Simmental Country Spring 2016

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#13, 4101 19th St. N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-5255 Fax: 403-250-5121 Website:

The official publication of the Canadian Simmental Association

Canadian Simmental Country Deadlines “Queens of the Pasture” 2016 Issue October 2016 Issue November/December Winter 2016 Issue February 2017 “Herdsire” Issue March/April/May “Spring 2017” Issue

Material Deadline: July 1, 2016 Material Deadline: September 1, 2016 Material Deadline: October 1, 2016 Material Deadline: January 1, 2017 Material Deadline: April 1, 2017

Commercial Country Deadlines September 2016 Issue January 2017 Issue

Material Deadline: August 1, 2016 Material Deadline: December 1, 2016

Mailing Dates - Each issue will be mailed on or about the first of the month. Simmental Country, mailed as second class, assumes no responsibility for actual receipt date. Production & Ad Copy Changes – Special production requests and ad copy changes may be subject to extra charges. Charges will apply on an individual basis. Layouts & Proofs - Requests for special layouts should be in the Simmental Country office by the 21st day of the second month preceding publication. Although every effort will be made to provide proofs on all ads, proofs are guaranteed only if all ad material arrives in the Country office prior to deadline. Advertising Content - The Simmental Country assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy or electronically supplied pictures and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Country containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Simmental Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy - Articles and information in this magazine represent the opinions of the writers and the information that, to the best of our knowledge, was accurate at the time of writing. Users of any information contained in Simmental Country are encouraged to validate that information by independent means. Subscription Rates Canada $40 + applicable taxes per year $75 + applicable taxes for two years (GST included) Published for: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Published by:

Cover Courtesy of Meghan Black, Programs Coordinator


AB, SK, MB, QC add 5 per cent to all fees for GST BC add 12 per cent to all fees for HST ON, NB, NFLD add 13 per cent to all fees for HST NS add 15 per cent to all fees for HST 4-3342 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 7G9 O: 306-934-9696 F: 306-934-0744 Editor: Bryan Kostiuk Marketing: Chris Poley, Shane Michelson & Ted Serhienko Accounting: Treena Ballantyne, Carla Hamm & Mina Serhienko Circulation: Debbie Thiessen Production: Tiffany Peters, Shyann Westby, Janessa McKay, Mikyla Sullivan, Samantha Rimke, Shae-Lynn & Shelby Evans

USA $65 per year U.S. funds Foreign $130 per year Canadian funds

Please Return Undeliverable Copies To: Canadian Simmental Association #13 , 4101 - 19th Street N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 Phone: 403-250-7979 Fax: 403-250-5121 Publication Mail Agreement #40012794 © 2016 Simmental Country (1997) Ltd. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Canadian Simmental Association.


From the Gate Post

Bruce Holmquist General Manager - Canadian Simmental Association

CSA Board and Committee Meetings Update


he 2016 bull sale season was once again fantastic for the Simmental breed! Without a doubt the Simmental bull sales were one of the success stories of the Beef Industry in, selling a significant number of bulls at very good prices with some tremendous high selling bulls. This illustrates the confidence that you as breeders and buyers have in the future of Simmentals in this country. This spring’s bull sale season has once again shown that Simmental is widely accepted across Canada, and is viewed as an important part of the Canadian Beef industry. Congratulations to all of you that contributed to this success! Through February and March, Meghan Black and I had the opportunity to talk with many of you as we covered as many of the sales as possible; it was great to visit with you! During the bull sale run, CSA staff was also busy preparing for the March Committee and Board meetings that were held March 14th and 15th in Calgary. This is always a busy and productive time as we review the progress made since our October meetings and plan for our summer and fall events. The 2016 spring meetings began with Committee meetings held at the Canadian Beef Centre for Excellence which is a great showcase for the Canadian Beef Industry, and the following day the CSA Board of Director’s meeting was held at the CSA office. Some of the highlights pertaining to CSA Promotion were: • Simmental ads were placed in the Angus Advantage magazine and the Charolais Banner Commercial edition. • The 2015 Bull buyer’s survey was reviewed in depth. Information gathered will be used in new CSA ad material and distributed to the Provincial Simmental Associations for their use. • A decision was made to not produce a CSA calendar for 2017.


• Promotional material – new Simmental caps in black and blue are in office inventory.

• Advertising in Auction Marts was discussed and it was decided this would remain an opportunity for Provincial Associations to utilize and 50% of the cost would be supported through the CSA matching grant program. • AdFarm has been contracted to conduct a CSA marketing review and report back to the CSA board in July. The Breed Improvement committee discussions included: • A Stability EPD will be implemented for Canadian Simmental cattle. • Economic value indexes API (all-purpose index) and TI (Terminal Index) will be made available on Canadian Simmental cattle. This will be done using the same formulas as used by American Simmental Association in order to provide consistency between the two Countries • A topic that has been addressed at length over the past two years is lowering the requirement of purebred status of a Canadian male to 7/8 Simmental. The BIC and the CSA board of directors have decided not to make that change at this time. The board adopted CSA Director’s Guidelines which will be provided to new CSA directors and will outline the expectations and responsibilities of the position. The CSA Board also accepted the application from the Maritimes Simmental Association to host the 2017 Canadian Simmental Convention and National YCSA show. We encourage you to contact one of your CSA directors or myself for further information regarding anything mentioned in this article or anything that you may have questions on. All the best with your spring seeding operations and we hope that you will make plans to join us in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan for the 2016 Canadian Simmental Convention!

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Maintains all-important consistent intake with a 70% reduction in water retention and an 83% reduction in ‘bricking’.* Ideal for breeding and growing cattle on medium-quality range or grass pasture. Complete macro mineral, trace mineral and vitamin supplement.


A complete, high energy, easily digestible pelleted feed, fortified with the vitamins and minerals necessary for maximum growth. It enhances forage utilization by providing energy in the form of highly digestible fibre and eliminates overeating of grains, bloating, scour concerns and other metabolic disorders. Rough ‘N’ Ready promotes: Early weaning I Reduced stress at weaning Higher weaning weight I Better overall appearance, lean gain – not fat Improved cow conditioning I Medicated, reduces risk of disease

*Land O’Lakes Storm Mineral research study.

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Breed Improvement The Economic Index

A Brief Synopsis on The Evolution of Genetic Evaluation and Why You Should Use Economic Indexes. By: Wade Shafer, Ph.D., ASA Executive Vice President


t has been over five years since the ASA working in collaboration with USDA geneticist Dr. Mike McNeil first introduced our economic selection indexes. With the introduction of our All Purpose Index (API) and Terminal Index (TI). ASA members were provided information that, if used in making selection decisions, will accelerate their genetic improvement like nothing ever seen before. In addition to that, API and TI just may be the most effective marketing tools that have ever come down the pike. Though the claim that our indexes are our most effective selection and marketing tools may sound like a stretch, there are very solid reasons why they serve both purposes so well. The process of selecting animals to produce the beef industry’s next generation has evolved dramatically over the past century. Prior to performance testing, an animal was considered breeding stock if it had desirable “breed characteristics” (e.g., impressive horns on Herefords) and was assumed purebred by virtue of being included in its respective breed registry. In the early years of performance testing, actual measurements were used as the yardstick, by which animals were judged. Because of that, for example, animals that weaned off an extremely heavy weights were in strong demand regardless of how they achieved the feat (ever heard of nurse cows?). As time progressed we realized that adjusting records for factors that were independent of animal’s genetic merit (e.g., age, sex, age of dam) allowed for more valid comparison between animals. It certainly made sense that comparing weaning weights on a calf out of a heifer to one out of a cow was only fair if we adjusted the heifer’s calf upward. From there it became apparent that herds of cattle could have widely different adjusted measurements based solely on the environment they were reared in (climate, nutrition, management, etc.). To even the playing field ratios became common currency for comparing animals. Though the evolution from actual measurements to ratios of adjusted measurements represented progress,


it was relatively small compared to what would follow. Extremely valuable information such as heritabilities and genetic correlations, relationship among relatives, and the genetic level of contemporary groups and mates was not being utilized – which was a major shortcoming in gauging genetic level. Luckily, a combination of brain and computer power were about to cross paths with profound ramifications. During the 1960s and 70s a researcher from Cornell University named Charles Henderson, was developing and honing theories that had the potential to revolutionize livestock selection. Dr. Henderson’s theories were very complex, as they combined all available information on a population of animals to provide the best possible prediction of their genetic level. The thories evolved into a statistical methodology we now know as Best Linear Unbiased Prediction, or BLUP – the methodology we use today to calculate EPDs. A BLUP analysis on a large population requires millions of equations to be solved simultaneously – a process that requires intense computational power. The computational requirement are so steep that it was not until the mid-1980s when the fastest computers in the world became powerful enough to implement Dr. Henderson’s methodology on an entire breed. Fortunately, Dr. Henderson lived long enough (1989) to see his theory implemented into practice. Appropriately, it was his successors at Cornell University, Drs. Richard Quaas and John Pollak, who performed the beef industry’s first wide-scale BLUP evaluation – on none other than the ASA database (something to be very proud of). The calculation of EPDs revolutionized animal breeding. Simply put, because they are calculated using all available information in a statistically unbiased manner. EPDs are the most accurate estimate of an animal’s genetic level possible – no ifs, ands or buts about it. Though EPDs are the best possible gauge of an animal’s genetic level for any trait they are calculated on, by themselves, they do not tell us which animals to select for breeding purposes. It is not enough to simply have a

handle on genetic levels (which is what EPDs do for us) when making selection decisions; we must determine what levels, and combination of levels, are most desirable. By making those determinations and applying them to an animal’s EPDs we arrive at an estimate of its overall genetic merit – the merit we need to make selection decisions. This brings us to the second half of our story. Coming up with a measure of overall merit has historically been achieved through a highly subjective process in the beef industry. For example, we have all sat on bull sale bleachers while studying reams of information on prospective herd sires as they come through the ring. While the auctioneer cries their chant, we may be mulling over such things as how much calving ease we can sacrifice to get extra growth or what level of milk production is desirable. These are certainly valid issues in determining overall merit; however, the approach I just described is largely based on opinion – and opinions, even our own, can be well off target. Fortunately, there is a better way to determine animals’ overall genetic merit. Interestingly, its origins trace back to Dr. Henderson’s graduate advisor at Iowa State College (later to become Iowa State University). The man’s name was Lanoy Hazel. In 1943, Dr. Hazel published a paper describing a process that would come to be universally accepted by animal geneticists as the most effective method of determining overall genetic merit – the economic selection index. In his ground breaking paper, Dr. Hazel made the case that the merit of an animal should be based on the cumulative impact the animal’s genetic level have on profit. He also demonstrated the mathematical methodology required to make that determination. The process is best described as genetic accounting. By combining estimates of animals’ genetic levels (i.e., EPDs) with cost and price projections, the economic selection index predicts animals’ genetic potential for profit, which allows for the selection of animals to maximize the bottom line. By the late 1940s, the poultry industry had already begun integrating Dr. Hazel’s methodology. The swine and dairy industries followed suit a few decades later. At this time it is fair to say that virtually all chickens, pigs and most dairy cattle in this country are bred via an economic selection index. Use of the economic selection index has resulted in these species making dramatic genetic progress over the years – much more progress than the beef industry has made using our highly subjective approach to selection. Hopefully, I’ve made headway in convincing you that the economic selection index is the most powerful selection tool we have. By using them we can level the playing field with competing species and produce a genetically superior

product compared to breeders not using them. But what makes economic selection indexes a powerful marketing tool? I think it would be fair to assume that two of the major keys in creating demand for your seed stock are: 1) it will make potential customers more money and 2) you have objective and easily understood proof of point number one. As poultry, swine, dairy, and progressive beef cattle breeders know, the first assumption will come to pass by selecting animals with superior values for economic indexes; however, the first assumption does not have as much marketing clout if the second assumption does not follow. From my viewpoint, you can spend a fortune in advertising and talk until blue in the face about your superior cattle, but if their superiority cannot be easily and objectively conveyed, it will not resonate with potential customers. I think EPDs provide a case in point of this assertion. Our industry has had access to EPDs for over 25 years. As we know, EPDs are the best possible estimate of animals’ genetic levels. Yet, though they represent powerful technology that has been around long enough for producers to become comfortable with them, breeders have had only moderate success in using them as marketing tools. Why? My assessment is that they are neither simple to use nor do they provide a universally credible means of determining superiority. As mentioned earlier, by themselves, EPDs only predict animal’s genetic levels – not which animals are superior. To determine overall genetic merit, producers must utilize the array of EPD levels to predict the levels of all economically relevant inputs (e.g., cow intake, feedlot intake) and outputs (e.g., weaning weight, carcass weight) along with their associated prices and costs – hardly a trivial task. Due to the subjectivity typically employed in this process, we could put 10 sets of EPDs in front of 10 producers and easily have 10 different rankings of overall merit – hardly a recipe for universal consensus of superiority. With ASA’s economic selection indexes, producers have a consistent and objective means of evaluating superiority – a prediction of profit based on rigorous calculation and sound assumptions to top it off, our indexes could not be easier to use. As I’ve said many times – even a cave man could do it! Not to offend you cavemen out there (which my wife considers me to be), but economic indexes boil everything down to one trait, and it happens to be the most important trait there is – profit. You will find no better selection and marketing tools than ASA’s economic indexes.


Queens of the Pasture photo contest

Contest Rules

Photos must be emailed to Meghan Black ( by June 15, 2016. Photos must be 8.5 x 11 at 300 dpi. All photos submitted will become property of the Canadian Simmental Association.


one free page in the Summer issue of Simmental Country

winning photo will be used on the front cover of the Summer Simmental Country

Capture Everyone’s Attention


1/2 Page Ad $500     Herd Matriarchs Cow Families Donor Cows Show Females Embryos

Call now to book your space Meghan Black

Phone: 506-324-4825

Jane Crawford

Phone: 519-287-5286 Cell: 519-317-5263

Phone: 780-818-3452

Material Deadline June 1st - Special Rate for Queens of the Pasture Edition Only 10

Ryan Cook


Women in Simmental Country Written by Lee Hart

Youth programs are invaluable for all ages


hen one of their daughters decided many years ago, at the age of three that she’d rather stay home than go to playschool to help Dad with the farm chores, Carol Hadway figured there was a good chance there might be at least one up-and-coming farmer in the next generation. Today, with three of their four children actively involved in the purebred Simmental and pedigree seed business built over the past 35 years on the family farm near Didsbury, Alberta, Carol says having a “playschool dropout” isn’t the worst problem a mother can have. She is extremely pleased that agriculture appears to be an appealing career for her family.

The Ladies of Westway Farms

is involved in both the beef and cropping operations. Andie, who is in her second year of a Science program at Mount Royal University is keenly involved in the “animal” aspect of the farm. She commuts back and forth each day to help as much as she can during the busy calving season which was winding down in late March, just ahead of the fast approaching breeding season. She’s thinking of going further in school for an Animal Science degree, or perhaps Veterinary Medicine.

Despite all the help on the farm, Carol hasn’t quite put her feet up yet, however she’s pleased to see the next generation taking on more responsibilities and duties. Carol is a lifelong farmer. She was born and raised on a mixed dairy and commercial beef Along with Carol and Tom who incorporated Westway Farms operation not far from the now headquarters of Westway Farms. Ltd. in 1983, three of their four children, Dayna, 26, Will, 24, and After high school she obtained a Business Administration diploma Andie, 20 (the playschool dropout) are all actively involved in from Red Deer College and later went on to earn a Commerce the family business that today runs roughly 350 head of mostly degree from the University of Alberta. During her university red and black Simmental cows as well as about 100 replacement years she worked summers for the Alberta Agriculture 4-H heifers. They also have a cropping operation producing wheat, Branch, and after university worked for the Town of Didsbury. barley, oats and peas for certified seed. Their youngest daughter She met Tom in high school, they were married in 1987, and Josie, 17, helps out on the farm when possible, although right after Dayna was born she began her full time, at-farm career. now her focus is on high school and hockey. “We also ran a bed and breakfast for a while during the early “We are extremely pleased to see our kids involved in agriculture,” says Carol. “It has often been said that young people are the future of this industry. They are bright young minds, so capable and if this is something they decide they want to do, we are pleased to be able to help them get a start. We have established a good foundation here and over the next few years as we look at farm succession planning we’ll see what they decide to do.”

Active on the Farm For the time being, the three young Hadways are knee deep in the daily operation of Westway Farms. Dayna, who is getting married later this year, works full time on the farm after obtaining a Business degree from Mount Royal University in Calgary. As she is taking over the record keeping aspect of the years, too,” Carol says. “We had a separate suite above the farm purebred operation, she is also actively involved in the day-toshop and always had lots of guests. We were one of the few in day production aspects of the beef business. Her fiancée also those days to have a bed and breakfast on a working farm and we works on the farm. often had European guests who came for the farm experience.” Will, who obtained his Agriculture Business degree from the The bed and breakfast business ended when Josie was born “with University of Alberta, is also working full time on the farm, and four kids on the go it was just too much to manage.” 12

As with most businesses, Westway Farms started gradually. The Hadways first had a commercial beef herd. But Carol had made friends in university with Sandy Lewis of Lewis Farms at Spruce Grove, AB — long time Simmental breeders. The Hadways became interested in Simmental cattle and their long experience with the breed began. “We actually bought our first Simmental bull from Lewis Farms, and then we leased some cattle through Lewis Farms for a while as well. We just kept building from there,” says Carol. Breeding females, keeping replacements, buying a few key animals from time to time, the herd grew.

in the Young Canadian Simmental Association for a number of years and in more recent years the Summer Synergy Show operated jointly by the Olds Regional Exhibition and Calgary Stampede. “We all have learned so much through these various youth programs,” says Carol. “The programs are there to help develop the skills and the knowledge of the young people but working with them, there are tremendous benefits to the parents as well.” While for a few years the Hadways did show cattle at Farmfair in Edmonton, their main interest was to be involved with their children in the Young Canadian Simmental Association. “There was a group Simmental farm families and we all made a point of attending the annual Provincial and National Young Canadian Simmental shows every year no matter where they were in the country,” says Carol. “That was just a great experience for us all. It was valuable for the kids, but we as parents also met other great parents and through that we developed some lifelong friendships.

“The fact is that Tom has a hard time parting with cattle,” Carol says with a laugh. Over the years the quantity and quality of cattle at Westway Farms has increased. “The important thing is that we always had a vision of the type of cattle we wanted,” she says. “As with any aspect of farming, you just have to be patient — changes don’t happen overnight. We always had that vision in mind, we kept using good genetics and we are extremely proud of where our herd is today.”

“I can’t say enough about the value of having young people involved in these programs. They not only learn about cattle, but they develop so many other skills just in meeting people, developing their communication skills and developing networks that will serve them their whole lives. There are many good moments in life, but I think being involved in these various youth programs has been one of the highlights.”

Preparing for Sale Day Back to the day-to-day beef business, Carol says one of her main duties is coordinating the marketing program for Westway Farms, and that includes organizing the sale catalogue for the annual bull sale in March.

Good Employees Help While Carol has always been actively involved in the farming operation, her first priority was raising the family. “We were fortunate too to have good help as well,” she says. Early on, with a growing beef herd as well as a developing pedigree seed business they hired Cheryl Dahl as an office manager. She started on a part time basis that eventually grew into a full time job. She has been with Westway Farms for more than 20 years. “Cheryl has played a significant role over the years in helping us manage the whole farm,” says Carol. “I was involved with the kids, and I just helped Tom where I was needed. I didn’t do much on the cropping side, but I filled in wherever I was needed in working with the cattle. Cheryl concentrated on looking after the details of the seed business and I looked after most of the paperwork related to the cattle and she helped with that as well.” The Hadways have also relied on short and key long-term employees over the years helping out with cattle and field work.

“In the early years there were several smaller Simmental operations that went together for an annual sale, but then as animal numbers grew, that changed. For several years now we have had a joint bull sale with one other breeder.” Held the second Thursday of March at Olds Cow Palace in nearby Olds, AB, Westway has joined with Deeg Simmentals from Strathmore (east of Calgary) for an annual bull sale.

“They are another Simmental breeder we met years ago and Carol points to being involved with the kids in several “youth” programs for benefiting not only the knowledge and personal that we’ve developed a great relationship with,” says Carol. “They have cattle and crops like we do, they’re children are about the growth of their children, but for all members of the family. same age as our oldest so we have very similar operations.” The “First I was leader of the West Didsbury 4-H beef club for two farms jointly market about 80 bulls at the sale. more than 25 years as our kids were involved and that was just a tremendous experience,” says Carol. The kids were also active Carol begins organizing material for the annual sale catalogue 13

in late fall, finalizes photos and other materials in December and January and delivers all to the publisher, Bohrson Maketing Services by the end of January. On sale day, Danya and Andie have now joined Cheryl Dahl in looking after the clerking at the sale, “while I focus on looking after the food for the sale,” says Carol. “It’s important to keep people fed.” While Carol says she hasn’t developed any “pets” in the beef herd she does point to one top-performing female they bought some years ago from Parkhill Ranch (near Calgary) that has been important in their beef operation. The cow was PHR Red Doll 21F.

customers who come back each year and appreciate the value they see in our bulls.” Westway had one exceptional bull this year, which reinforced the importance of maintaining their vision of producing quality animals. While the next Hadway generation still has time to decide on career choices, Carol says their feet are firmly planted on the ground. “If there is one thing I believe our kids have learned from this farm life is the value of work,” says Carol. “You have to work for what you want and get that feeling of self-accomplishment. Starting out with 4-H programs they learned that hard work is rewarded and they also learned it is important to finish what you start. And those are values that will serve them well no matter what they chose to do. “As we look ahead to farm succession over the next few years, they may decide they want to farm and eventually take over this operation, but they will have to decide. The important thing is they have the foundation and skills to be successful at whatever they chose.”

