hockey est notre sport national et c’est ce qui nous identifie en tant que canadiens. Le début de la période des vêlages correspond à une nouvelle année pour plusieurs éleveurs de race pure. Les séances de surveillance à 3 :00 du matin par une température de -30 C sont choses communes pour tous ces éleveurs; avec le son de leurs bottes qui craquent littéralement sur la neige durcie, alors qu’on se dépêche d’arriver dans l’étable chaude. Les belles journées plus chaudes du mois d’avril précédent sont bien loin dans leurs pensées, tandis qu’ils s’assurent que, 285 jours après, aucuns veaux humides ne se promènent dehors avec les oreilles gelées. La nouvelle naissance d’un veau peut constituer la confirmation d’un succès, ou encore le besoin d’une amélioration additionnelle, sans compter toutes les heures mises à étudier les catalogues des centres d’insémination ou tous les milles passés sur la route à la recherche du prochain taureau reproducteur de qualité. Notre première évaluation de ces veaux nouvellement nés peut nous permettre de conclure que l’accouplement effectuée a permis d’engendrer un champion et qu’il mérite d’être répété, ou au contraire qu’il vaudrait mieux essayer




un autre accouplement en prévision de la prochaine année. C’est également une période très occupée pour plusieurs éleveurs qui veulent compléter la préparation de leurs catalogues de vente du printemps, avec l’espoir qu’ils ont de connaître une autre vente de taureaux réussie. Ils auront fait tout ce qui était nécessaire afin que leurs taureaux soient bien développés et la promotion bien réalisée, et ils sont alors prêts à accueillir leurs nouveaux acheteurs. Tandis que la date de la vente se rapproche, ils jetteront certainement un oeil aux prévisions météorologiques, en espérant que Mère Nature sera de leur côté et que les astres seront alignés en leur faveur. Les acheteurs reçoivent toute une panoplie de catalogues de ventes de taureaux, et chacun présente les meilleurs taureaux disponibles actuellement dans l’industrie. Le lecteur scrutera ces catalogues à la recherche d’un taureau possédant les caractéristiques désirées et il ira par la suite voir le taureau afin de se rendre compte s’il rencontre ou non ses espérances. Après la vente et alors que tous les taureaux auront été livrés, le vendeur espèrera que les acheteurs se serviront de leur bon sens, en particulier en ce qui concerne les jeunes taureaux d’un an qui seront placé avec un groupe de femelles pour leur première saison de reproduction. Ces jeunes taureaux sont encore en cours de développement et en croissance, et il arrive parfois qu’on se demande réellement ce que certaines personnes pouvaient bien espérer ; en fait il est logique de penser que l’acheteur fasse preuve d’une bonne régie à l’égard de ces taureaux, surtout s’il veut continuer à obtenir des résultats favorables sur son investissement. Plusieurs variables entrent en ligne de compte dans l’industrie bovine, mais il semble que chaque nouvelle année vient insuffler un vent d’optimisme et d’espoir faisant en sorte qu’on connaîtra la meilleure année qui soit ; notons que les chances que cela se produise augmentent considérablement si on suit un plan, qu’on se préoccupe des détails importants et qu’on travaille fort pour atteindre nos objectifs. Bonne chance à tous pour la période des vêlages et la saison 2013 des ventes de taureaux; en souhaitant que tous vos espoirs seront rencontrés!

Beef Innovations 2013 Join the excitement in Calgary!


July 14 - 18, 2013

Join the Canadian Simmental Association for their inaugural International Genomics Symposium. TENTATIVE SCHEDULE

July 14 - Calgary Stampede Super Sunday July 15 & 16 - Beef Innovations 2013 July 17 - Canadian Simmental Association Annual General Meeting July 18 - YCSA National Classic

For a complete agenda and further details please visit or EVENT HEADQUARTERS:

Sheraton Cavalier Calgary 2620 32nd Ave NE Calgary, Alberta 403.291.0107





LHVS Low Ryder 26Z S: Harvie Wallbanger 111X DS: MTV Broadway 2nd

LHVS Super Freak 21Z S: LBR Crocket R81 DS: Anchor “T” Legend 7H

LHVS Johnny Be Good 18Z S: Harvie Wallbanger 111X DS: LHVS Mr Lockhart 16L

DVD and Catologue Available Upon Request


Breed Improvement

One of My Favourite Tables By Sean McGrath


he table below is one of my favourites. In a few short lines it covers a lot of cattle selection real estate and even helps to explain potential breed choices and EPD ranges for various traits. If we take a closer look we see that the environment is sorted into different levels of feed or energy availability for the cow herd, and further divided into stress levels. These first two columns are reflective of management systems. The next 6 columns outline varying degrees of genetic potential that might fit these scenarios. These first rows outline general guidelines or “all purpose” types of requirements. The last 2 rows of the column further segregate overall genetic potential that fits, into terminal and maternal strains (bulls to produce feeder calves vs. bulls to produce replacement females). I particularly like this in reference to Simmental since the cattle exhibit such a wide diversity of attributes and specific cattle within the breed can fit many different market requirements.

1. Adapted from Bullock, D. M.Enns, L. Gould, M. MacNeil, and G.P. Rupp. Utilization. 2002. Chapter 6. IN: Guidelines for Uniform Beef Improvement Programs. 8th Edition. 2. Heat, cold, parasites, disease, mud, altitude, etc. 3. Ability to store fat and regulate energy requirements with changing (seasonal) availability of feed. 4. Physiological tolerance to heat, cold, internal and external parasites, disease, mud and other factors. The first thing that is apparent is that if you have lots of feed and a pretty low stress management system it makes tremendous sense to push production. This includes production of milk, production of growth and carcass yield. This can be accomplished with larger framed cattle that don’t carry a lot of backfat, as they are never really shorted on the input side. This is often the most profitable case in highly productive areas with higher land prices and if you drive around the country, you will see this reflected in the average cow herd. These cattle tend to show up in moister areas where high growth, high milk cattle really excel. 38

As feed resources are reduced and stress increased on the cow herd, optimal milk production drops to a lower level as does mature size. The biggest reason for this is the simple fact that under stress the first thing a cow will give up is reproduction. If production levels are dropped, there is more leftover energy for this vital reproductive task. The production levels at the tougher end of the scale may be cattle that are average or even well below for traits like milk and growth, and above average for back fat (fatter). This additional flesh hurts carcass yields but allows cows to use backfat as an energy source during times of nutritional stress. Between the two extremes are a variety of cattle that fit different management styles. One decision each manager must make is whether to adjust the system or adjust the cattle, and most of us settle on a combination of the two until we arrive at something that works. One other aspect I really like in this table lies in the last two lines where maternal and paternal sire lines are split out. These could be further refined into varying environments, but it pretty clearly shows the benefits of using a terminal/maternal system where possible, and the difficult balance of finding an “all purpose type of sire. The complementarities are pretty apparent when we can select for more milk and backfat in a maternal line (improving stress handling ability) and counteract that in our feeder calves by using a terminal sire. In fact as you go across the bottom two lines you see that the strict terminal sire is nearly the polar opposite of a maternal one. There is a wealth of information shown above and we have just scratched the surface, but it does tie into more detailed management. In fact, one of the techniques we talk about in using EPDs is to talk with your bull supplier and look at bulls that have worked really well for their intended purpose, examine their EPD ( and select more that are similar. This is in effect; using EPD which describe the breed in lower, moderate or higher levels of genetic potential for various traits and matching them to your management system. It is a more detailed approach to using the table above. Percentile information immediately places the animal in context of the Simmental population as well, and is provided in graphical form on the Simmental search site. Remember, optimal depends on your management system and the intended purpose for the bull.

We have an exciting group of 25 bulls headed to the Spectrum Sale thick, soggy and hairy! Call us for more info and watch our website and facebook for updates. Sire: Poker Face Dam: BGF 930W * Reserve Bull Calf Champion Manitoba Livestock Expo * Finalist “Stars of the Future” Olds Fall Classic

Sire: Red Texas Dam: CMS 07N

Sire: Red Texas Dam: CMS Lady GaGa 21X

Sire: STF Starquest Dam: CMS Lady GaGa 21X

What an exciting fall sale season the Simmental breed had! We would like to thank all of the bidders & buyers who contributed to our success!


130 Bulls On Offer, Most Homo Polled

March 7, 2013

1:30 pm Spring Creek Ranch Moosomin, SK

BSCC 1Z Wallbanger x BBS Red 500 – Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 27Z Wallbanger x Liner 104S – Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 49Z Wallbanger x Kansas Tank – Homo Polled, Hetero Black

BSCC 60Z Hart All In x Liner 104S – Homo Polled, Homo Black

BSCC 20Z Wallbanger x Red Reality – Polled, Homo Black

BSCC 64Z Wallbanger x Black Attack – Homo Polled, Homo Black

Craig & Karla Davidson & Family Box 2680, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 · Ph: 204.761.5991


March 7, 2013

Spring Creek Ranch Moosomin, SK

Simmentals, Angus and Sim/Angus

Enhance your purchase with our Customer Care Programs - Check them out online!

MBJ 2Z Crosby x (Black Tank 63P x Line Drive) - Homo Polled

MBJ 118Z SC Liner 104S x (Hurricane x K. Tank) - Homo Polled, Homo Black

MBJ 82Z Wallbanger x (Red Sky x Line Drive) - Homo Polled

MBJ 106Z Hart All In x (K. Tank x Joker) - Homo Polled, Homo Black

MBJ 58Z Wallbanger x Line Drive - Homo Polled

MBJ 131Z Hart All In x Line Drive - Homo Polled, Hetero Black

Brian McCarthy & Family

Box 467, Mooseomin, SK S0G 3N0 Ph: 306.435.3590 路 Cell: 306.435.7527 路 41





Gibbons Jeremiah

(Selling 20 outstanding Jeremiah Sons)


Jeremiah x Meister 路 BD: Dec 3, 2011 BW: 104 lbs MMVI 200Y A bull who is going to make a big difference in the industry. An ET Jerimiah Son, Zambuca is genetically and phenotypically flawless and will add extra power to his calves. A great opportunity awaits his new owner.

Great Guns Regio 9R (There will be 3 powerful Regio Sons on offer)


Regio 9R x Carlsberg BD: Jan 7, 2012 BW: 102 lbs MMVI 17Z

A bull with the outcross pedigree that we are all looking for. His dark cherry red color, awesome hair coat, extreme capacity and excellent quarter make him an exciting herdsire prospect. For more info and pics of all our bulls on offer check out our website

Genetic Source Bull and Female Sale March 11, 2013 路 Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB Mathew and Marguerite Smith H: 204.723.2293 C: 204.526.7423

Trevor and Amy Peters H: 204.328.7458 C: 204.573.0587

Brad and Lauren Smith H: 204.723.0254 45


Cell: 403-813-7999

March 14


Brian Bouchard



Box 654, Wimborne, Alberta Ph 403-631-3837 • Cell 403-507-3135 Call for Catalogues or any Information

Mike & Roberta Chambers

- 1:00 pm @ Olds cow palace




Dam Sire: LFE MR LEWIS 462P



Then Look to Lundago Livestock for your next Herdsire...

CHUB 3Z Rush x Macho

Thursday, March 14th

Olds Cow Palace @ 1:00pm Special Thank you to

Prospect Hill Simmentals

CHUB 14Z Rose x Lock n Load

for purchasing Chub’s Harley 8Z!

