The Divine Mother Hymns

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The Divine Mother Hymns


1. Sri Durga Ashottarashatanaama 2. Ananta Rupini 3. Stotra from Devi Mahatmayam 4. Mahishasura Mardini Stotram 5. Bhavani Ashtakam 6. Mahalakshmi Ashtakam 7. Namaste Sharanye 8. Sri Kalikaa Stotram 10. Ambastotram 11. Devi Stotram 12. Annporna Stotram 13. Sri Kali Ashottarashatanaama

3 12 13 30 44 49 53 55 61 64 69 77


श्री दर् ु गा अष्टोत्तरशतनगम ॥

ॐ शशवगयै नमः ॐ महगलक्ष्म्यै नमः ॐ महगर्ौयै नमः ॐ चण्डिकगयै नमः ॐ सवाज्ञगयै नमः ॐ सवगालोकेश्यै नमः ॐ सवाकमा फलप्रदगयै नमः ॐ सवातीर्ा मयगयै नमः ॐ पुडयगयै नमः ॥१०॥ oṃ durgāyai namaḥ oṃ śivāyai namaḥ oṃ mahālakṣmyai namaḥ oṃ mahāgauryai namaḥ oṃ caṇḍikāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvaṅñāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvālokeśyai namaḥ oṃ sarvakarma phalapradāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvatīrdha mayāyai namaḥ oṃ puṇyāyai namaḥ ||10|| ॐ दे व योनये नमः ॐ अयोननजगयै नमः ॐ भूशमजगयै नमः ॐ ननर्ण ुा गयै नमः

ॐ आर्गरशक्त्यै नमः ॐ अनीश्वयै नमः ॐ ननर्ण ुा गयै नमः

ॐ ननरहङ्कगरगयै नमः ॐ सवार्वाववमर्दा न्यै नमः ॐ सवालोकवप्रयगयै नमः ॥२०॥ oṃ deva yonaye namaḥ oṃ ayonijāyai namaḥ oṃ bhūmijāyai namaḥ oṃ nirguṇāyai namaḥ oṃ ādhāraśaktyai namaḥ oṃ anīśvaryai namaḥ oṃ nirguṇāyai namaḥ oṃ nirahaṅkārāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvagarvavimardinyai namaḥ oṃ sarvalokapriyāyai namaḥ ||20|| ॐ वगडयै नमः ॐ सवाववध्यगर्द दे वतगयै नमः ॐ पगवा्यै नमः ॐ दे वमगत्रे नमः ॐ वनीश्यै नमः ॐ ववन्ध्य वगशसन्यै नमः ॐ तेजोव्यै नमः ॐ महगमगत्रे नमः ॐ कोर्िसूया समप्रभगयै नमः ॐ दे वतगयै नमः ॥३०॥

oṃ vāṇyai namaḥ oṃ sarvavidhyādi devatāyai namaḥ oṃ pārvatyai namaḥ oṃ devamātre namaḥ oṃ vanīśyai namaḥ oṃ vindhya vāsinyai namaḥ oṃ tejovatyai namaḥ oṃ mahāmātre namaḥ oṃ koṭisūrya samaprabhāyai namaḥ oṃ devatāyai namaḥ ||30|| ॐ वण्ननरूपगयै नमः ॐ सतेजसे नमः ॐ वणारूवपडयै नमः ॐ र्ण ु गश्रयगयै नमः

ॐ र्ुणमध्यगयै नमः

ॐ र्ुणत्रयवववण्जातगयै नमः ॐ कमाज्ञगन प्रदगयै नमः ॐ कगन्तगयै नमः ॐ सवासंहगर कगररडयै नमः ॐ र्माज्ञगनगयै नमः ॥४०॥ oṃ vahnirūpāyai namaḥ oṃ satejase namaḥ oṃ varṇarūpiṇyai namaḥ oṃ guṇāśrayāyai namaḥ oṃ guṇamadhyāyai namaḥ oṃ guṇatrayavivarjitāyai namaḥ oṃ karmaṅñāna pradāyai namaḥ oṃ kāntāyai namaḥ

oṃ sarvasaṃhāra kāriṇyai namaḥ oṃ dharmaṅñānāyai namaḥ ||40|| ॐ र्माननष्िगयै नमः ॐ सवाकमावववण्जातगयै नमः ॐ कगमगक्ष्मयै नमः ॐ कगमगसंहन्​्यै नमः ॐ कगमक्रोर् वववण्जातगयै नमः ॐ शगङ्कयै नमः ॐ शग्भव्यै नमः ॐ शगन्तगयै नमः ॐ चन्रसुयगाण्ननलोचनगयै नमः ॐ सुजयगयै नमः ॥५०॥

oṃ dharmaniṣṭāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvakarmavivarjitāyai namaḥ oṃ kāmākṣyai namaḥ oṃ kāmāsaṃhantryai namaḥ oṃ kāmakrodha vivarjitāyai namaḥ oṃ śāṅkaryai namaḥ oṃ śāmbhavyai namaḥ oṃ śāntāyai namaḥ oṃ candrasuryāgnilocanāyai namaḥ oṃ sujayāyai namaḥ ||50|| ॐ जयगयै नमः ॐ भूशमष्ठगयै नमः ॐ जगननव्यै नमः

ॐ जनपण्ू जतगयै नमः

ॐ शगस्त्त्रगयै नमः ॐ शगस्त्त्रमयगयै नमः ॐ नन्यगयै नमः ॐ शुभगयै नमः

ॐ चन्रगर्ामस्त्तकगयै नमः ॐ भगर्यै नमः ॥६०॥ oṃ jayāyai namaḥ oṃ bhūmiṣṭhāyai namaḥ oṃ jāhnavyai namaḥ oṃ janapūjitāyai namaḥ oṃ śāstrāyai namaḥ oṃ śāstramayāyai namaḥ oṃ nityāyai namaḥ oṃ śubhāyai namaḥ oṃ candrārdhamastakāyai namaḥ oṃ bhāratyai namaḥ ||60|| ॐ भ्रगमयै नमः ॐ कल्पगयै नमः ॐ करगल्यै नमः ॐ कृष्ण वपङ्र्लगयै नमः ॐ ब्रगन्यै नमः

ॐ नगरगयडयै नमः ॐ रौद्र्यै नमः ॐ चन्रगमत ृ पररवत ृ गयै नमः ॐ ज्येष्ठगयै नमः

ॐ इण्न्दरगयै नमः ॥७०॥

oṃ bhrāmaryai namaḥ oṃ kalpāyai namaḥ oṃ karāḷyai namaḥ oṃ kṛṣṇa piṅgaḷāyai namaḥ oṃ brāhmyai namaḥ oṃ nārāyaṇyai namaḥ oṃ raudryai namaḥ oṃ candrāmṛta parivṛtāyai namaḥ oṃ jyeṣṭhāyai namaḥ oṃ indirāyai namaḥ ||70|| ॐ महगमगयगयै नमः ॐ जर्​्सष्ृ ्यगधर्कगररडयै नमः

ॐ ब्रनमगडि कोर्ि संस्त्थगनगयै नमः ॐ कगशमन्यै नमः ॐ कमलगलयगयै नमः ॐ कग्यगयन्यै नमः ॐ कलगतीतगयै नमः ॐ कगलसंहगरकगररडयै नमः ॐ योर्गननष्ठगयै नमः ॐ योधर्र्​्यगयै नमः ॥८०॥ oṃ mahāmāyāyai namaḥ oṃ jagatsṛṣṭyādhikāriṇyai namaḥ oṃ brahmāṇḍa koṭi saṃsthānāyai namaḥ oṃ kāminyai namaḥ oṃ kamalālayāyai namaḥ oṃ kātyāyanyai namaḥ oṃ kalātītāyai namaḥ oṃ kālasaṃhārakāriṇyai namaḥ

oṃ yogāniṣṭhāyai namaḥ oṃ yogigamyāyai namaḥ ||80|| ॐ योर्ध्येयगयै नमः ॐ तपण्स्त्वन्यै नमः ॐ ज्ञगनरूपगयै नमः

ॐ ननरगकगरगयै नमः ॐ भक्ततगभीष्ि फलप्रदगयै नमः ॐ भूतगण्​्मकगयै नमः ॐ भूतमगत्रे नमः ॐ भत ू ेश्यै नमः

ॐ भूतर्गररडयै नमः

ॐ स्त्वर्गनगरी मध्यर्तगयै नमः ॥९०॥ oṃ yogadhyeyāyai namaḥ oṃ tapasvinyai namaḥ oṃ ṅñānarūpāyai namaḥ oṃ nirākārāyai namaḥ oṃ bhaktābhīṣṭa phalapradāyai namaḥ oṃ bhūtātmikāyai namaḥ oṃ bhūtamātre namaḥ oṃ bhūteśyai namaḥ oṃ bhūtadhāriṇyai namaḥ oṃ svadhānārī madhyagatāyai namaḥ ||90|| ॐ षिगर्गरगधर् वधर्ान्यै नमः ॐ मोर्हतगयै नमः ॐ अंशभ ु वगयै नमः ॐ शुभ्रगयै नमः

ॐ सक्ष्म ू मगयै नमः ॐ मगत्रगयै नमः

ॐ ननरगलसगयै नमः ॐ ननमननगयै नमः ॐ नीलसङ्कगशगयै नमः ॐ नन्यगनण्न्दन्यै नमः ॥१००॥ oṃ ṣaḍādhārādhi vardhinyai namaḥ oṃ mohitāyai namaḥ oṃ aṃśubhavāyai namaḥ oṃ śubhrāyai namaḥ oṃ sūkṣmāyai namaḥ oṃ mātrāyai namaḥ oṃ nirālasāyai namaḥ oṃ nimagnāyai namaḥ oṃ nīlasaṅkāśāyai namaḥ oṃ nityānandinyai namaḥ ||100|| ॐ हरगयै नमः ॐ परगयै नमः ॐ सवाज्ञगनप्रदगयै नमः ॐ अनन्तगयै नमः ॐ स्यगयै नमः ॐ दल ा रूवपडयै नमः ु भ ॐ सरस्त्व्यै नमः

ॐ सवार्तगयै नमः ॐ सवगाभीष्िप्रदगनयन्यै नमः ॥ १०८ ॥ oṃ harāyai namaḥ oṃ parāyai namaḥ

oṃ sarvaṅñānapradāyai namaḥ oṃ anantāyai namaḥ oṃ satyāyai namaḥ oṃ durlabha rūpiṇyai namaḥ oṃ sarasvatyai namaḥ oṃ sarvagatāyai namaḥ oṃ sarvābhīṣṭapradāyinyai namaḥ || 108 ||


अनन्त-रूवपणण ॥ अनन्त-रूवपणण अनन्त-र्ुणवनत अनन्त-नगण्​्न धर्ररजे मग।

शशव-हृन्मोर्हनन ववश्व-ववलगशसनन रगमकृष्ण-जय-दगनयनन मग॥ ananta-rūpiṇi ananta-guṇavati ananta-nāmni girije mā| śiva-hṛnmohini viśva-vilāsini rāmakṛṣṇa-jaya-dāyini mā||

You of endless forms, endless virtues, endless names, O Mother, You who sport in the universe O Mother, You who grant victory to Ramakrishna जर्ज्जननन त्रत्रलोक-पगशलनन ववश्व-सुवगशसनन शुभदे मग।

दर् ु ना त-नगशशनन सन्मनत-दगनयनन भोर्-मोक्ष-सुख-कगररणण मग॥ jagajjanani triloka-pālini viśva-suvāsini śubhade mā| durgati-nāśini sanmati-dāyini bhoga-mokṣa-sukha-kāriṇi mā||

You, Mother of the Universe, nourisher of the three worlds, auspicious Mother who resides in the Universe, who bestows grace, who destroys miseries, who gives wisdom, O Mother who is the source of enjoyment, prosperity and liberation, परमे पगवानत सुन्दरर भर्वनत दर् ु े भगमनत ्वं मे मग।

प्रसीद मगतनार्ेन्र-नण्न्दनन धचर-सख ु -दगनयनन जयदे मग॥

प्रणगमः Parame pārvati sundari bhagavati durge bhāmati tvaṁ me mā| prasīda mātarnagendra-nandini cira-sukha-dāyini jayade mā||

You, My Mother, Paarvati, Supreme One, beautiful Goddess, Durga who illumines my mind, daughter of the Himalayas, giver of everlasting happiness and victory, O Mother, be gracious.


यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु ॥

नमो दे व्यै महगदे व्यै शशवगयै सततं नमः । नमः प्रकृ्यै भरगयै ननयतगः प्रणतगः स्त्म तगम ् Namo Devyai Mahaa-Devyai Shivaayai Satatam Namah | Namah Prakrtyai Bhadraayai Niyataah Prannataah Sma Taam ||1||

Salutations to the Devi, to the Mahadevi; Salutations Always to Her, who is One with Shiva (the Auspicious One). (1. Salutations to Her Who is the Auspicious (being one with Shiva) Primordial Source of Creation and Controller of Everything; We Bow Always to Her. रौरगयै नमो नन्यगयै र्ौयै र्ग्यै नमो नमः । ज्यो्स्त्नगयै चेन्दरू ु वपडयै सुखगयै सततं नमः Raudraayai Namo Nityaayai Gauryai Dhaatryai Namo Namah Jyotsnaayai Ce[a-I] ndu-Ruupinnyai Sukhaayai Satatam Namah

Salutations to the Terrible, Salutations to the Eternal, the Shining One and the Supporter of the Universe. Salutations Always to Her, Who has a Cool Brightness like the Moonlit Night, And the Radiant Form of the Moon, and Who is Joy Herself. कल्यगडयै प्रणतग वद् ृ र्यै शसद्र्यै कुमो नमो नमः । नैर्ा्यै भूभत ृ गं लक्ष्म्यै शवगाडयै ते नमो नमः Kalyaannyai Prannataa Vrddhayai Siddhayai Kurmo Namo Namah Nairrtyai Bhuubhrtaam Lakssmyai Sharvaannyai Te Namo Namah

We Bow to Her Who is the Source of Welfare, Who is Great, Fulfilled and Abides as the Universe, Salutations to Her Who is the Destroyer as

well as the Prosperity which Supports the Earth and Who is the Consort of Shiva (in the Divine Play of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction). दर् ा गरगयै सगरगयै सवाकगररडयै । ु गायै दर् ु प

ख्यग्यै तथैव कृष्णगयै र्ूम्रगयै सततं नमः Durgaayai Durga-Paaraayai Saaraayai Sarva-Kaarinnyai | Khyaatyai Tathaiva Krssnnaayai Dhuumraayai Satatam Namah

(Salutations to) Durga, who helps us in Crossing over the Difficulties and Dangers of Life and who is the Essence of All Causes, Salutations Always to Her, Who is Renowned and Widely Known Outside (in Creation) Just As She is Dark and Smoky and Difficult to Know Inside (in Meditation). अनतसौ्यगनतरौरगयै नतगस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः । नमो जर्​्प्रनतष्ठगयै दे व्यै कृ्यै नमो नमः Ati-Saumya-Ati-Raudraayai Nataas-Tasyai Namo Namah | Namo Jagat-Pratisstthaayai Devyai Krtyai Namo Namah

Salutations to Her Who is Extremely Gentle like the Moon and also Extremely Terrible like Rudra, Salutations to the Devi Who is the Supporter of the Universe and Salutations to Her Who is the Creator of the Universe. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु ववष्णुमगयेनत शण्ददतग । नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Vissnnumaayeti Shabditaa | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is Called Vishnumaya, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again

यग दे वी सवाभत े ु चेतने्यशभर्ीयते । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Cetanety-Abhidhiiyate | Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is reflected as Consciousness, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु बुद्धर्रूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Buddhi-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Intelligence, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु ननरगरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Nidraa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Sleep, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु क्षुर्गरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kssudhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Hunger, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु छगयगरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Chaayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is Abiding in the Form of Shadow (of Higher Self) (Jivatma as a Shadow of Paramatma), Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु शण्क्ततरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Shakti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Power, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु तष्ृ णगरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Trssnnaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Thirst, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

यग दे वी सवाभत े ु क्षगण्न्तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kssaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Forbearance, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु जगनतरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Jaati-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Genus (Original Cause of Everything), Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभत े ु लज्जगरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Lajjaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Modesty, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभत े ु शगण्न्तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Shaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Peace, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु श्रद्र्गरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Shraddhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Faith (in Higher Self), Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभत े ु कगण्न्तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Loveliness and Beauty, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु लक्ष्ममीरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Lakssmii-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Good Fortune, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

यग दे वी सवाभत े ु ववृ त्तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Vrtti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Activity, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभत े ु स्त्मनृ तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग । ु ष

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Smrti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Memory, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु दयगरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Dayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Kindness, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु तुण्ष्िरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Tusstti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Contentment, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु मगतरू ृ पेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Maatr-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Mother, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. यग दे वी सवाभुतष े ु भ्रगण्न्तरूपेण संण्स्त्थतग ।

नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Bhraanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

To that Devi Who in All Beings is abiding in the Form of Delusion, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again. इण्न्रयगणगमधर्ष्ठगत्री भुतगनगं चगणखलेषु यग । भूतष े ु सततं तस्त्यै व्यगण्ततदे व्यै नमो नमः

Indriyaannaam-Adhisstthaatrii Bhutaanaam Ca-Akhilessu Yaa Bhuutessu Satatam Tasyai Vyaapti-Devyai Namo Namah

(Salutations) To that Devi Who Governs the Faculty of Senses of Beings in All the Worlds, Salutations to Her Who is the Devi Who Always Pervades all Beings. धचनतरूपेण यग कृ्स्त्नमेतद्व्यगतय ण्स्त्थतग जर्त ् । नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमस्त्तस्त्यै नमो नमः

Citi-Ruupenna Yaa Krtsnam-Etad-Vyaapya Sthitaa Jagat | NamasTasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah

(Salutations to Her) who in the Form of Consciousness Pervades This Universe and Abides in It, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations to Her, Salutations again and again.

STOTRA -DEVI MAHATMYAM (CHANDI) – 2 दे वव प्रपन्नगनताहरे प्रसीद,प्रसीद मगतजार्तोऽणखलस्त्य । प्रसीद ववश्वेश्वरर पगर्ह ववश्वं, ्वमीश्वरी दे वव चरगचरस्त्य Devi Prapanna-[A]arti-Hare Prasiida Prasiida Maatar-Jagato-[A]khilasya | Prasiida Vishve[a-Ii] shvari Paahi Vishvam Tvam-Iishvarii Devi Caraa-Carasya

Salutations to the Divine Mother) O Devi, You Remove the Distress of those who Approach You and take Refuge in You; Please be Gracious, please be Gracious, O Mother of the Entire Universe, please be Gracious, O Goddess of the World, and Protect the World, O Devi, You are the Goddess of all the Moving and Non-Moving Beings. आर्गरभूतग जर्तस्त्​्वमेकग,महीस्त्वरूपेण यतः ण्स्त्थतगशस । अपगं स्त्वरूपण्स्त्थतयग ्वयैतदगतयगयते कृ्स्त्नमलङ्​्यवीये

Aadhaara-Bhuutaa Jagatas-Tvam-Ekaa Mahii-Svaruupenna Yatah Sthitaasi | Apaam Svaruupa-Sthitayaa Tvayai[a-e] tad-Aapyaayate KrtsnamAlangghya-Viirye

Salutations to the Divine Mother) You Alone Support All the Beings of the Standing Firm like the Form of the Great Earth, By being Established like the Form of Water You Overflow This. Entire World with Your Inviolable Power. ्वं वैष्णवीशण्क्ततरनन्तवीयगा ववश्वस्त्य बीजं परमगशस मगयग । स्मोर्हतं दे वव समस्त्तमेतत्त्वं वै प्रसन्नग भुवव मुण्क्ततहे तुः Tvam Vaissnnavii-Shaktir-Ananta-Viiryaa Vishvasya Biijam Paramaasi Maayaa |

Sammohitam Devi Samastam-Etat-Tvam Vai Prasannaa Bhuvi Mukti-Hetuh

Salutations to the Divine Mother) You are the Endless Power of Vaishnavi Shakti (Power of Vishnu), You are the Supreme Maya which is the Seed of the Universe, (The power of Maya projects this Universe over the substratum of Brahman) O Devi, This Whole World is Caught in the Illusion (of Your Maya), If You Become Gracious, it Becomes the Cause of Liberation. ववद्यगः समस्त्तगस्त्तव दे वव भेदगः ण्स्त्त्रयः समस्त्तगः सकलग जर्​्सु । ्वयैकयग परू रतम्बयैतत ् कग ते स्त्तनु तः स्त्तव्यपरगपरोण्क्ततः Vidyaah Samastaas-Tava Devi Bhedaah Striyah Samastaah Sakalaa Jagatsu | Tvayai[aa-e] kayaa Puuritam-Ambayai[aa-E] tat Kaa Te Stutih Stavya-Paraaparo[a-U] ktih

Salutations to the Divine Mother) O Devi, All Knowledge are Your Differentiation (arising from You), All Women in this World are Your Parts, O Mother, By You Alone is Filled all This (i.e. the World, What Praise is there of You which is Glorious (i.e. can Glorify You), and which can be expressed with Direct and Indirect Expressions? सवाभत ू ग यदग दे वी भण्ु क्ततमण्ु क्ततप्रदगनयनी ।

्वं स्त्तुतग स्त्तुतये कग वग भवन्तु परमोक्ततयः Sarva-Bhuutaa Yadaa Devii Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayinii | Tvam Stutaa Stutaye Kaa Vaa Bhavantu Paramo[a-U] ktayah

Salutations to the Divine Mother) O Devi, when (You are Praised as being) Present in All Beings and Granting Worldly Prosperity and Liberation. You are praised thus, What Better Expression can there befor Praising You?

सवास्त्य बद् ु धर्रूपेण जनस्त्य हृर्द संण्स्त्थते । स्त्वर्गापवर्ादे दे वव नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते

Sarvasya Buddhi-Ruupenna Janasya Hrdi Samsthite | Svargaapavarga-De Devi Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Abide in the Heart of All Beings in the Form of Intelligence. And Grants Enjoyment and Liberation; O Devi; Salutations to You O Narayani. कलगकगष्ठगर्दरूपेण पररणगमप्रदगनयनन । ववश्वस्त्योपरतौ शक्तते नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Kalaa-Kaassttha-[A]adi-Ruupenna Parinnaama-Pradaayini | Vishvasyo[a-U] paratau Shakte Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Brings About Transformation in this Universe from moment to moment in the Form of Divisions of Time like Kala, Kastha etc., And Who has the Power to Withdraw the Entire Universe (which was projected from Her Maya Shakti); Salutations to You O Narayani. सवामङ्र्लमगङ्र्ल्ये शशवे सवगाथस ा गधर्के । शरडये ्य्बके र्ौरर नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Sarva-Manggala-Maanggalye Shive Sarvaartha-Saadhike | Sharannye Trya[i-A] mbake Gauri Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A]stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who is the Auspiciousness in All the Auspicious, Auspiciousness Herself and Complete with All the Auspicious Attributes, The Giver of Refuge, With Three Eyes and a Shining Face; Salutations to You O Narayani.

सण्ृ ष्िण्स्त्थनतववनगशगनगं शण्क्ततभूते सनगतनन । र्ण ु गश्रये र्ण ु मये नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते

Srsstti-Sthiti-Vinaashaanaam Shakti-Bhuute Sanaatani | Gunna[A]ashraye Gunnamaye Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) In Whom is Present the Power of Creation, Maintenance and Dissolution and Who is Eternal, Who is the Support of the Gunas and the Embodiment of the Gunas; Salutations to You O Narayani. शरणगर्तदीनगतापररत्रगणपरगयणे ।

सवास्त्यगनताहरे दे वव नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Sharannaagata-Diina-[A]arta-Paritraanna-Paraayanne | Sarvasya[A]arti-Hare Devi Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who is Intent Upon Rescuing the Distressed and the Oppressed who Take Her Refuge, And Remove All their Sufferings; O Devi; Salutations to You O Narayani. हं सयुक्ततववमगनस्त्थे ब्रनमगणीरूपर्गररणण ।

कौशग्भःक्षररके दे वव नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Hamsa-Yukta-Vimaana-Sthe Brahmaannii-Ruupa-Dhaarinni Kaushaambhah-Kssarike Devi Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A]stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Assumes the Form of Devi Brahmani and Ride the Celestial Chariot Yoked with Swans, And Sprinkle Water with Kusa Grass; O Devi; Salutations to You O Narayani. त्रत्रशूलचन्रगर्हर्रे महगवष ृ भवगर्हनन ।

मगहे श्वरीस्त्वरूपेण नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते

Trishuula-Candra-Ahi-Dhare Mahaa-Vrssabha-Vaahini Maaheshvarii-Svaruupenna Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A]stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Bear the Trident, Moon and the Snake, and Ride the Great Bull in the Form of Devi Maheswari; Salutations to You O Narayani. मयूरकूक्तकुिवत ृ े महगशण्क्ततर्रे ऽनघे । कौमगरीरूपसंस्त्थगने नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Mayuura-Kuukkutta-Vrte Mahaa-Shakti-Dhare-Anaghe | Kaumaarii-Ruupa-Samsthaane Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) who is surrounded by Peacocks and Cocks and Bear the Great Spear, who is the Sinless One. And Assume the Form of Devi Kaumari; Salutations to You O Narayani. शङ्खचक्रर्दगशगङ्ार्र्ह ृ ीतपरमगयुर्े ।

प्रसीद वैष्णवीरूपे नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Shangkha-Cakra-Gadaa-Shaarngga-Grhiita-Paramaa-Yudhe Prasiida Vaissnnavii-Ruupe Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Hold the Most Excellent Weapons consisting of Conch, Discus, Mace and Bow. And Assume the Form of Devi Vaishnavi; Please be Gracious to Us; Salutations to You O Narayani. र्ह ु र्रे । ृ वसन् ृ ीतोग्रमहगचक्तत्रे दं ष्रोद्र्त

वरगहरूवपणण शशवे नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Grhiito[a-U] gra-Mahaa-Caktre Damssttro[a-U] ddhrtaVasundhare Varaaha-Ruupinni Shive Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Assuming a Ferocious Form Holding a Great Discus, Rescued the Mother Earth with Her Tusk, In the Form of Devi Varahi, the Auspicious One; Salutations to You O Narayani. नशृ संहरूपेणोग्रेण हन्तंु दै ्यगन ् कृतोद्यमे । त्रैलोक्तयत्रगणसर्हते नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते

Nrsimha-Ruupenno[a-U] grenna Hantum Daityaan Krto[a-U] dyame |Trailokya-Traanna-Sahite Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A]stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who in the Form of Nrisinghi (WomanLion), in Fierce Rage, Undertook to Kill the Demons, Who Bear the Task of Protecting the Three Worlds; Salutations to You O Narayani. ककरीर्िनन महगवज्र सहस्रनयनोज्ज्वले । वत्र ृ प्रगणहरे चैण्न्र नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Kiriittini Mahaa-Vajra Sahasra-Nayano[a-U] jjvale | Vrtra-Praanna-Hare Ca-[A]indri Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who, decorated with a Diadem and Holding the Great Thunderbolt is blazing with the Brilliance of a Thousand Eyes. And Who Took Away the Life of Demon Vritra in the Form of Devi Aindri; Salutations to You O Narayani. शशवदत ू ीस्त्वरूपेण हतदै ्यमहगबले ।

घोररूपे महगरगवे नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Shivaduutii-Svaruupenna Hata-Daitya-Mahaa-Bale | Ghora-Ruupe Mahaa-Raave Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A]stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who Assuming the Form of Devi Shivaduti Killed the Demons with Great Strength, Who has a Terrific Form and a Loud Roar; Salutations to You O Narayani.