“She was just a tremendous animal who laid a great foundation in our herd,” says Carol. “We’re seeing the influence of her genetics in our cattle and that along with our breeding program has produced some excellent animals. We have some great


Call today to get involved in supporting the Foundation by donating to the 2016 Auction. Your donation supports Youth, Education and Research in Agriculture. FCSF Charity Number - 82695 3291RR0001

Artwork, Quilt CWA 45th Anniversary Whiskey Toy Chute Grooming Supplies Silver Jewellery Semen & Embryos Palm Leaf Hat, Home Decor Horned / Polled Tests Leather Clipper Blade Cover Photography Package NHL Hockey Jerseys Sale Credits Flush Package

Mike Thomas and Family Boothill Gallery Canadian Western Agribition McCormack Family Ranch Tracy Pizzey High Country Cattle Services Bohrson Marketing Ferme Gagnon Cow Art and More Riskan Hope Farms

McMillen Ranching - 2016 Friend of the Foundation Proud donator of the Lot 1 heifer.

Delta Genomics McIntosh Livestock Lewis Farms/Westgold Farms Hanna Simmentals Czech-Mate Simmentals Rocky Top Twisted Sisters Simmentals Kuntz Simmentals Shologan Family R Plus Simmentals

Eastern Harvest Sale Group T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd./ Today’s Publishing Inc. Peters Simmentals Bova Tech Tyron Simmentals Rural Roots Creations Mader Ranches Deeg Simmentals Bouchard Livestock International

For More Information on the Auction or to Donate please Contact Auction Co-Chairs: Deanne Young (780) 696-3643 Vanessa Noble (306) 825-9465 15

From the Director’s Chair

Simmental The Breed For The Future Francis Gagnon - Canadian Simmental Association Director


reetings from the Montreal Canadiens’ territory, Quebec’s famous poutine, and renowned French Canadian hospitality. For those reading whom I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Francis Gagnon, of Ferme Gagnon Inc. located in beautiful Cheneville, Quebec. There we run roughly 200 registered Simmental and Angus cows. I obtained by diploma in Farm Management and Technologies at the McDonald Campus in Montreal and have had a passion for working on the family farm since I can remember. I was newly elected to the Canadian Simmental Association’s Board of Directors last summer in Lindsay, Ontario during Convention and have really enjoyed my time on the Board thus far. Within this “Director’s Chair” article I’d like to touch base on the Quebec beef industry and the Simmental Breed. The province of Quebec is primarily dairy industry territory in comparison to the beef industry, with about 4,428 cow/calf producers, it isn’t as dominant as some other Canadian provinces. For example, in 2014, there was roughly 170,000 beef cows reported in Quebec; a reduction of 28% in comparison to the 217,600 cows reported from back in 2009. This reduction in numbers can be contributed to the increase of cull cow prices and the cost of land over the last few years. Older producers saw this as an opportunity for “retirement” from the farming lifestyle. The majority of these beef operations that are still active in Quebec are very small and many of the farmers still have full time jobs as well. The price of land has doubled since 2010 where in average they are sold for $6,500 per acre. The highest prices of land are found in the region of Montérégie where the land can be sold for roughly $20,000 an acre, in comparison to the north region where it can go around $500 an acre.


On the feeders side within the province, Quebec finished about 120,000 head in 2014 compared to 200,000 in 2009. A lot of factors come into play with this decrease, but one of the major ones is the high price of corn and soybeans. This price increase resulted in the feedlot producers, whom for the majority produce their own feed, to sell the grains instead of feeding it in their feedlot operations. In Quebec there are about 160 purebred breeders with the dominant breeds being Simmental and Charolais. Since 2000 with the commercial herds collecting data by the MAPAQ , the Simmentals have been in the top for weaning weights and milking ability. Simmentals are the breed that showed the best improvement in calving ease and frame score. The Quebec Simmental association was form in 1978. In 1980, Mr. Armand Pellerin is hired as the field person/secretary for our Simmental breeders. A trip to France is organized during which 19 members make the acquisition of a number of Simmental animals, in view of improving the breed back home. The organisation’s motto was then: “ Simmental, the breed for the future”. At that time the association was counting 275 members and now we can count more then. With the smaller beef industry and lack of slaughterhouses, Quebec is very dependent on the exterior markets. With our important demography and big cities like Montreal, I see a big opportunity for the Quebec beef industry to target local markets. I’m positive in the future and will always be a promoter of our Simmental breed! Sources: • © Gouvernement du Québec , • Association Simmental du Québec ,



eminal vesiculitis is an infection involving the most predominant, secondary sex glands of a breeding bull. If any of you readers have had bulls on semen evaluation putting out pus in the semen, often these glands are the source. These are paired glands, which sit on the floor of the pelvis and produce the majority of the seminal fluid. This fluid is mixed with semen on ejaculation. Varying degrees of seminal vesiculitis (SV) are detected in 1-10 % of bulls when checked for breeding soundness. You need a rectal exam to detect this infection, as there are no outward signs. These glands can also be double checked by an internal ultrasound Infection is related to several factors. Young bulls on a high nutritional plane, onset of puberty, sexual aggressiveness (bulls riding one another) and housing (crowded conditions) all have been shown to cause an increase in prevalence. Young bulls housed together are often seen mounting one another; it is believed the infection could ascend up the urinary tract. I also believe the intense irritation to the region from mounting and breeding one another contributes to the condition. Concurrent diseases may result in infection developing from the hematogenous (blood borne) route. Pneumonia, kidney infection (pyelonephritis), arthritis, and other blood borne infections may localize in these glands. Omphalophlebitis (also known as a navel infection) may spread into the blood stream or go up the umbilical vessels toward the urinary bladder. It is not uncommon in young breeding bulls with SV to have a past history of navel infection as a calf. A congenital malformation of the duct system not allowing adequate flow of seminal fluid on ejaculation may contribute to a few of the cases but these would be hard to differentiate from true infectious causes. Most cases of SV demonstrate no clinical signs. Cases have to be very advanced before seeing pain upon urination, straining or tail swishing. The infection can descend down to the rest of the reproductive tract causing the same infection in the testicles or epididymus resulting in swellings and pain. Almost all infections are detected when veterinarians perform breeding soundness exams (semen evaluations), which is another important reason to semen evaluate all yearlings that are for sale and all herd bulls. They initially detect them when palpating the secondary sex glands. They will detect swelling and lack of lobulation to the glands. For young purebred bulls before they are one year of age, it is an excellent idea to have your veterinarian palpate the glands. This may avoid selling your client a potential dud bull. Combine this with the same time you have the bulls testicles measured. In severe cases pain on palpation with large abscesses will be detected. Your veterinarian can massage the


area and collect a seminal sample to check for evidence of pus. In some low-grade cases no changes may be palpated but they will detect pus cells in the semen sample. Pus is a major detriment to semen quality and several important decisions need to be made with regards to severity of infection and prognosis for recovery. Palpation in initial cases starts with enlargement progressing to lack of lobulation in the glands and finally to adhesions or scarring in the area. Many cases in young bulls will clear up spontaneously with time. Older bulls should be culled immediately. Other times on young bulls veterinarians elect to try antibiotics and several have proven successful over the years mainly the macrolide family of antibiotics that include Zuprevo, Draxxin, Zactran or Micotil. These are all prescription drugs and must be recommended by your veterinarian, the newest ones are much more longer lasting. We know these drugs stay a long time in the lungs but we don’t know how long they stay in the SV. Some veterinarians have even treated with sodium iodide to allow better penetration of the antibiotic into the site of infection. Prognosis is much better if only one gland is involved. The choice will depend on which ones your veterinarian has had success with. A lengthy period of treatment is necessary. In severe cases in extremely valuable yearlings or older bulls removal of the effected gland is possible. This procedure is performed at referral large animal surgery clinics. Aggressive antibiotic treatment occurs pre and post operatively. Cases must be carefully selected and are more favorable when only one seminal vesicle is involved. The majority of severe and bilateral cases are shipped for slaughter. It is extremely important to note that veterinarians cannot pass a bull on semen quality if any amount of pus is detected in the sample. Therefore any clinical cases will need to be rechecked at a later date. As mentioned previously, many yearlings will clear up spontaneously but it is wise to leave one to two months between rechecks. Any infections not cleared by then are unlikely to be and if one-sided antibiotics can be injected directly into the gland or the gland surgically removed as a last attempt to achieve a viable bull. Preventive measures for purebred breeders stem right back to birth. Measures to prevent navel infections are important. With housing yearling bulls give them lots of space. If any bulls start getting ridden excessively they should be pulled out. A thorough semen evaluation should identify any clinical cases before they are sold. Good management and vaccination practices prevent other serious diseases, which could be the precursor to a secondary disease such as seminal vesiculitis (SV). Do these things and SV will hopefully be a rare occurrence in your bull battery!


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August 9 – 11, 2016 Grey Eagle Re sor t & C asino in C algar y, Alber ta W W W.CANADIAN BEEF INDUSTRY CONFERENCE.COM

Register by June 15 for early bird pricing. Follow us on social media for updates!


For Immediate Release: Calgary, Alberta March 7, 2016


DR. ROGER DAVIS RECEIVES DON MATTHEWS MEMORIAL AWARD CALGARY, ALBERTA March 7, 2016 Dr. Roger Davis DVM has been selected to receive the Don Matthews Memorial Award at the Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council (Council) to be held in Calgary, March 23, 2016. The Don Matthews Memorial Award was instituted in honour of the late Don Matthews, a Past President of CBBC as well as many other accomplishments including the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame. The award is presented by the Canadian Beef Breeds Council to an individual who exemplifies excellence and passion in the purebred beef cattle industry. Dr. Roger Davis graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from WCVM at the University of Saskatchewan in 1979. After working in mixed practice in the Calgary area, he co-founded Davis-Rairdan Veterinary Services with Dr. Scott Rairdan in 1980. The practice was a large animal ambulatory practice with a bovine embryo transfer component. Embryo transfer became a larger part of the practice and in 1990 they co-founded Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants. Due to the untimely death of Dr. Rairdan in June 1995, Dr. Davis is now the sole principal and continues to direct the expansion and operations of the company. Complementing his education is an extensive background in the beef cattle industry. Dr. Davis was raised near Wilcox, Saskatchewan in a family actively involved in the purebred and commercial cattle business. They raised registered Black Angus as well as being a managing partner in a large feedlot. From 1983 to 1989, Dr. Davis independently owned and managed a purebred beef cattle operation. He served as president of the Alberta Hereford Association in 1988 and has judged numerous major beef cattle shows in North America and abroad. Dr. Davis has traveled extensively in Australia, Argentina, New Zealand, Mexico, Colombia, China, Brazil, Sweden, Russia and Hungary. Visits involved implanting Canadian embryos, in conjunction with training veterinarians in the field of embryo transfer and promoting Canadian beef cattle genetics and technology. Davis-Rairdan is well recognized internationally and domestically, in the beef cattle embryo 20

transfer industry. The company has exported over 100,000 embryos to more than 35 countries. Dr. Davis was a founding member of the Canadian Embryo Transfer Association and served as a director for 12 years, which included being President from 1997-1999. He is a member of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) and is listed as a reviewing author of the 3rd Edition of the IETS Embryo Transfer Manual. He has served on numerous committees, including Chairman of the Calgary Stampede Steer Classic, CBBC Executive, and an advisory board to the Federal Minister of Agriculture. Dr. Davis is a member of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council, and currently sits on the Animal Heath and Scientific Advancement committees. “Dr. Davis is a passionate supporter of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council, “says Council President David Bolduc. “We appreciate his involvement and valued expertise.”

CBBC’s vision is to provide a unified voice in support of the purebred genetics provided within the Canadian beef cattle industry. Its mission is to ensure the continuity, growth and prosperity of the Canadian purebred cattle sector as an integral component of the Canadian beef cattle industry. Its mandate is to support Canadian purebred cattle producers through service provision aimed at genetic improvement, animal health, extension services and information dissemination; promote Canadian beef cattle genetics both domestically and internationally by identifying market opportunities, facilitating access through timely intelligence and informing the commercial industry of the attributes of the Canadian beef advantage both at home and abroad; represent the purebred cattle sector to government by advocating effective policy, ensuring market access and enhancing competitiveness. For more information: Michael Latimer, Executive Director, Canadian Beef Breeds Council T: 403.730.0350, C: 403.901.5090

The T Bar Invitational was formed to help make a positive impact on the future of our youth. In the last eight years, our generous sponsors have helped us raise over $350,000.00 providing funding and opportunities to a great number of youth. National Junior Associations representing over 2000 members are supplied with a large portion of their yearly funding. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Canadian Western Agribition, Manitoba Youth Beef Roundup, Summer Synergy, Stockade Roundup and the Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show, which all host interbreed events. This is applied toward the development of junior advancement and awareness of youth in all beef sectors. We would like to invite you to join us June 28th and 29th at Dakota Dunes Golf Links to be part of the 9th Annual T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament. This award winning, top ranked course is built for golfers of all skill levels. Enjoy the 18 holes of golf while taking in the natural beauty of the prairies. As we are seeing a positive shift in the livestock industry, it is an exciting time to show the juniors our support. We have a vast range of participation levels included in this year’s package and would be happy to help customize a package that is best suited to you or your company needs.

For sponsors h

ip and entry fo t bar c cattle rms, contact: co. ltd. 4-3342 Millar Avenue | Sask atoon, SK S7 P:306-933-420 K 7G9 0 F:306-934-0 7 4 4 m


Appuye sur le poteau de cloture

Par Bruce Holmquist Directeur général - Association Simmental du Canada

Compte-rendu des réunions du CA et des comités de l’ASC


es ventes de taureaux Simmental du printemps 2016 ont encore été couronnées de succès ! Sans l’ombre d’un doute, les dernières ventes de taureaux Simmental ont constitué un fait marquant dans l’industrie bovine, autant par le nombre considérable de taureaux vendus à de très bons prix et avec certains individus atteignant des prix records. Cela démontre bien le niveau de confiance des éleveurs et des acheteurs envers le futur de la race Simmental au Canada. Une fois de plus, le succès qu’ont connu nos ventes de taureaux ce printemps est une autre preuve de l’acceptation de la race Simmental au Canada et de la place qu’elle occupe au sein de l’industrie bovine. Sincères félicitations à tous ceux ayant contribué à ce succès ! Lors des mois de février et de mars, moi et Meghan avons été présents au plus grand nombre possible de ventes, ce qui nous a donné l’opportunité et le plaisir de discuter avec nombre d’entre vous. Au cours de la période des ventes de taureaux, le personnel de l’ASC s’est également affairé à la préparation des réunions du Conseil d’administration et des comités, lesquelles ont eu lieu les 14 et 15 mars à Calgary. Il s’agit toujours d’une période très occupée et productive, car nous passons alors en revue nos réalisations depuis les rencontres du mois d’octobre, tout en planifiant les activités de l’été et de l’automne. Nos rencontres du printemps 2016 ont débuté par les réunions des comités, qui se sont déroulées au nouveau Centre d’excellence du bœuf canadien, lequel représente une formidable vitrine de notre industrie bovine canadienne. Le deuxième jour, le Conseil d’administration s’est réuni au bureau de l’ASC.


Voici quelques faits saillants du comité de promotion de l’ASC : • Des annonces de la race Simmental furent publiées dans la revue Angus Advantage, ainsi que dans l’édition commerciale de la revue Charolais Banner. • On a revu en détails le sondage effectué en 2015 chez les acheteurs de taureaux. L’information ainsi recueillie sera utile pour la préparation des prochaines annonces de l’ASC et du matériel promotionnel à être distribué aux associations provinciales. • Il a été décidé de ne pas produire de calendrier de l’ASC pour 2017. • Matériel promotionnel – les nouvelles casquettes Simmental de couleur noir et bleu sont disponibles au bureau de l’Association.

• On a discuté relativement aux annonces placées dans les encans d’animaux et il fut décidé que cela demeurera la responsabilité des associations provinciales et que 50 % des coûts pourra être supporté via le programme d’aide de l’Association. • Un contrat a été attribué à la firme “AdFarm”, laquelle effectuera une analyse des stratégies de marketing de l’ASC, avec un rapport présenté en juillet au C.A. Les discussions du comité d’amélioration de la race ont touché les éléments suivants : • Un nouveau EPD de la stabilité sera introduit chez les bovins Simmental du Canada. • Les indices économiques IG (indice global) et IT (indice terminal) deviendront disponibles chez les bovins Simmental du Canada. Afin d’être cohérent entre nos deux pays, ces indices seront calculés avec les mêmes formules employées aux États-Unis. • Beaucoup de discussions ont eu lieu au cours des deux dernières années à l’effet que le seuil minimal requis pour reconnaître un taureau de race pure Simmental pourrait être ramené à 7/8. Le comité d’amélioration de la race et le Conseil d’administration ont décidé de ne pas apporter de changement pour le moment. Le Conseil d’administration a approuvé le nouveau guide des administrateurs, lequel sera remis à chaque nouvel administrateur de l’ASC, en y précisant les attentes et les responsabilités dévolues à la fonction. Le Conseil d’administration a également accepté la demande provenant de l’Association Simmental des Maritimes, laquelle sera l’hôte en 2017 de la Convention nationale et du concours national des jeunes éleveurs. Nous vous invitons à communiquer avec l’un des administrateurs de l’ASC ou encore avec moi, si vous avez besoin d’information concernant toutes questions générales ou des informations continues dans cet article. Nous vous souhaitons du succès dans vos travaux des semis du printemps et nous anticipons vous rencontrer nombreux à Lloydminster en Saskatchewan lors de la Convention nationale 2016 de la race Simmental !


