Fridge Notes

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That my soccer coach brought in popsicles for everyone last night. –David

* The people at The Town Hall Theater, for letting me help with stage makeup. -Emily

* Ainaka, for bringing in beautiful fabric and skirts for African Storytelling Night. – Jenny

* Geese!

* That today is the last day of classes! –Emily

* The DV 7/8 African Storytelling Night. It was really good. –Mujtaba

* My DV 7/8 class, for all the hard work they put into the special evening, and to the parents and everyone who attended. –Jenny

* All the food people made. It was really good. –Ben

* The DV 7/8 for the lovely quilt they’re making. It looks good! –Mary L.

* Nate Newman, for his combination of annoyance and kindness throughout his first year of teaching at The Gailer School. –Jessie

* A student of mine, who never missed a single class of mine this year: Mick! –Diane

* My cat, who got run over and is coming back from surgery today. –David

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