दं ष्रगकरगलवदने शशरोमगलगववभष ू णे ।

चगमड ु िे मड ु िमथने नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Damssttraa-Karaala-Vadane Shiro-Maalaa-Vibhuussanne | Caamunndde Munndda-Mathane Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

(Salutations to You O Narayani) Who has a Dreadful Face with Fangs, and Who is Adorned with a Garland of Severed Heads, Who in the Form of Devi Chamunda Destroyed the Demons (Chanda and) Munda; Salutations to You O Narayani. लण्क्ष्मम लज्जे महगववद्ये श्रद्र्े पुण्ष्ि स्त्वर्े ध्रुवे । महगरगत्रत्र महगमगये नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते

Lakssmi Lajje Mahaa-Vidye Shraddhe Pusstti Svadhe Dhruve Mahaa-Raatri Mahaa-Maaye Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who is Devi Lakshmi in Modesty, in Great Knowledge and in Faith; Who is the Essence (Nourishment) of Sacrificial Offerings and (Essence) of Eternal Life, Who is the 'Darkness of the Great Night' (Most Secret and Unfathomable) in the Great Maya (Illusion); Salutations to You O Narayani. मेर्े सरस्त्वनत वरे भनू त बगभ्रवव तगमशस ।

ननयते ्वं प्रसीदे शे नगरगयणण नमोऽस्त्तु ते Meghe Sarasvati Vare Bhuuti Baabhravi Taamasi | Niyate Tvam Prasiide[a-Ii] she Naaraayanni Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Narayani) Who is Devi Saraswati in Intelligence, Devi Lakshmi (Prosperity) in Boon Giving and Devi Kali (Devi Durga in Her Dark Form) In Restraining the Evil Forces; Please be Gracious, O Goddess; Salutations to You O Narayani.

सवास्त्वरूपे सवेशे सवाशण्क्ततसमण्न्वते । भयेभ्यस्त्त्रगर्ह नो दे वव दर् ु े दे वव नमोऽस्त्तु ते Sarva-Svaruupe Sarve[a-Ii] she Sarva-Shakti-Samanvite | Bhayebhyas-Traahi No Devi Durge Devi Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Devi Durga) You Exist in All Forms of All Gods and are Endowed with All the Powers, Please Protect Us from Fear, O Devi; Salutations to You O Devi Durga. एतत्ते वदनं सौ्यं लोचनत्रयभूवषतम ् ।

पगतु नः सवाभत ू ेभ्यः कग्यगयनन नमोऽस्त्तु ते Etatte Vadanam Saumyam Locana-Traya-Bhuussitam | Paatu Nah Sarva-Bhuutebhyah Kaatyaayani Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Devi Katyayani) This Gentle Face of Yours Adorned with Three Eyes. May That Save Us from All Evil; Salutations to You O Devi Katyayani. ज्वगलगकरगलम्युग्रमशेषगसुरसूदनम ् ।

त्रत्रशूलं पगतु नो भीतेभर ा कगशल नमोऽस्त्तु ते Jvaalaa-Karaalam-Atyu[i-U] gram-Ashessa-[A]asura-Suudanam | Trishuulam Paatu No Bhiiter-Bhadrakaali Namo[ah-A] stu Te

Salutations to You O Devi Bhadrakali) The Blazing, Dreadful, Exceedingly Sharp, which does not get Consumed, Destroyer of Demons. May That Trident of Yours Protect Us from Danger; Salutations to You O Devi Bhadrakali.


अनय धर्ररनण्न्दनन नण्न्दतमेर्दनन ॥ अनय धर्ररनण्न्दनन नण्न्दतमेर्दनन ववश्वववनोर्दनन नण्न्दनुते

धर्ररवरववन्ध्यशशरोऽधर्ननवगशसनन ववष्णवु वलगशसनन ण्जष्णन ु त ु े ।भर्वनत हे शशनतकडठकुिुण्​्बनन भरू रकुिुण्​्बनन भरू रकृते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Giri-Nandini Nandita-Medini Vishva-Vinodini Nandi-Nute Giri-Vara-Vindhya-Shiro-[A]dhi-Nivaasini Vissnnu-Vilaasini Jissnnu-Nute |Bhagavati He Shiti-Kannttha-Kuttumbini BhuriKuttumbini Bhuri-Krte Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Daughter of the Mountain, Who Fills the whole World with Joy, For Whom the whole World is a Divine Play and Who is Praised by Nandi, Who Dwell on the Summit of the Vindhyas, the Best of the Mountains, Who Gives Joy to Lord Vishnu being His sister) and Who is Praised by Lord Indra,O Goddess, Who is the Consort of Lord Shiva with Blue Throat, Who has Many Many Relations in this World (being the Cosmic Mother) and Who Created Abundance, Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. सरु वरववषाणण दर् ुा मवषाणण हषारते ु रा र्वषाणण दम ु ख

त्रत्रभुवनपोवषणण शङ्करतोवषणण ककण्ल्बषमोवषणण घोषरते

दनुजननरोवषणण र्दनतसुतरोवषणण दम ा शोवषणण शसन्र्ुसुते ु द जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Suravara-Varssinni Durdhara-Dharssinni Durmukha-Marssinni

Harssa-Rate Tribhuvana-Possinni Shangkara-Tossinni KilbissaMossinni Ghossa-Rate Danuja-Nirossinni Diti-Suta-Rossinni Durmada-Shossinni Sindhu-Sute Jaya Jaya He MahissaasuraMardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Shower Boons on the Devas, Who Overpowered the Demon Durdhara (literally meaning Unrestrainable), Who Endured the Demon Durmukha (literally meaning Foul-Mouthed) and finally killed him and Who Delight in Her own Bliss, Who Sustain and Nourish the Three-Worlds and Delight Lord Shiva by Removing the Sins (i.e. Sinful Demons) by Indulging Herself in the Tumult of the Battle,Who Quel the Wrath of the Danavas (Born from Danu), Who is Angry with the Daityas (Son of Diti), Who Dry Up the Foolish Pride of Demons and Who is the Daughter of the Ocean (as Devi Lakshmi),Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय जर्द्ब मद्ब कद्ब वनवप्रयवगशसनन हगसरते शशखरर शशरोमणण तुङ्र्र्हमलय शङ् ृ र्ननजगलय मध्यर्ते । मर्ुमर्ुरे मर्ुकैिभर्ण्जजनन कैिभभण्जजनन रगसरते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसरु मर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Jagad[t]-Amba Mad-Amba Kadamba Vana-Priyavaasini Haasa-Rate Shikhari Shiro-Manni Tungga-Himalaya Shrngga-Nija[Aa]laya Madhya-Gate | Madhu-Madhure Madhu-KaittabhaGan.jini Kaittabha-Bhan.jini Raasa-Rate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Mother of the Universe, Who is My Own Mother, Who Likes to Live in the Forest of Kadamba Trees and Delight in Laughter and Mirth, Whose Abode is In the Middle of the Crest-Jewel of Peaks of the Lofty Himalayas,Who is As Sweet as Honey, Who Subdued the Pride of the Demons Madhu and Kaitabha, Who Destroyed the

Demons (Madhu and) Kaitabha, Indulging in the Din and Uproar of the Great Battle, Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय शतखडि ववखण्डितरुडि ववतण्ु डितशुडद र्जगधर्पते ररपुर्जर्डि ववदगरणचडि परगक्रमशुडि मर् ृ गधर्पते ।

ननजभुजदडि ननपगनततखडि ववपगनततमुडि भिगधर्पते जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Ayi Shata-Khanndda Vikhannddita-Runndda VitunndditaShunnda Gaja-[A]dhipate Ripu-Gaja-Ganndda VidaarannaCanndda Paraakrama-Shunndda Mrga-[A]dhipate | Nija-BhujaDanndda Nipaatita-Khanndda Vipaatita-Munndda Bhatta[A]dhipate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Conquerer of the Enemy's Elephants Who Cut off their Trunks and Heads, and the Headless Bodies into Hundred Pieces, Whose Lion Fiercely Tear Asunder the Faces of the Powerful Elephants of the Enemies, Who Felled the Heads of Demons (Chanda) and Munda with the Weapons in Her Arms and Conquered the (Enemy) Warriors, Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय रणदम ा शत्रुवर्ोर्दत दर् ु द ु रा ननजार शण्क्ततभत ृ े

चतुरववचगर र्ुरीणमहगशशव दत ू कृत प्रमथगधर्पते । दरु रतदरु ीह दरु गशयदम ु ना त दगनवदत ु कृतगन्तमते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Ranna-Durmada Shatru-Vadho[a-U] dita Durdhara-Nirjara Shakti-Bhrte Catura-Vicaara Dhuriinna-Mahaashiva Duuta-Krta Pramatha-[A]dhipate | Durita-Duriiha Duraashaya-Durmati

Daanava-Duta Krtaanta-Mate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Divine Mother Who was Manifested to Destroy the Battle-Intoxicated Arrogant Demons and Who is the Possessor of Unrestrainable and Imperishable Power, Who Made Lord Shiva Her Messenger, that Lord Shiva Who is Distinguished by Cleverness in Deliberation and is the Lord of the Ghosts and Goblins, Who is Honored for Bringing an End (i.e. Rejecting) to the Proposal (of marrying Shumbha or Nishumbha) of the Evil-Minded and Ignorant Messenger of the Demon (and hence bringing an end to the demons themselves). Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय शरणगर्त वैररवर्व ु र वीरवरगभय दगयकरे

त्रत्रभुवनमस्त्तक शुलववरोधर् शशरोऽधर्कृतगमल शुलकरे । दशु मदशु मतगमर र्ुन्दशु भनगदमहोमुखरीकृत र्दङ्मकरे

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Sharannaagata Vairi-Vadhuvara Viiravara-[A]bhaya DaayaKare Tribhuvana-Mastaka Shula-Virodhi Shiro-[A]dhikrta[A]mala Shula-Kare |Dumi-Dumi-Taamara Dhundubhi-NaadamAho-Mukhariikrta Dingma-Kare Jaya Jaya He MahissaasuraMardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Divine Mother Who Gave Abhaya to the Heroic Soldiers of the Enemy when their Good Wives took Her Refuge, Whose Pure Trident in Hand Capture the Heads of the Heads (Rulers) of the Three Worlds who oppose Her Trident. Whose Victory gives rise to DumiDumi Sound of Dundubhi Drum flowing incessantly like Water which fills All the Directions with Joy, Victory to You, and the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

अनय ननजहुङ्कृनत मगत्रननरगकृत र्म्र ू ववलोचन र्म्र ू शते समरववशोवषत शोणणतबीज समुद्भवशोणणत बीजलते । शशवशशवशु्भ ननशु्भमहगहव तवपातभूत वपशगचरते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Nija-Hungkrti Maatra-Niraakrta Dhumravilocana DhumraShate Samara-Vishossita Shonnita-Biija Samudbhava-Shonnita Biija-Late |Shiva-Shiva-Shumbha Nishumbha-Mahaahava TarpitaBhuta Pishaaca-Rate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini RamyaKapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Divine Mother Who Reduced Demon Dhumralocana into Hundred Smoke Particles (i.e. Ashes) with a Mere Humkara.Who Dried up the Strength of the original Demon Raktabija and Similar Raktabijas Produced from him like a Creeper Chain (from each drop of blood Seed) during the Battle. Whose Great Auspicious Sacrifice (resembling a Yajna) of Shumbha and Nishumbha Satisfied the Ghosts and Fiends (attending Lord Shiva). Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. र्नरु नष ु ङ्र् रणक्षणसङ्र् पररस्त्फुरदङ्र् नि्किके

कनकवपशङ्र् पष ृ ्कननषङ्र् रसद्भिशङ् ृ र् हतगबिुके । कृतचतुरङ्र् बलक्षक्षनतरङ्र् घिद्बहुरङ्र् रिद्बिुके जय जय हे मर्हषगसरु मर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Dhanur-Anussangga Ranna-Kssanna-Sangga Parisphurad-Angga Nattat-Kattake Kanaka-Pishangga Prssatka-Nissangga RasadBhatta-Shrngga Hataa-Battuke | Krta-Caturangga Bala-KssitiRangga Ghattad-Bahu-Rangga Rattad-Battuke Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whose Bracelet Dances on Her Shining Arms Following the Movements of Her Bow during Each Instant of the Battle.Whose Golden Arrows become Reddish (with blood) when they Cling to the Stupid Enemies and Slay them inspite of their Howls and Screams at the Top of their Voice (displaying vain pride).Who Turns the Four-Fold Array (Caturanga) of Enemies surrounding Her from all sides during the battle, consisting of Many Heads of Various Colours who Stupidly Howl and Scream (displaying their vain pride), into a Play of Decreasing Strength (of the Caturanga).Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. सरु ललनग ततथेनय तथेनय कृतगशभनयोदर न्ृ यरते

कृत कुकुथः कुकुथो र्िदगर्दकतगल कुतूहल र्गनरते ।

र्ुर्ुकुि र्ुक्तकुि धर्ंधर्शमत ध्वनन र्ीर मद ृ ं र् नननगदरते जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Sura-Lalanaa Tatatheyi Tatheyi Krta-Abhinayo-[U]dara NrtyaRate Krta Kukuthah Kukutho Gaddadaadika-Taala Kutuuhala Gaana-Rate | Dhudhukutta Dhukkutta Dhimdhimita Dhvani Dhiira Mrdamga Ninaada-Rate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Following the Rhythm of the Great Battle, the Celestial Dancers are Dancing the rhythm of Ta-Tha-Theyi, Ta-Theyi, and expressing the sentiment of the battle with their Dramatic Acting, Their Music have created the Tense Eagerness with the Talas (musical beats) like Ku-Kutha, Ku-Kutha, Ga-Da-Dha, Ga-Da-Dha. and a Steady Deep Sound of Dhu-Dhu-Kuta, Dhu-Kuta, Dhim-Dhimi in the background from the Mridangam (a musical instrument), Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain.

