SUSK Congress Issue 2022

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SUSK Congress | May 12-15, 2022


Messages from SUSK’s president and VP National

Dear Readers, Welcome to the 2022 National SUSK Congress! On behalf of the 2021-22

Dear Readers, As we look back at this year, a lot has happened which has tested our perseverance and resilience as students. All Ukrainian Canadian students and Ukrainian International students have not only had to face the challenges of a pandemic while studying, but are now witnessing the devastating impacts of the war, the genocide, the suffering happening to our loved ones in Ukraine right now. To go through such crises alone can be unbearable and so maintaining a sense of community during these very difficult times is important. At the student level, SUSK, along with all the different Ukrainian Student Organizations (USOs) across Canada, have worked very hard to provide the sense of community and support that is very much needed. By organizing events to uplift our spir-

SUSK National Board of Directors, I would like to welcome all delegates, observers, speakers, guests, alumni, and sponsors to Edmonton, Alta. Our theme

“Youth Razom” is centered around the importance of joining together. We will spend time at Congress focusing our discussions and events on the role the Ukrainian diaspora plays in supporting Ukraine and advocating for its sovereignty, robust history, and vibrant culture. We are excited to welcome everyone back in person for the first time since the start of the pandemic! I want to congratulate my fellow executives for a successful year. Each of you played a vital role in bringing together our Ukrainian community in Canada through your innovative, and dedicated contributions. Your commitment to advocating for Ukrainian culture and language amazed me. A special thank you to Danya Wasy-

lyk, SUSK National Coordinator, and Roman Grod, SUSK Past President, for your endless support. To our donors and alumni, thank you for your support. Your contributions allow for SUSK to continue being a highly effective organization that educates, advocates, and unites Ukrainian students across the country. Lastly, I want to thank all of our guests who are attending as speakers or observers. We are honored to welcome you to our annual Congress and are excited to gain some insight from you. Wishing everyone an enjoyable time at the 2022 SUSK National Congress!

it throughout the year while also upholding Ukrainian traditions (i.e., Kolyada, perogy making workshops, pysanky workshops), collecting donations for Ukraine, and using our student voices to raise awareness to help Ukraine and to provide academic/ financial accommodations for students affected by the war, everyone is trying to do their part to help our community stay strong. As VP National, I have had the honour of working with so many amazing student leaders throughout this school year.

That being said, I know with confidence that our Ukrainian community, and our country that is so dear to us — Ukraine — will overcome these difficult times. As they say, if there is a will there

is a way. And let me tell you, we have that will and therefore there

– Danya Pankiw 2021-22 SUSK President

– Larisa Hemon 2021-22 SUSK VP National


Welcome to Edmonton! The Ukrainian Students’ Society at the University of Alberta

The Ukrainian Students’ Society is composed of 11 executive members and over 100 general members. Our hard working executive for the 2021-22 school year included: Natalie Hanas (President), Daria Antozko (Vice President), Kasya Jaddock

(VP Marketing), Michael Zukiwsky (VP Finance), Mackenzie Hammar (VP External), Christina Strilets (VP Internal), River Hoffos (VP Events), Maksym Baluchynskyy (Sports Representative), Rachel Matichuk (First Year Representative), Natasha Krupenko (Secretary) and Andri Prichilak (Past President). Over the course of the 2021-22 school year we, the Ukrainian Students’ Society, hosted multiple events that expressed and celebrated our Ukrainian culture both in person and via Zoom to accommodate for COVID-19 protocols. Our executive navigated this


unforeseeable pandemic with a positive outlook, finding different ways to involve our general members and connect as a community in COVID-friendly ways by utilizing Zoom and Instagram stories. Our events included: Zoomled baking workshops, in-person Ukrainian games nights, an online film viewing and discussion, in-person embroidery workshop, Zoom led pysanky writing workshop, and most importantly a Stand With Ukraine Rally. Our goal when planning events as a Ukrainian Student Organization is to celebrate, express, and share our culture, and practices with everybody, as such this entailed raising awareness to the public about Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine. To raise awareness, we gathered together to unite Ukrainians and Ukrainian allies, as well as inform the general public of this heartbreaking, and ongoing atrocity. Furthermore, the support of

citizens, local journals and the Global News at the rally we hosted acted as a catalyst in beginning our journey to provide support for incoming Ukrainian students and refugees. We will continue to grow and develop our resources and support systems for incoming Ukrainian students and refugees throughout the summer and into the next school year. Our executive is passionate about Ukraine, Ukrainian culture preservation and expression, raising awareness about Russia’s war against Ukraine and protecting our motherland. Glory to Ukraine! Glory

