Sukapi Times 14th Publication

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Pottsie’s Powwow Highway

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Real People. Real Talk.

Inspiring a Better Future.

Sais-ski-mo-ko “New Green Grass” (May) 8-15, 2014 The Nisitapiksi (“Real People’s”) voice. Inspiring unity in our tribal community. Dedicated to preserving and perpetuating our Pikunni way of life.

Sovereign Powers of the Blackfeet Nation By: Bob Juneau

Charles Reevis told the Senators, “Give the Indians their land back. I think the President was very wrong and very crooked when he issued these patents here. These people need their land back.”

Heavy Collar & Ghost Woman

Community Spotlight

w/ Anna Bullshoe

Sukapi Times Pub. 14

“Premiere Media Source of the Pikunni Nation.” Created by The Pikunni Nation

Do Not


Pikunni Creation told by “Onistai poka” (White Calf)


another issue of

Sukapi Times!

Sukapi Times Mission

Real People. Real Talk.

Inspiring a Better Future.

Sais-ski-mo-ko “New Green Grass” (May) 1-8, 2014 The Nisitapiksi (“Real People’s”) voice. Inspiring unity in our tribal community. Dedicated to preserving and perpetuating our Pikunni way of life.

The GreaT awakeninG! rise

of a

UniTed PikUnni naTion

Please contact us for subscription information

Your premiere media source of the Blackfeet Nation “Millenial” Generation

What is the

“Broken Window Theory?” Pub. 13 “Comeback Edition”

will restore balance in the World!

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Experience Please contact us about our affordable advertising rates. Enjoy :) Distributed every other Na-mii-ksis-sti-koo (Nothing Day or Thursday)

Bigger, Bolder, Better!

Table of Contents

Sukapi Times Media


Chief Karl Lee Ingraham “Spaistak” Pikunni Team Leaders Orlena Birdin Ground Velden Calica “Dancer” Wade Davison Ronald Ingraham Theda New Breast John Vielle

Hours of Operation Monday-Thursday

9:00am-4:00pm Contact information Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1758 Browning, MT 59417 Street Address:

Phone #: TBD Fax # 406-338-4215

116 Central Ave Browning, MT 59417 Media Networks: facebook/sukapitimesmedia You can become a member of the Pikunni Team Leaders by contributing monthly & sharing our passion in bringing positive vibes to our Blackfeet Nation. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author & do not necessarily reflect the views of Sukapi Times Media, LLC. Copyright © Sukapi Times reserves all rights of the newsprint. No portion of Sukapi Times, LLC may be duplicated, redistributed or manipulated in any form without the express permission of Sukapi Times, L.L.C. By reading Sukapi Times you agree to abide by the Privacy Policy, Rights & Terms of Use.

Do you know your rights and powers as a member of a sovereign nation? Bob Juneau

contributed this article to Sokapi Times. “The Blackfeet people are a sovereign people with special treaty rights available only to the Blackfeet Indians. It is Federal Acknowledgement of the political and legal ties between the United States Congress, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and President of the United States with the Blackfeet Tribe of Indians”... By: Bob Juneau


Tribal Voices (4) Health (8) Pikunni Story (9) Feature (12)

Oki from Mr. Sukapi

Oki nikso-ko-wa, (Hello, our relatives)

Great change is upon our Pikunni Nation. I remember walking by the water tower near Glacier Heights as a kid and saying to myself, “When I get older this town will be better!” Well, 14 years later, we can all agree that our community has been in a downward spiral since the new millenium. Once the most powerful Nation on the North American Continent; now we are one of the poorerst counties in the United States. We have all witnessed the increased: disparities among the rich & poor, poverty, crime, substance abuse, land loss, blows to our sovereignty, government corruption and the negative list goes on. Yet, out of the destruction and despair rises new generations of Pikunni ready to unite for the common welfare & perpetuation of our great Blackfeet Nation. The 7th Generation has grown up & it’s our time to be leaders of our great tribal nations. In 1877, approximately seven generations ago, the great Sioux Warrior, Crazy Horse, four days before his death stated: “Upon suffering beyond suffering; the Red Nation shall rise again and it shall be a blessing for a sick world. A world filled with broken promises, selfishness and separations. A world longing for light again. I see a time of seven generations when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred Tree of Life and the whole Earth will become one circle again. In that day there will be those [who]. . . will carry knowledge and understanding of unity among all living things, and the young white ones will come to those of my people and ask for this wisdom. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that center within you and I am that place within me, we shall be as one.” - Crazy Horse. Right now, a prophetic wave of consciousness is taking over the world. A wave so powerful that centuries of evil will begin to reverse. A consciousness that sparked worldwide protests against the desecration & inhumane treatment to Mother Earth, animals, and mankind. The consciousness that sparked Idle No More, the American Indian Movement and all similar grass roots activism has planted its roots here on the Blackfeet Nation and its here to stay! Everyday members of the Blackfeet Nation are waking up and becoming more concerned and involved about issues that we face daily on the reservation. Our Pikunni ancestors carried with them great prophetic visions such as the one Crazy Horse dreamt of for the Red Nation’s of the world. It ikunni rayer is our time to be social actors of the world & juggernauts for hope & change in our communities! We must stop waiting for change to happen from external forces and Ayo Apistotoki start making it happen ourselves! History loves to repeat itself. Rather than repeat it, Whose voice I hear in the winds, and whose let’s design a better future for the next 7 Generations of Pikunni. breath gives me life to all the world, hear me! I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom.


