FLASH FALL 2021 - Annual Report Issue

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St. Vincent’s Academy St. Vincent’s Academy




FA L L 2 0 2 1 , A N N UA L R E P O R T

From the President Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing, and perfect will. ” This is a powerful quote. There is something both beautiful and scary about new beginnings and blank slates. Each August, both students and educators at St. Vincent’s Academy have a chance to renew themselves and discern God’s will for them in that moment. It’s not always easy, but it is ALWAYS possible. This August especially, students came to St. Vincent’s Academy with a hunger to connect and be a part of something bigger, to find their purpose, and asking the question, “What is God’s will for me?” As we come out of the darkness of COVID-19 and virtual learning, there is a spirit of hope and renewal at St. Vincent’s Academy. So many wonderful things are happening this year with our students, faculty, and staff. We are appreciating being together as a learning community like never before. If you go to our Facebook page, you will see the hands-on and experiential learning happening in every classroom. There is a spirit of renewal and appreciation for Mercy education that you can feel in these hallowed halls. We welcomed 291 students and 55 faculty/staff members through the gates of St. Vincent’s Academy on August 9, 2021. That is 346 new beginnings! In this beautiful and historic space of Mercy, miracles happen every day. Lives are changed and spirits are transformed. You are a part of our family! Whether you are an alumna, a community member, grandparent, or friend, you too are a part of our family. You too can renew your mind and spirit as we head into the last few months of 2021. As I told the Freshmen at their retreat earlier this month, we are ALL called to forgive, love, and serve. If we focus on those three things, we will find our purpose and walk in God’s love. This Summer we completed the “renewal” of our third floor convent space. We promised that students would start the year in classrooms on the third floor, and they did. God is so good! The Sisters of Mercy encouraged the school to utilize this space for the students and were an integral part of the entire process.


Our generous donors, the architect, contractor, and skilled laborers acted as the hands and feet of Christ to make this project a reality. My prayer when we began this journey to renovate the convent residence to classrooms, office, and assembly space was that the Holy Spirit would touch the heart of each person involved with this project. You can feel God’s holy presence in this space. As soon as our elevator is operational (the hydraulics were flooded by tropical storm Ida), we will set a date for a dedication of our renovated space. The Sisters of Mercy who have toured the finished space have expressed their happiness and hope for the next 176 years of St. Vincent’s Academy…. indeed a renewal and God’s perfect will! As I finish writing this, it is October 11th, the International Day of the Girl Child. This day was named at the World Conference of Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. The purpose of creating this day was to focus on the rights, safety, and education of girls. This day was also focused on promoting that girls CAN impact progress in the world. What a blessing for all of us who are a part of the St. Vincent’s Academy Family. WE celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child EVERY day at SVA. Our students are empowered each day to lead and make a difference in our world. As you enjoy this edition of THE FLASH, let YOUR spirit be renewed with hope for the future looking at the wonderful things happening at St. Vincent’s Academy.

May God bless you and bring you happiness and all good things,

Mary Anne Hogan, President St. Vincent’s Academy

Speaking of renewal, our Convent Renovation progress over the Summer was phenomenal. We are very grateful to all who made this happen. Peruse some of our classrooms, hallways, offices, the elevator tower, museum room, assembly space and restrooms in the photos above. Cover, convent and Pink Night photo credit: Terri Foote. Graduation photo credit: Paul Camp.



5 GRADUATION HIGHLIGHTS Hear from our Valedictorian and Salutatorian, see honors and awards, scholarship highlights, and much more.


MERCY + MISSION IN ACTION Students and graduates are highlighted for sharing mercy and mission in action, including Caroline Ebberwein '13, Emma Kate Lively '16, Angie Moore Romagosa '68, Colleen McCarthy '03, and Stephenie Reynolds Irwin '02, alongside SVA's current students.

20 2020 - 2021 ANNUAL REPORT St. Vincent's is very grateful to our honor roll of donors. Without them, all of the wonderful things we do at SVA would not be possible. Thank you.

47 ALUMNAE NEWS From career and life news to births, weddings and reunions . . . . you will find it here. Don't forget to share your good news with us!

50 STUDENT NEWS See all of the fantastic projects, events and highlights from our very own students. These are truly Women Who Lead in every way and we are very proud of them!



Congratulations to the SVA Class of 2021 Morgan Elizabeth Banks

Elizabeth Ann Daniel

Emily Grace Henderson

Trinity LaTriece Perry

Elizabeth Anne Baran

Kassidy Brianne DeWitt

Natalie Marie Henderson

McCaillaigh Bridgett Rouse

Amber Marie Beddow

Maddox Elizabeth Ruth Eades

Dorothy Margaret Herb

Charlotte Campbell Sauers

Emma Frances Beddow

Brynn Arran Elders

Isabella Marie Hogan

Chloe Elizabeth Sells

Angela Marie Breland

Gabriella Paige Ferraro

Eileen Riley Johns

Mary Anna Sergi

Mary Jewell Brennan

Anna Hylton Fife

Adelaide Wright Jones

Olivia Mae Sheffield

Sheridan Campbell Broker

Martha McKinley Foran

Sloan Erin Kearns

McAlister Elizabeth Smith

Chloe Alexandria Brown

Avery Caroline Gayle

Olivia Anne Knight

Sadye Dawson Stafford

Kiffin Elizabeth Brun

Lilla Campbell Gillen

Ayiana Nokomis Leiby-Redden

Ellie Katherine Stutzman

Riley Marie Burgess

Hannah Elizabeth Glazier

Christine O’Reilly Lundblad

Anna Grace Summerlin

Ella Rose Claxton

Anna Catherine Goodwin

Kathleen Bridget Maguire

Jessica Morgan Taylor

Mary Grace Coleman

Reese McTeer Groover

Catherine Cheshire Moore

Anastasia Maria Thaller

Elizabeth Shea Coppola

Alexandra Louise Hadjin

Lindsay Ann Murray

Ava Renee Waters

Emma Katherine Cowart

Helen Lucinda Harty

Madison Diane Naydeck

Sierra Jean Wermuth

Priya Mayur Patel

Juliette Elizabeth Willms

Gold Honor Cords: 95 or higher 4 year cumulative weighted average: Elizabeth Baran, Mary Brennan, Angela Breland, Ella Claxton, Brynn Elders, Gabriella Ferraro, Anna Fife, Lilla Gillen, Reese Groover, Alexandra Hadjin, Emily Henderson, Natalie Henderson, Dorothy Herb, Isabella Hogan, Adelaide Jones, Sloan Kearns, Christine Lundblad, Kathleen Maguire, Catherine Moore, Lindsay Murray, Priya Patel, Anna Sergi, Sadye Stafford, Ellie Stutzman, Sierra Wermuth, Ava Waters The Class of 2021 completed over 10,000 hours of community service during their four years at SVA. The student body raised over $88,000 towards school and community outreach last year.


The SVA Class of 2021 received over $5,200,000 in scholarships.

- Ellie Stutzman ‘21 Valedictory Address by Ellie Stutzman ‘21

Good evening teachers, faculty, staff, parents, and the St. Vincent’s graduating class of 2021. I am pretty sure every valedictory address includes something along the lines of “my class is special.” However, I am not going to follow suit and simply tell you that my class is special, because I don’t believe that to be true. Instead, I am going to tell you that my class is more than just special. This class is extraordinary! There truly are no words to accurately portray how amazing these girls are standing behind me. I am so blessed every day to be a part of the Class of 2021. Together as a class we have won awards for our hard work, raised money to donate to noteworthy causes, shined in leadership positions, and been accepted into incredible colleges all across the United States. And we have accomplished all this through not only our annual hurrications, but through the rare snow days freshman year, the first since 1989, and of course, the elephant in the room, a historic global pandemic. It seems like just yesterday we were bright-eyed, bushy-tailed freshmen walking through the Lincoln Street gate together for the first time, our skirts practically touching our knees, to take the infamous summer reading test given by none other than Pat Williams. I’m not sure many of us thought we would be here today after that test! And it also seems like just yesterday we were sitting on the ground in the gym for one-lunch with fear in our eyes as the Class of 2018 came running at us in stampede-like form to jam. Just yesterday we were quite literally stepping over the people sitting down in the freshman locker room waiting for class to start after getting dropped off by our parents way too early in the morning. And then, all of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, we became seniors. We walked in and conquered every test assigned with confidence. We continued the tradition of instilling fear in the freshmen by sprinting towards them to jam until we lost our voices. And we all perfected a way to find parking and get to class seconds before Sloan rang the bell. Now we stand here today, dressed in the same elegant white gowns and pumps as the seniors who have gone before us, finally understanding the anticipation of taking off these pumps later tonight. And we are graduating and getting ready to enter the world and face the next part of our lives. Even though these last four years have gone by way faster than we could have ever imagined, even though people warned us they would, there is so much we will remember from our time here at St. Vincent’s. These memories, both big and small, are what make this class extraordinary. We are always going to be able to look back on the Spirit Days, the Field Days, and the Prance Dances we shared together. We will all remember our historic Ring Day, that can be compared to a drive through, and our


unbeatable senior formal and class prank. We even managed to put a waterslide in the courtyard to celebrate our last day of school. I have personally witnessed how extraordinary this class is every time Kiffin went all out for the themed dress down days, almost to the point where she was unrecognizable, and when I got to watch Emma Cowart dominate sports year-round, or when I heard Helen’s infectious laugh fill the halls. And of course, when we all sang Meadows and Mountains together, just a little louder than all the other songs. These are the moments we will take with us through the rest of our lives, and we will be able to look back and remember how extraordinary this class truly is. Prior to all these amazing experiences at SVA, I learned an important life lesson when I was only in first grade. Whenever anyone in my first grade class would say “I can’t,” my teacher, Mrs. Puckett, would make us hold up our hands and recite Philippians 4:13 using our ten fingers: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The strong significance of this verse was evident every day because every time I walked in the classroom, I saw the verse written neatly across the top of the white board. Maybe it was the easy demonstration with my fingers or reading it every day on the board that helped me memorize this verse, but it has stuck with me since first grade and has become more and more meaningful the older I have gotten. When each of my SVA sisters entered these gates 4 years ago, they each brought with them meaningful life lessons such as mine that helped shape our class into the extraordinary sisterhood it is today. For me it was Mrs. Puckett and her first grade class, and for you it was someone different, but we all carry meaningful messages and lessons that have become a part of us and our class. As we embark on the next chapter of our lives and begin our future, remember, with the strength of God, we can do anything we put our minds to and overcome any challenge the world may throw at us. Over the past 4 years, St. Vincent’s has added to the lessons we have each brought with us from home, elementary school, middle school and beyond. And we will carry these lessons with us and apply them in our lives for the years to come. These lessons came from both inside and outside the classroom. Through our free periods, we learned independence as well as accountability for ourselves, our time, and our actions. Through National Honor Society, Model UN, and Student Council, just to name a few, we learned leadership and how to adapt and thrive through the challenges presented to us. Through the Big Sister Little Sister program, we learned how to be role models for our younger SVA sisters who look up to us. And, of course we mastered the valuable life lesson of parallel parking. Over these past four years, SVA has molded us and taught us the lessons we need to be successful in the future. I could not end this speech tonight without acknowledging those who have supported us along our journey. On behalf of the class of 2021, thank you to our teachers for showing up every day to teach us and help us learn to collaborate with one another. To the administrators, faculty, and staff, thank you for working tirelessly to create an environment that has allowed us to grow as students, athletes, artists, and leaders. To my parents and all the other parents here tonight, thank you for being our biggest cheerleaders and providing us with all the opportunities we need to succeed. And to my class, thank you for pushing me to be the best person I can be. Thank you for constantly raising the bar and always having my back, quite literally tonight. Each person in this room has played an essential role in influencing and shaping us into the best version of ourselves, and we would not be here today without each and everyone one of you. Rooted in faith, we, the St. Vincent’s Class of 2021, are ready to enter the world as women who lead. Class of 2021, go be extraordinary!!

message from the Salutatorian


One of the many things that I love about our class is that our “GPS’s” will lead us to impact the world in such a variety of ways. I know several of us are aiming at pursuing careers in the medical field, such as Isabella who will without a doubt become an amazing Emergency Room doctor. Also, our class has aspirations to follow more unconventional paths, like Sheridan who will be the best national park ranger SVA has ever produced, or Avery who will guide planes, possibly piloted by Kiffin, to safety as an air traffic controller. Through this wide array of careers, our positive influence will help so many people. Another characteristic of our class that has solidified our bonds is the unwavering support we have for one another. Like the time in sophomore year English when I passed out and every single one of you in my class (and of course Mrs. Culjan) rushed to help me up. Truthfully, our class is set apart by the way we put our love for one another over any disagreements. I’m glad we were able to agree among the many different great ideas for our Halloween assembly to produce the most coordinated Oompa Loompa performance in the history of SVA Halloween. We have formed a beautiful support system through our ability to compromise and value each other’s opinions. Our sense of sisterhood has laid the foundation for us to step up to challenges and be the leaders who take action to get things done. This year, our Calculus class held half of our lectures through Zoom, and Angela signed us up for these calls every single time, even though she received nothing in return. It’s times like this where the selfless actions of the women in the class of 2021 prove our determination and willingness to go above and beyond to guide us to success, and this will stay with us through college and the rest of our lives. Once again, thank you again to all of our friends, family, and faculty who have helped us and supported us throughout these past four years (which seems more like four seconds.) Now I’ve been up here long enough. Peace, love, ciao!






National Honor Society Vice President

SVA Liturgy Award

Girl Scout Awards Bronze, Silver and Gold

Student Council Vice-President




Patricia Barragan Schreck Music Award

Senior Class President

SLOAN ERIN KEARNS McAuley Award Dr. John Reid Broderick Music Award

ELLIE KATHERINE STUTZMAN Valedictorian STAR Student Herbie Griffin Scholar Athlete Award



Senior Class Vice-President

Student Council Secretary

American Legion Auxiliary Girls State Program Community Service Award

TRINITY PERRY Vince Dooley Sportsmanship & Leadership Award


Awards St. Vincent’s Academy is excited to announce new faculty

and staff members for the 2021 - 2022 school year! Please welcome them when you see them around town or on BRYNN ARRAN ELDERS


Student Council President

Sr. Mary Brigid Buttimer, RSM Religious Studies Award


Pictured back row left to right are John Villarreal (Photography/Art), Jennifer Nowell (Social Studies), Daniel Snope (Advanced Math), Chelsea Doerger (College Counselor), Lucy Robertson (English), Joe Sullivan (Math),

Sarah Gobrogge (Social Studies), Anthony Di Lorenzo (Social Studies).

Pictured front row left to right are Katie Uhrich Riley ‘97 (Student Support Specialist/AP Coordinator), and Tara Perrse (Front Office Secretary).

Inset in the photo is Connell Cannon Youmans ‘96 KATHLEEN BRIDGET MAGUIRE National Honor Society President Community Service Award

CATHERINE CHESHIRE MOORE Principal’s Award Student Council Treasurer Perfect Attendance Award TONKS Award

(Admissions Counselor & Advancement Assistant) We wish a warm welcome to all of these new faces!

SIERRA JEAN WERMUTH Salutatorian Kathleen Saunders Dillon English Award


McAULEY AWARD & SR. JUDE WALSH AWARD ST. VINCENT’S ACADEMY BEGINS MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR by Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 On the 1st of May, 2021, St. Vincent’s Academy celebrated the annual presentation of the McAuley Award and the Sr. Jude Walsh, RSM ‘43 Award to two outstanding people. Unfortunately, due to the restrictions of the pandemic, the presentation of our awards could not take place in 2020 as planned. One year later, when restrictions were finally relaxed, our awards were presented in a much smaller ceremony, including the honorees and a few family members, Sisters of Mercy, and Bishop Stephen D. Parkes, our celebrant. As always, the McAuley Medal is awarded to an Alumna who exemplifies the attributes of Venerable Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland. Catherine’s was a woman with an abiding faith in God demonstrated by honor, dignity, a profound love for humanity, and a willingness to better the lives of others. Diane Wells Farr ‘77 was chosen by our Sisters of Mercy for exemplifying the qualities of Catherine McAuley through her outstanding service to God, family, the Church, our community, and to St. Vincent’s.

Brian Griffin, pictured center with Mary Anne Hogan and Bishop Parkes, was the winner of the Sr. Jude Walsh, RSM ‘43 Award.

The Sister Jude Walsh, RSM ’43 Award is restricted to contributions to St. Vincent’s. It is about love and dedication to St. Vincent’s in the most passionate sense and includes: leadership, service, advocacy, and devotion. The first person to receive this award was Sr. Jude in 2003. Brian P. Griffin, who easily met the criteria, was chosen for this award. Although he had ceremonies to perform in the morning and afternoon on May 1st, Bishop Parkes was delighted when asked to be our celebrant for the Mass and graciously agreed to offer a 6 pm Mass, which took place in the chapel at the Convent of St. Vincent de Paul. Immediately following our Mass and presentations, the group moved to the parlor for a lovely and joyous reception. Both Diane and Brian have very time-consuming jobs with tremendous responsibilities. Diane Farr, an RN, is employed at St. Joseph’s/Candler as the night House Supervisor – Manager of Candler. Brian Griffin is the Marketing Manager & Creative Director at St. Joseph’s/Candler. It was a pleasure for St. Vincent’s to present these awards that honored such deserving people. Congratulations Diane and Brian!

“Draw persons to God by your words, by your example and by the works of mercy.”


--Catherine McAuley

Diane Wells Farr ‘77, pictured center with Sr. Helen Marie Buttimer and Bishop Parkes, was the winner of the 2021 McAuley Award.

MISSION + MERCY in action PRAYER & ACTION 2021: Caroline Ebberwein ‘13 by Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64

If your child loves to stay busy, but, somehow, cannot seem to find enough parent-approved activities, there is an exceptional summer program with the Diocese of Savannah. As Winnie the Pooh, said, “You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” His advice is excellent for all of us to take to heart, so tell your child to get out of that old, familiar comfort zone and experience something different; he/ she may discover a new and exciting comfort zone and have one of the best summers ever. Prayer and Action is the name of the summer program and mission experience hosted by the Diocese of Savannah. Caroline Ebberwein ’13, Director of Youth Ministry for the Diocese of Savannah, has directed the program for the past two years and worked to expand the program to serve both the Savannah and Augusta areas. The name of the program itself tells us something and perhaps poses a question. We may pray, but do we act? God said He expects us to act and help those in need and this program is a chance to introduce our young adults to an important part of life --- serving others. “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor in your land.’” Proverbs 11:25 Everywhere we turn, there always will be people in need. If we believe that God expects us to help those in need, He will never forget what we do and the love we give to Him by helping His people. God will always notice what we do --- good and bad. “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference.” So true and so simply put by Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.

This program offers our young people an important addition to their moral foundation and helps them grow into adults who are sensitive to those who are less fortunate. The concern for others, humility, compassion, empathy, and benevolence learned in Prayer & Action is not learned in a classroom or a lecture series, but through performing simple acts of kindness --- painting someone’s home, cleaning the yard, and other essential tasks. Visiting with the folks living there, who are unable to do these things themselves, maybe elderly or infirmed, and unable to do or to pay for the work to be done, is an eye-opening experience. This program is a “feel-good” experience that these students take with them to enrich their own lives for years to come. A friend recommended Prayer & Action to Cadence Smart, a rising sophomore at St. Vincent’s, who truly enjoyed being a part of it last summer. “I definitely plan to attend next summer, but instead of going only one week, I’m going to sign up for two weeks.” What did she like about it? Cadence enthusiastically shared her list: “friendly students, great counselors, sports, and other fun activities. The people we did the work for were so nice and appreciated all we did for them.” She told me that “Prayer & Action shows that there are such nice people who just need a little help at times.” The students in this program are learning first hand that anyone who goes through life with no support system can face challenging and difficult times. They can better understand that if life has given us blessings, it is important to share them with others. That could mean volunteering to serve food to the homeless, helping at a shelter, work-


ing at a charity thrift shop, giving regularly to a charity --- good causes need volunteers and financial support. For others, sharing blessings might be as simple as having a conversation with someone or lending emotional support to a friend who is going through a difficult time. Mother Teresa said that something as easy and simple as a little kindness and a smile could make a difference in someone’s life, “Be kind and merciful. Let no one come to you without going away better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness, in your face, your eyes, your smile, and kindness in your warm greeting. ”The Lord told us, “For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor in your land.’” Deuteronomy 15:11 Everywhere we turn, there always will be people in need. The high school students who attend Prayer & Action are offered an opportunity to grow morally and spirituality, and to experience a deepening of their own individual relationship with God. By being involved in serving others, they all have the opportunity to grow into the kind of person who might make the world a better place. ABOUT CAROLINE EBBERWEIN SVA ‘13: Caroline has been with the Diocese of Savannah as Director of Youth Ministry for 2 years. She is seasoned in working with, and thoroughly enjoys working with, young adults. An experienced educator and youth minister, Caroline is a strong, competent professional with creative presentation abilities, and she is a dynamic and interesting conference speaker. After graduating from St. Vincent’s in 2013, Caroline continued her education at St. Mary’s College in South Bend, Indiana, where she received her degree in Sociology and Religious Studies. Interested in Prayer & Action? Reach out to Caroline at cebberwein@diosav.org or 912-201-4057.

FOCUS Mission Ministry: Emma Kate Lively ‘16


St. Vincent’s Academy is very proud of Emma Kate Lively ‘16, who is completing her second year as a FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) Missionary at Nicholls State University. FOCUS is a Catholic outreach program for American college students founded in 1997 by Curtis Martin and Dr. Edward Sri at Benedictine College. Trained in Church teaching, prayer, sacred Scripture, evangelization and discipleship, FOCUS missionaries encounter students in friendship and invite them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, accompanying them as they pursue lives of virtue and excellence. Emma Kate is evangelizing in a big way and we are very proud of her!

A LIFE OF SERVICE: Angie Moore Romagosa ‘68 by Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 Was it something that Angie Moore ’68 said to Sr. Joseph Mary one day at St. Vincent’s? Had Angie expressed concern for someone in need? Now that over fifty years have gone by, who would remember? I assume that Sr. Joseph Mary, besides teaching Religion, biology and chemistry, was very astute at seeing special talents in some of her students. Considering what Angie did later in life, there is no doubt that Sister recognized a certain gift in this student. Perhaps Sister planted a seed that would grow exponentially like “Jack’s beanstalk.” Did Angie ever seriously consider her teacher’s suggestion about social work as a career path? Angie’s son Mark called me a few months ago to share Angie’s amazing career with me; of course, it was in social services. Naturally, I was interested. Mark’s story took me back to 1970 when Armstrong College students Angie Moore and Mark Romagosa, sweethearts through SVA and BC, decided to get married. There was a great deal of excitement, especially among Angie’s four sisters, who were all planning to be bridesmaids. A beautiful wedding took place and two small children later, Catherine Romagosa Osburn and Mark A. Romagosa, Mark was offered a job in Florida. The family packed their belongings and moved to Seminole County. Not only would there be a job waiting for Mark, before long, there would be one for Angie also and that job would delight Sr. Joseph Mary. In 1986, an opportunity arose when sixteen churches decided to ban together to help those in the community who had fallen on hard times. This would create one resource for the entire community. They needed a strong leader who genuinely cared about people, had a strong faith, excellent business savvy, and importantly was personable, friendly, and approachable. Angie’s pastor, Father Dennis Harten, thought Angie would be perfect for the job. After much consideration for her family and a great deal of prayer, Angie decided to take her former teacher’s suggestion to heart and opened the South Seminole Christian Sharing Center (aka The Center). Her job would include alleviating hunger, preventing homelessness, and, as a result, changing thousands of lives for the better. Certain basic needs could be provided by The Center: groceries, rent assistance and utilities, clothes, school supplies, furniture, transportation and

everything must be delivered graciously, with dignity, compassion, and respect. The Center opened in 1986 and was staffed by Angie and only one volunteer. Today, it serves 14,000 people annually and has a staff of thirty-five. The original space that was in an office of 800 square feet is now located in a 40,000 square foot shopping center that was purchased by the organization. Angie shaped her case management carefully to get to know clients and all the factors that contributed to the difficulties in their lives. Through Angie’s leadership, the organization addressed the whole person physically, mentally, and emotionally. The clients were helped astronomically when underlying problems were uncovered and treatments were addressed by the appropriate professionals. Symptoms of diabetes, heart problems, autoimmune diseases, mental health issues, high blood pressure, cancer, substance abuse, and much more were discovered and treated. Innovative thinking brought creative financial projects that would help keep The Center afloat and bring in revenue. One hugely successful project was the opening of a thrift store where clients could shop for less expensive items and it appealed to the public. In Angie’s last year at The Center, she was thrilled to see her thrift store take in over a million dollars in sales. Next, she opened the Oasis for the homeless to take showers, have haircuts, and do laundry. LifeBuilder was “hatched” next and targeted homeless families with children to help them get back to stability. And the list goes on…


done for people and, therefore, for the entire community. Two of those awards are so significant as to stand out from the rest. Pope Francis gave the first award. Even the Pope had heard of Angie’s work! In 2018, Angie received the Benemerentie Medal. This prestigious medal is bestowed by the Pope “upon men and women who have contributed to the fulfillment of the Church’s mission and betterment of society and who are outstanding examples of selflessness, service, and fidelity to the Catholic Church.” Just a year later, in 2019, she was named the recipient of the coveted Florida Blue Foundation Sapphire Individual Award in “recognition of her impact on improving the health and well-being of underprivileged and low-income members of the community.”

