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March 2019

printable file:

publishing a game by

DECODE MUSIC. OWN MUSIC. PEFORM MUSIC. GET PAID. The game “Publishing” takes places inside a chaotic landscape of paperwork and bureaucracy. Using just a pen and your mind you will forge your identity in the world of music publishing. Enjoy buying and selling in currency, scheduling performances, collecting royalties, decoding scores, starting your own institutions and of course… filling out forms. “frustrating fun” no. of players ages

7 - 30+ 8 - 101

code sheet

the system


decoded piece

registrar’s desk


rights holder certificate

ar ra pe nge rfo a rm no an th ce er

ter th e pie ce


ule a perfo r



venue desk

licenced performer

objective There are no set objectives, players are free to interact with the system to define their own goals; limited only by their own imaginations. Within in the game players can forge relationships, trade, start their own institiutions, bend the rules, enforce their own rules and more...


performance forms







3rd party

glossary Royalties - The money that a rights holder gets for the performance of pieces owned by them. Piece - Musical work represented by numbers and letters. P001 being the piece no.1. 3rd party - Anyone who is not the rights holder or the performer.

how to play YOU NEED: - Printed copy of the print and play document (with correct amount of duplicates for amount of players) 1 reasonable size room Between 7 and 30(+) players 3+ desk size tables approx.1 chair per person - 1 portable surface such as a small desk, music stand, hardback book ect. per person 1 pen per person LAYOUT: Registrar’s Desk A registrar sits behind the desk for the duration of the game and is responsible for issuing rights and paying royalties as well as other tasks. Venue 1 Desk 1 nominated venue owner The venue owner is responsible for overseeing the scheduling and performance of pieces at their venue. Venue 2 Desk (for games with 10+ players) 1 nominated venue


extra considerations game currency can be exchanged for any goods or service within the scope of the game you do not have to work on an individual basis individuals can act on behalf of others with correct paperwork local laws apply only favours and money within the game can be used a currency tariffs or rules set out by any organisation created within the game can only be enforced by financial, political or artistic incentive

BASICS: 1. Decode musical pieces. Use the Key sheet to decode the pieces on the code sheet, writing the answers on the sheet provided. P001 would read BLDEZ ect‌ 2. Register the piece By taking the decoded piece to the registrar you can register the piece and claim the rights (pink slip) 3. Schedule a performance Schedule a performance of your piece at a venue. The venue holder will provide the paperwork needed to verify the performance. 4. Pay a performer + 3rd Party Pay the performer and 3rd party, making sure they have completed all the correct paperwork. Rights holders cannot perform their own pieces. 5. Collect the royalties Collect the payment from the registrar. It is important that the registrar and the venue owners understand the overall process and the information outlined on their individual sheet. Depending on the situation the remaining players can just be handed their start materials with no explanation other than what is on these materials or they can have been introduced to game previously. Players can ask questions or debate issues with the registrar or venue owner at anytime during the game. To begin everyone is issued with: *200 (2x*50, 1x*100) in currency 1 Code Sheet, 1 Key & 1 score paper

print 1

registrar instructions Materials you should have: -

Pink, yellow and green slips Pieces list Answer sheet All the remaining currency Universal Bureaucracy Packs (UBP 3 minute piece code sheets

Coloured slips:

If the amount of players exceeds 25 it is advisable for the registrar to have an assistant. Having multiple assistants for even larger games is also possible. An assistant sits with the registrar and can carry out any duty. The registrar is responsible for managing the team and making any final decisions. The aim of having assistants is to minimise queue times.

Registering pieces:

rights holding certificate for piece _____________ the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece. th11d

Write the number of a piece successfully registered by a player on the pink slip and give it to them.

Players queue to register their pieces at your desk. First ask the player which piece they have and check if it has already been registered. If it has then they cannot register it. If it has not ask them to read their decrypted piece in order for you to check it is correct. If it is not correct they cannot register it. If it is correct then you must write the piece number on the pink slip and give it to the player. You must then cross this piece off on the piece list to show it has already been registered.

Issuing royalties:

royalties collected of piece _____________ location _____________ performance time _____________ registrar signature______________

Once a player has collected their royalties fill in this slip and give it to them. This slip allows them to schedule another performance of the piece.

price: *300

Performer Licence ID: ________________ (the time you received the license plus your initials. eg. 0008DS)

valid from: ________________


current time (completed by registrar)


Players can only perform pieces if they have a licence. They can purchase one from you for *300.

Once rights holders have had a piece performed at a venue they will come to you to collect their royalties. Before being able to do this you must check the paper work that they present to you. They must present both H453 and D336 performance forms. Check specifically that the performer licence number is valid and is not held by the rights holder, everything has been completed and signed, the time of the performance has passed and that the H453 has been initialed. If you are happy with the paperwork issue the money according to amounts specified for each duration piece on the piece list sheet along with the yellow slip detailed on the left.

If there are any issues with H453 then you can ask the rights holder to amend the form. However, if there are issues with D336 then you have the right to determine the performance invalid and not issue any payment. If you decide to do this any disputes between the rights holder and performer are not your concern.


You have three things for sale. Performer licence *300. (You need to make a list of all the performance licence numbers so you can check a performance was done by a licensed performer.) UBP *700 (for players to start institutions)

3 minute piece code sheets *1000 (advertise the existence of these without players being able to see them)

print 1 per venue

venue owner instructions Materials you should have: -

Schedule Pieces list Reception cards

H453 and D336 forms

Scheduling pieces Rights holders will come to you to schedule performances of their pieces. You schedule pieces in accordance with the game’s time zone. Performances must always be scheduled for the future. - Check the player is the rights owner (ask for pink slip) - Check if the piece has been performed before (if so ask for yellow slip to show royalties have been collected for last performance) - Schedule Performance (make sure it lasts the amount of time of the piece. rights holder must return after performance time has elapsed) - Issue forms (issue H453 and D336 forms to rights holder) After performance - Initial H453 form (checking the time written is correct and has elapsed) - Audience Reception (use the reception cards to determine schedule the piece in the future. Do this by asking the player between 1 and 10, then deal out that number of cards. If the X then strike the piece off your list and refuse to schedule it the game)

if the venue will to pick a number last card has an for the rest of

- Rights holder to go and collect royalties (player should go to registrar to collect royalties)

do not print this page

how much to print Every page has instructions on with how many copies to print. This is based on how many players there are in the game and how long you want to play for. If you don’t want to decide how long the game will last then you can finish when you run out of resources or the game reaches some kind of equilibrium. It is also possible that if you run out of something, the registrar could make the decision to adapt the game or refuse to continue a certain element. Extra materials could also be printed during the game.