Rob & Tracy Lundago

CHUB 2Z Chili x Lock n Load

RR 1, Site 10 Box 15, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Ph: 403.335.2205 Cell: 403.507.9896 Email: Gardner Livestock: Brody Gardner & Tyson Gardner Cell: 403.994.0552




13th Annual

On Target Bull & Female Sale These bulls sell March 19 in Barrhead, Alberta







Selling 105 Simmental and Angus Bulls



Barclay and Michelle Smith and Family Ivan and Linda Smith Ph: 780-785-2045 Cell: 780-305-6716 Watch for Catalogue online at and on 50


Breed Improvement

Un de mes tableaux préférés By Sean McGrath


e tableau ci-après est l’un de mes préférés. En fait, on y retrouve en très peu de lignes toute la base des fondements mêmes de la sélection des bovins, en plus qu’il nous fournisse une explication sur les choix des races potentielles, de même que par rapport aux variations de la valeur des EPD pour différents caractères. En l’analysant de plus près, on remarque que l’environnement est d’abord classé selon différents niveaux de disponibilité en aliments ou en énergie pour le cheptel de vaches, puis divisé selon les divers degrés de stress présents. Ces deux premières colonnes correspondent ainsi à des systèmes de régie. Les six colonnes suivantes viennent préciser la variation du potentiel génétique possiblement obtenu selon les divers systèmes de régie. Les six premières rangées correspondent aux différentes possibilités en termes des niveaux d’exigences requises. On retrouve ensuite dans les deux dernières rangées du tableau une séparation additionnelle selon le potentiel génétique global par rapport à des lignées maternelles ou terminales (c’està-dire des taureaux utilisés pour produire des veaux d’embouche vs des taureaux utilisés pour la production de femelles d’élevage). J’apprécie particulièrement le tout en lien avec la race Simmental, puisque ces bovins possèdent une grande diversité au niveau de leurs aptitudes et que des sujets spécifiques dans la race peuvent permettre de rencontrer différentes exigences de marché.

1. Adapté de: Bullock, D. M.Enns, L. Gould, M. MacNeil, et G.P. Rupp. “Utilization. 2002. Chapter 6. IN: Guidelines for Uniform Beef Improvement Programs. 8th Edition.” 2. Chaleur, température froide, parasites, maladies, boue, altitude, etc. 3. Aptitude à déposer du gras et à ajuster les exigences énergétiques selon la fluctuation (saisonnière) en disponibilité des aliments. 4. Niveau de tolérance physiologique à la chaleur, au froid, aux parasites internes et externes, à la boue ainsi qu’aux autres facteurs environnementaux. 52

En guise de premier constat, si vous disposez de beaucoup d’aliments et qu’il y a peu de stress au niveau de votre système de production, il apparaît alors très logique de favoriser une production élevée. Cela inclut la production de lait, la croissance et le rendement de carcasse. On peut donc réaliser le tout avec des bovins d’ossature plus grande, qui sont plutôt maigres, car ils ne manqueront jamais d’intrants. Ce scénario est bien souvent le plus rentable dans les zones les plus productives, là où le prix des terres est élevé. Si vous vous promenez dans les diverses régions, vous serez à même de constater que cela se traduit bien au niveau de la taille moyenne des troupeaux. On retrouve généralement ces bovins dans les régions plus humides, là où les bovins avec une production laitière et une croissance élevées excellent davantage. Par ailleurs, alors que les ressources en aliments sont réduites et que le niveau de stress augmente sur les vaches du troupeau, la production laitière et la taille à maturité tendent à diminuer à un niveau plus faible. La principale raison pour expliquer le tout est bien simple à comprendre ; la vache sacrifiera en premier au niveau de la reproduction lorsque les conditions de stress sont plus grandes. Ainsi, si on diminue le niveau de production, il y aura davantage d’énergie disponible pour remplir les fonctions vitales liées à la reproduction. Les bovins qu’on retrouve aux paliers de production les plus bas sont ceux qui réalisent une production moyenne ou encore bien inférieure pour des caractères tels que l’aptitude laitière, la croissance, et qui possèderont un niveau plus élevé de gras dorsal (bovins plus gras). Ce niveau additionnel de condition de chair aura une influence négative sur le rendement de carcasse, toutefois il fera en sorte que les vaches pourront utiliser ces gras emmagasinés comme source d’énergie lors de périodes de stress nutritionnel. On retrouve entre ces deux extrêmes une diversité de bovins pouvant être placés sous différents scénarios de régie. Chaque gestionnaire doit prendre la décision à savoir s’il procèdera à des ajustements à son système de production ou s’il ajustera le type des bovins. La plupart d’entre nous optera pour une combinaison des deux, jusqu’à que ce que nous obtenions quelque chose qui fonctionne bien. Au bas de ce tableau, j’aime également les deux lignes où les lignées maternelles et paternelles sont exprimées séparément. Celles-ci pourraient aussi être subdivisées encore davantage selon des conditions d’environnement variables, toutefois la présentation actuelle démontre clairement les avantages à utiliser un système maternel/terminal, lorsque c’est possible, ainsi que la difficulté à obtenir un bon équilibre par l’utilisation d’un taureau « bon pour plusieurs fins ». En effet, les complémentarités

Kulyk Simmental Proudly Presents

Full Fleckvieh

S: LWC Jahari 57W DS: Anchor D Rawlins 16R


S: Anchor D King’s Ransom DS: ABR Sir Arnolds Image

RUK 86Z Kulyk Simmentals

Commercial • Purebred • Fullblood Richard Kulyk

RR#1 North Battleford, SK S9A 2X3 Farm: (306) 445-5545 Cell: (306) 441-9238 53




Sire: Erixon X-Caliber 74X Dam: SGCC BLK Klover 56P (PVF-BF26 Black Joker)

SGC 119Z

Sire: WFL Mr Westway 222U Dam: Miss Parkhill 18S (Parkhill Redwine 105L)



Sire: Kappes Trailblazer S516 Dam: SGCC Red Classy 30X (3D Mr Red Express 19R)

SGC 174Z

Sire: Anchor ‘T’ Metro Dam: NDM Finkle 21W (NDM Soloman 10R)

SGG 216Z

Sire: Crossroad Blackhawk Dam: Red Angus


Sire: Erixon Xplosive 19X Dam: SGCC Red Ms West 106S (SGCC BLK Hard Drive 24N)


Cattleman's Classic Bull Sale S unday , M arch 24, 2013 H eartland L ivestock , V irden , MB

Featuring 20 Red, Black & Fullblood Simmental Bulls



Sire: Wheatland Predator 922W Dam: Our leading donor cow, MRL 394T, (Black Edition x Mr Beef E141). Her 680 son topped last year’s sale, going to Mitchell Cattle Co., Barriere, BC

Sire: Wheatland Predator 922W Dam: Kask 94W, an On Target daughter of the famous Hass Ranch G217 cow. Your opportunity to own a complete genetic package from our ARROW flush cow!

DOWNEY 266Z Sire: IPU 238X

DOWNEY 228Z Sire: Stubby

DOWNEY 239Z Sire: Bar 5 Hemisphere

DOWNEY 226Z Sire: Red Force

Downey Farms Coulter, MB phone: 204-649-2260 Allan & Jacquie, Ryan, Kyle, Beverley-Jean Sale catalogue can be viewed online at Bouchard Livestock or Bohrson Marketing Services 56






Private Bull Sale Full Fleckvieh Fullblood Males





Simmeron Zachery 3Z

Simmeron Zander 7Z

Simmeron Zalman 8Z

S: Double Bar D Edison 182X D: Simmeron Tiffany 1T

S: Simmeron Mr. Royal 3R D: Klondike Lita 38L

S: Genalta’s Pold Improver 36U D: Simmeron Xcelle 8X





Simmeron Zahara 19Z

Simmeron Zeus 20Z

Simmeron Yandel 6Y

S: Double Bar D Edison 182X D: Klondike Mary 10M

S: Double Bar D Edison 182X D: Simmeron Xenia 5X

S: Simmeron Mr. Royal 3R D: Simmeron Nikita 1N

ALL FULL FLECKVIEH FULLBOOD BULLS BY PRIVATE SALE Martin Skaret Box 20, Site 6, RR1, Stn Main, Morinville, AB T8R 1P4

Ph: (780) 939-3248 • Cell: (780) 913-7963 62



Offering a “Unique” opportunity to the industry


nal ta’s Uni DPF que BD: A F 8 pril 2 1Z 012 · Pictur

ed @

8 mon


-- Double POLLED (smooth) 100% Full Fleckvieh -- “UNIQUE” for STRONG GENETICS, DARK COLOR, STAR/SOLID FACED & POLLED -- Prominent on both sides of his pedigree -- Possibly homozygous polled, awaiting test -- UNIQUE looks very promising -- Inquiries welcome

Sire: Beech Bros Xander 943X -- very thick, easy calving, early maturing, very docile, good performance, color and star faces

Grinalta’s Ideal FF78Y(Horned) Pictured @ 10 months Sire: FGAF Seldom Dam: Grinalta’s Cherry PFF81S -- Inquire and then acquire a exceptional herdsire prospect!!

Dam: Grinalta’s Cherry PFF 81S -- Elite Donor cow DS: Union’s Legacy 29L -- powerful star faced son of Western Union 5Z

Grinalta’s Dark Solution 30x Grinalta’s HP Acer FF7x & Grinalta’s Red-N-Pold FF (IE 107x) (Homozygous polled ) -- Exemplifies Unique 81Z’s strong dark solid red, Sire: Improver 36U (Homo) star faced genetics Dam: Grinalta’s Pollena PP3T(Homo) -- Dark Solution 30x and Red-N-Pold FF (107X) -- Easy fleshing, thick and long bodied carry the same genetic linage -- A complete, well balanced sire prospect -- Embryos available -- For sale, inquires welcome -- Proven easy calver, Heifer eligible

-- We have a number of 2012 bulls sired by Uriah, Xander and Ultra (deceased) -- Embryos and semen available-can be mated to suit your criteria also qualified to meet the health protocol to be exported throughout the world - most of them from proven North American genetics -- A large number of semen and embryos presently available-check web site- we would be pleased to accommodate you

Rueben Grinde Kent Grinde Box 331, Holden, AB T0B 2C0 Ph/Fax: 780.688.2265 Ph: 780.688.2027 C: 780.781.7034


Women In Simmental Country - Lois McRae


he history of Simmental in Canada is 45 years strong and the commitment and dedication to the breed by many women in the livestock industry is just as strong. Lois (Gordon) McRae grew up in Souris, Manitoba, on their family farm where they raised Simmental, Shorthorn, and Polled Hereford cattle. Her parents, Bob and Joyce Gordon, owned Kinnaber Cattle Co. and were one of the founding members of Bar 5 Simmentals where they maintained an ownership position from 1969 to 1973. Throughout her childhood Lois spent many years exhibiting Simmental steers and heifers as her 4-H projects. Lois met her husband Blair through the 4-H program and they were married in 1983 and have been involved with the Simmental breed for 36 years. Their family grew with the addition of their children Brett and Melissa who are now young adults and collectively they all provide input into the family operation of Mar Mac Farms which is located southwest of Brandon, Manitoba. Mar Mac Farms was established in 1956 with a herd consisting of purebred Black Angus cattle. In 1976 Simmental cattle were introduced as part of their breeding program after seeing the results that could be achieved through crossing two breeds. Lois has seen many shifts in Simmental cattle since they first introduced the breed into their program noting the most significant one was the addition of red and black cattle. “The Simmental breed has advanced a lot in the last 10 years. With the Red and Black cattle, we have to make sure to put enough performance in the cattle. The Fullblood cattle were always and will always be stout, thickmade cattle that add pounds to the calf crop. Simmental cattle were originally selected for the mother cow’s milking ability and performance and we need to make sure we keep that performance in our cattle,” Lois explains. “The cattle being produced now are more in tune with the needs of the commercial producers; they have more depth of rib, ease of fleshing and are smaller framed cattle.” Lois and Blair work side by side each day at the farm. “We wanted to be able to raise our children around the farm.” When asked her role in the operation, Lois replied “I am a jack-of-alltrades. I do the books, advertising, along 66

with helping get the cattle ready for shows, and everyday chores. In the summer, I spend a lot of time on the baler and harvest machinery.” When she is not busy with the day-today operations at Mar Mac, Lois also runs a livestock insurance business, markets semen, as well as writes a livestock newsletter and co-manages the Keystone Simmental Sale along with Blair. Everyone plays a big role in the success of their operation, including their two children Brett and Melissa. Brett received his diploma in Ag Business from Lakeland College and has returned home to continue the family business. Melissa received her diploma in Communication Arts from Lethbridge College and looks after their advertising, website and promotional material designs. Through the use of embryo transplanting, Mar Mac Farms has selected cows that will work for them and over the years has increased their cowherd to 200 purebred Simmental and Red and Black Angus cattle, using their own genetics. “Our land base has increased over the past years to accommodate more cattle. All