Angie Moore Romagosa ‘68, Senior SVA Photo

To say that Angie has been considered an enormous “mover and shaker” in Seminole County is an understatement of gigantic proportions. She has been recognized numerous times for all the good she has

Mark said of his mom that, “My Mom is very proud to have been able to use her God-given skills to improve the lives of those experiencing hardships. When discussing her career, she is always quick to give credit to her time at SVA and, specifically, Sr. Joseph Mary (you may know her as Sr. Johanna Maguire, RSM) for the inspiration to pursue social work so many years ago.”

Guiding with Nutrition and Whole Body Health: Colleen McCarthy ‘03 by Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 For anyone to know exactly what he or she wants to do in life is truly amazing to me, but I was the college student who changed majors seven times. Even then, I did not get it right when I finally received my degree, but let’s face it, I had to do something. Life is full of surprises that sometimes bring unexpected and exciting new beginnings. Colleen McCarthy ‘03 intended to follow her passion since the age of 3 years --- dance. Yes, she knew what she wanted. Ballet consumed her body and mind. Her training was impeccable and from some of the best in the dance world. There were names like Karena Brock (principal dancer of the American Ballet Theatre), Patricia McBride, Ron Jones, Mark Diamond, Julie Janus Walters, and many more. Along this path, Colleen danced and/or studied with: North Carolina Dance Theatre Ensemble, North Atlanta Dance Theatre, Dance Reflections, Atlanta Ballet, Savannah Ballet Theatre (Guest Artist), Columbia City Ballet, Ballet International, and Charleston Ballet. In 2007, she achieved her goal and received her BA in Dance from the University North Carolina at Charlotte and she began her career as a professional dancer!


Not only did getting a medical diagnosis change the way she lived her life, it also led her to her new passion and to what would become her life’s work. At the age of 22, Colleen began consciously living with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease in which people cannot eat gluten because it will damage their small intestine. If you have celiac disease and eat foods with gluten, your immune system responds by damaging the small intestine. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. As Colleen said, “I learned to navigate this wheat-filled world.” Once Colleen understood her own food sensitivities, she began to feel a tremendous desire to help others develop a healthy outlook on life and assist them in finding the tools to support their lifestyle needs in every way --- body, mind, and spirit. Along the way, Colleen discovered the depth of her own intuitive abilities for healing. Chronic inflammation had been preventing a deeper connection throughout her body and soul. Colleen calls her approach WHOLEistic and states. “I view the body as a whole with subtle energetic bodies as well as the physical body. In helping people reset their physical and energetic bodies, all becomes more integrated and aligned. Colleen sees many clients become able to clear pathways and eliminate blockages, enabling them to connect with their inner most joy, clarity, and sense of well-being. Did Colleen give up dance? No, as a dancer, she is well-aware that dance in itself is a therapeutic form of movement which is not only for physical health but also improves mental and emotional health. When movement is set to music, it can create a stress relieving, joyful, and sometimes healing moment for the dancer, as well as increasing the release of endorphins in the brain for truly feeling good. Dance can actually help with symptoms of depression and anxiety. It provides a way to escape repetitive negative thoughts and worries by keeping you focused in the moment, concentrating on how to get your body into various positions, the order of complicated combinations, and moving fluidly and lyrically to the music. What Colleen did was go back to school to begin studies for her new career and in 2012 she launched her own business, On Pointe Nutrition, LLC located in Alpharetta, Georgia. Colleen McCarthy, RDN, LD, CLT is thriving as a woman of many talents and abilities --- a dietitian, nutritionist, certified leap therapist, massage therapist, registered yoga teacher, a medical intuitive* and, of course, a dance instructor. She still enjoys appearing occasionally as a guest artist on a professional level. For over 9 years, she has been providing patient care in the areas of wellness, lifestyle coaching, food sensitivity, stress and energy management, dietary care planning, and eating disorder counseling. Colleen specializes in all areas of wellness related to the immune system and gut health. She is employed as a Clinical

Dietitian at Fresenius Medical Care of North America where she performs clinical assessments of patients, designs nutrition protocols and quality improvement initiatives with the medical team, develops meal plans for dialysis patients, develops enteral and parenteral regimens, and establishes nutritional guidelines for patients and families. Colleen is also a Medical Intuitive.* At On Point Nutrition, LLC, she has consulted with over 550 clients across the country who face problems in the areas of gut health, food sensitivities, eating disorders, autoimmune diseases, and intuitive eating. She offers multiple services based on individual customer needs, including nutrition assessments and consultations, holistic lifestyle coaching, and clinical laboratory analyses as needed. Developing a high level of trust with clients, she strategizes, encourages, and guides them during their journey of implementing new habits and devising a master plan to improve overall health and wellbeing. She maintains detailed case histories for all patients and organizes regular weekly or monthly communication with clients via phone, email, video, or in person meetings. Colleen utilizes methods to eliminate the need for unnecessary medications, and allow bodies to reach and maintain homeostasis. Colleen seems to be at a satisfying and happy place in her life. She has enjoyable and meaningful work that involves helping others, knows the importance of spirituality, and is sought after as a speaker for workshops and presentations. She has an amazing work ethic, her family ties are amazingly strong and she greatly admires her parents, Pat and Gail McCarthy. Best of all, Colleen McCarthy, radiates joie de vivre in all she does! * “Being a medical intuitive means helping people discover the root cause of mild to moderate health ailments and prevent them before they begin,” says Amy Mercree, medical intuitive and author of A Little Bit Of Goddess: An Introduction to the Divine Feminine.


Supporting Those in Need: Stephanie Reynolds Irwin ‘02 Stephanie Reynolda Irwin ‘02 (pictured right) is part of an incredible organization called Camp Sunshine that brings a ray of hope and sunshine to children with cancer and their families (and to their healthcare staff too)! Stephanie is shown here kicking off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month by delivering gold ribbons and pins, Go Gold activity bags with hats, bags, key chains, and mini flowerpots to decorate. This was a much needed pick me up for the inpatient fighters at Memorial Health University Medical Center. Thank you, Stephanie, for giving back in such an amazing way!

SVA & BC Come Together for a Good Cause: Pink Night ‘21 With the tradition of Pink Night and the foundation of empowering “Women Who Lead,” St. Vincent’s Academy challenged the Benedictine boys to a fundraising and volleyball challenge. Last year, SVA played Pink Night against themselves due to Covid-19 and at the end, BC challenged the girls to a single set. This year, SVA challenged the boys to a full out Boys vs. Girls battle. St. Vincent’s Academy and Benedictine Military Scool students spent weeks fundraising for this event. From t-shirt sales to dress down days, corporate sponsors and pink hair days . . . the schools raised nearly $9,000 in the end! These funds will again proudly support the St. Joseph’s/Candler Mammography Fund.

Student Service Highlight SVA students joined forces with students from other area schools to drop off towels, flip flops, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste to the Salvation Army for this year’s Flip Flop Drop Drive. SVA’s McAuley Scholars worked hard raising funds to assist Meals for Medical. This non-profit is run by SVA graduate Jennifer Smith Green ‘99 to feed the heroes on the front lines fighting COVID-19.


SVA and BC battled it out on the court in early October to name a 2021 Pink Night Champion. Congrats to our girls on the win! BC . . . we’ll see you again next year! Thank you to all who participated and donated to this incredible cause. We are incredibly grateful for your generosity!


Nichols St. Louis, SVA Athletic Director

Ending the 2020-2021 school year, St. Vincent’s Academy advanced to State Tournaments in Volleyball, Cross Country, Softball, Basketball, Swimming, Rifle, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, and Track and Field. Volleyball and Soccer teams made it to the Elite 8 in State and our Track and Field and Swim Teams made it to the State Championships. SVA’s Track and Field Team placed 9th overall. Our Swim Team placed 7th in State as a team. SVA athletes broke 4 school records, including most career blocks in volleyball, the 400m, the 300m hurdles, and the discus. We took a State Runner-Up finish in Shot Put. Two soccer athletes and one track and field athlete earned athletic scholarships, and one rifle athlete was awarded the Dr. Carolyn Hines Memorial Scholarship. SVA had 11 athletes recognized for the Greater Savannah All Area/Region Teams. SVA also recognized students with the Vince Dooley Sportsmanship Awards, Tonks Award, Ballance Cup, and Herbie Griffin Scholar-Athlete Award. Go Saints!

Congratulations to Emma Beddow who signed an athletic scholarship with Columbus State University for soccer.

Our coaches also made athletic camps available to SVA students in volleyball, flag football, beach volleyball, softball, cross country, basketball, and soccer!


Congratulations to Amber Beddow who signed an athletic scholarship with Young Harris College for soccer.

Congratulations to Kiffin Brun who signed an athletic scholarship with University of Montevallo for track and field.

St. Vincent’s Athletic Association Renovations SR. JUDE WALSH HALL/ SVA GYM RENOVATIONS: SVAA renovated our Sr. Jude Walsh Hall/Gym ceiling, giving the space a full make-over. We had new lights installed, removed the old ceiling, and painted the ceiling, making our gym much brighter and vibrant! We want to thank all of the amazing donors that helped make this project possible: HP Construction The Pinyan Company OECI, Corp. McCarthy, Inc. The Mary Lane Morrison Foundation Boaen Mechanical Southeastern Air Conditioning Hutson Plumbing Company, Inc. Williamson Millworks, Inc. Port City Industrial & Marine Supply The DeMott Family We would also like to thank Benedictine Military School, St. James School, and Blessed Sacrament School for helping offer facilities to SVA during this renovation.

WEIGHT ROOM & TRAINING CENTER RENOVATIONS: SVAA in partnership with many independent donors built the first ever SVA weight room and training center. This space has given our Athletic Trainer a space to rehab our athletes and has given our teams a chance to work on strength training. This has also allowed our school to offer a weight training elective this fall! A huge thank you to our Weight Room donors: The Jackson Family Train Me 24/7 - FIT Gym Bob & Cathy Scanlon Winslett & Justin Watson John & Avis Coleman Mike & Rita Knight Dennis Sutton Margie Chambless Karen Hameed Carl Pedigo & Kathleen Horne Rose Mary Cone Ormonde & Lisa Lewis

F45 Barnard & Mary Drew Michael & Kathleen McCarthy Jeff & Yvette Shaffer Oelschig Nursery Mark & Barbara Baker M. Gail Bosse Carrie Whalen Kelly Corey John & Brenda Mattingly Christine Bunch

A huge thank you to the BC Raider team and SVA teams that helped move furniture, scrub floors, take down shelves, and so many other projects to help make this weight room possible.



We are thankful for the many amazing alumnae, stud

St. Vincent’s Academy would like to e nearly 1,400 donors that gave during your generosity, SVA had our larges 20 amount ever donated this year! We ar


dents, friends and family of SVA . . . God bless you all!

extend a HUGE THANK YOU to our the 2020 - 2021 fiscal year! Thanks to st number of donors and the largest re grateful for our chorus of “Saints!”


2 02 0 - 2 02 1 A NN UA L REP ORT Christina Smith Winters ‘96 Wow . . . a huge thank you to our nearly 1,400 donors who generously supported St. Vincent’s Academy this year! You are our chorus of “Saints” who change the lives of our young women each and every day, in so many ways. You have most certainly earned your halos, and especially this year! You allow SVA to thrive and grow. Our students have an array of opportunities to pursue; our faculty and staff have the resources they need; students in need have the opportunity to receive an SVA education; and the arts, drama and athletics flourish. With your generosity, we had our largest number of donors and largest overall amount donated this year. Our Annual Fund saw an increase of about 13% over last year. Each and every gift has helped to make this happen! In addition to helping with our Annual Fund which supports annual operations of the school, you have also generously funded extra projects this year, including the incredible renovation of our convent building into classroom space, replacing flooring in classrooms, updating the ceiling and lighting in Sister Jude Walsh Hall Gymnasium, and transforming Dressel Hall into a weight room for our girls. We are ever grateful and keep you in our daily prayers. The Annual Report recognizes the generosity of each donor. It takes a village, a community of many partners to build and be the best school possible for our young women at St. Vincent’s. Thank you for giving and for the important role you play in empowering our young women for life. The Annual Report recognizes those who donated from July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021. While we make it our priority to list all donors correctly, if there is an accidental error or omission, please accept our sincere apologies and email Christina Winters at christina.winters@svaga.net. Please also consider support for next year’s Annual Fund which began on July 1, 2021, by mailing your gift in the enclosed envelope or by giving online at www.svaga.net, and clicking on Support Us. Thank you very much!


Thanks to

your generosity , FUNDRAISING EVENTS $145,737 SVA had o ur largest number of AID & SCHOLARSHIP $122,330 donors and the largest amount ev er GRACE SCHOLARSHIP $148,200 donated th is year! W e RESTRICTED GIFTS $1,549,644 are grateful for our chorus of “ Saints!” $2,358,832


“Our charity must be in our hearts and from our hearts. Let charity be our badge of honor” - C at h e r i n e M c A u l e y

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Saints Circle - $100,000 +

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Brown III Colonial Group, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Mario de la Guardia

Mrs. Joanne Jenkins ‘67 Mrs. Paula L. Helmly Parker ‘77

Mrs. Heather Demery Capallo ‘96 Mrs. Stephanie Stevens Cates ‘76

(in memory of Paul & Evelyn Helmly)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Jeanne Jenkins Bandy ‘66)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Georgia Hall Roberts ‘66 Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71

Mrs. Maria de la Guardia de Coquet ‘81

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Eleanor Griffin Ciucevich, John

(in memory of Sister Jude)

“Jack” Fogarty, Paula Sullivan ‘71 &

St. Joseph’s/Candler Hospital

in honor of the Barragan-Schreck family)

Founder’s Circle - $50,000 - $99,999

Mrs. Patricia Barragan Schreck ‘46 (in memory of Sr. Jude & in honor of the

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chu

Barragan-Schreck family)

(in memory of Monica Jung)

Mrs. Sarah Cannon Sink ‘92

Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56

(In honor of the Sisters of Mercy & the Trapani family)

(in memory of Monica Jung)

The Rourke Memorial Fund UAD Mrs. Patty Cannon Valenti ‘61

Mrs. Mary Morrison Sisters of Mercy South Central Community

Sr. Jude Walsh Circle - $25,000 - $49,999 Mrs. Ofelia Del Rio Chiavacci ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Ferraro III Most Rev. Gregory John Hartmayer, OFM Conv Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hogan, Jr. Dr. Maria Del Rio Hoover ‘68 J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 (in Memory of Sr. M. Kieron Davis, RSM)

McAuley Circle - $10,000 - $24,999

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. William L. Boyden Mrs. Leigh Horton Ebberwein ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. James & Jan Holland Ethridge ‘71 Sr. Susan Harms, R.S.M. ‘60 (In memory of Gladys C. Harms)

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Jackson Lominack Kolman Smith, Architects Mrs. Mary Ann McCarthy Miller ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schivera Mr. Stephen Spellman

(in honor of the Trapani women)

(in honor of the Trapani family)

Dr. Marie Bandy Wall ‘92 (in memory of Jeanne Jenkins Bandy ‘66)

Academy Investor’s Cicle$1,000-$4,999

The Chatham Foundation Rev. Douglas Clark (in honor of Bernadette Winters)

Class of 1977 (in memory of Sister Jude & Sister Michael Mary )

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Coleman (in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 & “Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Mr. Joseph Thomas Coleman, III (in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 & “Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Colonial Couriers of Savannah, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John & Suzanne Coleman Cone ‘81 (in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 & “Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Mrs. Margaret Mary Cox DeLorme ‘53 (in memory of Margaret Mary Cox DeLorme)

Anonymous (3) Mrs. Alexandra Adamcak ‘81

Mr. Ray DeMott Mr. & Mrs. David & Rae Forker Evans ‘66 John & Emma Derst Foundation, Inc. Mr. D. Morgan Derst

(in honor of the Adamcak Women)

(in honor of Mackenzie Derst Brannen ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Adams Mrs. Melinda Agyekum ‘97 Mrs. Jamie Anderson ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Jason & Jennifer F. Ball Sr. Margaret Beatty, RSM

& Morgan Derst Miller ‘11)

(in memory of Sister Michal Mary, RSM)

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Beytagh, Jr. Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Boaen Mechanical Service, Inc. Mrs. Katie Mulligan Bradley ‘84 (in memory of Mrs. Mary Ann Aliotta)

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Virginia Broderick (in memory of Linda Broderick, Anthony Mesaros & Sr. Jude)

(in Memory of Georgia Spellman)

Mrs. Lynn Coleman Brown ‘75

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Celeste Coleman Shearouse ‘69 (in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47

(in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 &

and “Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Mrs. Suzie Stephens Burns ‘97

St. Vincent’s Circle - $5,000 - $9,999

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Ann Hopkins Grady)

“Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Mrs. Beth Iocovozzi Buttimer ‘80

Mrs. Kathleen Bergen Durham ‘77 (in memory of Sr. Jude Walsh & Sr. Michael Mary)

Ms. Hartina Flournoy ‘74 Ms. Kellie G. Garmany Mrs. Allison Thomas Gerber ‘95 Mrs. Faith Dean Gilroy ‘51 (in memory of Sr. Katherine Nueslein, RSM ‘51)

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Giorgio (in memory of Bill Wade)

Dr. & Mrs. Jack W. Groover, Jr. Mrs. Mary Lou Whittaker Handy ‘71 (in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Doug & Nancy H. Hanzel (in memory of Sister Jude)

Herff Jones/The Roderick Group Hibernian Society of Savannah Foundation, Inc. Ms. Mary L. Hill ‘65 (in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Jules W. & Sue Homans ‘56 (in memory of Teresa Jaugstetter Mangan ‘67,

Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation Mr. Mark A. Bandy

(in memory of Bonnie Spillane Hall ‘80, Sr. Michael

Kay Lisicia and Sr. Jude)

Mary Brabner, Celeste M. Iocovozzi, Linda Broderick,

(in memory of Jeanne Jenkins Bandy ‘66)

Msgr. John Kenneally, & Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mr. Michael Bandy

Mr. & Mrs. Bobby & Connie Cannon

(in memory of Jeanne Jenkins Bandy ‘66)

(in memory of Mary Lovett Trapani and her

Mr. & Mrs. Cas Danielowski Mrs. Eleanor Eades Mrs. Linda Davis Evans ‘59

descendants who have attended SVA)

Mr. James Cannon

Dr. & Mrs. Louis G. & Brittanie Horn, IV Mr. & Mrs. Chat & Carol Howard HP Construction, Inc Hutson Plumbing Company, Inc. Mr. Frank Iezzi Mrs. Mary Beth Whalen Janda ‘87

(in honor of the Trapani women)

(in memory of Mrs. Rochelle Buttimer)

(in memory of Sr. Jude Walsh, RSM ‘43)

Mr. & Mrs. Tommy & Amanda Cannon


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Dr. Eleanor Jean Long Janufka

Mr. & Mrs. Mallie & Sally Seckinger ‘86

Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64

(in memory of Kay Lisicia, Tony Mesaros, Virginia

(in honor of the Roughen Women)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta, Kay Lisicia,

Baker Aliffi Castillian, Sr. Jude, Sr. Michael Mary)

Mrs. Patty O’Hayer Sheppard ‘56

Linda Broderick, Deceased members of the class of ‘64,

Mrs. Stephanie Johnson ‘96 Mrs. Martha Wehner Keith ‘91

(in honor of the Sheppard O’Hayer & Weeks

Margaret Burnett, Clara Doyle McDonough ‘25,

families & Sr. Jude)

Kathleen Ann McDonough ‘56, Clara McDonough

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shearouse, Jr.

Russo ‘61 and Margaret Carol Horne ‘64)

Mrs. Susan Spillane Lai ‘73

(in Honor of Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 &

(in memory of Tony Mesaros)

“Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ‘41)

Mrs. Agnes Yao Mr. & Mrs. William J. Yost

Mrs. Margaret Cannon Lilly ‘97

Mr. Jim Sheffield Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Kathy Smith

Mercy Circle - $500 - $999

(in memory of the Trapani women)

Mrs. Mary McManus Lisicia ‘85 Mrs. Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64

(In honor of Grace Winters, Regina Joiner, Christina Winters, Katrina Critchley, Adina Williams &

Mr. & Mrs. David Adams

(in memory of Sr. Jude ‘43,

in memory of Linda Broderick)

(in Memory of George W. “Billy” Adams, Jr.)

Peg Flanagan Dressel ‘38 & Georgia Spellman ‘48)

Southeastern Air Conditioning Co, Inc. Mr. James Stafford (in memory of the Trapani Women, specifically

Bahama Joe’s Mrs. Catherine Munn Banks ‘67 Mr. Michael J. Barsic

(in memory of Anthony Mesaros, Martha Buttimer,

Loyola Trapani Stafford ‘38)

(in memory of Claire Peterson Barsic ‘82)

Mary Anne Aliotta, Kay Lisicia & Sr. Jude)

Mr. Vince Stafford

Mr. Andrew Lynch Dr. Felix T. Maher McCarthy, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McDevitt

(in honor of the Trapani Women)

(in memory of Mary McDevitt Pharr ‘56)

(in honor of Ed Brown)

Mrs. Laura M. Moore Sr. John Moravec

Mrs. Christine Sutton Tilton ‘88 Mr. John Trapani, III

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of the Trapani Women)

Rev. Patrick O’Brien

Valley Services, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Vierheilig Miss Petra Vorwig ‘94 Mrs. Pamela B. Wagner ‘68 Mrs. Barbara Saseen White ‘45

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Lupinacci Mrs. Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86

(in memory of Raymond O’Brien)

Mr. Thomas Odom, Jr. OECI, Inc. Mrs. Mary Kay Dyke Persse O’Leary Ms. Pamela L. O’Quinn

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee St. Vincent’s Alumnae Association Mr. Robert Taylor

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Patricia Carr McIntosh ‘72 )

Williamson Millworks, Inc.

Mrs. Maria Aliotta Oxnard ‘79 Mrs. Caroline Ellis Pennington ‘77

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mr. Bill Wilson

Mrs. Julie Beddow Mrs. Henrietta Mickler Bible ‘63 (in memory of Sybil & Henry Mickler)

Mrs. Kathryn Corish Blackwell ‘88 Most Rev. J. Kevin Boland, Bishop Emeritus (in honor of Patricia Schreck)

Bonaventure Blues Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Broderick The Brown Law Firm LLC Ms. Kathleen Kenney Brown ‘67 (in memory of Sister Jude)

Dr. Kathleen M. Burke ‘71 Mrs. Anne Brady Byerly ‘74 (in memory of Augusta Hohnerlein Brady & Linda Broderick)

Mr. & Mrs. R. Pierce Cannon (in memory of the Trapani Women)

Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69

(in memory of Martha Buttimer)

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Anthony Mesaros,

The Pinyan Company Port City Industrial & Marine Supply Mr. & Mrs. R. Hoyt Powell, Jr. Ms. Carmella Maria Prescott ‘84 Mrs. Mary Ann Hagan Rajtar ‘77

Mary Anne Aliotta, Catherine M. Lisicia, Helen DeVere Tarver & Connie Thompson Frazier ‘69)

(in memory of Sr. Michael Mary Brabner, RSM)

Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities Ms. Mary Catherine Reardon ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. Bruce & JoAnne Remler ‘53 Resurrection of Our Lord Catholic Church Mr. & Mrs. Patrick & Ellen May Roach ‘64 (in memory of Sr. Jude, Mary Anne Aliotta & Jean Muller)

Mrs. Patty Ronning (in honor of Grace Mahfet)

Mrs. Theressa Gordon Ruckstuhl ‘87 Mrs. Margaret Mary Carter Russell ‘70 Mr. Lloyd Saunders (in memory of Mrs. Theresa Cooper Saunders ‘37


& Mrs. Mary Saunders Lales ‘37)

St. Vincent’s Academy’s National Honor Society poses after students were inducted during the 2021 - 2022 Mercy Day Mass and celebration.