Amelioration de la Race Les indices économiques

Bref résumé de l’évolution survenue avec l’évaluation génétique et raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez utiliser les indices économiques. Par: Dr Wade Shafer, Ph.D, Vice Président Exécutif, Association Simmental Américaine (ASA)


râce à une collaboration avec le Dr Mike McNeil du Département de l’agriculture des États-Unis, l’ASA introduisait il y a plus de cinq ans le concept des indices économiques. Avec l’introduction d’un indice multi objectif (IMO) et d’un indice terminal (IT), les membres de l’ASA disposent donc d’informations qui, si elles sont employées pour leur prise de décisions, viennent accélérer leur progrès génétique à un rythme inégalé. De plus, ces deux indices IMO et IT sont probablement les outils de marketing les plus efficaces jamais développés. Bien qu’il puisse sembler exagéré d’affirmer que nos indices soient les outils de marketing et de sélection les plus efficaces, plusieurs raisons expliquent leur utilité. Au cours du dernier siècle, on a assisté à une formidable évolution du processus de sélection des animaux qui produisent la prochaine génération de sujets de l’industrie bovine. Avant même d’effectuer le contrôle des performances, un animal était jugé de qualité pour l’élevage s’il possédait des “caractéristiques désirables de la race” (par exemple des cornes de grande dimension pour des sujets Hereford), et on assumait alors qu’il était de race pure puisqu’il était inscrit dans le registre de sa race. Dans les premiers temps, on utilisait les mensurations prises sur les animaux, lesquelles servaient alors de mesures pour juger les animaux. Se faisant, les animaux ayant obtenu par exemple les poids au sevrage les plus élevés étaient en grande demande, même si on ne savait pas comment ils avaient réalisé leur exploit (connaissez-vous le principe des vaches nourricières ?). Au fil des ans, en appliquant des facteurs d’ajustement aux données brutes indépendamment du mérite génétique de l’animal (c’est-à-dire selon son âge, son sexe, l’âge de sa mère), on pouvait obtenir des comparaisons plus valides entre les animaux. Ainsi, si on compare les poids de sevrage d’un veau issu d’une primipare avec un autre provenant d’une vache adulte, il est certainement logique d’ajuster le poids du premier veau à la hausse. Dès lors, il est devenu évident que des troupeaux de bovins pourraient obtenir différentes performances ajustées, en fonction uniquement de leurs conditions d’environnement (température, alimentation, régie,…etc). Les indices (ratios) sont ensuite devenus monnaie courante afin de comparer les animaux. Bien qu’il y ait eu une évolution entre les données brutes jusqu’aux données ajustées et aux indices, celle-ci est restée bien faible comparativement à ce qui allait suivre. Des valeurs


très utiles telles que les niveaux d’héritabilité, les corrélations génétiques, les relations entre sujets apparentés et le niveau du potentiel génétique des divers groupes contemporains n’étaient alors pas employées, ce qui représentait une faiblesse importante dans la démarche d’évaluation du potentiel génétique. Heureusement, la rencontre de la puissance des ordinateurs avec l’intelligence humaine ont conduit à d’importants changements. Au cours des années 1960 et 1970, un chercheur de l’Université Cornell nommé Charles Henderson s’affairait à développer et à raffiner certaines théories susceptibles de révolutionner la sélection des animaux. Les théories du Dr Henderson étaient très compliquées, puisqu’elles combinaient alors toutes les informations disponibles chez une population d’animaux afin d’obtenir les meilleures prévisions possibles du potentiel génétique d’un animal. Ces théories ont permis de développer une méthode d’analyse statistique connue sous le nom de « Best Linear Unibiased Prediction » ou « BLUP », laquelle est la méthode encore employée de nos jours pour calculer les EPD. Des millions d’équations doivent être solutionnées simultanément si on veut effectuer une analyse « BLUP » au sein d’une grande population d’individus, nécessitant ainsi une énorme puissance de calcul et de compilation. Les besoins en matière de calcul et de compilation étaient si gigantesques que ce n’est que vers le milieu des années 1980 qu’on a été en mesure d’incorporer la méthodologie développée par le Dr Henderson en ayant recours aux ordinateurs considérés alors les plus rapides au monde. Fort heureusement, le Dr Henderson a vécu assez longtemps (1989) pour voir ses théories mises en pratique. Comme cela devait se faire, ce sont ses successeurs à l’Université Cornel, soit les Dr Richard Quaas et John Pollack qui ont effectué la première évaluation « BLUP » à grande échelle dans l’industrie bovine, à partir de nulle autre que la base de données de l’ASA (une réalisation dont on doit être fière). Le calcul des EPD a littéralement révolutionné l’élevage des animaux. Tout simplement, car on les calcule en employant toutes les informations disponibles, selon une méthode statistique non biaisée. Les EPD sont les estimés les plus précis possible du potentiel génétique réel d’un animal donné, un point c’est tout. Malgré que les EPD calculés pour un sujet constituent le meilleur estimé du mérite génétique d’un caractère donné, ils ne nous disent pas quels animaux devraient être retenus pour l’élevage. En fait, il ne suffit pas seulement d’avoir une

connaissance des niveaux génétiques (ce que les EPD nous indiquent) lorsqu’on prend des décisions dans notre programme de sélection, on doit déterminer les seuils les plus désirables pour tous les caractères. En appliquant de tels seuils et en les comparant avec les EPD d’un animal donné, on peut ainsi déterminer son mérite génétique relatif, ce qui nous permettra alors de prendre des décisions de sélection. Cela nous conduit à la deuxième partie de notre exposé. Historiquement, dans la production bovine, la détermination d’une mesure du mérite génétique global s’est souvent faite en appliquant un processus plutôt très subjectif. Par exemple, on a tous déjà assisté à des ventes de taureaux, en étudiant selon leur entrée dans l’arène de vente toute une série d’informations concernant des candidats potentiels de taureaux reproducteurs pour notre troupeau. Tandis que l’encanteur récite son jargon, on peut soit se demander quel degré de facilité au vêlage on est prêt à sacrifier, au profit d’un niveau plus élevé de croissance, ou encore d’un niveau d’aptitude laitière désirable pour nous. Ces éléments sont sûrement importants dans la détermination du mérite génétique global d’un animal, toutefois l’approche décrite plus haut est basée surtout sur des opinions, lesquelles peuvent être complètement à côté de nos propres cibles. Une meilleure méthode existe heureusement pour déterminer le mérite génétique global d’un animal. On constate en fait que les origines de cette méthode remontent jusqu’à celui qui fût conseiller aux études graduées du Dr Henderson, alors au Collège de l’État de l’Iowa (devenu par la suite l’Université de l’État de l’Iowa). Cette personne se nommait Lanoy Hazel. En 1943, le Dr Hazel avait publié un article scientifique décrivant alors un procédé qui deviendrait plus tard être acceptée par tous les généticiens comme étant la méthode la plus efficace pour déterminer le mérite génétique global d’un sujet, soit l’indice économique de sélection. Dans son document original, Dr Hazel faisait alors valoir que le mérite génétique d’un animal soit basé sur l’impact cumulatif qu’a le niveau du mérite génétique de l’animal sur le profit. Il avait également fait la démonstration mathématique en appui avec cette affirmation. Ce processus est désigné comme étant une comptabilité génétique. En combinant ainsi les estimés du potentiel génétique d’un animal (c’est-à-dire les EPD), avec les coûts et les projections de prix, l’indice de sélection économique prédira le potentiel génétique de faire un profit avec cet animal, permettant alors de sélectionner des animaux supérieurs et qui maximisent donc le niveau de profit. L’industrie avicole avait déjà commencé à intégrer la méthodologie du Dr Hazel vers la fin des années 1940. Les industries laitières et porcines ont poursuivi dans le même sens quelques décennies plus tard. À l’heure actuelle, on peut affirmer sans crainte que tous les poulets, les porcs et les bovins laitiers au pays sont virtuellement le résultat d’élevage incorporant un indice économique de sélection. L’emploi d’indice de sélection économique au sein de ces espèces a contribué à l’immense progrès génétique obtenu au fil des ans. En fait, cela représente beaucoup plus de progrès que celui obtenu dans l’industrie bovine, par l’utilisation d’une approche de sélection très subjective. J’espère avoir réussi à vous convaincre du fait que les indices de sélection économique sont les outils de sélection les plus

performants possibles. En y ayant recours, on peut devenir plus compétitif par rapport aux autres espèces de bétail, tout en produisant des sujets génétiquement supérieurs à ceux qui ne les utilisent pas. Toutefois, pourquoi les indices de sélection sont-ils de formidables outils de promotion? Je crois qu’il serait vrai de dire que deux des facteurs clé permettant d’ajouter de la valeur à vos sujets d’élevage sont : 1) mon client pourra faire plus d’argent, et 2) vous disposez de preuves objectives et faciles à comprendre par rapport à l’énoncé en 1). Tels que les éleveurs de boucherie progressistes, les éleveurs laitiers, de poulets et de porcs le savent, le premier facteur se concrétisera à la condition qu’on sélectionne des animaux démontrant des indices économiques avec des valeurs supérieures. Par contre, le premier facteur n’aura pas beaucoup d’influence si le second élément ne suit pas. À mon avis, vous pouvez dépenser une fortune en publicité et en vous époumonant à l’effet que vos animaux soient supérieurs mais, si leur supériorité ne peut pas être facilement et objectivement expliquée, les clients ne seront pas intéressés. Je crois que les EPD constituent une belle preuve de cette affirmation. Notre industrie a accès aux EPD depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. Comme on le sait, les EPD représentent les meilleurs estimés du potentiel génétique d’un animal. Mais, bien qu’ils soient le résultat d’une technologie puissante dont disposent les éleveurs depuis assez longtemps pour bien les maîtriser, ceux-ci n’ont pas connu qu’un succès mitigé en les employant comme outils de promotion. Pourquoi ? D’après moi, ils ne sont pas assez simples à utiliser et ils ne nous fournissent pas une méthode universelle de détermination de la supériorité d’un sujet. Comme cela a été mentionné précédemment, les EPD en euxmêmes ne font que prédire le niveau de potentiel génétique d’un animal, et ne nous indiquent pas quels sujets sont supérieurs. Si on veut déterminer le mérite génétique global, les producteurs doivent alors utiliser un tableau fournissant les différents niveaux d’EPD, afin de prédire les niveaux des divers intrants ayant une importance économique (par exemple l’ingestion alimentaire chez la vache, l’ingestion alimentaire en parcs d’engraissement), ainsi que les produits (par exemple le poids de sevrage, le poids de carcasse). Ils doivent également les associer avec des valeurs de coûts et de prix, ce qui n’est pas une mince tâche. En raison du degré de subjectivité habituellement employée dans une telle démarche, on pourrait fournir dix séries d’EPD à dix producteurs et obtenir facilement dix classements différents du mérite global, ce qui n’est pas vraiment une bonne recette si on veut obtenir un consensus quant à la supériorité. Avec les indices de sélection économique fournis par l’ASA, les producteurs disposent de moyens constants et objectifs pour évaluer la supériorité, c’est-à-dire une prévision du profit basée d’après des calculs rigoureux et, en plus, des hypothèses réalistes. Nos indices ne peuvent pas être plus simples à utiliser. Et comme je l’ai déjà dit souvent, même un homme des cavernes peut y arriver ! Sans vouloir offusquer tous les hommes de caverne (et ma femme considère que j’en suis un), les indices économiques ramènent le tout à un seul caractère, lequel est d’ailleurs le plus important, le profit. Vous ne trouverez pas de meilleurs outils de sélection et de marketing que les indices économiques publiés par l’ASA.


ASA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING This year will be held on June 18th in Rimbey/ Brenton, AB Tours will be hosted by High Country Cattle Services, Lockhart Valley Simmentals & Beechinor Bros. Simmentals.

THE ASA WILL BE ELEC ELECTING 3 NEW ASA DIRECTORS AT THE ASA AGM. If interested in becoming a member of the ASA or being nominated for one of the Director positions please contact Kyle Lewis ( or a current ASA Director.



131 Stonegate Cr. Airdrie, AB T4B 2S8


The Canadian National Simmental Show this year will be held at Farmfair! There will be a halfblood show in conjunction with the Simmental Show this year.

Saskatchewan Simmental Association 2016


President: Ryan Lundberg (306) 295-7999 Secretary: Carolyn McCormack (306) 697-2945 Box 591 Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0

Bull Promo

Friendly reminder, that as the bull sale season wraps up, to make sure that your SSA membership is current and to transfer the registration papers on all bulls sold, so that your bull customers are eligible to be entered for the $2000 sale credit from the SSA! The deadline for transferring registration papers is July 15th. The draw will be made at the SSA Annual General Meeting July 23, 2016.

Canadian Simmental Convention 2016 July 21-24, 2016 lloydminster exhibition, lloydminster, sK

Thursday, July 21, 2016

YCSA Move-In Golf (9 or 18 holes) at Lloydminster Golf Club Provinical President’s Meeting Early Registration/Meet and Greet Hospitality

Friday, July 22, 2016

YCSA Annual General Meeting and Quizzes, Print Marketing, Fitting Demo, Team Fitting, Judging Simmental Innovations Conference Casino Night and Fun Auction

saTurday, July 23, 2016

For registration forms & Detailed Schedule visit

YCSA Showmanship

ssa 46Th annual General MeeTinG Csa annual General MeeTinG Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction Saskatchewan Simmental Association 306.697.2945 email: Registration discount before June 20th, 2016

sunday, July 24, 2016

YCSA Confirmation Show

* schedule and time are subject to change

Campground available at Lloydminster Exhibition grounds:

Reserve through the Sask. Simmental 306.697.2945

Guest Rooms Available at:

(Group Code: CSA Convention) Hampton Inn by Hilton Lloydminster 8288 – 44 street, Lloydminster AB, T9V 3R8 t: 780.874.1118 27

President Everett Olson Box 1939 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Phone: 204-826-2643 Email: 1st Vice President Andrea Bertholet Box 55 Car twright, MB R0K 0L0 Phone: 204-483-0319 Email: adber 2nd Vice President Greg Woychyshyn Box 2035 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 Phone: 204-865-2475 Email: Secretary/Treasurer Laurelly Beswitherick Box 274, Austin, MB R0H 0C0 Phone: 204-637-2046 Email: MSA Directors Trevor Peters Box 385, River s, MB R0K 1X0 Phone: 204-328-7458 Email: trevor.peter Dana Johns Box 188, Kenton, MB R0M 0Z0 Phone: 204-838-2003 Email: Everett More Box 1754, Virden, MB R0M 2C0 Phone: 204-748-1225 Email: Tracey Wilcox Box 351, Treherne, MB R0G 2V0 Phone: 204-723-2386 Email: Gordon Delichte Box 26, St. Alphonse, MB R0K 1Z0 Phone: 204-836-2116 Email: Tom Marchant Box 263, Arden, MB R0J 0B0 Phone: 204-841-2046 Email: CSA Director Blair McRae RR1 Box 57, Brandon, MB R7A 5Y1 Phone: 204-728-3058 Email: YCSA President Carson Rodgers Box 709, MacGregor, MB R0H 0R0 Phone: 204-871.0261 Email: Pembina Triangle Rep Eric Theroux Box 215, Notre Dame De Lourdes, MB R0G 1M0 Phone: 204-526-7360 Email: Keystone Association Rep Jennilee Stewart Box 2, Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 P: 204-763-4580 Email:


siness Manitoba Simmental Bulls Taking Care of Bu on Pastures This Summer

Check out Manitoba Simmental this summer! Manitoba Summer Show & YCSA Show July 10, 2016 - Portage Ex, Portage la Prairie, MB Manitoba Youth Beef Round Up July 29-31, 2016 - Neepawa, MB

Thank you to Dana & Meghan Johns for donating the 2016 MYCSA Scholarship heifer! Watch this fall for details.



International Genetic Solutions

Cattlemen’s Seminar

Join the multi-breed partners of International Genetic Solutions on June 14, 2016 prior to the 2016 Beef Improvement Federation Annual Convention to learn about this unprecedented collaboration and the power of multi-breed genetic evaluation.

June 14, 2016 10:30 a.m.-12:00 noon free to attend

BIF Headquarters Hotel Hilton Garden Inn Manhattan 410 S 3rd Street Manhattan, Kansas Industry leading speakers include: Dr. Bruce Golden Donnell Brown Tracy Brunner Steve Munger Chip Ramsay Tom Brink Bruce Holmquist Dr. Wade Shafer Montie Soules

Theta Solutions RA Brown Ranch NCBA President, Cow Camp Ranch Eagle Pass Ranch Rex Ranches Red Angus Association of America Canadian Simmental Association American Simmental Association American Shorthorn Association

We Collaborate. You Profit. Canadian Angus Association Canadian Gelbvieh Association

American Chianina Association

American Gelbvieh Association

North American Limousin Foundation

American Maine-Anjou Association Canadian Shorthorn Association

Red Angus Association of America American Simmental Association

Canadian Limousin Association American Shorthorn Association Canadian Simmental Association 31

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Friday, July 22, 2016

YCSA Move in all day 7:30 am- Registration 5:00- 7:00 pm Early Registration 8:00 am- YCSA General Meeting 10:00 am – 4:00 pm- Quizzes, Print Marketing, Fitting Demo, Team Fitting, Judging Lunch Included 5:30 pm- Supper 7:00 pm- Fun Evening Activity

Saturday, July 23, 2016

9:00 am- Showmanship 12:00 pm- Lunch 1:00 pm- CSA AGM 5:30 pm – CSA Banquet 7:30 pm- Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction

Sunday, July 24, 2016

10:00 am- Conformation Show Concession available on groundsYCSA awards ceremony to follow show **SUBJECT TO CHANGE**

This year the YCSA will be collecting items for the Food Bank during the National Classic 2016. All items will be donated to the local Lloydminster Food Bank. Stay tuned for more information about the project and how you can be a part of this great cause!


My name is Mackenzie Skeels and growing up on Anchor D Ranch in Rimbey, Alberta has been wonderful. My first cow was given to me; from there I have bought, traded, and raised cows extending my herd to 14 head to breed this spring. I started 4-H in the Bluffton 4-H club in 2009 taking a show steer, and since then the show string has grown. When the National YCS show took place in Okotoks, we loaded up our Fleckvieh Simmentals and headed south. It was a wonderful learning experience, and I was honored with Supreme Champion Cow/Calf Pair and Reserve Champion Bull. Growing up traveling to events associated with 4-H, Alberta YCS, and the National YCS has helped make me a well-rounded person. One of the things I think about doing when I am older is being an ambassador for agriculture. Teaching and showing people where their food comes from. Bridging the gap between rural and urban communities. My interests outside of the farm include being active in sports such as volleyball, basketball as well as riding and showing horses. My family has been a huge support for me to try anything that I want to. Being a part of Anchor D Ranch has opened up my horizons to the cattle industry and allowed me to have access to the Simmental breed. I know that there are no limits in whatever I do. I would like to say to anyone that is interested in coming to the YCS shows, to come out and take advantage of this wonderful experience! My cousins and I say that we literally have Simmental running through our blood, being passed down three generations. My name is Morgan MacIntyre and I live on my family’s farm, Xcel Livestock, which is located east of Ottawa, Ontario where we raise purebred Simmental and Angus cattle. I first joined the YCS program when I was six years old to attend my first National YCS show. I was hooked. My love for the cattle industry has lead me across five Canadian provinces and one US state participating in four National YCS Shows, two Angus Showdowns, one Hereford Bonanza, four Royal 4-H Junior Beef Heifer Shows, and two Big East Junior shows in Massachusetts. Some of my proudest moments over the years have been winning Novice Aggregate at the 2010 National YCS Show, Reserve Champion Showman at the 2014 Big East, Reserve Intermediate Showman at the 2015 Summer Synergy, 2015 Calgary Stampede scholarship recipient, and finally this past summer Champion Junior Aggregate at the 2015 YCS National Show. Although the cattle industry makes up a huge portion of my life, I also fundraise as much as possible for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) where I receive on going treatment for my autoimmune disease. School and music essentially round out my life. I hope to combine my love of animals with my interest in science to someday have a career in agriculture. Until then, I will finish high school, sing and play my guitar, ride my horse Rocky, and convince my parents that they should take me to every show possible. I am honoured and extremely excited to be chosen to attend the AJSA in Iowa and I would like to thank the YCSA for providing me with this once in a lifetime o pportunity.


From the Director’s Chair

Simmental, la race du futur Francis Gagnon - Directeur - Association Simmental du Canada


alutations du territoire des Canadiens de Montréal, de la célèbre poutine du Québec et de la légendaire hospitalité canadienne française. Pour ceux que je n’ai pas eu le plaisir de rencontrer encore, mon nom est Francis Gagnon. Je suis de la Ferme Gagnon Inc, située dans la magnifique région de Chénéville au Québec, et j’y travaille d’aussi loin que je me souvienne. Notre troupeau est constitué de 200 vaches Simmental et Angus enregistrées. Je suis diplômé en Gestion et technologies agricoles du Campus McDonald à Montréal. Cet été, j’ai été nouvellement élu au conseil d’administration de l’Association canadienne Simmental au cours de la Convention annuelle qui s’est déroulée à Lindsay, Ontario. Je profite pleinement de cette expérience et je suis fier de représenter les membres de cette prestigieuse organisation. La province de Québec est un territoire principalement axé sur l’industrie laitière par rapport à l’industrie des bovins de boucherie qui elle compte environ 4430 producteurs vaches/veaux. Notre industrie bovine n’est pas aussi dominante que dans d’autres provinces canadiennes. Par exemple, en 2014, on comptait environ 170 000 vaches de boucherie déclarées au Québec; une réduction de 28% par rapport aux 217 600 vaches dénombrées en 2009. Cette réduction du nombre s’explique peut-être par les augmentations, aux cours des dernières années, du prix des vaches de réforme et du coût des terres qui ont incité les producteurs plus âgés à prendre une retraite anticipée du mode de vie agricole. Le prix des terrains a doublé depuis 2010 et sont vendus en moyenne 6500 $ l’acre. Les terres agricoles aux prix les plus élevés se trouvent dans la région de la Montérégie où l’acre se vend environ 20 000 $, par rapport aux régions plus au nord où on parle d’environ 500 $ l’acre. La majorité des opérations bovines de boucherie qui sont encore actives au Québec sont de très petites tailles et la plupart des agriculteurs occupent encore des emplois à temps plein à l’extérieur de la ferme.


Du côté de la finition de bouvillons de la province, le Québec a fini environ 120 000 têtes en 2014 comparativement à 200 000 en 2009. Plusieurs facteurs pouvant expliquer cette baisse entrent en jeu, mais l’un des plus importants est le prix élevé du maïs et du soya. Cette hausse des prix a amené les propriétaires de parcs d’engraissement, qui pour la majorité produisent leurs propres aliments, à vendre leurs céréales plutôt qu’à nourrir leurs bouvillons avec ces dernières. Le Québec compte environ 160 éleveurs pur-sang des deux races dominantes, soient les races Simmental et Charolais. L’Association Simmental du Québec (ASQ) a été créée en 1978 et c’est en 1980 que M. Armand Pellerin est engagé comme ‘’la personne de terrain’’ pour nos éleveurs Simmental. Au cours d’un voyage en France organisé par l’ASQ, 19 de ses membres font l’acquisition d’un certain nombre de bovins Simmental afin d’améliorer la race au Québec. La devise de l’organisation est alors: “Simmental, la race du futur”. Depuis 2000, avec les données sur les troupeaux commerciaux collectées par le MAPAQ, les Simmental ont terminé au premier rang pour le poids au sevrage et pour la capacité laitière de ses femelles. Également, la race Simmental a démontré la meilleure amélioration de la facilité de vêlage et de la réduction de stature. Avec une industrie du bœuf considérablement petite et un manque d’abattoirs, le Québec est très dépendant des marchés extérieurs. Avec notre démographie importante et la présence de grandes villes comme Montréal, je vois une grande opportunité pour l’industrie du bœuf au Québec de cibler le marché local. Je suis positif face à l’avenir et serai toujours un promoteur de notre race Simmental! Sources: • © Gouvernement du Québec , • Association Simmental du Québec ,

Member Announcements CONGRATULATIONS

Congratulations to parents Matthew and Leanne Glasman of Glasman Farms on their new baby Sarayah Grace Glasman, born on February 1, 2016 at 4:24 AM. She weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 22 inches long.