Allow me to respect the things you have made.

Ayo Apistotoki

Make me wise so I may understand the things you have taught your people. I have tried to learn the lessons you have given us and pass them on to my children.

Sukapi Times

is a product of the PEOPLE.

Let Your Voice be Heard!


Ayo Apistotoki Let me walk in your beauty.

News (13)

We encourage everyone in the community or anyone interested to share an opinion, letter, news report, photo, cultural knowledge, accomplishment, cartoon or whatever you think the paper lacks.


Sukapi Times / Nii-si-to (5)

Sukapi Times / Nii-so (4)

Ayo Apistotoki

Karl Lee Ingraham “Spaistak” Candidate for Position #3 Browning District

I seek strength not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy- myself. So when life fades, as the sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

Tribal Voices

Community Spotlight


Sukapi Times / Ih-ki-tsi-ka (7)

Sukapi Times / Noi (6) Photo by : John

Vielle, Pikunni.

Anna Bullshoe We, at Sukapi Times, take an oath to stand for justice, righteousness, and aid in the welfare of the Pikunni People and the perpetuation of our great Nation!

Who won?

Sukapi Times: What inspired you

to start a petition to “recall all Blackfeet Tribal Council?”

Sukapi Sign of the “Sukapi Sign of the Week” Week

Photos of the Week

Anna Bullshoe:

“The councils inability to come together & help the people. They forgotten the people because they’re so busy fighting amongst each other. They forgot all the other people on the reservation, the ones who put them in there. We deserve to eat good, have warm houses, old people desrve and little ones deserve to be cared for. I’m sure their living comfy but not us.We will be here tomorrow and the next day until we get what we need!

Showcase your photo Sukapi Times Media

Sukapi Times: How many signatures do you have to-date?

How tall is this sign exactly?


Anna Bullshoe:

“We need 2580 signatures and right now we have about 3/4 of what we need. Yesterday we had 48 people sign and today 36 signed.

Inspirational Quote of the Week Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.

Remember to vote wise! Signs DO NOT equal TRIBAL LEADERSHIP Ability!

-King Whitney Jr.

Sukapi Times Q&A:

“A community clean up? Recycling Department can pay people for com“What would make our commu- munity clean ups at play grounds and in each neighborhood. It’s an nity a better place?” idea I had. Idk... What u think? - Christina F. _______________________ “Our law enforcement and tribal council should be more apart of the “Need To Have more Youth Activities community besides just when they & Job Opportunities for the Youth to are working. More events such as teach them Responsiblities & Prefun runs, kids days, or even little kid pare them for the Future.. College tournaments. To keep the youth busy Prep Classes.. from making bored decisions. Give - DeeAnn I. them more than what we were of_____________________ fered. The youth is our future!!” - J.S.E.F. “Something for the youth! A rec center” - Lynnette T.


Sukapi Times / Naa-ni-so (8)