Quantities of Money It is advisable to have *18,000 per hour played plus *200 per person (in 2x*50 & 1x*100) payouts are only paid at *200 *500 or *1000 so stock mostly with these denominations.

Guillotine Guillotine along dotted lines, many pages contain multiples.

P011_54 48 46 58 42 55 42 42 48 54 59 55 44 4b 50

P011_54 48 46 58 42 55 42 42 48 54 59 P012_43 44 58 57 52 45 54 4a 41 4b 54 47 4f 54 43 55 44 4b 50 P011_54 48 46 58 42 55 42 42 48 54 59 55 44 4b 50 P013_54 4a 4c 41 58 59 43 44 45 49 53 51 47 4e 51 P012_43 44 58 57 52 45 54 4a 41 4b 54 47 4f 54 43 P012_43 44 58 57 52 45 54 4a 41 4b 54 47 4f 54 P014_49 56 59 4d 46 4b 4d 52 42 47 55 53 4a 55 4c 43 P013_54 4a 4c 41 58 59 43 44 45 49 53 51 47 4e 51 P013_54 4a 4c 41 58 59 43 44 45 49 53 51 47 4e P014_49 56 59 4d 46 4b 4d 52 42 47 55


do not print this page



the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty *

the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty *

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this the website stenton.press_ this note is worth fifty *


smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website



smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website



smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this the website

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from the website currency can be printed from the website

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this




currency can be printed from the website

currency can be printed from the website

a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

the website stenton.press_ this note is worth two hundered *


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

the website stenton.press_ this note is worth two hundered *


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

the website stenton.press_ this note is worth two hundered * the website stenton.press_ this note is worth two hundered *



a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website



a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from

currency can be printed from the website

the website _five hundred *

a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from



the website _five hundred * the website _five hundred *

smallest denomination // a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this

currency can be printed from the website the website _ five hundred *

// a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from the website


the website and it’s worth is one hundred times the

smallest denomination a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from the website


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from


the website and it’s worth is one hundred times the

smallest denomination a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from the website


a currency from for the game “publishing” from this currency can be printed from


do not print this page

print one per player per hour

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

registrar signature______________

performance time _____________

location _____________

of piece _____________

royalties collected

number of performer licences should be around 80% of total number of players

price: *300

Performer Licence

current time (completed by registrar)

initials. eg. 0008DS)

Performer Licence


valid from: ________________

initials. eg. 0008DS)

current time (completed by registrar)

current time (completed by registrar)

initials. eg. 0008DS)

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your

Performer Licence


valid from: ________________

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your

Performer Licence


valid from: ________________

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your

initials. eg. 0008DS)

current time (completed by registrar)

price: *300

price: *300

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your valid from: ________________ th11d

Performer Licence ID: current time (completed by registrar)

________________ (the time you received the licence plus your initials. eg. 0008DS)

valid from: ________________ th11d

Performer Licence ID:

current time (completed by registrar)

________________ (the time you received the licence plus your initials. eg. 0008DS)

valid from: ________________ th11d

Performer Licence

price: *300

Performer Licence


current time (completed by registrar)

initials. eg. 0008DS)

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your initials. eg. 0008DS) current time (completed by registrar)

valid from: ________________

ID: ________________ (the time you received the licence plus your valid from: ________________ th11d

price: *300

price: *300

price: *300

price: *300

print this a4 sheet 5 times for any game

the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.

for piece _____________

rights holding certificate

the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.

for piece _____________

rights holding certificate

rights holding certificate

for piece _____________

rights holding certificate


for piece _____________

the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.


the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.

rights holding certificate

for piece _____________

rights holding certificate


for piece _____________

the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.


the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.

rights holding certificate


rights holding certificate

for piece _____________


for piece _____________

the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece.


the possession of this certificate confirms the individual as the sole owner of the rights to the piece. th11d


do not print this page


print this sheet once

for registrar





one player printper one per player

free free

code sheet code sheet

P021_ 4e 55 4b 45 53 43 59 5a 56 4b 49 52 5a 4a 42 5a 4b 51 52 4b 4f 46 45 41 44 53 52 4d 4f 58

P022_ 42 44 48 49 5a 4f 46 5a 58 54 42 4b 5a 49 5a 45 4d 42 48 42 4b 48 51 49 P001_ 4c4e444145 4b 41 544743 45565749 56 P011_54 48 59 46445847424455 54 49 59 42 55 44 4b 1 minute pieces royalties at *200 52 45 46 50 P023_ 41 43 4f 42 53 47 56 43 56 54 44 44 49 41 57 59 46 4e 46 56 47 50 4b 41 4a 45 4d 4e 5a 5a

P001_ 42 4c 44 45 5a 4b 54 43 58 42 45 57 52 45 46 P011_54 48 46 58 42 55 42 424a4841544b5954 5547 44 4f 4b 54 50 P012_43 44 54 5852 574e 5241 45 P002_ 5255534657 48 51 575945 45424b59 5a P024_ 56 43 4d 50 4b 58 4f 45 52 4f 48 49 58 53 46 43 42 54 53 52 5a 54 46 53 43 57 47 54 P002_ 56 52 53 57 4b 48 57 45 52 48 45 4b 57 47 54 P012_43 44 58 57 52 45 54 4a 41 4b 54 47 4f 54 43 P025_ 42 44 59 47 54 59 47 4b 45 4e 4c 5a 4a 4e 4c 45 4b 45 51 56 41 42 46 41 42 4d 41 4d 49 53