With Russia’s ongoing war against Ukraine, we, The Ukrainian Students’ Society are honored to be this year’s host of the SUSK Congress, Youth Razom, this May 2022 in our own backyard, Edmonton, Alta. We would like to acknowledge how

important it is now, in times of Russia’s war against Ukraine, to show support for Ukraine and unite as Ukrainians on one front. As such, we encourage everyone to attend the SUSK 2022 Congress, to engage in meaningful conversation surrounding the ongoing events in Ukraine at this time and strengthen one another during these difficult times. We are grateful that SUSK has made Ukrainian speaker panels available both in-person and online to accommodate those who want to support but are not able to attend in-person. We are proud to welcome Ukrainians traveling from all over Canada into Edmonton to join us on our journey fighting for Ukraine’s Freedom, and our freedom, their fight is our fight. Enough is enough, Ukraine deserves better!


UVic Ukrainian Students’ Society

UVic USO kicked off the 2021 semester by participating in the fall club fair, where we interacted with students and promoted the club with posters, a jelly bean counting competition, and taking pictures with a cut out perogy and sour cream. During Holodomor Awareness Week, we had the opportunity to collaborate with OUSC on “The Best Kept Secret and Intergenerational Trauma: A webinar on the Holodomor famine-genocide, its lack of documentation, intergenerational trauma in the Ukrainian-Canadian community, and art as a vehicle for healing.” We had two amazing speakers, Marta from the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium and Deven Goldie from UVic about her research on art as a vehicle for healing.

In the second semester, our focus shifted to #StandWithUkraine initiatives and participation. Before further invasion, we participated in the the #StandWithUkraine online initiative hosted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and assisted in a #StandWithUkraine rally. To raise funds to the Ukraine

Humanitarian Fund, hosted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, we conducted a toque sale. All toques were handmade by our VP Anika and past-president Chase Gargus! We also hosted a Ukrainian dinner for Ukrainian International and Ukrainian-Canadian students. Several club members got the opportunity

to attend and be introduced to a Question Period at the legislature courtesy of MP Lana Popman and MP Rob Fleming, and afterwards had a chance to discuss the on-going Russian invasion in Ukraine with the two MPs and a tour. Finally, we were invited to a meeting with My UVic Blog Meeting, where members shared their thoughts, perspective, and feelings about Ukraine. As for many, this semester has been hard. Excluding basic school and life management, everything that is happening in Ukraine is so difficult to see and feel. I am forever grateful with the friends I’ve made through the club, the Ukrainian community in Victoria, and the support from clubs across Canada and SUSK. My heart is always with Ukraine and its people. Slava Ukraini!

UBC Ukrainian Students’ Union UBC Ukrainian Student Union (UBC USU) is a new student-led organization at the University of British Columbia founded in March 2022. For a long time, there used to be no UBC club affiliated with the Ukrainian student community. Many students had been seeking a place to belong and people to share stories with on campus. The Russo-Ukrainian war had made this situation even more critical since Ukrainians have been put in a very vulnerable positionthey looked for support and a safe space to talk and express feelings. The urgency prompted us to establish the UBC Ukrainian Student Union with a goal to unite and empower Ukrainian students

across the Vancouver campus and welcome everyone interested in Ukrainian history. Altogether we are dedicated to speaking up about the injustice in Ukraine and bringing awareness to the humanitarian impact. We want to share our beliefs, values and stories with others. The University of British Columbia, one of the most reputable organizations and ‘best’ universities in Canada, has failed in representing its Ukrainian students to the world and spreading information that concerns the war to their Canadian and international students. Moreover, UBC “has investments in majority state-owned oil and gas giants Gazprom and Rosneft, as well as Lukoil and Sber-

bank,” which have clear ties to the russian government, according to The Ubyssey, the official independent student-run paper at UBC. The university still has not provided a timeline for their divestment. Additionally, many Ukrainian students are disappointed in facing ignorance from their professors who do a poor job of speaking up about Ukraine. Realizing this, UBC USU could not stand still. Together, we organized the first UBC anti-war rally on March 31. We demanded and called out UBC and its administration to rethink their actions and finally cut financial ties with Russia. We invited local media outlets to help us cover the event and get at-