Health Benefits

Sukapi Word



Green Tea

The Chinese have been using green tea since ancient times to treat problems like headache and depressions. Green tea has strong healing properties. It is a natural herbal drink. Green tea is the only type of tea that is not fermented. Hence, it has a very powerful antioxidant when compared over to other normal teas available in the market. Green tea has become one of the most reliable solution to prevent and cure health related problems that human body is susceptible to. Its amazing healing properties fight against diseases like cancer, arthritis, rheumatoid, infections and cardiovascular diseases, etc. Green tea is natural and hence no side effects. This element also helps in lowering cholesterol levels, balances them, and prevents the abnormal formation of blood clots in wounds. This problem of blood clotting, also known as thrombosis, usually leads to severe heart attacks and stroke. EGCG has become so reliable and popular in the medical community that it even produces better results than red wine, which contains a polyphenol called resveratrol that prevents heart diseases as well. Benefits of Green Tea : 1. Green tea has high levels of antioxidants. It contains polyphenols, tannins, phenols and flavanoid compounds, the amino acid theanine and catechins of which epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG seems to be the most beneficial. This EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that is said to be twice as effective as resveratol present in red wine which effectively protects your body cells and helps you to get rid of malignant or cancer cells without harming the rest of the healthy tissues in the body. 2. The presence of EGCG in green tea helps to prevent abnormal formation of blood clots in wounds (known as thrombosis) that can lead to heart attack and stroke. 3. Green tea reduces the bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol count in your body. It acts as a glucose regulator and helps to slow the rise in blood sugar after meals. 4. Green tea increases your metabolism and fat oxidation process which is essential for weight loss. Drink 3-5 cups of green tea per day on a


Heavy Collar and the Ghost Woman

Sukapi Times / Piihk-so (9)


Grinnell, George Bird. Blackfoot Lodge Tales: The Story of a Prairie People. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1892 2 part series


______ rubtflisete

regular basis and it will help you to reduce your weight by 70 calories per day. 5. Green tea has the ability to destroy bacteria and hence prevents tooth decay. 6. It cleanses out toxins from your body and improves your health. 7. Green tea relieves you of skin problems such as wrinkles and blemishes. It is a good remedy for skin related diseases such as acne, psoriasis and rosacea, etc. 8. Green tea boost memory power and helps to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 9. It lowers the risk of diseases such as arthritis. 10. It can help you to relax from stress and anxiety. 11. Drinking green tea will help you get rid of cold and flu faster since it contains vitamin C. 12. It improves your immune system. 13. It is beneficial to people suffering from severe asthma problem. Green tea helps to reduce the intensity and severity by relaxing the muscles. Green Tea Supplements: Green tea has become so increasingly popular that companies are now manufacturing product green tea supplements as well. There are hundreds and thousands of brands being sold all over the world in in health stores and online markets. Some are very expensive, some at an affordable price. Do some research on the popular green tea supplements available in the market and find out if anyone (you know of) has used it before and what they think about them. You can check some good online stores where you can find more details and information about the same. Don’t forget to read the product reviews before ordering or purchasing these supplements. MyWorldMySite, Inc. Creative Commons License. Educational Purposes.

___________ undncsaes

_________ naidn leyra

______ _____ Sukapi Times is a full-fledged weekly newspaper

Sukapi Times is seeking anyone interested in becoming a writer, reporter, columnist, cartoonist, bloggist, comic, Pikuni linguist or historian or anything you think the paper needs. Inquire by messaging or


Remember Sukapi Times belongs to “The Nisitapiksi (Real People)” of the Blackfeet Nation. Get involved.