of the feed is grown on our land. Our cows have to maintain themselves on

hay and swath grazing so natural fleshing, easy keeping females are very important. Our cows have to work for us, “Lois states. She goes on to explain, “We use Simmental for the maternal traits, cross breeding ability, performance and milking ability. The half-blood Simmental female is one of the best in the commercial industry. Simmental steers have the added weight and lean meat yield to bring top dollar in the marketplace.” There are a large number of Simmental-based commercial operations around Brandon, MB. “The Simmental breed crosses well with British cattle, adding pounds and yield as well as maternal traits,” says Lois, “The initial enthusiasm of exotic cattle coming into Canada started off a trend of focusing on high performance cattle that will return extra dollars at weaning time. As many producers in Manitoba sell their calves in the fall right off the cows, increased weight means more take home dollars.” Mar Mac winters 70 heifer calves and 70 bull calves each year and for the past nine years these genetics have sold in their annual bull sale, held on-farm in their sales facility; this year’s sale will be held on March 6. They also consign their genetics to several sales and market females privately from their yard. Lois has been an active member in the Canadian cattle industry for many years. She is a founding member of the Simmental Belles in Manitoba and served as Secretary/Treasurer for nine years. From 1998 to 2008 she was the leader of the South Brandon 4-H Beef club. She currently sits on the Canadian Angus Board of Directors and along with Blair they have jointly served as chairpersons of the Keystone All Breeds Bull Show in Brandon for eleven years. In 2007, a group of Manitoba breeders initiated an all breeds junior event and Lois has served as the Chairperson of this All Breeds Junior Event committee since its inception. “I have been honoured to judge a number of 4-H, Junior and Breed shows. The Cinderella Classic in Saskatoon, National Simmental, Charolais and Angus Shows at Agribition, and in 2003, I had the opportunity to be the lady judge at the Royal Bank Beef Supreme in Regina,” Lois comments. “I enjoy evaluating cattle, and appreciate the opportunity to do so. One of my fondest moments was growing up and showing Simmental steers in the Boys and

Girls Calf Feeding competition that I won in 1977 and 1979. Also in 1985 our family farm exhibited the Grand Champion Steer, a Simmental, at Agribition. That was back in the booming exotic days of Simmental and the steer sold for $18.00 a pound; that was an exciting day for me. My family has either exhibited or judged at every Agribition since its inception.” Lois has a strong passion for the junior programs within our industry. “Junior programs have always been very important to our family,” says Lois. “Both Blair and I grew up in the 4-H program. I was a 10 year 4-H Beef and a 10 year Home-economics Member, was a founding member of the Canadian Hereford Junior Association and treasurer. Blair was a founding member of the Young Canadian Simmental Association.” Both of Lois’s children, Brett and Melissa, participated in the YCSA program since they were 8 years old. “Each year, we took active part in the Manitoba YCSA events and attended three YCSA National Classics. This was a great learning experience for our children and one they will never forget,” Lois proudly explains. Brett was a 4-H Beef member for 10 years, and Melissa for 11 years; both of them very active on their respective executives and organizing committees. Lois is currently the Chairperson of the Junior Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup that is held in Neepawa each summer in August. “Being involved as a YCSA parent, we could see the numbers dropping and the costs to host events going up. That is why a group of breeders got together and organized an All Breeds Junior show in our province. We were very worried that we would lose the benefits of the YCSA and what other programs have also done to help our junior cattle producers excel in the beef business,” Lois states. The junior show has continued to grow over the years and is an educational weekend focused on the promotion of all beef breeds. W h e n asked where the Simmental breed is moving in the future Lois responds, “I see the breed headed towards the red and black cattle that have a white blaze face,” Lois states. “As I spend a fair amount of time at auction marts, I feel we need to be able to identify our Simmental cattle. There is demand for Simmental calves and they must be able to be visually identified.” Lois continues, “We need to encourage and educate as many junior members in the Simmental breed for the future of our industry. As we have seen the number of YCSA members drop in Manitoba, we have to concentrate on attracting new members and promoting the benefits of the Simmental breed and our programs to the youth.” The Canadian Simmental Association and Simmental Country would like to say thank you to Lois for her contributions to the Simmental breed and for her dedication to the youth programs of this country.


Olds Fall Classic Simmental Show October 5th, 2012 | Judge: Jeff Flesch, Shelby, MT

Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

Harvie Ms Pepsi 8Z SCSF Blk Cash Advance 21Z

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Silvercreek Simmentals, Rosemary, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

TLSS Queen of Hearts 10Y New Trend Trinket 20Y

JT Livestock, Stettler, AB JM New Trend Cattle Co., Strathmore, AB

Mader Iron Sugar 7X Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Senior Champion Female CG Black Opal 652X Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Female Mader Iron Sugar 7X Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB CG Black Opal 652S Reserve Grand Champion Female Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Mader Iron Sugar 7X

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion

Harvie Boondock 12Z Harvie Bullseye 2Z

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB

Yearling Bull Champion

RLC Double Trouble 2Y

Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Harvie Boondock 12Z RLC Double Trouble 2Y

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

Breeder’s Herd Get of Sire

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

CG Black Opal 652S


Expo Boeuf 2012 Simmental Show

October 6th, 2012 | Judge: Tim Massey, Strathmore, AB Grand Champion Female/ Grande Championne Reserve Grand Champion Female/ Grande Championne de réserve

JF Ebony’s Joy 1217Y Greyledge Breathless

JF Ebony’s Joy 1217Y

Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON Paul & Jennifer Mastine, Melbourne, PQ

Greyledge Breathless

Junior Champion Female/ Championne Junior Reserve Junior Champion/ Championne Junior de réserve

JF Ebony’s Joy 1217Y

Donovandale Farms, Ashton, ON

Greyledge Miss Behavin

David & Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, PQ

Senior Champion Female/ Championne Senior Reserve Senior Champion Female/ Championne Senior de réserve

Greyledge Breathless Spud Island Miss Zodiac 75X

Paul & Jennifer Mastine, Melbourne, PQ

Grand Champion Bull / Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Bull/ Grand Champion de réserve

Hidden H Sweet Meat

Ferme Gagnon Farm, Cheneville, PQ

Greyledge Black Powder

David & Marilyn Grey, Cookshire, PQ

Mutch Farms, Cornwall, PE

Greyledge Black Powder

Hidden H Sweet Meat

Junior Champion Bull/ Champion Junior Reserve Junior Champion Bull/ Champion Junior de réserve

Hidden H Sweet Meat Todd Black Ice 1Y

Ferme Gagnon Farm, Cheneville, PQ

Senior Champion Bull/ Champion Senior

Daky X Project Red

Daniel Raymond, St-Philippe-De-Neri, PQ

Todd Simmental, Waterloo, PQ


Royal Winter Fair Results 2012

November 1, 2012 | Judge: Cliff Orley, Lebabon, PA Junior Division Calf Champion Reserve Junior Calf Champion

IRCC Zumba 233X Koyle Charo 33Z

IRCC / Black River Farms, ON Koyle Farms, Iona Station, ON

Senior Division Calf Champion Reserve Senior Calf Champion

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

IRCC Zimmer ET 202Z IRCC Zweetheart 209Z HPF Cream Soda Y010 JF Ebony’s Joy 1264Y

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

IRCC Xcella 2X Maplerose Kesha

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Maplerose Farms, Priceville, ON

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

HPF Cream Soda Y010 JF Ebony’s Joy 1264Y

Oattes Show Cattle, Cobden, ON Black Gold Cattle Co., Atwood, ON

Oattes Show Cattle, Cobden, ON Black Gold Cattle Co., Atwood, ON

HPF Cream Soda Y010

Champion Bull Calf Reserve Champion Bull Calf Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull Senior Champion Bull Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

JF Ebony’s Joy 1264Y

IRCC Zorro 217Z Black River Odin IRCC Yardboss 150Y Maple Key Three O Three RPCC BlkXplode IRCC Zorro 217Z Black River Odin

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Black River Farms, Sutton, ON Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Maple Key Farms, Port Elgin, ON Rick-Sha Farm, Moorefield, ON Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Black River Farms, Sutton, ON

Black River Odin

IRCC Zorro 217Z

Breeder’s Herd

Indian River Cattle Co, Indian River, ON

Get of Sire

Maple Key Farm, Port Elgin, ON

Progeny Of Dam Janssen Farms/Black Gold CattleRiver Co.,Cattle Atwood, Indian Co. ON


Premier Breeder

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON

Premier Exhibitor

Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON Indian River Cattle Co.

Lloydminster Exhibition Show Results

November 1st, 2012 | Judge: Harvey Welter, Saskatoon, SK Junior Calf Champion Female Colt’s Ms White Lightnin Reserve Junior Calf Champion Female CLL Zinfandel

Colt Cattle Co, Streamstown, AB Cottage Lake Livestock, Stony Plain, AB

Senior Calf Champion Female LRX Black Ruby 45Z Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female McIntosh Magical 8Z

Robb Farms, Maidstone, SK McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK Peacock Prairie Simmental, Mirror, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

McIntosh Moonshine 25Y Peacock’s Li’l Josie 2Y Crossroads Whisper 930W Colt’s Dynasty 10W

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Crossroads Whisper 930W McIntosh Moonshine 25Y

Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK

Crossroads Whisper 930W

Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK Colt Cattle Co, Streamstown, AB

McIntosh Moonshine 25Y

BGS On the Prowl 6Z Junior Calf Champion Bull Reserve Junior Calf Champion Bull M&S Mr. Jack Daniels 15Z NGDB New Sensation 11Z Senior Calf Champion Bull Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull LRX Blaze 55Z

Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK M&S Cattle Co/Mark Draves, Streamstown, AB

Senior Champion Bull

Virginia Peters, Perdue, SK

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

SMV MrXplosion 6X NGDB New Sensation 11Z BGS On the Prowl 6Z

Premier Breeder

McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK

Premier Exhibitor

M&S Cattle Co., Streamstown, AB

Hoegl Livestock, Lloydminster, SK Robb Farms, Lloydminster, SK

Hoegl Livestock, Lloydminster, SK Black Gold Simmental, Lloydminster, SK

BGS On the Prowl 6Z


Manitoba Livestock Expo 2012 National Simmental Show Results November 2nd, 2012 | Judge: Justin & Amanda Muirhead, Shellbrook, SK

Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion

TCCO Black Stella 211Z WHS Hannah Zerlina 57Z

Tableland Cattle Co., Estevan, SK Wade Hannah, Didsbury, AB

Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female

Czech-Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Remington Lara Croft 612Y Mader Lady Honey 130Y KWA Ms Rock 14X CG Black Opal 652S

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

KWA Ms Rock 14X CG Black Opal 652X

Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

CG Black Opal 652X

KWA Ms Rock 14X

Calf Champion Bull Reserve Calf Champion Bull

KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z CMS High Roller 215Z

Ashworth Farm & Ranch, Oungre, SK Czech-Mate Livestock, Carstairs, AB

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

MMJB Red Load Liner MJ Load Liner 7Y WILC Show Gun KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z MMJB Red Load Liner 4Y

M&J Farms, Russell, MB M&J Farms, Russell, MB

Senior Champion Bull Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Wilcox Simmentals, Treherne, MB Ashworth Farm & Ranch & Flying F Ranch, Oungre, SK M&J Farms, Russell, MB

MMJB Red Load Liner 4Y

KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z

Breeders Herd

Boynecrest Stock Farm, Stephenfield, MB

Get of Sire

Swindon Ranch, Alexander, MB

Progeny Of Dam Twin Meadow Livestock Farms, Treherne, MB


Champion Pair of Bulls Premier Breeder & Exhibitor

Lazy Rainbow River Ranch, Jennilee Bernier, Minnedosa, MB Come as U R Simmentals, Storthoaks, SK

Farmfair International Show Results

November 8th, 2012 | Judge: Lance Leechman, Maidstone, SK Junior Calf Champion Reserve Junior Calf Champion

RF Chocolate Rose 230Z LFE RS Dreamlady 121Z

Rancier Farms, Killam, AB Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB

Champion Yearling Female Reserve Champion Yearling Female

LFE BS Harlow 630Y Mader Black Star 50Y

Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female

Mader Iron Sugar 7x LFE Heaven Sent 30X

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB

Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Mader Iron Sugar 7X RF Chocolate Rose 230Z

Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Rancier Farms, Killam, AB

RF Chocolate Rose 230Z

Mader Iron Sugar 7X

Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull

M&S Mr. Jack Daniels 15Z Little Mans Eye Candy

Ty-D Livestock, Streamstown, AB Little Mans Herd, Viking, AB

Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull

Harvie Boondock 12Z Mader Honey Badger 5Z

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Harvie Boondock 12Z Mader Honey Badger 5Z

Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB

Harvie Boondock 12Z

Mader Honey Badger 5Z


Saskatoon Fall Fair Show Results

November 8, 2012 | Judge: Ryan Archedekin, Speers, SK Heifer Calf Champion Reserve Heifer Calf Champion Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Erixon Lady 22Z Sunny Valley Red Jenna 16Z

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK WPT Ms Yogi 26Y Peters Simmentals, Perdue, SK WPT Ms Sapphire 6Y Tanner Oborowsy, Grandora, SK Erixon Lady 22Z Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Sunny Valley Red Jenna Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Sunny Valley Red Jenna

Erixon Lady 22Z

Bull Calf Champion Reserve Bull Calf Champion Junior Bull Champion Senior Bull Champion Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

SVS Captain Morgan 11Z Erixon Pit Boss 21Z Bar-A Sherman SMV MrXplosion 6X

Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Wyatt Millar, Grandora, SK Carlrams Ranching / Bill Peters, Perdue, SK

SVS Captain Morgan 11Z Erixon Pit Boss 21Z

Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

SVS Captain Morgan 11Z


Premier Breeder & Exhibitor

Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Get of Sire

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Breeder’s Herd

Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Erixon Pit Boss 21Z

Canadian Western Agribition Simmental Show November 21, 2012 | Judge: Murray Andrews, Moose Jaw, SK

Junior Calf Champion Female Reserve Junior Calf Champion Female Senior Calf Champion Female Reserve Senior Calf Champion Female Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

Wheatland Lady 93X

Junior Calf Champion Bull Reserve Junior Calf Champion Bull Senior Calf Champion Bull Reserve Senior Calf Champion Bull Junior Champion Bull Reserve Junior Champion Bull Senior Champion Bull Reserve Senior Champion Bull Grand Champion Bull Reserve Grand Champion Bull

Rancier Farms, Killam, AB Deeg Simmental, Strathmore, AB RF Scream 215Z Rancier Farms, Killam, AB Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Erixon Lady 37Z Daines Who’s That Chick Prospect Hill Simmentals, ON Indian River Cattle Co, Indian River, ON IRCC Younique 119Y Wheatland Lady 93X Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK IRCC Xcella 2X Indian River Cattle Co., Indian River, ON RF Chocolate Rose 230Z Deeg MsXena 77Z

Wheatland Lady 93X RF Scream 215Z

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Rancier Farms, Killam, AB

RF Scream 215Z

Wheatland Bull 232Z Wheatland Bull 263Z Wheatland Bull 202Z SVS Captain Morgan 11Z MMJB Red Loadliner 4Y RLC Double Trouble 2Y

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK M&J Farms, Russell, MB Ridgeline Cattle Co., Carstairs, AB

WILC Showgun Sun Star Guardian 6X

Wilcox Simmentals, Treherne, MB Sun Star Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB

Wheatland Bull 232Z Wheatland Bull 202Z

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK

Wheatland Bull 232Z

Wheatland Bull 202Z

Progeny of Dam Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK

Premier Breeder Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK

Get of Sire

Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK

Premier Exhibitor Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK

Breeder’s Herd

Wheatland Cattle Co., Bienfait, SK 75

The Alberta Simmental Association would like to thank their ASA members and all those who sponsored ASA and YCSA events in 2012. We extend our Congratulations to all of those who exhibited Simmental animals in YCSA and 4-H as junior projects, or in open shows! The Alberta Simmental Association is making plans for another exciting year in 2013. Watch our website for events and locations. The ASA AGM will be held in June 2013, and will be an event you do not want to miss.

Become a Marketing Partner! Adair Ranch Bruce & Jean, Ken & Treena Adair Brownfield, AB 403-578-4095 Ken Bull Sale: Mar 20, 2013 Lazy S Ranch Inc. Stewart & Doreen Ainsworth Mayerthorpe, AB 780-785-3503 Stewart Bull Sale: Jan 26, 2013 Anderson Land & Cattle Blair & Ashley Anderson Minburn, AB 780-259-0093 Bull Sale: on farm sales Swantewitt Simmentals Gerd & Donelle Bremmekamp Yellowhead County, AB 780-712-2096 Gerd Bull Sale: Mar 9, 2013 Mayerthorpe Ag. Barn Lone Stone Farms Lonnie & Karen Brown Westlock, AB 780-349-5524 Bull Sale: Feb 22, 2013 @ farm, 4 miles north & 1/2 mile west of Westlock Deeg Simmentals Dave, Roger & Bonnie, Daelyn, Jordan & Katie Deeg Strathmore, AB 403-999-4191 Bull Sale: Mar 7, 2013 Olds, AB

Harvie Ranching Scott & Kerrie, Cole & Jill, Ian & Marlene, Will Harvie Olds, AB 403-335-4180 Bull Sale: last Monday in March at Harvie Ranching High Country Cattle Services Rob & Deanne Young Breton, AB 780-696-3643 Bull Sale: Feb. 25, 2013 Beechinor Bros. Bull Sale, on farm, Bentley, AB Ridgeline Cattle Company Travis Fisk & Crystal Anderson Carstairs, AB 403-363-4126 Bull Sale: on farm sales Mader Ranches Randy & Rhonda, Ryley & Jill Mader Carstairs, AB 403-807-8140 Bull Sale: Feb 15, 2013 Olds Cow Palace Mappin Simmentals Maureen & Eric Smith, Albert & Jean Mappin Byemoor, AB 403-579-2175 Bull Sale: first Saturday in March Veteran, AB Pearson Simmentals Merrill & Bev, Duncan Pearson Calmar, AB 780-220-5730 Bull Sale: Feb 15, 2013 Olds Cow Palace with Mader Ranches

131 Stonegate Cr. Airdrie, AB • T4B 2S8 76

Rafter 4T Farms Darrell & Loralie Tatarin Hairy Hill, AB 780-768-2135 Bull Sale: Mar 18, 2013, Bull Fest, Camrose SIBL Simmentals Barclay & Michelle Smith & Family Cherhill, AB 780-785-2045 Bull Sale: March 19, 2013 On Target Bull & Female Sale, Barrhead, AB Timberlind Auctions Robert & Carol Lind Buck Creek, AB 780-542-7323 Bull Sale: Feb 16, 2013 - Timberind Auctions Sale Yard, 1 km east of Buck Creek Service Station on HWY 616 WJS Simmentals Byron, Wyatt & Bernice Johnson Amisk, AB T0B 0B0 780-856-2175 Bull Sale: on farm sales

Have your sale listed here and other publications we advertise in for only $50/year. Contact information and all sale dates for our Marketing Partners are listed and updated regularly on our website. To become a Marketing Partner contact Heather Saucier at 403-861-6352, or any board of director.


Darryl Perkin Box 138, Elgin, MB R0K 0T0 Phone/Fax: 204-769-2159 Email:

Manitoba Simmental Association

Mini Machinery Auction – Fundraiser November 2, 2012 All Proceeds towards MSA Programming

1st Vice President::

Lesley Hedley RR 1, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 Phone: 204-826-2765




Case Steiger 600 QT


Brodie & Stacey McColl

JD S690 Combine

Enns Brothers

Triple R Simmentals

New Holland T6060 Tractor with Loader

R.G Mazer Group

Sandra Smith

JD 4980 Self Propelled Sprayer

Northstar Sprayers

Gordon Jones Simmentals

Donalee Jones Box 142, Cartwright, MB R0K 0L0 Phone/fax: 204-529-2444 Email:

Watch Set

Don Oberg

Bruce Swanson

JD 6430 Tractor – Remote Control

Mar Mac Bull Sale Group Transcon Livestock


Don Oberg

Jay Good

MSA Directors:

JD 5105M Die Cast Tractor


Hannah Simmentals

JD Roar & Rumble Tractor

D.B Murray Ltd.

Sandra Smith

Case Steiger 600

Rocky Mountain Equipment Greenland Equipment

Dana Johns

JD Pedal Tractor

Kevin Nicholson – Green Valley Equipment

Ford Pedal Tractor

R.G Mazer Group

Cartwright Day Care Syndicate* Perkin Land & Cattle Co

2nd Vice President:

Jacquie Downey General Delivery, Coulter, MB R0M 1G0 Phone: 204-649-2260 Email: Secretary/Treasurer:

Todd Collins RR 2, Darlingford, MB R0G 0L0 Phone: 204-246-2166 Email: Shannon Carvey Box 60, Alexander, MB R0K 0A0 Phone: 204-752-2285 Email: David Schultz Box 1143, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Phone: 204-996-3526 Email: Rick Dequier Box 1673, Carman, MB R0G 0J0 Phone: 204-771-0280 Email: Trevor Peters Box 385, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 Phone: 204-328-7458 Email: Everett Olson RR 1, Rapid City, MB R0K 1W0 Phone: 204-826-2643 Email: YCSA President:

Emily Hickson RR 2 Box 24, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y2 Phone: 204-725-0621 Email: CSA Director:

Fraser Redpath Box 121, Mather, MB R0K 1L0 Phone/Fax: 204-529-2560 Email:

JD 7330 Lights & Sounds Tractor & 854 Round Baler

Berts NR Simmentals

* For Donation to the Cartwright Day Care Centre Ashworth Farm & Ranch · Kim & Judy Kemp · Mitch & Anne Decosse · Bar 5 McMillen Ranching Ltd. · Mowbray Farms Ltd. · Kevin Nicholson · Cheryl Cordson Borderview Simmentals · Silver Lake Farms · Bill & Cathy Thiessen 5 Corner Cattle Company · Redpath Simmentals

Mark These Dates on Your Calendar! Feb 09 Feb 11 Feb 17 Feb 18 Mar 06 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 21 Mar 24 Mar 26 Apr 06 Apr 09

2013 Manitoba Bull Sale Dates M & J Farms, Russell Rendezvous Farms, Ste.Rose Bonchuk Farms,Virden Kopp Farms, Amaranth Mar Mac Farms & Guests, Brandon Rebels Of The West,Virden Genetic Source, Brandon Prairie Partners, Killarney Premium Beef, Neepawa Family Tradition, Dropmore Boynecrest/Skyridge, Rathwell Maple Lake Stock Farms, Hartney Cattlemens Classic,Virden WLB Livestock, Douglas Black Diamond,Virden Cattle Country, Neepawa





Trevor Vance Scholarship Recipient Congratulations to Grady Brown, Stavely, Alberta, who received the 2012 Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship was set up in memory of Trevor Edward Vance, son of Barbara and Bennie Vance, Kanata, Ontario. Trevor lost his life in a tragic accident on August 21, 1995. The Trevor Vance Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Canadian Simmental Belles. Grady is enrolled in the Agriculture and Heavy Equipment Mechanics program at Olds College and upon graduation hopes to work at an agriculture equipment dealership as a mechanic. He is a member of the Olds College Rodeo club, enjoys playing guitar and writing songs and had used these talents to volunteer for many community events. Grady has been a member of the Stavely

Parkland 4-H Beef club for 9 years. In this time he has competed with market steers, carcass steers, yearling heifers, 2 year old cow/calf pairs and mature cow/calf pairs. His family has been raising purebred Simmentals since 1997 and Grady has built up a small purebred herd of his own. He has shown his cattle in junior and open shows such as the Millarville Fair from 1997 – 2010, Summer Synergy, Alberta YCSA and the Claresholm Chinook Stock Show. Over the years he has had great success with his projects. “Receiving this scholarship is very appreciated. I would like to sincerely thank the Trevor Vance Scholarship Committee, the funds will be very helpful in paying for my college tuition and other fees.” Grady Brown

Membership Announcements

Our Sympathies

Rae Imrie, beloved husband of Doris, Winchester, ON, passed away on October 24, 2012 at the age of 74. Rae and Doris owned Ridgeview Simmentals and purchased their first fullblood Simmental female in 1989 and maintained the herd until 2004 when they dispersed due to health reasons.They slowly rebuilt the Ridgeview herd over the years and as a couple they became familiar faces at Simmental events across the country. Rae will be sadly missed by all those who have knew him and our condolences go to Doris and their family. Robert Mann, Maple Creek, SK, passed away on October 15, 2012. Robert was raised at Skull Creek, SK and went to the school in Saskatoon then returned to ranch with his father and later his son. He was truly interested in the nature of farming and he always felt he could introduce innovations to improve the farm. He began performance testing the cattle herd in the early 1960’s and was one of the first commercial operators in Saskatchewan to do so. In 1972, he imported 5 Simmental heifers and a bull from Switzerland which were some of the first importations of ‘exotic’ cattle in Canada. He was honored as one of the founding members of the Canadian Simmental Association in 2004. Our condolences go to Robert’s family and friends. Rae Mary Cormier, Riverbank Farms, LaSalle, MB, passed away on Saturday, December 8th, at the age of 61, after a lengthy battle with cancer. Rae did not let her illness define who she was, how she felt, or how she acted. She was selfless, courageous and brave beyond words and was an inspiration to those she has left behind. She will be lovingly remembered by her husband Raymond, her children, her grandchildren, family and friends. Our sympathies go out to the Cormier family.