tention from the university and others outside of UBC. We appreciated everyone who found time to come and support us. This is only the beginning for the UBC USU. In the upcoming term, we plan to raise dialogue about the Russo-Ukrainian war and the history of relationships between Russia and Ukraine, and other social justice initiatives on a much bigger scale. We hope to hold events centred on celebrating Ukrainian culture, too. UBC Ukrainian Student Union is very excited about the opportunity to join the SUSK and become a part of the large community of Ukrainian student organizations across Canada.



Western Ukrainian Students’ Association This year the Western Ukrainian Students’ Association hosted and participated in a number of successful events and initiatives. We kicked off the year by presenting to prospective “Western Ukies” at the SUSK virtual Club Fair in October. In November, our club hosted a Pub Social at a Western staple, Jack’s, to socialize and meet fellow club members. Following the social, the Western Ukrainian Students Association gathered to sing SUSK’s annual Kolyada Campaign to share the Christmas spirit with the larger Ukrainian Canadian community. After the break, Western Ukies hosted our annual Perogy night in February where we learned to make varenyky from

scratch. Later that month, the club organzied a virtual Information Session regarding the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, featuring Mykola Murskyj, a

lecturer at the Ukrainian Catholic University located in Lviv. After the war in Ukraine began, we collaborated with the London Ukrainian Centre to collect Humanitarian aid donations on campus. Club members also volunteered their time to help sort and pack humanitarian aid shipments. In addition to this, members spread awareness of the war and advocated for student support through interviews with

the Western Gazette, as well as sharing social media postings with the club community. We saw incredible support from fellow clubs and many Western staff members. The Western Ukrainian student community was able to support one another at our Support Session, and the Community Care meeting hosted by Western’s Wellness and Well-being Department. In late-March, the European clubs at Western got together for our annual Euro Night. Clubs were able to share their cultures as we danced to songs from all across Europe. In early April, we hosted our final event, a Bowling Night, to destress before exams. As the semester comes to an end, club members that will be attending SUSK Congress in May have been developing sticker and button designs to sell at Congress in an effort to fundraise for Ukraine. Overall, we have accomplished a lot as a club this year and are looking forward to seeing what next year brings!

Laurier Ukrainian Students’ Association Slava Ukraini! To support Ukrainian students in the Waterloo Region and to teach others about our rich culture, language, and traditions, the Laurier Ukrainian Student Association was formed! With many members of Wilfrid Laurier University


being interested, it was the perfect time to start sharing our heritage with others as well as stand together as a Ukrainian-Canadian Student body in the Waterloo Region! We look forward to the next year where we will run our first events and become a stronger community!


Meet our USOs British Columbia

1. University of Victoria Ukrainian Students’ Society 2. University of British Columbia Ukrainian Students’ Union


1. University of Alberta Ukrainian Students’ Society 2. MacEwan University Ukrainian Students’ Club 3. University of Calgary Ukrainian Students’ Society


1. University of Saskatchewan Ukrainian Students’ Association


1. Manitoba Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Society 2. University of Winnipeg Ukrainian Students’ Association



1. Western Ukrainian Students’ Association 2. Wilfrid Laurier Ukrainian Students’ Association 3. University of Guelph Ukrainian Students’ Club 4. McMaster Ukrainian Students’ Association 5. Ukrainian Students’ Club at Humber College and Guelph-Humber University 6. University of Toronto Ukrainian Students’ Club 7. Toronto Metropolitan Ukrainian Students’ Club (formerly Ukrainian Students’ Club at Ryerson University) 8. Ukrainian Students’ Club at York University 9. Ukrainian Student Union of Barrie at Georgian College 10. Queen’s University Ukrainian Students’ Association 11. University of Ottawa Ukrainian Students’ Club 12. Carleton Ukrainian Students’ Club


1. Association des Étudiants Ukrainiens de l’Université de Montréal 2. Concordia Ukrainian Students’ Union 3. McGill Ukrainian Students’ Association

We are always looking to expand our membership to post-secondary students at institutions across Canada. If you’re interested in starting a Ukrainian club at your university or college, visit our website: or email for more information.



