Sophisticated Woman_April 2019

Page 34



THIS STORY AND scenario came to mind as I looked

photographing as a team of archaeologists and students

back on how the tricentennial of the City of New Orleans

swarmed the deck of the remains of La Belle, La Salle’s

might have happened 32 years earlier.

54-ft flagship, which lay half covered in 300 plus years of

In the fall of 1996, I found myself standing on the floor

gulf silt, a short distance off the southeast Texas coast.

of the Gulf of Mexico at Matagorda Bay. My heart raced.

The cofferdam consisted of two concentric circles of steel

I took in slow deep breaths of saltwater air. It smelled of

sheet pilings hammered into the soft bay mud surrounding

brine, clay and clamshells. I let the history I had read of

the wrecked ship. After sand was packed in between the

Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle and his expedition

walls of steel, the contained water was pumped out and

wash over me as I stood on the damp sand.

La Belle was exposed to air for the first time in three

In the late 17th Century, La Salle, in a group of four

centuries. A large metal roof was constructed above the

ships with 300 people, set off from France on an ill-

dam to protect the site while historians used whiskbrooms,

fated exploration of the Gulf of Mexico. Originally his

artist’s paintbrushes, picks and tweezers to meticulously

intention was to sail to Canada then haul La Belle, a

separate muck from artifact.

54-ft kit ship, overland to the Mississippi River. There

After documenting the historians’ work I needed an

he would assemble it, and sail south to the mouth of the

overview of the ship and setting for context and scale. To

river and begin a new French settlement solidifying the

that end a small hole, large enough to accommodate a lens,

heartland of North America, from Canada through the

was cut in the center of the roof directly above the ship. I

Illinois Country to the Gulf, as New France.

climbed into a basket for personnel that was attached to the

Instead, Louis XIV decided to send La Salle and his

boom of a crane and was then maneuvered and suspended

convoy directly to the unfamiliar waters of the Gulf of

above the opening to get overall shots of the scene unfolding


below. Photos of history for history. It was a good day.

Using a map that conflated the Mississippi

and Rio Grande rivers La Salle missed the mouth of the

Another great find in the Gulf of Mexico is Yellowfin

Mississippi by 400 miles and settled an area on the north

tuna. I’ll leave you with a recipe for a grilled tuna salad and

end of Matagorda Bay calling it Fort St. Louis.

this thought--Don’t be La Salle, be Bienville, the guy who

So there I stood inside a large cofferdam watching and 34 34 Sophisticated Sophisticated Woman Woman || April April 2019 2019

founded New Orleans.

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