The Blood camp was on Old Man’s River, where Fort McLeod now stands. A party of seven men started to war toward the Cypress Hills. Heavy Collar was the leader. They went around the Cypress Mountains, but found no enemies and started back toward their camp. On their homeward way, Heavy Collar used to take the lead. He would go out far ahead on the high hills, and look over the country, acting as scout for the party. At length they came to the south branch of the Saskatchewan River, above Seven Persons’ Creek. In those days there were many war parties about, and this party traveled concealed as much as possible in the coulees and low places. As they were following up the river, they saw at a distance three old bulls lying down close to a cut bank. Heavy Collar left his party, and went out to kill one of these bulls, and when he had come close to them, he shot one and killed it right there. He cut it up, and, as he was hungry, he went down into a ravine below him, to roast a piece of meat; for he had left his party a long way behind, and night was now coming on. As he was roasting the meat, he thought, for he was very tired, “It is a pity I did not bring one of my young men with me. He could go up on that hill and get some hair from that bull’s head, and I could wipe out my gun.” While he sat there thinking this, and talking to himself, a bunch of this hair came over him through the air, and fell on the ground right in front of him. When this happened, it frightened him a little; for he thought that perhaps some of his enemies were close by, and had thrown the bunch of hair at him. After a little while, he took the hair, and cleaned his gun and loaded it, and then sat and watched for a time. He was uneasy, and at length decided that he would go on further up the river, to see what he could discover. He went on, up the stream, until he came to the mouth of the St. Mary’s River. It was now very late in the night, and he was very tired, so he crept into a large bunch of rye-grass to hide and sleep for the night. The summer before this, the Blackfeet (Sik-si-kau) had been camped on this bottom, and a woman had been killed in this same patch of rye-grass where Heavy Collar had lain down to rest. He did not know this, but still he seemed to be troubled that night. He could not sleep. He could always hear something, but what it was he could not make out. He tried to go to sleep, but as soon as he dozed off he kept thinking he heard something in the distance. He spent the night there, and in the morning when it became light, there he saw right beside him the skeleton of the woman who had been killed the summer before. That morning he went on, following up the stream to Belly River. All day long as he was traveling, he kept thinking about his having slept by this woman’s bones. It troubled him. He could not forget it. At the same time he was very tired, because he had walked so far and had slept so little. As night came on, he crossed over to an island, and determined to camp for the night. At the upper end of the island was a large tree that had drifted down and lodged, and in a fork of this tree he built his fire, and got in a crotch of one of the forks, and sat with his back to the fire, warming himself, but all the time he was thinking about the woman he had slept beside the night before. As he sat there, all at once he heard over beyond the tree, on the other side of the fire, a sound as if something were being dragged toward him along the ground. It sounded as if a piece of a lodge were being dragged over the grass. It came closer and closer. Heavy Collar was scared. He was afraid to turn his head and look back to see what it was that was coming. He heard the noise come up to the tree in which his fire was built, and then it stopped, and all at once he heard some one whistling a tune. He turned around and looked toward the sound, and there, sitting on the other fork of the tree, right opposite to him, was the pile of bones by which he had slept, only now all together in the shape of a skeleton. This ghost had on it a lodge covering. The string, which is tied to the pole, was fastened about the ghost’s neck; the wings of the lodge stood out on either side of its head, and behind it the lodge could be seen, stretched out and fading away into the darkness. The ghost sat on the old dead limb and whistled its tune, and as it whistled, it swung its legs in time to the tune.

Pikunni Culture

Sukapi Times / Kii-po (10)

“Heavy Collar” continued... When Heavy Collar saw this, his heart almost melted away. At length he mustered up courage, and said: “Oh ghost, go away, and do not trouble me. I am very tired; I want to rest.” The ghost paid no attention to him, but kept on whistling, swinging its legs in time to the tune. Four times he prayed to her, saying: “Oh ghost, take pity on me! Go away and leave me alone. I am tired; I want to rest.” The more he prayed, the more the ghost whistled and seemed pleased, swinging her legs, and turning her head from side to side, sometimes looking down at him, and sometimes up at the stars, and all the time whistling. When he saw that she took no notice of what he said, Heavy Collar got angry at heart, and said, “Well, ghost, you do not listen to my prayers, and I shall have to shoot you to drive you away.” With that he seized his gun, and throwing it to his shoulder, shot right at the ghost. When he shot at her, she fell over backward into the darkness, screaming out: “Oh Heavy Collar, you have shot me, you have killed me! You dog, Heavy Collar! there is no place on this earth where you can go that I will not find you; no place where you can hide that I will not come.” As she fell back and said this, Heavy Collar sprang to his feet, and ran away as fast as he could. She called after him: “I have been killed once, and now you are trying to kill me again. Oh Heavy Collar!” As he ran away, he could still hear her angry words following him, until at last they died away in the distance. He ran all night long, and whenever he stopped to breathe and listen, he seemed to hear in the distance the echoes of her voice. All he could hear was, “Oh Heavy Collar!” and then he would rush away again. He ran until he was all tired out, and by this time it was daylight. He was now quite a long way below Fort McLeod. He was very sleepy, but dared not lie down, for he remembered that the ghost had said that she would follow him. He kept walking on for some time, and then sat down to rest, and at once fell asleep. Before he had left his party, Heavy Collar had said to his young men: “Now remember, if any one of us should get separated from the party, let him always travel to the Belly River Buttes. There will be our meeting-place.” When their leader did not return to them, the party started across the country and went toward the Belly River Buttes. Heavy Collar had followed the river up, and had gone a long distance out of his way; and when he awoke from his sleep he too started straight for the Belly River Buttes, as he had said he would. When his party reached the Buttes, one of them went up on top of the hill to watch. After a time, as he looked down the river, he saw two persons coming, and as they came nearer, he saw that one of them was Heavy Collar, and by his side was a woman. The watcher called up the rest of the party, and said to them: “Here comes our chief. He has had luck. He is bringing a woman with him. If he brings her into camp, we will take her away from him.” And they all laughed. They supposed that he had captured her. They went down to the camp, and sat about the fire, looking at the two people coming, and laughing among themselves at the idea of their chief bringing in a woman. When the two persons had come close, they could see that Heavy Collar was walking fast, and the woman would walk by his side a little way, trying to keep up, and then would fall behind, and then trot along to catch up to him again. Just before the pair reached camp there was a deep ravine that they had to cross. They went down into this side by side, and then Heavy Collar came up out of it alone, and came on into the camp. Part 2 next week...