जय जय जतय जयेजयशदद परस्त्तनु त त्परववश्वनुते

झणझणणझण्जझशम णझङ्कृत नप ू ुरशशण्जजतमोर्हत भत ू पते । नर्ित निगर्ा निी नि नगयक नगर्ितनग्य सुर्गनरते जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Jaya Jaya Japya Jaye-Jaya-Shabda Para-Stuti Tat-Para-VishvaNute Jhanna-Jhanna-Jhin.jhimi Jhingkrta Nuupura-Shin.jitaMohita Bhuuta-Pate | Nattita Nattaardha Nattii Natta Naayaka Naattita-Naattya Su-Gaana-Rate Jaya Jaya He MahissaasuraMardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is Praised by the Whole World; For Whom They Mutter Victory Prayers before the Battle, Shout Victory Shouts after the Battle which is then Followed by Singing Her Stuthi (Eulogy). Whose Anklets Jingling with the Jhana-Jhana Sound Captivate Lord Shiva, the Lord of the Ghosts and Goblins. Who Dance as Half of the Body of Lord Shiva, where the Male and the Female Dancers (having a single body) is the Hero of the Cosmic Play which is taking place along with Beautiful Song (Divine Sound of Nada). Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय सुमनःसुमनःसुमनः सुमनःसुमनोहरकगण्न्तयुते धश्रतरजनी रजनीरजनी रजनीरजनी करवक्तत्रवत ृ े । सन ु यनववभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमर भ्रमरभ्रमरगधर्पते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Sumanah-Sumanah-Sumanah Sumanah-Sumanohara-KaantiYute Shrita-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Rajanii-Rajanii Kara-VaktraVrte |Sunayana-Vi-Bhramara Bhramara-Bhramara BhramaraBhramara-[A]dhipate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini RamyaKapardini Shaila-Sute

Salutations to the Divine Mother Whose Beautiful Mind is United with a Charming Appearance.Whose Beautiful Face makes Subservient the Beauty of the Moon Light of Night by Hiding them with It's Beauty.Whose Beautiful Eyes Conquer the Beauty of the Bees by Their Own Beauty. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. सर्हतमहगहव मल्लमतण्ल्लक मण्ल्लतरल्लक मल्लरते ववरधचतवण्ल्लक पण्ल्लकमण्ल्लक णझण्ल्लकशभण्ल्लक वर्ावत ृ े । शशतकृतफुल्ल समुल्लशसतगरुण तल्लजपल्लव सल्लशलते जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Sahita-Mahaahava Mallama-Tallika Malli-Tarallaka Malla-Rate Viracita-Vallika Pallika-Mallika Jhillika-Bhillika Varga-Vrte |Shita-Krta-Phulla Samullasita-[A]runna Tallaja-Pallava Sal-Lalite Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is accompanied in the Great Battle against Excellent Wrestlers (Fighters), by Girls who appear Tender like Jasmine who are Fighting against the Enemies. Whose Accompaniments are Composed of Girls from the Bheel Tribe who are Tender like Creepers of Village Jasmine and buzz like Swarms of Bees (or Crickets). On Whose Face Plays a Smile Created by Joy which appears like Dawn Shining forth with Red Color and Blossoming the Excellent Buds.Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अववरलर्डि र्लन्मदमेदरु मत्तमतङ्र् जरगजपते

त्रत्रभुवनभुषण भूतकलगननधर् रूपपयोननधर् रगजसुते ।

अनय सद ु तीजन लगलसमगनस मोहन मन्मथरगजसुते जय जय हे मर्हषगसरु मर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Avirala-Ganndda Galan-Mada-Medura Matta-Matangga ja-RaajaPate Tri-Bhuvana-Bhussanna Bhuuta-Kalaanidhi Ruupa-PayoNidhi Raaja-Sute |Ayi Sudatii-Jana Laalasa-Maanasa Mohana Manmatha-Raaja-Sute Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who is like a Royal Intoxicated Elephant from whose Cheeks the Thick Mada (Intoxicant) Oozes out and Falls Incessantly (in the form of Arts, Beauty and Power). Who is the Daughter of the King and from whom comes the Treasures of Arts, Beauty and Power which are Ornaments of the Three Worlds.Who is like the Daughter of Manmatha (God of Love) who gives rise to the Desires and Infatuation in the Mind for Women with Beautiful Smile. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. कमलदलगमल कोमलकगण्न्त कलगकशलतगमल भगललते सकलववलगस कलगननलयक्रम केशलचल्कल हं सकुले ।

अशलकुलसङ्कुल कुवलयमडिल मौशलशमलद्बकुलगशलकुले जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Kamala-Dala-[A]mala Komala-Kaanti Kalaa-Kalita-[A]mala Bhaalalate Sakala-Vilaasa Kalaa-Nilaya-Krama Keli-Calat-Kala Hamsa-Kule | Alikula-Sangkula Kuvalaya-Mannddala MouliMilad-Bakula-Ali-Kule Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) On Whose Stainless, Shining Forehead is Artistically Curved the Tender Beauty of a Spotless, Shining Lotus Petal. Whose Movement resembles the Playful, Soft Movements of

a Flock of Swans from Which All Schools of Arts are manifested in Succession. Whose Ornamented and Braided Hair Combines the Beauty and Sweetness of the Blue Water Lily Crowded by Swarm of Bees AND the Bakula Flower infested with a Swarm of Bees. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. करमुरलीरव वीण्जतकूण्जत लण्ज्जतकोककल मजजुमते

शमशलतपुशलन्द मनोहरर्ुण्जजत रण्जजतशैल ननकुजजर्ते । ननजर्णभूत महगशबरीर्ण सद्र्ुणस्भत ृ केशलतले

जय जय हे मर्हषगसरु मर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Kara-Muralii-Rava Viijita-Kuujita Lajjita-Kokila Man.ju-Mate Milita-Pulinda Manohara-Gun.jita Ran.jita-Shaila Nikun.ja-Gate |Nija-Ganna-Bhuuta Mahaa-Shabarii-Ganna Sad-Gunna-Sambhrta Keli-Tale Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who makes the Sound of Flute in Hand appear Wet and Monotonous and puts the Cuckoo to Shame by the Beauty (of Her Voice) When She Hums Heart-Stealing Songs along with the Girls of the Pulinda Tribe Walking in the Brightly Coloured (due to blooming flowers) Grooves of the Mountain .And Plays with the Tribal Women of Her Group who are filled with Good Virtues.Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. कर्ितिपीत दक ु नतरस्त्कृत चन्ररुचे ु ू लववधचत्र मयख

प्रणतसुरगसुर मौशलमणणस्त्फुर दं शुलसन्नख चन्ररुचे

ण्जतकनकगचल मौशलमदोण्जात ननभारकुजजर कु्भकुचे जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसत ु े

Kattitatta-Piita Dukuula-Vicitra Mayukha-Tiraskrta Candra-Ruce Prannata-Suraasura Mouli-Manni-Sphura d-Amshula-Sannakha Candra-Ruce Jita-Kanaka-[A]cala Mouli-Mado[a-Uu] rjita Nirbhara-Kun.jara Kumbha-Kuce Jaya Jaya He MahissaasuraMardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whose Waist is soaked with Silk Clothes of Various Colors, the Luster of Which Eclipses the Brightness of the Moon. On who’s Toe-Nails Which Throb with the Radiance of a Gem in the Diadem and Spreads Its Brightness like a Moon, Prostate the Devas and the Asuras. Who wins over the Mighty Heads which are swollen with Pride like Golden Mountain, with the Pre-eminence (of Power and Compassion) Abounding in Her Pitcher-Like Bosom. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. ववण्जतसहस्रकरै क सहस्रकरै क सहस्रकरै कनुते

कृतसुरतगरक सङ्र्रतगरक सङ्र्रतगरक सूनुसुते ।

सुरथसमगधर् समगनसमगधर् समगधर्समगधर् सुजगतरते । जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Vijita-Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika Sahasra-Karaika-Nute Krta-Sura-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka Sanggara-Taaraka SuunuSute | Suratha-Samaadhi Samaana-Samaadhi Samaadhi-Samaadhi Sujaata-Rate |Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini RamyaKapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Who Conquers Thousands of Enemies who fight against Her with Thousands of Hands Thus Making Thousands of Hands (of Devotees) Praise Her. Who Created the Rescuer of the Devas (Her Son Kartikeya) to Fight with Demon Tarkasura, and then Urged Her Son for that Great Fight. Who is Pleased with both:

Devotional Contemplation like King Suratha for Worldly Gain, and the Excellent Devotional Contemplation like Merchant Samadhi for Spiritual Knowledge.Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and Who is the Daughter of the Mountain. पदकमलं करुणगननलये वररवस्त्यनत योऽनुर्दनं सुशशवे

अनय कमले कमलगननलये कमलगननलयः स कथं न भवेत ् । तव पदमेव पर्पदशम्यनुशीलयतो मम ककं न शशवे जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Pada-Kamalam Karunnaa-Nilaye Varivasyati Yo-[A]nudinam SuShive Ayi Kamale Kamalaa-Nilaye Kamalaa-Nilayah Sa Katham Na Bhavet |Tava Padam-Eva Param-Padam-Ity-Anushiilayato Mama Kim Na Shive Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini RamyaKapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Whoever Serves Your Highly Auspicious Lotus Feet Everyday, which is an Abode of Compassion. (Serves) That Lotus (Lotus Feet), Which is an Abode of Kamala (Goddess Mahalakshmi), Will He Not Himself Become an Abode of Kamala (i.e. Prosperous)? Your Feet Indeed is the Supreme Feet (i.e. Supreme Refuge); how can I Not Practice Devotion towards them, O Auspicious Mother? Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. कनकलस्कलशसन्र्ुजलैरनुवषजचनत तेर्ुणरङ्र्भुवम ्

भजनत स ककं न शचीकुचकु्भतिीपररर्भसुखगनुभवम ् । तव चरणं शरणं करवगणण नतगमरवगणण ननवगशस शशवम ् जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Kanaka-Lasat-Kala-Sindhu-Jalair-Anussin.cati Te-Gunna-RanggaBhuvam Bhajati Sa Kim Na Shacii-Kuca-Kumbha-TattiiParirambha-Sukha-[A]nubhavam |Tava Carannam Sharannam Kara-Vaanni Nata-Amara-Vaanni Nivaasi Shivam Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) When a Devotee Washes the Place where Your Attributes are exhibited (i.e. Your Place of Worship) with Water from River which is shining like Gold and Flowing Softly. Will He not feel the Joy of Your All-Embracing Grace contained in Your Pitcher-Like Bosom? I Take Refuge at Your Feet, O Vani (Devi Mahasaraswati), and I Prostate before You, O Eternal Vani (Devi Mahasaraswati), in Whom Resides All Auspiciousness. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. तव ववमलेन्दक ु ु लं वदनेन्दम ु लं सकलं ननु कूलयते

ककमु पुरुहूतपुरीन्द ु मुखी सुमुखीशभरसौ ववमुखीकक्रयते । मम तु मतं शशवनगमर्ने भवती कृपयग ककमुत कक्रयते जय जय हे मर्हषगसरु मर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते

Tava Vimale[a-I] ndu-Kulam Vadane[a-I] ndu-Malam Sakalam Nanu Kuula-Yate Kimu Puruhuuta-Purii-Indu Mukhii Sumukhiibhir-Asou Vimukhii-Kriyate | Mama Tu Matam ShivaNaama-Dhane Bhavatii Krpayaa Kimuta Kriyate Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini Ramya-Kapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) Your Moon-Like Face is the Abode of Spotless and Stainless Purity which certainly Subdues All Impurities.Otherwise, Why have my Mind Turned Away from the MoonFaced Beautiful Ladies like those present in Indra's Castle? According to My Opinion; Without Your Grace, How is it possible to discover the Treasure of Shiva's Name within us? Victory to You, the Destroyer of the

Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain. अनय मनय दीन दयगलुतयग कृपयैव ्वयग भववतव्यमुमे

अनय जर्तो जननी कृपयगशस यथगशस तथगनुशमतगशसरते । यदधु चतमत्र भव्युररीकुरुतगदरु ु तगपमपगकुरुते

जय जय हे मर्हषगसुरमर्दा नन र्यकपर्दा नन शैलसुते Ayi Mayi Diina Dayaalu-Tayaa Krpaya-Iva Tvayaa BhavitavyamUme Ayi Jagato Jananii Krpayaasi Yathaasi Tathanu-mita-AsiraTe |Yad-Ucitam-Atra Bhavatyurarii-Kurutaa-Duru-TaapamApaakurute Jaya Jaya He Mahissaasura-Mardini RamyaKapardini Shaila-Sute

(Salutations to the Divine Mother) You Must Bestow Your Grace on Me, O Mother Uma, Who is Compassionate to the Miserable Mother of the Universe; Just as Your Grace is Showered (on the Devotees), In the Same Manner are Your Arrows Scattered (on the Enemies).Please do Whatever is Appropriate at this time, O Worshipful Mother, to Remove My Sorrows and Afflictions which has become Difficult for me to bear. Victory to You, the Destroyer of the Demon Mahishasura, Who has Beautiful Locks of Hair and who is the Daughter of the Mountain.