Murray Crozier, Clear Brook Simmentals, Renfrew, ON, passed away peacefully on Sunday November 4, 2012 in his 69th year. Beloved husband of Mary, dear father and loving grandpa. Our condolences go out to Murray’s family and friends. David Morris, beloved husband of Hazel Morris, passed away October 23, 2012. Early Simmental enthusiasts David and Hazel

were one of the first CSA members and built a Full-blood herd at Morris’s Jericho farm at Port Perry, ON where their first animal was registered in 1974. In 1999, Dave and Hazel moved their entire herd to the historic Old Hide Ranch in SK, where David lived until his passing. Our thoughts are with Hazel as she continues to keep the Morris herd operating in the Qu’Appelle Valley, SK.


Behind the Chutes


Behind the Chutes



Sale Results Ferme Gagnon & Guests 16th Annual Production Sale September 29, 2012 Chenville, PQ Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



48 $4,469.00

High Selling Lot 1- FGAF Barbarella 845Y Purchased by Prospect Hills Simmentals, Granton, ON


Lot 6- FGAG Coronita 817Y Purchased by Cherry Creek Farm, Boissevain, MB


Lot 10- FGAF Cashmeer 818Y Purchased by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals, Bentley, AB


Moose Creek Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal October 27, 2012 Grande Prairie, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Total Sale

Lots 159

Average $3,828.00

High Selling Lot 88- Moose Creek Ms Metro 32W Purchased by Silverlake Simmentals, Cartwright, MB


Lot 43- Moose Creek MS Label 75Y Purchased by Westgold Farms, Minburn, AB Lot 2- Double Bar D Everest 171 Purchased by Donald Alexander, Dawson Creek, BC


November 2, 2012 Brandon, MB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Canadian Sales Agent: Transcon Livestock Corp.



Lot 17- FGAF Sheena 843Y Purchased by Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC


Lot 28- Cedar Creek Lily Consignor: Cedar Creek Simmentals Purchased by Well’s Crossing Cattle Co., Calgary, AB


Lot 16- FGAF Tiara 806Y Purchased by Champ Simmentals, Irma, AB


Lot 39- Moose Creek MS Power 85Y Purchased by Kin Kin Cattle Co., Mayerthorpe, AB


Lot 114- Pats Joezenberg 12T Purchased by Brian Lundquist, Rose Prairie, BC


Lot 75- Moose Creek Black Ebony 64X Purchased by Albrecht Farms Spirit River, AB


Lot 7- Moose Creek Mr Okie 102Y Purchased by David Fehr, Lacrete, AB


Lot 4- Beech Bros Xanthus 965X Purchased by Colt Arnold, Manville, AB



National Trust Chapter V Simmental Sale

Sale Summary

Lot 11- FGAF Barbarella 803Y Purchased by Ranch Le Blanc, Trois Rivieres, QC


Lot 21- CMS Lady Jane 106Y Consignor: Czech-Mate Simmentals Purchased by Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC


Lot 17 - Wolfes Alaysa FF33Y Consignor: Wolfe Fleckvieh Purchased by Clearwater Farms, Sundre, AB


Lot 10B- 2013 Calf Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Purchased by Forty Creek Ranch, Glenella, MB



Lot 25- YR Red Golden Girl 126Y Consignor: Yellow Rose Cattle Co. Purchased by Swan Lake Farms, Stoughton, SK


Lot 10A- Starwest Pol Duramax $22,500.00 Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Purchased by Ferme Gagnon Farms,Cheneville, QC

Lot 32- Mar Mac Missy 63Y Consignor: Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB Purchased by Swan Lake Farms, Stoughton, SK


Lot 22- CMS Lady Godiva 211Z $13,500.00 Consignor: Czech-Mate Simmentals Purchased by Lazy Rainbow River Ranch, Minnedosa, MB

Lot 50- WHS Hannah Zandra 46Z $7750.00 Consignor: Hannah Simmentals, Didsbury, AB Purchased by Come As U R Simmentals, Storthoaks, SK

Lot 33- Double Bar D Lolita 334Y $13,000.00 Consignor: Double Bar D Ranch Purchased by Pine Creek Simmentals, Barrhead, AB

Lot 18- Oakview Miss Yippee 53Y Consignor: Oakview Simmentals, Darlingford, MB Purchased by 5 Corner Cattle, Miami, MB

High Selling

57 $6,291.00

Lot 28- Virginia Juni 960Y Consigned by Virginia Ranch, Cremona, AB Purchased by Champ Simmentals, Irma, AB



Sale Results The Royal Elite All Breed Sale November 3, 2012 Toronto, ON Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services Sale Summary



Simmental Lots Sale Average

9 34

$39,100.00 $159,095.00


Lot 35- Koyle Hussey Too 25Z Consigned by: Koyle Farms Buyer: Double Bar D Ranch, Grenfell, SK


Lot 36- Koyle Charo 33Z Consigned by: Koyle Farms Buyer: Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK


Lot 7- Big Hills Red Hot 518X Purchased by Rick Kinsley, Minto,MB


Lot 192- Big Hills Iron Man 765Y Purchased by Gold Strema Farms, Moosomin, SK


Lot 68- Big Sky Sammy 36S Purchased by Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, AB


Lot 18- Big Hills MS Legend 453X Purchased by Denbrock’s R-Ranch, Esterhazy, SK


Lot 77- Cherry Creek Maridel 24R Purchased by West Gold Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 14- RLC Porsche 9Z Seller: Ridgeline Cattle Co. Buyer: Wade Hannah


Lot 16- RJY Summer Time Dream 44Z Seller: High Country Cattle Buyer: River Hill Farms


Lot 15- Sun Star First Choice 8Z Seller: Sun Star Simmentals Buyer: Ridgeline Cattle Co.


$4,344.00 $5,509.00

High Selling Lot 37- Cream Soda Y010-Flush $15,000.00 Consigned by: Craig & Jack Oattes Buyer: Barlee Maines, Shawville, QC; Czech-Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB, and Outlaw Cattle Co., Hussar, AB

Big Hills Simmentals Complete Herd Dispersal November 4, 2012 Virden, MB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



199 $2,777.00

High Selling Lot 132- Big Sky Taylor 110T Purchased by West Gold Farms, Minburn, AB


Lot 4- Champs Winstrol Purchased by Kelly Hansen, Souris, MB


Lot 3- OH Kay Zenon FF30X Purchased by Denna Farms, Ste Rose Du Lac, MB


Headliner All Breed Sale

November 9, 2012 Edmonton, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary



Open Heifers Bred Heifers Total Sale

14 4 18

$50,000.00 $55,850.00 $105,850.00

Average $3,571.43 $13,962.50 $5,880.56

High Selling Open Heifers


Lot 12- LFE RS Dreamlady 121Z Seller: Lewis Farms Buyer: Destiny Simmentals


Lot 17- MOES Painted Smile 701Z Seller: Mappins Simmentals Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals


High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 18- Mader Black Star $8,600.00 Seller: Mader Ranches Buyer: Swan Lake Farms

Sale Results New Years Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale December 31, 2012 Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Col. Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary



Simm. Flush Simm. Semen Simm. Embryos Fleck Semen Fleck Embryos Total Sale

2 11 17 3 2 56

$14,250.00 $48,500.00 $109,675.00 $1,625.00 $7,400.00 $275,675.00

Average $7,125.00 $4,409.09 $6,451.47 $541.67 $3,700.00 $4,922.77

High Selling Flushes/Embryos Lot 20B- Springcreek Liner 56U x Tula $10,500.00 Consignor: Drake Cattle Co. Purchased by Southpaw Cattle Co. Lot 4- Mader P Iron Sugar - $8,250.00 Mader P Black Ironman 22U x LFE Famous 632T (Blackedge) Consignor: Mader Ranches & 5 Corner Cattle Purchased by LLB Angus

Friday Night Lights

December 14, 2012 Olds, AB Auctioneer: Col. Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bulls Total Sale




31.5 $300,350.00 12 $105.750.00 2 $37,200.00 45.5 $443,300.00

$9,535.00 $8,813.00 $18,600.00 $9,743.00

High Selling Lot 7- RF Scream 215Z $36,000.00 Consignor: Rancier Farms Purchased by Rust Mountain View Ranch, Turtle Lake, ND Lot 50- Harvie Boondock 12Z $30,000.00 Consignor: Harvie Ranching Purchased by Doll Simmentals, River Point, City View, Boynecrest, Anchor D, Stout Brothers Lot 19- RF Certainly Flirtin 202Z $25,000.00 Consignor: Rancier Farms Purchased by Westman Land & Cattle, Leduc, AB

Cow A Rama X111 November 17, 2012 Innisfail, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sales Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



91 $4,609.00

High Selling Lot 6- Virginia Ms Jorja 9Y Consignor: Virginia Ranch, Cremore, AB Purchased by Randy Ward, Calgary, AB


Lot 11- Virginia Ms Debra 130Y Consignor: Virginia Ranch, Cremore, AB Purchased by Gibbons Farms, Stevensville, ON


Lot 1- Virginia Ms Paula 145Y Consignor Virginia Ranch, Cremore, AB Purchased by Ferme Gagnon Farms, Cheneville, QC


Lot 78- APLX Santana 11Y Consignor: Wa-Na-La-Pa Simmentals, Edson, AB Purchased by Gibbons Farms, Stevensville, ON


Lot 20A- KBR Black Exciter 758T x Tula $7,500.00 Consignor: Drake Cattle Co. Purchased by Hannah Simmentals Lot 24B- 3D Full Throttle x Flirtin For Certain $6,750.00 Consignor: Rancier Farms & Reays Unlimited Purchased by Black Gold Simmentals Lot 24A- Wheatland Stout x Flirtin For Certain $6,500.00 Consignor: Rancier Farms & Reays Unlimited Purchased by Prime Time Cattle Lot 5- CMS Lady GaGa 21X - $6,000.00 ER Red Deck 639D x Erixon Lady 202S (Freedom 300N) Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock Purchased by Champ Simmentals Lot 21B- Kuntz Super Duty x Latisha 9014W $6,000.00 Consignor: KBAM, Koyle-Bohrson-Anderson-Morrison Purchased by Hannah Simmentals High Selling Semen Lot 7- JF Milestone 999W $21,500.00 Consignor: Guthridge, Hudson Pines, Circle M Purchased by Bohrson Marketing Services, Scott Dykstra, Lundago, Gardner, Drew McGurk, Rick Wood Lot 9- Wheatland Mr Bojangles $3,250.00 Consignor: Beshears Simmentals Purchased by Drew McGurk, Randy Aumack, Rick Ference, Bar L 7 Ranch Lot 8- Sunny Valleyred Jenna 16Z Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals Purchased by Harvie Ranching & Sunrise Simmentals


Lot 41- LRX Tiffany 82Y Consignor: Robb Farms Purchased by Sharin Farms, Lashburn, SK


Lot 1- Harvie JDF Pepsi 22Z Consignor: Harvie Ranching & Jaydawn Farms Purchased by Cale Toews, Beaverlodge, AB


Lot 5- Deeg Ms Xena 77Z Consignor: Deeg Simmental Purchased by Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB


Lot 27- RF Chocolate Rose 230Z Consignor: Rancier Farms Purchased by Dan Foley, Kinburn, ON


Lot 9- LRX Black Ruby 45Z Consignor: Robb Farms Purchased by Sharin Farms, Lashburn, SK


Lot 39- Beech Bros Yara 122Y $14,500.00 Consignor: Beechinor Bros Purchased by Rust Mountain View Ranch, Turtle Lake, ND Lot 31- CMS Hearland 115T $8,100.00 Consignor: Czech-Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Purchased by JR Simmentals, Scott & Anne Clements, Carberry, MB Lot 45- RRV Natalie Consignor: Wa-Na-La-Pa Simmentals, Edson, AB Purchased by Ricochet Stock Farms, Enchant, AB


Lot 17- Virginia Ms Lisa 38Y Consignor: Virginia Ranch, Cremore, AB Purchased by Beechinor Bros, Bentley, AB


Lot 5- Virginia Ms Sarah 135Y Consignor: Virginia Ranch, Cremore, AB Purchased by Randy Ward, Calgary, AB


Lot 36- CMS Sangria 115T Consignor: Czech Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Purchased by MI Simmentals, Okotoks, AB


Lot 38- CMS Chadonnay 174Y Consignor: Czech Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Purchased by Diamond K, Cattle Co., Red Deer, AB


Lot 39- CMS Chablis 146Y Consignor: Czech Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Purchased by Diamond K, Cattle Co., Red Deer, AB


Lot 55- WNLP Winfall 18W Consignor: Wa-Na-La-Pa Simmentals, Edson, AB Purchased by Virginia Ranch, Cremona, AB



Sale Results Canadian Western Agribition Simmental Sale November 22, 2012 Regina, SK Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary



Open Heifers Bred Heifers Bull Total Sale

13 $58,800.00 $4,523.08 5 $44,450.00 $8,890.00 1 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 21 $131,250.00 $5,965.91

High Selling Bull Lot 26- Purchased by Lockhart Valley High Selling Open Heifer Lot 5- Erixon lady 22Z Consignor: Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Purchased by LaBatte Simmental and Circle 7




Harvest Hoedown Sale

November 26, 2012 Neepawa, MB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management:Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Total Sale 80

Average $2,386.25

High Selling Lot 51- Twin Brae Super BK Satin $5,400.00 Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB Purchased by Circle M Farms, Birtle, MB


Lot 8- McIntosh Magical 8Z Consignor: McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK Purchased by Grey Ledge


Lot 1- Boundary Renata 42Z Consignor: Boundary Ranch, Robsart, SK Purchased by Ashworth Farm and Ranch


High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 18- IRCC Younique 119Y $22,000.00 Consignor: Indian River Cattle Company, Indian River, ON Purchased by Double Bar D Lot 15- McIntosh Moonshine 25Y Consignor: McIntosh Livestock, Maymont, SK Purchased by Ridgeline Cattle Co.


Lot 17- Academy Hill Yasmin 1Y Consigned by: Academy Hill Livestock Purchased by Rod Hannah


Lot 70- Triple T Leila 10Y $4,400.00 Consignor: Triple T Diamond Simmentals Purchased by Big Sky Simmentals, Treherne, MB Lot 69- Triple T Sheena 13Y $4,200.00 Consignor: Triple T Diamond Simmentals Purchsed by Crimson Creek Simmentals, Garland, MB Lot 2- SBSF Ms Accelerator 4Y Consignor: Schweitzer Simmentals, Decker, MB Purchased by Bert’s NR Simmentals, Haywood, MB




Lot 57- Twin Brae Ms Arthur 185Y Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB Purchased by Bonchuk Farms, Solsgirth, MB


Lot 40- JRTG Joker 23X Consignor: BSW Livestock Purchased by Hanford Simmentals, Snowflake, MB

Lot 52- Twin Brae Ms Super BK 24Y Consignor: Twin Brae Simmentals, Inglis, MB Purchased by Circle M Farms, Birtle, MB


Lot 3- SBSF Ms Whistler 55Y Consignor: Schweitzer Simmentals, Decker, MB Purchased by Peterbuilt Simmentals, Cardale, MB

KeyStone Konnection Simmental Sale

December 4, 2012 Brandon, MB Auctionewer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Management: Keystone Sale Management

Sale Summary



Bulls 9 $3,650.00 Bred Females 24 $3,246.00 Heifer Calves 18 $2,400.00 Embryos 1 $2,000.00 Total Sale 52 $2,999.00 High Selling Simmental Bulls Lot 2- Cherry Creek Bolt 3Z Consigned by Cherry Creek Farms Purchased by Creekside Simmentals


Lot 3- Erixon lady 22Z Consignor: Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK Purchased by Interact Cattle Co.


High Selling Bred Females Lot 46- 1000-Hill Ms Liberty 364Y Consigned by Thousand Hill Simmentals Purchased by Matthew Clements


Lot 53- PWK Ms Paris 51U 47Y Consigned by Workman Bros Purchased by Chris Woychyshyn Crest View Land and Cattle Co Ltd.


Lot 36- More’s Ms Yarina 117Y Consigned by More Brothers Purchased by Downey Farms


High Selling Open Females Lot 51- WLB 53T Reba 3553Z Consigned by WLB Livestock Purchased by Bonchuk Farms, MB


Lot 6- Cherry Creek Park 15Z Consigned by Cherry Creek Farms Purchased by Ray J Simmentals


Lot 28- GBV/JNB Red Zera 7Z Consigned by Lazy Rainbow River Ranch Purchased by Berts NR Simmentals


Lot 9- Cherry Creek Hurley 32Y Consigned by Cherry Creek Farms Purchased by Bill Seymour


Lot 57- PWK Little Kitty 146W 34Z Consigned by Workman Farms Purchased by Downhill Simmentals


Sale Results Transcon’s 35th Annual Simmsational Simmental Sale

December, 6, 2012 Moose Jaw, SK Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Canadian Sales Agent: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



Average $5,007.00

High Selling Lot 8- IPU Ms Black Tank 20Y Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Hoegl Livestock, Lloydminster, SK


Lot 9- IPU Ms Sweet Meat 56Y Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by MI Simmentals, Okotoks, AB


Lot 4- IPU Ms Crosby 120Y Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Flying F Ranch, Weyburn, SK


Little Willow Creek Ranch Beef Bull Sale December 7, 2012 Frenchman Butte, SK Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson

Sale Summary



Fullblood Purebred Simm X Angus Total Bulls

23 $130,600.00 43 $248,450.00 6 $25,400.00 82 $451,100.00

Average $5,678.26 $5,777.91 $4,233.33 $5,501.22

High Selling Fullbloods

Lot 7- IPU Ms Liner 15Y Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Travis Herter, Golden Prairie, SK


Lot 1- IPU Ms General Lee 192Y $12,000.00 Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Black Gold Simmentals, Lloydminster, SK Lot 5- IPU Ms Crosby 126Y Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Diamond K Cattle Co, Red Deer, AB


Lot 26- Sunny Valley Diamond 25Y Consignor: Sunny Valley Simmentals, Hanley, SK Purchased by Pheasantdale Farms, Balcarres, SK


Lot 6- IPU Ms Red Essence 221Y $10,000.00 Consignor: Labatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK Purchased by Beechinor Bros. Simmentals, Bentley, AB Lot 55- Prairie Wind Miss 7Y $8,250.00 Consignor: Prairie Wind Farms Ltd., Estavan, SK Purchased by Scissors Creek, Cattle Co., Whitewood, SK High Selling Purebreds Lot 51- purchased by Lorne Davey, Wilkie, SK and Bar MC Waseca, SK


Lot 25- Purchased by Roenda Stock Farm, The Pas, MB


Lot 29- Purchased by One Earth Farm, Saskatoon, SK


High Selling Simmental X Angus Lot 91- Purchased by Jason and Brian Becker, Roblin, MB


Lot 3- Purchased by Steve Harty, Edam, SK


Lot 11- Purchased by Many Brands Ranch and Darwin Pollard, Hillmond, SK


Lot 86- Purchased by Darwin Pollard, Lloydminster, SK


Lot 74- Purchased by Lorne Davey, Wilkie, SK and Bar MC, Waseca, SK


Lot 90- Purchased by Leon Holman, Lloydminster, AB


Lot 145- MJB Zale 14Z Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, Okotoks, AB Purchased by Exel Resources, Calgary, AB


Southern Alberta Round Up Group Sale December 13, 2012 High River, AB Auctioneer: Brent Carey Canadian Sales Agent: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



67 $2,897.00

High Selling Lot 147- MJB Junj 22Z Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, Okotoks, AB Purchased by Nickel Farms, Bittern Lake, AB

Lot 128- BEB Zahra 252Z $5,000.00 Consignor: Bailey Blanchette Simmentals, Enchant, AB Purchased by Spruceburn Simmentals, Innisfail, AB Lot 101- Ricochet Yorick 122Y $4,600.00 Consignor: Ricochet Stock Farms, Enchant, AB Purchased by Spring Point Colony, Pincher Creek, AB


Lot 118- Ricochet Zhek 210Z $7,500.00 Consignor: Ricochet Stock Farms, Enchant, AB Purchased by D. Maronda Simmentals, Lomond, AB Lot 146- JKL Zane 20Z $6,500.00 Consignor: Okotoks Fleckvieh Group, Okotoks, AB Purchased by Granum Colony Farming, Granum, AB

Lot 108- Richochet Yonah 121Y $4,600.00 Consignor: Ricochet Stock Farms, Enchant, AB Purchased by Springside, Colony Farming, Duchess, AB Lot 162- Parview’s Mr Primecut 155Y Consignor: Parview Stock Farms, Calgary, AB Purchased by Dale and Jennie Wyatt, Vulcan, AB


Lot 164- Parview’s Mr Heavyweight 158Y $4,600.00 Consignor: Parview Stock Farms, Calgary, AB Purchased by Vossepoel Cattle Company, Tilley, AB


Sale Results Checkers Perfection Purebred Simmental Sale December 15, 2012 Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary




Open Heifers Bred Females Cow Bulls Overall Sale

21 $148,250.00 6 $55,250.00 1 $20,000.00 2 $52,500.00 41 $301,900.00

$7,059.00 $9,208.33 $20,000.00 $26,250.00 $7,363.41

High Selling Open Heifers Lot 13- CDY Signature Red 25Z $25,000.00 Consignor: High Country Cattle Services, Breton, AB Purchased by Bar L7 Ranch

Lot 8- Choice of Maternal Sisters Consignor: Lewis Farms, Spruce Grove, AB Purchased by Ray Frehlich


Lot 15- CDY Red Signature 20Y $20,000.00 Consignor: High Country Cattle Services, Breton, AB Purchased by Starwest Farms Lot 23- Mader Red Lady 84Y Consignor: Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Purchased by ML&L Livestock


Lot 22- Mader Black Quattro 80Y Consignor: Mader Ranches, Carstairs, AB Purchased by Black River


High Selling Bulls

Lot 2- 3D Miss Blk Queen 136Z Consignor: 3D Simmentals, Lumsden, SK Purchased by Ashworth Farm & Ranch


Lot 1- CHUB Harley 8Z Consignor: Lundago Livestock, Sundre, AB Purchased by Prospect Hill


Lot 5- Little Mans Eye Candy 103Z Consignor: Little Man’s herd, Viking, AB Purchased by Ian Mitchell


Lot 25- WFL Liciouss Dream 2010Z Consignor: Westway Farms, Didsbury, AB Purchased by Ter-Ron

Lot 55- Starwest Pol Sunshine Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Purchased by Kevin Bule


Full Blood Perfection Sale

December 15, 2012 Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary




$26,000.00 $25,750.00 $5,400.00 $57,150.00

$5,200.00 $12,875.00 $1,800.00 $5,715.00

Open Fullblood Heifers 5 Bred Fullblood Heifers 2 Semen 3 Total Sale 10 High Selling Fullblood Heifers

Lot 52- SBY Princess 646Z Consignor: Mark Land & Cattle Corp., Irma, AB Purchased by Westman Farms


Lot 53- Starwest Pol Firebug Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Purchased by Bar 5


Lot 54- Starwest Pol Lisa Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Purchased by 5 Corner Cattle Co.