Stephen, Jennie, and Meredith Mutch would like to welcome the newest addition to their family. John Edward Mutch was born on January 29, 2016 weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces.

Andrew Meekins and Morgan Burrows of Brandy Brook Farm, Truro, Nova Scotia, are excited to annouce the arrival of their daughter Hudson Elizabeth Ann Meekins on December 31, weighing in at 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 20 inches long.

Barry and Ashley Hanes of Hanes Livestock are happy to welcome their newest addition Hayden William Hanes born March 27, 2016! Hayden weighed in at 9 pounds 7 ounces and is 22 inches long. Big sister Paige is very excited to have Hayden as her baby brother.

Chris and Jen Vervoort of 5-Star Livestock are proud to announce the arrival of Madison Jennifer Vervoort born February 20, 2016 weighing 9 pounds 3 ounces. Proud big sister and big brother are Cierra and Corey. The Vervoort family is from Arthur, Ontario.


From the Field

Meghan Black CSA Programs Coordinator


From the Field

have honestly lost track of how many times myself or others have noted that “it’s an exciting time to be in the beef industry let alone the Simmental breed.” But quite frankly it’s true. Each season, with each milestone Simmentals reach, whether it be at shows, sales, or at the market barns, and with the general demand and want to be involved in the breed, one realizes how great this industry is. The realization of it all makes me excited, and glad that I work within the Agriculture sector, the beef industry, and for the Canadian Simmental Association. This past spring Simmentals continued to top the charts at bull sales across the country. I’ve been very fortunate over the past year of working for the CSA to get out to many of these sales. To get out and about at these events, visit with Simmental breeders, cattle producers and continue to see top quality Simmentals on offer is something to be desired by many. For something so common to many, this is something simple I’ve thoroughly enjoyed, where bull sales are fair few on the east coast - an added aspect to my lifestyle that was new to me in my move to the west. Breeders who have sold bulls and females this past spring should be very proud of the offerings they made available and the sales they had! The consistency in quality on the offering made within the past year by our breeders is something to be admired! Within the next few months breeders and Juniors around the country will be preparing for the CSA’s Convention taking place this year in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Having been heavily involved in several junior breed associations growing up, these events are something I thoroughly look forward to each year, even now as an “adult” and CSA staff member. Not only is it an opportunity to gather in fellowship, visit with old friends and new, learn new and innovative things going on within our industry, but also an opportunity to showcase the youth involved in the Simmental breed! A group of which we can be very proud.


Something I’m sure many of you will see and notice as the Juniors campaign for it, this year at the YCS National Classic the Juniors will be collecting items to give back to the Lloydminster Food Bank. HOW COOL IS THAT? As farmers we take credit for feeding the world. To then see our youth working at helping to feed a community in other ways is something to be very proud of. These young participants are reminded often that they are “our future.” With acts like this, the leadership and initiative they’re showing, and their keenness in being involved with the Simmental breed and agriculture as a whole – well I’d say they have a very bright future. I urge you as breeders, readers, and supporters of YCS to look into giving to this cause. For those that question how to do so (even if you’re unable to attend Convention this year) please contact one of your YCS Provincial Directors. Keep watch on social media and the CSA website for upcoming information on Convention and National Classic! I consider myself to be fortunate for a number of reasons: for the opportunities and experiences I’ve worked towards in my career, and the support I’ve gotten along the way. One thing I certainly don’t take for granted is the warm welcome I’ve received over the year through my travels, and with Simmental Country from breeders across Canada. As my time on the road slows down a considerable amount now the hospitality I’ve received as the “new girl” has been second to none. Something for which I feel very fortunate. As spring turns into summer, weather becomes warmer, and cows go out to pasture, I look forward to crossing paths with many of you at different shows and events during the next few months.




CANADIAN SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION 48th ANNUAL MEETING – 2016 The undersigned member of the Canadian Simmental Association hereby appoints ___________________________________________________________________ (Name) Canadian Simmental Association Member Number ________________ of _____________________________________________ (Address) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Town/City) (Province) (Postal Code) as the nominee of the undersigned to attend, vote and act for and on behalf of the undersigned at the meeting of the members of the Association to be held on the 23rd day of July, 2016 and at any adjournments thereof in the same manner and to the same event and with the same power as if the undersigned were present at the said meeting or such adjournment or adjournments thereof. The said proxy is authorized and directed to vote for the election of officers of the Canadian Simmental Association, if any. If any amendments or variations to matters identified in the notice of meeting are proposed at the meeting or if any other matters properly come before the meeting discretionary authority is hereby conferred with respect thereto. __________________________________________________ Signature of Person Making Declaration

__________________________________________________ Date

__________________________________________________ Name of Membership __________________________________________________ CSA Member Number

Fax copies are accepted provided they are received 10 days prior in advance of the AGM at the CSA office.


Le membre soussigné de l’association Simmental canadienne nommé par la présente ______________________________________________________________________ (Nom) numéro de membre de l’association Simmental canadienne ____________________ de ____________________________________ (Adresse) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Ville/Village) (Province) (Code Postale) En tant que délégué de la part du membre soussigné, pour assister, voter et agir en son nom à l’assemblée annuelle des membres de l’association qui aura lieu le 23 juillet 2016 et à n’importe quel ajournement de l’assemblée, de la même façon et dans la même capacité et avec le même pouvoir d’agir que si le membre soussigné était présent à la dite assemblée ou à tel(s) ajournement(s) de celle-ci. Le mandataire est autorisé à voter et enjoint de le faire pour l’élection des membres du conseil de l’association Simmental canadienne s’il y a lieu. Si à la réunion il y avait proposition d’amender ou de varier les sujets de discussion tels qu’identifiés dans l’avis de convocation de l’assemblée ou si d’autres questions étaient conformément présentées à l’assemblée, un pouvoir discrétionnaire à ce sujet est en outre conféré au mandataire. __________________________________________________ Signature du mandataire __________________________________________________ Nom sous lequel il/elle est membre de l’ASC __________________________________________________ No. de membre de l’ASC

_________________________________________________ Date Les copies envoyées par télécopieur “fax” sont acceptées pourvu qu’elles soient reçues à notre bureau de l’Association au moins 10 jours avant la Réunion générale annuelle de l’Association Canadienne Simmental.



Ryan Cook will be joining the Canadian Simmental Association in May 2016 as the Simmental Country Sales Representative. Ryan’s primary responsibilities will be sales of advertising for Simmental Country and Commercial Country magazines as well as promoting the CSA and its programs. Ryan grew up on a cattle farm outside Millet, Alberta. Throughout his career Ryan has worked for several prominent seed-stock operations in the responsibility of marketing at shows and sales as well as in the area of herd management. During his time as an Alberta Simmental Association director, he was focused on YCSA and Promotion. He currently runs a purebred and commercial Simmental operation with his wife and family near Big Valley, Alberta.

Kelsey Dust joined the Canadian Simmental Association in April 2016 as the YCSA Coordinator. Kelsey’s primary responsibilities will be to work with the CSA’s Young Canadian Simmental Association program as it’s coordinator. Kelsey grew up on a cattle and livestock farm near Humboldt, Saskatchewan and later obtained a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness from the University of Saskatchewan. Since then she has worked for the Saskatchewan 4-H Council and within agriculture sales and the marketing sector. Kelsey was an active 4-H member herself and was also involved in Junior breed associations. Kelsey resides in Coronach, Saskatchewan where she and her fiancé run a Simmental herd.


Lazy S Ranch 47th Annual Bull Power Sale Mayerthorpe, AB January 30, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Raffan

Sale Summary Black Simmental Bulls Red Simmental Bulls Black Beefmaker Bulls Red Beefmaker Bulls Black Angus Bulls Red Angus Bulls Sale Total

Lots 69 64 39 18 16 17 223



$492,729.00 $572,032.00 $213,486.00 $111,006.00 $109,504.00 $103,258.00 $1,601,950.00

$7,141.00 $8,938.00 $5,474.00 $6,167.00 $6,844.00 $6,074.00 $7,184.00

23rd Annual Janzen Ranches Red & Black Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Brandon MB February 11, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




Red Simmental Yearling Bulls


Sale Total


$279,600.00 $86,950.00 $366,550.00

$7,169.00 $6,211.00 $6,916.00

Red Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 14

High Selling Lots

Lot 33 - JJJS Luongo 162C S: CMS Luongo 304A DS: Sunstar Primeobjective 45P Buyer: KD Simmentals


Congratulations on an amazing Bull Sale season! Lot 46 - AEDJ Copper 218C S: Bar 15 Copper 21M DS: IPU Red Bodybuilder 62S Buyer: Parview Stock Farms


Lot 20 - AEDJ Cobra 113C S: Deeg Mr 4A DS: IPU Red Bodybuilder 62S Buyer: Sunset Simmentals


Lot 35 - AEDJ Cobra 164C S: Deeg Mr 4A DS: Remington Sting 11R Buyer: Stopanski Ranch Ltd.


Lot 43 - AEDJ Luongo 194C S: CMS Luongo 304A DS: BBS Mr Pepper J34 Buyer: Fawn Hill Farms


Lot 12 - DMF Diamond M Bull 468B S: IPU Red Chakota 18Y DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: City View Farms


Lot 48 - DMF B166 S: Red H70 Quantock 741T DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: August Brisbois


Lot 16 - DMF Diamond M Bull 433B S: STF Royal Affair Z44M DS: DMF Western Red 504R Buyer: Clint Sigurdson


Diamond M Ranch Bull & Female Sale

Estevan, SK February 13, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls 47 Commercial Open Heifers 18 Sale Total 65

High Selling Lots



$295,259.00 $35,400.00 $330,650.00

$6,281.00 $1,967.00 $5,087.00

Lot 10 - DMF Diamond M Bull 436B S: IPU Red Chakota 18Y DS: KS Titan L10 Buyer: Charles Faford



Rendezvous Farms 12th Annual Simmental Bull & Female Sale Ste. Rose Du Lac, MB February 15, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 26 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 51 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 13 FB Simmental Heifers 9 Red Simmental Heifers 25 Black Simmental Heifers 9

$227,000.00 $363,500.00 $90,500.00 $31,250.00 $92,600.00 $25,900.00 62 $425,250.00

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 15 - Rendezvous 586C S: NUG Hemi 333A DS: SU Paramount 55P Buyer: Zdan Farms

$8,731.00 $7,127.00 $6,962.00 $3,472.00 $3,704.00 $2,878.00 $6,859.00


Jeans & Genetics 2nd Annual Simmental Bull Sale Ponoka, AB February 16, 2016 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 35 Simmental Extra Age Bulls 7 Simmental 2 Yr Old Bull 1 Sale Total 43



$187,000.00 $43,800.00 $5,000.00 $235,800.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 23 - Bens Caribou Lou 508C S: Mr Hoc Broker DS: Sand Ranch Hand Consignor: Moonshine Simmentals Buyer: John Rairdan

$5,340.00 $6,257.14 $5,000.00 $5,483.72


M&J Farms Simmental & Angus Bull Sale Russell, MB February 18, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Simm/Angus Bulls Black Angus Bulls Red Angus Bulls Bred Heifers Commercial Bred Heifers Sale Total


Lots 38 11 15 2 21 8 95

Gross $276,250.00 $70,250.00 $123,000.00 $13,250.00 $76,100.00 $23,200.00 $582,050.00

Average $7,269.74 $6,286.36 $8,200.00 $6,625.00 $3,623.81 $2,900.00 $6,126.84

Lot 45 - Rendezvous 481C S: ZSL Mr Red Express 106Z DS: IPU Specialist 203W Buyer: Steven Hoffart


Lot 48 - Rendezvous 166C S: ZSL Mr Red Express 106Z DS: CMS Red Polled Icon 16P Buyer: Riverbank Farms


Lot 4 - Rendezvous 704C S: IPU Nero 274X DS: MFI Supreme 4037 Buyer: Moose Creek Cattle


Lot 5 - Rendezvous 80C S: IPU Nero 274X DS: SU Paramount 55P Buyer: Dustin Heitkamp


Lot 55 - B Bar C Cruise S: Black Gold Wispers Shadow DS: Virginia’s Mania 960M Consignor: B Bar C Simmentals Buyer: O Double E Farms


Lot 44 - Grinalta’s Unique 2nd-PFF $9,100.00 S: Grinalta’s Unique DPFF81Z DS: Grinalta’s Pold Payday FF Consignor: Grinalta Farms Buyer: Diamond T Simmentals Lot 54 - B Bar C Colorado S: Oakview Titan 20Y DS: Anchor D Rowan 108R Consignor: B Bar C Simmentals Buyer: Ferrybank Farming Co.


Lot 19 - Spruces Phantom 392B S: NUG Raptor 233Y DS: South Seven Wichita 67W Consignor: Spruce View Acres Buyer: Trevor Schoff


High Selling Lots

Lot 15 - MJ Hometown Glory 31B S: Tess Black Rampage 71W DS: WLB Bull 360S 401X Consignor: M&J Farms Buyer: Graham Alexander


Lot 10 - MJ Telluride 18B $16,000.00 S: Wheatland Bull 215Z DS: Ultra Mr Teddybear 81S Consignor: M&J Farms Buyer: Yellow Rose Cattle Co., J.R. Cattle & Hampton Simmentals Lot 17 - MMJB Black Nitro 34B S: Blacksand IBull 49Z DS: Ultra Mr Teddybear 81S Consignor: M&J Farms Buyer: Carman Jackson


Lot 12 - MJ Front Range 24B S: Blacksand IBull 49Z DS: MJ Black Landmark 10U Consignor: M&J Farms Buyer: Garnet Marin


2016 GeneTiC eDGe BuLL SALe FeBRuARy 12, 2016 Lot 5 Raptor - Ferme Gagnon & Canadian Sires

Lot 71

70 Fullbloods $634850 18 Purebreds $154500

$9069 Average $8583 Average

88 Lots

$8970 Average


Lot 26

Lot 57

Glacier - Soderglen Ranches

Heist - Bar 5 Simmentals

Casino - Stone Simmentals

We appreciate your interest in our program Lot 5 Lot 71 Lot 57 Lot 26 Lot 11 Lot 54 Lot 87 Lot 17 Lot 27 Lot 52

Anchor D Raptor 392C - $60,000 to Ferme Gagnon & Canadian Sires Anchor D Glacier 702C - $21,000 to Soderglen Ranches, AB Anchor D Heist 111C - $17,000 to Bar 5 Simmentals, ON Anchor D Casino 121C - $15,000 to Stone Simmentals, AB Anchor D Macs Valor 290C - $13,000 to Bernard Chamberland, AB Anchor D Austin 658C - $13,000 to Crooked Lakes Livestock, AB Anchor D King Tut 415C - $12,500 to Gerald & Doug Skeels, AB Anchor D Mesquite 72C - $12,000 to Poole Arrow Ranch, BC Anchor D Utah 228C - $12,000 to Double T Cattle Co, AB Anchor D Yellowstone 618C - $12,000 to Ferrybank Colony, AB

Scotsford Colony, AB Steve Prediger, AB Norm & Holly Waldron, AB Poole Arrow Ranch, BC Ferme Gagnon, PQ Canadian Sires, AB Double T Cattle Co., AB Pine Hill Colony, AB Pam & Gene Riley, AB Crooked Lakes Livestock, AB Erskine Colony, AB Bernard Chamberland, AB Rod Jordan, AB Chris & Hannah Bowman, AB Kevin Olmstead, AB Walt & Val Hedges, BC Kevin Bullee, AB Dennis Jordan, AB 7F Ranch, BC Grant Bailey, AB

Waterton Colony, AB Stone Simmentals, AB Lakeview Simmentals, AB Leonard & Brenda Knight, AB Ten Bar Cattle Co., AB Lazy RS Ranch, AB R-Five Simmentals, AB Reszel Farms, AB Three D Farms, AB Travis & Lynn Trask, BC Pleasant Valley Colony, AB Craig Abt, AB Abt Cattle Co., AB Joe & Sandra Dahm, AB Ferrybank Colony, AB Cory Mack, ND Bar 5 Simmentals, ON Ross Ward, AB Flewelling Livestock, AB Andy Mueller, AB

Daryl Angus, ON Kim Lubbers, AB Henry Roy, AB Diamond Rio Ranch, AB Bill Weatherald, AB Crystal Springs Ranch, BC Soderglen Ranches, AB Small Time Farms, AB Dan & Judy Foley, BC Murray Griffiths, AB Parkhill Ranches, AB George & Gail Slusarczyk, AB C & G Ranch, AB Gerald Bingeman, AB McCormack Family Farm, SK Drew & Deanna Keivers, AB Wyatt Dahm, AB Bill Orlick, AB Gerald & Doug Skeels, AB

Dan, Karen, Mackenzie & Garren Skeels Pasture Treasures Female Sale October 14, 2016

Box 1638 - Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0 403: 843-4756 • 403: 783-1217 43

27th Annual Mader Ranches Bull Power Sale Carstairs, AB February 19, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 54 Simm/Angus Yearling Bulls 5 Simmental Extra Age Bulls 18 Simm/Angus Extra Age Bulls 4 Sale Total 81



$395,000.00 $29,250.00 $142,500.00 $40,250.00 $607,000.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 80 - Mader Walk This Way 224B S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: Mader P Black Ironman 22U Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals

$7,315.00 $5,850.00 $7,917.00 $10,063.00 $7,494.00


P&H Ranching Co., Circle G Simmentals & Angus & Alkali Lake Angus Bull & Ranch Horse Sale Innisfail, AB February 20, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Raffan

Sale Summary


Red & Black Simmental Bulls 26 57 Charolais Bulls Black Angus Bulls 16 Red Angus Bulls 10 Broke Ranch Horses 11 Sale Total 120



$225,500.00 $501,600.00 $137,450.00 $77,700.00 $112,200.00 $1,054,450.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 63 - Circle G Cash 1C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: Springcreek Teddy 72U Consignor: Circle G Simmentals & Angus Buyer: Shady Nook Simmentals

$8,673.00 $8,802.00 $7,636.00 $7,770.00 $10,200.00 $8,787.00


Lot 1 - Mader Fugitive 35C S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: CDI/PLCC Dr. Phil 145U Buyer: Lankirk Land & Cattle


Lot 15 - Mader Momentum 63C S: IPU Red Zone 16A DS: S-Paw Turbo Charged Buyer: Crisis Cattle Co.


Lot 10 - Mader Associate 47C S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: Wheatland Predator 922W Buyer: Starland Colony


Lot 95 - Elliot 3E After Party 4151 S: Mader Heavy Dose 29Y DS: OCC Legacy 839L Buyer: Remington Land & Cattle


Lot 66 - Circle G Cougar 41C S: Skors Enticer 171Z DS: Col D Bar C Vegas 50X Consignor: Circle G Simmentals & Angus Buyer: Nickel Farms


Lot 77 - Circle G Choice 134C S: Skors Enticer 171Z DS: D Bar C Newsman 17N Consignor: Circle G Simmentals & Angus Buyer: Redrich Farms


Lot 76 - Circle G Chairman 85C S: Skors Enticer 171Z DS: OLF Odin U5 Consignor: Circle G Simmentals & Angus Buyer: Soderglen Ranches


Lot 79 - Circle G Contender 30C S: Wheatland Bull 334A DS: CG Yamaha 23Y Consignor: Circle G Simmentals & Angus Buyer: R Plus Simmentals


Lot 63 - BLCC Mr Crockett 302C S: Skors Black Crocket 234Z DS: KWA Red Rock 5T Buyer: Har-J Cattle Co.


Lot 8 - BLCC Mr Red Rock 4C S: KWA Red Rock 5T DS: KOP Ponderosa 144Y Buyer: Harry Hill Cattle Co.