P003_ P003_ P026_ 49 47

4a 4c 41 58 59 43 44 45 49 53 51 47 4e 47 4e 54544d4d 4f 49 44465844 41 58 50 P013_54 47 48 4e 47 47 4f 47 49 45 46 41 58 58 45 49 51 47 P013_54 4a 57 4c 55 41 43 58 58 59 53 435544514555494c5347514147 4e 51 56 4d 53 55 54 48 4f 51 49 57 51 51 41 5a 49 50

P004_ 54 59 4a 5a 43 4a 4d 52 5a 4c 51 4b 56 50 50 48 41 59 41 47 55 53 4d 59 43 57 43 41 46 4b P014_49 56 59 4d 46 4b 4d4d 5252 5356 4a 4a 55 55 4c P027_ 5a 53 58 4b 46 54 4a4242 4f4754 P014_49 56 54 595a 4d49 4641 4b 475542 55 53

P004_ 54 4a 43 4d 5a 51 56 50 41 41 55 4d 4c P028_ 50 4d 4f 47 P005_ 46 51 49 48 45 4a 4d 5a 43 41 58 4e 41 43 47 4e 4b 53 54 4b 59 47 46 45 47 56 5a 49 51 42 P015_58 47 51 50 4f 48 5a 56 56 44 42 4a5059424157464f48564f4151 4b 52 43 43 46 P015_58 47 50504853565544 4a 59 41 46 48 4f 51 4b P029_ 50 4d 55 41 48 48 57 53 4a 4a 59 4e 4e 4a 42 49 43 58 43 52 4f 5a 4f 58 51 54 42 51 48 50 4a 51 48 4d 47 4e 46 55 5654504a4953494f424d434b55 4d 57 46 49 5145434d 58 41 54474b4b 59 46 4a P016_57 52

P006_ P005_ 47 5a P030_

51 51 41 58 43 50 49 55 4a 4f 50 51 55 4c 4d 46 4e 45 42 4a 4a 4b 53 58 51 58 41 4f 54 4c 49

P007_ 58 48 58 42 4b 51 41 48 4c 48 42 59 46 4c 4f P017_4e P016_57 P031_ 44 45 56 44 46 4a 50 4f 4f 4d 4e 55 54 57 55 51 5a 50 P006_ 43 5a514b43 5a 45584354 42 48 57 P008_ 42 59 50 50 58 55 52 48 46 4c 4b 45 51 41 4e P018_44

51 4b43 48 55 4f 4d 45 51 4b 4d 59 47 45 4e43 46555658504f494b495342

44 49 48 50 58 42 50 41 59 58 54 5a

43 51 55 59 45 4f 4e 47 4d 50 55 41 48 50

48 4a 4a P032_ 57 4c 54 42 46 58 46 45 55 42 47 57 5a 44 48 4d 4c 48 4b 44 55 53 58 4c 4f 4c 43 P017_4e 51 46 4b4f5956454943 4b 4f 53 52 4b 48 4f

P009_ 44 55 48 4a 4c 57 54 49 55 4b 53 56 48 4e 5a P019_56 4d 42 59 5a 57 43 50 4b 43 54 55 50 5a 53 45

P033_ 58 54 41 5a 4b 47 4c 48 4c 42 48 57 5a P007_ 4856584d42 51 56 414a48 424b5947 42 4e 4c 4f 5a 51 49 51 43 58 49 50 55 4f 48 P010_ 43 51 54 49 50 4f 41 4d 42 41 51 54 59 44 54 P020_47 4a55 45 41 4b 48 43 46 4c 4f P018_44 52 43 4e 51 4c 55 4e 5955 45434f434e5247444d5250 P034_ 58 50 45 48 4d 42 54 57 44 53 52 54 5a 54 4d 52 42 5a 48 4f 4c 4b 55 45 57 46 5a 4b 4a 4f


P008_ 504b5a4d4b 55 4a 484446 4c4f4543 59 4c 4b 51 55 57 4f 4a 4d 47 57 4f 4f 46 41 P035_ 59 59 4c 52 50 53 41 50 45 50 43 53 52 minute royalties at *500 412 4e 48 P019_56 4d 42 59 5a 57 43 50 4b 43 54 55 50 5a

P034_ 58 50 45 48 4d 42 54 57 44 53 52 54 5a 54 4d 52 42 5a 48 4f 4c 4P035_ 59 4c 4b 4d 52 53 41 4a 44 50 50 53 52 4f 43 59 4c 4b 51 55 57 4f 4a 4d 47 57 4f 4f 46 41

53 P021_ 4e 55 4b 45 53 43 59 5a 56 4b 49 52 5a 4a 42 5a 4b 51 52 4b 4f 46 45 41 44 53 52 4d 4f 58

P033_ 54 41 56 4d 5a 47 4c 56 4a 48 42 57 5a 4b 47 42 4e 4c 4f 5a 51 49 51 43 58 49 50 55 4f 48

P022_ 44 48 4e 41 49 4f 46 41 47 5a 54 4b 5a 56 49 56 49 5a 45 59 44 47 44 4d 48 4b 51 49 49 42

P021_ 4e 55 4b 45 53 43 59 5a 56 4b 49 52 5a 4a 42 5a 4b 51 52 4b 4f 46 45 41 44 53 52 4d 4f 58 4f 42 53 47 56 43 56 54 44 44 49 41 57 59 46 4e 46 56 47 50 4b 41 4a 45 4d 4e 5a 5a P023_ 41 43

P032_ 57 4c 54 42 46 58 46 45 55 42 47 57 5a 44 48 4d 4c 48 4b 46 4f 56 49 44 53 4c 4c 43 4f 52 P031_ 44 45 56 44 46 4a 50 4f 4f 4d 4e 55 54 57 55 51 5a 50 44 49 48 50 58 42 50 41 59 58 54 5a