Transcon’s Ultimate Red and Black XV Sale Simmental Bull & Female Sale December 16, 2012 Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Total Sale

Lots 41

Average $5,226.83

High Selling Lot 301- CMS Billie Jean 105Y $17,000.00 Consignor: Czech Mate Simmentals, Carstairs, AB Purchased byTer-Ron,Farms, Forestburg, AB


High Selling Bred Females


High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 51- Double Bar D Cicilly 35Y Consignor: Double Bar D Farms, Grenfell, SK Purchased by Starwest Farms Lot 58- JDF Petra 1119Y Consignor: JayDawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB Purchased by MI Simmentals



Semen Lot 56 A/B/C- Double Bar D Spitfire 20X Consignor: Starwest Farms, Chilliwack, BC Buyer: Bouchard Livestock International

Lot 307- YR Blk Universe 127Y Consignor: Yellow Rose Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB Purchased by Kopp Farms, Amaranth, MB



Lot 330- Scissors Jeni 15Z $11,000.00 Consignor: Scissors Creek Cattle Co., Whitewood, SK Purchased by Bonchuk, Farms, Solsgirth, MB Lot 315- Skors Red Passion 43Z Consignor: Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB Purchased by Hoegl Livestock, Lloydminster, SK Lot 314- Skors Black Renowned 204Y Consignor: Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB Purchased by Erixon Simmentals, Clavet, SK



Lot 313- Skors Katarina 182Y $9,500.00 Consignor: Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB Purchased by Maxwell Land and Livestock, Kanata, ON

Sale Results Transcon’s Fleckveih Equation Fullblood Simmental Sale

December, 16, 2012 Red Deer, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Canadian Sales Agent: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary



Average $6,644.36

High Selling

Lot 205- Bee Mona 133Y $10,000.00 Consignor: Beechinor Bros Simmentals, Bentley, AB Purchased by MI Simmentals, Okotoks, AB Lot 219- South Seven Miss Top 17Z $10,000.00 Consignor: South Seven Farms, Vegreville, AB Purchased by Kulyk Simmentals, North Battleford, SK Lot 202- Bee Paige 104Y $8,500.00 Consignor: Beechinor Bros Simmentals, Bentley, AB Purchased by Kopp Farms,Amaranth, MB

Lot 203A- Bee Eurieka 110Y $27,500.00 Consignor: Beechinor Bros Simmentals, Bentley, AB Purchased by Randy Ward, Calgary, AB Lot 218- South Seven Miss Viper 4Z $10,750.00 Consignor: South Seven Farms, Vegreville, AB Purchased by Clearwater, Simmentals, Sundre, AB

Bonchuk Farms Female Production Sale

December 18, 2012 Virden, MB Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Manager: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary



Bred Heifers




Lot 9- BLCC Miss Red Rock 33Y Purchased by Ron Susinski


Lot 34- BLCC Miss Red Rock 163Y Purchased by Milton Malchuk


Lot 21- BLCC Miss Real Deal 91Y Purchased by 5 Corner Cattle Co.


Lot 28- BLCC Miss Sting 135Y Purchased by Flying F Ranch



High Selling Lot 35- BLCC Miss Porsche 172Y Purchased by Wells Crossing, Stan Cichon


Lot 79- BLCC Miss Autobahn 376Y Purchased by Northern Lights Simmentals


Lot 73- BLCC Miss Rod Rock 351Y Purchased by Swan Lake Farms


Lot 1- BLCC Miss Intuition 1Y Purchased by Nadine Wohlgemuth


Lot 7- BLCC Miss Red Rock 29Y Purchased by Wells Crossing, Dr. Dave Cichon


Lot 85- BLCC Miss Sting 392Y Purchased Workman Brothers


Lot 89- BLCC Miss Red Rock 126Y Purchased by Wells Crossing, Dr. Dave Cichon


Lot 23- NUG Miss 52Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Hoegl Farms


Lot 24- NUG Blusch 18Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by High Country


$4,721.74 $5,545.16 $5,194.44

Lot 35- NUG Angel 29Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Tyler Farms



Lot 11- NUG Molly 7Z Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Kopp Farms


Lot 25- NUG Fraline 35Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Jayshaw Simmentals


Lot 32- Skors Black Betty 145Z Consignor: Skor Simmentals, Sedgewick, AB Purchased by Maxwells


Lot 31- NUG Fraline 35Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Norman Simmentals Lot 34- NUG Silk 114Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by Triangle Stock Farms


1st Annual Camrose Country Classic December 20, 2012 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Manager: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary



Open Heifers Bred Heifers Total Sale

23 31 56

$108,600.00 $171.900.00 $280,500.00


High Selling Open Heifers

High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 27- NUG Miss 52Y Consignor: Maxwell Simmentals, Viking, AB Purchased by High Country



Continued from page 52 s’expriment clairement si on peut opter pour davantage de lait et de gras dorsal dans notre lignée maternelle (améliorant ainsi l’aptitude à faire face au stress) et, en contrepartie, si on utilise un taureau terminal chez celles-là pour engendrer nos veaux d’embouche. En fait, en analysant les informations des deux

dernières lignes, vous constatez que le taureau strictement terminal se situe presque parfaitement à l’opposé du taureau maternel. On constate qu’il y a une mine d’or d’informations présentées ci-haut et que nous n’avons qu’effleurer la surface, car cela est aussi lié à des éléments détaillés de régie. De fait, l’une des techniques que nous avons aborder par rapport à l’utilisation des 92

EPD consiste en fait à ce que vous discutiez avec votre fournisseur de taureaux, que vous considériez alors les taureaux ayant bien performé par rapport aux fins désirés, que vous examiniez leurs EPD (, tout en essayant de choisir d’autres taureaux similaires. Cela illustre bien l’intérêt à utiliser les EPD qui positionnent les sujets de la race selon des niveaux bas, moyen ou élevé de potentiel génétique pour différents caractères et leur combinaison avec votre propre système de régie. Cela approche représente une méthode plus détaillée que l’utilisation simple du tableau précédent. Les informations sur les rangs centiles permettent enfin de positionner l’animal relativement à la population Simmental, et ceux-ci sont disponibles sous formes de graphiques sur le site internet de l’association Simmental. Rappelez-vous, l’optimal dépend de votre système de régie et de l’objectif visé pour votre taureau.








BARRY & BRENDA LABATTE Box 72 Gladmar, Sask. S0C 1A0 Ph: (306)969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900


Simmental Country Deadlines Spring Simmental Country – April 1, 2013 Summer Queens of the Pasture Simmental Country – July 1, 2013 September Commercial Country – August 1, 2013 October Simmental Country – September 1, 2013 November/December Winter Simmental Country – October 1, 2013 January Commercial Country – December 1, 2013 February Herd Sire Simmental Country – January 1, 2014 101



Industry Events

The Business Card section is now full colour! If you have an updated colour business card or would like one created please email Margo at or give a copy of your card to Darryl or Jane when you see them on the road. 102






3D Simmentals..................................25, 99 ABC Cattle Co.........................................99 Adair Ranch.............................................93 Afri-Can Simmentals................................96 Alameda Agencies Ltd...........................103 Alliance Simmental Farms.......................97 Alta Genetics.........................................103 American Simmental Association..........101 Anchor D Ranch Simmentals..................93 Applecross...............................................93 Arrow Creek Simmentals.........................44 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd....................... ....................................................28, 29, 99 Aumack Simmentals................................99 Bar 5 Farms Ltd.................................15, 97 Beagle Simmentals..................................93 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals...................93 Beef Innovations 2013.............................33 Big Rock Simmentals..............................96 Big Sky Simmentals.................................45 Black River Farms...................................97 Black Sand Cattle Co........................40, 96 Blushrose Simmental Farm.....................99 Bohrson Marketing Services............13, 103 Bonchuk Farms.......................................96 Bouchard Livestock International................ ......................3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 103 Boundary Ranch......................................61 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd........................103 Boynecrest Stock Farm...........................96 Brockhoff Simmentals........................20, 21 BS Ranch................................................93 Canadian Bull Congress........................102 Canadian Cattlemen..............................102 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp............103 Carey, Brent...........................................102 Car-Laur Simmentals...............................97 CC Simmental Ranch..............................93 Champ Simmentals.................................49 Circle 3 Genetics Ltd.........................14, 97 Circle G ...................................................93 City View Simmentals..............................99 Come as U R Simmentals.......................48 Coulee Crossing......................................48 Crawford, Jane........................................97 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh...........................97 Crocus Simmentals.................................61 104

Crossroad Farms...............................18, 99 Curtis Simmentals...................................48 Czech-Mate Livestock.............................39 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd..103 Deeg Simmentals..............................42, 93 Delta Rho Farms.....................................97 Destiny Simmentals.................................98 Diamond T Simmentals...........................93 Diana’s Monogramming.........................101 Dodge....................................................108 Don Heggie Simmentals..........................93 Donovandale Simmentals........................98 Dora Lee Genetics...................................98 Dorran Marketing Inc.............................102 Dorran, Steve........................................102 Double Bar D Farms........................IFC, 99 Double G Simmentals..............................99 Downey Farms..................................56, 96 DP Sales Management..........................103 Dunc’s Cattle Co......................................98 Dwayann Simmentals..............................98 Eagle-Ridge Simmentals.........................93 East Poplar Simmentals....................48, 99 Edge, Dean............................................102 EDN Simmental.................................61, 99 Elm Tree Farms.......................................98 Erixon Simmentals...................................99 Fallen Timber Farms...............................96 Feico J Leemhuis....................................99 Ferme Gagnon Inc...............................1, 98 Ferme Saro..............................................99 Flying N Cattle and Feed.......................102 Forden Fairview Farm Simmentals..........55 Genex Cooperative, Inc...................23, 103 Get-A-Long Stock Farm.........................102 GJR Simmentals....................................100 Grant Rolston Photography Ltd.............103 Gravandale Simmentals..........................98 Grintalta Farms................................65, 100 H.S. Knill Company Ltd.........................102 Hairy Hill Cattle Co..................................93 Hallridge Simmentals...............................98 Hannah Simmentals................................93 Harvie Ranching................................57, 93 Herter Simmentals...................................61 High Bluff Stock Farm..............................97 High Country Cattle Services..................93

Highway 5 Simmentals..........................100 Hoegl Farms..........................................100 Indian River Cattle Company.............84, 98 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd.......... ..............................................................103 Janzen Ranches......................................93 Jestream Livestock..................................98 JNR Farms..............................................94 Jo-Dreen Farm........................................97 Johnston Stock Farms.............................60 KBR Kattle Kompany...............................60 Keato Meadow Simmentals.....................94 Kelara Farms...................................61, 100 Kin Kin Cattle Co.....................................94 Kindred Spirit...........................................48 Kopp Farms Simmentals.........................96 Kulyk Simmentals....................................67 Kuntz Simmental Farms........................100 LaBatte Simmentals..................26, 27, 100 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals.........................100 Lazy Creek Simmentals...........................48 Lazy S Ranch Inc....................................94 Lewis Farms Ltd............................OBC, 94 Little Willow Creek Ranch......................100 Lobster Point Farms................................97 Lockhart Valley Simmentals....................37 Lone Stone Farms...................................94 Lundago Livestock...................................47 M & J Farms............................................96 M & R Cattle Co.......................................46 MacKenzie Cattle Company....................94 Mader Ranches.......................................94 Maple Key Farm......................................98 Mappin Simmentals.................................94 Mar Mac Farms.......................................96 Masterfeeds.....................................24, 101 Maxwell Simmentals....................20, 21, 94 McCormack Family Ranch..............43, 100 McIntosh Livestock................................100 McMillen Ranching Ltd....................36, 100 Meadow Acres ........................................51 MI Simmentals.........................................94 Mitchell Cattle Co....................................96 Muellers Nossa Terra...............................99 Muirhead Cattle Co................................100 North Hill Simmentals..............................94 O Double E Simmentals..........................94