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mr. James J. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Consos Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Patty Corish ‘63 Mrs. Kearney Stafford Crowley

Mr. Thomas C. Madison, Sr.

Mrs. Patricia McGrath Sevier ‘51

(in honor of Joan Cartwright Madison)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Dr. & Mrs. Jeff & Angela Blanco Mandel ‘91

Mr. Allen Shensky

(in memory of Sister Jude & in honor of

(in honor of Loretto Lominack ‘64 & in memory

(in memory of the Trapani Women)

Sr. Lourdes Sheehan)

of Clara McDonough Russo ‘61)

Miss Elizabeth Suzanne Danford ‘16 Dr. Catherine Dekle ‘85

Ms. Jude Mathews (in honor and memory of Mary E. (Bet) Mathews,

(in memory of Raymond Lawling & Sr. Jude)

Margaret B. Mathews & Shiela Piper Stubbs)

Mrs. Virginia Loncon Smith ‘67 Mrs. Laura Stafford Mr. Lance Stafford Mrs. Sharon Sullivan Stewart ‘69

Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Mimi Dew (in memory of Linda Broderick)

Mrs. Pamela Johnson Easson ‘64 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Dee Dee Cooper Mesaros ‘88 Mr. & Mrs. Howard & Cammille Morrison Mrs. Andrea C. Muller Mr. Bruce Mullininx

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

St. Michael’s Thrift Shop Mrs. Jennifer Strickland ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. Billy & Laura Summerlin ‘72 Ms. Lisa M. Summerlin ‘77

Mrs. Rebecca Skinner Faucette Ms. Mary Theresa Feuger ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Brian & Lisa Lee Fogarty Dr. Ann L. Gannam ‘72

(in memory of Yolanda Folgarait Mullininx)

(in memory of Elizabeth Gannam Jorde ‘74

(in memory of Cathy Morton Gay ‘79 &

Anna Grace Summerlin)

& Marion DeFrank Gannam)

Alida Green Smith ‘54)

Mrs. Mary Finocchiaro Sweeney ‘75

Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. O’Brien Mrs. Genevieve Pinckney O’Connor ‘47

(in memory of Sister Jude & Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Mary Catherine McDougal Glover ‘04 Mrs. Lucy D. Haviland ‘57

(in memory of Chris & Ellen O’Connor & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Overstreet

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Julie Hernandez Blair

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. Robert Taylor Mrs. Cynthia Christiansen Thomas ‘83

Mrs. Ginny Cafiero Pavey ‘68

(in memory of Lucille G. Christiansen ‘46)

Mrs. Michelle Dubuc Gleason ‘80 (in memory of Sister Jude)

& Mary Anne Aliotta)

Drs. George & Cristina Negrea Mrs. Caroline Koncul Nelson ‘00 Mrs. Kelley Smith Newberry ‘79

(in memory & honor of Patti Summerlin Robison, Stephanie Summerlin Ross, Lisa Summerlin &

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hayes Mrs. Cynthia Diane Lockett Herndon ‘70 Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill ‘87

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Mary Anne McCarthy Aliotta

Mrs. Maureen Butler Thompson ‘73

& Mary Price Cafiero ‘44)

(in memory of Catherine P. Butler &

Mrs. Catherine Stapleton Pharo ‘63

Georgia Spellman)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sarah Monahan Stapleton ‘26)

Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Jane Thompson

Mrs. Melissa Yao Hille ‘92

Mr. Daniel T. Powers

(in memory of Connnie Thompson Frazier)

(in memory of Sister Jude, Paulina Tawil

(in memory of Pete Conneff, David A. Ferraro, Butch

Mr. & Mrs. Glen & Paula Wallace

& Linda Broderick)

Lowenthal, Rev. Jeremiah McCarthy, Edwin McCuen,

(in memory of Virginia Baker Aliffi Castilian

Mrs. Ellen Grevemberg Hogan ‘58

Katie Mell, Beau K. Roberts, Danny Robertson,

& Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude & Tony Mesaros)

Joseph G. Sauers, Jr., Lance Smith, &

Mrs. Mary Anne Greene Hohenbrink ‘49

Sister Jude Walsh, RSM)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘49

Mrs. Patty Woodward Remion ‘63

& Sister Jude)

(in memory & honor of Sheila P. Cobb, Julia C. Remion,

Mrs. Joanne Marano Weathers ‘65 Ms. Regina Marie Winters ‘93 Mr. & Mrs. Ty York Mr. R. Ebb Youmans, Jr.

Mrs. Cathy Kenney Holmes ‘68

Sr. Jude, Patty Remion, Mary Forbes, Sheila Woodward

(in memory of Claire Klug Youmans ‘63)

(in memory of Betty Holland Kenney)

Cobb, Julia Cory Remion & Evelyn Milly Cory)

Mr. & Mrs. David & Shannon Hughs

Mrs. Frances Rowland Robertson ‘78

(in memory of Trapani families at SVA)

(in memory of Sister Jude Walsh, RSM)

(in honor of Kim Knox and in memory of Jim Fabrikant)

Mr. Jack H. Robertson Ms. Eileen Roemer ‘68 Dr. & Mrs. James L. Routon Miss Madison Marie Rybeck ‘06 Mrs. Anna Ferraro Salter ‘07 Sandpiper Supply, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Susan Sanfilippo Mrs. Nancy McClellan Saucier ‘77 Mrs. Martha Abelson Scarboro ‘65

Dr. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik ‘76

(in Memory of Delores Ryan Abelson, Sr. Jude,

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Donna Scarboro & Diane Crumbley)

Mrs. Robyn Launey Iannone ‘87 Ms. Jill James ‘87 (in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Corey & Emily Jones (in Memory of William “Bill” L. Wade)

Mrs. Maria Blanco Katz ‘85 Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Mrs. Kimberly Ann Wodkowski Knox ‘84

Mr. Stephen J. Lange III Dr. Terri Lawless ‘70 Leopold’s Ice Cream Mrs. Cindy Chandler Levens ‘72 Mrs. Katherine Roach Looper ‘64

Mrs. Meg Grevemberg Schreck ‘65

(In memory of Patrick & Katherine Roach,

(in honor of Anne Blanco & Sr. Lourdes &

Sr. Jude & Jean Gallaher Muller)

in memory of Mabel Mock)

(in memory of Mary Muller Grevemberg)

Mrs. Antonette Hill Schweitzer ‘66 (in memory of Helen Savanich Collins)

Mrs. Elizabeth Mock Sheehan ‘58

Principal’s Circle - $100 - $499 Ms. Amy Abbott Mrs. Molly McNamara Adams ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Adams Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 (in memory of Sister Jude, Tony Mesaros, Virginia Aliffi Castilian & Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Margie Walsh All ‘80 (in memory of James R. Walsh)

Mrs. Patricia McCusker Allgood ‘66 Mrs. Shirley Mason Alvarez ‘50 Mrs. Rosemary D. Ambos ‘57 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Nancy Owen Anderson ‘67 (in memory of Corinne Brady Owen ‘44 & Susan Owen Cary ‘73 )

Ms. Carole Anthony ‘64 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. Douglas Anthony


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mrs. Donna Antonucci Mrs. Caroline Cannon Archer ‘03

Mrs. Susan Brun Miss Melissa Buchheit ‘82 Mrs. Susan Bookhoop Burch ‘73

Miss Addie Corrigan ‘08 Mrs. Rachel Finley Cosme ‘07 Sr. Donna Marie Coward, RSM

Mrs. Patti White Autry ‘80 Mrs. Maureen Whelan Bailey ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. William & Connie Baran Mrs. Jenny Buchheit Bartholomew ‘79 Mrs. Betty Finnegan Baszczoski ‘60

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Nick & Patty Burke Ms. Helen P. Butler ‘72 Mrs. Lisa Wong Butler ‘80 (in memory of Monica Jung & Julie Blair)

Cowart Group Architects Mrs. Judy Murphy Cowart ‘75 Mr. Gregory N. Crawford Mrs. Margie Muller Crawford ‘81

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Thomas

Ms. Mary Anne Butler ‘64

(in memory of Kay Lisicia & Sr. Jude)

& Catherine McMahon)

(in memory of Carol Horne)

Mr. Brian Beaudreau

(in memory of Helen DeVere Tarver)

Mrs. Nicole L. Danaher Butt ‘01 Sr. Helen Marie Buttimer, R.S.M. ‘56 Mrs. Mary Kent Buttimer Mrs. Pamela Buttimer ‘80

Mrs. Meg Ryan Crider ‘79 Ms. Nancy S. Cunningham ‘60 Mrs. Phyllis Curry

Dr. & Mrs. Walker & Betty Bradley Beeson ‘70

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in honor and memory of Margaret Mary Davis Bradley,

Byck Management, LLC

Miss Maria Danello ‘02 Mrs. Catherine McDonald Daniel ‘80 Mr. Jack Daniels

William E. Bradley, Jr., Kay Bradley McDermott, Sr. M.

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Judy Collins Daniels ‘54)

Kieran Davis, RSM & Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Daugherty, Jr.

Mrs. Cathy Cullum Belford ‘66

Mrs. Angie Dotson Cail ‘80 Mrs. Kelly Calimlim

(in memory of Patricia Cates Cullum ‘45)

(in memory of Mack Pierce)

Davis & Wine Dental Associates, LLC

Dr. Kathleen DeLoach Benton ‘00 Mrs. Elisa Melvin Berman ‘95 Mrs. Joanne Osinski Best

Mrs. Brooke Tootle Call ‘03

(in memory of Linda Broderick )

(in memory of Tom Blanton)

Ms. Beverly W. Davis ‘72 Mr. Jeff Davis

(in honor of the Trapani Women)

(in memory of Linda Broderick)

Zipperer, Lorberbaum Beauvais, PC

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Lisa Blanco Mr. & Mrs. Tim & Alisa Blanco Mrs. Liz Blasko ‘63

Mrs. Denise Carter Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Cetti Mr. H. Joseph Chandler, Jr.

(in honor of Ellis Herb)

(in memory of Catherine Goins Daugherty ‘51)

(in memory of Linda Broderick)

(in memory of Eleanor Ciucevich & Freida Chandler)

Mrs. Sandy Shea Davis ‘76 Mrs. Jo Ann Jerome Dawkins ‘68

Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61

(in memory of Ethel Little Jerome ‘40)

(in honor of the class of 1963)

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Clara Russo, Nora Ciucevich,

Mrs. Linsey McDougal Blocker ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn & Kim Boaen

Connie Thompson Frazier ‘69 & Linda J. Davis ‘61)

Mrs. Sheila Grady Dean ‘53 Mrs. Chloe Lawing Dekle ‘61

Mrs. Jennifer Clanton Mrs. Beverly Beville Clapp ‘72

(in memory of Sr. Frances Ann,

Mrs. Kerry McMonigle Bolger ‘84 Mrs. Mary Cade Booth ‘01 Mrs. Jennifer Denney Borden ‘89 Mr. Jorgen Boriths

(in honor of our Blessed Mother)

(in memory of LaVeta Aliffi)

Mrs. Lisa Harkleroad Boswell ‘82 Mrs. Brennan Kennedy Bowen ‘03 Mrs. Sallie P. Boyles

Mrs. Anne Clayton Ms. Elaine Cleary ‘85 Mrs. Maureen Mullen Cliett ‘77 Ms. Frances Furlong Cochran ‘60

Mrs. Jennifer Smith DeLettre ‘99 Mrs. Natalie Walker Deriso ‘66 Mrs. Katie Carson Dettmering ‘02 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dick Miss Caty Dickensheets ‘05 Mr. & Mrs. David & Ginna Dickey ‘79

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. David & Catherine Dickey

Miss Angela Breland ‘21 Mrs. Elizabeth Shearouse Bremer ‘05 Mrs. Michelle Ryan Brennan ‘87

Mrs. Ann Marie Shea Collins ‘57

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Anne Kameron Dillon ‘85

Mrs. Barbara Lutz Collins ‘71 Miss Morgan Elizabeth Collins ‘04 Mrs. Nicole Dekle Collins ‘85

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Stephany Chandler Clark ‘88 Mr. Jerry Claxton (in memory of Martha Buttimer)

Clara Russo & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Martha Buttimer, Sr. Jude & Fr. Jerry McCarthy)

Mrs. Sherry Ann Martin Brannen ‘84 Mrs. Mary Jane Furlong Brewer ‘52

(in memory of Raymond Lawing)

Mr. & Mrs. Walter F. Dimmick Mrs. Mali Lyons Dorman ‘04 Mr. William Dorroh

Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71

(in Memory of Carlyle Dorroh)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(In memory of Sister Jude Walsh, RSM,

Mrs. Carmella Pedicini Brown ‘71

Martha Buttimer & Eleanor Ciucevich)

(in honor & memory of Mr. John “Jack” Fogarty, Eleanor Ciucevich, Paula Sullivan, Malcom Mosher,

Mrs. Angela Porzio Conlee ‘81 Miss Marjory Conners ‘69

Loretta Burr & June Ann Bargeron)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Marie Macher Dotson ‘73 Mrs. Andrea Beal Dove ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Dove Mrs. Kim Tackett Dowd ‘89 Mrs. Teri King Dressel

Mrs. Carol Lyons Brown ‘77

Mrs. Catherine Fleming Cooper ‘65

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Jane Mulherin Lyons ‘44 & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mabel R. Fleming &

Mrs. Jackie Register Brown ‘64

Elizabeth M. Sullivan ‘63)

Mr. Jonathan Drew Ms. Patricia DuRant ‘66

(in honor of Sidney Jene Brown & Tim Dotson)

Mrs. Josephine VonWaldner Cooper ‘74

(in memory of Sr. Jude and Mrs. Frances E. Durant )

Miss Margaret Brown ‘87 Mrs. Susan Pelli Brown ‘75

(in memory of Harriett Von Waldner)

Mrs. Kelley Sharpe Durden ‘76

(in memory of Marie & Bill Kennedy & Jackie & John Robert Bowen)


Mrs. Carol Sanders Coppola ‘91

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Miss Kelley Durski ‘98

Mrs. Theresa Mokray Gasser ‘79 Mr. William T. Gaudry, Jr.

Mrs. Anna B. Highsmith

Dr. & Mrs. James E. Ducey, Sr. Sr. Angela Ebberwein, R.S.M. ‘54

(in honor of Annie Garmany)

Mrs. Linda W. Geriner

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Leonard Hill ‘89 Mrs. Elaine Rousseau Hillebrand ‘67

(in memory of Anne Dowling Ebberwein

(in memory of Judy Habas Harrison)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

& Anne Ebberwein Hoffman)

Mrs. Erin McGinn Gibbs ‘77

Mrs. Maureen Price Hobbs ‘57

Mrs. Lois Muller Eckes ‘72 Mrs. Carrie Efird Mrs. Lara Brown Eller ‘90 Ms. Carolyn Emerick ‘61

(in memory of Sr. Michael Mary Brabner)

(in memory of Michael Joseph Hobbs &

Mrs. Meredith Rominger Giello ‘90 Mrs. Mary Hutton Gilker ‘75

Dennis Michael Hobbs)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mary Alice Baker & Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Stephanie Wade Giorgio ‘88

Mrs. Nancy Cowart Evans ‘75 Mr. John Fagerness

(in honor of Debra Mahany & in memory of

(in memory of Martha Buttimer)

Sister Michael Mary Brabner)

Mrs. Amanda Mizelle Fanning ‘00 Mrs. Julie Schroder Ferraro ‘72 Mrs. Linda Parsons Ferrell ‘64

Miss Jada Godbee ‘84

Mrs. Marilyn Spillane Hodges ‘83 Miss Anna Hogan ‘20 Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Lea Hogan Mrs. Karin Hosti Hogan ‘67 Ms. Emily Holland ‘00 Dr. & Mrs. Jim & Judy Holland, Jr.

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Nancy Fay Jackson ‘65)

Mrs. Shirley Stephens Hobe ‘71

William Lawrence Wade “Bill” &

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Cheryl Edenfield Godwin ‘67 Mr. Nick Grayson

Mrs. LaTrelle Fabrikant Ferrelle ‘84

(in honor of my daughter, Addison)

(in memory of deceased classmates of

Mrs. Brooke Lewis Finland ‘98

Mr. Frederick A. Green Mrs. Catherine Butler Gregory ‘71 Mrs. Marianna Seyden Grevemberg ‘63 Ms. Patty Grevemberg ‘57 Mr. G. Herbert Griffin, Jr.

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mrs. Noreen O’Brien Griffin ‘41)

Mrs. Gabriella Pahno Fischer ‘86 Mrs. Joyce Rogers Fischer ‘53

Mrs. Noreen O’Brien Griffin ‘41, RIP Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin

Ms. Bonnie Hosti ‘70 Mrs. Patricia Logue Howard ‘83 Ms. Mary Ellen Howley

(in honor of Cameron Elizabeth Fischer ‘17)

(in memory of Eleanor Griffin Ciucevich)

(in memory of Virginia Baker Aliffi Castilian)

Mr. Edward J. Fogarty Mr. James Fogarty

Mrs. Amy McTeer Groover ‘93 Ms. Kay Stephens Halligan ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Jamie & Elizabeth Hamrick Ms. Mary Kathleen Hanzel ‘05 Mrs. Kathleen Dillon Harig ‘60 Mrs. Lori Reynolds Harrelson ‘87 Mrs. Anita Harrison Mrs. Marie Doyle Hartwell ‘62

Mrs. Pat Huggins

the class of 1984)

Mrs. Toni Kim Osbourne Finke ‘74 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in honor of the Fogarty girls)

Mrs. Sarah Russo Fogarty ‘76 Ms. Teresa Foote Mr. & Mrs. Chris & Carole Foran (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Donna Dillon Forbes ‘71 Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61

(in honor of Josephine Doyle)

Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Besty Franklin

Mr. & Mrs. John N. Harty Mrs. Alyssa Simpson Harvey ‘97 Mrs. Anne Buttimer Harvey ‘76

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Thomas M. Buttimer, Sr.)

Mr. Jeff Franklin Miss Grace McCormick Friday ‘17 Mrs. Laura Keck Friday ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. John Haslam, III

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta, Julie Blair, Mary Angela Futch, Sr. Jude, & Kay Lisicia ‘56)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Debbie Fitzgerald Frost ‘88 Mrs. Nancy McGinn Fucci ‘80 Mrs. Krista Wilson Futch ‘99 Mrs. Sandra Lucree Gambon ‘64 Mrs. Cheryl Edmondson Ganem ‘68

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Mary Pelli Horton ‘70 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Tony Mesaros & Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Elise Wheeler Huhn ‘91 Mrs. Kelly Kilpatrick Hunt ‘82 Miss Shannan Lee Hunt ‘01 Ms. Honor Hutton ‘95 Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Dorothy Iannone Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ireland Mrs. Brittany Dykes Jackson ‘07 Mrs. Lori Morin Jacobs ‘78 Mrs. Mary Ware Jacobs ‘83 (in memory of Kay Lisicia ‘56)

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Holden T. Hayes Mrs. Mary Distefano Hayes ‘59 Mrs. Delores Haynes Mrs. Margaret Ellen Daly Heap ‘82 Mrs. Marianne M. Heimes (in memory of Sister Jude & in honor of Stella Heimes)

Miss Evelyn Ann Ganem ‘71 (in honor and memory of Louise M. Ganem,

Mrs. Lisa Markowitz Henderson ‘81 Ms. Mary Hennessy ‘70

Evelyn Ganem & Margaret R. Ganem)

(in memory of Eleanor Griffin Ciucevich)

Ms. Brenda J. Gannam ‘68

Mrs. Carol Kenney Herb ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Al & Marilyn Hernandez

CDR & Mrs. Edward G. GaNun USN, Ret. Mrs. Kelin Murphy Garrett ‘04

Mrs. Margaret Powers Holland ‘71 Mrs. Meg Mamalakis Hollis ‘02 Mrs. Shannon Hollis Mr. & Mrs. Keith & Michelle Holman

(in memory of Anthony Mesaros)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Norma Ann Gannam ‘59)

(in memory of Linda Broderick)

(in honor of Hannah Glazier ‘21)

Mrs. Patricia Crosby Hicks ‘69


SVA Sisters of Mercy thank all of our donors!

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mrs. Pamela Patterson James ‘87 Mrs. Feona Manees Johnson ‘62 Mrs. Mary Smith Johnson ‘75

Mrs. Mary Jo Harte Long ‘47

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Catherine McManus

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Catherine Monahan Leseceal )

Mrs. Patricia P. Lowenthal ‘54 Mr. & Mrs. George & Cindy Lowerts

McNamara/Adams Attorneys at Law Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McNamara

Mrs. Katherine Lisicia Jones ‘81 Mrs. Mary Conners Jordan ‘69

(in honor of Madelyn Dick)

(in memory of Rochelle Buttimer & Billy Adams)

Mrs. Barbara Ann Purdy Lutz ‘63

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta & Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Carrollyn Sieber Meehan ‘62 Mrs. Judith Jurgensen Melroy ‘63

Mrs. Gail Jue Mrs. Meghan Murphy Jue ‘97 Mrs. Pam McCuen Kalinke ‘76 Mrs. Elizabeth Provost Kameron ‘82 Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh

Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy Lynn ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. Hal Lyons Rev. John J. Lyons Ms. Sara Maddux ‘61

(in memory of Linda Phillips ‘63, Linda Broderick

(in honor of the Class of 1961)

(in memory of Celeste Michael Kavanaugh ‘29)

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Madison Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Danny & Alison Mahfet

Mrs. Mary Catherine Mesaros ‘60 Miss Libby Miller ‘84

(in memory of Martha Buttimer & Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Amanda Keating Mrs. Clare Lowenthal Kellar ‘80 Mrs. Carroll Lamb Kelly ‘47 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kelly

& Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Beth Beeson Merritt ‘83 (in memory of Georgia Spellman & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Dawn Wooten ‘83)

Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Jan Mamalakis, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. William & Ann Y. Miller Mrs. Eleanor Hamrick Mills ‘50 Mr. Henry Minis

(in honor of Mildred Kelly)

(In memory of Sr. Jude, Mary Anne Aliotta

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Josephine Rourke Kelly ‘54

& Linda Broderick)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Elizabeth Maner

Mr. & Mrs. John & Kathy Miskiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Eddie & Patty S. Mizelle ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Kender Kendra Scott, LLC Mrs. Megan Miskiewicz Kerley ‘92 Mrs. Priscilla Marano Kimery ‘60

(in memory of Rita Maner & in

(in memory of Michael Westerfield, Larry Strickland,

honor of the Trapani women)

Tony Mesaros, Thomas Anthony Groover

Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Markowitz Mrs. Carolyn E. Mason ‘56

& Eleanor Ciucevich)

(in honor of the Sisters of Mercy)

(in memory of Laura M. Brown ‘79)

(in memory of Douglas Guild)

Mrs. Natalie Kinard

Mrs. Amy Tuttle Massey ‘83

(in honor of the Trapani Women)

(in memory of Billy Adams, Linda Broderick,

Mr. George Montgomery Mrs. Margaret Jurgensen Mooney ‘82

Mrs. Barbara Dlugozima King ‘63

Mary Anne Aliotta, Sr. Jude & Sr. Michael Mary)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Carol Baran Massey ‘63

Mr. & Mrs. Chuck & Kathy Moore, Jr.