P024_ 44 43 4d 58 4f 4f 46 51 59 58 4b 42 5a 59 5a 52 45 4e 59 41 42 54 48 46 4b 53 P022_ 48 55 4e46415049 41 45 474f5a4954 56 53 49 46564349545a 44 53 4752445a4d 51 49 49 42

P030_ 51 41 58 43 50 49 55 4a 4f 50 51 55 4c 4d 46 4e 45 42 4a 4a 4b 53 58 51 58 41 4f 54 4c 49

P025_ 42 44 59 47 54 59 47 4b 45 4e 4c 5a 4a 4e 4c 45 4b 45 51 56 41 42 46 41 42 4d 41 4d 49 53

P029_ 50 49 4d 55 41 48 4f 4f 48 57 53 4a 51 50 4a 59 4e 4e 4a 48 50 53 55 55 54 4a 53 4f 4d 4b

P023_ 41 43 4f 42 53 47 56 43 56 54 44 44 49 41 57 59 46 4e 46 56 47 50 4b 41 4a 45 P026_ 56 48 4d 53 55 54 47 45 48 4f 51 49 45 51 57 51 41 5a 49 57 55 43 58 53 55 51 55 4c 47 41 4d 4e 5a 5a

P028_ 50 51 48 4a 5a 41 4e 43 4e 53 4b 47 45 56 49 42 4d 4f 47 51 4f 5a 56 42 50 42 57 4f 56 41 P027_ 5a 59 5a 4a 52 4c 4b 50 48 59 47 53 59 57 41 4b 53 58 4b 54 5a 49 41 46 54 4a 4f 54 42 56

P027_ 5a 59 5a 4a 52 4c 4b 50 48 59 47 53 59 57 41 4b 53 58 4b 54 5a 49 41 46 54 4a 4f 54 42 56

P024_ 43 4d 55 46 50 58 4f 51 59 45 4f 49 58 42 59 5a 53 46 43 54 52 4e 41 42 53 52 5a 54 46 53 48 4a 5a 41 4e 43 4e 53 4b 47 45 56 49 42 4d 4f 47 51 4f 5a 56 42 50 42 57 4f 56 41 P028_ 50 51

P026_ 56 48 4d 53 55 54 47 45 48 4f 51 49 45 51 57 51 41 5a 49 57 55 43 58 53 55 51 55 4c 47 41 P025_ 42 44 59 47 54 59 47 4b 45 4e 4c 5a 4a 4e 4c 45 4b 45 51 56 41 42 46 41 42 4d 41 4d 49 53

P029_ 42 50 49 48 59 4f 47 4f 48 51 5a 50 4a 4a 59 50 51 53 56 55 55 4f 42 4d 4d 4b P025_ 44 4d 5955474154 4b 57 45534e4a4c 4e 4e 4c 4e454a4b4845 41 54 424a465341 41 4d 49 53

P024_ 43 4d 55 46 50 58 4f 51 59 45 4f 49 58 42 59 5a 53 46 43 54 52 4e 41 42 53 52 5a 54 46 53

P030_ 51 41 58 43 50 49 55 4a 4f 50 51 55 4c 4d 46 4e 45 42 4a 4a 4b 53 58 51 58 41 4f 54 4c 49

P023_ 41 43 4f 42 53 47 56 43 56 54 44 44 49 41 57 59 46 4e 46 56 47 50 4b 41 4a 45 4d 4e 5a 5a

P026_ 56 48 4d 53 55 54 47 45 48 4f 51 49 45 51 57 51 41 5a 49 57 55 43 58 53 55 51 P031_ 44 45 56 44 46 4a 50 4f 4f 4d 4e 55 54 57 55 51 5a 50 44 49 48 50 58 42 50 41 59 58 54 5a 55 4c 47 41

P022_ 44 48 4e 41 49 4f 46 41 47 5a 54 4b 5a 56 49 56 49 5a 45 59 44 47 44 4d 48 4b 51 49 49 42

P032_ 57 4c 54 42 46 58 46 45 55 42 47 57 5a 44 48 4d 4c 48 4b 46 4f 56 49 44 53 4c 4c 43 4f 52

P027_ 5a 59 5a 4a 52 4c 4b 50 48 59 47 53 59 57 41 4b 53 58 4b 54 5a 49 41 46 54 4a 4f 54 42 56 56 4d 5a 47 4c 56 4a 48 42 57 5a 4b 47 42 4e 4c 4f 5a 51 49 51 43 58 49 50 55 4f 48 P033_ 54 41

P021_ 4e 55 4b 45 53 43 59 5a 56 4b 49 52 5a 4a 42 5a 4b 51 52 4b 4f 46 45 41 44 53 52 4d 4f 58

P028_ 51 45 48484a4d5a 43 53 4e5253544b 56 42 49 5a42484d4f4f 4f 57 5a46565a42 P034_ 50 58 50 42 41 54 4e 57 44 5a 47 54 45 4d 52 4c 47 4b 51 55 45 4b 50 4a 42 4f 57 4f 56 41 P035_ 59 4c 4b 4d 52 53 41 4a 44 50 50 53 52 4f 43 59 4c 4b 51 55 57 4f 4a 4d 47 57 4f 4f 46 41

P029_ 50 49 4d 55 41 48 4f 4f 48 57 53 4a 51 50 4a 59 4e 4e 4a 48 50 53 55 55 54 4a 53 4f 4d 4b Each line represents a musical piece. Use the Key you have been provided with to decode the pieces. Write the decoded piece on the score paper and then take it to the registrar to claim the rights to it. If the piece you have decoded has already been registered then you will not be able to claim ownership of the piece. Rights holders can organise performances of their pieces which will allow them the claim royalties. The amount of money that can be claimed for each performance is signified next to each duration.

