scrapstorebirmingham@gmail.com @scrapstorebirmingham www.facebook.com/birminghamscrapstore
Dear Green Magpie friends,
Welcome to the Spring 2023 edition of the magazine for creativeyoungminds!
‘Bring it on Brum!’ is a programme that i s helping Birmingham’s children, young people and their families have active, fun - filled and healthy school holidays. Part of the government’s nationwide Holiday A ctivities and F ood (HAF) Programme, ‘Bring it on Brum!’ is the biggest scheme of its kind in the country, and Birmingham City Council in partnership with StreetGames, are really excited to bring it to YOU!
The Spring HAF Activity Pack is themed around OUR BODIES and how they work during play and physical activity. Our SPINE stretches when we reach for a ball; our LUNGS expand when we are running; our EYES and HANDS send messages to our BRAIN so we can hit a target!
In partnership with Birmingham PlayCare Network the contents of this magazine and pack has been created with their philosophy at the core… championing the child’s right to play! This magazine will provide you and your child with guidance on how to complete various activities/crafts and provide ideas and games to get creative and make use of the equipment included. Please enjoy having a go at some of the activities included but
REMEMBER small children will need to be supervised and older children might need a little bit of help. So, this Spring, why not give play a go, try not to worry about what the end product will look like, remember it’s the process children go through that is the most important part of play.
We have also created an online portal packed with free ideas and resources to keep the whole family busy, with indoor and outdoor games, quizzes, dance, nature trails, park activities, food videos and so much more. We believe that everyone deserves a good break and that school holidays are better when there’s a great choice of things to do. Our website is now ready so read on and check out
If you have any questions please get in touch.
Our email address is: Birminghamholidayactivities@streetgames.org
and follow us on Twitter, Facebook
Share your creations
and Instagram
@BringitonBrum .
Scrapstore behind the Blue Door: 8 Manor Park Grove, Northfield, B31 5ER
Creative Videos here Visit the Scrapstore shop!
Blinking Dragon Eye ~ Origami
Name your dragon…
Step by step:
What you need:
Try designing and drawing your own mystical dragon in your drawing book!
Think about where he might live and what he might get up to!
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorial!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Turn over. Fold each side to the centre Fold Turn over and decorate the eyelids
paper Open out
Age 4+
How many can play? 8+ and a leader.
What you will need: No equipment is needed.
Players are divided equally into ‘RATS’ and ‘RABBITS’. Players stand in their teams in a line, a few met res apart facing each other. Behind each team , also a couple of met res away, is their base or home which can be a line drawn out on the playground.
The leader calls out “ RATS” who then become the chasers and must catch the rabbits before they reach their home. If a rabbit is caught, they become a rat.
The lea der calls again and this time it’s the rabbits turn to become the chasers and any rats who are captured become rabbits.
The leader makes sure that no team has too many rats or rabbits otherwise the game will end quickly.
Draw the shape of an egg onto your paper. Tear a hole in the paper where your dragon eye will be
Glue on bits of torn paper or old magazines to decorate your egg.
On a separate piece of paper draw a dragon eye.
Glue the egg on top of the eye. Cut around the egg. Stick onto your card.
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorials!
Glue the top egg shell to top of chick. Sellotape your stick to the back of the chick.
You will need:
• Coloured card
• Wooden stick
• Scissors
• Glue
• Sellotape
Using templates on the middle pages, cut out your egg and chick.
Cut a small hole in your card and pass stick through as shown. Glue ONLY around the edge (not the top part) of the remaining bottom shell and stick to card as shown above. Make sure your chick moves up and down freely.
Move the stick up and down to see your chick hatch!
Share your creations with us at #BringitonBrum
Step by Step:
Robot Target Game:
2 + players
How to play!
Take aim and throw the ball……
Through the Middle = 50 points. Stick to Velcro = 10 points
Use the cardboard your pack came in, or an old cereal packet…
Step 1:
Using pieces of card, paper, sticky foam and purple Velcro (loop), make your robot. Cut out a hole in his tummy for the ball to pass through.
Step 2:
Cut out strips of black sticky (hook) Velcro and stick them onto a lightweight ball, or scrunched up paper. The highest wins!
corners in.
7: Looks like this 8: Turn over. 9: Fold corners over.
11: Fold along middle.
Share your creations with us at #BringitonBrum.
Cootie Catcher Game: 2+ players
Get a friend to choose one of the top pictures: Ear, Mouth, Nose or Hand.
Open and close the cootie catcher once for each letter. Eg. Ear = 3, Nose = 4 and so on. Open up and down, side to side, as you count the right number they picked.
Ask them to pick one of the numbers inside. Open and close in the same way, counting the right number they picked.
Ask them to pick another number. Open up the cootie catcher to reveal what’s inside.
Tip: Ask an adult how to play – they might remember playing this game as a child!
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorial!
Hatching Chick Template
Cut or trace around the templates to make your hatching chick. See instructions on page 6
P a
Your Lungs
Your lungs are spongy bag-like organs in the chest, used for breathing. They are part of the body’s RESPIRATORY system. All animals that have a backbone and breathe have lungs. When you breathe in, air filled with oxygen flows into the lungs. When you breathe out, the lungs empty.