र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ॥ न तगतो न मगतग न बन्र्ुना दगतग

न पुत्रो न पुत्री न भ्ृ यो न भतगा । न जगयग न ववद्यग न ववृ त्तमामैव

र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥१॥ Na Taato Na Maataa Na Bandhur-Na Daataa Na Putro Na Putrii Na Bhrtyo Na Bhartaa | Na Jaayaa Na Vidyaa Na Vrttir-Mama-Iva Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

Neither the Father, nor the Mother; Neither the Relation and Friend, nor the Donor, Neither the Son, nor the Daughter; Neither the Servant, nor the Husband, Neither the Wife, nor the (worldly) Knowledge; Neither my Profession, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. भवगदर्गवपगरे महगदःु खभीरु

पपगत प्रकगमी प्रलोभी प्रमत्तः । कुसंसगरपगशप्रबद्र्ः सदगहं

र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ २ ॥ Bhavaabdhaav-Apaare Mahaa-Duhkha-Bhiiru Pa-Paata Pra-Kaamii Pra-Lobhii Pra-Mattah | Ku-Samsaara-Paasha-Pra-Baddhah Sada-[A]ham Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

In this Ocean of Worldly Existence which is Endless, I am full of Sorrow and Very-much Afraid, I have Fallen with Excessive Desires and Greed, Drunken and Intoxicated, Always Tied in the Bondage of this miserable Samsara (worldly existence), You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. न जगनगशम दगनं न च ध्यगनयोर्ं न जगनगशम तन्त्रं न च स्त्तोत्रमन्त्रम ् । न जगनगशम पूजगं न च न्यगसयोर्ं

र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ३ ॥ Na Jaanaami Daanam Na Ca Dhyaana-Yogam Na Jaanaami Tantram Na Ca Stotra-Mantram | Na Jaanaami Puujaam Na Ca Nyaasa-Yogam Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

Neither do I know Charity, nor Meditation and Yoga, Neither do I know the practice of Tantra, nor Hymns and Prayers, Neither do I know Worship, nor dedication to Yoga, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. न जगनगशम पुडयं न जगनगशम तीथा

न जगनगशम मुण्क्ततं लयं वग कदगधचत ् ।

न जगनगशम भण्क्ततं व्रतं वगवप मगतर्ानतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ४ ॥ Na Jaanaami Punnyam Na Jaanaami Tiirtha Na Jaanaami Muktim Layam Vaa Kadaacit | Na Jaanaami Bhaktim Vratam Vaapi Maatar-Gatis-Tvam GatisTvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

Neither do I Know Virtuous Deeds, nor Pilgrimage, I do not know the way to Liberation, and with little Concentration and

Absorption, I know neither Devotion, nor Religious Vows; Nevertheless, Oh Mother, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. कुकमी कुसङ्र्ी कुबद् ु धर्ः कुदगसः कुलगचगरहीनः कदगचगरलीनः ।

कुदृण्ष्िः कुवगक्तयप्रबन्र्ः सदगहं

र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ५ ॥ Ku-Karmii Ku-Sanggii Ku-Buddhih Kudaasah Kula-[Aa]caara-Hiinah Kadaacaara-Liinah | Ku-Drssttih Ku-Vaakya-Prabandhah Sada-[A]ham Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

I performed Bad Deeds, associated with Bad Company, cherished Bad Thoughts, have been a Bad Servant, I did not perform my Traditional Duties, deeply engaged in Bad Conducts, my eyes Saw with Bad Intentions, tongue always Spoke Bad Words, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. प्रजेशं रमेशं महे शं सरु े शं

र्दनेशं ननशीथेश्वरं वग कदगधचत ् । न जगनगशम चगन्यत ् सदगहं शरडये

र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ६ ॥ Praje[a-Is] sham Rame[a-Is] sham Mahe[a-Is] sham Sure[a-Is] sham Dine[a-Is] sham Nishiitha-Ishvaram Vaa Kadaacit | Na Jaanaami Caanyat Sada-[A]ham Sharannye Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam TvamEkaa Bhavaani

Little do I know about The Lord of Creation (Brahma), The Lord of Ramaa (Goddess Lakshmi) (Vishnu), The Great Lord (Shiva), The Lord of the Devas (Indra), The Lord of the Day (Surya) or The Lord of the Night (Chandra), I do not know about other gods, but always seeking Your Refuge, You are My Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. वववगदे ववषगदे प्रमगदे प्रवगसे जले चगनले पवाते शत्रम ु ध्ये ।

अरडये शरडये सदग मगं प्रपगर्ह र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ७ ॥ Vivaade Vissaade Pramaade Pravaase Jale Ca-[A]nale Parvate Shatru-Madhye | Arannye Sharannye Sadaa Maam Prapaahi Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

During Dispute and Quarrel, during Despair and Dejection, during Intoxication and Insanity, in Foreign Land, In Water, and Fire, in Mountains and Hills, amidst Enemies, In Forest, please Protect me, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani. अनगथो दरररो जरगरोर्यक्त ु तो

महगक्षीणदीनः सदग जगड्यवक्तत्रः । ववपत्तौ प्रववष्िः प्रनष्िः सदगहं र्नतस्त्​्वं र्नतस्त्​्वं ्वमेकग भवगनन ॥ ८ ॥ Anaatho Daridro Jaraa-Roga-Yukto Mahaa-Kssiinna-Diinah Sadaa Jaaddya-Vaktrah | Vipattau Pravissttah Pranassttah Sadaaham Gatis-Tvam Gatis-Tvam Tvam-Ekaa Bhavaani

I am Helpless, Poor, Afflicted by Old Age and Disease, Very Weak and Miserable, always with a Pale Countenance, Fallen Asunder, always surrounded by and Lost in Troubles and Miseries, You are my Refuge, You Alone are my Refuge, Oh Mother Bhavani.


महगलण्क्ष्मम अष्िकं ॥

नमस्त्तेऽस्त्तु महगमगये श्रीपीठे सुरपूण्जते । शङ्खचक्रर्दगहस्त्ते महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते

Namastestu Mahaa-Maaye Shrii-Piitthe Sura-Puujite | Shangkha-Cakra-Gadaa-Haste Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations and salutations to Goddess Mahalakshmi, Who is the great enchantress, Who lives in riches, Who is worshipped by Gods, And who has conch, wheel and mace in her hands. नमस्त्ते र्रुिगरूढे कोलगसुरभयंकरर ।

सवापगपहरे दे वव महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते Namaste Garudda-Aaruuddhe Kola-Aasura-Bhayamkari |SarvaPaapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Salutations to the One Who Rides the Garuda, Who is the Terror to Kolasura, The Devi who Removes All Sins; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. सवाज्ञे सवावरदे सवादष्ु िभयंकरर ।

सवादःु खहरे दे वव महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते Sarvajnye Sarva-Varade Sarva-Dusstta-Bhayamkari | Sarva-Duhkha-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute

(Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Who is All-Knowing, Who is the Giver of All Boons, Who is the Terror to All the Wicked, The Devi who Removes All Sorrows; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi.

शसद्धर्बद् ु धर्प्रदे दे वव भण्ु क्ततमण्ु क्ततप्रदगनयनन । मन्त्रमत ू े सदग दे वव महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तत ु े

Siddhi-Buddhi-Prade Devi Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini | Mantra-Muurte Sadaa Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who Gives Success and Intelligence and Gives Wordly Enjoyment and Liberation, The Devi who Always abides as the Embodiment of Mantra; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. आद्यन्तरर्हते दे वव आद्यशण्क्ततमहे श्वरर । योर्जे योर्स्भूते महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते Aady-Anta-Rahite Devi Aadya-Shakti-Maheshvari | Yogaje Yoga-Sambhuute Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who is Without Beginning and End, Who is the Primal Energy, and the Great Goddess, Who is Born of Yoga, Who is United with Yoga; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. स्त्थूलसूक्ष्मममहगरौरे महगशण्क्ततमहोदरे ।

महगपगपहरे दे वव महगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते Sthuula-Suukssma-Mahaaroudre Mahaa-Shakti-Mahodare |MahaaPaapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) Who is both Gross and Subtle and Most Terrible, Who is With Great Power and Prosperity, The Devi who Removes All Sins; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. पद्मगसनण्स्त्थते दे वव परब्रनमस्त्वरूवपणण । परमेशश जर्न्मगतमाहगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते

Padma-Aasana-Sthite Devi Para-Brahma-Svaruupinni | Parameshi Jagan-Maatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi Who is Seated on a Lotus, Who is of the Nature of Supreme Brahman, Who is the Supreme Lord and the Mother of the Universe; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. श्वेतग्बरर्रे दे वव नगनगलङ्कगरभूवषते ।

जर्ण्​्स्त्थते जर्न्मगतमाहगलण्क्ष्मम नमोऽस्त्तुते Shveta-Ambara-Dhare Devi Naana-Alangkaara-Bhuussite |Jagatsthite Jagan-Maatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute

Salutations to Devi Mahalakshmi) The Devi who is Dressed in White Garments, Who is Adorned with Various Ornaments, Who Abides in this Universe and is the Mother of the Universe; Salutations to that Mahalakshmi. महगलक्ष्म्यष्िकं स्त्तोत्रं यः पठे द्भण्क्ततमगन्नरः । सवाशसद्धर्मवगतनोनत रगज्यं प्रगतनोनत सवादग Mahaalakssmy-Assttakam Stotram Yah Patthed-BhaktimaanNarah |Sarva-Siddhim-Avaapnoti Raajyam Praapnoti Sarvadaa

Whoever recites this Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Stotram with Devotion, will attain all Success and Prosperity, always. एककगले पठे ण्न्न्यं महगपगपववनगशनम ् । द्ववकगलं यः पठे ण्न्न्यं र्नर्गन्यसमण्न्वतः Eka-Kaale Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Paapa-Vinaashanam | DviKaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Dhana-Dhaanya-Samanvitah

Reciting this Once Every Day will Destroy Great Sins,

Reciting this Twice Every Day will bestow one with Wealth and Foodgrains. त्रत्रकगलं यः पठे ण्न्न्यं महगशत्रवु वनगशनम ् । महगलण्क्ष्ममभावेण्न्न्यं प्रसन्नग वरदग शुभग

Tri-Kaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Shatru-Vinaashanam | Mahaalakssmirbhavennityam Prasannaa Varadaa Shubhaa

Reciting this Thrice Everyday will Destroy Great Enemies, And Devi Mahalakshmi will be Pleased with him and extend Her Boon-Giving Grace and Auspicious presence.


नमस्त्ते शरडये ॥

नमस्त्ते शरडये शशवे सगनुक्पे नमस्त्ते जर्द्व्यगपीके ववश्वरूपे नमस्त्ते जर्द्वन्द्य पगदगरववन्दे नमस्त्ते जर्त्तगररणी त्रगर्ह दर् ु े

Namaste sharanye Shive saanukampe Namaste jagadvyaapike vishwaroope Namaste jagadvandya paadaaravinde Namaste jagattaarini traahi Durge

Salutation to you, O auspicious one, you are our refuge. O compassionate Mother, you are the all-pervading one with infinite forms, and your lotus feet are worshipped by all. And your lotus feet are worshipped by all. O Mother of the Universe, remove the obstacles in our path and protect us. नमस्त्ते जर्ण्चचन्​्यमगनस्त्वरूपे नमस्त्ते महगयोधर्नी जञगनरूपे नमस्त्ते सदगनन्दनन्द स्त्वरूपे नमस्त्ते जर्त्तगररणी त्रगर्ह दर् ु े Namaste jagacchintya maanasvaroope Namaste Mahaayogini jnaanaroope Namaste sadaanandananda svaroope Namaste jagattaarini traahi Durge

Salutations to you, the object of our meditation, the embodiment of yoga, jnana and ananda, O Mother of the Universe, remove of the obstacles in our path and protect us. अनगथस्त्य दीनस्त्य तष्ृ णगतुरस्त्य भयगरतस्त्य शभतस्त्य बद्र्स्त्य जन्तोः ्वमेकग र्नतरदे वी ननस्त्तगरदगत्री नमस्त्ते जर्त्तगररणी त्रगर्ह दर् ु े

Anaathasya deenasya trishnaaturasya trishnaaturasya baddhasya jantoh Tvamekaa gatirdevi nistaara daatree Namaste jagattaarini traahi Durge

You are the sole refuge of the helpless and lowly, the ignorant and the worldly. O mother of the Universe, remove the obstacles in our path and protect us.


श्री कगशलकग स्त्तोत्रं ॥

तवं परग प्रकृनत सगक्षगद - ब्रनमणः परमग्मनः ्वत्तो जगतं जर्​्सवं तवं जर्ज्जननी शशवे ॥ १ ॥

Tvam paraa prakrith saakshaad - brahmanah paramaatmanah Tvatto jaatam jagat sarvam tvam jagajjananee Shive

You are the personified will of Brahman, the Supreme Spirit; from You the whole universe has sprung. You are Shiva, the Mother of the universe. महदगध्यगनुपयान्तं यदे त्सचरगचरम

्ययेवो्पगर्दतम ्भरे ्वददीनगशमदं जर्त ॥ २ ॥ Mahadaa -dyanu -paryantam yadetat-sa-caraacaram Tyayaivotpaaditam bhadre tvadadheena- midam jagat

O auspicious Mother! Everything in this universe: from the greatest to the smallest, moving and unmoving is produced by You alone and is dependent on You. ्वमगध्यग सवा ववध्यगनग मस्त्मगकगमवप जन्मभूः तवं जगनगशस जर्​्सवं मगाँ ्वगं जगनगनत कश्चन ॥ २ ॥

Tya-maadyaa sarva- vidyaanaa- masmaaka-mapi janma-bhooh Tyam jaanaasi jagat - sarvam ma tvaam jaanaati kaschcana

You are the origin of all manifestations; You are the source even of us (the gods). You are the knower of the whole universe, but no one knows You. तवं कगली तगररणी दर् ु गा षोिशी भुवनेश्वरी र्ूमगवती तवं बर्लग भैरवी नछन्नमस्त्तकग ॥ ३ ॥

Tvam Kaalee taarinee Durgaa shodashee bhuvaneshvaree Dhoomaavatee tvam bagalaa Bhairavee chinna-mastakaa

You are Kaalee, Taarinee, Durgaa, shodashee, Bhuvaneshwaree, Dhoomaavatee, Vagalaa, Bhairavee, and Chinnamastakaa. तवंन्नपण ू गा वगर्दे वी तवं दे वी कमलगलयग सवाशण्क्ततस्त्वरूपग तवं सवादेवमयी तनःु ॥ ४ ॥

Tyamannapoornaa vaag-devee tavam Devi kamalaalayaa Sarvashakti svaroopaa tvam sarva-devamayee tanuh

You are Annapurna (Dispenser of food), Vaagdevee (Saraswati, the goddess of speech, wisdom, knowledge, science, art, eloquence, music), Lakshmi (the goddess of prosperity), who lives in the lotus, You are the embodiment of all powers and of all the gods. ्वमेव सूक्ष्ममग स्त्थूलग तवं व्यक्ततगव्यक्ततस्त्वरूवपणी ननरगकगरगवप सगकगरग कस्त्​्वगं वेर्दतु महानत ॥ ५ ॥

Tvameva sookshmaa stoolaa tvam vyaktaavyakta-svaroopinee Niraakaaraapi saakaaraa kastvaam veditu - marhati

You are subtle and gross, manifested and unmanifested. You are formless and yet with forms. Who can understand You? उपगसकगनगमग कगयगाथम ा ्श्रेयसे जर्तगमवप दगनवगनगं ववनगशगय र्​्से नगनगववर्गस्त्तनूः ॥ ६ ॥

Upaasakaanaama Kaaryaartham shreyase jagataamapi Daanavaanaam vinaashaaya dhatse naanaa-vidhaa-stanooh

For the accomplishment of the worshippers’ desires, for the good of the world, for the destruction of the wicked, You assume various forms.