Mrs. Shirley Lynch Kinlaw ‘65

(in memory of Betty Cooley Baran ‘38 & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta & Martha Buttimer)

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Connie Thompson Frazier)

Kiser + Vogrin Design, LLC

Ms. Jude Mathews Mrs. Christina Saba Matias ‘59

(in memory of Linda Broderick)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Katie Knight Mrs. Catherine Valenti Krajeski ‘51 Ms. Michelle Kroll Mr. & Ms. Joseph Krupp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Laird Mr. Allen Lancaster Mrs. Martha Stacy Leach ‘79 Mrs. Maria Camille Buckhaults Leonard ‘05 Ms. Mary Ellen Leonard ‘63

Mrs. Deanna Hart Matthews ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. James & Kathleen Moore Mrs. Kathryn Brown Moore ‘05 Mrs. Karye Moreau Mrs. Suzanne Brown Moseley ‘00

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Julia Russo Maxey ‘88 Mrs. Mary Carr Mayle ‘68 Mrs. Elizabeth Burn McCarthy ‘53

Mrs. Jennifer Teeple Mountjoy ‘92

(in memory of the Sisters of Mercy & Thomas M. Burn)

(in memory of Mary, Sarah, & Theresa Roughen)

Mrs. Patricia White McClure ‘71

Mrs. Anita Muller

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in honor & memory of Henry Patton, Sr., Hilda Patton,

Ms. Cathy McCollister & Joan Guyer

J. Fred Muller, Sr., Theresa Purvis &

(in honor of Sr. Barbara Shimkus ‘63 &

(in memory of Martha Buttimer)

Marie Muller Bresciani)

in memory of David Pinckney)

Mr. & Mrs. John & Mary Ellen Mulligan ‘75

(in memory of Mary Bunger Kameron ‘46 )

Mrs. Abigail Braddy McCuen ‘03 Dr. Toni Lewis McCullough ‘81 Mrs. Patricia Taylor McDevitt ‘95

Mr. & Mrs. Irvin & Cathy Levine

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Mr. Mesaros)

(in memory of John E. Mulvaney, Sr.)

(in honor of Joanna Levine Poston ‘02)

Ms. Josie Murphy ‘79

Mrs. Cecelia Lampp Linton ‘62

Mrs. Dianne McDonald ‘77 Ms. Monica McGoldrick ‘70

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude )

I.L.A. Local 1771 (in memory of Billy Adams)

Mrs. Carmen Ayala McIntyre ‘64 Ms. Joan McKeever

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lewis Murphy ‘04 Mrs. Tonya S. Murphy

Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Logan

(in memory of Sr. Michael Mary & Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. James Myrick, Sr.

(in memory of Marie Elizabeth Doolan Logan)

Mrs. Patricia Dwyer McKenna ‘60

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Martin Neca Logan ‘57 Sr. Bernarda Loncon, R.S.M. ‘50

(in memory of Mary Angela Futch)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Miriam McLendon Smith)

Mrs. Cheryl Napier ‘86 Mrs. Elizabeth Tootle New ‘77 Mrs. Mary Caroline Kennedy New ‘05

Mrs. Patricia Kameron Levin ‘76


(in honor of John Joseph Fogarty, Jr. & Raymond Ervin Foote, Sr.)

Ms. Mary McLendon ‘74

Ms. Alexis Guild Moncrief ‘72

(in Memory of Caren Buck)

Ms. April Moye ‘99

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Eleanor W. Mulvaney

(in memory of Josephine Kenney Murphy ‘45)

(in Memory of Monica Jung)

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mrs. Janet Byerly Nickens ‘73

Mrs. Agnes F. Pinckney ‘63

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Linda Vermillion ‘63 & Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Catherine Melroy Sale ‘61 Ms. Linda Sanchez ‘65

Mrs. Beth Batt Nichols ‘82 Mr. Harry Jordan Nichols

Miss Ann Pinckney ‘76

(in memory of Carola Stone)

(in memory of Virginia S. Pinckney)

Mrs. Kathy Daly Salter ‘73

(in memory of Judy Beck Nichols)

Ms. Mary H. Pinckney ‘86

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Mary Mangan Nichols ‘77

(in memory of John Chapman Pinckney)

Mrs. Kathleen Powers Sanfilippo ‘64

(in memory of Frances Welsh Mangan

Mrs. Joanna Levine Poston ‘02 Mrs. Martha White Pounder ‘50

(in memory of Kay Lisicia, Sr. Jude,

Mr. & Mrs. Kurty & Lollie Niemeyer Very Rev. Msgr. Fred J. Nijem Mr. Rick North Mrs. Marie Kennedy Norton ‘82

(in memory of deceased members of the

Loretto Powers Buttimers ‘60 & Anne Ware Lewis)

class of 1950, deceased members of the Pounder

Ms. Sharon Saseen ‘66

& White families, Mary Ann Zierak,

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Dennis J. Pounder, Jr., & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Cynthia Roughen Powers ‘82 Mr. George T. Powers Ms. Patrice Powers ‘80 Ms. Therese Powers ‘73

Savannah Sweets, Inc. Ms. Lisa Scarbrough ‘97 Rev. J. Gerard Schreck Mrs. Terry Ferraro Schwartz ‘74 Mrs. Mary Ellen Reed Sciarratta ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Greg & Leigh Ann Sedlock

(in memory of Claire Barsic ‘82)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Wright C. Powers, Jr. Ms. Ana Prieto-Curtis

Mrs. Carolyn Martin O’Hayer

(in honor of Ava Tome)

(in memory of Sister Jude, Teresa Mangan,

Mrs. Marian Smith Proper ‘49

Kay Lisicia and Georgia Spellman)

(in memory of Ellen Leacy Smith)

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Sergi Mrs. Kathryn Blair Capallo Sewell ‘01 Mrs. Sarah Kindred Sewell ‘01 Mrs. Jessica Joyner Shaffer ‘06 Mrs. Maggie Swinford Shangle ‘63

Sr. Gilmary O’Hayer, R.S.M. ‘60 Mrs. Kaye Bruggeman O’Keefe ‘58

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Faye Smith Crumbly)

Mrs. Stacey Ann Hodge Purvis ‘89 Mrs. Caroline McCracken Raman ‘89 Mrs. Tenisha Bourne Reales ‘92

Mr. John Olsen

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mary Anne Aliotta & Sr. Jude Walsh )

(in honor of Maddie & Ansley Drew)

Mrs. Tara Robinette Redd ‘91

Mrs. Megan Mahoney O’Neil ‘04 Mr. & Mrs. Brett & Eleanor O’Rand

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta & Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shearouse, Jr. Mrs. Jean Marie Pounder Sheehan ‘52

& Linda Broderick)

Mr. & Mrs. Jim & Barbara Nowak (in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Jeanne Hoffman O’Brien ‘77 Mrs. Courtney Dunn Odermatt ‘97 Ms. Dawn Odom Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Jackie Ogden ‘71

(in memory of Marilyn Thomas Powers)

Ms. Catherine Richie Mrs. Leah Lancaster Riffle ‘99

Nora Powers Richardson ‘68,

Mrs. Elizabeth Aliotta Shay ‘74 (in memory of Sister Michael Mary,

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Mary Crane Palles Orne ‘05 C. Lamont Osteen, M.D. Mrs. Mary Frances Kenny Pacifici ‘59 Mrs. Martha Blessington Padilla ‘60 Ms. Melanie Britt Padilla Ms. Marty Parker ‘70

(in memory of Brandi Billingsly ‘99)

Mrs. Donna Forbes Sheffield ‘72 Mr. J. Edward Sheppard, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David & Jackie Riley

(in memory of Katherine Sheppard & Kay Lisicia)

(in memory of Robert Uhrich)

Mr. & Mrs. Dave & Annette R. Rock

Sr. Lourdes Sheehan, R.S.M. ‘52 Mrs. Anne Curran Shira ‘70

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in honor of daughters Kristen ‘90 & Rebecca ‘94)

Mrs. Joanna Johnson Rodenberg ‘94

Mrs. Magdaline Caparisos Sideris ‘72

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Parker’s Fueling the Community Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Margaret Paslawski Mrs. Nancy Miller Pearce ‘64

Ms. Sheila Tinkham Roessle ‘90

Mrs. Mary Gene Murphy Sikes ‘76 Miss Elizabeth Simmons ‘09

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. Charles R. Pearson

Mrs. Karen Rojas Miss McCaillaigh Bridgett Rouse ‘21 Mrs. Jacqueline Sauls Royal ‘70

(in meory of Sr. Jude Walsh & Mrs. Peg Dressel)

(in memory of Sr. Jude, Bea Hagen

(in memory of Anthony Mesaros)

Mrs. Linda Ambrose Peebles ‘66

& Thomas A. G. Groover, Sr.)

(in memory of Alma Billac Mills ‘66)

Mrs. Connie Poppell Rudd ‘66

Mrs. Kim Fischer Peters ‘72 Mrs. Kristin Cerbone Peters ‘00 Mr. Hang Tran Pham Mrs. Patricia Corcoran Pharis ‘74

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Kelly Zeigler Smart ‘98 Mrs. Amalie Gregg Smith ‘65 Mr. Henry Smith

Miss Cynthia Caroline Ryan ‘16

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in honor of the Trapani women)

Miss Elizabeth Claire Ryan ‘18

Sr. M. Jogues Smith ‘52 Mrs. Kimberly McDonald Smith ‘79

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in honor of the Trapani women)

(in Memory of Laurie Mason Brown ‘79)

Mrs. Angela Tootle Phillips ‘80 Mrs. Patricia Conneff Picciarelli ‘80 Mrs. Charlotte Pike

Mrs. Mary McDonald Ryan ‘52

Miss Kristen Smith ‘85

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Phyllis Wrenn Sackariasen ‘82

(in memory of Anthony Mesaros)

(in memory of Claire Peterson Barsic)

Mrs. Mary Ann Brennan Smith ‘58 Mrs. Miriam Smith Mrs. Sandra Saseen-Smith ‘73

(in memory of Sister Jude)

St. Peter the Apostle School

Mrs. Brooke Blanton Sims ‘06 Mrs. Pamela Dillon Sipple ‘64

(in memory of Sister Jude)


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Ms. Alice Snedeker ‘00 Angela R. Sommerset, M.D. ‘80

Mrs. Cecilia H. Trees

Mrs. Linda D. Wise ‘59

(in memory of Georgia Spellman)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in honor Benjamin Sommerset and

Mrs. Barbara Muller Tromly ‘64

in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Marie Muller Bresciani,

Mrs. Andrea Kelleher Withers ‘62 Mrs. Peggy Murphy Witt ‘66

Ms. Hollis Stacy Mrs. Matilda Laird Stacy ‘46

Jean Gallaher Muller & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Miles & Norine Murphy)

Mrs. Fran Ryan Tuttle ‘71 Ms. Lynette Uhrich Mrs. Rebecca Zittrauer Valentine ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Wodkowski Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wong, Jr.

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Mary Joy Lee Wood ‘77 Mrs. Amanda Kitchens Yarbrough ‘79 Dr. Christina Yao ‘96 Miss Serena Yao ‘00

(in memory of Margaret Burnett)

Mrs. Margaret Dufour Standard ‘57 (in memory of Sr. Jude) Mr. Kenneth Stanford & Family Mrs. Erin Smoak Stanley ‘00 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81

Mrs. Dina Fogarty Vassil ‘81 (in memory of Kay Lisicia)

(in honor of Mola Jung)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta,

Mrs. Jeanne McIntyre Voxnaes ‘64 Mrs. Lynn Ciucevich Wade ‘71

Martha Buttimer, Kay Lisicia & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Ms. Margaret M. Stapleton ‘61 Mrs. Donna Johansen Stembridge ‘82

Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Patty Wakely

Yates-Astro Termite & Pest Control Co. Mrs. Connell Cannon Youmans ‘96

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Claire Klug Youmans ‘64 and

(in memory of Angela Futch)

Mrs. Pamela Burnett Wall ‘91

in honor of the Trapani Family)

Mrs. Blake Powers Stevens ‘00 Mrs. Patricia Osbourne Stewart ‘66 Dr. Gloria Deal Strickland ‘68

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Virginia Putnam Zart ‘90 Mrs. Lauren Templeton Zeigler ‘02 Mrs. Mary Hoffman Zeigler ‘75

(in memory of Sr. Jude )

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Lisa Smith Wallace ‘87 Mrs. Kathleen Kameron Walters ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ward Mrs. Suzanne Peterson Ward ‘96 Mrs. Francine Considine Ware ‘75 Mrs. Lisa Johnson Webb ‘79 Mrs. Ruth Brown Weeks ‘91 Mr. & Mrs. Brinkley & Joan Wehner

Ms. Mercedes Sullivan ‘52

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Mary Katherine Shearouse Alexander ‘99

(in memory of Sr. Jude, family who has attended

Mrs. Leslie Maner Weigt ‘66

SVA & deceased faculty of the Class of ‘52)

(in honor of the Trapani Women)

Mr. & Mrs. Shannon & Paula Summerlin Mrs. Kathleen Taggart Swanner ‘87

Mr. Daniel K. Welch

Mrs. Mary Anne Aliotta ‘52, RIP Mr. & Mrs. Sean Aliotta Mrs. Suzanne Marie Feuger Altare ‘84

(in memory of Dr. William C. Harris, Jr.)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of 1984)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Ruth B. Wellington ‘53

Mrs. Sandra Elliott Ambrose ‘69

Mrs. Agnes F. Swinson ‘46

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Norman & Theresa F. McCarthy ‘46)

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin & Melissa Wells

Mrs. Diane Deloach Andrews ‘62

Mrs. Suzanne Burke Swinson ‘72 Mr. Albert A. Taber

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Clara Russo)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Ms. Sally K. Welsh ‘72 Mrs. Ruth Stapleton West ‘59

Mrs. JoAnn Leonard Aulwes ‘60

(in memory of Ellen Lyle Taber ‘59 & Kay Bradley McDermott ‘59 )

(in memory of Sister Jude & Sarah Anne Monahan

Mrs. Mary Howard Tallman ‘84 Mrs. Rosemary Stapleton Taylor ‘65

& in honor of Ruth Stapleton West

Mrs. Debra Monson Barnard ‘86 Mrs. Cassandra Thomas Barnwell ‘73

& Cristen Marie West Younts)

(in memory of Junius & Edra Thomas)

(in memory of Sr. Jude & Anthony Mesaros)

Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Renee Teeple

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Westgate Mrs. Patricia Kelly Whalen ‘60

Mrs. Janet Parr Barry ‘56 Mrs. Brenda Dlugozima Battu ‘65

(in memory of Sister Jude )

(in memory of Anthony Mesaros & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Kay Lisicia)

Miss Anna Templeton ‘19

Mrs. Holly Lyons Whitfield ‘75

(in memory of Michelle Quarles)

(in memory of Jane Mulherin Lyons)

Mrs. Debbie Thoben ‘76 Mrs. Ann Marie Powers Thomas ‘82 Mrs. Sarah W. Thomas ‘59 Mr. Donald & Nancy Thompson

Mrs. Kimberly Wiebe

Mrs. Theresa Winters Bayman ‘90 Mrs. Suzanne Cochran Beall ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie & Sherry Beebe

(in honor of Quintin Cowart)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Williams

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mr. Tim Tilley

Mrs. Melanie Roberts Willoughby ‘82 Mr. & Mrs. Billy S. Wilson, Jr.

Ms. Lucy Dulohery Behr ‘58 Mrs. Sally Blaine Mrs. Kathy Corley Bloom ‘72

(in honor of Meg & Lexie Tilley)

(in memory of Sister Jude Walsh, Anthony C. “Tony

Dr. Stephanie Denise Tootle ‘05

Mesaros & in honor of Sarah M. Wilson ‘05)

(in honor of Paula Tootle)

Mr. & Mrs. Steve & Paula Tootle

Mr. & Mrs. David & Karen Wilson Mrs. Sheila Counihan Winders ‘60

(in memory of Linda Broderick & Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Anne Fahey Counihan)

Mrs. Kathy Schmidt Boaen ‘91 Mr. Carl Boehm Mrs. Sandee Lowe Booth ‘06 Miss Sara Kathryn Boyles ‘16 Mrs. Regina Pelli Brennan ‘65

Mrs. Christina Smith Winters ‘96

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Billy Adams)

Mr. & Mrs. Al Stiles Mrs. Carol Lowenthal Stone ‘81 Ms. Muriel Strauss Ms. Ellen Struck ‘67


(in honor of Dudley Johnson)

(in memory of Sr. Jude )

Miss Mary Susan Zeigler ‘82 (in memory of Sr. Jude )

Blue & Gold Circle - up to $99 Mrs. Marian Peterson Adams ‘54

(in memory of Julie Blair)

(in memory of Susan Corley Duignan)

HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mrs. Molly O’Hayer Hammond ‘88

Mrs. Ellen Bruggeman Bruce ‘72

Miss Aliyah Alexandria Dorsey ‘17 Mrs. Suzie Kearney Douglas ‘85 Ms. Judith R. Downing ‘57

Mr. & Mrs. William & Sharon Bruggeman ‘64

(in memory of Kay Lisicia)

(in memory of David Pinckney)

Mrs. Kathleen Deal Brunton ‘06 Mr. & Mrs. Burch & Marie Green Bryant ‘59

Mrs. Rosemary Emerick Downing ‘61

(in memory of Gloria Fortson ‘59

Mrs. Jennifer Kelly Duclos ‘90 Mrs. Mary Ellen McKenzie Dunne ‘64 Mrs. Rekha Prakash Drysdale ‘91

Ms. Margaret A. Harrison ‘56 Mrs. Megan W. Bennett Haubein ‘98

Mrs. Bobbie J. Bridgers (in memory of Sr. Jude)

& Judith Habas Harrison ‘59)

Mr. & Mrs. Frank & Barbara Buchheit Mrs. Janie Lyons Bunger ‘73 (in Memory of Billy Adams and Jane Mulherin Lyons)

Mrs. Leigh Ann Elmgren Burke ‘86 Mrs. Betty Arceneaux Burnsed ‘49

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Hope Beal Ebberwein ‘86 Mrs. Caroline Pace Edwards ‘93 (in memory of Shannon Formby)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Pamela Pedicini Harris ‘63

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Leigh Farrell Heimes ‘95 Mrs. Brenda Miles Helton ‘68 Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Ellen Henderson ‘64 (in memory of Sister Jude & Charles Brannen)

Mrs. Pam Magwood Henry ‘79 Mrs. Laurie B. Hester ‘86 Mrs. Coleen Hogan Ms. Claire Holman

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Mary Frances Engle ‘63

Mrs. Sharon Jaugstetter Butler ‘59 Mr. Thomas E. Butler, Sr.

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in honor of Mola Jung)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Ms. Katherine Cafiero

The Exchange Club Of Savannah

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Rebecca Carter & Mr. Raymond Sweatte

Mrs. Katie Fallon

(in memory of Billy Adams)

(in honor of Emma Fallon)

Mrs. Julie McCarthy Chambers ‘73 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Ciucevich

Mrs. Lauren Cobb Farber ‘99 Mrs. Denise Pappas Fischer ‘81 Mrs. Teresa Gunter Fitzpatrick ‘84

(in memory of Eleanor Griffin Ciucevich ‘46)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84)

Mrs. Dora-Mae Smith Clark ‘01 Mrs. Kathleen Geelan Clark ‘54 Mrs. Sherri Burnsed Connolly ‘75

Mrs. Jennifer Bunger Fleming ‘01 Mrs. Clare Dulohery Frew ‘55

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Johnson Mrs. Regina Smith Joiner ‘94 Mrs. Tina Marie Kuharik Jones ‘84

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘55)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84)

Mrs. Amelia Russell Conte ‘94 Mrs. Brenda Cook

Mrs. Jessica Rae Woods Futrell ‘98

Mr. & William M. Jordan

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Kay Lisicia)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Keith Ray Construction, Inc.

Mrs. Leslie J. Corn

Ms. Margaret Rose Ganem ‘65 Miss Jacqueline GaNun ‘19 Miss Natalie GaNun ‘17 Mrs. Eileen Gardner

(in memory of Linda Broderick)

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84 )

Mrs. Cecilia Collins Courtenay ‘48 Mrs. Erika Leigh Cribbs ‘93 Mrs. Kathleen Smith Cutino ‘81

Mrs. Mary Buttimer Garrett ‘81

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Megan Ware Coomer ‘88 (in memory of Kay Lisicia ‘56)

Mrs. Maria Maxey Etzle ‘91

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Martha Buttimer)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Ms. Mary Anne Rourke Hornkohl ‘57 Mrs. Anne Halligan Horstman ‘63 Mrs. Megan Schreck Hulitt ‘93 Mrs. Colleen Rovolis Humphries ‘79 Mrs. Shirley Fleming Humphries ‘67 Mrs. Chenoa Talley Jacobs ‘93 (in honor of Duane Talley)

Dr. Terrie James-Hodges ‘84

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Marilyn Coleman Kelly ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Michele Kender Mrs. Mary F. Kennedy (in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Sarah Brennan Kennedy ‘79 Mrs. Jessica DeLoach Kessler ‘05

Mrs. Frances Curry & Family

Mrs. Nancy Harris Gayhardt ‘57 Mrs. Kimberly Harpe Gil ‘84 Mrs. Mary Ann Haslam Goodgame ‘72

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Tony Mesaros)

(in memory of Albert M. Remler & Sr. Jude)

Cute Booze LLC Mrs. Barbara Hussey Daly ‘76 Mrs. Margaret H. Daly Ms. Katherine Ferraro Danielowski ‘12 Ms. Pethral Monique Daniels ‘84

Ms. Dorothy Grayson

Miss Lily Kendall ‘20 Mrs. Angel Hosti King ‘81

(in memory of deceased members of the class of ‘84)

Mrs. Caroline Richardson Gregory ‘98

Dr. & Mrs. William H. Davis, Jr.

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Isabelle Burnett Davis ‘33)

Mrs. Mary Pounder Grundy ‘67

Ms. Robin Deaux ‘81 Mrs. Rita Harper DeLorme ‘51

(in memory of Yolanda Folgarait Mullinixx ‘67)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in thanks of St. Vincent’s Academy!)