print 3 sheets

*700 per sheet one of three copies

3 minute pieces x0 royalties at *1000

x036_57 52 47 52 4f 48 56 4c 4d 58 57 4a 5a 48 4e 44 4c 4a 43 44 45 42 58 4f 46 52 4d 54 4a 4b 4e 5a 56 4b 54 46 42 45 58 55 54 4e 42 4d 42 47 44 4e 41 57 x037_48 4b 46 57 53 52 48 4b 49 46 47 4b 43 41 4e 53 59 54 48 4b 57 49 4e 4f 4b 45 55 4d 42 53 4f 53 42 54 54 43 4f 55 4a 52 41 56 44 4e 4c 49 4d 4d 4c 4e x038_4c 58 44 52 46 54 55 4e 49 4a 4f 42 41 4a 50 4a 44 43 4b 4f 55 51 4b 48 59 58 41 49 4b 57 5a 46 50 4b 57 52 55 42 49 48 43 46 52 41 48 53 4c 4f 4f 58 x039_57 42 47 4d 46 4d 53 4b 57 54 57 46 53 58 49 57 49 49 48 41 57 58 5a 4a 54 57 59 4b 4b 48 45 59 47 42 4b 57 55 56 53 49 47 4a 57 42 44 41 4e 4b 48 44 x040_5a 54 55 44 42 47 42 48 44 52 4a 52 4b 4e 41 48 55 45 54 4b 45 44 53 55 55 56 4c 41 44 5a 48 57 4b 4d 55 57 4e 45 4f 45 4a 49 4f 46 41 49 57 50 59 59 x041_45 51 43 5a 55 50 59 53 46 44 41 41 41 43 4b 49 58 58 46 4e 53 55 44 4e 41 55 58 50 4d 48 43 54 54 43 51 52 45 46 4f 57 45 4f 50 4e 4a 58 46 53 49 54 x042_48 4c 49 41 49 5a 57 49 5a 56 41 48 58 4f 58 5a 46 48 47 4d 55 56 48 53 48 56 43 58 50 53 43 46 58 42 48 4e 53 4f 4b 59 54 58 5a 4c 43 4b 43 41 4d 44 x043_4c 4b 55 56 49 49 4c 43 4d 5a 4d 45 47 57 4e 54 54 58 52 42 52 46 56 47 49 41 56 55 4d 4c 4c 52 49 47 4c 57 48 42 4e 52 56 49 4d 44 56 4b 4d 42 52 5a

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A

print 1 key for each player (2 keys per a4 sheet)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


print 1 score paper for each player (2 per a4 sheet) score paper


score paper


print 1

list of pieces

tick off pieces when they are registered pieces can only be registered once

1 minute pieces *200

P001_ P002_ P003_ P004_ P005_ P006_ P007_ P008_ P009_ P010_

P011_ P012_ P013_ P014_ P015_ P016_ P017_ P018_ P019_ P020_

2 minute *500

P021_ P022_ P023_ P024_ P025_ P026_ P027_

3 minute pieces

x036_ x037_ x038_ x039_

P028_ P029_ P030_ P031_ P032_ P033_ P034_


x040_ x041_ x042_ x043_

for registrar

print 1 per venue

list of pieces

cross out pieces when they get a bad reception

1 minute pieces *200

P001_ P002_ P003_ P004_ P005_ P006_ P007_ P008_ P009_ P010_

P011_ P012_ P013_ P014_ P015_ P016_ P017_ P018_ P019_ P020_

2 minute *500

P021_ P022_ P023_ P024_ P025_ P026_ P027_

3 minute pieces

x036_ x037_ x038_ x039_

P028_ P029_ P030_ P031_ P032_ P033_ P034_


x040_ x041_ x042_ x043_

for venue owners


do not print this page




print 40 per hour


to be completed by performer

Piece performed: _________________ Basic Details Name: _________________ Date: _________________ Performer ID number: _________________ Venue: _________________ Time of performance: _________________ Piece Duration: _________________

Payment Did you receive payment for the performance? y/n Amount: _______ History How long have you been a licensed performer? _______________ Do you have any affiliations with organisations? y/n If so, which? _________________ How many performances have you done in total? _____ Have you performed pieces belonging to this rights holder previously? y/n If so, how many times?


Performer’s signature:


If any of the information on this form is found to be incorrect then the performance will be declared invalid and no money can be paid out to the rights holder for the scheduled performance. In this case the rights holder can request a refund from the performer but they are not obliged to pay the money back. Other policies may vary from venue to venue.


print 40 per hour


This form includes sections to be completed by the rights holder, the performer and a 3rd party. Each of these parties must complete their section of the form in order for the rights holder to be able to collect the royalties. Please return this form to the registrar with D336.

to be completed by rights holder: to be completed by 3rd party:

Piece ID


Rights Holder ID __________ How many times has the piece been performed?___ Piece Duration: __________

Did the rights holder hire a performer? yes/no Is the information on this form correct to the best of your knowledge? yes/no Amount of money received for verifying performance: ______ Signature: _________________

to be completed by performer along side D336

Name of Performer: _________________________ Performer’s ID: _____________________ Time of performance:_____ VENUE: ______ Signature: _________________

to be completed by the registrar:

Time the form was received:____________ All information matches records: Yes/no IF “NO” RETURN TO RIGHTS HOLDER Signature: ____________


This form should be returned to the venue once the performance timed has elapsed to be initialed before it is delivered to the registrar along with other paperwork needed for royalties collection. If any of the information on this form is found to be incorrect or fraudulent then the performance can be declared invalid and no money can be paid out to the rights holder for the scheduled performance.

do not print this page

the universal bureaucracy kit is made up of: - 3 copies of the next page trimmed along the dotted lines - 3 copies of the following page (green columns) - 1 blank a4 sheet (preferably card) The UBK is designed so that players can found an institution using the A4 sheet as signage, the blank slips as membership cards and the column sheet for their own records. These are just guidelines but may be useful advise for the registrar to try and sell them.

