Sweet Lemon Magazine [issue no.7]

Page 88



Hell hath no fury like public transit

By Sarah Solomon / www.sarah-sol.com / @urbanJap Photography By Brian Caggiano & @elegant_ology


The best solution to tackling your perilous commute is with sensible yet stylish outerwear, footwear and work wear that spans your 9-5 (or 6,7,8) stint and social engagements after. Those will be the key pieces that cover all manners of situations and sins — and you shouldn’t be afraid to invest in quality. These precious years before mortgages, babies and illicit affairs with the gardener are ripe with opportunity to make sartorial indulgences. By the time you’ve hit your early twenties and the steady downspiral of moral and physical decay has set in, you should know yourself well enough to discern what you’ll keep for years to come. By leveraging With that being said, when you’re getting full-price staple items with thrifted luxuries dressed in the morning it’s not only for the office, bought willy-nilly like a drunken sailor on shore but whatever magical and Narnia-esque adventure leave, you can make the most of what you have without compromising. you have while getting there. h, the joys and perils of commuting via NYC public transportation. A month ago on the subway a homeless man whacked me in the face with a newspaper like he was challenging me to a duel. Two days prior to that the doors closed on me multiple times, covering my legs and dress in black tar. Today the downtown trains were malfunctioning so I fought my way onto a bus only to get off two stops later because of heavy traffic and ran 20 blocks to work. On the bright side I achieved a new record: only one near death experience with oncoming taxis.


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