Lot 31 - BLCC Mr Crockett 168C S: Skors Black Crocket 234Z DS: KWA Red Rock 5T Buyer: Ron Ketterling


Lot 13 - BLCC Mr Sheriff 25C S: Kuntz Sheriff 8A DS: R Plus 110X Buyer: Lazy Bar B Simmental


Bonchuk Farms Annual Bull Sale

Virden, MB February 21, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary




Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls 15 $92,850.00 Simmental Yearling Bulls 60 $365,800.00 Sale Total 75 $458,650.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 23 - BLCC Mr Crosby 101C S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: PRL Houston 005H Buyer: Larry Olsen


$6,190.00 $6,097.00 $6,115.00


Thank you to everyone who supported Rainalta genetics at the 22nd Annual Bull Sale Nothing Barred Ranch Quarter T Ranch Jay Pederson Curtis Williamson Bruce Christensen Mac Ranching Cronkhite Ranch Dale Stammers

Rainalta Lumber Jack 2C

LeRoy Nelson Brad Osadczuk Rick Strate Newell Grazing Barry Fleming Rod Ririe Williamson Farms

Riverbend Ranch Rod Logan Schmidt Farms Dick Vossepoel PFRA Kokay Farms Dirk and Andrew Braun Ivan Locke

Rainalta Red Rock 139C Simmental Bulls Averaged $6,182.00 Charolais Bulls Averaged $6,365.00

Rainalta Double Down 21C Purchased by Bone Creek Angus Ranch for $18,000.00 Rainalta Red Mountain 13C

Purchased by Bone Creek Angus Ranch for $12,000.00 Rainalta Crosby 59C

Purchased by Cornerview Ranch and 7J Ranching for $11,000.00

Purchased by R and V White Ranches for $10,000.00

Purchased by MCG Simmentals for $9,750.00

Watch for the

Rainalta Complete Simmental and Charolais Herd Dispersal December 29, 2016 Bow Slope Auction, Brooks, Alberta

Rainalta Simmentals & Charolais Bill Swenson 403.362.0854


Select Opportunity Bull & Female Sale Olds, AB February 22, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Bulls 41 $242,650.00 Simmental Open Heifers 12 $46,150.00 Sale Total 53 $288,800.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 36 - MRC Executive 247C S: MRC Wall Street 183Z DS: WFL Commander 78R Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: Sawley Ranching

$5,918.00 $3,846.00 $5,449.00


Lot 50 - MRC Justice 603Z S: MR TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Mr HOC Broker Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: V7 Ranch


Lot 33 - MRC Legend 64C S: MR TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Mr HOC Broker Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: McIntosh Livestock


Lot 47 - MRC Corona 146C S: MRC Corona 154A DS: Mr HOC Broker Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: Tommy Dush


Lot 61 - MRC Miss Tula 165C S: Kuntz Sheriff 8A DS: KBR Black Exciter 758T Consignor: M & R Cattle Co. Buyer: Mader Ranches


Lot 63 - Crossroad Presto 144C S: CMS/BMD Paparazzi 205Z DS: Double Bar D Builder 154T Buyer: Leewood Ranch & Darren Hannis


Crossroad Farms 10th Annual Bull and Female Sale Shell Lake, SK February 24, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 86 $713,250.00 Open Replacement Heifers 13 $84,000.00 99 $797,250.00 Sale Total

$8,294.00 $6,462.00 $8,053.03

High Selling Lots

Lot 3 - Crossroad Subaru 73C $37,000.00 S: Sibelle Spartacus 8A DS: Crossroad Homegrown 944W Buyer: Bohrson Marketing Services, Mark Land and Cattle Co. & Springlake Simmentals

11th Annual Robb Hoegl Bull Sale

Lloydminster, SK February 25, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Sale Total

High Selling Lots



67 $552,800.00 67 $552,800.00

Lot 1 - LRX Royal Flush 100C S: NUG Royal Red 324A DS: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: Bouchard Livestock & Crowe Bros.


Average $8,251.00 $8,251.00


Lot 6 - Crossroad Stonewall 123C $16,000.00 S: Sibelle Spartacus 8A DS: Crossroad Sinatra 557S Buyer: Paul Murray Farms & Maxwell Simmentals Lot 55 - Crossroad Millions 95C S: Crossroad Black Bolt 263A DS: LFE BS Lewis 322U Buyer: Leewood Ranch


Lot 14 - LRX Wally 95C S: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X DS: Springcreek Liner 56U Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: Currie Angus


Lot 36 - LRX Total Value 163C S: Starwest Total Value DS: WXR Redpaths Major 36W Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: WJ Simmentals


Lot 56 - NGDB Night Train 4C S: Black Gold Night Train 55A DS: C&D Poco Consignor: Hoegl Livestock Buyer: Cliff Barnett


Lot 30 - LRX Rangelander 149C S: Virginia Rangeland 180Z DS: NUG Standout 9S Consignor: Robb Farms Buyer: Holt Colony


Lone Stone Farms Simmental & Red Angus Bull Sale Westlock, AB February 26, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary Simmental Yearling Bulls Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls Red Angus Yearling Bulls Red Angus 2 Yr Old Bulls Commercial Simm/ Angus Open Heifers Sale Total

Lots 15 20 15 17 18


High Selling Lots Average

$89,750.00 $104,500.00 $92,550.00 $123,800.00 $39,950.00

$5,983.00 $5,225.00 $6,170.00 $7,282.00 $2,219.00

85 $450,550.00


Lot 56 - Lone Stone Baron 145C $15,000.00 S: BLCC Mr Baron 326Z DS: Wolfes Titan FF 51T Buyer: Staden Farms Ltd. & Champ Simmentals Lot 47 - Lone Stone Envoy 134C S: APLX Envoy 2Y DS: Prostock Hugo 7052T Buyer: Warren Day


Lot 51 - Lone Stone Baron 104C S: BLCC Mr Baron 326Z DS: Prostock Hugo 7052T Buyer: O Double E Simmentals


Lewis Farms 31st Annual Bull Sale Spruce Grove, AB February 27, 2016 Auctioneer: Brent Carey & Dan Skeels

Sale Summary




Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 67 Black Simmental Extra Age Bulls 56 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 34 Red Simmental Extra Age Bulls 33 FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 32 FB Simmental Extra Age Bulls 16 Black Angus Yearling Bulls 21 Black Angus Extra Age Bulls 30 Red Angus Yearling Bulls 13 Red Angus Extra Age Bulls 7

$600,588.00 $428,960.00 $377,876.00 $322,476.00 $315,232.00 $157,488.00 $204,099.00 $262,980.00 $75,348.00 $58,296.00 309 $2,775,129.00

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

$8,964.00 $7,660.00 $11,114.00 $9,772.00 $9,851.00 $9,843.00 $9,719.00 $8,766.00 $5,796.00 $8,328.00 $8,981.00

Simmental Summit Bull & Female Sale Bentley, AB February 29, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 54 FB Simmental Open Heifers 8 PB Simmental Open Heifers 2 Commercial Open Heifers 9 73 Sale Total

High Selling Lots



$473,450.00 $36,800.00 $11,250.00 $20,400.00 $541,900.00

Lot 30 - BEE Vault 167C S: Brink Bullet Proof A342 DS: Virginias Tallahassee Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Silverlake Farms

$8,768.00 $4,600.00 $5,625.00 $2,267.00 $7,423.00


Lot 203 - LFE Explorer 388C S: MRL Discovery 21A DS: NGDB Wet Dream 6W Buyer: Westgold Farms


Lot 32 - LFE McDavid 413C S: LFE Gotham 819Y DS: LFEBISS Blackadvance 426U Buyer: Spring Creek Simmentals


Lot 314 - LFE Dare Devil 3238B S: LFE RRS Diablo 3112U DS: LCHMN BodyBuilder 7303F Buyer: JK Bar Cattle & McIntosh Livestock


Lot 26 - LFE Doomsday 406C S: LFE Gotham 819Y DS: LFE Punk 407U Buyer: Downey Farms


Lot 29 - BEE Ballistic 1C S: Brink Bullet Proof A342 DS: ABR Sir Arnold’s Image Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: XRC Simmentals


Lot 3 - BEE Furor 605C S: KOP Commotion 57Z DS: Action Mr. Right Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Red Top Livestock


Lot 23 - BEE Jericho 537C S: Big Sky Jerico DS: Action Mr. Right Consignor: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals Buyer: Matt & Shauna Elines


Lot 72 - SLY Pitboss 19C S: LRX Blaze 55Z DS: Wheatland Predator 922W Consignor: Double R Farms Buyer: Young Boys Cattle Trio



14th Annual Muirhead Cattle Co. Simmental Bull Sale Shellbrook, SK February 29, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Sale Total




61 $504,500.00 61 $504,500.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 12 - Muirheads Tracker 232B S: CG Tracker 45T DS: JDN Cisco’s Pride 10K Buyer: Deeg Simmentals

$8,270.00 $8,270.00


Lot 32 - Muirheads Time Out 263B S: Muirheads Timeout 13Z DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Buyer: Mitchell Cattle Co.


Lot 46 - Muirheads Identity 100B S: WFL Identity 23X DS: Skors Powder Keg 226S Buyer: Graham Alexander


Lot 1 - Muirheads Boardwalk 211B S: LFE Boardwalk 3009X DS: Muirheads Lexus 133U Buyer: Lost River Farming


Lot 20 - Muirheads Bill 154B S: WLB Bull 223W 400Y DS: ACC1 Hustler 2N Buyer: Bruce Barber Farms


Lot 1 - Bar 5 Karat 302B S: WLSF Kaimat 930X DS: WLSF Haldor Buyer: Ben Wanlass


Lot 5 - Bar 5 P Baron 1215C S: Bar 5 PP Bravehart 1202A DS: Bar 5 SA Pfidelity 424R Buyer: Ben Wanlass


Lot 7 - Bar 5 Hextor 1223C S: Bar 5 PP Braveheart 1202A DS: Dora Lee Eclipse FF9R Buyer: Semex


Lot 2 - Bar 5 Legend 1303B S: Anchor “T” Legend 7H DS: Smithbilt Molson 21M Buyer: Mike McCausland


Lot 10 - Double Bar D Brave 156B S: MFI Jeremiah 9022 DS: Bar None Maximizer Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Spruce View Acres


Lot 161 - Swan Lake Big Red 85B S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: LFE Black Lakota 385W Consignor: Swan Lake Farms Buyer: Double Bar D Farms


Lot 47 - Double Bar D Abesly 276B S: WLSF Abesly DS: LFS POL Balboa 40U Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Crossroad Farms


Lot 95 - Double Bar D Captive 446C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: Wheatland Red Hummer 608S Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: SAJ Simmentals


Bar 5 Bull & Frozen Genetics Online Sale Markdale, ON February 29, 2016

Sale Summary Simmental Bulls Embryo (3/Lot) Semen

Lots 7 7 5



$29,800.00 $8,775.00 $4,850.00

$4,257.00 $1,253.00 $970.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 6 - Bar 5 Settlement 4421C S: Bar 5 Paymaster 1334D DS: Erico Primal Buyer: Ben Pridham


Double Bar D “Best of Both Worlds” Simmental & Simm/ Angus Bull & Female Sale Grenfell, SK March 1, 2016 Auctioneer: : Chris Poley & Danny Skeels Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary


Fleckvieh Simmental Bulls 66 PB Simmental Bulls 82 Simm/Angus Bulls 11 Heifers 14 173 Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Gross $663,500.00 $522,500.00 $55,000.00 $96,600.00 $1,337,600.00

Average $10,053.03 $6,371.95 $5,000.00 $6,900.00 $7,731.79

Lot 9 - Double Bar D Banker $130,000.00 S: MFI Jeremiah 9022 DS: FGAF Masail 307S Consignor: Double Bar D Farms Buyer: Virginia Ranch & Rand-Mar Management & Farm Ltd. 48


Erixon Simmentals Annual Bull & Female Sale Saskatoon, SK March 2, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 53 $470,500.00 Simmental Open Heifers 10 $51,750.00 Sale Total 63 $522,250.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 17 - Erixon Lad 54C S: NUG Royal Red 324A DS: Erixon Tradition 83T Buyer: Lake Bottom Cattle Co.

$8,877.36 $5,175.00 $8,289.68


Lot 44 - Erixon Lad 143C S: Come As U R Red Rocket DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Buyer: Pearson Simmentals


Lot 2 - Erixon Lad 12C S: Erixon Revelstock 41A DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Buyer: Mitchell Cattle Co.


Lot 9 - Erixon Lad 45C S: Erixon Dealer 63Z DS: LBR Crocket R81 Buyer: Dean Smigelski


Lot 61 - Erixon Lady 38C S: FBF1 Combustible DS: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X Buyer: Rusylvia & Westgold Farms


Lot 13 - Pheasantdale Cool Cat 9C S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: LFE Hot Topic 312W Buyer: Cliff & Nathan Allen


Lot 26 - Pheasantdale Mr BB 91C S: Blacksand Big Bang 1Z DS: Wheatland Bull 932W Buyer: Kevin & Henry Lischka


Lot 21 - Pheasantdale BB Coil 82C S: Blacksand Big Bang 1Z DS: LFE Hot Topic 312W Buyer: Tyler Schutz


Lot 60 - Pheasantdale Mr RBF 304B S: Crossroad Buckshot 36W DS: SU Maverick 367M Buyer: Dwayne Burla


Lot 20 - IPU Red Deputy 25C S: Kuntz Sheriff 8A DS: Springcreek Liner 56U Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Kunkel Simmentals


Lot 24 - IPU El Tigre 73C S: MRL El Tigre 52Z DS: Hart Extra Effort G289 Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Rainbow River Simmentals


12th Annual Pheasantdale Bull & Female Sale Balcarres, SK March 3, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 53 Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls 11 Simmental Open Heifers 8 Sale Total 72



$255,619.00 $53,999.00 $27,104.00 $336,722.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 57 - Pheasantdale Rockett 33C S: LRX HP Rocket 23Y DS: Champs Bravo Buyer: Dylan Kuschak

$4,823.00 $4,909.00 $3,388.00 $4,676.69


LaBatte Simmentals with Guest Consignor Meadow Acres Farm 36th Annual Bull & Female Sale Moose Jaw, SK March 4, 2016 Auctioneer: Dan Skeels & Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 3 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 51 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 35 Simmental Open Heifers 18

Sale Total

High Selling Lots


$27,000.00 $670,500.00 $365,250.00 $136,750.00 107 $1,199,500.00

Average $9,000.00 $13,147.00 $10,436.00 $7,597.00 $11,210.00

Lot 2 - IPU The Closer 74C $95,000.00 S: IPU Red Zone 16A DS: IPU Revolution 172U Consignor: LaBatte Simmentals Buyer: Bouchard Livestock & Boundary Ranch 50

Lot 80 - MAF King Cobra 3C $27,000.00 S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: MAF R Horizon 7Y Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms Buyer: Bouchard Livestock & Kimball Few Acres Lot 46 - MAF Mr 1C S: MAF R Horizon 7Y DS: Hooks Shear Force 38K Consignor: Meadow Acres Farms Buyer: Ferme Leblond



Rainbow River Simmentals Online Bull Sale Minnedosa, MB March 4-6, 2016

Sale Summary


Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 8 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 3 Red Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls 2 Sale Total 13



$43,552.00 $14,001.00 $13,700.00 $71,253.00

$5,444.00 $4,667.00 $6,850.00 $5,481.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 8 - Rainbowriver Glacier 13C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: MRL 67X Buyer: Brian Kruk


Mappin Simmentals/Silversmith Farms Ltd. 11th Annual Bull Sale Veteran, AB March 5, 2016 Auctioneer: Dean Edge

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 49 $417,480.00 49 $417,480.00 Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - MOES Alley Cat 134C S: WFL Mr Westway 10Z DS: Twin-Chief Player 290P Consignor: Silversmith Farms Ltd. Buyer: Buxton Ranches

$8,520.00 $8,520.00


16th Annual R Plus Simmentals Bull Sale Estevan, SK March 6, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.

Sale Summary Yearling Bulls Pick of Heifer Calves Sale Total

High Selling Lots



78 $724,750.00 1 $24,000.00 79 $748,750.00

Average $9,292.00 $24,000.00 $9,479.00

Lot 1 - R Plus 5015C $55,000.00 S: WFL Absolute 51Y DS: IPU Ms. 56U Liner 15A Buyer: Bonchuk Farms, JP Simmentals & Rock Meadow Simmentals


Lot 1 - Rainbowriver Navigator 7B S: Mader Dictator 27Z DS: TH Black Edition 8R Buyer: Brad Thompson


Lot 13 - Rainbowriver Chief 35C S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: IPU Red Design 15J Buyer: Lloyd Harmon


Lot 10 - Rainbowriver Convoy 8C S: Mader Dictator 27Z DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: Bryan Mozdzen


Lot 3 - Rainbowriver Override 2C S: NAC Overdrive 5Z DS: JNB Black Yukon 14Y Buyer: Armin Lach


Lot 4 - MOES Tomfoolary 675C S: WFL Mr. Westway 10Z DS: Mappins Rockstar 172S Consignor: Silversmith Farms Ltd. Buyer: Buxton Ranches


Lot 50 - MOES Yoda 775C S: BJS Mr Yamagucchi 723Y DS: South-Holden Kansas 41E41J Consignor: Silversmith Farms Ltd. Buyer: Generation Gap Ranch Ltd.


Lot 14 - MOES Roarin Hot 370C S: Mappins Roar 523A DS: STF Jalapeno Consignor: Silversmith Farms Ltd. Buyer: Conestoga Farms


Lot 3 - MOES Tom Tom 684C S: WFL Mr Westway 10Z DS: Twin Chief Rancher 878R Consignor: Silversmith Farms Ltd. Buyer: Tom Dush


Lot 4 - R Plus 5051C $42,500.00 S: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Miss R Plus 3051A Buyer: Porter Simmentals & Soderglen Ranches Lot 22 - R Plus 5283C S: NAC Spike 75X DS: SGCC Red Classy 14P Buyer: Lazy S Ranch


Lot 74 - R Plus 4388B S: R Plus 2151Z DS: Miss R Plus 1086Y Buyer: Hill Top Simmentals


Lot 10 - R Plus 5225C S: Drake Poker Face 2X DS: Miss R Plus 7144T Buyer: Hill 70 Quantock Farms Ltd.


u o Y k n a Th

to all the bidders & buyers of the 13th Annual

Ashworth Farm & Ranch Bull Sale

Lot 9 KWA Mountain 83C Sold to Triangle Stock Farms

Lot 1 KWA LAWMAKER 59C Sold to Double Bar D Farms Alan & Rhonda Emde Bangsund Farms Bar CK Ranch Beechinor Brothers Blooming Prairie Simmentals BJ Cattle Company Brian Czerwonka Bridgeway Livestock B&L Farms Borderview Land & Cattle Calvin Rydzik Casey Claffey Chris Lepage Circle 7 Simmentals City View Farms Connor Czerwonka Coteau Hills Land & Cattle

Lot 47 KWA Currency 57C Sold to Lazy Y Cattle Co.

Lot 54 KWA Odyssey 62C Lot 20 KWA Mountain 257C Sold to Gerald Malowany Sold to City View Farms

David Urschel Daryl Goruick Darwin Penny Devin Tomchek Don Dayman Don Jackson Double Bar D Farms Faux Farms Ltd. Gerald Malowany Goudy Prairie Acres Janjie Farm Partnership Jim Doud Joe & John Krowicki Jon Heller Kent Shaver Larry Flaig Larry & Ryan McKerricher Laverne Lotten

Lazy Y Cattle Co. Les Hunstad Levi DeBruyne Long Bawl Ranch Mandan Lake Simmentals Mark Overbye McKenzie Livestock Nevin Czerwonka Robert Fradette RK Dale Farms Ltd. Roger Clay Roy Smith Raley Colony Tecumseh Community Pasture Triangle Stock Farms W2 Livestock Warken Welding Kelly & Janice Ashworth Box 53, Oungre, SK S0C 1Z0 Phone: (306) 456-2749 53

12th Annual Bull Spectrum Simmental Sale Innisfail, AB March 7, 2016 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Fullblood Yearling Bulls Red Yearling Bulls Black Yearling Bulls Sale Total

47 16 15 78



$373,350.00 $170,500.00 $141,900.00 $685,750.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 62 - Ultra Mr Combustible 27C S: FBF1 Combustible DS: HC Power Drive 88H Consignor: Ultra Livestock Buyer: Regan Schlacter

$7,944.00 $10,656.00 $9,460.00 $8,792.00


Built Right Bull Sale Provost, AB March 8, 2016 Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Angus Bulls Charolais Bulls Sale Total

31 20 15 66


Lot 30C - WJS Mr Imprint 30C S: Donovandale POL Imprint DS: BBBG Bradock 2T Consignor: WJ Simmentals Buyer: Dwayne Panylyk

High Selling Lots




$107,300.00 $228,900.00 $190,950.00 $527,150.00

Lot 40 - Harvie CMT Untapped 69C S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: LFE BS Lewis 322U Buyer: Diamond M Ranch



Lot 41 - Virginia Precision 16C S: Virginia Radison 5Z DS: Anchor “T� Metro 4E Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Anchor D Ranch Simmentals


Lot 24 - Virginia Campus 129C S: Double Bar D Notorious DS: Champs Romano Consignor: Virginia Ranch Buyer: Ferme Sibelle Fleck S.E.N.C


Lot 4C - WJS Black Velvet 4C S: Crossroad Black Bolt 263A DS: IPU 52N Accelerator 206U Consignor: WJ Simmentals Buyer: Ostrowski Farms


Lot 39 - Harvie Miller Time 20C S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: SHS Enticer P1B Buyer: Valley View Colony



Olds, AB March 8, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Simmental Yearling Bulls 17 Hereford Yearling Bulls 31.25 Charolais Yearling Bulls 27 Sale Total 75.25

Lot 3 - CMS Sentinel 507C S: MAF R Horizon 7Y DS: KOP Crosby 137W Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock Buyer: Crocus Simmentals

$6,934.00 $7,240.00 $7,803.00 $7,224.20

Harvie Ranching 7th Annual Bull Sale

Sale Summary



$214,954.00 $144,800.00 $117,045.00 $476,800.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - CMS Empire 531C S: MAF R Horizon 7Y DS: KOP Crosby 137W Consignor: Czech-Mate Livestock Buyer: Ferme Jean Francois Leblond

$6,311.00 $7,153.00 $7,072.00 $6,936.00



14th Annual Skor Simmentals Red & Black Bull Sale Camrose, AB March 9, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Red Simmental Yearling Bulls



38 $392,000.00 43 $430,000.00 81 $822,000.00

Black Simmental Yearling Bulls

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 58 - Skors Casino 53C S: LFE Red Casino 3036X DS: KOP Crosby 137W Buyer: Stoughton Farms

$10,316.00 $10,000.00 $10,148.00


Mar Mac Farms & Guests Bull Sale Brandon, MB March 9 , 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Summary Bulls Sale Total




76 $388,650.00 76 $388,650.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 46 - Mar Mac Revolution 127C S: IPU Marksman 54A DS: RFS Red Iron T20 Consignor: Mar Mac Farms Buyer: Gordon Delichte

$5,114.00 $5,114.00


26th Annual Sunny Valley Simmentals Bull & Female Sale Saskatoon, SK March 9, 2016 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 41 $363,850.00 Simmental Open Heifers 10 $61,450.00 Sale Total 51 $425,300.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 16 - SVS Matrix 530C S: SVS Scout 25X DS: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Buyer: Maxwell Simmentals


$8,874.00 $6,145.00 $8,339.00


Lot 5 - Skors High Roller 34C S: HSF High Roller 12T DS: TNT Tanker U263 Buyer: Robb Farms Ltd


Lot 34 - Skors Black Enticer 219C S: Skors Black Enticer 4W DS: CDI/PLCC Dr. Phil 145U Buyer: Stoughton Farms


Lot 13 - Skors Throttle 68C S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X DS: TNT Tanker U263 Buyer: Sutter Farms Ltd.