create 1 kit per 4 players

audience reception cards for venue owners print one set per venue


do not print this page

royalties collected of piece _____________ location _____________ performance time _____________ registrar signature______________

backing To enhance to quality of the materials you can print the following page as the reverse side of the slips, money, keys ect... To do this, just print out copies of the following page then reverse the paper and print the materials you want the backing for on the other side. This is optional and could be done on any number of items from just currency to all of the materials.

m _ ste ublishin om _ st ublishin m _ ste publishin g _ a g ntondotp entondo g _ a g ntondotp g ame fro ame fro tpress_ ress_ p ress_ pu from _ m _ ste ublishin m _ ste publishin blishing stenton n g n to g _ a to _ dotpress ndotpre _ a gam ndotpre a g a m e ss _ ublish e ss pub _ publish om _ st m _ st stento li51 ing _ 46 shing 49 ndotp ento44 2_ 44 48 4e 41 p49 4f 41 47 fr5a 54en4b 56 49 56 in49 59fro44 47 48 _4b g _ a5a tondo5a a gam _ a g49 ndotp4d ress_ tpress gam45 ame e from ress_ pu publishin e from _ publish _ blishing st _ g entondo stenton tondotp in _ a gam g _ _ a d a tpress_ ress_ pu otpress_ game fr e from g a m e p from _ blishing ublishin om _ st _ stento publishin g _ a g entondo _ a gam ndotpre g _ a g press_ p ame fro tpress_ ss_ pub e from ame fro ublishin m _ ste lishing publishin _ stento m g _ a g _ st n _ to ndotpre a game _ a gam ame fro otpress_ ss_ p44 p3_ ublish41 om _ 46 4f 42 53m 47 43 56 54 44 49 41 57 fr59 4e 46nd56 47pu50 4b 41g 4a 45e fr4d 5a en ublish _ ste56 om _4e blishin ing _43 stento ing _ a ntondotp st a game g e n n _ dotpress tondo a game game fr ress_ pu from _ _ publish from _ om _ st blishing stenton shing _ stenton ing _ a entondo _ a gam dotpress a game dotpress tpress_ game fr e from _ publish from _ _ publishin om _ st _ stento stenton ing _ a entondo g _ a g a game ndotpre dotpress game fr tpress_ ame fro from _ ss_ pub _ publish om _ st publish m _ ste stenton li sh e in in n g to g n tond52 dotp50 _ a g52 dotpre5a 4_ 43 4d 55 46 4f 51 59_ a45 49 58 42 n59 46 43 54 41 42 53 5a 54 46 gam4f otpress ress_58 m ame 4e e fro ss_ p53 e from publishin from _ _ publish m _ ste ublishin _ stento stenton g _ a g ntondotp ing _ a g _ a g ndotpre d o a a tp m re m re e ss e ss ss_ pub _ publish from _ from _ _ publish m _ ste lishing stenton stenton ing _ a ntondotp in g _ _ d dotpress a game otpress_ a game game fr ress_ pu _ publish from _ om _ st publishin blishing ntondotp stenton entondo ing _ a g _ a g _ a gam ress_ p dotpress tpress_ g a a e m m e fr u o fr b _ from m lishin om _ 56 ublish4c 5_ 42 44 59 47 54 59 47 4b _45 5a 4a p4e 4b 45 51 41 42 46 41pub42 41 4d e49 sten4e lishin4d g _ a stento ing _ 45 tondo4c g _ a g dotpress game fr ndotpre a game tpress_ a m _ publish om _ st e ss fr p _ fr u o o p blishing m _ ste m _ ste ublishin entondo ing _ a ntondotp _ a gam g _ a g tpress_ game fr s_ publi ame fro e from ress_ p publishin om _ st shing _ ublishin _ stento m _ ste entondo g _ a game g a ntond n _ a gam dotpress game fr tpress_ from _ e from om _ st _ publish publishin shing _ stenton _ stento entondo in g a g _ d g _ a o a tp a m tpress 6_ 56 48e 4d 55 54 47 re45 4f 51 49 g45 51 51 41 5a 49 55 43 58ga53 51 55 4cnd47 ame fr otpres ss_ p48 from 53 me fr55 _ pu57 om _57 ublishin _ stento om _ st blishing stenton g _ a g g _ a g entondo ndotpre _ a gam dotpress ame fro ame fro ss_ pub tpress_ e _ fr m _ ste p o m ublishin m _ ste lishing publ _ stento ntondotp _ a gam g _ a g ntondotp ndotpre ame fro ress_ pu ame fro e from ress_ p ss_ pub m _ ste m _ ste blishing _ stento ublishin lishing ntondotp n g to _ n _ dotpress ndotpre a game a game ress_ p from _ ss_ pub _ publish from _ from49 ub4c lishin4b _ ste41 sten59 lish 7_ 5a 4a 52 50 48 59 47 53 57 41 4b 53 4b 54 5a 46 54 4a 4f 54 42 stento59 ing 58 g in tondo5a n _ g to _ n a _ n a d dotpress game fr a ga otpress_ tpress_ game fr om _ st _ publish publishin om _ st publishin stenton entondo entondo ing _ a g _ a g g _ a g dotpress tpress_ tpress_ ame fro g a a m m _ publish e e fro fr p om _ st publishin m _ ste ublishin ing _ a entondo ntondotp g _ a g dotpress g _ a g game fr tpress_ ame fro ame fro ress_ p _ publish o m p u m m _ ublishin _ stento blishing ing _ a game g _ a g ndotpre tondo4f _ a ga re tpress ss_ p 8_ 50 51 48 _4a 5a fr41 43 