Student Rep Facebook Instructions -Getting started

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Getting started



Think about why you’re creating a Facebook page, who it’s for and how you’ll use it. • People. Think about your audience and who you’re targeting, different groups and what they might respond to. • Objectives. Think about the goals for your Facebook page. You want to raise awareness, encourage usage and help students with any problems in using Westlaw UK. • Strategy. What tactics will you use? And how will they combine with your other non-Facebook tactics (advertising, incentives, clinics)? For example, you might use email to offer people a prize for joining your Facebook group, and then use Facebook to encourage them to use Westlaw UK.

• Download Facebook’s Pages Product Guide (you don’t need to read it right away). • Join the Westlaw UK Student Reps Group – you can ask for help and share ideas with other reps!

What’s the difference between a page, a profile and a group? • A profile always represents an actual individual person, and is what you have already as your personal profile. You’ll use your personal profile to create your page. • A page is for organisations or brands to connect with people. This is what you’ll be creating in this guide. • A group is an ad hoc small group for the purposes of communicating and sharing opinions. For example, there is a private Westlaw UK Student Reps group to discuss ideas with your fellow Student Reps


Create your page. First, login to Facebook using your own personal profile. Click on this link to Create a Facebook Page. Select Brand or Product, then choose Product/Service from the dropdown. Type your page name in the box. Important: due to recent changes in company policy, your name must NOT mention ‘Westlaw’, ‘Westlaw UK’, ‘Thomson Reuters’ etc. You may like to call it, ‘Legal Research Group, University of ....’, for example.

2. About. • Description. Type a description that suggests why people should join your group. • Facebook web address. Type in your web address. You may use a shortened version of your page name if you wish. • Please do not enter any Thomson Reuters sites under ‘Add Another Site’ • Please tick ‘No’ next to the question regarding whether your page is a real business, product or brand

3. Image. ‘Upload from your computer’ and select an image that will represent your page.

4. Add to Favourites. Click to add your new page to your favourites to make it easy to access at any time.

5. Skip the final Ad tab. Opt not to advertise your page as this will incur a charge and we will not be able to reimburse this fee.

6. Get started. • Click to like your new page! • Invite your friends (Admin > Build Audience > Invite Friends) • Invite your email contacts (Admin > Build Audience > Import Email Contacts) • Share something - post an introduction

7. Get to grips with switching between your personal profile and your page. While you’re using your personal profile, you’ll see this option in the topleft allowing you to switch to your Legal Research page. While you’re using Facebook as your Legal Research page, you’ll see the same option allowing you to switch back to your personal profile. Important: make sure you know where you are before posting anything!

8. Next steps. • Like the global Westlaw UK Students page: WestlawUKStudents • Add a cover image – something relevant such as a photo of your university • Think about ways to increase likes – why would students be motivated to like your page? • Post the link to your new page on the Westlaw UK Student Reps Group and show everyone your handywork! • Get ideas from other Facebook pages here: pages/

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