Sukapi Times / Ni-tsi-ko-pot-to (11)

Pikunni History

May 8, 1973: AIM Occupation Ends

Nitsitapiisinni “Our Way of Life” Reciprocity & Generousity

Reciprocity and generosity was central to Native life and our connection to the land and social relationships. Prior to European contact, Pikunni land provided every sustainable resource to live a sukapi life. Native Nations took only what was needed from the land and they did what they could to replenish the land for future generations. Nothing was wasted. A person’s “richness” and status in Native societies was determined by their generosity and acts of kindness and willingness to share with those in need. The more generous a person was the more elevated their status. Chiefs and great Warriors were respected for what they provided to the community. Tribes, bands or clans were free to cease following a leader at any time and they led only as long as their leadership was needed or wanted.

Pikunni Language Colors Blue: Red: ots-skii-naatsi maoh-ksi-naattsi Purple: ko-mo-no Brown: apoyii-naattsi Pink: i’kiinatsi Green: sais-ski-mo-ko Phrases Black: sik-si-naattsi

I’kiinatsi “Looks healed”

Orange: Sais-skii-mo-ko oathkiinaatsi “New green grass” Yellow: ooh-tah-ko Ih-kit-tsii-nattsi White: ksik-ksi-naattsi

“Looks dry”

in 1966, The state of California recognizes this day in honor of Native Athlete, Billy Mills.

Exercise & Running has been apart of Pikunni culture since time immemorial. Keep the running tradition alive!

The end of a 71-day occupation at Wounded Knee. “Somewhere, these young men started the American Indian Movement. And they came to our reservation and they turned that light on inside. And it’s getting bigger, now we can see things” an Oglala Elder. Virgil Kills Straight, a member of the Oglala Lakota Nation said, “The American Indian Movement is then, the Warrior Class of this century, who are bound to the bond of the Drum, who vote with their bodies instead of their mouths. Their business is hope.” Set in the same setting as the 1890 massacre, the siege began February 27 and is hailed as one of AIM’s greatest successes. AIM called global attention to generations of mistreat-


Sukapi Times / Ni-ko-pot-to (13)

Sukapi Times / Naa-tsi-ko-pot-to (12)