Mrs. Korinne Soha Dichiara ‘08 Mrs. Marie Ryan Dillon ‘54 Ms. Marie DiPietro ‘67 Mrs. Erin Davis Donaldson ‘06

Mrs. Madeline Audesey Hahn ‘51 Mrs. Catherine Crider Hall ‘74

(in memory of Gaetano Cutino)

(in memory of Kay Lisicia)

Mrs. Kathryn Kearney Grayson ‘63 Ms. Misty D. Greer ‘93 (in memory of Sr. Jude & Sr. Michael Mary)

Dr. Elizabeth E. Gunter ‘59

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Jameson Heidt Hall ‘93 (in memory of Tisha Abolt)

(in memory of Claudia Kessler Faller)

Mrs. Anne Fasola Kilcline ‘57

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Mary H. King Mrs. Theresa Ryan Knapp ‘84 Mrs. Louise Grady Kramer ‘99 Mrs. Christine Gaudry Lales Mrs. Rachel Bruce Lane ‘04 Mrs. Leslie Dunn Lashley ‘01 Mrs. Stephanie Lauren Ey Lee ‘07 Mr. & Mrs. Irvin J. Levine (in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Rosemary Lynch Lewis ‘69 (in memory of Sr. Jude & Connie Thompson Frazier ‘69 )


HONOR ROLL OF DONORS Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Lewis

Mrs. Peggy Lyons Padgett ‘72

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Melissa Corn Liner ‘93 Mrs. Mary Ann Bakstran Loncon

Mrs. Carole Balcom Pappas ‘58

Mrs. Donna Anderson Smith ‘82 Mrs. Leslie Cronin Smith ‘96 Mrs. Megan C. Smith ‘90

(in memory of Angela Futch)

(in honor of Dawn Odom)

(in memory of Elvera Gallettini Bakstran ‘38

Mr. David F. Pappas Mrs. Laura Parrish Mrs. Maria Cooler Parrish ‘93

Mrs. Nancy Cooley Smith ‘70

& Elvera Gallettini Bakstran ‘38)

Miss Kelly C. Long ‘11 Mrs. Katherine O’Leary Lynes ‘69

(in memory of Shannon Formby ‘93)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Sebrell Everett Smith ‘89 Miss Elise Spellman ‘15 Mrs. Angela Hebert Straight ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Marta Street Mrs. Kelli Foran Stuckey ‘99

Mrs. Michelle Lindsey Lynes ‘01 Mrs. Melanie Lyng Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mamalakis

Ms. Karen Parsons Penick Mrs. Maureen Iannone Petrillo ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Barry & Lisa Pfeifer Mrs. Harriet Thompson Phillips ‘56

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Helen Casey Sumowski ‘54

Dr. & Mrs. Neal M. Markowitz

(in memory of Carolyn Hansen ‘54

Markowitz, Evan Markowitz & Hannah Kitchens)

Mrs. Anne Price Pilcher ‘69 Ms. Alexis Lynette Proctor ‘08 Mrs. Linda Ussery Raciappa ‘74

Mrs. Ruth M. Markowitz

(in memory of Sr. Jude and William L. Ussery, Jr.)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Patricia O’Loughlin Rann ‘73 Mrs. Susan Dillon Reese ‘83 Mrs. Diane Sullivan Richardson ‘71

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in honor of Lisa Markowitz Henderon, Reid

Ms. Monica Mastrianni (in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Joan Morel Mathews ‘52 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mathews, Jr. (in memory of Eleanor Ciucevich)

(in honor of Lily Catherine Stuckey)

& Frances Wolfe Kluck)

Mrs. Angeline Szymanski Miss Eden Taylor ‘17 Mrs. Sarah Adams Taylor ‘92 Ms. Patricia Ryan Thran ‘81 (in memory of Catherine Ryan)

(in honor of Betty Rovolis Sullivan)

Mrs. Rose Saraf Tootle ‘55

Mrs. Moira Buttimer Richmond ‘87 Mr. & Mrs. R. Kran Riddle

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Lisa Townsend Tramell ‘91 Mrs. Jeanne Stringer Trapani ‘56 Mrs. Sandra Fikes Travers ‘61 Mrs. Stacey Lynes Tripp ‘97 Mrs. Kerryn Jenkins Tvrdy ‘99 United Way of Greater Atlanta Mrs. Megan Moore Valentine ‘01 Mrs. Chlo-E Pugh Vincent ‘56 Mrs. Jane Ryan Walker ‘56

Mrs. Kerrie Elmore Matthews ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. William Mattocks Jr. Ms. Shari Deborah Matz ‘84 Ms. Martha E. McCarthy ‘70 Ms. Lyn McCuen

(in memory of Virgina Baker Aliffi Castilian)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of H. R. McShane)

Mrs. Helena Phillips Russell ‘90 Ms. Mary Bostwick Russell ‘11 Mrs. Antionette Mathews Ryan ‘61 Mrs. Carol Ray

Ms. Grace Lyon Merritt

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

class of 1956 & Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Monica Jung)

Mr. George Ryan

Mrs. Carolyn Sylvester Metheny ‘87

(in memory of Anthony C. “Tony” Mesaros)

Mrs. Dianne Fletcher Waller ‘95 Mrs. Velma Haslam Walters ‘68

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Mrs. Debbie Macher Moesch ‘76

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Ryan Ms. Kelly Ryan ‘96 Mrs. Melissa Martin Sammons ‘94 Mr. Ralph M. Santiago Mrs. Anne Marie Ferraro Sapp ‘62

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Mary & Bie Ferraro)

Miss Brenda E. Moore ‘72

Ms. Susan Saseen ‘72

Mr. & Mrs. John & Conni Wambold Mrs. Teah Stillings Weiss ‘86 Mrs. Barbara O’Loughlin Westerfield ‘70 Ms. Rebecca Westgate ‘00 Mrs. Anne Marie Richards Whiddon ‘83 Mr. Julian White III

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Diane Edler Mandap)

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Miss Taylor Moore ‘19 Mrs. Rosemary Ware Morris ‘83

Mrs. Catherine Willoughby Sauers ‘02 Miss Charlotte Campbell Sauers ‘21 Miss Emma Hyer Sauers ‘17 Miss Stella Kathryn Sauers ‘18 Miss Rayona Brooke Savage ‘17 Mrs. Stephanie Smith Schnabel ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Tori Shay

Mrs. Kathleen Russell White ‘03 Mrs. Lindsay McAdams Williams ‘97 Mr. & Mrs. Mike & Lori A. Williams

Mrs. Joanne McDonough Nellums ‘57 Mrs. Patricia Grady Norman ‘62 Sr. Pauline Oetgen CSJ ‘46

(in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew & Sally Shay (in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Paula Gomez Williamson ‘82 Mrs. Barbara Lynch Wissmann ‘67

(in memory of Sr. M. Bonaventure Oetgen, RSM ‘36)

Miss Laura Sheehan ‘03

(in memory of Constance Thompson Frazier)

Mrs. Camille Hagan Owens ‘64 Mrs. Lucia Nicholas Owens ‘64

(in memory of Claudia Kessler)

Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Woelber ‘91

Sr. Barbara Shimkus, R.S.M. ‘63 Miss Katie Sinclair ‘16

(in memory of Sister Jude)

Mrs. Beth Fogarty McIntosh ‘71 Mrs. Phyllis H. McShane ‘47

Mrs. Harriet Meyerhoff Mrs. Brittany DiSilvestro Milward ‘05 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

(in memory of Sr. Jude)

Miss Stacy Mulvaney ‘03 Sr. Denis Marie Murphy, R.S.M. ‘49 Ms. Celia Nathan ‘75 (in memory of Sr. Jude)


Miss Susan Ruth Rosenzweig ‘75 (in memory of Mary Anne Aliotta)

Mrs. Georgia Luken Rountree ‘55 (in memory of Sr. Jude)

(In memory of deceased members of the

(in memory of Sister Jude)

(in honor of Sr. Kelly Williams, RSM ‘06)

Mr. & Mrs. Paul & Carla Williams (in memory of Martha Buttimer)

Mrs. Paula Butler Williams ‘67

Mrs. Marie English Woodberry ‘79 Mrs. Karen Schmidt Woods ‘93

Thank you to all who made this project come to fruition! Thank you to all who made this project come to fruition!

Pictured Above: The Convent Hallway in the first month of use, August 2021. Pictured Above: The Convent Hallway in the first month of use, August 2021.

GRATITUDE . . . St. Vincent’s Academy is incredibly grateful to our donors for the outpouring of generosity in support of this historic renovation project during a time of worldwide crisis. Knowing that this renovation was a necessity, St. Vincent’s Academy pushed forward and our family and friends did not dissapoint in making this project a reality. Please know that each of you are remembered in our daily thoughts and prayers. Generations of young women who lead will walk through these hallways and learn in these spaces because of your generosity. You have truly blessed St. Vincent’s Academy in a way that cannot be expressed. God bless you.


C O N V E N T R E N O VA T I O N D O N O R S $100,000 - $1,000,000 Giving Level

St. Joseph’s/Candler Hospital

Ms. Carmella Maria Prescott ‘84 Mr. & Mrs. William W. Shearouse, Jr. Mr. James Stafford Mr. Vince Stafford SVA Class of 1977 Mr. Robert Taylor Mr. John Trapani, III Mrs. Barbara Saseen White ‘45 Mr. Bill Wilson

$10,000 - $99,000 Giving Level

Up to $999 Giving Level

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Ed & Jan Brown Colonial Group, Inc. Mrs. Maria de la Guardia de Coquet ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mario de la Guardia Hendrick Automotive Group (in honor of Ed Brown)

Anonymous (3) Mrs. Ofelia Del Rio Chiavacci ‘77 Mr. & Mrs. Bobby & Angie Chu Mr. & Mrs. John & Leigh Horton Ebberwein ‘85 Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. & Rose Marie Frew Ferraro ‘78 Sr. Susan Harms, R.S.M. ‘60 Most Rev. Gregory John Hartmayer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hogan, Jr. Dr. Maria Del Rio Hoover ‘68 J.C. Lewis Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Lominack Kolman Smith Architects Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 Dr. & Mrs. James & Mary Ann McCarthy Miller ‘62 Mary Lane Morrison Foundation Reynolds & Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Bob & Nena Mathews Schivera ‘66 Sisters of Mercy South Central Community

$5,000 - $9,999 Giving Level

Mr. Mark A. Bandy Mr. Michael Bandy Mrs. Joanne Jenkins ‘67 The Rourke Memorial Fund UAD St. Vincent’s 1845 Foundation Inc. Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Barragan Schreck ‘46 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Celeste Coleman Shearouse ‘69 Mrs. Sarah Cannon Sink ‘92 Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. & Kathryn Cooper Smith Mrs. Patty Cannon Valenti ‘61 Dr. Marie Bandy Wall ‘92

$1,000 - $4,999 Giving Level

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Beytagh, Jr. Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 Mrs. Catherine Jennie Mulligan Bradley ‘84 Mrs. Lynn Coleman Brown ‘75 Mr. James Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Connie Cannon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Amanda Cannon Mr. James Coleman Mr. Joseph Thomas Coleman III Mrs. Suzanne Coleman Cone ‘81 Mrs. Margaret Mary Cox DeLorme ‘53 Mrs. Linda Davis Evans ‘59 Mrs. Alexandra Adamcak Forrestel ‘81 Mrs. Mary Lou Whittaker Handy ‘71 Mrs. Martha Wehner Keith ‘91 Mrs. Susan Spillane Lai ‘73 Mrs. Margaret Cannon Lilly ‘97


Mrs. Rosemary DeShocka Ambos ‘57 Mrs. Sandra Elliott Ambrose ‘69 Mrs. Diane Deloach Andrews ‘62 Ms. Carole Anthony ‘64 Mrs. Caroline Cannon Archer ‘03 Mrs. Patti White Autry ‘80 Mrs. Maureen E. Whelan Bailey ‘84 Mr. Michael J. Barsic Mrs. Betty Finnegan Baszczoski ‘60 Mrs. Jenny Buchheit Bartholomew ‘79 Mrs. Joanne Osinski Best Mrs. Lisa Harkleroad Boswell ‘82 Mrs. Regina Pelli Brennan ‘65 Mrs. Sherry Ann Martin Brannen ‘84 Mrs. Mary Jane Furlong Brewer ‘52 Mrs. Bobbie J. Bridgers Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Broderick Mrs. Carol Lyons Brown ‘77 Ms. Kathleen Kenney Brown ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Brown Mrs. Susan Bookhoop Burch ‘73 Dr. Kathleen M. Burke Mrs. Suzanne Stephens Burns ‘97 Mrs. Betty Arceneaux Burnsed ‘49 Mrs. Pam Guyer Buttimer ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. R. Pierce Cannon Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61 Ms. Frances Furlong Cochran ‘60 Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71 Mrs. Sherri Burnsed Connolly ‘75 Sr. Donna Coward, RSM Mrs. Margaret Muller Crawford ‘81 Mrs. Kearney Stafford Crowley Mrs. Jo Ann Jerome Dawkins ‘68 Mrs. Chloe Lawing Dekle ‘61 Mrs. Rita Harper DeLorme ‘51 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Dickey Mrs. Virginia Buttimer Dickey ‘79 Mrs. Anne Kameron Dillon ‘85 Mrs. Rosemary Emerick Downing ‘61 Mrs. Teresa King Dressel Mrs. Rekha Prakash Drysdale ‘91 Ms. Patricia DuRant ‘66 Miss Kelley Alane Durski ‘98 Mrs. Pamela Johnson Easson ‘64 Ms. Carolyn Emerick ‘61 Mrs. Mary Frances Cook Engle ‘63 Mrs. Maria Maxey Etzle ‘91 Mrs. Julie Schroder Ferraro ‘72 Mrs. Linda Parsons Ferrell ‘64

Mrs. Brooke Lewis Finland ‘98 Mrs. Denise Pappas Fischer ‘81 Mrs. Jennifer Ryan Bunger Fleming ‘01 Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Franklin, Jr. Mrs. Laura Keck Friday ‘79 Mrs. Cheryl Edmondson Ganem ‘68 Mrs. Mary Hutton Gilker ‘75 Mrs. Michelle Dubuc Gleason ‘80 Ms. Misty D. Greer ‘93 Mrs. Caroline Richardson Gregory ‘98 Mrs. Catherine Crider Hall ‘74 Mrs. Nancy H. Hanzel Mrs. Megan W. Bennett Haubein ‘98 Mrs. Lucy Distefano Haviland ‘57 Mrs. Marianne M. Heimes Mrs. Ellen Ulivo Henderson ‘64 Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill ‘87 Ms. Mary L. Hill ‘65 Mrs. Elaine Rousseau Hillebrand ‘67 Mrs. Shirley Stephens Hobe ‘71 Mrs. Ellen Grevemberg Hogan ‘58 Ms. Claire Holman Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Holman Mr. & Mrs. Jules W. Homans ‘56 Mrs. Mary Anne Hohenbrink ‘49 Mrs. Mary Pelli Horton ‘70 Mrs. Patricia Huggins Mr. & Mrs. David Hughs Mrs. Kelly Kilpatrick Hunt ‘82 Mrs. Jill James ‘87 Mrs. Mary Smith Johnson ‘75 Mrs. Mary Conners Jordan ‘69 Mrs. Maria Blanco Katz ‘85 Mrs. Clare Lowenthal Kellar ‘80 Mrs. Josephine Rourke Kelly ‘54 Mrs. Anne Fasola Kilcline ‘57 Mrs. Mary F. Kennedy Mrs. Natalie Kinard Mrs. Barbara Dlugozima King ‘63 Mrs. Kim Wodkowski Knox ‘84 Dr. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik ‘76 Mrs. Rosemary Lynch Lewis ‘69 Mrs. Cecelia Lampp Linton ‘62 Mr. & Mrs. Jerry & Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 Sr. Bernarda Loncon, R.S.M. ‘50 Mrs. Mary Jo Harte Long ‘47 Mrs. Katherine Roach Looper ‘64 Mrs. Barbara Ann Purdy Lutz ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86 Mrs. Katherine O’Leary Lynes ‘69 Rev. John J. Lyons Mr. Thomas C. Madision, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Mamalakis, Jr. Mrs. Angela Blanco Mandel ‘91 Mrs. Elizabeth Maner Mrs. Ruth M. Markowitz Mrs. Carol Baran Massey ‘63 Ms. Jude E. Mathews Mrs. Christina Saba Matias ‘59

C O N V E N T R E N O VA T I O N D O N O R S Mrs. Deanna Hart Matthews ‘90 Mrs. Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 Mrs. Patricia White McClure ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Taylor McDevitt ‘95 Ms. Joan McKeever Ms. Monica McGoldrick ‘70 Mrs. Phyllis Saraf McShane ‘47 Mrs. Judith Jurgensen Melroy ‘63 Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson Merritt ‘83 Mr. & Mrs. John & Dee Dee Mesaros ‘88 Mrs. Carolyn Sylvester Metheny ‘87 Mrs. Brittany DiSilvestro Milward ‘05 Mr. Henry Minis Mrs. Debbie Macher Moesch ‘76 Mrs. Margaret Jurgensen Mooney ‘82 Miss Brenda Moore ‘72 Sr. John Moravec Mrs. Suzanne Brown Moseley ‘00 Ms. Celia Nathan ‘75 Mrs. Janet Byerly Nickens ‘73 Mrs. Marie Kennedy Norton ‘82 Mrs. Barbara Nowak Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. O’Brien Mrs. Genevieve Pinckney O’Connor ‘47 Mr. Thomas Odom, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Ogden ‘71 Mrs. Carolyn Martin O’Hayer Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Overstreet Mrs. Margaret Lyons Padgett ‘72 Ms. Marty Parker ‘70 Mrs. Ginny Cafiero Pavey ‘68 Mrs. Nancy Miller Pearce ‘64 Mrs. Angela Tootle Phillips ‘80 Mrs. Harriet Thompson Phillips ‘56 Mrs. Agnes Flaherty Pinckney ‘63 Mrs. Martha White Pounder ‘50 Mrs. Cynthia Roughen Powers ‘82 Mrs. Marian Smith Proper ‘49 Mrs. Linda Ussery Raciappa ‘74 Mrs. Carol Ray Mrs. Tara Robinette Redd ‘91 Mrs. Patricia Woodward Remion ‘63 Mrs. Ellen May Roach ‘64 Mrs. Frances Rowland Robertson ‘78 Mrs. Joanna Johnson Rodenberg ‘94 Ms. Sheila Tinkham Roessle ‘90 Mrs. Georgia Luken Rountree ‘55 Mrs. Jacqueline Sauls Royal ‘70 Mrs. Connie Poppell Rudd ‘66 Miss Cynthia Caroline Ryan ‘16 Miss Elizabeth Claire Ryan ‘18 Mrs. Mary McDonald Ryan ‘52 Miss Madison Marie Rybeck ‘06 Mrs. Phyllis Wrenn Sackariasen ‘82 Ms. Sharon Saseen ‘66 Mrs. Martha Abelson Scarboro ‘65 Mrs. Sally Mokray Seckinger ‘86 Mrs. Patricia McGrath Sevier ‘51 Mrs. Margaret Swinford Shangle ‘63 Mrs. Elizabeth Aliotta Shay ‘74 Mrs. Elizabeth Mock Sheehan ‘58 Mrs. Patricia O’Hayer Sheppard ‘56

Mr. Allen Shensky Mrs. Magdaline Caparisos Sideris ‘72 Miss Elizabeth Christina Simmons ‘09 Mrs. Donna Anderson Smith ‘82 Mr. Henry Smith Miss Kristen Margaret Smith ‘85 Mrs. Nancy Cooley Smith ‘70 Dr. Angela Sommerset ‘80 Mr. Lance Stafford Mrs. Margaret Dufour Standard ‘57 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 The Stapleton Sisters Mrs. Sharon Sullivan Stewart ‘69 Mrs. Jennifer Strickland ‘83 Ms. Ellen Struck ‘67 Ms. Mercedes Sullivan ‘52 Ms. Lisa M. Summerlin ‘77 Mrs. Mary Finocchiaro Sweeney ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan Mrs. Rosemary Stapleton Taylor ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Teeple Mr. Donald M. Thompson Mrs. Rose Marie Saraf Tootle ‘55 Mrs. Barbara Muller Tromly ‘64 Mrs. Lynn Ciucevich Wade ‘71 Mrs. Pamela Burnett Wall ‘91 Mrs. Paula S. Wallace Mrs. Jane Ryan Walker ‘56 Mrs. Velma Haslam Walters ‘68 Mrs. Joan O’Hara Wehner Mrs. Leslie Maner Weigt ‘66 Mrs. Ruth Burke Wellington ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Wells Ms. Sally K. Welsh ‘72 Mrs. Ruth Stapleton West ‘59 Mrs. Patricia Kelly Whalen ‘60 Mrs. Paula Butler Williams ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Billy S. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Linda Dugger Wise ‘59 Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Woelber ‘91 Miss Serena Yao ‘00 Mrs. Connell Cannon Youmans ‘96 Mrs. Mary Hoffman Zeigler ‘75 Miss Mary Susan Zeigler ‘82

miracle makers The Esther Ryan Brown ‘33 Convent Wing was made possible through the generosity of Jan and Ed Brown, who gifted the school with our first million dollar gift! This amazing couple has showcased so much love and dedication to SVA and for that we are ever grateful. This monumental gift brought our amount raised to a point where construction could begin and in just a year and a half, a total of over $3 million was raised, 6 new classrooms were added, as well as office, meeting and board space. This wing is dedicated in memory of Ed and Jan’s family who graduated from St. Vincent’s Academy including: Emily Sulter Brown (1901 - Ed’s grandmother), Esther Ryan Brown (1933 - Ed’s mother), Margaret Mary Brown Parker (1960 - Ed’s sister), Kathleen Brown Higgs (1975 - Ed’s sister) and Pamela Elizabeth Parker (1980 - Ed’s neice.) St. Vincent’s Academy is humbled and grateful to have such amazing guardian angels looking over our school and our students. This gift will allow generations of girls to continue to learn in the Mercy tradition in the historic halls of St. Vincent’s Academy, becoming Women Who Lead. Thank you, Jan and Ed! pictured left to right are Brian Griffin (former SVA Board Chair), Jan and Ed Brown, and Mary Anne Hogan (SVA President.) Inset is a photo of Esther Ryan Brown ‘33 at the time of the her graduation from St. Vincent’s Academy.

We would also like to recognize those who supported our fundraising events which benefited the Convent renovation, including our 2020 Lovelight Campaign, 2018 - 2020 Clay Shoots, 2020 Room Renovation Raffle, 2018 - 2019 Circle of Mercy and 2018 - 2019 Martinis & Masterpieces.

Stay tuned . . . St. Vincent’s Academy will be hosting an exclusive preview of the renovated space to donors in the near future.


GOING THE EXTRA MILE SPONSORING NAMED SPACES Sisters Dr. Maria Del Rio Hoover ‘68, Medical Director at Ascension St. Vincent Evansville Hospital (pictured right) and Mrs. Ofelia Del Rio Chiavacci ‘77, Architect and partner at MYOC Design (pictured left,) made a naming level donation to SVA’s Convent Renovation Project to name the large classroom space overlooking the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist in honor of their parents, Dr. Gabriel and Freda G. Del Rio. These amazing sisters are Women Who Lead in every way! We are very grateful for your generosity and leadership!

Maria de la Guardia de Coquet ’81 (pictured far left) and her brother Mario de la Guardia, BC Class of ’79 (pictured left), named our large gathering room on the corner of the courtyard and Liberty Street in memory of Sister Jude Walsh, RSM ’43. What a beautiful gift! Not only did the sister and brother make this donation, they also matched all gifts from the classes of 1978 – 1982! We are very grateful for their generosity and leadership!

Vincent & Rose Marie Frew Ferraro ’78 (pictured left) named the Dulohery-Broderick Classroom, which honors and remembers Clare Dulohery Frew ’55, Helen Broderick Ferraro ’52 & the generations of graduates from the Dulohery and Broderick families who attended St. Vincent’s Academy.

Nena Mathews Schivera ’66 (pictured left) named the Wolfe-Schivera Classroom, which is housed on the corner of Liberty and Abercorn Street and will honor generations of SVA graduates in Nena’s family dating back to 1867 including: Elizabeth Mary Wolfe 1867, Mary Elizabeth O’Brien Moore 1894, Esther Moore Mathews 1926, Nena Mathews Schivera 1966, Kristen E. Schivera 1997 and Elizabeth McCall Smith 2024. Thank you, Nena, for being a true Woman Who Leads!


St. Vincent’s Academy is proud of those who went the extra mile to bring this project to fruition. We would like to thank those who gave at a naming level for the Convent Renovation project.

The Bandy and Jenkins families made a naming level donation to St. Vincent’s Academy’s Convent Renovation Project. Dr. Marie Bandy Wall ’92, Joanne Jenkins ’67, Mark Bandy and Michael Bandy named a classroom in memory of their mom and sister, Jeanne Jenkins Bandy ‘66 (pictured left.) Thank you to the Bandy and Jenkins families for their generous support and leadership!

Michael J. Hogan, Jr. and Mary Anne Mahfet Hogan, first lay Principal and first President of SVA (pictured left) made a naming level donation for the Outdoor Community Space to St. Vincent’s Academy’s Convent Renovation campaign. We are very grateful for their continued support and generosity!

The Coleman and Shearouse families named the Coleman-Shearouse Classroom, which will honor Frances McGrath Frataccia ’57, Mary McGrath Coleman ‘47 (pictured left) and “Bootsie” Katherine Shearouse ’41 (pictured far left.) These families have sent generations of young women through the hallways of St. Vincent’s Academy and there are more on the way! Thank you to the Coleman and Shearouse families for their generosity and leadership!

St. Vincent’s Academy would like to extend a huge thank you to St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System which dedicated the Board Room to The Sisters of Mercy who helped shape the lives of generations of young women at St. Vincent’s Academy. Pictured left is Paul Hinchey, President and CEO of St. Joseph’s/ Candler.

The Chu and Jung families made a naming level donation to St. Vincent’s Academy’s Convent Renovation Project by naming the new Conference and Guidance Suite in memory of Monica Jung ‘82. A heartfelt thank you to the family for their love and generosity. Pictured left is Mola Jung standing beside the Monica Jung St. Joseph’s statue in the school’s courtyard.

Michael & Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ’87 made a naming level donation to St. Vincent’s Academy’s Convent Renovation Project. The Davis – Bradley – McCarthy Historical Museum Room is named in loving honor and memory of Sister M. Kieran Davis, RSM ’43.

IN REMEMBERANCE For those who passed away from February 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021

Mary Anne Aliotta ‘52 Julie Hernandez Blair ‘60 Virginia Baker Aliffi Castilian Mary Angela Johansen Futch ‘60

The descendants of the Trapani families named the Trapani Classroom, which honors generations of SVA graduates in their family. The classroom honors Mary Lovett Trapani 1907 and her daughters and daughter-in-law: Sr. Mary Christine Trapani, RSM 1933, Julia Trapani Cannon 1935, Loyola Trapani Stafford 1938, Rita Trapani Maner 1942 and Monica Ulivo Trapani 1948 (Mrs. Thomas Trapani). The family is proud of their legacy of faith and family. Julia and Rita each had daughters who graduated from SVA, Patty Cannon Valenti and Leslie Maner Weigt. In the fourth generation, there are 5 graduates and in the 5th generation there are 3 graduates. There are also 2 current attendees and at least 8 more future SVA Saints . . . Wow! Thank you to the Trapani family descendants for your generosity and leadership! Mary Lovett Trapani is pictured, back center, with her 8 children and her husband, John Trapani.

