Creative Writing Course

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Creative Writing What is Creative Writing?? Creative writing is a form of writing where creativity is at the forefront of its purpose through using imagination, creativity, and innovation in order to tell a story through strong written visuals with an emotional impact, like in poetry writing, short story writing, novel writing, and more.

Types of Creative Writing The different types of Creative Writings are Essays, Journals, Poetry, Short Stories, Songs, Blogging, Speeches etc.

Creative Writing Tips Be an Avid Reader Reading all types of writing can spark ideas in your own imagination. The more you read fiction and creative nonfiction, the more you'll naturally adopt their natural rhythm and flow. Keep an Idea Book/Notes App Inspiration for creative writing can strike at any moment. Be prepared with a notebook dedicated to ideas or even a notes app on your phone. When you periodically browse your ideas, you might find that combining a couple of seemingly unrelated ideas sparks a new piece of writing. Ask What if Questions To tap into your creativity, ask yourself questions that start with “What if?�

For example, if you know you want to write about a tiger, you might ask yourself “What if the tiger is best friends with a deer?” or “What if the tiger doesn’t look like an ordinary tiger?” Write with Abandon If you have an idea for a story, sit down and start typing, without editing as you go. Just let the ideas flow out of your mind. After the story is out of your head and onto the screen, then you can consider revising. Read Your Work Out Loud Even after you've gotten it all out, it's still not time to edit. Read your idea out loud to hear how it sounds. See which scenes jump out at you. Remember which bits of dialogue are particularly powerful. Create a Scene List You might want to outline your scenes after you've written that first draft of your story. This helps you organize the plot line and make sure it flows. Proofread and Edit Out Fluff Now it's time to proofread and edit. Even though your work is meant to be creative and original, it should still follow standard writing rules. While imagination is key to creative writing, you still need to remove any "fluffy" parts of the story.

Career Options of Creative Writing  Writer  Web Content Writer  Journalist

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Copy Writer Proof Reader Content Marketing Specialist Email Marketer etc.

If you are interested to know more about creative writing, join the Creative Writing Course by Henry Harvin®.

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