The Sovereign Powers of the Blackfeet Nation By: Bob Juneau

Bob Juneau contributed this article to Sokapi Times. The Blackfeet people are a sovereign people with special treaty rights available only to the Blackfeet Indians. It is Federal Acknowledgement of the political and legal ties between the United States Congress, Senate Committee on Indian Affairs and President of the United States with the Blackfeet Tribe of Indians. The congressional relationship is further complicated by the delegation of powers from Congress to the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the treaty goals of the tribe and to protect the Indian’s property and treaty rights from encroachment by states and land speculators under federal oversight of tribal operations. On July 12, 2012 the Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs [BIA] said “The acknowledgement of the continued existence of another sovereign entity is one of the most solemn and important white man usurped us, our property and our sovereign treaty rights responsibilities delegated [by Congress] to the Secretary of the Inand put us under white rule and state law. All illegal cried the Senaterior. Federal acknowledgement confirms the existence of the nators but nobody could remove Chairman Old Person, he stood in tion to nation relationship between an Indian tribe and the United the door to the tribal office and beat back the Indians and Senators. States, and permanently establishes the government to government Well! We didn’t expect that kind of a homecoming from relationship between the federal and tribal governments.” All of our our war party, we thought we won the reservation back! But No! Blackfeet “Treaty Obligation Funds” which provide federal dollars Yet on May 19th, 1982 the tribal council passed and Chairman to the Blackfeet Nation of $110,000,000 for Old Person signed Tribal Resolution No. 364BIA, IHS, Blackfeet College, Housing, G.A., In 1980 we brought the Blackfeet 82 which requests an investigation of the BIA and other tribal programs including police and allotted land claims to Washington for robbing “TRIBAL” oil & gas resources. tribal courts under 638 Grants. D.C. to the Senate Indian Affairs Why not help out thousands of Original Allot Historically the white men in Glacier Committee and got approval to retee Blackfeet Dispossessed Heirs, who were and Pondera Counties have just helped them- quest an investigation of the allotted robbed of their inheritances? In 1979 BIA selves to tribal and allotted land and oil wells forced patents land frauds if we could Head, Forrest Gerard had “snitched” on the which gave rise to the Blackfeet claims we are get approval by the tribal council to BIA; admitting BIA “complicity” in the maspursuing today. Well over a century has passed allow United States Senators to enter sive allotted land frauds concerning hundreds since our chiefs went to Washington D.C. to the reservation per the nation to naof thousands of “Heirs” in testifying under protest the land and oil frauds to the Senators tion treaty protocol.. Chairman Old oath before the Select Committee on Indian and Congress. The chiefs showed us the way Person orders us to stop investigatAffairs. to exercise our treaty rights and federal protec- ing the BIA and void patent in fee There is something I don’t understand tions that we still enjoy today as a sovereign landowners in Glacier County...” here. Who represents the Dispossessed Blacknation and sovereign people under our treaty. feet Heirs to Original Blackfeet Allottees? My What allotted lands, oil wells and other assets head is mixed up. How can a government not represent the peorobbed by white men such as the self-reliant Blackfeet cattle inple? Isn’t that “Communism” and “Nazism” we fought in World dustry and grazing lands of the reservation now owned by patent War Two? Our Blackfeet “Doughboys” also fought on the fields of in fee white ranchers living on stolen allotted lands and robbing oil France in World War One. 150 Blackfeet soldiers went to France royalties from Blackfeet oil wells. and only 20 returned, many wounded, and found their aged parents In 1980 we brought the Blackfeet allotted land claims to lying in the roadside starving and dying from exposure and malnuWashington D.C. to the Senate Indian Affairs Committee and got trition caused by agency trader Joe Sherburne and the Commercial approval to request an investigation of the allotted forced patents Clubs in Cut Bank, Conrad and Valier who envied the Blackfeet land frauds if we could get approval by the tribal council to allow reclamation lands and newly discovered oil fields in the northUnited States Senators to enter the reservation per the nation to naeastern corner of the reservation. 400 Blackfeet landowners were tion treaty protocol. Instead of welcoming the Senators, Chairman starved to death in 1913 and 1922 to force land cessions and forced Old Person orders us to stop investigating the BIA and void patpatents of Blackfeet land allotments. By 1922 whites had 312,250 ent in fee landowners in Glacier County living on stolen Blackfeet cattle ranches and grazing lands and water holes and oil wells. The acres of allotted lands.

“Sovereign Powers” continued... These land claims have been going since 1917 when the first land allotments were issued and forced patents were ordered creating the void patent in fee land base for white ranchers and Glacier County. Joe Bear Medicine and Willie Running Crane approached the Blackfeet Natural Resources Dept. in 1979 to “help the people with their land problems”, which turned out to be the forced fee patents claims we are still dealing with today. The white ranchers usurped the Blackfeet Treaty Right to a successful Blackfeet cattle industry written into the 1896 Agreement/Article Five. Glacier County is a “white-apartheid” territory encroached upon the Blackfeet Reservation via allotted land frauds. Do we not Facts are today just as it was deserve the same 100 years ago when Chief right to a jury trial Charles Reevis told the or civil rights re- Senators, “Give the Indians view or protec- their land back. I think the tion of our private President was very wrong property rights as and very crooked when he any other American issued these patents here. Citizen? It is a well These people need their land back.” established fact that the Blackfeet Indians have been starved for 160 years. In our nations celebration of the first African American President, do not the first Americans deserve simple justice? The first treaties made by the Americans were with the Indian Tribes and the first American property passed through the Indian nations to the United States. It is the Indians who are the givers and the criminals who are the takers. Chief Rides-AtThe-Door told the Senators, “You realize, my belief is, and my forefathers belief is, I raised you. You came to this country and I gave you the land and I raised you in this country. Now, you should give us that same privilege, to have the full say of our own lands, in our own country. When I heard there was a new administration and President, then I knew the Indians would have a chance to get justice.” Facts are today just as it was 100 years ago when Chief Charles Reevis told the Senators, “Give the Indians their land back. I think the President was very wrong and very crooked when he issued these patents here. These people need their land back.” The claims are like a ghost or spirit, so that whenever we get tired or sore or broke, we may think of giving up, but then, we think of our relatives who starved to death for their land and oil wells, and then we think, it would be a worse crime to let the criminals win.