The Mary R. & Howard J. Morrison Jr. Family (pictured left) generously made a naming level donation for the Morrison Family Garden in the grotto, which is now visible from the elevator stair tower as well as several classrooms and offices and the main floor.

Cathy Ann Morton Gay ‘79 Joyce Akins Morrissey ‘71 Jean Gallaher Muller Edna Drucilla Smith ‘45 Patty Sheahan Templeton ‘71 Julia Ellen McKenzie Workmon ‘56

IN GRATITUDE We are most grateful for those families who, from February 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021, specified that gifts be given to St. Vincent’s Academy. Thank you for thinking of St. Vincent’s in your time of sorrow.

Mary Anne Aliotta ‘52 Julie Hernandez Blair ‘60 Linda A. Broderick Martha Buttimer

Donors will be invited to tour the renovated space in the near future. Please stay tuned and know that we are ever grateful for your support.

Helen DeVere Tarver ‘45


Alumnae Support St. Vincent’s Academy is especially grateful for the generous support we receive from our alumnae Saints! These gifts allow SVA to pass on the gift of an SVA education that each of you received, and educate young women long into the future. Class participation is based on the number of solicitable alumnae in each class. Class of ‘41 50% Participation Mrs. Noreen O’Brien Griffin ‘41, RIP Class of ‘45 12.5% Participation Mrs. Barbara Saseen White ‘45 Class of ‘46 31% Participation Sr. Pauline Oetgen CSJ ‘46 Mrs. Patricia Barragan Schreck ‘46 Mrs. Matilda Laird Stacy ‘46 Mrs. Agnes Furlong Swinson ‘46 Class of ‘47 24% Participation Mrs. Carroll Lamb Kelly ‘47 Mrs. Mary Jo Harte Long ‘47 Mrs. Phyllis Saraf McShane ‘47 Mrs. Genevieve Pinckney O’Connor ‘47 Class of ‘48 20% Participation Mrs. Cecilia Collins Courtenay ‘48 Class of ‘49 25% Participation Mrs. Betty Arceneaux Burnsed ‘49 Mrs. Mary Anne Greene Hohenbrink ‘49 Sr. Denis Marie Murphy, R.S.M. ‘49 Mrs. Marian Smith Proper ‘49 Class of ‘50 17% Participation Mrs. Shirley Mason Alvarez ‘50 Sr. Bernarda Loncon, R.S.M. ‘50 Mrs. Eleanor Hamrick Mills ‘50 Mrs. Martha White Pounder ‘50 Class of ‘51 24% Participation Mrs. Rita Harper DeLorme ‘51 Mrs. Faith Dean Gilroy ‘51 Mrs. Madeline Audesey Hahn ‘51 Mrs. Catherine Valenti Krajeski ‘51 Mrs. Patricia McGrath Sevier ‘51


Class of ‘52 53% Participation Mrs. Mary Jane Furlong Brewer ‘52

Mrs. Joan Morel Mathews ‘52 Mrs. Mary McDonald Ryan ‘52 Mrs. Jean Pounder Sheehan ‘52 Sr. Lourdes Sheehan, R.S.M. ‘52 Sr. M. Jogues Smith ‘52 Ms. Mercedes Sullivan ‘52 Class of ‘53 53% Participation Mrs. Sheila Grady Dean ‘53 Mrs. Margaret Mary Cox DeLorme ‘53 Mrs. Joyce Rogers Fischer ‘53 Mrs. Elizabeth Burn McCarthy ‘53 Mrs. JoAnne Roukos Remler ‘53 Mrs. Mary Ellen Reed Sciarratta ‘53 Mrs. Ruth Burke Wellington ‘53 Class of ‘54 39% Participation Mrs. Marian Peterson Adams ‘54 Mrs. Kathleen Geelan Clark ‘54 Mrs. Marie Ryan Dillon ‘54 Sr. Angela Ebberwein, R.S.M. ‘54 Mrs. Josephine Rourke Kelly ‘54 Mrs. Patricia Pinckney Lowenthal ‘54 Mrs. Helen Casey Sumowski ‘54 Class of ‘55 12% Participation Mrs. Clare Dulohery Frew ‘55 Mrs. Georgia Luken Rountree ‘55 Mrs. Rose Marie Saraf Tootle ‘55 Class of ‘56 29% Participation Mrs. Janet Parr Barry ‘56 Sr. Helen Marie Buttimer, R.S.M. ‘56 Ms. Margaret Harrison ‘56 Mr. & Mrs. Jules W. Homans ‘56 Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Mrs. Carolyn Eady Mason ‘56 Mrs. Harriet Thompson Phillips ‘56 Mrs. Patricia O’Hayer Sheppard ‘56 Mrs. Jeanne Stringer Trapani ‘56 Mrs. Chlo-E Pugh Vincent ‘56 Mrs. Jane Ryan Walker ‘56 Class of ‘57 43% Participation Mrs. Rosemary DeShocka Ambos ‘57 Mrs. Ann Marie Shea Collins ‘57

Ms. Judith R. Downing ‘57 Mrs. Nancy Harris Gayhardt ‘57 Ms. Helen P. Grevemberg ‘57 Mrs. Lucy Distefano Haviland ‘57 Mrs. Maureen Price Hobbs ‘57 Ms. Mary Anne Rourke Hornkohl ‘57 Mrs. Anne Fasola Kilcline ‘57 Mrs. Martin Neca Logan ‘57 Mrs. Joanne McDonough Nellums ‘57 Mrs. Margaret Dufour Standard ‘57 Class of ‘58 9% Participation Ms. Lucy Dulohery Behr ‘58 Mrs. Ellen Grevemberg Hogan ‘58 Mrs. Kaye Bruggeman O’Keefe ‘58 Mrs. Carole Balcom Pappas ‘58 Mrs. Elizabeth Mock Sheehan ‘58 Mrs. Mary Ann Brennan Smith ‘58 Class of ‘59 27% Participation Mrs. Marie Green Bryant ‘59 Mrs. Sharon Jaugstetter Butler ‘59 Mrs. Linda Davis Evans ‘59 Dr. Elizabeth Ellington Gunter ‘59 Mrs. Mary Distefano Hayes ‘59 Mrs. Christina Saba Matias ‘59 Mrs. Mary Frances Kenny Pacifici ‘59 Mrs. Sarah Boondry Thomas ‘59 Mrs. Ruth Stapleton West ‘59 Mrs. Linda Dugger Wise ‘59 Class of ‘60 27% Participation Mrs. JoAnn Leonard Aulwes ‘60 Mrs. Betty Finnegan Baszczoski ‘60 Ms. Frances Furlong Cochran ‘60 Ms. Nancy Cunningham ‘60 Mrs. Kathleen Dillon Harig ‘60 Sr. Susan Harms, R.S.M. ‘60 Mrs. Priscilla Marano Kimery ‘60 Mrs. Patricia Dwyer McKenna ‘60 Mrs. Mary Catherine Collins Mesaros ‘60 Sr. Gilmary O’Hayer, R.S.M. ‘60 Mrs. Martha Blessington Padilla ‘60 Mrs. Patricia Kelly Whalen ‘60 Mrs. Sheila Counihan Winders ‘60

Alumnae Support Class of ‘61 28% Participation Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61 Mrs. Chloe Lawing Dekle ‘61 Mrs. Rosemary Emerick Downing ‘61 Ms. Carolyn Emerick ‘61 Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy Lynn ‘61 Ms. Sara Maddux ‘61 Mrs. Antionette Mathews Ryan ‘61 Mrs. Catherine Melroy Sale ‘61 Ms. Margaret M. Stapleton ‘61 Mrs. Sandra Fikes Travers ‘61 Mrs. Patty Cannon Valenti ‘61 Class of ‘62 24% Participation Mrs. Diane Deloach Andrews ‘62 Mrs. Patty Mathews Giorgio ‘62 Mrs. Marie Doyle Hartwell ‘62 Mrs. Feona Manees Johnson ‘62 Mrs. Cecelia Lampp Linton ‘62 Mrs. Carrollyn Sieber Meehan ‘62 Dr. James & Mary Ann McCarthy Miller ‘62

Mrs. Patricia Grady Norman ‘62 Mrs. Anne Ferraro Sapp ‘62 Mrs. Andrea Kelleher Withers ‘62 Class of ‘63 49% Participation Mrs. Henrietta Mickler Bible ‘63 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Connor Blasko ‘63 Mrs. Patricia Rockwell Corish ‘63 Mrs. Mary Frances Cook Engle ‘63 Mrs. Kathryn Kearney Grayson ‘63 Mrs. Marianna Seyden Grevemberg ‘63 Mrs. Pamela Pedicini Harris ‘63 Mrs. Anne Halligan Horstman ‘63 Mrs. Barbara Dlugozima King ‘63 Ms. Mary Ellen Leonard ‘63 Mrs. Barbara Ann Purdy Lutz ‘63 Mrs. Carol Baran Massey ‘63 Mrs. Judith Jurgensen Melroy ‘63 Mrs. Catherine Stapleton Pharo ‘63 Mrs. Agnes Flaherty Pinckney ‘63 Mrs. Patricia Woodward Remion ‘63 Mrs. Margaret Swinford Shangle ‘63 Sr. Barbara Shimkus, R.S.M. ‘63 Mrs. Angela Hebert Straight ‘63 Class ‘64 43% Participation Ms. Carole Anthony ‘64 Mrs. Jackie Register Brown ‘64 Mrs. Sharon Hammitt Bruggeman ‘64 Ms. Mary Anne Butler ‘64

Mrs. Mary Ellen McKenzie Dunne ‘64 Mrs. Pamela Johnson Easson ‘64 Mrs. Linda Parsons Ferrell ‘64 Mrs. Sandra Lucree Gambon ‘64 Mrs. Ellen Ulivo Henderson ‘64 Mrs. Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 Mrs. Katherine Roach Looper ‘64 Mrs. Carmen Ayala McIntyre ‘64 Mrs. Camille Hagan Owens ‘64 Mrs. Lucia Nicholas Owens ‘64 Mrs. Nancy Miller Pearce ‘64 Mrs. Ellen May Roach ‘64 Mrs. Kathleen Powers Sanfilippo ‘64 Mrs. Pamela Dillon Sipple ‘64 Mrs. Barbara Muller Tromly ‘64 Mrs. Jeanne McIntyre Voxnaes ‘64 Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64 Class of ‘65 22% Participation Mrs. Brenda Dlugozima Battu ‘65 Mrs. Regina Pelli Brennan ‘65 Mrs. Catherine Fleming Cooper ‘65 Ms. Margaret Rose Ganem ‘65 Ms. Kay Stephens Halligan ‘65 Ms. Mary L. Hill ‘65 Mrs. Shirley Lynch Kinlaw ‘65 Ms. Linda Sanchez ‘65 Mrs. Martha Abelson Scarboro ‘65 Mrs. Meg Grevemberg Schreck ‘65 Mrs. Amalie Gregg Smith ‘65 Mrs. Rosemary Stapleton Taylor ‘65 Mrs. Joanne Marano Weathers ‘65 Class of ‘66 19% Participation Mrs. Patty McCusker Allgood ‘66 Mrs. Cathy Cullum Belford ‘66 Mrs. Natalie Walker Deriso ‘66 Ms. Patricia DuRant ‘66 Mrs. Rae Forker Evans ‘66 Mrs. Genevieve Pigman Mansbridge ‘66 Mrs. Linda Ambrose Peebles ‘66 Mrs. Georgia Hall Roberts ‘66 Mrs. Connie Poppell Rudd ‘66 Ms. Sharon Saseen ‘66 Mrs. Nena Mathews Schivera ‘66 Mrs. Antonette Hill Schweitzer ‘66 Mrs. Patricia Osbourne Stewart ‘66 Mrs. Leslie Maner Weigt ‘66 Mrs. Margaret Murphy Witt ‘66 Class of ‘67 18% Participation Mrs. Nancy Owen Anderson ‘67 Mrs. Catherine Munn Banks ‘67 Mrs. Suzanne Cochran Beall ‘67 Ms. Kathleen Kenney Brown ‘67

Ms. Marie DiPietro ‘67 Mrs. Cheryl Edenfield Godwin ‘67 Mrs. Mary Pounder Grundy ‘67 Mrs. Elaine Rousseau Hillebrand ‘67 Mrs. Karin Hosti Hogan ‘67 Mrs. Shirley Fleming Humphries ‘67 Mrs. Joanne Jenkins ‘67 Mrs. Marilyn Coleman Kelly ‘67 Mrs. Virginia Loncon Smith ‘67 Ms. Ellen Struck ‘67 Mrs. Paula Butler Williams ‘67 Mrs. Barbara Lynch Wissmann ‘67 Class of ‘68 19% Participation Mrs. Jo Ann Jerome Dawkins ‘68 Mrs. Cheryl Edmondson Ganem ‘68 Ms. Brenda J. Gannam ‘68 Mrs. Brenda Miles Helton ‘68 Mrs. Cathy Kenney Holmes ‘68 Dr. Maria Del Rio Hoover ‘68 Mrs. Mary Carr Mayle ‘68 Mrs. Ginny Cafiero Pavey ‘68 Ms. Eileen Roemer ‘68 Dr. Gloria Deal Strickland ‘68 Mrs. Pamela Brannen Wagner ‘68 Mrs. Velma Haslam Walters ‘68 Class of ‘69 22% Participation Mrs. Sandra Elliott Ambrose ‘69 Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Miss Marjory Conners ‘69 Mrs. Patti Crosby Hicks ‘69 Mrs. Mary Conners Jordan ‘69 Mrs. Rosemary Lynch Lewis ‘69 Mrs. Katherine O’Leary Lynes ‘69 Mrs. Anne Price Pilcher ‘69 Mrs. Celeste Coleman Shearouse ‘69 Mrs. Sharon Sullivan Stewart ‘69 Class of ‘70 30% Participation Mrs. Betty Bradley Beeson ‘70 Ms. Mary Hennessy ‘70 Mrs. Cynthia Diane Lockett Herndon ‘70 Mrs. Mary Pelli Horton ‘70 Ms. Bonnie Hosti ‘70 Dr. Terri Lawless ‘70 Mrs. Linda Corish Lewis ‘70 Ms. Monica McGoldrick ‘70 Mrs. Patty Saunders Mizelle ‘70 Ms. Marty Parker ‘70 Mrs. Jacqueline Sauls Royal ‘70 Mrs. Margaret Mary Carter Russell ‘70


Alumnae Support Mrs. Anne Curran Shira ‘70 Mrs. Nancy Cooley Smith ‘70 Mrs. Rebecca Zittrauer Valentine ‘70 Mrs. Barbara O’Loughlin Westerfield ‘70 Ms. Martha McCarthy Wood ‘70 Class of ‘71 30% Participation Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 Mrs. Carmella Pedicini Brown ‘71 Dr. Kathleen M. Burke ‘71 Mrs. Barbara Lutz Collins ‘71 Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71 Mrs. Jan Holland Ethridge ‘71 Mrs. Donna Dillon Forbes ‘71 Miss Evelyn Ann Ganem ‘71 Mrs. Catherine Butler Gregory ‘71 Mrs. Mary Lou Whittaker Handy ‘71 Mrs. Carol Kenney Herb ‘71 Mrs. Shirley Stephens Hobe ‘71 Mrs. Margaret Powers Holland ‘71 Mrs. Patricia White McClure ‘71 Mrs. Beth Fogarty McIntosh ‘71 Mrs. Jacquelyn Embler Ogden ‘71 Mrs. Diane Sullivan Richardson ‘71 Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71 Mrs. Fran Ryan Tuttle ‘71 Mrs. Lynn Ciucevich Wade ‘71 Class of ‘72 21% Participation Mrs. Kathy Corley Bloom ‘72 Mrs. Ellen Bruggeman Bruce ‘72 Ms. Helen Butler ‘72 Mrs. Beverly Beville Clapp ‘72 Mrs. Lois Muller Eckes ‘72 Mrs. Julie Schroder Ferraro ‘72 Dr. Ann Gannam ‘72 Mrs. Mary Ann Haslam Goodgame ‘72 Mrs. Cindy Chandler Levens ‘72 Ms. Alexis Guild Moncrief ‘72 Miss Brenda Moore ‘72 Mrs. Margaret Lyons Padgett ‘72 Mrs. Kim Fischer Peters ‘72 Ms. Susan Saseen ‘72 Mrs. Donna Forbes Sheffield ‘72 Mrs. Magdaline Caparisos Sideris ‘72 Mrs. Laura Mell Summerlin ‘72 Mrs. Suzanne Burke Swinson ‘72 Ms. Sally K. Welsh ‘72 Class of ‘73 14% Participation Mrs. Cassandra Thomas Barnwell ‘73 Mrs. Janie Lyons Bunger ‘73 Mrs. Susan Bookhoop Burch ‘73 Mrs. Julie McCarthy Chambers ‘73 Mrs. Marie Macher Dotson ‘73


Mrs. Susan Spillane Lai ‘73 Mrs. Janet Byerly Nickens ‘73 Ms. Therese Powers ‘73 Mrs. Patricia O’Loughlin Rann ‘73 Mrs. Kathy Daly Salter ‘73 Mrs. Sandra Saseen-Smith ‘73 Mrs. Maureen Butler Thompson ‘73 Mrs. Kathleen Kameron Walters ‘73 Class of ‘74 16% Participation Mrs. Anne Brady Byerly ‘74 Mrs. Josephine VonWaldner Cooper ‘74 Mrs. Toni Kim Osbourne Finke ‘74 Ms. Hartina Flournoy ‘74 Mrs. Catherine Crider Hall ‘74 Ms. Mary McLendon ‘74 Mrs. Patricia Corcoran Pharis ‘74 Mrs. Linda Ussery Raciappa ‘74 Mrs. Terry Ferraro Schwartz ‘74 Mrs. Elizabeth Aliotta Shay ‘74 Mrs. Ann Marie Powers Thomas ‘82 Class of ‘75 13% Participation Mrs. Lynn Coleman Brown ‘75 Mrs. Susan Pelli Brown ‘75 Mrs. Sherri Burnsed Connolly ‘75 Mrs. Judy Murphy Cowart ‘75 Mrs. Nancy Cowart Evans ‘75 Mrs. Mary Hutton Gilker ‘75 Mrs. Mary Smith Johnson ‘75 Mrs. Mary Ellen Whelan Mulligan ‘75 Ms. Celia Nathan ‘75 Mrs. Patrice Hodges Powers ‘75 Miss Susan Ruth Rosenzweig ‘75 Mrs. Mary Finocchiaro Sweeney ‘75 Mrs. Francine Considine Ware ‘75 Mrs. Holly Lyons Whitfield ‘75 Mrs. Mary Hoffman Zeigler ‘75 Class of ‘76 15% Participation Mrs. Stephanie Stevens Cates ‘76 Mrs. Barbara Hussey Daly ‘76 Mrs. Sandy Shea Davis ‘76 Mrs. Mary Trees Dimmick ‘76 Mrs. Kelley Sharpe Durden ‘76 Mrs. Sarah Russo Fogarty ‘76 Mrs. Anne Buttimer Harvey ‘76 Mrs. Pam McCuen Kalinke ‘76 Dr. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik ‘76 Mrs. Patricia Kameron Levin ‘76 Mrs. Debbie Macher Moesch ‘76 Miss Ann Pinckney ‘76 Mrs. Mary Gene Murphy Sikes ‘76 Mrs. Debbie Osteen Thoben ‘76

Class of ‘77 19% Participation Mrs. Carol Lyons Brown ‘77 Mrs. Ofelia Del Rio Chiavacci ‘77 Mrs. Maureen Mullen-Cliett ‘77 Mrs. Kathleen Bergen Durham ‘77 Mrs. Erin McGinn Gibbs ‘77 Mrs. Kerrie Elmore Matthews ‘77 Mrs. Dianne McDonald ‘77 Mrs. Elizabeth Tootle New ‘77 Mrs. Mary Mangan Nichols ‘77 Mrs. Jeanne Hoffman O’Brien ‘77 Mrs. Paula L. Helmly Parker ‘77 Mrs. Caroline Ellis Pennington ‘77 Mrs. Tamra Stevens Poston ‘77 Mrs. Mary Ann Hagan Rajtar ‘77 Mrs. Nancy McClellan Saucier ‘77 Ms. Lisa M. Summerlin ‘77 Mrs. Mary Joy Lee Wood ‘77 Class of ‘78 4% Participation Mrs. Rose Marie Frew Ferraro ‘78 Mrs. Lori Morin Jacobs ‘78 Mrs. Frances Rowland Robertson ‘78 Class of ‘79 18% Participation Mrs. Jenny Buchheit Bartholomew ‘79 Mrs. Meg Ryan Crider ‘79 Mrs. Virginia Buttimer Dickey ‘79 Mrs. Laura Keck Friday ‘79 Mrs. Theresa Mokray Gasser ‘79 Mrs. Pam Magwood Henry ‘79 Mrs. Colleen Rovolis Humphries ‘79 Mrs. Sarah Brennan Kennedy ‘79 Mrs. Martha Stacy Leach ‘79 Ms. Josie Murphy ‘79 Mrs. Kelley Smith Newberry ‘79 Mrs. Maria Aliotta Oxnard ‘79 Ms. Mary Catherine Reardon ‘79 Mrs. Kim McDonald Smith ‘79 Mrs. Lisa Johnson Webb ‘79 Mrs. Marie English Woodberry ‘79 Mrs. Amanda Kitchens Yarbrough ‘79 Class of ‘80 12% Participation Mrs. Margie Walsh All ‘80 Mrs. Patti White Autry ‘80 Mrs. Lisa Wong Butler ‘80 Mrs. Beth Iocovozzi Buttimer ‘80 Mrs. Pam Guyer Buttimer ‘80 Mrs. Angie Dotson Cail ‘80 Mrs. Catherine McDonald Daniel ‘80 Mrs. Nancy McGinn Fucci ‘80 Mrs. Michelle Dubuc Gleason ‘80 Mrs. Clare Lowenthal Kellar ‘80

Alumnae Support Mrs. Angela Tootle Phillips ‘80 Mrs. Patricia Conneff Picciarelli ‘80 Ms. Patrice Powers ‘80 Dr. Angela Sommerset ‘80 Class of ‘81 11% Participation Mrs. Alexandra Adamcak ‘81 Mrs. Suzanne Coleman Cone ‘81 Mrs. Angela Porzio Conlee ‘81 Mrs. Margaret Muller Crawford ‘81 Mrs. Kathleen Smith Cutino ‘81 Mrs. Maria de la Guardia de Coquet ‘81 Ms. Robin Deaux ‘81 Mrs. Denise Pappas Fischer ‘81 Mrs. Mary Buttimer Garrett ‘81 Mrs. Lisa Markowitz Henderson ‘81 Mrs. Katie Lisicia Jones ‘81 Mrs. Angel Hosti King ‘81 Dr. Toni Lewis McCullough ‘81 Mrs. Holly Rogers Price ‘81 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 Mrs. Carol Lowenthal Stone ‘81 Ms. Patricia Theresa Ryan Thran ‘81 Mrs. Dina Fogarty Vassil ‘81 Class of ‘82 15% Participation Mrs. Lisa Harkleroad Boswell ‘82 Miss Melissa Buchheit ‘82 Ms. Mary Theresa Feuger ‘82 Mrs. Margaret Ellen Daly Heap ‘82 Mrs. Kelly Kilpatrick Hunt ‘82 Mrs. Elizabeth Provost Kameron ‘82 Mrs. Margaret Jurgensen Mooney ‘82 Mrs. Beth Batt Nichols ‘82 Mrs. Marie Kennedy Norton ‘82 Mrs. Cynthia Roughen Powers ‘82 Mrs. Phyllis Wrenn Sackariasen ‘82 Mrs. Donna Anderson Smith ‘82 Mrs. Donna Johansen Stembridge ‘82 Mrs. Paula Gomez Williamson ‘82 Mrs. Melanie Roberts Willoughby ‘82 Miss Mary Susan Zeigler ‘82 Class of ‘83 12% Participation Mrs. Mary Jo Ring Adams ‘83 Mrs. Monica Cusanelli Dorsey ‘83 Mrs. Marilyn Spillane Hodges ‘83 Mrs. Patricia Logue Howard ‘83 Mrs. Mary Ware Jacobs ‘83 Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson Merritt ‘83 Mrs. Rosemary Ware Morris ‘83 Mrs. Susan Dillon Reese ‘83 Mrs. Jennifer Strickland ‘83 Mrs. Cynthia Christiansen Thomas ‘83 Mrs. Anne Marie Richards Whiddon ‘83

