SCCC Catalog 2009-11

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ECH 123 Curricular Methods I and Assessment (3-0-3) description and no co-requisite This course focuses on curriculum development and assessment in early childhood education. It introduces students to the important frameworks for planning, implementing, and evaluating curricula as it impacts child development and the various content areas. In-depth studies of developmentally appropriate curriculum models provide emphasis on the methods and strategies that inform the development of meaningful and relevant curriculum. Assessment driven learning, environment and curriculum development is applied. Students spend a minimum of ten hours observing in an early childhood environment.

ECH 255 Administration of Early Childhood Programs (3-0-3) description change and no pre-requisite The purpose of this course is to provide administrative management training in the field of Early Childhood Education. The course addresses issues and techniques involved in the organization and administration of early childhood environments. Focus is placed on the initiation and maintenance of an early childhood program including skills necessary to perform effectively and competently as a director. Students will complete ten hours of field work in this course. PR: ECH 121

ECH 131 Early Childhood Field Instruction and Seminar I (1-8-4) description change This course allows students the opportunity for direct practical teaching and learning in early childhood education within community agencies and/or the SCCC Early Childhood Program Laboratory Preschool. Additionally, in a seminar setting, students reflect on and share their experiences. Students will spend eight to ten hours per week in their field placement to accumulate a minimum of 130 hours. PR: ECH 121 and ECH 123

ECH 260 ECH Portfolio Seminar (1-0-1) description and pre-requisite change This capstone seminar is intended for ECH majors who are about to graduate from their two-year ECH program. Students will review the knowledge and skills they have already acquired and begin to demonstrate their proficiency in a pre-professional portfolio. Opportunity is provided for technical assistance on an individual basis. Each student will assemble a portfolio as a summative experience to be presented to a professional review team. PR: ECH 231

ECH 223 Curricular Methods II and the Development of Inquiry Skills (3-0-3) description change The course focuses on the early developmental abilities of children ages birth to eight years in social studies, math and science. Sensory, preoperational and concrete operational thought processes of conservation, seriation, observation, comparison, classification, and number concepts will be examined through the use of concrete social studies, math, and science materials and experiences that foster student quantitative and analytical thinking. Students implement developmentally appropriate social studies, math, and science activities which address diversity in children’s learning styles. PR: ECH 123

ELT 110 Electrical Circuits I (3-3-4) description and pre-requisite change This course is an introduction to direct current (DC) circuits. Digital systems and circuits using logical gates will also be studied. Basic DC circuits entails a study of Ohm’s Law and use of the law to theoretically predict measured voltages, currents, resistances and power through resistors connected in series, parallel and series-parallel circuits. This course uses voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, multimeters, and oscilloscopes for measurement and troubleshooting. PR: MAT 128

ECH 225 Fostering Emergent Literacy (3-2-4) description change The course examines the development of literacy skills in children ages birth to 8 years. Multiple opportunities to recognize the developmental stages in literacy acquisition, to identify factors that influence literacy development, and to discuss how to design and implement a literacy program are provided. Genre of literature, curricular themes, and resources for children of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are emphasized. Guidelines for the design and implementation of literature- based activities are applied throughout the course. Students will observe for a minimum of 15 hours in an early childhood literacy environment. ECH 227 Guidance of Young Children (3-0-3) description change; no co-requisite or pre-requisite This course focuses on the early developmental abilities of children ages birth to eight years and appropriate utilization of guidance strategies to enhance children’s self esteem and consequently increase children’s selfdiscipline skills. The correlation between children’s environments and behaviors will be researched. The importance of play, social interactions, and family expectations on children’s development will be analyzed. ECH 252 Care of Infants and Toddlers (3-0-3) description change This course examines infant and toddler development with an emphasis on the importance of the first thirty-six months in relation to human development. Attachment, early brain research and developmentally appropriate practices will be emphasized as critical factors which impact a caregiver’s role in meeting individual children’s needs. Students complete ten hours of observational field work in this course.


ELT 121 Circuits for Digital Systems II (3-3-4) description and pre-requisite change; no co-requisite This course is a continuation of circuits including AC circuits as applicable to digital systems and controls. Basic AC circuits are covered, along with single and 3-phase AC power and distribution. Series and parallel RLC circuits are covered, along with the use of an oscilloscope in troubleshooting and measurement. Digital systems are covered, with the examination of three state busses and the chips needed to interface with them in personal computer applications. PR: ELT 110, MAT 129 ELT 256 Process Control and Instrumentation (3-3-4) description, co-requisite and pre-requisite change This course is an introduction to process control fundamentals and the application of the PC in a process environment. Analog and digital signal conditioning is covered, along with the interfacing of personal computers and PLCs to analog and digital systems. The basics of automatic process control are also covered with emphasis on the application of computers and digital systems to the solution and implementation of process control algorithms. PR: ELT 230, CIS 129 or higher CR: MAT 147 or higher ENG 123 College Composition (3-0-3) description and pre-requisite change This course provides a foundation in academic discourse by developing effective communication skills with an emphasis on expository writing. Students use electronic environments to write multiple essays, including a researched and documented paper; they also deliver an oral presentation. PR: Exemption from placement testing as defined by the Academic Code or successful completion of CSS 123 and/or CSS 125

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