चतभ ु ज ुा ग तवं द्ववभुजगं षिभज ु गष्िभज ु ग तथग ्वमेव ववश्वरक्षगथं नगनगशस्त्त्रगस्त्त्रर्गररणी ॥ ७ ॥

Caturbhujaa tvam dvibhujaa shad-bhujaashta-bhujaa tathaa Tvameva vishva-rakshaartham naanaa-shastraastra - dhaarinee

You are four -armed, two -armed, six- armed, and eight-armed, and hold various weapons and missiles for the protection of the universe. तवं सवारूवपणी दे वी सवेषगम जननी परग तुष्िगयगं ्वनय दे वेशश सवेषगं तोषणम ् भवेत ्॥ ८ ॥

Tvam sarva - roopinee devee sarveshaam jananee paraa Tshtaayaam tvayi deveshi sarveshaam toshanam bhavet

O Devi! You are the embodiment of all, You are the supreme Mother of all. O Mother of gods, if You are pleased, then all are pleased. सण्ृ ष्िरगदौ ्वमेकगसीत-तमोरूपमर्ोकरम ्वत्तो जगतं जर्​्सवं परब्रनमगशससक्ष ृ यग ॥ ९ ॥

Srishteraadou tvamekaaseet-tamo-roopa-magocaram Tvatto jaatam Jagat-sarvam parabrahmaasi-srikshayaa

At the beginning of creation, You alone existed as invisible darkness. By the creative desire of the Supreme Brahman, the whole universe is born from You. महत्त्वगर्दभूतगन्तम ्​्ययग सष्ृ िशमदं जर्त ननशमत्तमगत्रं तदब्रनम सवाकगरणकगरणम ् ॥ १० ॥

Mahat-tattavaadi-bhootaantam tyayaa srishta- midam jagat Nimitta -maatram tad-brahma sarva-kaarana- kaaranam

This universe from the Mahat to the gross elements was created by You. Brahman, the cause of all causes is only the instrumental cause. सदरूपं सवातोव्यगपी सवामगव्ृ य नतष्ठनत सगिेकरूपं धचन्मगत्रम ्ननशलाततं सवावस्त्तुषु ॥ ११ ॥

Sadroopam sarvato -vyaapi sarva -maavritya tishtati Sadaikaroopam chinmaatram nirliptam sarva - vastushu

Brahman is the embodiment is Reality, omnipresent, all- pervasive consciousness present in all, yet unattached. न करोनत न चगश्नगती न र्चछगती न नतष्ठनत स्यं ज्ञगनमनगद्यंतगमवगङ्मनसगर्ोचरं ॥ १२ ॥ Na karoti na caashnaati na gacchati na tishtati Satyam jnaana manaadyanta-mavaangmanasa-gocaram

It is neither the doer nor the enjoyer, neither mover nor motionless. It is the Truth and knowledge, beginningless and endless, beyond the reach of mind and speech. तस्त्येचछगमगत्रमगलमबय तवं महगयोधर्नी परग करोवष पगसी हगंस्त्यन्ते जर्दे तचचरगम ॥ १३ ॥ Tasyecchaa -maatra -maalambya tvam mahaa –yoginee paraa Karoshi paasi hamsyante jagadeta - ccaraaacaram

Moved by Its desire, You, the great yogini, create, protect and withdraw this world of moving and unmoving beings. तव रूपम महगकगलो जर्​्समहगरगकगरकः महगसंहगरगसमये कगलः सवं ग्रशसष्यनत ॥ १४ ॥

Tava roopam mahaakaalo jagat -samahaara - kaarakah Mahaa samhaara - samaye kaalah sarvam grasishyati

Mahaa Kaala, Your form is that of the destroyer of the universe. At the time of dissolution of the universe, You withdraw everything. कलगनगतसवाभूतगनगं महगकगलः प्रकीनतातः महगकगलस्त्य कलनगत - ्वमगध्यग कगशलकग परग ॥ १५ ॥

Kalanaat - sarva - bhootaanaam Maha – Kaalah prakeertitah Mahaa –Kaalasya kalanaat- tvamaadya kaalikaa paraa

You withdraw all beings. Therefore, Mahaa Kaala, You are known as supreme primordial Kaali. कगलसंग्रसनगतकगली सवेषगमगर्दरूवपणी कगलतवगदगर्दभूत्वग-दगदयग कगलीती र्ीयते ॥ १६ ॥

Kaala- sangrasanaat - Kaalee sarveshaa-maadi-roopinee Kaalatvaa - daadi - bhootatvaa-daadyaa Kaaleeti geeyati

Beacause You devour Kaala (time), You are known as Kaalee, the orgin of all beings and You are known as primordial Kaali. पुनः स्त्वरूपमगसगद्य तमोरूपम ननरगकृनत वगचगतीतं मनोर्​्यं ्वमेकैवगवशशष्यसे ॥ १७ ॥

Puranh svaroopa - maasaadya tamo –roopam niraakriti Vaacaateetam manogamyam tvagekaiva - avashishyase

Again, reappearing, dark and formless, beyond speech and mind, You alone remain. सगकगरगवप ननरगकगरग मगययग ब्रनमरूवपणी तवं सवगार्दरगनगर्दस्त्​्वं कत्री हत्री च पगशलकग ॥ १८ ॥

Saakaaraapi niraakaaraa maayayaa Brahmaroopinee Tvam sarvaadi - ranaadi - stvam kartree hartree ca paalikaa

You have form and yet You are formless. Bu the power of Maayaa, You assume form, beginningless and endless. You are the Creatrix, Proectress, and Destructress of the universe. इनत श्री कगशलकगस्त्तोत्रम स्पूणम ा ॥ Iti Sri Kaalikaa - stotram Sampoornam


अ्बगस्त्तोत्रम ् ॥

कग ्वं शुभे शशवकरे सुखदःु खहस्त्ते आघूणणातं भवजलं प्रबलोशमाभङ्र्ैः।

शगंनतं ववर्गतशु मह ककं बहुर्ग ववभननगम ् मतः प्रय्नपरमगशस सदै व ववश्वे॥ kā tvaṁ śubhe śivakare sukhaduḥkhahaste āghūrṇitaṁ bhavajalaṁ prabalormibhaṅgaiḥ | śāṁtiṁ vidhātumiha kiṁ bahudhā vibhagnām mataḥ prayatnaparamāsi sadaiva viśve ||

O beautiful, auspicious One, holding in Thy hands pleasure and pain-who art Thou? The waters of existence are whirled to mighty bursting wavesIs it, O Mother, to restore the shattered calm That Thou art ceaselessly active in the universe? स्पगदय्यववरतं ्वववरगमवत्त ृ ग यग वै ण्स्त्थतग कृतफलं ्वकृतस्त्य नेत्री। सग मे भव्वनर्ु दनं वरदग भवगनी जगनग्यहं ध्रव ु शमदं र्त ृ कमापगशग॥

sampādayatyavirataṁ tvavirāmavṛttā yā vai sthitā kṛtaphalaṁ tvakṛtasya netrī | sā me bhavatvanudinaṁ varadā bhavānī jānāmyahaṁ dhruvamidaṁ dhṛtakarmapāśā || \

To friend and foe Thy lotus eyes are even; On fortunate and unfortunate Thou layest Thy hand alike; Deathlessness and the shadow of death are equally Thy mercy. O Mother, O supreme One, may Thy gracious glances never forsake me! को वग र्माः ककमकृतं कः कपगललेखः ककंवगदृष्ि फलशमहगण्स्त्त र्ह यगं ववनग भोः।इचछगपगशैननायशमतग ननयमगः स्त्वतन्त्रैः यस्त्यग नेत्री भवतु सग शरणं ममगद्यग॥

ko vā dharmaḥ kimakṛtaṁ kaḥ kapālalekhaḥ kiṁvādṛṣṭa phalamihāsti hi yāṁ vinā bhoḥ |

icchāpāśairniyamitā niyamāḥ svatantraiḥ yasyā netrī bhavatu sā śaraṇaṁ mamādyā ||

May She, whose action knows no respite, Who constantly brings about the fruit of actions done, and shapes actions yet to be, May She always bestow Her blessings upon me! She it is, I know certainly, who holds the ropes of karma. सन्तगनयण्न्त जलधर्ं जननम्ृ युजगलं स्भगवयन्​्यववकृतं ववकृतं ववभननम।् यस्त्यग ववभूतय इहगशमतशण्क्ततपगलगः नगधश्र्य तगं वद कुतः शरणं व्रजगमः॥ santānayanti jaladhiṁ janimṛtyujālaṁ sambhāvayantyavikṛtaṁ vikṛtaṁ vibhagnam | yasyā vibhūtaya ihāmitaśaktipālāḥ nāśritya tāṁ vada kutaḥ śaraṇaṁ vrajāmaḥ ||

Without Her, where is virtue, where vice? Where is destiny- “the writing on the forehead”? Without Her, where is action, where the fruit of action? May She, the cords of whose sovereign will control all laws, May She, the Primal One, shelter me everlastingly! Oh, where shall I find refuge save in Her, शमत्रे शत्रौ ्वववषमं तव पद्मनेत्रम ्स्त्वस्त्थे दःु स्त्थे ्वववतथं तव हस्त्तपगतः।

म्ृ युचछगयग तव दयग ्वमत ृ जच मगतः मग मगं मुजचन्तु परमे शुभदृष्ियस्त्ते॥ mitre śatrau tvaviṣamaṁ tava padmanetram svasthe duḥsthe tvavitathaṁ tava hastapātaḥ | mṛtyucchāyā tava dayā tvamṛtañca mātaḥ mā māṁ muñcantu parame śubhadṛṣṭayaste ||

Whose glories manifest in the universe in powers immeasurable, Whose powers swell the ocean of birth and death And transform the immutable into the changing and divided?

क्तवग्बग सवगा क्तव र्ण ृ नं मम हीनबुद्र्ेः र्त्तंु दोभ्यगाशमव मनतजार्दे कर्गत्रीम।् श्रीसण्जचन्​्यं सच ु रणमभयपनतष्ठं सेवगसगरै रशभनत ु ं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥ kvāmbā sarvā kva gṛṇanaṁ mama hīnabuddheḥ dhattuṁ dorbhyāmiva matirjagadekadhātrīm | śrīsañcintyaṁ sucaraṇamabhayapatiṣṭhaṁ sevāsārairabhinutaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadye ||

How infinitely great is the Mother, and how inadequate the praise I sing of Her -I, so poor of understanding! It is as if I desired to seize with my hands the sole Sustainer of the universe! So, at Her blessed feet, the abode of fearlessness, Meditated on by the very goddess of grace and glory, adored by those devoted to Her service-I take refuge. यग मगमगजन्म ववनय्यनतदःु खमगर्ैः आसंशसद्र्ेः स्त्वकशलतैलशा लतैववालगसैः। यग मे बुद्धर्ं सुववदर्े सततं र्रडयगं

सग्बग सवगा मम र्नतः सफलेऽफले वग॥ yā māmājanma vinayatyatiduḥkhamārgaiḥ āsaṁsiddheḥ svakalitairlalitairvilāsaiḥ | yā me buddhiṁ suvidadhe satataṁ dharaṇyāṁ sāmbā sarvā mama gatiḥ saphale’phale vā ||

Whether I succeed or fail, She, who has ever inspired my understanding on the earth, Who, devising sweet playful ways, has led me, since by birth, Along the most painful paths to Perfection - She, the Mother, the All, is my refuge.


दे वी स्त्तोत्रं ॥

न मन्त्रं नो यन्त्रं तदगवप च न जने स्त्थधु थमहो, न चनवनम ् ध्यगनं तदगवप

च न जने स्त्थधु थ कर्, न जने मुरस्त्थे तदगवप न जने ववलपनं, परम ् जने मथ थ्वदनुसरनम ् कलेस हरणं ॥१॥

Na mantram no yantram thadapi cha na jane sthuthimaho, Na chahwanam dhyanam thadapi cha na jane sthuthi kadha, Na jane mudrasthe thadapi na jane vilapanam, Param jane matha thwadanusaranam klesa haranam.