Oberg, Don............................................102 O’Grady.................................................101 Okotoks Fleckvieh Embryo Group...........94 Oslanski Simmental Farms......................94 Parkhill Ranches......................................94 Parview Stockfarms.................................94 Pearson Simmentals...............................94 Pheasantdale Simmentals.....................100 Phillips Farms........................................101 Poley, Chris...........................................102 Porter Ranches........................................93 Prairie Wind Farms..................................60 Prospect Hill Simmentals.........................98 Rainalta ..................................................93 Rancier Farms..............................20,21, 95 Rattray Livestock.....................................95 Redpath Simmentals...............................96 Rendezvous Farms.................................97 Risk an Hope Farm..................................48 River Point Cattle Co...............................98 Riverbank Farm.......................................97 Robb Farms...........................................100 Robson Acres..........................................98 Roenda Stock Farms...............................44 Rust Mountain View Ranch.....................19 SAJ Simmentals....................................100 Saugeen Acres........................................95

CSA Executive

President Ron Nolan Markdale, ON P: (519) 986-2450 C: (905) 330-5299 First Vice-President Fraser Redpath Mather, MB P/F: (204) 529-2560 C: (204) 825-7401 Second Vice-President Randy Mader Carstairs, AB P/F: (403) 337-2928 C: (403) 660-1123

CSA Directors

John Sullivan Kazabazua, PQ P/F: (819) 467-2713 Wes Mack Estevan, SK P: (306) 634-4410 C:) 306) 421-1853

Schatz Simmentals..................................95 Scissors Creek Cattle Co........................60 Semex Beef.............................................35 SIBL Simmentals.....................................50 Simmeron Ranch.....................................62 Skeels, Dan...........................................102 Skor Simmentals.....................................95 Snider, Darryl...........................................95 Southpaw Cattle Company......................95 Spring Creek Simmentals................41, 100 Spring Lake Simmentals...............20,21, 95 Springer Simmental.................................34 Spruce Grove Cattle Co..................54, 100 Starwest Farms.......................................96 Steen Agencies......................................103 Stewart Simmentals.................................99 Stock, Mark............................................102 Stockmen’s Insurance...........................103 Stone Simmentals...................................95 Stoughton Farms...................................101 Sullivan Simmentals................................99 Sun Rise Simmentals......................60, 101 Sun Star Simmentals...............................95 Sunny Side Simmentals..........................48 Sunny Valley Simmentals...........30,31, 101 Swan Lake Farms Ltd............................101 Swantewitt Simmentals...........................95

Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS P: (902) 661-0766 C: (506) 536-8454 Kara Enright Tweed, ON P: (613) 478-3404 F: (613) 848-8149 Deanne Young Breton, AB P/F: (780) 696-3643 C: (780) 542-0855 Kelly Ashworth Oungre, SK P: (306) 456-2749 C: (306) 861-2013

Provincial Accosiations British Columbia President Lorne Webster Abbotsford, BC P/F: (604) 823-6797 Secretary: Jan Wisse P: (604) 794-3684

Tableland Cattle Co.................................60 TD Simmentals......................................101 Tessier Simmentals.................................29 Timberlind Auctions...............................102 Transcon Livestock Corp...............IBC, 103 Trevor’s Cowpix.....................................103 Tryon Simmentals....................................97 TSN Livestock...................................44, 97 Twin Brae Simmentals.............................97 Twin Butte Simmentals............................95 Tymarc Livestock.....................................95 Virginia Ranch.........................................95 W2 Farms..............................................101 Weldehaven Farms.................................99 Wells’ Crossing Cattle Company.............95 Westway Farms.................................42, 95 Wheatland Cattle Co...............................59 Wild Oak Farms.......................................98 Windy Knoll Farm....................................97 WJ Simmentals..................................63, 96 WLB Livestock.........................................58 Wolfe Farms............................................96 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh.....................................96 Wyvern Cattle Co. Ltd.............................64 Xcel Livestock..........................................98 X-T Simmentals.......................................61 Yankee Creek Ranch.............................101

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 P: (403) 250-7979 • F: (403) 250-5121 • E:

Alberta President Maureen Mappin-Smith Byemoor, AB P: (403) 579-2175 Office Contact Heather Saucier Airdrie, AB P: (403) 861-6352 F: (403) 948-2059 Promotion / Fieldperson Chuck Groeneveld High River, AB P: (403) 938-7843

Ontario President Keitha Harris Donovan P: (613) 257-2617 donovandale_simmentals@

CSA Staff

Quebec Président Philippe Bellavance Ferme Sibelle Fleck SENC St-Sophie-de-Levard, QC P: (819) 288-5005 Secretaire: Sandra Berthiaume Saint-Garmain, QC P/F (819) 395-4453

Office Manager Barb Judd P: (403) 250-7979

Saskatchewan President Manitoba Dave Erixon President Clavet, SK Darryl Perkin P: (306) 270-2893 Elgin, MB Secretary: Carolyn McCormack P/Fax: (204) 769-2159 P: (306) 697-2945 Secretary: Donalee Jones P: (204) 529-2444 Email: Maritimes President Peter Gaunce New Scotland, NB Secretary: Ralph Taylor P/F: (902) 895-2117

General Manager Bruce Holmquist C: (403) 988-8676

Breed Improvement Sean McGrath P: (780) 853-9673 and Dr. Bob Kemp Marketing Co-ordinator Margo Cartwright Tel: (403) 250-5255 YCSA Coordinator Emily Grey P: (819) 835-0284 Processing Department Perry Welygan Beth Rankin


What’s Happening February


February 8 Genetic Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB TNT Simmentals 28th Annual Genetic Explosion Sale, Almont, ND

March 1 Labatte Simmentals 33rd Annual Bull & Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK 8th Annual Bull Fest Simmental Sale, Camrose, AB

February 9 M&J Farms Simmental & Angus Bull Sale, Russell, MB Kenner Simmental 16th Annual Production Sale, Bismarck, ND Select 2013 Soderglen Ranches Bull Sale, Airdrie, AB

March 2 Cutting Edge Bull Sale, Rimbey, AB Mappin Simmental Bull Sale, Veteran, AB 19th McMillen Ranching Production Sale, Carievale, SK Westgold Farms & Guests Annual Bull Sale, Vermilion, AB

February 11 Rendezvous Farms 9th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Ste. Rose, MB February 12 Bata / Olafson 16th Annual Production Sale, Rugby, ND, USA February 14 Janzen Ranches 20th Annual Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale, Rosemary, SK

March 4 Ashworth Farm & Ranch & Guests Bull Sale, Oungre, SK Svertson Land & Cattle Bull Sale with Guest, Trendsetter Livestock, Innisfail, AB

February 15 24th Annual Mader Ranch Bull & Female Sale, Olds, AB

March 5 Transcon’s Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale, Innisfail, AB

February 16 Double Bar D Best of Both Worlds Bull & Female Sale, Grenfell, SK Timberlind Auctions Annual Bull & Female Sale, Buck Creek, AB Circle G Simmentals / Angus and P&H Ranching Co. Ltd. (Charolais) Bull and Ranch Gelding Sale, Innisfail, AB

March 6 Skor Simmentals 11th Annual Red & Black Simmental Bull Sale, Camrose, AB Sunny Valley Simmentals 23rd Annual Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK Mar Mac Farms and Guest Annual Bull Sale, at Mar Mac Farms, Brandon, MB

February 17 Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale, Virden, MB February 18 Kopp Farms 9th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Amaranth, MB February 20 Crossroad Farms 7th Annual Bull Sale, Shell Lake, SK February 21 8th Annual Robb & Hoegl Bull & Female Sale, Lloydminster, SK February 22 Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull & Female Sale, Westlock, AB Early Sunset Ranch Annual Production Sale, Edam, SK February 23 Lewis Farms 28th Annual Bull Sale, Spruce Grove, AB Springer Simmental Sale of Value Based Genetics, Decorah, IA February 24 Pro Char and Triangle Stock Farm Annual Bull Sale, Glenevis, AB February 25 11th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Simmental Bull Sale, Shellbrook, SK Simmental Summit Bull & Female Sale, Bentley, AB Ace in the Hole, 2nd Annual Production Sale, Turtle Lake, ND February 26 Rainalta & Guests 19th Annual Bull Sale, Brooks, AB February 27 Erixon Simmentals Bull & Female Sale, Saskatoon, SK 18th Annual Herd Master Bull Sale, Camrose, AB


March 3 R Plus Simmentals 13th Annual Bull Sale, Estevan, SK Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK

March 7 Spring Creek Ranch In Pursuit of Perfection Bull Sale, Moosomin, SK Westway & Deeg Annual Bull Sale, Olds, AB PowerPak Bull Sale 2013, Fort MacLeod, AB 11th Annual Bull Rush Sale, Rimbey, AB March 8 McCormack Family Ranch Genetic Destination Bull Sale, at the farm, Grenfell, SK 10th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grande Prairie, AB March 9 Synergie Bull Sale, Ste-Sophie de Levrard, PQ Swantewitt Simmentals Bull Sale, Mayerthorpe, AB Ranchlands Bull Sale, Stavely, AB Place Your Bets Bull Sale, Veteran, AB March 10 Rebels Of The West Simmental & Angus Sale, Virden, MB March 11 Genetic Source Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Brandon, MB March 12 Kuntz Stoughton - McIntosh Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK Prairie Partner Meat & Muscle Bull Sale, Killarney, MB March 13 Transcon’s Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB South-Sask Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Moose Jaw, SK March 14 Rocky Mountain Simmental Bull Sale, Olds, AB March 15 15th Annual Northern Alliance Bull Sale, Spiritwood, AB Porter Ranches Bull Sale, Stony Plain, AB Family Tradition Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Dropmore, MB Pheasantdale / Highway 5 9th Annual Bull & Female Sale, Yorkton, SK

March 16 Boynecrest / Skyridge1st Annual Bull & Female Sale, Rathwell, MB Ferme Gagnon Inc Annual Bull Sale, Cheneville, PQ

March 24 Cattleman’s Classic Bull Sale, Virden, NB The Best of The Breeds Bull Sale, Leross, SK

March 17 Lords of the North Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK

March 25 4th Annual Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, Olds, AB O-Double-E Simmental 5th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale, Grande Prairie, AB Transcon’s Peace Country Bull Sale, Beaverlodge, AB

March 18 Transcon’s Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale, Red Deer, AB 9th Annual Butts, Gutts & Nutts Simmental Bull Sale, Lloydminster, SK March 19 Spruce Grove Cattle Co. Bull Sale, Tisdale, SK 13th Annual On Target Bull & Female Sale, Barrhead, AB Cityview Simmentals/Ivanhoe Angus Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK

March 26 17th Annual U2 Ranch Bull & Female Sale, High River, AB WLB Livestock 9th Annual Bull Sale, Douglas, MB March 28 Wheatland / ANL “Focus of the Future” Bull Sale, Alameda, SK

March 20 Transcon’s 18th Annual Advantage Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK Adair Ranch Simmental Bull & Heifer Sale, Provost, AB

March 30 Transcon’s Proudly Western Simmental Bull & Female Sale, Whitewood, SK

March 21 Get-A-Grip Bull and Female Sale, Forestburg, AB


March 22 Highway 16 West, Multi-Breed Bull Sale, Mayerthorpe, AB March 23 Transcon’s Mountain View Angus, Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB 4th Annual Indian River Cattle Company Source for Success Bull Sale, Indian River, ON

April 1 Southwest Showcase Simmental Bull Sale, Swift Current, SK April 6 Bar 5 40th Annual Spring Spectacular Bull Sale, Markdale, ON Best Bet Bull Sale, Williams Lake, BC Black Diamond Simmentals & Guests Bull & Female Sale, Virden, MB April 9 Transcon’s Cattle Country Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, Neepawa, MB


Gatepost (English).........................................................................................................................12 Project Update (English)................................................................................................................16 Project Update (French)................................................................................................................17 Vet’s Advice...................................................................................................................................22 Gatepost (French)..........................................................................................................................32 Beef Innovations 2013 Symposium...............................................................................................33 Breed Improvement (English)........................................................................................................38 Breed Improvement (French)........................................................................................................52 Women In Simmental Country......................................................................................................66 YCSA National Classic ....................................................................................................................67 Show Reports................................................................................................................................68 Alberta News.................................................................................................................................76 Manitoba News.............................................................................................................................77 Saskatchewan News......................................................................................................................78 Dr. Dixon Memorial Scholarship Recipients ..................................................................................80 Member News...............................................................................................................................81 Sale Reports...................................................................................................................................85 Advertiser’s Index........................................................................................................................104 Canadian Simmental Association Contacts.................................................................................105 What’s Happening.......................................................................................................................106 107


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