Pikunni Briefs

Know your Blackfeet Nation’s Constitution & By-Laws The Blackfeet Tribe is a sovereign nation. The United States made legally binding Nation-to-Nation treaties with the Pikunni Nation in order to expand their colonization westward. As an independent nation within the boundaries of what is now the United States, we were forced to adopt a constitution that determines the rights, laws, remedies and governing body of our Pikunni Nation.

Sukapi Times will show our citizens their constitution from beginning to end. *Tribal Constitutions can be changed with a petition signed by 1/3 of the qualified voters of the tribe. Constitution and By-Laws For The Blackfeet Tribe - Last Amended 1978 ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP AMENDMENT III Section 1. The members of the Blackfeet Tribe shall consist as follows: (a) All persons of Indian blood whose names appear on the official census roll of the tribe as of January 1, 1935. (b) All children born prior to the adoption of this amendment to any blood member of the Blackfeet Tribe maintaining a legal residence within the territory of the Reservation at the time of such birth. (c) All children having one-fourth (1/4) degree of Blackfeet Indian blood or more born after the adoption of this amendment to any blood member of the Blackfeet Tribe. (AMENDMENT III APPROVED AUGUST 30, 1962) Section 2. The tribal council shall have the power to promulgate ordinances, subject to review by the Secretary of the Interior, governing future membership and the adoption of new members. Next Week: “Article III-

Did You Know?

Chief Two Guns White Calf was featured on the first Buffalo Nickle


Sukapi Times / Nii-si-tsi-ko-pot-to (15)

Sukapi Times / Nii-si-ko-pot-to (14)

Native News Briefs May 7, 2014 Banishment of IHS official question on Red Lake Nation The Red Lake Nation of Minnesota banished an Indian Health Service administrator from the reservation after a series of complaints. Mark Karzon is the CEO of the Red Lake Hospital. He was banished for allegedly mistreating staff and being disrespectful to tribal leaders. Chairman Floyd Jourdain Jr. questioned the vote to banish Karzon. “As a last -- a very, very last -- resort, the removal/ banishment clause is exercised,” Jourdain said. “That’s usually in extreme cases of very violent criminals, people who habitually violate the rights of members.” May 6, 2014 Tribal Factionalism devastates California Tribe A leadership dispute within the Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California seems to be getting messier. Three factions have been battling for control of the tribe for more than three years. Now, a fourth group led by Charles “Tex” McDonald claims to be in charge. “I’m very proud to have the chance to serve the Chukchansi people as the Council’s chairman,” McDonald said. “I ran for Council to raise the quality of life for every Tribe member and to protect future generations from the greed of rogue factions determined to sabotage our Tribe. I will not rest until we win this fight for our people.” In February, the Bureau of Indian Affairs said it would do business with an interim council. But a judge for the Interior Board of Indian Appeals declined to embrace the decision. The lack of a recognized council could lead to the loss of federal funds for the tribe.

Pottie’s Powwow Highway May 9 - May 11, 2014

Stanford 43rd Annual Powwow

Location: Stanford, CA, United States

May 9 14th Annual Pow Wow Honouring Aboriginal Graduates Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

May 10-11, 2014

21st Annual Mariposa Powwow May 23 - May 25, 2014 Leech Lake Memorial Pow Wow Location: Cass Lake, MN.

May 5, 2014 A county in Colorado passed a resolution to apologize to the Uncompahgre Utes for their forced removal in 1881. The 1868 Treaty with The Ute promised the Ute people all of the Colorado Territory west of longitude 107° west. However, the military forced the Uncompahgre into present-day Utah, where some of their descendants are members of the Northern Ute Tribe. “San Miguel County apologizes to the Uncompahgre Ute people and their descendants for their forced removal from western Colorado in 1881 and their relocation to Utah,” the resolution states, The county plans to place a plaque at Placerville Park in honor of the Uncompahgre Utes. Chief Ouray, who was Uncompahgre, lived in the area before being forced to move to Utah. May 2, 2014 Democrats in Florida rally to stop gaming compact for Seminole Nation Democratic lawmakers in Florida are once again threatening to block a Class III gaming compact for the Seminole Tribe. The tribe and Gov. Rick Scott (R) are reportedly close to a new agreement. But Democrats are upset that they are being left out of the process. “Unless we are at the table during the negotiations, we will not vote to ratify the contract should one be presented to us,” Rep. Jim Waldman (D) told WGCU. May 1, 2014 Pikunni Nation student, Steven Davis offers graduation prayers using Blackfeet Language Steven Davis will offer a Blackfeet prayer to open Thursday’s graduation celebration for Montana State University’s Honors College. A meditation in the language of his ancestors will give expression to the role that his Native American heritage and faith have played in his accomplishments at MSU. “Coming to MSU was a way for me to be connected to my community and to give back to that community,” said Davis, who will graduate on Saturday. “I had always been raised to be an ambassador for my faith and for my people.” In addition to his honors degree, Davis played three years of basketball for MSU, and he will earn bachelor’s degrees in biological and chemical engineering, with highest honors.