Neither I know mantra nor tantra nor your praise, Neither I know how to call you, nor meditate nor praise you, Neither I know mudras nor how to cry to you, But I know that by obeying you, I would get rid of all problems. ववर्ेर ज्ञगनेन रववण ववरहे ण अलसथगय, ववर्ेयसक्तय थव ् थ्व चरणयोर यचयधथरभूतः, हदे थगतः क्षन्थव्यं अनगनन स कलोर्गररणी शशवे, कुपुथ्रो जयेथ क्तवधचदवप, कुमथ न भवधथ ॥२॥

Vidhera gnanena dravina virahena alasathaya, Vidheyasakya thaw thava charanayor yachyathirabhooth, Hadethath kshanthavyam anani sa kalodharini shive, Kuputhro jayetha kwachidapi, kumatha na bhavathi

I forgot to salute your feet due to ignorance of rules, Due to having no money, being lazy and inefficient. Oh, mother of all the world and giver of all that is good, it is easy for you to excuse me, for a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother.

पथ् ु स्त्थे जनै बहव स्त्सण्न्थ सरल, परम ् थेशं मध्ये ववरल थगरलोहं ृ व्य पथ्र थ्व सथ ु , मर्ीयोयं थ्यर्समधु चदशमर्म,् नो थ्व शशवे, कुपथ्र ु ो जयेथ, क्तवधचदवप कुमथ न भवधथ ॥३॥

Pruthvya puthrasthe janai bahava ssanthi sarala, Param thesham madhye virala tharaloham thava sutha, Madheeyoayam thyagasamuchidamidham, no thava shive, Kuputhro jayetha, kwachidapi kumatha na bhavathi.

Oh mother, you have many great sons in this wide world, and in their midst, I happen to be retarded and lost, but oh mother, it is not proper for you to leave me out, for a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother. जर्न्मगतग मथगस्त्थगव चरण सेवनरधचथ, नव दत्तं दे वी रववणमवप भय ू स्त्थगव मयग, तदगवप थ्वम ् स्त्नेहं मनय ननरुपमं, कुपथ्र ु ो जयेथ, क्तवधचदवप कुमथ न भवधथ ॥४॥

Jaganmata mathasthava charana sevanarachitha, Nava datham devi dravinamapi bhooyasthava maya, Thadapi thwam sneham mayi nirupamam, Kuputhro jayetha, kwachidapi kumatha na bhavathi.

Oh, God of all worlds, neither have I done service at your feet, nor have I given in charity immeasurable wealth, but you have to shower your incomparable affection on me, for a bad son may be born but there can be no bad mother. अररथ्यक्तथ्व दे वगन ववववर् ववर् सेवकुलथगय, मयग पजच सीथेरा अधर्कं

अपननथेथु वयशस, इर्ननं चेन्मथस्त्थगव यधर् कृपनगवप भववथ, ननरगल्बो ल्बोदर जननन कं यगशम सरणं ॥५॥

Parithyakthwa devaan vividha vidha sevakulathaya, Maya pancha seetherr adhikam apanithethu vayasi, Idhanim chenmathasthava yadhi krupanapi bhavitha, Niralambo lambodara janani kam yami saranam

In this age past fifty, leaving the worship of other devas, Due to several problems of service and worries, I have approached you for your grace. If you do not take mercy on me at this stage, what is the protection for me who is without any support? धचद बसम लेपो र्रल समगनं, र्दक् पत र्रो, जदर्रर कन्दे बुजर्पधथ हरर पसप ु धथ, कपगली भथ ू ेसो बगजधथ जर्दीसैक पदवीं, भवगनन थ्वद् पननग्रहन पररपगनत फलशमर्ं ॥६॥

Chida Basma lepo garala samanam, dik pata dharo, Jadadhari kande bujagapathi hari pasupathi, Kapali bhootheso bajathi jagadeesaika padavim, Bhavani thwad panigrahana paripati phalamidham.

That god Pasupathi who applies ash from cremation ground, who eats poison, who wears no cloths, who wears a garland of serpent and who has a begging bowl, who has not washed or combed his hair and who is god of devils, has attained the position of the Lord of the universe. Is it not Bhavani, because he has married you? न मोक्षस्त्यकंक्ष न च ववभव वन्चगवप च न मे, न ववज्ञगनगपेक्षग सशसमुखी सुखेस्त्चगवप न पुन, अथस्त्थ्वम ् संयगचे जननन जनगनगं यथु मम वै, मद ृ नन रुरगणी शशव शशव भवगनन जपथ ॥७॥

Na mokshasyakamksha na cha vibhava vanchapi cha na me, Na vignanapeksha Sasimukhi Sukheschapi na puna, Athasthwam samyache janani jananam yathu mama vai, Mrudani rudrani shiva shiva bhavani japatha.

I am not interested in salvation nor in great wealth, I am not interested in knowledge, science or pleasures, Hey mother, I beg of you that I should spend this life, Chanting thy names like Mrudani, Rudrani and Bhavani नरधर्​्हशस ववधर्नग ववववर्ोपचगरै , ककं रूक्षग धचन्तन परै र न कथं वचोवप, सयमे थ्वमेव यधर् ककजचनंय्यनगर्े, दन्ये कृपमुधचथं अ्ब परम ् थगवैव ॥८॥

Naradhithasi vidhina vividhopacharai, Kim rooksha chintana parair na krutham vachopi, Syame thwameva yadhi kinchanamayyanadhe, Danye krupamuchitham amba param thavaiva

Oh Mother, Syama, I have never worshipped thee, Following the rules laid out for worship, and also, I have abused you by using cruel words, and still if you have a little mercy on this orphan, It is because of your graceful and merciful conduct. जर्द्ब, ववधचथ्रमथ्र ककं, पररपण ू ा करुनण्स्त्थ चेन्मनय, अपरगर् पर्पर वरूथं, नर्ह मथ समुपेक्षगथे सुथगं ॥९॥

Jagadamba, vichithramathra kim, Paripoorna karunasthi chenmayi, Aparadha parampara vrutham, Nahi matha samupekshathe sutham.

Hey mother of the world, why is it surprising that you, Have lot of mercy on me, for no mother neglects her son, even if he has done several mistakes. मथ्समग पथकी नण्स्त्थ, पपण्नन थगथ्समग नर्ह, एवं ननथ्व महग दे वी, यदयोनयं तर्ग कुरु ॥१०॥

Mathsama pathaki Nasthi, Papagni thathsama nahi, Evam gnathwa maha devi, Yadayogyam thadha kuru.

There is no sinner like me, nor is there anyone like you, Who can pardon all these great sins, oh goddess great, understand these both, and do whatever you think is fit.


अन्नपूणगा स्त्तोत्रं ॥

नन्यगनन्दकरी वरगभयकरी सौन्दयार्नगकरी ननर्त ूा गणखलघोरपगवनकरी प्र्यक्षमगहे श्वरी । प्रगलेयगचलवंशपगवनकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी Nitya-[A]ananda-Karii Vara-Abhaya-Karii Saundarya-Ratna[A]akarii Nirdhuuta-Akhila-Ghora-Paavana-Karii Pratyakssa-Maaheshvarii | Praaleya-Acala-Vamsha-Paavana-Karii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[aIi] shvarii

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who always give Joy to Her Devotees, along with Boons and assurance of Fearlessness (under Her Motherly care); Who is a repository of great Beauty and makes their minds beautiful by the touch of the Gem of Her (inner) Beauty,Who Purifies all the Poisons and Sufferings of their minds (by the touch of Her Compassion and Bliss), and Who is the Great Goddess manifested visibly in Kashi, Who Sanctified the Lineage of the King of the Mountain of Himalayas (by taking birth as Devi Parvati); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. नगनगर्नववधचत्रभूषणकरी हे मग्बरगि्बरी

मुक्ततगहगरववल्बमगनववलसद्वक्षोजकु्भगन्तरी । कगश्मीरगर्रुवगशसतगङ्र्रुधचरे कगशीपरु गर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥

Naanaa-Ratna-Vicitra-Bhuussanna-Karii Hema-Ambara[A]addambarii Muktaa-Haara-Vilambamaana-Vilasad-Vakssoja-Kumbha-Antarii | Kaashmiira-Agaru-Vaasita-Angga-Rucire Kaashii-PuraAdhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[aIi] shvarii

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is adorned with many Gems shining with various Colours, and with Garments striking with the shine of Gold (i.e. Golden Laced), Who is decorated with a Garland of Pearls which is Hanging down and Shining within the middle of Her Bosom, Whose Beautiful Body is Fragrant with Saffron and Agaru (Agarwood); Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds योर्गनन्दकरी ररपुक्षयकरी र्मगाथना नष्ठगकरी

चन्रगकगानलभगसमगनलहरी त्रैलोक्तयरक्षगकरी । सवैश्वयासमस्त्तवगण्जछतकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी Yoga-[A]ananda-Karii Ripu-Kssaya-Karii Dharma-ArthaNisstthaa-Karii Candra-Arka-Anala-Bhaasamaana-Laharii Trailokya-RakssaaKarii | Sarva-[A]ishvarya-Samasta-Vaan.chita-Karii Kaashii-PuraAdhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[aIi] shvarii

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who gives the Bliss of communion with God through Yoga, and Who destroys the attachment to the Senses (which are the enemies of Yogic communion); Who makes us devoted to Dharma and righteous effort to earn wealth (as a worship of God), Who is like a great Wave shining with the Divine Energies of Moon, Sun and Fire which Protects the Three Worlds, Who gives all Prosperity and fulfills all Wishes of the Devotees; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. कैलगसगचलकन्दरगलयकरी र्ौरी उमग शङ्करी कौमगरी ननर्मगथार्ोचरकरी ओङ्कगरबीजगक्षरी । मोक्षद्वगरकपगिपगिनकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Kailaasa-Acala-Kandara-[A]alaya-Karii Gaurii Umaa Shangkarii Kaumaarii Nigama-Artha-Gocara-Karii Ongkaara-Biija-Akssarii | Mokssa-Dvaara-Kapaatta-Paattana-Karii Kaashii-PuraAdhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii MaataAnnapuurnne[a-Ii] shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who has made the Caves of Mount Kailasa Her Abode, and is known by various names like Gauri, Uma, Shankari, and Kaumari; Who makes the deepest meaning of Nigamas (Vedas or Sacred Scriptures) perceptible in Her Divine Form which vibrates with the Seed Syllable Omkara,Who opens the Gate of Moksha (Liberation) within our (Spiritual) Heart by Her Grace; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds.

दृश्यगदृश्यववभनू तवगहनकरी ब्रनमगडिभगडिोदरी लीलगनगिकसत्र ू भेदनकरी ववज्ञगनदीपगङ्कुरी । श्रीववश्वेशमनःप्रसगदनकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Drshya-Adrshya-Vibhuuti-Vaahana-Karii BrahmaannddaBhaannddo[a-U]darii Liilaa-Naattaka-Suutra-Bhedana-Karii Vijnyaana-Diipa-Angkurii | Shrii-Vishvesha-Manah-Prasaadana-Karii Kaashii-PuraAdhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii MaataAnnapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who bears within Her many Visible and Invisible Divine Attributes, and holds the whole Universe within Her, Who (by Her special Grace) discloses the (Divine) Source of this Divine Play of Creation, thereby sprouting the Flame of the Lamp of (Divine) Knowledge within us, Who makes the Meditative Mind (i.e. Meditative Absorption) of Sri Visweswara Gracious, i.e. make it flow down as Divine Grace to the World; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. उवीसवाजनेश्वरी भर्वती मगतगन्नपण ू ेश्वरी

वेणीनीलसमगनकुन्तलहरी नन्यगन्नदगनेश्वरी । सवगानन्दकरी सदग शुभकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Urvii-Sarva-Jane[a-Ii]shvarii Bhagavatii MaataAnnapuurnneshvarii Vennii-Niila-Samaana-Kunta-Laharii NityaAnna-Daane[a-Ii]shvarii | Sarva-[A]ananda-Karii Sadaa ShubhaKarii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi KrpaAvalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is Mother Earth Herself and the Goddess of everyone, Whom the Devotees call as Bhagavati Mata Annapoorneswari, Whose Dark Braids of Hair flow down like the Waves of Her Grace; Who (being Mother Earth Herself) is always devoted to bestowing Food to Her Children, Who brings all Joys to the Devotees and Her presence always bring Good Fortunes in their lives; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. आर्दक्षगन्तसमस्त्तवणानकरी श्भोण्स्त्त्रभगवगकरी कगश्मीरगत्रत्रजलेश्वरी त्रत्रलहरी नन्यगङ्कुरग शवारी । कगमगकगङ्क्षकरी जनोदयकरी कगशीपरु गर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Aadikssa-Anta-Samasta-Varnnana-Karii Shambhos-Tri-Bhaava[A]akarii Kaashmiiraa-Tri-Jale[a-Ii] shvarii Tri-Laharii NityaAngkuraa Sharvarii | Kaama-[A]akaangkssa-Karii Jano[a-U] dayakarii Kaashii-PuraAdhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii MaataAnnapuurnne[a-Ii] shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who makes all the Letters manifest from within Her, starting with "A" and ending in "Kssa", and is the repository of the Three Bhavas of Shambhu (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas leading to Creation, Preservation and Destruction of the Universe), Who is Reddish in colour (signifying Shakti) and is the Goddess of the Three Waters (signifying the Three Shaktis) which flow as the Three Waves (of Iccha [Will], Jnana [Knowledge] and Kriya [Activity] Shaktis); thus always Sprouting creation with Her Feminine Power, Who fulfills the various Wishes of the Devotees and Raises the lives of People (by providing Food and other essentials of worldly life); Who is the Ruling

Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. दे वी सवाववधचत्रर्नरधचतग दगक्षगयणी सुन्दरी

वगमं स्त्वगदप ु योर्रवप्रयकरी सौभगनयमगहे श्वरी ।

भक्ततगभीष्िकरी सदग शभ ु करी कगशीपरु गर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Devii Sarva-Vicitra-Ratna-Racitaa Daakssaayannii Sundarii Vaamam Svaadu-Payo-Dhara-Priya-Karii Saubhaagya-Maahe[aIi]shvarii | Bhakta-Abhiisstta-Karii Sadaa Shubha-Karii KaashiiPura-Adhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[aIi]shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Who is studded with Gems of all Colours, and Who was the Beautiful Daughter of King Daksha, Who holds a bowl of Sweet Milk (signifying Food) on Her Left which She endearingly distributes to Her Childen; Who is the Great Goddess Who brings Good Fortune to Her Devotees, Who fulfills the Desires of the Devotees and always brings Good Blessings to them; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. चन्रगकगानलकोर्िकोर्िसदृशग चन्रगंशुत्रब्बगर्री