McMaster Ukrainian Students’ Association We started the year off with a spikeball tournament. We had a design competition for our club sweaters and then sold them. We created social media posts about Holodomor, including a video commemorating the genocide. Sold embroidery kits and pysanky kits. Created a Christmas Card from our EXEC, mailed out with the embroidery kits. Hosted a virtual games night with other USO’s. Various posts on social media regarding the Russia-Ukraine war. To name a few, how you can help Ukraine post, some exec members collaborated on an article with McMaster shar-

ing how McMaster can help Ukraine and their Ukrainian or Ukrainian-Canadian students. We hosted an in-person support night, an information table on campus, and a virtual information session with Ihor Szlachtycz. We planned and participated in the Next Generation Rally, with all GTA USO’s. We collected signatures and then mailed/emailed open letters to ~30 government representatives (local MPs and MPPs). We participated in a spring festival on campus where we sold perogies, pins, stickers, necklaces, scarves, keychains, to raise money for Ukraine.

Ukrainian Students’ Club at Humber College Throughout the entirety of September 2021 until May 2022 students at the Ukrainian Students’ Club at Humber (USCH) have been active in a number of activities, events and community building initiatives. At the beginning of the academic year, our club set a main theme and focused on relations building and community engagement. We hosted several events that started discussions around the pre-existing relationship between the Ukrainian community and Indigenous communities as well as the on-going way in which these relationships have and will continue. When Russia launched a fullscale invasion into Ukraine on Feb. 24, our club took action to support hundreds of Humber students of Ukrainian descent. This included financial support in areas like housing, tuition and every day living expenses. Our club,


along with six other Ukrainian student clubs in the GTHA, organized a student rally in March, calling on institutions to provide academic, financial and mental health support to all students coming from war-torn countries. Our efforts also included bi-weekly community gatherings and counseling with qualified individuals in informal sessions, as well as a run club as a means of self-care and stress management for students affected by Russia’s war and invasion of Ukraine. However, this has not come without a cost; acts of vandalism, discrimination, and a professor who is a known genocide denier have all been challenges that we have had to face while trying to support Ukraine. In an effort to stand our ground, we continue doing everything we can to raise awareness through social media or in-person, wherever possible.

Our club also took it upon ourselves to locate housing for international Ukrainian students that had become homeless as a result of leases running out and Toronto’s unreasonably expensive housing costs. Further, we shared students’ resumes and cover letters to aid in students search for employment and found some small gigs and employment opportunities. Our next goal is to use the SUSK Project Fund to set up a club bank account with UCU to ensure we can continue to provide activities and events in the following years, given IGNITE Student Union requires club’s to purchase supplies for any activity and/or club event first and then request to be reimbursed. We also plan to use the remaining funds to host a workshop and bring students together for a gathering to help connect International students with other

students, but also the greater Ukrainian Canadian community. All said and done, throughout a number of these occasions we’ve continued to bring awareness to the on-going struggles of Ukrainians in Ukraine, in the diaspora and international Ukrainian students by engaging with the media and being unrelenting in our fight for Ukrainians, but also all peoples in war zones. Realistically, without the students at Humber and Guelph-Humber that have worked night and day to do what they have done, our club would not have been able to accomplish what it has and we are forever thankful to everyone at SUSK, UCC, the Ukrainian clubs in the GTHA, and anyone that had a hand in sharing our posts, sending emails, and just showing up for us when we needed them most.



During this year’s exec social, making smores wasn’t the only thing that made the night sweet! With the stars shining overhead and Ukrainian music playing in the background, the UofT USC executives got together and met in person for the first time after a long two years of bonding virtually. It was thanks to the gracious hospitality of our Co-President, Sophia, that new friendships were made and many laughs were shared - especially when Sophia’s dog snatched our VP’s hat away! The first public event of the academic year open to non-members was our Trivia Night. Due to COVID-19 restrictions still being in place, it was held virtually via Zoom. First, everyone took part in a Kahoot quiz, answering trivia questions about Ukraine’s culture, history, geography, and people. The winner received a gift card for a purchase at a local Ukrainian business in Toronto. November marks Holodomor commemoration month. To raise awareness within the UofT community, our exec team hung posters across campus which contained information about Holodomor. The posters contained a QR code after scanning which people could access additional information via a special website made by one of our exec members. Baltic youth organisations (The Lithuanians from KLJS, Latvians from LNJAK, and Estonians from NET) have been close friends with our organisation, and have stood alongside our club members since 24 February. The first event that USC collaborated on with these organisations was a panel discussion with Professor Andres