Your lungs are protected by the ribs in your chest. When you are physically active, your lungs work harder to supply the additional oxygen your muscles need.
Just like regular exercise makes your muscles stronger, it also makes your lungs stronger!
What you need:
Step by step:
Step 1: Cut out two pieces of pink paper and glue them to your cardboard.
Step 2:
Draw on the airway branches of your lungs , like branches of a tree. Sellotape together two bendy straws.
Step 3: Sellotape a small bag onto each end of the straws. Tape straws onto cardboard. Blow into the straws to see the lungs come to life!
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorial!
Senses Games!
Name an animal starting with each letter
Blindfold drawings
Take your pad and pen, and pop your blindfold on. Think of an animal and draw it on your pad. Take off your blindfold and have a look!
See how far through the alphabet you can get!
Blindfold Game
Player 1 puts on blindfold and sits in centre of the room.
Players 2, 3 and 4 sit in a circle around player 1. They take it in turns to throw a beanbag to each other. Player 1 tries to guess where the beanbag has landed by listening and pointing to it as it moves around the room.
You will need:
o Thin card
o Black Sticky Foam
o White Foam
o Paint / inkpad
o Scissors
o 2 straws
o string
1 2 3
Draw around your hand onto thin card and cut out.
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorial s!
X-ray Handprint Robot Hand Puppet
Cut out small rectangles of black foam. The n, cut bone shapes out of the white foam. Peel back the orange to reveal the sticky side and stick the white foam to the black foam as shown.
Dip your stamps into paint and stamp your bone shapes onto your handprint.
Draw around your hand onto thin card and cut out.
Why not experiment with different coloured paper and paint? 1
2. Cut 5 lengths of string and tape them to the back of each finger. 4
3. Turn over. Cut two straws into smaller pieces and stick them onto your handprint like this.
4 Feed each length of string through the straws. Pull on the string at the bottom to make your hand move!
Optical illusion hand
1. Draw around your hand onto paper. With a ruler, draw straight lines in the background.
1 2
3. Colour between the black lines, repeating your pattern. When you’ve finished, step back and squint your eyes. What do you see?
2. Next, where the handprint is, join the straight lines with curved lines.
What you need:
Bicarbonate of soda
Invisible Ink
2 1
Top tip: You can use an earbud instead of a paintbrush
Hand sanitiser
Warm water
Scan to watch our YouTube tutorial s!
1. Draw around your hand. Mix 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda with ½ cup of warm water. With this solution, paint on the blood supply (it will be invisible!) Leave to dry for 10 minutes.
2. Mix 4 squibs of hand sanitizer together with a pinch of turmeric. With a CLEAN brush, paint inside the hand.
Watch as the blood supply slowly appears !
The brain is squishy and is made up of 60% fat. It contains blood vessels and nerves. The texture of the brain is similar to that of playdough. Physical activity can help you think, learn, and problem -solve better. It helps you enjoy an EMOTIONAL BALANCE
Step by Step :
Saltdough recipe:
1 cup flour
1 cup salt
½ cup of warm water
1: Mix all your ingredients together in a bowl – use your hands, it’s fun! Keep mixing until you have a smooth dough.
2: Loosely scrunch up some tin foil ~ as big as you want your brain to be.
3: Pinch a bit of dough off and roll it out like a little long sausage. Lay your sausage shapes onto your foil, making it look like the surface of a brain! Leave the foil underneath.
Top tip: Use a little bit of water to make your salt-dough stick to itself….
Memory Games!
How to play: Look at the list of words below for 1 minute.
Then take the list away and see how many words you can remember
Man Kite Bird Bridge
River Nest Home Coat
4: When finished, cook in the centre of the oven on a baking tray for 10 minutes (180 degrees / mark 4). Take out, allow to c ool, then colour with your felt -tip pens.
Challenge yourself : add things to colour your dough instead of painting or colouring …..can you map out the different parts of the brain using different colours?
Parietal lobetouch, taste and pain
tumeric coffee
beetroot juice
Occipital Lobehelps makes sense of what you see
Girl Sticks Rain
Top tip: Try making a story out of the words and see if you can remember more!
Cerebellum – helps you coordinate your movement and balance
Frontal lobe –helps you plan, reason and pay attention
Temporal Lobehelps makes sense of what you hear
Brain Stem – controls breathing, heartbeat, facial expression and more….
DIY Eggbox Spine model
What is a spine?
The spine lets you twist and bend, and it holds your body upright. a large bundle of nerves that back and forth between the brain and the body.
The spine is made up of 33 bones ! Between each bone is a disc which holds the bones together and acts as a cushion, allowing us to bend.
Step 1: the cups out of an egg small holes on so you can pass a cord through it
Cut circular foam discs out of the white foam and cut
Step 2: Tie a knot in a long length of cord.
Thread cord through the holes of the egg box, placing a disc between each.
Step 3:
If you have any red and blue wool, tie pieces between the egg boxes to represent
Try using your chalks to draw around each other on the pavement
Then, try drawing in some bones and labelling the parts you know
Can you draw your heart, lungs and brain?
Wishing you an active, fun-filled holiday from the Bring it on Brum team
Thank you to all our donors, supporters and volunteers who make this possible