4e 53 ss 4b 45 56 49 42 4d 47sten51 5a 42 50 42am57 56 s me fr om _ 4e _ pu47 e fro4f ublish _ pu56 om _4f blishin m _ ste stenton blishing ing _ a st g e n nton d _ to o a game _ a gam tpress_ ndotpre game fr ss_ pub from _ publishin om _ st e from ublishin lishing stenton entondo g _ a g _ stento g _ a g _ d ame fro tpress_ otpress_ ame fro ndotp a game m _ ste publishin m _ ste publishin from _ g _ a g ntondotp ntondotp g _ a g stenton g _ a g ame fro ame fro ress_ pu dotpress ress_ p ame fro m _ ste m u b blish48 _ ste4a shing 57 ntond sten4a ing _50 ntond59 49 4d 55 41 4f 4f li48 51 50 4e 4a 55 55m _54 4f 4d_ p _ a g53 tondo53 a9_ otpre48 a ga53 gam50 otpre4e ame 4a ss_ pub tpress_ e from me from ss_ pub from _ lishing publishin _ stento lishing _ stento stenton _ a gam ndotpre _ a gam dotpress ndotpre e from ss_ pub from _ e from ss_ pub _ publish _ stento lishing stenton _ li stenton shing _ ing _ a _ a gam ndotpre dotpress dotpress a game fr ss_ pub e from _ publish _ publish m _ ste om _ st lishing _ stento ing _ a ntondotp entondo ing _ a _ n a d g o g a tp ame4a tpre g4c m re58 a ress4d e ss_ pu m ss e fr fr _ 0_ 51 41 43 50 49 55 4a 4f 50 51 55 4c 46 4e 45 42 4a 4b 53 58 51 58 41 4f 54 o _ f o m p m _ ste publishin ublishin blishing _ stento ntondotp ntondotp g _ a g g _ a g _ a gam ndotpre ress_ pu ame fro ame fro ress_ p e from ss_ pub blishing m u m blishing _ stento lishing _ stento _ _ a gam _ a gam ndotpre _ a gam ndotpre ress_ p e from ss_ pub e from e from ss_ pub ublishin _ stento lishing _ stento lishing _ stent g _ a g n _ d _ ndotpre ame fro otpress_ a game a game _ publish ss_ ub m fr publishin from _ stenton _ ste50 lish58 stento ing _42 _ a g56 ntond44 1_ 44ing45 46 _4a 50 do4f 4f 4d 4e 55g _54 55 51om 5a 48 p50 41 59 58 54 a ga57 tpress ndotp ame 44 a ga50 otpre49 m e _ fr m ss fr p o e from u m o _ publish blishing m _ ste _ stento shing _ _ stento ntondotp ing _ a _ a gam ndotpre a game n d gam41 ress_ 52 from4a _ pub56 ress_ e from m _ st 21_ 4e 55fro4b 45 43 59 ss5a 49 52 e5a 5a 4b 51 46 45 44_ st53 52 4dotp4f publi4b _ ste42 lishin4b ento53 shing 4f ntondotp g _ a g a game ndotpre entondo _ a gam ame fro ress_ p ss_ pub from _ tpress_ e from m _ ste u b lishing stenton p li shing _ ubli _ stento ntondotp _ a gam dotpress a ame n otpre me from ress_ pu e47 _ 58 from57 publish ss_ p43 fr om _49 2_ 57_ 4c 42 46 46 55 42 44 48 4d 4cblish 48 46 g4f 56 53 d4c 4c _ ste5a ublish4f stento54 ing 45 sten44 ing _4b ntond _ a gam in to ndotpre g n _ a o d tpress_ otpress_ game fr e from ss_ pub m _ ste publishin om _ st publishin _ stento lishing ntond48 ento44 g g _ n _ d otpre4e n a _ 22_ 44 41 49 4f 46 41 47 5a 54 4b 5a 56 49 56 49 5a 45 59 44 47 4d 48 4b 51 49 49 o a d tp a g o g ame fro tpress_ ress_ p ame fro gam ss_ pub ublishin m _ ste publishin m _ ste lishing tentond g _ a g ntondotp ntondotp _ a gam g _ a g otpress_ ame fro ame fro ress_ pu ress_ pu e from publishin m m blishing _ stento shing _ ento51 _ a ga d3_ ndotp49 otpre54 a gam4e 41 56 4dg 5a 47 4c 56 4a 48ndo42 5a 4b 47_ 42 4f_ st5a 43 bli58 49a 50 4f tpress57 game 55 me fr ss_ pu ress_ 51 e fro4c _ pub fr om _ st p blishing o m u m b li _ li shing _ _ sten shing _ stenton entondo _ a gam a game dotpress a ress_ p _ publish e from me fr4d from46 om _4e 23_ 41 42 53 47_ st56 56 tp54 44ubli44 41 57 59 46 56 47_ p50 4b 41 4a ga45 5a ublish ing 43 _ ste4e shing49 enton43 stento _ a g4f in ntond g _ a gam dotpress _ ame fro ndo a otpress_ game fr e from _ publish m _ ste blishing o p m u b _ _ li n in sh st to st g _ a g entondo ing _ a _ a gam entondo ndotpre a tpress_ ss_ pub me from tpress e from game fr lishing publishin _ stento om _ st _ stento g _ a g _ a gam ndotpre entondo g _ a g ndotpre ame fro e from ss_ pub ame fro tpress_ ss_ pub m _ ste _ li m p sh g _ lishing entondo stento52 ndotp _ a 52 a a24_ me fro43 gam4f ndotp5a ress58 4d 55 nto 46 50 51 in59 45 49_ 58 st42 59tp5a 46 43 54 42_ 53 46u game4e ress_ 53 e from _ pub4f ress_54 m _ st from41 publish lishing publishin entondo _ stento stenton in g _ _ a g tp d a n o game fr dotpress ress_ p tpress_ game fr from _ om _ st ublishin _ publish publishin om _ st stenton g _ a g entondo entondo ing _ a g _ a g dotpress a tp m tpress_ ame fro ress_ p ga e from _ publish ublishin publishin m _ ste _ stento stenton ing _ a g _ a g ntondotp g _ a g ndotpre dotpress game fr ame fro ame fro ress_ pu ss_ pub _ publish o m m li _ ste4e