Lot 25 - Skors Throttle 147C S: 3D BLK Full Throttle 483X DS: CNS Dream On L186 Buyer: Barko Farms


Lot 78 - Perks Commander 326C S: IPU Hot Iron 66Z DS: Ankonian Colossal S064 Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: Big Hill Simmentals


Lot 62 - Perks Cracker Jack 3321C S: Wheatland Bull 680S DS: Power Drive Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: Playgreen Farms


Lot 75 - Perks Cocktail 20C S: Harvie Wallbanger DS: Hooks Shear Force Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: PT Colt and Cattle Co.


Lot 68 - Perks Chunck 42C S: Black Mader Honey Bader 5Z DS: Ankonian Red Ceasar Consignor: Perkin Land & Cattle Co. Buyer: Gary Goosen


Lot 26 - SVS Warden 539C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: IPU T-Bone 13R Buyer: EDN Simmentals


Lot 27 - SVS Amarillo 535C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: MRL Red Force 12U Buyer: Handford Simmentals


Lot 9 - Sunny Valley Cruz 16C S: NUG Royal Red 324A DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Buyer: Kuntz Simmentals


Lot 46 - SVS BLK Silk 522C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: WLB Obsidian Black 391Y Buyer: Black Sand Cattle Co



to all of our

bidders, buyers & loyal customers

MBJ 95C Lot 24 - $18,500.00 Thank you to Geisler Cattle Co. Inc., Ashern, MB


Spark Plug

Lot 1 - $95,000.00 Special thanks to Spark Plug buyers LaBatte Simmentals, Gladmar, SK; Circle 7 Ranch, Shaunavon, SK & Sun Rise Simmentals, Spy Hill, SK

MBJ 118C Lot 28 - $17,000.00 Thank you to Circle 7 Ranch, Shaunavon, SK & Cowtrax Cattle Co., Val Marie, SK

MBJ 145C Lot 25 - $17,000.00 Thank you to Lazy Creek Farm, Caron, SK

MBJ 77C Lot 22 - $14,500.00 Thank you to Geisler Cattle Co. Inc., Ashern, MB

MBJ 125C Lot 27 - $12,000.00 Thank you to Trevor King, Wainwright, AB

Sale managed by:

Sale Results:

17 Red Simmental Bulls 29 Black Simmental Bulls 15 Bestbeef Bulls 9 Black Angus Bulls 11 Red Angus Bulls

Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged Averaged

$11,735.29 $8,525.86 $7,316.67 $7,250.00 $5,954.55

81 Bulls Grossed $687,250.00 and Averaged $8,484.57

MBJ 79C Lot 5 - $11,000.00 Thank you to K5 River Ranch, Canora, SK

Brian McCarthy & Family Box 467, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0 PH: 306.435.3590 • Cell: 306.435.7527


13th Annual Westway & Deeg Annual Bull Sale Olds, AB March 10, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Bulls 70 $746,250.00 Simmental Open Heifers 14 $83,250.00 Sale Total 84 $829,500.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - WFL Mr Westway 24C S: TNT 90 Proof Z401 DS: R Plus Redge 8018U Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Canadian Sires

$10,661.00 $5,946.00 $9,875.00


Lot 16 - WFL Mr Westway 63C S: Muirheads Lights Out 4Y DS: NCB Red Dream 23T Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Mader Ranches


Lot 8 - WFL Mr Westway 68C $28,000.00 S: R Plus Reload 2006Z DS: R Plus Blackedge Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Muirhead Cattle Co & Deeg Simmentals Lot 5 - WFL Mr Westway 32C S: R Plus Reload 2006Z DS: LFE Cross Fire 365T Consignor: Westway Farms Buyer: Crossroad Farms


Lot 48 - Deeg Venom 43C S: NCB Cobra 47Y DS: Muirheads Bull 60X Consignor: Deeg Simmentals Buyer: Silver Smith & Hidden Stone


Lot 50 - JDF Total Power 62C S: Starwest Total Value DS: MFI Mercury Consignor: JayDawn Buyer: Paul & Lori Kinne


Lot 1 - JDF Honky Tonk 40C S: LFE BS Lewis 322U DS: Remington On Target 2S Consignor: JayDawn Buyer: Prairie Wind Farms


Lot 26 - JDF Royal King 28C S: NUG Royal Red 324A DS: Ankonian Red Caesar Consignor: JayDawn Buyer: David & Corey Ziemmer


Lot 29 - Outback Reload 104C S: R Plus Reload 2006Z DS: TNT Gunner N208 Consignor: Outback Cattle Co. Buyer: Silver Smith Farms Ltd.


Lot 28 - Outback Visionary 118C S: D Bar C Visionary 238X DS: LCHMN Bodybuildeer 7303F Consignor: Outback Cattle Co. Buyer: Pelirojo Enterprises Inc.


Lot 22- Outback Reload 75C S: R Plus Reload 2006Z DS: LFE Bombshell 508N Consignor: Outback Cattle Co. Buyer: Trout Creek Cattle Co.


Lot 17 - MI Mr Carlton 106C S: Parkhill Red Edge 39Y DS: WFL Mr Westway 222U Consignor: MI Simmentals Buyer: Hawk Ranching Ltd.


Northern Classic Bull Sale

Grand Prairie, AB March 11, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 77 $475,900.00 Charolais Yearling Bulls 15 $90,750.00 92 $566,650.00 Sale Total

$6,180.00 $6,050.00 $6,160.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 98 - MMWK Evander 305C $11,500.00 S: MF Mr. Evan 14P DS: BLCC Heartland 434X Consignor: JayDawn Buyer: HBCR Valley Farming Company Ltd.

9th Annual Ranchlands Bull Sale Stavely, AB March 12, 2016 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


FB Yearling Simm Bulls 4 Red Yearling Simm Bulls 16 Black Yearling Simm Bulls 4 Simm/Angus Yearling Bulls 3 27 Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 20 - Outback Reload 94C S: R Plus Reload 2006Z DS: Ankonian Red Caesar Consignor: Outback Cattle Co. Buyer: Snake Valley Farms Ltd. 58



$18,600.00 $107,450.00 $17,900.00 $16,750.00 $160,700.00

$4,650.00 $6,716.00 $4,475.00 $5,583.00 $5,952.00



Vente de taureaux Synergie Bull Sale Sainte-Sophie-de-Lévrard, QC March 12, 2016 Auctioneer: Les Enchères René Houde Sale Management: Groupe BBBG

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Sale Total



32 $183,300.00 32 $183,300.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 18 - Sibelle Aegon 26C S: WLSF Kalibner DS: Virginia Walker 97W Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Buyer: Anchor D Ranch

$5,728.00 $5,728.00


Rebels of the West

Virden, MB March 13, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Simmental Open Heifers Commercial Open Heifers Sale Total

55 6 17 78



$345,700.00 $21,800.00 $31,075.00 $398,575.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 14 - ACS Gambino 570C S: CDI Authority 77X DS: MFR Drifter 804U Consignor: Arrow Creek Simmentals Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals

$6,285.00 $3,633.00 $1,826.00 $5,110.00


Genetic Source Simmental Bull Sale Brandon, MB March 14, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 19 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 28 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 4 FB Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 3 FB Simmental Two Year Old Bulls 1 Red Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 2

Sale Total

High Selling Lots


$125,750.00 $210,450.00 $21,750.00 $20,000.00 $14,000.00 $19,500.00 57 $411,450.00

Average $6,618.00 $7,516.00 $5,438.00 $6,667.00 $14,000.00 $9,750.00 $7,218.00

Lot 50 - Oakview Breaking Bad 11B $17,000.00 S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: R Plus 2169M Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Waydamar Farms & Marywood Breeders Group 60

Lot 21 - Sibelle Westeros 18C S: WLSF Kalibner DS: Virginia Walker 97W Consignor: Ferme Sibelle Buyer: RSF Simmentals


Lot 5 - BMS Pol Drago 7C S: Rolling Acres Torque DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: Ferme BMS Buyer: Ferme Roland Pilote


Lot 13 - FSMB Yo Man 10C S: Sibelle Dirty Harry 25Z DS: Champs Bravo Consignor: Boisvert Simmental Buyer: Ferme Roland Pilote


Lot 10 - BMS Black Warrior 1C S: HSF High Roller 12T DS: LFE BS Lewis 322U Consignor: Ferme BMS Buyer: Éric Gagné


Lot 8 - ACS Code Black 520C S: Wheatland High Octane 169Y DS: Wheatland Bull 459P Consignor: Arrow Creek Simmentals Buyer: Perlinger Simmentals


Lot 42 - DHS Goggles 1C S: LRX Wally 39A DS: ACC1 Hustler 2N Consignor: Downhill Simmentals Buyer: Wayne Czerwonka


Lot 45 - DHS Dirty Harry 31C S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Consignor: Downhill Simmentals Buyer: Norm Underhill


Lot 67 - Downey Mr. 4018B S: Downey 150Y DS: Bar 5 MVP 402Y Consignor: Downey Farms Buyer: B&A Martin Farms


Lot 29 - Big Sky Eddy 101B S: Cherry Creek Exclusive 7W DS: Gibbons Jeremiah Consignor: Big Sky Simmentals Buyer: Tri K Cattle


Lot 42 - Oakview Cobalt 225C S: Oakview Zetterberg 19Z DS: Cherry Creek Canon 12Y Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Sunset Simmentals


Lot 51 - Oakview Casanova 189C S: LRX The Godfather 141Z DS: R Plus 2169M Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Andres Ranch Farms


Lot 53 - Oakview Centerfire 139C S: Kuntz Super Duty 4Y DS: R Plus 2169M Consignor: Oakview Simmentals Buyer: Crest View Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.


Thank You to the Simmental Bull Buyers Terry & Loretta Young John Laybourne Dexter Christman Kelly & Mary Ann Ludwar Garvin Kostal Darren Bender Buffalo Plains Willow Bluff Grazing Co-op Rob Sampson Spring Lake Simmentals Cody Ermel Brad & Tammy Evans David McKay L&B Mortenson Farms Vance Edwards Dombowsky Family Farm Wheatland Cattle Co. Janie Jensen Spring Creek Colony Mark Johnson Floyd Peterson Dale Laturnus Dennis Edwards Summit Creek Ranch Martens Farms Ltd. Calvin Mantell Silzer Land & Cattle Ltd. Dwight Zerie Laird Edwards Gerald & Ryan Mengel Glen Ritter Calder Duffy John Weikum Flying Five Ranch

Sale Results: 39 Simmental Bulls 20 Angus Bulls

Averaged Averaged

$6,506.41 $4,672.50

Total Sale Grossed $347,200.00 and Averaged $5,884.75

Sale Managed By


Prairie Partners Bull & Female Sale

Killarney, MB March 15, 2016 Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls Simmental Open Heifers Commercial Open Heifers Sale Total

39 2 13 54



$186,750.00 $4,000.00 $26,750.00 $217,500.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 51 - Jonesys Mr Dreamer 183B S: SRH Dream Weaver 11Z DS: ACS Red Resistol 729T Consignor: Gordon Jones Simmentals Buyer: Ken Voth

$4,788.00 $2,000.00 $2,058.00 $4,027.00


Premium Beef Simmental Bull Sale Neepawa, MB March 16, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 11 $73,400.00 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 32 $263,100.00 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 32 $224,400.00

Sale Total

75 $560,900.00

$6,673.00 $8,222.00 $7,013.00 $7,479.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 69 - PWK Red Casino 19A 18C $25,000.00 S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: MRL 91Y Consignor: Workman Farms Buyer: Beechinor Bros. Simmentals & Doug Paulgaurd

Family Tradition Bull Sale

Dropmore, MB March 19, 2016 Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


Red Simmental Yearling Bulls Black Simmental Yearling Bulls Charolais Yearling Bulls Charolais Two Year Old Bulls

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

9 2 33 6 78

Lot 57 - EGC Chief 150C S: Rust Bull 66Z DS: KOP Touchdownson 68X Consignor: High Bluff Stock Farm Buyer: Dana & Megan Johns 62



$58,250.00 $11,500.00 $276,750.00 $48,000.00 $685,750.00

$6,472.00 $5,750.00 $8,386.00 $8,000.00 $8,792.00


Lot 10 - Silverlake Cray 109C S: LFS Pol Balboa 40U DS: Bar 5 SA Evan 440L Consignor: Silverlake Farms Buyer: Joynt Cattle Services


Lot 43 - Jonesys Top Choice 29C S: MRL First Choice 6Y DS: Twin Brae Tennasee Consignor: Gordon Jones Simmentals Buyer: Holodryga Bros.


Lot 40 - Jonesys Mr Bravado 2C S: Jonesys Mr Bravado 41A DS: R Plus Hard Rock 145X Consignor: Gordon Jones Simmentals Buyer: J&J Archibald Farms


Lot 5 - Silver Lake Captain 37C S: Cherry Creek Canon 12Y DS: Double Bar D Chesapeake Consignor: Silverlake Farms Buyer: Gary Klassen


Lot 6 - NAC Trustin 25C S: NAC Mr Trustin 14Z DS: STF Much More K300 Consignor: Northern Light Simmentals Buyer: Sunny Valley Simmentals


Lot 84 - MSBC Callaway 7C S: Springcreek Driver 135Z DS: Wheatland Bull 680S Consignor: RKT Simmentals Buyer: Triple T Diamond Simmentals


Lot 71 - PWK Red Colorado 6Y 23C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: Sunny Valley Wise Guy 80W Consignor: Workman Farms Buyer: Terry & Loretta Young


Lot 89 - MSBC High Standard 4C $15,500.00 S: MR NLC Upgrade U8676 DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: RKT Simmentals/ Milestone Simmentals Buyer: WLB Livestock Lot 47 - EGC Colorado 35C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: KOP Touchdownson 68X Consignor: High Bluff Stock Farm Buyer: D Bar K Simmentals


Lot 49 - EGC Crossover 108C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: KOP Touchdownson 68X Consignor: High Bluff Stock Farm Buyer: Rudy Twardzik


Sale Summary

Red Simmental Bulls Black Simmental Bulls Fullblood Simmental Bulls Sale Total

Lots 32 19 10 61


purchased by pine Creek Simmentals for $47,000.00


purchased by D & G Schlekewy Farms Inc for $10,000.00


purchased by pearson Simmentals for $9,000.00




$7,384.38 $5,547.37 $10,910.00 $7,390.16


purchased by Double G Simmentals for $32,500.00


purchased by XXX Farms for $10,000.00


purchased by highway 5 Simmentals for $8,750.00


purchased by Rendezvous Farms for $20,000.00


purchased by Jayshaw Simmental for $10,000.00


purchased by Suter Silverado Simmentals for $7,750.00


purchased by KSL Simmental for $14,000.00


purchased by Kevin Zoller for $8,250.00


purchased by Sather Simmentals for $7,750.00

Watch for information on the STOUGHTON FARMS COMPLETE DISPERSAL December 12, 2016, Lloydminster, SK 63

Ferme Gagnon Inc Annual Bull Sale Cheneville, PQ March 19, 2016 Auctioneer: Charles Menard

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Charolais Yearling Bulls Angus Yearling Bulls Crossbred Yearling Bulls Commercial Heifers Sale Total

20 14 7 2 20 63



$181,200.00 $75,100.00 $40,500.00 $10,300.00 $46,500.00 $353,600.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 9 - FGAF French Attack 010C S: Sibelle Dirty Harry 25Z DS: Champs Romano Consignor: Ferme Gagnon Inc. Buyer: Anchor D Ranch

$8,629.00 $5,364.00 $5,786.00 $5,150.00 $2,325.00 $5,613.00


Red Deer Simmental Bull Sale

Red Deer, AB March 21, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 33 $243,800.00 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 23 $152,650.00 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 6 $28,800.00

Sale Total

62 $425,250.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 31 - Starwest Pol Combine S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: MRL Talladega 15S Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: Nysten Farms

$7,388.00 $6,637.00 $4,800.00 $6,859.00


Lot 73 - FGAF Eagle 194B S: Double Bar D Emblem 151X DS: Anchor “T” Legend 7H Consignor: Ferme Gagnon Inc. Buyer: Rugged R Cattle Co.


Lot 4 - FGAF Jacuzzi 001C S: JB CDN Hennessy 5005 DS: FGAF Barbossa 707X Consignor: Ferme Gagnon Inc. Buyer: Oakview Simmentals


Lot 7 - FGAF Murray Boy 007C S: Hidden H Sweet Meat DS: Anchor “T” Rusty 59G Consignor: Ferme Gagnon Inc. Buyer: Mario Tardif


Lot 67 - Downey Mr. 4018B S: Downey 150Y DS: Bar 5 MVP 402Y Consignor: Downey Farms Buyer: B&A Martin Farms


Lot 56 - Red Top Chancellor 71C S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: IPU Red Chakota 18Y Consignor: Red Top Livestock Buyer: Mitchell Cattle Co. Inc


Lot 25 - Starwest Pol Conquest S: Double Bar D Spitfire 20X DS: Grinalta’s HP King 126S Consignor: Starwest Farms Buyer: EDN Simmentals


Lot 55 - Red Top Constantine 91C S: RJY Sure Irresistable 9Z DS: Black Baron Consignor: Red Top Livestock Buyer: Dana & Megan Johns


Lot 44 - JNR’s Caeden S: Anchor D Viper 103W DS: Sunny Valley Upgrade 47U Consignor: JNR Farms Buyer: Lone Stone Farms


Lot 2 - WLB Bull 52Z 3615C S: MRL El Tigre 52Z DS: TH Black Edition 8R Buyer: Semex


Lot 34 - WLB Bull 356A 375C S: WLB Bull 47Y 356A DS: MAF R Horizon 7Y Buyer: Paul Black


Lot 36 - WLB Bull 462P 459C S: Wheatland Bull 462P DS: Sunny Valley Force 47Y Buyer: Glen & Barb Jack


Lot 5 - WLB Bull 52Z 418C S: MRL El Tigre 52Z DS: IPU Black Label 156S Buyer: Randy Geisler


WLB Livestock 12th Annual Bull Sale Douglas, MB March 22, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 29 $154,744.00 Hereford Yearling Bulls 24 $132,000.00 Sale Total 53 $286,744.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 7 - WLB Bull 52Z 434C S: MRL El Tigre 52Z DS: WLB Blowout 366R 381T Buyer: R Plus Simmentals


$5,336.00 $5,500.00 $5,410.00


u o Y k n to everyone who supported our a h T s e g a r e v A

40 Bulls Averaged $5921

18 Black Two Year Olds Averaged $5442 / 19 Red Two Year Olds Averaged $5647 3 Yearlings Averaged $10,533 / 33 Open Commercial Heifers Averaged $1607




Lot 26 KEN 364C - Sold to Circle G Simmentals

LOT 2 BJA 40B - Sold to Ken Long


KEN, TREENA & HEIDI ADAIR C: 403-575-5470 H: 403-578-4468

BRUCE & JEAN ADAIR H: 403-578-2095 PO Box 1, Brownfield, AB T0C 0R0


City View Simmentals & Ivanhoe Angus 6th Annual Bull Sale Moose Jaw, SK March 22, 2016 Auctioneer: Scott Johnstone

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Angus Bulls Hereford Bulls Sale Total

32 21 17 70



$206,048.00 $112,476.00 $98,175.00 $416,699.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 25 - City View Combustion 545C S: Boundary Stubby 129A DS: Remington Generallee 106T Consignor: City View Simmentals Buyer: Shiloh Cattle Co.

