Home for the Holidays SANTA BETTER BE wearing PPE before coming down chimneys this year. With a vaccine to prevent Covid-19 likely unavailable until 2021, most traditional gatherings— like tree lightings, parades, concerts and local markets— have been put on hold while we prepare for a holiday season at home. Retailers, in turn, are swapping out embroidered velvet dresses and shiny Mary Janes for comfy loungewear, printed pajamas and light-up slippers. Holiday-themed toys, games and activity sets are topping wish lists to encourage safe and spirited fun for the whole family.
No Slippy Hair Clippy menorah clip
Asher & Emery light-up hat Magnetic Me family pajamas
Marais Sky tulle dress
Cheengoo rattles
E A R N S H AW S . C O M • A U G U S T/ S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0