lishin4d ing _54 25_ 42 44 59 47 59 47 4b 45 5a 4a 4eshin4c 45 51 _ 56 41 42 46 41 b42 4d 49 stento g _ 45 ntond4c ondotpre g _ a 41 a ga ndotp a gam4b otpress_ game fr me from ress_ pu ss_ pub e from publishin om _ st _ stento lishing blishing _ stento g _ n _ n _ a d dotpress a game otpress_ a game game fr ress_ pu _ publish from _ from _ om _ st publishin blishing st stenton entondo ing _ a entondo g _ a g _ a gam tpress_ game fr tpress_ ame fro e from blishing publishin om _ st publishin m _ ste _ stento _ a gam entondo g _ a g ntondotp g ndotpre _ a e g tpre ame 55 from53 ress_ 57 26_ 56 48 4d 54 47 45ss_48 51 49 45am51 57_ st51 41 5a 49 55 43 58 53 55 4c 47 e from publi4f from 51 _ ste55 publish shing _ ing _ a _ stento ntondotp entondo ing _ a a game game fr ndotpre ress_ p tpress_ game fr fr om _ st ss u o _ b m li p o pu sh u _ m blishing ing _ a stenton entondo _ stento a game _ a gam dotpress game fr tpress_ ndotpre from _ e from om _ st _ publish publishin ss _ stenton p u blish _ stento entondo ing _ a g _ a g dotpress ndotpre tpress_ ame fro game fr from _ _ ss_ pub publishin m _ ste om _ st blishing stento lishin42 nto59 enton46 g58 ndotp 27_ 5a 59 5a 52pu4c 4b_ 50 59 47 53 57 41 4b 53 4b 54 5a 49 41 54 4a 4f 54 _ n a gam48 g d a o d _ a ress_4a tp g o ame fro tpress_ ress_ pu e from publishin m _ ste publishin _ stento blishing _ stento g _ a g ntondotp ndotpre g _ a g n _ d a o a tp g m a re e m ame ress_ p ss_ pub ss_ pub e from from _ ublishin lishing lishing _ stento stenton tondotp g _ a g _ a gam _ a gam dotpress ndotpre ress_ p ame fro e from e from ss_ pub _ publish ublishin m _ _ _ li stenton shing _ stenton ing _ a g _ a g dotpress otpress_ dotpress a game game fr ame 41 from 4e _ p47 _ pub 28_ 50 4a 5a 4e 53 4b 45 56 49 42 4d 47 51 4f 5a 56 42 50 42 57 56 publi51 fro4f om _ 4f u m b _ ste43 li shing48 li _ sh st sh st ing _ a entondo ntondotp ing _ a ento _ a gam game fr tpress_ game fr ress_ p e from _ publish om _ st publishin om _ st ublishin _ stento ing _ a entondo entondo g _ a g g _ a g ndotpre game fr tp a tp ame fro me from ress_ pu ss_ pub om _ st m _ ste hing _ blishing lishing _ stento entondo a game ntondotp _ a gam _ a gam n d tpress_ o tp from _ re ress_ e fr m e from ss_ pub p lishin _ 4a enton _ ste4a lishing50 53 55 55 stento59 g _ a53 _ a gam50 49 4d st55 ntond53 dotpre 29_ 41 48 4fub48 57 51 o50 4a 48 54 4d _ a gam ndotp4e game4a otpre4f ss_ 4f e from ress_4e from _ publishin ss_ pub e from p _ stento u b li st lis _ stento shing _ g _ a g entondo n d o tp ame fro ndotpre me from a game tpress_ ress_ pu ss_ pub m _ ste publishin from _ blishing _ stento lishing ntondotp stenton g ndotpre _ a gam _ a d g ress_ p ame fro otpress_ ss_ pub e from m _ ste ublishin m _ ste lishing _ stento publishin ntondotp g _ a g ntondotp _ a gam ndotpre g ress_ p ame fro a ga e fr4f ress_58 ss4d _ o u p m b u m li publi41 30_ 51 41 58 43 50 49 55 4a 50 51 55 4c 46 4e 45 42 4a 4a 4b 53 58 51 4f 54 _ 4c b sh _ lishing _ stento ing _ a stenton tentond sh in g _ a g _ dotpress ndotpre otpress_ a game game fr a m ss_ pub _ publish e from om _ st from _ publishin lishing entondo stenton ing _ a g _ a g otpress_ _ a gam dotpress tpress_ game fr ame fro e from publishin _ publish publishin om _ st m _ ste _ ste g _ a g entondo ing _ a g _ a g ntondotp ame fro ame fro tpress_ game fr ress_ pu s_ publi m _ ste m _ ste om _ st publishin shing _ b li sh in n e n g _ 42 tondo _ a g57 dotpre ndo a gam ame 44 31_ 44 45a g56 4a 50ton4f 4f 4e 55 g54 5a 50 44 49 50 58 50 59 58nto54 tpress ame 55 ss_ 4d from 46 e fro41 _ pu48 from 51 publishin blishing _ stento m _ ste blishing _ stento g _ a g _ a gam ntondotp ndotpre _ a gam ndotpre ame fro e from ss_ pub re e from ss_ pub ss m _ ste _ stento lishing lishing _ stento _ a gam ntondotp _ a gam ndotpre _ a gam ndotpre e from ss_ pub ress_ p e from e from ss_ pub _ stento u li _ b sh _ li st ing _ a shing _ stenton entondo ndotpre gam game fr dotpress a game tpress_ ss_ pub om _ 4c o57 _ 43 fro49 m _ st pub48 li p shing45 u m stento li b 32_e fr57 54 42 46 58 46 55 42 47 5a 44 48 4d 4c 4b 46 4f 56 44 53 4c 4c 4f sh li _ sh e ing _ a ntondotp stenton _ a gam ing ndotpre dotp gam res e f ss_ r

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stentondotpress 2019

March 2019 Available online Founded and edited by Maya Felixbrodt Co-edited by Stenton.Press contact:



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