The Transactor Vol5 iss2

Page 97

The Intelligent Software Package For $ 35, you get all this on one disk:

INTERNKnON/\1. CENTR E, TORO~"TO NUVJ.iMUc R 19 & 30, DECE!viBER 1 & 2, 1984

DATA SASE;. A complete t1xed record-leng t" doto bose. Sort on any koy. soloct using full logical operators on any key or keys, perform numeric manipulation on fields All fioiCJs In a rocord fully cuslomiLoble. Screen editing for records. Con be used tor occounts·rece•voble. inventory control, or o s on oloctronlc rolodex. If you use your Com· rnadole fOf' nothing else, this prOQrom Will justily its expense.

WOfa:> PIK>a:SSOI?· A full·fflOttJred word proceS50r: very fast file commands (including di&k file catalog), screen stnng searches, full control over mmgins. spacing. paging. and justificu lion (oil commands imbedded in text). A very powerfuL eosy·lo-leom program. lncluciAs o proorom inlorto clng WfP with DATA BASE to creole <."Uslurn f01rn let1ers. SPREADSHEET: Turns your CommOdore ln1o a visible balancA shAAt . Scroon odltlng. Groat for fin ancial fon-Jcosllng.

BASEBALL MANAGFR· C'.oml)lles hatting stati stics for a baseball o r soflboll leoQue. Genaroles reports on o p lover, team. o r the entire league (Including standings).

/\11 programs will load and run on ony ond every Commodore computer having a minimum ot 101< I~AM; all program:; fttlly support tapo. disk. and printer. Any two pro-


gtorns on COS$ette, $20. Price includes shipping within USA ann Canada: Calif. rosldonts add 6%. For orders over 10

in qvontity, deduct 35%. S1nce th1s ad •~ the co tatoo. no response to Inquiries will be mode: huw~ver, docurnenlation ror any one program may be purchased seporote ly tor S? j")()Stpoid (rtenuctible from later order) Thonk you William Robbins. Box 3745, San Rofael, CA 94912

Why Blank "Cheat" Sheets? OX So now you've g ot bA,qt Commodore 64 10

11'1"1 wvtld. ond loll> ol complex sottwara 10 run on tt Une problem Unle::.s vvu work

TI1c Company dlac h ad the for~ght and imagination to design and hulld m nr e. compu ters for h ome, busin ess and educadon than any other wm be pre· sendng the mosr farsighted and imaginative sho w to elate "'tith exhibitors from around the World.

Because They're F~:::=":"-::=:~ Blank .. -:.· -:~...__.·-..... . .

. :.------· -


The 1983 Canadian World of Commodore Show wa.s the largest and best attended sh ow in Commodor~ Internatio nal 's history. Large r thau auy other Commodore sh o w in the Wuclc..l and this year's show will be even larger.

wath some oJ these

r>rngroms everyday or are a compul ~:~r s;~uiu~. w ho con keep all those commands ....,..._~~~::~ strolcrhf? "1'5" tn one program means one !htng, r.::t rtd "F5" Jn unulh~r pmgrom means something elso. /\ cow compomes do n Hm o j\olu · 1JOI1 a d1e c\J r "cheat" sheet that atlaches to you{ kf:Y· board with olllll~ <.:u u tm< of one prOQram printed on It Groat tdoa. unlo55 you need lhAm tor t() o r ?0 programs You could purchase another disk drive tor lhe some lnve~lmt:tnl. Out lioluhon? Simple. A pgck oJ l2 11nod card!i. dtc cut Lo JU your keyooar<i nnd jttst wmting to be tilled w1th those problem commands you luryt11mutil ulhm Slm~Je? Yes. but eUecave Now you can hovo all y our proo10m c::ommond5 nght otJour finger bps on YOU I~ Vt:RY OWN. cus-tom desis:~ne · "cheul" sh1:1t1h•. On.lttt u cvuple pucks loduy1


PleaM MncS me the toUowtng·: r... •~: ,,. v s ;~.>twr. -----------~----------





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n em Sots 0 112 C M Koybo<Xtd Cheat Sheets lfi. $1595

_ 2 Pock.& <Z4 Sheets> tor S~4. 95 Total loi Merchandiie Shtppmg and Handl ing Conodfan Funcb Swcbarge


0 Pleaae Charge to. 0 Ma3terCard N umber --SHIP

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S 3.00 $ __

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