Kasekamp and Minister Bill Blair on the topic of the Russian invasion. Members of the club helped the Baltic organisations, who were the lead organisers, in appropriately representing content surrounding Ukraine and helping the event run smoothly. It was a great experience that sparked further collaborations with these groups. Our club recognized the misconceptions about the war in Ukraine, especially among people our age. We organized a public Zoom panel with UofT professor Andres Kasekamp and Harvard Professor Markian Dobczansky to discuss the history of Ukraine-Russia relations and why Russia’s invasion has a historical context preceding 2014. Our Co-President Nadiya gave a short summary about the current war and our Social Director Alexander moderated the discussion that followed. Since one of the most essential things needed in Ukraine in light of the ongoing war was medical supplies, we decided to organise a donation drive on our university campus to collect the necessary items. Many people wanted to contribute to this initiative and we were able to collect a good amount of donations. Together with a number of other USOs in the GTA, we organized “The Next Generation Rally” on March 12, in front of the Russian Consulate in Toronto to show our support of Ukraine and our opposition to Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression against it. This was a student-focused event designed to highlight Ukrainian student performers and speakers from Ukraine and Canada.

TMUSC This year, the Toronto Metropolitan Ukrainian Students’ Club (TMUSC) — formerly the Ukrainian Students’ Club at Ryerson University — aimed to strengthen aspects of Ukrainian community and culture on campus through the organization of various online and in-person initatives. We held two Krispy Kreme fundraisers — the first Ukrainian club under SUSK to do so — in an effort to collect funds for future events. We were able to do this safely during the pandemic, and delivered over 150 dozen donuts to families across the GTHA. After Russia launched its fullscale invasion into Ukraine in February, the USC immediately began to come up with ways to raise awareness and provide support to Ukrainians in Ukraine, as well as international and domestic students of Ukrainian de-

scent at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU). We were able to hold several on-campus fundraisers, raising over $500 for Ukrainian humanitarian aid, a student rally with six other Ukrainian student clubs in the GTHA, and collaborated with Ukrainian scholars to hold a vigil for the fallen soldiers and victims of Russia’s war on Ukraine. At the end of April, Ryerson University changed its name to the Toronto Metropolitan University due to Egerton Ryerson’s ties to the residential school system. As such, the Ukrainian Students’ Club at Ryerson became the Toronto Metropolitan Ukrainian Students’ Club, and we look forward to revitalizing our club name and logo amongst our past, present and future club members for years to come — or at least until the next name change.



QueensU Ukrainian Students’ Association Over the past year Queen’s University Ukrainian Student Association (QUUSA) has been hard at work. Once we had our team and club in place we started to get to work on our different events and posts such as an informative post about the Holodomor on Instagram to help inform people of the severity of the genocide and encouraged reposting it in order to reach a larger audience. In January as Russian aggression started to escalate, we held a

virtual viewing of Winter on Fire to help educate individuals of the war Ukraine has been fighting since 2014. In February when the war was officially declared on Ukraine, QUUSA organized an emergency meeting alongside RMC and SLC, to educate students on the current events as well as providing support for students, specifically those from Ukraine. We also organized our first rally in support of Ukraine in front of Kingston City Hall, where attendees gathered to show their support and marched around

city hall and heard co-presidents Taissa Martschenko and Katrina Korotky speak on the matter. Following this, we encouraged the Queens and Kingston community to show their support on March 7 by wearing their hair in two braids and wearing blue and yellow. Working with the Queen’s community we were also able to organize and host a Vigil for Peace for anyone who wanted to attend to provide support and a community for everyone being impacted. Throughout the next 4 weeks QUUSA started a “Stop Putin” bracelet initiative that grew into a weekly fundraiser

for Help Us Help, where we sold the “Stop Putin” bracelets as well as: sunflower bracelets/rings, blue and yellow bracelets, blue and Yellow pins, crochet soldiers and hearts, which we were able to raise over $2,000. During this time our senior exec was in contact with newspapers and news stations to spread awareness of the severity of the war and what individuals could do to help. Lastly, QUUSA’s final event of the year was a rally in support of Ukraine.There was an incredible turnout of over 100 students and community members who came to show their support and stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