$6,439.00 $5,356.00 $5,775.00 $5,952.84


Herter Simmentals “Paint Em Black” Sale Maple Creek, SK March 23, 2016 Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 28 $142,500.00 28 $142,500.00 Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 19 - TSZ Black Teddy 924C S: Wheatland Bull 131L DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Consignor: Herter Simmentals Buyer: Curtis Goehring

$5,089.00 $5,089.00


5th Annual Rust Mountain View Ranch Ace In The Hole Bull Sale Turtle Lake, ND March 25, 2016 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Management: Bohrson Marketing Services

Sale Summary Bulls Sale Total

High Selling Lots



43 $243,150.00 43 $243,150.00

Lot 15 - Rust Bull 311C S: SVS Captain Morgan 11Z DS: OLF Odin U5 Buyer: Mark Beitelsbacher



$5,655.00 $5,655.00


Lot 5 - City View Candidate 551C S: Boundary Stubby 129A DS: CMS Universe 838U Consignor: City View Simmentals Buyer: Blackwell Cattle Co.


Lot 7 - City View Caddyshack 556C S: Boundary Stubby 129A DS: Mr Ishee Unique 634 Consignor: City View Simmentals Buyer: Wendell & Beryl Campbell


Lot 33 - Sunnyside 31C S: Double Bar D Tanker 191Y DS: Erixon Red Riot 27U Consignor: Sunnyside Simmentals Buyer: K. G. McLaren Farms


Lot 24 - City View Cobalt 547C S: MRC Broker 6Z DS: CMS Universe 838U Consignor: City View Simmentals Buyer: K. G. McLaren Farms


Lot 2 - TSZ Maddox 910C S: Wheatland High Ocatane 169Y DS: MRL Outlaw 85X Consignor: Herter Simmentals Buyer: Jeff Tucker


Lot 11 - TSZ Black Powder 934C S: TSZ Full Merrit 637Z DS: Wheatland Black Powder 62X Consignor: Herter Simmentals Buyer: Bircham Ranch Ltd.


Lot 12 - HRTR Range Boss 952C S: TSZ Full Merrit 637Z DS: Mytty In Focus Consignor: Herter Simmentals Buyer: 7L7 Ranches


Lot 10 - HRTR Bruno 958C S: TSZ Full Merrit 637Z DS: Scissors Kosmos Pride 8S Consignor: Herter Simmentals Buyer: E & D Ranch


Lot 32 - Rust Bull 18C S: Come As U R Red Rocket DS: IPU Revolution 172U Buyer: McMillen Ranching Ltd.


Lot 31 - Rust Bull 23C S: Come As U R Red Rocket DS: TNT Gunner N208 Buyer: Janzen Ranches


Lot 2 - Rust Bull 306C S: Mohnen South Dakota 402 DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Buyer: R & R Cattle Co.


Lot 34 - Rust Bull 221C S: Come As U R Red Rocket DS: IPU Revolution 172U Buyer: John Carter



Transcon’s Mountainview Bull Sale March 26, 2016 Innisfail, AB Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




Red Simm Yearling Bulls 33 Black Simm Yearling Bulls 12 Charolais Yearling Bulls 10 Charolais Two Year Old Bulls 16 Red Angus Yearling Bulls 7 Red Angus Two Year Old Bulls 2 Hereford Yearling Bulls 7 Hereford Two Year Old Bulls 2

$175,850.00 $60,950.00 $71,800.00 $89,750.00 $35,650.00 $17,000.00 $28,650.00 $9,000.00 89 $488,650.00

Sale Total

$5,329.00 $5,079.00 $7,180.00 $5,609.00 $5,093.00 $8,500.00 $4,093.00 $4,500.00 $5,490.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 1 - Outlaw More Throttle 22C S: RF Throttled 311A DS: Harvie JDF Wallbanger 111X Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer: Cameron Jensen


Lot 15 - Outlaw Breaker 77C S: Wheatland Circuit Breaker DS: ER Red Deck 639D Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer: Lobster Point Properties


Lot 11 - Outlaw Mr Breaker 68C S: Wheatland Circuit Breaker DS: BBS Redeye T201 Consignor: Outlaw Cattle Co. Buyer: Willowdale Simmentals


Lot 20 - Tymarc Crossfire 98C S: OH KAY Crossfire 76Y DS:TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Tymarc Simmentals Buyer: Dumont Ranch


Lot 63 - Boundary Red Enticer 82C S: Skors Red Enticer 48Z DS: TNT Gunner N208 Consignor: Boundary Ranches Buyer: Tristar Cattle Co.


Lot 62 - Boundary Red Enticer 143C S: Skors Red Enticer 48Z DS: Springcreek Walk the Line Consignor: Boundary Ranches Buyer: Camden Cattle Co.


Lot 18 - EDN Carlo 8C S: HWY 5 Tony 80W DS: Erixon Tradesman 17T Consignor: EDN Simmentals Buyer: Crimson Cattle Co.


Lot 70 - Boundary Crosby 161C S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: IPU The Red Mile 12N Consignor: Boundary Ranches Buyer: Roxanne White & Kristine Scheller


On Target 2016 Bull Sale

Barrhead, AB March 16, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.

Sale Summary




Simmental Yearling Bulls 24 $122,650.00 Angus Yearling Bulls 66 $331,800.00 Sale Total 90 $454,450.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 78 - BLI Cocaine 503C S: BLI Red Addiction 224Z DS: BLI Black Superior 132Y Consignor: SIBL/CRM Simmetals Buyer: Wagner Livestock

$5,110.00 $5,027.00 $5,049.00


Southwest Showcase Simmental Bull Sale Swift Current, SK March 28, 2016 Auctioneer: Donnie Peacock Sale Management: Bouchard Livestock International

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 62 Sale Total 62

High Selling Lots

Gross $502,000.00 $502,000.00

Average $8,097.00 $8,097.00

Lot 73 - Boundary Astute 4C $51,000.00 S: CDI Authority 77X DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Boundary Ranches Buyer: Spring Like Simmentals & Bouchard Livestock International







JP Cattle Co.

Prairie Wind Farms Ltd.

Johnson Stock Farms

Sun Rise Simmentals

Glenn & Barry Lowes; Eric Pateman Glenn: 204-851-5669 Barry: 204-851-0342 Eric: 306-434-8567 Lyall & Konleigh Johnson P: 306-224-4272 C: 306-736-7877 E:

Wes & Brian Mack Wes: P: 306-634-4410 C:306-421-1853 Brian: P: 306-634-4431 C: 306-421-2938 E: Evan & Linda Cuss P: 306-534-4700 C: 306-745-7431 E:

Scissors Creek Cattle Co.

Mark & Jennalee Beutler P: 306-735-4434 C: 306-735-7841 E: Sale Managed By


Transcon’s Peace Country Simmental Bull Sale Beaverlodge, AB March 28, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 2 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 14 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 6 FB Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 8 Red Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 2 FB 2 Yr Old Bull 1

$9,800.00 $71,650.00 $31,300.00 $54,400.00 $12,700.00 $5,800.00 33 $185,650.00

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 29 - KSL Baxter 6B S: BLCC Mr Superb 272U DS: Tri K Perferred Consignor: KSL Simmentals Buyer: South Peace Colony

$4,900.00 $5,118.00 $5,217.00 $6,800.00 $6,350.00 $5,800.00 $5,626.00


MFR Genetic Destination Annual Bull Sale Grenfell, SK March 29, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley

Sale Summary




Black & Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 27

$110,700.00 $43,200.00 37 $153,900.00

Black Maine-Anjou Yearling Bulls 10

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 4 - MFR Generator 4C S: MFR Powerhouse 57Z DS: RLA Redstream 152S Buyer: Robert Holmes

$4,100.00 $4,320.00 $4,200.00

Lot 32 - KSL Bold 22B S: BLCC Mr Superb 272U DS: MFI Mercury Consignor: KSL Simmentals Buyer: Roger Gauthier


Lot 22 - KKH Durango 47C S: Moose Creek Red Label 162Y DS: KS Bravado P68 Consignor: Tri K Cattle Buyer: Westfork Farms


Lot 34 - KSL Bourbon 21B S: WCC Well’s PLD Zenon 18Z DS: Crossroad Radium 789U Consignor: KSL Simmentals Buyer: Deanne Stratuliak


Lot 17 - KKH Valor 98C S: MR CCF Vision DS: LRX Black 86Y Consignor: Tri K Cattle Buyer: Westfork Farms


Lot 14 - MFR MFR Red Dog 30C S: AEDJ Fire 42Z DS: MFR Dynamo 14U Buyer: Ryan Alford


Lot 3 - MFR MFR Black ‘N Decker 14C S: MFR Powerhouse 57Z DS: KS Go Figure M799 Buyer: Justin Cattle Co.


Lot 13 - MFR MFR Mudslide 37C S: AIDJ Fire 42Z DS: Destiny Red Thunder Buyer: Devin Morison


Lot 38 - Early Sunset Broker 47C S: Mr HOC Broker DS: Wheatland Bull 460P Buyer: Wes Lundell


Lot 34 - Early Sunset Hammer 51C S: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Wheatland Bull 460P Buyer: Henery Koop


Lot 44 - Early Sunset Vision 66C S: MR CCF Vision DS: Wagr Driver 706T Buyer: Pellchat Ranching


Lot 68 - Early Sunset Kyra 31C S: Mr TR Hammer 308A ET DS: Wheatland Bull 460P Buyer: Percyview Farms



Early Sunset Bull & Female Sale 2016 Edam, SK March 29, 2016 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Management: Optimal Bovines Inc.

Sale Summary




Simmental Angus & Bulls 42 $182,500.00 Simmental Angus & Heifers 23 $75,700.00 Sale Total 65 $258,200.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 73 - Early Sunset Jewel 85C S: MR CCF Vision DS: Wheatland Bull 460P Buyer: Taylor Falkenstine


$4,345.00 $3,291.00 $3,972.00


Gould Ranch Dwayne Mackenzie Percyview Farms Ltd. Haupstein Farms Spring Coulee Peters Simmentals Gary Lafrentz V&S Robinson Stock Farm Rod Robinson

Lazy S Simmentals Regan Schlacter Trevor Walls Brimner Cattle Co. Dana Johns Sybouts Lake Farms Storle Farms Rodney Reid Crossroads Farms

Curtis Simmentals Kill Switch Syndicate Hoegl Farms Tim Schiestel Swan Lake Farms Ltd. G2 Cattle JJL Farms Ross Shier Dynasty Cattle Co.


Lundar’s 48th Annual All Breed Beef Cattle Sale Lundar, MB April 2, 2016 Auctioneer: Buddy Bergner

Sale Summary


Simmental Yearling Bulls 24 Hereford Yearling Bulls 10 Charolais Yearling Bulls 4 Angus Yearling Bulls 4 Gelbvieh Yearling Bulls 2 Limousin Yearling Bull 1 Simmental 2 Yr Old Bull 1 Hereford 2 Yr Old Bulls 3 Simmental Yearling Heifers 4 Hereford Yearling Heifers 4 Pens 3 Commercial Heifers 5 Sale Total 62

High Selling Lots



$88,500.00 $42,600.00 $14,100.00 $16,600.00 $8,950.00 $2,500.00 $3,400.00 $21,500.00 $11,600.00 $11,200.00 $29,400.00 $253,550.00

$3,688.00 $4,260.00 $3,525.00 $4,150.00 $4,475.00 $2,500.00 $3,400.00 $7,133.00 $2,900.00 $2,800.00 $5,880.00 $5,880.00

The 21st Annual Advantage Simmental, Red Angus & Charolais Bull Sale Saskatoon, SK April 2, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


FB Simmental Yearling Bulls

11 36 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 4 FB Simmental Long Yearling Bulls 1 Red Angus Yearling Bulls 7 Charolais 2 Yr Old Bulls 14 73 Sale Total Red Simmental Yearling Bulls



$56,150.00 $203,650.00 $15,650.00 $5,500.00 $40,200.00 $80,500.00 $401,650.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 31 - Keet’s Calibre 13C S: Bee Vortex 12A DS: JRR Raffles P58M Consignor: Keet Simmentals Buyer: Lakeview Simmentals

$5,105.00 $5,657.00 $3,913.00 $5,500.00 $5,743.00 $5,750.00 $5,502.00


2016 Maritime Beef Test Station Bull Sale Nappan, NS April 2, 2016 Auctioneer: Andy Carter Sale Management: Maritime Beef Testing Society


Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Charolais Bulls Angus Bulls Limousin Bulls Hereford Bulls Salers Bulls Red Angus Bulls Gelbvieh Bulls Sale Total

17 16 11 6 4 2 1 1 58

Gross $90,250.00 $75,750.00 $49,750.00 $22,750.00 $10,150.00 $5,200.00 $5,700.00 $5,500.00 $265,050.00

Average $5,309.00 $4,734.00 $4,523.00 $3,792.00 $2,537.50 $2,600.00 $5,700.00 $5,500.00 $4,569.83

Lot 14 - TCW Cash Flow 14C S: TNT Gunner N208 DS: Kenco/MF Powerline 204L Consignor: Twin Meadow Livestock Buyer: John Johnson


Lot 56 - TCW Royal Lady 18C S: CMS Skywalker 305A DS: Remington Red Label HR Consignor: Twin Meadow Livestock Buyer: Tiffany Sobey


Lot 58 - WILC Peanut 30C S: Mader Honey Badger 5Z DS: OMF Long Cut J6 Consignor: Wilcox Simmentals Buyer: Jay McCauley


Lot 4 - Lazy Bar-B Sniper 13C S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 DS: Boynecrest Bullseye 89X Consignor: Lazy Bar B Simmentals Buyer: A & L Cattle Co. Ltd.


Lot 65 - Dess Krypton 20C S: EBN Boons Krypton 35Z DS: Wheatland Red Ace 747T Consignor: Storebo Farms Buyer: City View Farms Ltd.


Lot 17 - Double G Cash 9C S: Sunny Valley Lancer 108Z DS: Springcreek Ted 41U Consignor: Double G Simmentals Buyer: 49th Parallel Farms Ltd.


Lot 60 - Dess Bodybuilder 100C S: LCHMN Bodybuilder 7303F DS: TNT Gunner N208 Consignor: Storebo Farms Buyer: Henderson Cattle


High Selling Lots

Lot 36 - Orchard-Hill Big Mack S: LFE BS Lewis 3157W DS: Mr NLC Superior S6018 Consignor: Orchard Hill Farm Buyer: Mervyn Ferguson


Lot 40 - Ross Creek Combustion S: FBF1 Combustible DS: TNT Dynamite Black L137 Consignor: Trevor & Paula Hiltz Buyer: Weldon Estabrooks


Lot 42 - JAT Carl 1C S: TNT Bootlegger Z268 DS: SVS Red Hot 6X Consignor: Megan Robertson Buyer: Lauren Smith


Lot 35 - Jo-Dreen Cutie Pie S: Erixon Lad 38Y DS: Marywiood Blk Redman 98R Consignor: Jo Dreen Farm Buyer: New Meadow Farm


Best of the Breeds Bull Sale

Yorkton, SK April 3, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Charolais Bulls Gelbvieh Bulls Red Angus Bulls Black Angus Bulls Sale Total

19 31.25 12 12 11 85.25



$115,250.00 $166,450.00 $63,050.00 $69,900.00 $50,400.00 $465,050.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 35 - Fairview Zeus IV 157C S: Double Bar D Legend 87W DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: 3J Simmentals

$6,065.79 $5,326.40 $5,254.17 $5,825.00 $4581.82 $5,455.13


Transcon’s Winnipeg Simmental Bull Sale Winnipeg, MB April 7, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary




FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 17 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 12 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 11 Black Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls 1

$73,550.00 $57,700.00 $56,850.00 $6,250.00 41 $194,350.00

Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 30 - WILC Digger 2C S: RF Nitro 219Z DS: ACC1 Hustler 2N Consignor: Wilcox Simmentals Buyer: Clint & Lynn Robertson

$4,326.00 $4,808.00 $5,168.00 $6,250.00 $4,740.00


Transcon’s Cattle Country Simmental Bull Sale Neepawa, MB April 9, 2016 Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Management: Transcon Livestock Corp.

Sale Summary


FB Simmental Yearling Bulls 14 Red Simmental Yearling Bulls 25 Black Simmental Yearling Bulls 18 FB Simmental Open Heifers 6 Red Simmental Open Heifers 2 Black Simmental Open Heifers 5

Sale Total

High Selling Lots



$87,500.00 $138,200.00 $94,700.00 $17,650.00 $5,000.00 $18,250.00 70 $361,300.00

Lot 49 - Sunville Captain S: Beech Bros Booster 52Y DS: South Seven Northern 29N Consignor: Sunville Simmentals Buyer: South Seven Farms Ltd.

$6,250.00 $5,528.00 $5,261.00 $2,942.00 $2,500.00 $3,650.00 $5,161.00


Lot 36 - Fairview Zeus V 257C S: Double Bar D Legend 87W DS: DFM Marcus 14M Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: Jason Eckel


Lot 38 - Fairview Exclusive 39C S: Grinalta’s Unique DPFF81Z DS: Double Bar D Legend 87W Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: 3J Simmentals


Lot 34 - Fairview Olympus 64C $8,000.00 S: Double Bar D Legend 87W DS: MJP Red Payoff 5M Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: 3J Simmentals Lot 42 - Fairview Thor 12C $6,250.00 S: Double Bar D Legend 87W DS: Springcreek Red Tank 17S Consignor: Forden Fairview Farm Buyer: Hillstead Farm Ltd. Lot 12 - Triple T Conrad 18C S: Wheatland El Toro 958W DS: Virginia’s Roosevelt 773R Consignor: Triple T Diamond Simmentals Buyer: Sandy Bar E Ranch


Lot 9 - Triple T Diesel 68C S: Shawacres Jahari 50L DS: Anchor D Viper 103W Consignor: Triple T Diamond Simmentals Buyer: Circle M Simmentals


Lot 35 - WILC Hi Tech 13C S: IPU Crosby 164Y DS: RCC/TCF Line Drive M181 Consignor: Wilcox Simmentals Buyer: Zdan Farms


Lot 53 - Southam’s Chester 23C S: Rendezvous 520A DS: Ankonian Colossal S064 Consignor: Southam Simmentals Buyer: Greg MacMillan


Lot 69 - TCM Tri-Star Conan S: SRH Conman 80A DS: IPU Red Touchdown 32S Consignor: Tri-Star Cattle Co. Buyer: Workman Bros.


Lot 70 - TCM Tri-Star Che S: SRH Conman 80A DS: Skors Upstart 114U Consignor: Tri-Star Cattle Co. Buyer: Bergman Family Farm


Lot 72 - TCM Tri-Star Cupid S: KWA FLYF Red Mountain 16Z DS: LCHMN Bright Light L122L Consignor: Tri-Star Cattle Co. Buyer: W2 Farms


Lot 37 - Big Hills Ambassador 141C S: KOP Crosby 137W DS: Ellingson The Rock J928 Consignor: Big Hills Simmentals Buyer: North S.I.D.E. Farms Ltd.



Spirit of the North Annual Bull Sale Spiritwood, SK April 11, 2016 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

Sale Summary


Simmental Bulls Charolais Bulls Black Angus Bulls Sale Total

30 23 16 69



$164,450.10 $126,500.00 $81,200.00 $371,580.00

High Selling Lots

Lot 15 - CRS MR Starquest 5C S: Shawacres Shelton 18S DS: Shawacres Tripp 19T Consignor: CR Simmentals & Son Buyer: White Ranches Ltd.

$5,471.67 $5,500.00 $5,075.00 $5,389.13


Glencoe, ON April 14-16, 2016




Simmental Yearling Bulls 8 $40,100.00 Shorthorn Long Yearling Bull 1 $6,300.00 9 $46,400.00 Sale Total

High Selling Lots

Lot 207 - RPCC Blk Cyclone 207C S: W/C Wide Track 694Y DS: PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Al McEwen

$5,012.00 $6,300.00 $5,155.00



Lot 2 - CRS MR Red Tex 81C S: Flying S MR Red Tex 39Y DS: LRX Rochfort 40X Consignor: CR Simmentals & Son Buyer: Mirror Lake Cattle Corp.


Lot 18 - CRS MR Starquest 14C S: Shawacres Shelton 18S DS: Muirhead Jose 37R Consignor: CR Simmentals & Son Buyer: White Ranches Ltd.


Lot 8 - CRS MR Red Ken 94C S: Flying S Mr Redtexas 107Y DS: Shawacres Shelton 18S Consignor: CR Simmentals & Son Buyer: Jason Gaboury


Lot 220 - RPCC Red Commander 220C $6,000.00 S: CDI Authority 77X DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: Rex Crawford & Shelby Crawford Buyer: Bill & Molly Stephenson

River Point Cattle Co. Internet Bull Sale & Guests

Sale Summary

Lot 7 - CRS MR Red Ken 92C S: Flying S MR Redtexas 107Y DS: MFR Dynamo 14U Consignor: CR Simmentals & Son Buyer: Kendall Gaboury

Lot 221 - RPCC Blk Crown Royal 221C S: Mr Hoc Broker DS: PVF-CW Rapid Fire 0195K Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: McCallum Bros.