Blackfeet Nation Announcements & Employment

Under T.E.R.O. Laws, all Blackfeet Tribal Departments are LEGALLY obligated to put ALL advertisements in Sukapi Times Media.

Pikunni Nation Fire Update

“A Tribes authority to enact and enforce an Indian employment preference law within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation is grounded in its inherent sovereign powers of self-government. TERO supports the most basic principle of Indian law and decisions. TERO is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Representative (EEOC) on the Blackfeet Reservation. TERO requires all businesses, contractors, and subcontractors to utilize preference in hiring qualified TERO certified workers while doing business within or near the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation. TERO ensures that all Native American Businesses from the TERO Business Registry are given the opportunity to bid on any construction project within the exterior boundaries of the Blackfeet Reservation.” Please call & inquire about our advertising rates Sukapi Times Media is a Blackfeet

Spring p f e f f e y o k v w c l e s

e j m r l n w q a g o s g d f

l k h h o y u s h o m f y i m

x g k n w a e c k i t j l b l

e n p c e s i o l j m s x a q

s i w a r w u e e f s j u b q

e h u o s t s y y v g e a i l

i g h t s n i a t n u o m e t

n u g o h r b w i n p g o s p

o a n a z q w n e v n k a q d

m l i l j q n n f i w n d z y

e a g t v u p z c i m k c b b

r k n a r m c n l t l m v z j

Words: flowers singing smiles

babies dancing

horses laughing

mountains cookouts

ceremonies running

e y i v r n a v e a n m j o v

c k s d d d e t l t v y s o b

How your local REZ dogs eat on a daily basis.


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Q1: What’s up with all of the dogs that roam the rez? Why are there so many strays? -Just wondering

ASK Omar Shabazz Bear Braids

Dear Just wondering,

Well, that can be compared to how some people view their sitsbesides. What was once cute isn’t so cute anymore. The puppies grow up and start to eat too much, just like teenagers which can take a hit on a person’s wallet. If families in Sukapi Times our community are struggling with Advice columnist money issues then a dog’s appetite or breeding issues are probably not the biggest issues in the household. This leads to the lack of the dogs being spayed or neutered and that allows them to continue “playing” with others. Sounds almost like our local watering holes for humans. Just kidding.

Q2: I am writing to ask what else is there to do in Browning besides drink and go to the casino. There is nothing here at all for our youth it’s just so sick. My second question is I have a boyfriend of 8 years and it seems like he is not interested in me anymore. Yeah he says he loves me but doesn’t even show it, not even a hug or even a kiss here and there. It is so confusing to me. What should I do? -The one with lots of problems. Dear the one with lots of problems, Your first question is like a revolving door that doesn’t have a definite solution, yet. As a community we don’t have much for the

youth because this area can be seen as an adult playground or Never Never Land, where nobody has to grow up. All we’re missing is the green tights like Peter Pan. There are some youth programs that work with what they have and there are people behind these programs that make sacrifices who don’t get the recognition they deserve. Remember that we have the mountains for recreation. You don’t need to have wooly socks, a hemp sweater with unwashed hair under a scarf and a backpack full of trail mix to do this. Your second question had me pondering up on the mountains (Toilet paper Hill) for awhile. Nice, the blacksmith approach to love where you beat it out, straighten it out and now we have that perfect love again might not always bring happiness. I’m not sure about true love but it could be for adults what the goat man is for kids. There is no mention of making a promise to a priest so you have a right to fish or at least peek at some green holes. If you feel that you’re not getting love, you could question his testosterone levels or get CIA with his phone, emails or social networks. Remember guys will look at other women unless they are incoherent, dead or in coma so leave the bat and the short dress in the closet until you’re certain. Don’t let the saying “We fought tooth and nail but we worked it out,” hold you captive. We live in modern times now. Mr. Bear Braids (alias) received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology at the University of Montana. We welcome any questions that you may have. Preference is given to questions regarding life on the reservation. Facebook sukapitimesmedia/facebook or email

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