Class of ‘84 5% Participation Mrs. Suzanne Marie Feuger Altare ‘84 Mrs. Maureen Elizabeth Whelan Bailey ‘84 Mrs. Kerry Ann McMonigle Bolger ‘84 Mrs. Catherine Jennie Mulligan Bradley ‘84 Mrs. Sherry Ann Martin Brannen ‘84 Mrs. Dawn Elizabeth Pradat Cannon ‘84 Ms. Pethral Monique Daniels ‘84 Mrs. Katherine Latrelle Fabrikant Ferrelle ‘84 Mrs. Teresa Gunter Fitzpatrick ‘84 Mrs. Eileen Gardner ‘84 Mrs. Kimberly Harpe Gil ‘84 Miss Jada Godbee ‘84 Dr. Terrie James-Hodges ‘84 Mrs. Tina Marie Kuharik Jones ‘84 Mrs. Theresa Anne Ryan Knapp ‘84 Mrs. Kimberly Ann Wodkowski Knox ‘84 Ms. Shari Deborah Matz ‘84 Miss Sally Elizabeth Miller ‘84 Ms. Carmella Maria Prescott ‘84 Mrs. Mary Howard Tallman ‘84 Class of ‘85 11% Participation Ms. Elaine Cleary ‘85 Mrs. Nicole Dekle Collins ‘85 Dr. Catherine Dekle ‘85 Mrs. Anne Kameron Dillon ‘85 Mrs. Suzie Kearney Douglas ‘85 Mrs. Leigh Horton Ebberwein ‘85 Mrs. Maria Blanco Katz ‘85 Mrs. Mary McManus Lisicia ‘85 Mrs. Maureen Iannone Petrillo ‘85 Mrs. Donna Scarboro ‘85 Miss Kristen Margaret Smith ‘85 Ms. Katherine Sheppard Weeks ‘85 Class of ‘86 6% Participation Mrs. Debra Monson Barnard ‘86 Mrs. Leigh Ann Elmgren Burke ‘86 Mrs. Hope Beal Ebberwein ‘86 Mrs. Gabriella Pahno Fischer ‘86 Mrs. Laurie Beeson Hester ‘86 Mrs. Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86 Mrs. Cheryl Napier ‘86 Ms. Mary H. Pinckney ‘86 Mrs. Sally Mokray Seckinger ‘86 Mrs. Teah Stillings Weiss ‘86 Class of ‘87 9% Participation Mrs. Kimberly Holley Best ‘87 Mrs. Michelle Ryan Brennan ‘87 Miss Margaret Brown ‘87 Mrs. Diane Scarboro Crumbley ‘87

Mrs. Lori Reynolds Harrelson ‘87 Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill ‘87 Mrs. Robyn Launey Iannone ‘87 Ms. Jill James ‘87 Mrs. Pamela Patterson James ‘87 Mrs. Mary Beth Whalen Janda ‘87 Ms. Angela Krebs ‘87 Mrs. Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 Mrs. Carolyn Sylvester Metheny ‘87 Mrs. Moira Buttimer Richmond ‘87 Mrs. Theressa Gordon Ruckstuhl ‘87 Mrs. Kathleen Taggart Swanner ‘87 Mrs. Lisa Smith Wallace ‘87 Class of ‘88 7% Participation Mrs. Kathryn Corish Blackwell ‘88 Mrs. Stephany Chandler Clark ‘88 Mrs. Megan Ware Coomer ‘88 Mrs. Debbie Fitzgerald Frost ‘88 Mrs. Stephanie Wade Giorgio ‘88 Mrs. Molly O’Hayer Hammond ‘88 Mrs. Julia Russo Maxey ‘88 Mrs. Dee Dee Cooper Mesaros ‘88 Mrs. Christine Sutton Tilton ‘88 Class of ‘89 8% Participation Mrs. Jennifer Denney Borden ‘89 Mrs. Kimberly Tackett Dowd ‘89 Mrs. Elizabeth Lee-Fogarty ‘89 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Leonard Hill ‘89 Mrs. Brenda Lynch Meyers ‘89 Mrs. Stacey Ann Hodge Purvis ‘89 Mrs. Caroline McCracken Raman ‘89 Mrs. Sebrell Everett Smith ‘89 Class of ‘90 8% Participation Mrs. Theresa Winters Bayman ‘90 Mrs. Jennifer Kelly Duclos ‘90 Mrs. Lara Brown Eller ‘90 Mrs. Meredith Rominger Giello ‘90 Mrs. Deanna Hart Matthews ‘90 Ms. Sheila Tinkham Roessle ‘90 Mrs. Helena Phillips Russell ‘90 Mrs. Megan Callahan Smith ‘90 Mrs. Virginia Putnam Zart ‘90 Class of ‘91 10% Participation Mrs. Molly McNamara Adams ‘91 Mrs. Jamie Anderson ‘91 Mrs. Kathy Schmidt Boaen ‘91 Mrs. Carol Sanders Coppola ‘91 Mrs. Andrea Beal Dove ‘91 Mrs. Rekha Prakash Drysdale ‘91


Alumnae Support Mrs. Maria Maxey Etzle ‘91 Mrs. Elise Wheeler Huhn ‘91 Mrs. Martha Wehner Keith ‘91 Mrs. Angela Blanco Mandel ‘91 Mrs. Tara Robinette Redd ‘91 Mrs. Lisa Townsend Tramell ‘91 Mrs. Pamela Burnett Wall ‘91 Mrs. Ruth Brown Weeks ‘91 Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Woelber ‘91 Class of ‘92 6% Participation Mrs. Melissa Yao Hille ‘92 Mrs. Megan Miskiewicz Kerley ‘92 Mrs. Jennifer Teeple Mountjoy ‘92 Mrs. Tenisha Bourne Reales ‘92 Mrs. Sarah Cannon Sink ‘92 Mrs. Sarah Adams Taylor ‘92 Dr. Marie Bandy Wall ‘92 Class of ‘93 10% Participation Mrs. Erika Morris Cribbs ‘93 Mrs. Caroline Pace Edwards ‘93 Ms. Misty D. Greer ‘93 Mrs. Amy McTeer Groover ‘93 Mrs. Jameson Heidt Hall ‘93 Mrs. Megan Schreck Hulitt ‘93 Mrs. Chenoa Talley Jacobs ‘93 Mrs. Melissa Corn Liner ‘93 Mrs. Maria Cooler Parrish ‘93 Ms. Regina Marie Winters ‘93 Mrs. Karen Schmidt Woods ‘93 Class of ‘94 4% Participation Mrs. Amelia Russell Conte ‘94 Mrs. Regina Smith Joiner ‘94 Mrs. Joanna Johnson Rodenberg ‘94 Mrs. Melissa Martin Sammons ‘94 Miss Petra Vorwig ‘94 Class of ‘95 8% Participation Mrs. Elisa Melvin Berman ‘95 Mrs. Allison Thomas Gerber ‘95 Mrs. Leigh Farrell Heimes ‘95 Ms. Honor Hutton ‘95 Mrs. Patricia Taylor McDevitt ‘95 Mrs. Dianne Fletcher Waller ‘95 Class of ‘96 5% Participation Mrs. Heather Demery Capallo ‘96 Mrs. Stephanie Johnson ‘96 Ms. Kelly Ryan ‘96 Mrs. Leslie Cronin Smith ‘96 Mrs. Suzanne Peterson Ward ‘96


Mrs. Christina Smith Winters ‘96 Dr. Christina Yao ‘96 Mrs. Connell Cannon Youmans ‘96 Class of ‘97 7% Participation Mrs. Melinda Agyekum-Taylor ‘97 Mrs. Suzanne Stephens Burns ‘97 Mrs. Alyssa Simpson Harvey ‘97 Mrs. Meghan Murphy Jue ‘97 Mrs. Margaret Cannon Lilly ‘97 Mrs. Courtney Dunn Odermatt ‘97 Mrs. Michelle Marklew Peeples ‘97 Ms. Lisa Scarbrough ‘97 Mrs. Stephanie Smith Schnabel ‘97 Mrs. Stacey Lynes Tripp ‘97 Mrs. Lindsay McAdams Williams ‘97 Class of ‘98 8% Participation Miss Kelley Alane Durski ‘98 Mrs. Brooke Lewis Finland ‘98 Mrs. Jessica Rae Woods Futrell ‘98 Mrs. Caroline Heriot Richardson Gregory ‘98 Mrs. Megan W. Bennett Haubein ‘98 Mrs. Kelly Zeigler Smart ‘98 Class of ‘99 8% Participation Mrs. Mary Katherine Shearouse Alexander ‘99 Mrs. Linsey McDougal Blocker ‘99 Mrs. Louise Grady Culjan ‘99 Mrs. Jennifer Smith DeLettre ‘99 Mrs. Lauren Cobb Farber ‘99 Mrs. Krista Wilson Futch ‘99 Ms. April Moye ‘99 Mrs. Leah Lancaster Riffle ‘99 Mrs. Kelli Foran Stuckey ‘99 Mrs. Kerryn Jenkins Tvrdy ‘99 Class of ‘00 8% Participation Dr. Kathleen DeLoach Benton ‘00 Mrs. Amanda Mizelle Fanning ‘00 Ms. Emily Anne Holland ‘00 Mrs. Suzanne Brown Moseley ‘00 Mrs. Caroline Koncul Nelson ‘00 Mrs. Kristin Cerbone Peters ‘00 Ms. Alice Snedeker ‘00 Mrs. Erin Smoak Stanley ‘00 Mrs. Blake Powers Stevens ‘00 Ms. Rebecca Westgate ‘00 Miss Serena Yao ‘00 Class of ‘01 8% Participation Mrs. Mary Cade Fleming Booth ‘01 Mrs. Nicole L. Danaher Butt ‘01 Mrs. Dora-Mae Smith Clark ‘01 Mrs. Jennifer Ryan Bunger Fleming ‘01 Miss Shannan Lee Hunt ‘01 Mrs. Megan Amanda Hussey Johnson ‘01 Mrs. Leslie Elizabeth Dunn Lashley ‘01

Mrs. Michelle Shawn Lindsey Lynes ‘01 Mrs. Sarah Lynn Kindred Sewell ‘01 Mrs. Kathryn Blair Capallo Sewell ‘01 Mrs. Megan Moore Valentine ‘01 Class of ‘02 8% Participation Miss Maria Danello ‘02 Mrs. Katie Carson Dettmering ‘02 Mrs. Megan Mamalakis Hollis ‘02 Mrs. Joanna Levine Poston ‘02 Mrs. Catherine Willoughby Sauers ‘02 Mrs. Lauren Templeton Zeigler ‘02 Class of ‘03 4% Participation Mrs. Caroline Cannon Archer ‘03 Mrs. Brennan Kennedy Bowen ‘03 Mrs. Brooke Tootle Call ‘03 Mrs. Abigail Braddy McCuen ‘03 Miss Stacy Mulvaney ‘03 Miss Laura Sheehan ‘03 Mrs. Kathleen Russell White ‘03 Class of ‘04 9% Participation Miss Morgan Elizabeth Collins ‘04 Mrs. Mali Elizabeth Lyons Dorman ‘04 Mrs. Kelin Murphy Garrett ‘04 Mrs. Mary Catherine McDougal Glover ‘04 Mrs. Rachel Bruce Lane ‘04 Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lewis Murphy ‘04 Mrs. Megan Elizabeth Mahoney O’Neil ‘04 Class of ‘05 16% Participation Mrs. Elizabeth Shearouse Bremer ‘05 Miss Mary Catherine Dickensheets ‘05 Ms. Mary Kathleen Hanzel ‘05 Mrs. Jessica DeLoach Kessler ‘05 Mrs. Maria Camille Buckhaults Leonard ‘05 Mrs. Brittany DiSilvestro Milward ‘05 Mrs. Kathryn Brown Moore ‘05 Mrs. Mary Caroline Kennedy New ‘05 Mrs. Mary Crane Palles Orne ‘05 Dr. Stephanie Denise Tootle ‘05 Class of ‘06 6% Participation Mrs. Sandee Lowe Booth ‘06 Mrs. Kathleen Deal Brunton ‘06 Mrs. Erin Davis Donaldson ‘06 Miss Madison Marie Rybeck ‘06 Mrs. Jessica Joyner Shaffer ‘06 Mrs. Brooke Blanton Sims ‘06 Class of ‘07 11% Participation Mrs. Rachel Kimble Finley Cosme ‘07 Mrs. Brittany Elisabeth Dykes Jackson ‘07 Mrs. Stephanie Lauren Ey Lee ‘07 Mrs. Anna Ferraro Salter ‘07

GRACE DONORS Class of ‘08 2% Participation Miss Addie Elizabeth Corrigan ‘08 Mrs. Korinne Soha Dichiara ‘08 Ms. Alexis Lynette Proctor ‘08

GRACE DONORS Anonymous (7)

Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56

Mrs. Jane Harty Abbott ‘49

Mr. John Jurgensen

Mrs. Sandra Elliott Ambrose ‘69

Mr. Conrad T. Kearns

Mrs. Evelia Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Kindred

Mrs. Connie Roughen Barefield ‘78

Mrs. Cynthia M. Kindred

Mrs. Jenny Buchheit Bartholomew ‘79

Mr. & Ms. Joseph Krupp Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Bayliss

Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Lautzenhiser

Mr. & Mrs. Jarrad Beasley

Mrs. Patricia Kameron Levin ‘76

Mrs. Betty Bradley Beeson ‘70

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Ludlow

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bradley III

Rev. John J. Lyons

Mr. William Broker

Dr. & Mrs. Gerrard MacLeod

Dr. Karen L. Burke ‘96

Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Mamalakis, Jr.

Mrs. Pam Guyer Buttimer ‘80

Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Cannon

Miss Lillian Fox Morgan ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Carbo

Mrs. Jennifer Teeple Mountjoy ‘92

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Carini

Rev. & Mrs. John B. O’Malley

Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. Clanton

Ms. Sandra Dawn Odom

Rev. Douglas K. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Overstreet

Mr. James R. Collins

Mr. Peter M. Paolucci

Mrs. Margaret Muller Crawford ‘81

Mrs. Diane Ciucevich Parker ‘87

Mrs. Chloe Lawing Dekle ‘61

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Paslawski

Mrs. Margaret Mary Cox DeLorme ‘53

Dr. & Mrs. Scott Pottratz

Mrs. Monica Cusanelli Dorsey ‘83

Mrs. Mary Clark Rechtiene

Class of ‘17 4% Participation Miss Aliyah Alexandria Dorsey ‘17 Miss Grace McCormick Friday ‘17 Miss Natalie Rose GaNun ‘17 Miss Emma Hyer Sauers ‘17 Miss Rayona Brooke Savage ‘17 Miss Eden Grace Taylor ‘17

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Ducey, Jr.

Mrs. Susan Dillon Reese ‘83

Mrs. Kathleen Bergen Durham ‘77

Dr. Joyce C. Gulle & Dr. Louis Reisman

Miss Rachel Karen Dutton ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. W. Patrick Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Dutton

Mrs. Jody L. Riddle

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ebberwein

Mr. George L. Roberts, III

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Ferraro III

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rooney

Mr. William Fogarty

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Rose

Class of ‘18 5% Participation Miss Elizabeth Claire Ryan ‘18 Miss Stella Kathryn Sauers ‘18

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Ford

Mr. Ralph M. Santiago

CDR & Mrs. Edward G. GaNun USN (Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schivera

Dr. & Mrs. William Gladden

Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71

Dr. & Mrs. Richard Greco

Mrs. Terry Ferraro Schwartz ‘74

Dr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Guira

Mr. Christopher G. Shaffer

Mrs. Cathy Foran Hahn ‘66

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shearouse

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Hanzel

Mr. & Mrs. Jackson H. Sherrill

Mr. & Mrs. John N. Harty

Miss Elizabeth Christina Simmons ‘09

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hogan, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sink

Mrs. Cathy Kenney Holmes ‘68

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Smith

Mr. John Hosey

Rev. Mark Van Alstine

Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Wilson

Ms. Jill James ‘87

Mrs. Mary Joy Lee Wood ‘77

Dr. Eleanor Jean Long Janufka

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Yarbrough

Class of ‘09 1% Participation Miss Elizabeth Christina Simmons ‘09 Class of ‘10 1% Participation Miss Carolyn E. Janufka ‘10 Class of ‘11 9% Participation Miss Kelly C. Long ‘11 Ms. Mary Bostwick Russell ‘11 Class of ‘12 1% Participation Ms. Katherine Ferraro Danielowski ‘12 Class of ‘15 5% Participation Miss Elise Margaret Spellman ‘15 Class of ‘16 6% Participation Miss Sara Kathryn Boyles ‘16 Miss Elizabeth Suzanne Danford ‘16 Miss Cynthia Caroline Ryan ‘16 Miss Mary Catherine Sinclair ‘16

Class of ‘19 3% Participation Miss Jacqueline Marie GaNun ‘19 Miss Taylor Nicole Moore ‘19 Miss Anna Faith Templeton ‘19



F a c u l t y in gratitude & s ta f f Support We are most grateful to the families who, from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, specified that gifts be given to St. Vincent’s Academy In memory of loved ones. Thank you for thinking of St. Vincent’s in your time of sorrow.

Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 Mrs. Donna Antonucci Mrs. Caroline Cannon Archer ‘03 Mrs. Elisa Melvin Berman ‘95 Mr. Carl Boehm Sr. Helen Marie Buttimer, R.S.M. ‘56 Mrs. Maureen Prouty Cole ‘05 Mrs. Louise Grady Culjan ‘99 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Dickey Mrs. Marie Macher Dotson ‘73 Mrs. Rebecca Skinner Faucette Miss Abigail D. Foster Mrs. Mary Anne Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Justin Johnson Mrs. Sarah Brennan Kennedy ‘79 Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Mrs. Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 Mrs. Karye Moreau Ms. Sandra Dawn Odom Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Ogden ‘71 Sr. Gilmary O’Hayer, R.S.M. ‘60 Mrs. Diane Ciucevich Parker ‘87 Mrs. G. Elizabeth Peltier Ms. Sherry Poston Ms. Catherine Richie Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71 Mrs. Mary Gene Murphy Sikes ‘76 Mrs. Brooke Blanton Sims ‘06 Sr. M. Jogues Smith ‘52 Mrs. Lisa Townsend Tramell ‘91 Ms. Lynette Uhrich Mrs. Lisa Smith Wallace ‘87 Ms. Rebecca Westgate ‘00 Mrs. Lori A. Williams Mr. Bill Wilson Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64 Mrs. Christina Smith Winters ‘96


In memory of Billy Adams I.L.A. Local 1771 Mr. & Mrs. David Adam Mrs. Janie Lyons Bunger ‘73 Mrs. Amy Tuttle Massey ‘83 Mrs. Kathy McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Al Stiles Mrs. Rebecca Carter & Mr. Raymond Sweatte In memory of Mary Anne McCarthy Aliotta ‘52 Williamson Millworks, Inc. The Exchange Club Of Savannah Keith Ray Construction, Inc. Byck Management, LLC Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Beebe Mrs. Betty Bradley Beeson ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Boaen Mrs. Sallie P. Boyles Mrs. Beth Iocovozzi Buttimer ‘80 Ms. Katherine Cafiero Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Mrs. Brenda Cook Mrs. Frances Curry Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mrs. Lucy Distefano Haviland ‘57 Mr. & Mrs. Irvin J. Levine Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Lewis Mr. Richard C. Lutz Mrs. Barbara Ann Purdy Lutz ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Mamalakis, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mamalakis Mrs. Amy Tuttle Massey ‘83 Ms. Monica Mastrianni Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. McCarthy, Sr. Ms. Lyn McCuen Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Moore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Myrick, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. O’Rand Mrs. Ginny Cafiero Pavey ‘68 Mrs. Tara Robinette Redd ‘91 Mrs. Ellen May Roach ‘64 Mrs. Annette R. Rock Miss Susan Ruth Rosenzweig ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schivera Mr. & Mrs. Greg Sedlock Mrs. Elizabeth Aliotta Shay ‘74 Jonathan Shay Matthew Shay Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shearouse Mrs. Jean Pounder Sheehan ‘52 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 Mrs. Mary Finocchiaro Sweeney ‘75

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Tootle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wakely Mr. Julian White III Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64 In memory of Julie Hernandez Blair ‘60 Mrs. JoAnn Leonard Aulwes ‘60 Mrs. Lisa Wong Butler ‘80 Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chu Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mrs. Lucy Distefano Haviland ‘57 Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shearouse In memory of Linda Broderick Kiser + Vogrin Design, LLC Davis & Wine Dental Associates, LLC Mr. Brian Beaudreau Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Broderick Mrs. Beth Iocovozzi Buttimer ‘80 Mrs. Anne Brady Byerly ‘74 Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61 Mrs. Leslie J. Corn Mr. Jeff Davis Mr. & Mrs. Jim Dew Mrs. Melissa Yao Hille ‘92 Dr. & Mrs. James W. Holland, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Mamalakis, Jr. Mrs. Amy Tuttle Massey ‘83 Mrs. Judith Jurgensen Melroy ‘63 Mrs. Mary Mangan Nichols ‘77 Mrs. Agnes Flaherty Pinckney ‘63 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Schivera Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Tootle Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64 In memory of Martha Buttimer Mr. Gerald Claxton Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71 Mrs. Virginia Buttimer Dickey ‘79 Mr. John Fagerness Mrs. Mary Buttimer Garrett ‘81 Mrs. Mary Smith Johnson ‘75 Mrs. Martha Wehner Keith ‘91 Mrs. Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86 Ms. Cathy McCollister Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Caroline Ellis Pennington ‘77 Mrs. Martha Abelson Scarboro ‘65 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Williams In memory of Eleanor Griffin Ciucevich Mrs. Carmella Pedicini Brown ‘71 Mrs. Betty Ann Ciucevich ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. Ed Ciucevich Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. William Griffin Ms. Mary Hennessy ‘70 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Mathews, Jr. Mrs. Patty Saunders Mizelle ‘70 Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71

memorials In memory of Angela Johansen Futch ‘60 Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 Mrs. Julie Schroder Ferraro ‘72 Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mrs. Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 Mrs. Patricia Dwyer McKenna ‘60 Mr. David F. Pappas Mrs. Donna Johansen Stembridge ‘82 In memory of Catherine M. Lisicia ‘56 Mrs. Brenda Dlugozima Battu ‘65 Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Mrs. Megan Ware Coomer ‘88 Mrs. Margaret Muller Crawford ‘81 Ms. Judith R. Downing ‘57 Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Ms. Dorothy Grayson Mr. & Mrs. Jules W. Homans ‘56 Mrs. Mary Ware Jacobs ‘83 Dr. Eleanor Jean Long Janufka Mr. & William M. Jordan Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Mr. Richard C. Lutz Mrs. Carolyn Martin O’Hayer Mrs. Kathleen Powers Sanfilippo ‘64 Mr. John Sheppard, Jr. Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 Mrs. Dina Fogarty Vassil ‘81 Mrs. Bernadette McDonough Winters ‘64 In memory of Mr. Anthony Mesaros Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Broderick Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Mrs. Mary Ann Haslam Goodgame ‘72 Mr. & Mrs. John Haslam, III Mrs. Ellen Grevemberg Hogan ‘58 Mrs. Patricia Huggins Dr. Eleanor Jean Long Janufka Mrs. Susan Spillane Lai ‘73 Mrs. Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86 Mrs. Patricia Taylor McDevitt ‘95 Mrs. Patty Saunders Mizelle ‘70 Mrs. Charlotte Pike Mr. George Ryan Mrs. Pamela Dillon Sipple ‘64 Mrs. Rosemary Stapleton Taylor ‘65 Mrs. Patricia Kelly Whalen ‘60 Mr. & Mrs. Billy S. Wilson, Jr. In memory of Helen DeVere Tarver ‘45 Zipperer, Lorberbaum Beauvais, PC Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 In memory of Sr. Jude Walsh, RSM ‘43 St. Vincent’s Academy Alumnae Assoc. SVA Class of 1977 Ms. Carmela Rizza Aliffi ‘71 Mrs. Rosemary DeShocka Ambos ‘57 Mrs. Sandra Elliott Ambrose ‘69 Mrs. Diane Deloach Andrews ‘62 Ms. Carole Anthony ‘64 Mrs. Betty Finnegan Baszczoski ‘60 Mrs. Joanne Osinski Best

Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 Mrs. Regina Pelli Brennan ‘65 Mrs. Mary Jane Furlong Brewer ‘52 Mrs. Bobbie J. Bridgers Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Broderick Mrs. Carol Lyons Brown ‘77 Ms. Kathleen Kenney Brown ‘67 Mrs. Susan Bookhoop Burch ‘73 Mrs. Suzanne Stephens Burns ‘97 Mrs. Betty Arceneaux Burnsed ‘49 Mrs. Pam Guyer Buttimer ‘80 Mrs. Stephanie Stevens Cates ‘76 Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61 Ms. Frances Furlong Cochran ‘60 Mrs. Ann Marie Shea Collins ‘57 Mrs. Adele Cafiero Collins ‘69 Mrs. Rose Mary Carter Cone ‘71 Miss Marjory Conners ‘69 Mrs. Sherri Burnsed Connolly ‘75 Sr. Donna Coward, RSM Mrs. Margaret Muller Crawford ‘81 Mr. & Mrs. Mario de la Guardia Dr. Catherine Dekle ‘85 Mrs. Chloe Lawing Dekle ‘61 Mrs. Rita Harper DeLorme ‘51 Mr. Ray DeMott Mrs. Virginia Buttimer Dickey ‘79 Mr. & Mrs. David H. Dickey Mrs. Anne Kameron Dillon ‘85 Mrs. Rosemary Emerick Downing ‘61 Mrs. Teresa King Dressel Mrs. Rekha Prakash Drysdale ‘91 Ms. Patricia DuRant ‘66 Mrs. Kathleen Bergen Durham ‘77 Miss Kelley Alane Durski ‘98 Mrs. Pamela Johnson Easson ‘64 Ms. Carolyn Emerick ‘61 Mrs. Mary Frances Cook Engle ‘63 Mrs. Maria Maxey Etzle ‘91 Mrs. Linda Davis Evans ‘59 Mrs. Julie Schroder Ferraro ‘72 Mrs. Linda Parsons Ferrell ‘64 Mrs. Toni Kim Osbourne Finke ‘74 Mrs. Brooke Lewis Finland ‘98 Mrs. Jennifer Ryan Bunger Fleming ‘01 Mr. Chris Foran Mrs. Mary Woodward Forbes ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. William P. Franklin, Jr. Mrs. Laura Keck Friday ‘79 Mrs. Jessica Rae Woods Futrell ‘98 Mrs. Cheryl Edmondson Ganem ‘68 Mrs. Mary Hutton Gilker ‘75 Mrs. Michelle Dubuc Gleason ‘80 Ms. Misty D. Greer ‘93 Mrs. Caroline Richardson Gregory ‘98 Mrs. Catherine Crider Hall ‘74 Mrs. Molly O’Hayer Hammond ‘88 Mrs. Mary Lou Whittaker Handy ‘71 Mrs. Nancy H. Hanzel Mrs. Megan W. Bennett Haubein ‘98 Mrs. Lucy Distefano Haviland ‘57 Mrs. Marianne M. Heimes Mrs. Ellen Ulivo Henderson ‘64 Mrs. Doreen Hart Hill ‘87

Ms. Mary L. Hill ‘65 Mrs. Melissa Yao Hille ‘92 Mrs. Elaine Rousseau Hillebrand ‘67 Mrs. Shirley Stephens Hobe ‘71 Mrs. Ellen Grevemberg Hogan ‘58 Mrs. Mary Anne Greene Hohenbrink ‘49 Ms. Claire Holman Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Holman Mr. & Mrs. Jules W. Homans ‘56 Mrs. Mary Pelli Horton ‘70 Mrs. Patricia Huggins Ms. Jill James ‘87 Dr. Eleanor Jean Long Janufka Mrs. Mary Smith Johnson ‘75 Mrs. Mary Conners Jordan ‘69 Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Mrs. Martha Wehner Keith ‘91 Mrs. Josephine Rourke Kelly ‘54 Mrs. Mary F. Kennedy Mrs. Anne Fasola Kilcline ‘57 Mrs. Barbara Dlugozima King ‘63 Mrs. Angel Hosti King ‘81 Mrs. Shirley Lynch Kinlaw ‘65 Dr. Catherine Dunn Kostilnik ‘76 Mrs. Rosemary Lynch Lewis ‘69 Mrs. Cecelia Lampp Linton ‘62 Mrs. Loretto Dressel Lominack ‘64 Sr. Bernarda Loncon, R.S.M. ‘50 Mrs. Mary Jo Harte Long ‘47 Mrs. Katherine Roach Looper ‘64 Mrs. Ann Lindsay Lutz ‘86 Mrs. Barbara Ann Purdy Lutz ‘63 Mr. Andrew Lynch Mrs. Katherine O’Leary Lynes ‘69 Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Mamalakis, Jr. Mrs. Angela Blanco Mandel ‘91 Mrs. Ruth M. Markowitz Mrs. Amy Tuttle Massey ‘83 Mrs. Carol Baran Massey ‘63 Mrs. Christina Saba Matias ‘59 Mrs. Deanna Hart Matthews ‘90 Mrs. Kathleen Bradley McCarthy ‘87 Mrs. Patricia White McClure ‘71 Ms. Monica McGoldrick ‘70 Ms. Joan McKeever Mrs. Phyllis Saraf McShane ‘47 Mrs. Judith Jurgensen Melroy ‘63 Mrs. Elizabeth Beeson Merritt ‘83 Mrs. Carolyn Sylvester Metheny ‘87 Mrs. Brittany DiSilvestro Milward ‘05 Mr. Henry Minis Mrs. Debbie Macher Moesch ‘76 Mrs. Margaret Jurgensen Mooney ‘82 Miss Brenda Moore ‘72 Sr. John Moravec Mrs. Rosemary Ware Morris ‘83 Mrs. Mary Morrison Mrs. Suzanne Brown Moseley ‘00 Mrs. Mary Ellen Whelan Mulligan ‘75 Ms. Celia Nathan ‘75 Mrs. Janet Byerly Nickens ‘73 Mrs. Marie Kennedy Norton ‘82 Mrs. Barbara Nowak Mrs. Genevieve Pinckney O’Connor ‘47


MEMORIALS & scholarships In memory of Sr. Jude Walsh, RSM ‘43 continued Mrs. Carolyn Martin O’Hayer Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Ogden ‘71 Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Overstreet Mrs. Margaret Lyons Padgett ‘72 Ms. Marty Parker ‘70 Mrs. Ginny Cafiero Pavey ‘68 Mrs. Nancy Miller Pearce ‘64 Mr. Charles Pearson Mrs. Patricia Corcoran Pharis ‘74 Mrs. Harriet Thompson Phillips ‘56 Mrs. Agnes Flaherty Pinckney ‘63 Mrs. Martha White Pounder ‘50 Mr. Daniel T. Powers Mrs. Marian Smith Proper ‘49 Mrs. Linda Ussery Raciappa ‘74 Mrs. Carol Ray Mrs. Tenisha Bourne Reales ‘92 Mrs. Tara Robinette Redd ‘91 Mrs. Patricia Woodward Remion ‘63 Mrs. Ellen May Roach ‘64 Mrs. Frances Rowland Robertson ‘78 Mrs. Joanna Johnson Rodenberg ‘94 Ms. Sheila Tinkham Roessle ‘90 Mrs. Georgia Luken Rountree ‘55 Mrs. Jacqueline Sauls Royal ‘70 Mrs. Theressa Gordon Ruckstuhl ‘87 Mrs. Connie Poppell Rudd ‘66 Mrs. Mary McDonald Ryan ‘52 Mrs. Kathy Daly Salter ‘73 Mrs. Kathleen Powers Sanfilippo ‘64 Ms. Sharon Saseen ‘66 Mrs. Martha Abelson Scarboro ‘65 Mrs. Patricia Barragan Schreck ‘46 Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71 Mrs. Patricia McGrath Sevier ‘51 Mrs. Margaret Swinford Shangle ‘63 Mrs. Elizabeth Aliotta Shay ‘74 Mrs. Patricia O’Hayer Sheppard ‘56 Mrs. Magdaline Caparisos Sideris ‘72 Miss Elizabeth Christina Simmons ‘09 Mrs. Nancy Cooley Smith ‘70 Miss Kristen Margaret Smith ‘85 Mrs. Sandra Saseen-Smith ‘73 Mr. Henry Smith Dr. Angela Sommerset ‘80 Mrs. Margaret Dufour Standard ‘57 Mrs. Mary Cecile Price Stanley ‘81 Mrs. Sharon Sullivan Stewart ‘69 Ms. Ellen Struck ‘67 Ms. Mercedes Sullivan ‘52 Mrs. Kathleen Taggart Swanner ‘87 Mrs. Mary Finocchiaro Sweeney ‘75 Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Tarjan Mrs. Rosemary Stapleton Taylor ‘65 Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Teeple Mr. Donald M. Thompson Mrs. Rose Marie Saraf Tootle ‘55 Mrs. Barbara Muller Tromly ‘64 Mrs. Rebecca Zittrauer Valentine ‘70 Mrs. Lynn Ciucevich Wade ‘71 Mrs. Jane Ryan Walker ‘56 Mrs. Pamela Burnett Wall ‘91


Mrs. Paula S. Wallace Mrs. Velma Haslam Walters ‘68 Mrs. Joan O’Hara Wehner Mrs. Ruth Burke Wellington ‘53 Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Wells Ms. Sally K. Welsh ‘72 Mrs. Ruth Stapleton West ‘59 Mrs. Patricia Kelly Whalen ‘60 Mrs. Barbara Saseen White ‘45 Mrs. Paula Butler Williams ‘67 Mr. & Mrs. Billy S. Wilson, Jr. Mrs. Linda Dugger Wise ‘59 Mrs. Jennifer Thomas Woelber ‘91 Miss Serena Yao ‘00 Miss Mary Susan Zeigler ‘82 Mrs. Mary Hoffman Zeigler ‘75

scholarship gifts Bernadette Ozburn Sternberg ‘44 Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Lupinacci

Patricia Barragan Schreck ’46 Music Scholarship Mrs. Carmella Pedicini Brown ‘71 Miss Nancy M. Schreck ‘71 Mrs. Patricia Barragan Schreck ‘46 Rae Forker Evans ‘66 Scholarship Mrs. Rae Forker Evans ‘66 Reid Broderick Scholarship Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Broderick Drs Eleanor & Jack Eades History Scholarship Drs. Jack & Eleanor Eades Georgia Spellman Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. John G. Spellman Mr. Stephen Spellman Mary Jane Fahey Brown Scholarship Mrs. Eleanor Hamrick Mills ‘50

Clara McDonough Russo ‘61 Scholarship Mrs. Betty Ann Flynn Ciucevich ‘61 Mr. Allen Shensky Esther Ryan Brown ‘33 Scholarship Mr. Edward J. Brown III Mrs. Jan Tilton Brown Leila Flournoy Scholarship Ms. Hartina Flournoy ‘74 Sr. Lourdes Sheehan ‘52 Education Scholarship Mrs. Anne Sheehan Blanco ‘61 Mr. & Mrs. Tim Blanco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blanco Mrs. Elizabeth Sheehan Hamrick Mrs. Maria Blanco Katz ‘85 Mrs. Angela Blanco Mandel ‘91 Ms. Lollie Niemeyer Mrs. Elizabeth Mock Sheehan ‘58 Sister Michael Mary Brabner Scholarship Anonymous Matilda Laird Stacy ‘46 Scholarship Ms. Hollis Stacy Monica Jung Scholarship Mrs. Lisa Wong Butler ‘80 Mr. Thomas E. Butler, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Chu Mrs. Mola Chu Jung ‘56 Mr. & Mrs. William L. Wong, Jr.

Students find a quiet spot in front of one of our stained glass window seats to take a study break between classes.


Share your news with SVA! Email loretto.lominack@svaga.net, write to St. Vincent’s Alumnae News, 207 E. Liberty Street, Savannah, GA 31401, or call 912.236.5505.

St. Vincent’s Academy is very proud of Leigh Horton Ebberwein ‘85 who just authored her first novel! “The Blessing of the Celtic Curse” will officially be released on November 1st (All Saints Day) and will be available at all of your favorite bookstores! This is the first in a series called “The Saints of Savannah.” Leigh noted that her novel is “a fun and feel-good book about the unbreakable bond of family, the redeeming power of love, and the importance of having a sisterhood of friends. It’s about knowing where you came from before you can understand where you’re going. But most importantly, it’s about two of the most beautiful places in the world: Savannah and Ireland.” Order your copy today! Find out more on Leigh’s website at Leighebberwein.com. Patricia Hodges Espre (PJ) ‘94 ran the equivelant of 29 marathons in 29 days in the Summer of 2021. PJ started in Lubec, Maine, the easternmost point in the U.S. and ended 29 days later in Key West, the southernmost point in the continental U.S. Why? When the father of PJ’s daughter passed away, she knew exactly how hard it was to be a single parent. PJ wanted to raise money and awareness for single parents. Along the way, a medical team and her two daughters cheered her on as she crossed each state line, and she ran into a few SVA classmates along the way who also cheered her on. She fundraised for a non-profit which helps find apartments for single parents to get back on their feet, so that single parents and their children do not get separated through the foster system. We are very proud of you , PJ! PJ is pictured right with SVA classmate, Corenza Passanite Vaughn ‘94.

Linsey McDougal Blocker ‘99 and her husband Cale, gave birth to a baby girl, Hattie Clare Blocker on March 16, 2021. Hattie is the couple’s first child. Elizabeth Larrimore ’00 and Dr. Tom Alcorn were married in a lovely ceremony at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist on May 15, 2021. Elizabeth’s sister Anne Larrimore Chambers ’03 was the Matron of Honor. Elizabeth is the daughter of Beth Fogarty McIntosh ’71, granddaughter of Betty Gilbert Fogarty ’46 and Jack Fogarty and great-granddaughter of valedictorian Elizabeth Grayson Gilbert 1917 and Loran Gilbert. Elizabeth and Tom reside in Chicago, IL, where she is finishing up her law degree in May at the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law. Tom is an Attending Physician in the Emergency Department at Rush University Medical Center, as well as the Clerkship Director --- the point person for all med students.

In April 2021, Mary Katherine Shearouse Alexander ‘99 and her husband Daniel opened their own real estate firm, The Alexander Real Estate Group, LLC brokered by Keller Williams. We are very proud of Mary Katherine for the hard work and dedication she put in to make this happen! This amazing team is off to a great start! Congratulations, Mary Katherine!


Leah Kathryn Beasley Greco ‘04 and her husband, Robert Greco, welcomed Thomas Stephen Greco on September 8, 2020, weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Thomas just loves his aunts, Laura McNall Beasley Petrak ‘08 and Mary Elizabeth Beasley ‘12 and his great-great aunt, Kathryn Martin Shiley Westgate ‘65! Leah and Bob reside in Bluffton, S.C., where Leah is a School Psychologist for the Beaufort County School District and Bob is an Accounting Manager at Coastal States Bank. Carney Simpson Underwood ’05 and her husband, William, welcomed their first baby, Carney Lucille “Lucy” Underwood into the world on February 8, 2021. Lucy weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz, and was born in Atlanta, Georgia, where the couple resides.

Caroline Sydow Cannon ‘06 and husband Andrew welcomed Coleman Patrick on October 4, 2020. Coleman was 6 lbs, 12 oz, and is the couple’s first child. Grandma Carmella Pedicini Brown ‘71 is ecstatic to have her first grandson and Morgan Sydow ‘10 is a very proud aunt! Elizabeth Byerly Carroll ’10 and her husband Jared gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Wilhelmina Jean Carroll. Willa was born in January ’21 with spina bifida and hydrocephalus. She has had four brain surgeries but continues to amaze her clinical team. She is loved and adored by big brother Langston and whoever meets her. Please keep this beautiful baby in your prayers!


Caroline Willoughby ‘10 & Joseph Fender were married in a beautiful Nuptial Mass on June 26, 2021, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist. Matrons of Honor were the bride’s two sisters, Catherine Willoughby Sauers ‘02 and Mary Willoughby Wright ’05. Caroline is the daughter of Helen Fogarty Willoughby ’73 and John Willoughby, the granddaughter of Betty Gilbert Fogarty ’46 and Jack Fogarty, and the great-granddaughter of valedictorian Elizabeth Grayson Gilbert 1917 and Loran Gilbert. Joseph is the son of Kearney Stafford Fender ’78 and Ben Fender. The couple hosted a wonderful reception following their wedding at the Knights of Columbus downtown. The happy couple brings together the Stafford & Fogarty families once again, as their great-grandparents lived downtown side by side for decades, right next door to one another! Caroline and Joseph reside in Savannah where Caroline is the Admissions Coordinator at Azalealand Nursing Home and Joseph is in Shipping Operations at the Georgia Ports Authority.

Lauren Woods Deal ‘10 married her high school sweetheart,. Michael Deal (BC class of 2010), in November, 2020. The couple resides in Macon, Georgia, where Lauren is working at another Mercy school, Mount de Sales Academy. This high school and SVA are the only two Mercy schools in Georgia. Lauren noted how it brings back fond memories of SVA every day.

Mary Elizabeth Beasley ’12 and William Walker Prescott, III, were married on April 17, 2021, at St. Thomas Chapel on Isle of Hope. The reception was held at the St. Thomas Parish House where Father Patrick O’Brien offered the couple a beautiful blessing. The weather was perfect along with a magnificent setting on the intracoastal waterway! Mary Elizabeth’s sisters, Leah Beasley Greco ’04 and Laura Beasley Petrak ’08, were in the wedding party. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Genevieve Boyle ‘13 was recently promoted to Client & Community Relations Assistant Director at PNC Financial Services Group in Atlanta. PNC is a Fortune 200 bank holding company and financial services corporation based in Pittsburgh, PA. In this role, she will manage sponsorships, volunteerism, client events and the local PNC Foundation budget. Genevieve has been at PNC for three years now after her first post-UGA graduation job in Development at a non-profit in Atlanta. She still keeps up with her best friends from SVA! We hope you come visit soon, Genevieve! (Genevieve is pictured with her dog Savvy, which is short for Savannah).

Congratulations to Erin Tyson ‘13, who graduated from Berry College in 2018 with a degree in Early Childhood Education and then graduated from Georgia Southern University with her Masters in Early Childhood Education! Erin is starting her third year as a kindergarten teacher at May Howard Elementary and is a 4th generation graduate of SVA! We are very proud of Erin!

Congatulations to the SVA Class of 2016 who celebrated their 5 year reunion!





Big Sister/Little Sister St. Vincent’s Big Sisters have worked hard to showcase SVA to their Little Sisters and help answer questions they may have throughout the year. This is an age-old tradition and most of our graduates remember who their Big Sister was at SVA! Seniors’ Last, First Day of School at SVA One of our Seniors’ favorite traditions is celebrating their last, first day of school at St. Vincent’s Academy. Parents, grandparents, family and friends create posters showcasing memories of our Seniors and it is always a great morning! Bishop Parkes Celebrates Opening School Mass SVA is grateful and lucky to have Bishop Parkes celebrate and inspire them at Masses and visits throughout the year. Spirit Day 2021 SVA Spirit Day 2021 was AMAZING! It was a morning of events and dances that our students will be sure to remember. We love our students and their school spirit . . . Go Saints! Students Attend Teacher’s SCAD MFA Exhibit St. Vincent’s students were excited and privileged to attend John Villarreal’s (SVA Photography and Art Instructor) Master of Fine Arts Exhibit for SCAD. What a great learning and celebratory experience! Chatham County Youth Commission Inductee St. Vincent’s Academy is proud of Charlotte Dorroh who was nominated and inducted into the Chatham County Youth Commission by Mayor Van Johnson. Celebrating their 30th year, the Chatham County Youth Commission has been recognized as one of the premiere youth civic engagement governmental leadership organizations in the country. SVA School Mass SVA students prayerfully and eagerly listened to the homily at St. Vincent’s Academy’s Mercy Day Mass. Senior Class Leadership Congratulations to Sydney Logan who was elected Senior Class President and EP Saunders who was elected Senior Class Vice-President for the 2021 - 2022 school year. Student Council Leadership Congratulations to our Student Council leaders who were elected for the 2021 - 2022 school year: Beth Anne Ward, President; Caroline Schwalbe, Vice-President; Olin Anne Hayes, Secretary; and Leah Whetstone, Treasurer. SVA Field Day 2021 Sailing Scholarship Four SVA students were recipients of the 2021 Robert H. Demere Scholarship. These students attended a week long sailing course where they received a keel boat certification, a power boaters license and learned to sail boats from 26 feet to 42 feet. Pictured left to right are: Karye Moreau, Anna McVay, Mary Ciucevich, Ashlyn Banks and Megan Gladden.



Pet Lovers Club at SVA Some “comfort chickens” visited SVA’s Pet Lovers Club at the start of the school year and brought lots of joy to all around! Family Rosary SVA’s first Family Rosary had a beautiful turnout with standing room only. Thank you to all who attended and participated in prayer. God bless you! DNA Modeling Freshmen in Mrs. Antonucci’s science class constructed a model of DNA and translated it into protein. We love our hands-on lessons. AP Biology Learning Students in Mrs. Berman’s AP Biology class conducted a properties of water lab to determine how different additives will affect the hydrogen bonds between water molecules in various solutions. AP Statistics - Barbies on Bungees Mr. Snope’s AP Stats class completed a lesson on scatterplot correlation. The class used Barbie’s on bungees . . . measuring distance with different lengths of bungee cords and rubber bands. What a creative lesson! World History Comes Alive in Troup Square Students in Dr. Di Lorenzo’s World History classes gathered in Troup Square to take on the roles of characters from the classical Greek epic, The Iliad. Students assembled a War Council to mediate a dispute between King Agamemnon and his most prodigious warrior, Achilles. Each group fiercely deliberated, displaying knowledge of ancient Greek culture and based their reactions on each character’s motivations and objectives. SVA Eco Club SVA’s Eco Club made recycled flowers out of plastic which they then strung together to use as decoration on school grounds. How fun! Sculpture Class at SVA Students in Ms. Foote’s Sculpture Class used hacksaws, hammers and electric drills (closely supervised, of course) to build sculptures inspired by sculptor Louise Nevelson. There is nothing these girls can’t do! Once they finished attaching all their found objects, they spray painted the entire piece for a cohesive look! Honors Physics Graphing SVA’s Honors Physics class performed a lab today on metric measurements and graphing data! Triple Levitation Flame in Chemistry SVA’s Chemistry class participated in a round of Bunsen burner learning. Students explored conduction, convection, and thermal energy by levitating a flame! They were successful in a single, double, and triple levitation, as well as changing the color of the flame!


Senior Swap Day St. Vincent’s Academy and Benedictine Military School Seniors held their first ever Senior Swap Day! Girls donned the boys’ school uniform and vice versa for a day of fun and laughter. Girls participated in inspection and drill at BC while boys learned to park downtown and get from class to class at SVA! SVA & BC Present The Pajama Game Mrs. Abby McCuen directed her first ever musical at BC and SVA, The Pajama Game. Students entertained crowds for three nights in a fantastic way! This year’s production was held in Benedictine’s gymnasium as theaters were closed due to Covid-19. Awesome job, girls and boys!


Field Day 2021 SVA students celebrated a fun-filled day with lots of friendly competition at Field Day 2021! Ring Day One of St. Vincent’s Academy’s longest traditions is having each Junior choose a Senior to present their SVA ring. Pictured is Trinity Perry presenting Layla Lemon with her ring. Christmas Candlelight Concert Mrs. Bernadette Winters ‘64 directed the 49th Candlelight Concert in the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist. It was a beautiful night filled with scripture and song.

COME VISIT OUR SPIRIT STORE Come and visit St. Vincent’s Academy’s spirit store located in the front office of the school! We have great spirit items to choose from. . . how will you choose to showcase your SVA flair?! “An Enduring Legacy” Book


Magnets $5.00

Baseball Hats


Pens $3.00

Beach Towels $25.00

Pencils - 3 $1.00

Candles $20.00

Sweaters $40.00

Cinch Saks $10.00

Sweatshirts $25.00

Decals $1.00

Tervis Tumblers - 24 oz.

Face Masks $5.00

Throw Blankets $50.00

Folding Chairs $30.00

Tote Bags $5.00

Hand Sanitizers with Clip


Fight Song T-shirts


Key Rings $5.00

Tumblers - 20 oz.


Koozies $3.00

Umbrellas $15.00 Wine Glasses




St. Vincent’s Academy 207 East Liberty Street Savannah, Georgia 31401

Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit Number 164 Savannah, Georgia

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