चन्रगकगाण्ननसमगनकुन्तलर्री चन्रगकावणेश्वरी । मगलगपस्त् ु तकपगशगसगङ्कुशर्री कगशीपरु गर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Candra-Arka-Anala-Kotti-Kotti-Sadrshaa Candra-Amshu-BimbaAdharii Candra-Arka-Agni-Samaana-Kuntala-Dharii CandraArka-Varnne[a-Ii]shvarii | Maalaa-Pustaka-Paashaasa-AngkushaDharii Kaashii-Pura-Adhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-

Avalambana-Karii Maata-Annapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Divine Splendour is like Millions and Millions of Moons, Suns and Fire; Whose Face shines like the Moon, radiating the Cool Rays of Compassion, which is also reflected on Her Red Lips resembling the Bimba Fruit, (Similarly) Whose Locks of Hair Shine with the Splendour of the Moon, Sun and the Fire; and Who, the great Goddess, also has the Complexion radiating the Splendour of the Moon and the Sun, Who holds a Rosary (signifying Repetition of God's name), Book (signifying Divine Knowledge), Noose (signifying Divine Attraction) and Hook (signifying Divine Goading) in Her four Hands; Who is the Ruling Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. क्षत्रत्रगणकरी महगऽभयकरी मगतग कृपगसगर्री

सगक्षगन्मोक्षकरी सदग शशवकरी ववश्वेश्वरश्रीर्री । दक्षगक्रन्दकरी ननरगमयकरी कगशीपुरगर्ीश्वरी

शभक्षगं दे र्ह कृपगवल्बनकरी मगतगन्नपूणेश्वरी ॥ Kssatra-Traanna-Karii Mahaa-[A]bhaya-Karii Maataa KrpaaSaagarii Saakssaan-Mokssa-Karii Sadaa Shiva-Karii VishveshvaraShrii-Dharii | Dakssaa-Kranda-Karii Niraamaya-Karii KaashiiPura-Adhiishvarii Bhikssaam Dehi Krpa-Avalambana-Karii MaataAnnapuurnne[a-Ii]shvarii ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) Whose Great Power Protects the Devotees and grants them Great Fearlessness; Who is the Great Mother and an Ocean of Compassion,Whose Divine Form is a Visible bestower of Liberation and Whose presence always brings Auspicious blessings; Who is indeed the repository of the Sri (Prosperity, Welfare and Auspiciousness) of Visweswara (Shiva), Who makes Daksha (symbol of ego) Cry and in that repentence makes him Pure; Who is the Ruling

Mother of the city of Kasi, O Mother Annapoorneswari, Please grant us the Alms of Your Grace; Your Grace which Support all the Worlds. अन्नपूणे सदगपूणे शङ्करप्रगणवल्लभे ।

ज्ञगनवैरगनयशसद्ध्यथं शभक्षगं दे र्ह च पगवानत ॥ Annapuurnne Sadaa-Puurnne Shangkara-Praanna-Vallabhe | Jnyaana-Vairaagya-Siddhy[i]-Artham Bhikssaam Dehi Ca Paarvati

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) O Mother Annapoorna, You Who are always Full (with the gift of Food and Blessings), You Who are the Beloved of Shankara, O Mother Parvati, please grant me the Alms of Your Grace, to awaken within me Spiritual Knowledge and Freedom from all Worldly Desires. मगतग च पगवाती दे वी वपतग दे वो महे श्वरः । बगन्र्वगः शशवभक्ततगश्च स्त्वदे शो भव ु नत्रयम ् ॥ Maataa Ca Paarvatii Devii Pitaa Devo Maheshvarah | Baandhavaah Shiva-Bhaktaash-Ca Svadesho Bhuvana-Trayam ||

(Salutations to Mother Annapoorna) My Mother is Devi Parvati, and my Father is Deva Maheswara (Shiva), My Friends are the devotees of Shiva, and my Country is all the Three Worlds (Whose Lord is Shiva-Parvati).


श्री कगल्यष्तोत्तर शतनगम ॥

ॐ कगल्यै नमः ॐ कपगशलन्यै नमः ॐ कगन्तगयै नमः ॐ कगमदगयै नमः ॐ कगमसुन्दयै नमः ॐ कगलरग्यै नमः

ॐ कगशलकगयै नमः ॐ कगलभैरव पूण्जतगयै नमः ॐ कुरुकुल्लगयै नमः

ॐ कगशमन्यै नमः ॥१०॥ oṃkaalyai namaḥ oṃ kapplinyai namaḥ oṃ kaaantaayai namaḥ oṃkamadaayai namaḥ oṃkaamasundaryai namaḥ oṃkaalaraatryai namaḥ oṃkaalikaayai namaḥ oṃkaalabhairava poojitaayai namaḥ oṃkurukullaayai namaḥ oṃ kaaminyainamaḥ ||10|| ॐ कमनीय स्त्वभगववन्यै नमः ॐ कुलीनगयै नमः ॐ कलक्यै नमः

ॐ कुलव्माप्रकगशशन्यै नमः ॐ कगस्त्तरू ररसनीलगयै नमः ॐ कग्यगयै नमः

ॐ कगम स्त्वरूवपडयै नमः ॐ ककगवणा ननलयगयै नमः ॐ कगमर्ेनवे नमः ॐ करगशलकगयै नमः ॥२०॥ oṃkamaneeya svabhaavinyai namaḥ oṃkuleenaayai namaḥ oṃkalakartryaai namaḥ oṃkulavartma prakaashinyai namaḥ oṃkastoori rasa neelaayai namaḥ oṃkaamyaayai namaḥ oṃkaama svaroopinyai namaḥ oṃ kakaara varna nilayaayai namaḥ oṃ kaamadhenavenamaḥ oṃ karaalikaayainamaḥ ||20|| ॐ कुलकगन्तगयै नमः

ॐ करगलगस्त्यगयै नमः ॐ कगमगतगायै नमः ॐ कलगव्यै नमः ॐ कृशोदयै नमः

ॐ कगमगख्यगयै नमः ॐ कौमगयै नमः ॐ कुल पग शलन्यै नमः

ॐ कुलजगयै नमः

ॐ कुलकन्यगयै नमः ॥ ३०॥ oṃkulakantaayai namaḥ oṃ karaalasyaayainamaḥ oṃ kaamaartaayai namaḥ oṃkalavatyai namaḥ oṃ krishodaryai namaḥ oṃ kaamaakyaayai namaḥ om kaumaaryai namah om kukapaalinvai namah oṃ kulajaayai namaḥ oṃkulakanyaayai namaḥ ||30|| ॐ कलहगयै नमः ॐ कुलपूण्जतगयै नमः ॐ कगमेश्वयै नमः

ॐ कगमकगन्तगयै नमः ॐ कुजरे श्वरर्गशमन्यै नमः ॐ कगमदग्यै नमः

ॐ कगमहन्​्यै नमः ॐ कृष्णगयै नमः

ॐ कपर्दा न्यै नमः ॐ कुमद ु गयै नमः ॥४०॥ oṃkalahaayai namaḥ oṃ kulappjitaayainamaḥ oṃ kaameshvaryainamaḥ oṃ kamakaantaayainamaḥ oṃkunjareshvaragaaminyai namaḥ oṃ kaamadaatryainamaḥ

oṃ kaamahantryainamaḥ oṃ krishnadehaayai namaḥ om kapardinyai namah oṃ kumudaayainamaḥ ||40|| ॐ कृष्णदे हगयै नमः ॐ कगशलन्र्ै नमः

ॐ कुलपूण्जतगयै नमः ॐ कगष्यतयै नमः

ॐ कृष्ण मगतगयै नमः ॐ कुशलशगन्नयै नमः ॐ कलगयै नमः

ॐ क्रीं रूपगयै नमः ॐ कुलर्​्यगयै नमः

ॐ कमलगयै नमः ॥५०॥ oṃ krishnadehaayainamaḥ oṃ kaalindyainamaḥ oṃ kulappjitaayainamaḥ oṃ kaashyapyainamaḥ oṃ krishna maataayainamaḥ oṃ kulishaangyainamaḥ oṃ kalaayai namaḥ oṃkreem roopaayai namaḥ oṃ kulagammyaayainamaḥ oṃ kamalaayainamaḥ ||50|| ॐ कृष्ण पूण्जतगयै नमः ॐ कृशगन्नयै नमः ॐ ककन्नयै नमः

ॐ क्यै नमः ॐ कलकंढ्यै नमः ॐ कगनताक्तयै नमः ॐ कंबु कलकंढ्यै नमः ॐ कौशलन्यै नमः ॐ कुमुदगयै नमः

ॐ कगम जीववन्यै नमः ॥६०॥ oṃkrishna poojitaayai namaḥ oṃ krishaangyainamaḥ oṃ kinnaryai namaḥ oṃkartyai namaḥ oṃkalakanthyai namaḥ oṃkaartikyai namaḥ oṃkambu kanthyai namaḥ oṃ kaulinyainamaḥ oṃ kumudaayainamaḥ oṃ kaama jeevinyainamaḥ oṃ kaama jeevinyai namaḥ ||60|| ॐ कुलस्त्त्रीयै नमः

ॐ कगनताकगयै नमः ॐ कृ्यगयै नमः ॐ की्यै नमः

ॐ कुलपगशलकगयै नमः

ॐ कगमदे वकलगयै नमः ॐ कल्पलतगयै नमः ॐ कगमगंर्वधर्ान्यै नमः

ॐ कुन्तगयै नमः

ॐ कुमद ु वप्रयगयै नमः ॥७०॥ oṃ kula striyainamaḥ oṃ keertikaayainamaḥ oṃ krityaayainamaḥ oṃ keertyainamaḥ oṃkulapplikaayai namaḥ oṃ kaamadeva kalaayainamaḥ oṃ kalpalataayainamaḥ oṃ kaamaanga vardhinyainamaḥ oṃ kuntaayainamaḥ oṃ kumuda preetaayainamaḥ||70|| ॐ कद्बकुसुमो्सुकगयै नमः ॐ कगदं त्रबन्यै नमः

ॐ कमशलन्यै नमः ॐ कृष्णगनंदप्रदगनयन्यै नमः ॐ कुमगररपूजनरतगयै नमः

ॐ कुमगरीर्णशोशभतगयै नमः ॐ कुमगरी रं जन रतगयै नमः ॐ कुमगरीव्रतर्गररडयै नमः ॐ कंकगल्यै नमः

ॐ कमनीयगयै नमः ॥८०॥ oṃ kadamba kusumotsukaayai namaḥ oṃ kaadambinyainamaḥ oṃ kamalinyai namaḥ oṃ krishnaananda pradaayinyainamaḥ oṃkumaaree poojana rataayai n amaḥ oṃkumaareegana shobhitaayai namaḥ

oṃ oṃ oṃ oṃ

kumaaree ranjana rataayainamaḥ kumaaree vratadhaarinyainamaḥ kankaaiyainamaḥ kamaneeyaayainamaḥ ||80||

ॐ कगमशगस्त्त्रववशगरदगयै नमः ॐ कपगलखड्वगंर्र्रगयै नमः ॐ कगलभैरव रूवपडयै नमः ॐ कोियै नमः ॐ कोिरगक्ष्मयै नमः ॐ कगश्यै नमः ॐ कैलगशवगशसन्यै नमः ॐ कग्यगनयन्यै नमः ॐ कगयाकयै नमः ॐ कगव्यशगस्त्त्रप्रमोर्दन्यै नमः ॥९०॥ oṃ kaamashaastra vishaaradaayainamaḥ oṃ kapaala khatvaanga dharaayainamaḥ oṃ kaalabhirava roopinyainamaḥ oṃ kotaryainamaḥ oṃ kota raakshyainamaḥ oṃ kaashyainamaḥ oṃ kailaasa vaasinyainamaḥ oṃkaatyaayinyai namaḥ oṃ kaarryakaryainamaḥ oṃ kaavya shaastra pramodinyainamaḥ ||90|| ॐ कगमगमषाणरूपगयै नमः ॐ कगमपीठ ननवगशसन्यै नमः

ॐ कंककन्यै नमः ॐ कगककन्यै नमः ॐ कक्रिगयै नमः ॐ कुण्​्सतगयै नमः

ॐ कलहवप्रयगयै नमः ॐ कंु िर्ोलोद्भव प्रगणगयै


ॐ कौशशक्तयै नमः

ॐ कीतीवधर्ान्यै नमः ॐ कु्भण्स्त्तन्यै नमः ॥१००॥ oṃ kaamaakarshana roopaayainamaḥ oṃ kaamapeetha nivaasinyainamaḥ oṃ kankinyainamaḥ oṃ kaakinyainamaḥ oṃkreedaayai namaḥ oṃ kutsitaayainamaḥ oṃ kalahapriyaayainamaḥ oṃ kundagolodbhava praanaayainamaḥ oṃ kaushikyainamaḥ oṃ keerti vardhinyainamaḥ ||100|| ॐ किगक्षगयै नमः ॐ कगव्यगयै नमः ॐ कोकनदवप्रयगयै नमः ॐ कगन्तगरवगशसन्यै नमः ॐ कगन्​्यै नमः ॐ कर्ठनगयै नमः ॐ कृष्णवल्लभगयै नमः ॥१०८॥

oṃkumbha stanyai namaḥ oṃ kataakshaayainamaḥ oṃ kaavyaayainamaḥ oṃ kokananda priyaayainamaḥ oṃ kaantaara vaasinyainamaḥ oṃ kaantyainamaḥ oṃkathinaayai namaḥ oṃ krishnavallabhaayainamaḥ||108||

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