Lot 225 - RPCC Red Chief 225C S: CDI Authority 77X DS: TNT Top Gun R244 Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Mark Enright


Lot 236 - RPCC Blk Chrome 236C S: Mr Hoc Broker DS: Wheatland Bull 468P Consignor: River Point Cattle Co. Buyer: Wiser Heights Stock Farm


Sale Results

Summary of Spring Simmental Sales

Sale Summary



Simmental Yearling Bulls Simmental Extra Age Bulls Simmental 2 Yr Old Bulls Simm/ Angus Yearling Bulls Simm/Angus Extra Age Bulls Total Bulls Simmental Open Heifers Simmental Bred Heifers Commercial Open Heifers Commercial Bred Heifers Pick of Heifer Calves

3086 160 138 42 4 3430 187 21 140 8 1

$24,230,479.00 $1,294,274.00 $804,857.00 $233,750.00 $40,250.00 $26,603,610.00 $1,001,804.00 $76,100.00 $277,106.00 $23,200.00 $24,000.00

Average $7,852.00 $8,089.00 $5,832.00 $5,566.00 $10,063.00 $7,480.00 $5,357.00 $3,624.00 $1,979.00 $2,900.00 $24,000.00

Note: Reporting of only those sales report submitted to the Simmental Country magazine. This does not include on-farm sales. 74


Beef Pot Roast

Both beer and garlic mellow as they slow-simmer - so no need to be alarmed by the quantities used here - they accent the beef beautifully.

3 lb (1.36 kg) 10 1/4 cup (50 mL) 2 tbsp (30 mL) 1 1 tbsp (15 mL)

Prep: 10 mins Cook: 6 hrs Yields: 6 - 8 Servings

Beef Pot Roast (e.g Cross Rib, Blade or Brisket) Cloves garlic, peeled and cut in 1/2 lengthwise Coarsely ground sea salt or kosher salt and freshly ground pepper Grainy Dijon mustard Vegetable oil Bottle or can beer (12 oz/341 mL) EACH cornstarch and cold water

1. Pat pot roast dry. Using tip of sharp paring knife, make small slits all over the pot roast, using your fingers to insert the garlic cloves deep into the meat as you make the slits. Rub roast all over with salt, pepper and grainy mustard, working seasonings into any crevices. 2. Transfer to slow cooker; add beer. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours until roast is forktender. 3. Remove roast to cutting board; cover with foil to keep warm. Transfer sauce to saucepan and cook over high heat to reduce by half, about 10 minutes. Gradually stir in a mixture that is cornstarch mixed with cold water; heat to boil to thicken. Season to taste. Thinly slice meat and serve with sauce. 4. TO COOK WITHOUT SLOW COOKER: Cook browned roast with beer mixture in Dutch oven, covered with tight fitting lid in a 325°F(160°C) oven for about 3 hours until meat is fork-tender.





Simmeron Ranch Martin Skaret 1-56021 RGE. RD. 261 Sturgeon County Alberta, T8R 0V9 Ph: 780-939-3248 Cell: 780 913 7963


Shane & Shannon Wolfe and family Site 11, Box 47, RR 1 SUNDRE, AB T0M 1X0 PHONE & FAX (403) 556-8584 e-mail:


Dave and Krista Erixon 306-270-2893 Box 156 Clavet, SK S0K 0Y0 Red & Black Simmentals

BARRY & BRENDA LABATTE Box 72 Gladmar, Sask. S0C 1A0 Ph: (306)969-4820 Cell: (306) 815-7900

Jim (306) 928-4636 Dave (306) 483-8660

Lee (306) 928-4820 Fax (306) 928-2143 The Stamp Of Quality Simmental Genetics For Over 40 Years




23401 Big Bend Rd. Newbury, ON N0L 1Z0 Ron & Linda 519.695.6124 Mike & Melissa 226.268.0520



Industry Events











BLI Bussiness Card Double 2015_Layout 1 2015-07

Box 1409 Crossfield, AB T0M 0S0 Office: 403.946.4999 Brian Bouchard: 403.813.7999 Darnell Fornwald: 403-795-8030 Chad Lorenz: 403.896.9585 Doug Domolewski: 403.635.1840 Email:

e Full Servic ting arke M k c o t s e Liv - Sale Managment - Consulting - Order Buying - International Export Approved Semen & Embryo Storage Facility







ABC Cattle Co. .......................................80 Adair Ranch ......................................65, 76 Afri-Can Simmentals...............................82 Alameda Agencies Ltd. ...........................86 Alliance Simmental Farms ......................83 Alta Genetics ..........................................87 Anchor D Ranch ...............................43, 76 Applecross ..............................................76 Ashworth Farm & Ranch Ltd. ...........53, 80 Aumack Simmentals ...............................80 Bar 5 Farms Ltd. .................................9, 83 Circle 3 Genetics ....................................83 Bar CL Livestock ....................................76 Beagle Simmentals.................................76 Beechinor Bros. Simmentals ..................76 Big Rock Simmentals .............................76 Black River Farms ..................................83 BlackSand Cattle Company....................82 Blushrose Simmental Farm ....................80 Bohrson Marketing Services...................87 Bonchuk Farms ......................................82 Bouchard Livestock International ...........87 Bova-Tech Ltd.........................................87 Bow Valley Genetics ...............................87 BS Ranch ...............................................76 Canada Beef Inc. ....................................75 Canadian Bull Congress .........................86 Canadian Cattlemen ...............................87 Carey, Brent............................................86 Casaloma Cattle Company.....................80 Cattle Cures............................................86 Car-Laur Simmentals..............................83 Circle G Simmentals & Angus ................76 City View Simmentals .............................80 Clearwater Simmentals ..........................76 Coulee Crossing .....................................61 Crimson Tide Fleckvieh ..........................83 Crossroad Farms ....................................80 Curtis Simmentals ..................................61 Czech-Mate Livestock ......................55, 76 Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Ltd. .87 Deeg Simmentals ...................................77 Destiny Simmentals ................................83 Diamond T Simmentals ..........................77 Don Heggie Simmentals .........................77 88

Donovandale Simmentals.......................83 Dora Lee Genetics..................................83 Dorran Marketing Inc. .............................86 Dorran, Steve .........................................86 Double Bar D Farms .......................IFC, 80 Double G Simmentals.............................80 Downey Farms .......................................82 Dunc’s Cattle Co.....................................84 Dwayann Simmentals .............................84 Eagle-Ridge Simmentals ........................77 East Poplar Simmentals .........................81 Edge, Dean.............................................86 EDN Simmentals ....................................80 Edwards Angus.......................................61 Elm Tree Farms ......................................84 Erixon Simmentals..................................81 Fallen Timber Farms...............................76 Ferme Gagnon Inc..................................85 Ferme Saro Farm ...................................85 Foley Simmentals ...................................84 Genex Cooperative, Inc. .........................87 GJR Simmentals.....................................81 Grant Rolston Photography Ltd. .............86 Gravandale Simmentals .........................84 Grinalta Farms ........................................77 H.S. Knill Company Limited ....................87 Hairy Hill Cattle Co. ................................77 Hallridge Simmentals..............................84 Hall’s Cattle Co. ......................................61 Hannah Simmentals ...............................77 Harvie Ranching .....................................77 High Bluff Stock Farm.............................82 High Country Cattle Services .................77 Hi-Tech Farms ........................................84 Hoegl Livestock ......................................81 Indian River Cattle Company............59, 84 Janzen Brogan Embryo Services Ltd. ....87 Janzen Ranches .....................................77 Jetstream Livestock ................................84 JNR Farms .............................................77 Johnson Stock Farms .............................69 JP Cattle Co. ..........................................69 Keato Meadow Simmentals ....................77 Kin Kin Cattle Co. ...................................77 Kindred Spirit Cattle Co. .........................61

Kuntz Simmental Farm .....................63, 81 Labatte Simmentals ................................81 Lazy Bar-B Simmentals ..........................81 Lazy S Ranch Inc. ..................................77 Lewis Farms ....................................BC, 77 Little Willow Creek Ranch.......................81 Lobster Point Farms ...............................85 Lockhart Valley Simmentals ...................51 Log & Tin Forest Products Ltd. ...............86 Lone Stone Farms ..................................77 M & J Farms ...........................................83 M & R Cattle Co......................................78 MacKenzie Cattle Company ...................78 Mader Ranches ................................11, 78 Maple Key Farm .....................................84 Mappin Simmentals ................................78 Mar Mac Farms ......................................83 Masterfeeds ........................................5, 86 Maxwell Simmentals .........................49, 78 McCormack Family Ranch .....................81 MCG Simmentals ...................................78 McIntosh Livestock ...........................63, 81 McManus Simmentals ............................83 McMillen Ranching Ltd. ..........................81 Meadow Acres Farms .............................81 MI Simmentals ........................................78 Mitchell Cattle Co. ..................................76 Muirhead Cattle Co.................................81 New Holland .............................................1 Nolara Farms ....................................67, 78 North Creek Simmentals ........................81 North Hill Simmentals .............................78 O Double E Simmentals .........................78 Oberg, Don .............................................86 O’Brien Farms ........................................84 O’Grady Steel .........................................86 Okotoks Fleckvieh Embryo Group ..........78 Oslanski Simmental Farms.....................78 Parkhill Ranches.....................................78 Parview Stockfarms ................................78 Pearson Simmentals ..............................78 Pheasantdale Simmentals ......................81 Phillips Farms .........................................85 Pine Creek Simmentals ..........................78 Porter Ranches.......................................79

Prairie Wind Farms Ltd............................69 ProRich Seeds.........................................83 Rainalta Simmentals & Charolais......45, 79 Rancier Farms...................................49, 79 RDG Simmentals.....................................79 Rehorst Farms Ltd...................................84 Rendezvous Farms.................................83 Riskan Hope Farm...................................61 River Point Cattle Co...............................84 Riverbank Farm.......................................83 Robb Farms Ltd.......................................81 Robson Acres..........................................84 Rosebud Simmentals..............................79 Rust Mountain View Ranch.....................85 SAJ Simmentals................................63, 82 Saugeen Acres........................................79 Scissors Creek Cattle Co........................69 Simmeron Fleckvieh Simmentals............79 Skeels, Dan.............................................86 SKOR Simmentals...................................79 Southpaw Cattle Company......................79 Spring Creek Simmentals..................57, 82 Spring Lake Simmentals....................49, 79

Starwest Farms.......................................76 Steen Agencies........................................86 Stewart Simmentals.................................84 Stock, Mark..............................................86 Stockmens Insurance..............................86 Stone Simmentals...................................79 Storebo Farm...........................................82 Stoughton Farms Ltd.....................3, 63, 82 Sullivan Simmentals................................85 Sully’s Farm.............................................84 Sun Rise Simmentals........................69, 82 Sun Star Simmentals...............................79 Sunny Valley Simmentals........................82 Swan Lake Farms....................................82 Swantewitt Simmentals...........................79 T Bar C Cattle Company.......IFC, 3, 17, 21 ..................................57, 61, 63, 69, 71, 87 The Register............................................85 Timberlind Auctions.................................86 Todd Simmentals.....................................85 Transcon Livestock Corp.................IBC, 87 Trevor’s Cowpix.......................................87 Triple Rose simmentals...........................85

Tryon Simmentals....................................85 TSN Livestock.........................................83 Twin Brae Simmentals.............................83 Twin Butte Simmentals............................79 Tymarc Livestock.....................................79 Virginia Ranch.........................................80 W2 Farms................................................82 Weldehaven Farms.................................85 Well’s Crossing Cattle Company.............79 Westway Farms Ltd.................................80 Wheatland Cattle Co...............................71 Wild Oak Farms.......................................85 Windy Knoll Farm....................................85 WJ Simmentals........................................80 Wolfe Farms............................................80 Wolfe’s Fleckvieh.....................................80 Xcel Livestock..........................................85 XRC Simmentals.....................................82

#13, 4101 19th St. N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 7C4 P: (403) 250-7979 • F: (403) 250-5121 • E: CSA Executive

CSA Directors

President Lacey Fisher Amherst, NS P: (902) 661-0766 C: (902) 664-6206 timberwoodfarms@

Maureen Mappin-Smith Byemoor, AB P: (403) 579-2175 C: (403) 321-0501

First Vice-President David Milliner Dundalk, ON P: (519) 923-9188 C: (519) 375-0122 Second Vice-President Lee McMillen Carievale, SK P: (306) 928-4820 C: (306) 483-8067

Provincial Associations

British Columbia President Lorne Webster Abbotsford, BC P/F: (604) 823-6797 Secretary: Kelly Ashworth Jan Wisse Oungre, SK P: (604) 794-3684 P: (306) 456-2749 Alberta C: (306) 861-2013 President Kyle Lewis Spruce Grove, AB Blair McRae P: (780) 220-9188 Brandon, MB P: (204) 728-3058 C: (204) 729-5439 Office Contact Heather Saucier Airdrie, AB Garth Rancier P: (403) 861-6352 Killam, AB F: (403) 948-2059 P: (780) 385-2425 C: (780) 385-5313 Promotion / Fieldperson Chuck Groeneveld Dan Skeels High River, AB Rimbey, AB P: (403) 938-7843 P: (403) 843-4756 C: (403) 783-1217 Saskatchewan President Ryan Lundberg Francis Gagnon Eastend, SK Cheneville, QC P: (306) 295-7999 P: (819) 428-3502 C: (514) 975-3722 Secretary: Carolyn McCormack P: (306) 697-2945

Manitoba President Everett Olson Minnedosa, MB P: (204) 826-2643 Secretary: Laurelly Beswitherick P: (204) 637-2046 Email: Ontario President Tina Hiddink Bloomfield, ON P: (613) 399-3239 Quebec Président Sylvain Lambert La Presentation, PQ P: (450) 796-5914 Secretaire: Sandra Berthiaume Saint-Garmain, QC P/F (819) 395-4453 Maritimes President Don Godfrey Meadow Bank, PEI P: (902) 566-3613 Secretary: Jennie Mutch P: (902) 388-1613

CSA Staff General Manager Bruce Holmquist C: (403) 988-8676 Office Manager Barb Judd P: (403) 250-7979 Industry & Member Services Meghan Black P: (506) 324-4825 Processing Department Perry Welygan Beth Rankin Receptionist & Member Services Devra Leavitt CSA Programs Coordinator Kelsey Dust P: (306) 291-7086 Simmental Country Representative Ryan Cook P: (780) 818-3452


Maritime Ma itim ime im Sim Simmental immentall imm Association

Congratulations to Maritime Simmental breeders on an excellent bull sale!

Dates to Remember September 23-25, 2016 Maritime YCSA Classic Windsor, NS

October 22, 2016

Salt Water Simmental Sale Nappan, NS

MSA Board of Directors

Lot #35 bought by New Meadow Farm, NB - $5,250.00 Lot #36 bought by Mervyn Ferguson, NS - $16,000.00 Lot #37 bought by R&A Farms, NB - $3,250.00 Lot #38 bought by Bob Bates, NB - $5,000.00 Lot #39 bought by John & Daniel Muir, NS - $5,000.00 Lot #40 bought by Weldon Estabrooks, NB - $14,250.00 Lot #41 bought by Rob Little, NB - $3,500.00 Lot #42 bought by Lauren Smith, NS - $5,750.00 Lot #43 bought by Marshall Crowley, NS - $5,500.00 Lot #44 bought by Kenneth MacEachern, PE - $3,500.00 Lot #45 bought by Rocky Knoll Farm, NS - $3,000.00 Lot #46 bought by Kevin Simmons, PE - $4,000.00 Lot #47 bought by Charles & Kirk Reid, NS - $3,250.00 Lot #48 bought by Pat Dube, QC - $3,500.00 Lot #49 bought by Edmund Kolter, NB - $3,500.00 Lot #50 bought by Donald Leger Farm Ltd, NB - $2,750.00 Lot #51 bought by Byron Weeks, PE - $3,250.00

Sale Average - $5,309.00 President: Don Godfrey, PE - Vice President: Trevor Pauley, NB Secretary: Jennie Mutch, PE - Treasurer: Bill MacLeod, NB Directors: Richard Armstrong, NS - Kerwin Delong, NS Geraline VanAgten, NB - Wade Loane, PE CSA Director/President: Lacey Fisher, NS Honorary Directors: Ralph Taylor, NS - James MacKenzie, NS

Table of Contents Publication Information .......................................2 From the Gate Post...............................................4 Breed Improvement .............................................6 Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest ...................8 Women in Simmental Country...........................12 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation......14 From the Director’s Chair ..................................16 Vet’s Advice .......................................................18 Canadian Beef Breeds Council News Release...20 From the Gate Post (French) ..............................22 Breed Improvement (French) .............................24 Alberta Simmental Association..........................26 Saskatchewan Simmental Association ...............27 Manitoba Simmental Association ......................28 90

Ontario Simmental Association .........................29 Quebec Simmental Association .........................30 Young Canadian Simmental Association ...........32 From the Director’s Chair (French) ...................34 Member Announcements ...................................35 From the Field ....................................................36 Proxy ..................................................................39 Simmental Sale Results......................................41 Advertiser’s Index ..............................................88 Canadian Simmental Association Contacts .......89 Maritime Simmental Association.......................90 What’s Happening ..............................................91 Did You Know ...................................................92

What’s Happening May Apr. 28 - May 8 Simmental & Fleckvieh Conference of the Americas

May 15 May 15

Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico Fall Evaluation Data Entry Deadline Livestock Markets Association of Canada Convention Winnipeg, MB

June Jun. 15 Jun. 18 Jun. 14 Jun. 28-29

Queens of the Pasture Photo Contest Deadline Alberta Simmental Association AGM Rimbey, AB International Genetic Solutions Cattlemen’s Seminar Manhattan, Kansas T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament Saskatoon, SK

July Jul. 1 Jul. 7-10 Jul. 10 Jul. 15-17 Jul. 21-24 Jul. 23 Jul. 23 Jul. 29 Jul. 29-31

Queens of the Pasture Advertising Deadline Quebec Junior Beef Show Brome, PQ Manitoba Summer Show and YCSA Show Portage La Prairie, MB Ontario Trillium Classic Metcalfe, ON Canadian Simmental Association Annual Convention & YCSA National Classic Lloydminster, SK Saskatchewan Simmental Association AGM Lloydminster, SK Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction Lloydminster, SK Expo de Saint-Hyacinthe Show Saint-Hyacinthe, PQ Manitoba Youth Roundup Neepawa, MB

Aug. 1 Aug. 2-6 Aug. 4-7 Aug. 9-11 Aug. 21 Aug. 28

Commercial Country September Issue Advertising Deadline Prince Albert Exhibition Prince Albert, SK Alberta YCSA Wildrose Classic Lacombe, AB Canadian Beef Industry Conference 2016 Calgary, AB Cookshire Show Cookshire, PQ Ayer’s Cliff Show Ayer’s Cliff, PQ


September Sept. 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 23-25 Sept. 24 Sept. 24

October Issue Advertising Deadline Expo de Brome Show Brome, PQ Maritime YCSA Classic Windsor, NS Ferme Gagnon & Guests Production Sale Cheneville, PQ Eastern Harvest Sale Cheneville, PQ

Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation Scholarship Sept. 30 Deadline

October Oct. 1 November/December Winter Issue Advertising Deadline Oct. 1 Bar 5 Farms Dispersal Sale - Cattle & Frozen Genetics Markdale, ON Oct. 2 River Point Cattle Co. Internet Sale Glencoe, ON Oct. 7-9 Expo-Boeuf Victoriaville, PQ Oct. 10-15 II Congress Simmental & Simbra of Americas Jalisco Oct. 14 Anchor D Ranch Pasture Treasures Female Sale Rimbey, AB Oct. 15 Ottawa Valley Simmental Club Harvest Sale Metcalfe, ON Oct. 16 Quality Control I at Indian River Indian River, ON Oct. 22 Saltwater Simmental Sale Nappan, NS Oct. 27-29 Manitoba Ag Ex Livestock Show Brandon, MB Oct. 29 Edam Fall Fair Commercial Cattle Show Edam, SK Oct. 31 Rust Mountain View “Queens of the Pasture” Female Sale Turtle Lake, ND

November Nov. 1 Nov. 2-5 Nov. 4-13 Nov. 4 Nov. 9-13 Nov. 18 Nov. 21-26

Spring Evaluation Data Entry Deadline Lloydminster Stockade Roundup Lloydminster, SK Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Toronto, ON Royal Elite All Breeds Sale Toronto, ON Farmfair International - National Simmental Show Edmonton, AB Jewels & Diamonds Simmental Production Sale Ponoka, AB Canadian Western Agribition Regina, SK

December Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 12 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 29 Dec. 31

Commercial Country January Issue Advertising Deadline Lewis Farms 2016 Leading Ladies Female Sale Spruce Grove, AB Stoughton Farms Ltd. Complete Herd Dispersal Lloydminster, SK Total Herd Enrollment (THE) Deadline 5th Annual Friday Night Lights Simmental Sale Olds, AB Rainalta Complete Simmental and Charolais Herd Dispersal Brooks, AB New Years Resolution Frozen Genetics Sale Red Deer, AB


NEW STAFF AT CSA Please join the CSA in welcoming Kelsey Dust as the new YCSA Coordinator as well as Ryan Cook as the new Simmental Country Sales Representative. To view the press releases please visit the CSA’s website.

CSA MERCHANDISE The CSA has new Simmental hats available for purchase in both black and navy! Contact Meghan Black for details or to order yours!


Tel: (403) 250-7979 Fax: (403) 250-5121 Email: Website: #13, 4101-19th St. NE., Calgary, AB T2E 7C4 92

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