UOttawa Ukrainian Students’ Club Despite the ongoing uncertainty that has been brought to us, OUSC’s Board of Directors has persevered and accomplished many things throughout the 2021-22 academic year. In September, we hosted our virtual AGM, during which we became acquainted with new members, discussed our hopes for the year, highlighted our club’s goals and affiliations, and introduced our new concentrated committees. For Holodomor Awareness Week in November, we put up black ribbons and informative posters at different locations across the downtown core. As a collaboration with the UVic Ukrainian Students’ Society, Our Advocacy Committee additionally hosted a Zoom webinar featuring three incredible speakers who discussed their original research on the Holodomor. On Holodomor Memorial Day, we


held a vigil on Parliament Hill alongside community members. We stood with candles, reflected, and prayed for the souls of victims we have lost. Following the vigil, we screened the film Mr. Jones–the award-winning 2019 film, by director Agnieszka Holland, about Welsh journalist Gareth Jones who risked his life to expose the truth about the Holodomor Famine-Genocide.

Since Feb. 24, things have changed. Instead of following through with our existing plans for the semester, we instead set up virtual check-ins with our members. We attended and spoke at Ottawa rallies in support of Ukraine. We supported the establishment of a new organization called “Ottawa Ukrainian Mental Health,” which has begun its delivery of men-

tal health support groups in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages. We hosted a donations drive on-campus, and participated in the others set up by the Ukrainian Canadian community. We attended our university’s Student Life Awards, during which we raised over $1,000 for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal and delivered a speech on behalf of Ukrainian students at the University of Ottawa. However, we realize that upholding Ukrainian culture is now more important than ever. As such, we have continued our initiatives that focus on cultural awareness. In early April, we hosted a pysanky workshop at the Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Ottawa, and our Media Committee cotinues to create regular “Baba Knows Best” feature Friday, and Ukrainian brand of the week posts.

McGill Ukrainian Students’ Association The McGill Ukrainian Students’ Association (MUSA) represents a diverse group of McGill students of all cultural and educational backgrounds who share a passion and an interest in Ukrainian culture. Each year MUSA hosts a diverse number of events that include: celebrations of Ukrainian traditions and culture, speaker events, social gatherings, and fundraisers for important Ukrainian causes. In these times of vast misinformation and propaganda, we, at MUSA, have taken on the role to share verified informational resources regarding significant events in Ukraine’s history, and those occurring currently. MUSA partakes in all these activities, as it strongly believes that youth has a key role in supporting the culture and in sustaining the traditions of Ukraine. We collaborate with other Ukrainian Student Organizations in Montreal and across Canada to share resources, combine fundraising and informational efforts, and foster a great community of Canadian students interested in preserving Ukrainian cul-

ture. We welcome any student or member of the community who shares our values and is interested in learning more about Ukrainian history and culture. Since the onset of Russia’s war on Ukraine, MUSA has worked tirelessly to spread accurate information about the ongoing atrocities in Ukraine to all those in the McGill community, as well as those interested in supporting Ukrainians. We have organized two fundraiser events, like the varenyky sale and the beneficiary concert in collaboration with I Medici di McGill Orchestra. We have amassed more than $10,000 to send as humanitarian aid to Ukraine. We also helped with volunteering and donations in Montreal and advocated for Ukrainian students at McGill. Looking forward, we will continue to collaborate with other members of the Montreal Ukrainian community to lead rallies and demonstrations, donation drives, and other community events. As such, thank you for joining us at this concert and for supporting Ukraine.

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Guess who? 2021-22 SUSK Board of Directors


Alexandra Holyk Aleksa Gobosz Larisa Hemon Michaela Yarmol-Matusiak Maiia Petryshyna Danya Pankiw Maya Pankiw


Marysa Fosty Larysa Stech Dasha Akhova Anika Lutejn Kira Dzulynsky Roman Grod


President VP National Secretary VP Finance VP West VP Central VP East

Alumni Director Project Director Internal Relations Director External Relations Director Media Director “Student” Editor Past President

SUSK Congress 2022 BINGO Have some time in between activities at Congress? Play BINGO and share your results with your new friends!


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